gnu- ~u~i `" ~tisi~c.` ~~ ~~ .- . . numpirs.sost.-. !memo to tho Jolly. Wirier Who siege as follows his plow, The monarch of midi and Ihteit, only to God he may bow, He Is a fortunate fellow, - • Se raises his bread and his (tease, - And though hard is hit labor in summer, fe wfuter.he lives at his case. Wires the reign of winter is broken, And Spring comes to gladden and bless, Witco the flocks In the meadows aro sporting And the robin is building her nest; - The farmer walks forth mists labor, And manly arid firm in his tread, As he scatters the seed for the harvest, That yields to the nations their bread, their bread That rieldtto the nations their bread. His banks arc affehartered by nature, . Their credits aro ample And sore. . His clerks never "slope with deposits, Punted by the cane of the poor, • Ills stock is the beat in the market, His shires aro the shares of his plow, - They bring bright told to his eoll'ere, And pleasure and health to his brow, his brow, Lod pleasure end health to hia . brow. When hbi erapeare all gathered and sheltered, When his eattleare mug in the fold, He sits himselt down by the fireside, And laughs at the tempmt and cold, A stranger to pride and ambition, His duty be strives to fulfill, Determined whatever befalls him, To let the world jog will, as it will, To let the world jog as it will. Butes for the Care of sheep. —o We copy the following suggestiona about sheep from a circular issued by F. 0. D. McKay, the general agent of the American emigrant company. The com pany have already 10,000 sheep scattered among the farmers who purchased land of them, in flocks ranging in size from 50 to 200 bead Keep sqleep dry under foot with litter. This is ern more necessary than roofing them. Never let them stand or lie in mud or snow. Take up lamb bucks early in the sum mer, and keep them up uutil December 1 following, when they may be turned ont. Drop or take out the lowest bars as the sheef enter or leave a yard, thus saving broken limbs. Count every day. Begin graining with the greatest care, and use the smallest quantity at first. If a ewe looses her lamb, milk her daily for a few days, and mix a little alum with her salt. Let no hogs eat with the sheep, by any mean■ in the spring. Give the lambs a little mill feed, in time of weaning. Norer frighten sheep, if possible to avoid it. Sow rye for weak ones In cold weather if Ton can. Seperate all weak or thin or sick ones from those strong, in the fall, and give them special care. If say sheep is hurt, catch it at once and wash the wound ; BO if it is fly time, apply spiiits-of turpentine daily,and always wash with something healing. If a limb is broken, bind it with splinters tightly, loosening as the limb swells. Keep - a number of good bells on the sheep. Do not let-the sheep spoil wool with chaff orbors, Cut tag locks in early spring. For scours, give p+ l t t a lumin wheat brah ; prevent by hiking great care is changiog dry for green food.. If one le lame, examine the foot., clean out between the hoofs, pare the hoof if unsormd,and apply ,tobacco with blue vi triol, boiled in a little water. Have, at least, some good work by to refer to. This will be, money in your pocket. The 9107 of the 'Farmer: The benefit conferred - upon mankind by the fame?. and the pleasure vi,hicliat taehes to his , vocation , are -charmingly - portrayed by Ralph_ Waldo one of his essays, as followei The_glory of the far Mer is that, in the division of la bor, it is his part to crett6. '' All the trade rests at last on his primitive authority. He staled!' Oise to' nifiwir; he 'obtains from' the earth, the bread and the meat. The food which was not, he minces, to'be. The first farmer was the first man, all his twit ability rested on the possession and use of hand. Men,do not like hard work, bit 'me' Man has an experienced respect for tillage, and. the feeling that this is the, eriginaccalling.of his race, and ho him, self is only excnsed from it by , some cir eumetaace which made , him delegate it f.l. a time to other hands. If he had not skill which recommends him to the far mer, eomti - PrOduitibieTwEiclii - he Taraier_ could give him corn, be meet himself re turn in due ,plece among the platters. Among thi pro fessidei bits r its an cient character as standing nearest God. the first cause. Then the beauty of na ture, the innocence of the epuntry, hie independence and his pleasing tuts; ,the cam of bees, Poultry, sheep, cows, the dairy; the care of hayosf fruitß , of 'or chards and forests, and the reaction of these on the workman in giving him streagth and plain dignity, like the face and manners of ,nattfte—all men ac knowledgC,•:All men keep The 'Linn ae reserve as an asylum, where, in case of mischance, to bide heir poverty, or as solitude if They do not succeed us society, And who knows how many glances mere° are turned this way by the bank rupte of . trade,, from mortified pleaders in courts and senates, or from the victims of idleness and pleasures? Poisoned by the town life and town vices; "Well .my chil dren, whom I have injured shall back to the land, to be recruited and cured by that which should have - bon my nursery, and now shall bo their hospital?' - • Soreness over the Loins. A Ist am 1 do to remove i;os the horse seems very stiff—P. D. Answer: Make a soft paste of the best ..English 'ground. Mustard. • The paste is made with water, which should•he tepid, but"not hot. This should ' , be applied to .the loins, fresh. To ensure the full erect .of the mustard, the part should be pre viously freed:Of hair by clipping,. ttud also fomented with .hot water, 11 , prellminnty oeration which ; is especially essential in the treatment of 44.,interual disease., The mustard pasta should then:by applied di. redly to the. skin,- being : 'rubbed in with atuartfrietioni.. ; ft may be renewed every two houro, and if a-tiewl3, stripped sheep akin he laid upon the plece:the,nmatard: paste has occapied4he APtif:ty.itill he in: creased. Absolutc, ; reat .4al quiet-in a,. corm stable; oy better,-:p loose. wtji lit. tared box-stall, is required. If Evor home—a bve:lll44 /1111elmisifakateizioiSibia.".` BILLINGS QSI'.IIO4ID,-. Cienurel Insurance Agent, inrnave socuant renrestacm, 31.1reasatrcuis0. ists. Hattori Fire Ins., Cmot..spltslaudSatplas 11.3,0X1,0011 Mows Ins. Co., N. Y., Cspltal and ear Ins, 1H,C00,000 Co. Liverpool . 510,0110,000 Llterpool. London &Globs V 0,020,000 , , . faxopoo Ins.474.,blNorutAm ".. 114.1100.000 Peinsylvanla Pits r - " - ; • 41,1111,00 0 ot.Paises • ,IFOOOJX IO Union ?literal $400.0:0 - • Lye=lac Ara -"'A Williamsport Co.: Anthracite, Philaa'a " National, " • . • • .27 0 Conn. Mutual Life lee. nno Us C 0.,. Aznooenzi We. P2111.a. zi.ea=imonwat. IrOkew:MlfOricCap!leliOA*o6.lslllo:l,CCO Itithariborsingiut ' • - '" • 4530,000. Tbe undersigned lambent well known In tbls COll nty.for the putti7us,u an Insurance Agent. Laws sustained by Ms Compalnles tows always' be. tWomptly paid. lar Olken flnite'onr tivtflowy flanklntolllen of W. 11. Cooper a c0...1 . 41.'1140GL son,MI4•FP. pruaints 81101:11); egeat 011A11. s 8111171, Bolioite Itontroso, May 22.1873. .ZHIGH VALLEY IiALLEDA_D. .1-4 On and after Jane 10, Irdirains on the Latilgli Vailoy Railroad will run as follows Nom!, - 19.:7, .80, 0. 0, 340. o. 11.5. 9. 7. 34. 3. 4. T.:. r.:. 3. 11 345 140 9 10.... —Elmira 1945 6:8 045 930 181 945' Waverly' 1900 633 000 35 137 10 00.... 11 C. 591 150 490 905 10 40 Towarda.....ll 05 467 850 533 11 30......Wya1uAng ... 10 05 7111 IS 45 305 11 50 Laeyvllle 915 405 654 • 614,'^1119 MeelwpDen 990 655 -03 0- • - 933' • 625 . 655 850 12 65...TunkIlannoek..: 849 390 656 BOf 440 160 Plttaton, 793 533 450 893 500 915.. .Wilke-Darr... 700 315 450 • ... T5O M. :.Manell 45 155 .11. 8 ' 6 60..:.,.A11ant0arn.....i..x.; 10 47 1190 a aos aegokhcoa 1.._ 10 80 1909 016 635 Eaoton 10 03 11 35 10 30 8 M.. .P4Badelptila B , 7!3 x. 9 40...',..170w;T0ric....: 7co 000 Np,.93 leaves Towanda at 710 a. m.; Athens, 7 56 p. ,Waverly,l3o3 a. m.. &filming at Elmira at 00 •na No. 31 leaver, Elmira at 30 p. m.; .Wavcrly, M 6 1.1 a. m. • Athens, at 630 p. ra., arriving at Towenda at 71 11P :n lint fla Cam attached t trains d ratintng th7c4ll fro m Elmira to Phibtd o ciphia. • R. A. PACKS.R. Baperlatend EXCELSIOR FUR X3XPORIEE. IBAACB Successor to IHN FAREIRA, 718 Awn St., ldlo of (ho Block, ten 7th & Stb Its PHILADELPHIA. 'tartar and of Madam ttder For Ladles and Cbildren'a • Wear.Wholcul and Retell. Baring Imported a eery large • and splendid a/6.111. mein of all the different kinds of VCRS fr.= first bands In Europe, would reapectfolly Invite the leaders of thls paper to call dad cramine the assortment of Fancy Ears. i act determined to sell at the lountst cash Priem. .411F/cm Warranted. No mirn7reseotalion• to cycct ats. rts ALVERto ANTIREPAIRED rir- REMEMBER THE STORE, 7161 ARM] ST. Oct. 9th. r • PHILADELPHIA. • AGENTS WANTED I ark' tbe taitcs i t . se i l , l2 --wish fin illastrations, tikeneitr i o l eA l e i Mldents— beam trolly bound, and piloted on Bated paper. NATIO'N Da nubbin*, and Indtittltidad, ICY ENGLISII. ANII, .GERMAL - 7.: Nothing like IL—Strikes everybody as.last the badly they need. It ls an Encyclopedia of the Gorerciessont. Single pages in it. are of themselves worth the peke of the book, , OtersOttpeder and olgyolso. - A Rialto. vest for Cann • ers—,ladies and gentlemen—farmers, teachers and shiacnts. Quaver feet 73 orders a afar, dap, triadreUar alone,aeOre as beat appealed. 112 e a day can I:tethered In tale tertliory. Write at woes fps Circuities:id Information- Naw.wonm PUBLISIIING CO., Corner Vaned Market tEreete; Phasdelptda. No ember 1. litZt.‘4ll , " GOLD JEWELRY--A Fine Assort ment, sad other varieties of Jewelry. A few Gold Led silver Cased Watches And Wateh Chains. Sliver evivilver plated Spec., Fort., 6111vnx. and • gen• assortment of Fancy Goods, Notions, Perftnnery, Drags end Medicines. a intge stock. hiAhdroset fir- Doe. 2:1. 7rt t - , 'Aftlgt• TFO, Xl.emsroll db Ca. Agents ! a Rare Chance ! ve . pay, all .„4genta44o par week le cash who cagatir with as at once. Everything furnished and expense! o.ld. Addram, a.CDIILTSB aco . .. • Charlotte, Mich. $ to $25 per day- T -Agents Wanted to tan a iteititSful Portrait to 011 Colors, of tho PIERO OF OSTTTSBURG. the late HO. Gem Geo. O. Mende, Send El for ontat, or =_ezatA for sample. CROSSCUP WEST, 703 Chola= it., Mrs Pa. _ • $5 to $2O PY¢DA7i Agents wanted I.— Alt denies of wyrrklnn people. of either sex, yawn: or old. =aka more money at work for on in Omit mime momenta or all the -timo tbatk . at anyt►ing eleo.• Particulars free. Michele O. STIN SON, & CO., Portland Maine. • , • t mac u`B rrintsisx matustawria--wkansie to the 311, 335. eletiesaae►cnt,etpaid, ola ragtvr. of I 3. 11r.B.ILSN T. FRITRAUFF. #eadll3g. Pio ' • . , $1;i:)0 Oro? any cases BIII I , E , ITV, or Meer . , - sled Piles that— • . • • De Blng's Pile Remedy falls to core It Is prepared expressly toonre the pllei, nod nothing , else.•. Bold by nil Dre=ists. Price. fl. .. ORGANIO - LAW' 13ERES. Condition. which Impair verillty—posttiveand negative electrlelay—proof that life Is evolved without colors— cncet of tobacco—lnfluence of -11sn and phosphoric diet —modem treatment of pelvic dsscases, stricture and marlcoorle, and arrest of development • ten lettere, to his pnvate surgical claw, by EDWAIIDII. DIXON, SL D.. 43 Firth Avenue, N. E.: GI page,. 2S cents. Every line from tho pen of Dr. Olean I. Qf great value to the whole Human race."—Homm,Ormieu. , STOW 25 CENTS FOR TUE ADVERTISERS' GAZETTE, • A beet of 128 gam Showing bow. , irks°, sad orttertvto Advertise. and couirdoln„" ajlst of nearly ILDOOrewslll- pert. as ltkmoeh other Information of Interest toadser• ils•vs. A ddress. fier.o.p. ROWELL & V.l..PabllihArs; 41 Park Row. I.4‘w York.... f4an.72I,ISTS. ' • . • • MANHOOD; HOW LOST, HDAtiIESTOREIL tatifttrtittVs newt sicrontheiumco.ertrowittontmco , cu.) at snrau.z.r.,,t_ct scmum - Weakness. Involuntary e tionloal Lateen, liatratennr Mental anti Pbytleal Incoaaityelcapedlmen la to Xeni a:o, etc ; alse,Vottsuteption,Xpilepry, and Pita; Induced ' 43 7 nelf India:TM= end email entratagance. '• • tarilice. In eaceictleuveoas, only Scents:. , The celebrated author, In tb la admirable essay, elcar demeasttates *keel a hlrtryeares rata:Wed prattled that tine alarming nonlermences of seltabuse maybe radically cured wtthou: the dangers:ma • ate -of interne medicine or t bee pplicetion of ;hake* t; pointing Oat a mode of cereal coca simple, certain, and effectual. Ay means of which every sufferer, no mutter what bit .c . Widilinn may be-mus , ,te:v bun*: chesp27,intrat s iy, and radltafy i . ]• air This I,oetara should' be In 0:le - ham:Ls of every .7nutt and very man lathy land: • • gent s ander ecal.til • Oda envelope, taanraddTettii, iaaa paid an cariptorsia cents. orneei post mitts_ _ vitro, Dr.thliwarireirsidarriagn taulde,'"nrleelefett; ibe • art &Mail. Va." York, P05t..011103 Bon 4 aid; 8 Itard:ogiisr•i;.moto. THIST wn, sENTHENI .00. • ,o. t aoo .). HORSE HAY FORKS $95,000,600 $340).000 •. 1. NVJ.LIIP IPATZBIT 11111PRIOVRIII Twanty-Twe Beata Tale Pemmican Mrudeol rids /ark NELLIS'S GRAPPLE PULLY. An Implement that ?eery Tamar, Carpenter, Mason HORSE'RAKE,S Band Bikes, Scythes. Barth., Oraln Cradles, Iron, (A• ehor Brand) Axles, S r, Pmings. Carriage Bolts. Curt Bus, (Steel and Iron.) CI CO .V 1 XP .121 311 Z=l' CO T. a That a.ways Wee as A ARM WITIBTLE I when the Coact le Ready for the T, de. TRY ONE and you will And the Coil e Always Right: Axes, Grind Hones, Picks, : Ens)), Saws, Files. nia. Knives, Serb Stones Mots, Oils. Stares, Tin-Fan, Montrose. Ally 5, ter .-tf. BOYD 6 CORWIN LOOK. LOOK. TO MERCHANTS AND TRADERS I! Elf THIS COUNTY AHD ELBE WICIIEE! I MCI 17 3311:7 - 1r Ors C, TYLER 79 kBl DUANE ST, N. Y Lynn Sarre. Corm k Co.) d. 7 4 -13 IF' NOT, WHY NOT GENEBAL lIARDWARE, Cutlery, Scythes, Shovels. Looking Glasses, Lightning and many otherY Cot Saws, Steel. and Iron pole Axe.. the bog in the World, every kind of Brushes. Door Locks, Pad locks, Knobs, Gans, Hammers, Pistols, Revolvers, Panetta. Carped tee's Tools, Blacksmith's Bellows and Tools, Plated Knives. Fluke nod Spoons, and everything cumally kept In a Pint GarsMardi/rani Importing and Jobbing No Mistake!! My sincere Thanks are tendered to Om many in my own County, for the kind pstronsTe, as also to the many In other Counties, who may road this, and a general invitation Is hereby given for • continuants; as well 11111 to those woo aro willinE to glee me WM. who have not MIMI 50, ay orders or =is. :crow, M. Ca TIMER. Montronr, March. 204 ihn—M. FANCY FURS LUNT BROTHERS, SCRANTON, PA Whofeitale A Resin Dealers la HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, SPIKES, SHOVELS, BUILDER'S HARDWARE, MINE BAIL, COUNTERSUNK I T RAIL SPIEEA RAILROAD d MINING SUPPLIEs, CARRIAGE SPRINGS,. AXLES, SKEINS BOXES. BOLTS:BEMs-and vrAzilieNd, PLATED BANDS: MALLEABLE • IBOY8,1147.83:11POZES, ,attoze,szAT SELNDLEE.AADVS.AI/4,, ANTILIV; •STOORD , AAA 'Rica; 95 4L0W5 HAMMERS. SWORD, FILES, de. dc. CIRCULAR AND MILLSAWO, RALT.ING, PACKING TACKLE ;MOORS, PLASTER. PARIS .1 CEMENT. RAM &GRINDSTONXB. nun= wliwow mass -I -men= amgmeir PAIRBANIPS SCALES. &nip*. Ruch Is. 1863. • HOLIDAY:GOOD!• - •, -. Lire iddcd toms caeca/re iaitet7 oILAIMS Cad TABLE - ELASSWARE. POL morro CUPS as eArCERS. ikterrramuiis and •reeri TEA SETTS inirrent.torielle • Also. IZASIES and TANGY TIM/Ay SETTIN7,O-ths,Azfredismat ea , Theie goodit-Lora Imported dlrpetly. fund tuna= and !clay Pricen.nroltilow. InmOrtn* con the saw goodie lei dither ebbs titi or Now-York. ra Nos. 39 South: - Scioqd !lnd 79 Strawberry Sta. • Philadelphia. Pa. 1r,•13.-My stall of CITENDBLIERK7eIPeetaIIy adapted lo Clanicher, I. very large. Books of doming. shoeing. ttre deolgn of rack Vkarnideller , goof Bracket, will *Fent congaed, • ' tqtre.e.,2ar., " WANTED - IVERERR, to sell the - bun:lose pelted Cost-Frhetles Let farmers and merahndy who bas corn to shell send Inc circular to `• FAMILY COIMSBELLEE . , iSS3ILIE'Ir O I I .7E-Ve3 Rf HOLDEE6= CARD GL GM. EPATrAIITJW. OMB= Ed. /5/41 I • , • , . O claimed by beet Judges. to m eet the -necessity by= heft - cog felt,. of a Convenient. Practical; burg to Gate, so Indorsed by the highest entberiU , in Aterries , Is entirely different from and he/ many arfientegee over any other Get( ever Air/whet' Is Ghent' hod 'ettlly constructed and for COnvenlentit. essma r t All to pteess all Cari - beepenedwnd'elosed Without 'the Opperstor changlerhistmeitionsllll=or PonhfrePOtidd, audit desired an be entity arranged to, be opened and closed without dismounttng. It Occupies no morti'ground when opeuedthen two.postrwl.brut gate, this mektez very desirable Oyer - enj other Gste farmers - and those living in Vinare sod Towns: 'ls hi order Avery gay to the year, no ,snow io Shevellu winter. II coo tl net sego? getout or repair.' - • - • For farther puttee's:sad/buss the undersigned,: who will as far as passible visit - the several. ctieliVe• to Pentrl/94 11 111 1 467joinizg States,- forthe purposeof fahibitiog and introducing , - , Farmers and enterprielog men gerieraTtY,Will do well to sire thliFspetist agestMuotathlS Gietaceddinlyittil golnte general nee. 't , OEMs: =cyst 'l , forriaiar• Jane r;clfieltaltaxi,Wirattlig'Co.,Pa'; ;,..;.......,...• ..- . ' : Id mixrcli ca wk li cod ;:nres.ovEtr 4.31 'WOOD -:- i.-....e2., r patap, Tailtcless.,Utuit liftlelant -‘ A f; , , - 'And Cheap. Ito be a st pump !Denis ' ''. ~ 1 ~.. .../.31P; money. Attentlem Is •v r ec . lally ':„, imited tu IThgcblefrstent I, prov, • 0 ;i , Braelcot old , New 'Drop Check r k . 'AR Volvs,4rbtelLeas berwitbdetwo. with. ' 4, - - \dr temovlby, tbetParopy4lotarblux, ! , - llidjolntr; Ako,lbseamTehamber ; - • ~„ Itislack neyer cracks. andyrill .outbist ' 5. "Or 1,4 a y other; Pill ul, by D.:Alois eve?" , ;.."` = , S 4 - , ,Wheta, 4;g4 (or 4::sidoso azdfrloo ' , 1. , " ‘ Ltat: . ' - , E , ..-, .-,, ~ : '..CdAttl,llLirentry.l4l 4 .r, - ' - - 406Cominena lA. Phila;,„rtr.::' , ' • Beptefitiet;lBlb.,-;.! , ,U).4: 7 74,.~ , ••• • , • • •: f A varmiorsaie or o flex ._ A pines of boa onotaia ` taufteit acres Jessup town.. , SuogneheoPPontitYst'a,7lleld-Ihrorytts Annie On It. UtoW.IDo. iota. oleo earywo-oveNZI ,11,1 0 , 1 411 4 1 u 1 1. Act -Will be told or rooted a liberal - tenets the (wee? is %ether buslnese, r Apply to ClC,7lUtlesEltthitekCeteffe,artittott JtatiopPen:VjOnalny County. ra. aftatioppon. Deo. 18, 18V. 3Etarpcbcori In Moan litontha-1101 and IMO. and Palmer Mould Moe. Rovolviaza =orator Batt., Locks. Knobs, Latches, Varnish. , -2141Cesolaixt.ersr. Zategitt6k3i2zeto. s. , :.4 ':,' ..7..,.. tc .,: ii: -, 10t ..,•.,,,, RADwArt. READY RELIEF CMOS WIN wous? Pktxe In nem One to. Twenty ;minutes. NOT ONIS HOUR Nen l nneW m ,ll adia t. W tiscemeat INNIA say oke PAM, moms I' . 111SLIIV LS A vcu 71311 PAM. trm tar Ord sod la The 'Only Pain itervmay ILA le~ly slept Me mat eunsalallag "Om dl. ys in damsrkat lad 4:111. COarehols. utak, a th e L..... Iftindidt, loin* enterer ea*. I * fteo. l 4 Ni •ppi tial, • IN MX 011 TO Twirl , , warms. TN math boa .'Want or extruelaani the perm lb. l ixt- XA.218, But4teldea. laths, Ceirmled, Marna, Munk* at lerostmeed teak alums may LPN.. RADWAY'S READY. RELIEF mr.A.lcE9 ' ime r cri l t D mFgAr ItijuL I x - . [TN. _ mulawn a n a l m A T IPI7I3R 4 DLADDIUL CotiorsTion or ITOC.IXIGO. I°" TnIWAT. 1 1 21 IT T R M A Ti i SBITBIZC. OROF e D M IPIII W IA: TIriART. CATAILIIII. urn.usazA. ismuoms, ToOTBACtIi. IrSuaLtat6.•3lßElTmATLeut OM 4111113, AMC (*HILLS. Tao apyllesana of taltitaady • Tieell et leo the past ne puts vases W pats et aißaußy nlaaaalletßant fain and amateet. t.... 1 Teranty &spa in bee a tumbler et imam will to a fee Riea l a w ClllMll. Ardallit , ,, DOM %Oat& a l Psai: cot._ ,10 VrEadl i til3o ) {V BM N& all LIITIMAL rano. Tamely.. should slain, entry a Bettie of IlLadwavY *allot loth emu A leer maw. •laike .51 lirld relexamen or pain. tenon'abfase of It es baler lima Trench Brandy or Illttemeata etletalant. WIITEIS Aliln /LOVE. =mat AND AGUE tisnd my übla. Thee, ts mot I Mud/a mut La Ibla.wegt4 that.lll eon and Al.ll. and LI e th er IdsUrtmla Scarlet, Tr pbeffl, Tallow, sad e th er raves UMW hr RADWAT'd PILL%) to tat& RADWATR riseJa wau pertain/. Bold by Dinged; HEALTH! BEAUTY!! STIZONO AND PURR' RICR IILOOD-INCREME,Dp 11. II AND WEIODT-OLKAR SKIN AND HEAL• 7 1 / 1 1L, COMPLEXION SECURED TO ALL. D. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT TEAS SLADE Tilt MOST ASTOSTIMIING CURES • BO ra r i K tint n fett r fllPS. 4 arfal i t iE llf6VlTOSO E OP TULS THULT WONDERFUL. lIEDICIII4 THAT Every Day an Increase In Flesh and Weight Is Soon and Pelt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. leery drop el th e BARBAPATULLIAII REsaaI.PESIT ape through the Blood, Boreer,,Lirtne, sod esker Subiltanditeleeserthe systilla the olgoser life. far It repairs lho scat of - the bodr wells neer and 'sealed oustorlad. Bora Breddlis Celsoillarttat 9landules dlisase. Mem la the mat. TUlTlOnk_i'imics in the Glands awl gate t tutsa . U:L i scr4..tre l aen zr Sallarga=oh . ga , s , a Ztp V etsrA t erl " be. ' zigtre „ „t g .i w nrelizt t 1 :::74: Camera la the tremb,and ell aenkuing anti painful Mb odasrTea, Mlght flivithstrui h. Tim, end ell t reestee erne l isPlefgelerth i galaary. aUty ' r o saPP . p con4 i plea 1.105 0 for either of three foams of d= de o plea. of etas th porlnt,l7 aadralsg todueett by Us and 'aeserisibeasUen eantlnuallr progressing. stuvred. la ensetleg these.notia. end repair, the wane with n ew mater iel atnals heft haelthr blosd—iped et , SAP-SAPratUr LIAM will had doss steam - Not call does the Bssasarecatssa Rssnortarr send .11 known reasedlalrents Ira the care of Cana Scrofulous eamiltallanal, 4 /Skin Cuero la Eat It the o da. nly roan. , tare fax Kidney ac Bladder Complaints, a^"". Ml,7 4 ,: ° ?Z`le elVt , .l) ) 7 1 artVien eatte:wher . •, l,,°..J. b ' eleedit ' s= or Us water Is Welt, cloud, rated with ;tube.* rttle welts et'. erg, or thread; rals• .ilk, or there Ma morbid , dark, bi li ous spearat...d whit. bees deq deplane, rin4 ../ato War b • pricking, burehts matte. wilea mute/ ia,. sad Mtn In Ms Swett of the Hack and ohleg . the Lo. Trbr.ll , •• MC .... Mati. — The trail ktp3mA and nan Boater fur rope. Tumor of 12 Years' Growth Cured by Itrullvray's Resolvent. va., 11 .....1•17 It. ISO. A. Lower 1-.4 lava had Ihr.lad. Pasor la Um .1n koala. All L. Damn old beiple..o.o I ta. wog tltlq ihas oho romenotoadad t bat nothing ...pad we. I tow loogb. ovald too la y isd MI Is I lad Mho... far [only. yaws. I book do lout.. tba Ilasolonal, sad ••• boo of Padony's goal toe Wiles or Tow. grey MON g la on. a alga af ta Va lora or 1.4 f teal 10.4 moaner, nod Lappin Ilao 1 1.. rlowat Waco vra. In th e lan aldo of taw Pro., •••• eta MU lo 71.1 it the twasEt af air, fan ma pal.ll.* It If rodaboomo. HAM. an P. ILNAPP. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT -. PURGATIVE - PILLS, pp.., tagalong s elegantly seated ern sareet guns, gorges Vegetate, ;Milt eleause, art strengthen. lladvars for ths curt or ell disorders of the Stograreb. Leer, Borses Bladder. ?ferrous Dimmers. Ilesolootho t entootlrs ttoo. Corgiveness, ludipationa, Itemeasta, Wilausnook 114, trate new, on ew, Intammatl of the Pb..!.. Tlfroowd ell Der ritageeneuti• of the latent Viscera. Warranted to erred t tuggr er rate d t PutallgegreLshle. eentalaing me:sooty. lar Otworre the ' rale itg k epagtarna redulting tram DE. orders of the Dlioegre &pas: Cootipeuee, leeoird Pfto, Iralolll.ll Iho tleod lo 00. Mod. L4M7 doh. Saosoci, Names, Molten. Mts. e of fod, C.. 11- Mae pliAgiti to Um Ittesaelt. leer Enda., Voltiti or Ruhr MarMl of 11. Snuck. tialotalog of Am TWA, Floo rd lhasalow. IlatitAttr as dm H.., Clottrin ••• Satrooattog ism... wham to • Lrln rae. , rOotoloos et Vl*, Imo. or - W... Won t& AIM, rt./tea DW INti• to Y. ItcY.V•lttsly Lol A to. doSt• of BADWATB TILLS tolli hoe tbo anima horn LB the .Mme-named tilsord.ars. Ale., 25 mats per boa. SOLD PT PROIGISTR. 'MAD 'FALSE AND TAMS:* Betel sae letter learep to IifiDWAY • co.. N.- 17 Vale. lA.. Ye.-Took. leforronelart wor th LhottoarAttollt lut seat yea April 3,1072,—yi. SUSQUEHANNA MINEUL SPRING WATER CURE. Tboost, Is now complete° and resey for secomo dation of visitors and the treatment of invalids The following arc among the diseases known to hove been enred,by the nee of the Susquehanna Illineral Witter. DISPEPSIA, dRAVEL, DIABETIS, EIDNET DisEASES VENERIAL DLSE ASES,DROP-. ST, ALL IMPURITIES of the BLOOD, LIVER COMPLAINT, ULCERS PILES, cnnorac DIAIIRIIE4, FEMALE DISEASES, RHEU MATISM.. BRUM , ELAS, SALT RHEUM, ecltO FULA. cPutaziocovusi aieioraeio ®, To those who contemotate visiting the Springy, we would say that the DOL'SE Is FITTED with 4 •law to the' 00/IFSBT and EASE of our CUES Ili.ead we shall pare ao pales la !coking to their welfare.. We gassanseeli ease or decided help; us M.. Forturtictpartieulas enquire of, or address A. D. XIII finsquehEinna , Blinqd Springs, Rash, Penn7a. Apri1,,14,1872.-m9 1!k813X-B dr tr DEE/GIST, 11031205 E Tiontlanally rectlvinz 1 4 :73111W,, 4 arC:ilairysi ke r gr a c t vr e ttlo: band . full and dellni:bl? DIIUGS; MEDICINEiS, Cilt/lICALS, LIRVO. Paints, 1 0Us,fl7elfttnits , ;1'eas. Braces, and e attbir Ct 1.4' corks, Stone Ware. Wallattd, , Windrots 'Paper, Wart; ware Prpit. Jarriddlrrori t Lamps. Chimneys, Kerr serte:Tdacbiderz 011, Tattoo: Oil, Itenteroot- 011: Its tined Whale OiltSperm.oll,.ollsw pit, Spirits Torten tipeNartilebes, Cabary BdiYlo egar.Potarb. Can tutted Lye. Axle Crease. Tr ustee. Bopp ortersadedica tristrumccto,Shrtutder, Braces. Whips, tionii Pistols . Cartridges. Powder: kot. 'Lead; lion Copt, Misting Powderdcd Pose Viol.tos:Strings..BOwa.ett..Pictea, Firer. etc., Fish IlOoks sett 1.1Re5,114 r end Toilet Baep., liar itedr , llestoteri. sad Hair Ilyci. - liruskeig. Pocket Koiver.Speetaclerfillytr Mad lipoons;lforks , &tires. /Lc. Deti!!ft /4g:ticks:l generalassortroc4ol ?A1 GT!aCiO2i: rg y s iur;'sod YEItFUMERY All thelFsdlAg stptilabokiidp of PATENT • . • fa abet!, deirtj 'reify adta. to ieitore the' ekk; tc please (beauty, to deltatitabe eye, to giatlfy the rani/ and also to conduce tattoo nal and satretauttal coteforte otitro. fauattleattion fa fmptactleable, taerould • newvapat. Call at t.lto Dreg sad Variety Store of Moatroseja.n.jhull; =snags aril' 21ffectioirces. THE' EAGLE 13 "r ii. a atc• r a : 2211101FIZZIEI alb ZWICISILC)346II. tRICE BLOCH, NOPM11:10; PA., Sign of the Golden Eagle and Mortar. IfE Desire to Inform the public that we bars moved our Stuck of Drugs, Medicines, PAWL*, Oils, Ilmsh es, Bombs, Perfnuiery, Fancy Article., etc— Into the Brick Store, formerly occupied by Guttenberg, Rcisen boom Co. We have recently hint up this store In Modern Style and shall codetworto keep well supplied with all articles pertaining to the Drug Business. We extend to everybody • cordial Invltation- is Call and ace us when in want of anything In our line, and when Ivor In want, give us a friendly call. To all um old enstomers we desire to express our thanks for the liberal Pslrqn‘nge heretofore extended to us. We Shad endeavor to Merit • onntlnuanceiof theaame. Very Truly Yours, Montrore. Dee. 2% Cherry Pectoral, Par Diaereses of the Throat and Longs, gush as Coughs, Colds, Whooptug Cough. Bronchitis. Asthma. and Coneuxoptlost, Among the great ~ - *rs, , discoveries of modern ,-„s, , ' -'' -=:,..h , science, few are of 1 * more real value to ~ : i...v: - 'I; mankind than this if it 44 N. , teems! remedy for all 4 diseases of the Throat ,; • and Lungs. Virtues , trial of its , r i I :;11 , - A throughout this and other countries, has shown that It does surely and effectust control them. The testimony of our best citi zens, of all classes, establishes the fact, that Cligelee recroans. will and does relieve and sure the afflicting disorders of the Throat and Lang' beyond any othEr medicine. The mast danvrons affections of the Pulmonary, Organs yield to its power; and VMS of Co nsume. [lon, cured by this preparation, are public ly known, so remarkable an hardly to be be lieved, were they not proven beyond disputa. As a remedy It is adequate, on which thaptiblia may rely for full protection. By Curing Coughs. the tbrerunners or more serious disease, it saves unnumbered lives, and an amount of suffering not to be computed. It challenges trial, and con- Threes the most sceptical. Every family should keep It on hand as a protection against the early and unperceived attack of Pulmonary Affections, which are easily met at first, but which become incurable, and too often fatal, if neglected 'Ten der lunge need this defence; and it is unwise to be without it. As a safeguard to children, amid the distressing diseases which beset the Throat and Chest of childhiod_Cuzunr Faeroe...L. is invaluable; for, - by its timely use, multi tudes ere rescued from peen:Wen ems, and saved to the love end affection centred on three It acts speedily and sisvel, . 4 ,1..4 ...unary wide, securing sound end health-restoring sleep. No one will suffer troublesome Influenza and pain ful Bronchitis, when they know how easily th Can be cared. ' Oiginally the product of long, Marione, end successful chemical investion, no coat or toll is spared In making ivory bo ttle In the utmost possible perfection. It racy be confidently re lied uponas possessing all the virtues it has ever exhibited, and capable of producing Ceres as memorable as the greatest it has ever efhostod. Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Ant Wield =wagltiL BOLD HT ALL DRITOOL37I2I MiIITWISEBUL Hai r Vigor, For restoring.-to Gray Hair its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, an a effectual fo r preserving the , hair. It soon restores faded or gray hair to its origfna color, with the of youth. Thin ,ding hair checked, and baldness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are de stroyed, or the glands atrophied 'and decayed; but such as remain can be saved by this application , . and stimu lated into activity, so that a' new 1 . growth of hair is produced. Instead of fouling tho hair with &pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. The restoration of vitality it gives to the , scalp arrests and prevents the forma . tion of dandruff, which is often so un cleanly and offensive. Free from those deleterious substances which Make , some preparations dangerous and inju ritms to the hair, the 'Vigor can .only . benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAM DRESSINQ, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither 01l nor dye, it' does not, soil white cambric, and yet lasts & Bro., long on the hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre, and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Di: J. C. Ayer & Co., Radial and Analytical Cbmalste. • LOWELL, BIAS& Sold by Abel Turret!, and Burns k-Nichols, Montrose, and all druggists and dealers ey9l : *bero. . [Dec. 21,11370—y. • The Great .Caue, - . CM" • 11 3=1.1.2:23. 312 a• Just Published in a Staled Enrelope: Pries Stx Cents; A Leetare on the Nature, Treatment and nadlmi Core of Spertruttorrhtetw and Seminal Weak*. Involuntary Emiselons, and Impediments to Nor. Oats generally; Nervousness. Consumption. , Epllepsy,' and FA*, Mental and Physical' Incapacity, resulting from Sclit•Abase, &e.—By (tODERT CULVERWELL, M. Waluthar o f the"Orcen Nona." .te , • nu, wothl•reuntvned author. to this adnirabl e Lecture I itlYProres from bit owen etparlenee that the awful .4 sequences of seltabase may be effectually remcoad without usedleines, and without dan:erons entglc4l op• mations. bangles, In strumenta. tinge, nr cordial?, point. ing oat ,a mode at once certain and effectual by vbleb rvrrr sufferer. 120- matter - what big rendition -014y be, Mar tam himself (dimply. vately and radically: TIIIB PROVER B O ONTO TIIOUSANDIS and -TEIONj . . . . . . . . . ...: . " Bens wader licaLto any a ddrelio, nt pleas seal , 4l4l3Vet ape, as the.rectipt of 'lx eon ts,.or two postage stamps. Also Dr. Cillverwell's ......tiarriera Glade. p ostage feTna. 'Addreu the Pabilabel - ,. - ..,. .. - . - . ~, ',' • cituag 1,17 EMU" Now Yerk:Poet-Oftleti twit Lola Atia*- PROPRIETORS A. B. BURNS. AMA'S NlCllut.B Ayer's Ayer's X3ris6is 13.21. C/ biataiztoca: .0 tine Sonics: "APPetisers,” testoreny” dtc,, - that knot the tippler oa to 'drunkenness and ruin, but are a true Medidne made Irons the native Mt, and h er CaliGamia,free fob: all Alcoholic Stimulants,. They_ are the Great Elood.Poriber lon and Life. •Prilmple, Perfect Renovator and Invi goratr of the-System, pitying off allpoironoue nutter, Ned restoring the:bleed to a ItiaMy condtion. enriching it. rer fleshing and r oa d o, both soled and body. , Ttyry are easy of-administration, p 0 ,p t in tireir action, ccrtain to their mules, safe' entlrellaWe to alifFens of dirase • No Person man Wm these Batters according to directi.s, and remain logg:nnwell, provided their bones ere ted destroyed by mineral poison mother mcans,iand the vital orgy wasted beyond the isnot of amain megabit or Istillgestiosi.' Ilemlache. tain in the boulders, Coughs. Tightness wfolie Chest, Die :inc., Soar Eruct:mom of the Stomach, BadTasta in the ISlouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of t hin Heart, inflammation of the, Pain la the regions of the Kidneys, and a hum dr.:lother painful smite.% are the 'prizes of :Dyspepsia. In the. complaints it has no equal, and one bottle will prone • better Irazi - Antte of its merits Oman lengthy advert Bement. For remote Somplatathe, in young or old, roanied ...ale, at the dawn of womanhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Batas display so decided as iridium. that &marked improvement is snort pereeptilde. For Dalleraelatory and Chrento.lthenuta- ILsre and Gout, Hyspe_psta or Indigestion, Bilious, Remit 'least and Istermittent imerclaiseases of she Blood. Liver, Kidneys and Illadder,these Bitten have been most saccessfid. Such Diseases are .used by Vitiated Blood, which is gen erally produced by deraaretnoe of the Digestive Organs. They ore nfeentle Parlytttive it well as la TOIIIe, possessing also the peenh. merit o of o acting as it u. sre ,r rf . ul .d amin r. feAvinr. co . iremor us lgammt , tiock of Shan Dlyeasea t Ewe - Slots, Tester, Salt-I:theism, Blotches, Spar, Pimples, Pustule', Boil; Carbuncles, Blim worms, Sald-Head, Se EYes, 'Erysipelas. Itch, S.rfs, Discelosations of the Skin, Ilium. and ci the Skin, of whatever tame or nature, are literally dug up and tarried out of the system Ins short time hy the 0. of these Bitter:. Otte bottle in such cases will convince tho mast incredulous of their curative areas Cleanse ;he rltlate flood whenever you find its impurities bursthiz through the skin io Prmplm, Fsup tions, crr Sons; cleanse It when you find it obstructed and sloggish in the sins; deans." it when it is foul; your feelings will tell you when Keep the blood pore and the health of the system will follow. Grateful thoteenzids proclaim VIKIEGAR BITTI6as the most wonderful Invigorant that ever smulnedthe sinking Mkt. lope, and other Worms, lorhing in the ay*. tern of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed sod removed. Saysadistingnished physiologist: There is lamely an individual mei the face of Cm earth whose body exempt (mm the presence of worms. It is not spun the healthy ele ments of the body that terms cgist, hot eye.. lb* dieoased humors and slimy deposits that breed them Bring monsters. tf disease. No system of hleiliCrir. no vermiluges, no au holminitio, Wall free the - eYsferit from worms lilt, these Bittcrs. Iteehdiaidat tHrealie.' Yerscois' Fora:c4 Pain,, and Minerals, such as Phial.", Type-setters, 4old-heste7, and Miners. as they advance in lire, will he subltt to lonely/as of the Lbrnrcla To guard against this take • dose of - Wails on 's VoorcArt Brr-roa on. or twice a week, as a Pre entive. BMW., gtomlttemt, urea laterstalttout Fe wen, which are so 'prevalent •irr the valleys of our great rivers dinatighout the United States, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, &teams, Red. Colorado. lira., Rio Grande, Pearl, Ala bama, Mobile. Savannah, Roanoke. James, and many others, with their vast tributaries. throughout our entire country during the Sommer end Autumn. and remarkably so du nng seasons of unumuf m eet and dryness, are invariably acoom panied by etr. waive derangements of the summit and liver, and odo r abdominal tit..., There are always moral less obstructions of the liver, a weakness and irritable state of the stomach, and great torpor of the bowels, being logged up with valved ummulations. In their trusts:mutt s a pur gative, meeting a powerful influence mein them various er• pm, is emeoually necesaary. There is no cathartic fie th e propose equal to De- J. Wsoom's VINIECAR ~mess, as they will speedily rem. the darknsolored visdd matter with arch the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restoring, the healthy functions of dm di-es., _tire organs. Oi EralllVl Evil, White Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations. Mercurial Affections, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skirt, me. In these, as in all other constitutional Dis. • Watt ax's OrrTISICS have shown their crest connive potrtrs in the most obstinate and intramable A Woman's Ailments. her Nervousness, and Ileadaelms, although they seem trifling to men. aro teal dia.:lent. For costiveness, dyspepsia, general' de blity. pains in the bark and loins, nervousity, and sick head ache., nolpinjti'M shin, and all troubles Mused "female - • e•a'a VIIMCIAR Or-re.., which aro purely vegetable, and may ten =my s mei in delicate, are a sovereign and speedy remedy. Dr. Walker's California Vinegar Dittoes act on all these MU" in a similar manner, Icy purifying the Blood they remove the- cause r and by resolving gear the effects of the infiamolatiim(the tubercular deposits) theafrected parts receive health, and a permanent men is effected . The properties of Da. WALZI4S6 Brrricsa are Apertent; Diaphoretic and Carminative s Nutritious, Lax atives D,urede, Sedative. comter-ltritanc. Sudorific, Aileron live, and Anti-Bilious. The 'Aperient and mild Lamar° properties of Den t Wrimesn's Vtneoax pr crans are dm best safe-maind in macs of eruptions and malignant ftvets, their balsamic, heat h's., and soothing properties protect tine humors of the Emma Their Sedative propewto allay pain in the nervous syttem, etormett, and bowe.s either from mfLutonation, wind, colic, cramps. etc. Their Counter-Irritant induct. extends throughout' the ardent. Their Diuretii properties act on the Kidneys, correcting and regulating dm flow of Mine. Their Anti-Piliem properties stimulate the liver, in the ac cretion of bide; and as, discharges through the balary duets; and are superios to all remedial agnate, for the mare of }ldiom Fever, Fora and Ark, etc Fortify the body against disease by purifying all its fluids with Vuticsa Porters. No epidemic can take bold of • system thus forearmed. 'The liver, the Moamar, the boor., the kidney!, and the nee. are rendered disc..- proof by this great rovigorant. The Eglemayaf D. Was-Natio Vtiretcac MIT.; - in Chronic Dyspepsia, Fevers, Nervous Disorders„Constiton tion, deficiency of vital. power:and all maladies allied, the. stomach. liver, bevels, pulmonary organs or oncenterayitec,, ItasbeCo expernmeed Lundredief thousands. awl hundred: of *mussed, more are asking fee the same edict Directions.—Tate of the Bittcle ea going to bed at Mehl Noma half to one cad oneibalf witte-glasafiill Ear' good gusurisbing Sand, Each as ber.fstrak, enutnm.citenc recl ean, moss beef, and vegetables, and take outdoor came.. They are coMpoucd of purely ',notable ins:Holiesta and no*. taia no ePitita I. WALKER, Pmer. R. IH IffeDONAI.O . CO, and Gee. Ara. S..Fewwileo. and corner of Waehinf tow .4 Cherie., §te.. New Bark.. ETIDLD By At.y. DR!.ICCIStS AND DiALT.R.S. Jnli ICC •16*- , z¢i • i - T bls Cat *mkt the mamalag tSle**" DR. DACE'S CATARRH RerdEICY. U It is the orzij fonder inane mint yet travelled srillt. which fluid medicine cm ba carnw blots vp and; perfectly applied to aittorM of affected nasal pas.: sages, wad the chambers or cavities communicating therewith, in which sores and ulcers frequently ezll4 and from which the catarrhal discharge getierally pro. ceeds. The want armlet's!' In treating Catarrh here. tororo hu arisen largely from the impossibility of applying remedies to these cavities and chambers by any of the ordinary methods. , .Thisobstacie In the way of effecting =meals entirely overcome by Cm feiventbsof the Douche. In totem thialestroment, sheernale Carded by Its own tonight) , go ntutritie. lota g partipbg being requinet) up ono nostril In a Ma nny dewing Croon to the highest, portion. f the sal pounce, passes into and thoroughly cleanses. II the tabu and chambers cannected therewith, and Con out OlRteeppeslia near% , lie lAA le Phatanterall so simple ltutt.a child can undentand IL, Alen and egpllette dilrectl on, accompany each' fustrament. When used with Ala Inetroment. Dr. atif 0 4 1 24 Y d, Remedy .. curds recent attacks- of , fw old ahe Iliend,” by a few application,. Symptoms of Catarr 'Frequent head. ache, disctutro galling into throa h: t, gennetimess pea., rue, 'watery, thick cancer, purolent,- offensive, &o. • In others a dl` i fl AISS; dlWlßalery, weaker IOtIAMC4 - ayes p or obstruction of easel psolger, ringing. in earaldulhese, hawkina..and coughing to. • elear:roreat, niceratlona, ado from ulcers, Voice i altered, need' - twang offenstro breath, Impaired of . total deprivation of ienee of smell and taste, Cut.. nos, Mental depression'. tau .or . appetite, indices. non, enlarged tonsils..adding tough; de, , .Only ft • few or than symptotat ire likely to be present la any case at one thee. • • Dr.seliesgava Vatarrh:Ztoittednirben used Whh Dr; PleroONe Hoard lkonchromd accent- l• panted with the eanatinstionat treatment which Is . recommended In the pardphlat tat wrspiteaen bet. - Us of the Remedy. is k perfect tractile for ail /mitt , ' .' tome disease, Intl the proprietor offers,ro good WM, , S 6OO 'FAITArd for acme he an not ewe. The. Dernedy-is mild and pleasant to age, tontalnlng no' thitegoe.Camtie. drum. or poisons..- The. Cabin* ,- Remedy t o said at,Ge.ccate, Douche at 09 cents, by ail Druggist% or either w ill be maned by I ,r , , Milkman receipt 'of CD cuts. 0 , ~. 'T..", IL. voes.r.ucr. 4 , AL 0..., -• , -, • • • . _ bolo proprietor, ~. DIIFF4.O. 14. T.. , . 101 l WORK, Erb., NEATLYPRINTED AT TLID TABISOCRAT OSTICE ft z !' l P WeVLI,4XO.II. IIISRE1)1 mu Tar Cordial, NATURE'S GREAT -"REISEDY YOR TILE Throat and Lungs. It is gratifying to us to inform the public the Dr. L. Q. C. Wlshort's Pine , Tree - Tar CcutlaL for Throat and Lung Diseases, has gained •au enviable reputation from the Atlantic to thiPa olc eons', and from thence to some of. the *it families of gurope, not tbreugh the press Ilene, but by persons actually benelitted and cured at his office. While lur pabllshestesslawisay ter reporters, he is unable to supply the,dcznand.— It gitins 'and holds its repidatlonL- First. Not by stopping ttiugh;butlAy loosen leg and assisting.nnture to , throw 68 the -un heitlaq matter about the thread. and bronchial tub 6; schzeA causes frrefaff9w , BecOnd. It removes the cans° of Irritation (which produces caegb)ot tbe mucus membrane and bronchial tuber, assists the lungs to act until throw off the unhealthy secretions, and purifies the blood. Third. It is free and opium, or which most throat and lung re, medics are composed. which allay cough only, and'disorgunizelba stomach. Ithas a.Soolbing . 6ffeot on the stouineh, acts on the liver and kid neys. and lymphathi and nervous regions, thus reaching toevery van of tlansystem.:and. In Its Invigorating and purifying effects it. bas galned a reputation which It must hqld above all others in the market. D•TCoTTC3E3. T=IEXII PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL Great Amerigait„ Dyspepsia Pills, • WORM SUGAR DROPS Being under my immediate direction, they shall not lose their curatiye qualities by the useot cheap and impure articles. HENRY R 1 WISHART, PROPRIETOR. FREE OF CHARGE. Dr. C. Wislntres Office Parlors are open on Nlondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from ti a. tn., to 5 p. m., for consultation by Dr. Win. T. 3lagce, With bins are associated. two 'con sulting physicians of acknowledged This opportunity is not offered by any other In stitution in this city. • ALL LETTERS KEST BE ADDRESSED TO L. Q. G. WI HART, D., ND 232 N. SECOND STREET ~~3~2~l~ab7Zal~av'T s Nor. 13. 18n—n . 0 9.ca2p $l,OOO R. EWA 11:11 . 1 A LLEVANTUR Is , compesed of Ammonia. ell'oroform; Spirits or Camphor:Tincture of "rtipelie VI,. of Juniper. and Alcohol. This compeeltd is In! socialied In the annals of medlcino O r the entq or leer roueor Sick headache-Nentalele,TrembliegorTailtett log or, the and all Nervous Meares. /t pdO CUM" forect all polton e, banish pimples, mute 'cep asp t I ons, it c hind, human, Ac., It CIVIAIiZeO the emulation, I ViaCra set the eye t em, increase, the action or the beast, At I t hon t exciting the eratn;intresileartbasn.Palplestles sod rid _tering of the; Wart, Brt=st Mievautor absolutely possesses more curalltepropertfet tbaq auy other preparation. Prireleiant, Chen:lsta end olliers'are'resteeted It, examine and teat the 'remedy multi itXlO will ho paittlf facinddlircrenil from represents Una. COUGHS. ..• Much basleeti laid miln si ten. anti marty,remedles -have Teen offered for the relief atid cure of throat rind hug diseases: but nothing has been so eminently womesatua or o'nsinc.d *rich wide celebrity, ea .13riggeiTtiroat and Lang Realer.' ^ " • ' COR NS.• lly 7 _:>it z a. th e e la u t n in cia l l in g ' Twinging d from Bunions, the plereingoilstresAting pitig &min grow ing Nails,cannot be acre:pied. Thunman • seise, nhl Diloo-Ing them to 4 curb. Briges' Cora and Beaten Remedies are no acid or potash asmpoundo, butane Te llable soothing, and erectnal,and Put merit the ancetem they have earned from an appreciative vablie. - The Curative Is ;a hraliag , olutment,D inassitalitto relicSla obtained by Its Oppttcation, and it will parltivoly• Mars the worst eases of Irmitered Corns, intiamsdandlilemate, tot Bunions, the. Joust instep. the largett and mei-crest Blisters. the Molt extensive siallealties math& toles' Dr heels of the feet, nnequallediu the cure of.ChLillakes or Frosted Feet. The Alievantor for ordfasue aP ,44 and pteventlng their formatkist is atiactlattly agsutlldbT anything, knows'. PILES e hav ecnu terrors-to every t o man= attestfor cure them has 'been baSlyd. By unceasing study and experimenting., Dr. Briggs has discovered and absolute core for luternaj,•bleeding. external, Rl:Witching piles. Brice' Plqe Remedies arc - mild. safe and more. Corns„BUnions,l3ad Nulls, Diseased Jointi hid ail diseases of the foot, also, Piles, Caucus and BerogWous humors, vk Illfallyeated .by pr. 4, Brir,go C0.,697, - Broadway, N. Sold ty.AßELTUMlELl4.lloutrose,rl6;uldnr lls4- & June 19 18. U. Gri'Oeortells. DOWN TOWN NEWS:. , • MINER. AND COATS, • slain Stroot,s doors bAlow. Bozd•e carper. kladto FLOUR, GROCERIES, AND • PRO VISIONS. Weare countaialy reu nd slow have nobs,' a trust, stock olpoods Ikuurtikvirhich We .1 1 bel CHEAP CHFAI,I I ..g/EP449,, < or coot, ,or * GOOD 'TEAS,. • - 'COPPED' *SUGAR . • • mOLASSES,,SIICES: PORK,. .F 1,5 11, LARD,. ErAirs, DRIED. FRUITS, CLOVER & TIMOTHY SEED, Weju .-eradtted and Made addltled e to oar Steck , Patis.aa dare new readv to forward Butter to the bp sointrdiisme houiee In &or York, tree of ebarge. *or makellPerstedvencemente op ooPeigoMeOlo, Call ands zamlneonr Stock Isefore porebsslig elea whereoindennviere,odrseleeit *fete GOOD - QUALITY 4b "LO•W PRICES - -Goods. •, . W. 8. COA 0 MINED DCW; l o7'lrrizAss " DS 0 "" • Th;l•l3.l.7d'f•-:dtlr,i,°4 - tivocrdapv•rviyhf,.! Jr., a ‘ . oe ti o t p l ifTw o Tt ri i :l C . eVre, are now prepared to num ost Intit,le_vtPiety ul D O'D S I _ ! .Roo,Tj•if SHOES t f-' f - " •-• "i - •:‘ is ItARDWARE ! ! .CROCKERY!' As 6sis Prins. • i•• Lowtlllo Contott Ps, ApeU SOM.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers