gocal raitozotis esit e viorts.- , SWIM CIIPEOR IL Fem. PlMii. slaaratlillaysicea -• ' 4 alk- salla ea% Rabtntb 5ch001.... ............. ta: pram Xcettag, ta3 . 44..ai ........ • = Lte CillTitell ,Itiv .1" I%Am= Services.Secoad rttipt4' Ia each aim% Si bath Schad • Immedlatc . l) br.f.rcr StaoQ ppflCO AL eIIURCII. ,R4r. 6 A. Watuuwajt-Itittbr: eablitth 101( I. ca. audlA p .. 4 - Wmapiglay Scrilices— .. ... ...„10, 4UODYST EPISCOPAL_ ....Rev. ALEICANDEL ' roma97io pon. Sabbath %cti.bol . p rm. pares.lketlng, Thundsyi ' • SI alTrEatks chriten . 7. n Mtlllll ileniCe• 1U.4.3 t. - tn7pud 135 it - pf ---------- - r. p. illoslitess Notices. Waal sonatas to ‘tbe filtttrtsttig nutr utt• Miliettentittai week " --Couttnissloners' EttrAtNnetit of County. —ltillletittd.nresslsr Barr —Saymps Atha —vsrto for !AI —Dr. ( Ise. Is Forking. —Sewersl farms ibr Drestister. • -••••- targtt account of the 111 health of one of 6 It istiotera, we arc'eweea to delay our a little this week, and omit seine interesting fuat ter: 'Arrest 4 Iffurdeeer!! Lewis Junior,tolored man, 5 feet Ilina high, wrists J9O pounds; monsttehe.', det ftdrniis on forehead, was in company with a riliite; woman, left Alpttrz?se, tlon!lify Ltst, : Feb. Stfet ast veqt &ling ti Montrole 4)1)54,1 Ttiek body. {if he person orany information respecting...hint lttij .bc rtuardo §.l l ols, Mont/ilkftm - • _ noxious .^•crritet Res. Geo. Peitz, Secretary of the Ilennayigal zits Sandal School lire 6 ?h on the subject of Sabbath ScLaada in the Piesby: terbin church, of Montrose, on Sabbath &cif& ing, February 11th, In the 2dethodt•A churth,lit the afternoon, and In the Baptist church in the evening of the same day. The public are In't• ted to attend. Dentoeratie Caucus. At a meting of the Democratic voters of Bridgewater. (James Calph was elected Choir. min, and L C. Smith, Semidry.) the tollowi ; 'COX knations Sar Township oilletts.rti'Madt For Assessor, Enoch L 'Conk judge Election, Charles Brown; Inapemor, - James Calpb ; Constable, E. B. Ketchum; Soperris , r, Kirby Bunnell; School Directors, IL L W. E. Ltahenek ; Justice of Putter, G. Id. John sou.; Clerk, L. C. Smith; Auditor, 11. J. Ste• oisms ; Treasurer, A. 0. ilcrrirmin ;'Diroctor of Poor, A. IL Patrick. Montrose, Feb. Snl, I$ 2. Acknowledged. i'Ve copy the, following from the Pittston Come to show that we are not alone in out I epinlmi respecting borne patronage. We' would respmttolly aclinewiedge the high cam pitment raid us by that journal: "The Montrose DEMOCRAT gives its readers one or the brat ingiCnL argutucnts an patronizing lame merchants and home labor, that we. have read in many a day. it also has an eseellent article math/ding-jurors and constables against Aisuliing the secrets of the jury room. as to haw jurors stand on the case; they are trying, :afore the verdict is too ight into coart." or ep. ” Mr. Theapilus Papp, •of Papptille, Popp p !ni* , . n vandar or, pop •carn, fancying hi ivielf to ha very impilsr tivitu ids lady love. popped the question totter wader, the pup4c .atice she referral rairs-4,o9r:rreroryyrroc.,-ohce asked fo' Ma consent, was laboring and .rthr in fluence or ginger pop. popped him out or the door to the tone of "pop goes the weasel". and Mr. Popp hasn't popped any since, 4111 411.- Salary of School True era. The recommendation in the message of the Governor in reference to increasing the salary of public school teaches shoul.l ree.•ive earnest -attanticm. As a general rule the-schuoi tcarb,r romivra inadequate compensation. The Not ?inn of tenelicr is both teammate and trying. The formation Of character and moral training of thous.uids of children rest with him or her, and while we believe most teachers conscien tiously discharge their deties, they should be ciacca IDA position by inermse of Wary that would free them !him pecuniary difficulties There is no clani of public servants more de serving of consideration' than pnlffic school teachers. The Governor's recommendation might be applied . In this county with the ut..- post propriety, where a large. majority of the teachers, especially females, are paid very 'Aar trisget . ; OPP .11R pkrittit to the Act. The Barents - at Brothers, who bare given Isitinitions in Parrishurg, had their Fick, klly exposed recently by a ntiniher of - thestAnta of Cornett University. /slew York. .A priesit'lecter says that some of, the students, btvieg a itcsentia turn of sand, provided them selves bcfsienhapd with_ mysateelu.le 11.115.-trn taining jihtentiettins, an made ns to ignite sod denly with a bright 11,71.1. During the dark ~..pectaw, when the Bareaeoris inulortod a. br, .1124- As the audience suppcnoi were, bound 'and sad foot within their closet Or:cabin. and *hen the - altar ..was Mating in the air and playing rnusicaßY man d,the acres students attack their lights all of a. sudden:-when the • Spirit's acre:found to be : ito other than-the Daecupurts theinSelyali, _were'dedging about the stage brandishing the guitars and playeag the tnees. Val cantle suddenlyontisq : this nithealttpe dic: . .lared the perforniusec a 'hum hag, iin4 he : piayela c ayiedfrom Ithaca I;;; ific test train. - SneAtallFelnD l ßolo NticVmeeti. Sorry - %%rani, yrtio ;was Indicted fur the Turinr cd• a §hatier, tiled in Tuothannock last _court, earctieteci aimistati ler;n^d 4n isprileati*n made fore new trial to nrimt aiatcpcc, mu; an Friday last,, enteneed by the court to thri, te4 , *bin doom of iron uorrui imprisonment in the County jail, to pay a fine of three hundred yi Mars and eosin of. promotion; Aynt dove years ago Catlin and Van Worrier, cigar' atakera in New Milford, were tried and 'ionrfmed of killing Clark, another cigar pinker. Carlin teaa senpne t cd - to propcirs andsiFmoralii and Iran Vhrmatliei. riot - Our - air . vionttia teary ocinftnertienCinliie State Pimitentlary. 'An Kova6 lint. a :p4orlicidietiitsjduiCatils, • igianuit.Geniiik; nicliap) VonatiiskM6h - 11y rnlen Who:dont/ natapeak %forst: of *Eustis% was . thittekily bound upOn an opea - aloof; In Great. Bend. shinny 4144 pons,' pails and knees, inn accused of stentinglen old bran' kettle, fried _befori jastiee or tlist re taritrito,3lDitri)se las a 6aig,l4k,, Vottutee, , Undoubtedly. scithutit , eltnawittirAlte guilty,"•and. "iras - itenlehded In - tarn the ptnpenratottn; Oly"tville"or tea 11°:' lois and costs of prosecution; and undergo tut irdpristment In Lhe - Eastein Pepitcatiary, at Philadelphia fat - cots„Orzr , and i 2146 mowola. riwoideribatate . 4wioaditkaictotifa , -pizo.roackpichoTatelli 4119v,1 !!erey" or money "touch tho gentler side" In any of theifirako.': The fear of palatal/meat trill kid 01 to 044,170, IA be "delivered" fremi as temptatlini ft bpssietlle, " • • -7-7-7-4,•41111.11 7,'• , In lifatioriam.. - • - - • Ate :fleeting "orni•ila ,Ttiady Fire Ctin patty No. 1.; Lehi tLbt . amina day of Febi s jitry, A. D., 18 ' x"; to take Into consllerolfou the death ()Cour Salow member, Sylvester 11. Mulford'h— On nuninn, a G. Paelte, 11. G. Seaman, and witvaiii it. Jessup, wens appointed n cotuinittcc to &tilt ilumbitions, in - it:fere* to Nis sad uyent: Whereupon thecommlttee reported the fellow ing exitokllions l Ngtl l oltilere unanimously adept ed, and ordered to be Pablialtedanda copy flifn died to the friendi of our deceased fellurreem wffiaW; Out Into 2 feline ' Media; 9 H: Mulford, has been Itnedenly removed fronatin by death In a distautCity4„; iksited,i'htt as 'entnitany . .4e deCidlffeel and sadly mourn his loss ;';std Ids o:hens:L9 cicUacter and klnducss - Of ICart vrill endesibim to'onttnemdriet; • cielendes(iii'3llo rutijy and rrlffiai of the dear*, oiiF warmest sympathy In this afillatvg dtgperptaiion of Pid'cldenee, in a kind nom itrbtnoble-hearted brother: Bodied, 'that the proceeding of this nieetlnd be published, end Opyof Mese Iteiblutlonshe pmentedlci the rata tit 'a It MCCanri - itser.atirii.44.4d-mses. Jon: :47: by t. Mills, Mr. 8ur1:1134154r attd MIA •Caheili Kew, ty_oth of ' • .comzB.rg3os. . ------- • - 31eirottel.-+Th New tork City,.nn Tbdisday, Feb. 1, 1872, Mier a brier and pmeetul illness, §,y keeites liuwell Mulford, ebild , of Sill , llnuS afal:a . „l . 7l; and -- Faaby Jessup "3.lbltofslt aged • y?...ars % • . . EiVSINESS LOCALS. . . . Mir: tiatia. .. . . Dl': Clifit ciill . l3N at the Tdtheji Ilcmse, liont• tmsc, Teeth) , aril Weclami.iy; - 7e13: t 8 and 11, : , 72. ..8. CUARK. Vet , . 2.4872.-tido=j.t ' Farms and l / 4 Tiniber Lund • Abaut 80 Aeres. - ,!./4 . 1111i1ul t Wyabaing, Crte4"- ~ has g " ?" 1.(.4. ; well-furuiShed 1/0111.0 anil hams. sheds.. 1,11/11arr, orchard, rericeJ it stone, andtiever.thetng water, 147.,, r 413. Periere• /Ow, a 10 acre plsee in West Bridgetva:,,E4lle ly owned by J. banter; has new barn, ;.7• 11 1, and water, let 045 per acre. Alan.l43aere4 Tinker laud In Harmony township, half n mile front !brawny Centre Depot, on Jefferson Mailload. 11111 be sold cheap hr • 1), llltstrsieti Montrose, Feb. 6, 18:2- . 6 8 For Sale, A home and lot In Ilmoklyn Center. Enquire or Mrs. C. Tinny, Susquehanna De pot, or C. N. Gar, Alontrusz. Jan. iQ. 18:2. A stlee. The Anti-Secret Sorlety Association of North Eastern Permlett-anis Ivill, Providentx permit ting, hold a (ttarterly Meeting at the Court House, in Mougo...te,ort the sectnd Wednesday and Ttuitsday k ith and Sth ot-Tebruary, commencing Wednesday evening. Elders S. E. Miller, of VIIIIOrd, this minty. anti N. ua iien der, of Scott, Lureme county. arc appointed to ad drcif the meetings are invitvd to attend. G. R. Ilsrtvir, It S. Sabbath School Mcctlazi. Rev. Geo. X. Peitz, of Philadelphia, will lola a a rites of aablealli Sehoul meetings In MOll trOSC Saturday and Sunday, Feb. IU and IL Ile snocial plaeca of Ineetiog tciU bdilacallicedin the ehureba: All are Wilted to attend. 6.1.14 NEW AND Dzsmnir. 3tustc. jngt. Lisuca, by Mr.' J. P. Shaw; Mnsic Pablisber, likbemer, N. Y. SnowEn or Mrrxona, illarrnka—By the popular composer, Mr. J. M. Chadwick. is re markably bnlllancital taking, of medium dial. cant,: and ;turd 101314te:. ICrea.`obty otrica to be appreCiated. II EAVESLIt DELEASI2 —Poetry and music by Mr. J. B. Swett. Tuis is erartalnly one of the bed Songs we have heard in a long time, it can not fail of becoruing popular everywirgte. ' The alxiCe may be obtained ; of any Music' or News Dealer, or *of the Publishec.. , postlufree;for 3 . 5 eta-etch. lend4ori a otyy. Clover and Timothy for Solo, 13Ftrie siitr;sriber; at H. S. Wel.o4siniTtOrim pose, Pa. ACirll and-see my new variety ai "A 4 slke" chives seed. Montrose, Jan:3, 1872.•-Brr aloticrg, DOCTORS DISAGREE_ Where tea pelt. ate look for relief( Tao experience of eFLry Dippeptin tends to prove that chi proper 9 .1b.4 of tavnt=ent of anV4to Pprrnd discisp. afeirpio, not to be found in a. T of 6.0:1+ gala? Soo cannot Add duet; ntwitclaus oho atil ;nip., upon . tale polo; ; cork" kfie .ems pet Theory of hie ova WA each pallent Is but In t tub a tablAif..rexptuttnett' Thc-;;Wy e.Mxti=l.lttiCitifa' ithis uTrit4e . scourze is 2114U1LEIWS lIMID:BITTEttf. le Warm Es tzitatti and tt df irm tt it. cfeett, It bas shivil StsadsAiitt will &lit iusi.„ll4 A Inn. AAD PSIND•D7poasn t litteb is' ysatpii. The strumeit and the hrit n ere too ititimatrly d for the our to old% r without thr ono r, ..what dyspepsia and despoudrecy are nisei:trade. It maybe stda , d. too. not s rriattion of the mum ult to maul ettrit.taxACcom palliest by irritation of the temper., The luefftwatieg end tranquilizing npriatioit.of tios .t.entie Blteris into: purrs:fully drTelo .ed to toes of iedipeteM, Tged . Ot thla agrgeshle tonic in etc:liftman; atieemadiaging A mild plow prrsadra the opals n. tht• chronic nuelsitirsti Itt the regent of the olosealdi la lessened. and the goriest reolesseees a blob ettaractenzto the disease is alined.. This improvement l not trued 01. It Used surcredca 19 ,- the iienre cif the lynivelpa aaprz.aildili Circ.:cur it alti' l l4 l tisir ca. , whet, utimeOlcutio stimulat tante glean tut t nada - Val tit. horb Moe. MOM to Impart a trertaaoeUr VMS; hir nu hue inriguratt , o tint this Is nor The aprrlinlT and anti ba nos ;temente. of the preparstent urn stare iy tiorond gaga unp etas Cebu ft-:mate Stritta..- If eft to /la U sa , ~bile. the traird.5.3......1f k r kfr ' iltd n i ' o7,l2i.V;l= ' rIFAr'It upon the Iltnatl•rell:,...gatta in equally aohttari.'n id tin Canto in 0211. 1 41.tran embattle - action Ls just see eked torrodirxtbetimared result graditdlyanc hunt he 1111taln ;dirk ItlVl:C•tid treditny crisp nation ULM I lwattrlara. aztautt is ItZtlical devrabie at this masa,. then omelets ryes taf roe, tat areather are apt loch-ink th e native prespirettun and produce , euppettou of dver, coutts; and' colds. The rake gaud a'alust illtaoserla isteas Stara mnd. thet tbs greatVert, table Lteatoratlso orpoetally pro:hates. . TO C3SSIFEITIVZS •rtm ady. , strar, lariat too= .peratacently card 'of that.e.mal closuloption. hr a ettoplr .ciedy; la au xtoasys,a3.4o, lcuowu to his falow ..uttered the. xtfrat,ot cure: To WI who; deeire it. he wtti surds eOpy Prr (true ore tars 6,) tea!, tho,d4ree- Mud* for ;armoring sad o•lo: nu , .awe. • hieh they trtn Coda seat Crttr ,tot CoZeuX l llo 2l . Aim 4 ...4 l .3tcactu' rut, C. 4 Partici itadn: proolptllou %WI piny adr!lss Rev - ED 47.4111) A. WHAM,: lL~UbTntrd W.l4..inist. ?Arzt4; NI • , ••••, , THE C7111,T3.10N8 oi! es isyszip. invosT 4 Etert ti legovrotoz ail for (Mr:beet/at at Iminiv - nigh - 04 cal4:re: equr *offer from !ferrous 4g.„„,f t oppjta-le L The/ OW ettletlte. Written by:•42.•Witte e7tP4.eitilltlC eationd tree ins rmelviree,p;tl;lll44lriMed etyrr/aPr.' " 44dro!...NATL1 iX pth,T,t, Y. p'ionstia;ll4ol;ren,:t, • • •ggik • flareted::..Eityp tot rsecillto:chi' the &hem twatgiAmt the uroprseirorkshrootni" °fertile.: instriegt. trinriaeliary,bel.p. iPrautoonfirbo feel copied lormudrEmonia.l happluees Semi rfree. fa : genhrtneysiopear.LlOW#ll.l),As4•o(l/47103 l'or 10•-!4'1400 1 44 . 4.- , • • -r ANNEAL STATEMENT Attillti ; qUINDINII[S t bQUEKA A CU. tx , I ' 1,F0112. AS7I: ra - . 1,410410 published in Pu r suan c e an Act ot: -43. 4nsehibly of this 16th :orApell, a D.183L: SUBQUEHANNAtOIINTY—BALANCE OF —.4.*IaLBLITOILS' , ACCOUNT,ILIVE 1 4. -,. ; 40wriiiM1.01 . .griy ..saupll•:. Agoouti I, Vcll BO , paid. taut :cent et• $ $ eta $ et . Auburn 444 6 a 6 417 514 21 90 . 1 Auburn : • 1520 30 1,431 89 13 25 75 30 Ararat 800 24 284 20 13 09 14 95 Bridgewater.:.. 2,185 12 2,010 43 7 28 107 39 Brooklyn 1,43 171,157 52 4 74 60 91 Choennuil .• • .551 , 50 521 04 3-11 .27- 42 Clifraid 118110 118 1,249 88 10 ,89 .01. 7d 1,871 671,794 07 . 8 $3 65 18 135. 23 823 Forest 1,070.35 1,0119 - n 00 18 43 81 nioitult • •_ 89062 889 47 •6 07 41 18 ,Friendoeillo..... 104 83 171 51 879 •9 03 Gitason 1,49 891,"288.53 0.66 57,__ 71 Grait Bond ' 1,1130 21 1,1379 21 15 -25 . 5011 .eitotl3o4dt;c:ree 404'44 - 431 91 960 29 73 41astriril ; • • 1.231 73 1,149 :48 21' 0030 833 44 779 6512 76 41 0.1 Herrick . 801 77 757 26 460 30 85 Juelltnn 1,172 0,5 1,100 53 14 20 57 99 es§up • • 530 34 783 48 5 63 41 23 41broji 817' 88 766 35 10 70 40 83 Lenox 1 265.931,174 99 Hi 10 01 84 Liberty 909 20 849 19 15 85 44 10 Little Meadows.. 143 /3 133 81 181 701 Middletown .... 820 18 784 33 57 41 28 3lonume• .„,„ 2,031 49 1,893 37 38.47 09 03 New MitfoV.'.. 1:723 - 48 1,0.31 6511 - 15 85 87 N. Milford. boro' -50 W-20 470 01 545 21 74 Oakland, 034 61 598 11 506 31 48 • Rush 880 10 914 17 60 .48 12 tither L ane .... 891 SO 813 42 ,G 57 42 81 rq 's Depot... 1.140 34 1,072 10 17 fel 50 42 „.... 1,105 s i, 1;121 90 14 17 69 05 Thomson • (MU 873 80 2 2 5 '3O 2 0 'N d., • • E1f.67711 13 ,712sa polo vases Tow :MUM AND Bonotons. Cirm.xeSons. Apolacon, • - • • - San3nel_Kke. Auburn, • - • • - 11. N. Kellogg. Ararat, - - • • George Avery. Bridgewater. • •-• • IL P. 11013084 Brooklyn, • • • • J. L. Reynerld.L Choconut, - • • - D. Stanley. Cjicforti, • • • • 31. A. Gardner. Dhnock. - • • • • N. U. 0110162 in. MAU% • • • • • Maus Mks. -Porest'Lali!, • • W. O. Small. Ptanldip• • • • c. 1): Ef.farit. Tidendstille ; • • James Mead. 1091f11Z % • F. -P. Whitney. Great *dd.;• pi pan& , Gitit Hold h.:634h, • C. 0. llarfufd, - • • - d. M. Tanner. liannony, • • • D.-Tailor.. • lil e ,7lek, • • • • Catpenter. j a eks i m, • • . B. 4 Larraliee.• lasup . • • • Lucius Stfiltb. Lathrop, • • ' v• Bohee. L •nug „. . . • • li. K. Baker. Liberty, • - • • Asa A. BM. Little fLexidows, - • E. B. •Willianitt. Middletown,• • • I.:*/flor-1 DodgB. muzimse. • • • a. .1 4 oven New New Milford borough. • N. But:-rfielL Oakland, • - • •_B. F. 11Chi.une. Rush; - • . • 0. s. Silver Lake. , • - • J. J. Doniann. Susquehanna Depot, • - G. L Tiffany. Son:1081e. • • - A. P. Bruwu. Thomson, • - • • G L Leiria. IrtcarritLATtoit. Total amount of Dupliotes.. ...... • 482.077 1"5 To Itilltfelat IMO by • colector, 644.n7 Se To amount Percontaso 141.4 09 fro amount exonerated to Collectors 344 TO COUNTY EXPENDITURES FOR 1871 To Commonwealth Costsl -L221 • 62 . woww - ,-wurren. arm Jaw , s, tts'il malt, Referees 110 00 . Road and Bridge Worm 1,183 60 Road Damage ' , 1,7212 00 J. T. Ellis, late Cooer. $498 00 P. Hinds, " " ' - 405 50 El.-Beebe. " " 470 60 1 ,4 24 0 0 o:Washburn," " , C 5 00 Conftahlea . „....„ . 618 57 -Asatours .. 1,363.00 • Court Home • 1.026.99 .-, 'Grind and Tnsyerse;Jutors ' ' 4,585 40 - Imre:lag !record-4nd hidcz BOZO! 1,604 53 iligristry.Rapectses. , 4 - ' - -.• 672 51 ' tail' abuse - and Sail Fuel and •- • ' -. ._... Ligitil ..i . 6413 72 Intatlonery .487 09 Interest on Bonds, etc 1,562 00 Bonds Redeemed.., .2,849 97 E. Baldwin, Cour,. Crier and Court Houk ' 1 805 90 W. A. Crossumd. 4 Cierk . 1,000 00 Couety Auditors' Pay 37 30 (Inners', Special, and Township Elections 630 .M Sifstions of the Peace ' 16 25 W. L T.. 3Tosley,liherlfr - . IY4 60 . . " Jailor ..: ..' ~. 6 ... 840 DO 91 MB. bell, Tow n Cluck' '' . 25 00 Az i rickltheal.Societ3,., tWoiettrs..' 200.00 ' Teacheie-Iniiitutesi - . . '224 00 - 1411ttie IT-asthma,' -. 675 10 Easfetn PcnitentialT. ~ 684 04 . D.W.: Searle, District Attorney, 610 00 des.-F..Cattnalt, " . • - " 11600 Printing, -- - 1 '. 471 00 TrieinalrAspeals. ; ' , 461 65 ' .Little Meadows Bridge, . - • • -656 78 'Lenerr.Bridge, ' 800 sq .1. F. Shoemaker. late Protivino. • . C. D. LA:Tutor. tary inj Clerk. 88 70 G. 11. Eldred, Prothonotary and Clash.., 147 OS Jail itapsirs. etc ~ - 712 48 Jill Physician (C. C. Ihisey), - 70 40 !unmoor, 405 TS Jury Commissional* • 214 00 it W.- 3111,ekey.-01.110 Trevurer i 2,481 00 Tr6sarei i Peidentlge,l,2 , 28 - E 4 ge:11.11.4*.r.1:80 . 2, - ` ' 2l 25 133 , Ccnnty . o24l.l2 from 2+, o. Ito No. 613:11.c1Osive, ' $33 , 488 11 TrOsuier's reMen - 71: 1 11r., Six 4efunding.o • ; SI 25 SUBQLTEIUSNALT.OUNTY 11Cp Towserres Dupit. I ? j ail •_ Bonorens. 1 Cala APolicon, • - Ararat Auburn; - - - Bridgetiater • -. Brooklyn - • • Chottonut - - • Clifford• - Dimock • • pundaft - - - - Franklin - Forest Lako • P'rlendeville -.- Gibson . • Great Bend - Gt,-Bend Boa Harmotty - - -- Barron); - Jackson-- - Jessup - Lathrop - - Lenox. Little nvadowp, . IStiddletOwn. ltrootroie, New Milrmtl. N. 3111foed two' ' 42takianiV gltrer Lake; ' ." • Reitrallikepot, %it* 01,907 74 pl,r 74 Ex- 1 Per cent cent. ' . $ itil . • etc 3 s.oe, $ eti 1 41 I ma) 34 1 aeal 62 15,50 la . Ico ,72 101;00 24 U 400 4 ti t 74 09 60 os 350 8 57,00- 52 2:" 2 01) 2 A ,35,0) 32 30 100 170 ; 68' 1 00 ill 43 650 307 '17,53 60 83 400 357 1 GAO 380 2 501 20 1 4010 86 03 200 102 59.50 53 68 300! 282 • lec o 2 10 4 ,3 4 00 1 67 54 50 48.45.50'2 55 , t'V . .11 1 6 0 3 /M 1 . g. 4 32, 26 13 1 501 127 • 50; as 201 60 1 280 .23.- 2ls co 50 140, 48 , 43 76 2'l 230', - In: ' 29.93 300 1 571 41 00 36 10 8 00, 1 DO, 32 48 43 , 1 001 2. WI 85Q ..3 1 501 15 ,X..47-'Ol3 ',421 • ~ .I'oo' 2.30 ea RI co ;o - 1.00 3eo -4aigo , is 10 5 001 100 71 i 61;5 -6 001 3 37.• 10' 14 73 I 77, I i - 53, ~ .44 18 CIA 2'X 1. Ell"' 63 18,15 001 242 ilff,', 54 4;0 . ;11 , 00( 3 , 87 461. 123 E1t613 . 501. 1 20, ...-V ,58 6 T Pr; S % .i..:43 1 :•1,x.A.,........,: ; :j- . 7 ...1 1 ,107:00.1.323 213113 1 7 5610 tit RECAPITULATION. 9w,LamoilArtAngeivic§..,.. To amount paid ti,f Ilepo ; • ' To amount exonerated to 41,375 06 Collectors; •-1 Tci limouut: d'Etteentagb to Collcct4ra,!_ -A - 411,567 00 STATEMENT - ACCOUNT FOR Vpt.t.g!mq Guopitir, TasAmami: To opount Dui)licatesfut : lB7l; • • •$1,06z oq 'AM:MAI 'in Treed:et d dadd3 lit berladt 4341d11P,1te U4otto 11 brt. Erontildlents to Po Aerial, ,Percentage ." . Orderstediemed tram Na 3 43 Inclusive, !pa pi Titaturer's Cumnilirpan ie• retina at $1.375 SG at 9 per cent, 37 52 - Treasurer's Camastflo on ex. pendltares of 07; at 2 per Asithunt In Treasurer's hands to balance, ' • /Wandlug .Clrder -In it V. Elm - tiedy's =want, $361 84, • .. • ....., TREASURER'S STATDMENT OF 'MILITIA FINER FOR THE TEAR, 1871. Tessetesinta AND Dont] v„.,,,,. Ex- I Per Bononomt 1 cotes ' on'n.s. cent. S. cte $ et. SWA $ eta Apolacon, • - 24 50 10 6; 7.00 87 Anbum, • • '45 501- 85 03 750 187 Aranat,,• - - lO 501 13 3 250 70 Bridgewater, • 07 00 :... _4O 85 24 00, 2 16 Brooklyn, - 28 Ott , T2tl 88 4 50 1 1 17 Ch • oconal, • • 221 x. .. 19 88J 11 001, 9•5 Clifford, - • • 63 ~ 52 97 BGO 163 Dlinoek, • • 07 601 63 62 1 00 281 5 1 Bulldog • - 9 501 OGI 2 501 35 Franklin, - • 21 001 10 1 4 1:I 85 Forest Lake, • 41 601 81 85 850 109 Frieridaellle, • • • 8 501 523 3 , M" Gibson, • - 53 INY 44 75 s'oo , 225 i Great Bend, Bend, • 81 001 '24 5 50' 1 27 Gt. Bend boro', 81 6 i 18 63 12 00. 97 Harlon!, - • 27 23 28 260 122 Harmony, • - 81 20 45. , 1 55 Herrick, -• 4 82 20 134 450 187 Jackson, - • 21 15 201 GOD 80 Jessup, - - • 40 24 2-91 20 50 1 27 (cc Lathrop, .- • 47 50 i 84 201 11 52 1 90 Lenox, • • • 40 32 SO 0 00' 1 70 Liberty:. -.- 48 - 42 70 900 999 Little Mreidows, - 7 380 BQO M Middletown,. - ,39 27 55, 10 OD,I 45 g Montrose., • - 23 17 Cr 8 51Y, og. Nets', MUford. s '44 38 860 257 N. Milford born', 21 15 4 0 82 Wieland, -- •' - 28- 21 38 0 1 12 Rush, -• • 53 50 1 , 40 38 11 212 48 1 Siker Lake, , 42 sol 89 78 8001 72 Spriniollia, , 01 00 1 39 00 21 00 2QO Snag's Depot, - 97 OW. 77 00 13 00 410 lbocosoni • - 27 a. 19 700 102 ~. . . —.... V(51 . 7079 :3---. 1r.,3 04259 Ode 00 ~ . Atocrant or tbilYr t altrs, $1250 00 , PAIrl by Osrllectors, $955 . 111 " Expnerationa, • 252 00 .° Paeclitagi. 48 $1.250 00 1j..411 r . 111.111414111/ 13 . 419° 1,8 r . " TP iflk:‹l3.l nab M from Cacctors for 1411_ :SEilpf 04 Brio:MOW ter eolleetke etparsof,....... , o.Trtagnivr's prmankr • • • • gisionat paid A,t.turs ....... ..... 7 G LI l e. jo o Primate Cnaney far •••tatinanty ....... fa 1 ' Boca la Tr: seamen rands . 757 49 w+ a' The orypt balmee 14111.4 In 147.41117ter $73? 49. Mu been !Aid W tba3lilttary Bermfacetrd.n; tu Actor Attinahlyll3 , 4l;l3C4. provl 'c4-3neclpt..lcr mein pttstuted to as by 13. Olldd-o, • ountr Treasurer. • ALAI JONES . M 40.1 $14211.11.3. Aculitem. 7anuire4-1221. ' nvq/Avig atantom TREAcITILSR. OF PT4QI79. HANN 4. cIuTSIT, ACCOUST WITH SAID (ull Tu. arum tkto Tretkreibuit.ft. aper taut Atidltor's Lioport I 2.10 CS Amon tut ..11.0r:13 Rest Ivril :from 11. T. Herne ly.ine ' I4.onty Treancm-r. In tutted ble mat trted. nem sudzwmeit Lamed... 4 0.123 Amon..reto' red I7um . 1 4p,•rwl• .1, or Fortst • tAlt.tns AM-amoutreslttr to D. Kafue.. 173 23 Aupurtakesired tram W.T.tdos a)..Sherlff, ;cry 47,-. ..,. 21 01 to Am:int edttltioul uz rceelmtl tram J. A.Dutrdl.... 2 'n Arnoont 0..11101h1 tae rKtletd arum lemur of Harlon. 16712 0 02 accrtnt Owe' ed Land tarrtcrlred front cmtrlta Burks atrue...lltted • 4 CO annunt .ecctiml Fry= Conley tillietr• tut 73 00 Attalla te4iti,eie/ininiOn . l74lll.l3 SOZ2OII 111: ... .. 00 Amnant tater;:e • Conniy, er...t. tbe zealot' Quirk ea,La 2 1 i 71 Amount received om Bredfurd Couuty 'Aprettil Ccrmt etunut.... rl 0 2 Amount atrulred rrtun . no Amount rural wad Prom U.l-I ,esyre 6 163 tor Return Lund Tux. J. P. Shield*. I.Therty 043 Mout t rme red from W. W. Watson. We County Elonertutondett 67 17 Amount re,tiv,tl (Aim addlthisml taxes. Mil 31:4 23 Atnonut received trnm it. T. Attaley.sttertff. , 17 60 „ By fttancTdlens cm vidlitnall t 02........... G3 ' 45 ,712 Refunding Orden, 77 25 Poont7 Orders redeemed from i i No. • • • astncirt•lva. - • - • 53.i'M 11 Itornieritions to Collettorc. - AO' nt 'l6do 3 Pi:Trento:a .... f 618 09 f Tresineere extranaleetnn on reaelpt of IM.- = t 6 at tan per rent TR 58 , ?MUM Mel rarpulealun on expentiltaree of • 223.70.0 la at temper COMO - 0V AD ,111401181.1uTressofor .1 bandit,. balance .... 9.4.945 , . STATSYNNT, OF Wm. T. 1102 LIT. !MIDRIFF. IX ACt.'OIINT{TITUAMYFEESFO.O TI. Dr. To tmoant of Jury Fess. asper erriltrati , of tie tter4 of %tie Court uf guarcal Sculvaa.....s 60 00 IS BO 00 Diensstst paid Tressr. \ !ts.and skstrjed Ist Cr ' me We Ti ins. tatalfkbd I DEvivorif.cm nizt cnvvrr TlmAsaltßit: IN AuCOLINTWiT TuVCon34o:l4Mairitur YVAN , • riTLVANLV. '.t • Dr. to aginsint...l ate Tax ferried and eiresred on • • , :inttonnletink !Mocks as per eerLde.tte QS' • tier Anlttur Ueueral . ' WO CO . , , . PO OC! Hy I per rent. CP.Erell Collectors ' $ .11 Trrs,ereeee , artmles',nne.. 141 Amount One Commonwealth . • ' 14108 STATEMENT OP susga Ell A.lilllA COEN rT TUBAS. • ERT, Jesuaty 1512. Aoal'sble Fluids in ilve revanu7 $3.4001Z Uneutrrut Mo., of previous 'was CO Orr Several amounts of . not" ti olds. Jutieteute, tee... p r inst.Auditers' 10,,port CO3 03 We certit itte . in ! . uv .ivl i c ns ii. bo amine.. 1. stetz ty. ene. E. ~ E. L 111iF.00.. VeSVAR IVAutII3IIII S C. C°matllll° ""' Attest: W. A. CRONVIOS. Couveilatiouvre Clerk. avmToas• iIIa.URT ersqu'EnANNl- MUSTY. SS.. tbrulittgraissadt.A.wittur• to sad for tba Count, of apqncbal,“. Alt personas of .uvr dative: at bs AWltor. Ugam, - Alga Mow, as Mouthy. J•ou try tau. A. D.. til:t and did adjust:au& settle tho sesnal =mute al titorrttotscd.stoo.re Tres•urcr yi bald Courtly, all if stitch. spat* Mange; .3ouslasattO. willed tole corm We Gll[lo4l. tutu& Of tiet,put a Glkldra. - Treartirwr of said tleatttl. amount of flutds:P.4lo 3 IS: doibnut a Crate fapds, amor.ilt of Dor, fa utisitZtt SU tufa:: tslrt Cl.Yk ~ _-; • • ,ft Q. 4NE 4 . - A ‘loll.liegtlf.4,.. Audi t ors. If. VAT'S • Auditors' 0111ce, Moot Ewa, Jos. 2, A. • TiiTE ;1 r OR3III:li 1160 fi; k t t• .1, 'max CD. PA. Basalt an d Classiati course& - Tema begin e g ittembPs 7th, Do tuber 12th and 3blrchtith. 443:11*roxiations brAtudenta: t3t91 , 1e41i ;.1- - iattedst, say thao.• .A"pply‘to ' • . •• : , o* - -s Cll,O. if: - VERRILL . A.. Xeisfeld, ft 2 0 1,7,4; ; 8 7 1 4:7- 3 7 - - , N6 .- 110IIL PRODUCE Illintilrlyt;: 444141igiji A l st Il ingri a1921k W. 3 as gton evr Chitise,dalry, liketory, "• '- Eggs, per doz ....... - Ftour, - per barred. •, , . „ A80e0.23 Corn meat, WO ...... ..3.1 5 6 4 . 4 2q Wheat, p e t bushel;, • lDsad •69 Rye p • ..• 95091 'Oats. ' " •- ... : • 61683 , . Corn ... ... [lop% crop of ten ......... Tannut Litdxsi lb rotatpes Re: • • Turkeys pui 1b... Chickens " . Geest, #1,770 70 Ducks Granseper pair... Rabbits • " . LIMOS *OR hATAI—Thei onlaseribee trete tee ale train. 'ahuut.onit Mad • b.ilf wider t eethnit-Stele the WWII 'a New Il[liford. Th. Una =talus one hundred...tree:about e 0 'sere* Improved. the halanee In .ra.d anntlEnber t It In well leetitod etyma' In•Va Melling sprie arid fl uerer.filling no. rues through thopastnre. jt r. has kept duffer' rite past '3ll=t4=4.=dittl..?Pt7l.o - r a iieril I lefiliddle'of.ltainett; - ,llt - rentritils reeky oVaid. o.l4[Mllh4Cieritrealt fruit- The bt'l4T..t enigkod mid neatly neolgieushittneet one berme; IWo tririmiragoa ,homet. rte. ,The,ttly barn. with shed snitched. leakier) Lott It Is room!, hionv,, and complete,- with cow stationed reot Oellatuntientaittli o The totoorts new mail • plesissetly waive I.eoutalng Toms. pantie. and elopes. .It Is wilt fluislted. iced and piloted itirorretiont. add tini-o gond collet , f' i :troth sr d butter A wood bowie In attached tante holtsf., And a nerevfailiug well of water tren ched aboutl9(cet.trum the kitchen door • This fn. Ilea handsomely failed, Ike strettoenit, tub 1. eiireldered one of the iciest do•trable leer - Mons ln the twwviehtp. it tr. lees hlll azd rock then Any farm of rtze.ond Lied dry.-,All the moadioescan be moe it by solaill tot: and a.l 4 allertillin cao liddelien Oyer out part of It. Isle about it mi. ales drive to thu sno Wilford Depot. [(desired. the ribufa" neck. Wen jibs, ituditture. eud dilksp.gtrims don irr.. t oitlG the (arm Vosiroasiori given,ludneentre4. Vt; parrirehire tail at the Arm. or addirrie 'bEtik IS IV hitTEll, New Itilllftintinuegietkuna Co., Fit. int... r not s -rtf. • , , • - • $1,770 76 aittaT andxtraz NEW GOODS! 3Pcito ohne/ NV/aa.tem McgillilE & BB • UBOi DAVE NOW OPENED AN. VIIIPALLED ationment of Mar Pall and Winter Dress Labrics Ail the ?fewest Styles at Stripti.Beirril., AU wool Bunch Plaids and Poplins. Batieins,lferlianes, Prima Crapes. Black and Col. wed Alpacas. !Intuits, Dashes, Eta. Worsted and Flannel DepartMent. (be itovellieslp Nagle and Naas $l4Ol, Wgerartlal M 011 . 1%7 . 1m ilinpla at ad dtactiptiond Bonds a dFa • lacati...o. to dinaZetl Bad Spread." Its Cloth Stick I. to, oPptigins an budiiittis!rs cratairt4ll)inii yard. ' - Efars ard Cs;il:-Zie steweo girt Otalan!,FSSlziere. 'too*, shin iiiiii . tuitilvil is!*, N . k.. Eat= Overcoats at Great BariNlw: Oar Cast= DeplirtmPat ie Dunning Itilgbt Day, to prep Up With Orders! , - Noictrei—A. flill no& ot ttir • lent, stles tap and Halo Illeakets, thwitt and tuna la gurka,„ These ar t a cult °tinegeoaa aiatfeaid b sole Cheaper fer CUR GC Many tay lase can be rvEriid c1.04,41.1c. Vir Call and see for !Meesilves, led be convinced ed .tbe Oct Mee 3 CI mu 4,,,velausys. In mese hem UMW b 7 bum:. p.m: gruceilei XeiCENZIE &Yea. LAU. -116niinere..io ember!. zen.—lt. • • —• • 'G 4ZWELRY—A FyneAssnit tazt seeirtgrettrteiirrieSaifari.. Aldw Ceti and sliver ttasod Womb,* and Watob Colin.. %diet sod alitt..r td dad Swans. Port., Et,siftf. &C.. and • gen. end ototttant otk'nov!.koodg; Tipttps..Polfottl.tr, &c. Den. sod Metlicino.. • Illgre MCC SlootoJae, Pa.. Dec.th 'Tt. TIIRRELL. . • . . , (111.0CERIE —Tens in trent - cartetv - V.A and cheap ttr the gall tics. Deed Peaches. tie Orals waste— &sacs qa nig or Maisano, hak,Ar. Cot ter. and.; tall ar...rtm -q aa. • Xustreso, Dee. 'n. ABEL TC'EUELL. .A. Xi "1"1:71%ELE1Za7..., DROOOLTE, MONTROSE Es.. SoriostOutlay Wlft l o7 ar c)3r, e• _ & ndknepit oriltand ai and ds slant " .4.aottidtni deal!;VO " ' : , . TWIGS, MED/CINP, , Ltooll3. Paints, 011 a, Dty-Stii fro. Teas,lsplers. mid other Orel coma, Stuns %%are, Waft mud 11 sedum raper. Wen? obit Jam, Lirrura. Immo. t:1111:otielln: acue. Itacatdery Tau:unit/li, Neat fout lta ilisodVittalo vtt, ti pima th1..1.4, re ern Spirit+ Tisrpea Varunime, Laaary deed; VlZlrdar l'otash:Vericen trued Lye. tat, arre..teracuss4.lo. , sisvporcars,idsaisa , liallllstunts.Sttutliticr 111slyo!....Indier elotnlo, Vont:ever ronder i tl hut; Lead, lave Calm, Dialithig t'udreered.,,l Vcre 1, wind, htriuge, BUMS.tte. r/{1 Vilesmte, Llcsakeaso Ltute;Bilr ■us"lVllir slaps. Liam nap. dad Uganda'. lied Liam tam. brushes. Nutt threctatier,tiltrer elated bream.) , Idle de. Dertlet tirlie,ta, a getentla.ropeitutey 1 B.&NCY (FOODS, J6/1864Y. and e4.041.114Z T . Alitthsleadiag 10141 at %Well ot .. • ° ;r4T>crenscyazgti :` • - - - la short, nearly every dial to restore the tisk, to plasm the e+ sta. to delight Wu ele to gratify the Wm,. arid el.eto cuedanettrtile teal audaribateuttattolinforn et life. .ttaticaeronialis ttaptecttrehter..trttexchilit 131 a uswspapst.-tndi lotto LrugaadVainty Money, -Itontraitis,lan.d.tsP2—., OE. WEB' DANCE CUBED . _. -v I. Y SIAS. A. A. trianr-vatatisTztictiat. IL, lio. am to cdosited iglu. Notaaise iiisle.ou. ton V l 3 N. Um a 41014144 r, ebtrif. dans" -boa or -nttortmet ern': • • ~----- - - ---...- a.- n• TAY/R it. Csetreer. MAgatr... • .8:13.- • • , , -. -•-: ',.., , .... - - e- -7 . 7^- .,. ..ti';'l ...-,,-,-..:-.1,:- 41.ttelzaticsta. IfivversPlacscl3v t t opg-faltiTi-41 kr Me, r" , t , ':. 1 .7; i !! L4todi of Neir Llutflip,. at L. 1E 183E41:5 • < ro I r" -AVg r gr alOniellitift, nrwil ely•O '''." itelVvet b.-7/41111111131r.u.174-+ltgbe I•vwc•I The PO WM. telite ftuaritfltvirotd !".-6 ad L. a, la nabi,ltaa nrat.tooal pyrktu rutaikyt. GM 4:Cr. Iv. Brett er cfrOitoss talg6lVis the.ptg ;be there , tore. few.f,tha,DOWit , l. l,o . 4 ffee, Lgaranac? Watt nil Lot, Plat Wits, Comlng. ISIfELL, Montrose, N0T.15, Wit 4 id. Patine A 7. t 4 A AV46111e8;7 60 4g1 1 ) . toicemdialatoW*- • \ - 04, it cola :lViatersdAY. - ; 4asoisialsaalong thatway, ; „sat Use, laibaftioik . of clocclrl Ever Inakatflot*thl.to . vvoi oneap =' itany" cast! ' v.Alsomatch*plini f - ottaleleli7. t 4, Jost 'eOrne firm the thy, 'And if yolisloLoalfall to sae thettr It would be a great pity Alltturnerf 13 te stY/CIL- , Of solid 13itvgr and plateA,Wnfn.' =Vold ins% as Atop us - :few Xilitc.l34' an/14 1 141 - : -, Bayedears, caps, and cgulagtl.4.: Agent tor We-Silver 114,bito-7, `For c lean i ng anvil. ware; • I • And you_allitlrd it all right, r • ' Magi Table cutlery; a pea' 1 assortment, of die fineif quality, andtivetrhinl-usiialltkept la is firat-tlassiewelry stern will tia found at .1., L. B. ISBELL'S.; - gontroso,liov. , l3, ,71,„ 11eat gag PUP,. At. 4XCX4 A®9 839 i.... 1 5022,00 ."Me i4a17 . 1 O@M 20030 -t e thvolow-14 4111217:1? A ITO COATF, alga Sine LS doors beg* Boyd'. tdruor:Sfautrooe AND,. .• • •PIW 1 ,7 / 8 1()ALY.. , ilbors . • coristutiri nii ittkir'il a sow Wire Airtirvit troll ate ek 6faubd• 15 er Ur ortitib we a Oltell "CHEAP'. - : CHVAI -CHEAP,: tar carb,ornxba Re orpiodtit. ' UCH - • COFFEE,SUGAR,: MOLASSES, SPICES, - ' PORK, FISH, LARD, lIAMS ARIFD ,F • affitS; tit a vskre ;17 VO 717ir .SE/th, Welts efitttea reads eddlttofir to orer-Ot oek n Pane. end ate trarrreadyentorrnad Ho ft er to the be t enmettretoohorrer to- Nett I:utkrlree nEeherge, rod MAO Eneratedreneorieittr On Coortltoire of rlt+r ea.!! sad 411.stetoeutie+took helm :porettsrog lea filer t. end mar Ine,rnareelree n br 000D:.qUALETY et; Lo% riticts ot.Oot O. WINER. • • • • W. 11. Callti ‘ 1 : 1) li i ltoyi/V3 Ffre; • Mt . , and &aslant GEN 4 1 ;W:=S; r --rbscsaatreame. i2,4p4:; CAPITAL ItKPap.o.or - bel2r,Gp, tlomdeptitcinartranct Co:ot I*: Y., Cslottiel and 'l34,l; ~XO, . ur. . d 0 Insurance C4l. of :f o rt hAcid/lei, plot: ? egormsorsurpi.., Franklin Pt rc turtintnes Co.. ; - Cakilat andbarples. • mod.op imaing Count; Motu:Mita china* CUAL-: - honey, Penn a, CapttO knd.ittrplus. Cannectictn HAMM Lib- Inraranc., to. 01 - (*Algal. 71.030,000 Anscrican Lite Inv/ranee Co.. Ptiflldrk ; • phis. • 1,900,1ntr Trareleretusarante Co. tfultord. • • Insartngeksinst an =lds of act:Wants Captlal. ~ - • _ „ Metro& Fire Inversinet Cornpety. fart . - rord Conn . Capital and darplas. • stoccito Coll bud:mt., enrrncrefan our pre tr7flhr attped• cd to no nit/ tern/. and mi!lmmei'vromPOT pdjastcd, Ilwftlfcr - driit door (-Sir ltonii flunkies , orda .1 W. ll.Cao,yrsdaio...Turrptlest. 3fortaie . „?n,, • STROUD tz IMAM, Agents. if: it. 4,4-64. jai.; Frlcnrsrlltc . Rßol'letter. t.nrrn, Xrintrosr. :de Ettc=ros• Reno= ccranadl... raw.. •. ; IlEudioac. PO. Asi. It. In!. .141krop Team.ship &mat"; Al'fbe. onjordedea for. ADO 4 Ino•Errs Papd• .0.6, .1 11 ; l ik ddl tin nol ILlzolondred dollars rot sot!, rottrory •••• • •i k tOracaytirdialLtercraria . ),/tpeatiCO DO troDelved Notti tit floret teP. 15:0 CO" • • ft-saftinuer Treasurer.. .. J... SD ES 13:1:13 Zvottut loprovided tor. 4die le. 114-r: re - itit ti • • 4t coacctimpireau , grs in.n.shla 114 t• 2132 DO • BASICEL WlO/. • ; • JOAN UrOilio. • WU. STSCNTETN. ' • 111!ft... 1 4r, - AmOtms-. =ENE a r s vita: Ii [lll . -Nratbricpcija HORSE PORES A,l. DELI 43 1 ,I,IIFED7Z. IMPROVED. Tpetefi!rfte tuts Tilt tseaVazatAvArd.g 'Ms Fisk - " b FIN= Er..iat..430 11112/19. • AIEti,ISIRI.POLE Fu LEY, . • ea ImplaioV, dist 'Tim". Fanner, Ca6cater, Viam • and Palikt.cBhouttrilitc.%; m ‘ Lel7sl.ln3aa it's - _ ll AIK E ots 4:o my IP: MI MI :3P Co el , Thai smsys_givas as ALARM ETESTEE "rhea the Caps* Es Essay, fur iba Taldss.. TRY ONE and yias sal* '• attiVols4klisyslUi4tl raw Mops.. • , Lock., sars._ : . • .• EuLba, -• ; Maw Tattle*:• St:Statics, • L4trhko PPatois,oi s Varnish.. - *tares, 'huswai, Luoi )luatrose.:aly 5: 13t1..-1. , 1131"Da iionrax . • `SEVOLVING-110118E•TUME: Aluz Are phiA' tatrinirb'llheie rakes at a rapa.k. qY pr qn3llty, ac butt' Who:Mile sod Moil • -- 41 • ititatlietttem. . Matitztisc Shy 3,151 i. • • - • , . • LUMP'S tiIEDIOATEt.BATiiS, At ter font elf (Zrstmic arms, Sontrooc. • - . _.ltositrose„April Z.lBll. r• - .. suuaty ...f, sctonz It may sAnct..rnl4-liatp, Is to oat fy Out I nava gl cob .sett.y.,l)%ViNi Of 11,41 ITQK , tns eAslasiss control tow snit . V. Om Of S= sd remedy to usquOsuu County long U a.:l3erboyst • tacvattuemirs tat onsluv.soincl terv411,,,,t4.1 Uri esltCr' illoold'unlitt.flsmiseltu Mat, to tteelteratteat on„ , 24. A. rhaos.ravekt•Kr !dards* ISTI. . ' rns , -'. • , : , N.; - . -2161rovv. INATCPENTER3 AND sUiLDRS.3I.E*II9.COOt.ft NJ. taksZtr.are prpraraa.to au at klylls ur Ova.t, oks turd Wasnwrra Wurg, • firtea And . pAoluo k tty4bv.Jub or 1a.p.0 - iprAirsuAiln , q , v , tamer.. 4,11 niwdi , ihkas. lloaG.lugs. orIT Wads; icad-Viiitaaar Fra,usio.taunter.4otua 4:tatiatisr ,C4attaa74,ol.lll(l 1 , . 1:4ow ncm EITA;gLET.tIM, 0v,...14542414 4 ,, A .u2auw,e,usclowtt.ign.—fA-4114'.;_ 1.11.413 .7- • • ALTO . . Bud titres. Scythes, Bathe. Grata Cradlu, Van, (A thor Bunn) .A.T.lns, , „... , . s 0. Fprivu. ~,. . Cir.: . far tcdts. Qv. DarmAStell and Iran.) tvt.:•=itor • ',lt ,• •' • , ":7'•• ••• ,•. _••••• • • • .........• .-,,;•741:-..;;:z0181V1.9t4"..;'). - . . 7-11 e. Pdgerti- end-4nst.liptiongs • Wet,lBll.,ja•a3 • No/tArg alleirjt„,,Elaltzs,7bpdy l'Obook WO/ ug„cl: I 195 liayraL tk rif tiV fiovlrtMego PUriappArds !OIL ctn ., th,:no tiref itlitorf"t . ibu hoe* . OrcrWrager and.ertty 54 10. AR )147 ?tat tor Caf.taMtp—:adtegratyk - reptiiirt anetvi , . I olchcr4 vict.stlPPou rpm/Seek ordes,Nwerfs.r. wilh,tiretVar hiont.?froe boa al WWl_ V.' day can ethr in cif &1., WI irc of • tp,a , ll•rOttPaliaDrhr,i l :lV6RlXPAlttailllANC.' ComeraA ad eal,Thlladcliaga, e• vuo, s . '; 1:0740, - 1, .•.. lour! etANDripT:.- T ., r osE tt patroulte: 1 'twntliiVnit:tmer , • felt tbutke. in 1 Itql. itc44?l!tiLtaF!co ut,uje ' * stay,. with thilrintr.v.ce. to r o • - . 'irrittairKDllEWPAßD*ANtlitoktP ,,, : or Itralth. Calm Ca', 71 frd trdaiialitAit: ;Vow Turk, wk rro orlert okaala be crt te l r 4.441, tn• and Jitet :• int to t M A. to Imre or tty o ottop au; owl I pre,n; , .• fled to rer , vagrant. and 01 Maio vrwrion 1(0 . 09 tterctot , Itoalp tat! o crrle.rna!d * ronettrn la Vier. Turk. or elrerrhm-o out err raw a Dar • rt.. 1., Our gootlo A rettll hoar. _ ;CC. or ally "r ! h. 'n ' c l a' i i t ' . lll . 1' V 1 rl ..c ri Agntoilili.litrlit 7''kaatmg..ttirch29,lBP.-: FOY:: MEMO! gal iiittiCAlNT:: Tidbit ' 3 *-9'zi4Fßa° ,. .??.t 117,01:341,1taracattallx !atom I.hipeupla iiriiitKvt ,lt" et nrtr i a lu jfreplrzl - wlttra /..arlfa• facie: a: GLQTLIS. • •• •-•`• • :,„••• • . "•;.• • . Realt.Ela , l6 Olotbpg, 114ttillatisi rar:i I.7rai , r Cluthlrg: argil eelik.rititi,iiiii;tzabrelsa. Anil a pit e. 2 Tarkeq or Goats YVICIISSILNQ AIUODS u: all 41aas, I AVI terzenko' • • t7lotliti t y OPlrigeti l in thetotestiihi 310 , 4 41(in:ilea dwei;WAttfateggn to VII . ; 91' aSLLyslor CV:Way, pkg at • , Bottom - - - Prices r- '•••••;,•••••- . Gait et m 7' lore on 11,1 a Street. one door below I.lttle 6 Malen.l..it'e Law o.Thett, - inl.apply Stout:vile, Dee; s. U. *WISE. Ir-i 3: t,i ' e r. ,l : 'N '' ' . :o: '' '. : T.' ' ciS-.;'.-';'' T Wo u 1 d respectfully state tinuir fanner c. 1.1•00, aw.l.t,bo. go& • LeFilty vein rrythzcpa , , , T IttLoaturo susz!seils, nrmoiratcrmeteupdput stok:lic Out lA.sIfto~TaZL straralTut If Ar,..02. Pink...ohm attention vireo tot UTTING soul . V. , PECIAL TARE tired to.f.iFo WON: Plalsrfor tho person Irbo tozettive. nn•fho i•ist ;ref Tama a;:ilp3clY Utsi titer•' s4ulatar.tta fee* at 1.4..1181acr,. t o uly. • ••• ;„:•••.. „ qi74410# T.;D. i f D., TAN ton - ris in:c of tLo µ oat' vbin:Llr' Cutters, si' fasbionaLie Tudors is this: section - or totaiuv Lss futrucii a Oci-p.irtnership•nrlW-1:::F. cOmb, if Montrose, and tiles are nowAreifarsii n11:1 style anl yoriira.usz,lp .superisir;io iu este.4lliLinent stottuis ounritry' • it dr " 4•44ZEE SATTSrAC P : I O,Ii, to, Jill who atay flicir us will s . 4p'p at Yost ' . Uiq COlnat.T.VW:Publla , ' • '' if " Thttfiie • : • ,:•,• t, - - :vv.,: Kr. e wcont, Montrose - , CiutAkt pmnowmmywv'mi4, tri • 102 4 1 . j: 1;1' o,ttlie4,llclAnd v dt tbeß.saing and thifortspiti,or CTAlnttla PAlterallopV: • E4ltri t Lt.! Erten et Taub - WA trie'.l , 4ll, In relatlozk to .I.Saniage nr4.. SociaLtri/X. witb nCLLIPir lot p;rtbig t.lllcmt• titnf fere, tufealizt evrenta•oc trma.;4l , llo.lW ASSS-3eLy0014.#02.r.:1•11104;p12..4. fi : nr..ozsAirict.. by:`..sdint'tftett StifttaPrzyt Ct. - putt 40,1U30.1 1 1 1 0PP1P.', 1 111e 1W ; xtatop.f.gc cirvilar axitalottypartlfro.ingi Vat • •gLota.ti: 4cEavaslka 612 u; ALM ,-; ,S" . ,' -•- . •_ EST; -.'Ett-VRAN -'Amt I,y o; ocraans; rr crr. t it tient,. Dried aril Cenral Ssieit,' Nigoitaliese: &Wit. et 1110 ilea of havitatida. ••• •- )I. oll .troje. k tritely) 13.1612... rrExt Everyl.:l34 af.Tta igmukgt staalscCtic ratwat Naas Y k vti6ltAnht price:. Alrisitrm,*. lantana:a; 110.41Wme pararrarett aUare. ASEL , 11.0 ALL *of Illat 411.n0te.1- if aid Ltuik•ALcLait...tr.u.t 'falai*. Lir Ufa Feet: Day , of.lauwety **ter' Tacna ellariet*: keriVaiic. Lp alt..t4tea. 1/uualaugle,f**ticylo_wy zap (kW.' " •311L.Y..*l i t• " !nab:"Ai • .-'•- P Arra. ard . themayairlagrouiptlett: ctti, l'ap,?fettoDialtl6iir.-4ae•"-- r *-! - • ' S ECO . TiCti.) *Prilliogt . d riXti.AVAX CO, 41117.1(Volhi. te. No::inao 41151t9y t4.enpithy .ftvittbOftbr .ual the zenultifug losalampt...tif..tee a.,themper el Ain nub,cxllvdSnrtorccotutiuufKli di pliahte [3:fuNami '• • ' • ' ' • • -.'. Firt:l;a.r.,irsteut.""; . ,74Pe5r71.5111.1k. Nst.ll Irvtalmeta. ." ' x,sztt,,, 3eten ..« th Ins! ' ' bia.xl2 Wit, It::: .4•Jelj thth,l67, .. :" SU; 15th, 1:,;. Zriati imiiihnot .14 , 421:411. Is7'.; Ai it.. µwk. If prOgrCritV4l.llltray.)l6,,ly,ol.l4 eatnut. 4stelni.mcJletAly Ilaceell3ry. that -Ire . 54,01 W vr0412 . V.y Ixte,t Hie lute el Weekbviwt s. • C. gricV:s,,Serrtielt • 4 , %CIL/1,4 stoeut, Tna,Sr.rtr. tientit.e.:Dettlntfoi .lbll,4lttst : ' 4 1 t . :RAR1'..0 HANCE -I. i" ga.a et Trent, ore. g e, terit Ir4r " • t . off.a,ded brit...0142h at, Xin al LA7 ((Is(r, vlir Wawa %tarty At re,ar ;ay 34, Baimpig , 1.11 b'abon ttKJ 4:4. 4 A 11311 11. at OW 4 1,0 1 ,01 1 144V411:: ilia 'tedloctibo. yt r4skltu 1 uric. 21. P. vAlleA'4i:i. S a 2rg'us ". M i urt 1T7144i4' I 4v em , 1544 ietbrnio - .11.14 e 145ta. 4111. I . 7 14 . 4. 0 1,1 L'D
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