~~`, 7.1L1 Poattvoricemorrat -- --..--.- - - :, Z. 11. 14.vi4:Y. EDITOR. .., -- -- --------, -, -..,--,.. 310141111018. VIONFPA, ,7 ----•••=-.---• <--, vraniv tun r. rintstrllin TO Sill{ •• •-•-`:: Iu aupthOr column 7 t7lll be•' found -`ll' communication, from" A. T.," which is ;minted . to bet reply to-tlre abort:refer vt Ace whickiTtjtrsde - rosbort time 8113110, toe unessityu interest o . t - f s'alitrtent - -9Ve'arel)l4litfato giveit ILic?.olnd &though our tiews - of thostilA •et may compellit to handle it ,`• without I.4tteits, 7 _ Nre iu a . spirit, of eamsto* and candor,for we are onest -17 and thoroughly convicted of the jut. floe of our position.. OiirTriemi,", N.:Tr has . haseilisii - per sitlcii,like all oilicindocatiaor'isurion:i,l inacticee, - upin atrlsc baeue, and tises the aegamaut of. every.iteueyel Shylock, that moiler-Aoultlbilit in iniitiet the eaine r..3-tioktiniitl4tEint ina its . nri.ce eat more than lA* iYitttol 16 , 2 ' N 730410 ea. One moment's conclaeivaly the fit!se I.l::p9i.liesis Alfmin ' tvliich it is ba3,:d. 31:)noir lias rval or iutrinsic,vaine, Vitt ii zienly . a repriaciliative inediain of es 7 _ . &lam, and only has ad arbitrary value foio,-.la upon the products of • the coon lirchglit'ool;4' Tabor. • The ciletetitse lit:tween the value of protinctions and moues is na with as the difference between a. loaf of broad and a stone.- The . true object of money is fc , r ibis purpo 4 R.' Peo ple srhp own at:Wes like land or other cu.abrons productions that aro not so easily moved, who live in localities dis• tantsfrOin each - other, can exchange pla- C 23 or commodities with each other through:the operations "of this roprosen tive medinm, and this is or should be the only lose of money and its only value. We believe that anfpn• cent. upon money is nsarions,aar,flie'reifea why we say limit' it' to'All - per cent..is,. that of two evils chOose the lead. Wears told' by A. T.," that if money is limited to six per cent it 'will not pay for the ahylecia to loan it and they will 1,4.; once invest if in real estate and farm ing property, and-by this means laboring uten will be reduced to a state of slavery. 'How flimsy a bugbear this .statement is. Is there an able bodied man who lives in Susquehanna county, who does not know that at the presentoprica of land that he cannot pnrohase a farm. in. this county and apply his:labor in the inost.dillgntly way npou it, early and-late and pay for it off fain the fttrai and keep up the taxes, ' and pay even six per cent. on the laird chart money? Now suppose lie takes . the Place of the soft ~ handed capitalist, and ! pa:chases tho same farm, lives in idleness himself _and, hires his labor performed i snbjnt to the same.taxes, etc, can he te a lias.. six per ceut;evenlor hi.sinrestment? We are not frightened by any threat that • th.:so idle drones will take any such canny,_ for it would place them just where else Almighty intended they should be v iand, to earn their bread by the tivreav l of their brows, and assist In adding wealth to the country, instead of : living ta s state of extravagance and idleness by tyrannically tything the labor of the 'workingman in usurious interest. The worst f.. , sture which"this cursed tritilic as sit o 4 is, that a certain set of beings who must he, without conscience or even scuts except upon their boots, watch their vie. tins es the spider ratChrs the illy, and en . - velopathent in their poisonous clutches, as s: , carely hiOxing their nets, expressly for them, and It is more for these harpies th'at the law and its penalties to which we re:et:Ted sliould be enacted, than fur the noen7Who leave it optional fur a matt to take- their money ut a usurious price. Thtse .. men: watch the dockets in the Prothonoterfs office, and when they find a j adgment against some ono wham they snow tiley can pusli - to . the wail, they put. chnse it of the, plaintiff, isms execution and drive the. defendant, who if allowed, could lind'ivould pay all his indebtedness, to the `struts that he must have his proli. erty sold. under thetSlierifs hammer, or get, a "6t4yr by acceding to the usurious demands, n hieh wonld almost have made t3~t lock hituslf blushed, of TWEISZT-FIVE cr TiIIWIT per cent, which uo man can pay, and the patty demanding it knows it and conaltiera his prey frilly within - his g-asp. This- is .what is 'ruining our county and the country, and enslaving theworkingmariand•destre,ying its true Wre.tia. It enables the most God-forsak- en rinsing, to accumulate an arbitrary ii4war girt) to money by the mast hill's mauelaire; to sit in the Killed pieces of the nation; to legielatela corruption, Fey tut justice isi'oar. emits; arid,prosiituto ..' re l 7 - principle -of Christainity, uud a •rig r iit; admtuiatrailon of a republican form of tovertiritent., - The ueamr %recall come to forcing rill awn to earn their bread I by tep,:by diresting maul -of its au cumulative power,. the. nearer will we approach thatitatell perfection and nn trod bappidens which the pure -ple2ii of freedom and equal righteinteuded fofau • —The_ last 11211/638- ecaudal le -the chark! that 19 meoihers of the LegiJa tare were, paid from- 131,000 to e3;000 ;sea - 0 *lent ;Alexander 041ilcsell 'to the Unite,', Stain' Senate. The Pavyerrnne iihich wakes the clar•es "it is -- tharod . : tliTirthe Douiphan noel:iv; di•liguktolf Vas sofa in this way for 0r145,V00 orll,ooo, and thepartlit te cociazcitto-riroujy failed to divide, as per ti'zi•ortuerit..- - ::This dark - picture has , its It? Csde: Veo.V. Wood; of C,lieyekce, zoo-IncOrrupOblo -Dimocrat, was .offered money but 'refaelljt. - : - T. - '7la. Bond, of AfontgOnicri dont* .rias afield 41400 for vote dm' Caldwoll'a Si.,‘critic, but did metal i ta r ei r 7 , - • jeommuntenteal Intere!ii. Sams people not . rell informed in conitnerehd teattsp and the JRaineas of the'Veild; - do 'artides iiyelwofth:their tnarket:valtle.:, the busiliese wine!j they , ,inT e n they'underntand-ittat,4t . s they -tiaol -to tell orlffirnish is'Verth wliett tl4. mark - will bring. .But for things they. are nut ponened of, the case to .theFt,he tletir)liour if the price. nr, one thing be by law ; heyond 2 the power to.bargain, the - fileiriiit alrAingi law. What kiritf Voininereial world sr° u havgl lat ngistp orges erumoit is best that-goiernethe lout, that watrains :ilia Vint protecti•individual `iightd"a~id peony and promotes good ?riler in gonamnitity; and leaves oMMilea tree to 'regttlate:ll.. self.. Any law: interfering., With, Pi irate. retrganis is an insult ,the "people: . Those legislators who vote:for such - ...lawsi virtually cdty to the .'peopl.i, yoit are ftiola,' yoir own burin ss.r 1 #1 1 84.A 1 4: 6 1 1 1R0itt.P.:4 republicairinatittitionsandisonotin sonance.:with the - :iinprorerntnts- of thei age. ' If•`tlie pryer of inteie#:;utes eapitalilts withdraw tlitAr; Moire Y. from husiness.lurestmentannd loan it for interest, Until competition brings the rate dawn.. Do not interfere by legia 7 II:aloe'. and Viiithtirg iegUlitte itself • Of ''Coorse. close financiers Will -employ their money where it pays best.. Now, if the rate of interest be fixed by law at sir per cont., and those persona who, /lave money can make it earn more invested in business or in real estate, of course they will thusinvest. it. This trill place the main thrtion of -the business and the ownership of real estate in the handi .of capitalists. But leave the rate of interest free-to negotiation, and we give to•persons without Money (but equally good business men as the money lender) an opportunity to do bnaluess fur themselyes,,to, the ex : tent that they can secure the payitient .of money. if this money cannot' beolitaio 7 ed Co do Imainess with, then • these men must work by the day or iriontb, for men that hare money investedin business or work for them on the land their money has bought. Nothing is more crushing to a spirit of ehtt4prise than stringent usury laws. They aro the death blow - to tlie,poor man, that...dooms him to servi tude. Many good business -men com- Meuce poor and obtain wealth and for their success aro indebted to those men who Liana them money oven ,at. a high market rate of: interest with wirich to. commence brisiness. Withont tilts they could Have 'dope comparatively nothing "and they now lock upop . lhose men who loaned them the money as their trmefactora. Because some men borrow money at twelve per cent. to do business with and fail, this is no argument againet the rate- of Interest, fur in: nearly every • ease, if these came men had burrowed money at six per cent. they would have - called. It lathe management and not the rate that produces the failures. Men should keep out of all business in which with good management they cannot affail to pay•tho roarket rate of - interest. The ' evide.iee is manifest to of sorsing minds that the paces of arfeles need no legiala- ICron, that the people era abundantly P itent to transact their own. business and fix their own prises unaided by the got ! eminent. The 'writer of this article will not ob ject to the legislature fixing is-rate of in terEatby which rarties shall be - governed. in 111;3:Ubsinoi of any agreetrient:`frif,'a different rate., and.. that amount 'per aunr,ui should bn. about .the. average market ,rate of interest. lint the law slio.Ll distinctly specify that any - rate, of interest agikd Rion hythe parties, 00t be lawful and binding.. tilt the law that should ever be enacted.about the rate of interest." , • ! A..T. lion Does Ile.fteant . Some perison in the'Montruse c9n, from Great Bend, referring to our article on the Fisk murder of Idst Week, .ostraezes us in the following terms : • "What does the Mos. - rnoan _lltitocnAT means. when it said, ••110 a , e &inn laugl.t that anything can Is -promo by dodo 8," excepting only Montrose physi thr ugh a cold custom df meolian ical'politeness 1 0 Do we understand • him -to sav that to he a doctor, 14 quonymous• wiih . sneak, liar, perjurer, a persOnitrets-, thin of every evil that au , tinnbrulgetl'vO-, vabnlary could ucerne?" • -- • ' At the close of his dens he gives the fallowing "-11400 D SELL—It happened in this wise : A;certain Doctor started the teport hot Saturday , evening. tbatite-had under treatment ut thelionse of a'. Johnsun; geu uine case of .'small pox." * -* • * . . Bey. I. N. Pardee, ileterminingto know county, stand by your time honored prin the truth of the mutter:, before ,things aipleti,lou yet 6111111 , See the country went any farther,- valled ill a- • re,gular wrenched from the grasp of the present Practitioner, Wholmtnedittteltr iirotionne „„' -. 11- 1 , -r 'sru l 1 11 hail th - fflad din' ed it a “htnbne ( ititaiiig "the • Wildest ~ . `""'C-1" 9, --- e " a - e -. - ' form of ochicketi - ,poi,"'efiCthe - furirill . • . • % II - • Yoets.TrOlv. dee of erruption at that.)' -- ', . ...3tarvin tewkslitiry, ~'' • ~' • Why does this irate,gentlernen ~ ask, as 1-4tViisso;Columbia Co., Pa. 3 an.25, 1 872. , " what.lia Eaten,' when be lists . furnished •:: '' — ' , ""t" 4 "" ------ • • as in his own statements the feast node , Irani!!!!) nixuroad AcelleSl. , . - . .. .. ... . , ~ . . • -elusive eridence . br ;list w hat we stated.? February q;..1,57,4.-.,YesterdAy. Turning • We make no ""coat" for 'honest doctors at aboat 2:45, lie the ; snoruipg,passengt r 1 bid to fit lust sicli charatters' u behis express on ,the' L. - I. V : - R. •IL t l , ll 4:.l.ezvell aboreAepicted. : Seme regtdarpractitiou- Pittston at 7:3e a.- re.,. was about half way , • • 1 cr . had . • better give this -gentleman an theteii.cu 11!)ckpert lend . Mud Run.lt. ran I emetic or crthartio- and- see 'if : the'• two lintO O . I - 11 1 11 .ken.l'Ail -- I .r.iii / I:l o°,&i v e. l32 a - ends of iiii future 45dshine UannOt" be iipigelo4,iniii One israsenger, Uri- passed' made to meat ; tittle bat4cr. _ "': ' •-• over seek,- but the third and fotirth oars . . -.- .."---..*.gise..t.------- .i- - . .;oxePed'arer the right' hand) side' of the I Pierpeee Wirkly•JdnrilpilinfSentiter bank down sonie ferenty;fivilee4 break. Schutz: smashed - the witiole at the 'New irigiWand smashing abegara-and . .throw. York - Times 6.1)0141bn, in his reply made log some , of the liasseagcril !mama , feet 4' the Senate. hitt' WAIrIIB ;Wm thin f heout bivin'theiee bound riser. , Tifeigane mita-not ' make - insi' IlatiOns • -Albeit; the immediately after the'aticiilent isms ,mie of Riesidrilt: ,ft is %le ' th ing to`make- intense tis o t o tere.st. -. Those whifircire lutist. 1 itishatlationsebont mikesilla; though lake enough to heirs the cars. 61111 upon t i ll that ierearkable man.gite s lettere:oral,Aetrack,,sterelpel) - teund ;with attowiih. trodectiOn to - mitrthers 'or • hirtailitin- dent : at-the' seddai.. - and •Olotty:i aught.l toinity that putihings, hi: IS . gneatiolitiple, :Bat soon a iinnamioCtracltAnyenreatie .shaND-C t in• Cmutelt; -; •''''! . 7••'7-' upon the genie, aztsi with thori sick:d.o • Letter tront‘olunalla GnintY• ' Ent= DEyocaatt. 7 -'.-As4 am writing ; to yon.in regard to the: 'ifltemocrat," al owitte.to add ;lien-IMO by { way of P. ..44 ... yricall.t# Citlktfitsa;ankrlCidity, its : i charaotarsjchet tertlei; etc. Some of ru py,oll ; l4riend,S f Snamfeliatpa county. te.meirAwr-thellifrirof„Catitrissa,. of the good oil limes when' hey run(?) the river with their rafts r as hiring A quaint old place, noted furgilialare, andeaiiie fight: ing whiskey. The tnitieflwhiili Ceiritto e imktlivotne„sitgatinoJiii, the_ tetra s , htN,ilfi, the,entictiiirriir Ufjtlii.Stitquer!itii.; na, and ria'the:rt . oth , .!e, 4 i)ocCit4'. - 4::', ss creek, at itS -confluence With the river.;, AtoAcadenty, Graded School building..... seiCiaiCliuralteS, ‘ OatitWissa • Reitriinif, 444 13iin*,:ilMiiiiiiiinlib;: the 'tistkill number of stores; two; hotels,. and- a very hespjtahle papidation; are the. strain. as of, the c tetri. ,- • ---, - :-' , ' ' The seenery,fnratiiVretlnvtnd is. versed and-onequaled,. I- Utica :by .any, ntleast in Peiniayltatiia CtitAwissz is derived -front 1 tut 'lndian Wciiii,"tueniiiiig :pare wati;i, 'tire,.o,ree-k Itaa it rise ttbettt, thirty inilei from,the town;,nearjfie. he - ail . w a i k i d . .., o f the.i.Little :Solutylkill,--, whose ripe' it marked by kik of, rude masonry. telling flPial. Wheiice" Cottle `li! ''young, • 'waters, techhfitig,on their, way to swell . the : ' - greitt tide of; the . Delaivare. The artist Moran, of Philadetphiu;,has prodnced:a work cif great merit, taken from the scenery along these "Pure turd piling waters." To a lover of nature, this section of our State, presents a variety of objects for observe. tiori-arid study. • About the miles below CatawiSsaotear the month Of 'the : ' Roar ing creek, you timid the "Three pines" two of..which, stand about twelve feet apart ; end are united some ten feet from the - ground, lifts trunk about a foot in diarnetvr.; The trees are some two and u half feet in diameter' Catawitisa, and this vegioti: is now. as of.the ;good old times, reached by river rafts. and more re- Cently by the "raging canal," that work and wonder of ; thirty years ago, and more.receutly gobbled up by the Pennarl vania Railroad Company. It is also reach ed by rail, or as Cut says, by working your pas-',age on foot. The Railroad routes arc by thit C4lArflOts"4l /.4. 44 B. R. Ti., and the Sunbury, Hazleton and Wilkes barre. A new , road is chartered from Wilkesbarre •to Williatusport, via or Bloomsburg, with a brunch from Blooms burg-to Catotrissa. only four miles to in tersect the S. H. and Wilkesbarrei, 11.11 This vicinity • has some cltaraCters as well as characteristics, .George Scott, me of the beet canal commissioners. and re cently one inetitber of Assembly. resides at C—, now engaged in the Catawissa Railroad'eitension, and Contractor in the Jefferson Railroad. 'By the way, Mr. Scott, is one of the few men, who opposed the sale of the public works, and I :um informed, on good anthority, refused to accept any "pool m -uey," his share tieing, sPrenty.five, thousand dollars. Senator Bnekalew, and Captain Broekaway, our present members of the Legislature, re side at Ploornsbrirc, though, properly speaking, Mi.. Jiackalew resides' on a sre.alllatm near Il ! ---, principally devo ted to horticulture. 3.1.r.-Duelcah:w a acres of trees, vines, etc., give a picturesque an pearanee to the high grounds' above ; the awn of BlOoinaburg. • The principal productions of !this county, are Demoerats, grain, lime, • coal andiron.'. Coal to' Warm the people,' • lime to fertilize the soil, inireasiug the yield of grain, and DearCrata to assist nest tio -vember. in.the ilection of some nu 'thew •DeiCarture"mittoithe - Presidency, 'lron to bitid the union in t one net work of 'nail and wire.l understand the cast ir.in work onilie.Jefferson Railroad, is mainly of Columbia - comity iron, mpunfaeturcd et • Catawissa, hY.Geo. Hughes & ion. • Our common schools aro of the. high order, a . fresh impetus has been given them by the" State Normal &lieu! at Bloomsburg. The _time was when' stu dents from this, and other counties sought instruction in Susquehanna county; Mr. - Ilitekaleve, being one of the number, hav ing for his chum, Mr. Grow. Then both were Dencbcruts, Mr. B—, has. adhered to this early love, steadily but surely, marching on in the way of a statesman, regardless ~f. office or office-seekers. Mr. 0---=, has vascillated, and, now w4ere iq fie? Echo answers, where? After tanning over the Republican course, has List Ins 1146u:thy In the Sta te politics, ' ants as a broken doin"eag, 4 ha:i gme to Tait& 13ut I am iitalicisrittg--mnil si I must, if I trace Ilineareer of th 4 Repel:7l4mnd. Put c•,ilti•roblalCottnity 4min-fir - two thonsaucl liabjoritylbr Hancock.. (if our atm' rms. ) , dent Oztiz4his ',s4ii.) Pelt4t,wirli, (I Idoffinap...P2emoenita.of Sussinueliatina work of relieving the:vietitns from I, eir terrible position was eommencel - S.ILLED Mrp,L Praetorians, of Willces.43arre ; J. 4. 841 - itp. tirthis-fir.it o =4,llor46irst 3;1)4; '',Wilkcf (tie itasj Inarrie*bdt a:Aart'tiine, anti was on hit' way to th,4oeet fps 'wire.), Mrs': M:Mnlj)l4 - Sf-Tispil#y ored):itid - daughter. smile twentryears aP age. (A:n infant of-Wei Till was: found alive suunng The. mcks.) Theodore Bat. ter,.0f...404110144 ; 11. lirftlf;_or tLothers were wourtuv, Arlon • • • =The! bridal outfit - . of the.. telettial :I:hails - Woman who, fialtimut to, tilirry the 'llmpitror tif .(11tina' . 3rill.goak it j 3 tai Pntr 41eifathek nuisthold a govern merit Otrilli.:WiliCh affords rrsteal. 11'01 ajmost_ equal to 1110Eedi'Atle':.NOW YUrg s eaStChTl Home: • • . repples,•pilftlehlarly!chil3ren. sutfinaith the ear ache;. for- th 6, ben: elit of :inch we 'give ..a • tare- tam . - strapli• reattitly." Pnt.in :two or three , : :trofts .Johnoen's %it'll a ndressed Wool, - bat he- the teat" in warm-water lief regoieg tubed; anti keep ilk , head tbirria it•ttighG ir.r: ''Citpt f tiltaties`Satowlyn• keeptva• tlerli•atucli of liery horses in Portland, Mg.,' Mformetl - neently that he :nevi Slttridair'w entalry - 4Ciniiiition: , Powders lingy -in It is 'at a htii. had t hat the ea pens+r is nh ire tint,' tiffset by the di 'nal:id): r 4 anh..atut of grA keeplis hortesalWays , ia vod order. cal -g*Tritisituent AI'DITOR'S tiftTlCll.—.The uodwrolened. am. \ edi• inf. art,lotC,l 1110.111114 r Lit ort or COM. fIPIII efillo •ce.tiot v. to • gliotr.hate the hepdo itfl the hoed. of to/ '41,4 of the rote .01 John Filln.. will n noon Io thu [ball.:or, bls yniutmt••f ac hie .411e0.1.. Illertlpote, on Friday. itzi..36 4 ebreary• 'lx, at ie the aClLJrn.hui ikf that eay. All p Ira 1 .0 111;r0. 1 to epi ere . inla . pre , ; el lb. tr..tiolonsitt the otnees (me rind p] ,ce 1. iwi.torr et dcherred• • 11, W. bsir Mew I . oer.J.le. 1572 • • • I,lT"ws y. noR 11441riet.tled nairli4lmen /} apfnthq •Dr tho t own 01 tontoutth Ilene or Br.qocf.conceo„;o e tallior tli-trittnou the. Wadi Att uda ofthe •herlff, nrlitu.; nom too 5..10 of the 11011 ai• ate of 8. F. Tltto in. tent attend to the &WO , Or hi.. spoointtortit et Ole ofhettl -%1 °wrote. nn l'huf•nny, the "nth tick of F. ortri7. A. D. 141 ; to 1 &eine, p. r•imn• knot...tin atj7l cpp. sr cbtl ta. ova tsar ctutia. or 1/c doh -•‘? n..., ,, i4!1vrif Mont rettet..Jno: / - 101:71173 soegnetnotha; dnie stnl'natr• rl tbr of .e!coaf • qic•ff.. _ _ nlts tr ft.- Apinto<Chtieoubt aclAt.tfle neadotre, Tlatto4lo. Ton-% •Ktlep/etlDr... andFrldny. Fen. :hot: , • ' • - .•.. Fraylr.itp., Li AccoApd'rlAry i Sn t nrli.. Feb, S. daFri.. 5 , h. 45 , 4141741 k biliretip osittiL—rw..hy, erroi; 71h. U.A.no end Newl:ll.ltoirlthronnhtlltnronloy, P. o n tavoi nun Thom •ott Feb..ollt. *rata 011 Jtelpoo. %lend... Feb It!tb. Marron' and Now. - Tuad.y. Feb. 13th. Clifford. Ditedennd trnotc. IVenorittry. Feb. 14th. Itrlcl,olb#l.l . .Ihattrose cud Ilcnitk. horaday. Feb. FSIb. Mr./ad:MU= B.foligh And _Brooktfo, rtiday. Vcb, 16. n. 117 on3era the Comthefotrs: . . i.. W.. A. CIIOSSitoN. Cow. l'lcrk. Comm'cinnone OfP , r. Notarupe.d.u. tath, ~liEawrs s vitt ne of lovit • I •rand roan Of 6nornon 1-tranof a oth•bnnua 4.. ably and to tar 41n ard, I u mindtrto *sic Or noble ,0 4 .1.4ter_ nt 111004 r Ware L. Miedod-o.on S-datdur,,c,ll4AntY Wu.. In:, at 1 o'cl ta.;the following pt. Yea or p mete ot lb ,; Cy rinar ot.e. or.Lyyari V 01... all that certain pfera , :vr parcel of bad...shoos In the lto.nah•o or Ft-aid:lW. In the contdh of ricingnoh otoaebtage or Prone yylynnb, bounded and a... Tibet o f dio,ye, to wit: no 1 thn a.Vtt by Unit- of S. W, Tra n ll.'Op Mr tn. br iarld• 421 John Wunuo...n•:lw ..•utb by toad. 1 4 1:nevi' oft-tin Wrheur and rh, higghar.iy. nod-du tan wol by Caaaaay Ttinwt::uktw„ltr s- 014iihmey. being Int /lowlier eti 14 I ancrllil.• tract yin:olio itig niono 100 netrt r.ll pd . :both- ..omo mom orleey; wuh lb* ton artensneyB.ll.2l.llldx b an , . d ti.grae end.rb , de. orchard. and i'bourl tuddr;Anorov...l. (Miro ft 00... cation nt raft a 1144 13,diker. tr.. sad deitentall hooker, te. Inyid deetkor.. - . Al that rdt s u nr • nnrwi of land. Ala -010 in lb.. 4.. r out ip nrJoardp• zooid y of dosone hoope,und tat of Pcnas3l4,..lin. bon.d. d end deretib. ed anablloe.r. to ell : licglntartg thr.n•tributrit can , orr bolt or: th• nen along Iltot by rtili grime and lied of D. 4110 :-.11.r0.is to a 'net nod-.tour, it 111 , t' tltrr of rho .a t , '• 1 .itiaC. lit 1 , 4110 111kell sod Lew lisntlyll•le • -Maroon haeoliat rodei to a lead to Ito. of bliedelry, land j• L throe • north Wroth, go a pot and g rinte. rower df 5. goo Grine. laud g thereto:get along recd 011111114 Hite inn too. to.tho .14 tee Of to &ping. cOcialnlng 50 ner.... Ur land. bo' the Pert, ro.ret,r lea. fe;xcignit thYrodenn t aswi sod 15 verdict *Wanly .a•arere•lt, Timailty Walden and now •••rnad not. oc- Cabled by led tb 11131414111 'daft • the nt.putti.atloce.." I finm.• honer.. t frame. bane. Irento hog pad/ atidicht. tettd • and 11,0011, Impros ed. , Maker+ In rivet:oloa at the .nit of Wm ;It. Walter; whigaesl to D. whine! .1 •• Nctllc.• fr hereby giro/111,st all bid% nut thr • lit nab boy:tato! one. " ; .T. ox LAT. Sheriff, tho Altw 'lducrtiarmentc . taultovmpfexamatt. . ss ac..lL 0 i Ma xS • arEtT, 1111' . 1:tio:1 and sr Uw3 TilaßtalitiAlElt MEMEL,. nitatt. 10211 Stationary Engine,. SI initi',cinr...l..nd fut. bale. by •' M. 0. 1 .0110. Pa., PO. 7, ni3M—Solii—if. VARII On 5 -LE 1-45 fir of trtizty•taro aim* ad. lolotor I Ito nom' of 31 o.tro-o uu Ow South, I offrred Cor tato. It it r all watrzett aid bar ihtiat tin ttert• to tietba*, inclodusg o Glut , crave of hooch .4 ataps9 moo too dlorflOor. nolo: thu uomeati ad diataloo of the Situ el tir&C`g, gaZa• Fur larthontaritt al ,t•tottqattn 013. E. Carodolt, Pick ore. Lt, cr. 31U1slitter, a. Fab.. 7.15:2 . • 3E' ICr EiL x IE7 Pt. 'WILLIdiiI S I TIM Ex,tcualte Fiva tzar Wirrezmjou qit fludtto: FIRST CL4SS 4N)) VOSIIION . ' F I\l - I T 11,1; Tn be fond lo tide teetlnn of II o eon, Ire. of tal aline eat nutacla re, and at prtee'A that Oup.d. 'alibi:, gnu entla factitm. duke tberery be4' . . =TENSION TABLES iza the GaUtry.ii . thl W4Rll.V.lC:ithtsh UPAOLTERY 7r94,,11. Or utl tintird4ne in gm nostest patilMV , 151 X71,, "0.f , v - A titled ;t4s.Ds: ' I;P. -PURE lio.l 314.1TRA:SES,, • • . COMMON MATIIASSE.S. UNDER TAK . ItIG, The whitteribei Clip hereafter raiku thu heilUttritisz sp-cluity ter - hie buil.. et. outui4ol94 • *nil the slum& r I.•v.•tliEl ilStPsheFla te ,all outAdiag hls.urvittanrih bowel:111W In promptlyitbdut eatisfautury charges. -• WEL W. SIIIITEL *intros!, Pa., 4an. 31.147t-cu b —tf. • • . .c.r.".4161.1,1 POE S,AL 't - dE^ b I.osa 5 7 1174;.d. — &-gaLlAgUrl' 4 °.,-,1. Ngutrcoe. Jas. NAM—not 6,1. A 430031)/IVESTVIENT: - oateirmt, avi saw Ina, tosa Batt" : airvia Tar (irlai 11111 : it:IT Ali - .0111.14.alted -in Pairsea {Wilma; tilbabal:Taaa• ahlm &Ora Ca . Pa. l'an,thisi DWI is au. paartoulne • tburott ^6l n r VII ha? ready forbaslngoaby".4, Fa; 114 Plal.• <order: -Thal Villa are altar; l 734: rutiaa tract t.Ld D. t. & W.ll. 1 3n For panica4ra Inquiet of ibis tab acalbt-r. Wawa, J. IL llart.llll. Jaa. 11'.1411,- • - spilAlT. Statieteat-1 1 t twrty itptu•blp. tot 1871. Ani.lntdat e. per 104 - craw i(1870 . 41.16121 fit Lirtin rtwit T, to. , :cuy. 2, tzt, , , logn tL ~i • '•-? 70 ,G egClpt r Vomit: &Own) 0 Ofdtp,rgl;iT:s , 'it'tsi*R!ifffeigtrt,Ca` 43 ! / . "4:4ol4okPtMstz4it-Jessinh '76. twitt 114 -f., , - , - r:1: ,, tf" r = .k Irti ;414, 5 ~, i-,,;..!,4,:.• MEM!INHMS 1 4;1 ; I DOCUMENTS ! ~ i t ! R. 3EI IC/ AN D BE CONVINVED:'i HOME PATRONAGE MST SUPPORT YOUR COVISTY PAPER IT LABORS FOR YOUR BEST INTEREST, JAI V(luti PUP Will. SUBSCRIBE for the IigUMEIMiI DEMOCRAT, !",•" . -. 4T- ti 4 'oc• 'rear- . v; 2, i. ; :ir-', , ~ , ,- •'-il ' --:.! '... % 7 • 51E. :,-13:Awfvfx; :S'. ' • :Ethtorlk PrOpristor. .!i :4 7t-i..,,r . ;_l ii 4 1 ~.,1: . ::: 7- t mEr2). v. , .1,- , f, Tlt - ' , ' 3A z'" - ~=yr-n M!1=11 ELM '72. ''' t'VIE AGE. .__, - ;i,,.. •: --, 7 ----- -:'..',...,. Tritll4o - 104 MO - Presidential Catrh,4l# 4 , ' - woumENTg. 6 Yoiti is the lime - - -Get Vigilance and Energy in the Pre mil (fires Double Assu'anee TntAdriLut e, fitunia. eziineit ,dar66ite ornanoelitle pri elpiesti ceelied.by the founders of,"the i epulllic.entl emhotlied in its Institutions. To defend and ninlittnin them is ki eouterit , ; atm, end - it i 9 the, pershitent and figiteut niiimcAttt tit refoiiin;l•enerul "ntid• elpaLl,ll3tefuslnVitgi alliance 'with 1111:T:Cliti4e 114:ChattOtt*: .it tin; p6ei,i subject to to; eorT rtitirinn Meer hot tsborekl:Without (d d.. or &roe, for the, gperail grea. , . _ lyhtle ettiteiAitofe ithmtied ittifet tie 'elntoneli,of_petestettier• .A.Te is nidetill„Ad,oftleial Oftling • e, fel,fet - On the subSe — tiptinitinnd semi t Ihdfildipt Eldirin ,crata,,whor wooll the. prinllptes.ol dim. T ony; ditcof, ntelfiein'.nripOlent.l tO See itten,hil pleasure's - freely 6tit, , ik4til. shlc) . ur eittestinev - ; Fete ineit - of 'ebY (lett) 'fcirless discus:4op by, the, pres 9 p. the hest defense_ot the Atfctusle of 4v . ery citlien'opinp dab and foltnotlee. • r • " " ' C 4. TIIE'DAiLY-AGE • : Cortgni Viz LATESTISIELLIOEIirE pnost,,94. PARTO OF TOY. Woitth;'silth arliclt. on Govern zaeW,Ntitico. Inuk. Finant c.nntlnlrtite,cpr rent goestinni orth tlavl T;Optf -MarketEepurts, Prices Current': StitC.rl2mlta 'dons, Marine anti ecaniercial 'lntelligence; Ire- INN* pf:Public o.:ll . 4cTings t rortigiinif Ninc*- tic Correipondence, 'Legal Iteporti, - Bonl e 'No tices, Theatrical .Crititions,. ituaiews.,of latera ture,./sit mid .kgricultatral,lllatiers; aitti diseuitaltins of wtiatei-er auhjects nre of general inactescand insportstice. 'special tele grams: ell the dlipateltes - ottlie Assiatilt ted Press from every part of the World.' , c Tito Age lathcouty,DvimperAtie morning. pa per In Philadelphia in the Englieq Imiguao, and is thercfort,kpouolAr.-pipst mediums fur Ad " vertlsing. TUE WEEKLY AGE . • toraiditft Literature ‘iltti'Nevrs of ttie=lll7. its columns are Starks, poetry, departments For 1144 and, - Childrcu;' Agrieultu Items; *t day • • The WeueLy Aae is acknoveletigtl in b¢ the best tarally Jounial ptiated la Failadeilibia. NOW TS THE TIME The beginning of the 'New Year, Is $ eod timetitsubscribe for 11. oesesptiper;and to snb scribe for the Age . is S goo I 'bt;4rinla's of the lie, Year. Ow terms to subscribers and clubs are furnished below. We ask our .friendi, and we %West rver, reader as one of them, to es last neln oar constant etnrts to inertase our usefulnes enlarge our circulation, and main tain the oever•euding strusgle for the rights -ot the people against the encroachtnents of power. ttavhicli is always stealing tram the many to the few." TE4.IIS OP TUE DAILY Ans ONE Twat, BY WIN - Svc Mantas, - Tinumic MONTUN For any period less thati three niontbs, at the, rate of Ono Doltu "PeFintttli. Payment requireineirlibly in advance. The postage on the Daily Age is thirty cents per quarter, or one dollar and twenty cents per mum, If prepaid. at the oilier of delivery. TEEM OF TUE WEEKLY AGE : OISE COPT. OISE =An, TZN COPIES, • • TWENTY COPIES, • • Firry Conga, - - The relh4ing ecilace.l, rites will be chergett when all the persons ordered an.: eent to one per . 1011. and not tiddre6seti sereralty'to the Er:embers of that, clots. Trirvrrs Corm,., • ; - 32 0 CO Srirrr Cortes. - -. . • - - ,50 CO . . One copy will be furnished gratis for getting up a dub of twenty or more for one year. A copy of the Dalll Ago ,w 11), Ix? fut"...Lhed gratis for getting up a duly ttf r Virtv.. The above terms will. herigtillY adhered to. and no notice Wiii• Llro taken ot aubsciiption until paid in advance. air Webare no traseling:agents authorized to receipt for us. The postage on the iVeck!y Agi fsr e cents per guarl24 yr twenty coots per annum. to be prepaid in all cowls at the office of delivery. Specimen copies scut freefirpriPpliCatilm- Subscriptions can coirtmeUoy: with. any DUll2i. bee of a volume. Address • ' EOM & RIDDLE, Nos.-14Aso 16 Sotini • SEV ENTII ST,j • Pllll4 Ditri.ll A. Mt US lON MEN! '1P .3 x,P.,::?!P , P,.." 1 ". • bow.ing Mackine WO 00 flicadi jittrpsio or Sttopaelisa liCoenty— s4ilta L. etwlteld...l.c..tlsql suus'ottra...Lelb. ;., The Original Howe- bolting 'ifaehine, smuiv.gp.i.,t!i;_inkts , ,up,lBl now sill sod iss it; with the ttoisose swots: it NV f uoi twee. amiss:m.4e , 4.14%;:t hiss tiwit4lisktisad: - BOOMS AT- .6 Coirt Stieet; Ilitighampton; 11. r, Wilson's-Storei,Elontrozes liontrose, Jaz 130.871. ARM . • Toro4le;. chap • 4, Wto O. ...al:Sabato:D r ra. er. d tri Min WA/ St gOuttbAse Oh s., swarbaruirsod granary, 31r6ottr.listn: sprtugt of omen orchard. 4i30.-. OII Y sold or *voted JO Wm al Scram se Ws owns ris lu odrrr, bastOess. Apply : to C..C. Mills, tlokook,Cogleri, or Ctrtoti Dalt; lioao*Prkori. Tipocdog Co ;Par- ' - - ltsahoppen, • • 1 ottittlr gitgutcoo int Tito lino in r7is's &retail', one , y!ar t sl4)—; zaels atilit4nua lint, .50 ;dr., - - - WOO . - 425 giro 12 50 - 2.00 - 55 00 " - • 4 • DO YOU MAW .:::saD sT. RUNDIQUE NEW MILFORI) , llt~t PLfrostEn,—site.pnt,vt2 41.60412/4 • ler penult:tit Csill."*PLan . cre 14. b V 011.31 d; U. H. U %%LYN. A.'..ent for Emma' Vewhig ast4,4lerikan B.w Barflies Stove. litaln Strilt, W. L IVA'S it I'o 4 Deafen is Dry Goode. 01101.011pee2 _ . 09,11. awl one*, 304 o.llfral Merettkvidlie. ow it *Veit seednd trawbelihr 1121 : 2016:141t1:011er. • •4 : 4 44 ' 1 ' 4 8?4-111, Irtitwll7,:rjrlVorrfltrift.flemoricartillblif orm„rlor from. Vhhirmy:ii'llizel;, MiftrlS!C•.•• ' ' • _ . X F. KT MAN: Alarraigre va);TitililTatert.dbitiNtli.* Main street. two door,. orlovr Ilarterfliturf.' "• .40 " iicrailb provisiolse.Atesrol:tcroL!,.. if,,a mire& rroletrie . eir I.lm, Vemont: Omterint add Ptolpld:dd Mil gLrret. OPPO.ig. Depot..:" imv • iisnef eteturrn. -nf Cfpnr. salk„ R. - SE T' ficilrtt .to . xe,vonand Vit ter s . quad*. 90 . 4.(n ,trrat, b00:7.20'094i ctitro, UOSn 4 EV iP • Leath., Menniisniirii and design In Mr now Findings. be.. inns SplscapsdiChnren-_1! S ptor.A.migartrillilrisa lit atAtiP e .CitliVre ;VI.. sh'll4.•Ankii.Aralp*o44,4 i.ll-tar4 siren. • TINE' t gilt - , 1. IMAM: Dr-tler In general - itirratan nt.,l t 'loth qz.„l . lrlslf ,Slnyr.rj MR,*,l3t'r. GUEAT:UND. 1.: S. I NIIEIM. Manufs , turvr of telthilii".ll444 l l4 l .' in ccrwrll %tr. cL• - 4. I. I/ tlt Ti[hor..trydl.l,-;tjet lu Ready I,l4.le.e(Lithiptr, illy ticktildProtlifOor; .7,lnru6orcer.• . !...w • _ .„ LENOXYThLF. ARAM NVIIITg; 3faaticsaiirer of and. dealer ha IVO ur, Plow. tud 61 . sinr. • ' . • , - _ • ',GIBSON n. R. ITSTMEI",—TraIre In Storps,Aln,copprs.. Um. nndSecetinm sr, en.tirr...4e. Alm), mustartar• AL, Vstitir tot rd r. Er* Crnar'.andt.e.d riPar iitirrieed ilia 14.11 PIC ,I I-",..PQV11 Nuull . , ECDW %RD a DRY %N.r.- Mart.'lur6l:l,ok:l , 49 1 / end Steighc-no.r tho 10^,•tte'SDin,. 3103NTR05E..7 , 81•RAR.-Mv.tc Sitreeror. otAttettnettertoat tr. ottl..e to the Cou t Muse: %Inetttee.-PLe-. %OKI. TITIMIKLI4i - t.eala 'Ago, MedielPea. mum*. pair.sx 0.1644.1 , .S nff: IMlttq C'A11)14.41". Alfeimey .0010 . 1111111: dour h,low Mabel% LlunocaohliF .; WI? if Cr/ IPg Ft . CO.. Ilictk-rs. Varckn pls .': • Tl‘k ts ,Tha Urstiotus Er.7;14.52, irshiaitiad 'Sea. , . J • Ft 11X-TCIIEWS lee cream. Oysters and Maw. In ovary style; ithr WWI • Sittoro & rrowit. et, not tire. st4Llfr,rettr •oce xtttitt ICal‘r.vd and Actidect-T %ea t" T It vud Pupae. rphia. flu ca eye deuriag of the MO:. P. rt..MA 'me n. or.ent i n gnawarrd IFning •W 9.t Nlctiotq. e plata to set Dm:* and 11041- anew. Opp.. r=1...•.,..,-Tesart•Buuks; Wets Yankc, Mirk • - VM. L. COL Liekrutg..m.L.cilind elavaler in ell article*. actalls kepi bs we trAtir,, oppoilttthe sahk. • 110 T - - fr torttrlN. rir4ler• 19 flomea. , ..nardvino. wad Si ninTleturrra.of Tin undSpotlilkokice , teo.iipilser• ' Siamnail• Turnpike etnek: • 14. Mlll 4 ll. .Mrrchtnt Tailor itad dmilar ..I,H h.. TrimulinT, ruinishinr. Goods. Itai 1011111 g.. . Fs • tire. I. 12 , Nl* lirtv tittle rinAllat• • • ,, s Lasr Office. A. N. 11.111.T.Attre. Denlor Onuedes. ProrliWoo. no s6gin9vry and Vanlec. , :tunli. atbead St Public Arcsaut.• • r. sroTr s Ji - CO.. fl ! r fn Spnem.ltirdirare. A .Tricultdrat •Indletneat.. Yl.ur ?ad thtcriml, app. olte Tnr4ellll4rale MITCIII3I, Urahr ned Exelang• larrear of Busk tratlara. - r TITE:PLACE''': f ' -T.O I.VT DRY GOODS READY MADE ET(11 " ~tITtE BE !, F.O ÜBAUM;&co. Tnetir 7 ,, , .t.v. , lleLFct . _ , • 81uvels, Poniestie - 1044 ' ' Flui,nele, Furey and •'. • Viiids, Um suudCwuk , ,<:•- Velvets,' Velve vette,: Ladies' • Fuinialting: '41,, k ;d3 kein. • Ril9l M 411 , 2 for:sto:s, Y I B4.iivit4FL CLUTIIS, CASS! 1 ElfEktteLit ,3 ' tur-jukt-A;ttil,Wpilt. GENTS' 11111IsIIING, WOW , 13esiS: , 1t;ttait' 111:"! navo,tip I'o L'Ul4l( PIUGES Oor e.'"S";:ihif to be 'nelersolii, 4 whetbet brytr 4 b_rVid• ' " ' -arAT 14 . EAVIT WkNTER GQ9l:llt. ClUt r238E1V.1. itg ;ER BAUM- CO. ttrife. iry $:18:1-112 - THt EAGtE -~-T • - •, ; • IZAVAX gslt.scirel Cratt.Zip NZCaVitainirliala uttorntVolti alqic - Xlett, ITIONTROMi,R44 "ti 1 Sitcrat ilie4oldert tagbr 6ittitattati • 1 - 2;"::`.. !:':' NUT Desire Weald' Os public that its►ansa dtiM :IN . udilitsollittlitorttadetnesMiuttit4W., BM* S. P. neat ty. Fancy snirloo. ett r .tile: .Isuckb4 , :e. tuguy.7 sumiPtsrd P7p9l l Pbeisi wo 1 1 ,, , , , ureemtly dtted up - this Emil* Ittatottfl66ls. ghpalnir Itle,p Piittda •rtaktiltikr to tho Uritg llaolaer.A. •' • 7 •••,-, •, • r Wu mend 'pavans 4y , it' c..rdtat .tnyttattemts and s, ts n. wa.4 Is *ant .0t anti Meg In mu Amor mai • hen $5? In Want. 9110 MI a ttlendty tad. -- To al MI ett+tinuert we desitv ti exprs* salt tun ka lac shit ry tt*ral-;pLstrontge hentts.ote extended to-*Sr had endlavort.l ID 10 • en:amuses Opt ulna , ".--. Ceti Truly Vona, • e EL MR-NIL • l!ltrstrlpit, Vet: COM, ilialli ISE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers