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Cr y£RM /?.—Five Dollars a year, payable strictly In ■ Irenes,. Sis Dollars irfll inrariablsr.be required If not paid u t&».*rex% »•. i- s• • • *-•- O' Single eopue rw dST3—fo? «als at tbs counter In toe Ofiice, and oy the yet?B Boye, . XJDS SAXUEDAT MOENIEG POST 1 ' ircm thdt&zao ofilet, on a larga blanket else sVei.&tTWO DOLLAR^ayowyln advance. Single coplea , miowTfc 5; v ' jgf Nopapertrill be dißaonttnud onlesaat thediscre* on of the Proprietors,) until all arrearages are raid, £5» No attention -will be paid to any order uzuesa aocom* panled bylheiioneyrorsctisfactory reference in this city. - 9ST Connected ieitb (he EstaUWment of ttk Morning Pod U *mr of the largest Job Printing Office* in the dig, where oZI k nd* of wprjcu done onihs shortest notice, and moit reason* *UiUr»i. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. &obti C« G« Ssronli Attorney and counsellor at law—office, no. —, Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Fa. declLly A__ ‘ Jamai A* X»owrle. TTORNEY AT LAW—Office, Fourth street, Pitta burgh, between SmlthSeld street and Cherry alley, fdeclLly ' ' ' “ JOHN BARTON, ATTORNEY ANIr COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Office, corner Fifth and Grant *t>«> JoSAyr) , PfßaStmaU, PA. Thomas Pisans* \ 'A -TTORURY AT UW AND SOLtCTTOII IN CHANCERY, il Offlco, next door to the P'-erOfflea, Steubenville. Ohio. ,my 4 ■ , g. jP. Ross. ATTORNEY AT LAW—No. 109 Fobrth.fltrft*t, Pittsburgh, fourth door beiot? Mr. Ilody Patterson’s Llrery SUbfe, „ j«33 C. Orlando LoomlSi ATTOIvIfEY AT LA W—Office, Fourth street, above Wood- Jy4 7 - R« B. Carnahan, ATTORNEY AT Law—Office on Fourth street, between Cherry alley end Grant street. jefiry J. Si M-’Ctowry* Attorney and counsellor at tAW-omc* in Bakewelfg Baildtng?,oa Grant street, je2 U. H. Haxen, A TTORNEY ATLAW—No. 127 Fourth street, above and ix near Smlthfield,, mat27:y Patrick MaKennp. alderman of third ward. OFFICE corner Grant and Fifth streets, (formerly occu pied by Alderman Lewis,) whore all burinees pertain ing the office of Aldnrman end Justice of the Peace will be promptly attended to. f,-M:2m O S> Buokmaster, Alderman* FFICE, Grain street, between Fourth et and Diamond alley. Conveyancing or ell kinds done vHth the ereat •*t care aod legal-accuracy. Titles to Real Estate cxamln ****'• JaS:> William Wilson, Alderman* '' OFFICE No. 447 PENN street, between the canal end O’Hara street, Flfih Ward. All business appertaining to th» office of an Alderman or Justice of the Peace, will be promptly attended to SB?* Bonds, Mortgages and other documents, drasm with neatness >tnd despatch. fehlS:tf H * AHL, aUKUEUN DENTIST, (*uc ceasor to G. \V. Biddle,) No. 144 Smlthheld hours, f.-om 8 to 1 o’clock, and from 2 to 6 o’clocr, febl£:ly J 800TT, DENTIST, Fourth utrvei. ft r«? doors vTftt&SSL ff£st of Marfci't. Omct Hours Prom nine A. M. to fire P* JeCfcOry BUSINESS CARDS, AiTElp B CCBLINQ MOSGAN BCHXRTSON EIGTaIUJ DITUEIDGE HENET L. RUCGWiIt. Carllug, ttobertaon & Co., "jl/TANTJFACTUREuS OP CCT, PRESSED A.ID PLAIN i.*X FLINT GLASSWARE, wareboure No. 1 i I\ ooj **iroet. corner cf Front ocr«ot, Pittsburgh. 4S" Ail oth-jr hinds of Glassware and Window Glass, at lov.market prices. apliaily Jacob n’CollUter, WHOLESALE and retail Cigar manufacturer, ami dea'- er in &U kinds of Tobacco, Banff, and Clears, No. 2D Fifth street, Pittsburgh, P&. <s3* Keeps constantly on hand a large supply ol all the rarions brands of Imperial Cigars j-D£ Jolm lUoorhsadi "*TTHOT,E3ALE GROCES, AND COMMISSION SJER- V? CHANT, for the sale of Pig Metal and Bloom?, and Produce generally, No. 27 Wood street, Pittsburgh. (ap24 FHTLI? t STM EE ~ .SOBE2T J. ASDST-tOS. Rejrmtr 6b Anderson, . (Successors to Joshua Rhodes & Co.) WHOLESALE dealers in foreign Fruits, Nuts, Sploes, Confectionary, Sugars, Ac., No. S 9 Wood street, oppo site the St. Charles lfctel, Pittsburgh, Pa. r.p'J Henry H, Collins, Forwarding and commission merchant, and Wholesale Dealer In Cheese, Rutter, Steeds, Fish, snu Produce generally, Nc.2D Wood street, Pittsburgh , marf B. T c. Rlorffan, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER—has always on han-i a general assortment School, Mfsoellaoeaus and Blank Books, Printing, Post and Gap Paper, 4c., wholesale and rt tail, So. 101 Wool street, below Fifth, East side, Pittsburgh Wanted, Rigs and Tanner*’ Scrap.'. apl6:ly tHMUH MILLiil, Phtlft «WK. RICKCTSON, Pittsburgh Siller A Rictetson, TJff7MIOt.E3ALK GROCERS, Importers of Brandies, Winei t f and Serars—Nos. 171 and 174, corner of Irwin enc Liberty street, Pltuburgb. Iron, Nails, Cotton Yarns. Sir constantly on hand. • jy2o Wm. Carr ft Co f (Wm. Carr, late of the firm of J. Porker ft Co ) ’SETUOLESALB GROCERS, and Dealers In Foreign Wines f V and Brandies, Old Monongahoia and Rectified Wbl* ky, No. 323 Commercial Row, Liberty street, Pittsburgh. P ft - __ jat'<:y F, It. Uravo, - Diai&aTid, Pillshurffk, Pa. npitXLER IN COUNTRY PRODUCE, offers t r rale a .|_w choice stock of Groceries, rejected for fiun2y use. frn‘rr» of every variety end the pur.st quality, ground at tl> Steam" Mills. Also, Dried Fruit?, Foreign and Domesti Produce taken in exchange for merchandfra. F. R. D. ba« procured a full assortment of Landroth’t warranted Garden Seeds* and Invites the attention of all in terested in rural affairs. janll W. B, X5OU3a hICOAS2)X>X B£>S«T Englltli ft Rtctiafdsoni CIOHMISSION- AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, and / Wholesale Dealers in Fish, Bacon and Oil, and Prod uc. generally. Warenoa=o formerly cccu'iod by Burhridgo 4 Inghram, No. 110 Water and 150 Firs; street, Pittsburgh Peaoa. v ommtifilou House, THE FUbjcrlbj'rs hare opened a house for the above pur pose, ai Nn. 17 Smltb&-id street, tour doors above th» ilooongahela House. We will purchase, or receive, on eem mi-fioa, for rale. consignments of Flour, Bacon, Chet?,*. Corn, o<tts, Barley, Flax Seed. Grass Seed, Baled Ilay, it.. upon which we will make advances, or purchase at ihebeK market rates for cash lnoTf>j ALGEO ft CO James M’Laaghllu, Dealeein uejceriks, psoucoe, flour, bacon A'm Is*o. 10, ccruesiisiitbfleld and Fjret sLrwt<« f PitiA hnrjb, Pn dotC Jons u. tovs'o -..tugs e rorao..-,....rEASC« xurso T li. Young & Co. iVV SS strteU ■pp'.'tilt Citg Hotel. MANDFA -TTKEKS uF CAbINET FD UN IT DEE AN I* C’dAIRS, of every des'Tlptioa. Material! and work zoa~sii:p warranted, and sold at reduced prirep. Coretaknc In packing for hod and water cariiaae. aught Wm Jrt| CLOTHING AND FURNISHING STORE, Masonic lion Fifth street, Pittsburgh. Clothing naMe to order, it. good fltylw, and at m->d«rato rate*. *ngO tf R* A A. V Duncan* WHO' ESAi.IT GROCHE3, ana Dealere ta Produce, Fur flgr and Uqaore, O'd Monongabela and R.-r tiflad Whisky, No. Liberty at. Pittsburgh, Pa fjy!T:\ , A A. Tlndlc, fcSStts&Sk. Retail Biddle, Harnef> Trunk, Tali*o an-1 Carpet Bag mtmufacturrr. & No. t&C Wood t>t,, Pittsburgh, Pa. jviv v J (1. IMellor, WHOLESALE and Retail Dealer id Musical loßtrnmco! 6 Plauos, Muhis, School Be oka cad Stationery, *No r*!J Wood street. - • j af ,i John W. Butler A to., FQRWARDINu ANu COMMISSION MIfiROHASTS- Declerain all kinds of Pittsburgh manufactures, L«a<; Pipe and Shoot Lead, 67 Front street. pep - .’!* Enterprlu Work.*. A“o 13G Wood nrui, third 'door bdovj VirpiaoJZty. BOWN A TETLEY would call the attention ol Sporting men to their largo assortment of Guns, Rifles and He rolring Plstola, the largest aad best nelected stock er*r opened in this market, t-'gather “ith & general aiucriuL'Ut of Hardware, Cmlery, Tools and Pishing Tackle, all of which We offer at the lowest possible prices to east pureba/erfi. o< -forgood approved purer. moi.« Copartnership Notice I HAVE THIS DAY (April llth) associated with Qf Messrs F. STEEL TURBETT and BAML. 0. CLANEY. both of whom have been for many years in .my establish 'dent, and are already extensively and favorably known u my cnatomera aud. tha publiogeneraHy ss suporior oort -men , and of correct trasiae?a babjtg. W« bopo by this u nloi. of experience aod'srtistic ekill—especially In the watch de partment; by keeping a large and woll eeleciedctocfe of .goods; by selling ai moderato prices, and by close attention to business,‘to merit a liberal share of pationage. To mv old friends and tae public in general, who have for many past eo liberally patronized my business, I retnru my thanks, and solicit for the new Oym a continuance of simi lar&voro. W.W. WILSON. Pittsburgh, April 11,1665. Wilson, Tarbett A Cl*ner« TITATCU MAKERS, JEWELERS and BlLVfcuginTHB, ff PT Market & reet, comer Fourth. mv& t Sew Coach and Carriage Factory 1 "4 JOHNBTOH, BBOTHEHS & CO., "3 GtfTier Jfcttccct aud Belmont ttrcelt, AVUaheny Ctty. ‘ I S/ WOULD respectfully luform their II l B nd» ted the public generally, that th**v n&Te H commenced the manufacture of Carriages, : l! uffiV Barouches,RoclaffaTs,Baggics.Sleighsaud 4 Chariots in all their yanons styles of finished proportion. ’4 1 All order? will be exeouted with atrlet regard to durabiii I ty and beauty of finish. Impairs will *iao be attended to Dfl. the most reasonable terms. Using In all thoir wort the best Eastern Shafts, Pole?, and Wheel stuff, they foe! ennfi. dent that all who favor them with thsir patronage, will be perfectly satisfied on trial of their work* Purchasers are requested to give us a call, before purcha* elog elsewhere; .. octiirl y J. T. JOHNSTON ..p. T. JOHNSTON..— ’*l*l}** EloeUlor Carrlage-Fftctory. TOENBTON, BROTHER &' CO., PRACTICAL COACH • MAKERS, corner of Rebecca and Belmont streets, Alle gheny city, Pa., have on hand and are manufacturing on extensive assortment '.of Carriages. Bockaways, Busies, Baggage Cars, Ac,, made in all their various styles, with strict regard to durability and besutv of finish, using in all their work the best Juniata Iron, and eastern hickory. Re pairs attended to on the most reasonable terms. They feel confident that all who may favor thorn with their patron age. will bo perfectly satisfied on trial of their work. The Pittsburgh and Manchester Omnibuses pass every ftf ■teen minutes during the day. ocl 25:iy PITTSBURGH COACH FACTORY. H.BIQELOW MABIIII L, 6TaV51»9.......~...G£0aGl ALBERT. __ Bigelow & Co., -*i£SS(3a? SUCCESSORS TO £. M. BIGELOW, No. 46 km&vSlEssC Diamond alley, near Wood street, Pltts -orai®i^ il horirh—Coaches. nai-rlfuraa. Pheatons. Busc t S l ”* aDd «*«ry fancy vohicles RD I flnish6d ln manner unsurpassed for sssSaSSf2ssa. or ***• ,uu ° f SS- All work warranted. „otD LIVERY AND .BALE «gi PUmona ’liltIfej'fri»*oMdutnf i ■ a .--iq 90 SS 801 *** <Jo tfi storo and for sale by ** x * 5V Wood st*: opposite th* BC. Gbtrleo Hotel f'.V «•’ l * . Cit. ' 1/ ..,-- '........\ PUBLISHED DAILY, BY GILLMOBE & MONTGOMERY, AT THE “POST BUILDINGS.” CORNER OF FIFTH AND WOOD STREETS, AT $6,00 PER ANNUM, OR $6,00 WHEN PAID STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. VOLUME XIII. DAILY MORNING POST* MONDAY MORNING:::: The Traitor’s find. More then half a .century ago, a terri ble storm swept over the city of London. It was the hour of midnight, when the blast was beating piteously, that an aged clergyman was aroused by a piercing cry for help. He arose, threw aside the cur. tains, and beheld the form of a man, .who appeared as a common street-sweeper. The rain poured in torrents, but the • im ploring accents of the call induced the preacher to lake the arm of the guide, and threading his way through the narrow streets and thorougfares he arrived at a rade dwelling wherein lay a dying man. A strange.tale wits his. That .very day a stranger advanced in life, had fallen speechless at the ■ scavenger’s door. The kind hearted scavenger had lifted him from the pavement, opened for him his bed; wormed his feel, administered a cordial, and now he was dyingl The apartment was indeed a dreary one. Up a rickety flight of stairs, inside a half hingeless door, on a pallet of straw, lay this same stranger. The lamp burning dimly on a broken chair; a few fading embers were on yonder hearth, a teapot without a handle stood upon it. The rain was beating on the window, and in sundry panes were stuffed coarse pieces of clothing. A valise stood by the bedside—it was the only property which the stranger brought with him. The man was half dressed; his coat was thrown aside, his neck was loosely encased within a low shirt collar, but upon his legs were a pair of huge military boots. That face! there was an expression upen it, which once looked upon, would haunt your memory forever! That fore head, bold and manly; huir slightly chang ed by age; lips compressed, but yet moving os if life were loth to quit itahold, and large rolling eyes that gleamed with an unearth ly glare. What a spectacle. Those arms are brandished in the air, that seemed clench ing a sword, or holding a rifle; a damp, cold sweat starts from that hand, and wild ly does he toss himself from side to side on his uneasy couch. Throb and beat, throb and beat, alternately, went the poor maD’s heart —for he was dying. The clergy, man took hold of that clenched hand and gently bending his head, enquired : “ My friend hast thou a Christian faith?” Christian?’' he echoed, in a loud voice, for the first lime and in a deep tone which made the preacher tremble. “Will chris tinnity give me back my honor? Qo with me over the blue waters. Listen? We have arrived. There is my native land, there is the green door yard in which 1 in my boyhood played, there is the roof of of my parental mansion, there is the grave yard—but where is the flag that used to wave? Another ensign is floating. My infamy is uttered by the mouth of children, parents are taught to loathe my memory. Oh, my God 1 the sting of remorse is throb ing in these very temples, judgments are imprecated by dark demons; a tarnished namp, a nation’s dishonor and the curse of unborn infants oven now ring through my soul.” The minister had watched by many im patient sinners, many rebels, whose hands were stained with blood, but he had never been called to such a death bed. Suddenly the man arose. With mighty energy he paced the creaking floor. If the storm was without, so was it within in the most terrific form. Those white, bony fin gers laid hold of the valise; which stood by the bedside, and drew from thence a fit fed military coat lined with silver, and old parchment, in a piece of damp cloth, that looked like the wreck of a battle-flag. “ Look,” said the stranger, “ this coat is spotted with blood,”—by-gone days seemed to rise before him.—“ this coat covered me when I heard of the battle of Lexington, when 1 planted the flag of tts - on Ticonderoga; that bullet hole was driven through at the seige of Quebec; and now look at me I I—am—let me whisper in your ear—ha ! they will hear •‘One burning word was said—only one. “ Now help me,” continued he to put on this coat, for I have no wife, no child to wipe the cold sweat from my brow. I must die alone; let me die as on the battle field, without fear.” And while he sat arrayed in that tar nished coat, the preachor spoke to him comforting words of faith in Christ,of hope for dying penitents, of mercy pleading with justice, of that faith which lifts off the frown, and shows us a compassionate Re deemer. “ Faith !” again re-echoed the dying man “faith, —the death chill was on his frame,: —death-light too, was in his eye. “List! la there not George Washington, over the blue waters relating pleasant sto ries of bis seiges? Is there not George of England wailing over lost colonies? And here am I—l—the first that struck the note of freedom, the first that gave a blow to the king—here am L dying like a dog howling over the treachery, lost in the pangs;, of remorse.” The preacher stepped back awe struck. Who was before him? Again the heart throbbed, the death-watch was heard in the wait, the death-rattle seemed hardly supressed in the throat. “ Silence along the lines tlierel” mur mered the dying stranger; “not a whisper; not one, for your lives are at stake. Mont gomery, we will meet in the centre of the town! There are steep rocks—-silence, every man as we move up the heights. Boys, come on 1 Hoist the flng of Freedom! What care we for darkness and storm? Hurrah. Now 1 now, one bllow more and Quebec is gone—it is ours !’* A ghostly look is.there. Ttoepale cheek and glassy eye, the heaving bosom, the wild stare, the death rattle, the tottering step — and lot he has fallen I Who is this strange man dying in a gar ret? this mark of nobility crashed into a moth? —-this wretched maniac, still clin®- ing to his flag and rusty uniform? ° Whence eame these fires of remorse ? Thi3 more than fear of hell? Where's the parchment—where is the flag? Let us unroll the flag. It is a blue ban ner, with only thirteen stars upon it But what of the parchment? r lt is a colonel’s commission m the continental army-, ad dressed to Benedict Arnold. •• Unhonored; and,unwept, there lay" the tSnfbFT HTsporpSe was inn: rude house Re was unknown; and ‘ nnpittedj ’save by strangers.- Yet'tßat right arm hiiitstruck many a blow for freedom; bat for one act of base perfidy, he has fallen forever. Quenched is the light of his former glory: remorse hangs like a thunderbolt over his soul, and his last agonies are those of a disgraced man who might have been a suc cessful hero. :AUGUST 6r MoW, in dimly lighted rooms, when the children beg ofaged grandsires to tell them tales of the revolution, Arnold the traitor, is foremost, in their thoughts, and then the dreadful effects of treason are narrated. We are told that he left the great metrop olis, that be engaged in commerce, that his warehouses were in Nova Scotia, that his ships were in many ports; but in a night his stately weiehouse was laid in aahes.and the owner was suspected as the incendiary. The entire populations of the British provinces assembted in a mass, and in the sight of his wife they hung an effigy whereon was inscribed, “Arnold the trait tor !” When he stood beside kings, when in the house of lords all faces were turned and all fingers raised, one venerable lord arose and declared, lie could not speak to his sovereign in the presence of a traitqr. “ One day,” says the historian, from whom we have gathered the leading facta of this history, “in a shadowy room snt a mother and her two daughters, all attired in the weeds of mourning, grouped, and a sad circle, gazing on a picture shrouded in crape. A visitor novradvanced; the mother took his card from the hands of the servant, and her daughters heard his name, —“Go said the mother, rising with a flushed face, while a daughter took each hand, “go and tell that man that my threshold shall nev er bo crossed by the murderer of my son,' Arnold, the traitor 1” This was the individual who was said to have uttered, ‘I am the only man born in the new world that can raise his hand to God and say, 1 have not one friend—not one in nil America !" Seldom does guilt meel such a retribu tion. The stings of conscience ever goad ed him ; has not the despicable wretch who can thus turn traitor made his own pandemonium while on earth ’ Can a severer doom await him * Major Andre, Magazines, books, Ac.— Ladles’ Gasrtteof Fashion. for A a just. Harper's Magtiine, vtn Putnam's do do Uraham’s da df> Uodey's Lady’s Book, do Paterson's Ladles’ Magmipa, iL.i BOOKS—A risk to the Camp before Sobastopcj Star Papers, by'Henry Ward !lt*r-b«r Just received and for f»l* be W. A. olLftr.hTKN\\Klf At*"*. Jy-H Fifth St, opposite the Theatre. __ KetnovaJ. SCCrfIBEKT A PON hare rumored tb«dr R«*aJ Estate « and Qensra! Agency OUlee to No. ft-': SIAiLK.LT bT. near Third. aug'J ONTINCATION "OF'tUK Q K iTa t“ bRSii ANNUAI. BALL.—A. A. MASON A Co. will oontinui* tboir naie through the month of August. They will again mark down and still farther reduce tii* pices of their stork Same £OO more car-ea and packages of NEW Urol'S will bn opened, rendering their assortment more o-mpieta than at the opening of the sale. ca*‘j PIG METAL—-200 U’nsOoai Platt Charcoal >totnl in yaid and for »ale by faugS l J. W. BVTLFTI A 00. fTAAINNKSaKi£ (X' too* Napier phx-oi* tor wil«* 1 by [augC] J. \V. BUTLER A CO. JUN LAT A BLOOMS— -60 tons K. II Lytlo’s Juniata Lump i. 60 ton* Juniata Bloom*, for sale by ■ngf? J. IT. BUTLER A 00. Af\ CLEVELAND GRINDSTONES— A superior ruvia, TKvr Just received and tor sale by _»ug£ _ BOW# A TKTI.EY, t.VS Wer, t at. H RANDS, CTAAIPS AND RTKNOIU> cu 7 V vnirr, ac abort notice, by JKtWN A TETLKV, I?J»ODSILA2I WATCHES—It l* iho universal irstimony JT o! Railroad men, Bankers, and those in other pur suits requiring accural# lima, that the rt Chas FrM*bam" Watch, manufactured at M frtraod, Lostloc, t* the oioci reliable, and nnequaUed hr any other cuak?r Many of these wnkh hare been tested bare been found to run wilL ln a minute In the year. I bare obtained the aj»*ney frv the sale of these Watches in Pittsburgh and £ut<* ol IVaa sylrenla. Aho, the F. B. Adams k Boo*r. and other :-r-i Watches fer sale. Watch Repairing dene In the Nest manner IV. w. \\ Market ft . cnrn«*r of I'-u^th IWH BAI.B —Two Lot* of r.O fei*t r>y 110 ) J( in K^-t ; £Utaburgb, t\ tbe lo**rt prit*£. inquire of iugl a THOMAS WOODS, ?.s Kouril: *tr*-.a. WANTKO JfILL AN OKOKk— Block of the Bank of Pittsburgh . do 'Jo Morrbants&nd Matic.f*cinrvrs lijnk do <V? Mechanics' Hast. E?wy kind of'“Btock and «oid on foraiumn]. WILKINS A CO., ConttalaAlon Stock i’rokorj, »ugl T& Fourth ntr-wt DIVIDEND BCKll’ of lb# Ohio Mid Pf*nn‘.yiv»ijVji Kuii read Company bought ace sold INDIAN 4 FREE BANK and oilier broken Bank Notts bought at highest ratca. OIL ORIGAN UM— lbs for solo by ' B. A. FAUN KBTOCK. A CO., ft'ogl Corner PirrtMid \Yci.<J at ■ . SQUILLS— <H)0 itw lor sale by augl B. A. KAIINE.STOCK h on. LINSEED OIL—SOW gallons lor #eu» by aogl . B. A FAIINK.VTOJK A CO. WARP£K’d MAGAZlNE—Putnam’#, Go'a, Graham'*, Paterson’*, Ballou*?, Hourahoi 1 Word*. Knickerbocker, Laalia’a Journal, Leslie’# daset’.f, und ell tbo Magoslnea lor August have been received ftt MINER A 00 \4, Jy3l No. 33 SmlthtloM turret. NEW BOOKS! NKW B'JUK.'C —A Visit to in'* i eo>p be* fore Sebastopol. By R. M’Oonafok, Jr, c-f New York, l vd. Ifirao. Eight beautiful Illustrations. New Hope; or, Tbe Rescue. A Tale of ihf Urea: Kuna' wha Mary Lyndon; or, Revelations of n LIT#. Ad Autobi ography. Cherlas Dickons’ Works, complete ; 12 rohio-i, at f'y ct*. per volume. My Confession. Ooe of the most thrill'iug ever written. Note Book of an BagUeh Opium Eater, By Thomas Ds Quln&ay, Tho Ildresa of Hanghtoa; or, The Mother’s Secrot. AH the New Jtooki published, tor sale at the cheap Book Store of JI. MINER & CO, JyBl No. 2? Smith field street. /“TALABRIA LIQUORICE — f*rime quality; Ju&t rw'u .nd \J for gale by (ly2B] FLEMING DKQ3. O FRINGES—A full assortment just retAl ana fornai* by •Q--ftgB . ; fcLEMtNO imos. bblsjviat frrcelved and f t sale by jygB FLEMING BROS. T ARD OIL—A prime'&rtiele; just rec'd a: d for t»ale by ±J Jy&3 FLEMING BROS. SCHKNUK'd BRAWLED IONIC—U doa of this celebra ted Tonic, also 12 doz of Bebenck’s Pulroonio Syrup, ?*caiTcd by fjylPj JOB. FLEMING. BOERHAVK’d HOLLAND RiTTERS—I4 dozen ot ibwe excellent Bitters rac’d by JOS. FLEMING, JylS Corner of Diamond and Mark-t st Cl ARB. MAGNESIA— l cases lor aala by t B. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO., Jj3o corner Wood and Fir?t els. GUM SHELLAC—II cases for sale by J?3P D A. FAHNESTOCK & CO. JUST RECEIVED, by Express, a beautiful article of La> dies* Colored Gaiters, latent stylos, Jy23 W.,8. BOHMERTZ, No. 107 Market el WE. BCHMERTZ, at No. 10? Market street, y«ils • Boots and Shoes very lose for cash. Give him a call, and see. . [jy2Bj W. K. BOHMERTZ. SEMI-ANNUAL SALK —A. A. MAouN A CO. am open, on Monday, July lGih, 10 more cases of Calicoes, at 4, & and Offi- per yard. ' jvlfl REFINED BUGARB—2S bbls Crushed Sugars , 16 do Powdered do. Realved tod for sale by [jy!7l ATWELL, LKR A CO. SEMI-ANNUAL SALE.—A. A. MASON A CO. have re ceived another large lot of.Do Lalacs; Good Mon« de lalnes at per yard; Gold Modal do< 12}*£ cents. Fine Barege de Laincs 10 and —worth 20 and 26a. [Jyl3 MAPLE SUGAR—a bbls for eale by jy!9 HENRY H. COLLINS. HERRING— 0 bb:a Baltimore Herring received and for sale by (jy!7) ATWELL, LEE A CO. SHAD— 10 bbls Potomac ihad received and for sale bv jyl? ATWELL. LEE A CO. SUNDRIES-Ll box Country Soap; Hag leathers; 2 sacks Flax: 2 bbls Dried Peaches; 1 bag ’ do do 1 bag do . do. pared» . Received on consignment and for sale by jy!7 ATWELL, LEE & CO. NO. SUGAR—33 bbds N. O. Soger to arrive and for sale . by 1 jy!7) ATWELL, LEE A CO. IIMJGB —8 bbls fxesu Eggs'rec’d by express and for sale by 1j jyl? HENRY IL COLLINS. BEANS— 23 btijlreM'siQalt white Beans tor sale by jy!7 V‘ .HENRY H. COLLIN? *" I 'AaiARINDS—A eoppiy ot fins fresh Tacrariodfl wa’d by JL. jy!9 • , ; , . , Jod. FLEMING.. LIQK, WATEII—I2 bblfl of this fctlfrbrated Mineral 1 w<Lt ” by Hyl&f - -31? g, FL3MIKQ. boxes M AlflMlflfc-’-’Qraogea jast-rpceived anitortoleby •-‘•BBVMEK * AJI9ERBOK, ' * No SO Wood rtroet B" P UTe iJrandy, * Tery superior homemade article. For sale by • n <*«.<« i*. JNO. LITTLE, Jr., Agent, •ug&dlw No. SOl lWrty street. •' <ft*v ■r - *U\,-: -. V ' . . . ;, ;•; .; ■' - 1-' "- ,! * "<vf'“.v**kas ' -_ vj-'*’- •-, •*‘t , * ,S ■* »ZT * . 'Y* f * *r' ' - ~ , * i . ' v..V." • ■ t- S•. ‘ . • V«NNfVT ‘ ' tixUITLiOM PITTSBURGH. MONDAY, AUGUST 6, 1855. LIG Wood «tTn WILKINS A CO, T& Fourth si WILKINS ft-CQ T 7& Fourth »< S /I. MISCELLANEOUS, JAMES W. WOODIfiiBLL, CABINET FURNITURE MANUFACTURER. Ware-rooms 97 and. 99 Third street. —j. W. W. respectfully informs his fdends and customers that he\iL hn«iTwrtrcompleted hisspringstock KSSI of Furniture, which is decidedly #¥ • the largest and best erer offered for rale in this Oity, which will be sold at prices as low as any in the United States, East or West. As he is determined to Uphold the quality with well am scaed materials, bf ;e it workmanship, ami newest designs; and from the extent of his orders and facility in marniftntturtcg. he is enabled to produce warranted furniture, at the lowest prices. Ho has adopted the principle of identifying his oaßtomer*’ Interest with his emu, in quality and price, and keeps ways on hand the greatest variety of every dP-srflption of furniture, from the cheapest and plainest, to the most ele gant and costly, that a house, or any-, part of one, may be furnished from his stock, or manufactured expressly to or der. The following articles consist, in part, cf hU stock, which ior richness of stylo and finish, cannot bo surpassed In *uy of tha Eastern clUes: Leals XXV tete-a-tete Sofas; 60 Bof&s, In plush and hair doth; 60 <k«3. Mahogany Choirs; 20 doa. Walnut •' 60 Mahogany Hockinj u SO Walnut *• “ 60 Mahogany Diveu?; *0 Walnut “ <3 Marblo Top Centro Table*; fcO il “ Dressing Bureau? hO •' « Withstands; 40 Enclosed “ 100 Common M fiO Plain Dressing Unruiur; 43Mahogany Bedsteads: it) Walnut “ 60 Cottage • “ 300 Cherry and Poplar Bedsteads; SO Mahogany Wardrobes} Id Walnut •' 10 Cherry 11 60 Plain Bureaus; TO Dining and Breakfast Tables 13 Secretary and Bookcases; 30 dor. Oase Best Chair.*.; SH Cans Seat Booking Chairs; £2 Ladles' Writing Desks; Hat and Towel Standi; What-Nots; Etlgulres; Paper Machs Tables Conversation Chairs; Pembroke *♦ Elsabfthan u Hail and Tier « Reception Lediss* Work “ Pearl Inlaid “ Extension Dining Table?; Arm “ Ottomans; Gothic and IlaU Chairs; A large assortment of COMMON PCRNITURB and WINDSOR CHALKS. CksmiT Mjluu ruppllod with ell ar ticle* In their line BTEAMEOATS dm' HOTELS, furnished i! tb* ehorteat notice. Ail ordaro prooptly attended to. »prf H«w Arrival of Spring anti Scmacr Dry Goods. AT No. 99 it. W. BIDE OP WOOD STREET. DURF.GG A CO., Importers and Jobbers in British. • French cod G*tiaraDßY U00&8. Having receiv ed our large and extensive *tr,ck of spring and einnmer noy&r-, pur*h&.*--d fron manufecturore, und pen through our own importation, we feel aafo !a assuring our old customer*, country merchants ond city dealers general* ly. that owing to these ac-jnired laci’ittes iu purchasing, we ran offer such Inducements tobey**!** a* era rarely net with in the trade. Among our dry goods stock will b* found cashmeres, da iaines, Pcrtamou tn lawns t-f the neat desirable designs, mohair lustrw, ftlpacaa.plaln black ahi fancy Rzurad aiiks, ginghams and fancy print?, lateft etylee; broadcloths, vesting*, cagrimere*, e atlnoto, tweuds and cummer pantft- Idonlng; brown and black mu#Un&, table dtaperg. We have also opened a very lar## tLasortment of bonnets, newest styles, palm leaf hats, Rutland braid and Leghorn, and an extensive variety of hosiery, glctea end ribbons; with Uco goods, fancy nettings, jacc.u«;t3,muU Audfignjud-. Bwus muslins and black silk v*dL% Ac. Oarvarlety etock embraced in part combs, buttons, per ©uraloQrape, threads pert taocaUa,patent ccdicinefi, per fumery, and almost every article usually kept ia tho va riety Hn# ? together with a large stock of gold. and silver watches, wateh materialfl, glares, gold and gilt j«w*lry of MW«t patterns, and a great variety of iu bounced 8 day elocka, all of wtdeb will bcaold at the low*-/.’ refetsfor caan or satlamct&ry raforepra. N. B.—Ail early call from tuyere Is respectfully solicited. _ _ _ _ D. GREGG A CO. VAN GOttDEtt’S TRiaffllKO ’BTOUKT No. 8 3 Mawsxt 6?., Ccmisr. or Diajxosij. JUPT RECEIVING, a Urge and well e.dectvd rtock nf all the new atvles of LADIES’ DRE3S AND MANTILLA TRIMMINGS: Fringe.*, Buttons, Galirbiip-, Braids, Velvets,* I*'"--. Cord«. Ribbon#. A hnndicm# of French, SrotcU and Austrian EMBROIDBIUEg, ia Srua, Jaconet and Laoo. ColUra, Bljlnp, Handkerchief, tsleov.'a, lnsertin«, Intacta* Rohes, Bands Capa ft Wai«ln. a ; onuppiy of Mourning goods: Crip* Cellars, love ami Gauso Veils, Fiahi l.ioen eetfrt, Gaos# and Dcttpfl Frlls, Plain Bwlk <to. Chemirettes, Italian and Hug h Crepe. MATERIALS FOR E3USHOII»KRING—Stamped Collnra. Bands and InserJnc*: French Working DhU-n, Hoop-, Linen and Co Men I'lom, Oil SUlletoa and gclssors. Mantua, Satin and Bonnet Rtbhonr». A Urge assortment cf GENTLEMEN’S njRNTSHISO OOODS—Shlrtr. Collar#, Cravats, Ttw, Handkerchief-t, &e. Pin?, Needle?, Buttons, Tojwv, and cveryibiotf lo (mall peneraliy. rs»7 Kid Gloves,ia white. Mm* and colors. Fi:«e from No. C to No. 10, alwave on hand, Alnc—-A good stt'ck of HOSIERY and GLOVES—very cheap. Hibta Bale of Public Property. IN te«mUace with frotn tbe Wr,r Depart* l-arioent, tha 6NAG BOATS BKI.L, SIiVIER and TER UOR, (No. Z, N<«. 4, and No. &,) togetlier with their %\iuip menn. tackle, Ae, t will bo sold to tho bidder, at the poi&ta anil date# following, to wit : At Napoliou, Arkana3#, ou Saturday, the 30th day of June, beiw?«*a the houmof 10 A. M , ana '• P.M., theiraul! twis Snag Boat TERROR, together with her equipments, Ac., in lota or prire#U t to ha designated in printed hnod-WUs prepared lor the occstion. At St- Lo\)ia, near tlm Mario# RaUway, on Saturday, tb# 7ib day cf July next, bKwevn th# Loure cf It) A. M., nod ‘i l\ tb«» t*o larga twin Snag Boa*?. BULL end SBVUSR, ti>;rvft>er »Hh tb#ir equipmanTs, Ac., in tots or patcsl? for fft : ’b boat, to b«* tia.«ign&,ea as b-for# la han-d-tdlla. Tbe to l-will l«i classed under lh# following jm-Tal head for caeh of th# l»:-ata, vis • lal—Hulls, cubic* and npp«r werke. *dii—Doubln engiims and toilers, complete. 3d— E(iUiptnentj», loclndlcg large purc)i«e t-haims, an chore, obaln cablru, eonlaj#, tacklo, yawls, tocl>, Ac. 4th—Oooklcg apparatus and other ttiruilure. Tbe beat* r.r« scarcely two years old, sound and substan tially built, and well adapted for use a* Cotton Boats, Ittrimr Bell Boat*, Floating Mills, Wharf BoaL«, Ac , An. Their engines arc constructed In the moid efficient man ner, and are to good condition. The Ball and Bevlt*r are large twin Bna£ Boats, about 160 lent Jong, £* f««*t beam fur each hull, exslosive of their dung rooms and wheel boueec.and 12 foet between the bulb. The Terror is about 133 feet long, 18 t'.wt l*»m for each hull, and 10 fret between the hull-. TER3IS OF SALE—The Bell and Terror wJU be eold ter caah, payable on the days of their fialn, The terms of sale for the fierier will be made known on the day of aale. In all cases tho prtvlle**of dlsmnMling the boata of all ertlclea sold to <UiTerent Individuals will bo resarTed for a reasonable ticio la fbvor of the purchaser* of raid article*. Individuals Bnd Coopanleg wishing to purebnaa are de sired to cramlne tho premL-c* and jnchro of tholr value, fi. U. LONG, L't-CoL T.E., 3up‘t W.lLlmp’ts. Lriul-. Juno Tib,JB6f,. jrtli:6tawh» JOKEFB rdOGRIDGE, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MKBOHANT No. 28 Cowareamu, nxtow Pina fitaxxr, St» Lonli, Mo., CONSIGNMENTS will meet with prompt andperaonil attention,and liberal aJecnos* will be given when required,on Ooneignments cr BUlaof Ladling, in k<ma. ; • OrderaTor thapurchaio of Lead. Grain, Hemp and ether Prodace, Kill he promptly filled at thelowestmarket price*. ' The IleboMng Anil Forwarding of Merchandise and Pro* dace will meet with especial rut-e and dispatch; theloweat rates of freight win'always be procured, end thaerpenx* of Storage and Drayage as much- as posaibio avoided. uraiHCxu; Pag: A Bacon, St. Lords; Ellis A Morton, Cincinnati Ohax e«e,Blow A Or., do; Btrader A Gorman, do; Qhouttau A Valle, do; Hoses A Prater. do; Doan. Sing A 00., do; Springer A Whiteman, do;. J.W. Butler A Bro.,Pittabb; E.Q.Uooodmftn A 00.. do; D.Leech A Co., do; E.Ao.YamallACo.,PhUada; Wo. Holmes A 00., do; Morgan, J. M.&uck A Morgan: Blow A March, New York. B- B. Comcgyß, do; Frost A Forrest, do; Shields A Miller, do; Charles A. Meigs, do; Josloh Lee A Co., Baltimore. A.O.FarwellAOo.,Boston; Abraham J. Cole, do. Howard,Boa A 00., do; W.B.Reynolds, Louisville 11, D. Newcomb A Bro., do; T.O.Twlchell A Oo.,Commlealon Merchants, New Orleaoa. T bare an open Policy of Insurance, which will corer all shipments to my address, when adviaed by Jotter per mail,or when endorsed ou bills oflodlng before.or at the time of shipment. JOSEPH MOGRIDGE, BQ gO Bt. Louis. Missouri. William A. Hill A Co., BANKERS, iVo. 04 W)od street , Pittsburgh. HOLD on sale the following BONDS AND STOCKS.':— 40 chares Exchange Bans; 17 do Monongahola Navigation Company; liO do Oltteenn* Insurance Company; £2,000 Monongahela Navigation Company Bonds; $(>,000 City of Pittsburgh Bonds; . $5.000 County of Allegheny Bondj. [sepSMiwewtf C. Jt. WItSHW JO3IPQ LCPBWIO. WILKINS 4b CO. (gucerssosa to-A. Waxnra A. Co.) . Have removed their office to No. 75 fourth street two doors east of their old stand, whtce they will continue the BANKING, EXCHANGE, and COM MISSION STOCK BROHER UOHINRrS in all Its branches, as heretofore. ... , , _ . „ WasTO-i-Twenty-flve Bb&res Mechanics’ Bank Stock. jyl3 WILKINS A 00. a uraiwia. WUklhl A Co., fSacccMors to A. Wilkins A Oo.) BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERB, XTo. 71 Iburth strut, Pittsburg t. IN THE numerous flU6peneione of Bunks and Bankers throughout the country daring ibe last sir month., we Me satisfied that hi almost eyery Instance their troubles hare grown out of a doparraro from their legitimate busi ness! and we. thereforo, take occasion to assure the public in adyanoe, that no speculationa in “fancy stocks,” or other “onteido operations,” shall tempt ns from the strict and le gitimate line or our trasinn3a-beHering' that in uynidlng ill ouch Investments we shall not only be better-able to .erve our customers and ensure their safety, but that in adoDting such a course we shall promote bur own ultimate benefit. ffcbb] . W. * CO. LAND WARRANTS W““ ; '■ .. . SO, •• ‘ 160 ACRE WARRANT:), by: . ACSTI *F tOOM IS, =' lels--' : ~ti»at*r'tu Warrante. Stocks. Ac.. M’Polirth * PPLE PAltEßS—Pratt’a Patent, a speedy and complete Pmer, for all alses of fruit; tor Bale, wholesale and retail, by [jy3ftw3t»] JAMES tVABDBOP. ’ r. S 1 U , •* ■ .-- K ' «.* '• L * '. * * ** £ sfcaas: MISCELLANEOUS, wa. a. ag&noa omswtu,- HSBBO2J ft CEISWELL, Mbsu and brass founders, ANUPACTTJEEKS of all kinds of BEASS WORK, 1.0- OOMOTIVB, STEAM EKQINE, PLUMBERS, Ac. Al bo, Uotton Batting Mamu&cturera. on Rebecca street, City. !^ ro » 12 otr„*t, Pittsburgh. OLD BKABB and COPPER taken In exchange for work", or cosh paid. Orders left at the foundry or Office, will be promptly attended to. feb9:ly JOjEWU T. LOWUYi ™ ffa 2 T Z Of Fifth and Wood «red», . S° plpftrej, ra ’ - r ?? trailco £™ra Fifth street. Pittsburgh, ti*PhCii T uu,x announce to the public that ho baa r nt^M U RBAi ESTATE AQEKCY, In cocnec uon with Intelligence and Uensrat Collecting. He will to renttng. Persons in want of servants, a any It7, A°n n wajat or piwe6, will be supplied at short notice. All business etrtmsted to hid care promptly at tended to. Y V S fiffertnets—'?. J. « i o> £ r ‘ Ei&cfc, James MAckcral, A. A. Mason, Maffit A old. _ ’ _jtnW _ Sdiuchman A Builtlu. I'X street, opposite lb# post-offies. j Pittsburgh. Maps, Landscape*. Bill Heads, Show Bills, Labels, Architectural and Machine Drawing?, Business ana 4v\ i or Drawn on fitona, Printed y Jn Colors,'Oolu,Broaxe, or Black, in the moat approved stylo, • * j, and at the most reasonable prices. octl&ly S •' JEhVIDERKitKdTAURAH T, * • SET, BET. IVATEii AUD FIRST STREETS. Hi HlxT u liis j U5l •trrov Ldcd a choice ato oh of AUQOORS.andis ready nfall friends ; . with the bast of the - Irish Wbiaky Punches may bftLa<VtheLEmnias. c;-~; , iaallfly • JOHN* BAVAQE, Proprietor. Alexander Hayi, CIVIL ENGINEEH SURVEYOB, Fifth street, op posite the Court House, Pittsburgh, Penna.—has per* rnsneatly located, and will punctually attend to all basluees entrusted to his charge. Euzatt.scaa: Hoa. W. F. Johnaton, President Allegheny Talley It. R> W. Mllcor Roberta, Chief Engineer *' “ “ Geo. R. Rlehbawm, Associate Eng. * •'* SUtcliell» Chief Engineer PittaVh and Bteub. It. IL James Thompson, Superintendent City Gas Work". Jainea E. Day, 04t» Engineer, Allegheny Cit Notice* rpfiE Partnership of JOHN M'DEVTIT k BRO. was 4i»* X solved on tfco first Inst. John SZ'Dovitt will continue the ba*ine&j at the old stand, and attend to the settlement of 'ho business of the late firm. JOHN M’DEVTPT, „ WILLIAM STDBVITT. Pittsburgh, Janaary 84,155S—{jan4 New Trimming.Storo, yo. 83 Corner of Market street and the Diamond. VAN GO.RDEB re~pecfally announces to the ; ‘ publieof Pittsburgh andridaity. that he will open We new Trimming Stcra on Monday, April 17tb. Having fitted up the neatest store room la the city, and ailed It with a choice selection of the latest styles of Trimmings and Inn -4jotlaode, he flatters bim«?Lf that he will offer superior in dacetaents and emloavorto giro full paUafiaticn to &U who may favor him with their patronage. Now, don’t forget tho place—No. S 3 Market street, corner of the Diamond. <*p?l2) FRANK VAN GORDER. ENGLISH AMD CLASSICALTsHIHARY, W. T. McDonald, m. a., pbctopal, fl'UrE next session of the Institution will commence on X MONDAY, the f>th of September next, at the room cor* oer of Ferry and Liberty streets, lately occupied fcy the Messrs. Verier. Reference:-— Hoa. A. W. Loomis, 0. Kn*p, Jr., 8. F. Von ouhorst, K. Jr. aug26 Agency for Soldiers’ Claims. Location op lands.—roacuAEß and sals op LAND WARRANTS.—The underdgntd has made ar rangements with competent and responsible geatlem sn to obiftfn Certificates ur Warrants for Soldiers* their widows or tminor children, who are entitled to Bounty Lands; also for the Location of lands, and the Purchase andsale of Land Warrants. JOHN D. DAVIS, mhl4:tf * Corner cf Wood and Fifth Etreeu. fiiew Paper Uanginsa, NO. S 5 WOOD ETRHET. X7IINE FRENCH AND AMERICAN BAR LOR PAYERS; £ Panel in gold,©ekand marble; Dali Paper.s, of rarious style-).; Fi ; *'d and riuin Papers, &ndch&mV*rs; Cheap and low priced wall Papers; Bordere r Ceiling*, Figures, Window Shadaa. A large and complete assortment of the abore, eeVcfrt ter tho sewon, wilt bs sold at tbo usual low prions. octS ' WALTER P. MARSHALL. fc.LLUOAN.a...... M J>ASIIL AfIL, /S, HAGAH it AUL, Q WHOLESALE and RetailDt ire in SiVct, Jlzncp and Staple DRY GOODS, NO3. M Slarketond 8 Union itrrat, Pittaborgh. ap.-4 CcrWH^IEHOISE, FANOT SILK and WOOLEN DYER AND ' No.? ISABELLA ELrTfoarth# Emmet Hotel, raar-4 Aujpiaxsr. hi B. Ilayward, DLALLR in BOOTS, BIIOEfi,TRCMCS and LEGHORN and BRAID HATH, comer of Market *jiJ Liberty No. 1?4, Pittsburgh, Pa. jell? wholesale akd retail druggist, No. 135 IVootl Street, ja'ijfi N*xt door to 11. Childs’ Shoo House, Plfeburgb. WM. A. M’CLUIiG, DEALER IN Fine Teai, Choice Family Groceries and Willow CORKER OF WOOd'aKD STXTB STS., PITTSBURGH, PA. ISnov receiving* large ftfiaortaent pf FRESH GOODS. In addition to his already extensive a Loci, purchased from first hands in the Eastern markets, whloh, Kill be pold at the lowest market prices, £9~Uotels, Steamboats, and fatafiiep, buying by th* qUfintiLy»suppli«d at Kholeeale rates. &&• Goods iteUrercd in the city tree of charge OUAmboaUi A.hoy 1 ntM, Tub subscribers tender their LMSg&Mpledgmonta for the favors bestowed upon VMI, tßTwyS&thtia by their Eteamboat friends, and fspj would respectfully remind them end others Interest- * “ “ ed In bulluieg boats, that they are at all times prepared to furnish, on tha most reasonable terms, every description ol Cabin Fcrnitnrr and Oiudrs of the bast matertal and work manship T. It. YOUNG A CO.. Corner Third and Sraithfield cirw-tn, opposite *‘ Brown’a HoM.” Instructions In Music* Mil WASIELLNK would respectfully Infbrm hin rupfle an friends that ha will continue his proiesylon 6* instructor t n the PIANO PORTE and VOICE. Ordera it'll t Mr. KLLBEH’S Mu&io Store, or at his resi* dence, No. 157 cECOND Street, will be promptly attended to. *qs Great Reduction iN CHOICE SUMMER GOODS, at HAGAH A- AIIL’S, 91 MARKET ST REFT. We will meife down oa Monday, Juno 4th, gut entire stock or reasonable Dc Goods, ot d large discount from former prices. We namt», in part, Borages and Tisauos, Urenadtnoe, Crape do Espague. Bumm® htlta, Lawns of all kinds, Embroideries, Hosiery, Gloves and Mitts, Lace Mau> tlllas, Challi Be rages, Madonna Cloths, Ac.—with a full and complete assortment of Housekeeping Goods. myßl " for Kent. A EABM CONTAINING G 3 ACHES OF LAND, under a high state of cultivation, with a largo and conTonient DWELLING lIOUBE, Teeently built and of modern atyie; Rood Barn, Stabling, Ac., situated on tha south bank of tho Manongthela river, 0 miln? above Pittsyurgh* balng one r.f the most beautiful and pleasant aaywbore to be found. Poeeasrion given on or jfiforel ao Ist of April nest. Enqui™ of H. CHILDS * CO., mhB:tf IC3 Wood street. Paul da .Hardock, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING KEROHAK3, AND STEAMBOAT AGENTS—No, TWaterslrest.Cindnnati, Ohio. J&plrtf 1, W. Chadwlcb, Dealer in rags and paper, no. 149 wood street, Pittsburgh. Tba highest »ri;« In carb paid for rags. pylUy Writing Classci—Dufi’a College*" THE QMXtlQuwa and Ladies’ Day and Evening Writing Classes Will coutince open daring the rummer under Mr. J. D. Williams, whose various styles ai Gentlemen and LadW Writing arc so universally admired. No specimens of Penmanship are ethlolled at the door but theft) cxemlsd by the Teacher in the Institution. The Principal claims no “monopoly” nor “ patent” f-r his business, nor did he get bis Institution chattered to sell out, as has been repeatedly done in this city. Gentlemen and Ladles' Visiting Cards written In Mr. Williams' unequalled style. All hinds of Ornamental pan* maushlp to ordor. my34:daw fiIOURNING GOODS. FRANK VAN GOHDER has just received a large and beautiful assortment of Mounting Collars, Slestee end Betts In Crape, Tarleton and Swiss, black lace and gaute Veils, blank Hosiery and Gloves, In wool, cotton, and silk; Ribbons, Belts, and Crapes, fa all qualities. Alexander A Bajou’s best Kid Gloves can always be found at No. 83 MARKET STREET, corner ef ibo Dla* mond. norl7 HEW.. DR? GOODS STORE. Iron Front—No* 01 Market street. OUR house being nowopeaforthstronsactionofagener* al Dry GoodaboeinoM, we would respectfully solicit the patronage of the public, feeling confident that, from oarer* tensive and weu selected stock of SILKS, FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS, we can offer each Inducementa as will in* sure entire satisfaction. HAGAN A AHL, apr4:tf Nob. 91 Market and 8 Union street. BOOKS! ROOKS! BOOKS'—Miss* A Co.'f, Ho. 3d Emitbfleld street, Is the place ti>‘ purchase books for summer reading. The most complete and vailed assortment of books in the city can be found on our shelves. Persons leaving fof the country will find it to their advantage to call on ua, as we nlways make a dsduetten when selling a number et a time to one person. PoMtiokfl’ Great Book, containing all his letters. Com* plete In one volume, Illustrated—sf. Fourth supply. The Old Farm House; by Mrs. Caroline H. Butler t*lpc» -$1»25. The Winkles, or the Merry Monomaniacs: by the author of Wild Western Scenes. Bister Rose; by Charles Diokens—l2% cents. Mother and Btep*ilotber; by Charles Dickens—l2U cts. Call In and look over oor oountere and shelves, and f.-end for whatever you want In the book line to H. MINER A CO., jy!B No., gfljlmi hfleld street. PLANES,. PLANES, PLANES. —Highly Important to Cabinet .Makers, Carpenter**, and Workers in Hard* wood, Ivory and Veneers— W* 0. HOPPER’S - DSKIVAtLin , ... .. VENEER* HARDWOOD AND IVORY ' FfEIAJTESin......... - , The above Planes caanpt.bc. oicellsd. In planing hard w«>oA,aud-,vpiieera.attontionof mechanics krreanect fullysolicited.. ci '■ jjyjjm*!-!:- : n-sx’dV/ Iw-.yyoqd'Street.- • ■ FINE DRESS GOODS.—A. A. Just received another splendid lot ot Dress Goods, cempri* sing rich Plaid, Striped and Figured Benges, Tiaraes, Or* gandles, Ac., Ac., with some elegant styles of Flounced Bs* ngaßotw fapfi] U FIFTH ST, r.« v ' v -'*.-* ; * .. i- ; 'lftV*? . MISCELLANEOUS. DE. HENDERSON, OCULIST AND AURIST. RIA79 ALL MSK&axS Ctin* XTB AND XAA WITHOUT OUriTOO, LKCHWO, BIISTEBINO, oa fH3 USB OP QATOwyt. OFFICE 458 BROADWAY, COR, GRAND ST. r NEW YORK, Doors from 9 A, M. to 4 P, M, EOUGH, GRANULATED BIDS, Inflammation, Acute or ' Chronic Blindness with Filina, Iritis, Amaurosis and ~Cataract Scrofulous, Weeping or Watery Eyes, are among the diseases c-f the eye which are treated by Dr. H. with perfect satisfaction. AH diseases of this Bar treated upon scientific principles, Artificial Eyes inserted without an operation. ", All letterspoaßpaid will eecure prompt attention. We Select tho following references from among the thou sands of cases which ba»« been snowesJhlly treated by Dr. Henderson: Wm.J.ftyor.Cfiß-B Broadway, Albany, J». V. •Alfred gouibwfck. Printer, 45 tJ. Goodapeed, Glens Falls, N. Y. *WnL W. Smith, Detroit, Mich. •Mrs. A.AI. L. Wilson, New York City, IL Y. tUias Mary Bellows, N.-B. Station, Duchess <?■->. N I •Edtrard Gi Solger, Bristol, Ccna. •John'Seamsn, Engineer, N. Y.' David Uttle, Engineer, N. Y. Wai.F. B.GUM, office Couxisr and N. Y. {James w. Kirby, Brooklyn; L, L Jarvia Rodgers. . 44 . « A.R. Rwea, Telegraph Operator, Pt. Nicholas D<-tM. It. M, Ferrlss, Organ Builder, Houston St, R. B.Doolittle, M.D., Hudson, N. Y. Mrs Knickerbocker, Tonhera, N.Y. 1L P. Collins, Teacher Penmanship, Troy. N. Y. 11. ULtwa, Albany, N. Y. ' A. Dillenbaob, Ecb*n«tady, N. Y. Capt. B. H. Haviland, Athena, N. Y: Jonh W. Hackettj'Blnghamptcn, N. 7. *Tbm patieats.wero blind, and had to be led to tLeofice. At tba expiration of tiro weeks they could go about the cirv at pleasure. , J •These cases of Auucrosla were.roatorpd to Eight after tboy were given up s* Incurable bythe faculty, and c&a be referred to by any person who wishes to feara the frets in tbefee crw. by writing to them. . i janS 1 Pittsburgh Dollar Scvrlnga ixuMtatlon, •fib. 68 JFvurth street, NEXT DOOR TD THE PITTSBURGH BANTT, IB NOW OPEN daily from P to 2 o’clock; aloo, on Wed nesday and Saturday oveniuge, tr cm Tto 9 o’clock. Depcrita received of ell sums not less than One Dollar, trnd & dividend of the profits declared twti# frvear, In Juno and December. The Trustees, for the purpose of furthering the benevoleDt objects of the Institution; hare entered into a guarantee bqnd, thereby giving additional security to depoaitorr. Books containing the Charter, By-Laws, Bales and Regu lations, furnished gratis, on application afc the office. President— GEOßGE ALBRRE. TICS FREatCEITB: Hopewell Hepburn, Jobn.H- Shoenbargex, Q-n?rge P». Wnlte, Charles KnappJ'* William F. Johnston, N. Grattan Murphy, James W. Hallman, Theobald Cobstaettwr, Alexander Bradley, lease M. Pennock, William Phillip’, William J. Andonmn. TarSTtcs: John G. Backofen, James Herdmazr, Hill Bnrgwio, John M- Kirkpatrick Albert Culbertson, John D. li’Ccrd, Robert Cheater, Robert Morrow, J. Gardiner Ocflln, Walter T>. MwruhaH Alonzo A. Carrier, A. iL Pollock, John 8. Cosgrove, Henry L. Ringwalt, Charles A. Colton, Eabert Robb, £.G Eiriegton, George tL Riddle, Francis Felix, Jamo3 RHoads, George F. GHlmore, .Tames fihidlc, ' ; James S'. Uoon, George 8. SeTden, William 8. Haven, Alexander Tjprffo, Secretary and Treasurer— CHAßLES A. COI-TON. jy!9:dly PAafiHSRS’ AftD MECHANICS' LIFE, FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Company, • OF PHILADELPHIA. c»pn»i - S3oo t ooo Amount eecurely invested $200,000 films COMPANY effects Fire Insurance on Buildings, JL Goods, Furnl ure, Ac. Marine Insurance on Vessels, Cargo and Freight. Inland Insurance on Goods,l*7 Hirers, Lakw, Canals, Railroads, and Land Carriage generally; Also, Insurance upon Lives, upon the most favorable: terns. Hon. Thomas B. Florence, James E. Neall, George 11. Armstrong, Charles Dingle, Kd. I*. Middleton, E. It. Helmbold, George UelniboLl, Fred. 0. Brewster, Thomas ManderfleM, Isaac Leech. THOMAS B. FLORENCE, PretMvnt. Et-WA!u> R. HoxnotP, Secretary. PITTSBURGH EEPEECNCEB. lion. T. M, Howe, Hoa. J It. M’Cllnteok, Hon. P. 0. Shannon, Cel 8. W. Black, lion. J. B. Gathrlo, A. B U’Calmont- Esq Thomas J. Koenan, Ecq . Wilson M’Candlea?, Kaq., Cel. J. He on Poster, lieu, J. Iv, Morohead. R. M. Biddle, The character of the aboTe Company ia of the Grst class, and porabiuea the rare and unusual privileges of Fire, Ma rine and Life Insurance, Gentlemen of derated standing are associated Ln Its management, and interested as Stockholders. THOMAS J. HCNTEB, Agent, jjS7 St Charlos hoildlng, No IQS Third at. PITTBBUHGH AND CONN'BLLSVILLE OPEN FROM WEST NEWTON, Westmoreland County, to DAWSONIB BTATION, opposite East liberty, Fay ette County, £2 miiM from Pittsburgh. On and after the Ist of Augu.-t, tiw Trains of the Pitts burgh and Conneilsrille Railroad will be run between the above point.; daily, (*s«pt imfSUfuriber notice, as follows: First Train will leave Pawgoo’n Station at fealf-psct 0 o’clock A. 11and reach West Newton at 7.35; connecting there with the fast oteamer *• Clara Fisher,” and reach Pittsburgh at noon. Second Train leaves Dawson’s at 12 o’clock, neon; artiv inn at West Newton at 1-26-P. JI. First Train will leave tVest Newton at ? o’clock A. M.; arriving at Dawson's at fl 03 A. M. Secoud Train will leave Weet Newton at 6.45 P. SL, and reach Dawson's at 7 2o P. M. BTAGEd will conneot with tbo Trains at Daw/wn’s for Connellsville and Uniontown. The steamer CLARA FISHER will leave Pittsburgh ev ery evening, (except at half-past 4 o’clock; pre cisely. to connect with tfco Trains as above. FUEIG HT will bo transported each way dally,- .For rates apply to D W. CALDWEbL, Esq , AFslstanl ent. West Newton, or to W. THOM PEON, Freight Agant, on board the steamer Clara Fisher, at her wharf, above the Monongabela Bridge. OLIVER W. BARNES, jySl President and Saporintendent. SKlil ANNUAL DIVIDEND, 8 PKU CENT., JULY l.ljiS 3'TSA INSURANCE! COMPANY, OF HABTFOIU), COHN. Chartered Cash Acsets, July 1, 1835,-•5835,530 03. /■'CONTINUE to make Insurance on all escriytlona of " / property at equitable rates. Thl» Company haTe maintained a position for honor able dealing fox £0 years, and In unsurpassed for responsibility and punctuality by any other simitar Institution In the united btatrs. Semi annual statement of the condition, of.this Company on file In this office, for the examination of the public fi. B. TBN-JJYCK, Agent. Office, North west corner Fifth and Wood streets, Fitts* burgh ___ ■ - ~ jy24 11. 31. hemon A Co.'a Way hlne, BETWEEN PITTfiiBUBOH AND COLUMBIA. - . THE undersigned having purchased part of D Leech A Co *s Canal Stock, are prepared to do a WAY FREIGHT BUSINESS between this place and Colombia. All business entrusted to our care will be promptly attended to by us, at the Warehouse formerly occupied by D. Leech A 00., Canal Basin. LLOYD A LEMON: jv2s:dtm 9 B&rgaiufl laWatcheo, Oocka A Jewelry ROBERTS & BROTHER. scSfr ABE now celling their largo and carefully seles* ted stock of Fine Watcher, Clocks, andrich Gold Jg-»jia Jewelry at greatly reduced prices, to "make room. wStfSßfbr ea entire new stock, whlcn win be received dl* ivet from the Eastern manufactories In a few weeks. for tha Fall trade. . Purchasers desiring to buy goo*! goods at low prices, should call tmmediataly and examine our stock, ti fto are determined to close it out without regard to coat or former prices. Don’t forget the place. BOBEBT3 & BBOTBtfB, 41 Fifth street, next door to Wood. 4SF* Watches, Clcofca end Jewelry repalrod in the best mapper, and warranted. . jy2l:lj In tho l>latrlet Court of Allegbeny Co, jAiita Kksos) m. VNo. Old, Jaly Term, ISM. Chanwry* A. lHTra, j AND NOW, to wit, July 211. A. D. 1856 i by agreement j% of counsel, J. £ BRADY, Esq., id appointed receiver, to collect and receive the assets of the firm of James Nel* son 1 Co., and to disgoee of the stock and toots of th<j firm, as soon as practicable, and to pay the debts thereof, and to hild tfca residue ffubj oct to tlsa order of the Court ( —>—<) from the ttecord. v l. b. A. CAMPBELL, Jr., TroUjonotary. < 'PEBSONS indebted to the firm of JAMES NELSON A CO. are requested to malts payment to the undersigned without delay) and those hart os claims against said firm, to present them duly authenticated for settlement.' \" J. E. BRADY, Receiver, J?26:d2w _ No- 89 Fifth street. TVTIStf AND VAUJABUS UOUKtt— . IN AT DAYISOITB BOOK STORE, 05 Market cf, near Firjrtfi ft History of the Christian Church; by Hr Han* prise Essay—Theism-rrTbo Witness of Reason and Na ture to an AlVwlae and Benlfloent .Creator. Bo Quinsy's last—-The Note Book of an English Opium Eater. , . • Catbolio and Protestant Nations Compared in their three fold relation* to wealth, morals and morality ■ by Rer Roussel, of Paris. ' The Adventures of Amljaa Lee; by R;y. Cb&s. Kinaalev. Notea of a Theological fitudant. . J Mrs. Jaialson’a Common-PlaQe Book of Thought?, Memo ries and Faneles 0 • Btarßapewi by Henry Word Beecher. Whichfr-The Bight or tho Left’ Footsteps of 8u Paul. The Head in Christ ; by Brown. Philip Qolvilla ;~by Kennedy. The words and Mind of Jesus. Cyclopedia of Biblical Literature. Dr Alcott’a works. The Young Housekeeper. The Young Wife, The Young Mother. The Young Husband—Health, Ac. Harbaugtfa tolb. on : Future life. ;Cmmning , a Works.. Btopb»*ny Travels In Egypt and the Holy Land.,, " . . Manilla Wrapping Papers. Blank Books and' Stationery ox all kinds. For sale at Eastern prioee,by ; ’ ! V- 5 .v •- jyis -J. B.DAYIgpy. JUUT RECEIVED, at No. 107 Market ‘stmt, 1 cmToT Santa 1 Flee Patent teaser Congress Gaitero, a dcslra. tie article for this season. Frteu low. Jy® W, R gOHSTERTZ, - .. -J"” ■*.* -s ' t . - v l * *-f* ■" *•: ■■ y if .'S NUMBER 272. DIRECTORS. ISIS. PAID UP. BATES OF ADFEBTISXMS AQHM2D TTPOti £7 ?lUt PITTS 3VH9B P&tM f3rfilrtf3Hod?4t<Ur,oA insertion... .. m 1 f - each additional fa “ . “ one week 17i “ two weeks...... 900 “ '* three weeks... 4 00 *’ *' one month.. —... 400 ” " two months..., , —« TOO “ three m0nth5..,.,.. 0 00 “ four 10 ©0 “ M elx l9 0* " “ one 29 0® M 00 oaauaa&mj a? nxaarux: One agnate, par amnia, (exclusive oi the *6 00 MISCELLANEOUS. THE GREATEST MEDICAL DISCOVERT OF THE AGE. £y Bft. KENNEDY, of Doxbuxy, has discovered In otu* of our ccTMnonpasiitrt weeds a remedy that cures EVERY KIND OF HUMOR, From the worst Hcrofloia down to a common pimpl* He has tried it in over 1100 cases, and never Mad except in two c&sis, (both thunder-humor).' : H4 has now Is feU possession over two hundred certificates ofita virtu*, all within twenty mils 3 of Boston, • Two bottles are warranted to cure a nursing sow month. One to three bottles will cure the worst kind of Ptaplw on the lice. ' 1 Two to three bcittes will claar the system of Bilea. Two bottles are warranted to cure the worst Canker iu * the Month and Stomach. 'Three to five bottles are warranted to ours the worst caee of Erysipelas. One to two bottles are warranted to cure all Hma&t in theEyea. ■ ■’ Two bottles are warranted to of the fiars and Blowhes amnng tho Hair. : ■ > Fcnrto six bottles are warranted to cure Corrupt and Eanainj Ulcers^ One bottlffwili care-Scaly Eruption of the Shin. •Two to three bottles are werrafited to cure the worst case of Ringworm. - . Two to three bottles are warranted to care the most del* perate case cY Rheumatism. ' Three to four bottles warranted to eore the Salt .Rheum- Five to eight bottles-will core the wont case of Scrofola. A benefit Is always experienced from the first bottle, and a perfect cure la warranted when the above quantity is taken; Reader, I peddled ovefa thousand bottles of this In the •Vicinity of Boston. I know the Affect of Uln overy case Bo sore ts .water.will.extinguish fire, eo ante will this can humor. I never sold abotttenf it but tbit sold another; after a trial, it always epcaks?for-Itself. Then are two things about this herb that appear to me surprising: first, that it grows in our pastures,' in some pl&cerquite plenti ful, and yet ltavalue has never been known until I dissev ered it in 18i$—second, that it fhomd cure all kinds of humor. . ......... In order to give some idea of the sudden rise and great popularity of the discovery, I will aiate 'that in April, X 863, I peddled It and . cold about rtx bottle* per day—ln April, 1864,1 sold over one thousand bottles per d*y of It. Some ©' the whoeeale druggists, who have been In busi ness twenty and thirty years, say that nothing in the of patent medicines-was ever like It. There is & universal praise of it from alt quarters. . .. -• In my own practice 1 always kept It strictly for humors, but since Its Introduction as a general family medicine, great and wonderful virtues have been found In it that I never suspected. <• ' %• ; Several cases of epileptic fits—a disease which was always conFidered incurable—have been onred by a few bottle*. 0, vrhst-amerey.lf it wiU ‘prove-eSectual in all- cases of that awful malady; —there are but few who Rare seen more of itthanrhave."-’*'"'"-'-- •> - . L know, of ,ftSToral cases of Dropsy, all of them aged peo ple) ’ ured byft. * For thevnrloas diseases of the Lirer, filch xte*daehe‘, Dyspepsia, Asthma, Fever and Ague, Fain in the of the Spine, and particularly In Diseases of the Kidneys,.Ac., the diasdreiyhaa ddna moro good thin any medicine otct known. - No ehingo of diet ever necessary. Eat the beat yon get, acdenwßgnofiti-.. • DiredioTn fvr Vic. —Adulto, one tablo spoonful per day. Children orer ten years, dessert spoonful. Children from -tlTe to.elghl. yaaxfl, tea spoonful. An no directions enn bo 'applicable to all constitutions, take sufficient to operate oo the boffels twice a day.’ • • Manufactured by DONALD KENNEDY, No. 120 TTarrensf. Roxburu. Mass. Price, $1,00.^ Dr. GEO. B. KEYSES, No. Uu Wood street. Pittsburgh, General Agent. Also, 3. P. FLEMING, Allegheny City. . • : . rxn^29:d«r A Substitute for the jlew Law*—Dß. URBAN’S ANTI-BAOOHANALIA a safe and sure remedy for the cure of - iaitISPEKASCE.' A concentrated vegetable extract, and as a tonic f 3 une qualled. For the following ooxdplainta it la a giost valuable medicine: Dyspepsia*, Liver Ctmphxinf. FpUepty, Ksuralyia t Vila, Fevers qfall tends. DdiriwryTrafjma. &netol Debility* This meuldna is Intonaed to produce a change in the eye torn, and a distaste f-dracoholle drinks. J Severalinstancee where we hate sold it, we here had the mosteratifying results; so, to persons who are really desirous or brwdrg off the Indulgence in-lntoxlcatlng beverages, this elixir wfu be a great help. Bold at $1 per bottle at the Drug Store of DR. GEO. n. KEYSES, No. HO Wood street, corner of Virgin alley, dgn of the Golden Mortar. ; , ap3&d*w , / ■ lndian Linlmint, Ftr Xh*imatim 3 Drawer, Fair,* in the Bach. Sutc— Sms <tf all kinds. [A cerUßcate freon Cumberland, Mary land-] CUMar.rj.ayn, March 19,1K6. Mr. H.G.O.CiSsr, Zanesville—Dear Sir? May we ask the favor of you to send ue twenty-four dozen BARRS LL*B INDIAN LINIMENT?- Pleasa send It without delay, aa we have not half a dozen bottles on ham), and U cannot bo substituted In this country; therefore, do not disappoint us. : * * * * Respectfully, yours, do. Dull. A Wash. Fer sale wholecale and retail at DR. GEO. H. KEYBER*B Drug Store. No. HQ Wood street, comer of Virgin alley; also oy JOEL MQHLBR, Liberty street 0&- Cougli B-emedles. Lr, Keysets Dectorel Syrup will cure you. j Dr. Pectoral Syrup will cure Bronchitis. Dr. Koyser’s Pectoral Syrup will cure Laryngitis, Dr. Keyset's Pectoral Syrup wiU core lnfioeusa. Dr. Keysets Pectoral Syrup will cure a cold In tha head. Dr. Keyset's Pectoral Syrup wtU curb Incipient Con sumption. . . • A recent letter from Mr.' J. W. Veateh, of Rokeby, Ohio, aaysi “ I want you to send me two. bottles of yonr Pectoral Byrap b 7 mull. There is a lady here who has a oongb and the doctors can’t cure her. I was in the same.way, and tried everything without benefit, until I got abottleef your Pectoral Bytup; I took it but twice, and it cured me sound and well.” Ask for Dr. Ksteeb’s Pectosai Stbup and take no other.. Price, CO cents. Sold at: DR. KEYSER’d, No. 140 Wood street, ana at J. P. FLEMING’S, Allegheny. ap2salxw Radical. Core Trail will euro nearly every ca-o of reduceable Hernia. Trusses at various price's xTwgyaoa hand. . djlldran'aTrußaesofdlffertsntformaaadfltrexLgth for sale. ... r ., Elnatlo Stockings ftp varied or enlarged veins. Abdomnlol Soppor tera—Adosen different kinds. Pile Props for tha aupport and cure of PRes. Shoulder Br&oea to relieve a crooked and deformed condition of the Üben, and many dUcaccxof-thnCheat. Suspension Bandages. , . All tceea artlolea may be bad ob applied at DR. KEY* -SEE’S - Wholesale and Retail. TRUSS DEPOT. 140 Wood street, sign cf the Golden Mortar; dr will beeCht to any part of the country by sending the money end snosure. *p26Maw r-. O* Bolm of Thflueand.FloUer«»&rbniitl* fjlng the ComplexlOß,an3 eradicating all TaX,' Pncnxs and Faxcsxxs from the face. Sold et Dr. ICKYfiER’Sj 140 Wood etrret. JanSO / GEORGE BLBTCHSR) FROH NtU? YORK, a MANUFACTURER of the celebrated Gossamer YontUating Wig, Elxstio Band Toupees, and every description of Ornamental Hair, for Ladles and 7O FOURTH BTREET* Weed and Market,- Pitta •£M Bureazs’o system enable* Ladlo and Gentlemen to aoesure thtlrheedfl ]p' : with accuracy. • "* FOR. WIGS. No. 1. ThoroundoftheUead. • . No. 3- From the forehead over the hud to neck, Vo. % No. 3. From ear to ear, over the top. No. 4. From ear to oar, romiAthe forehead. = ; • For Toupees, to covet the top.of the head only«ra paper pattern, the exact pliape ofthc bald part. K ’ ! Tmy4 Co-Partncrofrlp. ;> -7 WALTER P. MARSHALL aasooWtol with Me*. on the Set day of July. JO3. It.' nCQttL’3, In the W«0 Pftp.’T business, uflJtr tbe oamo cf ■■;.■£■*■ jyO W. t\ MAB3HALL A CO. FOR SALE VERF CHEAP* A BUILDING LOT IN ALLEGHENY CITY’” Si fcet by 100. - A godd bargain can ba-hadby appl etna booh at tbo ofilen of tha MOftNINO POHT.. . • ' . jylfct Lot Tor dale. A GOOD BUILDING LOT; «4 foot frocr ofl Carlton fftwt by .100 feet .in depths ia.BiaaiDsbaEi, will be sold cheap. Enquire of GEO. F. GILIMOBB, jyl3 _ .• at otßf* dftheYlbtnlpg Poet. Cl'i'l HOTfili. (UTSBItOWU’O,) . . . - Comer of Smlthfleid and Third strtitff ■JOHN P. GLASS, Proprietor. PITTBBUBQB>F4' THIS large end commodious House baring undergone thorough repair and furnished wither*.equipment* throughout, la now epou for the reception of the trstenog publlo. Cbakqeb MoDraarg. ’ ' Jw JUST WHAT YOU ALL WANT THIS WARS! WRA* ~ THER--Tho Magazines for Angurt: PeterSon'a Moguelue for August ; ; Ballon's : do do N*w Yorh Journal do Dickens' Household Words for August; '. . The Helreta of liaugbton, or the Wothert Secret ; Mary’Lyndon, or Revelations of 4 LiTe; Percy Woffington. For ail the newßoohs or Maeasiuefl, call or Bend to the cb«rt> Boofcstoro of; W. A.GrCUEBBKNSET *CO, Jrio Fifth OaL FLAT— Lyiog at the loot of Liberty eUeet, &luuo£ nbela riTCr, for sale by ■ - - T r > ' : Vl' JySO .. •■•• J. Wo BUTLER A CO. maIAL AND TRIUMPH; or, PinaneeiF in the lluoS J[ tubL Anew work, by Ti 8. Arthur. Weils’ New flan of Sebastopol, showing Its fortification*, batteries,and tosi’Jon cf contending fomnima a J English, French and TuihLh slegp works. Prtca jft ct*. Peterson’s Magasina for Laditß, with a fine colored fashion pUta for AUgUSt . • Just received and for tale at . . ,' W. A. GILD ENF EN NHY• A r CG.*B» jy!9 - Fifth Theatre. IURS-BRANDY*—l'intvebnhiind a itety-exodUuiit nrU> cleof Brandy, for medicinal purposes. JThose a anting pod article can always procure.it at\ V *V 1 yi» 'Jos. yleyeinq’s. l taSe Superior Salmon for sale by i-lf • JT..N».Y.3ISC‘/»;VN0 THE STORE, No. 85 Wood street, at present occupied be the subscribers. For particulars apply to w 4 JIM W. P. MARSHALL A CQ. . • *•»»'. -- _ - - , < V v v ,< 1 ' 1 f.-' ■* * l , '*'* "■* - * ' £i v » v?jr* . ;. - "’-s, u-it' ‘ 1 ■" s v »or*" 7 k > * '“ n ■’S * ? • Liquor KLUUR, To Uct
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