UR PITTSBURGH DART. MORENO POST. L. mAii2Ezt, - sDITOft AND PROntirrotL PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY; OC'E-1,.-1§46,- Allegtray County Democratic Ticlpat: • FOR CANAL CO*MISSIONER4, WII.6IADI B . V 0131134 Or 11.11ADrOltICCOVNTY. Congretis, • - WILSON MTANDLESS, - if Peebles. THOMAS HAMILTON, '.of Pittsburgh. Sheriff, RODY - , PATTERSON, of icarrencrrille. ' - Prothonotary,..• ,* • 6EORGE R. RIDDLE, of Alleghtny. Asseribly i . SAMUEL yr. _BLACK, of Pittiburgh: ROBERT H. KERR, of apegheny. JOHN H. M'ELIIE'NNY, of Jeffolon : 'JOSEPH COOPER, of Moon. Commissioner for :3 years, ROBERTXONALDSON, of .W.I7A-itis. Voroznionitourr for 1 rear, . . WM. BRYA.NT,' of Pittsburgh. Auditor for 3 years, WILLIAM EWING, of Robinson: Audit:or for 1 yeir,. N. PATTERSON, of Birmingham. Coroner, 1 LEWIS WEYMAN, allegheay. _ Are you Assessed! It not, a - ttend to it immediately—lose not. a moment: Examine the assesment in each ward In the nit)) and each township in the county, and don't go away until you an your name there. The law requires each voter to be assessed at least ten day: before the next general election, and pay a State or County Talr, otherwise he will be deprived of his vote. Democrats, be sure and see to this matter before the 3d day of October. • Supply Yourselves with Tickets. We request our Democratic friends in the vari oui townships to call at the office of the Deny Post immediately, and supply themselves with tickets. This matter should not - be ueglected, by any means. Allegheny County. Is now essentially the "battle ground" of Pennsyl itinia. All eyes are turned upon her with the most intense interest. This county, in days gone by, was democratic, but at the time Gen. JACK,SON strangled the IL S. Bank to death, a great change took place in the politics of the people. Many who acted with us then went over to the enemy. 'Subsequent events must have convinced them that the Old Roman was in right. and . , that the Bank was rotten to the core. In 1840, when the coun try was deluged with hard cider, and coon skins and gourds took the place of reason and common sense, this county gave Gen. Hann:sox a majority of 3000 votes. Since that time the Democratic party have been 'gradually regaining their old strength, and we now honestly believe that our party is in the majority, if all who think with us would only vote and act with us. There are ma ny well.meaning men in this city, who are demo. static at heart, but who have heretofore -voted the federal ticketat each election, under the delusive be lief that it was their interest to do so. The federal leaders have gulled them by •he syren song of "two dollars a day and roast beef," until they are perfect ly satisfied that it is all "sound and fury signifying riothing." These men have found out to their sor row that . federalism is antagonistical to every thing that is liberal and ennobling, every thing that is generous and free. The democratic party have practised.no deception—they have made no promisors .but what they have or will fulfil, to the very letter. We would like once more to see Allegheny coun ty stand forth in all her glory and majesty, "re deemed, regenerated and ditenthralled." We would like to see every man on the democratic ticket elected bY an overwhelming majority; and then a work of reform would be commenced in sight good earnest. The federal party never re form abuses—they never progress in any thing— they, stick, with idolatrous fidelity, to hoary dog mas and time-sanctioned error. Our opponent s can do nothing—they will do nothing, to better the condition of tale people. They will promise and promise eternally; but alas! all their promises ' , Like dead sea fruit that tempts the eye, But turns to sidles on the lips P, To the Democratic party must the country look for the enactment of just and wholesome laws—to the Democratic party, must be confided the well. being of the people—Upon the Democratic party rests the preservation and perpetuity of Republi 'can Liberty. Of what avail will the election of Moses HAM.- Tozr be to the people? He may give a lecture on the beauty and morality of acting as attorney on both sides, and pocketing a fee from both the plain. tiff and defendant, but his mournful voice will EICV er be heard in the House of Representatives. He may give . a few choice lessons in political legerde main, and tell how adroitly a cunning hypocrite may pass himself off on the people as both a Ma icia and en Anti-Mason, but be will not advocate the interests of this great emporium of rrianufac ttucs and commerce, in the American Congress- And what good will grow out of the election o f the federal legislative ticket? Have we not abler and better men on the Democratic ticket, who will more faithfully serve the people at Harrisburg Dots any man honestly and sincerely believe thatl the persons running on the federal county ticket, will fill the respective offices for which they have been nominated, with - mare honor to themselves and credit to the people, than the Democratic nominees? All candid Whigs freely admit tha t the - Democrats have presented a muchbetter ticket to ihe people for their suffrages than their oppo nents have—then why will they not support it and place good men in office, whose honesty and capability will never be questioned:l Democrats, rally to the support of your ticket-- etick to it like a band of brothers—let no false issues divert your attentionifor a single moment Give 'a. "long pull, a strong pull, and a pull alto. gether" for the Democratic ticket. Confront the enemy; at. every point and never give up the con flict until he is driven from the field, and victory perches proudly upon your standard ! ' A Wino Eurron ra Tuouata.—A Whig editOr Who had told large stories about the dismissal of laborers, and the almost universal stoppage of znan nfacturipg establishments,' since the passage of 114/4.ay's bill, was recently on a visit at' LOwell, says the N. H. Patriot and hearing the busy hum cf . industry from the various mills,was completely.', tiumifoiinded. Stopping a gentleman-whom he met, he inguired--"Do. the people here know that that wicked. Locofoco .Tarifi hill has pasted?" "To be stuv.they do," said the gentlemett:—"why do you ask;that qUestioar "Why aik'tliat question! • why, matt, the, country is ruined, absolutely ruined, LTD TUE Paorit USUE DON'T ii.3lolr, Tnr. orxratr in Boston, for the week eqing September iStliilvere 77, of whicii twenty-fbree died of disease of the bowels; seven of typus fever, ,ix .of. consumption. • . • I , e _ - • 'MOSE HAMPTON A• MASON." "It has 'been 'charged upon' gr. Hampton, the Federal candidate .for Con,gress; time and again. that heika Royd Arch Mason, and yet neither be •or his friendsforliin - dire to aeoy. it! The truih loriiig and kwiristent Gazette haethis man's name at the head of.its . columns athe AntimasonN AND WHIG eandidatiVl 0, temporal 0, Mosesl" Mr. Hampton and hid .friends have denied :this slander of the Post frequently. Mr. Hampton is not a Royal Arch Mason, He has no connection whatever with the Maeonic order. He has .been knei-n for the last sixteen years as a consistent and persevering Antimason, has always supported the Antirnasonic ticket, and in every other just and laudable mode expressed his disapprobation of- all secret' oath-bound societies, as 'dangerous to our political instiArtions, inimical to the Administra tion of justice, and opposed in their spirit and ten dencies to the mild and benevolent principles of christianity. All this we are prepared to substantiate, and de fy the Post to gainsay it without resorting to false hood. Will Mr. Harper do the justice to Mr. Hampton to 'withdraw his untrue statements, or Will he still persist in doing injustice after his error has been pointed out. Gazette c'!,( IVerinceday. The Post will nut "withdraw" any statement it has made, unless we have better grounds for doing so than the mere assertions of the Gazette. If Mr, Hampton "has no connection with the Masonic:or , der," why is not some reliable evidence of the fact given to the publict We do not think that the ve racity of the Gaz to 1 this community stands so high that - our cit zees' w prefer its statements to those of Mr. H ton. It r. H. owes it to himself as well as the publit,whose support he expects, to „. - come out over his o .11 proper signature, and make known his real sentime is in regard to Masonry. It is notorious that he tag s a Mason—if he with- 1 drew from the . order, he c\in easily inform the peo . ple time: the me of that with awal. If his renuncia tion has been published, he can certainly let it see the light of day once more. We despise this thing of humbugging the public, by making idle asser. lions, without producing the evidence of their truth. If the Gazette is "prepared to:substantiate” that Mr. Hampton has been "for" the last sixteen years a consistent and persevering .Antimason," now is the time for that paper to do so---xow—NOWI Out with your proof—out with it, like au honest man! Give us the "documentary evidence '—give it at once—to-morrow, as you se; you are "prepar pared" to do - so: Come, good neighbor of the Ga zette, we like to be camlid—we will withdraw any "untrue statements" we have be lied into that . 5 ....., moment we are satisfied of th • u truth—but not before. Your i par dia-it will n satisfactory— , we want something better—we wish to see some-, thing from Mr. llaropton himself. - . 1 For the Morning Post Mr. Formal—ln your article in the Post of yes tenlay, in regard to the Bridge over Jack's Run, I think you have fallen into a slight error. Mu. Foasrrn, I understand, was not one of the County CoMmisskoners, at the time the - work was done, and of course could have nothing to do in the mat ter, I! think if any person is to be censured, it should be Ma. A r.siox, one of the Re viewers, whor e conduct in this transaction is by no means fair and legal. Perhaps he can explain. A Li.non xx r NoTr.—Upon further inquiry, we are satisfied that we were correct in regard to'3lr. EOOSTTO being one of the County Commissioners, and our correspondent "Allegheny" is certainly in error.— As to the charge against Mr. Atsricus we have no means of knowing whether it is true or false.— But if any injustice has been done him, we shall open our columns with pleasure for any communi cation be or his friends may be pleased to make, in self-defence. . ED. POST. PIIITSFF.MITI OF 11.tt.Tutone.—Ruin.—The Bal- , timore Sun gives the following account of the Com mercial prosperity of that city at this time: -Our harbor presents a beautiful appearance at the pres time; our wharves are filled with shipping, and many are lying off in the stream, at the point.— Every inspector of customs at this port has one or more vessels in charge from . foreign ports, all Of which speaks well for the increase of business in Baltimore. The prospect is that the commerce of our city will be a great deal larger the coming year than ever known." A CAtrrtos.—The Zanesville Courier says:— Spurious two dollar notes on the Sandusky Bank are in circulation, dated May 1, 1846—Letter B No. 578,—Vignette, Wolf and Deer—Lady on left margin—paper light. President and Cashier appears to be the same hand-writing and same ink. Mr. Peters, the County Treasurer, informs us that there is much of this kind of currency afloat in the coun try. Usntat the Constitution lately adopted by the people of lowa, the rate of salaries for State offi cersis thus limited:—Governor, per annum, $1000; Supreme and District Court Judges, $1000; Secre tary-of State, $500; Auditor, CM; Treasurer, $4OO. The pay of the members of the General Assembly is two dollars per day fat-the first fifty days, and one dollar per day thereafter during the session. ANDREW WIIITE has not removed his Veni tian Blind Factory to. the corner of Market and Third streets, as many , supposed, nor is he in any manner connected with that Establishment. Oct r-w, 11346 Tax HEursrean Exormerrix.--Heutis, who eloped with Mrs. Jones from Hempstead, has been convicted of petit larceny, and sentencd to six months' imprisonment in the county jail, for steal. ing the goods of Mr. Coon, which he took with him on that occasion. Two revs, named James Farley and Low, were killed on Wednesday morning at Schuylkill Second and South streets, Philadelphia, by the caving in of a pit in which the were at work. 3 / 1 51OTZA TO ST. PLTOIISBI7II.B.—The , Wash ington Union states that the Hon. Ralph W. Inger soll,.of Connecticut, was in that city on Weines day, making arrangements for his mission to St. Petersburg. He expects to leave the United States in the month of November. DEATH sr Ltonnfino.—Elder Jackson, pastor of the Baptist church in Wilton, Saratoga county, was struck by lightning, in the thunder storm of Thursday, and instantly killed, while standing in the door-way. A atiot was killed on the,Reading Railroad by jumping off a car just as a locomotive was coming up, which run him down. • • Fins—At Sag Harbor, on Saturday - night last, the dry goods store of Messrs. Osgood & Co. was destroyed by tire. Loss $12„000--partly insured. A NAN named Wm. Rose, who was employe abouttlie tent.at Coney Island, went out in a small boat on. Tuesday morning, and when a short dis. time from shore it upset and: be was dinwned. To DEXOCRAT of Septembes, l2th says: Wheat sold at 68 cents yesterday, with a prospect of 70 by the end of the week. SOLOXON DOVOLAtti t a 'shoemaker, aged 22 yettn, committed suicide by langing himself, at 13runti wick, Me., on Sunday, 20th inst - • , Fr xs SAIa that at Cape Flattens not more than six houses are left standing by_ the late gales. List of Letters REMAINING in the' PEE Office, at Pittsburgh, 04tater Ist, 1846.'Persn' is calling, for letters, whose names aril on this ‘ List 4 ;v4,ll please say.they‘ .Apps chard Appl by John 11 - Ann James . Rey Austin John Atkinson Ann Ashten John B Baker W R Boyd Alexander Ballantine John ' ' Boxard, M 2 lCee - & Bails Sarah Mrs - , Boyle Allen L Barr Elizabeth Bossier II H Barnett Joseph ° Bowman G W Batebler Frederick '.ltolderrMisilda A Barnes Catharine • Bova J Beatty Rachel Bowers George Bell James Boss W Bean 11igh , - .Boreland Mark Bennet Mary J Brown Fhomas A . Berry A A BroWnjamesH Rev Best Alexander .. Brown W 11 2 Beck Anthony .' Brown Michael Bennett Sarah DroWn A F Bendley John Brown Elisabeth • Beck Charles A Brown-Henry. _ Agnew I , ianey.taina AletaintirSaWS Allisoe Jelin 'AUieen Junes' Alfoid James, II Allan SP Allan R S C _Brooks Robert G Bellsill Charles M ' Brown John Beares Henry Brining Adam Blakeman Charles W ilrasnall Richard Bivendoff George Bragden Eben Blakely William Brinker Louisa Blackson Matilda Miss Bradley Hugh Biggs John Brooks James Braille R C Beelen Daniel Bishop Eliza Brine John Blakely Cornelius S Bmphy Timothy Black John Briden John Jr Bovard William. A : Broyihy John Holtman Thomas , Bryan John Bond Huldah Brewster Richarson Bostick Nelson . Breitling. Samuel C Buranide Susannah Mrs Bushyager Henry Byrngton John A Boyd J Doct • Buser Jacob Burns Robert Barns• Harriet N Carpenter Laurence Cochran .1 B Carat Wm . Coercy Alias Carpenter George &Co Coburn Isaac Calhoun Elizabeth Collins Thus Carlisle Daniel Collins W & B Carey James Conly Wm 2 Carter Thos Cook Mary A Cannon Susannah ' Cook Deborah Calhoun Jos Cook John Cannon Hugh Cook Daniel Carlton Jonathan , COllll Jae Carnage Eliza cotton A G Cameron John Coz Geo Cain Geo R Covert Jos Calhoun Andrew Cook A C Cane Eliher Gen CreuleyJohn Carer• & Mitchel Craig Sainl Cahill P Crawford Irvin Campbell Robt Crist John Campbell Wm 1 Crawford Frealer Campbell Capt ' Crittenden Lewis S Caldwell John Creese Henry Chester W B Crittenden L S Christy Eleanor M Cyrus Rebecca Cherry C Culbert Z Clarke Jos Cunningham Burnard Clarke bawl Curren John Clarke Jos Cupples Robert Clouse Isaac H Cochran Jim Clayton Nancy H Cooper Erank Clernmer Susannah Dailey Mary Ellen Dillon John Dane 0 William Dickson James Dawson Martha Dillow Samuel Darrow Walton Dickenson Walter P Dauberry Mary Dotiklass Alexander Dales James I 3 or Len is Doak William Davis William Danivan Robert Davis Job S Dobbs James Davis J J Donahoe Patrick Davis Levi Dougherty Charles Devol C F Drew D F M Dever A J Dravoe Peter Deering Charles Dravoe Jehu Dermend Charles Duval William Derelin Patrick Dimming G'W Deasy Catharine Durand E Deal John Dugan Margaret M Deavitt Mary Dun Jae John %V Demling George Dunlap John Dcan %V C Edgar Mnriah D Estip Dr Rev Edmonda Alexander Emory Silas Eken Mary A B Eshleman John Easton David "i Ellanthry Isaac English Thomas ' . Everly John A S Evans Leah Mrs : • Faulkner Dr Flynn Thomas Farley William - Flanigan B Farrell Henry Feliard Sarah Miss Franey Peter Foster John Falmestock Emma Miss Foster Jane E Ferguson Rachel Freeman A N Furguson Nancy Fritchman John Furguson Mr Freeman Alfred Fleiners Mrs Freeni Robert Finley Abel - Fry Charles 6 Fields William Fry William Fitzmorris William Freeman Thomas Fleming Samuel Fryer Elizabeth Fithian Charles B Friend 4 T Flinn Luke Furden Edward Fithian Thomas M Capt • G Gehring Francis Glenn James Gessingheirn Jame■ Godwin James W Gallamcr James Gold G Gardner Andrew Gormley Francis Geiger Ann M Grove Jacob or Jonas Gant Daniel Gregory Eanford Geerhart Ann Guftin William Gasaway William Grant James F Gallaher .M. Rev'd Grant James A 2 Gillett Oliver P Grimes James Gibbs Mr. Rev Graham Samuel Gillespie John Graham Thomas Glenn William Gunning Hugh - 2 Gumbert John Guy Thomas Rev H Hall Anna L Helvering Saml , ; 2 Hamilton Caroline Mrs 2 Henry Wm Hall Benj Herren Stephen Hall Sarah A , 2 Began Jos - • . Hamilton Wm Bin Summer, . Haney Jane Rigby Jos. Hagan Hagne Stephen Hitchcock Margaret Handy Benj Hill 'Wm Haile!, A J Highgate Thom Hannaly W . . - -1 Hotlinan Christian Hare Saul! . Holmes john 2-- Harmon J 8 Holladay J M Hart Salmon N -'Holmes J Hartzell Hll Holmes 8 It Hartley Hard - Holmes Mahlon Harris Ann Howie Isaac 2 Hamer Geo NV 'Horner Jos Haas John M Hoover Elizabeth Hassell Abdallab 2 Humes Julia Ann Hay Saml Heyde John Hutchison Sas Hindekoper Edgar Hyoung Mary Hughes .1 It Heydon Etiza Humberstone A W Hayden Benj Huffman Jos Hayden A W . Hunter W B 2 Hay Sand Hunter li J Heitz Ferdinand Hughes Wattson Rev Henry Jos Hutchison James M Herron Itobt - Hughes James Hubbard Wm Hull George Hilliard Mrs W Irwin George 2 - Irwin James Irwin Robert • Irwin John Inman Isaac Irwin Alex T John James C Johnson Henry Johns Alfred Johnston Margaret Jeffry William Johnson Mr T Jeffry John Rev Johnson James Jenkins Jacob Johnson Agnes Jonkin D M Johnson Samuel Jeffry! John Johnson John Jenkins Morgan .. Johnson Alfred Jones E &Co. 4 Jones 'David X _Kent Charles ; Kerr Runes Rev Kennedy Eliza Holly Edward KerneyJ'ames, Rev King W D . . Keith Duncan ; Kincaid Thoutaill Keller Jacob King Jacob Kennedy David .KiddooD D Mrs ~ Keller S • Kimber John V Kent James S • King John r Kennedy. Thomas . ; King Stephen Kelly Rebecca -Klinefelter John Capt Kuntz Hester . . . . .Lambie Aimee Mnn - 'Lewis Saml C Lawrence AeherE •Leonard'Wm • ' Lane Rachel - - - LiHy Goo • 2 Latrobe B.H. . Lichtenheim Simon A Latehaw B F Little Wm ' • Laughlin B Lickbiter G T - 2 Lawrimer Eliza Mimi Livingston Wm 'Layton J M ' Logan Anna Liddy Leonard .. 2 Lonergan Jae - Lemon W S Lowry John ' • Leech Maria B Misa Lupton Mary. Lee Barney 'Loch° Einar - 2 Lefever Elizabeth ALloydiane Mrs Levy Coleman LynxfVl4*:, Leonard Mary Ann r'LooSnk Sidon M Meeeely William Morris T'P bllurple Whittun ,. ..l 4 Montgomery jag ' MtLitotriiJklichael . 4 ' Moreland ldr Melee o_oo4.ic .2 - I Mi4rgan Daniel Maley Mary.. MeoneY Barney Majto - Fiattelaf:!'i %Merl3a l l,Dgerlian bleabee Rebecca - Mortis Geo Madera Albert ; Montgomery Henry Marks Corrydon Morris B'F Medfield Daniel Mawfeet Catharine . MaltenJ D & Co .MoorheadJA Markel John :Morrison Stephen R Matin Thomas Moore GW.. Martin Jaz Smith' DiorrittonJohn - D Martin James. Moore - MefriCh Peter C - Morrison Ann Eliza MellifFY , Corrielius Moore T W Mearty Michael ' Moore John Miredeth S ' 'Moore Allen Merihant David - litilholledid Geo Jr ' Mix L Rev .2 Mullen Tbos 2 Mitchel Maria ' Munn John Miller Charles W Murdoch Mat H Mitchel S L ' Myley Saml Mitchel r. W Mudge Gardener. Miller Joseph ' Muyeri'Louisi Mitchel 'G W Munson Henry . Mitchel J T Muncey Thos Mitchell • Murphey Mary - Miller James Mousley Wash, Montfrirt John W Jr Mintooth R Murphey Martha Morgan Mary Ann si,' ' • M'Aroy' Michael ' M , Donald P M'Clelland Daniel M'Gownlohn M'Clelland Elizabeth M'Graw John' M'Clelland Archibald' Waovernlohn M'Carthy David MtFarlaild Wm 2 M'Carthey John • M'Gill John M'Closkey Leonard M'Fell riistibetb Mrs M'Clinteck John M'lntyreWillitim M'Call James' • M'Ellhaity John J Rev M"Cosh Samuel Jr M'Ellroy-Williarn M'Comb Thomas M'lntosh William M'Creight Isabella M'Kee Lydia M'Cord James, 2 WlCelvey,Daniel M'Curdy A . M"Kenna Hugh M'Connell Margaret M'Kune Robert M'Ceey Jane M'Kay C V Rev M'Crum Jamei r M'Cowan Eliza Miss M'Coy D D-• M'Langhlin Sarah ht'Cormick Thomas M'Clure W W M'Coy Thomas M'Nair Joseph M'Dermott Margy Miss M'MasterJane M"Ewen Marylldiu M'Namee Patrick M'Connell James.- M'Nair John 51 , Donald Catharine M'Quissins Alexander M'Donald John H Wink John bl'Donnell Alexander Neeley Alen. Nicholls Jas NecleyJas S Norcross Isaac Necks Matilda Nuttall Lewis Ney Henry C North Win Nelson Joseph Notts Frederick 0 O'Dryan Edward Orr Marshall (Mont= Mary- Ord Jane 014 shoe L Dr , Overturf C Orr Win Parsons N L Pierce James Payne Wm Perry James Y Patrick Robert Peebles John. Page, Silas Pednen Anu Mtas auc David Pease Enos Farmer John Philips Augustus Parks Chas W . Philips Henry Ii Patterson L B Platton Jaa Patterson John Porter Ann Miss Patterson Eliza Penwell David Patterson Rebecca L Pratt Catharine Patterson JN • Pressly Jas Rev Pierce Patrick Quigley ,Wl3 Rea James Richardson Albert Rea Win 11 Richardson Rebecca Mrs Rea John A Richardion James 2 Radcliffe Elias Rooney John Rafferty Bernard Robe David F Rairdin Jas A Ross M W Randolph Peter L Roll Nancy iliss Raßaton Win Ross Robert 31 3 Reaves Wm Rev Robinson Jas Harvey Reany -David Robinson W Iteffer 1' Robinson Thos Reiter Jacub Robinson Harriet Reinoche Augustus Robinson Margaret Alias Reisinger Mary J 3.124 Rodgers Francis Read Jane Miss Rusteare.Wro Read Sand Rudy Wm Read John II Rutledge John Read Hannah Ryan Geo Reynolds Dant Rnapp Susaa F Rachev Mary Ana Rynd Jan Rickert Jas Stitdge Fran cis Smith George Savage Robert Smith Samuel J Sanderson John Smith William Scott John Rev Smith LockwOod W Scott Margaret Miss Smith Job Scott Willtam Smith Ellen Miss Scott Eliza Miss Snisely Henry Scott Walter SnowdetrJohn Jr Searight John F Sorby William Seytuour Elvira A Miss Spaytho James Selby George Miss Speer' Alexander Shayer Thomas %V Spencer John Res Shannon Patrick Steel Joseph B Sharer Alexander Stephens Barlow Shaw William Stearns Josiah Shephard Asa S Stewart Charles Sheridan William' Stewart Robert Sherwood Vincent F Stewart Martha Miss Shields Rebecca Stewart William Shonse John Stephenson Joseph Showalter Jacob L 3 Stucklin William • Simpson Downing Strong E D Simms John Storms Seginour D Smith Robert 2 Sturgeon Julia Ann 11 Smith Hezekiah C Swinchart Mary A 2 Smith George %V • Sweary DS T Taggart Wm Thompson IL Tavlor Chas Thompson Peter —.. • Tailor Jas Tibbiets, Rachel J Thonsas John gibus Oliver M 2 Thompson Mary Mrs Todd Joseph Thompson Geo Tracy Lucetta Mrs Thompson John H Tucker Jas Thompson ZelM Turner Chas 2 Turpin Nelson H Rev .. Urmy Joadin Capt, v Van Dusen Matthew Walker Robert White Mary Mn Walker Andrew T Wilson E Virginia Mrs Walker Thos Wilson Robert Walker Ales , Wilson James G 2 Walker John Wilson Samuel 4- Co Wallace AgnessMis Wilson J Wallace Sarni - • Wilion Thomas M Wallace John Wilson J Mrs Wallace Ann E Miss Wiggans William Waddingham Sarah Wilkinson & M'Masters Washfield S Rev Williamson Mary A Miss Walter Geo G Wilton Wm Walter Wm 9 Wain David Ware Mary M ' Wilkin Reuben Warner Elizabeth Miss Wilkinson Wm Ward John S Wills Otho 2 Ward Patrick Wingate Segamour Weaver Jeremiah Witherow Wm P ' Weigley Justine Wolf Henry Welsh John. Woodford A M Welsh Livington Woodfield Solomon Weller Jane • • Wood J G Wells Joseph ' Wood Catharine 2 Werwebaugh Wm Woodburn John Westby Jas B Worthy H D Weston John Workman Caroline White James Wyman Wm White Malvina Mies Yarndall Er Co E C Young Isabella Mns Yergar John P 2 Young Joseph Young Jas Young Wm Young Violetta M Miss Young Mr - .. Z .-, ganders Lewis , MiSCELLANEOLTS. F,LM _J,BR George H S. B. Anierican G. C. APKIBBEN, l'ostmaster octl.4l2taiilt MR. DUFF'S BOOK KEEPING and writing rooms, corner of Fifth and Market streets... This is the only es tardisnment in western Pennsylvania where the theo ry and practice of. Book keeping 'can be acquired in such a manner as to enable the learner to apply it at once to business. in addition to-his usual course of instruction in Double Entry Book-keeping, he ' has prepared .for the use of mechanics and others who are not willing to incur the tin expense necessary for actiniring the science upon the Double ntry principle, a complete course of instruction upon'Suroir. Errektr floorr-sr.Ercea. A. comfortable private parlor is fitted up for instructing Ladies, either in Penmanship, or Book-keeping.. Ladies Class, .2 to 4 . st. Gentlemen's do. 10 to 12, 2to 4 "aid - Ito 9Y octl • e MEETING IN-MANCHESTER. We, the undereigned:t itizens-orthe Borough of Manchester desirous of-hearing the two Candi dates for:Congress diseitsiAlte7 , princiPtes'i'and measuree„.o,Lboth-.l4stiis r iespectfolly wish - Mo'ses Hamptonand Vilson:•M'Candless, Esq., to be present lit a misting of. both parties in Manches ter, on Monday'. ct:eging, the -12th\ Oetobar Art 7 o'clock P'llL:' John Sampson: - -W. • David 'C . .. Stephenson,' D. Levi Burcbftelk 'W. Robert. Kunkle, Nat. M. WebStei.; -- W. Alex. Stevenson, W. R. S..,,Sarrpson;:W. D. T. Johnson, V. Hollers, D. John Bell, Dern. GW. Reynolds ,W. John Hizei W. H. Phelps, W.- John Radee, Y. Short, Jr. • .Tobri Er Parke; Clickner's Sugar-coated , Yegetabk:Pills, , ,--All dia.: eases have their origin in impurity of blood. 1:10w , ever excellent the general health, there is, no' semi-: rity against fever, where t e blood isimpure,Mi in dicated by eruptions of th skin, vertigo, ,head ache, lassitude, &c:. The .bet purifier of the blood, is Clieknefs Sugar-coated Pill, which is'so• skilful ly compounded, that it does not cause' griping, the great olfieCtion tii all pills. The envelope of sugar prevents all nausea, so that, saYe from: the power ful, yet easy operation, the patient would hardly be aware ‘ that he had taken any medicine M. all. So well convinced is Dr. Clickner of the efficacy of his pills in all specified cases, that he is pledg ed to return the money, when the promised eflhct is not produced. , . - ' ~ i , -.. , l- - • Sold by Wrn. Jacksori,:. corner 'of Wood and Lib erty streets, who is general Agent for Dr.l Clicke ner's Pills in Pittsburgh and In Freeport, Sept..2B, 1846, at •the house :of Wm. J. Lyson, Capt. G. H. WlllOll7 . 3 formerly of Pittsburgh, in the 63d year of his age. • At the residence of his mother, Mira. Thornpson, at 4 mile Run, Pitt township, on Wednesday the 20th ult.. FRANC/1S FAILLE TIIO3IPSO.V, Esq., aged 2G years. His funeral procession will move. at o'clock (punctually) 'this afterncion. Interrnent at the Allegheny cemetery. 1, The friends of the family are respectfully invi ted to attend. Oct. tat. 1896. Odd rellawg sProeeislon. T „ EE several Lodges in Pittsburgh and vicinity' of the I. 0. of O. are•notifiedithet pro Cession will take platoon Monday the sth inst. The mea t hers of the Order in good standing, are invitekto meet at the ,6 , 0de0e ,, on 4th street, - . at 9 .o , clech, At., in full Regalia. The Encartipment will, meet in the Hill - at .the same hour--atid , alterviards. proceed to the Odeon, :,The,prcicession will. start. 4 . 10. clock v tutd:proceed to the [ , Ark ' ? in Allegheny where'. an Oration - will, be delivered by. Dr, Piet, of - Phdadelphia, at I o'cloc'k. The following is the Routes— From the Odeon up Fourth street to Smithfield, along Smithfield to Water, up Water to-Grant, up Grant to Fourth, down'Fourth to Smithfield,;ther to Liberty, up Liberty to Wayne, down Wayne to Penn, along Penn tothe Upper Bridge, across to Allegheny, thence along Ohio street to the Ark— ' Form again along Ohio st., thence through the din mond down Federal to Robinson st., up Robinson to Cedar, thence to water, up_Water to Market 7 .-along Market to Liberty, up Liberty to Wood, down Wood to the Odeon. By order or DANIEL ZUNMERMAN, D. D. G. Masfer, A. 11. Davis, Sec , y. isctl-4td VERITIAN lILIND'PACTORY. _ ANDREW IVIiiTE , S" VENITIAN BLIND FACTORY. PITT STREET, DIM:VEEN PENN AND LIDERTY, T the junction of Terry and - Liberty,adjoiuing Kinkaid.a Plough Patton. where he continues to manufacture the best article in Pittsburgh or Allegheny, without fearof contradiction, Which will be cold at the lowest possible rates for cash. Also, VENITIAN SHUTTERS; Stationary and' Rerolying. Irr My Vertitiari Blinds arc always kept - for sale by 11. 11. Maw, on Filth street. .norl=ly Stray "Cow. el.ildE to the subscriber living in Indiana town chip, near the twelve mile lock, on the Penn sylvania canall in the month of Juno 'last, a. red muly cow, with a leather collar round her neck, and «P. Painter" cut in largo letters on the collar. The OW nor is requested to come, prove property, and take her away, or she will be sold according to law. octl-wit W. W. HICKEY. Reeding for the nation JCST received at Cook's, 85 Fourth at, the fel lowing cheap and late publications: New York Illustrated MagazirM for October, beau tifully embellished with foursplendid engravings. Columbian Magazine for October. Marian and His Men, an Historical Romance by the author of Tau! Jilines, Etc. The. Creole, from the German of Zehokket, trans lated by G. C. Hebbe, L. L. D. The''Temptation, a Rcimantie Tale by Eugene Sue. Latreaumont, or the Court Conspiritor,. by Eugene Sue. Living Age, No. 124. Nursery Ithimes—Tales and Fabler—a beautiful volume, and a giR for all seasons. Vestiges of Creation, new edition, and one- half the price of the first. Conine of Italy, by Madame D'Stael. Sicilian Vespers, or the White Cross of St. Like's,, an Historical Romance. Also, a great variety of Bound Books, cheap 'pub lications, fix., at . COOK'S, . scp3o 83 Fourth street. Auction Sales. BY JOHN D. DAVIS, Auctioneer, South-east cor nor of Wood and Filth streets.—At 10 o'clock on Thursday morning, the Ist October, will be sold without reserve for acct. whom it may concern, an estensive assortment of seasonable Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Umbrellas, fuse table and pocket Cutlery, &c. AT 2 o'czocx. P. M., !- 10 kegs S dy Nails; 1 large Iron Safe; 20 doz. Coal, Devonshire and Socket Shovels; lb Bed Cords; 1 tierce Bice; 2 half chests and 4 caddy boxes Y. 11. Tea; 1 crate assorted China and Queensivare;. A general assortment of new and second hand household and kitchen furniture, carpeting,:mattmss es, mantel clocks, looking glasses, large waiters, su perior large size blankets, Venictan window blinds, wire safe, coal stoves. AT 6/. O'CLOCK, P. M. A large collection of new and valuable Books in al the various departments of literature. sep3o. Assignee Sale of Foundry Tools, Flasks, Patterns, ar.o. A T 4 o'clock, P. M. on Saturday, the ad day ; of I - 1 October, at the Foundry of Ritz & Fownes, in tae Fifth Ward, above the Iron Works of Mr. Shoeil l berger, will -be sold without reserve, by -!order- of Assignee, a quantity of foundry Tqols, Flasks,, Pat terns, &c., among which are the following, vizi.Butt Hinge Patterns, Knuckles,Flasks, Boards and Screws for moulding, hinges, holloware patterns,Basks for tea kettles and pots, 4 stove patterns, and tflapks, improved rivet machines, grate patterns,, blacking machine. 1 scouring barrel, bands, grindstones, and sills. Also 6 Vices and a qUantity of Bfacksmith tools, &c.' Terms at sale. - sep3o • , . .lOHN D. DAVIS, Auct'r. Fresh Baltimore Oysters.' THE SLBSCRIRER has and will receive daily, Fresh. Oysters and Sardiens, which he. Will sell by the can, half can or doz.• 11. LANDWHER, sep293td. White Swan house, Market at. Valuciblp Real Estate at Aiiotion. TN the Borough p f Lawrenceville, by P. APlCennat Auct., on Saturday, Pctober 10, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, will be sold 'on .the„prcialities in the nourishing Borough of Lawrenceville, 15 valuable Building Lots, some of which have improvements thereon, all of which are situated in the Most thri vingpart of the Borough, and are well adopied either for private dwellings or stores. For further particulars see handbills; anti inquire at the Auction' Room of the subscriber, where a plan of the lots can be seen. Terms at sale. sep3o P. WKENNA, Auctioneer. FOUR NIGHTS 'AT THE ODEON. ADMITTANCE 25 CENTS. j, HE ITARMONEONS have the honor to ,announceT to the Ladies and Gentlemen ofPittsburgh,lhat, in compliance with numerous solicitations, they will give a. Series of four - • Grand Huston). Soirees, Mcmday, Tuesdn,. Weanesday,and ThursrlaY nights, Sept. 28, 29, 30, and Octotier let, 1846.. With change of Programme nightly, ' Doors open at 7; To commence at 71 Private seats may be 'secured on applicatiOn at the Hall, between two and three o'clock each day. sep26.dst .HOE' THREAD.—A large assortment, together. with Shoe Findings and Kitt.of all kinds, justre. ceived by 301 IN W. BLAIR. rar.2o - 12 . 0 Wood street.- • ''=IIVTEREIGH THEATRE, :.C. S. PonTra of .ildniisskrit .. : I Second Tier, 3.7flcents.. Third -20 ‘‘ Pit, - 25 ";:n ".ntIVATE BOX, 75 CTS. ' - ,-141 V OXLEY' WILL APPEAR. THURSDAY EVENING, ,OCT. 1, 1846; Will be Performed Shakespeare's tragedy of The whole ;to 'comelade with the laughable farce of , PLEASANT NEIGHBOR: In preparation—:the-new play written by. the James White, called the.., , 1r...tri0 or.. THE Commons? , Also, Victor Hugola celebrated dram of "I:PcBETti Doom to open at 7, perforinince to commence at sept3o COMETKING NEW.-,-Ladzest and Gentienten , s Oyster Roonis, Eagle - Saloon,: 'Wood .street.-- OYSTERS! OYSERS il—The proprietor respect fully informs his friends and the public that the Ea gle Saloon will be, open this evening; Monday; Sept a nth, for the _reception of Ladies and Gentlemen. - The Saloon will be conducted on strict temperance principles, Dinners and other' meals will be provi ded on the New:York plan at any both' of the 'day, at a price within the reach of the most econopiical. Vie feel thankful for the great patronage we. have received since' our - opening, and. assure the Ladies and Gentlenaen of Pittsburgh and vicinity, that ex traordinary exertions will be wade to, promote the pleasure of iistors, and to make, the Saloian a re spectable and, Permanent place of resort during - the fall and *inter. See bills of fare'atthci counter. _Balls and parties furnished with ‘suppers, '&c. at short notice awl in. style unequalled. , - sept3o-tf. Auction Sales of Fancy and Staple "Dry GoOde. AMcltenna's to-morrow, Thursday, October, Ist, at 10 o'clock, A. 31., will,be sold an as sortment of fancy and staple Dry Goods, among which are Hibbands,!Laces, - Edgings and Insertings, Cassi meres and Clothi; fancy Shawls and' Handkerchiefs, BOnneti, P. APKENNA,Auctioneer. sep3o ; • • • . Valuable Building Lot at Auction._ A T Tcoelsiah, P. M., on Wednesday the 7th day of October at the Commercial Atiction Rooms; corner of Wfird- and Fifth streets, will be sold for cash par fumbi, that valuable lot of ground situate on the south iiide of Second street, between Wood and Smithfield :stieets, commencing at about 107 feet from Smithfield street, having a, front of 39 feet and extending : back SOleet. sapt3o.. ; , JOHN D. DAVIS, Aunt. deist Published. TATE 1300 K OP PENNSVT.:VANIA:=Containing 10 'an account of the Geography; History, Govern ment, and K.esources, and noted citizens of the State; with a Map of the State and of 'each Countyi for the use of Schools, by Thous IL 8171010. - The above described book may with the utmost propriety.be recommended to the attention of. Direc tors of Public Schools, and to Teachers in - general. The author-in his 'preface states, " A boa:calculated to impart to our youth a full and accurate knowledge of their own State, has long been deemed necessary. Whether thia will supply the want, experience alone can determine. The counties are not treated in al phabetical order, but in classes, according .to their form of surface, productions, and historical relations. To carry out the design, a small state map, in addi tion to the several county maps, has been coiastruct cd, with the classes-of counties marked upon it." . For sale by the doz., ,and retail at the - Book and Paper Warehouse of LUKE LOOMIS, Agent. sep 30 No. 89 Wood st. Pittsburgh. Assignees , Salo of Dry Doodg _ E Assignees' of 13. E. Constable are now sell ]ng od his entire stock of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, consisting of Shawls, Silks and Linens, French and , English Merinos, Black and colored' Alpacas, Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinetts and Vestirigs, White and Red Flannels, White Goods, Printi and Gingham's, Bleached and Br . own Sheetings, Hosiery, Laces, &c. Also, a large assortment of Gentlemen's wear, Silk' and Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs, Shirts, Cra vats; Stocki and Collars, all of which will be disposed of at GREAT BARGAINS. ,sep-30. Fail and Winter Dry Goods. A. A. MASON, No. aft, Market Street, Simpson's Row, HAS received 42 cases and packages of Cheap Foreign and Staple Dry Goods, which have been recently purchased. at ruinous low prices in the east ern markets, and will be sold at extremely low rates. We name in part: • ' DRESS GOODS Splendid shaded Pekin and other styles dress silkp; black and blue black Grp de Rhines, Potilt - de &de,. and ,Gro de Swissy mew - style Freribb cashmeres; Mous de Laing; new style- cashmere robes; Oregon, and California Plaids; new style thigliams, superior quality;'Alpaccas and Apines. • S'FIATVI,S ! SHAWLS! french Cashmem, Terkerri Printed, very rich; Zephyr Worsted, Brochs, Damask, Thibet, Merino, Wooletiaxid other shawls. • • . LEVEN GOODS. Linen Cambric , handkerchiefs, all prices; Hera Stitched and Revere Bordered Hdk6; Irish Linens in great variety; Linen Sheetings; Damask Table Cloths and Table Damask; Bird's Eye;Scotch and Hacker- . buck Diapers; Drown Table Covors, Damask Nap kins, Crash, &c. DOMESTIC GDODS. Now styles of Prints; Of all BPalities, one case as IoW as 4 eta.; one case °rage and Blue, slightly im perfect; 6; cents; good dark Prints; fast colors; as low as 7 cents; fine dark blue do. 9 cents; very rich dojorlo and - 12 cents, usual price 18 and 20 cents; sixteen:bales brown Muslins, every quality, at factory prices. Kentucky Jeans for 20 cents. , Cassinetts as low as 28 cents. Cantor' Flannels . 9 cents'. Also, tickings, flannels, stripes, checks, blankets, counter panes, plaid linsemblenched good's of every variety; one case Nankeen as low tis 9 centsner yard. - `FOR GENTLEMEN; Blach, blue, olive, brown, drab, French, Englishi and American Cloths, from $21.13 SS - per yard. - Sup. black and fancy Cassimeres, till prices. Satin, Velvet, Cashmere and. Silk Vestings. A full stock of gloves,' handkerchiefs, cravats, hosiery; undershirts, draw, . ers, &c. • Cash purchasers are respectfully invited to call and examine .our' assortment before making their selec tions. Selling exclusively for cash,-we feel confident that we can offer greater inducements to buyers than those who practice the:credit system. . sep29 - - A. A. MASON,. No Cure No Pay. SELLERST. LIVER PlLLS.—These celebrated pills claim public confidence not only on account of 'what the proprietor may say abotit'them; but on account of the good resulting froth their use. Read the following statement from a citizen of Binning- - --• , - t Brmarrronam, June 24th, 1846. MR. R. E. SELLERS:-I take this opportunity of testaing in favor of your invaluable medicine. A bouctwo years ago I was taken - down with a severe inflamatioti of the liver, and was so reduced by night sweats and - lather' effects of this'dreadful disease, that my - life was despaired of: After other means had failed, I Was advised by my physician to try your Liver Pdls, and I must, say that atter taking one hoz and a half, I hal,T been restored to reasonable health, which I enjoy at this time. I therefore take pleasure in recommending them to others' afflicted - with dis ease of the liver. Yours respectfully, - JOIIN.GIVENER. These Pills stand unequaled by ,any medicine known for the cure of liver complaint, and .. .11 - my - be had of the proprietor,R.E. SELLERS. 57 Wood it., Pittsburgh. , , sepi'S T)HYSIC AND-PHYSICIANS, a . Medical Sketch 1. BoOki`exhibiting the public and` private life of the most celebrated Medical ',Men mf.former,days, with Memoirs of eminent living London Physicians. For sale by H. BOSWORTH lk CO., seP2 6 .Nif..43 Market street. cotton - Yarn, &..e... 45,000 LBS. assorted , numbers, long and short reel Cotton Yarn. 15,000 lbs. Carpet Chain. - - -, , . ,10,000 5g - Cotton Twine. 150 Bnles CoMmOn Batting.:` - -- : -.100 ,'‘g . Xxtri family do. . , Foi sale low to city or country trade, by ', - - ', •-- . M.B. 'II.IIEY &CO., augls _- - ' . . 57:W—nod street:: , ' Cleveland and Pittsburgh Itatiroad. BOOKS will be opened for receiving.subscriptions to the the capital stock of the oCleveland and Pitts.; burgh Railroad Company," at the office of.T. W. ROB ERTSON Sr. Co.; corner of. Weed and Third streeto, on Wednesday the: 30th September, the'books will remain open from 9 noclock, A. NI., until '5 o'clock, P. M., of said day, and also during the same hours on Thursday and Friday following : . Several of the Directors will be in *attendance danng_the three days above stated,: and they hope to receive liberal sub froth-the citizens of Pittsbuigh. By order of the Board of Directors 13ANfE S LT LA.:4ON Pitt,sbpri4;Seilt. 28, 184.6,1wd.. 11.ATIZ . 0.OF.:D.ISC917,NTs • " CORRECTED DAILY BY ALLEN lEINSIER',-EXCHANGE BROKER, coati#c::pr. YHIIID - . ATID WOOD STILELVO. pEnAbxr,YOri.. Philadelphlaaatika per par Chester countf.'. • • •Pal Delatiare 'County; • •*.Par Montgomery county.. pa Northumberland .. ...pax Cohimbia Blidge Co ..par Doylestown , Reading ......;••• • Par Bucks county.: •• • • ~par Pottsville States.Bank:l,..... - ,, - 28d Brownsville ; •-• •I d Washington . : . All other' solvent ttki.2d LewistoWn State Banker branches. 4b Shawneotown 70w qtate Bank & branches. 1-4 All solveinbanks N. AND. S. CAROLINA. • all solvent banks.....2d All sFlvent ITER' 70.14. fcen , York cdy. par Coiinliy Baltimore. par Cematry.• • • ~• .... Id 'Mai& Fink Milyee 5 MICHIGAN. -,; , Farm and Mach bank .10d All Other Solvent.... led, Exchange—Selling Rata. New, York. pun prtri Baltimore' • 4 :-ptm" GOLD AND Imam VAUTE.: Frederiekdorty ,07 Ten - Thalera.. . . . . . .7 80 Teir 3 90 .4 50 Napoleon ..800 threata.......2 * 150 2411 Eagle, old ..10 60 Mar &Man.lak:Pitvh.par State Sciip Pd City and County.'.....lld Lancaster 10d Hamilton 15d Granville.. . . :45d Farmers , Bk Canton: .25d Urbana ' " 40d: All Solvent Banks.... 11d , 1 ,State Bk & i " scrip; 5 & 6 p. KENTUCkit. All solvent llanks... :1; new looo '. Doubloon, Spanish..l6 00 , Do. Patriot 1,514 IG*ea.. 5 00 ME= Eastern Banks.. Wheeling do. branclici, Br'ch at Morgordown, 1311anketo ft Blankets I Tr) V.CRIVED THIS D ja i Superior Twilled B beautiful article. - - Y, at No. 46-100 "Plain ankets; Country inade,. Alan; Fancy bonnd,- in great variety, all of which are selling at! 23 to 30 per et -reduced prim, at - BARROWS &TURNER'S,. • sep2B ' _ No. 40 llialtet at. , Tobacco, Snuff and Cigar"EitoFe• NO. 2.S.'FIFTIVSTItEET.' TUST RECEIVED; a very choiCe - lbt of manufac -0 tured 'Tobacco, of Vll6oll6brunde,among which Branch's Aromatic - Cavendish; Peyton's Honey Dew, Fires;— - James The - mas , , Sr., Nectar ' John Ender's Roney DeVr Ladies' Larne Loftier BaltiMore-Plne ' Also - ' a very fine lot ofceba'filler Leaf;which-Wilt; be sold in small or large gnantities. - .Together with every.vari4 of Cigars, which will be sold wholesale or retail.' • - sep2.s-dlin ' JACOB . - ROCHE, 8.8.011-IERS &.• Co; . ...a AB.aot Dt 8 E EFTS 1 -4 6 - BLAKELY 1 k MITCHEL, -agents. 11) E.MITTAtCF.3 to and Passage to m and fro Great Britain and Ireland, by Me. Weak Dail, or old Line . of Liverpool Pcickels: . Sailing. Trona New- York and Liverpool on the - Ist and 16th . of every: , month. And by first class American Ships [Sailing Weekly.] , • • PersonS•sending to the "Old- Country' j'-for-their friends) can make the necessary arrangements • with the subscribers, end have them brought out in any of` eight ships comprising the Black Ball or Old - Line or Liverpool Packets; (Sailing Tram Diverpool on the, Ist and - 16th of every mOnth,) alio by first class shim sailing from that - port weekly, -which our Agents, • Messrs. James D. Roche &s. Co.; there- will send oat • without delay. Should those sent for not come out the money will be refunded without any. deduction. . ••,• The "Black Ball, or.old Line:of Liverpeol.Packd. eta," comprise the following magnificent ships, IOC? will sail from Liverpool on their regular appointe day, as follows. - - Fidelia, On lei' an. • Ist May. - lit Sept. Europe, - 16th " 16th tt 16th tt. New York, . 'lst Feb. 'lst juno. - - Ist Oct. ;• American" , 16th " 16th " 16th ". Y0rk5hire,......... .Ist Mar. lst,July. Ist Nov. Cambridge,....,. .16th " •18th " 16th Den; Oxford, .. lit April: let Aug. Ist _ , Montezuma, - - 16th.: " 16th 16tli Notice.—lt is welllneitial-;-iliat '-the Black Ball is the very best conveyance for persons to get ant their friends,- and as other passenger agents advertise to_, bring, out passengers by that Line, the public are re spectfully notified , the owners that no passenger agents, but Reale, Brothers .& Co., and. Blakely "& Mitchel, are authorized to advertiscand to bring out passengers by that Line. '- • --- We have at all times - for the. Drafts at Sight for any amount; direct on the Royal,Bauk of Ireland,-,Dub- • lin. Also on Messrs. Prescettt, Grote, Ames_ZaCo., Bankers, London, which are paid free of discount, or any charge, whatever, in all the principallowns throughout England, Ireland, Scotland and. Wales. Apply to, or addresi, if by Letter, (post paid.) - ROCHE, BIIOSS &CO: • No. 35, Fulton street New York • - , (Next-door to the Fulton Bank. MR. ROCHE, Sr.,' No. 7.5 Dublin street, Liverpool. , • BLAKELY &MITCHEL, , :Penn street, and Smithfield st. Book and4ob Printiim Office; N:-W..COMTESI Or WOOD AND FIFTH STDXETS. T ' proprietor of the Morning Post and MerL , curt' and Manufacturer respectfully informs his friends and the, patrons of - these:papers, that ho has a large and well chosen assortment of ,• - JOB TYPE, AND ALL OTHER MATERIALS • Necessary to a Job Prbiting Office, and that he is prepared to execute ' • . . LETTER PRESS PRINTING, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Books, . Bills of Ldding, Cirenlars,,. Pamphlets; Bill Heads, Cards,, Handbills, Blank Cheeks,. ''Hat Tips{ All kinds of Blinks, Stage, qteamboat and , Canal Boat Bills "with appropriate cu ts, printed on the short est notice and most reasonable terms. . • . He respectfully asks the patrOna,gri,cif his friends, and the public in general, in this branch of hie busi ness. (sept 2.2) L. H.AIPEIL. SPICES-- 3 bags Pepper; k) 2 4, Piineato; • 50 ~' Cassia; 2 bbls. Ground Pepper; _ 1 . Alspice; 2 ,e . _ 10 canisters Cassia; 5 Cloves; . 1 keg Nutmegs ; for sale•by • asp. 22. 3; D. WILLIAMS Sc. Co., 110 Wciji4 `AIsiDLES, 6 boxes .10.. SperTa Candlow • , -Star ~do. Summer mould do. Dripped. • .'doi; WILLIAMSD. - & Co No. 110 Wood street,' For sale by ecp. $2. ,QUNDRIES, 10%1ibIs:Chipped Logwood: • ' . ' ." - .Ground Camwood • 3 " No. 1 'Herring. - ". ::..," ;:I'rinl 7 l3 • 20 " • No.j and,3 Mackerel: • 3." No 1 S6lmort. Received and for sale by WILLIAMS & Co.. No. I.lo..Wood_screet. L adios ...Press :Goods.. WE have just received a fine ,assortment of tke-; : , V - ,handsomest styles of Ladies dress goods that - 4 have ever been offered in this mark et, - atoong which - are new -style Cashmeres . eferpteinlid Qmbre „ Shaded and Satin'striped Cashmcris,a roost bee - I:AIR:4: article; splendid Cashmere Robes; Rich Fancy'Silks; Clermont and California Plaids; also, a , fresh stock' of Muslin de laines• French' and Scotch - ,Ginghams; Alpaccas,.Chint.zes, &c., to all which we would -. respectfully; invite the attention of the Ladies.= we are confident of tleii being pleased. . . . En • ALEXANDER -DAY, -No 75 blarket: wee:, Ni:W;corofthe Diamond. Brick Honig° ii:nd LOt for sae. Orin Exihange for „Nails or Window Glass We are authorized to offer for sale, or in exchange for Window Glass - or "frails;a: 'Welf finished and sub stantial' twO- story brick:house and-1609 'feet *apt by - 100 feet deep, situated -4513'the Allegheny river above the Glass House. It will be sold at a reason- - _hid price, title unexceptionable: Apply to . BLAKELY'S:. MITCHEL; :: .- ..set,: 2- Real;Estate Agents. SIEtAIV.LBi LARGE and splendid assortment of rich-: end magnificent, SHAWLS, jest received tbis day , embraeindall the .new. and desirable Styria, Vizi Paris Printed Terk.eri;Caibiriere and 'Broelm,Embroideied. Black and Mode colored Silk,' Fringe; Thibbet and Inaine,"CharaeliOn Plaid; and . Striped Silk; Merino, and Persian, Plaid, Silk.and Worsted, Acgether with a great,variety, of-Woollen Shawls, and • will be dis posed..of at a small advance an the original. ,coita. ABSALOM MORRIS, No.: 65 Market at. ILLINOIS. ILIISSI7OIII ==! NESS WISCOVSIS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers