Xcith s l,-;,.:/ittOlicnci; ittitizotrs'isivacEs'. - , . L __ -.._.--. - - - BAPTlSTClluitt.mi..s • ' Der: 1.11. ratn,riztor, babbsth Services ' - - lON a.m. and? p.m.. •mbbath Schaal. - l2 m. Prayer .11cetbe4 WcdneadayEvtrilsgs , - IN evrtiOtdc "etimacli • - . ' Rai. J. sarrtirr Sabbath &Trines,— 'Second Sunday. In each Slonth Sabbath School • Immediately before Mies . trTsctri , Clitlittl...ltsr.E.: A. WaSmacint.liciinr. w e . . Sab ems 10N a. tn. sad IN T i m. San 'dm! - m. Week.lay ..Servlcca—Wcanesdays 71: P,lrls • • . • ' ' - . . ,'' .. 1101110DISt EPISCQrAk:.;;Xiii. - A, twActxmopt. -Sabbath Sczireo 10.43. a. in. and 7.20 p. an: - .fiaatelth Pence). ...., „ , 41. m: rryser Mactimt:Thli'vaaya. i' - :"" I 30p:M. . , , :pt&irrr.iii.4..i.OVAcal..—_ , " Itiiii. A: irtii.iße, Sabha „.. hServkve,...... .... „10.4.1a„na.rwil IN pi4m., fabhmb Sehpotr, -..- ' - : 1 4 13611. tn. pryer Uceting, , / banally Evenings . - - - 31 r, p. 22. Illiglic!!‘ MilleOp. 6111}Atnlio!{" to' tbolfolintsitg Vertisemnts; •13 - 3_, N9t:tcft est?.4S or. Davl4.l r .AsY s . Auditor. . • —lllshich iierti .—Licerpockl;t:ortdprkiptl:WlßA anti Pcnn4 ry , tiOzl Fire lu§lraizt:e company_ §trgyd# Itro*n;qgents: 4etittstty In Jaelesett--.1.4, Italaton. . • - Mextcatt **tang TATO - mtg. re; :31. 4s'exiAilforil. . . to's:Aga - L-0:4: —I). Wilmaii,h,ftepliettow, issutiSlaritatinns far a dancing- porr.t.'; . !os. "" invitations fur ti titiP ot Ilegres Hall, Brooklyn; Feb. 2'l' Vitt2tOitii flts. ," —All should remember the Torii Meetings, - )shielt take place nest Friday, February - P:l(h., The buzarne Legal fleghlre, is the 'title Of a nev.,law,...pabliption, in, pamphlet Which `tilatle its appearance in, Wilkesilittre, under the editotillip of-George B. Kelp.`- . —Michael Vonacusienfluh, when) we mention ed' liz:4t - aleek as haring been sentenced to :the Easteh ren hen tiary, one year end nine months, for stealing a brasa i kettle, has since died in prison. • . —The nest regular meeting of the members of the Mcmtrose Reading Room and Lilt Association, will be held at the Redding Napa. on Thursday, February 15, at 3 p. ra. • A general :attendance of titesultseribers to the fund, is pcs. lieited, as business of importangc will come hes f ,fore.the.meetiug.: C. C. 114.m17;1 . 1',Os10,0 $ Secc . retaij.„ *! i i . ..• —Atllw:tpaarierly inecting of the Anti-Secret Seciety,Association oCNorth Eastern,. Ifennsyl-. aarnia, Letitia - I the Court House, Montmse, on IVednmley and Thursday evenings, February 7 and 8, the follairing resolutions were .disens,...„.s . adopted and ordered lobe publishei: 1tt,02 red, The: Free Masonry is a Religion, and Its ; and, judging them from the Christian stand point, they are, .both alike, founded ariaLlostered Ia dangerous:eivurs. Res•s'red, That we hold ourselves ready to niece the fraternity in a fair and honorable dis cussion of the Sentiments of the above rtsolre tictu, at the in—esent, or any suliable future lime, Which taa3•••he agreed npon.• . • Our knowledge or this "Religion" is that whatever may be its doctrines, it is ditfer .ent from scatue.!" Seets,".in that it never attempts • to proselyte: So• as our knowledge extends ,no atm Was ever asked to herniate a member, 'but eacli oete dorn so of "LisUivn free' will and nelsatA" otherwise he is not admitted:: *4 it is asserted to. hia- a "Religion" nod' its , lodges chaired/ es," under the - princlidei of religions - toff:rance.„..,these who wage an intqlerent war niusA.-. be. "seetaian‘.-bigots.".. If jute wrong,- that God, whaalonit lies the,•prov ince to judge of the conscieneesol Inen,is corium tent tai pais sentencenpon • —HonalYin..3l:Ely, of Bilighinttritiilatn Re elcei; friam that.district, died last week, after a somewhat protracted ill ness. Mr. Ely ha's 'served three terms in the Legislature and was elected for the fourth. —The negro murderer, Lewis a7unior, a call far whose arrest we published last wrnf,was over taken arS'eranton, and' , . arrested by Deputy Shetili JOlin Dwyer, or OntaritCrnunty, N. Y., and lodged In jail in Conan(lngua, on Wed ,nt*lny ,or lint- week.-- He had been staying-in Aforitnne Tome Acro ti?Carths with O white fetuale ahem 1G OrleffeSri pf age,'lrkituocc clings to laru ecer.'in his adversity and followed him to C.anandamin,mt even asked to ho imprisoned with JAM whick*as denied her.. He Mnicused by his lieingantanaudam,of tendering .a white girl 41tose!body was found in the canal, and that he gavelter (his 'wife) poison Ware be left supposing itattitilled her, so 'that she could not csiu3su itiMibut by medical aid -she rtteercrnd. It to sid that he has been guilty of other. murd=s also. kiay justice be administered. ' _ alio 4 . 4 TO Tea' , • - • ...-^Ourreaderti will ietneniber that a abort flake sinenwe'expissed wh n at tine believ;d a of. a "eancercras confidence man," wholittempt cd,p,impor upon.w,and our Patronsi,by 'asking ;la to Piiliftsbiliow'lle - cured a cancer on- his nose witli Wild tea." 'attend:lA pubrOing, his advertisement, ire denouncedhim as a swindler, and as a proof of the correctness of our conject ,lro„.W°,6ll,,e the frOM the Grpsville whiel4nitiongiCiarg,ennuilier was decoyed Into publishingthe" card" to as sist him in his nefarious business: . "In December we me. eived mad publislied, as "did many other locatjournals inthis section of the State, an' article headed.the "Great Cancer Cure," purporting to be a beneficial article and the object having branded on thaface of An be nevolent look. .styes the, agency through which said article represented Many to have been cured, and we were assured thatlhis • tea grOws in most of the - States and is well known.' A. certain - health calker. named . Wil liams, of Alegh:any, affixedhis name to the com munication us a guarantee. of. good faith.. A friend wrotelo:WilliaraS concerning this' Wild Tea,' and we.s in darn referred to party named Smith who was la . the Wild-Tea - Ursine:kr road was apparently tha r eareSpanding secretary of ii i]liatna, n 3 hd slated that it bettanialtitt duty answer thousandsof letters for the .said . awl tecommended that oar friend should remit hint ten dollars, for which paltry 'consideration Id would send him a quart of 'boiled down'-wild tea.. .Me-sent stdrcrtisingto. , Stratit, but he has ignored. it. our.eschanl;T:glye *them the benefit or a free notice ?"' We, do, not prude Mr. Williams but (hoes tractSwe hale Printed lead one to suppose that he has allowalthe use of his name,- innocently: teirlaips, fbrn disreputable purpose. .If he:. has tmythingto say let him speak out. , Ten dollars a quart is ratiteraltigh price for"*Wild Tea."' ifoeur Plltrord Items; - • _ —The indent heayy all of snowsando _ _ .; 7-74.ritlias.bnen•ormaidtTalde nieltirsa Ifte ,thisreinter; 'A itunibe s i qt macs of -- s.q.rit.i" fens ;:tire,reperted, three of proved , fatal. • 7-I)onatiqiii andlectuteitniedito'inost` takka ~.Plyal?lents at, present. *-: - -:--The friends of Rev . .. 14. Thcnitim sin in .donatien and oisteiinizier;nt , Tlitirsday eYeningTebruary ^1.5. A general incitation i extended.- - - :4:Ther Okada of the Ver:Ain .l3tvb_l~` paid Jiinxst donation yisit at the lipase of a hauxxy 2.511;tn theninotint tit -el'ho Del% - A. D. Barbrx is gisiiit a . geri,.4* of. le:lutes Zinelpetes, et the Presblieiittie-cliarch: TLa lourth lecture, by the Rev./ 6'lll9lsP ,sore was 'elivered before oppreCiatire wadi; . _ Pee, last evsnliig, nt Selleet— will it pay! . Theproeceds of these, lectures Is apprepriated,towanl.the payruent`Of neer. or. gan,, purchased by the soelety of Which...llr: TbnotPSOn is pastor', Through theefforts of the Mite -Society, . (now dlicentinuedd ant )Ir, Thompson'e diaintetested labors,:the organ debt is growing ligauitililty, leas.:' —The: eholr, Under the leadership of 31r. G. B. Tcrcrilliger, showi.a marked hnprorement. IL pluipmanreeentlfsold his farm to p. Mr. Shelp for Mr. Chapman intends to spend in year:in.:visiting/ and 'travel:before pernmitetitly r, I=T o,bo3rding tiOnse,;beartlic sterrampierri, oceupleil by any.nglish faintly who hare recent , . lyntoreti there, Was tile' scene of a stabbing sr. fmy a few nights since.. Weltave riot learned all the particulars, hutit la said that the ins bind; in att of josiortay,jiablied his wife with a lbutclieflsolfei and left - 6r Fula unknocin.— Thi Wetila.4ls.c Onsitlero dangerous. • • - seems toile great need of dwelling lionscs in .Naw Milford. Many,,of the houses 04'0'Ifaty 9,^olp,tlA tky'ttici tantilies..and n'trly erery...tenable pinsi:over hro't into requisition for a ~bevelling._. • • ;.i.'horse,kelone.„lagio ,i:l::Sweet, Seral ton,- was stolen the night of Jamie*" 17, tionk the ita , ldes; adjoining ,chnrcb's lintel. The thief went as Der rießitietori;,whOie he hied to sell the' horse, bnteras snspectediand tOnAer.iiik the handbills, with dcscrintlienOt the lterie.and: the °Set Otit.; Ivied ; telegraphed to Mr: Sweet who came and idenlifled: the jtorie . nyfieeetved hrs The thief; whole an old oflim*r, is now lodged In Willies-B*OPM _ B. Roadily.Report or the Ronlriise Graded School. . . • • Runt Scnoo4—A.. Reattui, rurx6itit., No. of Piiilll.s; • 22 Acgregato 21.ttemilc2131 No. of NO:Ort Roll Ironer, 10 stte.. irttoort--31tas JCLlll.llicr..nn, Teacher. No: otrPur.,4:. ¢ Og't 'Attendance,' 84 No: Classes, 11 No. do Roll Honor,' 23 Gn..1113.tt0. scnop! i -'sl"rs.% MART' Silent% Teach'r No. ofl'opilo, 03 .i.gg't Attcnilance,' , No. of [hasp ; 1• 12 NO. on, Roll Honor, 10 M . • A. , TON., • ea CJl's No. elf. Pupils, • 47-Average itteod'ace, 43 No. of Classes, 115 . • Prawarr-,-31o5.ELLA C.marr... , ;TEn, Teacher. No:of Pupils, - , -52 A.verage Attendance, 43 No. elaiseN, - • 10'No. On Roll flonor, 20 It is with phiasure that we calf- ; attention to the above report: lt exhibits a..very creditable fact—the-full and regular attendance of the chit-- drcri of. the-boro, st -school— The .average at. tend:ince of the whole school is over It) per ct., which compares favorably with•any school of similai'gradein the 'State. The iitivaneement of-every ,tlepalment h a s. been such as to Merit speciahreOgidtion: The teachers do their work thorod,..dilyAnd faithfully. . . We have but one regret, that is the small number of visitors. Parents should more fre quently Le found in the school room, encourag ing both teachers andscholara. We evtend a cordial to'visit the different de partments. A. IL Bunt.m,.PrineipaL -cos. The New Preacher. Long months ago, one April day Our bonomd Pastor Went okay WWI tearful eyes Ire SfiNT him go, But then he couldn't stay yon know ; ' Mithout the tilieTewit h. . . . „ ' .•;,.-: , ; ' r 4, ... , , • ~,; ... Tiniiitr: th 6 Zirt4enliciginibini " Men of no nnmoi Worth have been Among; na, to point ant the way- That leads unto the perleet day, Who didn't snit. . Ttb :Ina never pays The •ItnneNninest of salnrim, Although to one whtr.r.e merit mnks Second to none, we tender thanks If nothing more. To ,Onnmeeds demand what has been found At last: A holy Mart, in dnetrine sound His diction faultim.,, and physique Most charming—to hear hint speak .. Ls to be edified. Yet now and then "sme word }oat .lips Qoim gently from censorious lips, , Rears: bi 4 prea,hing ails to show That he wasn't made a whit below H - . The angels. . . ... ... _ _ Nor &trifled to scourge, the man, They bring his house beneath their ban, And say, "we never in all our life Saw Buell guy fixings on the wile • Of a preacher." .Wrsrhfhlions'.niantiontretwify:-.; The tlogitta.of depravity, And furnish to,their ancestor A sermon of • StlCit character To the hungry dock. , , .. - A few eccentric souls appmir Who gather round with words of cheer, And stay the prophet's heavy hands While,Lsrael.Atnalek.witkstands In I plaindmloW. Thristlaris; of every - moue and blood, Ye are a common brotherhood, ,- , And by the words of those wild seek As oracles of God to speak Arc ye made strong. 'Without the church enough are found CCASUTA diSCMICIIIPItge ! to sound, 'fence let futrire dliinhonee o — trliglitious !fps:4lo iitternriet 4g,sinst the preacher. - . - Joeeruts Toni. Great Bend; Feb. a, 1872,. Sosqochatina Co. Ag, Soc. 'Ai tile regular 'heeling Of this .. - Sheiely, held Janary 0, 1872, the following persons were elcct cd es officers for the ensuing year: Pmident. James E. Carraalk Fag. ;.Viee-rrceidents, IL C. Conklin and Abner Griffis; Reconlin ,, Secrete.- rY, - 11Ani C.' Tyler; Corresponding ~ . oesetary, .1. E. Lyons; Tratsurer,-C, IL (?ere; and Exec : uthiGommitteeman, Allen Sheldon, who was el , q - 4 , 4.105crt - niltree yeast.. U. IL .11arringtou. and panto r t completo 14,t ciommip eq. Att adjoarned meellnrjyas held on' Iron day Feb.l2lli, 1872, trter:rive plani and decide' in relatlon to suitable and permanent hnildings, to be en*ted upon the Society's gror44 riscaty C. Tst.?.n, Secretary: A POlttibitory Party. ' % - Proceeding ;.of the Prohibition Convention held iultle .OA Templars':nail, la New ford bore., Jaimart• 2ttf. Pursuant to 'the -call, friends a Prohibition ,frota'rarions.parts of' the eminty,met,' and organized by electing!William Emery, of Susquehanna Depot, Chairman, end "QM Mackey, of New 31ilford; Seezetary, . The Convention. adopted he following resolution: - Regard, That We'licrw - proceed to organize a prohibitory party in Susqucharmapounty, and that a - Q.lAm' Committee be apiminted, consist ing ttei•en Parrohs,- •!!!!' !The fallowing Maned , petiOns - Were eaten said committee;-. Wiai:EmerY,Of Susquehanna- Depot; .G.! W., Mackey; of New 'Milford, A. 13. Tucker, of garter& A. D. earse,-of.Jackson,! A. Churchill, at T enosriUe S:l3, !chase,. of Great Bead; andEicharilMartin; of Lancaboro... - By net of. tCeeerfienlion the !Central' Com- - mitten were*Mpowered-to appoint sub-commit ika3;lo..c.O.rk.consrention at any time or,place, ! and .to Orange a plailfor the election! of Old- Otts.' , Theennventiotkelected Hon; §. B.Vitise of Gre:stllend,a delegate to attend the Nation al Convention to be held at Columbus, t:thio.— A. ChurehillS. 11.-ChaAP and George W. Mack.' Verc'appointed a Committee la - prepare a Prohibitory Law for Susquehanna county, - to ! .be presented to the Legislature. • I.•• , • • The SterStary_srasinstrUcted to tend the pro ! tme4ings , pf this :conventionto the county pa- Kystone teadTemplar7 and ."Tedtpert ortee.-Vindicator,".; for publi&Aloir. after which 'llitfcOention tidjouzierL E - 0.- NV. atierzi Wistuntrizi-Nsu—la Gibson. January. '2B, by Georr Ftirsyth, loYa.shburn, and'Fllle Nye, both or Jarksoir.f, . - Hunves:4llaLtr--lii Gibson, Tan. 13, by Aav: R. GiLamb, Hubbard 11. Barnes :an -31Iss 'Relent: Hall, both of Jacksbn. . Kranndut---Cultrts*At theirresbyteriart Par. ' sonage,ltloutrose, February 10, byjle*. J . . O. 311lIer; liishpau7l) , and 11. Cur tis; both of Hope, Warren county, N. Y. TAYLOR--,An.qm-D-1n Pike, Bradford county, Pa., at the house of James Boatyard), on Sat urday, February 10tb, 1872; by Bet. Gilbert; Wrn: Taylor, of 'Montrose, and. Misi .. .lunde Arnold of Bush' Pa. ' - • , Great, Bentl;;January 21, IS7d, by Letnc lteckhowe. Esq., James lkenner. and Miss Jeanie M. Wilmot, both of Great Bend born. HAn - Ltii--llA,,nrono--in South Bridgewater, January 28, 1872, by Hey. E. A, %Varriuer, Edward Hawley and Miss Eamon Itaribrd. Ilartronn-11.twr.ty—South Brigewater, Jantt. ary2B, 1872, by It or. B. A. Wnrriuer, , Samuel Harftird and ' iss trances Hatyley. • ',' South Bridgewiffer, - January 23,1873, by Rey: Warrltier; James • Fox • nntl , Miss Ella White. • • , 3Z1333.49. 4 1 1 2MC, Smarts—At-the residence <A' her parents, ih 041040, Susquellanna county, ,ra., Treeein . ter 181 1873, Angelia, youngest daughter of ~M organ and Esther Bhutts, aged 20 years 8 month 'pnd 27 days. The 'subject of this notice has never made public prOtession of „religion, but her walk, her deportment, and toyersalion during her short stay with us was sockets no professor of religion need be ashamed or She had a strong' mind and great. deciiden and firmness, her words were always:to the purpose, and fitly spoken ; at the age of - dli :she, commenced tcoching Khoo). and gave universal satisfaction. She wasbeloved by both children and parents, while her maxi order and goiverumenlin teaching ?..plined for her the applanselaitd goodwill of alltn the &al or her acquaintance. Her health wasdelicate,and about two }mars ago began to,declinc, but her labors were Continua until InlylaSt, when she ails missek her school for 'vocation, but could not resume it again ; from that time she fell ssleep,l the best Of, cars, from' the familY and neighbOri, and medical aid wits - beitomcd„.but tier vain and sufferings weregreat ,st ill she did nut murnmr„smanifestino , ' lunch patience thoughoout her emit° sickness. She (MI not want us to mourn ck shed tears out her :meow, but would say, "never mind, I (sill be better in a figy days The de of my heart to the Fatidl of all mereleS, 'for a lung time, had been that she . might ; he restored to health, if consistent with Ills wt I,lnot when - I saw-that lie had otherwise 'deemed, t said "Lord what.more Din I de," an answer- Came: `: be still, and, hdow., that I am God!" I could only submirto Hit, will. She hislert t'old in our house which can never be filled, bolt we believe she fillot.a place prepared for her in that house that has many mansions, where .Me hope to seeller again.: Oh, glorious hope ! ';tbrobgh the merits of, our Lord! Site has left tier parents, three sisters add one broth. er and a: large circle el relatives and. friends to mournithe loss, yet believing our hmslo be her eternal goup. A funeral discourse was preached 'by 110.1". 'Brook 3; hi Susquehanna Depot , - Math. 2-1;42. ennui —4n Grahamsville. Sullivan county, N. Y.,ftli of January, t 872, Stephen Curry, aged oat D'ENDronti AND 0:':E "YEAttS and nearly seven mantles. . was, bora in TarrytoFii, lbtli nr ;tune. 1710, of Scotch ilesun't on . t side, and English on ioOtlier's. tie niarriel AnniaiVilile, by whom be hail Lillie citadrei;; a!1 of whoni reached inaittrlty. de3Ap, SuAluelumna cmwdr, • on tkr2o.lii ult., at the rcidenee or horlroth er, H. B. Downer, After years of suffering, Mrs. Mary :41. Olmsted, aged yeara. BUSINESS LOCALS. A Form for fink! or Rent. Onci bundrrd acres of land, Iwo and a 1a!1 ntilea 'west of Suiumcn•ille, in Franklin toWn t ship. Good buildings, well watered antrleneed. "Will be Old or rented on liberal terms. G. 31. 11 t1,71.E.Y. N4:11 - 311111ird.,_ Feb. .1.4.:72-,1"-if. Notlee, 11.nylngneconnt..-i Will plea:4c rail and settle soon, bynotr or otherwi...e. Any persona har ing butti..r puilw,iviii oblige by returning, .soon. 0. M. .1.1.6 . 1..tY. 3lilfor.l, Feb. 14, 72-7-11. See What a Dollar WIN flay. The "'Novelty Dollar Store," just opened at Mortars , Clothing Store, Post lialtdiag, llon treseßa., inf)ro can 13C bought fur ono dollir than in any other pl.tec. Come one, come all, and n..,iandno the goada.. .r: Dr. Clark.' Dr.Ziark will beat the Tarbell Bottle, Mont trogl,lrttesday and Wed:lmlay, Feb. 13 and 11 1371 • a CLAIM: Felt, 7, 18711.—noG-1E Dentistry. .1. Wheattin;of Binghamton, N. Y., will lie at Dr. W. W. Wheaton's, Jackson Cor. nets, On Friday the 16th instant, fur the purpose of counselling and attending. to the wants of the toothless. As Dr. E. 'I% Wheaton has retir ed fromithe profession, tor-the• present, the- pa tronage.Of his friend.S'nnd citizens.l.tenernlly is rtspeetfilliy" solicited. Stay, necessarily short. Feiin4ry 14, 1872.-7-It. , W. 'Tealr Notice. • . On `ale first of.fannarr,ll3;2, we resiAmeil our agency of the Queen's insurance Company, of Lotidealand Liverpool; fur the reason that they reunifieb us in tature to report our-business to nn agency at !Wilkes-Barre: Our agency! is Sri ,dependent. of,etker agencies, and we refuse to reprerinet any company that will not allowns to report-lei the home office, with the exception of the State A : gel - Inv, at liar by i Wm. Buehler, I:sq., for whom we have a very 1 high regard. Policies, as they expire in the Queen:N will, be replaced by us in other first class cOmpafiles. We ;have recently taken the agency Cfdlie Liverpool, London and Globe, baring a icapital of $20,000,000. And also, a very oltl and reliable Company, known as the Pennsylvania Fire Insurance, cquipany. - Capi tal andassetts *1,12-1,396,17: . STrionn Ilnewx, Agents. ;3lon.trase Feb.:l4, t Moat' Vonecesotey the Anguish many persons: tindorg,o from rheumatism, gout, nun ralgia,litotbache and earache. - We say tin fleets sark bitanse the application of 31usloalt 31mi. 'TANG 7.41.1C111M1T to the Afrintell part, or a: few drop:, Of . it in the, dna nr loath, affords lastan tanton;. and what is'hetter. permanent relief For cuts, wonuthylnallei, swellings, and uii hi knits irn: dli t tses Art:lett retfuirn treatment ex ternaliyi this liniment is everywhere regarded as the- most potent and reliable healing, agent in existence. For allexternal injuries or ailments of,l less and cattle, it Is intalitita..- . • Rej4ie . 6l. is th 4 .Ic6farril., , -A new work! An awakening investigation!! A •thtilling theme of frtiltful thought for living men. line crest edttiore excitement than the -IVnuderin9 Jew." iEtninently adapted to the times. It un ravels the Botuish systun front Its origin to the present; exposes itstrasldes's pretenccs,its int lUD, its oppo itinna to ourpubllc schools, and rel gions and civil liberties, its finale, &e. This "York. is an elegant octnvo voluble, con taining:Via pages, 109 first-class engnivinp.--, Bound in sheep, price $7, In cloth $5.. Soot by Snell on,ye(lvipt of price. Address cash orders to .1L B. LE Wlli,;Agent. for 1.7-. -, Febreitty • Abinedon Va. )Farms and Timbvp Land for ,alc. Abocit-$0 froliX l'iPaPta;on the Wyn.luEing' -Crock I lead pied sized, well-6nished , bause and woodhouse,. tiro good barns, sheds, &artery, orchard, well fenced with stone, and never-fai/ing water, for $33 per acre. Also, a *acre place In West. Bridgewater, late eiwnedby J. Sauter; liaeziew barn - trait, and water, for e-tripm• acre. A 150,14.5 acres-of Timber land in - gatmonTtenrnsidP, bairn Inge from Harmony 'Centr&Depol, ,on Jefferson Ealltoad. WM be sold &cap by *: likintticrse, Feb. 6, 1671 6:3w .. . ~ . . Alottie and lot In Biooklyn-Centrr:, _ -- -: . .V.lnqtrltvot Mrs: C. Tinny, E., tr7n . till ,t iolis . Dc r . C, ' pot, or. C°. Gem ; Morittem --' l -1 , -,"' • -•-• I. inn, Vi, /87?.... ii-tf. - .. 'il: Made. rigEW AND DO . .. StRAII,Lr,III.IfiICi just Issued, by 11W . Na:Sl.O ;Publisher, Itochtter, N. -• Silom:rtz or! itterrdats, Si AzultßA 7 -135t flip pOniai• composer, Mr. Jr: ;I.l..thad*lck. is re. markably- brilliant and takthgoif:thediumtlinl catty, and sure to please. Needs only to be tried to LO appreciated:, - ; • llKAvrany Ditekszs—Poetrri and Music by Mr. J. IL-Swett:: This is--certainly one of the best Songs we igicoltmed in along titne, it can= not fail of becoming, popular everywhere. The .above Veces may , he obtained of any Music' 'or - Newi • Denter, ar of .the Publisher, PoSin'AT, fir% Cor ets. tsteW-. 4 Send forr-n copy. . . 4.:llover ,tind TlmOtlik for.. S. alO l - - . ihe - subsUikbur At 11..1. More, 3ton trosu, I,Coll'andsee nty new Isrfety. ot. "Al siku " clova seed. , r .. C. M . /. ATifitOr. ttn.4o, dan '3 187'' --Bw. -.....--.. , -, -- - r . - - - - ",,;_ :..?,-.l),iiht:-.ll,otierge • A.OHICAOO -, PHYSIOIAIt 4clicpb' 9, lane, of t; : lAtette 'St.; ettle!igNii!ritos '111.23 CAljoSin.to 'ere sues of lotniimatipn of tho ~. . . liddits.that,had. helm treated.by °four redid. ; cml• qntphYyletans : ' leiw from symptoms that if your tant.trea I.lnrot Drrrces what It ma represented to bolt Irodid he'theheit.thlngleonld prescribe: rif did so, andAytth theineii gratifying' results. ',.tboyatlent had berm confined tblei rtainn ror.tomi tinkchet after - a few dayanyc of the P ' laeis, sioi ma able tO:tio abort and Is now_4ednyher 01Yn housework , . think veryldghly of ynyr yireintint Ott 11;al leicrukto nit 16 conitaidly to my . . SINKING. SLOWLY, Disciacith'at progress rapidly toa eriehi ore not the onii - dnes kola ilrinded. Clinker tar dry rot, does not Waste tree as soddenly ma n stroke off ightning, hot un less omitted it dmdroysit an certainly; and in like man. net chronic debility, although it does not kill with the siriftneso of yellow Pier, is iter tort to asp the spring), of lire eventually as any acute diseaic, inset Checked by Invigorating medication. There sonseddrig inexprcs. Ably touching iu the spectacle of prematnro deca. Languor, pallor, emaciation,llspreaslop of spirits, arll dirtatta for exerthet, are hit' ohlinary'rqmpiont,, and thershfinfilillie proindly.ackbiatinit; ticatthcot: Toe best inylzurant and eihilerant that can be administered in a 6sO of tide kind llontetlek'S .54;miCh Bitters. - The'etiinnlatin^ n trrineiplc' oY eelslireparahtm rottacs the dormant cnerpcs of the system, and the alrengthening proprires giVe n perfiihnentand 'health ful impute to the vital (mere that , brought into play. The falling appetite le re-acrakened, the proses of di gestion awl asofmilatiott artl , lllllekt ncd, lire quality of the blood to Improved, the eceretiand become morenatar ni, and every regain that coot.itionni to the nourishment of latent/ay ttlidar,,,ter raltrlaryCliattga, ,Ity-these means the 'repair of *II physical rtrlletiarit It-effedrd" and its tiettldtatididrirrfieiterist. In no , elms of diseases has We beneficent operation of the filtters been more mark ed atid et than-to those ,chavacterlzeil_lergineral debilitynalinervilasprostretlo. laidiowatrectial with theseallments lied to this most whine:Tamer, all tonics Rod correctives the'eafcat. and earest mentiesof It in errant; to restore - Ana lotweetces to injure. ouch It, the nuiform teititootty of • cloude of - Vitt:iv ea." TO` C3NSITLI?TIVES adrerilsiT, having . been ficfnanienfty cored of hat dread diSetsci,.Vattantoption. by a simple rminaly, It anxious to ,make knotch .fellow sufferers the means of amie. To nil who diwire ft, he will send a copy of the pr0w...1,1,0mi wed, (free of charm,) with the direc tions for preparing nod toting the tams. which thvy find a sum: Cone for CoxaVarrtus, Arra ,A.; ftranicin- T 13,, r,, - • .- he pre....ertptlou 6 , 1110,6.16 Address Rnv. EDWARD A. WILSON, ' 161 S :nth Third Slxtet, WlllUmdhargh. N. Y. 4547 • SEE, c3urE3sioN3 OF AS INVALID. 130:in.1iur.D. an a 'warning and for the beneat of 1:13/1111 Ii:CI and eV:Am, who suttee from Nervous 5c., supplying 7112 311:LIN8 OP staYeritz. Written lty one uao.eared hln<elf• and - sent teen on reeeliiir„,el poet-paid directed envelop.. Id,nrs. NATHAN .1121TF.11125, Do klyn,N. Y. Druoklyti, May, 167 I. fut dl rGetting Ntarrlea..—Efs3ys for youn;Men.on ilia delights of home. smi the . prim p ety or imhroprlcty of getting, • married. with sanitary help for those who feel unfitted /or matrituryolil haplpines Scot free. is sealed envelopes' Address, 110WdlID ii33OCIATIUN - Ilog rhilailojeda, a. • OD ICC E; P.11.9.114 - itTS. Corrected weekly by llording,.l.lnytten St Co., 1;V; Wasktio.clou lork. Butler, m il 211‘&28 firkin Cheese, L l 3 ll 7,l•E'r lb 11it• 16 .. I'm:A.4)l*y " , Flour, perimrrel. . • - Com me 0,1(10 lbs 9 ?5c 100 1.5.1(i!i 1 - 56 WlieUt, per lurthel 115e.1.17 Rye ' • • 5. 4 %.54 Oats • 7.4076 • 11'60, 'crop at 1371 Pa " Lard pur IL Potatoes per b5l. r ; ..... . ....... 1 :10a2 (H) Apples " ..... Vle.s 00 -Turkeys-per 15 • 14(t10 Chiekeusl-1015 'Gee-se " . 11@t12 15d15 2,k4tx, D/10:4 Grouse per pair Rabbits '• . GOLD JEWELRY—A Fula Assort ment,,_and other varieties of Jewelry. A few Gold and Silver Cased Watches and Watch Chains. litivei and Siitieff.d.rfodapnotii,:rnslea, tad a gen eral assortment of 'Fancy Good., Notions, Perfumery, Sc. Drum , and Medicines, a Loge stock. Montrose, Pa., Dee. ABEL TLItRELL. In, _great_ van e ty ‘A`and,ihnaj'inliboinalitive. Dried r6che t ;the beet in tuarket. A alciqo dile of Molaeran, Saga; Cof fee ; and a felt aeeurtinctst of Apiece. kr. Montrose, Dee. "ADEL TITRILELL. .4.3133E1X.ik !Tra"MILitIESI.aX.a,, DRUGGIST, 21 - OSTEOSi 111.2. le soitionally reellrlut k 111,0ilwAvAlleTillamOCIPTA A stilkeer conetanllr on ba.od.a lull and de ,ir=bl /I.so rtmeut of gcouiun DIZUGS, 2IEDICINES, CTIEMICALS. LIGLI;ORS Paints, Olte,Dllr.Stuffa Tess,Spiceli, and oilier 6rol series, Stoma - Ware, Waliand V. tudow l'aper, Oioer ware, Fran Jars. Mirrors, Lamps, Chimneys, hero AirickiaCcy O il . Ttuilicrs' Vti, Neateloor Oil, RS tined Whole 0/I,Sperm Oil, tiliot 011, Spirits Turpen tine,Varn tikes, Usti:ll.7l.mA. Winegar ,Putark, Concert lrateillam.txte tireasCaraisee.,-Sultpurters,lictlicts- Instrummits.illturilder Bracer, Whips, Gone ; Pistols, Cartridgcsi,l'owiler, Shot, Lead, Vim caps, lilastinii Prowdcsartil Pore, !Mt Stri ors. Bows. ete..-Fla. r, etc.,Frr fra okr a , ,a LI u et, BA rant: To list Soup,. Hate Oar., /irtimktestorcre. And Hair lips. _Brasher% Pocket K Spect acler,Si Ire r Plaletlpproot r,Portk , , Knives. C.c. Dmilirt.tyticlos, a gent-rat orrostatter.t of FANCY GOOWS, J.::::VELRT; Ind ez All Iliuleaclirr, iad be t o.2ds - 2,I7EST to abort, nearly ',every - - Mug to - -restorr thO.alek, to, please tbo Lasts, ttideilOttlia aye, to gtatify tee rape). nod al.° to eoibiltee.totha real and sabantallatromtorto Eonmrstiou Is Iropraelleable. lilt would ttl a newspaper. Colt at thy 1./ragout Variety , blare of , : ADEL, Turqtra.p. Moutroze,J4u.s,;,§77„, , ' AT: VITUr DANCE CURED nymzo. A. A..T.":YWR.—WAIU cum:. klidcrAn fyc cunnltcd at tier re,,idimeo ic iffidgewc. tcr. en tAe fsrut adjuiulog El C,ltcr! t l Jobnron; - tfast cf fcf:fcricbc,c,lvcri. - • dt 1.1.T.A.11A.p. SArewiltcf. /pitch 21871. . ' .. ... - . • 'Lathrop Township Sounty. , - • - -- -• „ B.lll..ANCE.unprovldLxl for. Juno 25,18V,....52733 lit loterpit tm , Bond -9. - ' - 319 go 14 94.3911 Waal fourturtitryddollar9 not gkutl.fact OTT '-aceuwald3 1bra991.9133 14 licestuirttea report dog oo .Aeiefiroarraiitinx duplict2et.l674••••il li n " fr4= :14 1918 73 . Atka-tut noproride4 tor. Jtato V 3,1871. tying, is ..- ,• - • 'sear cornet R 7 ..f4 auger at ft this Ws,- ...... 0.0) , -f 0 --. , • BA ULtEr. NVIUGHT,. , . . '' " '.• . ' %M. STAUNTON: ' ANNUAL STATEMENT RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES SV.SQUEHik.UNACO: FOR 1971; Nadi and publishCd iri punsionee of nu Act. of Arsembly of the lath of April, A.D.-riat" I.COLT.NTY—BALANCE OF 'S';:AcIUOUN"r§,7.FOIII3II;,' SUSQUEILiN WIZEMO Ttyr.amirs Atm Bouovans. Apobeau • . 4 ..ubum Bridgewater.... Alrookl.yu Ottani:mut CliffOrd - Dintoek ' DnutialT Forett ... . . Great Bent) .... 'Great Bent! burn' lfarford • Itannony Derrick . • - Jackson. .Jessup ! Lathrop- Lenox -Liberty, LitthiNleadows 3fiddletown 3foulmse • NC*llllfird , . N. lsillord born' Oakland Silver Lake .... Suttfn Depot... Springeille Thoinson ...„. Azailfiiitouans. ATOacon, 'Anbuin, • - - Ararat, - - firidgew3ter, - Brooklyn, - - - - Cimconnt, - - • - Dithock, - - - - Forest Lake, - - - Frivudsvllle - - Gib§nn, • - thud Ikmill, - Grqat Bend . borough; - Harmony, - . - Herrick, - - .Jukson, • - - - Jc:ssnp, . . Lathrop, - . Lenox,. - Lihertv, • • - 31vadows,- - 3fillatatowni - - Mt - Intrde. - - New 2dilibnl, - - New Milfonl borough, - Oakland, - • . - Rush, Silver Lake, - • - Sustpteharuia Depot, - - Sptingvitle, • - Ti101111;011, - . • - FM= Total amount o 1 Duplicates 32,677 73 To amount paid by r Collectors ... ...... *30,7E7 ;l6 • .To amount Percentage: 1,610 PO ~i To ttikunnt exonerated' -... ' to Collectors -. tl4 1p . -- 77 — 7 --- 7 -' ~02,c77 5 COUXTY EXPENDITURES Fort 1511 To Commonwealth Costa sl,iit Eg Wm. J: Tamil and Jas. E: Can Pt:Tereus 110 IYJ Ermd nod 'Bridge Vier/yrs 1,183 00 Road Damav 1,70:3 GO J. T. Ellis, late Cone r. f'42:3 00 P. Hinds, " " 465 lio 00 E. L. Ikad_pe. " " 470 LO "' o.Wasliburn," " 64'00 Constablea Arse stirs Court House. llrautl atul Traversp Jurors 2 1,511; 40 Indexing Itecords and Lida MIAs 1,001 55 liegistr; Expmses.... 672 51 Court Iloutc Fp(Si and - ... ..... .... , —5.111 Stationery .. : ..... ........ ..... 487 09 Interest on Bonds, etc 1,562 00 Bowls Iledeimed - • , 2,819 97 E. Bald win, CouFt Crier and lAturt • ; House..::: . 30; 00 W. A. Crossinon, Clerkl ' 000 09 - . 30 County Auditors' Pay 37 General, Special, and Township . - EleOtionif - - • - ...O 32 Justices - Oahe Mice - '' " - ,' ' F 16 25 IV. T. 3losley, Sheriff 91: 69 " Jailor' . 810 90 Postage 6 91 L, 13, Ishrli, Town Clock - 25 00 Agricultural' Society, two years.: •• 200 00 Teachers Institutes, 221 00 - _ . Lunatic iLispital y Easteftt POI tterattatar .D. W. Searle. District Attorney, 31.6 00 Jas. E. Carmalt, " • 110 00 ..471,00 ! Triennial Appeals, • . 461:33 Little Meadows Bridge, oas 78 -Lenox...Bridge,• .800 56 shoemakCi,"lnto Prottiqnn tary and Clerk, • " • 88 70 G. 73. - Eldred, Prothonotary and • Clerk, • 147 05 Jail Repaint' etc., „ 713 46 :Jail Physician (C. O. llatsey), 70 50 Insurance, 407 73 Jury CoratnisMoners, 211 00 IL W. Mackey. State Trims:flier, 2,481 00 Treq.surer's Percentage, 1,382, 00 Six Refunding Orders; B7 5 • By County Onlers redeemed from No. t, to No. Gl3 inclusive, _ l33,4BB 11 ~ T rrleirrri.r. a "Percenticge,.- - .1,383 Sli Ileinding• Orders • ' .t ,--27 25 SLISQ,DTIIANNA.COLIiTY DOGTAICES. 1 Ntinisurki AS D I 11 , npll f , ' , E , •,; -IlintoecitiK. --• 4.ltce.. ''' 43 '' _____ Asnrat Auliurn " - Britlwwater- - 13rooklyn - eltoennut - - - Cll4 - ord invaocl: - Dandaff • - - Franklin - • --- PoriNt Lake - Friendsville Gltifon - Great Bead: - Gt.'Bend Bard=. Itannony • Itarfont lier}iek sqc sort - - - Jcsriip tathroll - - Lenox, - - - Llttle.MeadoWa, - - ,- • Wontroi4.!- New Milford, 31i1Ord bore Oakland, -•- Iles!),; - Silscr Like, 1,8 1 . 1 -I.lDePot, • TheinzOn, oo ,l-00 :53 00 83 5,0 0 4 2 50 V' 0 115 IA - 61 . Goi ta:CAi r rrt:myrtal ' Total amMutt of nuplicate4 '•• - To amount palny Collee- • tors,. ---- _ ,- ' • • $1 375 EttJ- ,• - I To - a 11101111 i .:Cicater4 ted, ta 1 - Collectors, .• _ . .-. To 'amount of Pcreentasc to Collectors, f STATEVINTi OF:DO({-:;ACCOV:T FOR t 1871. 7 ' • - 61t,nrmar/Triratir4Ert, • . , . , To titildutif Doplicstes f0r41,:167 00 Aceounc:in. Trwsurer's..laantli;:ii i her t s is 263 76 • • ' 770 73 • . , Co. By Exoneratiens to Cullectoty, 126 :10 l'eicentige ' Orders rrilorntetlfronr/O: I. to N 0 . ,: , 43 inclusive ' §T2 97 Treasiarer's , - • cei pts irf $1,6751)6 nt - .2.1)er cunt,' % 7 'rcatstrefs, .Comti)ission on • es-, ' llentliturcOf Vi372107,.ne 2 - •'• cent, - 46 Amount in . .. Treasurer's lianas to . balance,. _ t , . . 266 63 .Tietunding, , .in ft V. • Ken:. insly's account, VCI L 84; - TREASITEERVATATESIE&T OF 3IILITLI I FINES .FOll .T. 1.11- YEAR 1871.... .1".., . „ . , .. • ... .. . ... . . „ . TP.ivriontrs ..k . AD .1?nilli- , T ,„..,,, :TEltri .r‘tr. Bonounns.. .1 cat*" :7'2 4 : prem. eenti —:..:-. ...a..-_. —.4 I. ctg $ :co. tr dg $ cta Apolneon,'.. - - , ' 24 00 - 'lO - 'lO 03 "7 :7 20 -; 4137 : Auburn,-' - - : '45.50 1 -:.'33 08 '4'oo 1'137 Aronlit: ''. = ' 10 - 50 13 ' 8 01 --2 200 -70 llrithr,Owtiter, -- .: 07 00 .408524 00 214 Ilrotiklyn, • - 02 00 22' 33 , 4 tiol 117 Olanenntg, - -- 24 09 -, 12 Xi 11.00 --' 0I elitTonl, -, .. 'W., 00 •32 87 ~8 60 .1 63 1 Dintock, - - . 07'001 '.5.3. 02 .‘ 100 2 .81 Dundaff, • • 2 501 001 2.40 ... 35 Franklin, - - .21 00, 12 n 400 ' Sl Forest Lake, - 41 3.01 31 .3.1 830 1 - 0.1 : Friemlnille, - . ' 8 501 : 523 ."3 7 00-: 1 27 C4jUserr,..::::- .- 1 ': 5200';! - 44 , 70 :".. - 5 OW 2.25 ffr6oo Ben-, ;;- :' ..:31 PO 1;24' '4l, :0 , -1" 127 at. 330,101 linrit , c, ' : , 31'0 - i'',lB 02 97 ; 1 l'itiiiiinkl ,- - , - , '-' , .- , 27" 00 :, -23'-'2B 1.2 , -...2 al 2 lEarmony, • - •3100 20 - 45. 1 0 , 1 Ilerrirk, -,_ in.--••• • , '.1.13.09 •,:,20'13i . - 7.4' 15/ Jackson,,..,.- ~ 21:00 •.1.5-20V 500 'i 80 Jesup,,- ,:, .;:',.,: : :. 46 00 ''.24, 231 , 20 5 )1 27 I .17.A11tryp,. - :: 1:- 7 ' '47 50 -.-: 21:20141 5 /1 80 Lennx, . - --* 40..00 •„ .. 0.3.130j'11150 170 Liberty, - - - 43 00 ' ' - '43 :75 300 2 2.5 1 Llttinliairiik; • ;--..: 7lx . 7:14 , 80 ,--, amt 20 Mitltllelowni .-, , ,k9.4D0 ... .27.55 :10, 141 gonirrrit, - ..•:' . ~,'3: 0 0 . .17 0 .:13:;44 1 9 NeW;NlSrdrtl;''.. .4413 . '.38 43. -. :' 3 56,, 207 ii;Ililli't1.1)01'0 . t: 21 - . ''. 15 15 . 4•50 1 62 i oci aikland; - - ' 2850 ... 21;118 0 QC, 1 - 13 hush„ -,. -..- - 63 : 50 ( - ;•40 alt 11'0 &2 13 Silver Like ; •:.'r - 32:ml 7 3:1 t's , sllO 1 72 i Stiringyitle, '' - : "01 OK ,-3300 Al. ' 2 Q 0 Stdtfn Dettat, t." , 'O7 001 -" 77 20 'll' 410 Th 6 934 9, 't nt .4• 273(1' , 40.4^ :' ,. .7 . :024 03 -).!,. ' .‘•-•-',.'''.. ' .1..W;01 051.041213 1 1X)148 00 CaL:I.ECTO* IStunnel !lice. I George Avery. ; 11. P. Robbins. • J. L. Reynolds. D. Stanley. M. A. Gardner. N. Sherman. Amos Rills. ' W. G. Small. C. 1). Ilryant.' Jampl P. P. Whitney. 11. S. Hanna. C. a 11amtiti.- D. M. Tannr. D. Taylor. A. A. Carpenter. A. B. Larrabee. Lmitts Smith. M. V. Bisbee. U. K. Maker.. Asa A. E. B. Williams. Samuel Dodge. J, A.'lloweli A. S. P.m. Amonut af.Dnplicatel,- Y rid by Cacetorai " Exo4ercitioni, " Pereent?r,..:' , „ 2 4' N. ButtertieLl. 13. P. 31cKtin. S.•SUnemnitcr. (1-, L. Tiffany.. • P. Brown. G L. Linvii. BEN.f.a arm TnimsunEtt-I:i.AF:c9j.INT - - WITH I.IIL y.Y 1.13 N D: .. • To amount receEted trbro 18Mr.j.05935 .04 • • . nm. onnt. rot aalect Inn FS • —V SO ivr • Tre.l.Rilrerg 9,5.1 maga:omM .14,esfur,s ' tO • • • . ..... . 00 -• "S.,.C. , m;f3 , l,wrS3.ltlOliery . 20 OD ititaacelerrvalarter tram's' ' 174 . . 1r.1.45t0 - 4tt Trim_oitee; tool it.: s7•3';'-r_s.liaSv !Oova 1C.1,1 I)tj tar} , Durant tzt•cord i 113. 14.1 .et nett VA • • U &..n f•ktlrrr'ftltit.: W Cea me V:01.1:t.,1 to ns 11 . IS, Ullatdcn, toloity'rKstotrec. • - klltll4.l:lo.lot4;,vAt,litore. Jonnlrsl,l;tlO,-,—, I • jot ilE.N.r.rtuN Guinn:N. TrEIsI7RE7I OP Stisgef,T. !Lilt - NS at:iTY, INrept.T.7l` will' SAID COV3- Der. 31. 1.=31. Dr. To acne ut in Tr;cmrees lemiN 10 , per !art . Amlltoev Itimmt ' ; ' ""ft 0.110 Ki Deptn,1177;33 Ere-lea From krneedy, Mtn County Trea!tir , r. m tulle - 51i Indebted- Ur. dud mono.. .... :1,496 AluomliCepiVad Trust .I.AkelWlL; 4 :4 , ninnustlmlth f tuline, 13G 'Ai: " Amount rerefrr3 from W.T.3.lozley.SherlC, Jury Pere • - • ' ' al (snrimotof runtittonottax received frurny.b:•-• ,, v - Amount of nettilunal I.o..Leea:,tia Front "geetOr Ilevyta, ; .......................... 03 . Amonuf Coo at toe receive,' 'fryys • Cteurlaillurn , segate.l.llls.tril '-" • ' : 1 (00 • Ammult , inceivill from County I.lsle<ii. 0.r"" • - ; Co-.l`" AnunintmceirodCommontrenitltcs.•Sestun - • . et ... ... .. .' . . '42.113 Amonnt reent er frnhf Imlertm - ............... - • 'cost In the Fetal of quirt:rime "" ' ;' =XI 71 4AlMitit rketyoil hem BMW:4d - County' - Hiumtal Co-art reprover Amoolt red frMaTeSillillgtr6 • ""03 Ito Amount rem:teed from 13. C. Mayne.: .... -'5 , 00 • •• ' = for rtetarnpd land Tax: J.- ' 1 P.'lshient.v."l.lneriy • . j!, 93 Amoort reeMvert from'W. N. Wa t tvon..l.llc , fl unky tie pyri okodenk.". ......... ; .f 75 Amount rerelrmt frruhroilltiomd tv.rev.^lM ' 11.11 2.7 Amonutnienlmni from W. T.s:ovley.ll.l4erio, 'JOU reM.JV/1.,.`"...i •• - , Tf - By y.xoncrofTwnn ft!ldit.top txx..1...;..;A.1.- - -i.ta 43 St% Ref nyt cli .. : . * . . SZ 25 County thilert (tom IS - 0 Ito'No. o. • MS Welts/41V •••• ' Einnerations to Cuttuctons.. .0 311 t 660 1 6 rercent4v. • . Lon Tr,nuktrneatordentaton on rccelpy 01%03; . 2..19 ;Rat tteo In' giant • •'• ' • 'N. 70,1 53 • Vomiter r comnd.thn on expendantritn; -.SnSf , O Sint two per ccla Amount InTrotar,r a tundi trb...7.131tec 9,4t0 43 $19,71:9 6,3 STATNATENT -ON .3ym. T: MOXLNT,AiIIEIOTN, 174 ACCON*T WITH JURY NN.II; NOR TEO:, Tp amointni Jer z y Peel, as piet OM I Oftl tc of Clerk of the Court a glartur tiretions..l..t_T.) GO . .. Dparenunt pala'Treentrer, and (ta red kGU . amia ....... - ..... .!.......,—... ... :.. .. :TM - Times) per cent. reklact: for cullectrott , " - 2 ill . €.31,007 74 WENJAAIIN COUNTY TitE.l}mitErt. , IN lii:COLLNT WITU TIII: SI StONATU4TII or .; :• -.. •• bYIX.e.INUA, . z _ PT! to aniKtia=i4 tete ' Net (oriel Bane. St eetat.o.e pve celtlge..Uu .uf - . the Audi ter Cie.:Neal • ~4.i ; • sl*.i.3 CO • ' '1.6 1 W. t.l) p 0: :4 Dy 3 per cent. allowed Collectors. $ :p3 TrraturrisCornmSriluns. 1 41 Amcurt. Otto Com.moutvralth - 141 03 $ rtl 13 18 413:3 C 0 OS ri ) Z 3 58 93, 606: 4 97 353 2 75 1 70 3 07 3 CZ STIi'EMBNT Stitic/LIEIIANII.I COUNTY - UItY,,J.INUARY. 4, P.D. 2blt • , - • Meltable :ands Tn•aeury . .t 9, WO NI Uncarrent money of prevlonn Idars .. . ... V&) CO Noreral goamtuta of- loam., bombe. Jmly,riente. ' -inT laot Andlcate' r.‘;‘,l ' ~,,,t i ri vth e for^,ollt,T bc eurrect:traterneut. .111V115. ;~nnD • • -.K. L BEEnE; • r • OSCAIt WMOICURN. - Attmt: A.,CnoMnan',Conatal.lonn:6` Clerk; SITS.IVEUANNA. (A)1.*M7.17, Sli, , - : .• -We. this itudcrilgaia: In awl for ihe eatihty of Suritorlial,na. +Litt, in parronance , of ram d'orlae,.at thy Auditor,.. &EC:a, Is alolatron;on Mundt, Jartairy Ist:. A. hod did - ali•liti,adjart. *oven{ au:0111.1a 01 1110 l otutulreinuvrvnnd l'lliaallrer Lit usid Cuuuty. nil of a h'i h. nvini a tharoa.4ll YX:ltliont lasi,. wt. shod lobo corn" f, itiirand fu WC hands of ficrlntnla 'Glidden. Tr. ni'urcr of r-iiht thoaty; atrnuuuof Ifounty moan.. fe.t, ; tali - 05010f „titata funeoi, $l4l, fri:atnunut LW DU.; 1111ILIP,tt:(Mi 'l.lal. $ 5 . 511 ! „ • • - . :".11C1.1r1L.5, A ailifore • ;", I ;37 2 80 1 . 40 0 PA) 1 5. 1 09 2 51 2O 011 3 00 1 00 1, 1 , 33 3 20 1 90 3 2:.; QTATB NOII3IAti s S(311.00L; : l • '• 'MANSFIELD, TlOCA' i Ces:' Engllab and (.11aF•sica1 cunrat,i. .. , Terata begin Septiantieritli; I)ecemberl2th.; and Mardi 17th appmpriatibna :or raudents:. Studenta4i , t, mitted tide." Ap ply to • • (NESS: n. ;31, •-• . 2 J 2 2 Pa'... 2 $7 I, 20 2 27 XO5O /5 00i 5 00 13 50' 8 Q 0 6 1 ,:r% CO 1.20 :Jo , ;41,507 0,1 eip3 76 9 */;103 00 00 •;;$1,250 - 00 pciat) cs s l g o,} ALT ktOILS LOWO4II. AGERTSVAIITEDITt i a%t au b L rf• —mitt pill'amtratlono, likellirsro'Or the rttsidltali— V.Wilflitly I,4uncl, and pr{4lo.lou tbactpasW :~•F THE N A . T I O'N , • . . Its -Iluters,?.•aitClostltutiotio. -IN 'ENG . 1A5 . 1.1 -AND ',Nothing _Pito It atrlkcs eVeryWy esjusttketbdtak they nectl.l l ll it 1:Or StlopoOS 0f.4216 I;foleratOcof Single pages In it ore of theinsetectittortb the trim of UoLoo4 Ow= pages and col S 1 W. A Igell HU. , Vast for , Cnovnescrs—latlics and,vatatteatea.... teachers end ettulta a.t.f, tts. Out a:vat took r orderarli , e,tette taceoppretratit a day can' be cleared In fair territory.. Write airmes or Circular and Information. NEW WOULD PUBLISLIDIU , CO.. earn cr Ufa and 11.1aftctif trecte, 113.11141captito. Zip. irotobor 3: I 671.—1 t r - ; - - °ABE: lelrr 4 . : er 4 . c . &'1! 401, . . , ... . . , , . . nno TIIOSIt NERCJIsiTif A ri d - oilers „ irk° bore so 1 Joni: elven too tt tr jiatmnagei I"troder iny Imre , frit thanks, and loth inctiollucauto of the saw, gilt ttirtr !Whirl:ma. to !J0... , . SPLEIiDID 'NEW 'HARDWARE BTU& or tiraith Cohn , 2t, CO., 'A arid 112 rtnibet itreet.rir York, evticre orders altoala be dictated to rev apd d ees. t,l to the; drat, to IN ore Nal allcalt,oll, and ltlcgd ol le i tar il[; ' ;. l * P l ' gr' i tti=o;% 11 . =o7dViesi 'Str • lit Ito coucorn la SCSI York, or, otmovocra,. etriejAve ma far t r1.14..0gc goods pro all new. aryl t••' , a ,... f °!: trod iaill • • gan Mal , • IrCoa : 5 -re iticrg. . ~trszYc~.~va~Yc~;< A ... z....:,~,. ~:, ..~ ~....• . . . . . . . Would reipetifully ,stifeiti my former , .L. coft.cmiiii kid. tlis loatgegookr#ll - LOS ;s4l.igla .PuTlLt":l4.k t",, .'.! ' 7 , ...±•:?. , :.: ,f,.,..'.! 5.,1, - ,. „.,.) rt ~,.. • , ...,1 _ ; ,_..::.,...„,„. -llialtl=o.Sliiitld.Propoilito , ,CorkikTFOlOE tirCkil! It ) to • PiSEITO(.4Lr, xnAi, loßstAtill. Varna:' , AO 'M A.ttlgitteiory Pr . :.Partleitat ottcatibo given . ,toCU . TNG eat OPECIAL _VAUD. unfl tO‘brro, - tho . work. 'pi fai!lisrpor:lod,w,bp, igar,ll.tOatticr.".;,.: ,ELl,;l . cn,tha west .toje, , ; Ppbtle tiverratt:?teatte btcct Atm. ()fcet 1 ' • P TINES. :* • • r„ t Irepu. "TATp: to. - 51 11 sct long lertoNkti iiii3bOszr 'ton Its opeulqtheAntiso •puliulail'etittersean fashionable 'Laois In this section of I:kin:at has tbrnicirtv.collitirilie.mbhi comb, of Montrose, and they are now pmpart -to furnh. , h "aliVare7 . 6tall t! atryla and - Wiirknianslirp - supcilbeto listabllilantint'llirthis section ofeetnittyl7li'v CX'• - . to all whoitiarfarofna.nich thrir,..patron4gp . ohi - Cdmpr, oh FuhliC Avert. : :E 'F NEtiYGODIij.' - r ticX:',,ll), 1870.44 E ,, ;, II /ID , SANIsPit IC D, - -ASSI:XI •• • ,! Tri•••A fifil.hotelitii'atiiteii:TertheStrinX-Uoltißt • t. l'rlnclpl64.orthriuttuitTUltrethreptrio. , Ereniupe the En - ono! Youth end the Follies - o'4,r in telattpu lo !klarringe nod Social utth aid for BoialTileted. Sent-[live. In rented inveteu. drees 1101VAlti) AssocuTioN, Box P. IltlL%delpht .. • • frO Al,f,.lNTlMESTßD.—Taka,noticellt r al. •11. and Doti; Amara:re. 4 , 11 , 1 1.1 , 4'4 1 10, Alf x' Day Jauaary nom Those tat ofaitakrail lavie ••• bf tuylP. l Avu. lllo ±O, L 0 '0;11'7 4 11 4 " . LL 11391). Nam:a:l,o: s., • • •".t.; 1.:J.41 • - • • -• ' _ P. ) :40L. 1 r6-0 • _ • HOP B OTTO:11/11::'; rho:e - equi,ifiv For Salo by O fl R019=5,b, Tots- .1.-t• the foiltocring low price: • .% :354.7i: 4t3i° _ Chestnut . -,lloo",dgm•Dce.".lB7l--Inr -,1 ?..rte' TITCOMXG733II. , morzta i Tn ; It ' l lLW . . , ty . - 00c-Stock , b g blasti 110: aet1 1 , 1 :out r I r 1 7,0 I%ft oli t t ' s‘ o r ; t r Aititaftter.l eAkilro . rpy . roeulatlon thl'13o:Inl Fifth :J.:m=3llslN sist4 }uoratrao4 . kobir-far: tnlide: l ScrOnth ldl 1 n n 3f4ft-n13114 CM:4lth I,i,tAlairnt. • *,- , AprlVlSfb. It • :NA,lll.ltl,l4lttlfo, ••• • • -,:•:.-.0•41,13tttl1 , . Tech. In.', .Imcbt,„ v. { - ' Jima 1544.. /0' As the work 11 prenreralog more fritotaWy t Ittecultot- • lytleiteflatraty4 , 3lo7ltUteC,l9ll7 that Me -PIPIELI.. ,flutatat,:, pro:I:Ili:1y mci on the' Imrfof StOr.lboluert. •••'"• • —•-••• ..•••• • —. C;•14, - .I)ILOWN. secrouary , Tlvlsolrar, 410h1i$MO. Detembor V,..11.A.41f,;.01-tAN.O F" Sale or Erni the Store Ind DwellingPouse bleb . 'occupied by U. Kenyon. et Letrestlio 'enter, wit* &boat [torts erne , of valuable land. Or the Store nee Dolidln;; w kit about two scree; ol' land. A fell description of the proniarty given .I.n. nddrestlna the sanctifier At Franklin Finks. finagle Otte, Pa. N. P.IYIIKATON.' Jan. 3, ISIt No. 1-3 W. CI 0 O . E.) : • 3 REVOLVING HORSE-RB.R:E. 'loloNrarririsVareiis.rwillshthrealUos4 or quality, at both wholesale sad r "141 .I.ll“l.,2,Tazuliaturewl. 1 . ; q",t."n4q.3. it •.• '.• if `LaiittiPis Ur ITU or WI thoo t Electricity, as the case diinaud,,, It V 'fur Ehentaa ti sm. Metallic and Chronic DiSOS3- t. dr - tho fuot Of chestnut (divot, Moutruse,, re, - • „ 3inutru,,c,AprtiV3.l.lU. *JO: VV,111 1 1.-93'.% - 0+ tins t 1 hove given A.ll.A.l.DWlN,of3tontro.o. tb!:3l 7 -.4.)4 4 ivu cunt r 4,71. o tho 3'o Or 00 4 4 / 3 6 Y11 , 41 litfiniirpiehaiinhratrocilonesitlido,Nai. v. to Continuo in the hog loose, co l t hat all onion , hettatit! boostoold ddr.toscil to him, to toroteo attrotlos,, M. BT. TlLTRS;Froprietor..l' March .12., "21'a•vii riArt.pv:vrmesw. , :fi Bitms-4 .SSIC3. COOLEY 2•ToI:, aro prepared 0 do WI bOndi Of TIMM Om nod CAmr.ENTr.n - Work, Mick Worl./ Atalonty. nod Mc Job or In 407 manner tOolt, !I oler*. , A) , ...l . o4l.llllud*,loors... , llcouldiotm,gf all 10 1dtz'End - "Wfattow . Artmer...to.ordi , r.'PlOr.,EftAbt! .niz'uotir ou hand. - Shop In Fork F4efory 1011dlog, - A. W. 1.:001:F.i-Y, 9I`AI4LEY N?P t r i g e .. l) s4 4 'Pir , • Pteitro 2.lv4lrne a 411 r. %Oa will .1: Li 41 n..y tune Cholcolas'eue m 1., Orden, Black and daian Te.i.i C. , 14 rit),,Nrazkaol, • Lalitiinmit tagßUlti 4runt, Extract, '• Stailib,raollitiriarieh Gold-Modal Saletztth+, for Sear, Defile:M.4l Cocoanal. Fenn~.3nca ( *ix. tiod;,` rrikaati6C4llW:eagni, XCTIM111:1 01.1,,Cber40; tizipar Carte gams. Fig , . erT4UI T 4 : M E . •A'r .. 1 .5 . 4 Candies; Etone Vita 4, Canoed Prott„ ' riaibc4r . frit4lo . 4.9 • num , leyslias,'Nerieg.l44Ap. moatwo,;r4es.t.4,ls"it—te ' 3 ~ii' v ~1:7~ ri ..Q:tin c Syrstn At 111 er'6:o ur . I h 3 g.teng. ri l U 3 .ri Arai -1141rIVEDD vitSVlPßbian na YrArr. 'Ware, tv r rz •
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