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'0 ' 4 '1 17: 4 4 ;14 fA4- .2. 1,11: 4 i t-w 4 • 1 - • *itto .0.04 4,7-04• u i .114 ya k llo " *A/ t . : 461 W* 41 o 0 41Iti"iAd;. 1 . ~t,s,!'.l k•'.; 4 •ZV*-p , -/` • ^",‘ " te • •-• MEE • ; • `-.t •—• • . • , •• : ,••, ' 4 _4_, • -• • - • -4 ' • - -- ,.‘14.1,*_ew,,,,,.„, . . • .• •• • ' • ' • - '-•••••- ' , • • , • , _ - , • . • •, • ;"4" ' k-'4l-t j' - ' 1 ' ." ; " -‘ • .; • ' ' •• XI • - .1, , t • • 1847—sir I Felt. 'the ti - iniportation of freight bet Ween, titts -two ibad the Atlantle citieshayoiding tranship. : imenli;en.the Way; and the consequent risk &delay, daukage, lireikage and aeperation -of goods.: PRAtIPItIETORS: Bizna.rnor. t.tert,ll2l Market at., Philadelphia. Thirer. l 3r9T.oirrtort„ cor Penn and Wayne ate., Pittfdrirgh,:. --- • . O'Conwoas Co.; North Street, Baltimore. U r .;. - &".l.T,.',7%triscirri . , 75 South street, New York, • Enntiaraged by increased bisiness, the Proprie • tom Airv,e, added to and • extended their arrang manta .datingthe Winter, and are now prepared to • irwand freight with regularity and , dispatch, unser passed*. any other Line. 'Their long experiencd as Cairicra,qte palpable Superiority of the Portable _Boat', artem,„and the great •capacity and convenience of'. t crlyarehomses at danh end of the Line, are peculi arly,calculated to enable - the Proprietors to fulfil their Singagements and accommodate their custom ers„atid confidently offering the past as a guarantee for the fu turn, they respectfully solicit a continuance of that : patronage which they .now gratefully ack nowledge.' - All consign nents to Tan& & O'Connor will be re, ceivndand tbrwarded, Steam Boat charges paid, and Bills of Lading transmitted free of any charge for Commission,, advancing or Storage. Baying no inter est directly or indirectly in Steam Boats the interest of the, Consignors must necessarily be their primary objectia.iihipping We.st; and they pledge themselves to forward all. Goods consigned to them promptly, endnnthe most advantageous terms to the owners. • . l'Fielsiliosrtli , s Way Freight Line. 18-7,_a: TPXCLUSIVELY - fur the transportation bf way 11Y.freight Between Pittsburgh', Blairsville, Johns town, liollidayaburgh, Water str,pet, and all interme diate'places.. - Thie:bottlmves the Warehouse of C...i...slcAnul tylk-Co.l.Pittaburgh, every day (except Sundays) and Shippers can always depend on haring their goods forwarded" without delay andat . - fair rater. Psis Line was 'formed fur the special.accomrno &titan of the way business, and the- proprietors re apectfully solicit a liberal:share or patronage. J. J. McDevitt, John Parker, Robert Moore, Baan leysfSmith, PitpbuNh. marB . - ,184,7: 'l.it/R 'PH E . TR ANSPORTATION OF PRODUCE AND MERCHANDISE. TO AND FROM' PIT rs. BURGH, PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE. - • • IW Without Transhipment. .:„.: 7 ,,.;, - ...i::, , ,. , : ',-, :'-'....YV ids_COnsigned to our care w i ll ho forwarded without delay, at the lowest current rates. Bills of Lading transmitted, and all instruc.ions promptly at tendeiLto, free from any extra charge for storage or commission. Address, or apply to - C. A. iticANULTY & CO., • -- Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. STORAG E. Hiving a very large and commodious warehouse, wears prepared to receive (in addition to freight for shipment) a large amount of Produce, /to., -on Stor age at low rates, marB .f:a...'j'~S V: ~" ~- • +-=‘-• 1847 • Moutongahela Route., BROWNSVILLE AND CUMBERLAND TO BAL TIMORE AND PUILADELi'IIIA. Time to Baltimore... ...32 -',- Time to Philadelphia 4U hours. , [cv.m..v 73 MILES STAG/litG.] E Splendid and fast running steamers Consul, Louis M'Laiie and Swatara ' Alava commisneed making double daily. trills.' One boat will leave the Biontingithela wharf every morning precisely at. 8 o'- ciciek. Passengers by the *morning line will arrive in Baltimore 'next evening in time for the Philadel phia Mail Boats or Rail Road cars. The -evening Boat will leave the wharf daily. at 4 o'clock, eleept Sundays.: Passengers by thia boat will lodge on board, in comfortable state rooms. Leave Browns- i Mlle neat mehing at 6 o'clock; cross the mount Litt; in day light; sup and lodge iii Cumberland. This avoiding night travel altogether. The preparations o'n: this route are ample, and the connection COM- O* so that disappointments or delays will be on kn upon it. Passengers can stop on the rotate and resume their seats again at pleasure, and have choice of Rail [toad or Steamboat between Baltimore and Philadelphia. , Coaches chartered to parties to travel as they de sire. • • Secure your tickets at the &See, Monongahela tfouse, or St. Charles Rotel rel)l7-y atianallB46.. 7...2..."`- eIaNDUCTED - on strict Sabbath-keeping princi les., though not.claiming to be the only line that Is so conducted. The proprietors of this old estab lished. line have put their stock in the most coMplete order, and are thoroughly prepared to forward pi o duee and merchailize to and from the Eastern cities on the opening navigation. We bust that our long experience in the carrying buisiness, and zealous atten don, to the interests circus towers, will secure tons a continuance and increase of the patronage heretofore bestowed on 'Llinghaties Our, arrangements will enable us to carry freight with the- utmost despatch; and our prices 11411 al ways be as the lowest charged by other responsible Rues. Produce and mrerchaudiae ivill be received and for warded east and west: without any. charge for adver tising, storage or commission. ,Bills of lading forwarded and every direction pronaptly attended to. Address, or apply to WM. BINGHAM, Canal Basin, cur. Liberty and Wayne its., Pittsb'g, BINGHAMS, DOCK ¢ STRATTON, No. 276 Market sL, Philadelphia. , - JAMES WILSON, Agent, No. 122 North Huivard it., Baltimore, WILLIAM TYSON, Agent, N0..10 Westst., New York. . •. - Blakely and Mitchell, Offices on Penn and Smithfield ats. A GENTS for the Old Black Rill Line of Liver. pool and New York Packets. Remittances made as usual to England, Ireland, 3eothindand Wales, in sums of one pound sterling and upwards—payable in any town of importance in-Great Britain and Ireland. Persons wishing to send- fur their friends can have them brought out by the above splendid line, on the 15th' and 16th of any month. jy7 Fifth Warill.jsivevy Stable. 2 ; . g . THE subscriber, having bought out tne well knOwn Livery Stable kept by C. B. Doti, in the _fifth Ward, respectfully informs his friendisand thopubllc generally, that he will keep M all times a stock of the beet description of riding horses, bug, gici, carriages of all kinds, and in short everything required in his line of business. A considerable portion of his stock is now,and he is confident no'stoek in the city will be superior to • • His terms will be moderate. His stable is on Lib erty at., a few doors above the canal bridge, where be respectfullisolicits a share of public patronage. CHARLES COLEMAN. 'He is also provided with an elegant - Hearse, which be furnished when required. 0c125-' tf HVII 'AXING sold out . my establishment to Doctor William Irwin, I-cheerfully 'recommend aim to all my &riser friends aid customers. • , Drug Store. ' The undersigned having bought out the store of Edgar Thorn, corner of - Penn and liana streets, licits a share of the drug and medicine custom Or the city and-gutuntuding country,. A general Oasektment • °C all the most valuable Medicines, Perfumery, Oils, Soaps, Fanc3- Articles, Ilnrshes and Combs ways be kept onhand. Physician , eprescriptions curate) , compounded.; The, store will be npen at all hours of the'day and night.' 'WILLIAM F. IRWIN • , dee2& ' • cornet of Penn and - Hind sts. ~.?S MEE •VlttiOtur i gh Portable - Itaa.t:Ltne s • - AGENT•Si Pioprielors PICKWORTII, JOHN MILLER, I/A.N , L. IL BARNES; RODERT WOODS, WILLIAM FULT Y JOIIN. MILLER, Liollidayshurgh. R. 11. CANAisi, Johnstown. Agents C.I,I4cAINTULT Y Co., Pitts'gh. RETLIIENCIE23. .Eadepeattletat Portable Boat Liae, C. A. McANIJITY & , S MILNER ARRAN G E NNTS. Bingititat's Transportation Line; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~* PAM '4l7,+_ . 1P41311.1&IGN . RiffirriNCE. - -451". ! • rylSebseribers are prepared ,to forwardiaoney , tO parts orEagland, lrelbed.-Seetland aad Wales, witlfdespateb, and at the.lowest . r4es. .SAIKVEL, bIeCLUAKAN dc,co" rebl2 N0:142, Liberty st. ILARNDENAGRA7NION — OFFICE. TRH Subscriber having now the sole Agency in the west Ric .:I' , d 4, _ .-11111 7. the - abovit /louse, is-prepared: tx, send or bring out passengers pn,the most ilberil term!, and with the greatest' omfort Ana despatch, as they have the best vessel! sailing every week, (huilt expressly, for this line ) ) and will invariably give passages .aecured on this side thalwaterohepretbi euce of berths, And will attend bit pasaengerl'log gage on landing through the . Custom House free of expense, and t will Shirt fcirward them to their friends in eny:part tithe United States, thin protecting, the emigrant from all'the wrongs and vesattous frauds which they have heretotbre had imposed upon them. Messrs: Hamden & Co., are also the Agents for -the Royal Wail Steamers. , "- -Remittances by drattaat sight-L-to any amount— payable in any part of England, Ireland, Scotland, or-Wales. Application to the subscriber personally or by letter (post paid,) will meet with every atten tion. Office, Third street, one disor west ofWood street. - JOSHUA i ROBINSON, - decill-d.tsv3in European 4.; General Agent. _ I . ' Trepseietes General EtalgrattottOffiee. REMITTANCES and passag to ILE and • tinin• GREAT BRITAIN AND •Ingtariti, by &J. T.•Tapacott • 75 South street, corner of Maiden Lane, New York, and 96,.Waterloo road Liverpool. The' subscribers having:Taccepted the agency of the above house, are now prepared to make arrange ments upon the most liberal terms with those desi. ..reus of paying the - passage of their friends from the old -Countrz, and • Batter thenteselVes. their character and long standing -in business Will give ample ar. suranee,that all their arrangements will be carried out faithfully. Messrs. W. & J. T. Tapscott, erelong and favors bly known for the superior glass, accommodation Od sailing qualities of their Packet Ships:- The QUEEN or Tut WEST, SIIEDIO.-Usl, ItOCLIEN TEIIiGARRICK, IIOTTINGUER,' ROSCIUS, LIV ERPOOL, and SIUDONS, two of which leave each Port monthly, from New York the 21st and 26th and from Liverpool the 6th and I I th, in addition to winch they have arrangements with the St. George and. .Union Lines of Liveipool Packets to insure a depar, ture from Liverpool.every fry edays being thus Peter mined, their facilities shall keep pace with their in creasing patronage, while Mi. W. Tapscott'e constant personal -superintendence of the business in Liver pool is an additional security that , the comfort and acccomtividation of-the passengers will be particu larly attended to. • The subscribers being (as usual) extensiTely enga ged in the Transportation Business between Pittsburg and the-Atlantic Cities. arc thereby enabled to take charge of and forward passengers immediately un their landing, Without a chance of disappointment or delay, and are therefore prepared to Gontract for pas sage from any sea port in Great Britain or Ireland to tins City; the nature of the business they are engaged iii gi.ing them facilities for carrying passengers so tar inland not otherwise attainable, and will, (if ut cessary,) forward passengers further 'West by the beat mode of conveyance without any additional charges for their trouble. Where persons sent for decline corning out, the amount paid fur passage will be refunded in full. The subscribers are also prepared to give drafts at sight, for any amount payable at the principal Cities and Towns in Enkland, Ireland, Scotland and Wales; thus affording s safe and expeditious mode of Remitting funds to those Countries, which persons requiring such facilities, will find it their interest to, avail themselves of. Application tifbr letter post paid.) will be prompt ly atteinlcal to. TASFFE & p , coNNO"R Forwarding and Commission Merchants, mar27.l.9cwy. Pittsburgh, Pa --- 117ouittan 1.111a41.. WF.STERVELT, the old and well known Veititian Blind Maker, fortherly of Second and Fourth sts., takes!this method to inform his man) friends of the tact that his Factory is now in full op eration on St. Clair st., near the old Alleghen) 'Briiize, where a constant supply of Blinds of various olAns and qualities, is constantly kept on hand and l*all prices, from twenty-cents up to suit Customers. N. B. If required, Blinds will be put up- se, that in case of alarm by fire, or otheswiSe, they may be removed without the aid of a serewklriver, and with the same facility that any other piece of furniture can be removed, and without any extra expense. je".4-tht.wy. CLOTHING! CLOTIIING ! ! CLOTHLNG ! !! The Three Big Doors Yr. The Wertern Worldll: ....150.000 \WELL SELECTED GARMENTS TOW Made and ready to be offered on the most IN liberal terms to my old customers and the pub lie in general. The Proprietor of this far famed and extensive 'establishment has now, • after returning from the Eastern cities, at much trouble and expense, just completed his fall and winter arrangements to supply his thousands of customers with one of the must desirable stocks ofClothing that bas ever been offered in this or any other market west ofthe moun tains. Fur neatness in style and workmanship, com bined. with the spry low price which they will be sold for must certainly render the old unrivalled Three Rig Doors one of the greatest attractions of the western country. It is gratifying to me to be able-to atiminnee to nix numerous friends at home and' abroad, that notwithstanding the extraordinary efforts which I have made to meet the many calls in my line, his with difficulty I can keep time with the! constant rush that is mode on this popular establish tnent. •Itis a well established that, that my sales are • eight or ten times larger than any other house in the I trade, and this being the case on the amount sold, I can afford to sell at much less profit than others could possibly think of doing ir they wished to cover . con tingent expenses. I intend to make.a clean sweep of all my present stock before the beginning of next year; coming to this conclusion, I will make it the interest of every man, who wants a cheap winter suit, to_call and purchase at the Three Rig Doors, 0ct.21-d.kw JOHN Iit,CLOSKEY. J. l'tf E.SKI3IEN' eneral Conimission fluidness. • With a Receiving 4. Forwarding &late, at FRANK LIN, l'enango county, Penn., BY.NICKLIN Sr. MB EN. kir R. JAS. BRYDEN having purchased a lot at the .15J. landing, (inouth of French Creek,)and erected thereon a new commodious and substantial watr house, the above buiiriess will be attended to prompt, and correctly', if possible, by WI. Our friends and the public vriii please remember us when they have any consignments to make to or Rain this point. Franklin,. Oct. 24,18.16. [dfi.w6m PITTSBITHOM HOSPITAL. NDER TILE CHARGE OF ;THE SISTERS OF U MERCY.—Drs. ADDISON, GAMIN, Bums ,and Mc:dem., General Attending Physicians; Dr. WEE 7trottncrt Physichin for the Germans.—The I nstitation is now open for the reception or patients, RECEIVING Hsys—Tuesdays and . Fridays, from d to 10 o'clock, A. M. Cases of accidents can be re ceived at any time. CHARGES—Three dollars a weok in the general ward; five dollars with a private room. Medical at tendance is iucluded in these chargesi - paymrnts to be made two weeks in advance. Any phyeician can send patients to the Hospital, and continue to attend them there, and any patient can engage any physician he chooses. In these cases the Institution will not be responsible for the physi nian's fees; each person will settle with such physi cians. - Leeching is an extra charge. . As many free patients will be received as thi..meana ofihe Institution will permit. Persons with contagi ous diseases *ill not be received until' accommoda done Can be prepared sufficiently ample to prevent any danger that the other inmates would incur. All the , physicians will attend twice a week to visit the Hospital, and will depute one of their number to attend the sick in the meantime. Advice will be given gratitnously to'ont.tioor pa tients on Thursdays and Fridays at 10,.A. M. Pecuniary arrangements will be attended to by a committee of the BrotherhoOd of St. Josephs, which for the pteaint consists of James Blakely,Esq.,- James May,John S. Coagrave, John Coyle and Arthur Tiernan. ' . .. . j anr ' tf larßwoold respectlidly call the attention of our V V. - friends to DR. MA ZONIft3 SICILLIAN S YA- M', which is at present attracting so much attention throughout the United "States. It waibut recently introduced to the notice.- of , Pittshurghera, but the rapidity with which it has commenced selling, con firms thestateinents.made in the- pamplets, many OT which. are of the most astonishing nature. • A coin utittee were appointed by the Medical faculties of Loudon and . Dublin, to investigate the properties of the medicine, tbe result of - which clearly demon stratesthat there is One,medicine,•whith is all that ityourportale be.. Pamphlets containing the certifi cates of the Sicattylai well 'an these of,some of the *it reilfieetebre citizens Of Ohio,"cari lie had et our store, where the , medicine is sold-,wholestile and retail. , HAYS It BACICEIVIY,'. ..jed27 - Zit). 2, Commercial ItowiLiber!yA. =MEE (61,i_iigultiott Important to Old countrymen. REMITTANCES ..k ~. -,• Ilitourtnite Fire and Marina Iniuranen• TllE , lntoliutce , company oflcorth Arnorimt, of Phitadelphiai thrOugh its deli authorisedNgent, the, subscriber; offers to make permanent and limited Ineuriince on property 2 in this, city and its vibinity ) end on shipments by the canal and ritors.. - - . I Arthur 1 1.Coffin,Prosit. Saniuel Broeks, Alex, UentY, - ;Charles Taylor, SamuetW. Jones, Samuel W. Smith, Edward Smith, Ambro'se White, John A:.:Brown, - Jacob M. Thomas, John White, ", .John It, Neff, Thomas P. Cope, Richard D. Wood, , Win. Weigh, , Henry. D. Sherratd,Seey, This is the oldestlnsurance Company. in the Vol., tea States, having been chartered in 1'794. Its char ter is, perpetual, and from its high standing, long experience, „ample means, and avoiding all risks of an .extra hazardous character, it may be considered as offering ample security to the public. - MOSES ATWOOD.: At Counting ROOM of Atwood, 'Jones &CO. 'Wa ter and Front streets, Pittsburgh. • octil-y. The "Franklin Fire hrouranoe Company Or PULI,ADELPIIIA. PEhPETUAL.. $400,000 paid in of 6cc 1331 Chesnut st., north side, near Fifth.-- Take Insurance, either permanent or limited, against loss of damage by . tire, on property and erects of evOry description, i n toWo or entities, on the most reasonable terms. Applications, ma - de either per sonally or by letters, will be promptly attended to. C. N. BANCXER, Prest, C. G. BANCKER, Seely. , DIRECTORS.: • Charles N. Baticker; Jacob R. Smith, Thomas Hart, ' GeorgthW. Richards, Thos. J. Wharton, Mordecai D. Lewis, Tobiiii Wagner, Adolphi E. Bone, Samuel Grant, David S. Brown. \\ PITTSBURGH' AGENCY. WARRICK 41s.a.rus, Agent, at the Exchange Office of Warricit,Mattin, 4- Co., corner of Third and Mar ket streets. Fire risks taken on buildings and their contents in Pittsburgh, Allegheny and the surrounding. mm trf. No tuartner'or inland navigation riskir taken. aug.l ly - 2(Ail - 614 - 111 FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, Now York. r pins well known and reripectable company is pre pared through their PITTSBURG AGENCY, to make insurance of every kind connected with risks of transportation and inland navigation; to insure against loss or damage by fire, Dwelling Houses, Warishouses ' Buildings in general, Goode, Wares, and Merchandise; and every description of personal property on the most favorable terms. Applications fur Insurance attended to without de- lay at the otfice,No. 31 Water and 62 Front ate., by BPIANGER JIARBAUGH Ag't. At an Election held at the office in N. Y.; May 2th, the following named gentlemen were chosen Directors of this Company, for the ensuing year, Joseph W.Savage, Julie I.lroomer, William G. Ward, John Newhouse, Jacob Miller, William S. Slocum; Marcus Spring, John F..Mackie, ' Joseph S. Lake, John 4. Herrick. And at a subsequent meeting or the Board, JO SEPH W. SAVAGE, EN, was unanimously re-elec ted President for the ensuilig year. WM. JAMES BOGGS, au 4-1 y. Secretary. Insurance ; 4 NIERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO3.IPANY of Philadelphia—Charter perpetual—Capital 400,- 1100 paid in. Utfice in Philadelphia, No. 71. Walnut street—Wm. Davidson, Pres•t; Frederick Fraley, Seey. This old and well established Company con tinues to insure Buildings, Mere/undue, Furruyure, and Property, not of au extra hazardous character,: against loss or damage by Fire. Applications for Insurances in Pittsburgh and its neighborhood will be reeeii.ed, sod risks taken either perpetually or for limited periods, 011 favora ble terms, by (EO. COCURAN, Agent, dec.!! • No. 26, Wood street. _ - JOSIA Itlrre. xllO & _ Agents a! Pillithurgh, for Mr IMay...ire Mutual Safety bison:tare Company of l'itila,frlp4ia. FIRE RISKS upon Wings and Merchandise of every description, and Marine.ll.44.B upon hulls or cargoes of vessels, teleo upviu the moat favorable terms. Office at the warehouse of King & flalmes, on Water st.. near Market street, Pittsburgh. N. B. King & Finney invite the confidence and patronage or their friends and community at large to the Delaware M. S. Insurance Company, as au insti tution among the moat flourishing in Philadelphia— , as having a large paid in capital, %filch, by t the °pm ation of its charter, is - constantly increasing—as yielding to each person insured his dne share atile profits of the Company, without invoking him in any responsibility whatever, beyond the premium actually paid in by him; and therefore as possessing the Mutual principle divested of every utmom o n a feature, and in its most attractive form. nos I.lf Agency of the Franklin Fir; insnrance Company of Philadelplaim N. E. corner of Third and Wood streets, Pittsburgh. assets of the company on the first of Janua j_ ry, 1841 i, as published in conformity with an act of the Pennsylvania Legislature, were Ronda and Mortgages, Real Estate at cost, Temporary t loans, Steels and Cash, Making a total of $909,683 42 Affording certain assurance that all losses will be promptly met, and girirr , entire security to all who °Maio policies from this Company. Risks taken at as low rates an are consistent with security. oct 8 WARRICK MARTIN, Agent. _ .. ._ Allets if.rasuer, T'XCUANGE DRONER, corner of Wood and 3d J streets. Gold, silver and current bank notes bought and sold. Sight checks on the eastern cities fur sale. Drafts, notes and bills collected. Wm. 13e11 & Co., John D. Davis, V. Lorcnze, J. Printer & Co. ' Joseph Wood well, James Mae, Alex. Bronson & Co., John H. Brown & Co., James lAlCandless,Cinein J. R. M'Donald, St. Louis W. H. Popo, Pves , t Bank To Householders: T CERTIFY that I have had two hods renovated in Reny , ' Steam Renovator, and I - must acknow ledge that the process brings the feathers to a more buoyant and pure state than when new. With the greatest pleasure I recommend it to the public. nov2o•tf MARTIN LYTLE. TO ARMS! TO ARMS!! THREATENED Invasion of Western renntrylvania by Col. SWift, with 10,000 ' men, nalwitlistanding which, 3.M. White will con- Snue - to sell clorhingcheapertharsany has heretofore been offered in the Western country, having the largest establishment in the city, fronting on Liberty and Sixth sts. He is now prepared• to show to his numerous patron , " the greatest variety of cloths / cassimeres, vesting', and clothing of all descriptions, suitable for the approaching season., that has ever been offered in this market, to which all can have the Right. of Way. Observe- the corner, No. 167, Liberty and Sixth ets. .1. M. WHITE, Tailor, mar2s Proprietor. Tar my clleum. A, Y PARTNER, Mr. Liggett, and Wm. E: Aus tin, Esq., will attend to my unfinished busi ness, and I recommend them to the patronage of my friends. lam authorized to state that they Will re ceive the counsel and assistance of the lion. R. Bid dle. Office 2d story oaf urke , s Buildings, 4th street, between Wood and Market. janG-ly SAMUEL W. B Jones Italian Chemical Soap. FERSONS, in purchasing this, must always ask for JONES'S ITALIAN CHEMICAL SoAP; and, per haps, as many have been cheated with counterfeits Will be too much discouraged to try the genuine, we say to such, Try this' once—you will not regret it; but always see that the name of T. Joon it on the wrapper-. Price 50 cents a cake. For sale by W. JACKSON, Akent, coiner ofWood and Liberty streets, Ike only place in Pittsburgh whim the Genuine eau be obtained; ALL arnEits ARE COUNTEXCEIT. jan22 Jones's. Coral flair ReotorativO. T HEREBY certify that my hair was falling out in immense' quantities • daily, and was turning gray, and that aincel havemsedJonee's Conil Hair 'taste tative, it has entirely ceased falling--is irqwing fast, and his a limadark look. Before-I used Jones's Coral Hair Restorative, I combed out handfuls of hair daily. . W. TOMPKINS,92 King et. N. Y. For sale by W;Jacksin, AkOnt;:iiiirnor of Wood vid „Liberty streets, Me ' , wiry place 'in Pittsburgh where the °Enniscar tie - ethained. jaiL24 • , . . „. _ . . . . ,v4, 140 4i : .4 AVW'y • • - • • - r - . ' , . . . ETRE ~,~~,. TS offered to tiny person who will produce one fourth the amount of real. certificates of positive cures in cases of CONSUMPTION or DISEASED' Lungs as DR. ROGERS' LIVERWORT and TAR has made in this;eity nr any other place where it has been introduced. Although it has not been puffed in the city papers ih EDITORIAL FORM by the PROPRI ma for the SOLE purpose of GAIN, (as most medicines are without regard to their worth) yet the demand tias been euormuus. In the city of Dayton alone, where this medicine has not been ad vertised to the amount of ten dollars, we .ree'elved an order from 'Messrs. Ells, Clain - 3. Co. to the amount of one THOUSAND BOTTLES. And this too, in the summer season, when there is compara tively little or no demand for mediciue of ails chir . lrii - This medicine still per/or/e.t.a:RES that seem almost tiered/Ng, but as they are here, and are nor own neighbors Whose testimony can be had from their I own mouths, it Must convince the must sceptical of the worth of this medicine. Another REMARICAALE cure of CONSUMP TION. Mr. Gabriel 'Whitehead, or this city, was reduced so low that ALL IRS FRIENDS, and even his PHYSICIANS had given him up to IBE! ! ! Ma , .- .la. A. L. Scovitt.— Aa low my , e life to the us or G alvanism. of Dit. ROGER'S LIVERWORT and TAR, I feel it The Galvanic Rinds hive been used with entire el a duty, anti shall without fear or delicacy give my seem:sll'in all cases of Ittikanitsvow,acute orchronic, testimony as evidence that others who may be afilic:- applying to the head, face or limbs, Gout, ne-Dolo ted with CONSUMPTION or diseased Lungs may raiz Toothache, Broar,hitig, Vertigo, Nemo= Sick : know that this medicine is NO IIphIBUG, but is Deur/ache, Indigestion, Paralysis, Patsy, Epilepsy, : worth ten thousand physicians , prescriptions for the fits , ' Cramp, Palpitation's or the Resit, Apoplexy, disease for ohich.it is recommended.'' ,_ Stilness of Joints, Spinal Complaints, Lumbag'o,l Last summer I was token with a most DISTRES- :Neuralgia, Rename Tensors, Dizziness of the Head, ' SING COUGH, and about the first of July my Lungs pain in the Chest and Side, General Debilit y,Lkficien-1 were so diseased that I bletrin a short time several cy cf Nervous and• -Ay-rival Energy, and a ll NERV-,i quarts of blood, which reduced me so low that all GUS DISORDERS. In cases ofccmfinned Dyspepsia, I my friends, and even my physicians thought I must which is simply a nctroustieratigement of the diges- soon DIE with CONSUMPTION. My brother, how- live oreana, they have been found equally successful. ever, heard of some of the wonderful cures made by I Their extraordinary MB:eta upon the system must be: s' this medicine, and procured a boat', and Wore 11 witnessed to be believed, and as a certain preventive had taken one ha 1 . /bottle, it seemed to go to the very; for the Preceding complaints they aro equally recom-' , seat of the disease and raised a LARGE QUANTITY i mended. The Rings aremf different prices, being', of MATTER and PHLEGM . , and my COUGH was i made °fall sites, and of various ornamental patterns,! stopped by a charm. I have Since used some two orl and can be worn by the moist delicate female without I three beaten, and em now able to attend.to my bus;-1 the slightest inconvenience. In fate; the sonsatiun nest, as well as cam. . l is rather agreeable thin otherwise. . . ' I feel set" thankful to the inventor of this rnedicineo, 1 - The Galvanic. Belt., Bracelet., Bands, , fur if it had uric been fur some all powerful medicine 1 Carters, NeeklateS, tit e: Ito have raised the matter and phlegm, and healed my ; In antic cases of a very, severe character, and of l lungs,! should without doubt have now been in-my' long standing, the power as applied by the Galvanic vase. ; Rings is nut autficientioarretst the progress-of disease 1 if any one will c a l l; nme on Catharine street, half; and ultimately restore health. The improved moth ; a imnare below Lnn,will give them the particulars= &alien iii the Galvanic Belts, Bracelets, Sm., entire ; and refer them to nuniertma friends who vatted me ; iy remedies this objection; any degree ofpower that =I during iffy sickness. __ is required can readily be obtained, and no complaint Jan. I o th,lS-17. GA BRirL wlifrb:H.EAv. .whieh the mysterious agent of Galvanism can effect STATEMENT OF DR. HIRAM COS. will frilto be permanently relieved. These articles, Late PROFESSOR in the Cincinnati ECL.ECTII.:I are adapted to the waists, arms, wrists, limbs, anclee,: MEDICAL COLLEGE, and a physician well knoton,lor any part of the body, with perfect convenience.: I practice, who has an estrus:se in relation to the ease The Galvanic Necklet:mare need with greater hene- 1 I 1 of Miss Belt, rtfter Saving Arms gicrn up to DIE teilhi tit in cases of Bronchitis or affection: of the throat! • the last stage of CONSVMPTIOS, by a steadier qf 1 gencrally; also in cases of !Servant Deaf - near; and': able PHISICLINS. 1 with almoat uniform success as a preventive for Apo = Ida. A. L. Stunts:—However reluctant I have 1 PlesY, Epileptic Fits, and similar complaints. been to permit any name to appear, attached to a cer- 1 : Christie's alagnetie Fluid 1 tdieste recommendu,g Potent Medicines, Nostraras; is used in connection with the Galvanic Rings and;; I; or Catholirums, I nevertheless think it my duty, not ; all their modifications. This composition has been: only to my patrons, but to the corninunity, and, all I pronounced by the French Chemists to no one of the ; 1 a:go:tett hail diseases requiring Cough Medicines to ; most extraordsnarydiscoverie.s ofmndern science. It lstate, thatiu thsee particular cases ofincipient CON- : is believed to posse's the reinarkable power of rea ' SUNIVTION, $ ass Miss Belt, step daughter of Mr. F Bering (he nerves sensitive to galvanic action by this ; John ..:arr of this city, a Miss Barger, - sister-in-law of; means causing a concentration of the influence, at the 1 Mr. V. Wunder., butcher, and lals. l / 1 . K. Cos, one of; seat of thaease, thus giving rapid and permanent m om City Council, tied Dr. Roan/tie Ccistrovan Syneei lief. Nd other crunposition in cheinistrylis known to or Lisiza wont' s._xo Ts: operated more mug A. see- produce the sane effect, or,tu impart a similar pro ; tom, than any remedy of a similar character in' its; petty to the nervous system, by means ofan outward !operation than I has c ever ttllfd in my practice. One, local application. The Magnetic Fluid contains noth or the eases shove. ' val Miss Belt, appeared to be= ing capable of the slightest injury; its application is Ilaboring u n d er th e tall stage of sea/woos consump• agreeable, and it is as harmless in its action as it in lion, as pronounced by several PIIVSICIANN who ! , beneficial in its results. 'Full esplanations and direc -1 were in attendance, prosion• to my being called to; bona accompany it. The combined inventions arc in I 1 treat the earn She is at this present tame in the en- every way perfectly harmless; they are sold at prices , layment of as apparently good health, and from ap- 1 within the reach of all and the aiSCOVetet only re-1 pearacce, as likely to the with any other disease, as; quests a fiiir trial as a tCAt of their stirptisittg etfimmy : 1 any o lei young tady of this city. As it respeCts the: and permanent benefit. ! .1 health of 1110 ether taco cases, all the Iltre.temcll ! Christle's Galvanic Strengthening rlass.l renswssiory I) mph:ma seem in ha,. subsided from . . t i ered 1 , 1 the use th a Ihw bottles of the Ityrupabore. - 1— These!articlea form another valuable application . Very respectfully, &c. 1 elthe trilistcnrets influence ofGalvanioni.r 'They are HIRAM COX, M. D. an important adjunct to the geneirre G;rlVa l ric Rings elneinn ti, Jan. i.lsth, 1517. •. ; and their modifications, acting upon the sameprinci : Call at the agents and obtain a pamphlet contain-1 pie, but having the attsantage of inure local applica. ! ing certificates uf wonderfid cures Gunn a great num..; tient- r key arc cOnfidently recommended as a vale.' tier ofrespeetable and well keno n citizens. I able addition in the speedy cure ofitheuntatism,aente A. L. SCOVILL & Co., !or chronic; in all nervous complaints, and as a posi- Wholesale agents for the West, .cur of thh and 1 five 'remedy in cases of Pain and IVeakStess in the' Race sts.,Cincintiati. ' ! Chest or Back, Pal nin the Side, in AstrusticAffections, D. C. Kneeland, principal Agent for Pittsburgh,! and in IreaJcness cr Oppression of the Puhnonary Or office on Grant at., one door below gd. I glans. lu Spinal Complaints their efrcets;are of the Also far sale by J. Kidd & Co., corner of 4th and I Most decided, character, and they have Often been Wood at,., Pittsburgh. used o ith complete success. They are also of the Julio IL Cassell, 501 ward, Pittsburgh. greatest advantage in Pains and Weaknesi of _the 11. P. Reliwarm, Allegheny. Breast,and arc highly reenmrrieuded fur malty ofthose ! John Smith, Ilinningliatn, ma rfl-dly: complaints:to ailliiell females are espcciallydiable. As; ----- Medical and Surgical Office. i an effectitai Means fur strengthening the syStent when Health is the charm of l ife, without it ph!. all, are unenjoyed. / debilitated with disease sir other causes; ap a certain I Lore, letters, friends, al aid in Constitutional Weaknesa, as a Preventive ot ' l, / Colds, and in all affectiona of the Click, 'generally, , DOCTOR BROWN, a! the Galvanic Strengthening plaster will he found tat . regularly e i ducoted physi : girebirtraenc,..:apifir veirrittnVvoarndla.gge.stltnonv•cpt;,mrarrtlisotTiat 1 . .. -....,,,, , elan f rom t he eastern cit e n ...e1t4,,,, ,, tea, would respectfully an. i .0 , ' , 4 , -1/ 'I" notate° to the citizens of with the important addition of the galianic'influence, %%litchis neither impaired nor exhausted, while the jr.. - 1,-4;; ; :,4!,.. es. 1* Pi ttsburgh, ' act inn continues. These articles will be found entire tr,',v::,?;4.:l " 4 -.., Alleghenyand , ' 1r free from those objectioni which are a constant }WV s••• . ,'.. - s:l4=4i! vicinity, that he can bees r ,a. lordinary plasters ' 1 " .5 . 1 ,‘, ',V ' c , ' svAt V- , ' • -t, comulted privitely and I eo u m r m ce on * ts c e7 vt: •,,, ,1 4 ,..7 , .e,..,.. Contiidentially, every day I in int with tto : CAItT I 0 N. in -1 , 1::: - /;-' C.,: - . „ and evening at his office . y on Diamond Alley, a few doors from Wood street Stephen Holt, John iNicehain, Wm. W. Campbell J. FINSET, is $600,615 93 100,967 77 207,499 72 Pittsburgh, P 3. Philadelphia. nati, 0. ~ of Ky., Louisville towards the market' Dr. Brown gives his particular attention to the reatment and investigation of the following disea. All diseases arising from Impuritiesof the Illood i scrofula, syphilis, seminal • weeicness, Impotency, salt rheum, diseases of the eye and ear, rheumatism, piles, palsey. . Dr, Brawn has much pleasure in announcing- to the public, that he is in possession of the latest in formation and , improvement in the treatment of secondary syphits, practised at the Paris Lock Roe pital. The modern researches on syphilis, its complications and consequences, and the improved I modes of practice which have been made known! to the public but recentley, and to those chiefly who make this branch of Medicine, their particu- 1 tar study and practise. Many new and valuable remedies havebeen late ly introduced, whichsecures the patientbeing men. carialized out ofexistence Strangers arc apprised that Doctor Brown has been educated in every branch of medicine, and regularly admitted to practise, and that he now confines himself to the study and practice of thin yartieular branch,togeth. er with all diseases of a private or delicate nature, incident to the human frame. No cure, no pay. Recent cases are relieved in a short time, with out interruption from business. ("j'Difice on Diamond Alley, a few doors from Wood street, towards the market. Consultations strictly confidential. . "myl24i&wy M. WHITE has just received 'at' his large establishinerit,fronting on Liberty . and Sixth streets, a splendid assortment of !TWEEDS lot slimmer; also, a superior lot of French Satin VES TINOS, all of which he isready•to - -make'up in the latest fashion and on the most reasonable .terms: as usual. Observe the corner, No • 167 Liberty and Sixth • street!. - Plyt4 , "J. M. WHITE, Tailor, Proprietor. D (evolution • of Partnership: HE Firms of Geo. R. White & Co., and White 1 & Brother, tire dissolved by mutual - consent, The fitisiness of each store, will be settled by each . respective places of businese; o , partner. at their ; n Market street. F,. - •-• All persons indebted to either of the Firrns will Rletise calf tioun,raiid settle their accounts. GEORgE R. WHITE, TiiOALAS Pittisbnigh,Fetiruary, Ist, 1547. feblP-1:12m ~C~D~cI. $lOOO REWARD Can't be Beat I f::'st] 1-c~~tnl A POSITIVE AND PERMANENT CURE FOR ituicimATzsa • AND AIL NERVOUS COMPLAINTS. "What though the causes may not be explained, Slnce.their Orals are duly ascertained, Let not delusion, prejudice, or pride, Induce Mankind to set the means aside; Means which, tho' simple, are by Heaven clesigted To alleviate the.illie of human kind." DR. CHRISTIE"; GALVANIC RINGS AND MAG NETIC FLUID. fp Ms remarkable initiation, which has received the universal approbation of the medical profes sion of Great lir,itaiu ) entnprisee an entirely now up-, N plication °al iasnistn, age remedial agent, by means of which the. ordinary Galvanic Iltitterics, Eleatic and Magnetic Machines, are, entirely dispensed with, and the mysterious power of Galvanism applied without any of the objections which are inseparable from the general ,ode now in use. Theatrongdos es, and irregulttr intervals, itt Which Galvanism. iaap plied by the Machines, has been pronounced, after a' fair and impartial trial,to' be decideqyinjuripus, and it was toleinedy this radical defect that this new up plication,was,projected, which, alter unceasing, toil, and perseverance, has been brottglit to-its present state of perfection. The ;Galvanic flings ansWer; all the purposceof the moat, expensive Machines, and in many-other respects are more safe and certain in accomplishing the desired effect. • The Galvanic flings used in Connection with the Mcfsakticlo/tritli are confidoutly „ recurillinelf.ded in rill whicliarisefrsm an enfeebled and unkiarthy state o f lite nervous or vital system, and these com plaints are anionithe nfOst painful and universal to whichise are subject. They arise, without exception, from one simple cause—i derangement of the Nerv out Sistem—and it ells ',in these cases that other 'remedies' having so often failed, a new agent was greatly needed, which it is confidently believed ;has been found in the proper and judicious application Ilk,' The great celebrity and success of these arti cles have caused them to be counterfeited by ”uprin clivied persons. To provide against irepomtion,-pr. Curustrz has hut one autherised agent in inch , city or the Union. The only agent in Pittsburgh,: . . . w w: wasorr. CERTIFICATES AND , TESTIMONIALS, or dos highest and most respectable chaincter, are constantlp received, regarding the extraordinary value and success ofthe above articles. It is-believ ed that in the city of New York alone, upwards of ' EIGHT THOUSAND PERSONS during a period of less than a j year, have been entirely relieved of the most painful chronic: disorders, some of which hate completely baffled all former efforts of medical art. indeed tinny of the first physicians of this 'city, who disapprove of the Galvanic and Magnetic !Machine, I constantly recommend this application in their prac i 1 tice, and with the exception of those who are too I prejudiced to give it a trial; the invention has re ceived unanimous favor with the most intelligent among the American Faculty. Dr.. Christie is at all times ready and most hhppy to give every facility to physicians, and all interested, for testing the truth of his assertions and the efficacy of his discovery. Only agency in Pittsburgh, corner of; 4th and , Market street. octl4-d ly , Dr. Emanuel's Lung Jelly; WOULD speak an honest and conscientious word of advice-to those of you who are not too wise to reason, and•who can appreciate and distinguish be tween the cruel and dishonest putting of the day, (in reference to, pulmonary diseases,) and the following straight-forward statement, by one who'would nut offer a misrepresentation' to you, where 'life and death are so.dearly concerned, as in any of the dis eases or ailments which lead to Consumption. • lean assure you that the remedy, here offered, has' given a heavenly , relief; and often effecled a perma nent cure, when every other remedy has failed: It is pleasant, indeed, beautiful to taste; and for those who are weak, languid, and emaciated, it will form an agreeable article of food, as it is in the form of a beautiful, flavored balsamic jelly. It can, there fore, in truth and honor, be offered to all those Mille , tC5i with Brorithitis, Asthma, Obstinate or Common Coughs and Colgs, spitting of Blood, ,Itteesting . of the Lunge, D r honiing-cough,Crotip; Difficultp of Breath!. nig, Sore Throat, - Hoarsenese, First Stages of Con sumption, and all afar Fultmmary and'Lieer Com ptaintS. It isThnosin as Mt. 'EMANUEL'S BALT &ANTIC MING AND-COUGH JELLY. - • The materials of this Jellyare,purely'yegetable ittabalsatitic,' and Rre . -die invention 'tie an eminent physician, frogs which thp proprietor has porchsed the recipe. It is certainly worth its weight in gold, befit' putat a pride to be Within'tlte 'reach of rich or poor. . . Sold by. W.M.JACKSON, at his Boot &Shoe store, No. Sg Libortystreet, head of Sii:ood PittiburGlt Price 50 ceit4;aila $1 - per bottle, ' decs.l - / •". • •,:.,,,..-z4T.,f,-,,T t .: ; .,,,k . . -':,..'-....i..:.-7..,;..,,':-, MVIe#FIN .Bpealos, Straisisi Awns of the Breast and • Side,' and distaste of else . Spine, . OVRED and effectually relleved by 'the use of Na- IL) ture , s owir Remedy, the AMERICAN OIL; ob tained from a Well in rentucky, 185 feet below the Earthts surface. - - . A; lady.in•Kentucky. was cured of a Spinal Disease, which:had confined her to herbed 'for many weeks coMpletely helpless, by the use of'. thirremedy,aßer.variorta other remedies had been triedin vain. Read tbe loll Owing testimonial. - ' Prrreastmost, August 22, 1846. This is to certifyohat we have used the AmEnx- ' cm' Om for thwishooping cough among our children, by giving . thern from 20 drops to a small tea spoon' full at night, whiCh aliSays enabled them to rest well through the night; I also applied it to one of the children that' got.her arm burnt, the child ceased crying by the time the arm was dressed and bound 'up. Lillie was afflicted `with a pain. in my side and breast, and havebeenso for 16 years.; commenced using the Oil by taking a teaspoonful twice a day, and in 2 or 3 days using the Oil have been very much relieved,. and 'ao - believe that it 'is the best family medicine .I have, ever • seen—one of my, neighbors Used it at'my request for a sprained ancle, which re lieved her in a few 'Minutes; iste.have also used.the 1 Oil for a strained jointin our own family, which gays ease itra;very•short time. We live on the east side of Penn St., 3 doosteMuth ot Walnut., I am now; as well as ever I was in my life. • MARGARET A. SMITH. Sold wholesale 'antl retail br Win. 'fuchsia, at his . .Boot. and Shoe store, and, Patent Medicine Ware house,B9, Liberty. street, Read of,,Wond eet, Pitts burgh. Price 50, cents and $r per bottle. 'Wni: JacksOn 'Being the exclusive Agent for Weeteni Pennsylvanip,'.NONl: Is GENUINE bit. neat is sold by mat oa HIS pliPpitated agents. N. 8,-`A pamphlet vontaining'ainple directions, &c., with the Miami - and Addresses of the proprie tors and principal Agents - is enveloped in the wrap per of each bottle:- . .aug 28--feb 15-d&w6m. - iAsirti+AWN. 04,K;9?XQ,T I P iNO, C / 1 0 (I IIrEsTERPi, 'SEW iro.REE COLLEGE OF 11 EA LTH, 207 Matta street, Buffalo, New Y0rk..,.," R. G. C. VAUGHN'S VEGETABLE LITHON - D TRIPTIC ADVERTISEMENT FOR 1847.—"1 CAME, I SAW, 1 CONE/DEMER,•" is DUNN emphatically the case with this article., Disease has ever yielded to its most marvellous medicinal power.. Wherevei it has gone, and South Anietica, England, Canada, and the United States have proved the truth of this statement, the above qitotation in a strong tinidpithy sentence, - tells the whole story. 'lnralida; the prin. ciple upon which you are cored May not he known to yeti, but the result °retrial of the: article is satin factory; yOu.sre restored; and the secret of the cuie; remains with the proprietor. The Medicine is i' compound of - 22, distinct vegetable agencies; each in- dividual roothas its own peculiar, exclusive,sitedi-, I cinal prep,ertionflicting with no other compound —eath root . makes - its nun cute—and as a perfect I toxilbination .4 tifil taken into the system, it dots the work which ?itll:Ur, when her laws 'were first established, intended it 'should do—P U RIF I ES-, STRENGTHENS, AND RESTORES the - broken , down, debilitated constitution: DROPSY," in all its characters, will, be completely, eradicated froth the system by.its use. • See pamplets in - agente hanffs, for , free circulation—they treat :upon all-diseases, ) and show testimony ofeures... Gluten., and all coax plaints ot the urinary organs, form also' the cause of -great suffering, and. VANIER'S LITIIONTREiTIC has acquired no small celehrity,ovet the conntry i by-the cures it has made in thii . distressing class of afflic tions. So'' famed, it seems, is this medicine, that it has thus attracted the notice of one of our Medical publications. in the November No. - 1346, of the "Buffalo Journal and Monthly Review of Medical 1 and Surgical Science," iu au article upon calculmoil diseases, and "solvents," the writer, after noticing I - the fact that the English government once purchasedi a secret remedy, and also noticing the, purchase in 1302, of a secret remedy, by the Legislature of New • York, thus'pav s tribute to the faint of the Medicine: "Why do not our Representatives in. Senate and Assembly 'convened, enlighten and •dissalye' the, , suffering thousands of this country, by the 'purchas i of VaughtiM Vegetable Lithonttiptic, than-which not solvent since the days of Alchemy has possessed one half the fame !" Reader, here is a periodical of high standing, eel nowledged throughout a large Section, of this country to be one of the hest conductedjour- oats of the kind in the United States. exchanging with the scientific works of Europe to oar certain knowledge edited by Anstin Flint, M. D., and con tributed tow men of the highest promisional abili-1 ty, thus stepping aside to noticea "secret remedy." You will at once understand neuntnoust and worth-1 1 'less nostrum, could thus extort a comment from sot / high a quarter—and consequently, unless it directlyt conflicted with the practice of - the faculty, it mush hate been its great "fame" which has caused it to I receive this passing nod. Kitatri diseasesi.weak ness of the back and spine,irregular, painful and suppressed hlensturation, Flour .dlleus, and the en tire complicated train of evils which follow a disor dered system, are at once relieved by the me,dieine. Send for pamphlets from, Agents, and you will find evidence of the value of the Litilonktriptic there put forth. As a Comedy for the irregulatties ef the fe male system, it has in the compound a 'root" which has been resorted to in the north of Europe for,cen-, furies—as a sure cure for this complaint, and a re storer of the health of the entire, system. Ltsxs Comets/sr, Jseranee, Bilious ° DISEASES, lke., are instantly relieved. People of the West will find it the only remedy in these complaints, as well as Fe ima AND Acre. There is no-remedy like it, and no calomel or quinine forms any part of this mixture. No injury hill result in its use, and its active proper. ties are manifested in the use ore single 30 oz bottle.' FOR FEVER AND AGUE, Bilious Disorders, take nal other llfeclicne. Itutusinzami, Goer, will/trail relief, file action of this medicine •.upon the Blood, will change the disease—which otiginates in the blood —and a healthy restilt will follotd. GySPESISIA, Ize-1 ImmsTilly, &e., yield in a feyi days use of - this Med!. tine. inflammation OF TILE Leans. COUGH, - 001. sonerton also, has ever found relief. Stuortms, Earsieet..ss, PILES, lallamed Eyes—all caused by im pure blood—will bud this article the remedy. The system, completely acted upon by the twenty-two different properties of the mixture, is purified and restored—as a partial cure will - not folloW. The train of common complaints, .Palpitatiozi of ' the Heart, Sic* Headache, Debility; 4.c., are all'the re- salt of some derangement of the system, and the GREAT RESTORER will do its - work. The proinises sot forth in the advertisement, ,are based upon the proof of what it has done in - the past four years. The writteh testimony of 1000 Agents ' in Canada„, the United'States; England and SoutlyAinerica, in the possession of thepproprietor—and, can be seen by all interested—is a sufficient demonstration that it is the . best, Medicine ever offered to- the World. Get the pamphlet, and study the principle as there laid down,- of the method of cure. Pot pp; n3O oz. bottles, at $2;.12 oz. do at $1 each-=the larger hold ing fi'oz.inote than two small bottles. Look out and not get imposed .upon. Every bottle has "Vauttlitt's Vegetable Lithontriptic Mixture" blown upon • the glass, the written signature of "G.C. Vaugn" on the directions, and. 'G, C. Vaughn, Buffalo,' stamped on the cork." None other are genuine. Piepared.by . Dr, G. , C. Vaughn, and sold at the Principal. Officei 207 Main stied; Buffalo, at wholesale and tetaiL No attention given to letters, unless post paid7-or ders front regularly constituted Agents excepted: post paid letters, or verbal communications soliciting ad vice, proMptly attended to gratis. . ' Offices devoted exclusively to the sale of thia arti cle-132 Nassau st., New York city; 295 Essex st.. Salem, Mass.;and by the principal Druggista threingh out the United States and Canada;- as advertised in the papers. . Agents in this city— Ilays Sr. Brockway, Wholesale and Retail Agents, No. 2, Commercial Roe, Libbity'streit, Pittsburgh. Also, R. E. Sellers, b 7 Wood street.; John Mitchell, Federal street, Allegheny city; John Barclay., Beaveis John Smith, Bridgewater. jan3o-cl&wq John D• AUCTIONEER & COMMISSION MERCH A NT Corner of Wood and Filth streets; Pittsburgh is ready to receive merchandise of hvery deseriptioh on consignment for public or private sale, and: from long experience in the above busincs, flatters himself that he will be . aide to give entire satisfactioe to all who may favor, him with their patronage.' Regular Sales. on Mondays and ?ThursdaYs of Dry Goods and Fancy articles, at lO:n.elOok, A: M. or groceries, Pittsburgh' manufactured ;Midas, new and second hand furniture, Ste.,'tit - tWo o 4 clock 3 P. M. Sales every_evening at early gatWight. augl2-3, .Notett ON the Upper Rib Grande, by Bryant R. Tilden - , Jr.,explored in .the 'month of October and No vernber, to ;463 or! board the U. S. sty.sll4ot. Brown, commanded by Capt. Mark Sterling, of Pittsburgh, by order-. of Maj. Geo. 'Patterson. U. *S4 'A:"; tom- Mending the second divisi, of Army-of-Occupa tion eke ab4yg - • work cad be had from' , the _agent, G. Hubbard, corner af Marlivry arid Perin streets.- 41sti_frorre thelEkmksillers. febls-tf. ~ x...• i.i ~~` ~ ~ -~' r . . ;r~l t • - • . ''...i'';;;;: - ..',•.';-,,..---.- -' . .- . .... . . ~.,.....,.. Ml=='? St O tu l t r• to 7-ttrtlAtiff°Fz!, CLICIfENEIt'S tUGAR CO.LTED YEgETAPLE PILLS are the firSt'aed only Medicine'eter known that will positively cure • • Headache, Cidiness, • Measles, Salt Rheum, Rheumatistri, Piles, Heartburn, Wortasi Dispepsia, Scurvy, ...Cholera Small Pox, Jaundice, Coughs, Quinsy, Pains in the Back,' . Whooping Cy mitt; Inward Weakness, Conslimptinnr.ita, Palpitation orthe Heart, Liver Complaint, Rising in the Throgt , ErystpciasiDearneits, Drppsy, Asthma, ' • Itching. of the Skin, Fevers otall kinds - • Colds, gout, Gravel, Female Nervous Complaints, dad all tpherdiacasekoriginattng from impurities of the briiiod. • • 'They have :cured, since their iftrOddelloti r over 2,000 perelns, who lAN e been given.ip aa hope less cases, by the'inOpt eminent PhysiCiana. * They are patronized and recommended by men of the highest distinction, among whlimure-- Hon. David R. Porter, • i Ilon.ilenty: Clay, Hon. John QAdams . . ; H o n. Daniel Webster, , ' Hon. Martin Van Duran, ~l ion . J. C. Calhoun, Gen. Winfield Scott, • Col. R. M. Johnsoir, Hon. James K. Polk, .Gen. tewis . its Their . virtues are so infallible ,that the money . will be returned ill all Cases 'they - do forgive 'fire r sal satisfaction. Although . but two and a half years have elapsed since these celebrated Pilla.wcre first, introduced to the:. - public, the sale of them. in. the. Eastern and middle. titatea has far exceeded • Dr.: Clickener's most sanguine expectations.' Daring the prat year, alone, no lees this 10,000 grime of boxes have been sold in ifie'Sraii 'Ol New 'York, 6,000 in Pentaiylvania, 4,000 iu llsdryland , 3,000 in New Jer— sey, 2,000 in Delaware, and 9,000 in the New Englind:• States; requiring the - constant employmedt of 27 hands, exclusive et -printers sand .engravers.- la.the• same period, ;upwards .of. 200,000 eopies of the "Family Doctor" lam been ordered, by..sigents in every- section ,ef ,the cHintry . .: Tiieso facts mails show, conclusively, that Dr. Clicker' er's ed Pills, besides being the Very beat medicine in the world, are held i n the highest eirtimation by the public. We might extend 'ibis, publication to an indefin ite length, if we deemed •it expedient to publish all teniimonials we have•received, not only kom agents., but indiiiduals and families, who have experienced the hauficial effects of.Clickener's Sugar . Coated . Pills, but we deem it unnecessary. The moat in. contestible evidenee of their unprecedented success: are the n umberless Imitathiris and Counterfeits which. have already appeared, notwithstanding the brief Pe; rind they have been before - the public. Even some' of our staunchesepill makers hare bad the audacity to imitate'the Capsule of 'Sugar, in order to disguise .s the ingredients ot,their vile compounds, and palm. them off for the ..real .simon pure." Such .paltry shills cannot last long without exposing theirltideorut. deformity. Truth and honesty must inevitably prts.:- rail over rascality and deCePthin. For sale in Pittshurgh by IiVM. JACKSON, at his Patent Medisihe Warehouse,' No. '69, Liberty street,. head of Wood at.; Pittsburgh. • Price, 26c, per bom. . Dr. Clickeuer's principal office is SP Barclay street, New York.' • • gitr Beware of an imitation article called Im proved Sugar Coated Pills, purporting to be patented, • as both the Rills and the pretended patent are for— geries; got up by a miserable quack in New who, fur the• last four or five years, 'has made his living by counterfeiting popular medicines. 1 1 ••1" Remember, Dr. C. V.. Click ener is the original inventor of Sugar Coated Pills, and that nothing or tho sort Was ever beard of until be introduCed their in June; IM3. Purchaser. ahuuld; therefore, always ' ask for Clickener's Sugar Coated Vegetable Pilla,and take no other, or they will be made the victims of's, '• fraud.. 4 oct 19-dl • . The Most Asteinsiding Discovery. A BLESSIIkG ! A 1)11RACL1: !!' A WONDER , To . cure Eciaptions and Disfigurements qf the Skin, • .Pimples, Freckles, Sunburn; Salt Rheum, Smervu„. , ..; Sure • • . • ~1 0 1 U It years ago last August, the'capital of France I; was astonished in consequence of a discovery magi: by an Italian Chemist. Many doubted—it seen,' ed almost an impossibility that any thing made by the hands of man, could have such singular powers as that Claimeteby Aecrolzo VEserdni fur Lis urren tion. Many classed him and his invention as a hut:a lum, (and, alas! many foblish persons without trying,: do the same now;) at length; after tesung it in the hospitals, the Medical Society of Paris, (the best chemists in the world) delivered the following report to Signor VesPrini •• We have now minutely and carefully.clamined. the singular invention of Vesprini. We have 'mays - edits component parts—we have used it in several cases, and we hesitate not to pronounce it (The Italian Chemical Soap) as 'a. great blessing, and a truly•woutlerful remedy for any cutaneous eruption or disfigurement of the akin. Its inventor we con sider the true philanthropist of suffering mankind. - (Signed). 'LEOPOLD DUPREY, Frei:, Then comes the report of the Societe de Plnitti . tote," of scientific experiments: •• ' 1 "We are astounded," exclaims the aged president,' '! I "at this singular preparation--Vesprini , s • • I Chemical Soap! Where, indeed, will science step! Here we have a •preparation Made in the forth - uf a: beautiful piece of soap, which we know'hy actual.:' practice, to cure every cutaneous eniption, every disfigurement of, and even discolored skin•l Where •,: will its magic awl singular power cease 1 The IVe. gro ' the Creole, the Yellow Race of the East, and the Red Man Ofthe Far West, are alike under the in licence of its eXtraordinary powers of clearing yel low or discolored skin, and make it white and beau.' tiful, and of changing the color of dark, or black . , or brown skin." (Here se r e ral persons wertrbrought forward by the president, who had insedit, in proof,' of of his assertions.) ' • " - RkAD TIIISI • • ',• 111031 THE 11VVENTOtt )173iST.LT TO THE PRESS= iToratrriat. - - " Paris Nov 4 1. In consideration of the suns of $3600, I, ha B4o ve di. vulged to l'Un.-T:Jorros r residingin the City of New -York, N. A., the whole process of , nianufacturiogi, together with a statement of the ingredients compoe ing soy Italian I hemical Soap. ais to martufac.... tore it for sale in the United States only, and to have the privilege or naming it "Jones's Italian Cheiticat Soap." Witness., Henry J. Holdsworth. ' • (Signed) ANTONIO VESPRINI - _ - There are probably few persons of intelligence. who, after reading the above, will doubt the genii, ties• of Jonei , sßalicin , Chemical Soap, in cuchsg Ereptions, Disfigurements, ."Freckles„ Salt =Rheum.:; Seurvy,'Erisypelas, Sun-burn, Moryhew, low or Brown Skin, Ste." Sh'ould there be seen per, sons, perhaps the following, recommendations,. as, well as hundreds froth othersonay- convince them. irr For sale by W. JACKSON, Agent,. corner of Wood and Liberty streets;the on( y place in, Pitts, jaurgh where- the GENUINE CAR be. obtaineily AL, OTHERS ARE COVETERFZIT. '• .eall Estate ut A gtr,neY and ePesal ligeuce 17111 E Subscriber hail' ripen ed at the Publication 011 fice- of tho Morning Telegraph, No. 150 Third et., a Real Estate Agency and -General Inteltigencev.: Office. A Register will be kept in which persons can res. cord, Without charge, real estate which they wish An. sell or exchange; , houses to let, &c. fe. Titles tes'.i real- estate Aviil be examined, and deeds of sale ea exchange 1011 be executed and all other business co snected with a Real Estate Agency, will be true*, acted with promptnessiind fidelity. lie will also attend to all the business belOnging to a General rntelligende 011 ice, such as procuring sitnatiens for persons out - of employment, 'supplying, families: with male and female domestics, 4.-c.• -- The lees Will in all cases be small and no charges Will be made except for servie.es actually rendered, The subscriber is permitted to refer . tv the foll O we Mg gentlemen of this city. Hon. Gabriel Adams, Mayor.. Joules Howard Co., Wood at._ • C. B. M. Smith; Attorney - at-Law. J. Rutledge.; Woodat. -- -- • Janteitivin,,Diamond. • -W. J. Inward 4-...C0.;W00'd at. ' J..W. Cook, Fourth :at. . , • L. Itarper; Editor of Post. •'- • Whitney& Porter ; Editors of Chronicle: 'White & Harria,Edltors of. Gazette. 3. Ilerron Foster, Editor of Dispatch, P. F. Boylan,Publisher Catholic, • R. It. It. Duman & C 0..; Fourth at: Wright & Bryan, Publishers Telegraph:' ibb3-tf . ' " • L. A. CLABR,'- George t 7 oelarati, COMXISSION.AND No. 26 Weed Street, Pittsburgh. riONTINOks- to ,- transact a general Commission 111 l httsinsa,.psp p sfslly in the purchase and sale t American madufacteresand produce, and in receir. ing amtferwanling,Goods consig-ned to his care; A agent Air the manufactu'rers' he wilt lie constantly_ supplied the .principal :articles of Pittsburgh, manufacture at the lowest wholesale ' Orders and cOnelgampats are respectfully solicited. ; : . . ...vine' '' ' ' : l 3 ` '‘t „, 1 ,4111 ===2 ~: ~ .. ' , _ A:O.- f ;, • .. :14 .• 7 4 f:; , , • ...,..4k. ..., { - ';cl.,: k . - 1T.:7- 4 ii.L- - ,i4V ',, ''44 , 9'4":,.--it.4"? ..- : 1 4.-':.:=0: 1 4 1- ii 3 '-,t';`;"" .; ', 7. 0 ., '-' 1 42INI.V.ts:' 4 ..4:lr 4 :: • .. 1 .! _ 4:- 4;.; -.. "•;41.4012r- '4;•'i - 4.X, & , - 7 .-- , , t ,1_44,) '•, *--. • - -,, il1 , .. ; „: ei . .- -t.,:. - 4,_tu, ~---; ..,. , •-.„ , .q,-- i ',...i:: ,--- - - , 4-v. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers