+II 7 E DEMOCRAT. !'i; 0 6:1 - , . itleiiii t o us. staiVlC is. ' , BAPTIST (lmen. rm.. I.V . . Cintisnrast. D. Pastor. ••••AlOath Serirlees 1036 a. to. and 'I p. to. Sabbath School it so. revs! !Viotti Wesitusalarlpionlags ', • ^l4 CATHOLIC CIIITHCH 'arr. 1. Stxrincnt rosbath Amiss. Second &today Ineach Month Dobtuth School Imasedlately Wore Mau --- V.PISCOrta. CllUncti..ncy. E. A. WAnnuum.ltoctor. Pabball SarriC4l. 10)i iMAtX p. m 0 dAttOPAd Ilm D&1 Servicer—Weducodays ".1( V. m. METEOPIST EPISCOPAL .. . . R e v.. D. At.e.xmoinn. tisnnath ticmiera... ....... ...14Am. and :Alp. nu ddtbath School EP, oh - Power Meeting, Thurttsys. 'I 30p.m. - 'Rey. J. 1 . 3. mtuin. raisnrrinnis cnrucri • 10.45 a. e 3.1014 R 4 P• m Sabbath Sereleee . nib D. m. p.t.esth Schwa. • Pasqua Rie • ttat Thursday Evenings IX IX 01 . ... linsingred Envelopes. The postage on stamped envelopes spoiled In -directing will be refunded in stamps by post m asters,Lfsatisfied that they never bavo been used and that the misdirection actually occurred at. the place where the redemption is elairned,:also provided that such envelopes shall be presented in a whole condition. Post oMco Boxes. The United States tfail for February, 1873, •contains the Wowing official order from the postmaster Genera/. "Past Mice boxes and drawers must be restricted to one family, firm or tympany . . Several families. firms or Compa.. elm cannot be permitted to rent and use the same box or drawer." G. L. Braun. Local Option Cameron county has voted largely against li fenSe utid - er the local opilon law. tmporium gave tong-seven majority against license. This makes the fifth county 'that has voted on the question, Clearfield, Bradford, Tiogn, Jefferson and Cameron, all giving large majonties against 111)C LbP- Schuylkill, Lycoinir.g, Wayne, Susquehanna, Northumberland and Centre will vote on the question on Friday, the :Bat of this month. Pardon Report. Ex ; Govemnr Geary's pardon report for the closing year of his term, gives a list of pardons i.ued to the 22d of November last From that date until the 21st of January, the day on which he vacated the Executive chair, he pardoned 31 additional convicts, making the total number of criminals panloned during the last year 132. Beeldes these pardons, there were 10 remissions of forfeited recognizancen between November 2:d and January 21st. A \Cif' Style of Watch Case. The Carlisle herald on the 6th inst., Lays last Monday Mr. John W. Attirks, of East l'ennsboro'; killed a hog, and on removing the— nitestinci be discovered something hard, which, 0 0 examination, proved to be a watch, which was covered by 3 membrane in the lining of the stomach. This watch Mr. A. remembered los ing lost tall while !ceiling his hogs with apples, Ind was doubtless swallowed in the greed of the ~ tevonrer The time-piece was stopped, but af ter heing srmmd conituetice-! going as well as met Iris watch can be seen at Mr. Attick's, who will zesti:y to the truth of this Not a Law There has been ennsiderable inquiry .as -re gards tlo law .vwerning the election of As.ws ..lr. When the law was passed changing the law, of township elections from ftll,to stuinF. 11 the prneisintes of that law, the old ,sisessiws Lehi err until the new once were elected. In en Late of our paper. bearing date, Jong 157% we stated that the senate bad passed a law auttwrizing theolerlion of nu asser,snr, once in three years. It did not become a law-as ItAlid tint pass the House, or was lost In some other was. We think it would have been an excel lent law, and cannot understand why .11 should not hare been enacted. Democratic - Nominations. At the meeting of the electors of the town 'hip of Bridgewater, on Saturday last, the /owing nominations were made: Fur Assessor—E. L. Cook. For Constable—lixdlos Stone. • For Judge of Election-47. J. Curtis. For Inspector—Jared, W. Deans. . • For Supervisor—W. E. Babcock. For Treasurer—A. o.llerriman. - For Town Clerk—l.. C. Smith. For Auditor—W. L. Beebe. • 'For School Directors—E. L. Cook, 11. J. 13k- For Commissioner of Poor—J. F. Gardner. The Eric Narrow Gauge The following is said to he the manner in which the gauge of the Eric road trill probably be chanted: First construct a .narrow gauge from iludido to Attica, thirty nubs., anti from Attim to Coining. There are three lines of road operated by the Erie corporation, one via *vim and 'Rochester, and via nornellsrille; would probably construct is narrow gauge via Avon to Corning and Elmira. There is already a third rail frren Elmira to NY,arerir. where 030 " nection is made with the Lehigh Valley toad; I be t there would bc,communication by narrow oar. from Buffalo to Philadelphia. The nest. try will probably be to lay a third raft from tvarerly to Binghamton, where connection is' made with the Albany anti Susquehanna rail. r ail to /litany. This road has gircluly is third rain laid Finally a third rail will bo laid from Binghamton to New York. stiarp - ILegat Practice. On Tuesday evening, Feb: ilth,Oideon Snow's p-opic, who lire in Franklin township, of this minty, were Startled by the Intelligence, brought by a man, claiming to have' come di rectly from Binghamton, stating that his son, 11 Snow, who works in that city, had fallen mtoa bads milt and -was all, cut to pieces,' that he merely revived amoment alter the tie rident, and said he wanted to - see his brother,' • C Snow; and he tad come after him. This, as it naturally would, greatly excited Mr. Snow and his family, anti the son started immediate. IT with the man for Bingitamtein,and Mr. Stow and his wife started as soon as they coald, es; inetrag to thud their tan a mangled awpse.. On ar gat gingbant ton, after driving late In thc n'4 l 4. they found-the story a hoax, trumped : up • Gar the - purpose of getting young Snow over the State line, to.arrest him and his brother -on a lu.nioiost of hating taken a- pocket boOk.'from the desk of Charles Kilmer, on Hawley street. Tee parties being arraigned before Recorder aadrews; ea Thursday last, C. n.' Snow . was disebarzed, It not being, proven that he was fa we store at all. - The defendant waalltail 0 2 lied and in 4 plain and` straight' forward manner swore that he tad been en emniqae of Ileaara, J. B. Weed de Co...:0100 -received.' Gnat the n' GO kinxt days check tar • $lO 50 and that atter procuring i4e , T . cdry'cin it the inmlt be immetilit;t4ixt F* .4 -4 09' 4lidebta: / 1 4 - titsfunsiny ,ely and VS** Ittforie/ HopkinsAhl, z,reroAlTlke prisoner Leartra Tirade. In his lunual report of common schools, Mr. Wictershanit s;ip.:.:l7ltee are .multltudes . ldly r ,iicans'iterksbips untitled On. cm - while titer-bin* z latoricoiloto honorable mud rutin; rerntinerfdive, op all'ef,deit; the effortOt It is a tact al starting to lag 'e.f . 17,000 criminals in the United States In 1808,97 per cent,' 01 thou bad never learned a trade. Out of 240 convicts received at 'the Eastern Pei‘elonthyy la year, only n bad bred ipPreniteett and served their time; * • Various Itcms. ANT one dr:simnel:if paella:lnge Seeing Ma. Chine, win:find . .it to hts advaistege td' , call at this'ef4e, heEbre purchasing. • Tows Meeting' tiny will tie - A' - good thee to coniplete the list anemia on the petitioni for a wholetefue usury Lacy, AMI.-when ..theY7" - are completed; they. may be retur n ed °Mee. WE hate tinted 'I eatf that beats. the Neat. rose Aepublievn: entirely. Ray : .Sing, of soutb Anbithic Itill&tiMe en Rebtitaty; _wilt ten menthe 014,. the -meat, dressed, 'wetghtng 355 pounds, and the hide its melds. • - Wit offer tot sale One of the finest Houses and lots . iu lbeflorough'or'New 3lilcord.' Its loca tion, style and convenience, arc as desirable , as ea any in that ntlittle town.' For particulars, inquiri at this office, or of Ms. A. Raiveley, on the premises. • TUE:Democrats and Liberals of had.a gloriohs triumph al their late municipal election, in - electing,Tudge 13. 14. Loomis, - May. or, over it Ogden, andr. P. Rogers„ Justice ..ot the Peace, over F. A. Durkee. Durkcc Is the inttn , a - to gave our Radical. county conuitittee, such an emetic Asst fall. 'We are rejoined to know, Unit the . city Of Binghamton, has ram. Terrell its bight:it holier up& Jtidge:toontio, than whom none other walks her streets more deserving. We know him frgm ., Teraanal knowledge, as a resident of that town, and we cap congratulate its eitirens that a man, of ao 'pure entracte?, marked integrity ; acknowledged .ability, and last but not least,a, true.liffeMouleit :Dernoentt, has been chosen Mayor. The' umph is'yery encouraging to the Democrats I 'and LP:Persil, in the font, tint after. last fall'. election, they were told that "they,' were dead." by the Radical preas, and we must say that they bare shown themselves a very lively corpse. Under Mayor Loomis' reign, there will he no more "Street and Bridge s Weis." The old Jefferson inn test of "honesty and caPability" will be verified. -.-.1111. 4101.4.- Lotpxyavlllo Correspoudenire. The'tremendous cold weather of the past few days, has nearly congested your "local" from this"rieihity, hut we arc note enjoying a thaw, and my bottle of Atm° puir Is now in . a condition to be used, and in consequence I am tound jotting down a few items from this quiet corner of old Bradford. 'WE have had our say upon the •'local option' question, and will soon see its fruits,' hoping that they may be of benefit for the' most casual observer can understand what a tremendous evil the liquor drank in this county really is,but ma - Leis careful survey'of the ground, it would seem doubtful if the present law will accom plish the result aimed at, or in fart.any legisla tion, the true way is to educate the people, and then the sate of runewill case, the demand for any article always regnlalm the supply when no ono will tray whiskey, nrrone will 'hare . It for sale. The reform promised by the "Party of great niamintleas" has begun With: a vepgenee, the action of the Lecistsa.o. a n voltstnOttp . on Care- ! chin Itartnmft's salary, IS but a pmgresaive specimen or the rearm We'rndy expect, and the investigation in Congress of ther most proud- bind Radicals Conks:tad with the "Credit 310. bilier"'swindlC, is pretty severe 'oil the bl 'engi neers of the Radical Party, and especially on the sublime, virthous and moral. Wilson, Vice- President. electand "Surlier Colfax, Vice Presi .dent, who has always been the very type of honesty rrom a Radical standpOint indaya gone by. Stich malfeasance atuongthe Itepreitentn. Lives of the people,. would have defeated: the administration party in the next PresiJcatial, and every state election In the nett See, years. burthe people are becoming reconciled to all manner of official corruption Mad a:meanly, and look upon Such things ns n matter.or cotose,ntt3 the exhibitlint mow being rnade pmlnabli have about as: much circa in preventing .the re etxtiort of thaw connected aipi_lustrumental In & ft . :tutting - the PeoplOstneasnry, us an titre OieiardireCteiUthisk marlde attatalte;fleeir44ar 0%4,- doverntneut i , it would 'seem; Inns -nearly proved orallurp, and the capacity of the peoPle tot rerll ; lhelllSelvFn.. may well be qui:nth:4l n sit cn iticiieatuti of their most trusted re! react 4 tat/veil 4 igoTOtt to be while it Is. The Itailruild prospect from Williamsport to Binghamton, is attracting quite a considerable attention, and we may some day Dace• 9. Rail roatt ntree. us, than Wysin or Towanda: , The new jail at the County seat epproaultesfitanple tion;vinci presents the appeataree o f ,bein g , a safe and comfortabletetcrnicle for those who may 4Ln uiquarters in its :Very commodious and extensive aparuncnttr: , Frialw the buildet. is one of the best .arertitectS mull titer. °ugh business multi in this - sectionAriii thetan missionei*.,displa-yetrgOod sense and sound dis crimination:in SetUring.his services. ; - Yours most truly, Lellaysvid6, Penn., Feb. 7th, 1872. 13izeHlaa:` ("mew Xecacsabliis. DTL G.A.avnrs TAD ILEP.MDIE.S Cure Asthma. SOW by aU Druggists. THREE II lOW pLErrt or onntmo rust= AT STIOr.I.TA 63CA :STILLS Ili Stuittasirma. New - Milaint.-Feb:-19111, DoNariOk."—The friends of the Rev. Jonas Underwood; will make Lim a donation visit at' the imse of William Baldwin, on Thursday,. Feb22oo, afternoon and evening,ali Are invited, • Br ORocn East Bridge Water, Feb. 10th. . . We hart korai:Mel a' new Half iledhnri_ Genlois Press to our ortice;and we arenow pared for "Maine...." Our facilities for Job workl are now unsurpass ed, . by any one In, this—Sic tion. Wt voropse todo all the ',worts that our friends shad feeldtsiiosed givers, es good Si. the beat; ac quick as the coat:est, and as elztp.t as the ebeapest. 'Prove nab) , a triaL • Goon ItemLan.s' Co*ENT4O,--The'„nem counts corstentien'of I.C.nr. G. "T. tor: sus queltannts county r arill meet at .I .. lnpbattont, March 4tts'and tah.- - G. NV: C. T., B. B. - Chime; has promised that bath lamielrand one or the Grand Lodge Lecturers trill be present.— A fine public lecture may he expred in . the chnints; Tuesday erening. 'Rally& Rally I! .I.l3.tirnscurr, District Seq. llophettonLTel. 19111,-11373. WIIAT.MOInatiAIIVE BP.LIZIP O r onlei to, the burning end ,throbbing flesh by single pheatlon orthatianequalcd balsam "fur human or brute softening. - , DlE2crosnr - litrersaso , ,lrst, Thd tormenting 'end " sleekdean:tying pains nt rhOumnllsin. gout Mid; gketnat*, toe completely banishinj by its use; Maness of , jpints awdpninfil crifittigkquick!y - rieltlikui-101 .prnollient influence: tt hulls brnises,eutimalds, - etc.. with astontsblog - For strains, 4 rltighaJt;ftPutzbett , saddle. collar ind lowness pals. it snit IF the more serious externiOnalst : dies of the - Imysery- it is 's iriTt and thorough - . . remedy. I . 3"fosiThOsa.Fatz,Coursrot. -No. 2. willbotil thtir Annual Peception, aR .Thuralay evening, February AgalraatinvOntion is estend• ..Weli il ntiouitapiweeialleri , of. the services of ow Firemen will be manifested, by Mena patronage. DONATiort—Tfu4 Mend:tut Rev. Asa Brooke, will make him's, dortalloia vrsit at the house of Mr. George Clement!, lir"Sear Milford, on Fri. day evening, of Feb.-21st, 18713, all are cordial ly invited. Di OILDCII 07 COIL Newidillard,Feb, 19t11,_1873. . -, • Nance—The book accounts of Dr. J. W. Cobb will be In the bands o: Z. Cobb for a few weeks for, settlement ; those not satisfactorily arranged dill left in other hands fur human. ate collection. •31ontrose, PLAsTER I PLASTER 1 !"-We have on hand an ample supply of, fresh, ground Cayuga Plaster, at $8 00,per Km: :Atm, Lime for land and ma. sonry, as cheap as call - be purchased any where, this Side of Binghamton. TIFFANY & CRAY= Z"Moititroice-rtetiiit,Viti. - 501.1978; - - F. Churchill. Justice of the Pence: office over L. S. Len helm's store, Great Bend borough, Susquehan na Co., Pa. Has - the settlement of die dockets 1 . 11 0t 1 48 , btanc,Beckbow, deceased. - Ofllce hots - hamar-04e 19 tfclock; 'a. in., and - from 1 to 4 o'clock p. m. Great Bend . Oct. 2d 1872. War Sate. A new Lapse well finished, good water han dy, 1h acres of laud, and i 0 or more good.fruil trees thereon. Is intuited 1% miles n'rthol Mon trose, near Beach's Plaining Mill, also,a Woolen I,Pactorx,,Carriage nail Blacksmith , Shop, Grist ' and Saw Mill, near by and a few rods oont school. Any person wanting a good place can get it at t Largnlu. Call on James E. Cannalt. or the proprietor. IL C. BURGESS. Montrose, Oct 80th. 1872. linsatErr—LtssnEnnx—ln Rush, Feb. Bth, by 1 Eld. 11 - , H. Gray, Marvin Bennett, and 311.5 s Lutitia I.ll,aberry, both of Auburn, Susque hanna county, Pa. EAD—A Less— it Uniondale, Feb. 4th, by Rev. J. T. Ellis, Chas. N."Ead, arid Miss Carry L Allen, both 01 Pleasant Mount. Al.tr..x---Srsvt.xsort-;At Liniondalc; -. Feb. 4th, tut Ray. J. ,T. Ellis, Jeonne It. Allen,. nod thirds?' Skkeii3on, ticith of "Pleaiani Mount. Wmassr—Lawls--At the M. E..Parsonne, to 3Toritrose,Teb. 4th, by tier_ A. D. Alexander, Whitney, and ?ass fluidal' both'of Rushville, Pa. . McVican—Hot.xtqvi:n—Alt the house of the bride's frahtir, Dec. Slat, by Elder W. C. Til den, E. C. MeTlear, of Montrose,and Miss P. Rosella aullister, of Dimock. Tottneu.KICELF.ll—A4 the residence of the bride."4lpotber, in Middletown, Jan. tiitti, by flee. B. Porter, Fraisk Tumuli, of Forst Lake;'nnil Miss Eunice fieekr. , Ifunisittl4=-Nerrusa-11 the residence of the brhle's parent, Jan. 2011,, by Rev: W. Kelticy, Tromso M. Hubbard, of Uriego,-N. T., and LyVia yotingest daughter of N. New- MAO, cifq.,.tif Lillie 31e.vInws. Buniows--Devisx—At the bonse or the bride's fhthcr. J. P. Devine, emi r ., in flush, Inn. '31111), by Rev. S. Elwell. risidsteir by Her. E. W. Brockinridge, A. 13, Burrolvs. of Stevensville, dud Mica Alice M. Derine, of Rush. PRA - Mir -0034-4f. Clifford, Jan. 20th, by Elder. m. A. ]tiller, Rexford M. Pratt, and Miss Harriet L. Wilmot, BacKna—arttnEr.—At .t2ac residence or Mr. filliVC,GrOtt Bond, Jun. 215t..1. H. Rackusof Seranton,and Miss Lydia. Bisbee, ot Great Bend. LONsi.ps--314iottr,::4ft Carbondale., Jan. 08th,, Ivy ReVlll.. Y, e:k§"tnilli, Janie% N. Leonard, of !tiorivia, N. 1. and Sarah A. Moore, .of Dimock, l'a. r)33lAh.p3ms. 1.A5.F.,-....l4,Vairdare;Busqueharstnt:cuUnty, nn Sunday" J....wry 28th,, NU, Lu cy Nichol..., wife of John if. Lake, .ages! 1.17 IlEmrtitcc-isf T.erisCK,'Tste;aher,...tinuary, 141'h, Jesse licniantin, aged about 40 yelare. it.mautt-;-ln Yfesc billford, Dee. 13th. Carrie A., slaughter of John and Mary M. Willkuns, aged 7 year's, 11 n sntha' and; daps. lltson.pat—Altna a Bingbnsu,died in New Mil ford,Ta., Nov. Bth, aged 78 years. • Mrs. Bingham was du daughter of Thomas Dean, and the eldest of I.ifeen childreq. She Tu., born, in con pcctimi.biftillukra ted Ast $lll- ford' when quitacing,. At the ago of-18 she was marriiislao" ..W. Bingham, M.. D.. with whennibe Brea' ntil tds deceass , , sotno - fottr nr tire year's since. She mutat:led his widow until death. Site was the mother of .eight children. filar of Witold still lice trhilidltrit her inns ßingham was a kind 'and affeelhmate mother, apt" greatly mteemmtilir het yirttles iq tit-Faint nittnit.trltlktellgat r-Oidtat ....._ _ i tilagvl,l .I%7E>tioexiso.' \... i i 411 %if ,1 01.;;I'VTIPI:;" • gf/TWP...— In tno av taro of .I.X.enlss Northrov, lata of Liberty.: Ilaagorbanna Co., IS:1- - "eletiia.eif. , cotton of Admlafatfallon la . tl l l i a p ;ktAl ii :• , lt,lo tl i a n e ,. 4l4r=tcf . ! Oho . oacyrAgned • • fa te:l=o 6 l7 . lt m L o . Itanwilia_paymem. and all a•zalnet raid ratafa aro regnesteLqo ',testi/Meal without Aclap __,,,,_ - 1 ;,, ; • IjrTIV.SORTLIROP, Adirirx. VDTToRS 4 74)Tiett.=-The undersigned, an Nadi a. OW. appnlntsrl . l4 Ihn Court of Common Pleas.nt buNnenutinn County, to distribute hinds inlbe hunds. of tbe'Rherttr. brtslo tram the sale °title personal property of Andrew Lap.'. nOI attend to the. duties Of his uppointmoit nt.hls tare in Montsore on Tnesbir. Ma trtr IRth; at one b'elock. p. in.. when all per.onr MRT WC rent tbotr chtims or be Coaster dehirrrd. • .u 0. c. 91 1 ., hocittor. Montrose. reb.a,•0174. ' "- A VDATPR'S NOXIOR.-01ie,aluidriditned. an andtini Lk. eprolottlny the Court nfAC•mornon..blm.e. qnehtethten ry; .40dt/etc, heloit In the. betide 01 tho.Shattf,ATlttelf fro Sheriff' IL Tali of reel ebiti of Sarah 11.11.1ien only. ; hereby Oven, oattee that hr arlllettenit In the delfeeochle Appointment. et h olbee In Mentmot.oo 101 h day cd:Nt.sh. 1F I. at one o'ereek, p, to..,hrben and whero ell jwryone Interest. ed In tab/Al:ad Itlltbllteett theirqlelint or be forever deb :unit from rtt(lngin no .dl4 lhad. - n. a WARIZE3, inditor. 3lonfrose. k".b. 1 : 11 1. 1,513, '* 1 " • urroirslcortnEE-L-111. 'antic...Ached, dt turappoluren iho J.u'♦ia the alrphaole,Conri. in and• (be, the Coun,7 Shocinchtona. no exceptloai riled 140 tietWidovhainvenlney In the rattle Or hatanet W. Trarmiall. sim.A.4.•uttt attend to.tha natter of attpotnntfeht: at Me orrice. to 31nottore. On Thora&f.'the twentieth. d•y of March. IK7d,nt arid o'clock to the attcynont.t. ALLpaetic. fat ancrted are here. rehatred to ankarrand prevent their dilate, at the above .haeana plate irs,be homer debarred. •lr. A. CASE,..kodi tor. ileatrue, Feb; 11.• ItrO, EIXEMTOIt ICOTICE. Letters iesierecntary toibe, ertetecternth7a Jackson., feed, tate or.P. Milford, '54...1.b.n rron' 40411.07.•Pa* been hare be grunted' id Mel entr.eribers; all pelndebtetio, thq,eald &nate, -ark; requerredrermAkdiennedlide pigment, end mo t e 10,-, tug claims or derruntde e/itil the, eitete et the add der cednet.lo tiOcdk.ttpsey i thejiathe withent Orley,. • ; • - : lieCotzen, Enechtdi• Nen . ' ' . dii6r;_t.tt: • • IDXF:OUTCIt'S WAWA ry to the, LI connect:HMO Datitiellattetintrldgewster twv., SttNeehanno enmity. Pa., -have :been grnntett_ to , e enberriber.ell venom* Indehttxt 'to 'the pold estate, ate to . 4, k9 ilrmittltd..pairdosCatuithiiee hay• legation or elerninee elninst the estate of the said de co:Lint, to pown , 1(4113Y4W1 41 15ELL.1 . tiki ton „,,W9, • 141.,LNEL.4, • -• • Jattary , , A" MiB.Bs:l4 M —Ttie unacillrfkl'd. an Auditor appointed by tbeOrpben's Court of Sunnehanna Conan tir dlrtlibutettie fund. In the hand. of the Ad mfblorivinr of the eqate of -Wu!. C. Ward. dee'd.bere• by Area notice that b • =rat attend to , the datfes of Ida &miliitc - ent. at hid office ilontrore. on Thnraday. i ambit. tb r 3. at o'clock p.10..at oblehllmia and place I eUperibne Intereated will nuikd knowerthelt be farm debarred Irma centric in on raid fo nd t 1 . • 11:111sCOLIAV, liontrose.Feb. f 919173. . . .„... DISLNISTHATOWS NOTICE.—In the • 'One te of doed Tune!. teeested, letters nflutrulaletrett on 4 In the add ballot been granted to the andends. ed. all pe weeowing; OM mute. site requemed o mekotintnodtate psynniqt.in4allpereoneherlogeblme I &vault mild eetete . ate requested to Prevent them with. t oat delay, •• 2. .1t r.H.ommo "• • - - witso sT. TURIULL, n• . Form Lake, Jan, V, 1613:— , dir. • • • A uPtryits iiiriwz,-Theardi6iiorthwringbem 11 Impair by the Orphans' Vomit et nasoseasans • 04 9r0l nollattoillettlbat's the Carols tt Os bands al Ine t tkalialitputtter roe estate Or ,ILtrriet liklybolge; la Nur slllfont. ficezweit will ahead lathe Shed of spitoistasent:tit Mies is Montrose. on WO neF4*, .110 r. Ittroit t (*kw*, P. llt; • All per vat intetryted.wili-Pat+eKandpresont:{Raie'etaim , ,orbs debt rrOa two catalog twos slot - ' "05 • , E4:t.c.d3144 sr • Fadura,W • hat h rabli 'lV,hatestethecurednaelietldured; ' says the PftWeftrt,lnit.la,diteatittrkedit ba3ntrell, and thetefOrt la theinerestatalPidity thendure It. DySPeptkrhoyertitainly a to:continuo dyspeptic:llloldpi d:ot their days if they choose but as it is supposed that. any rational being touters physiml torment to ease Juni health, the probability is that IT allitdiereres from Indices don were coniinteiltheeanabsolute,..tutanjhte remedy Bathe's' coinplaint existed, they would with one accent resort to it: ' We hinst emptiet4 cally dminre that sich a remedy Toe s exist,:and that Its tonne le limiteltees Siumach The record of its success extends over a , period of inure than twenty years, and It. is. fearlessly alledged that during. the whole pf, timtAlme it has never failed to:afford ,permanent -relief to any disorder or derangement of.the stomach that was not t,trsau, de;thalignint, and" Inclina ble. Titelestinthnislsillat gale 'establler2tbis Important fait can be conntcd by. the tnouanmt , Stomach complaints that. had been narks:atm' ' 4y 11, total disr4ard of all dietarY ritlesond inr Wedded and reruteredbhronic by mediatttieat. ment or drastic mimation,-have in- hundreds of intances been. cured within, three • nacinthV try the systemic use of thin - celebrated' stomachic and alternative; ,It should be retnentheridlhat Weakness pf tho.digeetive organs lasi:dyes runny other ailments. Biliousness, be ulacheinetrout debility, spasms, palpitation of the heart 4: gush of blood to the bead,lmusea, vertigo, end sleep. ks.smaa are among its coneond tants and results ; and for all these, the great, vegetable • tonic Is a SpeCine. It nets first upon the stoach,a %nd ro thugh the-stomach upon ' in the secretary ' 'and ne mats systems and the bowels, Its Aenerul effect being alkali genial and betedefrpt. THE CONFESSIONS OF AN INTALIp. PUBLISHED as ft warning and for pa benefit of lidhnff n and other& islab onfferfuno &owns Debtllty, Lose, of Idantoqd. 4trAriOpPIV,S4 1116 mitAtis ov sEut .cu • • Written by one Nvini Mired himself, Atter on dergoinp, considerable quackery, and Inv on reretring a post-paiadirtmtettenveltom Addrtmi Driroldpa. 4ane Mit Gm.. • prpOlyth ERRORS. OF YOUTH. • GENTLEMAN who suffered for Tea from -Nereon JAH bUtty, Permatare Dowry, and all the effect, o yonthful latilgeretlan will. for Ilse &aka of rtoferinz he manity. aced free to all who natal ft. the receipt. and dl ruction for =Mug the eireplaremedy by which he.t. . eared. Sam. ari leallazto profit by the advt.?a caper& race can do so byaddreaileg, in perfect confidence ' • ;URN, B. tMMEN., No. 11 Cedar *met. New York. New York Produce Market. Corrected weekly by Ilardlog., Hayden, kt- Co 32 Wastaington Si, NAV York. • . Butter, tub 40043' ' " firkin 37040 ' Cheese, dairy, per lb 14015 factory" ....... .... .1 10010 , 4 B,gs, per doz .............-........_ 30038 Flour, per barrel._6,looolo Corn meal, 100 lbq.: ...... ... .... .... '.00,3.50 Wheat, per bu5he1............... ~.. 1.77kiC2.00 Rye ~.. 1 )0(0 92 Oats " . . • ' "tf0.52 Cora " - 09 72 flops, crop of 45d50 Tallow . lard per lb ...... ••• ••• •• • • .... . . . B@B . ant-AA l'otarnes per bbl 75 W:• 00 • Turkeys per lb _ 14418 Chickens 4 • •-: r 11 8 20 415 " •• • • ••'• • • • - Ducks " • • - 4 1%Tervo• TtiUM FOR KALE r OP ONE Lir:air:En .Atcr) Evarri ACES'S. Situated on the mad Nowee'n SEre'r Mite ajaad Lake. well watered and well timbered. good rd and b'll ` l . I'2l ' . tr '" - A. J. suctlihN,' Sheldon r.,,,c.);,Sae4aehanna Co.. re .huoikri 187%—am VOR S.ILErL•Tha or Ilstlisii 'AI- dricnoie Ai, Atuntell nt+out leaf of 31ontm3e Depot. in lini,ikVfn ownsbiporon talnin4 nbnut 111 acres of. landinaitly trutirur ed, Inquire of the untfershmetl, executor of suit, estate,At I , lcw 31ilforfVea, . • New 3tilford, Jan. 2*, 18TH.—t(.. A. • . " L ' IMIIIrti NOTICE. Theandf-rolcDt,d e ,In Dorn - appolatrd an Andltor„ll - . um. orp.e.l-klart of Roam:tonna County• to diertribule the fond in thi. haede.tf Rlllort Aldrich. Atfinlntattilhf Ofsilhi• late to .1 11, Stionnon. Lito of the tourist-apt of Now Mil ford. derommd. will Attend to Mir tiro m of hilt nitimiiir moot at the rare of i ltrh fi Wan.. in H00rn....-- nr Feli. NL !tall, at I p. m. tit whirl. time hand place all ponion, intenemed will appenr nod toi heard. • - • - • . , WATSON. Audi ktr . - - B. IL Lyons & Co., DE/LIZILI , CA RPEITS,OIL C LOTUS, SLATTINGS, DRUOGETS, TRUNKS, SATOII . - Ets, WALL AND WINDOW PAPER. WINDOW . SHADES, Dry Gook (krocerieh HAMM' A RE, RUEIBEns, PAINTS AND OILS. , t;NDRIITAERRS , yr...Luc:: • ' DR. JAYNE'S PAIIILTEED7CINF.. ETC, ETV t rose, Jan. 15, SCHEN SAYINGS BM, 120 Wyoming avenue, • RECEIVES MONEY ON DEPOSIT , FROM COMPANIES AND INDIVID UALS, AND RE ['URNS TUE SAME, ON DEMAND WI MOUT PREVI.; oUs, NOTICE: Al tawiNikINTER j EST AT SIX PER CENT. PER AN- N U•3I;_PAYABLE-' : lIA IX YEARLY, ON THE FIRST DAYS OF • 'JAN IT -1 ARY AND JULY, A sAFE AND RE LIABLE PLACE OF DEPOsIL FOB i !--LABORING - 3IEN; - MINERS, 31E CIIANICS,AND MACIIINIST , & AN - FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN AS, WELL . MONEY - DEPOSITED ON , !OR BEFORE THE TENTH WILL DRAW --IN mit ES 3 - `IIIW FIRST DAY OF TH.EMONTIL THIS Is IN ALL RESPECTS A HOME IN , !sTITUTIoN, AND ONE 'WHICH' IS NOW. RECEIVING', , THE SAYE() EARNINGS OFTICOUSAN DS UPON THOUSANDS OF SCRANTOKMIN-, 'BUS AND MECHANICS: • • " • DIRECTORS.: . JAMES:. BLAIN, SANFORD GRAMGEORDE ER, - JAS:s. SLOCulf,J..msunlim C. I.' MATTHEWS, - DANIEL:; MOW, ELL, -A..E. IHTNT.T.'• F. HUNTI, JAMES 'llLAlR:iimpFzer MOORE, CASHIER: . :' OPEN DAILY FRO* NINE A`. 31. UNTIL FOLai M.,,AND ; ON ED* NESDAY 'AND SATURDAY EVE NINGS, UNTIL EIGIITIALOCIL• • Feb. 12, _ ri tAKE NOTICE.—AII persems hating or 1. _1 settled account* .. 7xlth tne, exd.fkliange• , Same' by note di otherilse, yrltti me persomilly untilthetket of April next,Ativbfdttimetbey . wdt be Mit into other tantds`fulf bettletteTtt• • ' ' • • - '''t: C.Taii•Antot.'" Autrortii i . Feb. iffib lfra—cktv., _ ~.ElectLon , Proclamatton. TN pursuance of au act of the General . Avvemblief the CoroglatnrealthdrrennsyleittiLi, antitiedint ACt to pertntahnsdtert Comencdtwealth Wyatt every threeryriVa spit:ellen of granting lleetwee to sell batowtrati broom, approved the" Mb thry , of Larch; A. D. afar, ,b. E. IiELME, High Sherd! of &wino. henna County, in said Commonwealth. do hereby give patient° the Zlectors of the county aforesaid, that an Election will be had la wild County on FrMar, the 21 day of February, 1873, [being thethint Crfdety.inatittmantlij at which I electioilr shill be the ditty of theinspectors and judges of elections to receive tickets, either. written or printed, from the legal voters of raid county, labelled on the outside "license," and on the inside 'for license" or "against license," and to deposit said tickets in a box provided for that purpose by said inspectors and judges, as Is rd gutted la lam in the case of other tiedtets reedy-, dd atimtloelecfion nail dm tickets ea totaideti shall be counted, and a return of the same made to the clerk of the court of quarter sessions of the peace of the said county, duly certified alt Is required by law. In the second section of said aet•it I s pro vided, "That in receiving and counting, and In maklagOttant orthoVott4 anik-theiniPcatorst and Judges and clerks of said ejection shall 1* governed by the laws of this commonwealth regulating general elections ; and all the tire of said elect i m laws are hereby extended to, anti shall apply to the voters, inspectors,,lntigrs, and cleiks, voting at and in: attendant*, - -upon the elections held under the provisions of this act. The Election for the dlstricecomposed of the tcwe ship of Apalacon will ho hold at the horse of Josope &whole said township. The Election for the district composed of lb° town• ship of Ararat will be held at the school house near lb* P R l C l AgginnVt.hd . "-I' dVags=tp l.b ld of tk big ' of tintruffrort I be-beta -*bloc...heave - VI Jantive -Lott In said township. The Election (or the district compost...dot the township of Bridgewater will be hold at the Coors noose In the Borough of. Zdontrqi e.. , - The Elberton for the dletriet Composed of the totrn ship of Brooklyn will be htrlff et the house of James CI: Bullard In said township. The Election for the district composed of the town* ehip of Choconat,trlll bolteld at Itott.nottool house nee. Edward Chalets td - shld tOtensbtp. ' The Election for the district composed of the town ship of CI Wool will be he'd at the house lota of John Hewett.. In said torrorhip. • The-Election fee thedist riot 'composed of thellorongh 4.151/padaff. 0111 A* held at the Dandas bald Rorbugh. The Election for the district composed of the town ship of Blalock will be held bt tho house tateol T. J. Babcock In odd township. The Electlim tot the district Composed of the towns ship of Forest Lake will be bold at the house late of J. S. Towne 1 0 raid township. • • The Election for the dittrict composed of the township of Franklin will be h Id at the school house roar Jacob Allard', In sold township. , The Election for toe district tiotopoted of the Bowmen of Kriendsville will be bold at the sthool boa. In told EL wongti. ThaJtieset inn fortbc district compoted of , the Vosough of (treat - Ile:id wiTfle bold at - the honest Late occupied he I/ meld Thomas In wild lhantneti. 'The Election for the district composed of the town *hip of Good Bend will he held the boa. Ike occupi ed by E. Barnum, dec. The Efeetillti for the dist Het composed of the towathip. of Gibson wit( be held In the Academy Minding in said . township. The Election for the district commetediof the township of Ilarford will be Mid at the bowie Late of N. W. Wald-, run in void wwuthip. Tim Election for the district compoted of the town tblp of De rot oity will be held at the boo. of S. Winton,' In sand township. The Election for the district composed of the town 'hip of iterrick will he held at the Bernick Center &thou! iloutc,irs said township. The election for the dinihiot contented of the townrhip of Jackson will be held at the hon. of Joseph Geary In said township. The Election.for the district composed of the town ship of Jessup will be hell st the house or Iloolci Hoff In told township. TheAcctiun for the dist riot composed of the township pc . Lebo.% 4411 be held at the house of Brothers n odd township. The election for the distriet connoted of this town pof - Litfertywlll lieldeltbettEallbfdtkhoo)hptite irf told TO Wnshlp: `- The Election-for the ilithictenmpoted of itte. town ship "of Lathrop will be held the lillledale School house In wild township. - - e - • • fhe election for the district computed of the Illoiroogli of Little Aluernigh. tmilows Will be hold at ibc School 3.10p0 po +ohs B The election for the district composed of the township of lilltidletuan will be held at the hotowsuf Iptb nose in said totenkhip, The EllY3loll for the district compoted of therkunegh of Ithmtruse will beheld at the CoUttlilOcfee ip,pald Borte.h. - The Election Aar the diStYlet competed of theft:tire/tett of New Milford sail be held nt the bottle late lid John Baur. in told Borontsh. Tho elcetwo for the diet Het tom pored of the township of Neu/ Milford will be held al the lootto, of rbpoodor Fbinney, In the Borow.th of - lOcw The election for the district composed. of the hilett ip of (inland will beheld e the hotter Late of 74.toM as klanson In said township, • ;4 . .Tho eleCtLon for .the dbitriet Compored•t h e tpwn 'hill of Wash will hold at the house of N; B. eny desire 'rs.tsT W llß;or too . 111;triet of the fawn.' ship of -Springor:ille will bo,tfeld at the house Into of Sporwer-tficorintesidtorenshlp. . The election for the dittriet e•iroposeehf lawn. ship of Silver Lake will be held st the. hooter late of It. 31ctItriglet In told township, "" The Section for the ill .Wintdsimprowdef then.) Ugh of an.qteattantea Depot will be held at the house htttdit ocmpkd by William Smith Ili wart Borough. • The elect:on for the 111.rrret 1 ,- 0mp0..,1 or the town ship of Thompoutn 'kill ho tart.) at the hothtd late of. Ch - ed er ht eddatd. la raid township: ' - 111001. 11 tittcr my hand. at my .face. In tile Borough of Mol4l**r..lho day of'..laolAry. A. and In the year of the Commonwealth the nine r-visth, • _3 7 i • :13: 11.11EL.118.13herliT. Montrose, Jed. fs ' 4 ru= NEW Disc dvEß'it AFTER II EASMICE. Ws keep a lataistiorlident et Occirtte. Caiefiritia, lll4lltek Verruca, &yr on itvattifer that verves*. - 1 t ~ . i I LOWAILD SANITARY AID' ASSOC'. GENTS' FURNISHING . 03033. I ' ' ATION, war thelleflefead tare oldie Erring sad fb * - , r V. ~ , [IC c. o as Pallanthwp 7 . • likTs ANDVAPS A t)clif Ltid - "" I Ps t ro retoi IT° dtmit* ` °l3 • - GLOVES, TIES, Bovrtv..,%gmbilu isO i rj d outb and the Follies of Ave r aid fur the afflletcd. Seat frerb i lt_ 4% l l l e:in- I ' pra.lll; matter i OTKON A 26 WOOLEN' SIIIRTS7 .. dreP• HOWARD dr.S.SCH:LATION. Box P. Pb e Utablehla COLLARS, KNIT JACKETS, • ,:. . , _ __ ~ io n GATivirws TAIL REMEDIES' ,I , ~.. , t . e . 4 . l,,ze. .A. r 'i nt l n t ~ ..E ...Nt ii,D E, ;R -:4 A L Z IE.T h' i. aT n ti.S : , ' i cr -ist . m k t ror ii — trr i ia . ' 'CiaOluolptextt consttitiptlon.. A ft Grade, Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES' U3lTlf&.LT!!?')?. t a r t . ” rtraS ' WRPIKS. - BATCHEI.BI 1 - ' AT Cave Catarrh. - • . We will sell everythta IN. GI XAOTRIKMNDIESI aced, =ace...manic kgrarrl°:nzarr !tree 1.- cab say ii t ti ) - -WILLIAM - SMITH'4 -- °14140154-liina•^ - ~- - t .71,WZR4111V•Yr IT TOnn. • -" !‘' b °""at Irnirr , ?'" ils.• ion . T .,,,, i , uctivr ,,,,.. r 'w r pima aloha oaf a l ake 114 of on / rarteratilimfe ' Ertn .ii o i 'r , i 'CaVaingl;jia;l7sC. •,, -• ~ 7:7 =. t ;I`..l . ,rodt:rzytx.','lgtrri'gfr" ' l2 w ' . "; , mu". witen """ 1611 " a th *L " rst stacked ad compare T ete.* -, 1 and q uality, and thus tte_aartr,kraad s el OW Ulah Ur Oat : Dr. CURTIN'S? TAB REMEDIES , FIDST CLASS AND COMMON , . ' Caro Fililia Diseases. - i 9ITT'r.EN.BEIIO RO4liNflAI; IE,-*, . GAIITIN'S TAR REMEDIES 1 !amazon , nor. 13 Ir 2. -- - -' F -- __- 72_ _ __.'____:•___„_:.._:_:; . __„.. , I , _ - ' -CO --. 1 r U'IN I T IJIIE Remdstio Om Liver. De. GARVIN'S TAR worigntEs C. lIRItIFF'S SALER-ST ' . i'lirrii.P .-. 0 ' A . FTs be foam. In . ' this ' 7 ,.? Thrakite enstommhand n ow , , 1„, writs I ssue d by MC Court or Coalman Ileas ° l4 "itellini dad at V i rl"Cda ti lb n a r f l el% lat e° 44" IL alC r t h y l : oat (' Is' h6ctlyn, fla'arakee th e %critrbere . , `sa . f u tf il B l u e s l quelta t n o n s d a C 3 ot b m . ty ni h ol i to me directed, I Dr. GgEITEN'S TAM! 111111X1ZWIES _Ono all Female Weaknesses, . I Court rloltsc in..3font)rosPel,limrfin'tinulit7,.,3lr She f lazirEllsi°N TB/LIES 1 10;;EitAliVIINIC Tut REM DIES , , 1873, ate t o'clock, p. 171., the following picas orB ' la tnisCinwar, and WAUttANTS than. • ' 'Vi v i y l pi 9, 6 0; • .„ . ~ ' '-,, : pared i r land, towit : !, _ i at All that mien piece or parcel or land' slip- " Dr. GARVIN'S TAE REMEDIES . ein part in the 'owlish' iof Green • . UPHOLSTERY WORZ ...CIO Diseases of the Throat. I County or Luzerne and Sl i ate a or eli PLn r i d i fie s i y d li n an t i t h i c , , c : of all Wi l da do se in , the bee: re t emeeem .- - Dr. GARVIN'S TAEI REINEDIIN 1 and part in the ton-uship • Caro prodteldifs. • - ,• r County of Susquehanna, and •State of Pei:iny!. ', lO Z. X 2 , 3' G. 33 2111' 12 Et Dr. GARVIN'S TAR REMEDIES ! canna ; bounded and described as' rollows: 'lle. . .•• Or YAnious RIND. _ !ginning at a stalteandttrnes a slti a lum 1' t " I littE Kli 1 lIATE ASS - ES, ~ a,- ewer' In m a white oak tree. the north' 43 i N eg 3n" . 2- ---.' ... '''. - 4 ' . CiaiOlgeSe COld * Oell V yr. outwursaut BEISEDIES ~ and 00 minutes west 18 chains end 92 lic ks lt" ' " , , COMMON 3IAT.RASSEs. - i - can: &mg otseases. • . . f hinds late of Peter Graham, thence north 41il i e n • '• ' - -... ~....„. ~., .„„„,...„,.. ~,„„,,, ..,,,,, wri ,,,.,. .i g o rees and 30 minut. a east 17 c h a ins : to lands Dr 41 7 : Zub c = p ;r on 7,'"'"`" - '''' •I , l' Triprly , or sau3o tr. Phelps, emit 23 U , ND . ERTAKINO , . eltatns.:lJlnks talitula formerly, 'or BenJamit Dr. GAUTIN'S VAR ISIIIENEDIES ; Tingley. thence &wilt 62 flegretn vast 2 chains ' ' The Pah.criber will bores-14r male' b• "atra 'toe s ' ' Cum Salt Ithenett; . Anti 74 links, thence south 44 degrees and Mi. 5 uet , 1r,.. 1 ', 7 411 1,,,,M, 1 : 1 ”,",,.7,. nt i l e a "' p m i t )u i l,rm:,,°, l2.l .,• ,{ t r, , minutes. west X.. 1 chains.: and 60 links to tkp ar;iing - hir .7 - itiTi.r: a: ft - i W -to nro - ft 1. -1 :7 . a . a- Dn euro GiM tad indki ne ''S r T io t e n. EgrED,. , I E I9 , ~ p , lace of beginning, containing 50 acres of land : itatliattaury du I _ - --,'' 'a"- a' I V the sands More or loin Wilu the a purtetta ` - urns . tg_ g • Dr. GARVIN'S TAU UltameDlElls i em. Ilnune hointii and harp, and all P imnroveT 1 - t ... ' - --' -; -METE b. so* ' - ...wpFtut.,anderatireilowFevii Is. lied and taktas in - eseeutli aat the :AWL of 1 ant "'"' ' .." J34; ll' 1371 * - aoi - tr' ' Dr. carrinms min ittEnE.R ... d . a 't, Andrew Watt ds John 'Grip :--- .-:-.4-7 , -, --, -. '"'-', i -.. AL,‘CAIi that. certain o p ego ea pared 0 , - A OSIENISIIIATORS',SALE,--,Tbc an. l'revent_ll74:llsiti_otta Fevein. --,.. , land simile 111 the townsfrip of Lenox. in the A (.enq g n ...t.tnintstra_ra 0..t..0 es- I • 'ed;At • En r h EnICGARIVEN"Smus BE,3IEDIES, I , Comity pr.:it:so6on= and State of Pennsrl• I late sir A blather 3lillartl,4ee'd t itiill cell at" c; a k „,,,,6,,,,iiii a iii i,„ t h e •n r m s t;...: - r rania, bonntictuant. described , nit . followii, 1 . iit.',OARTINS TAR IREINEDIES` - ..' "It : Attyttiti ennyth , ley sluiced. i t o :o we A 1 public sale; on the wentiyis,„ is Bridge-, Unturro Pails In the Side Or Unells;: : „"f ri u In pike, on the east by Tankhantiock ' creek, t water, •., -, _ . . I. y t,e tte vs lln t) , t ty e • tinds i of llri a ry nd 3lllkr. and o n , ~ Saturday; 31areli I at. Ifi73. • ••• ' IDr,4.OIO3LVIIPS TAII4.I3EMEDIES Philadelphia iii f ol l o wing , Are a Sorteplo,r Tonic,. •". ', - i Turnpike, containing about six acres of land, be : .." 1 „. 0 . ProPerty, to wit : Tea . C oder p r ,GAßimirs Imat, imonglites c o lic fame morn or less. with the. apputtenences,4 I fOge of Oxen. 1 Sheen, 1 .- hay were, 1 Roam ar A ___,.... , ~. , t I ae franr , l l. o7, one Inane him And out build. lltrc e .yt;iii . old colt, 1 Yearling s ('oli," ii l in GAnvi 44 T P.7l7 2 . nr 4 lielillE 9‘ ; i n n:;et a t r iii v an ni at t i t ine it nn t h t l a i l ‘ i . l ,7 ' . Pn de e n ti ttP knt . linni'er 'wagons,' markii wugon; light Jon carman,. Jr., P .T X• i : Ctirringe. Slowing Alschine, quantity yr Cowie tho Foodatoyy.aesy. t, : _ t.Williain Cameron. Itti.GATIVIIiPECIPAIa 1111b1=111 . 6 i Cameron. anti O. D.. Witssm. -. lumber. Buffalo robe, light Sleigh: rot R estom eh a vr e nk end ir ,,,., ‘ „,„„„._.' , Notier In hereby given that titt bbis , Mind be iielit• lotrneSst sot team harness, - 2 plow.; pr.GiggyvvraTAßß,Taripla I p aid til , .4:41,711 on <ls , r ( ! r i ni lL e. SEiME:Siterill.. ... pia Sa no lg Cli to " Oti M m e ni lod eti e : . at nine o'clock, -'': 1 ~, . cqro,lliine, tciTotresysteia.. i .. ~ I ,SherifTs Office, Montrose, Feb, & 1871 ' - TEnsts.-L4SII sums under $lO. 'rash ' • ...., -"- - 4.7. - HYDE 'it co' • 1 ----- - • 1 • $lO and.: over - sixm onths cred i t , ' • '.. . , • . 04322 , “. - ' ,I.IIOOERIES.-:-Teas in gross satiety., _ , ' . ,- ' ' • .! NA sal chap WWI qualities. netts resew: tb.• ApproTcullecnnty.. ' '-i- ; .-..,•, , lesse t estib , 2lre l , Ara t ,eir ew k; , bert ta avocet. A. nice Imam) , at Isoniases.ttagartor. i - - A. Mit-T.33m, Jr,' '. 1 ~., - 4 ;,r January tit, Ittn„ ' ' r -- 4 • % ',PTV .11:910W.-90",14. di11p41741M41, 1 - -e. ONTROILIB 6.ItAIDEDAMNIIOOI6 .a.ziatusts, damit. FALL TEUX SepL WurrEn TEAM Begins. J W an. 2d, TWA, §r4t , 4".. 1 .04..Pr5• TU/770X—Iligher Deparnnenl. $0 06 ; • Secasulaty:Dcerni: 500 The course.a.Lastractions tlso Ewa. LSSII BIIANCUES, the LANGUAGES, AlLLtuzst.o , ton,•And the listurcia, §azticza.. . , STIIDEICIS ARE FITTED 'FOR COLLEGES:trASIIIIIIOIIS F LtadRNIV:,G, ' Ana SPECIAL ATTENTION' Chiv.tx. to Ma Preparation of_Teachers. ' The Building is Cotniriadione; Pies- ant, and well-armged for-- - IMPARTING. INSTRUCTION.. Students can' entre at: .at any titno, and • . Charged, Proportionally. W — Rooms eau be. secured _for those desir . ,! , Ekg, to board themselveis. For further particulars address 'A. R. BERLIN, Principal, or the Secretary of the Board. Wu. H. JESSUP.' Pro; It TIIATCHER. Sec'v. . )Inutrose, Oct. 30.'72—Em 1854. 1872. GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM & CO. tikci4:ll:4;:iltisai:l,4:l:ll74l4ol-11Kg):1 AND DENLEI:S IN DRY GOODS, MILLINERY 4.0 • E. -0:07 Goobs, FURS, ROBES. OAPS, GENTS' & LADIES' EIniNISDNING GOODS, &C,,, &C. Our Assortment of DRESS GOODS, DRAM" CEMEESCI9, CAERE, d[IIZRS tter.l.9. AltD ilus. Is 40cosxiryloto. BRD MANN ETN. WI , oLEN HOSiEIIY,NEIDAS. HOODS, 3t EIIINO lINDERXI-ADAIENTN FOWLADIES AND CIIILDDEN. GLOTt.I4.*C.., In. Great Variety Tersarcied- resent= Iles for Ladles end Rverythitta hoofletor. to tior .3111.33NE1tY a l lk and entton lelret• to War* and calm.. uors.y;4l.ll?",l.l.rlZltticrg..:Fra,jamilyco. .. , 2Ztr.442asillelLee.X.l.lll;;Cirtraci.S.. :cantina. Toweling.. - Crash.*.Nnilins, Ticking.; Prlnt., ittr, Foil In I , t.ry Litip. • • , -,l,,ADIttl• pint:Time:a cOODs4:lAGI t oyEs.:,: . CORSETS. -*ELT AND .vodr stuns. stirrit'uss.cniasoss:raire NETS.' EMBROIDERIES, STAMP . .ED PATTP:RN';3, Commttrg Lts . c!it, ZfPUY . V. WpOONcl.9. TOWN WOOLS, CANVAS pArrittms, AU Caton and Att Shades, READY MADE CLOTHING A S - P.E. I I u.t...Q.TrAcTunz Au. mai owx coca*, sua MAE UP CUSTOM WOBIL TO OLDER IM:=MO i3Wdliaesids Tkro lines in thirDuretery,octe pim p ly/L4 l ' mA thiaciAsiitto; VC/ ea: NEIV'MLFOIW. vabb Ben. rutwamyoub.-sti psi west au all Llep_mlt. Dog I gegerat Bsilittgg • - Ig. D. CLUB' It CO. W. I, llOdd al CO ,Onsts royeioddMatd.C B 9 B noin• dad Shaer, sad Idedszei - Blardsasillw. street, rer.dud door beim lbw tplacopdlCLusti. • , UNION LIOTEL., kept by-W zuals MOM* Mulct gnat. awe the Uepot.—e ' - - W. R. el li.tl7l?fiandry; Alla deo Troll Rowe sad other utensil,. ono door horn PlarmeraDotel; labs rt. T. IMIIIBII. Careieto linker sad llndestaksr. ' Milt' Waal, two doom below Useltrylititons. • NecOLLUU BROTIISIIS..DesIas GritaaSairlz Proslaipttso9olshostteet.• „ 13,01RVIT A SON. Alert, In Floor. Feed. Nail, salt. Lime. amen, erseeriaa and Previalona eta Stain Siren opposite the Depot. ..„: • • K. a V. nATOrt, Wbolesal• dollars 113 rokee Natrona and , ram Goods, on Ms Strad; MOSS MNAP. - !anther Minzhichrpern ftne deka,' In Mc cmctriel n Moo, star Epistolist Chare.h. k. uvrioszt; ikalusllDlVestualfintitinea and Usnufastaxers of (Apr, Cl Nab Strut, no: 41x. Depot,. 1. nicKenSaaN. Ja.. Dollar to general =sedum/Use ■ad muting, Iwok non. ca main Street. GREAT BEND L. S. LWITIELif. Itnnitlicinrer "at Linither.iii44caler to genmaNcrebiadin. on Main U. P. Monehank %Almond dealer la Rao Made Clothing. Dry Goods,Utoef tins *no3 rwidsionn Wm Stmt.. , • LENOXVILLE. , . . wnirry:. Ifinvilletizter °lard !doter La pat now. asidOudiurs.. . •. rg ' MM IL AL 'Mr:LEY-4We? tai Mows. TlD.Coppin-Brait and Sheellroo Wore. Cartlnr/.te. Also. tosoufitettar ftbeg t Metals to azd,r. Zro Troll:hand Lead Pipe. boatiess attended toot LILT pricer — Gtb* o ll HO 110 .• renootrasln..-,ly. SMARM a 1311TAXT, Ilsnatletuters CI wagal.• and dlulabs, near the Store. MONTROSE 0. A. DAME—Coeny &intim, or Stinoebenne Corti V. Orate to the Court Boom. Mcoittose. Pe r .lO-0. ADKL TUDKELL, Dealer In Irmo, Medicines, Li guori, Pilots; Olin, Dye Run. brocalsa.Jewelry Notions. etc. levy, !l, ID" :MUMS A CARYALT. Atter:my 0111 C. CM! doqf below Tarbell Rots,. Public Arena. a, tnr. U. COOPER & CO.. , Thlokers. sell. Foraigti cm. Tick, ts and Drafts ea England. trslapd aai,Bcot• BILLINGS STROUD. Genera Firs and Lif e Inn/ mud Acton ; alao.eeB Railroaq and AeeldeatTlekE ar to Sew Tor' s,d OCce OSe 41.90 y MOS eft* , 0..4.1. F. It: 'thrAICIP..BII. General Emanate ani Sewitig3T.A. ch Aprnt, Ptibl Ic A .• . . , BURNS 11.141C1ML.fg, the place to rut Drab and Medi Nan. Porket•Books, S pacts. des Tette* Notion,. &C.. frick WM. L. COS, Rs mr.a tinker and dealer la all -bifida usually kept by ttia trade. atibwittbibilibalb. • upTo ik!C.P.ItIVIN. - .Desiers. in 4ranni, Ignakrare. sail 31onteleInfoSTI or Tin and libmitiron Sire, cornet of 3Jailitaad Tnrunilacatreet: - • 9. it: gortsit. Merchant - Tailor and delta,. Inuthe, said Farediblit "Gonda,. and thendy-ttede In/, on Main Street, neat Coo -.la !oar Litlteernd Metall:Oa Law Once." ' uro'aoa . , Pro.ldoot. 'Ronk. ; 84tioneiyosAlraukeer Notions. 4% tea et'• t • PlitAittattetlllo.•. "r,eLqi,ragrabz.iiza - ewer Es . arosirs Tea cOyar wrbg, .11024T1P3§74 r=s•A Japttll r.►UUIIELL. Proprietor. • - 20411Starea leave ibis Hausa dally, tonnotuag.ttti 1h a D..L. & W, tt, E. and Qs Lent h valley- Kati " 7 . MO" a 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers