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'' S 1 [ F / : - ._., "-- •-' - ; : ''. '4 , - s • -, A, `x - I t ~ i , • , f i ) _ ~/ _ Tx. ?,_. ' ~, ...,., v z s., ~,... ,-t ; i.,) # - L t VOL. II."NO. 62. rvittafititp - • - - :.`; • • cornerV Wei 4 and Fifth SU,. • - TEAMS:--Alv,e.:ttallarti a .7car,pa.yable advance.Si: dot ri ittvatiably. bb- require& if liot within thb ~,,, ginito Copies; TWO CLANTS-•-a - Or Sale, at the .counter of the Office, and by News Boys. .. ; . - 1101 - WIWI: RIMY AND - ALINUFACTUER ; . . , . , _ Lc polished-at the Satat 3 °lke, PA 4 tinut;lp medium "aheet, at, IWO DOLLARS .a- year, in Advances sin gle topien,..stx.curre: -.1 :•,, .. . , 5:. . - . .. .., . ... .TACFP.S . P.f i-. PE& ,SIWAIIE or 'TV Oiieinsertiony • 81150 WO •dci, - 0•75 Tliree-do, • • - • 1100 ()niliveek•,• .... 11'50 Two: • 3! . 00 Three do, ' 4'oo O'z Ode month,., - Two .do, , 6 .00 1 1 Three do, 7 00 Four do, ; 8 00 Six • do g .. . 10 00 One-year, - 'l5 00 . . . ellisernieuts, Y emery Adv, . , Si 1 : 11 1° 4 0 1 )-1 sl s * ffue,yeu v -. 20 : 00 I.lrger advertisements ii AttrtCrit.iis of •fttur rules. ''-4,YFP4r 6II E. 1.. 272,70-Rwirt;: ' six months, : , 82000 Rde icir , -• ' • : - ' 3(r., ot, in proportion;„ , • • . ,• „FIVE. Siol,l4Tis .year ... Shannon. Asltoll.ft'ir AT LAW, Greensburg, Westniore ,blL.lf*Valiunty,,O;..l3.l frautice in, the .West- It a. oreland, Indian and,Cirablis. caxarts. decB-y • A :TTORNEY, ay. LAW and Solicitor inChanoeri. . L Onion in Bats ItOn. baildiAn Fifth arca% be tween Wood and Smithfield. • ' abet. Hagen.* - • A TTOk,FEYS•AT LAW, Ofr! . ce motored to the lA_ residence of H. 8. Magraw, on Fouttit st.y one dbor froni Cherry Alley. ap:4ll WWI; dr,-I.lronnielly, • ATTORNEYS'ASP COUVS:r.LLORS AT LAW, ,Pittaburgh, Pa. ; Office"on Fetti.th at.' ? between Smithfield and dinnL Earn%tad Snoxrde a, -rroRNEy la LAW, office in the building on 114-North East denier of.;Fonith and Smithfield streets. n0i1.1.1 liamllton & Ursiee, . ... . . ' TTOILNKYS AT LAW, - office North "side 'o. • Fifth, street, between :Wood and Smithfield stasta.-itta hnigh; . Pa- Collections made on reasonable terms. . . .. ; . ..1 . dccl-y - - It. Morrow,'. A LDERTIA.N, office = north side of Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield., Pittsburgh. tteplo-y. ' ' . , Andress , TTOANEY AT LAW, office, Smithfield streCt, 1-L.between Fourth Street and Diamond Alley, op posite Mr. Geo. Weymaa's tobacco mauuflictory. apl6-y - ' James Callan, - - A TTORINTE.Y AT LAW, office in the chambers iiicupied by Aldermtui bilblasters; on Fifth St., between. Wood - and Smithfield. ' aplS-y 111 , Ctindle'ss & N,Clurc. A : TTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, IS_ office on Tomtit street, opposite It. & It. IL Patterson's Liceryltablei Pittsburgh. Seplo-y IPworiv dp "Sly , aFt zwelde • - TTORNEYS AT; LAW, ' Fourth street Itetween 'Wood and Smithfield; opposite Patterson's Hr. essetable. . • • • spZl . • George TTORDiLT AT LAW, Office in BremPs build s ings, 4th at., above Wood, Pittsburgh, - sep2.4lly - - . . -- C. Orlando I.oomis, ttoßrmi - AT LAW, office Fottith st., ibove ;; L - 1 Sinitkfield. julyl-y Rembvta. 'BEELEN has removed his commission and fur l-lb wahling business from the Canal Basin to his new warehouie on 'Third street, nearly opposite the Post Office.' may3Bl . Cowan, TTORNEY AT LAW, 'office in Stuart's build -11 tits, Fourth st. , , Above Wood. • junel9-dwy bLA V. Durrell, A ITORNEY 'AT m LAW, having returned from E fir op e t oAr has taken an office on the north east aorner of Fotrdi and Smithfield sts. Per sons:having- had buiiness'and papers in the hands o Samuel Kingstinri , E.sin.deceasedi will, call on the abovd-,- a3pll the unsettled business of Mr, Kingston has been left in his bands. . . mars-y. Chattels 111.11iiys, A TTOKICEY AT LAW; Pittsburgh, Pa. Com• ji missidtier to take the proof and acknowledge ment of dem*, leases, contracts; deposites or other writings, to, be recorded or used in the States of Kentucky, Indiana and Tennessee. Office 80, Stuart's buildings Fourth street. marl` -y Jame* S. Craft, A, RIJ, TTOEY, COUNSELLOR AND NOTABX, Pittsburgh ) Pa.) Basing resigned. thi office o ocretary . P: Nay. and Pire Ins. C 0 ..; will attend spe cially to collections and buSiness connected with navigation, insurance ) needants and real estate. Bu= sines hours, 9 A. M. to 9 P . . 11t. Office, No. 1, Stitart , (rbuildihgs, (No. 80 ) Pourth st.,) second door eat or Wood street. • • feb3l Edwin C. Waskint A TTDRNEY AND COUNSMLOIt AT LAW; A Franklin, Venango eounty;iserina4 will attedd promptly to all business _ entrusted to.his care—col: iections made in Warien; Clarion mid:teen/on co.'s. ' RESTA TO S. A. Stockton & Co. Murphy, Wilson & Co. PittSburgh: John Bigler, - Hon. James Kinnear; , Z Eon'Alex. M'Calmont, c Hon. James ,Wil eon, Steube Ohio.. juy234 Joint A. Park'limo'', ALDERMAN; Fifth Ward, Penn street, between Wale& and O'Hara streets, where he may be founikat all tines. Those having houses or other property to sell or rent, can have the same' punctu ally attended to; debts collected, and all .the duties of an Alderman will receive prompt ,attention. oct27-y . . Son, • BANKERS and'dealers in Foreign and Domestic Bills of Exchange ' certificates of deposit, bank notes and specie. Drafts and notes collected, and remittances made to any . part 'of the United. States, No. 55 Market street.' - - jan7-y Johnston /ft Stoektirn, BDOKSELLERS, PRINTERS AND PAPER MA -KERS, No, 114 Market. street. sep 101 Scriba'ar, Scheibler, JOODKSELLERS, STATIONERS AND BINDERS, , No. 115 I,Veod street, three doors below Fifth, Pittshargik; Pa. jan7-y James Patterson, Jr.,' CORNER of First and Ferry' streets; -Pittsburgh, 10 Pa., manufacturer of locks -hinges and bolts, tobacco, fuller, mill and timber screws, housen s crews. for rollizig mills, &c. seplo-y Win. A::Ward, D ENTIST, has remoyed - to the place, of his for merredidenCein Pena'street, two doors below . . . aplB-y _ i • 73.,E. Constable, DEiiiER in Fancy : and Staple Dry. Goods, 83 Market strectiPittabutgh. . • novlol Edgar ; VisorsVe I)RUG ' and! Family .11edieine Store,. a orner. of Penn arid , Eland streets, Pittsburgh, Pa” ', Th y. ,sycians 2 prescriptions accurately compounded .. Medi• c ines eau be had at all hours of thelaror - night. jari2l,l liii4n J iville •uiilatii Ikon Weiks; , - . , 171;kitVARD HUGHES manufacturer of iron - and XI. nada, warehouse, Smithfield above Fourth 14.- - ... B ePAY .. . .• . • c.d A., lillAtialtrar.; CO,. -; 10011.VVADINTI - COMMISSIOi k I - MEA CECANTS .11 Candi *sin, I'ittabitigh, Po. - - nuOldy arts*tin Lytle, AMILY GROCER, Smithfield street, next door to the Fifth Presbyterian Church. junerl-y • J6IiVi.IIDING.d fCCGIMig SION Aft.B.COA Ili - 116;26 IVa.bd of Pittsburgh. :ricre27-y "Iterrtovni; (11:10: S: SWARTZ would respectfully 'hia jr. friend& and cuatoraera that ho has removed. to N0..106 Market street,.betveen Fifth and..l,ibertyats. ) east tdde, where 'he ia receiving a largo and.well ea ; sorted stock:of spring goods, to which he %meld ,to. spectrally invite their attention. . ap3.4om New Book Store., Ez.cci., :No. 43 Market street, ja, next door to Third Street are just of3ening a new and,exiensive aasortriteat of Books and Station.; Cry, which thOy and - retal, at *6 !coyest prices,' . , :aii2Ell • lantYLT --. • GEO. o...nuowriz, • (stmer.veris YO )lOLDSIIIP AND 13ILOWNE 3 ) . IMPORTE,PS and : manufaCturers of Wall ,Paper and General Paper Warelsouse, No. 87 , Wood re et, Pittsburgh.. - . , • je2o Win. O'Hara Itobinsou, ATE U. S. Attorney, ham removed hisoffice to T tNo.•B C)air,st. • . - ,Aept4-y L. Wits)" aitla , T UMBER ISIIRCIIANT, office on Penn street, lietween Irwin tind PittsbuFgh, ha. All comniisSioits will 'pe promptly tittended to. Marl-y .School Book_ sus.a4kciper 1 are)tou4c, LUKE L 00 1 1,119; Agent; publisher, bookseller and bookbinder, No. 89, Wood street, Pittsburgh. triar2.B,l . , . • ; NW&Luton's ttartvaned Blaoking, IVYANUFACTURED and sold wholesale ,and re -I,l"tail, Smithfield st., between Sixth and Virgin oct2l-y M. C. Edey. OiIASIiFACTtiRER of Lard and dealer hl . nc.. ntar24-y .W . M• COLCSIA}T. J'O fir: F. JErnuNGs. JAS. W. lIAILIIAN. • _ Co!cilia*, Pattinasisi & Coal IIIorANUFACTUItEiRS of Carriage Springs and 1.11. A. 13., and spring site', and dealers in coach trimmings of every description), manufactory on Su Clair street,.warehouse, 43 Ittiod stmat, op. polite St—Charles Vote]. j riaal Vitra Giulia Establishment. AtULVANY S LEDLIE Manufacture and keep Ilttj_ constantly. on hand cut, moulded null plain Flint Glassware in all its varieties, at their warehouse corner of Market and Water streets, Pittsburgh.— Our works continue in full operation, and we are constantly adding to our stock, which enables nu to fill orders With promptness. Purchasers arc respect fullysolicited to call and examine prices and terms. seplfl-y Otto Kuntz, A.TANITACTIMER or Iscoatterrintt TEETH, lit Smithliel,l street, two doors below Fifth street Pittsburgh, Pa. Always on hand a full assortment 01 Plate and _Pivot teeth, of a variety of shades, as simple Plate, Molars and Discuspidatoes, qum teeth, Screw Pivot teeth, ike. Teeth and blocks made ft, order; Dentists supplied with all articles in the pro fession. All orders from abroad most be acciimpan led by the cash. vr Mina always on hand. novri-y DniDantel niFFICR..on Siitithfield t three doors from Sixth sr., I,_/ . Pittsburgh. . declo-y . ~ George Virettt, OFFICE, No. 77 'Smithfield street, near Simi) st., Pittsburgh. aug,2l-y F. ThIANOFORTE manufacturer and 'dealer in Mu -oical Instruments, No. 112. Wood street, near nor 19-y Jamts PAINTER, Fifth, near Marketltt., 'Military flags, Banners, signs, designs for steamboat Wheel houses, and fancy painting of every description neat ly e.idcutod at the shortest notice. jr27-116en George BeUey, - DUMBER, and manufacturer of Pumps and Hy. 17. drants, Which arc superior to and cheaper than any in the city. Please to call and ezamine for your selves. Fourth street, between. Smithfield and Cher r Alle . fi •drants and pumps repaired. janl.y J. Bryar, ECTIFIING DISTILLER, and wholesale deal err in Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors, No. 114 Liberty street, and•s3 Diamond Alley, Pitts. burgh, Pa. : jy:ll—y H. D. Sellers, .M. D., EMONT.D to Penn st., between Irwin and nand 1:lt, streets, five doors below Hand et. aplrry Hugh Arters, SLIRGEON DLINTIST, 11S Liberti atreet r a few doors below St. Claret.; l'ittaburgh., np2S-y Ogden & Snowden, UCCESSODS TO AVERY,OGDEN Et Co., whole sale and retail druggists, and manufacturers of white lead, red lead and litharge, corner of Wood and Second sta„.Pittsburgh, Pa. . nor 13-y Ydartin SUCCESSORS to Irvine & 7holcsale. gra ° cers, prcidnce and cOrnmission merchants, and dealers in Pittsburgh, manniactdred articles, No. 56, Wood street; Pitt.atairghi Pa: iapS-y JOhn APClositoy, AtLein AND CLOTHIER, Liberty 'Bt., between T Sixth street and Virgin Alleyisouth side. seplo-y . J 1 D. William:is ift. Cot . WHOLESALI: and' retail grocers ' Forwarding and commission merchants, and dealers in country produce and Pittsburgh .Dhnuractures: No. 110, Northeast corner of Wood and Firth streets. sec.:. 8.. V dhitestocit dt , 'Cos; jirtIOLESALE and retail Druggists, corner Sixth' I•V • and Wood streets. , Bcpo-y Thomas Billlees ITHOLESALE & RETAIL FAMILY GROCERY STORE; dorner of Wood andATourth streets, Pittsburgh apll-y Sterett Oz. Co.; v i rgoLEsA.LE and retail dealers,in foreign and 11 domestic Wines and Liquors, exclusively, No, 18 Market street, apB-p, Ci Martin; WHOLESALE and retail Grocer and dealCi; in Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors, Foreign and Domestic Fruit; Nuts; &c., No.oo Water street. ' seps-y Lambert & Sbliitciii, W , HOLESALE GROCERS FORWARDIIIO & Commission Merchants, dealers in produce and Pittsburgh manufactures, Nos. 133 and 135 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. febit-y _Joh.n Scott & Co.# XVHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION. V T Merchants, No. 7 Commercial Row, Liberty street, Pittsbur: J.. J. prDevitt, - VITIIOLESALE GROCERS, dealers in produce and Pittsburgh 'manufactures' generally, No. 224 Liberty,. opposite 7th street, Pittsburgh. ap2B-y John - 11. Mellor., WHOLESALE and retail dealer - in Music and Musical Instruinerthr, Piano Fortes, School Books and Stationary, No. 122 Wood 'street, Pius burgh. janl-y James Park, Jr., & Co., AITHOLESALE GROCERS, importers of tinplate and . queertiware,. and dealers in_ copper and Pittsbargh•mantifictured articles; Nos: 112' arid 114 2nd st, betiveett'Wbod and: Smithfield' jal4-n144 Select School. "VITM. MOODY respectfully announces to his old 'll friends that he intends opening a Select School in this city; on the first Monday of 'April next, in the basement of the Third Presbyterian Church. mar2l4 '' R. E .' Sellars, .. .. .rs, . . Food.OLESAIE - pRUGGIST,..and dealer in. dye ' Etaffs,..paints, oils,:, varnishes, &c., ,No. 57, street, Pittibnrgh. .1 • , , ... 3-octy "'Dr/. Win.ll..wright, • DENTIST, Office and residence in St. Clair et.; 11.•• few down helow Lib ' " &M®'l erty, near the Exchance Hotel, marl! -y TlltilibAYTOeTol3E - I1 1. :*6. House, Fotirth street, and dfaitt • 'Streelii . .Pitt4bur gh ARISTXAN CllMElßTZ`;.Prisprielor';''idepec'V , Vtj fully informs his friends and the public general lvj that ho will open :the Obove'splendld , House on the-Ist day, of May next Tho Rouse . being: new, and finished ia the .most commodious and eorivenimat manne r and having it furnished.with the newest and mostbentilelstyle of fiiiniture; flatters himself thalbe will ha able to ac conimodate,his friends . and traceiling publie, in a , Manner not inferior to any similar establishment in the eity. , Anthellonsels situ ated near the Court Ifonse; ar rangements havo - been made to serve up meals at any hour.-in theda.y, this will be great' convenience to those who arena atteadance at court. „ ' - ill-Refreshments of all kinds can had.. Boar ders taken by the week or day. , ' 1:1 - 1.'Ainpit every qq . oxii o'clock, A. M. Waltlib:Aston Hotel, J . _ AMES' AItAISTRONG, Proprietor, Corner of St. Clair and Penn stredts,' 'Pittsburgh, the proprie tor begs leave to rattan hismostgrateful thankii to his friends and the public for , past favors, md lopes, by attention, to metit4 eentinuation of their , patron age. The houise is pleasantly situated , ucar the Ex change; it has "aecouitnodatione tier travelers, and a large room for public meetings, dinner or supper par. Refreahnients always, ready, ..or prepared on the shortest uoticeovitli the choicest the Market will af ford. Gysters and OYster, Sodp, also Fresh Oysters, received every day during the erased. The greatest care has litien' taken in the selection of wines and liquors. A variety of newspapers are' reguiarly filed in the establishment; ' " ' P. S. A Slot Lunch : served .up ovaryday at 11, A ap D.Y. It. 'DOSSITI"r, Penn street, Pittsburgh, Penna. iloarding and lodging; by the day or week, on 11:e most masa:labia terms. Strangers will find it to their adotitage to patronize hint. Persons travelling cast or weste fl find , this house a convenient Inca. tion-4t is Within ono: hundred yards of the canal basin; and convenient to theTorwarding houses. E , iczY information given to Iron Manufacturers is all branches of the business. Home brewed ale cau at all times be had at the bar. rur/rllOl Lafayette Refreetory 'MOS. GI, and 63, IYood street, under Lyuil's IA tints store. The subscribers hare fitted up the above place in superior style, and they fed assured Av/I1 give comfort and satisfaction to all who may visit them. arrangements havo bean made to have a constant supply of Fresh Oysters ; which will be served up to visitors and families on the shortest notice. Other luxuries; candies, fruit and pastries of the choicest kinds always on hand. Their liar is Usti with the heat brands the market can afford; and Regalia, Cas tello, Principe, lio - 111111A Cigars of superior qual ity. Every attention paid to visitors. Their motto is, every luxury in its season. Prites tnoderate. novlD.y OGDEN & GIBSON. Burnt Dlottrict IS.A.ir MURDOCK, tbrinerly of the Union lintel on Water street, having been hunit out, lituibullt 'a tiers arid handsome house expressly for the accom modation of tr.isclers, at the corner of Second and Smithfield streets, which will be known as the Durnt District lintel. lie is now prepared to eger every accommodation and every cointiirt to, the traveler, at very moderate charges. Ile is pioiided with ample and convenient stabling.decl2-y 11. V. STV.REVT STERETT dr Co., vsholeilale and retail dealers in Foreign Wines and Liquors, corner of Market and Front streets, Pittsburgh. Pa. References—Wm.llolmes fc Co:Me:try F. Schwep , pc. Win. Eichbaum, B. Weaver. Their stock has been selected with great care, and consists of the choicest qualities suitable for this mar ket, to which they uould respectfully call attention and solicit a share otpublic patronage. It comprises the following in casks and bottles: Wints—Maderias, Sherries, Lisbons, Tenerifies, Ports, MalaginsCalahrias. Liquors—Brandies, Gins, Rums, and Whiskies. ang2s CORN OF PENN AND ST. CLAM. STS.,AL LEN BROWN, Pnorairroa.—Terms $l,O per day. Thou ndersigned, formerly of the Merchants Hotel, corner of Wood and Third streets, has leased this superior establishment, and furnished it anew throughout ' with new beds, new bedding and new furniture. Great care has been taken to till his cel lar witli the choicest viands. A handsome omnibus and a baggage wagon arc provided for the use of-his guests, and 'a -Porter will be in attendance at all hours to meet the demands of the traveller. The long ex perience of the undersigned in this business, assures him that his casnest purpose to satisfy all who call, cannot be uusncccsstul. lie feels altogether at lib erty to promise his visitors a comfortable and cleanly abode, liberal 'entertainment, and a hearty welcome, at a moderate expense. ALLEN BROWN. ap3-dtf WILLIAM COLEMAN having, on the first day January inst., associated with him Jas. W: Hallman and John F. Jennings, under the name and style of Coleman, Heilman & co., will now have in creased facilities for :manufacturing Steel Springs, haremered axes, American Blister and Spring Stcol, , &c.; to which the attention of dealers is respectfully solicited, and hope by, strict attention to business, to merit a continuance to the new firm the favors so lib erally bestowed upon him.. Factory on St. Clair it. —warehouse 43 Wood st„ opposite the St. Chmles Hotel, where can be. found a geed . assertment of Springs; Axles; A; B.; and Spring Steel, and Coach Trimmings of ercrydescription; together with Iron, Nails and Pittsburgh manufactured articles. Vr'The highest price paid for Scrap Iran. jan22 lIILLE2t. BELL AND BRASS FOUNDER, has rebuilt and commenced business at his old stand, N0.,70 Second, bOtween Market and Ferry streets, .where ho will be pleased to see his old customers and, friends. • Church,, steamboat, and bells of every size, .from 10 to 10;000 pounds, cast from patterns of the most approved models; and warranted to be of the best materials. Mineral Water Pumps,-Counters, &c. &c., together with every variety of Brass Castings, if re quired, turned and finished in the neatest manner. A. F. is the sole agent for Babbitt's Anti-Atfraeticra Metal, so justly celebrated for the reduction of fric tion-in machinery. The boxes and compbeition can bo bad df him at all tildes. Franklin Mariano Works. rrum subscriber having been removed by the great fire to Allegheny, is prepared to'make Steam and Fire Engines, Hydraulic and Shred• Presses, for oil, tobacco or any either purpose, and machinery generally. J. S. GWYNNE, Franklin Machine Works, On Reliecea street and Bank lane, West of Federal street, Allegheny city. N. B. Orders left in Pittsburgh with hfr. S Cuthbert, in Markit street; 2 doors below Third street, will meet with pronipt dttention. mayl 1. lA4 JOHN D. MORGAN, Wholesale and retail Druigist, No. 933 Wood street, one door South of Diamond Alley, Pittsburgh.—The subscriber has just received from the Eo-sterdcities, and is now opening at the above stand, a full assortment of articles in his line,•consisting of Drugs of all kinds, Dye Stuffs, Paints and Varnishes, Chemicals, &c., together wih all, such articles as are usually kept for sale at a wholesale and retail drug store. His stock is entirely new, and has 19eati selectetl with care. He, is Confident that his,'articles, la:Ali as to quality and price, will please suchUs may fa. vor him with a call. . , my9-y. DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, No. 45,111ar ket street, three doors abbe Third street, Pitts burgh, will have constantly en hand a well selected assortment of the best and freshest Medicines; which he will sell on the moat reasonable,terms. Physi cians sending orders will be promptly attended to, and supplied with articles they may rely upon as genuine Physicians',' will be accurately . and neatly-repared from the . best materials, at any hour of the day or night; Also, for sale, a large stock of fresh and good erftuneg dee 30d Canal ;110[14 Focchance Hotel, Co-Partnership. A. Vialton; New Drug Store. John M. Ttiwnsend,' Lt. ard".ol.4:e is Stotlttietl - lv.rieb:'' subsciiber ,woUld respectt „inform. his friends public in itenerbl, that his now Factory..is now co mpleted, and with a large, idditinn to.his machineryshe ti,prepa.red . to make copsidera guantitieS uppnor:.'itrticle otc, which he is doterputted to sell eheali, ri a ny Ai prirso lt ling the Old proverb; that sisppnco. is worth m9ret.kan He - feels confi dent that consumerti vvatild find It to their, adyantnge ,to give him milland tv;• - kinitit for themselves., 4 Woolen manufacturers, niachilists and otliere,nre respectfully invited to esomine his sOptrieroll",..o4h street, near Karket; opposite I.lunker , ll Oance,ctiop ary store, 164;14e-este.Atnueii , i itPClurhen Bt,_.• Co, Liberty ; street: • . - • PittshergsLartOil Mattifttturei: A superiorspnlity of .t9r - catulles, always on hand, of assorted meg: . • . tu'ai244 a nio,4 wors. ,{Vig. Maker, tyls!, six . deersfrostrhe :t, opposite, the Conectore trisbesle inibrns the _pub.: t she, has just commenced 'artnierital Hair- businets; a very sootier stock;iiw from the Easterp citie.saed Intl she' is prepared to fill :cc at the shortest :notice, a manner that cannot be by apy taanufac:. lends keeping, a large•as= sortment of Ornamental Bah* Work, such as Ladles' Wigs, -,llraids,. Curia, leciclanes,. Guards, Bracelets, Finger., Ring, A/entlemenS' Wigs, Tanprics, Scratches, &cc, , , r. 'I I Mrs. It. has Pecp fur many ye;is...eugageil la the business in Prance and the Unitnil States; and from her long and experience, she feebt confident in being able to givo satisfaction. all -who will favor her with their patronage. ller prince are more liberal than have been offered iit this city heretofore. mar 17-ly _ _ James Howard Co. ' IT AVE the pleasure ttt announce to their Iliends 11. that they again oceupy: thoir old Stud at - HU; 83, Wood street, where they , have opened an exten sive WALL PAl'.l.:ll, WAREHOUSE, anti will have contantly on hand an. extensive assortment of Satin glazed and plain PAPER HANGINGS; Velvet and Imitation Borders of the latest style; and inost hand. some patterns for papering hins,parlors and cham bers. They niannfixture. and 11.1‘ 0 on hand at all times, Printing, Writing, Letter, Wrasping and Ton. Paper, Bonnet and Fuller'sfl oard..±— 1 of ‘shich they otter for sale on the 'neat acciiinnictlatit , terms, and to ‘vliich they invite the attention of merehants and others. A L.,sa-Llliank.lloris of all Lindland the herd qual ity, School llooliii, &e., always on hand and for sale as abort. -1; Aug 2J Landreth's Warranted Oarden..Seeds, ItEXT MOM I'IMADELYILIA. -Each paper hears the label and ‘ValTalliy of .D.tvin LAN , ourpr. For sale by F. L. SNOWDE—N, No. 2.9 Water 4_, tit the stand formerly occopimfhy G 00..%. Berry. Extinct front the 'Report or the Vjiiting Committee of the Prnusylvanailorticulteral Society,' unani mously adopted and ordered to be printed.. LANDRETH'S NLRSERIFS ,041) GARDENS "These extensive grounds arc en Federal street, near the Arsenal. • • * • The earliest collec tion of Camellias was made here, Some of those now in possession of those distinguished eurserymen are tea feet high. • • • The selection of OREEN..ISOCSE PLA:Cn is valuable and extensive. "The Nurseries ere very correctly managed, sup plying every part of the Video, a detail of 'which would occupy too much of our spice, we therefore content Ottilleres with stating that , the stock ,is very large, and in every stage: of growth, cotriliting of roimsT AM) Olt-NAIIIENTAi ITHEES,:4IVED, GA FENS, 51111UDS, VINES AND CREEPERS, With a collection of herbacceous Plaids, fruit trees of the beat kinsl and most healthy condition, large beds of seeding apples, pears, plums. &r., as stocks for bud ding and grafting; a plan- very superior to that of working upon suckers, which carry with them into the graft all the iliscas of the parentstock. • • "GARDEN' SLEDS of the finest quality have been scattered over the country from these grounds, and may always be depended upon. The seed establish ment of these Horticulturists is one of the.most ex tensive in the Union, and its reputation is well sustain ed froni year to year. "To obviate the chance- of mixture of the farina of the plants o f the same family, they have established another nursery at a suitable distance, so that degene ration cannot take place, and • secures to the purchaser a 'genuine article.' Knowing thus the age, quality .1/[1(1 process of culture of every plant, the supply irciru their grounds is recommended with ' great confidence." •,i,• Since the date of the.' Report' from which the 1 above is extracted; the euti*Th establishment has been greatly enlarged. The eldre - ctirin of Camellias em tuner's all the finer kinds, and consists of some thou sands of various sizes; so likewise with Roses, and othrir desirable plants, both tender and hardy; fruit trees, &c. The Seed Gardens alone cover fifty acres, and the. I wlirde is, as it has been for more than half a century, under the successive management of father and son, the most prominent in America. roe Order, received by F. U. SNOWDEN, from whom catalogues may be received gratis. _mar9-y A Card rpm: subscriber begs leave respectfully to return his grateful acknowlegcmcnts for the liberal pa-. tronage bestowed upon him far years past, and par ticularly to Mlle who, so generously patronized: hint since his misfortune by the late tire. [laying. consid-. erably enlarged his busines by associating with Wm. IS. Roberts as a partner, lie would earnestly solicit rt continuance of former favors to the new , firm 'of Roberts & Kane, and he trusts that by pronipt atten tion to business they will give general satisfaction. M. KANE, Jr. REMOVAL The subscribers would respectfully inform, their friends and the public that they have removed their new warehouse on Third between•blark'efind Wood streets ' irg south side, where they truby strict, attention to business, to merit a share of public pa.: tronage. They solicit attention to their extensive, stock on hand, which has been got up with great care, in the latest style hnd most substantial manner, con sisting in part of the following articles, viz: Mahogany Wardrobes; ' " Dressing Bureaus, " Book Case and Secretaries, ' " Section Back Sofas, " Plane • do., tt ' Divans; " Ottomans, " Victoria' Chairs, " French do, E. Plain do; Centre Tables, Card do, Bureaus of every description; " End, T - ablesi Marble Top Pier do, " Centre do, " Seth • do, " Dressing Bureaus, Wash Stands, Mahogany Work Stands, Fiat Racks t{ flocking Chairs, " Sewing do, " Music Stools, " Arm ChairO, " French Bedsteads, " Butlers , Trays. Mahogany; chdrry and poplar bedsteads, warrant ed proof againstbugs, and superior to any now offer *ult.° the public. Alsti, a variety of Windsor chairs,' the best quality,and q new style of arm chair with spring seat; vell adapted for offices or societies, with a variety of other articles too numerous to mention. We have at considerable expense introduced into our new factory on Front street - , a steam engine with niachineryi which wilt enable us to sell, wholesale] and retail, at reduced prices. Thejattention of Western Merchants, and persons moving West,.iti invited to our new mid' extensive, establishment. Western Cabinetmakers are also re. quested•to give us a call, as they will find they Can' purchase from us for less than they can manufac- Ordbre from 6 distance will receive prompt attentions and the fumiturewill be carefully packed. Rteamboats and hotels famished at the shortest na liOf and on favorable terms. ROBERTS & XARR. N. B. Undertaking in all its branches attended to. murlo y- • R. HEIDELBERG CATECHISM . ; or• A. 'Hunt inery of Christian Doctrine as used hy:the an Reformed Church, English and German.—.: e at our store, No. 115 Wood at. Pittsburgh. SCRIBA 8r SCHEIBLER, Booksellers. Gllntw I* ea iel 1 liltV/ • FALL GOODS, wHoL S - 4 - L A _IV D 12 E : T .13 XI?. tV• r dsr. T 'URN AT 'NO. 46 ..- 'MAKET Si., - ' pESPEdiaiI;LY ".call the attention . of 'their ..riro friends, lind'Oity - c§ons purchasaks to their extanaisaaSsartaient of _ 7. NY. W. 3. EA:T4 L GOODS.', _ -Which is now!compiete in cvery`deparitiCnt. , `Purchainrs-arearticulittly invited to examine-nut very choice selectioa of Much lE i 7 d ß ten S ti S ini " ' ha f) s p: bn S. A pnitrr A tolli W :ei l r ? .S6l6 . and in point of richnem and variety; tVe tinter beßire have been able to afar 'greater indneeMents. • - . . . •. Fine Wool'Cashm,eles; Cnsltinire Reps; Cashmere Dliensse.. , Mona De Laines; Fancji . atid — Staple. Silks, itc. Siiimr.c---D•ench; .Terkerri,.-Cashiacre , Braclie. I;robroidared and plain Cloth; do. Thiliet'sfiam4 of entirety nevi Otti , rietv patternsf--in every varietyof style—also, flonnirplia)s Slk. Merino; with Fancy styles, at 'reduced priceelt Ladles Fancy Silk liVrets; Paris 'Kid Glovesiin'ail shades and N 0 5 ...; Bourrailtriihmvs.Several boxes reed comprising the different late styles, choice pattetner*'PeVY bales very handsome patterns at 121 cents.:- ' Linen Cambric lldkfs, from 121- cts. to tho best in, use. !: • ' ' - . •,. FDEITCD AND Seinelt very oesira; ble styles and qualities superiue, nth - awl - niceB. French Thibei cloths'oLin all shades); •—•- Alpacas, Silk and Cott. •Warps;plaitt fartn'Y; Bombazines, Lupine's best, at unesuatly prices. Ombri 4-1 Cashmeres; ' Embossed Table Covers; BLATTKETS.:-12 and 14-4 fame* bect . edrl2-4 twilled beautiful article. 'Also Joweosis of'differeelt: styles, all of which ere offered at pricest.So per Cent reduced. Splendid CalierteaVat 10 and 12: cts. Our domestic depart Merit is full, possesqng, ad van Cages to the purchaser rarely to be fotthd.. • Brown Sheetings, yard wide, good - quality; 6 Do. do, do. Extra heavy, Sc Gercris.mcs: please take notice, that at our number may be round at all 'times French flroid Cloths; Pant stuffs ant` Vestitigs; Satin and Silk Scarfs, and Cravats, new styles; Linen and Silk Ildkfs.,:Gleves, Hosiery, Gum ElasticitiSilktnalirellas, &c., &c. . The ahr.e Flock has been purchased within the last 30 days since thil great deprematiun in piiCeS in the Eastern markets, and wilt be disposed or.entire ly to the advantage Of the' purch:tscr. Call and see at the "Dozen Toted Cash House." rep. P 3. • ' BARROWS & TURNER. Drugs Drugb t Drussy At Nu. 2. Commercial Row, Libcrtystriet,"Big-Gol den'eßwtor's once MOM.' Jr AYS & ROCKAVAY, thankful for the liberal pa:- 1 tronage; which they have beretofbre received and wishing tOtnerian increased share of public pa tronage, would rcsp ctfully call the attention oi the public to our stock,of goods which we are now re ceiving for the' fall I trade. Amour? which may be found in quantitielp suit purchasers, the fellowiug articles. 1 . Ithuebard Root, I Liquorice Root, Hour Sulplinr, 1 • do. Ball, t;um Arabic, I _ Refined Borax, CaPil Magnesia, 1 Sal Soda, Carb Magnesia, I Spanish Brown, , .1 Gam Aloes, Gum Copal, ' ' Cream Tarter, - Roll Britrisione, Calomel, ' i White Chalk, Sup Curb Soda, I- Est. Legavotid, .. . Epsom Saltq,l Chip'd do. Glauber do. 1 . l'iladder, ....,,..,......... - . • 4. .. . . Tartaric_ Acid,. Z..--,1 y - -- Xe•OPIN- 0 5 4 - 11 . '"; 1 1- - .. , ..,. Gum Scammony,' I - Chronic VellOw,, . - , Ilal Copavia, , . ! , do. Green, .. . Salt Petro, ' 1 ' Rose Pink, Together wall a Oneralassortirient of Dili, Paints, Varnishes. Paint Brushes,. Dye Woods,'&c. Stc., all of which will be sold as low as at any other, house in the city. . „ . 'itepl9 Money Wonted n•cxchangc for linti and THE 'snbseribcw would inform the public that hW has received his falla stock of Caps, all bf which have been .principally I made to his order and as his purchases has been made on the cash system', he is enabled to sell his stock of Hats and flaps - at - unusually low prices for cash. His stock:does not consist of the cuttings of Eastern houses, bdt are ,all a fresh manufactured article. Neither is! his' establishment 'replenished with the old stock from, eastern ' markets. The Proprietor beiiig a i hitter and Cap manufacturer, by trade, as well as 'prolesskon,lie is alsci daily man utlicturing Hatn and Caps. of all descriptions, and for their neatness land dprability, cannot' be stir- passed. All of which he offers' at wholesale and retail, and at such 'prices. as cannot fail to please the purchaser. 'G. W. GLAsscow; No. 102, Wood street, third door below John D. fort vie Commercial Auction Rooms. septl2. FRESH FALL GOODS THE T4EW YORK STORE. l Casei rich fall oods; 'French ad English Cash terns and Mous. Lames'; Gala Lobrain plaids; lain French] o ths:' inted and plaid loakings; a full .ssortment - of 'rench Broche, rioted Cashmere lk. and colored. liibet, plain and mhroid ered ihaWls, plain and Ginghnins,' ierides;''Alpacas. nd piain M. de .aines;blk • tig'd Suns, great of rich colored dress Silks. " Also;112 cartoons of rich Bonnet ' bons. Velvet and Bonnet Silks; French and Ameri can FlOw'ers, in ,great variety; Btair.ana, Straw Bonnets, cheaper than Oyer; a full assortment of ,gentlemen's wear,l such as . Cravats, Shirts,' under ' Shirts and Drawees;; Cloths; cassiin eyes and Vestings, all of which will bb sold at a small advance over New Yprk. coat. • i W. H. GARRARD, sept 16 . 79 Market street: • • • 'JamOs Cavanagh.' • IMPORTER -and Wholesale dealer in French, Ger man and English Fancy Variety Goods of'e'very descriptibul such as Jewdlry; table arid pocket Cut lery, silk Purses, bead Bags, silver and'German sil ver Spoons, gold and silver Pencils, silk and gum sus penders, 100 doz. of Germbutown Goes end half do: Trimmings of all kinds, and a general assortment of toys, constantly on hand at No. 61, Market Strict,. between Third and Fourth streetS, Simpson's RdW, Pittsburgh. • •• • • myo-• 0: W. litddle, Dentist. . FIVE doors above the Cabal .• Bridge, Penn street, : performs all operations on the Teeth satisfoc f. torily. .0 N. B.—Having lately made one , of the greatest improvomonts t / forceps that has cverappeared e t ' fore,the'public, he has been able ;to extract teeth with "such 00e to astonish all those who have • availed themselves of hiaserviceS. Pittsburgh, Stily 24, 1846-ly William: McKee: STILL continues ' in his old btisiness of manufactur ing:Wagens, 'Carts; Dials, Timber 2 - Wheels, Trucks; and Wheelbarniws,.en Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield; where he keeps constantly ; on hand) or made to erder'in the shortest notice any dniount of work, by the beat of workmen and good materials, and at prices to suit the times: Thse engaged in ,the Santa Fe - trade; and Furnace men, are requested to give him 'a call before 'purchaning elsewhere. . . ap7-y - John Cartwright. ni T TLF,I3. and Sitrgical Instrument Mantheturer, No. 140 Wood street, two doors from Virgiti al ley, Pittsburgh, Pa. .dlways on hand an extensive assortment of Surgical ..ind Dental instruments, Baniers', Tailors , ,Hatters , , Hair Dressers , end Tan ners, Patent Shears, Saddlers , Tools, Trusses, &S. j 024 MIEN - Botfr . firtllEßind4tigrid bating iliiiinikr.t.ii4 - 14.Eitab.: lishriiefiti No:4 1 , 2 Market st.,: . to:lilr:lliofila7§ A. Hinton; corditillyreeoirifriend friends and the public generally; as one iljery:Tay -worthy of their - patronage: =." • - •• • A. I'irCA'AINICIN. Tile nilegigned. haring purCliased - tbe large and exterthivo'sibel: of boots, shoe &c A. :It Catrinfon; 1co:: 112 Market' street; AOor from Liberty; will continue to conduct the bilsin6i in dll its biartebes, and trusts that by •a stricratfen tion to .business,-and an ardent disposition to please, he ykill meet n , continuatiOn of the patronage so liberally- bestowed upon -his predecessor. THomAs A. 01\1. • ' N. IB.—TiVo fir three go6a can lithe en)pldyifient, by making immediate ariplication. _ _ _ fkar•NCY, .I , !,IKNSI 13 LA Ky.r.x, Aldermn; B 1: A - IC. 111 I 'T d I-1 E r 1 T ECU E 'to at lend to 'the sclling dr(ir of Real Estate in the: City of Pittsburgh ttnd cioity;:-.l.laying ; delermined to devote,a)atte„portioti of their tirne_to this branch of busine.-_l 3 they with donfitfen66 a - shard of : the - peironage or the publfet.from ilie facility - thVy.poescan and the eiperi, once they have (the ,Senior partner : having• been ,en, gaged lin thdßeal Estale AgenCY for near 20 years,} they;lielieyelhat thy will grvii . generrd eatisfeetitini 0 : 15 dalln PCilirst-, near the U. S. I-lotel,-aud Geld el., between piat t i e ncl, AllOy ; and, : Filth.street.: Dr.wp , s 1 ~ ~ ~ ~~. i ~ rr ~~..~ ~t ,enj to this. est;blish4pilby. his friends and the publid induces - flie proprietor, in order to encourage per Severance and'irltistry - a , mono .hisisuulents, to offer on die Ist of October nest; as preiniums TWO GOLD. PENS, L elegantly, mounteft in silver pencil - cases. One to be 'awarded to any member orhit claSs-for the greatest jproficiency in 13ook-kce.ping., and - the other .to any : member of his class for the best specimen and greatest improve ment la 3tarcantile j Penmanship; - pay Evenini Classes:..: Hours cif 'business :until ist of October, .2 to 4, 4a,1, 71 to . , , sepl, , Pittslyt!rgli - Nay 1,7;n rance'Ct Office, Na. 21, I • Robert Beer, R o ttimT at'ig,2o4lt) tn. , John, D.. , Darts, • tit - PIONEER COMMISSION 111E.RCIIANT, corner: of :Wood and Fifth streets,Tittsbuth, is rea,ly to receive mercliandize eveiy ‘ deseri on ceiasignnient for pnblic "Or'private safe, Mid - freak long experience in the aboVe busines,flatterxhitself . that hp will be able, to give entire satisfaction to who may favor him with their patronage.'"" . . R6gillar sal& On -Mondays and Tlint-Sclays 'or DrS . Goods. and Fancy irtiClq, at10.o!clocl, A. M. Ofgi,dcerics, FittAblirgh. manufacturcd articles, : new atid second hind fiirnitiii - e, at trio te'cloak, Sales every evening at early gas-light. ang-12-y luven:tions butdone by Nature...: y ~s~`„tD REFLECTj , BE WISE 4"ND VSE VIVRE'S GRE kT ?arm , TFLi. 2011..11.1f...1LN OIL, !AMEDICINE OF NATURE. •• Tl,l,is.obtained. front a well near Burksmiin c Kentucky, at the depth, of 185 feet below the siirthee'nf the earth; and 170 feet througlisolierock: Its curative properties are truly astonishing, and as . a Remedial Agent it ,tnay well be pronounced won deiful. Since the disdove'ry Of this Pahaees. of Na ture, ;numbers of remarkable clitentiluive been effect ed by its use. It is InnoCent----Nwerfut—SCe anti Certain in its effects. It hasltrerr nsel with unpar success in the treatment of the follsv.ing diseases:. Inflooximatory Rheumatism, Burn; - - and: Scalds, Cliche, Piles,- - Flatulence, Initunntatioa . rof the Kidneys, Deafness, .Consumption; Liver Com plaint, Phthisic, Scald Head, Cancers,'Wea't and Sore Eyes,Bruises, - Fresh Cuts and Wopnds, Sprains an Strains, Dropsy, PainsTnthe Breatt and Side; Tetter, -Influenza, t Ulcerated' Sore Throat, Consurrip!ion, Bronchitis, Spasm's, Ulcers,. Spinal AffeCtiond, Scrofula , or King's Coughs, Syphil is, Ringivorm,' CoMplaints; Chronic. (Hs= ease, Impurities of the Blood sand General Debility. It is likewise very beneficial for Female Complaints in general; acts as a great Resteratike from Lingeor,, weakness of Back and Chesty Low Spirit Sand ExceS- - - , - 'Read the following Certificates, all of which are authentic; all the persons thereitmnarned are now living, and well known in Cincinnati:. - • ,PrivinuaSti, Aug 2 2, IS iii. This is is to certify th at nwen bake used the AmeriCan Oil fur the whooping cough; artiaairour children,-,by giving them from 20 drops to,a.small tea spoonful at night, Which always enabletinthem to rest Well through the night. I also applied into' one of the 'Children that got her arm burnt. by turning 4tver tea, cult. of hot Coffee on it; the, child seased prying by the time the 'arm .was .dressed . behind up, and hai never comidained of it since. I also was afflicted with a pain in my side ano breast,: and have been so for IS yearit commenced using 'the Oil by . taking a_tea spooMful twice n day and in-3 or lbor days using of the bit I have hen.;very much relieved, and do really believe that it is the medicine that I hake ever seen, I applied ittcr one of My neighbor's for a strained ancle, which relieved her in a few minutes. We have also used the oil , fora strained joint in our oval faraily,:whlefi--rgave.case in a very short ti.trtu. We live on the east side Of penn n 'st:;3 doors south of Walnuts 'I am now-at Well as I overtkasin my life. ...MARGARET 11l SMITE. • This:is to certify;that my son - has had the Plethisie' r6r seven years, and was very bad with it, and about. 12 or 15 days since,,,,l cmimenced giving to him about 20 or 25 drops. of .the . American , trice a day:i which relieved him in a day or.twd Of his diffi-, catty of b r eathing,. and he is now - entirely relieved of his cough; our boy is 10 yearn of age: We live in Kings Alleys • , NANCY KING.. Ciarcit All, July, let, 1346. B,l;!.:lltatitig been'eUred of a 'very severe disease of the, eyes 'arid. head by the use of the Americin OilJ I feel it my duty to thepublic, as well as to you, to Send you the following eertilicetei ' T hereby Certify - that:l Was Severely afflicted one year ago last winter,. with inflamed:sore eyes and a very severe pain in my head from rny.eyes up tothe top of my head, and continhed • so for several weeks. My; eyes *le no unticiLinflametd.und sore that'. I could not see to attend - any liusiness,nor could I tell one object from- entailer a few yards fiord 'me. I called! in a physician; but still get' worse: I else tried . a good many remedies.that had cured others; but inlay case they failed. In April, 1845, I heard of the American Oil. I procured a bottle, and be fore I had used a half a bottle I was entirely well, and still continiiesol 'I will not be without it in my hoUse as long as ..I can get the genuine article. I also gaVe it to one of my, men that was working for me, that had the teller in his herds so bad that when he would grip anything tight in them the blood would bust out, and'the use of half a bottle' cured us hoth. Ivfould advise all 'that are afflicted in any way to give the. Oil a fair trial; and I ; think : they will be plifiased with the effect it Will have, &c. • ! • JOHN ItaTRPH.' Y Sold atOne Dollar; perßottle at Jackson's Patent Medieine Warehoese,S9 Liberty; lieetrof Wood st., Pitisbitrgh. ONLY PLACE the Geuitke Amer#can Qii..CAN be obtained-- BeYvare or a Counterfeit article._ The Seneed. Oil. put in American and labelled "Amer icaln Oil." 'lt somewhat resembles din American bitt • pOssesshallolie of its virtues or healingp.ow- W. Jackson respectfully informs the Public that & Co., the preprietors of the, American Oil, have appointed him their SOLE AGENT for West 'erii 'Pennsylvania: ' - pertions wishing &fir-agencies will apply at S 9 Lfflerty . street, as above; - 13:' , Snbzagents wanted for every town in the ,abeve, District. - ' - . A great nember of certificates are on hand and can be seen at the' office, 89 Liberty street, head of Wood: aug 28-ly .-'::it-SO . C.E . : - ';... - TW,Q . ' - e'N.'.l's.; - . xtrorn fi y at JT;~irq and Writing Rnoins, corner 'of'; Fifth and Market The Jiberal patroungdg:ii; t4ou, ant . ' Vire 4u...., .olntatuy.. - ' ' - , litaiket &art. cons: _ - - William Ebl):4,' Let is hutch[ on ; - • Ili ref toiett4 " ' !James _May' 'Oiriclexter. -' , '.61. ALEE'S,'Plis't; . 7efxtr_y. --: '. Pit-03134#; 1846 T 3 - AV I /4 1 .kWkr,-;5.9..0tz...3 Schob/i' corner :or Petieta I.,and Robinson ill - Pall I session_ on Alcinciaylfie From PrdlesibY Ii Ji Ise WiaihiitgiorilColEgi; atiel I -Ldlliir HavingattettdeVmsVeitu" taught by.ltr.,Williants, Vvertak,e4 l lPaAuro id bear ing our testimony eyidenc6 , afrordedbz . it of thd unusual skill and labor The understadding oriheYrefriagi'orilib ififijects which the scholars had lieett sli - OiVnl by; their cledr answerdtoqueatiors-nsked by, others than thn teacherslßreve the e:Callence.of the,l7 ... e2dt England modes of teaching;in;whielf , ..tfr::Williems seems to be profidient.' ' ' ' it From the _Rev. Mr. ..lreglon, , lfortoi' Hunt, 4;r„., Haring attended esaminatioirfof•the- Select School under Care cif henry priniaiVii, - hew recently in his school 'elioin,.corns. orTedeial and Robin Son streets; Aftt , gheny.:city,_wo wish to non public attentlZin to, this.institutiou. Vc.iwese higWy gratified with the progiefi:4hiid Othis oiontter simplifying:4nd illnstiitting'thoAiP lbrent hrone,hesjs peeiniatly.haPPls Pd wen eolco. , fated fo..give interest to the pupils. ,31is' mode, ; teltilhing,'theni"teCrba'tlO&UCk - us as 'navel, aid bdti - ttriWrAtttot faittdialakiS good , ttatitrs: From the ; knowtcrtgq. thot-we.hay . e-of )1711 ; iattiS , 'cliatacier - as. a teacher, hislidelity . ond wd etiididly`ienbuitOciiif th the pattoril age of the.pithlit:.:dlis locotimittelegible for,litfih liICII , Ii 13:4RD,':' ' •"- '' .: ~ .. -, • ifleffllitE.E.iO3: , - I attdzindil-th..j atith'e -- eYaiiiiiiirti'ou;trid'cart truly . spy . I Was much gr.iriiicci with-3.10r 4ttuintpent..er , the pupils. .. . , ~ , Villa, .I),lll.NTO.fti th i g fi,..4.,i2„ , .1.....,.: .:_i.i_ . ..: .„ :'....i ...,. .-i..i. ii; ..- I =;'o rt. 1_ FALL sEssioN thia• Western liniversltv will commence iu the ne!..v . University 13 uildiri . g; n :the :Frasi- MONDAY or SEA' TEEEP3.• neat, azid the'SPAi..l.iicr'..sr.l . Sl9.l9 . of .1847 i will eornmenceoir the Piitsr :Mein:Li:l' of bEbiteArrAr ‘ foltoicin - , - • %, Tina institution leaving:a!, far leciatetedirorn .the effects . of the great fire of April last year,!aq to.havvl, te . w building :nearly Conipleteifyitlilhareased a•ccurnimidatibna-frir all its departments, it 41 , h0p - elf that Or Law School be round tp,preseet ineteis4 ed tacilitits and attractions_ to those VllO desire pursde a regularatid tirerougli coare of legal don; -and to prepare themselves creditably -for:aii= inittance.to the bar. There . %rill be dailyrecitations by.theclasses on assigned le6SonSi so arranged as' to embrace, within 3..tw0 years course;-Mll the. principal, and.most - imi , I portant branches of the law. Occdainnal lectaxes an law aiid eqiiity; Will also be deliiiered a:a — part - Of tho course: lar. Aretri.' Cc i .ar, desioncd for assisting studeritj, in. acquiring . knowledge and reudjness ill the prac-, tied of - the laW will be resealed 34 - SOon as the nure,". ')er.orstud.6nis. lustify... The degreb 0f.13.3cnt;-• tort OF. LAW will he cont'errtitt on studdets rof the riStitution, according the rules eitlal in seal institu-- Any - Turthcr in fotrnati on that may . be i rerjuirc , d,can eactily he obWineit 'on application to the Profedso.6, WAtraßli, who has his Wiled 'oil4tilabnie Smithfield:street, Pittsburgh. Tznats—Sevestv-five dollars a year s or, thitty..sey:.. en and a 117.11 dollars a session. . aurr.G.-d3ni A ORD 111.A11. - V D15.C1 1 681,1.11.45.. , • nniF.Lon AF, Fawns . .. • - ilnudti TSTs: . • , O.:vit,' Druggists art Misled into the error ofifaiy..y. kj . , irtg a Miserable imitation. of Dr :Smiths 'Begat Coated Indian Vegetable Pills, sirriply,beeaude;io).9y; can , purchase the spurious cheaper: We shll:YEl all rases expose such dealers throughout the othefaity;' who; eller being duly:-iiifermeft of Bic iascality,of them iniitators, they and attempt to irripose upep.the, Pithiie with such werthlesS trash: It is not the gar coating alone that constitutes the valtia : ooiir pills, but it is, my .ifireritio4„, for whick:3laini..the right. G. BENJ. , - 173 Green Wick st. and 2 Water stf,Boitdif. - READ AND HiDGE--LIIPORTANT We, the undersigned, 'wholesale druggists in Lon-, issille; By:, are satisfied, from all the irifortriation, that we earfobtnlif, that Dr: 0. BENJAMIN BIMITIE is, the original inventor, the. kiePr - Ceated , .We are_ prepared to supply. dealers at_ the. Now York . thice:'• ' ' " "; binson, Peter fc Cal•tt, 492 Main.' Street' , '• 7 , ' •," ,co.; 41 Main-t..:,, •.. Report 4- Lindenbergev, 311 is et.. - Georg ilLiOpine-, eto.', 79 Fourth -Dull 4- _4l:teri, Si Fourth. st. • --.., The Bellowing from druggists in Ness Yerk-sliews, the Sugar Coated Pills in 15431, :7 • , • ‘ New Ycfrirt•June We, the undersigned, never saw or heard of t'S.U.-.1 gar Coated . Pills," until Dr. 0, Benjamin Smith man uffictured and exhibited these to ileabefit a - ,yehr since. Rushton 4- CO. 110 BrOadway and 10 Adair Muse.' Israel Randol ph, 01.1):.86 Libertyeft:•. Horace Everett, 9G Hudson at. Jelin Ca-sues, 97'1Indson et. • ' - - David Sands, 79. Stilton St. - • '7- - • ' VOICE_ FDPAI NTUCEE 'I hare been afilitted with dyspepsia in its meet fig?. gravatedforin for three ;Years' past; and tc., • , relief until 1 used Dr. G. Benj. Smith's "Sugar.:Coat.' 'saidMl Indian Vegetable , After nsing.six.hosetrof d 'Valuable pills; I am entirely cured:. Tlie:y. - are 'a gen - dial retiieffiyl, - - I. IL -LE=A:ll::' - - Paducah; Ky. Novi 9, 1543. 7 . •.. ea! We certify to tfie above facts... Dr. Smith's "Swat-Coated • Pills'' , are, iiiiiVereally , esteemed in thie vicibitcr ••••. • ••- • ": • DODGE. 6.l:srticrsz: Co; Merchan ts. Paducah ; 'Ky. NOV. 19, 18•15..:' . . At the request of Dr. G. Benjainin Smith's agenC we cheerfidly state that we visited the office of Smith ladt;_ while in ;blew-York,-and ; fodnd hirti all'appearance carrying on a very ex% tenure bueiness- with his Suoir4.loatd•lndithryngel' table Pills. The , extent ,of his establishment Art:midi astonish, any one not initiated in the thysleries of.the l pill tindbf--"Lonlifille Joiirnsl '-• Vrom Dr. Singlritonl'' , . 6mithland, (Ky.) Feb. 24; 1846.-; .„ Dr: , Benj. Suntfi:—Dear Sir: Nothing ever 'hien introduced'that hie Sold do Well and-glee - a strait general satisfaetiem as.your : Sager-Coated Improved. Indian Vegetable Pills.-. Very respectfully' yours, ' • - S. F. SINGLETON:'''', - •. . _ . -,.• (From I:: Alden.) " • , . • Lonithille,(Ky.).Feb. 13th; 1843.• Dr. G. BeieSMith—Dear Sir: Yrtrii illplease send. usl2 gross FrOm.prOseistiii^:' &cations we shall-sell a, large, amount. oftliem:io.7 We find that they . go Very qffick: Yont - BULL '& AEDEN._" . .( Froth Starbird & Smith.) Louisville, Feb.l3th, 1846. ._., Dr. Sinith--Dear Sir! About two weeks ago _we_ bought 2 groes"of your Indian Vegetable Sugar Coat:••• ed Pills. Though' businers'is.dull here at this tirair,:. yet we have sold Otani all. , You will Weed sendris -10 gross through Medsrs. Lawrene,e"B: Bless; of pita' city, who will for Ward there to"us yin Pittsburgh: .7. Yours, respectful-I)7i, WILSON STABBIRD tt . This is to Certify - that . l have used' the - Sugar coated 'pills manufactured by G.:Benj.:Smith; of Ness" York; ler seine tithe; and believe Ilene to boa geed. : mcdicin e; and also froth enquiry in that city, I am persuaded that -.he id - the original inventor;. and - ' therefore;4s entitled tollie.benelit °fele inventotur. S; AVILLIAMS,. aug2l. Pastor Ist Baptist Church Pitteburgh. We have forty 1 etters front different dealers solicit. ingtha agency - of iny Pill; although they had the spit rictus in-their store—one in partidular 'from New Or , ' leans, which we eball.publisli. 7." Principal Offices" -New York, _179 Greenwich-54_ Boston 2 Waterst: • 01 BENJAMIN SMITH is written on the&sc 4 tom of every boa ofgcnnine Aok.its-Witham HindersonDruggiet„.2o3 Libcrdp etteet-Pittsbierght S'argeant Allegheny'city."." METE Mule:rimmed 'would itipectfillly inform. 'the ' citizens , oe - Pittsbnret and its .-vicinity,thar has purchased frorti r itiri-hloses Cory, his largo anti splendid stoat ofDiy . GOods; kept at No. 66 - Market . street; where lie intends to keep iigeticialmstiortt' ment of sea.sonable Goads; which Ins.tvill tell. at csry: reduced prices:. Please call and .judge forycturselve.s,,, I No. 66 Market stree.t. _ .atiglB - WILLI= cOWEY.•: To my friendo an l' patrons I am much obliged and - would -respectfully recommend' Cowen; my successor. DIOSES•CORY • 1100 tCEIVED THIS DAT, by Express; ithother• JR, ofrich black MANTILLAS, at the New York Store, 79 Market street, augl7 i 2: EMS MEM : .tij7l W. R. GARRARD.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers