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Scghh* t«*;-‘ v*«r , i - i t <, . ; vtl =■■:<?.{■!* '■■ (rK-J. ■>•■', 'C>: ’ ! -?f<y ! t '2."r, -‘v/.'.-A '■• f-VrA!*-- ;'v‘ ••-.-7 ,y .- *'<• '<« <:• ' • ir “ ( -- -- ■" - ■ ■’ r r.;'. ifciii-' iifliisig 5,«,, Wi1 ,„,;,,_ •»►,••’••• . ? ? ‘ ?’; •*; i A ■■:/■:- y\^\ 7- Si®® iSIISSSfJ SMSi? ;y^ ; 4 ■'O’- f J c. -t •..• -v . -v, ‘*“ ' Vi.'***' I.lft ill *\ ”" ‘ "' •’ ' '- 1 ' ']■'■ "i % * ; '•» 5 ’' , \ • -’’ .•' < Z ~ ‘ ' ‘' l ' •• .> -4- * :-.‘v ~ ,* *• »>y?V * c« **h-rv>V’fc*»*r vj!>••- ** ♦' ■» ' •,■ \ . «r •• - - ■ , " .-'••. •■* . -.,. v .'l- v ■*.;> v •’• •'/ . r* - * ► *. • ..:fr*<!» i. • t'*- V.rir j *i, *?* f. «■ t» *• *• S*M» ~ "* •" *' 7 ; < •,• f- . •... : _ l . f . .}■* •' * • -• _ .. : ;v il-'W'?* vytly, ’+ -* *» V* ‘ r* \ - r ■ - , !,j - - ;. ■ :>^-#*S*^;**^' ' ~ - ' • '•• - .*-r- -•^rL.*- e>.*‘sr ■ ’• •-’ f'L * ,'r *r‘ ' ~tk? 1 ’ • ..... , V<S*« :> ..v, u < -r;'r -v! 'j J' " "* ' K-w.slfZ'y-j?:'* imw Slagi r . *4 'ci v '.' 4*l ,ii : -,«5 f«*>*.'*3 • • -'j , cr^r'"-. -'.'-T [fj *l --:.. - -.J-,; , :7; , .., t ,....r,...:•„-,,,..;,, ... #* > i I . f.: Av • »;•/’ <V ; i ■■ p'Cv'^-" c "- : ■V' ;_•'■• :> *•* i- y ’ 1 DAlIi Mp POST .prinMf;:o7i3 JjpiMkfad exempted,) 05 THE NORTH-WEST COUTER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS. **T 1 an -fiolfih V'yaar, payable strictly In ; * Irene*; DdEfe? a&llUhvtfriibiy be ciiUlredU o6t paid nlthln the yea.*- 49“’ Stable toptae *we obits—for “ale attb* counter la the Office, end by thayefeeDoy*. ' :.; i jjs^'PATjmDAT"StoßHraa post Published from the seme office, on a large blanket 4ie sh et, at TWO DOLLARS a year, in advance. Single boptw *«r No paper will be d&»ntlnaed unless at the dieere- OU of theProprfetorkO instil all arrearages are paid. uo attention nlll be paid to any order unless accom panied by tbeooney,ureatisffictory ! refer«nceln this city. jg& Connected IheSsiablUhruest of tfa Morning Pott is one of (ht largest Job Printing Office* tn the Ctty t *chere ofl k Tt’ir of work ft done otiJJie shortest notice, and most reason q MetiTDU. r PRQgESSIONAL.CARDS. ~ A CTO KNOT AND TOBsSaiwSrArXAW—Offita, No. jS- —, Fourth street. Pittsburgh. Pa. declLly J»mu A. Lovrlt, WOENEY AT LAW—<H2ce> Fourth street, Pittsburgh, betweenBmlthfleld atreotand Cherry alley. fd*t*-Si?iy a*™™*'' JOHN BARTON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, OHloo, comer Flfth and Grant ata*, JaS:ly<il •.■ pmsgusoa, fa. Tiiomai Alcana, Attorney at l aw and solicitor in ohangeby. Office, next door to the Prat Office, Steubenville, Ohio, ray 4 S, P. Rom, ATTORNEY AT LAW— No. tot Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa, fourth door below bit. Body Patterson's Livery Stablo. . . , ■ J«3B Ci Orlando Loomis, ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office, Fourth street, above Wood. Jy*y ; Ri B* Oarnalian, ATTORNEY. AT LAW-Office on Fturth street, betwßen Cherry alley and Grant street. j«2gr J.' N. M’ClOWry, Attorney and counsellor at law—Office in Bakewell'a Buildings, on Grant etreet, je2 .. OiQiHazen, ATTORNEY AT LAW—No. 127 Fourth street, above and near Fmlthfleld. : . taar27£ • Patriolc flloKenna, ALDERMAN OP THIRD WARD. OFFICE cornerGnmt and Fifth 'Streets, (formerly occu pied by Alderman Lewis,) where all business pertain ing to the office of Alderman and Justice of the Peace will be promptly attended to. fcbliGtn Nrßuclunaiter, Alderman. OFFICE, Grant street, between Fourth si. and Diamond alley. Conveyancing of all kinds done with the great est caro and legal accuracy. Titles to Real Estate examln ed, Ac. ja3;? William Wllaon, Alderman* OFFICE No. 447 PENN street, between the canal and O'Hara street, Fifth Word. All business appertaining, to the office of an Alderman or Justice of the Peace, will be promptly attended, to. 49" Bonds, Mortgages, and. other documents, drawn with neatness and despatch. febl&tf H* AUL, SURGEON DENTIST, (sue- cessor to G. \V. Diddle,) No. UASmlthtield TJLP gg“olEi>« hoars, from Bto 1 o'clock, and from 2 to 6 o'clock, febl6:ly S3l J SCOTT, DENTIST, Fourth street, fire doon .KSgSgSI west or Market, vDrpy Orncs Houbs From nine A. M. U» 6re P. M. dec2Q:y BUSINESS CARDS, BCCCftTBOTI AUBIDB CCBUKG KDWA.BD BITUBJDGE...,. Curling:* Robartsou A Co,, MANUFACTURERS OP CUT, PRESSED AND PLAIN FLINT GLASSWARE, warehouse No. 14 Wool street, corner of Front street, Pittsburgh. £s* All other kinds of Ghuawaro and Window Glass, at low market prices. tpllidly Jacob Xti'Oolllster, ‘TTTIIOLES iXE and retail Cigar manufacturer, and den** YY or Id all kinds of Tobacco, Sand, and Ciga-ra, No* 115 Fifthstreet,Pittsburgh,Pa. •63“. Keeps constantly on hand, a Urge supply of all the tahons brands of Imperial Cigars j*CJ John OloorheacL, WHOLESALE GROCER, AND COMMISSION MER CHANT, Cjt the eale-of Pig Metal nnd Blooms, and Produce generally. No. 22 Wood street, Pittsburgh iag£4 rxsft - ...^fcoo; K«;m«r & Anderson, (Socccsiors to Josbn* Rhodes & Co.) WIIOLRSALE dealer* In fbrelcn Fruits, Nut«, 8pl»% Confectionary, Sugars, No. SO Wood street, oppo site the St. Charles Hotel, Pittßburgb, Pa. ap’d ilenry H« Vollini, Forwarding and commission merchant, and Wholesale Denier in Cheese, Butter, Seeds, Fish, and Produce generally, N 0.25 Wood street, Pittsburgh, [mart! B. T c. Morgan, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER—has always on hand a general assortment School, Mlscellaneaua and Blank Books, Printing, Post and Cap Paper, Ao., wholesale and re tail. No. 104 Wool ftreat, below Fifth, East eide, Pittsburgh. ■Cg* Wantal, Raga and Tannera* Scraps. aplb:ly TnuuHknu.Lt,Philo..*... --...-jm.. ... - Miller 6 Ktcltetaon, 'TXraOLSdALB QKOCEftS, Importer* of Brandies, Wlnrfl yf and ge^ar*—N'o*. 17 2an i 174, corner of Irwin and liberty street, Pittsbargh. Iron, Nail*, GoUba Varus, <tc. ( constantly on band.- ■ : -.. 1 , % gySO Wca. Carr A- Co.,* * (V?m. Carr, lit* of lha firm of J. Parker A Co.) WHOLESALE U ROGERS, aad Dealers in Foreign Wlass and Brandies, Old Monong&hcia and Rcetibed Whl+- tj, No. 32=> Comacr rial Row, Liberty £ treat, Pittsburgh, Pa. jafry F. R. UrtTO) Dicnnondy Pittsburgh, Pa. DEALER IN COUNTRY PRODUCE, cSeis cale a choice etock of Groceries, select®l for fkmily use. Spleca of every ninety and the purrst quality, ground m bis Steam Mills. Also, Dried Fruit*, Foreign and Domestic. Produce taken in exchange for merchandize. . P.R.D. h&i procured A.tall assortment hf.Lwiireth’fl vrnrrcniod Gar<l-a attention'of all In* terested in rural affairs. janll W. S. •-- -»- ElcOaaOsON. Eaglhh A Ktctiardnon, COMMISSION. AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, and AYboUaile DeaUr?' la fieh, Cacou atjd OlljandProdoce fonerally.' Warehouse formerly occupied .by Burb ridge 4 agkr&m,•No.' Il6'Waterhhd I*o first street. PUtst'Uigh, Penna. frbtJ Commission House. TUB subscribers Lire opeuai a house for the above pur pose, cl No. 17 JiciUtAeld street, four door* above the Monongahela House. Wo will purchase, or receive, on corn mlatdon, lbr sale, consignment* of Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Corn, Oats, Barley, b'Ux Seed, Grass Seed, Baled ilay, Ac., upon which we will make advance*, or purchase at the baat market n»te3 for cash [uov6j ALGEu A Cu. James ai’Laughiin, Dealer in GRocEurKrf, prouuok, flour, bacon, Ac., No. 10, corner haltbfield and First etreots, Pitts burgh, Pa. _____ uovd .rtfn.su. xouso.., .....Taos. b. toosu frascis l. rjisw. T. B« Young A Co. iVo. 38 Smith fi dd street, i pp?eile City J? ML Manufacturers of cabinet furniture and CHAIRS, of prery description. Materials and work manship warranted, and sold at reduced prices. Cars taken In packing for land and water carriage. augSl Wm Dlgby, Jr., CLOTHING AND FURNISHING STOKE, MaaonJo Hall, Fifth street, Pittsburgh. Clothing made to order, in ] good style, and at moderate rates. qqgfrtf R, A A. C. Doacan, WHOLESALE GROGERS, and Dealers In Prodace, For eign Wines and Liquors. Old Monongabela aod Reo- Ufled Whisky, No. *291 Liberty sU Pittsburgh, Pa. a. Tlndlc, W&osrti WHOLESALE and Retail Saddle, Harniih Yalido and Carpet Bag manufacturer, m. No.lOGWood *t.. Pittuburgh, Pa. jr£V:v J. (i. Mellor, WHOLESALE and Retail Dealer in Musical Instrument*, Pianos, Mueio, School Books and Stationery, No. 121: WoodstTeet; ' . janl ~" John W. (Sutler A 00., Forwarding and commission merchants— Dealers in all klndsof Pittsburgh manufacture*, Lead Pipe and Sheet Lead, 67 Front street. Enterprlie Works. jW 130 Wood street, t/drd door below VirginaUey. EOWN A TETLEY would call the attention or Sporting men to their large assortment of Guns, Rifles and Re ▼olring Pistols, the largest and best selected Stock ever opened la this market, together with a getter's! assortment of Hardware, Cutlery,Tools and Fishing Tackle, all of whkh w« offer at the lowest possible prices to cash purchasers. or for good approved paper. ' mariS Copartnership Notice. I HAVE THIS BAY{ April lith) with ru>: Aleßsf«.F. STEEL TURBETT and SAML. 0. CLANK f. both or whom have been for many year* In my establish ment, anJ are already extensively and favorably known to my customers and the public generally as superior work men, and of oortect business habits. Wo hope by disunion of experience and'artistic skill—especially, in thewatcb de partment; by keeping a large and well selected stock of goods; by selling at moderate prices, and by dose attention to business, to merit a libeml share of pationnge. To my old friends and the public "ih' general, who Lave for many years past so liberally patronise! my business, I return or thanks, and solicit far thu new Arm t continuance of aim! 'lariavore. W. W. WILBON. Pittsburgh, April 11,1866. Wilion, Tarbett A Oltney, WATCH MAKERS, JEWELERS and SILVERSMITH*, 07 Market rreet, corner Fourth. m*£> Now Coach and Carriage Factory l . . JOHKBTON, BSOTHEBB & CO., Corner Rtleeca awl Belmont streets, Allegheny GUy. joMMb cm WOULD respectfully inform their friend-* and the public generally, that they have • VsSyWpfiSgp* commenced the manufacture of Carriages Buggies, Blelgba and Charlota inall their various styles of finish and proportion. All orders wlli be executed with strict regard to durabili ty and beauty orflnlsb. Repairs will also be attended t oo the most reasonable terms. < Using inall thelr.work th reat Eastern Shafts, Poles, and Wheel stull, they ftel cont; dent that all who favor them with their patronage, will b perfectiy satisfied on tTial of their work. pore Lasers are requested to give os a call, before pnrebt • ring elsewhere, - ' ' • oetfi:ly J T D- »USSIOa t Ott BleeUlor CarrlMo Factory. JOHNSTON, BROTHER & COT, PRACTICAL COACII MAKERS, corner of Kabeeca and Belmont streets, AUr• Ehaoy city, R, hare an hand and are manufacturing s assortment of Carriages, BoeknwAye, Baggl™, Baggage Cara, do. made In all their T 'e»> « U J‘ durabllltyand beauty ualng In ell their work the beat Jonlala Iron and h } k^i r ' , . Jimlra attended to on the most reasonable terms. They h'l oonfldent that all who may favor ttem_ with their patrct, age. will be perfectly eatlefied on trial oftnelrryork, She Pittsburgh and Manchester OmnUntsesjtsseTeryfir t*en minutes during tbe day. ocw - ty _ PITTSBURGH COACH FACTORY. a.tir<2£i<m... haute* l. staviks otoaai Atßitr. Blcolow & Co.> nraa BUCUESSOB3 TOE.M. BIGELOW, No. 40 AflpjKßp IH&mond alley, near Wood street, Pittv- HBPv burgh—Coaches, Carriages, Pbeatonfl, 80/- iTrSr i rwW!,, gles, and every deec'iptlon of fancy vehicle ballt to order, and finished to a manner unenrpassea far beauty of design, elegance of finish, skill of workmanship, and durability of materials, M 9" Allworkwarranted. Robert u. Pattersons - - LIVERY AND SALE ' STABLE, ffSftT Corner Diamond street and Cherry alter. »pr!4:tf ■ PITTSBURGH, PA. IflA DOZ. LEMON SYRUP ; ' *vJvl-20“ assorted do In store and for Mis by jyl9 89 Wood it, opposite the Bt, Charles Hotel. • r » 1,- ?>.V ’ •. .... y/~ .i* VOLUME XIII. Joseph Fleming, fßffoctfSbn v> l: wncox * CO.) Cobner market Street and<dia&iond, keeps roosiantiv on baud a fUU assortment cfDrufee, Medl- 1 cines, Medicine Chests, Perfumery, and all articles pertain ing to his business. . 49“ Physicians’ Prescriptions carefully compounded jr all hours. r j«Oy _ johh ruMcja nmasa. Fleming *Brot bar*, fsvccasaons to.j.xvlp: a co.) ■ ... TTTHOCESALE DDQQIBTO, No. CO Jffood street, Pitts- YY burgh, Pa Proprietor or Dr, hFLane’s Celebrated Vermifuge, Liver Hits, AA. . ... JalQ I 6ccces3o& ro jsjtn a’atiTßr.l WHOLESALE AND RBTAIL DRUGGIST, and dealer in Paints, Oils, DyefituHa, Ao ~141 Wood street, three door» below Virgin alley, Plttabncgh* .. aptianAejy 'l AT HOLES ALE DEALER IN FOREIGN WINES, BRAN YV DIBVPIQABB, OLD MONONQAHBLA AND BTfi WuISRY, Ac., al*>r Rectifying Distiller, NclS Woodxtnvet, Pittsburgh, Pa K ! Wince, Brandies. Gins, Cordials, Jamalca:Eptrita,)BL Croix and New England RutH.ClaretsjChßmpalguee.acoteh Ale, London Brown Stout, Irish, .Scotch* Bourboa, Did Honongahela Bye- and-Reotifled Whlsky, Apple t .fbdch, Wild Cherry and Blackberry Brandlea; imported Havana, Regalia,and Principe Cigars; Half-Spanish and Common Cigars, all at such low prices as to challenge competition. Fancy BarKegewnd Labelled Bottlaq of erery. style, ind Demijohns of ail sixes, I respectfully Inrlte aUexamlna tion of my sftek, at No. S WOOD street, Flttstnugh, P«nnk. nprffiiy Jatnu JgelllßKtrf MONONGAHELA PLANING MlLL.—Would respectful ly inform hie Mends and the his now e> tabtishment la now In full operation, and that ha is pre pared to fnralih Boat Cabins, and fill all orders for Planed Lumber, with promptness, and gt tha lowest rates. Board and Plank, planed on one or’both sides, constantly on hand. Sash, Door?, and Mouldings of erery description, made to order. Builders and Carpenters wonld find It to their .ad vantage to give blmftciUl,ash*caxLfiQW famish,them with planed etuffauluble for every desctlptipu of "work. 1 _ ITM a, UEEROS.... CIUSW*U. HetronA Drliwell, BELL AND BRASS FOUNDaRS, and Manofociuren of *ll kinds of Bra?s Work, Locomoilye Steam Engine, Plumbers, Ac. Also, Cotton Batting Manufacturer*. Foundryoa Rebecca street, Allegheny city. Office and Store No; 12 Mirket street, Pittsburgh. 49* Old Brass and Copper taken In exchange for work, or rat»h pal 1. Orders left at the Foundry or Office, will be promptly attended to. fetO.ly . m. oiuvr aixs«Josx. j. aaArr. GrafT, Relalnser A Graff, WESTERN FOCNDRY, No. 134 Wood etmt, Pitts burgh, Pa. * UAALTiCTUC&fiM OV Cooking fitoTex Plain sad Faney Cratea, Coal and Wood fitor«?a, Plain and Fancj JPendfns Parlor Siorcs, Sodand I>?glron9, HollftwVaw, Portable Forgw, Sugar Eettlcf, TeaKettto, Store Kefttea, Wagon Coxe9« [mhis w,u. psain ” .aiasr t. edigwall, fimttb, aatr dfc Hunter, (lata Smith A Sinclair.) WHOLESALE QROCERB, PRODUCE AND COMMIS SION MEROiIANTB, sn4 Dealer* In all kind* of Illtebnrgh Manufactures, 122 Second and IGI First ftreot, Pittsburgh, Pa. -febS w. s. Haven. THE OLD PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, (late John ston A Stockton,) and Blank Book, and Stationery Warehouse, 1* prepared to execute erery ityle of Legal. Oxnsevciei.Ce&al and Steamboat Job Prinlinj and Book Lie**--trs 1 famish *»ery article In the Blank Book,Paper zad £ tes ierserj ties, at the shortest notice and on the most rterm*. BSenkfecrk and StatlcnfiZT Warehouse, Printing Office tad Soak Bindery, corner cf Starket and Second stß [nor Id Sorth-Weatern. Police Ace&oy, NO. 33 WASHINGTON STREET, earner of Dearborn, CHICAGO, ILLINOS. , Ai.Lirc pirxmTOs. taira sttxxtios to thi raAksicnox of a. ocoaAi DETECTIVE POLICE BUSINESS I.i th*> Btetes of Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana. mblOrdtf 'TtUE late firm or JONES A QtJIQG, baring been dlssolr- JL «~J by the death of Joba P. vlaigg, on the 27th Inst, the baeinezs of said firm Trill c« celUed by lha underrigned, at i!«ir offlar, corner of Ross and First streets. ISAAC JONES,Snrrlrisg Partner. PittcbaTfch, September SO, ISSl—{cct£.-y i, t'rttebargh- MANUFACTURER cf Spring and Blister Steel, plough Slab eteeL steel Plough Wings; Coach and EDptie Braes Nut Taper, half patent, grtswi Mall and i Ism in-rod Iron Axles,—corner of Boss aod First streets, I'ittsburgh, Pa oetSsly lUAC JO2ILS-.. D. b. Rogers A Co,, Manufacturers of Rogers* pat«*t improved steel Cultivator Teeth. Oflcecorner Boss andJirsifitrest. r-ctfcly Pittsburgh Bldtng Bchool. /2> ROBERT U. PATTKRSoN. Proprietor, corner Diamond street ocdClmrry slier. Tbeeutocrlbar i < JLL respectfully announces to the ladles and Gentle men of Pittsburgh, that h» has recently erected a BIDING SCHOOL, wbirh in point cisUe, commodlouso*** and adap tation, uodfolshiy excels any similar establishment In the I'nited States Its locution it accessible from all porta of :be city, white its high and airy rituatlon renders it espe cially suited to the promotion of health, by this most agree able exercise. The Horses are docile and well trained, and tr* proprietor pledgee himself that no paint or expense vrill U> spared to make tbU eeublluliment the Orel In rie rcoridsncv of the public oetffcfctf .J. i. Basset?, tliehard V, Uocklng." MANUFACTUHEft OF GILT, fiILYBB. BBABP, BRONZE, LuOKING-GLASR, PORTRAIT AND PfC rib FRAMES, Plain and Ornamented, No. 21 St Clair otrsi-t. All kind* of Composition Oruaments, for Steam- Ijcatt, Ac. All kinds of Gilding and Re gilding, to order. Cut Mouldings for Frames, wholesale and retail. VarnUh ) •’ Oil Paiuilogs, Engravings end LUhcgrophs, for bsl«. •S-ir'lmpaired or db&ced OQ Paintings restored In the manner. All i.%hinent may ire cleaned without injury, with soap and iTC tr r. C>«M and Mr. No. 21 Bt. Clair PUtaburgh- (oih2d tf Y TENETIAN BLIND MANUFACTURER, has tecorered y his health so as to resume bis old business, and has opened hi i BUND MANUFACTORY, st No. 06 Fifth street, n. ar the Post ofEce, between Wood and Bmlthhnld, a here ite has an assortment of BLINDS, trimmed with plain and fic;y worsted and r}Lk trimmings, and is prepanxl to till any order in his line, on the most rctmnable terms. His U warranted to give satisfaction or monryrefnnded. Blinds refijdred. View* give hlru a call, as La can't l« beat in work* mt.nthip mv7ly I HATE sold my Inter set in the business os Long, Miller <s Co., to B. A Long, who, with John Phillips, will con ut au at tbe old stand, No. 109 Front street. 1 cordially re* the new firm to the patrons#* of my friends, ntlHhnrgh, July 29, 3HA4. 1\ H. MILLHR. t)ELL AND BRASS FOUNDERS, AND GAS FITTERS, ) invito attention to their stock of Cbondeliers, Brmrk fcis, Pemimta end other Oxturea. We fit up houaes with </•« and Bteam, make Brass Costings of all kinds to order, furr l»h Reilroal Pumps and Tank Titvings, and keep AnU- AttrUlon Metal conatantly on hand J'lH WOTlCfai. BAtY’B BTOOKING MANUFACTORY. .Vo. 20 Fifth street, first comer oboe* Marbet street, PITTSBURGH, PA, WHERE will be found the largest and best assorted stock of HOSIERY' ever offered for sale in this city. Purchasers will find it to tlielr advantage to fall at this establishment and examine for themselves; it is all I neeJ to Insure their custom. 0. DALY. N. B —Remember the Caiir StocxißQ Coasts* febl;y O. D. r l ’HEsubscriber havingtheexclusive right J tare Ana ««U BWEEN£Y'B HOT AJB AND SMOKE CONSUMING FURNACE, isprepared to receive orders, end contract for heating buildings with the most economical Furnace now in use. The attention of those interested Is rr.llcited. Any Information can be had of A.BRADLBY, N< .h. 2 and 4 Wood street, or of J. BARNDOLLAB, dec2htf| Iron City Stove Warehouse No. 134 Wood at. J'ttfS S.LEDUI. fcedlte A tJlam. M(SuoceBsors to Mulvany A Ledlle.) ANUPAOTUREBSof Cut, Moulded and Plain, Flint and Fancy Colored GLABBWARB, and dealer* in all kiods of WindowGlaasFlafiii, Vial* and Bottles. /Ware house comer of Mat get and Water streets, Pittsburgh: ' mb&dly P IHM3EN, Manufacturer of every, varistyof YUla, \j m Bottles «nd Window Glass, Black Porter, Wine and Claret BoUUb; DemijohnsaudCarboys;.also,. Flint Glees in every variety. Warehouse, Noa. KM Becond, and 133 Fin* street, Pittsburgh, Pa. . . mh3B Dealer in Kentucky leaf tobaooo, bags AND PAPER, No. 149 Wood street, below 81xth,Pitts burgh. Pa. <fiEy*The highest maihet price, In CASH .paid for RAG 9. ap&bly* j;bh atwiu a. J. LSI ..~02A3. ATWBA. Atwell, Lee & Co*,. WHOLESALE grocers, Produce ' and Commiodon Merchants, and Dealers In Pittsburgh Manufactures, No. S Wood street, between Water arid Irtmt streets, Pitt* burgh. aplB. Dissolution of Co«PartntrihlD« T H ,S Q ?° n P . A H^5f mP - *>«*<>*£* existing oetweep X JOSHUA RHODES and PHILIP RHYMER, In the Wholesale Fruit and Confectionary Business, ia this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business of the firm wiu be settled up by Joshua Rhodes, who is author’ied to re ceipt for ell debts duo said firm. JOSHUA RHODES March 27 th, 1856. PHILIP; REYfitEB. PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. A**Tfc* undersigned have this day formed, a Partner ship, the name, firm and style of RBYMHR A AN* DERBON.forthe transaction of the Wholesale Fruit anid Confectionary.bupinexs. No. 09 Wood street HHTLIP REYMBR. ROBT. J. ANDERSON - Pittsburgh, March 27th, 1535, ,65** In reUrlogfrcmtheConfectionary I cheer folly recommend Hessr&Beymer A Anderson tom? friends and customers JOSHUA&HODES. Flttsbargh/Marcb 27th, 1865. ' ops 1 Removal, rr PRINOER W have removed to No. O 296 liberty streets : -• srantott vofcarta. Springer H»rlWj|g m P°*» C- (Saooewotu Jte aKSSSHl tl v« e rt,^«^w» a OMMISBION AXD Dealers toWOol street, Pittsburgh, PSu • - -• 7—- PUBLISHED DAILY, BT QIDLMORB & MONTGOMERY, AT THE “POST BUILDINGS,” CORNER OF FIFTH AND WOOD. STHEETB; AT $5,00 PER ANNUM, OR $6,00 WHEN PAID.STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. BUSINESS CARDS. John Haft, Jr., Ri Li' Allen, •W. W. kIUB, .O. £. SOM S 3 9. Pinkerton * Co. Notice, laaeo Jonai, J. WHITE, (A, A« Long A Co.) Coniuine the smoke. Removal* I. W. Chadwloki MISCELLANEOUS. JAHEBWrWOODVVELb, CABINET FURNITURE MANUFACTURER Ware-roomi 97 and 99 Third street. J. W. W. respectfully wuMSjßttjfip hlff friends and customers that h«u4_ stock Kp& i<l - • ■bf-Purniture, .which fs decidedly * tbeiafgtstahd beitwiftfr offered for tale !n this City,-which will be eold'at prfoeo as low as any In the United States, East-or West. ' Ae he la determined to uphold the quality with well sea soned materials, best workmanship, and newest designs; and ftom the extent of his orders and facility In manufacturing, he Is enabled to produce warranted furniture, at the lowest -prioee. _ - He has adopted the principle of Identifying his customers’ Interest with his. own, in quality and price, and keeps al* way# onfaand the greatest variety of every description of furniture, from the cheapest and plainest, to the most ele* gant and costly, that a house, or any part of one, may be nrndshed from his'stook, qr manufactured expressly to or der. Zha fatiowitaE: articles nonaish in: part, of his stock, which far richness of style and finish, cannot he surpassed lu.NJy of the Eastern, dtlai: umls 21Y tetfrartete Sofae; bO-Bafian tn plush and haircloth,• 60do&Mahogany Chair*;' SO doi. Walnut u 60 Mahogany Seeking “ Sfr Walnut “ “ 00 Mahogany Divans; SO Walnut u 60 Marble Top Centre Tables: 40 “ •* Dressing Bureaus SO 41 “ Waahstaoda;j •10 Enclosed “ 100 Oommoa •*. SO Plain Drooling Bureaus; 49Mabogany Dedsteads: SO Walnut “ COCottage 11 .. _ 800 Oberry aud Poplar Dedriaad* SO Mahogany Wardrobepj 10 Walnut « 10 Cherry 41 60 Plain Bureaus} • TO Dining and Breakfast Table* IS Secretary and Bookcases; 80 dot Cane Seat Chain; 21 Cane Beet Rocking Chairs; 12 Ladles’Writing Desks; Hat and Towel Stands; What-Not*; Btignlxea; Paper Mache Tables; L Conversation. Chaira; - Pembroke 4 ‘ I .BUxabetbaa 44 Hall and Tier *' Beoeption M Ladlee’ Work 44 pearl Inlaid 11 Extension Dining Tables; .Arm . “ Ottomans; Gothic and HallGbalri; h large aeaortment of COMMOU, tPUENTCUEB and WINDSOR CUAIEB. Cikutn Mnaas supplied with all ar ticle* In their line. STEAMBOATS, and HOTELS, furnished at the shortest notice. All orders promptly attended to, 9«w Arrival o t Sorias and Summer Dry Good*. AT No. GO N. W. SIDE OF WOOD STREET. TV GREGG & COlmporter* and jobbers !o British, French end German DRV GOODS. Having retir ed our large and extensive stock of spring and summer goods, nurenasod ftom Importers, manufacturers, and part through our own Importation, wo feel safe in assuring oar old customers,country-merchants and city dealers general ly, that oving to these acquired facilities in purSiafdcg, we can offer such inducements to buyers as are rarely met with in the trade. j. a. acarxn. Among our dry goods stock wiU be found cash nereis de laines. Portsmouth lawns of the most desirable designs, mohair lustres, alpacas,plain black and fancy figured silk*, ginghams and fancy prints, latest styles; broodcloths,faocy Testings, caasimerea, satinets, tweeds and summer p&ata looning; brown and black muslins, table diapers. We bare also opened a very large assortment of bonnets, newest styles, palm leaf hats, Rutland braid and Leghorn, tnd an extensive variety of hosiery, gloves and ribbons; with laee goods, fancy nettings, Joeonetts, mull and figured Bwiasmuslnia and black silk veils, Ac. Our variety atoek embraces In part combs, buttons, per cussion cape, thread*, port monales, patent medicines, per fumery, and almost every article usually kept In the va riety line, together with ft large stock of gold and silver watenea, watch materials, glasses, gold and gilt Jewelry of newest patterns, and a great variety of GO hour uod S day clocks, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices for cash or satUtnetory reference. N. B.—An early call from buyers is rwpectfully colkltod. J?b» I>. GREGG A CO. VAN GORDtR'S THIOmSG STOIIK, No, 83 Maassr Bt., Cobxeh or Duscrrr*. JCBT RECEIVING, a. large tod well selected stock of all the new styles or LADIES’ DRESS AND MANTILLA TRIMMINGS; Fringes, Button*, Galloooa, Qixap<S Brnida, Velvets, laC4», Cords, Ribbons. A handsome aMortoent of French, Blotch tod Austrihu EMBROIDIiRIEy, In Bwiss, Jaconet and Lsc*. Collars, Edgtngs, Handkerchief, filaoves, Icaertlnjß, infMnts Robe*, Cbcaiwtta, Banda, Cap* A Wei-t->. A foil supply of MOURNING GOODS: Crapo setts, Collars, Love and Goars Veils, Plain Linen Gunra end Dotted Fall?, Plain flwiii do. Ohexalxettcs, Italian end Enz'h Cn.r«- MATERIALS FOR EMBKOIDfiRLNQ—-Stamped Collars, Banda and Inserting): French Working Cotton, Hoops, Linen and Ootion Floas, Oil Clotb, Embroidering BUk, Stilletos and Scbfora. Mantoa, fiaUn and Bonnet Ribbon*. A large assortment of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING G<X)l>S—SMrts, Co liars, Crurat-"', Ties, Handkarcbief*, Ac. i’lns, Needles, Battens Tape?, sod every thing in small wart*s generally. 43* Bajoc*b fisir Km Glcycj. (a white, Mack and colors. Sizes from No, 6 to No. 10, always on fitcuU Also—A good stock of HOSIERY sod GLOVE9—very <se»P. mhu B. XOQC&B. Bala of Public Property, IN accordance with instructir-ns from tb* War Depart parioent, the SNAG BOATS BELL, SEVIER and TER ROR, (No. S, No. 4, and No. GJ together with their equip menta, tackle. A« , wiil ho sold to the blithest blider, *t the points ana dales following, to witi At Napoleon, ArYanfca, on SatarJay. the 30th day < f J une. between the hours of lu A, M , and * F. M., lb- *01)11 twin Snog Boat TERROR, together with h»r'••jaipmentn, Ac., in lots or parcel*, to be designated In [Tinted hand-bills prepared for the occasion. At Bt. Louis, near the Marine Railway, on-Saturday, tbe •lh day of July next, between the hours of lu A. M., and 2 P. M-,th» two large twin Boats BELL and SKVIEU, together with tbelr equipments. Ac., in lots or p*r-rii for each boat, to be designated as before in liaod-bUis. The Items to be sold will be classed tinder the P>)l"wiiig general head for each of the boats, via ; Ist—Hulls, cabins and upper work*. til—Double engines and bwlera, complete. Sd—Equipments, Including large purchase fhains, an chon, chain cables, cordage, tackle, yawls, tools, Ac. - 4 th—Cooking apparatus and other furniture. Thrbcats are Bcarwly two years old, round and substan tially built,and well adapted for use aaOotton Boats, Hiring Ball Boata, Floating Mills, Wharf Boat*, Ac , Ac. Their engines arc constructed In the eClclent man aor, and are In good condition. The Bell and fierier are large twin Snag Boats, about 160 feet long, 22 feat beam (ox each hull.esolutire of thrir snag rooms and wheel bouses.and 12 feat between the bulla. The Terror is about 133 feet long, 18 feet beam for each hull, and 10 feet between the hulls. TERMS OF BALB—The Bell and Terser will be sold for wb. parable oq.the days of thalc sole. The terms or ?ale for the fierier will be made known on the day of laic. In aU cases the privilege of dismantling tp«>oa» of all articles sold in different individuals will be reserved for a reasonable time In favor of thrpdrcba'erflof said articles. Individuals and Companies wishing to purchase are de sired to examine the premises and judge of their t&’ue. B. H. LONG, L’t 001. T. £., Butft W. R. tihp’u. 6t. Louis, June7th,'l666. Jsll&tawt* pauxisu. JOSBPU nOGEIDUfi, AND FORWARDING Min QUANT, Ho. 88 Ooinfßtsut, JULov Pina finair. 61a Loots* Bio** aalOonunisaiona will mnt with prompt \j and poraoaal attaodon, and liberal adnmota will b«, giTßn vbtxi raqulrtd, on Oonalgomentu c; Bills of Lading, InAand. • Eempiad other Produce, will be promptly filled at the lowest dierke t prleea. Xheßaeelying, (mdAotwerdlng of Mrr«&andiae end p»- duorwUltaeetyrtth'Mptclaloatt and dispatch;' the lowest rotaeof VfHght will always be procured,and the expanse of Storage and Droyegeaxmoch.il pcsaihle avoided, umiscir. PageAßaoon, Bt.Looli; Ellis A Morton, Cincinnati Char leas, Blow A 00., db; Strader A Gorman, do; Chouteau A Valle, do; Hossa 4 Prater, do; Doan .King A Ccl, do; Springer A Whiteman, do; J.W.BuilerAßro.»Plttabh;’ K.O.Gooodman A Co- da; D.LeechAOo., do; B. AC. Yarnnll AOo.,PhUad»j Wta.Holoea4Qo., do; Morgan, J.M.BuokAMorgam Blow* March. New York. B.B.Comegys, do; VrostAVomet, do; Shloldsd MilUr* do; CharlesA.Melgs, do; JosithLeo AOo., Baltimore. A Co., Boston; Abraham Jn Cole, . do Howard,Son4Co., do; W.B.Beyaolda, Louisville H.D. Newcomb A Bro- do; X. 0. *•©?*» ocmab4o9 Merchants* New Orleans. Cgkl have an open Policy of Insurance, which will cover all shipments to my address. when advised by letter per mall,or whdh endorsed on blUs of lading before, or at the time of shipment. JOSEPH MOO RIME, , iugfl. Bt. Louis. Missouri. .jcasra j. cua. William A. Hill A Co.. BAN KERB, Ifo» 64 Wood ttrett, PiUtburgb. HOLD on sale the following BONDS AND STOCKS'*— 40 shares Exchange Bant; 17 do Monongahola Narigatlon Company; SO do Qtlkehs* Insnnmos Company; 8000 Uonoonhela IfoYlgation Company Bonds: OODOitynf Pittsburghßohds; 000 Oocnty of Ailoghferiy: Bondar ? • -frtpSailwAwtf £Zcs£c??: w °F’ m .. <3000*83003 TO A Oo.) SOVK&THRIB OFFICE to Ho. *6 FOURTH > doors east of their old stand, where they the BANKING, EXCHANGE, and COM K BBOfcKR BUSINESS in ftlllts branchos, as heretofore. Wahtuh-Twenty*five Shares Mechanics’ Bank Stock Jyia WILKINS A CO. 0." Hi WIUQHS... 10PSWXQ. Wlikini ft Co., (Successors to A. Wilkins <1 Oo.) BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, 4VO.' 71 Ovrth itrut, PitUhwgh. IN TRB.atthwrous Suspensions oT Babka and Bankers throughput the country daring the last six months, wo .ore satisfied that almost every instance their troubles . haro gfpWß putof A departure froja.'thelr legitimate busi ness; wA'thare&re, take occasion to assure the public In adrttba, that ho «t>ecalationsTh “fancy stocks,” or other “outside shall tempt U 9 from the strict and b gitimate Une of oor business—belleTlng that in avoiding all such investments we shall, not only be better, able to serve our customers and ensure their safety, bat that In adopting such a coarse we shall promote our own ultimate , benefit, [febSJ w. * CO LAND WARRANTS \KTXHTSn »» 40, *W «JRB WARRANTS, by; ~ ACSTia Loonu, '*■" P* mUt *° w,rr.nt«. Stock,. *O.. M: FonMb p ‘t»nt 1 -»Bpe»<ly ani complete £*?£?’ *” E “.^?LS'fro«; ®t firirSDhS£ P in“ ~ UT*fcw*t«] JAM*! WAEDROP. ~ '•*< V s - :'2 ■ , , -' ' v * »J 0 ; . *• ,* •" ' r .. ii~< r r r . •»V i ■ '»> > * r.. W «.v. J. '■! -I PITTSBURGH. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1855. -• ‘■. +* •*) ’ - ,- ’V P u , • , * -• .• , r *» ’• ■ ' ,■<*„• ■y-f.'i r . .\.SV MISCELLANEOUS. WU. A. nraafiw CmSVtSEL. HEREON A CBIBWEIt, BELL AND BRASS FOUNDERS, Manufacturers of ail £indo of braes work, LO COMOTIVE, BTKA&I ENGINE, PLUMBERS, Ac. Al so, Oottoaßatting Manufacturers. Foundry on BebecCa street, Allegheny City. Offloe and Store, No. 12 Market street, Plttflbnrgh. OLD BRASS and COPPER taken in exchange for work, or cash paid. Orders left at the Foundry or Office, will be promptly attended.to. . lebfrly JOSEPH T. l-UWaY, So. 43 Corner of Fifth, and Wood StreeU, Office up staira. Entrance from Fifth Btreet. Pittsburgh, RESPECTFULLY announce to tne public that ho bar commenced the REAL ESTATE AGENCY, in Connec tion with Intelligence and General Collecting. Ha will also attend to renting. Persona in want of servants,la any capacity, or those In want of places, will be supplied it short notice. All business entrusted to his care promptly at tended to. lUfermca- T. J. Bigham, Richard Cowan, Eeq., W. 0. Leslie, Dr. Alex. Black, James Mackerel, A. A. Macon, Maffit A Old. ... JaalS Sehuehmau A Haanieln, LITHOGRAPHERS—IThird 1 Third street, opposite the Poet-office, Pittsburgh. Mapflj'.Landscapea^Bill Heads, Show Bills. Labwia, Architectural and Machine Drawings, Business end Visiting Card*, etc., Rngroved or Drawn on Stone, Printed In Colors, Oold,Bronxe,or Black,in tho.most approved style, end at the most reasonable prices. octlfcly BELVIDERE RESTAURAHT, WOOD STREET, BET. WATER AND FIRST STREETS. TB B Undenigned has just provided a choice stock of LIQUORS, and Is ready at ail times to serve his friends with the beet of the season, in tho way of edibles. Irish Whisky Punches may be bod at the BuVinX&x. i*nlUy JOHN BAY AGE, Proprietor, Alexander Hays. CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Fifth street, op posite the Court House, Pittsburgh, Poona.—has per manently located, and will punctually attehd to &U busiueaa entrusted to his charge. BEFtaXSCSS: Hon. W. F. Johnston, President Allegheny Valley E. E. W. Miluor Roberta, Chief Engineer “ »• “ Qeo. !L Efchbaum, Associate Kur. * “ Mitchell, Chief Engineer PlttaVh and Steub. R. E. Jameo Thompson, Superintendent City <Jus Work.*.. James K. Day, Ctrl] Engineer. Allegheny City. fep7:2w* fiiottcc* rpEK Partnership of JOHN M’DKVITT A BKO. iraadis* X solved on the first Inth ■ John M'Devltt will oohtinae the business at tb* oldstand, and attend to tb» settlement of fbe business of the latfi flftn. JOHN M'DKYITT, „ WILLIAM M’DKYITT. Pittohurgh, January Bd. lSsk—tjanl flew Trimming Store, ffo. 83 Cbroer of AlarJfcrt ttrcct and tAe Diamond. FRANK VAN GORDER 'rCsp<>cful]y announces to.the public of Pittsburgh anti Trinity, that bo wtllcpsn bln oew Trimming Store on Monday, April 17tb. Having fitted up (he neatest store room in the city, and filled ft with a choice selection of the latest stylos of and fan* oy Goods, he Hatters himself that he will offtjr superior in ducements and endeavor to give full satisfaction to all Pho may favor him with their patronage. Now, don’t forget the place—No. 83 Mtfrtet street, eorceT Diamond. (wptlS] FRANK VAN QORDKR. BfIGLISU AND CLASSICAL SUHITsAUV'. W. MCDONALD, M. A>, Pm^Ctraiv nest Mfpion of lha Institution .will commence on MONDAY,the&tb of September nest, at the room cor ner of farrv and Liberty dtroete, lately oocnpied by the Meee»r*. Teener. Seferaua—llan. A. W. Loomis,o. Knap, Jr., 8. F. Von onhoret. K. Miller. Jr. aug'-E Agmoy for Soldiere* Ciatins, LOCATIuN OF LANDS.—PUROUABB AND SALE Of LAND WARRANTS.—Iha undersigned has made ar- with comofeteut and reKponaltile gentlewjn to obtain Oerdficatsa or Warrants for Boldieca, their widows or minor children, who are entitled to Bounty Lands; also for the Location of Loads, and the Purchiu«e and Sale of Land Warrants. JOHN D. DAVIS, tnhU.tf Corner of Wood and Fifth streets. Katr Paper llangtagA NO. 8& WOOD STREET. T/.INB FRENCH AND AMERICAN PARLOR PAPERS; JC Panel D«oralioas # in gold, oak and marble j Ilall Papers, of various styles ; Fig‘U and Plain Papers, for dining rooms and chamber?; Cheap and low priced Wall Papers; Borders, Celling, Figures, Window Shade*. A large Mid complete assortment of lUe above, selected for the wesson, will be sold at the usual low price*, WALTER P MARSHALL. A. J.iiaoaa.— aai_ JB. HAGAN A AIIL, WHOLESALE and Retail D< *re iu Ailfcj, Tlcncy dr.d Stajie DHY GOODS, Nos 91 Market and 8 Union ilroet, Pittsburgh. apr-l E. WillTEKOlliK;, f'A.NCV SILK AND WOOLEN DYER AND CLEANER, No. 7 ISABELLA near the Emmet Jsafcrtj > mnrl ALLTJnnr. ' Li E< Hayward, D BALER io BOOTS, BHOEI4, THUN K 9 nd LEGHORN ao*i BRAID U ATS, corner of MnrfeetfitcJ liberty iXb., No- IT4. BitUburgh, Pa. j*»U: y Jons niToiiKLL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DKCGGIST, So. 135 W.ood Stricti j*3yJi N>xt door to Il.ChJWs' Bhcr» Hous<\ Plf£borsh WM. A. M’CLUKG, DEALER IN Pino Teas, Choice Family Groceries and Willor: Ware CORNER OF WOOD AND SIJTU STS., prrrar.uKau, vx. 18 now rereivinga larre assortment of FBBBU 000D3, la addition to bin already estemdre stock, ■■puxohafri from first hands in theKasieraanri.ete, e-hich, will be uoij at the l<\K TBt market prices. &tr Holds, Steamboats, and famllias, buying ly the ;utujUty, supplied at wholesale ratwa. Goods dellvyreJ In the city rr« of charge SUamboaUi Aboy I Tu* subscribers tnndsr their acknow-esa [dssWjs&ledgmenisfortiie favors bestowed cwawL raWMMMMthem by their strata bont friend*, and rvV would r»«p«ctfally remind them and others Interest-* “ * ed in building boats, that they are at all Umes prepared to furnish, on the most reasonable terms, every description (.1 Cabin Furniture and Cbalraof the b**st material und work- T. B. YOUNG A CO.. Corner Third and BnilthBe!d streets, opposite “ Brown’s lintel.** Instructions InMustc. ~ raaruhlp. jjia, MR WAMELLNK would respectfully Inform hie pupils an i friends that he will continue hia prol*«slou a* Instructor < n the PIANO FORTH and VOICE. Orders lelt <> t Mr. KLKBKR’ti Uunic Store, or at hla reri-. deuce, No. 187 aECOND Street, will be promptly nltenJad to. ous Great Redaction | N CHOICE BUMMER GOODS, at 1 HAGAN A AML’S, ©I MARKET STREET. We will mark down on Monday, June 4th. cur entire stock of erarcnablo Dr; Goods, at a largo discount from former prices. We name, la pan, Bcragus and Tieaucn, Grenadines, Crapo do Kapagnt*, Bummer bilks, Lawnaof all klndfl. Embroideries, Hosiery, Gloves and Mitts, Lace Man* tlilu, Cballi Beragcs, Madonna Cloth*', Ac.—with a fall and complete assortment of Housekeeping Goods. my&i For Rent, A FARM CONTAINING 63 ACRES Off LAND, under a high r-tate of cultivation, with a large and convenient DWELLING HOUSE, recently built and of modern fitVlej ftood Bam, Stabling, Ac., situated on the couth bunk or the ilonongahola river, ti miles above Pitta* urgh, bulng coo r-f ihe tnoft beautiful and pleasant locall* ica anywhere to bo found. Fcascssion given on or jerbret o* Ist of April next. Enquire of H. CHILDS A CO., 133 wood street. Paul 4b Murdock, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MEBCHANS, AND STEAMBOAT AGENTB No. 7 Water street, Cincinnati, Ohio. japktf I. W. Chadwick. DEALER IN BAGS AND PAPER, No. 149 Wood street, Pittsburgh. The highest price iu cash paid for rags. . myllqr Writing Claeses— DuD'a College. TUB and Ladies’ Day and Evening Writing. Qlaeans will continue open daring the summer under Mr. J. D. Williams, whoso various styles of Gentlemen and Ladies' Writing are so universally admired. No specimens of Penmanship ore exhibited at “the door buttliose executed by the Teacher in the Institution. The Principal claims no 44 monopoly" nor 44 patent" t ir hie business, nor did he get bis Institution chartered to sell out, aa has been repeatedly done In this city. Oemlemen and Ladies' Visiting Cards written in Mr. Williams’ unequalled style. All kinds of Ornamental Pen manwhtp eseoutod to order. my24;iUw MOURNING GOODS. FRANK VAN GORDERhaa just received a largeond beautiful aesortmeut of Mourning Qollara, bloeris and Butts In Crape, Tarleton and Swiss, black lace and gause Veils, black Hosiery and Gloves, In wool, cotton tndsHfc; Ribbons, Belts,-and CrSpes, in alt quanta. Alexander A Bajou’s best Kid Glows can always bt* (bund at No. S 3 MARKET STREET, corner of the Dia mond. novlT HEW DBY GOODS STOKE, Iron Front—No. 91 Market street. OUR house being nowopenfbrthetrensactlouofa iwnor al Dry Goods business, we would respectfully eoUelttha patronage of the public, fooling confident that, from ou*ax. tensive and well selected stock of SILKS, FANCY A\’n STAPLE GOODS, we can offer such inducements as*wiU in sure entire satisfaction. HAGAN A AIIL tpr4:tf Nos. 91 Market and 8 Union street. OQKSI BOOKS 1 BOOKBI—Miwfai-A Co7a‘ Mo »■> Emlthfleld fltrcbt, is the. place to purchase books for summer reading. The most eompleto and varied' assortment of books in tho city can be found on our shelves. Persons leaving forth, country will flud It to their advantage to call on u& aa w« always make a deduction when .selling a number at a dm. to one peroon." ' Doeetfokrf Great Book, containing all hie letters c-m plots In one volume, Illustrated—sl. Fourth supply The Old Form House; by Mrs. Caroline U.Butler Laiug The Wiuklea, or the Merry Monomaniacs: by the author of Wild Western Sconce. Bicter Bow; by Charles Dickens— cents Mother and Btop*Hother; by Charles Dickens—l2U ctf>. Call in anil look over ©hr counter# and Bhelvea, and aetul for whatever you want in the book Una to . U. MtNKR A CO.,_ ° No- 32 Smlthfleld street. VNKg, PLANKS. pT.Vmvu PLANES, PLANKS.— IligbJy Important to Cabinet ptfa&era, Carpenters, and Worker* 4 In Hard wood, Ivory and Veneers— W. 0. HOPPER’S TORIVAIUfc VENEER. H4RDWOOB AND IVORY PLANESi Tba above Places cannot be excelled In planing b&ni wood and veneers. Tr.e attention of mechanics Is respect fully solicited. For sale at SOWN A TKTI.KY'B, « je23 ISB Wood street. Y Fixu dress goods.— a. a. mason a co.Aav# ju«t received another splendid lot of Dress Goods, oomp4* sing rich Plaid, Strinea and Figured Beragea, Thanes, Or gandies, Aa., wrtta some elegant styles of Floonoed Bs* rmf* Robes. f«psl tl VXFZS ST. - - ? V* *• V'. 3c 1 _ , ~„.1 { . 1 \ -,.. \ \ DR. HENDERSON, QGCLiST AND AIIRIST, &uca au. DiaiAsca o» to* ns lsd cab without curmo, Liscliiaa, auaT*au<Q, ob the uax of calouxi. . OFFICE 469 BROADWAY, COR. GRAND ST* NEW YORK. Hours from 9 A. M. to 4 P.M. KOUQH, GRANULATED LIDS, Inflammation, Acuteor > Chronic Blindness with. Films, Iritis, Amaurosis and Cataract Scrofulous, Weeping or Watery Eyes, are among the diseases of the eya which era treated by Dr.Q. with perfect satisfaction. . All diseases of the Ear treated upon scientific principle?. Artificial Byes inserted without an operation. ietterspost-pnld will secure-prompt attention.'' We select the following references from among-the thou*- sands of cases which hare been successfully treated by Dr. . . ; ■ r .Wm. J. Fryer; Broadway, Albany, N. Y. •Alfred Soulhwick, Printer, “ “ tJ. Goodspeed, Glens Falls, N. Y. • Wm. W. SmUb-Detroli, Mich. •- *Mra. A. M; L. Wilson, New York City, N. Y. fMlsa Mary Bellows, N. E. Btatlon, Duchess co.. N- Y. •Edward G. Solger, Bristol, Conn. •John Batmen. Engineer, ff. Y. David JLlttle, Kngineer.N, Y. Giles, office Courier and Rue., N. Y. •-v.tJam£3.W.Sliby,lSTnoklynVl*.lr Jarris-Rodgers, > “ « A; U, Reever, Telegraph Operator, &L Nicholas Hotel. Lj: R. 41, Ferries, Organ Builder, Houston fit* vjß,B<l>9oUttle,M.D* HudsbUjN.Y.r'. s TMrs. Knickerbocker, Yonkers, N. Y. M. P. Colllutf, Teacher Penmanship, Troy, N. Y. B. L. Ross, Albany, N. Y. : A. DiHeobacb, Schenectady, N. Y. . Oapt* B. U. Ilavilaad, Athens, N. Y: John W. liackett, Blnghampton, K. Y. •These patients were blind, and had to be led to the office, At the expiration of two weeks they could goaboui the city at pleaeure. *lhesa cases of Amaurosis were restored to eight after they were given up as incurable by the Realty, and *pn be referred to by any person who wishes to learn the facts in these cases,-by writing to them. j»n6 Pltubnrgh Dollar Savings Institution, - ATo. C 8 Fourth street, NEXT DOOR TO TBB PiTTSiIUBQH BANK, IB NOW OPEN dally from 9 to 2 o'clock ; also, on Wed nesday and Baturday evenings, from 7 to 9 o’clock. Deposits received of all sums not less than One Dollar, and a dlvUend Of the profits declared twice a year, in June and December. The Trustees, for the purpose of furthering the benevolentotyocteof the InsUtutioD.hsre entered into a guarantee bond, 'thereby giving additional security to depositors." • 1 *r •, Books containing the'Gharter, By-Lawa, Buies and Regu lations, furnished gratis, on application at the office. J*efu*nf-GISORGE ALBBEE. VIC* PMSIDESTS *. Hopewell Hopburn, John IL Bhcenberzer, George R. White, Charles KhSpp, WlUiam S. Johnston, N. Grattan Murphy, James W. Hallman, Theobald Umbstaetter, Alexander BradJrv, Isaao M. Pennock, William Phillips, William J. Anderson. TBrBTBKS: John G. Backofen, James Herdm&n, Hill Burgwia, John M. Kirkpatrick Albert Culbertson, John D. M’Oord, Robert Chester, Robert Morrow, J. Gardiner Coffin, Walter 11.I 1 . Marshal), Alonzo A. Carrier, A. 51. Bollock, J ohn B. Coegrave, Henry L. Ringwalt, Charles A. Colton, Robert Bobb, E. G. fttriogtea, George R. Riddle, Francis Felix. James Rhoads, George F. Giumore, James Bhidle, James 8. Uoch, George 8. Belden, William 8. Haven, Alexander Tlndle. Secretary and Treasurer —CHAßLES A. CuLTON Jylfcdly FARMKKS' AND fUKCHAMICS’ LIFE, FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Company, OF FUILiJJBLPUIA. Capital.: $300,000 Amount aecorelyinvested.. ..9200,000 COMPANY cfleets Jins Insurance on Buildings, JL Goods, Fnrnl are, dc. Marino Insurance oh Vessels, Cargo and Freight. Inland Insurance on Goods, by River?, Lakes, Canals, Railroads, and Land Carriage generally. Also, Insurance upon lives, upon the most favorable tonne. Uoq. Thornes B. Fioruuce, Jamea E. Ne&ll, George U. Armstrong:,. : Cfaarlee Diogec, RA P. JHddletoo, * K. R. Heimbold, George Hclmboll, Fred. C. Brewster, Thomas Manderhsld. lease Le/ch. THOMAS B. FLORENCE, Presidan:. Ebwaen TL HiutfiotD, Secretary. PITTSBURGH REFERENCES. Iloa. T. ML Howe, lion. J. K. JPCllntock, Hdu. P.o.Shtranoa, Col. 3.W. Biask, Hon. J. B. Guthrie, A. B M’C&lmoat, Esq., Tfconuts J. Keenan, E?q, Wllrcn M*Cand!ess, Esq., Cd. J. Ue on Fester, Goa. J. K. MoroheaiL K. M. Riddle, The character of the above Company is of the first cla«», and combines the ram and unusual privileges of Fire, Ma rine and Life Lneurance. Gentlemen of elevated standing are associated In k* management, and interested as Stockholders. THOMAS J. HUNTER, Agent, jy27 Pt. Charles Building, No. 108 Third »t. PITTSBVKUII AND COMNKLLSVILLE RAILROAD OPEN FROM WEST NEWTON, Westmoreland County, to DAWSON'S STATION, opposite East Liberty, Fey e'U- County, 62 miUs from Pittsburgh. On and after the Lit of Angujt, the Trains of the Pitts burgh and Coanalbiville Railroad will be run between the above point?, dally, (except Sundays,) until further nolle**, as fbllowa: Fir*t Train will leave Dawsou'a Station at half past 0 o’clock A. M., ana reach West Newton at 785: connecting there with the fast steamer ‘’Clara F,sber, n and reach Pittsburgh at noon. Second Train leaves Dawson’s at 12 o’clock, noon; arrir inn st West Newton &; 1.26 P. SI. First Train will leave West Newton at 8 o'clock A. M arriving at Dawson’e at b 06 A. M. &<ond Train will leave West Newton at 6.i5 p. M., and reach Dawson’s at 7.26 P. M. STAGES will connect with the Trains at Dawson's for Gonnellavllloand Uniontown. The steamer CLARA FISHER will leave Pittsburgh ev ery evening, (except Sunday?,) at half-past 4 o’clock, pre cisely, to connact with the Trains as above. F HEIU fIT will be transported each way dsily. For rates apply to D. W. CALDWELL, Ksq , Assistant Superintend ent, West Newton, or to W. THOMRJON, Freight Agent, on board the steamer Clara Fisher, at her wharfLabovo the Monongabola Bridge. OLIVER W. BAKNES, jyhl President and Superintendent. SEMI ANNUAL DIVIDEND, 8 PER CENT., J ULY I, 18j6. .’ETNA IJfHURANCE COMPANY, OE HARTFORD, CONN. Chartered Oath Allots, July 1, 1855,••5835,630 *3, (IUNTINUE lo make Insurance on all ceacrlptions of ./• property at equitable rates. This Company have maintained a position for honorable dealing for 30 yearn,- and la unsurpassed fur responsibility and punctuality by any other similar Institution In the United States. Semi annual statement of the condition of this Company on file In this office, for tho examination of the public U. B. TKN-KYCK, Agent. Offirx, North-west corner Fifth and Wood street*. Pitts burgh. _ jriU R. Jl» Lemon A Co,’i Way Line, BETWEEN PITTSBURGH AND COLUMBIA. , THE undersigned having purchased part of D Leech AGo ’s Canal Stock, pnqigrp.l ro An «. VP* V FREIGHT HUBINESS brtweon this place and Columbia. Ail business entruswd to our care will be promptly aitendod to by u -, at the WareboQge formerly occupied by D. Leech A Co., Canal Basin. LLOYD A LEMON. 'jvSfcdlm* Bargains InWatcbts, Clocks ft Jewelry ROBERTS & BROTHER. Belling their large and carefully selec> VFjHted BtoenUintf Watches Clocks, andrich Gold Ji-ajft Jewelry aP^Pfatly reduced prices, to make room wMUffltor.aa entire new stock, which will be received di 'rect from the Eastern manufactories In a tew weeks fcr the Fail trade. Purchasers desiring to buy good goods at low prices, should call Immediately and examine our stock, os wo are determined to close It out without regard to cost or former prices. Don't f'rgot the place. ROBERTS & BROTHER, 41 Fifth struet, next door to Wood. • AST WatchM, Clocks and Jewelry tfepaired In (he best manner, and warranted. jy2Ulv ■fet. MISCELLANEOUS. DIRECTORS. PAID UP. In tbc District Court of aUcrUqqv do. Jakes Nhsom ) v 9, a No. 016, Joly Term. 1866. Chancery. A. Ikvim, etal.j ' AKl> NOW, to wit, July 21 t» A. D. 1866. by agreement of counsel, J. t». BRADY, Esq., is appointed receiver, to collect and receive the assets of the firm of James N*l* son A Co., and to dispose of the stock and toole of thr firm, as eoon as practicable, and to pay the debts thereof, and to hold the residue Bubject to the order of the Court, f"-*—) From the Record. *j^ L - s.j fc A. CAMPBELL, Jn., Prothonotary. PERSONS Indebted to the firm cf JAMES NELSON A CO. are requested to make payment to the undersigned without delay ; and those having claims sgalnst sold firm, to present them duly authenticated for settlement. J. E. BRADY, Receiver, jy26:-12w No. 89 Fifth street. NEW and valuable) books— Ax DAVISON’S BOOK STORE, 65 Market rf, near Fburth at. History of the Christian Church; by Dr. Haae. Prise Keaav —Theism —The Witness of Reason and Na ture to an All-wlso a fid Uenificent Creator. De Quincy’s last—The Note book of an English Opium Eater. Catholic and Protestant Nations Compared in their three fold relations to wealth, morals and morality; by Rev. Roussel, of Paris. The Adventures of Amijas Lee; by Rev. Cbaa. Kiugei'ey. Notes of a Theological Student. Mro. Jamison’s Common-Place Book of Thoughts, Memo ries and Fancies. Star Papers; by Henry Ward Beecher. Which t—The Bight or the Loftf Footsteps of Si. Paul. The Dead In Christ; by Brown. Philip Colville; by Kenhedy. The Words and Mind of Jesus. Kitto’s Cyclopedia of Biblical Literatus Dr Alcoti’a Works. The Young Housekeeper. The Young Wife. The Youns Mother. The Young Husband—Health, Ac. Harbaugh’s vols. on Future Life. Comming’a Works. M ep m n^TT^ raVelB ®sypt and the Holy Land. Manilla Wrapping Papers, Blank Books and Stationery of,** 1 km** l - For sale at Eastern prices, by J yl3 J. 8. DAVISON JUST RKUKIVED, at No. lu7 Market street, 1 case of i? 0 * Leather Congress Gaiters, a deslra- Ola article for this season. Price* Uno. if® W. E. &CH4MBTZ. MISCELLANEOUS. THE GREATEST MEDICAL OF THE AGE. Ba. KENNEDY, of Roxbury, has discovered In one of oar ccmmon paziurt %cudi a remedy that cures EVERY KIND OF HUMOR, From the worst gcroflula down to a common pimple. Ugh as tried it In over 1100 eases, and never failed except in two cases; (both thunder humor), lie has now la his -possession orer two hundred certificates of Its virtue, all within twenty miles of Boston. Two bottles are warranted to cure a nursing eon mouth. One to three bottles will cure the worst kind of Pimples on the face. Two to three bottles will clear the system of Biles. Two bottles are warranted to cure the worst Canker In the Uooth and Stomach. Three to fire bottles are warranted to cuTe the worst case of.KryaJpeTaa. One to two bottles are warranted to cure ail .Humor id the Eyes. two bottles are warranted to cure Running of the Ears and Blotches among the Hair. Four to six bottles are warranted to cure Corrupt and Running Ulcers. One bottle will euro Scaly Eruption of the Skin, Two to three bottles are warranted to curs the worst case of Ringworm. Two to three bottles are warranted to care 'tho most des perate case of Rheumatism. Three to four bottles are warranted to cure the Salt Rheum. five to eight bottles will core the worst case of gcrofala. & benefit Is always experienced from the first bottle, ami a perfect cure is warranted when tho above quantity is taken. > Reeder, T peddled over a thousand bottles of this in the vicinity of Boston. I know the effect of it in every case Ho sure oa water will •xtingulsh fire, eo sure will t£la cure humor. I never sold a bottle of it but that sold another; after a trial, it always speaks for itself. There are two things about this herb that appear to me surprising: first,’ that It grows in oar pastures, in some places quite plenti ful, and yet its value has never been known until I discov ered it in 1846—second, that It should caife all kinds of humor. ; ■ In order to give some idea of the sudden rise and great popularity of tbe discovery, I,will elate thatln April, 1863, I peddled It and eold about six bottle* per day—lh April, 1864,1 sold over one thousand bottles per day of It. ;••• Some of the wholesale druggists, who have beenin busi ness twenty and thirty years, say that nothing In the annals cf patent medicines was ever like it. There (s a universal praise of it from all quarters. In my own practice I always kopt It strictly for humors, but Bince its introduction as a general family medicine,. great and wonderful virtues have keen found in it that 1 never suspected. Several cases of epileptic fits—a disease whioh waq always considered incurable—have been cured by a few bottles. O; - what a mercy If it will prove effectual in all cases of tbat awful malady;—there ore but few who have seen more of it ttian I have. I know of eevoral cases of Dropsy, all of them aged peo ple, <ured by it. ' For the various diseiSfea of the Liver, Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Asthma, Fever and Ague/Pain in the hide. Diseases of the Spine, and particularly In, Diseases of the Kidneys, 4c., the discovery done more' good, than any medicine ever known. ‘ - t Mo change of diet ever necessary. Eat the best yon get, and enough of it. Directions fur Use. —Adults, one table spoonful per.d&y. Ohlldren over ten yeara, dessert spoonful. Children ircm five to eight years, tea spoonful. As no directions can be applicable to all constitutions, take sufficient to operate on the bowels twice a day. \ : Manufactured by DONALD KENNEDY, JXo. 120 Warren it,. Roxbury. Mass. Price, Sl,oo* Dr. GKO. 11. KKYSKK, No. 140 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa., General Agent. Also, J. P. FLEMING, Allegheny City. mylEfcdaw A Hnbitltute for the .Dew juiquor Law*—Dß. URBAN'S ANTMIAOCIIANAUAN KUXLK, q safe and sure remedy for ibe care of INTEMPERANCE. A concentrated Vegetable extract, and as a ton So is une qualled. Portho foilowiognomplalntsit is a most valuable medicine: Dyspepsia, Diver Complaint, Epilepsy, li'euralyia, Piles, Fevers of ail kinds, Deliriwn Tremens, General Debility. This medicine la intended to produce a change in the sys tem, and a distaste for alcoholic drinks. Several instances where we have sold it, we have had the most gratifying results; so, to persons who are really desirous of breaking off the indulgence in Intoxicating beverages, this elixir will bo a great help. Sold at $1 per bottU at the Drug Store of DR. GEO. U. KEVBKR, No. 140 Wood 6treet, corner of Virgin alley, sign of the Golden Mortar. ap2s:daw tl&rreli’s Indian JLlulment, Fbr Rheumatism, Bruises, Pains in the Back, Side—Sorts of all kinds. {A certificate from Cumberland, Maryland.J CcußtaiArrn, March 19,1805. Mr. n.G.O. Caut, Zaoe3ville —Dear Sir: May we ask the favor of you to send us twenty-four dozen BAItRELI/S INDIAN LINIMENT? Please send it without delay, as we have not half a dozen bottles on hand, and It cannot be substituted in this country; therefore, do not disappoint us. * * • * * * * Respectfully, yours, Ac. Beall A Watts. Far sale wholesale and retail at DU. GEO. 11. KEYSER’S Drug Store, No. 140 Wood street, corner of Virgin alley ; also by JOBL WOHLER, Liberty street. Kcmedies. — lr. Keyser’a Pectoral Syrup will cure you. Dr. Rey*er*a Pectoral Syrup will cure Bronchitis. Dr. Keytar's Pectoral Syrup will euro Laryngitis. Dr, Keyset's Pectoral Syrup will cure Influenza. Dr. Keyset's Pectoral Syrup will cure a cold In the head. Dr. Keyaer'a Pectoral'Syrup will cure Incipient Con* sumption. A recent letter from Mr. J. W. Veatch, of Rokeby, Ohio, eaye: M I want you to send mo two bottles of your Pectoral Syrup by mall. There is a lady here who has a cough and the doctors cau’t cure her. I was in the same way, and fried everything without benefit, until I got a bottle of your Pectoral Syrup ; I took it but twice, and It cured me sound and well.” Ask for Dr. Kxtbzs’s Pcctobal Stott and taka no other. Price, tQ cents. Sold at DB. KEYSER’S, No. 140 Wood street, and at J. P. FLEMING'S, Allegheny. ap2o:d»w A9*Marah f a Radical Cure Trust will cure nearly every cate of reduceable D era la. Trusses at various prices always on hand. Children's Trusses of different forms and strength for sale. Silastic StooJtlngs for Yaricoso or enlarged veins. Abdomnlal Supporters-A dozen different kinds. y : . Pile Props for the support and cure of Piles. ■r Stxou Ider Braces to relieve a crooked and deformed condition of ths and many diseases of the Chest. 1819. buspenalon Bandages. All these articles may be had or applied at DR. KEY SKR’3 Wholesale and 'Retail TRUSS DEPOT, 140 Wood street, sign of the Golden Mortar; or will be sent to any part of the country by sending the money and measure, api&davr ■Of Balm of Thousand Flowers, for beauti fying the Complexion, and eradicating all Tan, iTurtSLand FncoKUs from the face. Sold at Dr. KEYSKR’B, U 0 Wood street. lanSO OICOHCK ULETCHER, FROM HIV YOBE, iLiNDPACTDRKBof the celebrated Gossamer Ventilating Wig, Elastic I Baud Toupees, Rail every description of Ornamental Hair, for Ladles and Gentlemen, 79 FOURTH' STREET, between Wood and Market, Pitts' |bnrgh. I Butobkk’* eyatora enables ladles I and Gentlemen to measure their heads with accuracy. FOR WIGS. No. 1. The round of the Head. No. dL From the forehead over the head to neck, No. 2. - No. 3. From ear to ear, over the top, No. 4. From ear to ear, round the forehead. For Toupees, to cover the top of the head only—a paper pattern, the caactehapeof the bald part. fmy4 Co^PartncrsUlp. WALTER P. MARSHALL associated with him, on tbo day of July, JO3. R. HUGHES, in the Wall Paptr buelneea, ufidar the Dome of - ' -•> Pi MARSHALL ft 00. FOR SALE VERY CHEAP. ABUILDIKG*COT IN ALLEGHENY CITY, 24 leet by 100. A good bargain ean be had by applying soon at the office of the MORNING POST. , jylfct A GOOD BUILDING LOT, 24 feet front on Carson street by 100 feet iu dopth, In Birmingham,..will be sold cheap. Kuqainn of GEO. F. GILLiIORE, jrl3 at office of the- Morning Poet. - CITY (LATX DKOWN’S,) Corner of Smltlifleld and Third itreetif JOES P. GLASS, Proprietor. PA rpniS large and commodious Uoub« having undergone 1 thorough repair and furnished with new equipments throughout, is now open for the reception of the traveling puhllo. Onjutass modehati. JUST WHAT YOU ALL WANT THIS WAIISI WEA THER—The Wagatines for August. Peterson's Magaiice for August; Ballou’s do do New York Journal do Mckeua’ Household Words for August; The Helms of liaughton, or the Mother’s Secret; Mary Lyndon, or Revelations of a Life; Peggy Woffington. Par all the new Books or Magazines, call or send to the cheap Bookstore of W. A. GILDKNFBNNKY A CO., Jym Fifth at., opposite the Theatre. CIOAL FLAT—Lying at the foot of Liberty etreet, Morion ; gabela river, for sale by jj2Q riIfUAL AND TRIUMPH; or, Firmness In the lluuse- J_ hold. A uaw wort, by T. 8. Arthur. Wells* New Plan of Sebastopol, showing its fortifications, batteries, and l osltien of contending forces, and Russian. English, French and Turkish siege works. Price 25 cts. Peterson’s Magazine for Indies, with a fins colored fashion plate for August. Just received and for sale at , Q W. A. OILDBNFBNNET A CO.’S, jjlO Fifth st.- opposite the Theatre. T>U£U4 BRANDY—I bare on b**» d • rery «xc«Uont aru r cto of Bitadj, for medicinal purpww. Tboao wanting ' <?ood article can always procare it “j FUjsirNQ'B. a good tw... jyl9 - - rr-£ NiTl Lak* buyertor Salmon for ealo by S A !I-W N HKNRV H. GOLf.INR *l*o Lot* THU STORE. No. 86 Wood street, at present occupied by tbs subscribers- for parUSolats npplr to j,i9 w. p. MABeayi-a co. NUMBER 274. DISCOVERY Lot for Sale. tifo T"E L. 3. W. BUILKB A CO ,■ V- S -t. BATES Or xDVERTISIIVa ■IBBBMD Ul'ON AT tag PITTSBVBOO PStBA t iff tutti wosPAAxa/oii uas. fts square,one insertion......... •* “ . eachaJiitldnal icsartlcn. r ‘ _ j* ' one wsslt iw0w55ka........... -*... 8 00 “ threo we«ka~. r ......~v. 400 1 “ *one months 400 “ two months...-.*..-*-»••• —« *~~~-**..**• Tot 1 three months..o 09 1 “ four m0nth5..^......."*—10 00 I ** lix —.——*«•« 19 0® II “ one year. 18 09 landing Card, six Hum or less, per uman. H m«Nw« 10 00 oaanaiAfiu at ptx&stcui ■ One square, per annum, (exclusive of the paper)*....., 20 00 DAILY MORNING POST. WEDNESDAY MORNING: THE KANSAS; TROUBLES. Governor Reeder’s Alleged Speculations in Indian Lands. tetter from Gov. Reeder to Secretary Maroy. Shawseb Mission; K. T., June 20, 3855. BJn. TVm. L. Marcy, Secretary of Slate. Witshinfif'&n: Sia : Aa I promisod iu my brief note of tho 20tU inst., from New York, I avail myself of the first opportunity to roply to your letter of the 12th. That tetter mentions as causes of oomplatnt against me id the opinion ofthe Preei dent," purchases of Kansas half-breed reserva- tions made by me in the Territory of Kansas,” and also othor speculations in tha landa of Kansas, apparently in violation of Acts of Con gress and of regulations of the Dapartmeota and at the same lima; Invites any explanation which I may desire to? give in regard to the character and extent of the tranaactione above referred to, and particularly the matters re ferred to in theletter of G. W. : Clerk, Indian Agent* dated May 8, 1855. I amthtis pnt upon my defence to two asp erated ohargea: first, the purchase of half bread Kansas lands; and, secondly, other speonlatlona in lands of the Territory, apparently In viola tion of acta of Congreaerand regnlationa of the Departments. - The very general J manner in whioh theobafges are stated, the entire absence of any specification on whioh to make a point or raise an Issue,-and the omission to Btate in what particular the President sees any wrong to have been oommitted, and what act of Congress or regulation of the Departments has been violated, are matters Of' regret and embarrassment to me, beoaose they’preolndo confidence in the perti nence of my reply. ;• T heed not inform so eminent a jurist as your self how impossible it is,: on matters of crimina tion and defence, to attain justice and truth without a distinot and unequivocal specification of the charge on ono side, and a direct, fall and pointed answer to it on the other. In the ab sence of these, parties may wander in side is sues, - departures, evasions and uncertainties, without ever reaching a conclusion; and I, therefore,' With the highest respect, take the liberty of calling your attention to this feature of yonr letter, as a full apology for myself in ccoo I shall engage In the; dieonsslen of matters which the-President consider in isene, or-ehalt not be Sufficiently foil and certain in speaking of the point'in whioh he sees the Wrong. - .. : In relation to the first charge, of purobasO of half-breed Kansas lands,: I have to say that I have purchased no sneh; lands at all. With others, I hare agreed to purobase them in oase the contemplated purchase shall rccoivo the sanction and approbation of tho President; and this, in my opinion, is a material and enbstan tial'differenco. Until the President, by bis ap probation, and the venders by"the exooutiod of their deeds, consummate :tho contract, it pre cludes ns from any interest in the land, and even tho privilege of-entering upon or possessing' it. Venders and vendees until then preserver alt their rights unchanged and unaffected ; and If the President shall not assent to the oontraoto, it will bo the same as though; they had never been made. If there is any Wrong in the matter, It la not a wrong committed, but at most only a wrong attempted, and in the faoe of all proba bility a wrong which we cipectcd to be sanc tioned by the President The papers wore submitted by us to the Pres ident on the day of January last, for his ap proval ; and as the Government has been for years in the habitof approvtngsimilar oontraots, we did not apprehend any difficulty whatever. They were referred to the; Indian Bureau, and the Commissioner reported adversely to the con firmation, alleging that tho venders had no right to soli, that there was no ovidence of their com petence to manage their own affairs, that’there was no evidence produced by us of the value of tho land, that the transaction had not been brought to the notice of the Indian Agent, that no certificate was prescnted : to the President to prove the official character of an offioor whom the President had appointed, and that the pur chase money (which was to bo paid in oash when the deed was made) jhad not been suffi ciently scoured, and that, in the opinion of the Commissioner, the contract was demoralizing and disgraceful. Whether this last was based upon the assump tion of aotual fraud in the contract, or upon the commissioner's idoa that public offioers had no right to purchase, I confess I have never been able, after'earefui examination of the report, to discover. Upon receiving this report, the Pres ident, on the —of January, without rejection or approval, ordered the papers to be returned, doubtless with a view to enable us to supply the formal deficiencies demanded by the business regulations of the departments of which we had been ignorant. We inferred, of course, that the last reason above was not concurred in by tho President, or be would at ouoe bava dis approved the contracts, and terminated the whole proceedings. We proceeded to supply the formal deficiencies and in tho beginning of. May last, again laid the ..papers before the President .with an argument and brief from myself, to prov6.by the opinions of Attorneys General and the decisions of the Supreme Court, that the: vendors had a right to .sell—depositions proving their identity—their competency to manage their own affairs, and the valno of the land—proof that the matter had been brought to the notice of the Indian Agent, and that he had madeino objections— to which I add now my own assertion, that I. distinctly stated to him that we had; agreed to purohaae one tract, and would endeavor to oohtraot for others; and althongh Mr; Clark denies, in a general way, that the matter was brought be fore him, he is contradicted by my allegation and a disinfested witness.: Theaepapore were not acted on by the 'Presi dent op to the2sth May, and 1 have no know edge.tbat they have , been noted on np to this time. To the matters contained in their and my letters of April 1,1865, to Commissioner Many penny; which the President informed me hehad read, I have but little to odd, nDless my atten tion shall:bo called to some particularpoint. Wo knew that the . vendors were entirely com petent' to manage their own affairs, and would have the aid of the President in doing so. Wo knew that the transaction: was honorable and fair throughout, free from all frand and deceit; wo believed they had a right to Bell, and we be- lieve so stilland although it is possible we tnsy be mietnken in this particular, yet we would not bo guilty of so; much disrespeot ■to tbe President as to believethat he would con sider such an error cause of removal. We also believed that we had tbe same right to boy as any other individual, provided the transaction was a fair one, and marked by no imposition, deceit or fraud. Wo have nlroady shown that tho transaction was marked by -fair and honorable dealing thronghont, and that thw venders bad ample op portunity for consultation and deliberation, and for this I referto the depositions now before the president. If the President is not satisfied on this point, I earnestly request that I may ho in formed in what particular: he differs from me, : and upon which facta bis opinion is based, and it will bo my pleasure to disprove any and every statement tending to raise a doubt in that direc tion. If, ns tho Commissioner alleges, thero is a rale of the Department that the deed in such case shall be executed in presence of the hgoct, 1 have only to say that as yet tho deed remains to be made, and tho venders and the President have control of the whole matter, and esu: di rect how the agreement shall be consummated, that tbe matter was (even in our ignorance ;of its necessity) brought to the hotioe of tho agent, who furnished his interpreter to aesist in making tbe agreement, and considered the prioe a high one. I oannot oonoeive it to be on thisi point that the President is embarrassed, for, even if the agreement is to be treated ha a deed, and if Mr, Clark’s assertion is to outweigh my own and the deposition of a disinterested witness, there can be no complaint againet usrcgcopt for the violation of an artificial rule of which we were ignorant . , „ if these oxplanatlois have ;nct touched the point which haa raised the I’reaideuld embar rassment, I would, in visw of the fact that the iADODST 8.
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