Zitt 9111iigxki0e, @tutotrat. EDITOI ~taONiitos: WEDNESILI.T. ' :IIIIIIU.VMIt U. 1812. • 1 1 / 4 1EnDlCiiLlp0181,4410N,_ . We proPese is art indep - enaent and . re: Tensible journolist,..withont fear or. fa- VOr, jo point, ont,to' i tlie best of our jnct„g fnentivhat scems_to,us eyils-, ii*l eftolinnAe Urthe I • itlllsio44.oa-rreotipty. as ircll, as. in -tbe-! ...State ata:.sntisk . n.; Aaaltheugh many of ' -the people and all County joUrnals are very WO ill theirapproialof iyisug.geitions, yetiumie or than dare deny their pungent tnithi ; Mro do not . claim, to bo,infalible in Our, iiplaionic lint we de clairn,mn honest purpi.seiand , shall presentJhenl, for the discitssiou of the people; in' thebplief that they tire of Vito) irapkrtance i te Oirry,!citt, telfef 'Whateyerriarne„of ruts:, ,it maybe 4hose.Who.nroltumediately !inter estott7--Wolrmry,believe thatany.persou, I ether; is pitbliooffini or„privitei'station, inrestigafiunnf hisdCts,;Milfair", di4USslon . of . .tliFii)jOi* delegated by the, people.,• as ,racaus;tO:better s ir.dure thar,fa,ithful 'and hilnest' administration, : nod.proteet trio equal and ihdividnal rights 'of 'the - peOPle nti large:from 'party corruption;' envelopes himself thC suspicion that tie i n s wither as dlisteerafoi dishonest. It: all of Otir discussions ire liave not; .singled out any individuals; ieither di) we intend. so • to, do;. but we level our gun onfgenerat prin ciPles,; and . nO bird should . thatter except those ivho are wounded, end even for them' Tee are not only l'eady but anxious at all tinter to• open our columns, reserv ing our right of comment ; as honest dis cussion will the better develop the truth. • liaddition to our views that the law giving the; fines and and forfeited reccigni stinces of this coin:ay, to ,the .Legol Asso ciation, which .in so short a time has amounted to. $5,000, should be - repealed, and that Oingent law .on:nsriry limit ing interest 'to sik Per Cent. should _be pissed,, we would recommend still anoth er imporMnt-and vital change: It is well known that within a 'Very few years n vCry importatitcliangehdbeen made in theor ganiration of our election hoards making it obligatory tb attli e min ori kype:ity than lie represented, also. that one of the board of jury commissioners, shall be elected from each party. Why WAS this.don6 ? Simply Torthis re? Son, and very wisely too, that "teMpeatiori to party collusioa— and corruption might be removed as much as possible, and.preveut fraud or any suspi cion of frond from creeping in to thwart the will of themasses. ' - how we believe that we bare another Cortirty hoard 'that stands. on the EUllle basis. and needs the same safeguard, and that is, out beard of County Commission ers and . Anditors. The same necessities led to improvements_ • in. these other•beards . ..demand a like recognition itt:the. CommissiOners board; only to an immeasurably greater degree-. With such a condition, much of the scandal and suspicion which now attaches fo a strictly party board would be abated, tia the Peep fe of both parties would feel that tliey4 - ireri pot's fazed Without reni:esenta- tion,9 'which was one of the . -fandatuental principles , that tired the Ilerolutionary spirits oA seventy-fv.i. we belieVe frOm o.fireod that"..tbe altoce .chanqe liouldlntot, with. the approval.- of a very large majOrity of .the people in this coati.: tY, Irrespective of 'pattieS. lnliere It 65 and just,'and ihe only true basis ;r_eitiblipait representation:.,: =No heitr.considorable criticism. anon some : parts Of-the County Statement Tnianms as published lb it year; not;frnm 13eniOCrati,htit .. frOm Republicans. .IS'oitv . i4lrOula suggest n remedy : , for all of ihese suspicions.- -If there: is -Aissatisfac. -tion -- wlthllio . statement as audited,- let ..11(011 . 19` e.'coi;xkittee , aPPeinted by the ;4dgei. • 4,9, 6 i44. IT,Otniii no right_ to charge ilishoziesty_in matlerc_without t proving it by -a thorough investigation. It is - due the boraofAnimiisioner;that stele Unit tide;. " t 'th tunibi . , ace o oxen pa cm 'fioirtstispleiOn, and were ne one of ihem ve.:140. 13 40 1 ina. snob notion; .erf • bon -eat deeds will bear Anylight.inst us well ns County' Supeilitteriente. - ''TlM:ixerage 'annual - salary of county' joli**l?derits is alien t '61,001i Tiiosa of . Perry and Snyder ,r9ettive A •tbiloniestarnount-8500°; those - of Atte , `glioiiy;l;iiierne and Schnylkill the Mill. titt,-.42,0bt14 - Thd superintendent _ of - , ~.*s4tielunina.' county., receives $l,OOO. . 'There is nOiv 111411 before thii kgielature fixing thesatimies of chanty stiperinten dents', effeet woad be; if, passed; ' 11/ th - '" tors g sn.nres•se e competention % o unr supirintentlent, While it would reduce tho' salaries ' of. many others.'. the expenses would: be, mtg . mented a few thousand dollars.. We -in -iertthe, hilt.• 'An stet to provide rooms for the Meet conventions - Of. school' : directors ..andlo,ftx the salaries. of coiinty''superi tendents: • • ' SECTzbti • "P- • ... I.' e it enacted by the Sen ate audLlOuse'of Representatives of 'the 'COmmiuwcalth ofPennsyltanis id Gen eral Aisemblv inet, and is is lierel'iy acted by, authority of the same," That ,roofus_for the meetings*of otinventiOus of selmol &teeters held for the perpos6 of Tice' dug etinnty isoperiateuile u ts'• shall toorrEll4'lw.ll:p-weitir'b9,liftle of. county noipinissLluess fit; ,respeptivp' .pounty 4e.Afg, .434 A. such, conl"POLious . ovntWo ;ifpon tiltt• —..lt of tho State sliper:- . weet;ti.'previo . ns•lo fixed the time fixed by 13Nr; 7py . n o ir 9uhp §Pil)4O - All 40043 or .direcioft. 1136 za!ary of a'eounty sat rulliteinleut shall belvvo dollarsrer each setMol un'der his-snpervl2.fou awl 'one del ,,:intarsi his scanty . . Prorideel,-That in no_ case shall the salary of cornity.sup . erintendent be less 'tlinn 'ono thoutanti dollrs, eiceptinglii ti a with kas.than one , hundriil.sehools,, tho salary ofthe notnity - .atilieriti.: "tentlentliliall be Fig4t linuarcardollarslier annum.. • . 'to-re-Th6 13 . oston4reriiSo) hiS pateli • Troini.laiinix,"nitieff \states %that treaty exists anti has been signed by the British -ank-Cannlian governinents;for-', thas . epapitinii of flint Doutinionfroin the British l Eniii' . MI=E3 T4'4E„ LIEGISIATVILE. . considered:lising - thnsalaties of Coni ..nperintendents itt tiro for enchselipol; nod one' d h fon'a Eqnarp , saliry be less .-,than ,oue',.thounarol. dollars , exeept wltere‘therei ate -lss 'than ona 'hundred schools ; 'nisi'' , the sa!arry shall' ' be, sight hulltired dollaiS:, l ,Afteia lengthy, discus:- sine it 'was posfpond for the piensut. White,: NM the Corn- mittee on Constitutional Reform, reported tlie'COnatittitidiat:CouVentien_bill, With unaitulnieriti, prdv'idiagifer the people- to' -Note lot monbers of , the 'mitten on .the 14th Of May, Coiireietioit'io meet on-the sCand.Tncsdiiyof 'June.. ',. The !hainbei:of Bxed ninety-nine ; siFiy-six merriberstOlieclect , eel us, members. '‘of the% Senate :are , now clected'hy late; two membeyS to be eldeted foi ei eh . Sbri ato ity• th MI) io elect 'ed 14te, each elietor to vote for eighteen wizens; and the thirty-three peisons hav ing the :highest nmallier of cotes' to be elected. No `person to cast . more than nue . vote;:fOr khie person. , One third of the Members of the Cont - elation 'to - noire any particular amendment to be:-present ed separate to the Teeple. " • . The pay of the theinbera for the. whole term, one tlionsand:Acdiars, with - Mileage. Bros Rhronvl D. 7 --Frewn „(Judiciary Otueral,) as committted, Sonata Bill Ns. 254, entitled." An act - to protect lumber adrift the Sri!qttelininiti: river or 'on. the tlierof. Also-(Jntheittry General), as committed, Senate Bill .ISo. 255, entitled An not to exten-the 'in:limns of - An netap re;gti late'rriedienl pael!fee in certnin e * onnties this Coronion*COlh, • to , sustinellannu countvi , „ • • .. • .• • 'Also . (Judiciary-General) us cotnn3itted, §entqe bill en titled" Atl -'act'to authorize . the scho'ol flirectOra of .Susclite hania . county, to upiroPriute ,)Und for school purpose. . . I== , Senator Dechert lost hismotlirreeeitt lyibv death' and , fileaster Brodheed Lis facer. The • Was born and lived neatly, seventy-eight' y on: - the tame propriety; inlythe counts, thig State. Fiftptight eear,Sago lie was'married Cornelia' Dingman, 'datighter of Judge Ditrgmen, of Pike county: who siirrires hint. They celobrat cd: their golden' wed ding eight years ago;andimil befit been blessetl - escellent 'health' tin hi ; two weeks ago; wl)"ep Mr: Broadhead eciutraot eti n severe cold, Tr,im ivhicit be "died. They never had a death withintheir fam ily until this, baringhati four children— all soni- r all whout • and were rireent at the deathbed of their father. Mr. Brodhead was in his eightieth; Tear. Polonellehti Ra»kin, dtcil lately .in Ratin was. a' promi nent democrat in his day. rorthree &no c'essieeyeart---1831; 3832 and 1831—be represented "Ynyk county' in the 'legisla ture. In 184fthe , Was' the 'candidate of the denmerticY of York-and Adatiie, for congress, but owing to` - 10Citi 'disei4l - ions he was defeated' by 'it , small Majority. Subsesnently, he was ayk)ointed:. agent' NY - the 'ea nal eiiinrinsstotiers On„,t he Qolumbia and Philadelphia railroad - Mid held the. positice Tor • four' , - earsi.'" dis charging duties with mari.;ed,. fidelity and ability - Main:Ain!, `Hostsnr friends by his :urbane &Perin:ten nfterward acted:in the'saite capacity on the, lEfarris burg, Lancaster - and - Mount:J . oY railroad, between lierriSbnrg'ind Dillerville,.until the Pennselrania Cential.le•jSed the road, when he left for Willioisp6 . rt, Where be engaged' in 'the e - ohlbils.ineso and remain pap it' until be died. - ~ lie .w as hi s sevetity-seeend yonr.:;,l, • The Uses of MIIIIIODIVU , :, ;limmonia;or asili‘ is 'generally.calleti, spirits of Imartshoru, is alloWerfatalkali; ' and dissolves grease and dirt:with-ire:lt ase.j..lt ha-lately' been recominbaded very. higlily.for 'domeStie purses i'"For washing paint, put a tat le-spoonfaV in' a tpiart aranodirately trater,:dip- in a flannel aeth Mad with thishsimply wipe of the wood work.i. , :no-scrahhing will .be neCeisary.. - .For taking grease spots from any fabrto, use the annitonia marly.pure,: then lay white bletting-paperover thespot, and iron it lightly.:: washing htees,put about. twelve drops in...a. pint ,of- wariu suds To clean Eilver, mix.two teaspoon ful of .ammoniaiu a: quart of hot s.nds. Put, in lons silverware ainl. wash Ai . using .alr old Ind I. brtiskor _tooth brush: -for- ithe purpose,: For eleaniag.hair brushes, etc., simply shake the briisberi op - and-down:in. a mixture. of one le aspoonful of am ma i a to one plat-of hot, water; • whem they. tire cleansed, rinse,thein and stand them in the, wind: tr in a hot. plabe to dry.' For washing.. finger marks,-from looking glasses on& windows, put a few drops ammonia On '3:i:twist rag r and irrako quick • work of; it.% you wish vour house plants to: flourish ; pat a . _ few ilrops of 3 the 'spirits in every pintof . water used in watertn r ,n-., A teaspoonful will add niachito the refrmhing effects 131:!a; bath. 'othing better than 'ammonia water foreleausingthe hair. -In every case rinse off the ammonia with clear water....--To . which 'we:.. Would . only. add, that,' for- rxe raOring grease spots; a:mixture of. equal. parts of ammo= titids_aleithol is better than alcohol alone ~ • liraid. S ailakirrg. out dm . red: stains produced by ths: strong acid's in blue and .black . clothes; there is nothing better than.amtU9niae'r..Technoto• ' • • • Qti' off-han &fella w.--orit- who ;as lot WEI?. j 45 arum. ~.• Topef ge4phical-legislatiou—the pro libitorff liquor 6(.4 `counter=sign-"No trust." you-ire , hurpc. —'Clio 1114,11,a1p for an: e; f • `.el . , P• The Deatli.Roll. CONG RESSIONAL 21 ikt , Ss..trr, Creden tints ) of General Ihui om, Senator elect from North Carolina,l,tvere i-preSenteil and re-' terred.! : -At the the -man higlibur the.Atiutetitti bill (hone! up. A. motion, to; layit'on table "teas lost— yeas, 20; pas 30.. - Mr.. Carpenter offered a "aribitititte'ftiri'' ;'Stunner's Civil Rights timeedmentoillicli Ihnits oper ation to licensed or corporate bodies, anti to public sehoole and omits reference to churches. M. ' NOrtviiod argued against Mr. Sumiter'.4 tuneoditient.Y: IVilion: spoke in favor of .Sumner's - itmenclinent, as-ipmadziell distineticitr qtrlaccoinirof Anthony-,hoped Mr. Sumner, would accept Mr. !:Carpente substitute.' Mr: Sumner replied that Mr. Carpenter's substitute was') - eniascula= tett spienm, feeble where;tho'-other was strong;- duksion r of nit ainusingmharticter;.ttused between Mes:srs. CarpetipA)" , and Sumner. Withont-nittiou;llie Senate,* 4:30- p.'nt.; went intctlEtemitive :session, and!.after adjettrited:!. .. • IIot:sL-ln' tho''liotiee, '.lre 'Rand ill oyetilo'Stispenttllte. rules; ' M 'and" piers bill renioing-Polititml !of!Cer- I 6i&plea'+:pett'f effiehils and- counties. On mo 'tioh of Mr.'.Sargent; it'was.ininended. br 'adding a ProV i So - that ttrey, thke" the ,, Oath of allegia n ce tcr' the tte'd States; and *its - then . passed. A bill 'Avis 'Passed for ,the appointment of one itkent. and three lissiitants to . Manage'the Alaska Seal boa isintieti for iinett, -draWing-: for Seats created much - Confusion. Mr. Peters mated to snipend the rules' and Adopt n resolution declaring that patriotism and pnblid policy demand °Vali citizens ae gnieSeenee to the Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Fifteenth ionendritent.4, and sue!) ma soimble'legishition 'by Cbogress as may make them effectual. Agreed to—Yeas, 120; rays, 51. Mr. lifooks mbvcd to suspend the rules and adOlit a resolution recognizing the Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Fifteenth antendintaitS as valid parts Of the Constitution: .4teed to—Yeas.. 160; imp, 21. Mr: Steins.on inbred to suspend the ricks and, pass . a resolution recognizing as binding all laces pasSed by Congiess for the enforcement of the - Thirteenth, Fourteen th! fin d Fifteenth amendments. IVithout taking a vote on disposing of tlie!!motion for a hew drawing for seats ; the I.l)ause,mt ad journed'. • . ' -SE:UM 'February g.4-itr. Fen ton pm =Sented a petition of eitiiens of New Yerh, asking for reform in the C11.144n11 Service, -Mr. 'Edmunds offered a tetzolution. - asking the President to send the Senitte any tormaiton in hispossesston rela'tive to the alleged intention of Great. Britain to re vote-the Treaty of Washington unless claim of the tnitod States shall be presented npon a principle and in a mannerarireeable to the Other party. Af ter.sotne discuss - ion, Rclx-rtson ealkd np:the'legular order, the Amnesty bill, and the resolution went over. - 11ousu.—No husineSs of importance was transacted during the morning hone in the .llouse,. the time: being consumed dyer the - motion to proceed to a new draw ing for seats. A tote was stared off till half. past one,. when the f‘'ehool Fend bill came up, and was arpOd at length, mem bers-quite generally liarticipating. The debate was concluded, bat withon t taking a rote on the bill or Aiinemlments, the - House at 4:20 n. m., adjourned. ,SEN - Arh, 'Felyrnary 7---The Pension bill was reported and, amended rend passed. A resolution wee adopted directing an in .(ptiry to be made whether any United States Senator has receired money tinder cover of counsel-fees, or other tile, from the Treasury of the United States in rio lation'of-law. At the! 6vpiration of the rrlorning; hoar the- AniOsty bill eau:6 np. Mr. Carpenter's iribstittjte'fOr. afr, Stun ner-1 Civil' Service rarti:ndment Tres re ieeted—yeas 17 ;• niric '35. ' 'At 4:15 'withont reaehinga rofeithe Senate went into Eseentis'e audafterwards ad join-tied. • ' '. - -'llo4sr:.-1n the IlonSe, the Tole on the Eilueational bill and ..!atnendine•hts - was! the'litisiness . in order. - Air; Witlith's amendment that • ii thing - 'iii' the till Should interfere Witirthe pa:Wei' of Con greSallie- public domain; or With ,gratit; lag bOuntv lands to soldiers" 'and Sail'ors, Was agreed-to; Mr. liolnian's amendreciit was epected. I • Mr: •13 . 6 tter7s aitien din en t "requiring the diStrilintioti to' be made on the basis of the:- kiheol are, Paindatiee, was agreed to. Mr.? Gooilrich's amend ment reijniring the !distribution id • be made bn t h es basis of Illi term: i-, Was agreed to-;-,Yeai, V,11; nays., l -s2; fir. Hereford's atigen.dinent • against . L!requiring,' " Mixed schools," wag' ag . med,tei—yeas; 114 ;:rieY, 80:', Ir.• fialrees - 'iniirtdrirent prnriding. !hitt the'bill shall not affect the 'existing ! fairs and reittla . .iietiiin ic,i, , ,,04:t6 Ilse d e - j natnient and :payrtictit: to - State's, iipOn theiratlenisriitin.,iiitO the Union, of • five 'per Cent. of .the netptdeeetis of the sales of the 'public lands irttldn'• their 'respect ive linnts,WaS agredlte without dirisidn. *-Mr. P.liind'satnendinent'that- it shall not repeirinipair; or'snspendrany'Pre-erap- Hon' dr Ilothesteail ',law, - Was agreed . to. The - inititittea - of 3feftitre - and Ifureli ant were rejected. 1 ,.. Vending' a racition to reednsider the rote hy which the • stan'ti. .trite Of Mr. BUreliard was 'rejected; the louse dt 4:45; adjoitrued. • . ... Ss cliff. Februatt,yiS.—Severul memor ials. were presentedl Complaining of the ad tni nistratio.o ~.of 1 .;the Revenue-.late. The ; bill atithorizinglthe Secretary of the Treasury: to . redeeni . three - millions per month , of • the thmo. per emit >certificates Was trassed.;- *.'fileiAnniests bill ryas then i .taken up. ..r Messre. _Ferry and Kelley op- 1 .posed. Sumner's atitenilments..- -Mr....Fre- linghtiyseifs amendment to strike: mit ;of Suirmer's.. , ,atneMlineht all -,. reference: :-to I churches Was ogreo,lo.. ...Without action on the bill; the Senate at-525." adjourned. I - :.;llotTsn.--,ln theqlonse, the . Cdommittee I on Elections reported in theTenntylrania I contested election; ease of - John .Cessna a,gaiost 13; di% MefFs,in,faTer of. Meyers,. tbe. sitting member.i. The Senate bill for the refund ing of the 23- pereciit4lividend - tax eflauks,- trust :. company,- insurance, ritilrdad.and canal Companies, for. the last ,fire mouths *llBl'o, was laid, on -the_. ta- ble•tirt accomutorthe Constitutional foes./ tiotuttrolTetl in: the-Senute'S - Originating such, a theaSure,:and an origitiallnll tohe Barre-effect'waS introduced and. Tele et .i The House then remind': the..Cottit.era;, l, iron of the 'Educational hill • .Afterscrer al: votes:' the Motion. -. to ~ .reComsper- A lie .voto itjecting :314 ;.Burebarti's-- z .sabstitate , :was laid:On the stable yeas, ill ; ~ -nays,. DO.' ';,Alt _the — ititherpending/aubstitutes. , srere also rejected, and the bill as amend ed-passed—yeas, 115 ;-, nays / OS. : :After,- a. bun:Corona debate, it "new : droning-of - amt s mai' ordered, at the concliSion , vr.whieh; :thellottse adjourned. / •:r , --- -. --,'.:.: ...., . . 1 ' Silv ,• TH., - Febriltary/k•—=-The• Committee ott 4pprOpria'timis rporteil`- - the •-. Thgisla=. . five, Executive and . Judicial Appmpria tion., bill, amendments. --Mr.- Ed - - 1 nitwits called np his resoliitiOn asking the l'resideut fun in formation in maribto the Geneva. , Arbitration..question`...-Aftertii* . • enterable discussion: pending;the tbte a motion to leis citi.theitable.'7Mr, Robert" : souiealletl , itp-the Anniesty and tlin resolution; of ...intp - tig trenVover. 'An anwndtintit. :intistitute• " eititen" for , Iperson" in thC fifth seOtion was defeated;. also, an amendment; that this act shall not he - Construed to atter the 'NattiraTiza. Afterf further ~ dehalki-;iinf " on .!Tr, 'l4uhniet s and-it wai.inlopp.(l 7 - 7 -yqas, .28;, - nays, ;8; the",tio.heing . decid;j4 by., the Arice-P'resb, dent ,voting the.aflirmall re. • !Rho ;an pouneernent .tas greeteir-- with, Inutl..ap. , dent directed : the clOor.keepers to remove mil persons approyal,or.,dish• apisroval;lint no one was'removetl. : -After leagth,y.debate the rotewas taken ;and !be Lill rejected=yeas, 33; nays, 1;. leas than two,thirds,yoting inn theAtfirmatim• At 7.25 tho , Senale atljonrneilantil . II9RT-7-44thp: Rouse, rk-.4tumberi of bilfS of al.pr4vate ,:etharacter i yelp -acted .The reportor ,the,„Cmpraitteo Ton lectfons,„ -Ar4amms.,;contested ose t ot 1304against,Ed wazds, in rap:lr of Poles, Ilies,auteattint.„ was a,, , T.reed to. A resolution was adopted instructing the Owttit;ec:on, kublio Buildings:4o .inqu ire. into the propriety of : liat lug .a goyerilmeat boilding erected in Philadel phia for the Postotlice and United t States ' Conrts. trhe Lill to' pay " William and Mary" College„Virginia, $65,000 for„the destrnetion of its buildings by ,disorderly soldiers during the late war, was taken up and considered in ,Conimittee of the R hole. Without action, the Committee rose, and the House, at 4:15, adjourned.. A curious set of Chessmen has been devised by a Munich -scniptor: TIM rival kings have assumed the shape of Xtnber ors William and Napoleon ) the oflicers.on the oue side being ;statuettes of the 'Em press Augusta, Prince Bis - marbk; Moltke, etc.; on the other of the Empresslngen ie, Thiers, Gambetta, and the' suecesf;ive leaders of the French nation; by permis sible anachronism all arrayed In Iliesame amyl The pawns represent the 'various characteristic features ortlie hostile ar rnies—tritlans and'oherami !errs being opposed to Turcosand gurdes During the 'feVer epideniic of last month, the stock ofAvers Ague Cure in the Old North State fiery is eihaustdd. and before n supply conld he received from Lowell, the suffering from 'chills and fever bee:ante fearful. A' few parties were ed firtiinate to have it on . hand, and in Iredell comity. the druggists ;eked out their slender stoas by selliUgdo-ses— a spoonful each=for a dollar. luny ten dollars for lt bottle, when Hi.' regular price is but one, and thpugh them.tl ves lavored'ut that, so I;alnalde 'are the -cura tive propertiei of th 4 preparation, Which not only expels the poison from the sys tem, but loaves tliC Pidiunt 'with 'unim paired health and vigar.— fittliio IN: C.) ;. Stuudirra'. —it i now .. ,, crierally admitted fig hon eat-physicintis' that when ones the con sumption is fairly fasteiied; upon the hinge, no human power can save the pa t from death. also say.that of pm- Mat of those who die trim] this disease can trace the cause to a neglected cough or cold; which might have been cared by a sinall bottle of liquid'Opodel. die, or what is the same . thing, Jeinson's ,17;n4y)te Cut this notice out and hying it with you. We are authorized to refund the cash to any person or persons who shall buy and use Parnm's Pllegatiee Pills and fai/ of relief nil satisfitction. GPM S SOUR ATTENTION! DO YOU WANT • rio mar 393 713.M.111 .... , .. ...., „,;„_. tiexvit!:g „NlaChiliel fro old filakdrart4 pUrrms of Eldwiermega CartUty 4414?"Cith'i:494. rat..aat-0 The Original Howe Soiving Saadi:le, EBT.P.I3LISIIED, 3..urr..0vr.p0 . 'cal.,i'L'gtVelilLflrEt .; h'.. l7 ,F .: 7l,..,, , 7Y:4,7 w : •, . . . ROOMS " '56 . Court Strpt,-1.405.4**44.#.1.b ii ' -''' • illions Stote, , Elokiro . se, -Pa; • . 'IL ID DUNMORE., Jan, ;,-:.',. • • - • A'.,,F,A,R,11C:..-;.; ror : Sa)...oi- or= *Ol-.1404 plum of ONE DENDRED AND TEN AMES In Jeteuplovatblp;rorquebouns Courtly. re.- said rumbas a ruott Wave , ou two twat sotto granary, tn•o ever living *priors of stater, orcherdo - dm." Will be mold or, rented JU liberal terms. AS the OtrUttli 1p other. buttons. - • Apply to C. C r Miller, plltaotict"orere r ot oiyC4 ]lo.t oppenr Wyotalatt Co.. ra• r/c 1 1 , q 2 -: • • •i pgat AtTvcrtionneitto..' . A roircirrs NCPPICII —Tins underslznod an Auditor,. .21...annointed i r the Omban's , Court. of Snaguertanna uounlY, to ilidtduate•tho: fonds, in -The ,handa CLIO is Mathews, Admlnietratax urine utak, uttlarld afathatra,, ducra ed. will nt lend to tho'dolletot. hie aluntnartant. at Ma uttice, In Montro.oi on Natarday, lfar:h 30, nr2, at I cedoel: P. M.", at 'which time and phuo all persona fd• 'terce.ted (bud: mutt nrctunt. their claims, or . .ba toreyetdcbarrud,from cumin , . in on said fund.. •ff. W-1";EAIILE, aluntru4r, rebrnaiy I I, WM. A UDITOWS NOTICF.—The nntler2l,7nell. an Audi. lA. tor, nppolnleil by: the Juthzes of the Court of Com. inon-rimis of -hAqurlunnua county,to Jlrtrlbuto tho fund. In the hands of the Inhnrhf. . of the tenth: of Joh%Attend : to the inges of Ids. no. pnltttnlnt ay_hivlatect.4n :Wont rodaioO?kriday, the Tad otrebrnary next,at lo'cloel: In Montleroom' of that day. All pa tlyes Intrre,tra ore rrgalred ID npornr hurl prnteht - tbartblint OfttiobbciVO ptico - otte - fOresof nehirsrd• E, IP. blirrll indltor. liontiote,San,al,lB7l - : A 1.11)1TOIL'S NOTICI3.-zriseantlerelmaetlhaiingbeen ./1 ettphintett au di torrt, Common rims of Shinn rhanna o dittrihnte the flmde'lin hernia of the tilterllT, arlelm; from the sato of the Real Estate of P.-Titre:M. illattend to the ditties hf bte appointment. at lila' hinge, In ,Illontrese,otsheentity, the :"Att clay of rebrrtat3', A. 4 , titre etOria P. et. All peraona Intereeted tvllt dppter and' pttleui their claims or be Mammal from coming In apartheid fund*, • • W.,U.JEISISIik,, Attater, A ''''Aiitutrcre:'imi".ltt.lol2:e.ctr.- , ief • • ' OtTRTS OF AFPNALS.—The Comml.slonets of C Basun:lleums County have ILlcrtnpou.tborelkwrlng days and dates reppeetively.for liesnngnpptals from the nsressmenislor theiYear 187 J, tit the Comtelulu-a cre' office, In bl entrust to 1 , - Apolaeon, Chouraynd purlJAllie NeOtrsta r anrsday, • Forret 6; Nen - and - 31.1ddletorrn, .ri 7, Feb. 2nd. Franklin; Liberty end Silver Late. Saturday-Feb.3. Auburn, jesseptinsl Rush. Ibanday..Feb.bibi. Ditnock, Lathrop and Pprii TnesdFeb. F e b. (neat Bend Township hnillbaraitulrylVelnedday o Feb. • • Sillwen and ,Nerchlilliard Boron b, Feb. 8. , liannony, tint:lied and Thouirne,Feb. 't • Atnrat ttn . l'Jsekson, blonder, Feb. •• ' Hernial and New 311Iturd Township, Tuesday, Feb. hridgewater, J . iouirose aanijlerritk;Thursday, Feb. eusqn , :bannzi'llofong:b rind Erooklyir Friday. Feb. 113 order 9r j ho Cl4DElke°°r i t T l Y t* , , e. CRUSSC, ' Corn, Clerk. Commirsionerei Offirc •f. , ,if • maattuo, Jan, ) —3-3 w gcw Atlrcrtiocuunto. • lIVIFELOVMD CIRCULAR. "Vi 7 MOE X 1-A . X.i tnct2ifg••mew, )3Ssl7:47 , l!,d.TElti'; iiia!ataat arta L.7.beat. age—, SMITH'S TURBIIIm MITES :WHEEL, rmunte and Statlonati thrgtaca, Maitataitarad and tar dale, y,, • BROIL' Mondiatc,i'a" Feb 7 137. —aue—tf. F i, rarokh.SALE; l ,B . tam rintr.trie Urea , red jet:dirt o Bore' of 116i:treed on. the South. i• lamed ter elle.. it is lanti•eratered And has , nbunt ten amen lit timber. ke.eleding a lbw grew or br.ach nod Indite near thdtrwellind, pelug the homeatidtd dieletun of the Hrrheet Oremery farm, • • tor Tardier pa arc elan, ch9tdre of J. U„Carmalt Esq, irk. LA fro, Sl oni , ..•. WIII:r11.1447 WILLI/in, SMITH'S .. Extooetre Fumil➢re Woremoto you will liud the largest Fold: of FIRST CL.IS'A'ID COMMON To be fouoti hi this sectioo of tan cosiott7, of Ll,l otcsk tiottenfaettin, :via sr prices that ciori(4l4ll to give ,satls., faction. 111., ualkcs thevery bort : EXTE.WSION TABLES-1 tho Country., and WILEIIAN I% them. UPHOLSTERY WORK • • Of 41 L•Snd+dons to the. nententinennicr. E 3 Mt I Nod. OES • • 1.11711 Rt NO. 1 M_VT•IiASSES, •' • CO r llll ON MAT HASS 04 N:P ER TAKIN Gr The I stil,criscl. "ill hu:eafter make Hail sin.elalt7 In In. t' completed r% NEW :.ad this:att.:4 0,,..-311% REARS in the. mate. ntl nredlng will YC a:ten,1..,1 to plomptli and et, Otis:ln-tory chargri. . WA!. W. '3.IIITH. PA.. dian. PO/1 - SaL;EI• Q TOOT. Myr tont and ftg. by tbo Cnr Lona. Ton or ; Al noon:yd. bcavo unlcrY t.le SAISEBS OFCE: Mo Jan. 21.1Si•l,not mS' • A. GOOD 1 112IST'XILI!azdS211 , 721.11.1, FOB MB/ Th:4lll'..9,7`ctrd'f474,eawl:tilLitinGnewlstatrfoftete... alp. Sesq a Co.. l'a. ' . no Grl,l3lll2de mite cndtrgo . ltig / a thoroegh repair end will be r•ady ii. , r tiepin shit lk et. I .t. tin h Mils trill then -he 'in Triad 0 ,'lrtiefe. Mllla He 'altaitted 7,iii mike Prim thl:lt. rt, ,W. 'MIL: on a gond mat. For fall parileulare (non) •of the cub *cilia,. Cilo.iai, Sn-yn•n Ik., Pa. •J. iffita,ApLal, • iiiita r pa. ltila—nto. , --wt, —' . .-' • '.- i .. - , inottlty, Staminent —lit Llnerly t. , shlp. mr int:— .11_, Am.wa Ahlyje• pc, jirt.lllllClll t. (ts7o,) j 1,164 it. intet,,,,t Crum 11,ty 1,18114 to Nov. 1,, 1V:1, 114,71: .$1,21Z tallnncninn onlntlmtnnt 0 7 - 4. , woo , 00 • •ir , -•'•+ 1 :• •-1 ', . :...:.....,--_ .Tptal 1 • je , t y• -_ •.. $4.119 to, 'AI alt: of DonotiZiplltit •In liana, of Col. ~ It•clot; - - . .. - .• • et:l9 131. /t' t • .. II: 4:UM:S . ELL,.11, - 11. It, BDILSY, '',.„ w ' zAmFs,boprris,• -- -- - ' Ataikesi Llbtrly, Notembtr 110$11-4S-ntr. , - -1 •::',T: rArm mitt sAtrA-Tho NibEcrlber nom. Oren a4;> gala kis lan: i nituatrtabont oda and a hag twits ...outburst front IP N.41.1ga of New „stilton:l. Tba fame. 'eontallunroni its aceen.nnent CO ACM iinprorad, the balance In wood and timber; tt Is well sratnmodby *arm). barer-failing ridings, and o necter•falltoe , Creels I tans through the pactutt. ••It 'Pao:kept dating thepast seat 19 hearlfif tank abarecs. and 3 cheep. and ball pee dneed bay. rain nod other toddeecaltlent keep. the • atbekclltttbe adddle:o(ldaynext." It bantalas ><lome orchard of grafted Wt.. and a Wrenn)), of emall rrau 1114brIllairtg* aretood Mad nearly note,canalstlng °roost bouse„ t en, ,barns. Slfllsork bonen, : eta. Tito 'bay tetra. 'mtliStied attached. Is 40a100 tart; ft is moray, bandy. and ttoopleto. - mitts cow stalls nod root cellar andante-alb. Ttlyboose Is new - andl pleasantly arranged.Anataina 9 enstca. palates.. and donate., It In well finished. papered , d plated ititoughout. and boo a goddeelbtelut tank pd butler. • A wood, hence is attached to tbe, bonne. and anent wall ofseater alarms aboutla feet frtan the kitchen dune. - , • •,! ,•• ME= ~ Thte fawn lien handoomtly beln; the nonth.cast. and Counid ere 4 Gun of the wont dant Gitlin locatiobs lathe .towantdp. has no feu:ape, bens hilt and rock Unlit any farm of itn Mtn, and land dry.: All the tacadown can be monis by a xmachlne. and 31: 14) wit t I wagon catt-bodriren oner,auy part of St. It Is about 20 minutes drive go the Notetififord Depot: If dentrcd,the 'whole snack; Igen• nits, furniture. and gutty statutes wan no with tho Nentennion Oren Immediately. For further partlentara call at the farm. or addrifen • LEWIS $ l , •• licatlgtiford„butteocbanntt Col, Pa. Jan. 15;1-572.—ho6,gf; W UEFA. 130,070 RS D IS A - I4REE Where can patients look for relict? ilinernalinci 'at Oyt.ry . ,DyspepilCton'di to nioiaihoi'the propel inathotl of trOitaiifi4:i6t, not toliafonndinAnpottharcaular school, of Yw ilatioatia tbreo pbisiclunis who ,lalliEttgral) 'hip" Oda point; each has coma pet theory of 4 1, undcuell patient Is but In crutit a subjociPirexpatimett The only ciutita?.l,reutCtly for this terribloscoarp,l4, BltsuLtar.l nunn urrrEtur.*• - •' .4alonel4 c::rtatv and ivaitgrm Its effeefe:.. bat qrtql tpooinds,:id wilt inn! yon.!, WRY A BODY Mt MUD 'DIABASE, Vneh Ys Oyspeplia., The stomach and Ile ?mos are too Xnt r iiticteli nutted forthiono to sulfa., rrlthrrot tbentner; so Stint dlrpsprii,and derpoodinciare inseparalds, It maybe irgrrod,MO.itret irritation of tfialtomieli'la. : lll. nibst accoinninted by Irritation of do temper, Tbo in rigorm.6g nod tranquilizing operation of Ilan. torier's ignore in caber. powerially dateloprml In cup* of itiaigtetkilli c naat cinxt or ttlia.agraceblo tonic- la comforting and glotyperradestbo dironte uneasiness. In' regtoif i of .strunaen Is lessened; aildtlio Enrich, initiessineo irlileb !Cliarattaikes the disease iiiiiiitettY is not inns It rat. is not succeeded by tbet retaniof : 44rarotomparaitti,eapeanditml farce, as la ilwriya tho taro ithca onmedicatedatlmulants aro given fbt.t LIZ COM* Valor: Each flora tonna in impart a pamannot acres. ohm or bealinfur invigoration. Hat ibis Isnot all._ Tito aperient and anti•bilons-propettles of the, preparation ato stoic eV secondary jp importance toile prole virtues. ' tirere J e an 'war - slow of bile, the EttfelfOlf Ls soon :brought %titian properUMlts; Sunlit trot bilarr. organ Is Inert arid ionga it - la toned:find sagaratad,, The lam npien trio - ditch:Aging "orgeart is - equally 'Wotan% and In cases Incnne ninitiori and cathartic anctonieJusrentik clout to produce tat:desired rcacit gradually sari wittio n e pain. ~ .•Itto Bitters:also prninOte - boaltlit craporatio from !be Ettycieo, 'Oath Is particularly derinsblo 0t lbi season *hen suddiM`pells of raw, unpleasant steins. nto apt to ebeck tho natural persiiration!and'proop, - congestion of Hoer, Cough 8, - and colds." xho , beat safe, vaardagalust altdiseases Is bodily ilgor; and thus “rest yegetable Ildstoratiro Ispeemily promotes. '76. TE.E CORMILIS 011181 ,"..o. , i'ig : , i , i'.;:,',:1it,:;41:: ...',:, , ::.t: . ;;'‘'V,'j..Tl;.•,-:.,.' ,:.1. , ,:, - !;..' - iii,l tP'z OEMS . . ~ C IRcUL4►TE ,< ...- . .~~., :r. ~ ;;Ci fr; • .., - Doeu i ngmrs:s =EMI AND BE C• , : ?? t'O'N . VIN - CED: ft '.jif NOME PAT BONA OliklOST • I I:r r ; Al r r"i : tirr, r:crr:tl. •, „ , i. i Yitits,li. • C UNIT PA.P.FR! • 1TL4.139,10 VO4 X 0.11.11- .'.-, !, '7"1,;:, BEST ',INTER:gST, FM=l5=M2 • ro,z. -4.: i-••• . • , 44 • .‘i $3 A 9 Ogler PAPIA WM. • ;alf, "-`""'. I;IMMEE=I6 SUBSCa.IIIIE for the .L. ;~ DEMOCRAT , AT~,;. ;, ~ __; =NEE r.:. ~ .Wig L,.. vK FAWLEY- Editor &-Proprietor, piriintok_.Prettorg. '72. Two thiabinden,.4ing tear, 4,1„50..—' sad vadditioitai tine, 1;044 • • - NEW MILFORD. cAycax ru.sTroa—NiCitorawi exorcists. _ Dealer Ingoanlnc CaltviPtsettr. All4llgmaid, W. 31053:a CO :DCalerilit Dry Goods. Bats, Caps, Etekitseunul-Shors,, and (legend Mertimititse, 00 lultilo street, eccetel door belnw the Eptsceped Ctrareb, • UNION' ItOtEL, kept t_ yWILLI.?,It orelLsts - -strvernal . r -; ;- 4` , " , . W. 8. 11Eikli, fonnaiy. findde4llg in Plows 4ndither ,U1tn!.444.98 , doOr N. N. UtttliElr, Carriage Maker and thadertakir, as Mid eircsf„ilcyNatM t!!!par.tp . l , ll'• Mora. a VeCOLLIIM MM3TIILS, tlealers OrOSItiCS $l4 ..- „ Provfolonsi on kixlr. otreet. o - - a, winntr b gotir.:lbteicn" sn'inoir7: Ikea. 'tea, Fait. !Arno,. panatit, Grnertes and Trorlalong of '.l - uaLtol;Tnto,vromilt; D 991.. 'W. & T. ZIATMX, 3LinaLicturers.-or .ClgEni• and Wholesale 'dealers Ie Yankee. Notions end _Nee), otatalnSteccl., below Xriseniall.Chun • MOSS. 4 .fiRAP, Lath Mannkelaref• In Mc. ser , oE.l)lBcoPal Cburcb, AMY HATl),EXo ) 9 7 ers , Obew:oniidViclialias, end Mannotetorettot 9g on; ow Sign Suva, apt L.. 8, =MEM- Manufheturef or resther;ancilinattr,. — in general Sfurckindl.c . ion,34ln.Btre . ct.• ' • sr. P. DORAN, Thlelnut 'Dinar apt! dvAlen Made ClothlVDliffooilgarocOlcatuadrrostalons,. 1111tAi:VIIiillOitinutictisiir of dieditGin surd- ,„ . . 11. 11. TlNClLET—Deaterin.Storto, T 4„ Pars andShectirun Wore,Cartlego,&e. er of Shoot SlciaNio,ort.l.l. EvoTrouglihod,Leql ps .6111h:zees OttouCed !t, at lair ptlemo-,Gibstm tta ow. ' • -.5111 - s.t ;*. trt • - 'aDWARDS G 131tr, , .14`. Itanntaotororp:of .Wograkt sod filciztuk, twat tl4 logalho'l3,tore. . .uorTrcos 1 ••• • Q. 5, sioto F,— .y n , r Vey ot * O niqd 'c ' E aIS Cona. the,Con:t ,11,qiier0105tioAd. AMEL , TrP.WELL, J}riarr 14,1"Wwwv , Medicines," Li-, (mon.. PIA Vlterl - Dye Striffr • -t.lri . wrrlea, Jewelry, "..'lWiittane,Cte.l! •.", ticp: •OAILWJ;LTi. Attorney /dc•Wrbeleveyntlell !Wow, Maine Atentia,*. • • wit:n. COOPER .& CQ..'Binkere. sell Forelzn Pu • size lielezta and Muni on Pnliocklreland and;Pent -War ,31 rt. ELETenEfea !bejacg . to. e,c . Ito eream..o.yeters and Clauft. iu efery MTN. Oa Idea • ... • writolar elanocra", - . Ptr I; la lee Tern?- ' :Into d...tentKf Itatlrow3 And AteldentTickete leticw Yoileand PlAtladvtn...- 912c0 one door east of this Bank. , ; , •„ ' , • ctt.t.s DLEIL. mil insurance and Saw WS .Ita thlneititazaaibticAftpte... 4;: s : LI tiOnss & racr.torsi, the to - gct DrriOnnlYhtect ,Oincy, s:Tics:Tobacco, "8 Pocket.oohc ; ktiCeta . 40,..X50 -co .liotluno, Lc.. 14,tick Mock,"' • VIL L. COS, Ilarricsa maker and dealer la all articles many k•pa by tha. trade, eppoaftditla [Sauk. , • i nTD COitWIN. 'Dater* to fitort‘s: :Otirdorare, ,t,f yg i notarette rn ii tr i Vin.itollSbecttrOst wore; torus? Ei f ; - 31012 5 8.,PirclIsTIS atrd-derder - It Moths. TrlionsioftS: 'aud'Foinleddrig Goods. nod Be*Or-M- 4 d-c- CVjbil'.7, on 3/Fds, Flicks, tat aS coos, b!. low Lltt ii•SksisesrAlT gel/Fe. A.. it.-Icti.LAßti..bralei in Grncovits. Dookf,l4tationyryantLYsinl:eo Not.tint, et lagatlrof Panne Atenuti.• " - T. `.SPORIS. & DcAlera. in•Stnrca. liatdtiaio 'Agricultural Irapipacuta,Elouraudt.ltuccrici,oppo alto Tarbeltrluttee. • • • - - 11,AVZSPORD 'a. IitTCUES: Ltrerx. and Exel4eric Stable. la tear el Bank'botfillti‘ , • • ,- ..---Ttit,;t3tX.CEL,,A , 1 1011171 - TOVR 'r 2. 4..4' - DRY — GOOD DS,, • ---RZADYIVIADE • , CLo w n -ziJuvai,,!, Btrapstga;Aostpautt4i,qi, Th WO? ' . 4 Dress 'Goods; Shawls,' Domestic 'Goods Fliwaels;;Foikcy 31illitiOry : ',..; Goode, Dress and:block , Trimminas.: ;Velvets, Velieteens, isttlieS i ' Furnishing • (wadi always kept; READY , MADE' CLOTHING,!, ; --furxeliNyinkuleaaloya Atear y , ;, - CWTEIS, a:1 ; 6,5111E11E8 i k i,c4 - - - T4?l , Custom 'Work. ' GENTS': rti1i7,711.11 HATS CAPS,: Best SeleeMsl, KT.9.V 11 , IP*lll.l.lti =ME TOPITIAR 'PRICES! Mil Our Italics-is, •!.;;orar ta.Dc gnacraol,l,!' - Wits It Mane or abrtd: • - --; . • . •• . • . . . - zirarsrvlxTrnt tO.OIIV 75 1. 41ra. • At ;really redoesd GUTTENBER6; ItOSEN DMZ!: CO. xpi4rosei7ol2,lri 8,'187 . 3:132.4 - -:'" THE -EAGLE'- , .:--! , c.• - ••• - - • -V v- • 3L 4 .11 - 0 t 'CO leer •;1 . ; : • • • , •• . 23, 1 27X10* . EL: *set • , BRIOICBLOOrIiONT - 16:113E1 - ,' • Of bib :4014613. Onair• ininineor, to fitlimi lbe pablfailist* kr , nil .111- iintelottoterno,,l4olclacti.lllo6oll,Brav its,•Cordrsi•Tertlimrty. Ynney, Articles, ete.: Into I s Brlck Stare, Antacnroccubleci - krl46ta-sittsti•K44ca WO LIAM Tecatli ittid ittniedw Itedere Style. pad stuillgodearorrakcirp weitsupplted pi:dab:two the Drogitusloeteo-- - We extetul to everybody coritel. intit4tl4 tituj axe vacs 1a wa s anythiod our pna..4-11a wtren wow In vrtua,lllrelael'illrietidly Va'S4l vie old Customers wo doetro to,cxpruut..n4; thanU.r9r. -Ten: pittrunago - beratotara qztelidett to as.. WI ,Iyilliari4wor to 0:144-6 coal:mum 9r. - 44 BIM*. tf t tirnifFii9,DS ' e-jO, /SM.' $9:. GREAT LENOXVILLE GIBSONT , • .!t 7 IS AT
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers