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'-'4, Z 7 ,.. z,- it " .. ; : - :i'-„ - : - , . - .3 -4,, 5 : z ,;.. n: - .. ' ,,ii •- •.• -,, -,,,,t..-!::..,:...',L>:,':-,•":':.= -;.::„Z-.4,1 K.V.4-Atia-7:5..;xv:.4.4f--.. `, - :::i , . .q , - -,--::-!._.:.,;:•,- .•*':..:,•',.1, -.. ''''". illtivit4.--s, M ' i ,::' ''7::,:-.-: ;-; :'-1 . -:-•-.' :•:- %''- - - - EMI EEO 'ri.i-' EIMER Mil MEE EINE IBSEN IMEI . . =ME i• ::•7: 7-- r: 7, , z , • - = 4.' • k • 4 Li '*a iffitontiva Tog. EDITO7/. Atilt PIT 'VS811E1011: MONDAY MORNING, AIAIICItZ1), 184'h o'sletocgAlr e w NOMINA.TIONSb FOR. GOVERNOR, FRANCIS R. SHUN , ti AILEGITENY commit. FOR ,CANAL COMMISSIONER, . _ 11101tU1.21-1,0-NtISTRETIII - OF , MONTGOIIIIMF FOONTT. • ' Stockholders' Meeting. • 7ettiot - burgh Conneltsvalto Railroad , Company. 1 - PyrTsavuou, March 26, 1.547. - -,titpursua'pee of adjournment, and - of due public - , otf~ce . .the Stockholders of the Pittsburgh and CobileiCriille Railroad Company met, andlmis or. gan by U I‘l lf: EICABAU, Esq., -actiog as Chaim:am, fald E.nsen D.. Gazzasf, as Secrdtiry , • Wk. Boa INIION, Esq., President of theCompa . . Compa ny, Made a brief report, and laid before the Meet ing the proceedings of the late meeting of the Stockhelders of the Baltimore and Ohio Railro a d Company, and also a letter from the lion. J. P. Xemiedy, Chairman of a Committee appointed by the "said meeting: • - - . The-following Pieanible andßesolutions sub . spitted. bY Mr, Dansie. were, after an animated dis cussion, netatinneusly adopted: ' • • ~ • Wtiereplan,set was.. passed at the last session, of Walathie - Of. Pennsylvania, nutheriaing -Viis_ciftlaPVlY l o construct a Railroad to any point Withiti,thil State, which may he mutually . agreed upon.liy.tliia Co:ninny and the Pennsylvania. Rail. road connection between the cities of Pittsburghl and Philadelphia; and also •to construct a 'Bail- I road from -the city of Pittsburgh to the line lof the State of Ohio. Therefore, • , I Roared,. That Committees, be appoint&l • by ,this meeting; on each of the before mentioned pro. I „ides:with power to enter into a full examibation of the merits of each, and ,report thereon to al - meeting of .the Stockholders of this Company, to 'be held for the purpose; and the Commiuee to he! appointed upon the Eastern connection, are here., by directed to enter into correspondence anti &go titition 'with the' Pi -et-Went and Directors of the Peonsyfyinia• Railroad ComPani, after they shalt! bare . be4n elected, with a riew,to the proper co- operation necessary to form the - said connection betwaen the said cities. • Cornmitice on the tyljcd of thePennqtran , ia Rail _ rOad---blessrs. Thomas S Clark, G. A. Bayard., George W. Jackson, and Daniel - Kane, (of Fayette Corr:nil - in on the subjeet of a Western Rai/read- 1 i - .Messrs. A. W. Loomis, J. K. 31uorheatl, Joshua.' Hanna, Wm. Eichbaum, B. A. Fahnestock.”. • . A variety of other Resolutions and propositions • were 'submitted to the meeting, and after a pro-; tracted discuision, were all finally disposed of by I Thomas . o the adop tio nf the following resolution, otered - by ~• Bskewell, Esq. Resolved, That the several Resolutions now be- I rme the meeting be referred to a Committet of fiee,l with instructions to report propositions for the consideration of an adjourned meeting, to be held at - this Place to-morrow, (Saturday,) at 3 o'clock, , M., whereupon the Chair appointed the follow ing gentlemeo: Mesirs. Thomas Bakewell, George Darsie, .Wm. Robinson, Graarn, and • Wm. Ebbs. On, motion of James S. Craft,tEsq., the. meeting I then adjourned, to meet on Saturday the•27th last, at 3 O'cloOk, P.M • WM. , EICII - 8.0.731, Cha i irman. E - D. GAZZANI, See,;y_. • • ••• P i tTh lS•l7. in past:lance of adjournment, the Stockholders af ; -llier Pittsburgh and Connellsville Raitroad Co. met this day at 3,. P.: 3,1„ ind were called to ovier by Wm Eliclfbanna, Esq., Chairman. Thomas Bakewell, Esq., from the committee to report resolathms, submitted the following Prea mble end Resolutions, which, upon-due consideration,' were unanimously adopted, Witsaxiti. - SA common:cation - baving,.been cabled fiolis aCommittee of the Baltitriore.and Ohio Railroad Company, announcing its appointl meat-and intention to visit this city fon the put.' pose of renewing negotiations with this Company, it is proper and becoming that said Committee, be fore leaving home on the business intrusted to :them, should be made acquainted with; the pre sent disposition of the .Stockholders of this Corn. patty. Therelore,he it Resolved, That the Stockholders of this Compa ny cantot perceive anything in the late; action of the Stockholders of the B. & 0. R. R. Cp.—espe cially when taken in connection with the remarks of the President, when he says—nif lie 'company "‘ were to decide upon one terminus, and direct- its' on. "divided resources towards the tranpletionlof one road ' • to one terminus, and that were to be either.- burgh . Wheeling, then Wheeling ui as. , beyond Oceslion, the desirable - point"—which. wbuld justify this Company in revoking the resolution of the 23th - February, or that holds out any reasonable prospect of a favorable issue of further negotia tions, while such counsels prevail: Resolved, That if a substantive proposition shall have been made, antecedent to. the 2pth of next April, duly authorized by the Stockbcilders of that company, expressing their willingness to devote their undivided energies to the connection with this city by the shortest and cheapest !route, then the President and Directors of this dmipany, are hereby authorized to re-open negotiations for the settlernentof preliminaries, and reporf to a future meeting of. Stockholders to be held for that pur pose. Resolved„ That if the Committee of the - Balti more and Ohici Railroad Company shall, under , their instructions, visit this city, the President and Directors of this Company are requested" to ten tier to theme hospitable reception, and afford them' "every facility of becoming acquainted with the manufacturing and commercial resources of this city, and the advantages it presents to their Com pany, and to the city, of. Baltimore, as the point of connection with the Ohio river. F.cinlved, That N. B. Craig, Thomlin Bakewelt, WM. Ebbs, Geo. Darsie and E. D. Gazzam, be a Committee to communicate a copyZo, f these. pro. veedings ;to the Committee of the Baltitnine. and Ohid Railroad- Company, acconipiiiied - by such remarks as they may deem proper, si expressive of the sentiments:of this meeting. - Resolved, That' when this meeting . adjourns, it will adjourn to meet again on the ‘,7th of April next; unless sooner convened, for the purpose of receiving the reports of the 'various' Committees, appointed at this meeting. and of considering such other business as may be brought before them. Oa motion-the meeting then adjoiirned: W,M. EICHBAUM, - R . G.ziiia, Seep Tat NATres VoTE.--The Sun , the organ of Nativisrn in this vicinity, asserts in the moat un equivocal manner, that the Nativeswill adhere to _ their candidates for Governor and Canal Commis sioner. It says: 'Whatever may be the result, - and we confess it to be doubtful of the. October canviss, one thing is' certain, perfectly certain, namely, that neither Finns-is R. Shunk,nor General keit; will get one vote from the Native iimerican party. Be ;he 4, votes few, or be they .many,-be theyfve and :minty thouran4,,or he they one hundred, thousand, they _E will be cast for Emanuel. C, Ileia • art' for Gove rn or s and for npbody . else. We shall see l-m-Pcnitayirania. D.n . x TO , 'STLitiVATIO:—The Trazourer of tiw Relief-Fund fTelnud, in Boston, recently re. wired s_,3o9,wifiv the liii - JOwinr, not.# ; , . "o the Rehrf rund for Ireland— azirrer4er—t enclose my taDtrii.)uti on xa your ball in bank bills, beings part'of A du, to atarratio;l for - the rise in. freights, from - • • ' • .9. l f ,UlruwaLa. - , • ••••,, ..; 't";' I S,vas Y ak"t< 4 0, —tmar'f-# , 4= • ~a fw 0 - , • v , • , - - 04 , - - F. , --.f• „ ? r .--PAPPor fry-4 , 3 4 • , 14* - , • Union, of -the 18tb,- says :thp- - wltter "was 'higher thertorlYnesday lait, then it bas,been 'since 1825. fr was recedffig. -Many Pbor'families had been .driven from their:houses--the" City Council had made an appropriation for the relief of the sufferers. I The Unimi adds "Great damage has been done to she surrounding country, many Arms entirely ruined. It is one of the severest freshets, and at tended by the heaviest amount of damage, that has ever visited ; our -State." Mills, bridges and fences were swept away, and the roads destroyed. 0A number of Federal papers, have rcmde fierce and malignant assaults 'upon the President and the War, Department, in consequence of the rn ruored defeat of Gen. Taylor;on the Rio Grande, wickedly insinuating that the administration wigh ed to have 'General Taylor cut off,in order that he might not stand in the way of other aspirants as a candidate for President . The person who will make such a - charge, against the. President is a base calumniator=an infectious falsifier—a heart , less, soulless wretch. /TEAT WITHOUT - ar.-- , lroportant is cheap fuel may be, to he able to do 'withotit It altogether, is more important still. Hungary'cliemist has taken some promiting steps towards making this possible He , places contact two iron plates and a copper Cylinder, ,highly • polished turning on an axis at the end of, a leier, With a balance Weigbeat' the other end, to keep tilt, plates.in con tact, when by means of Very sirnpla - appatatugund r trifling exertion a glowing red mar be - nttr duced in five minutes, and maintained with ease: TII6 S.:7l}V TR 213.1T1ANTIC 5T.6131.'5 . .1111'6 7The new steamers - of -the Briiish and North - Ainerican Royal - Mai! Cointiiny, intendeif for Ate increaud - service between America and England, are to be called the Canada, the Europa, the Niagara, and the America., . Tbese'vessels are being forwarded - with: - every despatch consistent , witlf that seCiirity:and.perfec. lion which so emioently.distinguish the- fleet- of vessels belonging to this - company. " caThe - Ohio Statesrpan complains - of - irregu. I larity in the. receipt of 'Pittsburgh papers. ".We have not," says the editor, "received a Pittsburgh' 'paper direct for threel days. Columbus is one hundred and ten miles nearer• Pittsburgh than Cin. cinnati; and yet this is the second time that we %re received the lateit'neWs from Pittsburgh-via Cincinnati." This appears strange and unaccotint .able to us. , - ILLINOIS liErsa.—The Anglo Saxon got down . last evening (says the St. Louis Union of the 17th), from Hennipin.. Ste experienced much difficulty in forcing her way throng,h PeOria Lake, whith was filled with ice. The Dial and Western Belle are still frozen up in the Lake; The Anglo Saxon left Hennipin on the 13th. She brought down .11S tons of freight. N AIM:WM EITRAbitUISATiIt —The Rev. John N. Matra (the celebrated Methodist isreadier) was! married, on Tuesday last, to Miss Francis Smith,i formerly of Islip, L. ' 1., daughter of Mrs. Judge Pierce, of New York. She is represented as being 'a very young and charming girl. The nuptials took place at 279 Giland street. Fon 'Lan Erlil.-11 - se Liberia packet will sdil on her second voyage, from Norfolk, (Va.-) for, ikfonrovia, and other: ports in Liberia,:about the Ist of May, or as soon after her return from the present voyage as she can tie gotten ready, and will be able to accotnmodate all eriiigrants may be ready to go ',at that time. - - Goon,—The Board- of Public Works of: the state of Ohio, determineo, at their Session hasjust closed, to permit all bread-stuffs and other provisions contributed_by the citizens, or purcha sed with money -contributions. for the relief of the suffering population of Europe, to pass on our public works, free 01 tolls. A Somiten RraistivEn.--At.asyr HArit, the Color Sergeant of 'the Baltimore battalion, who lost his right armat thestorming of Monterey, has received the appointment of Watchman, at the Washingion Navy -Tard. He has also been put coon the Pension jList This is an act highly creditable to the Government. CASISICS M. CLiT.-A New York paper thinks is an extraordinary circumstance that this gen- tleman, who so bitterly denounced the annexation of Texas should be:atnong the very first "to revel in the Halls of the Montezumas, - -bot alas as a prisoner of war. LIVING IN low.k.—At Burlington on the 20th ult. butter was 10c. lb., cheese Sc., corn meal 20c. bush., eggs 6c. doz•, flour $3 75 brl„ wheat 50c. bush:, corn _l2c., harlei•2se, rye 20c., oats I 2c., hay $5 ton, lard sc. lb., potatoes 31c. bush., whis key 20c; gal., hickory wood $1 25 cord. APPOINTMENTi Ha' TUN CANAL COMMISSION .s.—John Smith, Supervisor of the Western por- tion of the•Westei•n Divilion.. George A. Kurtz, Weighmaster, - Pittsburgh.' Joseph L. Williams, Collector, Williamsport. ccl•We regret' to learn from the lass. Ohio Statesman that Gen.JACOS Men Any, Postmaster at Columbus, died on last Tuesday morning.: - tie was brother of Chi. Samuel Medary, editor of the Statesman, Nwar YORK I:iron-cc—The exports from Neu' York for the weekending March 19; were $1,313,- 6215, of which $1;059,760 was in American ves sels. :The arrivals were 40, and the clearances 1 64, of which . 88:were American.. .- 21 (0.. John M. Botts is again a candidate for Con gress, in the•Bth District in Virginia. This is the fellow who said he would " head Captain Tyler or die." The Captain was not headed, thata certain, but Botta is dead—politically! (Oahe bill to incorporate a company to erect a bridge over the Ohio river at Wheeling, has pass ed both branches of the Virginia Legislature, and is now a law. cc,' The NatiOnal Intelligencer is out in a long article—six weary columni—in favorof Alexican perfidy and violence. Santa Anna will rejoice when he reads it! - cc:Pl'he Democrats have skinned the coons de. ligl4fully in Ooylstown. Our whole ticket is elected. In Huntingdon county the federals have tost ground., Good. ' 03.Seyen:toirnshirk in Mercer have decided for the sale . of liquors, and sixteen townships against the sale... 0::r ROB zwr TTLEtti Esq.,Oelivereti an addretts on the evening of St tiatiitit'S day, at-the Chinese Museum,' philadelthin , It is to be published( K.Ernstp.--An Ohioyaper announce-5 the. mar riaga of ,ftfr,.J. li. Kitton, to Miss Eliza Sane-Kit The sum of 4513,000' , has ' , been. enbscribed in New 01:leauS to the 3101;nstit djyrlie POstmaiter Ginertiliveiiiiiiiieliat a mail - will leave Independenen'lllissouri, for Ore , gon, on the - 15th: of April. tatters ,for Oregon must be sent tai'-;lnderiendent. ---- 11'la's the eom. meneenient of a monthly mail - authorized r.. bp, one of_ the Post officibilis-which piul.;e4.the latg Con gress. . • • Swamis - a OccranarresWelearn froth the tristel RepUblican that Mr. Caleb Russell, of West Hurley, !was burned to death on Saturday last, in his house, which %ins desttoyed by fire at that time. His grandson, five years of age, k l?arclY as. DESTEI. 07 TICE PRESIDENT Or, Etrrrt.—Jean Baptiste Riche; President 'of 'Hayti, died on the .27th ult., at Port.atarinee. He.ba4 been at the head of the government only:about a Year: This is a sad loss to Hayti. There was'a Railroad meeting at Ravenna, •Portage county, 0., on the sth inst., at which reso lutions NY ' ere passed urging the Pittsluirgh - and Cleveland Radroad..compeny, io tale; tile rod through that place. - g7The Beaver Star has again passed into the hands of Wm. Denlinger, hs original proprietor.— Mr. Irons, we believe, goes back to. Uniontown, to resume the continuance of the Genius. of Lib- PliE PreSideill t it i 5 said, is to visit North. Carolina in. the month of June, to attend a celebration of the unieetitity, before which Mr... Secretary ,blaton haslieen invi: 'teci to deliver an address, ' The Approaching Campaign. The next election Must, in its result, prove one of two things, viz: Either the State is Democratic„ or the peoplehave abandoned their tong cherished:t. principles by permitting the Federalists to:Mit:Mil the ascendency. To us the problenvia not dilli-.1 cult to - solVe. We do ,not fear the ..issue; for so sure as the sun will rise- on. the second Tuesilay,of October, so sure. will our present patriotic,•Execu live be triumphantly reelected: We know there, UM a few among.us who want faith, and we say to them in• the language of the great bard of Nature, “Dur dentist am traitors, And make us lose the good we oft might win, - By fearing to attempt) , . In every aspect of the controversy, our hopes ate encouraged and our energim stimulated. With a prirperity wicket:raided, the result of Democratic government, we are new called upon to sustain the National honor, as in lbt2;against a foreign enemy .1 and domestic treason. The Democratic party has I thus tur carried the country triumphantly through all difficulties. and the people took to it for gui ' dance in the present emergency with a' confidence that nothing but failure can destroy. As we have remarked—the whole country is highly prosper one—agriculture is reaping, a rich harvestr—com- I coerce has every pinion extended—and mechanism lis beating all its anvils for jay. Our country stands h collossus before the world—and its. power and 1 magnanimity is evinced as itchastises one nation I for injuries done American citizens with 011 C band, 1 and Leeds the starving nations of Europe with the I other. To be defeated in this State, with every advan tage on our side, would be eminently disgraceful I to the Democratic party, and of vast injury to the 1 character of the country. Such a result it not MI be anticipated. It can happen only by culpable i neglect; and yet we have more to tear from the apparent want of life in the federal party. than i front any other cause. They feel their -weakness and declining an open, vigorous warfare, are copy ing the tactics of their Mexican allies. and Meta: ring tor "a bush fight:' The old soldiers under -1 stand this game of the Federal party, and know that when they are pretending to do nothing. they 5 4 are really doing the most Emissaries are travel ing the State, in-every Al irec t ion, xi ith secret orders, 1 organizing for a rush ”at the polls; and every ais- 1 tle of their strength will be brough t into the atruggte Are our friends aware of these'thingsl , Are they: ready for the contest Are they organized f Are the rifles ready for serviceornd is the severity of the, contest:duly estimated Is the Old Guard' ready ' for a charge I and the young: with its honest arid patriotic impulses, prepared for'the onset t If eo,' I we shall sweep the field with a'neble triumph. If not, there,is no time tiiloSel Etc . every man be up and doing! Honor, patriotism, duty, call ns the time to win' the applause of our corm ' try ! Now is the lime for the young politician to 1 distinguish himself by heroic deeds t Let the committees be aroused—the active encouraged,— the slothful awakened.—Harrisburgh Union. New Hampshire.—The'Pentap Iranian says: 'The Federal papers, in their efforts to depreciate the Democratic victory in'NeW Ilampshite, commit some rare blunders. ";_.The „Yew York Tribune if rejoiced to find consolation in the fact, that Mr. Polk had over 9,000 Majority in New Hampshire in 1544, and that no* the Democratic candidate for Governor has but about 1,200 majority. The Tribune should have told the whole truth. Mi., Polk had 0,294 over Mr. Clay, and 5,005 over Clay and Birney united. Now, the Democrats hate a majority of nearly 10,000 over the Federalists alone, and about 1,200 over all, including Federal ists, Independents, and scattering, and this with nearly 5,000 Democrats at borne. Among the In. dependents are many who will never be found hereafter anywhere but in the Democratic ranks. This victory Will bring back thousands to our standard. Even as it is, we polled more Demo cratic votes at the late election than ever were cast hefore in any State election. And the Federal pa. pers may gleanaorne consolation . from the observa tion of that shtewd Democratic print, the NM: , Hampshire Patriot, which says:--"Hereafter in New Hampthire we at:t beat any party 'Single banded by as large a majority as we ever had." p J 'The Brooklyn Eagle informs us that the mar riage festival ofan eloqtient clergyman in that city, [Bev... N. Maflita on Monday niglit,.was made the occasion of:a disgraceful, serenade; in which some hundreds of persons united, .surrounding the house--with- most . unearthly noises, Screams and yells, until morning: • A bonfire waikindled in the' street, end iso great was .the confusion that the Mayor of the city, who was . one of the guests at the wedding, appeared and read the riot act, but to no purpose; the mob set all law and order at defiance. This is truly a disgraceful exhibition - of Brooklyn morels.—Exchange paper. - Military Movetneta.—Companies F. and H., Captains Gardner. and-Plummer, of -the- Ist regi ment U. S. Infantry, will leave to-day in the U. S. steamer Telegraph, - fur Brazos Island. Their ori. ginal destination was to join Gen. Scolfs division of the army, but in consequence of the recent in= telligenee-from the seat of war, their destination was altered. ' Col. 'Hamtramck and Adjutant T. P. August, of the Virginia 'Regiment, will also leave this evening in the Telegraph.—N. 0. Delia. Extenuating Citcuinstunces.—A Briissels journal announces that an hotel:keeper and his wile; hav ing been prosecuted for assassinating a traveller, and converting his dead body into sausages, were found-vilty, with the addition of extenuating cis , cpmstances. The French journal, the Reforme. copies the above statement, and observes, that no doubt, the " extenuating circumstances" were, that the convicted parties were induced to commit a murder in order to feed their fellow-creatures in this period of universal distress. Tax Tax CorsrearrnmsaTs Vsastrist.—.The decalogue has been thus tersely and quaintly ren• dered into rhyme: • • 1. I am the Lord thy God—serve me 2. Befoye no idols bovv'thy impious knee; 3. Use not my name , in trifles or in jest; 4. Dare not profarie my sacred day of rest; 5. Ever to parents due obedience pay; 0. Thy fellow.creature, man, thou shalt not slay; 7. In no adulterous commerce bear a part; 8. From stealing keep with care thy hand & heart 0. All false reports against thy neighbor hate;, 10. And ne'er indulge a wish for his estate. •• try A drunkard was *once made so sensible of his folly, as to resolve on 'refonnatiop, on finding himself one night endeavoring , to light his tegar by A ray of moonshine beaming thvough the key • hole. -; .'. - . ,- . , :-.77 , -qr' . 4 - 4-': .:::, ,, _t . 4;:: ~... :.,,::' ~,T,,15.F.,,,,,..,...! ' l ' --- ----- '. ' o l iiii#o' ll 4 6 o l # ls* • -... . Warner* to Publkinitlce; na. - ..erdjournd meet ing warshela 'on Fridajenverringr:Mareli 25, in the Ist Presbytirian,;(llevi br. Mann's) ChurCh, for the_puposnitifadoptinefutt- her,measures to, relieve the satTe r idsi o f il i a f a nyishing.mlllions of Ireland. At: S o'clock, the -meeting We i o rganized by the _ HMI Judge DRIER, taking Abe Chair ; the Hon. ~... Judge towns]: and G. AD6IIII, Esq., Mayor of'the . _ city, acting as Vice Piesidents, and -John Shipton and Lilo- Taaffe, tl4,Seeretaries , Mr. Ebbs, Chairman of the executive committee' then read -and - presentedron the part of the corn .. • mittee;the following lleport: , • ' . For the information - of this meeting; the com mittee, appointed'at eformermeeting; beg leave to present a repart,of their 'Treasurer, W. Larimer, Jr., also to make rife;ar statements, and sugges tions, which maybe valuable for the conduct of any committees which it may be your will to:ap point. Tne chairman of .the. committee has been in correZpondenee.with various parts of the neigh. boring counties of Ohio and . Pennsylvania, from all which, promises of large' donations ingrain and other provisions'have 'been made. From most of the places the parties appear to - think that money cannot be collected in sufficient amounts to pay the necessary-charges of transportation, and put-. Ling in shippins. ' order, the amount of produce that may be:collected. Thri tliffia i ty is n some mea sure obviated, by the,geaerous offer of the trans; porters, which reflects thkbigheit honor on these gentlemen, it - being much aboim. the-average-value. ) of the highest subscritions yet reeekVed4o•this ei ty. The eetninitteejheve.eorne to the eottelusiori - , 1 that the fi wds in th eir handii, and any more which I may be_ err:fleeted, trlaiNpyilegitimately, be appliert to paying .the necessary, expenses of -forwarding,i bud having .. put :in. proper order, such. 'supplies as i'may arrive,,unprovided-for in this particular. The 1 best articles, tit .the view of the committee, to, ad., vise our friends to forward, are : Flour, Rice, Beans, I Peas. Corn and Corn Meal, the tiro latter articles ; to be kiln dried ,if possible,and to be packed in Mits.! for sacks The committee have received two very [ handsome donations (rani Manufacturing . establish xn ets, viz: from that 6(14 - less's G 8:..3. H:Shoenberger I 100 bbli. Flour, equal in cash,to about $4OO, from Messrs. Knapp. & Totten, a cash donation of 1 $210,25. The- committee believe that a large amount might be raised in this manner, if those I I gentlemen ,having the infarct! of such establish= I meats, would interest themselves in this cause, and would beg leave to suggest to them,thedraw ing up of . a subscriptioesraper, tribe kept iti their office and presented to the hands on - the next pay day ; if only 25 or 50 cents could be - obtained l from each, the aggregate - would be large. Wis (believed that large supplies of provisions could be I raised, if persons were appointed to visit the dif. 1 iferent townships and portions of country along ithe canal and rivers. Depots might be formed at convenient places for shipment; . and agents ap pointed; to receive and forward whatever might be received to its destination. From the universal I good spirit exhibited in this cause, it is believe 4 a 'system of this kind might be establisterhat a very trifling cost, and the amount of good produced be above all value. Several gentlemen'have already offered themselves as-apostles for the starving end destitute Irish. The committee consider them selves justified in employing and , paying, if neces sary, proper agents for this mission. • Why cannot Pittsburgh and its neighborhood freight a ship en• tirely with their own offerings to their sufferingl brethren t The very noble and generous offer of the British government th pay all charg es on do-' nations, will enable the poor to receive full benefit of all collected by private subscription. Prom the tenor of the last advics,•the state of the country appears graduallytO be stetting 1i one, I notwithstanding the large, amount of donations remitted from this country, the vast *Lunn raised I by private subscriptions in England, and tire praiseworthy exertions of the British government. Almost the whops of the rural districts appear to be in a state oldestitution, and nothing-but the most active exertions of their more fortunate fel low 'nines, will save the remainder of the papu le:Lion from:death by starvation, for it is a fact which cannot be overlooked, that a large portion of them have already'falten'beforethis Tell destroy- I er: Theconunitte think it advisable to state, that I alt donatione of which they take .charge will be I forwarded hereafter to.the Pitiitidelphia committee —that the Philadelphia committee forwatd to the I committee of the dicker fund fur general distri. I button—that this..committee have - district error- 1 minces in all parts of Ireland, through whom the wants of the various districts are made known and relief forwarded as far as in their power. Thej Philadelphia committee have, through their chair-I man,'W. J. Duane, Esq., promised to pay charges on all supplies forwarded to them which we arc not able to provide : for. ' 1 All of which hi respectfully submitted. • :W5l. EBUS, Chairman. . Mr. Ebbs also read a -Ripon handed in by Mr. L. Taaffe,' of the amount of Produce he now has p in his warehouse for the use of the Irish Relief Fund, which is as folloWs: - From Mich'( O'llarra, Liberty 5t...5 Bbls. Beans. “- J. Jordon Ei: Son, " " 1 Tierce " " Mrs. Gallagher, . I Bbl. Flour " Steubenville per S. B Wil mington, 100 " " ; " James' May's warehouse, 60 " " " 2d Presbyterian Church, 29 " " I Also, a Report presented by the Treasurer oil the whole amount of money that had been paid in to him, up to the present time, as follows: Wm. Lorimer, Jr.,in account with the Committee for Relief of Ireland. - DR. Whole ain't of funds recd • $3,221 04 Jan'y 20th, 1847, remitted to Ireland.. 2,072 SS Balance on hand Amount recd since report $1,563 _GI In the above calculation I received from the dif. ferent churches as follows : Bishop O'Connor: St. Paul's Church....s4os 00 " " , .German Cath. Church, Fifth Ward D. Shields and D. Woods: Sewickly Bot tom Presbyterian Church Rev. Wm. Burrett: Mt. NebO . Associate Church.'..., • : 50 00 \Vm. Bell :- Dr. Rodgirs',Church. 56 34 Associate Ref. Church, Bittnitigharn. , ... 8 16 Dr. Ilerron's Church., ......... 179 43 Smithfield Methodist Church 61 60' Centreville Baptist Church 6 57 Refortri Church, Pine Creek.. ' 81 63 Associate Ref. Church, Deer Creek 28 00 $110213 79 . I..4uysza, Jr., Treasurer. All of which reports. were accepted by the meeting. • • Mr. then stated to the meeting that he held in his hand, for the, relief fund, the sum of $2ll, generously contributed by the Workmen' in the. Iron establishment of Messrs. Woods, Edwards & MKnight, and that he came prepared to pay it over to the Treasurer, or any person authorized to receive it. Which statement was received by the meeting with great satisfaction. • Andrew Burke, Esq., - on the part of the Exec , utive Committee, presented the folloWing pream ble and reselutions • Which'he prefaced with a few' eloquent *speeches by Mess M . Candles, Shaler, Kerr and Shannon. .. 1 , • Wanness We have received information no less authentic tit i an it is appalling of the ravages and wide spread desolation which famine and disease, to an extent urMaratelled in the annals of modern time, are making .in once fertile and populous Ire land; AND, wasniAs, the sufferings of the wretch ed inhabitants of that ill fated land and the horrors of their deplorable conditien, while they defy all, power of description from 'pen or'tongue, are cal eulated irresistably to :awaken the feelings, ko arouse the' sympathies and to enlist all the better and noblerqualitles ofbusn'en-natura—lbr the !hit. igation of their destitution; for the relief of their miseries; Awn wesnwss, Ate same Providenee I which, in its mysterious but wise dispensations, has afflicted Ireland with the greatest of all calarni- Total, . . , tei,-farnine, has bleesed . :Athericavith Preffiittioti and exuberant abundance: iTherefOre, be it - - Resolved, That the present,,distress of Ireland urgently calls - upon the charitble und•hurnane of this country, liberally to assist - ir•relieving• the 'wants and mitigating the.stiffering.s whichlarnine and pestilence have so extensively prodUced. 7.,• Resolved, That it is a Matter of sincererejoicing and profound gratitude, that the rich abundance of - America effords the ample means of relief to , the destitute arid distreieed of other lands. Resolved, That - the abundant resources of Pitte-1 bprgh and the adjacentcountry ; und the well known liberality of its inhabitants, warrant the hope that, frona contributions in money and produce raised here, there can be freighted at least one ship with the'articles necessary for sustaining life; and that the same breeze which wafts across the Atlantic the expression of the sympathy and sorrow of the people of_ Pittsburgh for the 'sufferings and afffic tons of Ireland, Will bear also the substantial and' munificent offering whicl they will thus make to the cause of charity and humanity: Resolved, That we invite the co operation of the inhabitants of the surrounding country, in securing the object for which this meeting has been called; and that a committee of two be appointed whose duty it shall be to receive contributions from all, whether in country or in town, who are not insen sible to the claims of a common humanity, or deaf to.the most urgent and imperious call that charity has eVeriddresse'd to a Christian community. The above blank was filled by authorising, the President.to. appoint two , persons to be added to the Central executive Committee. • , Before tbe;vote waltakert upon them, Mr. R. Ii: Kerr offered the following resolutions, .which he advocated With his usual. energy and ability, urging the necessity of prompt and vigorous ac• tion ' Tiro the ExeOtive Corrimittee are hereby instructed By this meeting. to call public meetings in each and :every Township in the County (by handbill.) That they designate speak ers to attend, and also request the Clergy-of the -country to co-operate and give notice of the same, and that a committee of four persons be appointed', ,at said meetings for each district whs duty - it j I wiR be to collerf . all such donations in ' produce is, the humane of our country In their .goodness Of heart may think proper to hestow for the starving ipoor of inland.- , I I Flrsolvcd, ,That this meeting g,ratertilly acknowl edge the gesserous and. kin4. - resolation passed by the gentlemanly Hoard tifjCatial' Commissioners, in passing all freight over the State Works free.iot toll, sent for thelelief oftlie suffering poor of Ire land; and at the same time; we tender our heart felt thanks to our magnanimous transparters, in j:heir generous o ff er to carry such freight fare of charge. The question was then, taken .upon the resolu tions, and all were unanimously adopted. Mr. Kerr also-'moved that Messrs. M. Allen. John Audersdn, John Harper, Win. r . Austin and G. Adams be a.-committee, with power to .appoint sub-committees, to make further collections in all the wards of the. two cities, which wasndopted and on motion of Judge • Shaler, Mr. R. H. Kerr was added to the committee. On motion of Mr. Kerr it was Raotrcd, '1114: the proceedings of this meeting' be published iti all the newspapers of the city, and be printed on slipslor distilbution throughout the county. , • C. GRIER, Chairman. Lowar; Vice Presidents. G. A DIM' Joim . SUTTON* secretaries. LnrcE Tx Ant, A POLTLC►L 81U:t. • 'Here Pize and Rake and Bier I eel!; 'And Oyesturs stued anlin the shell, uns tew for them that chews: And with.lespateh blacks butes'and shove IRISH RELIEF The Ete'entive Committee,: will here 'stale, for the mformation of all, that Tone & O'Connor have comented_to provide gratuitous storage in their spacious warehouse. corner .of Penn and Wayne streets, svbere nit donations' Offered for the relief Of the Poor of inland will , he received.. • meta') EBBS, Clairman. PITTSIMAG THEA.TItt. MAriAcrn, Srecr. 14Avicrn,•• parrATr. LOXES $5 ; entot..i TICKETS 75 CT . - Dress Circle, 50 cents. I Second Box, 37k cents I?it, - - Gallery, 90 tt - . The. Manager has the pleasure of announcing to the patrons of the,prama that he has .effected an en gagement with the distinguished Artistes, MR. AND MRS. J. WALLACH, ht., For .Four Dlanlwy Ese'uling; - 311;rch 26, Will be acted Sbaksieare's celebrated Tragedy o ItILAC BETH. SSacheth. Lady Macbeth. • MISS B. LEWIS wci►l dance LA CRACOV/ENNE To conclude with the laughable Farce of TURNING THE. TABLES. - Doors open at 7 o'cloCk, curtain will rise at 71. The Box office will be open daily from 10 o'clock A. M., to 1, P. M., and , from 2 to 5, P. M., where any number of seats may be secured. • - +r It is particularly requested tharno children, in arms be btought to the Theatre. °Ai - iv:nos HINGsLAND, ItANUFACTUILERS: OP HOLLOW WARE AND K. /INFORM SEALER) • AND. CASTINGS IN ,GEiIERAL. 1,148 13 415 43 MILE undersigned have entered into partnership, under, the aboye style, - respeettaly ask the. pa troaage of their friends. Theyfeel warranted that they pan give satisfaction to all. who may purchase of them. Their establishinent is on Allielvy's plan of Lots, sdi Ward, mar29-1y To Wilg 4 ; 3l Makkbra• . - A FEW good Wagon Makers will be employed A iu the United States Service in Meico ' if im mediate application, be made at the Quarter M aster's department in this city. Office, on Penn street, cor ner of Garrison alloy. JOHN IMMINGHAM, mar 29. - Quarto Master's Agent. F LAXSEED 011i.-20 barrel's just received and tbesalOy ' 'MILLER & . . Avxt.LiltAt A. tizrt. & DANICrYtS, EXCIIASGp BROKERS, AND DEALVAS FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC' EXCIIANGE, CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, DANE NOTES, AND SPECIE, No. 64 Woad at., one doar'above Pourth;East side, Pittsburgh, Pa. ' . - CU BRENT Funds received on deposit,. and col made on all the Cities throughout the United States. Sighteliecks on Baltimore, Philldel phia, New York, Heston and Cincinnati, constantly tbr sale in aunis'to suit purchaser!. The paper of the Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, and Virginia Banks bought and sold on the 'most fiver able terms.. The • The highest ptemiurn paid for Foreign and Ameri can Gold and Silver coins.. !. Exchange on England,' Ireland, Germany, and France procured, ; ' _ marlo-ilawy. Popular DROP. MORRILL Will deliver a Lecture,' upon the general principles of PntatotocY, appli ed to the prebentioti . e Disease, and the preservation le Health, TIIIS EVENING, at 71 o'clock, These Lectures will be illustrated by numerous large Paintings, Diagrams, a beautiftul Skeleton, splendid „Models, &c., so as to render the variousr subjecti treate4 of,=easily understood, For the subject of each Lecture; and further . par ticulars, see Plogranames. • - Tickets with programmes for sale at the bookstores of Kay :& Wilod st.; Johnston & Stockton . , and Billow& English, Market st.; J. L. Read and Cook's Literary Depot, Fourth et.; and at the door of Philo Hall, on the evenings of each Lecture Admission 25 eta.; Juveniles 10 ate. Front seats reserved far. Ladies, BROOMS ---100 doz Corn Broome , in atore-ond for for sato by ,- L;s NVATEft-MAN, mar P,O - Water andp Front eta. - . • ',lll OW,f4S., , - keg 3 -- • , - ~L l l~ry- dry. L --, QUARTER` SESSIONS. Isivent;,ludies PAXTON, Essaii. and PosFta MARcW - 24, 7847 • The - trial of thd-Fommonwealch tie ,Win. : 4;tards resumed—the jury retired and after a short sence returned d. ;verdict of - Guilty of a simple as." sault and battery, uad recommended him to the mercy of the Court. - Connnonwealth vs. Jaonis IMly and John 11f Clos key—lndictment, larceny.' -r . The. Defendants _are both_ children,and one of them the son . of the I Prosecutor. From the tewimony of the father, it appeared_the boy, Kellyvhas been altogether tin= manageable,.for some time; 'frequently absenting himself from hOMe.for a week at a time, and that the prosecution was instituted fur the purpose of sending the boy (about 12years of age) to the House of Refuge, where lie ivilf - be . placedonder restraint, and• his ebaracter attended to, that] I hereafter he , may become a useful member of so. cieti. During the progress of . the::trial a strung' instenee'of natural affection which characterizes' 'the softer sex, occurred] . ,The mother of Kelly en tered the Bar with tears streaming from her eyeS., and proceeded immediately to, the Chair where her child was - , sitting, and softly:stroked hiatitattO hair, evincing the strongest feeling for herSoh and the heaving bosom of the tender parent.while sitting by the child, established conclusively the fact, that no difference Itaiv, far`a . child may stray from the paths of rectitude and honesty, the rnotb.,T, er will still cling - to it in, prosperity or ad versity-in honor or disgrace..,While the father ot a sterner nature,' looka differently at the interest of his child, and pursues :a: seetningly - annatural course to advance his welfare". a • • C. S. -Poitrtte. \V. M. FOSTER, J \VALLACK, Jr :Pita. WAI4.ACK, Jr ,D. A. CAMERON, CORNELIUS KINGSLAND AT PHILO HALL: ...7. • -- -: ; 3? , : , ,,;. , t :,, ~,,1 = „tr.,,...f*,..,b7 r.,.0":-",..7::::,-....r,Fi' 4-I:6,4**,;*****.it ' latvadiaties isi JrnistiOne Coitnith—A titan ; bp the name of Justice Charles Shultz, who -- formerly , acted as an 'ostler in 'Allegheny city, set fire to a bainam Thursday Allegheny tp.,'Armstrong co, The fire was discovered and the alarm given, but before.anything could be done the barn blmr'up.l The large barn, 100 by 56 feet—belonged to a Alr. Hill and - -=contained a large atnount of grain and; hay and 5-torses.;—toss about $3OOO. - While ex-i tirtguislting the lire the people discovered Shulti lying on the ground . with hi*. jaw. broken. , There were found upon bim two revolving pistols, three' single pistols, a shot gun and about 15 pounds of _ `N 0 . Sugar. pOwder, candles provisions, matches, &c. He k a dg i fillh . ds.'l4:OrleansSugar; a prime atlicit>, just placed powder in the barn by which it was blown received an d fur sale by ...a ' 27 - ' SMITH tr--,SINCLAIH,, up. No cause is' assigned for this deed. Shulti was arrested, and handed over for trial.—fidegrajdi 5O Wood at -Shultz is a physician antilfortnerly practise in Leechlntigh, near which the - above outrage tivaj committed: His motive is unknown • but sons suppoie that he intended to murder the inmates the house and then plunder it , He - left Mr. Olive tavern, at whith he was hostler, on the night ' the 23d, without giving'netice, leaving behind hi; his trunk, &c. After his arrest, Constable SCo: of Allegheny, searched his trunk and found variety of articles, consisting in part of of surgi instruments, medicines, toilette fixings, old cloth, Ea, &c. THEARE The frequenters of the Theatre are ptomisedt rich treat to-night—Mr.. WAMLACE. as Maeb4, and .Mrs. LLACK. (late Mrs. Sefton) as'' Macbeth. . The piece lais a powerful cast,:as be seen , by the , hills. Mr. w.- is celebratedu - the character of Macbeth, 'and - Mrs. W., is an old favorite in this city, is considered theist Lady Macbeth in the United States. I RELIEF. OF IRELAND The proceedings of the Relief Meeting of ri day nightovhich will be found entire in our Tier of this morning, will be , read with interest 1;14 our citizens. The .plans adopted for darryinilitb' effect tlie object iii view will. no :doubt procure. cesfur. The spirit evinced liy.the few whiare engaged in this cause, is AV or thy of ullnchrimldti• In Scrapes - Enough..4-A yOurigrman Was ter.' day arrested and .brought before 'his 1t94. , t 4 Mayor,' for disorderly conduct, he 'paid 111 fine and_ was about', to leave;', when :a ',Surety the Peace case , was mooted had to give "Now," said he t` I suppose i can go." es,'! interposed an officer from' Allegheny chl who happened to be present with a warrant in bkvek et, , v but you ' Shall go with ene." - Attejsorne words, our, hero submitted, and took a war with the constable to answer the charge of asap and battery before the Mayor of Allegheny. New Motice.Porrer.—We observe bills up, announcing an exhibition of the Mn,g netic Engine "—a mathine propylled by eli t tficitY —at the AT.4, Allegheny, on Tuesday eveog, and at Philo Hal, on Wednesday'•evening nel. Mr. Lillie is the ,inventor or diseoverer ' of ilacpower. We noticed this machine , favorably som'weeks ago, and we urge those who feel interesil in the improvements of the age, to visit it. . VI We were yesterday informed Altaf t he mei. ney raised by the workmenemployed in 4ogober ger's works, sth ' Ward, for the relief c4reland, t amounts to $3OO. This is a 'noble co - bittion. and speaks loudly for the benevolence:o he gen tlemen who'have given thus freely, from eh; ear-. aings to save fellow creatures frOm theltost aw. ful of all , deaths. ---: • , - I - Expeqed to arrive *The Voltigiterampanies of Captainsliidale and Bement have . binordereci to rendezvous in this city, and were t-,!me-Plui adelphia on the 25th inst.' They ehilld'te Imre (0 At the kish Relief -Meeting ori s Fritay night ; a workman from the works of Woitis,iirdwisrdi& Al:Knight, hended ,over to the Tiasuirplt— which sum had been collectuktimia thi hands in that establishment, An enormous vehicle; of gres splendeur, drawn by ten horses, arrived in this elf yesterday. and was put in the ,Mansion Hous ytrd Itbe. longs, we understand, ta some southrn roanagerie. Wagon. Maivrs wanted.-.4t. will 614 lbseri•ed by an advertisement, that,Mr; Birmintinn will eel : ploy a few 4agon maliers for theti4ted - Statert service in Mexico.. . " Daily Itcpen ter " is the narneiif nevr paper just started in New Lisbon, Ohio.' ..Stread out to its. utmost, we can cover it with' our two hands. It might as well have been a little Inek. The proprietors of the Telegiiph have_ is ailed a weekly It is a, very neat aidwell filled sheet and 'contains all the readable platter of six dailies. May they have ten thousaresubscribers. acj4By Proclamation of Mayor Adams, milk men are prohibited from selling therstuff from . 8 A. M. tilt 5 P. M. on Sunday& 014 Mr. Height,, new - proprielor of the Ga. zette, has arrived tin this - city, - - cr. The Dispatch to out in a new and very hand some dress:' , TYlliestayer was. received witlaihunders crict• please on Saturday night. • 1, (Q'Thcre no.fire Lot •, . .... ~~: 7 "; I) , NattettalLeformeni had e ?doting on Sete ay night ='Thisverty Is , brietling tp* the sfeo Tuestitiy'of betober.-- trtNo Telegraph news list last night--wires ` order, sk , b,belifive.. - v. 1,... l tatttlistlon_ert Partnership. - ItAllittl+l minx& having Sold his entireinter. est in the firm of/icor:in ¢ Smith, to William 14 Sinclair, the partnership heretofore eziatiog iin., * said firm is this day dissolved, and the business AI be hereafter conducted at the old stand, by Illiam H. Smith and William M. Sinclair, ariderl ti firm or smTii & SINCLAIR. Those indebted to tlate firm will imake payment to Smith & Sinclair; o alone are authorized to settle the bus Mesa of late firm . ''' MAHLON MARTIN,". - ;:- w. fl SMITH Pittsborgh,March 261847. , .1 - , 431 retiring from the firm of Martirt'St .Snuth;thenn ersign'ed would,cheerfully:and earnestly recent *mid MessrsAr Sinclair to the'enStoritork , thelate firm, and to purchasers genera ll y. = xtar26 MARLON:MX - 53.11 TH tv SIXCIA:111.; I .: {LATE IdA11:4111 ft. 6EITE9- *noLEsALE - glibt'EßS; PRODYCE.iktI ' , COMMISSION MptCHANTS, 56, rfrodd :he undersigned having entered into partnership ufer theaboite sty:e ' respectfully ask the patronage o,he friciads'ofthe la te firm, and of purchasers gen-. ally.:: They feel warrantedin promisipg,tharthey a: give satisfaction to all who may buy 9 r them ' afide business to - their care. • t - W. H. SMITH, f-' l'ittsburgh, March 26,1847. blv Hooke tot'Corik's,'. SS Fourth street;-. - _ . IRE HORSE'S. FOOT; and how to keep it Stilted, :, - L with illustratiens ; by Win. Milei—from the 3d t'icle'n edition. _. :History of the Roman ftepublic i•_ by J. Michelet •• itransiated by. Wm:Hazlett- ..-. Margaret Perifief; ' by the author:or g. Amytter- t.rt," ete._,_Edirml by the Rev: yirm..Sewell, B. D. . ,The Silver Ship of Mexico): a tale of the Span- ' . h Main ; • by ,J.ll..7rngiiihain, .1.4(1.1, ... *, . Dancing Feather; and itsSequel,Morrio Grtenie4 new edition: ' !The Castle of Ehrensfein: a new Hovel; hi G , Magazines.for. APril. London Illustrated , Papers per-stn Hibernia., -; ' Fremont's Exploring Expedition to the _ , Rocky gountains, mduth of Columbia River mid Californityl IQW supply, Cheap edition, on 251. enti ":.'il• = :7 , .. Life of Addisen , :by Miss. Aikid.., . . • 4,`' '-• '. Otr'Just received and for sale at. , .tdofDik r .i.up.A:: 5 Fourth-street. - , • ' - mar 27. -:, .529 Tierces of the very first quality; jdst*, ceived and for - gain .by, - • SMItH & 56 Wood it: 0 r A n Barrels Molassesi ,stere and for dale by , 44...14J , SINCLAIR,. iar27Wood at . . . . . - OLL BUTTER —4 Barrels; ffeafr, au& in,goad, 116 order; for.tude ly- • ' , niar27 SMITH & SINCLA.Ikar Woad SC' ANTED.-=lu blac&smuha . and make, d immediately IT wantetely.. Good wages. , wilt be given by . applying to - mar:77.tf LVEGIIENY.SOIRE.F.7The first Anneal: Soi !IL ree.of the Allegheny Fire Company_ will taige. place on Tfinrsday Eiening, April Balirattle Latay4 ette Assembly ltbern. Tickets $2,09—t0 bo had at the, 4, lllspitel4 4 •'Journal" and ..Telegraph" .cerceiriand at Ciioltie Literary Popot. • • • mar2std c Oraniges•alid'Lemcinn. ' • gl Boxes ()ranges; . • - kJ 1 50 4 ‘ Lemons; lust arrived, inprune order and for sale by - . P. 10..MA.R1'1N, ttiax27 . cornir:of Siniiblielit and Vrontati. Sides and Shoulders just smoked, 'in Ell store mud for sale by,- niar2.7• - - „ 02 Liberty st.:,r N. O. Sstga.r. - - 100 Ilhds prone 0: Sugar, for isle 15 - jr" . • . . • .k".II.I.EIST; ftHEY & mar' s ! - . _ . 0 13 r , — (larreloli. Orleans Molasseo, for sale - by: 4./ VV./ - FRIEND, REMY &CO, 57 :Water ot,, . • 1 ry•f:Bales Tennessee Cotton', ree4Fper steamer -I Xi 1 "American: , aniffor sale.by msr27 FRLEND,.ItHEY &Cu. 57 Waterst. Baeon,lfity , round ,reetved and for 6500 - •• RD , ) ..,sale by • IkAN, PALLY & CO., No. 57 W ater et. STAR-CLOTRIA'a STORE, NO. WOOD;ST.ItEET, PITTSBURGH, • .. E would beg to announce to our customers and the - :public generally,. that we .Inv/els opened "our establishment with , ttfull and splendid. , assortment ofSpring and Summer Ready-madoCloth- Mg; which in'respect style' and workmanship can. not be surpassed by any bailie in this city. Gentlemen Who' are In want of-any article in our line milLfind, ii to their advantage to give us weall s , before, purchasing elsewhereL as our steck, as us as the low ,prices, of our , goods, will enable to please all.wholvill favor us with a call. It is unnecessary for U 9 tO enumerate the articles comprising our , stock, as wedipWeekly supplied—lt will suffice for us , to say that at all times our asiort tnent will be complete, with every article partaining to the trade. - • - ANCKER & MAYER, - . Sign "Golden Star." N. 13.—Gentlemeti who leave orders at our store, : for any Garment that they tvirh.to have madein New York. can 'be famished to two Weeks after the re... 1 cei tof their directions.. • taar27 . A. &A. BARRERI, VLCHARGE BROILERS, ADD DEALERS , FOREIGN AND POMETTIV EXCHANGE, CEA ' TIFCATES OP DEPOSIT;DANK A'OTER, .GOLD AND .SII.PER. No. - 62 We OD ST., 2D DOOR DELO W.FOVATII, WEST Star, _ . Zittaburgll, Pa. 'DAB Funds and Currency received on Deposit, and r collectiians Made in all the principal Cltiell bribe. United State Bight Exchinge.on Philadelphia; Bak timore; New York, Boston and Cincinnati constantly for sale in Awns tq suit purchasers. Kentucky,'lndi ana; Ohio, Fi4gginio and Pennsylvania Bank. ?Imes bought and sold on the,most.Tavorable terms. The highest premiurn paid - for American Gold. ' ' I Exchange on England, .Ireland, Gerinany and I France procured; te. - ' • ' mar22.l Patent Steam Prtesed MHE undersigned willbaie a Machine of est and most Unproved construction fly' mann facturiog these - Brick, in operation this Spring, ruak- -, ing 20 to 30,000 per day. • . , In a building they possess all the beauty 'and smoothness of surface and edges ' of the costly pres sed front brick, while they can be obtained at. the price of the common article. As to their other qual ities, we refer to a circular of an eastern manufactur er, which can be examined by any one requesting it; . it contains the ',certificatea of a number of persons„ who have used the dry' clay Steam Pressed Brick to the amount ofse coral million; among these are build rrs„.. Brick Masons, Architects, CcOmodore and Agent of the Navy Yard at Washington City, and:. Lieut,Upsher, U.S. Navy, all certifying - to these I brick being equal if not superior in every respect to tempered of hand-made brick, with the additional advantage of possessing a handsome, smooth surface, square and true edges. The circular also contains the results of 42 experiments, testing the quality of the two makes of brick, as to strength, durability and, power of resisting dampness, water, fire and frost, and adhesion•to mortar, all resulting in favor of the Steam Pressed Brick. These experiments we made under the superintendence of the distinguished Civil Engineer B. H. Latrolna,Esq.,and It. C. Long,Esq., Architect, at Baltimore, in October last; and elsoby the Chief Engineer and Officers of the Norfolk Navy• Yard, by order oldie Bureau at Washington City. . . STEAM. PLANE FLOORING BOARDS, DECK PLANK, WRITE LEAD, tke.—We are also factoring and preparing to contract for . any quantity of these articles, and will, have in:operation, this men', one of Philips' Patent 5 feet Circular Saws, for sawing timber ot _every description, and another ihtsiitting boards 2 &e:. We also intend manufactur ing' FIRE aIIICE and expect from the great power of our press, to make a superior article. Application thtOUgh!the Peat Office, Dispatch Post,' or otherwise, -- will reaeiNepiorao.attention. _ ISAAC GREGGA Bo; : BINSIINGBASI, Merch"2s, 1847. ' 041 - 'The patent 'fer the Brick Machine and Cimu. tar Semi can tic nfitainedfei certain districta; • vair26.3toooV • !" - • • '''• ; , :,. ;~;-`~:` '.-*.iii f--'3'., r ~,,...:,•, _`::,!..., 4!-..., M!=;! ek - RUS TOWNSZNII & Ca: Bacon. N. O. 111311iSee8i M2=M 1 1-t)
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers