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'`‘ !..',-- '-I :4 ''•: ,•• . , , ,•• ' ' qto ;.•:,,&. i; , ~...A ~'-; ..P2,114Y,„-, „,..z.• ~-• '"-- •, • - ' ....1.1."`"3 4 1. - • , g. , ~,i -,• : 1 ‘ 1 "..41! ) p , ;.,, , ~:f.•• 1.•:',.....” A ' 0. •tt ',- t,, -•,,:::., '.."- •-- -'r; ', ' ..t. r' l• .....—.• , , , . . ~,.. -...., 4,.„. Ls, .: ,•,,,,,,.‘," . ... v ie.,..17, A T :.,:".* m r . AZ ''' ,.. , - P44. ,*,,,,,,,4_,...',.; ,",„ ~ 174'474 ': "4 ." 4 1 P1 - 7 , ' 45' . ..., 4.4. 4Z, 'tr.„Tri' ' „, - ,44 ... 4.4.,.. 4 r. It 1.,,, ;s , „1,.” ~. - ' 4 -4, '''' x' l . '..".. ''''''Ve'."..r.&,'''.,.- -: c'" 1., 44 i "'"^ t 4'7 N',.. 4* **N., Z ' * 4 ~4-';' ~. 1 ~,,..%. .., ,-,, • •••-• .. v- - 4- .••7,_ - • r47.,4S'isg'?..:::--; .' - ,4 , ;,., : ~'- , 5, ' - f r'= A';`,4 ,- ,..;ke- Z :rk ";'-',::,.?‘ . /. fNi*".S.'P': :', • -: * r. - .7 ' - ' 7 7''-' ---,- -'' '.. :,.. 7: ; ' - !..' , ,,5 ''' 4 ; ''','''''').."'' L ' ' ',;;`,' ' , l'. ''...-'l-'1; . 4 '.. - t:';' . ..,-.,'',,P'-,- .`,, '-,,`• ' - ''''''' ' •,-*--N'xlt?'".: :- ' ' - ' , :: - ;':''4 '.- .r. - .. .'.7:: - _ _•-*--"- - .:"":•..`,N , '. ,, _ ;-. - .. Prepairea and aorreal!.ed e'yeri iLiternoosi. NeW.:En.iand -Ebert Wheeling. „ , , Wellsville, Catlett,( Wellsville. Aliquippa, Smith, Cincinnati. Oermatitown, M'Lean, Louisville. America; Calhoun, St. Louis, Hibernia, Smith, Wheeling. Arena, Hazter - ,- '..Monongabela, Stone, Cin. • Hibernia No: 2, Klinerelter, Cia. Lalte Erie, Hoops, leaver. Michigan, Hemphill, Bearer. Zanesville P - acket, Scales, Zanesville.. DEPARTED. .., Messenger; Lieford, Cin. NeW•.England, Ebert, Wheeling. 'Wellsville, Catlett, Wellsville: Isaac Newton, Mason, Cin. -Michigan, Hemphill, Beaver. ' -Lake Erie, Hoops, Beaver. Michigan, Hemphill, Beaver. • Consul, Bowrinin,llrownsville. Louis M'Lane, Bennett, Brownsville. CITY PRICES CURRNBT. ' coaascrrm EvEas arrEanoox." Pour—From river and wagon... 4 000:1 12 Sect's—Clover, from wagon, 3 3103:50 . From store - 3 75rao 00 h., Timothy.. 1 7502. 00 ytaxL... veallo Beans.. ... . . .. . 8501 00 .....4.5001 73 Pots 4101,50 ' Pearls. 6 (woo 00 ..... 1003 11 710 08 Giatn=Wheat. 7000 00 Corn ' 3703 40 Oats... - 2800 30. , 40.00 00 Itartey 3700 40 0rie5n5............ 8100 . 81 Motaists—New Orleans. ' 3S') 40 Cheese-Western - -,Reserve: . 600 31. Feathers--'Kentad: I.: . 260 J 28 2503 09 5000 00 Cara Xisek: :. 4500 00 Frain--Oited Peaches' 1 25'01 37 't . ,Apples..... 500-3 36 Cojee—Rio - 8100 - "b9 Butk.lleat 510.9 0; Macon—clog round 000 00 '../IaMS Beo • ,Shoulders 600 61 , Sides. ... 7103 71 700 71 • .7 0009 00 Irool'it Metal (Allegheny) .... 300/ 32 . • • ;Bar Iron (Juniata) 3 7VO-1 00 • • Nails (10d) 3 730 00 • JAMES WARDROP, NURSERYMAN and FLORIST, Man chester; °Mellor sale tat extensive and select assort ment ot. Ornamental Plants, Shrubbery , Evergreens, Fruit Trees,'Grape Vines, &c. &c. Amangist . them aressomenew,viduable and choice Peir, Peach and EherrY trees, selected from - speci mens shown at the Horticultriral Exhibitions in the East last Fall, and the collection of ever-blooming, Bourboni• Noiserie- and Vining Roses, has been =- lamed with many superb sorts of recent introduction. The collection is open to visitors and the Omni:- basses running regularly during the day. All orders by mail, or !ell at the stand, No 2S Diamond market, 'sir at the seed store of S. N. Wickersham, Wood st., will be attended to punctually. N. B.—Boquets composed of choice and rare Exoticilowers, fur Weddings rind Parties arranged itt short nonce... - . mar2G-si2wassit MEE HE i rartnership heretofore eluting between the .• , • ••-Sin ersgnesl• , ats -Real :Estate --and European Agents, under the firm o: Blakely lc Mitchel, has expired by its limitation. The :business formeily conducted by them in partnership will hereafter be pursued by eaett individually; and they respectfully solicit - a - conunuance of that patronage which they have received: • Any person having claims against the tote firm will present them to either of the under • elgited for payment, and any one indebted will please call and settle.JO HN . E'S I. M BLAKELY TC , mar 24 . JIHEL. EMITTANCES • - .41E " 'BUJ:LOPE. TAMES BLA kELY Agent for the old Black V,' Ball line of Lirerpuol and New 'York pack ets, also, fur a of Auierican Merchant ships, 'matinees to Make remittances to ENG LAND, IRELAND,SCOI 4 LAND,and WALES, frith prompt ness and despatch at reduced rates. Apply at his office, on PENN St., near the Canal Bridge, Pitts burgh. naoli24-d4-w i ~.£'. ':X~. Tj‘T,KEN.:^idr.,S fluction Rdoms, 114 Wood st., 3ddoor tiom Fifth it.i on Monday next, March 29m, at 2 o'clock in the afterndon, will be sold the liouselsahl-Furniture; kitilien_utensils; Sic., of Bede:- sal Families declining liousekiepitig add-leaving the city, among the articled are chairs, tables, bureaus; bedsteads, feather beds, ciiplioardii; stores, carpet ing, matting, glass jars; dinner and brdakflist plates, kitchen utensils, &c.; and imniediately afterwards a few barrels of ground mita. At IQ o'clock, same day, i lot of Dry Goods. mar 27 . P. M'KFNICA, Auct'. OF HOuSehold and kitchen Furniture, on Toes -dap afternoon, the 30th inst., at 2 o'clock, at the'late residence of the' Rev. R . Dunlap, deceased, on Cedar street, in the city of-Allegheny, will be sold theentire stock of boUrehdld grid kitchen Fur niture, belonging to that estate. The above dwelling house is for rent ; from Ist of ApriL nest. Apply to John T. Logan or It. C. Loomis. JOHN D. DAVIS, 'mar2s Auctioneer.' :Valuable New Furniture al A:notion. ON Tuesday morning, the-30th inst., at 10 o'clock. at the ware room of Elijah Asper, corner of 3d and Smithfield streets, will bh. sold without reserve. the balance of his stock of Furniture, among which are the following, viz; '7 Mahogany spring seat Sofas; 3 pair do do do Divans; hiOdsome mahogany dressing Bureaus; 3 common description do 2 pair Mahogany top Card-Tableor 3 do Cherry do do do 7 do do side do 1 splendid Mahogany work table; 3 common ; do • do do - 1 fancy do wash stand; cOmmon cherry t do . do Cane seat and Windsor Chairs, Wicking Chairsi , Cmdles, &c. , JOHN D. DAVIS, - .mar24 - - -Auct'r. MEE ~. V',,4 . IGIGGS.-500 doz. eggs for Bale by - P.: C....MARTIN, -mar24 - corner of Smithfield and Front ets =ME .0:9:!•:ii:13,,i.T - ti- - t4.)i. -. 0.0, - .:4:k,..-i i ii::" . PITTSSURGIt BOARD' OF COMILITTZE POI% IftAtICS; J. Mutshidl, - • s - 3i Shipton POB.T 9F,PlTTSittinilih. • , t 1 1474 1. -: WATER II THE CHA.StEL rartner.!l2.lP DlsiPolved. Faisiituie sit dricUoni Adnattlatrsttoes ROLL BUTTER.-4 bbls. fresh roll butter, for sale by P. C. MARTIN, Anar24 corner of Smithfield and Front stn.-Z. PPLE.S.-60 bbls. Rommilte apples, in prime shipping order, for sale by P. C. MARTIN, mar2i Corner of Smithfield and Front eta. . . Corn Brooms. • 124 doz. Corn Brooms, fOr p s . C ale . b MARTIN, marl 9 cororSmithfield and Front sti WINDOW GLASS-7:9: 8:10: 10:12:10:14 12.:16 : and 12x18; in store and for !ale by mar 22 •. • • • L. S. WATERMAN.. . . ___ JATTING-40 bales Batting in store arid for sale 11 by [mar22l . L. S. WAEERMAN. _ CIOTTON YARNS-6000 lbs. in atom aad for sale 'kJ by . linar22l , L: S. WATERMAN. - AILS & SFIKES—' -350 Kegs, in store and for .1.1 • sale by , L. S. WATERMAN', niar22 No 31 Water and 62 Front et. Shear, E. Blister, A. B. and Spring. Steel, hi store aud tor sale by nutr22. . S. WATERMAN.:'. James' New Navel. llF.Caglegle of lihrenstein e italords tenipoial-and .spiritual, its inhabitante, earthly and unearthly', by,:G„. P. It. Jatnes, Feq., author of Beauchamp, titeomoilier, &c., just reoeiFed aid for sale COUK'S F•i, Fourth ttteet. inar24 , - '4'A• .231,0 073•Wtroorinn Conottblessys Editors-1. .o served some timeltgo a communication over. the signature for 1, 4:. Parent," stating that Dr. Jayne's Indian txpect6rant had been the means of saying the lived of three of his children, who were suffer. ing grimly with whopping cough; and having, but a-short time before, lost one of-my children by that diesdful complaint, and having another, and my only !Child, suffering the greatest agony with the Samellisease,and in hourly, expectation of its death, I Was induced to purchase a bottle of it, and commenced Using it accoriing to the directions— and to the surpriie of all it began to mend in fif teen minutes after Nee'Commenced using it, and the `child has now completely recovered. - have no acquaintance with Dr. Jayne r but I hereby return - -him a husband!, and a father's grateful acknowledgmentS SIMPKINS Philadelphia, April 22d,1846 :Taynis• flair Tottii . ..;=We'eonirriend to the atten tion of those desirods of 'restoring their hair or im proving its beauty, to- thii. elegant pieparation We hear it every where highly Spoken of, and es venially by all who hive Made, liSe of it, as greatly efficacious in stimulating the growth of the hair, and.preventing and curing Many . affections of the skin. Its virtues are amply and sufficiently pray- Y. Sun. ' . For sate in Pittsburgh at the PEKIS TEA STORE, 72 FOURTH street., near Wocel-;fi c and at The Drug ttore ot'll: P. Schwaitz, Federal >street, Allegheayeity. , • 'rnar4 GREAT ITALIAN RESIEDY IMMEIE Being afflicted for some S years with that most distressing disease, the asthma,; and for the lost 3 years much of .the- time confined to my room, And at, several different times my life was des. paired of; I concluded to. obtain some of Itla zoiii's Sicilian ,Syrup,•whtch was reeomnmended to me by a friend from New York; who stated that it had cured some of the most inveterate cases known to the medicaE profession. Suffice it to say, that, after rising the above medicine for about 4 Was entirely relieved, end Ibelieve radi cally cured. Yours with respect, , • OLIVER AV. OWEN, No 175 Bertram 51., Plaild'a. liays'&l3rockway, Wholesale and Retail Agents see advertisement. - • .- leb22 ClittliTlC'S Galvanic. Remedies far all-kinds of nervousaffections they have been used with entire success in all cases of Rheumatism, acute or chro nic, applying to the head, face or limbs; gout, tie diateretta, bronchitis, vertigo, neivous or nick head attic, indigestion, paralysis, palsy, epilepsy, fits, convulsions, cramp, palpitation of the heart. lieu geniral debility, &c. In cases ofilyspepsia, which is simply a nervous derangement of the di gestive organs—they have been found equally 6UC. cessful: • These applications are in the form of Rings and Slagnetic Bands;Bractlets, Belts, &c. See advertisement for further partitulurs yit the outside of this sheet. For sale at the out) , agency, 5 Market *tree dee) • co- "Important to those who: are afficted with diseased Lungs. Dr. Dogers;Liverwort and Tar. This specific seerris;to &seri e all that the render claims fur itt ail healing virtues, we have seen :a very emphatic certificate irom Dr. Cox, fate prOti-ator in the Cin cinnati Eclectic College, who refiresente it to be a very different article from the ptevailing nostrums of the day, and as very valuable in the treatment of that, insidious class of diseases which are the bane of-this variable Ciwinnuti 'Morning Signal. It - physicians, of Dr. Cox's character in the pra iessicM give their testimony in favor of this cele brated medicine, it must be valtiabte. N. B. Notice the certificate of Professor rox iu Another column, also, one of a reinanlable cure ifom fir. Gabriel Whitehead, under the head of Liverwort and Tar. RIVAL OF NEW .11.7.51 C roc HANG FOR.Tgand GUITAR. Songs arrangsd for the Piano. The Blue Juniata; by Ni. D. Sullivan Si E. L. White: llecollections of Ilome; - by Hutchinson; I Virginia Minstrels, No 10; The Guinea Maid; I Away Down East comic sorg—sung by Hotchinsons; Mary Blanc; an Ethiopian Melody, by Whitlock; 1 The last Farewell; a favorite piPte.; I The Snow-Storm, as performed by the Hutchinsonv; Mobillight, Music, Love and Floivers—a Ducts.; There'sa Gond Time Coming—hy the Ifutchiutursq' Sleeping 1 Dream Lore—by HeiSlits; Dreams of the Past—by Eliza Cook; Ate the Links that Bound us Broken{ . ' Love betilur Guido—by Euglebreetit: 1 Pm Saddest when I Siiisi i Matrimonial Sweets—a C omic Ductt; IWhere are now the Hopei I Cherialtfedi 1 The Bridge of Sighs—sung by the Hutchinsons; Polkas. I Anna Polka—by J. Strauss; } Fashion, anew Polka—by Alcselsky; 1 Bohemian Polka; ' Hotpot/11er' First Polka; G uitar Flail. Sounds so, Joyful 1 Feast of Roses; Old Love, to me the Power; 1 The Woodpecker; Emblem Flower; , Morning's Ruddy Beam; [rphan Ballad Singers; Love the Free; ;The Watcher—bv Mrs S. J. Haler. 'The Blue Juniata . —by Mrs. ItL-D-Sullivanl . 'ltly Soul is Dark—by lit rent I 1 Love but Thee—by D. Meignen. . Jhst received and .aad fur sale at the Book and Music Store of JOHN 11. MRLLOFt, mar 26 No 81 Wood street. • Auction sides by JOHN D. DAVIS, AUCTIONEER SOUTII-EAST CORNER Or •WOOD AND 11 PM STEETTS. tIN MONDAY' morning the .29th inst., at 10 1„./ clock, will he sold an extensive assortment of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, 100 gross fancy and plain gilt resat and vent buttons; 1 case gingham ont brellasj 3 eases buota and shoes; 2 cases hats and caps, &c. - At 2 o'clock, - P, M., a large assortment of new and second hand household furniture, embracing nearly every variety of articlqs usually wanted by housekeeperst and others; feather beds, .ntatrasses, bedding, looking glasses, mantel clocks, engravings, transparent window blinds, carpeting, queensware, groceries,&c. At 7 o'clock, Fr. M., ; 1. quantity of Gentian fancy goods; fine table and poe.keketitlery, gold and silver . watches; ready made clothing;' musical instruments; a retail stock of Dry Goods, tre., from a store in the r countr (American copy.) niar26 • At lISTADO AND NPIDE PACTODIi. No. '27, Fifth street, bettoseri Market and Wood. F, subscribers have Constantly on hand, of their 1...0WN MANUFACTURE, (which they idler to Grocers and Druggists, at "Eastern wholesale" pri ces: Mustard) Gro. Pepper •;' Catsup ; • .. Cinnamon; Syrups; . 4 , Alspice ; Rice Flout.; .. Ginger p Prepared Horse Radish; .. Cloves; - ALSO on. nsarn, • - Nutmegs, Roasted and Ground Coffee. mar22-3m RtiODES & AI,CORN CAPS'S CArSSI , . , Wholesale Prfees. Tsuibicriber, thankful for past favors and de -1,. sirous to accommodate his numerous customers, has reduced his price to the loWest wholesale prices. He constantly filopa on hand, the largest 'and best assortment in town ? of hi's own manufacture. Any. person purchasing a cap, may have his money refund ed, by returning it, if not sztia6ed. Those furnishing thelnaaterials can have their caps made to their taste at 1 - or . 2 hourii, notice. Silk oil cloth caps of the very.best materials will be sold for 75 dents,. Plush; oil cloth, velvet and cloth caps, ofetiery 'lnscription, constantly on hand. The pubic may rest assured that any thing sold by him Wilf be'of the beat materials' and workman ship. Cap trimmings, always on hind, at reduced prices. . Five or six youn A: NARDI, No. 35, Market between 2d and 3d streets. g girls w ishing , to learn the trade, can have an opportunity by applying as above. mar2o-1 mo ROOM . : fronting on Fifth el.; next door to the Office of the Morning Pest. It would be very meltable for an office or retail etore. Inputs of mar2s-4t Wood and Filth et. . • Wet iqurpetaters. JUST received and for sale a fresh lot of Union . Factory Planes, at No. 65 Wood street. ; JOILN WALKER. MM2== _4yY fir: ~:~;~~_ r ~'.Fr. ~~ ~ _ - . . VSBENCES-710 Groat; in Steid and for sale by. /.4 • .--'II4.IIEVA BKOCKWAY, dartritS„Comnaereial Row.l.iberty at. .1 1 \TERV.F..and Bine Linettitint-4 grosi Butler , a, toritalrfit the Drirg-wayehouse of ,• HAYS Sr ItHOCKWAY, Liberty at. near Canal Baain: inAINIPHOB-1 Barrel refined, for ante at-the Drug warehodse o£,-`. HAYS - Ea BROCKWAY.... marlS_ fLibert - P . at. near. Canal Batin.• THR . PENTH7E---4_Bavels, fortittle at the Drug4afehotiloke ' HAYS &BROCKWAY, Liberty et. nearCanitl Basin. FRESH Garden and FlOwer Sebds, from Russell's Garden, received and for sale by fIIILORIDE LIME-2 casks in store' and for aide ki by HAI S gr. BROCKWAY, , ntarlS Liberty at near Canal naain. SHOE Blacking—S gross, Fatman's, for sale at the Drug warehouse of HAYS & BROCKWAY, Liberty st. near Canal Basin. r AMP BLACK—I case best English, for sale at jJ the Drug warehouse of HAYS Sr. BROCKWAY, Liberty at. rear Canal Basin. TNDIGO-2 carotins Spanish Float, for sale at the Drug warehouse of HAYS & BROCKWAY, Liberty et. near Canal Basin. IARB. AMONIA-4 Jars, for sale at the Drug ki warehouse of HAYS 4- BROCKWAY, =HS Liberty st. near Canal Basin. PAINTS, Oils and Varnish, of all kinds, for sale at the Drug warehouse of HAYS & BROCKWAY, near Canal Basin, Llkerty at. COPPERAS -25 bbls of Well's Copperas, first quality, received on consignment; for sale by GEO. COCHRAN. No 26 Wood street. SCYTHE SNEATHS—Received and for sale by GEO. COCHRAN, No. 26 Wood street. VICES=-Wetherill'it bright Vices for 'rale 5y GEO.' COCHRAN, No. 46 Wood street TA Y FORKS—LO &den find Manure Yorke - 1 for nal° by • GEO. COCtiitiN, warn No 26 Ltincol N. 0. sugar. 4Q nbda N. 0. Sugar, justrecniscii and far sale by t•-. 7 ruail3 1101.1.E.8. Ez.RICKF.TSON. GJACKS--. Corn Jacks for sale by mar/3 '°° MILLER k ittercin•sos r HITE In core and for sale? b., 11 , miu-I3 MILLER 4 , RICE: CTSON. ACKEItEL—No. 3, Lar:tr; ill 30 liarre:s in Store rittl fur sale by nsarl3 MILLIat 41•ItleiZETSnti ')tCKLID il*rrebo 14cU.-d Her. ring or alert:yea, to store and ibr *Air by marl 3 MILLER k tacKt.r.sus F RESIT tat:lT-100 dram Smyrna Fl.ts; 40 In. M. P. Ita!sini.; cut.; ZatiteCurrutts; II) ht. Pruots; J. I). Co.. 110 I.ltoori at For clic 17 mart ALEILATI2:4-10 has Name, for aak by 0 mar 2 J. D. WILLIAMS ar. Co.. Wood at . _ D F.P14:11 hags Popitcr reed and Ilrmle mart! J. IL WILLIAMS is Co., tlO Wmul ct V7l - 101.E.5.A1.1-: Grorer, C.44ll4lVifiArt and Fvr V uar,ling :firmlunt, dcalor iu Pttxtute an Ptual)uruli Slauatictures, Nut. 31 Watcr, and t Front utrinets, Patgbtugh CST mcnived and for sate Inw-2 Ws. Swills** bee. quarts New Yuri tu.sch Vsrnoh. I qr. W. Leather Vstnnat, fut tvbd.-0 5: KANt, 11 et. 0 13111.5. Corti Furniture Verninti, Nur. I r.0..t 11 Suottr's Nene York itinke, on 113114 and for salt by the gal. or trtil., 4y 11.01541 Tlri ti 2, I.AItGF: tot,,gvc Plank sod Vtncrri fortale be 11011i:ItTS k KANE. FLET bc-g . quAltty 1in.,,z,va0.1, Itan.2 /lJ and tor a.tic by ROLIEILT:i 3: KANE, - 171 A R LEAD-12,M Ma. Car 1.t04, for solo 14, fels9, _JAMES P.l 1 k V. Ajw. too keit,. No. 1, Lard on corm..frarnebt: Andfur sale by F. SELLEitS. IV.. 17, Liberty *tregt. Conlsllnirr improved L•rst Olt. IiARRELS Wcuter Lard OA, just received from I the Win niacin pert and for sale at tintnnnatt pric e. wholesale and ' FRS. 5:1 , -1.1.1.:{(N. dee2s No. 17 1 susturss.•. sPierces fresh Rten; 14 bbli, Cunklias improved Lard Oil; 1 0,1,110 llos. Bacon, Shoulders. i/n hand and for 111 k 11 • F. 5EL1.P,21.3. sep24. No. 17, Liberty street. • pRODCCE-' -G bat a nd,s legs Lard; 5 do }toll Butter; liFISII—SS balls No 3 Large MacLerel; 10 hr WA is do do; G do ,No 1 do do; 15 bbla Nos 1 and 2 do; 6 do iNo 1 Salmon; 25 do do Herrings; 6 drtros CudLA• ' fur sale by LA.NIIIErtT 4 , SHIPTON, CALI 133 and 135 Wood st Lir APLF. SUGAR-1,00011 . reed and far Olin by 11 LAMBERT /1c SHIPTON, 133 4 ndl3s Wont:at. TATIOIERY,—.Iust opening, n iargorand view 11111 assortment of French, English and Ameri can Stationery, which we incite the imhtle to call and examine. JOHNSTON & STOCKION, oct29 Stationeta, Market it. Q't ATIONERY FOP. LALIES• 0 Papeteries, Port-folioa, Note Paper of all kinds, Note Envelopes, Motto Wafers, Motto Seals, Writ log Stands, and .Floral Wafers, Spangled Sealing Wax, Embossed=edged Letter-paper, Card Cases, Visiting Cards, Pocket Books, Ivory Tablets, ICoto &c. &c. For sale by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON. dec3l corner of Market and Third eta. - - . - -- • I OLD PENS —Baglrris celebrated ever pointed C Gold Pens, just received and fur sale at reduced rates, by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, uct.29 Booksellers, Market st. 1113i.5. Path: tn./ 50 • Rosin; - 150 Boxes Tobacco, varieue sizes; 10,000 Seed leaf Cigars; On consignment and will be sold low for Cash, or exchanged for Pittsburgh manufactures, by iieps TAAFFE & O,CONNOII. Latest Improvß ment. BEDSTEADS or different End' with CazzainPs iron patent fastenings, superior to anything now in alio, for sale low ut the furniture warehouse of angl. T. 11. YOUNG at Co, Hand street. POPLAR BOARDS; well seasoned and for sqlo by tnovlB.] L; WILMARTII... Brazier's - Bellow'. TUST received an assortment, large sizes, B razieloi ip) Hvid Bellows; elso, Parlour and Kitchen, do. Wholesale and Retail, •'OHN W. BLAIR, declo. 120 Wood at. , , !Removal. , , 11AR. ROBERT SNX.DER.; has removed his office j to Fourth street; biityreei Wood and" Smithfield ate., next door to Rody Patterson's Livery Stable. marl4s-ly ALAIIGE and splendid issortment of Mahogany and Rosewood grand action Pianos, with me toile frame. and with all the latctst improvements, which for durability, tone and touch, ere warranted to be equal to any made in the country, for sale low for cash, be F. .111.111 VIE, marlB No 112 Wood st, 2ddoor above btb. Second: Ilarld Plant a. MIME second hand 'Pianos dl'different manufae 4 1 1 thrice, for sale at P. BLUME 4 S, marlS No 112 Wood et, IVAPOLEON and his Marshall, - "hy Madly; A LSO, one elegant Itoeewelad.Piano, with Cole- 114 Schlegel's History of Literature; man's patentiEulean attachinent, low for cash, Schillees Poems and Ballads - . with life by Bulwor, at E. BLUME'S, For sale by 11. S. 130514 t 01mi*.c0., marlB -No 112 VlZood st. mar2o . • No 43 Market .It. HAYS & BROCKWAY, Liberty et. near Canal Basin L. S. Waterman. =EU 3 do (lororseed; GOO }ha Feathers; 4 ;AN Whde Deans; 30 pAire Woollen Socks; Iteceive.l and for talc by LAMIDIttf &SIIIPTON, In and 133 Wood at Pianos. grass cuarc*st . ,411,4:oliavts. 1847. 61111D - A.Y - 1 1 A40 HE 1947. - l S THE brad and •Pamenger Stearn.r Is- AAC NEWTQN,,.. ; Capt. A. /Casey, wit rill] as a regelar,pack4lietween Pittsburgh and Cincinnati, leaving kittabitijliavery Sunday at ID xi , .• clock, A. - • - The Isaac Newton was built thil spring, expressly for. the trade, and iifferil to pisiengers every comfort and superior accgrarnodationsit• febl3 The regular mail and'passengersteamer MONONGAILEU,Capt. Stone, will run as a regular Packet between Pittsburgh and Cincin nati, leaving this port' every' Monday at 10,.*; M., and Wheeling at 10, P. Mictlitreatne thy. fteturn. lug, she will leave. Cincinnati every Thursday, at 10, A. M. For freight or passage apply,on board. , . The Monongahela Was built expressly .for this trade, and °trete to - ;the Passengers comfort, and du perior accommodations.' - mar 31 1817 Taiscday Packet. 1817 The regular mail . and passenger steam er liIBERNiA , ] vo -2, Capt.' J. Kuril will run as a regular lackethetweekeiiirls. Lurgh and Cfneinnaii,leavintr: ibis port every Tues. day at 10 A. M., and Wheeling at 10 P. M. Of the same day. Iteturning,.she - orill leave Cincinnati ev ery Friday at 10 A. M. For freight or passage ap ply on board. er The Hibernia No. 2, was built expressly fur the trade, and offers to the passengers every coin. fort and superior accommodatiena. jan12,1847" 1847. 'Wednesday Packet. 1847 THE' NEW ENGLAND, No. 2, Capt. S. DEAN. Will leite Pittsburgh every o n esdny morning at 10 o'clock; Wheeling every Wednesday evening at 10 P. 1'44 and Cincinnati eve. .ry Saturday at 10 o.cioek, A. M. feb2o 1847. THCESEA.V PACKET. 1847. WISCONSIN, - Capt. R. 7: GiIIACE, lag Will leave Pittsburgh every Thursday morning it 10 o'alock; Wheeling every Thursday evening at 10 P. M.; and Cincinnati every Sunday at 10 o'clock, A. M. rebl9 '.kMThe regular mail and passenger steam et itiMESSENGER, Capt. Ltuford, will run as a regular packet between Pittsburgh and Cincinnati, leaving this port every Saturday at 10, A. M., and Wheeling at 10, P.M., the rime day. Returning, she will leave Cincinnati every Tuesday, at 10 o•clk A. M. Fur freight or passage apply on board. The Messenger was built expressly tiir this trade, and oilers to her passengers every 'comfort and at conimedatien. - that 23 The regularurail and passenger steamer ciacAsSIAN, Capt. Isaac Buttriett, will 11711 as a regular Packet between Pittsburgh anti Cincinnati, leaving this port every Saturday, at 10, A. M., and Wheeling at 10, P. M., the saute day. Returning, she will leave Cincinnati every Tuesday, at 10, A. M. Per freight B: passage apply onboard. 'The Circassian was built expressly tur . this trade, arid otters to her passengers *very cos:dot and ac• contrneriation. rear 23 TUE new U.S. Madatesmer.ACSDlA, M. E. Lucas, Mager, alit run as a regu• tar pagacegur psrlet between Pitt , d.urgh and tht :note port der.ng - the action of 11:146, evar) Thunway at 10 o'tloci. A. M. The ACIA3 to nen and has sopertor ac-entnmoda• hong. For Ciento, or pautagit, apply on board, or t, apo 1. NEW TON JONES t ut, Mt NDAv pAcicvr. recol nistl aad pasenger steam lON.Ca 7 Nl arlcar p it OA a ran A: regular packet Lotoeco l'ittstrorgla and ['inch ran, Icarth;,; thix port tsetry Monday *t h dol uto k, P tl. Roy will leave Cincihosti tier) Thamlay at G P. k The Unitra was built espremly-for this trade and atToro.l carry For trercht nr pat.aor apply oh tolrrd. Blatt rot Ctuctunr.ti atid Tice r ex and sp;ortuhti passenger Atari, et C t; 11 HI A, CP:it.h./.. MA.Ort, wit trace for the &Lova taut thtematetliate perte, rapiar Fnr er rretight plias:3lV splay "r , lard,toll. Ai-eut • For Cinctrtatatt and Ai. Lout• The frp.sv,nret strutter I , Al.l'.aTrsi.:, ('apt. Wti'lsms. wth leave T.At tt dose AA.. lin , :oefl,elitltr p. its 7 t•Va%ay, Fur frt.. , ht or pAeszit apply no tximd. " JO. Irstessl•7 El. CUlet; Packct. St, St!, iggZ.ll.o novr and «plezatd piiimcnigcr "team !bust DU:L.AILATION, lior.hres. milt run 5.41 tetauial ra,Act tset-veon Vats:nov.6 saui Ciaounsh, cav:*ilthla port escry Tu t ty ß i a t e.co t n g Ai 3 o'clucl. Ile-turning ain *4l 'lca's': eincisoat4 elery FrAkoi e:rutug 3 ~ e ntk. 'rho Dfda-rat,osi. ct rs ioperior set ommodatiogt passnegem. tar iirnr,ht pifinge orply on bo:trd. jot le s ! yr Cincinnati. The known. Last rarming stearnor C. , 0113 1 R1A , W. Forty th;Matterot in rat. as a rei:ucr P.scit et, leav Inc every morn- Int; 1.1 Itt u'clork, Wberi+l , l, at 10, r. the Sitar der. keturste,!. sh.e le.vre Ckceterrat. every SA:Untiti , At 10, A. M. Fur freight 0r p4oolge apply on bused, t , AgeoU, No. 30, %Cater street. Well.s llle Iterideir racket Tut *tea suer vA riEN , Iltrat C. I't_tt tnsy Maater, still leave I'llistrurgh tur f and all ivaetuvrilvate. lar:dtugs, ou Mort. Alas a. li - rant...lays. and Frniat . a. et J o'clock, and Vll ' l,llll In.? fur P0:1,1,1, rt: la "I, Thur ,- daJa, and Setnctla 5-a , at 9 lI‘CiOtA, A. 11: ' Por freight ur paavagt apply stn toval.l 4 . (lee:* .... "For Wherlirsg.--Re gular racket. THE light drlllolll 1141.1.Mf DoNliNjt)N, S. TVLI.U, ataater, svill run as a regular paeLt t Ivetsveen Pittebusgl) and Wheel- P.tuvtuilli fur AVl,teling ever'y. Mullday. Wc4 nv.kday 411.1 Vrolay, at 3 o'clock. ;11.;.an41 Icac- Lag Wheeling , for i'lttvburgli every Tuctd.y, Tlaun day wild' S a t ui dhy, At 9 wrlock, A.M. Fur frevzht or passage apply us board TTIDE subscriber tendons his acknowledgement to the public for their lilieral patronage in times past, and solicits a continuance of favor*, and promia. ea to mcrirthe 6/31110 by selling all goods in his line at as favOrable pore*, and keeping as general an as sortment of school books, account books and all kinds of paper as is to be found in Pittsburgh. A few leading articles are as follows. Now in store: 730 reams cap writing paper, different qualities. 200 •• Poet " 300 a crown .5; medium wraplig paper " 120 grnas bonnet boards, a superior Article; Cap Day Books and Ledgers, 1 bound, 2,9, 4, b and b qr. long and broad, folio. Cap Day looks and Ledgers, full bound, 6, 6, ?, 8, 9 and 10 qrs long and broad; folio; Derry Ledgers and Journals, 6 to 10 qrs; Medium it do ft lined for records, 9t09, " , Car Book' /I lined, 2 to.B qrs. fiull and bound SCHOOL BOOKS.• Eclectic series, complete; - • Cobb's tin " new and old edition; Emerson's do " Sander's do gf Elementary Spellers, United States Spellers; Frost's Willard's, hate's, Goodrich's and Rus sell's U. llistory; large and 'oboe) editions; Olney's; Smith's, Iltattingdott , a and Mitchell's Geography and Atlas; Olney's, Parley's and MitchelPa Primary do Morse's Geography, Quarto; Mitchell's Geographical Reader; English Reader and Introductory to do; together with a generaltiasortmont of Bibles, psalm and Hymn Books. • Also, constantly on hand, Printing paper of Rob ertson's manufacture, different sizes fin News and Job Printing. Printing Ink of PrescottAr Co.'. man ufacture—fine and common; all of which will be told for cash at moderate prices. WANTED. • 100,000 Poiinds good, country rags, for which cash, or merchandise at-cash prices k wit! be given at highest market prices, at the heel alid paper ware house of LUKE LOOMIS, - Agrat. tnarlB . No. 89, Wood street, Pittsburgh- Hardware, Cutlery, Sadlery, &o. JOHN.,IVALICtRi TROORTER and dialer in Foreign and Domestic Hardware, would respectfully inform his friends :and the pninic generally, that he is now receiving his Spring supply of Hardware at the old stand of Walker & No. S 5 Wood etreet, which he will dispose of on the most reasonable terms. • He will be continually receiving fresh supplies direct arm the manufacturers in Europe and this Country, which will enable him to compete with any mat+. lisliment either Bait or West. . Western Merchants are invited to call and examine his stock befortapur . chasing elsewhere.' . , mar& .46 MONDAY PACKET SATURDAY PACKET SATURDAY PACKET PAcia*:r TO TIIE PVI3I,IC GXober,orrttt had Provifiiion - SlAnpt D RETAIL, 141 Lint: wry Synriet. - , . 110PIENJAIVIW DOWN .-wonld -reepectfullyipforta *ll, his old friends, and the public generally, that he has again commenced business in. 'the •aboite branchen next dour to his old stand, where .he hopes, by keeping a supply of good articles, selling low for cash, and paying - strict attention to- his pat rens, to merits share of pUblic patronage: • mr22-4ri • Carrot and Dry, Goods Waretiddler: fim. 110 MARKET STREET. D. ROBERT. D.:THOMPSON,I ESPECTFOLY informs ,his : friends, and the t ) public generally, .that he is now receiving a-1 large add splendid assorts:nen!. of ISs.eir Srtrrr CAR- Fentrat, Ora CLonts, itte:, direct from the importers and Manufacturers,,compesed in part of Superfine Brussels - Carpets; Pactra.dMTapestry Brussels Carpeting; - . Super Imperial 3,-.ply do; Pla!m 6 ; " 1 4 do; #tiposfine Ingrain do; Fine .5 dot / Cowmen do; 4.-S, 34 and.4 l 4 Plain Venitian do; 6-8, 3.4 and 4-4 Damask " do; 6-8, 3-4 and 4-4 Tapestry " Steam Boat Trimmings.. ' Drown Drillings; 44, 6-4 and .6-4 Sheeting. 6-4 7-4 ,8-4 Table Linens; - Linen Napkins; Crash and Diaper; Iluckabuck Toweling; : Carpet Stripes ; • New Style Table Covers; Oil Cloths from 27 inches to 21 re s et wide, cut to any size; • TOGETHER ;urn Rich 'Embroidered and Printed Table and Piano covers; Figured Floor Cloths; Chenielle; Brussels; Tufted, and Wilton Rugs; Tufted, Chenielle, and Sheepikin Door Malta; • Manilla and Grass do do; Brass Stair Rods, Flat and Oval; Damask and Striped Stair Linen; Carpet bindings; 4-4, 5-4 and 6-4 Plain and figured Indian Matting ; Colored Spanish Matting, &M. ace. Persons fitting up Stearn . Boats, Hotels, or Private MUMS, are requested to call, as ho feels confident they Will find it to their advantage to do so heibre purchasing elsewhere. DRY GOODS. Ile woutil also invite attention to his extensive Stock orlcrAv sPRING , DRY GOODS, ;embracing ever• thing in that line,l now opening in the above stand gerSo. 110 Market st. mar9-Smdaw MACII;NIL CARDS, LOOM rizipisaa, age ittf. Cur:mint, Smithfitid st., above 3d. 111 " A s g R enty j a ;i a l a a u S ta la c i t t u h r e ac es i:o itri 'a dtg aa V.vatz e b.air4j tnent, end in Clock*, Looking GiAVS Platca, 4 isr4ming Ciao, be. nor. I ~.—rot,2343es EXCHANUE tirAr Yens:, Pita • DELNLI A , a n 3 J3Attnicar., for sale in stuns to 1011 purchnsets. N. HOLItEN: dr. SON, mar ic•tr F.:change Bsol.rus,r.4 314T-kot voLLucTioxs r i N CINCINNATI, Louisville, St. Louis, mai all occessable points in the tjuituil States, nails prouiptly, soil upon the lowest terms. tie N. HOLMES & SON, No.'ss,!:Ustkoit st. marl G-41 f 0£00.06. a. ItIDDLE, Lir. Sionline—Dear Sir: I feel calleil by a senee of ; duty I owe to suffering humanity, to acknowledge I 111, grateful thanks for the v. ondertill eilk-cts of pint Compmind Spit? of Wild Cherry on roe, after. suffer-1 Mg tutintli eller month with the roost afflicting ofali ;diseases, Consumption. The f rit symptoms were l. Gls very heavy cold which settled nu my lunge, i which grailualiy grew worse, With Profuse night sweats, a hacking cough, spitting blood, with great debility: lily conitittitioutMemed broken down,and I nervous csaiern very much impaired. I went to} ; Philadelphia. was treated there by physicians-of the highest standing, but received no benefit whatever from them, but gradually grew worse, until my phy .alefitaar w a4t ell ,wa,naisielf, pea up Alf liiiiica of re 1, , covery, and I feltlese one who is about to pass i througMhe Valley of the :ehadrave of !Death. Atthis ;..awful jltcture'r I heard of your' Compound Syinp lof Wild Cherry., of which I purcliazed six. bottles, ;which I am haiipy to say entirely ,cured Me, and I t am new enjnyi i ug better health than I ever havelae i fore in my life.Ngliysiciuns who witnessed my case' are litg,hly recomniending it in similar, cases, and I I wish you to make this public, so that all may knoW 1 where to procure a remedy atone which will reach 1 their disease before tampering with the many "quack nostrums" with which the country is flooded. My i residence is at 45 Ann street, where I should he I happy to have the:atm.& substantiated by a personal interview. ALBERT A. DOSS, - t Wiloleralo anti Detail Dealer in I Cigars, 45 Ann streeti N. Y. Be not deceived by the many spurious and worth less preriaran on e GINS - ild Cherry, ushered hito notice Hooka, ' •• ' ih r ignorant pretenders, but see that:the sichatare of IDr.Swayne is on each bottle, which la dm onlyguit y ALDAN E on the Itonmut—Evposition of the 1 epistle to the Rouses, with, regriarks on the' antne against imposition. Commentaries of Dr. lllsetiigbt— . Profesior Mimes i Prepared only by DR-SW.S.VNE. N.W. errillier Of Stliati, and Profeswar Thoitick: Dy DOSert Haldane. rEiglith and Race streets, Philadittittia, and for sale Esq., froin the fifth Edinburgh edition, I rot. bvo,fbY respectable Druggists in nearly it the prinniPal ilittt_gagra, price $2,1.0. I towns in the. L'ravad St:lteg. The, Wicklitlites or E nglsed in theiFifteenth cps. i For sale ii l3 / 6- th a" 1 R2l/11. hr U -31 - iriPert:C . • tent by Mrs. - Colo:7ml Mackay, author o f t h e ..F eht .. I 5.3 Markezittreet; L. JONES, ISt? Liberty street, and fly et Ifeatlierdele." ; OGDEN tki SNOW DEN; corner el 11 - eted and' 2e afs., Perlional Declension and Revival of newrion in i SOLE A ars - rs roe airrrszustori., ra.. • •Inar - Z2 . the soul: by the Dee. Detavius Winslow • CONVEYANCER. .I FFICE Avery Soli., fi is eld iiireet, Ittr,rA, - ,:tlervrciAnus,Aoßre/al , Prs, r•onta, Lt.:S.4Fri and other tuntTotneatn nt writtugg drawn with neat attortry and dea l :mech. lie nTll also at tend to drAtkiog and NiEMANte . II tif i:setinora, Adminixdrators, 4 r., Examining tiitcs Egiate, XfurrAinc liscangs for Liens, 4-(.. hit tong r!pentoce not: iatiolate neguQSat• 1 ante o;t1. am. ututtoor of looping dm pudic toctutit,. tiptltt to cite taticlot,ou to thorn u-bo otny,t•o- Vltit tlin.r but estate h:♦ cam. 3eil6-tlEcw Books. IniSii Gal art utter ruerae, be Ittra.l..l/1s; Forted Mitatzel, by Mrs. Vierson; Ilutarersa 3.l,actl!aa:eei D'iefac:t's tiac4entit's NV<s; SuloNt-ts' se:ect Worl.e;. NVue'e/44 T. S. Artlia's Frc.iricka,lttemet'a Noralei Ten that:rat:l a year; Martin Clissticero. For ea'.r by 11. S. DOSWOUTII No 43 Market rt. " of Lsseratursi .1 . 1 Ta or'sCrlntrib 'Aiwa* of Q. Q., 2 vols. ISmo. .• Merucors 'and corretpandence, by i Isaac Taylor .6 .4 111.112 VI in Ithrtne and l'Octical Ited Mothers end Daughters. 6. .. Original Porto,. .6 Thaplar, a tale. Tales of the Scotch l'eisantry: be Her. Henry ! Duncan, D. D. ELLIOTT LE ( NGLISII, j inni t 7 • No. 66. Market at, , 0 Yes, - VTOL: can always find at o:Schneck's, on the cor ner of Fifth and Sittitnfield sti„, fresh ft acorn .erred, up in every style, on the shortest notice. Also,;(lround Nut Gandy' Fruits, acid Putties of the choicest kinds. Call and see. tsucl3-dtap i /1 1. 0 :I T 1. A T IT T O F C . 1i ,r,.... re*Tor'Snelr.No'gtlh 111 •-... l '' 1 .11 1 1 l '\ i ti n s 'i ti l l i v a to rk i l n i 6 t t h e e ci T tv h( rh n er l C a thorough and systematic course of instruction can be obtain - 0d in mercantile and steamboat ROO K - KEEPING. Writing Classes day and evening at the usual hours. Mr. Dud' has a few spare hours to devote to assisting in arranging Merchant's or steamer's Books, in any case of difficulty. flours ofluSiness 10 to Ili, nitti; to 4, iinyCluisesi Even ing, do. 7 to 10. . toar4 LADICS AND GENTI.EMEN; who design pur chasing Venitian Blinds, or wish to get their old Itiulds renewed and mink better than whemnew, will please take notiee3hat Andre* White is now permanently situated on the corner of Wood and, 4th 'so. •Show room on the second floor Mr..Ken nedrs splendid. Looking Glass and variety store; entrance on 4th at. All orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. Please call and sue be fore purchasing elsewhere. marl 3 Notice to Cosatrootorr. OFFICE OF 'HZ MONONGAHELA NAVIGATION CO., Pittsburgh, Mar Ch 3d, 1847. 13110POSA:LS will be received at this office up to 3 o'clock, P. M., on Monday the nth day of April next, for the construction df en additional cut stone Lock, at dant No.l, to hd fifty-sit by two hun dred and fitly feet in the ehanther; • Proposals will state the price for Cash payments, also, for payments in Certificates of 'the Company payable eight years after date with interest. • Plansand specifications ofthe work will be exhibi ted at the office ten days previous to theletting, and information respecting the same, will be given by Sylvanus Lothrop, Bag., Engineer. PROPOSALS will else be received at the same time and place i for loaning the Company 'Twenty thou sand doll ars, upon the bonds or certificates afore said. J. K. MOORHEAD, Preen. tnar3-dtas (Gazette and Journal copy.) . . Hospital Notlee. pROPOSALS will be received until the Ist day of April, 1847, for the sale ofa Lot of ground, con taining riot less than one a half acres, or more than seven nores;.tiitaate not more than two miles from the liew.Court liaise, and imitable fora lios. - pital. Each prOtianition will solltaiti a brief descrip tion of the niae,and location of the Lot as well as the Mice and terms - . Proposals may bo addressed,, poat 7 phid, to the Chairman or any member ofCommittee. • T 1104.18 DAV:WELL; Chairman. Contraittee--Tehe Graham, John H. Shonebcrgcr, Win Larimer, E. D. Howe, H. S. Cunt. - ' • paarl6-dtapl IMBIM 37 1, thie:8kok - 1TAL141314 vtdETABLE. ;ID It b. % - • - cOMPOC R ND SYCP VILDVIt priginat-and. - G'rnitirteerrporatian! • Coughs, Colds,Asitiina,BronchitiailihrComPlaint, Spilling Bleddi,Dithelilty..of „Breathing, Pain in thO Sf.cfq and Brearir,,Pal „ . pitation of the Ifeart, Infu ensa,Crcinp.,,brokert con.; • Ellltsluel°vo4inTuPll,llC Thieat' 2. all diseases -'- of Throat, ••., 4 13reast, and Lunge; the. iciest effeCtind gild - speedy cure ever known fur any of the above diseillies is DR. S WAYNE'S . , ' COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CIIERRY THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINT. PD:EPARAT/ON MORE 'IIOME TESTIMONY. " rnminzz..mult, January 23,1347 .19:.._Stectyne—Dear Sir: In justice to yourself anril a duty I owe to suffering humanity,'l cheerfully give my • testimony, and declare to the - world the most astonishing effects, and the great Mire your COM POUND SYRUP OF.WILD GHEItItY performed on . me, under the most unfavorable circumstances. I man taken with a violent Cough, Spitting Blood, Se %ere Painsra the Sido.and Breast; which seemed to I real dow a and enfeeble my constitution so that bry hysician thought my case beyond the power Of meal - mile, m.d my friends all gave me up to die; but thanks to you and the effecut of your great diScoveiy, I now feel myself a well' fnan, and raised from - a mere • skeleton to as .fiesby and healthy a man as I have been-for years, and shall be : pleased to give, any information respecting any case, by calling at my residence; Mechanic street, third door below George street, Northern Liberties. . JACOB PARrren., lWr The only safegnard agaiusl, imposition is to see that- my signatirre is•on each 'bottle. DA. If. SWAYNE. Corner of EIGHTH and BACH etc. Philada. ' ASTHMA OF 1.1 YEARS , STANDING perinin ly cured by. Dit. SWAYNE!S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILL CHERRY, after all War remedies had • CD:CIIMATI, Feb. 19, 1947.. Da. Swavire: This may . certify that eleven.years ago last Fall, I was treaded with the Plithive which, increased upon me in-defiance of all the remedies 1 could hear of, until the yearlB39 40, when I was obliged to leave my Native New 'England, fur a mild-' er clime, which had the effect to mitigate my suffer ings for three or leer years, atter which the disease increased until last winter, my sufferings were in tense, almost beyond endurance, being obliged to set up night after night, from inability to. sleep in bed. - Last Fall 1 felt the symptoms earlier than .usu al in the season, but bearing that lit. Su-Atsee CO3IPOUND SIT.r, or WII C./ VERILY, wag a sover• eign remedy fur Diseases of I.ungs., I itanisediately . commenced its use, and the result was Almost iin niciliate relief. - For-the last six weeltal have I felt the lealtsymptetns oft/se Asthma. awl-feel cou-; - fident that I am well offt, and that I 'lave been cured by tire abuse named medicine.. Yours respectfully, • J. W.-KNIGHT,, Walnut street between 3d and. 401.• 1 I 'hit bewarethe base impostors who would desecrate this tree, By their Para:uric cures ankrhyreing ribaldry; Beware of him who buys tins 2 right to tamper with 1 your health; 1 Who adds "Wild Cherry" to h t fa . Mane by treachery I and_stealth; IlWho bottles Paraguric, and then calls it, through' deceit, The "Bair= of Wild Cherry!" Oh! beware of such a chest! If you would shun ilia venal crall,lie healthy and be blest„ Take "Dr. Sway-nes Wild Chirry," the original 1 and heat. , , Read the toast remarkable cure ever recorded! PHYSICIAN AND SURGE). 1 Fresta Acrtralt of liPrieuX - libelist • 6 A. W. OLIVER., ?Vire subegraher would respect ftilly invite- the at , qui:ES this method or announcing to his trends„.: tentton of au and public generally. and the public ietterally, that he haw retuned', to his preca.nt stock- of - goods suitable fur the ail. - to the cite, and intends tpr.mptip to attend upon LF-Itiachng . tureen- business; conmatim of French. the practice of his profession, in .111 thoir r.trtous t. M , 144 Aultr , C/ 011 0,...af t l / 4 . 4 -DMA etatittt , - departments. Hating - Cothfulty at ended ;the past t lute cotort.aUchUeettont,Oitatel ' reensOtiselieriiirr. wterl ere ofihe best Mollie( evitezw, whets the greeb• Civet rt.'szit bloc k„ b.r'* mut /AS* Caelbues the Itosprtal and dtsserung rooms re twe grin. . gl)!eudni Atsortztxeht efAmertilib t . not surpassed he any other tasiduttou, added to his 4 e'h Ca - Lortle - te-ts brittetTOlr . „ t.1 31 : 1 . 1 e -. " .4, former opportunthes t,„ et h t ., r „„. hwadso - ste assortment Vestings, Tit VC at‘tf. egazit ' experience, t. rla en4ith„„t. thathe .h,at patterns—alt err:filch Witt be to recctee a lk hare of pbblic confidence and patpaß..i .thurttat notice; in the most tashionablis manner, - at Odic., No. b St. Clair street. mart.a% tf E st' 3 ---etste [weer. The rutting department *needed to by Mr. Tares C. Walt mliesc and long prsai.. tine ofthe naost fr.t.itletAtti cutting in the Eastatik cities, renders him capable of V - 13 easing the most '. Ilastith,ous. • Ala ,rqr, Osortrnent RrAbr Stallt CLOTHING constahtly on l-and„ obich ibr reamers,' and bility, is riot eurpawsea be auy in tbe eit), silk arol t satin banilketchies, scarfs, cravat*, and stocks, lit great vatietrshirt.t, ‘‘hite rind ecaored, latest pat. ems,- auspeallorsigievesy and every . article suitable far Gentlemen's wear, can be found at this estab. lisiunent.„ ,D.I4:LANY, No. 4,9 Libettyinrect, mare-ilawant N. D. To T.ttrotts---Ttaft's Graduatitigiteuldatt ' measure ..atom of gattnenrentting for:4p7--ptiottt invariable $10.• Wall Paper and Borders. r/tICTS . REPCC.T.I3. Tnom'AS PVlAmsa. Al; 47, Market street, bettreess :cad 4th ESPE . CTFULLV anuouuces to the publie that "this present stud or WAl,LtArillt or his - aura coutsjcietvri , ix very'exteniiYe, and daily additions are beinuiyado to it, as thoy aro finishexi, of new AiSIN• a well asineteil stuck ofFrtatit.Po.-ruatt Border*. leteittly reduced the prices of th e a bore artint es; Lind otheta,• in his line, not elituanrate.lo lio is prepared to- cell Fur Cash, tIICAPLA, than any Qgtatliighukent yr the, kind, Es;t, or West of the mountains. inar.l7.d4iu 1 1 0 the Honorable the .I . ridges of thi,Court ofQuar- I ter Sessions of the Peate; in arid l eer the County or Allegheny. - 'the petition of Jacob Colebangh, of Ross-Town ahip, in the county - aferesaid, hratriblvilieWctlii That your petitioner bath provided himself with materials for the accommodation of travelers and othera; tit his dwelling bowie in the county aforesaid, and preys that your Honors will grant him a liteilet to kin]) ' a public house of entertainment, A.: o ti t y l o m ilt A l u iC c ilt rt io: - bound,or, as in dory SM4're. We, the substribets, eitlzeits of Ross township, do certify, that. the above petitioner, is olgoi:id re pute for honesty atd teitiperance, and in well provi ded with house room and conveniences for the ac commodation of travellers and others . , and that said tavern is necessary. ---- ' 'Wm. Ray, Richard Megan, Charlei Cooper, naniel Burns, Wm. R. Graham,Peter ivory;. 'Jr., Paniel M , Keever, Robert flare,Daniel Watson, Alexander Neeloy, N. Geod. ' .liter 26-wit' DR. I. SCiIIV4DVB CELEBRATED HEALII4 PL A'S TER,, ACERTAIN cure for all kinds or bpalings, and particularly fur the most dangetimp .014sores,' Ind for fleshy tumors and sponges, tstiah if causes to separte and heals directly.: . • This is to certify that I suffered extreme pain my side'and, in my whole body, from a sump; inter nally„,the Size of a man , s, fist; near antl".,uhdet my heart; for_which laws treated by several phyaicians who all : . up. I then got some of Dr. I. Schwarz's Plaster, which entirely., removed, it _and made me perfectly well. IL BERICENICPIP. -I.ltad a bid sore on lei ;years, and could not Arid aUS; Rely' by Physicians until I got - Dr. I. Schatlerra Plaster, which completely healed it.. - ; JOHN .VOLLIIARDT, Wrrrtr.ss, VICTOR. SCRIBA. This Plaster is put up in the ni oat' convenient orni, , also Dr-. Schwera's ntirl4l.tzna pii:e Famili Pills, Sold wholesale aed retail by Mtn. Jackson S 9 Liberty street; bead or 'W re ood street. ; . Only A gent ;br Pittsburgh and vicinity. Price 25 cents per box. febl23dlawttw2rn. „Adjouratsll.lJoll o of lrfs : l , B y vikuD.,,,f , . decirei tflhelhpltanil 'Court Allegheny County, Os 'Match. Tertn,18 , 951,- 'rule - .iidersigeed as Ttitstee,for the ,sale et. the Real Estate of Dennis. Murphy, deed., will expose to sale bY.Public outer) , at tbe CoOrt.Hoose, in 0n... City ofPiosbnigh, on the 24„Motulay Of4pril, at 10 o'clock; A.. 51„ the following described . Estate,•vizi • . . , , let. That part of the Farmlielonging to the. said Estate, - bounded and described as -follows, vizi' „11.O:„ . .-' ginning at an Elin , Tree, thence .by jail& of - James- -' H. Rays, N 68 E. 121 perches to a. post; thence z. l 221 E 192-5 perches to a .post; thence 865 W . to a sugar tree stump, thenceB 881. W . 113-9 per-Chet; • to .a stake; thence by.nrat part of.said farm in the Diagram of Partition or said Estate marked iißo N 44 W 99 to a beech; thence N'.7 W 16-9 , t0.a bee* , hence N 61 W 18-8 perches to a post; thence N 3s W 7,ton post; {hence N SOW 22 to' a post; thence N 141 W 44 perches toe poet; thence by lands of James H. H a ys N 63/ E 15 to a eugar tree stump; and. thence N 46 E 92 perches to the place of begianitigi containing.lB3 acres and 97 perches, being the pot marked on said . Diagrti m of the Partition of said Real Estate, which said described piece ot'Jand contains about 96 acres ofstone coal, with a dwelling ' house slid barn erected thereon, on Beckis;Witldn (along the.front) about 66 perches of The monovga= hela river, on Beck's Rim, about 3 miles flom, the ' city of Pittsburgh: the soil id good, about. 60 acre” cleared, and the stone sena] is of .the best quality; This tract is well timbered, has 'Wife/al excellent springs and streams, and.has a, splendid orchard of . all kinds of fruit of the beit varieties. 2d. That other part of :said- Farm, bounded and • described as follows, sit: Beginning at a poitt, thence : by land of John Doran and lames H. Hays, 8 881 881 perches to a ost; thence S 77} Wsoto a poirl thence by land of Petcr Brindle N 351 IV 1571 perch; ea to a poit;" thence by': land of lames . H. }DIN NN. .? S 2 E. 24.7 to a beech, thence N 171 E 24-5 to a 11lAn1 thence N 631 E6l post; thebee b, the firet described- • part of said farm marked in said Diagram "A" S 141 £44 to a post; thence ,S - 50 H - 22.10 - aldat;' - thstce,l 39.Et0 if jabgir ttieifte 61 18 .8 ' Leech{ thence S 77 1; 16-6 to a beech; anchlieticp 51.44 E frir.: • to the beginning, containing 100 tidies 15'6psirpbeab hhhrg Marked in the said Diagnitoof Pirtitibb' This part of raid firm contains about 65 acrei of;' stone coal and has about 45 acres of cleared lend. - • 31. That lot or piece of ground situate in the City of Pittsburgh, bounded and described as 1 . 011014 - 11 I i. Beginning on Front street, at the distance of 102 feet Eastwardly. from Woad street3.lbanca -along .. - Front street Eastwardly 24 feet to the /init. 6r !be lot ' • marked "IV, in the Diagram of Partition, thine's, by, the said line northwardly. parrallel with Wood strest —, -. SO feet, thence parallel with Front street westward ly 24 feet loan alley; thence along said•alley condo 'wardly parallel 'Kitts Wood street 20 feet to the place. of beginning, being marked "C" in eald Diagrstn ". 4th. That kit or piece arijoiaing die 0034, beitibbf.' ed. and described as follows: Aleg,itining on _Front • Street, a: the distance of one : bunch-0 and twenirsit - feet from Wood street: thenee along Front street— eastwarilly twenty-four feet; thezico-nortliwardly in a line parallel with Wood street F.O ti:cts thence westwardly by a line parallel with Firm street to the line of list marked in said Diagram !!C,” sad t hencit by the raid lane sontliwariliy parallel with WoOd street 60 feet to the place, of beginning: being taark ed *.1)," in said Diagram. - Terms tifsale of 01 the •foregrAng described 110.4. ,, Estate, sizr..ooe-fourtkin hand. ou tbestelisety . OF.,' the deed, and , the. balance in` one, and' three.: years in equal payments, with interest , the date of sale: The said balance of thefilrebeie '- money to be secured by ..Tudgniont Bond and Muhl' gage ou the property sold. • N. it.- The share or thirds of flakier Murphy, widow of Dennis ?if urphy, dec l / 4 1 is to remain in the - hands of the purchaser a lieu on the laud till bots death, subject to the nasment of yearly interest. 11. - ENEY IDCLILLOUGH, .• mar.22-d&w-t1 . i Trailer. . - DY virtue of an order of th e, Orphan ' s Court, of •JUIII Allegheny County,' espose to sale, attho" Court 11ouse, in the Cttiof Pittsburgh, on the 4th,!. Bfonday, (the _'6th day) of April. best, at 10 tetioc 3 / 41 • ; A. M., and sell by public vendor or outcry; to the'. highest and best bidder,' a certain Let of groubd,Sits. uated in the city of Aileghen)—hallog a front Oil - Jefferson street, of .95 feet, and cater:dm); babk'prew serving the same width 00 feet, to en alley 16 feet', , on which is erected a two story d'ukible frame-boost; with stone beilar, about iC feet . irt froht by 32 deep,. being the same tot which is inarke . d in Georgp„Led. • lie's plan of Lots latl out in said city, number 114; said house sod lot will be sold subject„to a certain . Y blortgage, which is recorded in said County 31ortgage Book 1., au!. 9, pages land 6, given by John IV har ry to George Ledlie, tearing date the'l2lst 'of June • A. D., ise, to secure this payinentofthretaburnired• r and twenty-eve Years, and • . the other half in ten years, with lawful Latveat„ . pay- able tall ye'aily from date. Persons iit.tcndtnit to•'- purchaSh will hare an opportunity of examining,the premises and the said Morgnge, before, the da of s a le. : Title indisputable . Terms at sale: JAMES D. xr.f.tY., Ain tnistrettot. .m2rl9-d3tiwid WORICS. 4.1p? 1 ,81111 9 •ANTI AXEL FACTORYA !SAC A AAC 10#1. • • 091. TAsitervitEßS eSfS'pritiirandlll:lll:er Pli;usikAtiol i .st . c eLv t u g h wimis,.coach 114 Elipcic Splangsalainrnered Iron Aires; lind rloalerl.C;• in Malleable Castings, and Candi Trimmings, genai rally, corner of.P.oss and Front streets, Pitteborgb,'• Ps. •-• . • • - '. • .-Jr-U.6411'u .• ,' .• Steel and rile :".Innufatitery. - 11E. sphsenbers haring salarged .their ch.tablieh: Tmeet finr the watihrocture. of Sti.el and Filer ota the earner of o.lciara and laser*. ittietp, .Word, Etiaat, urg preitered to foznieh files or every + . l..cmicipt.en; of the best qiztlity";o:!Z heist - gide- terniitied.to otalie it the interest alcucc...weeee to.por chose tiles fromthem-roapeetrollp alllgedt piamp ag. aeon who use the 2rticLe.• made-y • . IiNICBI2rIk Eitieet Piektivetr Ipr gale: desitahleilat ofgmind at the foot-cf . :W(I4;V . stractioiculilea at thp ti-gto of the itricat* . iiiit.. .ra.t.srs, Rh* &-11,:ilini3e:, gfierea Rei sacs Enquire of tautlSl J. N.4' DIOORIi,F;AD,c TITS light draupt eteamer AntltA, good, nothing Order. She - carries itboirt 10 tops, hag good Hull and.Eonesi new hnileteie. comfortable plain cabin; atd Well adaptod. fibs . Towing.. She will be !rola at a,low aonahle'tereas for gtrocl paper; pier 9 - JAMES I,IA . , - • TPOU.U.LQIS—DoIinded by Penn, Taberty end,ll •• sts., each lot haviag 24 front, and extending back u ft. Iwo of them aro corner tote, arid the position of the,whele property is one of them: l oA, vantageotis in the city... For further itiforeatipti ply to SlVilltTZ‘VELDEß;foortikati• t ; nov3-tf• het. Wood et! - cootAtry Itesidotacc.., , VrAlTlNCrieutovosl to the pitir,-,rfer eotteepieuvo . to firotesional bpainees-11411.1 - eilt toy Arektt, tion Ilousfto enclotniitvoritliitte.:*: the. Bluth of the .4OnougaJtelal ette • Pittsburgh. ini4-Sterti JAMF4". ' 4 ‘ .. ch - srr. . . - Nira NVi ciontixaya roereh and Market 'street, has riow k .. ) cn band a splendid assortmon!,of cold and sir.; ver 'Watches, of *arioua patternsUndqualitiis suita ble for all uses, and at prices as lawns can be hidin New.Yerk. alone and wellselectorlratett! fine Jewelry,Silver Ware, Lanipi,lfilitary•and cy Goode • 4 ttgperior stock of Gajd . Pcni wid;pei, . . . rW4t,,e . h aock vepinsfg - drinc in thellsett manner, Jewelry. mede end . repalyetl. order.' = OP °AGE{ AIVAIOU L - a FOURTH SIT.; BETWEEN WOOD AA'D surnt'sru.ls6rit, L 2 - o. fr y lVeaily opposite the 6:11 1. 5 re '~.y: .r. : '....v: . t . ; , ::•'-!• --.. q!. t .,.. ; *. ''!...1..`,..f...;-.--_.,;., ••••••• Ihrtnhi coult. Sale 7. I+'ok- Stile; Kpr St Cj OgiaZt` ~: <; T... G ' al. ' ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers