1872. THE &GE. Prows fat the Presidential. Campak,n 'i'CIIMMITITUE.DOCI;3I,ENTS. Atztris - lhe linte—Get ttp Clubs at once— ' _ yigilanco and Energy in the Present ekes" Double ..4tatttraitee of Suc , ers3 in tic Future. _, PrilE AGE is tho firm and earnest adeowite of Democratic principles as declared by the ibundeni of the Itepublic.end embodied in its institutions. To defend and, maintain them is -- its constant gin, and it is the persistent and rubmeate of reform, general and muni cipal. It has sought no alliance with any clique or class interests; it has been subject to no tor.: tupt influence, but has labored, without fmr or Myer, for thezeneral good._ While no expenditure is spared . in any' of the channels of newspaper enterprise, the Age is aided by no racial patronage, but relies on the subscriptions and support of hulithinal Demo._ erats, who would maintain the principles of theix.partyourd of intelligint opponents. }rho desire to WO men and measures freely canvassed, and hear both sides of public questions. Few Plat of 'way party deny that free and fearless discussion by the press is the best-defense of the interests or every citizen against fraud, pearls- Slots and Injustice. • TILE 'DAILY AGE ‘, • Contains TILE LATEST ISTMLICESCE nitnr rams on rim \VOWS% with artiekv on Govern ment, Politics, Trade, Finance, and all the cur rent questions of th date; Loral Intelligente, Market Reports, Prices t orient, Stock, Quota tires, Marina and Commercial Intelligence, Re ports of Public Gatherings, Foreign and Domes tic Correspondence, Legal :Reports, Book No vices, Theatrical Critimsnis, Reviews of Litera ture, Art and Music, Agricultural Matters, and discussions of whatever subjects are of general interest and importance. Besides special heir grams; it has all the dispatches of the Associa ted Press foam every part, of the World, The 4pe is the only Democratic morning pa per In' Philadelphia in the English langitage, andastherefore one of the hest mediums for ad vertising. THE WEEKLY AGE Combine Literals= with News of the daz.-- In it 3 columns are Stories, Poetic, departments for Ladles and Children, Agricultural Items, Sun day readin., etc. The Wast.v AGE is acknowledged to he the best family Journal printed in Philadelphia. NOW IS THE .TIME. The beginning of the New Year I- a good time to suribe for a newspaper, and to sub tle:libeler the 4ge is a good beginning of the Bear Year. Our tams to subscribers and clubs Ere furnished below. We ask car friends, and we addretis every reader :melee of. them, to as alst ns in our constant efforts to increase our catelbluess, enlarge our simulation. and Mill taln ensnarer-ending struggle fot the rights of the people against the encroachments of power, "which is always staling tiotn, toe many to the few' TERN S OF THE DAILY AGE PAX Yin, DT M/111, stz Norms, - Twins ltecnits, - - For any period less than three months, - at the rate of One Donar per month. Payment reqniratinrariablr in advance, The postage on the Daily Age Is thirty eents per quarter. oonne dollar and twenty ants per anacht, if-prepaid at the (Mee of delivery. TEENS OF THE WEEKLY AGE: f. 1 50 12 50 22 00 55" 00 ONE COPT, ONE Tr-An; Tax Corn* - 'raven Com, - Furl , COPIES, -. , The following reduced rates will be eltarmal when alt Mope:a:ma ordered are sent to one py lon, and not addreued.severally Wthc member'. tit the dub. Lam One topy will be furnished gratis for getting up a club of twenty or more for one year_ Acopyof the Lady Age will be furniAbed gratis for getting up a dub of }inv. - The above terms will be rigidly dbervd to, and no notice will be taken of a s ubscriptionsub until pistil In advance. tgr- We have no traveling agents anthmized to receipt for us. The postage on the rimy Age is tire cents per quarter, or twenty cents per annum, to be prepaid 111 all cases at the afilce of delivery. Specimen copies sent Dye on application. Subscriptions can commence - with any num• bet of a wolnme. Address 8088 & BIDDLE, No& 14 A.sn 16 Sovru SEvirra Sr., LAILLADELPIII.I.. GREAT anarirß►L NEW GOODS!' War .11 0 4sall siraudi Wiseatosr. UMW & FAOROT ILVB - ZOW OPENED tRIVALLED ~.~r ~. ~. Dish Fall and Winter Dress ica. • Aft Sbo !fairest Styles Of Stripe Sorr,c:s. All Wool Aleotdi ?APIs nod Poplins. Seem, lactinnes, iltalkOtinithriteth Ciapciattackand fit riot, Alps*. Ilighera.. Delainek Ste. . Wasted awl FlanaM Departsuutt. . AY ttis Aol . rdeisina sat Doa6la ShAwle. -Ikatanioats in aU itiko. Fromacls of ' allilescriptknuo.- floods andNi• ' UV. Sae*, Moslem • . Itooe Blankets : ; . pod Spret4s. 'fit CLtw ! atorae ti 101, eamPUlicr an tindii Ma 73 sem to ;10 pet vast, aaa Ciin—The acres* stylit of BUk. Caraacre, C.lO ens awl 34.1466=4 , tarp stock. Itmeinallielattatietespandweassar.. Sows bquat to market. Overcoa4; at • Great Barralns. • etti Custom Reext Muuniug IVA mud .My to Keep: trii .311th Utolers: . , MI the *mass tijlea In ;St tk 3'''' TFl I rbg al l i sp and name Blankets', cbcapest and best ItinMatket. them 'wad trimly itthei Fools riot meationed, , ollt he sold Clutapp for Vash or Reidy Pay than cap 'Call anJ see . „ur yoprselys! , .l(nd be cons' of .2.11 s fact that Ton Pp !Arcl .. Oriev in ttie.e bAlrlia^pa-lirLnorgriea. 9f ".3.144:1::$71,1:: .7:)VA;;,07:- - 1872. HAIR RESTORATIR, Obritaina no 'LAO SULPHUR—NO N OAH OF LEAD—NO LITHARGE— NO NITRATE OF SILVER, and is entirely free from the Poisonous and Health--"destroying Drugs used in other Hair Prepartions. Transparent and slat. as crystal, It st•III not soli tho tarot tabste.,--pertcctly SAFIt.CLEAR owl EFF/OIENT —.lllnlstatunts LONG SOUGIIT FOR AND FOUND AT.LAST I II restore* and presents tbe hair from becoming [imp, Imptirtatt*On. Oasts. appmennee, VCIIIOIMI Dandmit tf coal and reftestdpg to tho bend, cheek. tbe dints from Pallinuor, and soirees It to a great extent when mum , bunly loot, presents Ileadaehri. coma all humors, cu taneous eraptiono, and Manatural brat. AS A DRESS. TAG FOlt TUE HAM IT IS TUE BEST ARTICLE IE TUE MARKET. DR. G. S3SITH, Patentee, Aysr. Mari: Prepared only he PROCTOR, BROTHERS, Gloucester Massaelmsetts. 'The genuine Is pot up too 0110 nettle, made expressly for It, 'rich the name of this misers blown In the glass. .lei your Holguin .for Igkrunes Iltru StrxxonstirE, and take no other, Of Send two three cent etatope to Proctor Brothers, for a •Treattete on the finnan Me." The Inforzetion . lt contains to worth saw 00 to any pavane. Mayll.l3ll ROSADALIS in - • 8 -.. THE INGREDIENTS &THAT COMPOSE ROSADALIS arc 4 - :published on every paekage.there• Ewe it is Kota =rot preparation, consequently PHYSICIANS PRESCRIBE IV It is a certain cure for Scrofula.. Syphilis in all its form:_,_ Rha=o.* . h., _..„••• tism Skin Diseases, Liver Cour , plahit and 111 discuses of the Blood. ONE BOTTLE •OP ROSADAIIS ' will do more good than ten bottles - -of the Syrups of Sarsaparilla. THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS have toed RosadAsintheirpraitieo I) for the past three years and freely endorsor it as 4 reliable Mantis° and Blood Purifier. DTI, T. C. PUGH, of Baltimore. OL T. J. BOY KIN,• .• DR. R. W. CARR. ... .. DR. F. O. DAN U NFT.LY OR.ES,SPAITS, of file! ef urill e, k Ef.Y C hIrCARTId, Cumbia, DR. A. U. somas, Edgccamb, Y. C. USED ABB ENDORSED BY tigJ. D. Mass. CH& SONS, Vanillin?, M UN , V. R. SMITH, Jackson, Mkt.' P A. F. WHEELER, Lima, Ohio. R. HALL, Lima, Ohio. - CRAVEN rk. CO., _Gorlonsrele, Va.' &tam. G. hieFADDEN, Mori:tea. bon, Term. SI Our spate grills:A alkor of any er. tended remarks in relation to the virtuoso/ BosadalLs. TOM* Modica PrOftS4ol2 we guarantee a rbalil .Es. rramsuporfor to any they hare ever used in the tworreent of dLseaseel Stool; cad to tbeaffileted to try Rosailans. and you mill to resisreJ ..,, to health. . Nosailalis Is sold, by all Dmgristilr *, prim a1....50 per bottle. Address 1 DB. =EDIT 4 CO. ) - Xtunderteriaff Chemists,. turauctz, IG,I Baltimore, July ID, Int " ly TI ERE %SERE SOLD I VIE TM IS7O, a, 84-1 OF ' Blatchley's enctunlker Tre,xxmmOnx.a.rt23.. - - Woods 12.333.1:0 S 111 EASURING 21.1.5nn feet In length. nr eulficlent In /a 1 the n...ttr•gaic forA WELL (IVEII.IOSIILES DEEP, Simple In enrauructioxii 7 Easy In Oper.ltlon Giving, no Tune to the water—Durable—Reliably and (lump. Ilene Pampa are their OKI, beet recommendation Far .ale by dozier, In hardware and agricultural imple• metal,plurnhera, rump =hem se.. through the coun try. ILlncelure, ibrulthed upon application by niall or otherinhe, Nin~le Ilaraps forwarded to parties if, ICOMS Wbora I have nu agents gam receipt, of the regular retail prier. In baying, be mural that your Pump bears my truly mark as &aura, pateatol Mar& 11et,1871 as I •itaratttee s no other. ;C:themel. 0.. 331a:table:Sr. • • mAXCTFACTUIZER, 02ce and Wareroom. C 24& CRC phubort,st., Philadalidda, knelt 1.4,1511.—dm Pa. LADIES' FANCY. FURS. MM. • TiHEWS IMAM Milan slnpto led a very large and antendid smart• tarot at all the hlrerent timid of fars'fromnceditanda in Earope, and lure had them made op by the meet skillful scorknont, ovoid re ctal:tray invite the readace op title paper to cal and CS. 111111111: hie very largo and beantlFht Aewortment of Fancy Farce for Lades' and enitu'rat. anatletermlttod to cell At Jame coon other recpoclable nonce In the city. Ail fur.. “irrtrxterl,_' taiererreaentation (pored safer, JOBS PAILDIRA, .111.(.71t STRUT, Novenotor t,le7i gym, Creak Arian and Mirk Crackgs tos 11. J lkutro.. tior.l. MI. a° . 'WEBB Ibitraid Zime tato. N. T. & E. Time Table. raims Easiir.atm. So. AL :Night Esp.roas_ .1 1 " 8, eitlCllll32Ti Espress " 88, Way Freight, • 2, Sew York Expreai, : 32, Actomoclintion., . "•. 6, Steamboat Zspreay., a TI-111 . 0 ITESTIVA,UIL o 7, Night•Esinrss,. •: " 9, Emigrant . , : " Xeetil - rtnntlation, • : : )13; " Way- Freight p. to. " 5, 3tatl aud Express, : 8.50 " AZ of the above trains stop at Great pinul *V, _,1731 3 ,11".71:114 1- :`,11 . g.' 'rearm gii4:As voila* Our, Blatt and Japan ine, "Cod niti. Mama, - Lac Trolltl * f__vlWA Lezwa„ Extriet; Stanti, VanMa Fatrac a old ilcdal Balcnit.us," itor Map Tulle; 4) De.e.trted Cocoanut, Oda tine.-Corn . .„ Fula Ara Caerae, Sob, Prunas Xtto Coffea;Citroo,, Korosfac 011. 4 0bccae. "Sklar Care? garat, Itafistiat,kream Tartar; .1 41caterl Cottilab. Candle*, Stohe Ware, canned • . !,.%14117,,C4a, . • Seth.* Tontstocfl, '. • • ../apaari zuvroeradle*cr, "err elsecp. poopt;FlLT,Altftet, if/. • - , NATURE'S' '4 1114 FAREIRA, 18 Arch Street, Idle Of the Met be. ea Tth and Rai Streets; porterAlauntacturerand Iler in all kinds and iity oI fANCY FURS : - m 7-20 10.30 " 1.47 p. m: .0:50 ." / " 1.52 it. in 12 " gots gktittcrtisintento. EDEETE WANTED ,-.A.ttetitt h ear-, more Moony :at. m work for ut, than anything cite. tltitttnei , * tight and pennAneut. tactical*** ow; G.titystott .4 co., rind ..latratZL,Arre,Portlaad,3tainn. , . niswony cppr The Great.- Fires In, CHICAGO and the WEST 1,, Ilex. E.l. tiontorren, D.D.,arEnlenv. Onlycompleto 11111.nry,7X1tivo.patres tO t;ltztarlngs. :TIMM alrestly vIld: ?rico V :41. WO) alfentonindointOttayo. EMIT,. All tn4offerrs. AGENTS WANTED. - E. S. GOODSPEED a r. - 0.. . n; Park. Row, New reek, Itd VIGO. Oncorpora Insnionce Co Colutigths OFFICERS AND DIDECTIIIIS: - S, S. Drews.tePeet. ItntrrtAws. IL 11.1t.Ans. Vlce•l'res'L - Urns"! TILLMAN Trmill. SCIIIIIOCVIR. J. F. Purtarrr, Sec's. J 1 S. Siiwit. J. /I. 11.tcrt,tor. M. 11. asescra, dr° . :11nct For Inrutaitre Or Agencies. address' 7. F. Fraonafr, Sec.,' Columbia. Pa. -OPIUM 'EATERS! MIS . itny,eue of Opium Unit our .tolidote w,ll not cure. No- pain or teronveniente. Fent on rooript of VI CO. F. O. ARMSTRONG.' .11„' D., Ilealinir Institute, Berlitt Springs. Mich: 14‘ .4 4. r• ta - = _ _ A SURE CUED for this diettcesingcompiaint Is now made known In l'inatlse Wo(s °chevron:tees) on Foreign and Native .fletbal Freparations,„publistwol by Dr. (I. P4111.1.11V BMWS. The prescription was dloworenad by bira In such a provldcatLat manner that he cannot Coil. seleotloasly reittre to mako It knotruots It bas enrol everybody who has used It for Fits, never having laded In a plagle Cast The Ittercialents may be obtained ham say druggist. Aeony smith-co tnall applfeards byre/di. Address Dr, 0. PHELPS DROWN', IS (trend Street, Jer sey City, N, V. NEW SEEDS & PLANTS Sent sty 311aII or 'Exprreo. OUR SEEDS AND PLANT CATALOGUES For 1872 Noinberlng tiv po:ros. cOntalhing • TWO COLORED PLATES, Each worth twice the cost of entalognuL.xnalled to all apilllconta on receipt of 23 cents. PETER HENDERSON ffe, CO.;_ Beadsmen, 35 Cortland Street, N. Y. STROUD 4t . BROWN'S : Fire, Life, and Accident GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, riac9Livercilso. wrap.. CAPITAL IitEPRESM7B.I3, over Ilometneorance Co. of N. Y., Cop hal and Surplus, $ .000.01.0 i nt uranso .of North America, Phira, Capital net:Surplus, 2.000,004 Franklin Piro Inenrause Co., Phila. Pa., Capital and trarpine, 2,000,000 tycoroing Count) MULtuillosornee C0:01 Moncy;Pcnn'a. Capital auddorplaa; 4,000,000 Conncetistd Mutual UN Insurance Co. of Hartford. Conn.. Capitol, 30.000,000 American Lite Insurance Co., Plalladel. phia, Capital, 1,006,000 Trivelcce.inentilllCC Co. Hartford. Conn., Inenrintrogainetall kinds of accidents Capital, tco.ocon Hartford Piro insurance Company. Mart ford. Conn., Capital and Sorpine, rhk o o,llon IVirAllintsinses cntroetcd to oar taro nil hs attend. ea to on foiricrwrand all Inset* promptly adjusted. Mtr!Orkce tiretdoor vot from flanking Office or W. IL Cooper &Ce.,Turnpikest..ltottrose. ra. ,STROUD & BROWN; Agents. ii. C. Strrroar sad., Frientiseille, Solicitor. Cols. li. Sirtru, Montrose, , do BrLiatiG3 STnOCD, CitauLtts L. Dy.Ris Id ontrose,,Fa. ,Jan. 11. DOWN'TOWN NEWS. MINER AND COATS, Main Street, 5 doors below' Boyd's Coruer.liontros FLOUR, GROCERIES; AND PRO I'LSIOS.S. Weare coastal:llly rec bloat lid am hese aphand, , areal stock of Goode, Ictourlii c.'ivtach sts n 11601 CHEAP! CHIAI I VHEAP! for cull ,or excha orprodue, GOOD TE . A.S, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, SPICES, PORK, FISH,. LARD, HAMS, DRIED FRUITS, CLOVER 6 TIMOTHY SEED, Ate. We have refitted and:made additlovtonnr Stocks Palla:aud arc titre ready to forward Unttcr to the bet commlerion bourns in NCR Tork.t reo of charge, and matteltheraladrancentents on conslgnencnts. Call and examlnconr Stock betorr rtnrcscsing where. andconctore vonrrelret o tbe GOOD QUALITY & LOW PRICES of our Goods OE= mo l itro. e , April 16.1561 New Year's. 1872. MMHG! CLOTHIR I S. H. 22 CYR S E , MERCHANT TAILOR, TlGtcorLts.cpeso, Pa., 111701ILD !Looped:4ly Warta the peOplo of ado I. einity Qui he Is prepared with a Lame Stock of LUAUS. Ready Rade Clothing, Rais; Caps, Fars, llnder Clothl.g. all aiexai r prkna. 17mbrelbs, and a ^:k011 roxiety o 7 tivuta STILVISEILNG (MODS or all kinds. I am oleo pmrsarMlM sttio "ta''waTclor,, io tbo tottat and blost . Apprar‘d StyIoo. , WAIIILVIITED to FIT, of a - §apotior Qoality, aod at ,t Bottom Prices Cali at me ttoro no Vain Street...onto dilor belo Llt tla Illakerlei"a Law °Mee, and ea pitly jo reeires. Xontrose, Dec. 20, '71,-514,w. §. IL SIORSE. nnil any perrjmproauctrig any raedletne 'allowing hall 1 no many bring. permauunt cure. na Dr. FiTLED'S VEGMAI3LE ItIiEIrMATIVIIEIIEDY. treed inward iv only. A pleantnt medicine. free from infurious drugs. 'Warranted endt r Loth, to lutyo perManeotlY cored h s to exery 100 patients treated In the pert ten years. ~{{Soo rept i many,. tl is the niceties twuneription of'Profeas. or doe. P.Flllcr. j 1 gratinatoof the eniventlty or Pannrylranla. A. I),AS - el.—slow one ; f Phliadelphtres oldeoteagniar physician., and Protector of Ceeteictry and TozicologY.—who has made Neuralgia. Ch ro nic and halematary Itheamaticto the opeetallty of Cia entire prfacclonalllte fact vouched for by the algnaturce ac coroparlyteg each bottle or many prominent renowned puleteisoc,,eletroautt,and othertetthnonlala To not tat stenwia-af.rompolconossueldle tipatriuns and nee less expenditure, at money: a legal nived guarantee. stating exact number of betties warranted to core, will be forwarded grads to any .sofferat sending by letter a fail desealptloa of afflution. 'go case of /allure to earn, amount paid peel-Lively :eternise!. ,fiedieine -matt any erberobyesprees, collect ondelicery4 Ailltentd ladled to write for nitrite; all inforanation and medic*/ adrlax acat by fitter gratis. -Pristdpal ofIlet;- Swab Fourth street Philadelphia, Preen, remedy Is cold or oh• lathed by Drumricts. - • /April 19, It—ty. For Sale hi • ADE!. "TUIUIE4. MPeliatu Ps. . . , . .. , ... ... -TEA I ' . . .., . • grcii kind orrea In tueriet y szurt mikieCtal ,or sa e. , at New Y ,rk ultulmle priCC. Also sloe pt galfeeet - of - COPYNISL - Bay AT ea e- and acre is pre Zl:tul'', 4 •' ".. , : ' , A.U.NA , Tr • . QTATE selfoor,, NANS.PIELV,` TIOUA co- VA. English and fClakslail. courses: Terms, .iie,oll Seixtember 7th, Dcepmher 12t1a,itnd Ma*-112.1111. IStatenppropriatious ,rol• staidents: etudoirts ad. Saittetht.t. uny thus. Apply to 1 • ' cjus.ll; 14.311itifit f , j AraciititalPti..A.v.vg.. 41 i 14:3;0.4-1y 14s3r's Cherry Pectoral, • . • Vor Disease s - tho Throat and I•tmEll, nab aa - Omaha, Colds, Wboop l ag - • Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, • . and Consumption. \ . . . ' Among the gr ~.-j. ' " se di ruc v r7ew or : ' r 2 .mom ;cal ' ulna to. " - . '' mankind than this cf- . ' t j '•:_2 '.": ' 1 ' .. - '4 4: firs e nes t MI- remedy e t a Throat rr C 0 . ,y4 i ,, r' - :'trial of its virtues, )I,and Lungs . A' asst 47 , throughout this and other countries, has shown that It does ~ . . .surely end effectually control them. The testimony of our best tit. &CM of all classes, estabibbes the feet, that tillEtttli PECTOII.II4 will and doei TeltllTO and coro.the &Meting discaders of the Throat and Lungs beyond any other medicine. The mot e langerous affections ortbe Pulmonary Organs yild to Its power; . and cases of Consumu: -lion, cured tpy this preparation, aro publ ly known, so remarkable as hardly to be be limed, were they. not proven beyond dispute. As a remedy it is adequate, on which the public mar rely for full protection. By curing Coughs, the . forcrunners of mire salons disease, It - saves, unnumbered lieu, and en amount of suffering not to be computed. It challenges triaL and con. limes the most sceptical Every family should keep It on hand as a protection against' the early and unperceived attack of Pulmonary AtTeetkan, which am easily met at dad, but which become Incurable, and too often fatal, It neglected Ten der lungs need this defence; and It Is unwise to be 'without it. As a safeguard to children, amid the distressing diseases which beset the Throat and Chest of childhood, Cnaturr Pecronst." Is invaluable; for, by Its timely use, multi. twits are rescued front premature graves, awl invest to the lore and affection centred.ou therm It acts speedlly and surely against ordinary colds, securing sound and health-radoriug sleep. No ono trill suffer trouldesome "'Whit — nut RIDI pain ful Bronchitis, when they know how easily they eau be cured. Originally the product of. long, !shortens, and successful Chemical investiption, nn cod or toil is stared In making every bottle In the utunut possible perfection. It may he confidently re lied upon as possessing. all the virtues it has ever exhibded, and capable of producing cures as memorabto as the greatest It has ever effected. R. T Tiro!' Dr. J. C. AYER el. CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chemists. SOLD BY ALL DILUGGIEITIEI $00.000,003 Hair Vigor, For restoring to Gray Heir its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, an d effectual foe' preserving the hair. IS soon restores faded or gray hair to its original color, with the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thickened, falling hair checked, and baldness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore tho hair where the follicles are de stroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed; bat such as remain can be saved by this application, and &time, latcd into activity, so that a new growth of hair is produced. Instead of fouling, the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep if clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consesptently prevent baldness. The restoration of vitality it gives to the scalp arrests and prevents the forma tion of dandruff, which is often so un cleanly and offensive. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and injn rious to the' hair,'. the Vigor can only benefit but , not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, , nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does MEE= not - soil xviiito cambric, and: jet lasts lonmon the hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre, and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., pracucar and Analytkal Chengtl3. LOWELL, MASS. Sold by Abel Tarte% and Burns & Nichols, 3lontrose, and alldra=ists and dealers every where. 'Dec, 21, 18;0-7 • pr O. 'JP. 331t01717110170,13 Mx I INT X 31/1 3M.i 9C' In Miming this Llniment to the pnblie, at we do to felt rooddenee, that it mast sopetende all °there now in use. as en Internal remede, fur the cure of all diseases in the reach or that clamor inedleines. creme safely assert, without the least fear orcontradletion, that It stands on rivaled in the list of medical compounds externally ap• plied for the mire of disease, Feelinx therefore that It Is onset:twerp to puff a nemede en eminently. wcmderfnl in its creels, ro mysteriously infallible to its powers of relief, causing the deaf to hear, the blind to see, the tier. tons, drawn WA crippled rheumatic to walk erect and re joice madn to the power end rivrof manhood,thlapre varmint!: is offered to the publie on itsown merits, 1166 claims no rolcanlcarigin or essential olio of the Arabt an deserts ' • boon the 'contrary Is wont Ite. IMINIFIO. atm Is a rare combination of the power, of North Ameri can xi:4nd". TM. notice nt to inform all dealers In proprietary medicines. that are bars established a Depot. In Sugar. harms roomy at Muntroso. Pa.. fur the sale of Dr. C. P. lirconsik Tonna American Liniment, and that. Mr. A. ratinv Ia our a-sotto, that rue nsnut. httETAIEIiLAXO CO.. 133 4soct. New York e^mieioas<blsoonbeeetablishcd at antra plates tn ever, township. and pnbilinhed to than below. lam ready to famish it at winner:tie pricer to OVUM Taut en and circulars rent free upon application to the sub scriber. The Liniment Is now tor talent retail brtlia inrt, `lnf. to aft; Dam. 4 Nichol.. Nontruse, • A. ToneD. ' •"" n. L. Affrons, Ar.ham 4 Corners. Noah Dahlwin,Lionth Auburn, • Waltman .h Vooburg.Sldnorr Eadp • • D,a' F. IL Fordaem, Franklin. • AL Do, crows dons liteyetscllle. I. lilicrwiroff; lir:kin-Me, • - ' it. T. ilsodrick. liprin—ville . Wiillam Tbarer. DianZek. E. IL Beardslis, Little Ile:dolga. • ; Robert Winters, Friendsrllle. • „N.A. liall. - Dirchaniville. . AL. T 1 tt Drookty, Ap t Wads Faciory sille. • 19111„ Curtis, Bailey Hollow, • • ; ,• E. M. Tiffany, flupbottom. Very. Iliontrose Depot. • : • • Hawley, New iilirant ' T. IL tattubrouls, G lieml, ' • ;Tewksbury Brothers, Subaru Cetitsq. 'Avery it Bet tunont,,Camptqwer. Eteretis.k Lent:m.ly, LA Lake. , Wort. N. Granger, Hu. Morena, Lacy-silk. • . ' • &am, Loot SprinabliL . • ...T. L. Merriman,Upsonsille. - J.W. lioactierants. Fairlittle. • 1.11:y persons In townskipapot ntine4;:4143.0 2 Au a; ; lency,anayobtain Div Ailitrwinz EIALDIVIS, tivocral igegt, Jaa.ll,l4ll—Zca - H0n4044...Pa• '0 AI 'N' D V . _R: k. N:-430.- . . ANDEss A AK. JEEZOK.At CO ..111.014 Etitradot s . - - alkorcuideffulmoalgar cam Syltatt, SOofuli, Mari Pelgtonim tupl..ta; Ban Rhaurci, =ld mt ebro c t Blond Dfseasar, Ispnweci from din.Peßli ina. mango gulf. from Lola. Eeuador, stoma br MC itextrtioco e( %b a LllOl.lOll of Opt cOuntry. Ail Abe meet lyedire, prgoil Agict coliga• attentive and td and runlet known... sold br WI. Dria,t7,bno, in pint tow tin., aavingou Mei:wont. name. thide - .111211* WA 41.- .rectivnA. Sand for.A.drcular. VOtte *and 1 4 . , nratorY. :N0.. , .:9 tridarritxtet, X ' ' . . Ayer's 701:75G AMERICAN Nor Tom: Dce. 11, 1870 HENRI HUMOR'S COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT CATA.VBA GRAPE PILLS. Component Parle—F7ni'll . Ettract illicit- • barb and 7uid If.'dract thrum ' 10. Grape Juice. FOR Liver romplulnt. Jaundice. litilltoni AtAxtlnni t , lek or id men II Headache. liertivences, de.' Pure Ven'ettiqe. unateriairyi3llaOrals or Dot etettous Devi. H ° • Thosepfils me' dellhhtfaLy plitt tent perp.a. thre.supertedlug castoroil„ sotto, mntuesla, etc. Tlt re to nothlegasoreacceptable to the rtomactr. They elve tone, and - eons° netther nanola nor ;Mph:cynics. They aro composed of the !inset ingredients Atter • tow days' UFO of theta, ouch an inTlKotratlon Of the entire system take* place as toappearOdfacahlua. to the itc.k and enerrat ea. whether artoing front Impradeucenr dir case. A. T. Ifetmhold'at Composed Pahl Extract al lawbs Grupe Pinion) not roar coated. from the fact that, alga r coated Pills do not &wilco, hut Pao* I brotlet the stomach without Altrolrlost. contectuently do not produce the devlnal abet. Tlll CATAWBA, (AGAPE "'MIA hem:: Pleasant In tone and odor, do not DOCCII. eitetO thelf being ettgill . Mated.; rttlCE,Firry CkEiTts yr= BOY. :HENRY T. lIELMBOLD'S HIGHLY CWENTII4TED .1601f0C;iD FLUID EXTRAIT SAASAP AktLLA Will radically exterminate ram the 7 :syStent Scrofula. Syphilis; Fever Sores, ticers. Sore Ryes. tiord,Lsgs. Sore lileutk, Sore Head, //Derma, bait Rheum• Daucers. Runnings Dont the tar, White Streit• Inds, Tamers. Casectsme Atf•ctiuns,,. Nixie*, Rickets, Glandular ettellindr, *pent Swears, •[tech Teltur. //ti mers °rail kinds, chronic ithentathett. Dyspepsia, and all Mastics that hare been established lathe system fur' r. • nein:prepared espressly far tM abriro jminplaints. Its bloodinarifytn: fopperies are proatci than any other preparation of Sarsaparilla, It gives the complexion 0 clear and healthy color, and rooms the patient to a taste of health and purity. for pnritylng ; the Mood. re elating all chronic emmtilnl Maul discaree arising from an Impnro state of the blood, and the; only reliable and eifectnal knmrn remedy (or therms, of pains and arrell lnly of the bones. Cleeentlons or thp throat and Motekes. Vimples on the hero, Es yolpelaa and all *rely areprolls-of the skin, and beautify!, F ;40 fwm plosion. Free tit to per bottle, lIENRY T. Ir.F.L3rI3O,LD'S CONCENTRATED Wt.sajia Maitriaot VIE GI:BAT DIVIETRI, Han cured every care of Diabetes In which it has 6 berry given, Irritation of the Neck of the Bladder and Indam• elation of the lildneys., rim:ulna of the lildnelo and Bladder. Itni.rnann of nine, Diseases of the Prostrate (hand !!pone in the Bladder, Beirut. Gravel, Erick dust Deposit, and Daemons ur Nitty dist-homes. and for en. feebied and delicate oust it lit le us of both brXetl, ettmd al with thp folks:ring rvtapt..ure : Indisposition to ex- Izie, or ratter: lorator memory. slifilcolty of breathing, creak nerves., trembling. horror of disease, wakelninem, ditnunat of vision, Rain In the back, hot band., flocking of the body, dryntais nf the skim eruption on the lam pallid countenance, oaken.) lassitude of the reerfehlr urinal, etc. Uteri by Person , from the ages of eighteen to twenty dee. and Irons thirty-dye to flay-ties or in the decline or change of life: after conflusanunt or labor pains; bed wetting In chlldrun. Ilelmbeld's Estract Ceche Is 'Micelle and Moo,. PO tifyinc. and cores 01l discs rep arbdud !rem habit. or dls slliatlunamlem-t.c sod Imprudences In life Impurities of the blood, etc:, coperceiliter corolla( lo offcctnint cot which it Is used, nod Syphilitic effectlin--in dose, dic e:mos tied eutincelloo n Itit Ilelmhald:s Itwc I}'a: h. LADIES. In mane elfeetiona pernibi to ladies, Ire Extract En: Uncle Is unequalled by any other rametly—as in ehlora sis or Retention, Wen Large. poinfaluess or suppress ion of customers . eracnallans, ulcerated oc.Schlrns state of the Uterus, .LOCMThttlt or Whites. sterility. and (oxen ecauplaints incklent to the sea. erbctherarisine from in- discretion or habits of dissipation. It la prescribed ex tenalecty be the most eminent physician. and midwives. for enfeebled and delicate Constitute s. of both sexes and all arra oitendc4 rapt agl of go abuso diseases or apaptoomil. n, R. IntlaSSOLD * 5 FATILK4' 111.1C111,7 Cures dlneasea arirlng froin Imprudence, beano( dlit• etn n ln all Their stages,at little expense. 111110 or no change nt diet, to Ineonvenlencel and no expostue, It cuurrea freggeat desire, andgleen strength to mime. thereby encoring obnlnKtlone, preventing and curie: orictninnorthe ilrelltnualltying pain and ludarumntion, no (regnant In this tiers W distakte, and expelling all pOPo27ol2Sulatter. Thousands who hare been the victims of ineompetent penman, and who hare raid betty lees to be cured in a churl time, hare found thephave been deceived, and that the . pob.on" has-by th e ate or" poiverad at ringcnts." been dried no In the !Intent, to break &Win a man az, granted form and perhaps after roarringe. USE BELSIBOLD'S EXTEAU7' PUCE IF for all affec tions anddlninses oftheUrinat7Organs; w4ether nesting in Male or Female. , from Irtiaterutomegntlindlng, and no matter of how Wog standing. crics. One Data au Fifty Centapet Bottle. , N • • UMW T. HEILLIIOLDIILIIIIIO% . *D "WWI WEST t, cannot be surpaased as a ilia; -174eb , and will he found the only specific routed, lb every specie.* of Cutaneous Adection. It speedily eradicates Pimples, Spots, Scrobtatle Dryness, Lndunitione of the CiltatiCOni , Mum brace. ete.,dispets Itcainmro lad inelphan Infialamlthni ltleste,ibisb, /loth Patchei,Drynow of Scalp ur Sidn: Brost Bites, and all purposes for which Salves or Ulm'. meats arecised; centime the skin to a nab) of parity and **film!, and Intnrel cantinuMl healthy aenun to Its vesicle, on which depends the agry„cable okerness and charity of complexion so muck so y • 4i and ad mired. - lint however ealtiable ea remedy or nyittlng defects of the akin , 11. T. Ilembolre lithe Wash hie lung sustained Itsprlnciplo claim toianboonded patron ago, hypnoses/ dog qtuditics Which render Ito toliet sp. pyndago of the must linpotlatire and congenial chan ter combining in an elegant formultxprominent re. quieten afetyandcdipley-;geJnyari.Dpiiampan l. meat. of Rare so A ,l`teS4rritict stud llefrosherT of the compleilop- It lean excellent. Lotion for diamnes of a VAl l 4 l l:4!ZlAt i an i Z i ggiti ' L l Ararlig h o e , cued in concoction with the eXtrilaii letrami. ride, and catewba Grape; Pills, In Oen dlecasee as lc- COMIneD44 Y I N U,9 / 4 0 "Au LIU ge, i , , D , . /fail fad 'cil i a 41Tectioner worripapy the utedleber. , Ertdenee ot 0.10061 terponcilde and.relLible char acter Toralsbed on spnlitauton, *Oh handftda of thou., sand* ot thing *Oporto*, and nyward of 3U,lnentnto. hiked cutliffittal (and recommendatory letters, many of ^rh watch a nce ergo the td„ert Including eta. neat Ph dannclerginten, hiatertuca,. etc. • The 'pro. victor never retorted w thott radiation In the =pent tea khodoes not do f i rto . pithe s. t i thet b,ls Iltrd.t.o he prolgedWorga,;:t7t7 Ot new • EMl:o°l6i emmimeo Prolputtip' dZlglitatid artyaildtro a:' actin Roos "observation, 'totabllidoxlod‘ward weory Years. Bold by Dm. CIAO cyerraduirs. Marti! 10tt,..# tor Werra:Won, 14 • , cooddenei Mai= LlEo4lol4.l3.:Dtiala.eistud KJoly 7.ll2ri7nia` brag.. and cliesOial Wareboase., No 601 Broadway. :Now Yotk. AYH,. T aLwaorresMcdlcal, pop:O. - MA 80olli-Troth Tblladelphla. BEWMIE COeNTBIAPB43.i , for Ur. cWr i,tr.,!.‘npusii.l r.** po other: • . A GREAT tiIID'CAL Dr. Wl.t . ZElt.'t C%Ut:rCV-N.:A. VINBG:R BITTERS'. 4 , 1 -. Hundreds of thonsunds 4 , jk_6r trialmony to 01.0 Wo.a,:tr... (n, , V 64 1:40%,* • el 4 V WHAT ARE 'THEY? • .; - 3-3 AE - g' •.r. 9, a !IT; O •t-14.7 : 7 , -cl4 ay. A?.- . 8 Turr Arn..NOT symr. "I.e. FANCY' D'itlN-K.,l l Ai i ra d.a E.Zor /KS , n o Op. blemo try! ittis ' end r.efane Llyyory ext. re:L.llmi sad swede. bard 1, Oohs+ 4.. tt4C; asth - el"leates,"••hpyythr ay., thu Ind itl Erytir ea ts trothatwass sad refs, tr 4 urea trio .U.V..ie:ey, nada. Stun %No NJ's, VA% aryl ..rue. Cy.dthts.l4fria - from I,ll,lloalielle Stimulasay. . nay ara ths GU LtllLll3ly PUU I iltst and .1 1:1,1!":. VISINCIVX.X.• turtyct bythontyy y4l bulge.ratyr nt er,bytterct.yan•yiyy, yh 0 "...., K ya amide yyd tettonity tLY ttyyt to n byytttycmynt:on pi relay thy Shia Moss 1314cts tocordl4 to Casa Coy wad youth y , SUM stubs givoutYt ea thenintlyeus,t ryth:sd the bonyi nth uat dotty,-14 brute al r.,by'y - other theass,atd lSa sltatotytthl Itetta • eyoadtha polat at resolution:m..l4 , 47 a■d Cbrcr.le ►0..m0 Mao stud Mint. Mcorpoln. or Indltottloo• Milano, Item IS tent ood Interrupt tn. rcvorn Moonlit% of the Mont!. Moon U Idiocy a, not! Bladder, them /:loans Las* tatta most neat. tut. entla Moonoss cro ramrod 1.7 ‘llloccd Mood, which icgoneray produto4b; dcmazem..t oft!. Elloin Ivo Urlta+. • ,DiesPEPSIA ISIC TNIDIOSATIOX, *cu., ing. thi Shocidurr„ Coughs,lBl4.,tod of tho Cent, bleathera, pour trr.clatha 1.1 the Fhaunch, Dad carte la tho llnuth. IMOOI latarkS. rutpitatloa of the Mart, tuttramattou of the Lungs, rain la Co ;colors of tl,o Weans, bad ul.cottrud °Uwe ofiatful ettuptocue,tre the:ortorla2l of Dyfloaps!.. 3 . 4 , 1 la, 17.01%13 LS, Stomach =a sUmulata pldtht . or and Itoroleotldch render then of catequall eCourfla el:arising ttrot toed of cal huherltki, sad hops:flag new Itt. arlalgOr to Co whola system FOIL DlslSlthiESastil4lep,:ttterault $ rots, Movies. 1 ratelcu,VoEs, rut boucles, StlavlForsos, Ileald4lcad,f ore Tyco. Err*. elan. Itch, feerfA. Idoccillarallota of Uicillo.lton..ita And Dlbevoot of tfloblzhi, of oblately.r oarcha or tater., Are Morally dug tua coultarrled out of Um system la; owl tans ;he ueo of those Dlttcrs. Cue bottle In such cues mill col:ail/Oa tho =an lucrotzlotts of Call. tussah° afoot. Clonnoe tba Vlllatolipood whenever you 111..1 Ito IpporiVoi boating "lihterls the rhea lo TYropler, liens or i.e.. I ileum= IL hewn you ender obstructed nod rlonnlsts W tne rclasi CICILIOI It whoa lib fwd. pad your reelletV will tell ye;o! who,. Seep trio blood \ polo and no Amino!' tho ry - Weeeo will follow. rEs. T.l rc and °the . ... 150 . 1.1318. Itsskla6la the ribsvo of so rAany thonaanols.orsislhetually dr.trfors cl ast4 r.o oict. ror fall 411teretIOns, rood carof - .1.7 clreelar eratml each b lIIr, ritutnlja tact fans pnagcr:aploh,Gctooo. french taasrosioba6 ' ' rropriltor. P. P. PcII(PCILD . CO. - . • =irt tt rIVOCIIH . D., C. 1.. za1.72',.1:1 Comm.;Cu . t ',et ;Now Von:. .Tv t; nuuccuri 1.N4 DE .L Oct. %-7 impetc THIS AT, GUITIEMMI 'Marro COCk34. lIORSE HAI' FORKS! 4. J r X1i1.,1410 , FATE NT MP/30111M. T+.3 1 1-T.* am. r4ir ?Malmo Amanled Thin York In Fitton' .linnitn,-3.241 And ICU. ALSO NELLIS GRAPPLE PULLEY, Aa implemoat tint Prery ratincr,tirade. *moo awl l'aintat ShooLi Palo, . , 2Mosrca3,lGrizi.B HORSE, RAKES niud gates, Scythes. Stettbe, Orlin priage, Iron, (A - t hoe Ittand) Axles, • ti C. P.prings. . • Ourlaze Dolts. CIOU Bars. (Steel and Inat} 241;1211.1*01C C:10 CIIv4WIVI if II es That earns tires . an A AIM WIIISTLE I when km Cores Is Ready for the T. de: 'ins' ONE sad yob} and the Cod a Always Medi . - kits, Wind lon.gt, !Salts, Saws, - it,fx;,f •h, Oils. • - L.t 'Varnish. Mussy, TlisSS tro t - LianOs.ec Montrooo,lyl7_p, .357 walrus • _ • • T Ell !GIL VALLEY RAILROAD. 14 On and after Dee: :9,-18A, tialtia on Um Leblgh Valley ltaLlsoad. will tan s 4 • . • p.m. p. m. ,m. a:in. a.ln. a so. p.m.p.m Elmira 9.45 o.vg. 11.40 0.10 lAG 1140 2.43 0.00 Waverly 0.00 4.0011.43 SAS 8.301:00 - 3.0 d 0.70 Towanda BLI3 4.111.10 7.10 1143 4.43 4..Z7.1.5 Tunkhannock POG- • vu. Plttaton_.. 4.0 , _ Wllkesllairre. 4.M1 .1.16 - 740 . 1.10 7.15 0.15 llaur.n Chunk p.m. 10.43 p.m. g.lo• Rai - . .0.44 • ZAP - 64.3 &id .. 0.00 - . 6,•h) • 5.50 7.12 .p.m. New York... .• :Apo • • _ . . X9e)sNeet4--Nentt Upward. Socti—Xtead - • , -7 . • • ORIES, or( yEs crhovvi.. 4 . 6 ; isekmpacts) TUE449.IavE Ina mown . taat4s # chu 'mid Arlo Elltintibl the andsrstpece Ii iTo/aZ ‘ ,10 . 4 t or. vi r Y rot read y i tuustir =lova ' au k , _ c a To 119,1,1 .Ivckenr.y.o.iir. and Mb, indelksoods puny kevitßil ,:quntrf stop. • . • •; • jA. L yam . Auburn Yynter, Sept. '44, 1511.-17 . j, W. VANAMI3I 11,. 6, Z. . aUceeasfally kaoo all clams a varobic Azd Lento , Dlsaaace. - . , Eatifj. . a far cl realm. containing patinas:a/24101U? staglala.4odrsilkla.,o4.lAm TIO. . .. TIST 13A1LGATNS .IN TOWN 1( CHNCARAMtIti GROCPIPIPS. YAW:M 1110 ' llitonr, Pried and taar.e.l rtu4; Vezetablera,,' Le. &L, tuo HeAdlt liarikatinj •A. N./J. 1 ;0. 4 n% idellairocr. %Oruro" 2-,t. It 11.' TARBOX; TA.T(III3IAIEIt AND JENVELtR, Y Buzipielinnna Depot., Pa., Dealer in Watches, Clocks 'Jewelry, Dti , pairing promptly done and warrantee!. . FINE SILVER- GOODS! made a speciality; . Silver Detached Leyers $l3OO. -Atnencart Watches, at Companies i re, dace _ - Deeds ordered for partici, from New : York, at leas profits than if kept constantly on, hand, Solid Iticaret-Itings forSl 75pee palmy: 'weight.- - - • A. ThliDOX. 1 4 0 squebanna DtPot, Jan: 25. Ital. sr. - •• Yvon ?flit]; ROTE!: - Prop - ertei located atr L Dininek Onfuerr. and Incr. and farovably. known the Lowly natal, eoznicttti yrlth thick aro about Twain/. tons'of Valantgo IA D& ' _ Far ortlenlaro addrcop nr calf on C. C:1111148._ LI , Mtrie. An. 141. , U. - Ezenitor, LACNAWANEI4. VALLEY BANK, - 1301iL.A...NTC?Zg% Grail:mg* Eiaxmacorilitoia, dm Cie,. ESTABLISHED Pi I&IS.—ALITIORIZED - . CAPITAL. UNLIMITED: LLIIIIIII7. Waitrons-let a General tankloo nosluers, Without Limit, lotion to smr IL; PZE cut ViTEIIESTALLowo ON arEciAft.' DSPO9ITS - All Myatt* Paid on Demand Without Notice. Fiersottei keeploa amounts with as can deposit and drama the Fame as with any other bank, and oar ensteretare will be accommodated withouteatna (barge of Stoma. or exchange. - -• .• - - ltEmrrr.vstms,„ roe ftosit. from points in- th e emmtry.tontraniatit to, railroad,rent by tams, promptly acknowledzra anti !remittances in payment Auk- te currency or by draft. .:, - arafte for sale on -Ail Parte of Europe., collection. vutle . withcrat other shame than !bo ink. al mtcs of czehanza._ pAssAGE vans to and nom all parts of Europe, by First Clam Sh.omerr. at the lowest rater. Scranton, Anuttst TY, tirih r —ate. - WOOL-OROWERS - TAKE 190T/CE: 51MTS. WOOLEN MILL Is running Ai nittal, mak lug all wool flanneO, checked and white; Moo. cotton warp flannel, the beet ever made; ail 11/04 (weeps and carriMen,r. A large Int of clothe on .baud, for intone to CZCitAllgC. for wool. Mare rivet MO Cail bolero OrpllFlhr. of your wool ' , Malebo*. 31111, IX mile* north of Montroro. , J. W. IDLYIT. limityofe. June T. 1684 If TALBOT & STAMP, I,) GROCERIES & PROVISIONS Fkaar, Salt, Duller, Pork, Tarr% - Mon, Salt Ptah, Tall,' Ciurdlas, Crackers, Cheinie, Coffee, Spicer, Cbotee Teas, Supra, Ince, Dried and Canned , Fruit; Tobacco, Chan, Sown and all Other articles nrually krpt In a drat class Crow iitnlPlovlslon store. Wa will mark oar goods as low is wo can afford, ant aell formai, or aichooge fur produce, PATRONAGE SOLICITED • TAtllin" .b STAMP'. Xpritmap, Sept.*, }SW.—ti EiEeprops NoTICE. W 11131113.111 LE*ERS Tiflungntary to thottetafe of -.lndoor' titone. Went leorwt Lite totecteittp, dritauted, have been wooled to the subscriber*. ell penetur Indebted to said coats are regrind:en to wake trowel:nate purulent, and abuse har lot:claire* or deemed.* agattot the teeter olthe said dc cadent, trillresent them:tie wlthent delay. 401.13 i LIRA WAKEUAN llANDltielri JI 7 LIA 1 7 111KOP,Ittelt DAY f 0,34 6E01{6E13. JOHNSON, JERE-M1.321r 1.11)81 , 0111D.' roan bate, Aug. 2. ISTl—tiv*. Exec Won. r . STVATAIrriII. Marbleised!'lata 321a.w.mitloasi i ~. ' Very Largo arrortawnr, •••• . ‘ , ... , 4 •;•.; .. Incladinga gnat variety cirvat ocw and Wilk SLI 4, ad/V*4_ jra,s S . T. B. STEWART, &Co t ~,.... A fa Sixth Aroma, Irsi: • 7 &VI and =Ur Streets.- Now York. Avr.2.11..k4 0 . 2.0,000 }1 ortli of Goods in atom for the o °pontos um Fall Tratleof 1870, in it fall and • general assortment Of , exit 6 - 4.0.. ' Dari, and Parnliytvy, aiad Fancy Gads 'l4 L'atoress' aoC;s; ' Deana. Mr Pbarmi. Calms, Shan*, Coricts, embalm, Ails. find 110 Stirtir •- Zadigtand Cdea Anni, Biilfalurolgo..EtimY Z 4 ), , Rea, ofttil wiorlsnent f ClWhr, Caramtrts ; leatoettotli, Mamas, /beery, ' _ ' ' • Dor:jail; &lots, ito, with a gmeal assortment .of Rats and Papa r Booti Shoes, Oils and Paints. Crimmins, Crockery, Hardware; Stoves, Iron. &c, (MIA& ing sulmins'optmstunity for selections, and wilt be wild his Via most fafotahlo terms, by- 23. ni3'artrzwxBs, lliZ)rd. Aw. x. MA 31.33AXiZ1MX 011:11=1 'puma Tnr. Catitr 11013 t, . < JI'OIFIN TAIIIIIELL. Proprietor. • . • Zlgbt S ingest Immo . tills Rause ko Committal edit the 1.1.,L..A.1%;,t1w tod t lothl4r VAR!, Rag P4113..ierk,-3, Agricultural Voliege, of Pilawlatudek. Keopcii fur S.1)11,10 !rpm. op # wEENs, '192/ Friday, Moors-10, 1871 llllseirat catalcrpeand on= 14 % OS. If. If Ag L'UOV/s,l l .readeps,, ;. riCtStural College. P. 0.; _ • .;Act. P., • cent= ca.. Ps WO fl ;OM) :MHISERIL'.. . . T oYirmiu fu t-liisc l :At't phoureimli• Rid snow tattat..Abea ' AtMa.pla w nat • a q, currant ta taty.pina. granarliceditaZ.o=l plants, *PPM 1 1 =4„ra., ° "4= 4 V. a„ I.O biu fb *S . Ci a rT t tillatAgps Inca, tollectilm—ilorts and qttanty. bend tu canto tor Nair, inttanated Datittandird M.W.nie.oo vagoa. BC/Id stamp. bath fur t.atudatma datattlata, nrlt platy' dlrcttlons-64 mast Bidding and Garden Planttat,ttl wpm and Yttato 1.10-2 a P 2 M., Addrtats K:93lEnpr,niWminrtou, Dllnoid RiTED:4amo into tho Ipcimn the o ofSab o morcni Loko, oo or Abu* the 211th day of ;all Id7l,FsrßCov+.Qaa,LaarkedaiU rtxt pApi, and um 004 ..wifb Ur. -Mi MIND prostogmerit foil _mint xbargeo am tato tom swot. -Zw _ - - LARsok , gorostUto,ScptA, pft.—. • . .:.-.:Ageztts . .-Read --Tbis -1 .....- 'Wig - VIM. P4ll - A ^ell.lll :a . saktirjhupger IFT • ,Irer Wpek and pewits t cinnratesinri Pa .ilt .r u C l al‘, -6" wortf 4 1 1 1 14 ", i -a cr44"; ivid.rt**.NVASl.4l% 4 0 .. u .A 1 , 41 144 , r 4 .144: "I ..:(
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers