-,,;..',..., ' -, %, v-4, The -tarm and tivoidc. EtreparsUou ~Liquor. rt,,il quite a common beef - that butts can only be made from sour milk, and chemists explain this on the ground that acidity is necessary to destroy the Mem brane which' envelopes the butter, mole- . culee r eo that they are set free to com bine with each other after shaking. Mr. E. 11. Baurnhaner thinks'he has disproved this theory by the folloWing expenmene: He first curled fresh milk to his. labora tory without shaking-or exposin g it ;this •he divided. into four portions of a half a olio*, each, •placing : them in • bottles of one gallon capacity. One he lett; neutral, yiz.;,st.it-acme from the cos ; one was acidulated with.. lactic acid; une made slightly alkalinswith carbonate of potash,' (this became acid during the manipula tiou ;) and the fourth received a greater quantity of carbonate of potash, and re maned alkaline througho-At. The tern. - Trentture was about 10* . ' Fahrenheit. These bottles were shaken violently fir one minute by four men. When at tort wart-like grains adhered to the 'glass, Which. under the microaeope, looked like drops of fat of oval, but trrexular . shape, somewhat like mnlberries. From minute — to minute the shaking wa:s interrupted the lobules uniformly increased, and af ter minutes yellow butter Was obtained in all the bottles, in little flumes like peas. According to onr author, the lactic acid could have no Influence imdissolving the membranes of the globules, and in fact he doubts the existence of such 'mem branes.' ,He thinks that eliaking at the proper temperature combines the floating particles of butter; when the milk is too cold no batter forms; when too warm, a kind of emulsion is obtained, which, at a low temperature hardens, but is white and leas translucent than good yellow butter. Baumhauer promises the best success in butter making whenever proper atten tion is given, to ) the temperature of the milk, which ought to be between the nar row limits of 6`'' to 70* Fahrenheit.— ..Agricultural Rrporf. Mrs.oure. Manure is like money. The more you have, the easier it is to make more. You cannot grow a big crop of mangolds Without thorough cultivation, and n heavy dressing of manure. But when you have got the maugolds the land is not only in a-splendid condition for future crops, but theconsnmption of.the mangolds, besides being of great benefit to stock, leaves a splendid lot of rich manure. We can raise jest as good• mangolds here as they can in England—in fact, I think better, as our hotter climate matures theut more perfectly, _and renders them more nutri tious. We can easily grow twenty-five tons per acre, and as the manure from a ton of mangolds is worth $1 07, we have left from each acre of mangolds, besides the leaves, manure worth $26 75.—Amcr (can Agriculturist. Drying Vp Cows. The common idea that it is necessr.vy to dry-off' a cow two or three months be fore calving, is really tot only an errone ous but a very unprofitable one. A cow in the dairy is not an animal in a state of nature. Slo is as artificial a production, as the improved carrot or turnip which she eats, or the oil-cake which is fed to her, - - arm it tuts is so, ann tier musing Capacity has been artificially built up far beyond that originally consistent with her natural condition, why should we stop in Our work at a certain point and not contibue it as far as possibly? We have known more than one occasion when a COW was milked up to the period of calving. and no injury occurred either her or the calf. It is true that the changed condition of. the cow needs some change of treatment There is a greatly enhanced demand on her physical resour ces, but this change comes on so gradual- Ty that we can not,tell the exact moment her milking powers should bo suspended. - Certainly not necessarily two mouths any more than three or four months previous to her Coming in The gradnally changing condition of the cow must be gradually met and and all will be well. We lately saw a fine Ayrshire cow which had jest dropped's calf when at the Illi nois State Fair, and she was in very high condition, so ranch so that an ordinary farmer, having a cow in similar condition. would tear for her safety. We also saw a fine Jersey cow, on another occasion. which the-owner assured us was milked the evening previous to her calving, and the calf seemed to have suffered nothinc -in ennsecnence. In fact it is doubtful if a cow is not in .a much safer position when thus constantly milked. It is with in our experience that garget has occurr ed before calving, and that cows often need to have the milk drawn from them, sointetimes for some days previous to this event: Thep, if all this is true (and we think most experienced men will coincide with ns,);why should not the cow be utilized as much as possible?. why should she not be permitted to prodtice milk as long as ' she will? andwhy should we be at so much pains to diy up our cows? It is certsin . thatinjnry is sometimes done to cows by improperly drying them off, and when we - Sometimes read of farmers being advised- to take_ench and such precautions in this matter, we swilled to think that they are not only making gratuitous tiotilde for - tbemselvetheit are' throning anus source of profit, That there is a change occurring in the common idea in this respect, is proved. 4burebonly by the fact that a cow which. will milk continu ously, is looked on as something above the common.. And why, while We are impmving_ our stock in this direction, should farmers be advised to adhere to a practice which P ,Mduces a contrary ,effect? —4merican zignaitfurist. _ 6 • Aseerlittt RAILWAY r noricr.—Henry Neigs. - the American railway king has nridertaken.another railway job. He has itiontrieted to build and equip within three Searsit road one hundred and twen ty, tidies in length from the port of Limon. 414 the Atlantio ocean to the city of Aid ige% Costa Rica for the sum ot' 1,040, talepounds sterling, or U 490 0 2900, _Hui -tell Mater currency. .When completed - Ibis rota will be of ,great. advantage to The 'Mated States, as at the present time the 'greater portion of the coffee crop of the.country is hauled in carts to the port (4; !amid Arenas, on the Pacac, at a ittvccy cost From thence ;t is taken by --setrels"nroupd to London and Hamburg, ocenkying -, o four months ;voyage: —Wbo's there?", cried, a po#ol to inning ()gin*, one-iark- Eight ? • 1, r il 4 .nttriolt don't b t stfraid, !,k 4t 4y iOjc . 7 - , T 012 =. ' • HAM RB3TORAIIII. Contains no LAO SULPHUR—NO W eill OF LEAD—NO LITHARGN— NO EINDATE OF SILVER. and is entirely free from the Poisoncnis and Health--destroying Drugs used in other Bair Proportions. Transparent and dear 14 crystal, It'trili not 80 the (nest fabrle.—perfectly SAFE.CULAN and EFFICIENT --dlsidevanut LONG BOTIGIIT YOE AND FOUND AT LAW! It mutates and prentata the hair from hamming Dray, impute . WI, glossy appearance, ranorrot Dandralf. co./ and refonadog to the heat checks Menai? bolo galling od, and restonti it to • groat aitont when pram , /only lost, pitmans Headaches. coma all humors; en tam.not amnions, and unnatural hat, d.. 9 A DIMM ING FOR, TUC DASD. 1T IS TUE DEBT ARTICLE IN TUB ICATMET. • DR. G. MITI. Pandas. Arm, Ram ?termed 051 7 bv PROCTOR DROMEREI, Glanceeter Shisatimsette "The ratan° la put up tn a tune! bottle. shade =Pitney for It, with the name of the arttcle blown Ist the glass. Ask your Dromitt for Narunte Dag ROTORATITZ, and take no other. $ Send two three cent stamps to Proctor Brothers lor • ••TreatLlo on the Thum' Mir." The Information It tantalite Is worth SSOD CO to Loy perion. Mu 17.1871 ROSADALIS THE INGREDIENTS THAT COMPOSE ROSADALIS ars published cut eiterypaeltage,thevn• Caro it is nor a terra preparatian, eciasequently PHTSICII3S PRESCRIBE IT Mt a eertain me- for Beratula Syphilis iei all PA fume, Maumee been, skin Dieresis, Liver Cone plaiut and ell duo= of the Blued. 0233 EOTTLE Cap ItOSADALIII ; will detains geed than ten bottles !of the Syrups of Sampuilla. ?HZ WIDERSIONED PIMICUUSS have used Resadarn in thel r pyrethrum for the put three years and freely endorse it mew reliable Alterative end Blood Purifier. DD. T. C. PUG; et nal me% Da T. 7. BOYKIN, I DR. R. NV. CARR. " Di_ V.O. 01/..iiriELLY._" DILL S. SPARKS, of Niebdarreb, Ky. Dlt. J. L. iIIeCAKTRA, Columbia, • S. C. DIL A. IL NOBLES, Edgenomb, n c. USED AND ENDOWED BY J. B. rim:wit a soNs,Palnkra, edam 7. W. SUITIT LLS , ;sebum, MILL A. F. Lima, B. H A L L, Lima, Old*. Chin. CRAVEN it; CO., Genionsettba Va. - BAWL. akaADDEN. Marra. bozo Oar apace will not allow of any an tended minks in relation to Om virtues or Renadalle. Toth, Kailcal Prate-a/mama guarantee a Fluid Er trietrupenor to any they hors My wed in lb' treatment or diseased Blood; and to the Mdleted v.= Busadatia, and you sill be to ealth. sooa,u, a sold by anDrastbdi cu r rem ...... a CO, zwramiruk 9 .474..ac k , •llatmau. Ye! etly Ecttlmote. J. THEIS WEB SOLD IN THE TEAR ISIO, aos-sa. OP Blatchley'sGninsitior '2`.IW2EI 45 • • - ZDIXXOL3Ptift. 1.1 ILT F./UMW% i 113.566 feet in length. or sufficient is tht aggregate ford WELL OVER 4031ILES DEEP. Simple In canstremiton--Easy in Operation Olving no Ts•to to the rater—Doable —Reliable and Chasm. These Pumps cre their own best recommendation For vale by dealers in Madman and ettnitaral tropic meats. Tr:ambers. Pomp makers. ae . throngn the woo. try. Circulars, de., fornished upon application by mail or otherwise. Single Pumps forwarded to parties in tensile *bore I boos no agents upon receipt of the regular retail price. In buying. be areal that rear Pomp bears my trade mark as above. patented March 115t,1871, as 1 gamut= no other. °lieu". C 36 3131catolile77. Oldre and Wawa:mi. G 24 & G2O IPILITher6S4... Plaladelphls.llara 15,1871.-61 n Pa. • LADIES' FANCY FURS. • • 4• - - J9l IN FAREIRA, 118 Arch Street, • • • Iftddfe of the .Steek twice 7thand Fab Streets. .1: Importsr.lfanatetnrerand ue ltal i or tr. i f n all kinds and FANCY.fURS • LATH ES' ' DREN'S WEAR. Manx 'toppled a my largo and solenad affrort -- meet ot all the afferent ands of Fors from test hands to taws, and have had them made op by the moot rortmen. srontd so. tpeetfolly Invite the render* or thts,peper to eel and ex amine h ie vcrylargs and hem:anti assortment of Fancy, Airs Or Lod lee amt Catcfrea. Ism determined to Pell atm pica mica, other mspretatle Dome in the city. 411 Pass trarrantief. homisrrpeseetatien to rrlTysd mks. ORN PAREIIIII, Alltai Koval:tint 1,1t171.—1m. Plafladelphla troll Varian aid Kilk Crackers tor nie e• ,p• Kni.1.40. --i Li. WEIEII. Naitrond Zinit irkatito, hi? 4P, Pale 7 1P: - - TRAIRs EASTWARD: No. 4, Night Express : : : 2.57 a. in •" 8, Cincinnati Express : : 720 " " 28, Way Freight, : : 10.80 " " 2,New York Express, : : 1.47 p. m. . " Accommodation, : 0;50--" G, Steamboat Express, : 9.17 " -• TRAINS WESTWARD. No. ", Night Express, : 1.52 a. in " 9, Emigrant,', : : ; 5.24 " " 29, Accommodation, : : 9.25 " Way Freight : : : 1.27 • -a, Maul and Express, ; i 8.50 A.ll of the akere ' trains stop at ;Great Bend ..a - Wa • P P P ry rut g c4r,PosrParitinit .2 7 Al,lovr. ' .. cbgc! T ° l " ry..P_ Green, Elacf; giad Japan Da% Cod llsh. ;64=4 MP") Ulm Leqad, tztiact. , IC4*. Vddlia Emit; ColdafedolAddrifildi; TO et .0 Duladed Caseaut. otlattae. Ettrt 4 .2 ' F. 2.5110, Jima Cad*: .15odh Proms Ma Cidddr, Kerodtd, 01.1,Cbuse. - dior Cue f10ad,47.0, Militia. Qv= Tartan=.l waded 6:4 Cando, Stow WU*, -" 411:144d Statt.,NoCcd, - dtdeterd. - • Algid% 'radddidedi /pram alga cruet* et-baa, Vn 41210.1: tittv Advertiimrato. MIMS. Met° "—Anita *aka mare . raOntr Si walk far us an.riblos„ 410... Outman Ilstat and perctuitent. ?animists haw. 0.51111/10$ • CO.. rifle ArlAgyitatry.ftutlrd, Mains..? . , . _ . 1111 1'. 0 4*: 0, The . Gre at Fires te ..asiCACIO aadlb y J. G. o.l)...erChtear. Only complete blstory..nbsen. tares 4 +3 *Waving*. 70.000 already eats. Price $! So.. axe ‘gq.m. made m : ) days. trodm go to imactera- AffENTS AnIED. . U. B. GOOLSYERD • • - 8T Park Row s pies Veik., (IneorportaUt 1800. i `. Colunitbfia' !'fro Instiranco , : CO DIRECTORS: , ; Dort.ClAlit.. • ' OfFICERSAN 9. B.I:II2I4FUSS. Plea% misrl M:tt==l Scannwitii lIcnIIY Tat ow. Tress. J. Y. PassAorr, Sce.'y J. D. TiAculta.s. Sant. lit. T. Moo. • .for Innaraner or Ageodee. addreea • 1 AT. Ito Vnicauft. Bele OPIIIIA EATERS! tit rg; any cue of 0916e1 Nadi oar Att Moto eat n at cure. No ;ado or t: eormentenot. Bent on receipt of $.l O. G. ARIISTICONG, A L D., D ealin g Institute,; Berlin Brings. - . • .• et- • - A SCES CUA A Yor dlatrisanoy complaint fa now toatletnown to Trcithe (of 4.9 octavo paces) on Sorel:l2 and Native Herbal Pmparatlnna. inabtfebrd by Dr. O. Perna navvy. Ttio prelleriplitan IntS Oleo:wend by him In ascii a providential MUM= that he cannot, eon ottrallotialy rotors to tnnho tt knoara.as It has amid everybody who has need lt for Tits, never hating baited Ina aingle cue. Iha Ingredients may bo obtalned from d u ldt:a g g. t i).lll2lt f ir Etll ft aTl, a B c ri ts say City. N. Y. NEW SEEDS & PLANTS Beat By Ball or Express. GDR SEEDS AND PLANT CATALOGUES w.cm- .1113753, 54mberiEg tot tatutog TWO COLORED PLATES, each worth Wee the east of Catalogues, moiled to al: appllcauts on receipt oft mutts. PETER HENDERSON & ;0.. Beadsmen. 35 Catbird Bleu. Y. ATTENTONI! WE'LL GIVE YOU "FITS." T. I). TAYLOR, so long known in Bingham ton 83 one of the most popular Cutters, and fashionable, Tailors in this section of Country hatifOnned copartnership with E..r. New comb, of Montrose, and they are now prepared to furnish men's westing apparel of all kinds, and In style and workmanship superior to any tsatablialunent in this section pr country We GUARANTEE SATISFACTION to' all sib ° may favor us with their patronage. Shop at Pont's old coroez, on Public Avenue. T. 1). TAYLOR. E. F. NEIVCOIdB. )forttrose. Oct. 19, 18';0.-11. HOWARD SANITARY AID ASSOCI ATION, For theltelletand awe of the Paving and Tintortunste.or Principles (trawl - glad P hilanthropy, Sams on the Errorsof 'Tenth and the Follies of Ags in T 1111.1013 to )dsrriage and Social Evils. with ranitar aid for the afflicted. Sent free. to sealed envelopes. Ad dress EIONVABD ASSOCIAMIZIN. Sax P. PhilsAclphla. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, MANSFIELD, TIOCIA CO- PA English and Classical courses. Terms begin September 7th, December I.2th, and Miutb 27ih. State appra i iriatfons be students. Students ad mitted at any time. Apply to . • CHAS. IL VRRILL, A. M., Mansfield, PaAug. 31. 1870.—1 y ET. VEINS' DANCE MELD BT ants . A. A. TAYLOR.—WARRANTRD CURE. ' lbw MID. conaalted At her riesidence Itlazidg,tt ter. au the fans adjoining La dhariff aohn.on. 800 of retrireater ginn. A. D. TAYLOR la.ammatar. March et. 1911. TO any person pnductug any medicine snowing halt as many living. permanent cures as Dr. FITLEWS VEGETABLE RUELGIATIC REMEDY. Used inward. ly only kpleasaut medicine, tree from injurious drugs. Warranted nide r oath, to have permeneutlycured 95 in every l patient,. treated In the past aft years. ((ace testimony). It is the scientific prewription of Protest , or Jos. P. Mier, IL lir.. as graduate of the titilvereity of Pennsylvania. A. 8.. 19:1y—not one of Philadelphia', oldest twain physicians aneLProfessor of Chemistry and Togleology,—wboleat made Nenraight.Eturonte and lodemstory Iltieumatisub the speciality of.' his entire prfesvionalllfe—a Met enriched for by the siMaaturrs Sc companying sash bottle Of many prominent renowned physicians, clergymen, and other testimonials. To pro tect aufferere from polsounta quack nostrums and use less expenditure of money. a Legal signed guarantee. elating exact number of bottles warranted to ram will be forwarded retie to any anjerer sending by letter s full description of Mellon. In ceow of telletre to cure. amount paid positively refunded. Medicine end any. where byexpress, collation delivery. AElleted Invited Weedily for advice; all information rad inimical advice sent by letter gratis. Principal edifice. d Swab Fottrth street. Pbtladirphis, Penns, The remedy is sold or ob. Mined by Druggists. April In. For Sale by ABEL TURBELL, slnntrose Pa. PUBLIC NOTICE. T Would regpeetfully state to my former Cratom. ra end the p,thlle . gmerally that I /LID 1:1 1 / 1 ierrying on tin T A/LORING BUSINESS, Dr MONTROSE, sod Propose to do all WORE to Um Lino, to a PASIIIONADLE, NEAT, EIVISSTANTIAL WANNUit, Ana Jo. Statoractort Potty,. Particular attentitm given to etOrTrq(l sad 'SPECIAL CA TIE 'me& to halm the work MID tor tbe persc: who an U togeOcr. May on the 'net itSe Arrant." one,. llama* :Whole' Drat Etre* seJoiming the °Mee el tht.lla:ary. . • LINES. jA. VA PIAINEEt. M. D.. encce►etally treats all claw= at Cnarnale and Aare Vlaaew. Sand •m wr Wry ar Contalrdar partlenlara and toot • •moalala. / poi pt3,1...}7 zEssaapt.ca..3xxwai BEST BARGAINS IN TOWN IN CHOICE FAMILY OLOCERIES, FLOUIt I MO visions,. Dried urd Owned Frail. Vegetable.. 4.e. As., at the MAO of naviptierrt, A. 24.:SULLAAu. NusArors. Astotan 11171. TEM ' - '''? k '.. EveryklndiatTesteClasket.jittartived,seit. or satA at New I' at iabolcsala prim.. Also • Anal* mrifuent. of COPPER /3Dy. of me as,dwe •ivest 6.14ii1t TVILII.ELL, ......... 4 • ...41:01.111.M. . . TIEWISTRT : P. # g 4 CF"FrR r mt A ?"F r,V ! w ta ! /.€• Pilictarattentlon operit . umsiuum F 1411; titllr7:ethedr thrst•!llEPSoc•ame.l44saysrgnaso,tar :.Cm Vgaobvs: -oSits mita& Oty. f 1513; IT i frO o_La ISTBuiblia—Tako botlce. tbs/ su pia oroS Book account : snot -NI odßio3,; i r VP Boy of Sosoluvaszt. nolo IntorsAbb Dire eqw by oulzbUsco.. - . / nu* hate toetttcr_plyin &but. DR, SIiALL . • Rul i•at ch b a urp4. SVOLVOI. III I4. r7. ° C, 'T. I. Wan -jtse 4 404 T 114.4.t7 bk iksa w am ' Al. Ea Agar's ••CraUiOlp ' • ettForreer the relitgand llditrannr, N.- • • ' manta h i Che - atom. &eh ; liver, and bow els. They're a mlld aperient, and an . fej,t, - exult - not para./aka.: • Beni KlreF, 'eV)", table,theyWitten w ater a cnry teve ° lu in ct , waken echoes and sufferingls prevent ed sty their Wetly Use and every' ram 'heed here demon hand „ far their protectints an& tele, when reelthxd. Yong experience 4, &proved them lobe tbe ge ese, surest, and liv_t pa all the Fills with Which the-market abounde..• Din their ocemstatue ens, the bleed is punned; he corruptions of the tam tom expelled, obstruetiohe removed and the "dude machinery tit' .11felestored to Its healthy activity. internal organs which become clogged and elegstsh are cleansed by AvreaPilla. and stimulated Into action. Thus inciphmt dictate 'ls changed into health, the value of ceche:tie, when reckon/scion the Vast mettiltades who y 'lt, can hardly tie computed. Their eumsr con g makes them pleasant to take. and preserve* their . Virtues a:despaired fee any length of time, - ad Althoughh are ever fresh, and perfectly reliable. searching, they are mild. and opeMta without diaterbanco to the comthetionoreetwor seen girdrrCellone are given on he wrltt e, t o each box , bow to use them as a Family. al - and for the Concretes complaints, Which e Pills rapidly curet.- For Dyirpetedas or indlareinlea, Ifestleees ores, Lan nor and Loss of Appellee. they should be ta ken moderately to stimulate the stom ach, and restore Ms healthy tone and action. For Elver Complallss and Its various amp. toms, Delete ileadaebe i oder, Jaundice. or Green Slickness, Bib leas Celle and Dillow revels, they should be Judiciously taken for each ease to correct the diseased action or rem mer the obslruWons which .cattaeit.• For Dysentery or Dieremen, but one mild,dose is generally termireL For .Ttbaumairbins. eons, Clestrol, Pet. pStation of the heart, Pala fa the nide, Deck and Loins, they ehould be cootie. ~,..Itously taken, ea trunked t to change the diseased • action of the system. %el such change three complaints disappear. Far Dropsy and Decathlete Berelthems, they should be taken In large and frequent dads to produce the Wm; ofF dr. purge. lor eappecaslon, la d eco should be • taken, as it produces tate. de eke by rpm pithy. .Mt. a Dinner Pill. take one or two PIM to promote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels, restores the appetite, and invigorates the system. fleece it is often advantageous where DO serious derangement exists. Ono who feels tolerably well often hods that a close of these fine makes him feel decidedly better, from their cleansing and renovating elect on the digestive apparatus.' PIIVPAIIED DT Xtr..7. C. A yin: &CO., Proalleal Chemists, Z0W.V.L.1., MASS., U. 5. 4. COB SALE DT ALL DIIL'OOLSTS EVEIIMITELE. ‘ ...k s., a.. 'rm., VEGETABLE SICILIAN t .0.-- Every year increases the populari ty of this valuable Hair Preparation; which is due to merit alone. We can assure our old patrons that it is kerit fully tixt4 its high standard; and it is the only reliable and perfect ed reparation for restoring GRAY On FADED HAIR to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, by its Rise, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, bpits tonic prop erties, prevents the hair from Until; out, as it stimulates and nourishes the hair-glands. By its use, the hair grows thinker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old age. It is the most eco nonneal Hem DRESSING ever used, as it requires fewer applications, and gives the ban' a splendid, glossy appearance. A. A. Hayes, M.D, State AssayerofMassachusetts, says, "The constituents are pure, and cares fully selected for excellent quality; and I conder it the Bawr PnErs.- Itn, Mr, .Saii by all Draggliti, anciperams a .Ilid:daeL PriceDas Dollar Buckingham's Dye. FOR ME WHISKERS. As our Renewer in many. cases requires too long a time,_and too much care, to restore gray or faded Whiskers, we have prepared this dye,in • one preparution ; which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. _lt- is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL, 6. CO., NASHUA. N.B. Sold by Abel inirefl, and Burns & Nichols, Montrose, and all druggists and dealers every irbere. (Dec. 21, 1870—y ,3ariLcfooirwast YOUNG A3CEMC.III T-4 X 14 X Mbar 301 NM' is offeriss this Liniment, to the palate, u we do in tall vonAdesum, thstittunat superada all otherwise. , in mamas an internal remedy, for the core elan diet sea la the roach of that class of medldnes, we can safely assert, witbont lb. least fearof contradiction. that It stands tin rivabd in the list of medical compounds extetually sp plied fur the cure of disease. Feeling therefore that It is unnecessary to puffs remedy so eminently, wonderful inita effcetr, to mysteriously infallible in its powers of relief, causing the deaf to hear. the blind to rev,the nee. , •one. drawn and crippled rheumatic to walk erect and re.p joier again In the power and rtgorof manhood, ibis ptt+ pull= is offered to the public on Its own merits, ant claims on volcanic origin at essential oils of the Arabi .ad desert, ; but on the contrary is what Its Imports, ant Is a rare combination of the powers oiXartti dmeri. can products. NEW Tone. Dar- 14. DIM - This notice la to taro= all dentera in proprietary otedienca. that tea hare established a Depot in Sumas. banns county athloutrore. Pa.. for the axle of Dr. C. F. Drusrn'a Young Ample= Liniment. end that Mr. A. BALDWI.;7 to our agent for that purpose. • WARD. SODTUMAND & CO.. Malan Smut. Nem Indt • • - Azezeles will soon beestablialted at central places In eeery Monett!). and pablithed to the Hat below. tam toady to Cambia tt at wholerale prtets to Atetall. Pest en and ClecUlara scut fools opal' application to the antr • ecribet. TntLlntment Is now for Welt retail by the follow ing Igen% to wit: Berm & Nichols, Montrone. • A.Tamil. B. 1.. Adams. Ankara 4 Carnern Bosh Biddwin.tiontb'Anburn. Waltman & vtobart. fib:Wine* Eddy. . D. C. &F. U. Fordharn. Franklin. Borrows & novo. ifterensaillit. L. M. Sherwood, • B. ibtbursek. • Winton Thayer, In mock. - IL B. Beatdslee. Llttlelleadove. Robert Winters, Friendsvlll4. IS. L. Ball. BitchardtWe. D. A. &. Titsworth. Broaklyi, Pa. L. B. I tiuds. Fsetotrrille. &hogs, Bat. 7 A. M. Tiffany. Hopbtrttom. -. J..,11. Very. Montrose %Tot. 0.. g. Hawley New , ' T. D. Basterbiook, Great Bend. " Tewksbury Brothers. a abtirn Centre. : ' AverrAttkanment.inmphprti. 4 4 - Stevew. kAetbOdis kar•WarAl••• • • • N. Groner. • B. Az titerensAleysille., _ A. 4 J. suntsaot bpdattuu, m ' Any personalstoitwiltaiiiiirabora' an ageticy, mapAgttoUbpadaresslai . . • ,-'^ - d'ph,g64l/3. crenresl Arent zut.ti lErn=&it ' swamp,: . , .... . .., . X Ai , fr... 0 ), v. W . A ICC ,0,. FAIL m u it rain it' co v i lla - itisiiet . . nit Soydettel remedy for Catetir,ftblilihircrik Wr , i N i rrgTr s. rvi RAW, ism Aura& . a narisinjWs; Reader, . to the to St the se to ar ththelmOttf.; p: reci r tore.• Pewi=t est treats afte r toll Uses. t ar bi. ell Thmettete. In slot leo, or on them oar sum stet sou* sod At oththeat. - Send Sof 'Viola. Office , itheratem„ e, lOCkitrOriseclik T. i . M 4_; ?* - 1 fillifillEilintit , : i. C POUND 114111 ~,.., , , ± ,i,.l!„_,,:ist:__.-, , :.,,, EXTRA.ur CATA.wtA GRAPE PILLS. Componang Parts—Mad - 141 rad -barb and Fluid Eztrad - Oatate- L ' - ba (Rape - etnablilnt. iitaidles.-nlnluits Affection, nr emu* Ileadschk Costlirenow,4lc. Pure ly Vera conuant , g ao Matetry. Itinerate or Del etertons Drags. . There pillion the meet delight:o%y pl AMA erge. , tire, seuersollws castor ell, ult.'. 03101 4 .5ia• eta. VI to 111 nothing mote aceeptable to dm stomach. They etre i tA tone. and - cense ocither nausla nor plug pains. Thtg are composed ofitte finest In trots Atter a few days' 131 e of th em. suds an In tattoo of the enthe system takee place as toßopes/ so alone, to the week sod enerested., whether ;Plains Irma Imprudence Or dis ease. II: T. Ilehabcdattampoond . Plaid Extract -Ca tawba Grape put, are notengar coated. tram the tact that Pamir anted Pills do not MOAT', batons through the stomach without dissolvteg, consequently do not Produce the desired e ff ect: TUE CATAWBA GRAPE I'ILLS. holm:. pleasant In taste end odor. do not nem shale theist:ming sugar cowed. PRICE PIPIT CEBU PEE DOE., HENRY T. lIELMBOLIYB lIIGULT CONCENTRATED COMPOUND FLIIIO EXTRAIT SARSAPARILLA Will radlrallyeatermlnale from lite oysters Scrota'. Syphilis. fever 5011:11 Ulcers. Boni Eyes. Sore Legs, Sore \loath. Sore Hea l Brow-tam Skin Mama. Walt Rheum. Candela. liana nes from this Fir. White Swell. logs, Tamara, Carreras ACactlona, Nodes. Itlcitela, - Ofindelm Sweiilege, Night Seems, Itooli Tatter, ilo• mom atoll kinds, chronic Rhemations, Dyspepala, and all diseases that have isms establishodin the system for Belli: prepared expremlifor the abore enraphttnts. Its blood-porlfytng properties are greater than any other preparation of flarsapartllm It glees the comPleston • char and healthy color. mid restores the patient to a state of health and purity. for pertl)ieg the blood, re erowloe all titronteennstltutloner dlremee violas from an impure etate of the blood, end the only reliable and effectual known remedy Mr the aye of pains and smell ing of tho bones. Ulcerations of the thrust and legs. Blotches. Pimple" on the Esc*, Etyslpelas and Wisest, eruption, of the skin; and hoontifyi. g the complexion. Nita $1 tiO per bottle. HENRY T. lIELIIBOLD'S CON'CEICIM%.TED Wavle& 2111actro,crt 123‘zo2vas. THE GREAT D.IIBSTIC, Ilse eared every ewe of Diabetes In which It has teen ghee. Irritation of the Neck of the Bladder and illOlll3- 614.ti0n of the Mitineye, Mention of the Kidneys aod Bladder. Retention of lieut. Dloraaes of the Prostrate Gland. Stone In the Bladder. Calculus Gravel, Thick duet Deposit, and Mumma or Milky di-charges, and for en feebled and delicate coustitutiens el both rev:cameo& ett with the following erupt Indbpoeii ion to ex ertion, loss of power. loss of memory. diteculty of breathing, weak nerree, trembling. honor' of dinette*. teskrPtlners. dtmorsa of !felonr rats tb tbo hat* , hot hands; fleshing et the body, drywalls of thaekin- eruption on the fate, pallid earretenance, universal Welled° of the runttettistr ryetmn, etc. reed by per.etit from theatres of eighteen to twenty tee, and from thirty-dee jetty-ore or in the decline or change of life; after toulinemeot or labor pains; bed wetting In children. • Ealrabold'a Extract Event is Elamite and Moe, Pl. rterttrr,. {WI cam an diorama arising tram bebft. nr dL sipattoe and externs anti Imprudences lathe' lama 'Wes of tne,bl,44. etc.ontpuncedinn cnpaita In nth ctions for siticb it Is used. and Eipbilstle affretlona—in Ib.re dis eases used to Connection trill' Ucleabeld's Rosa Won. In nanny afineticma Penner to ladies. the Setrait a/1- ra 6 . 1 ° tiorOnalled by any other remody—aean Moro. air or Retention, Invgalaritv. painfotnra. or ropprevalon of rustornery evacuations. ulerrated or &Wes *dere of the Utimn.../mrontrea or Whiltre. etevllltv. end for ell catmint:its incident Toth* vex, 'whether arl,lne from In dlaerstlem tutbita of dlvelpatlon. - It la prow:Wed es. tenet rely by the moil eminent physßlans and teldrelves. for enfeebhd and delicate ronaiitut‘oes, of bomb ones and on imee (attended wit! any of the above Cowen or symptom.). 11. T. 11XLMBOLDTIY:XTMACT DUCHIJ Cares die am arising from imprudence. habits of die: sivation, me, to ail their stager. at little expense, ilttia or no ehae. In diet. no leconvcolme, and nO exposure. It mom alrequent dadre. and glees aUsinglb to urinate. thereby removing Mtn:Wm. preventing and caring strictures of this Urethra, allaying pain and tudantuatlon, so fregnent In this dies of disem, and expelling all pnisouone muter. Thornton& who have been the victims of incompetnt penes, and who have pald heavy fees to he cured in • short time. base found they have been deeetred.and that the" poison:lm. by the 7/410 Of tartar:al aa !inane." been tined op to the system. to brisk oat to 1 more %V . granted forth, and perhaps after marriage. _ LasIRIABOLVS hXTUACT BUCIIII for all *flea. Mons and diseases of thethimpOrgans. whether existing In Male or Female . front Emden: cam arigteating, and no matter of bow botg standing. Price, Qua Dollar and Filly Ceuta per Battle. • Emma T. !WITOLD% lIIPIIDTED Boaz wan, cannot tie surpassed as a las rub, and will be Mend the only spectec remedy In every ryiecies of Cutaneous' Affection. It speedily eradicates Pimplea, boots Manta&ry Dryness, Indentions of the Cta oueone Shan: Dr a pe, eic..depeis linemen d Inelpienthntammatlum lltres. Rash, Moth Patehea, Inputs of node or. akin, Weft MOM, and ilk emoted , fur when fishes 'Or Mutt. meets ars used; orator's the sala to a state of purity end mifiness. and Wares conUuncd !realty action to its vessels, on•which depends ,the agiembis cleaners and Ora , Ity of caantilexion so Mach =Wit and ad mired. flat however raetableass resiedylor existing defects of the akin, U. T. Itendoll'• km* Wash has lung siastained its principle claim to unbounded paired'. agn, pi...emit* qttallttes which" render it a toi.et ap pendage of tbe most ttopertattre lane zungenlal Mrs, try, combining in • as elegant` formula terumineut re. gaieties.; safety sad eillairy—the inearlabie accumpant. ciente of Us use u a Preservattre and heffesbevelf the Complexion. It tsar. excellent lotion !enflames of a Byp.tarte Nature, arid asap Injection for diseases of the Urinary , Organs. &tieing-from heat of dissipation, used In eouventtott with the extracts Bache; hanapa rids. and cataana Grape Mills , in seen disease* ascii coauneudid,rannet be surpassed. •Price, tine Dolor Per Dottie. Mal and *Welt direct lints hamnpany Out weedier. Evidence of do most Isopoorisle. nod Within char acter ltrnished•on op,ollcstloa,. with Windt. ds tbon sand* ut.lleisrleitsesses. sod otaisrd of dU.OOO craw egwunits l o il l=ho iddhest. I st=in i :l t =l; iss! pent IllyskolsoWelergrenes. !Statesmen, etc. The frO. prietoptois sever resorted to Us,* pondlnotton In the pelnwporil; tie does pot do this Imukabe • tact - .thst .144 *Notes no* ail ittattdard Preparations, and do giqt used to be proppnd pp try neniticstan s - ..... = i n t Intftoo44l, :rropar:#o;.ol? 15inlyered to inundate'''. SeYstre Eatabli.bedin*ard of /*WV Yaate dpT inn este niertyqient. Andreas T VlTlNBOlhatDollte Oita -Only Devontet;.ll. Iletainote• dittalal Wirehotzte; t4i. tottnetway,.'llsir Yolk. to U. T firootorieeKroil-flepott Int Booth Monti Street, 1:01 4 011411.09-.COVOT114427117K1.-Apit fey . pow T Itimosoun'el Tate oo onto. ktr gair mrvio4t: fpi6 4 ) ..- - • . , Dr. 472...t.5EJin C 1311r,E - ' . .- RS ft .14 • - .3"instdrcd3 of Thotivana3 --; 4* . lis ul troott4%l , r , Vroadtr, v, ' • b f I .A . WHAT ARC ? - 15 g • • • i ol la - 2 g cru a I II ' 'PT AT NOT /V • to.„ V, $ F 91 A N tad Lcas-o Lttldora doctrz d.zylot.l -a. ::- turd t. VZ:a.l trate. Lor:1;d. c r..er.""l„.yyrt:a , .zr," " Loatoras " aC% l'or.t rood V...c tyflorto to idroatoralcas Cl aro a Imo b!.;C:olto. =fa 4robs Ifttira toota cad tcrba of race. 'Tram all Attolotie bittotdowc„,, 7.. 4 , . 42 ioa GI:L'AT CLUOVI GIV 1 N 1.7 ruiNciPL.Ezl.-Etes • L7m/r,Ofeeot of lian S,inteta. Wept off po ratter anal rottoring Llood to a lorz:tr.y soaLlttoa.. Xorsaoa tan talus tbrzo =tors o•Ccosr cot tra.latoloty, azartl. . , „ 61t.:0 .4Mba Coca fawn. tart rals e - -raarcrl.ted the beam aro act Gor...'raio.: Lt t.;:...c:;.1 pcsto - o or Mgr zoos., Sod the a* ' palut cireaer. Tar lallasastaterr .coat ettron:c .ctottot. Maas and Cow. brareiralc. or 1104;:mMas. Elliott. gamine - at cud latertatticas T.-vireos 1/Isenses of the illoottl, ttlducyo. mod rlatideo. them It Urea l ova bora coot autos. tar. bad, Liarrrooa Ltd dr.tavi 1; Vlttztcd. - Blood. 'blab is gcasrallg trod:trail by drrarzczocrot alba Indrettao 011tdata• DX.tiPE.VISLe. INPICESTION. :era sobs, Ms LI the El000lf.7.• bottba. Tie-I:Lora of I.*.a parat„,, Idszlzess, tow Ln.craiax4 of Ina Matadi, "tad two to =loos of too lizart, tollaarroadou of tbo Dor,. tae roldons of the Menus, and a bandrod . orbor F- del amptotor„,zza 100 oratfizga of larliztrEr- Tb.l larl;crata tbo stomach azd sttnsclats VA. runic: a;d bowerambich r-salzr rho. claraataar,d al2cacy La closzalog Qs blood of el btrbozillr.a. odd hapartlas are Itre atd dater W ttak dbolo ‘,. , ••=e, • FOE SKIN MISE/abF2aitaPaaas.Tati‘s.t. h Ettemen. Slatclars.byora„Froltlro. I ettelea.Eadlo . r.r. Donlan. Lang•Womo, realeAlsod, cam rya. Trr..!?. alma. Iteb. Sara; Lbtedlottilets of al* tilt, Motors lad Macaws of Lot Lldro of at:arena . =dr or .acorn. are Illzzally dog ap sad canted oat of tat systora la rt any Ono by etoa oat of these titun. Cats boa:a r, each Casal sub calamine* in* caeca Szr.zsdaloz.s of Lars. costive aroct. Cleanse the Vltteled Llood irlm.-xl - st you Ila Impurities burial= Stough Lao gas LI rumOrs..l:r7o lions Pr Dorm; cloaasc 'when you [odd ibis:rue:4 403 sluggish Jo Cm Ter.s ; ecocoo lllshost It Is f, - .L sad your toollage yin 111 yen ttgs pure zed rho ht ultla of the rim:ow:II follow. rIN. TA rr..od ash= ‘`..131tx....5. lurking lo the syslcia pf so :Oozy thourraCe. use stout...My C...s:ot T ad sad r.irtevod. Tor rood m:io 11 the cL-culor around such plated fat. - ,or 1.- crarce—RegEsh,Ccrroto. irtnel; sod F porloh. .S. rrwarl,tor. I:7;in and Gc-4. Arent.. Li Trr Kvr. [ s!. S • tul 1.1.1. ECG C. GIL SI Oct. VI -y scapete ICesteiltalieasect 3.1384.. Slltc)32.reoBe, AND SUSQUEHANNA DEPOT The Two LARGEST STORES in The County! The Two Finest Bniidengs in the Co nnty The Largest Stock , in the qcuntyk The CEOIOEST GOODS, Lowest Prices Grand Opening' of OUR WE'W'STORE! ,BIONTROSE I • • • TlacklialsoNPo Sops. 18 a 1137.11.6 Wltb as almost etairoi Nov Stockat OplondidGoodo, ..padally and carefully asicalta tar Tina aLaLLKIG OUR STOCK, 'COMPRISES DRY 03303,110T111R0, FANCY GOODS, tiluaerT Goods. Etoatery,Trimmings. GEZinESIEN'B4: LADIES' FURICISIIING GOODS 1 Csrpets, 011 Cloths, nits std Capi. ate., ate., go. • Spteit d W A.sartment of MESS nom* Campsislag Arms Slks.htelinos, Etaptots Cloth Do ba si6er, Poplins: Jspantso SIM!. Brussels Sulks, Plaids, 'ulterior la quality. • Spleadtd - Auortmeat of Blatt Silk, Mock 'Alap•oss, Spetlallty. WfSIANUFACTURE OUR OWN CI X.s lc Gt And Guarantee Every Ytere We 801.1. ; • We have the Larva Assortment or Goods for Yen's Wear, ind nuke Clothless to Order, War rented ao Wu I. , _ CITY STYLES AND ,COUNTRY PRICES!. • Our Goods are too kerne:one to Mangoa . .. We Day Goode be Larre„ quantities. • And can &ITO RD TO. and DOA ELL TUCK CHEAP= TUMc ANTDODT. •Ford to the Who la Softdent. cap and =mass sad ioarloto yozrieloo. • . • , • • OCTTZNRIMO. TIOSZNOAUSL CO.; • - Wqmeekic.liogar, NO Doan* btreat, Now Torl2: mpocti 11 . 011 ES. 22S %Met Strad; Elmira. N. No. 21:Talou Ulock Elmira. N. T. . • ••• • , . fluequetutooa rfrpor,Yr.•' • iloaltuae.tra';-. • ' ' 11924 , 22 . 2.12aptcaa1?0r W, tra. " I EHIGII VALLEY RAILROAD. .1.4 Oa and after Dec. 20.1=1, Oahu on tLu Lahtgb VaUe7 Railroad will tau as follow*: • ' - p. a.m. j aa. a m.p.m.pm. Elmira 9.43 3.33 12.4 J 939 1.43 11.93 343 SID 9.00' 9%111.43 13.03 AEU 12.40 3 318,0 Tuwar9l9 ' 8.13 . 4.11 11.20 tio 935 .4A3 Tunkhotwock 9 W - • Pituum t 45 - WUke4.ll3rte; 4.10 1:13- 139 • .133 138 535 Matitb 1 .3 11 9 21 1,149, 10 . 49 P. 9.1 ., 4 . 15 Ll* A. 99149 9 ,44.... 933 LOP - 8.30 860 Ilatarlelpbl4.. - - p.m. p.m. Plor • Rpra . d. &luau-Road Dam. •- OH TIES;:iItVESI • • PPa°alb as t ll P *l #f• Oh. co , AND TES ISSI — ll4mif. As sad alai Sayer-WM. Lathe tuttloadte•als 'Coin NJ , t•••llDobetrterly for rtstiy pay, and irrU warm =at. oireapar kcep cataract, on tuut• Cincotta, tout* and Shoes, It cams Itlatimur. -Irocruily.•Putk and Fish. and sa getraatslly It*la, • *Actuary SUMS. " Aviv= eutv, e n d. ' • 11 , ; - - 4. B. TARBOX, . W•h T dttlkk4s 'EWE L BR, 1 1344prIduiliza DepoC,Rs4 , ,Dealer In Witches, -CloCks, lerrelryi ppising promptly; done apOrira, cited made siTeasliti; Biker Detached tete* $l2 - 00. American "Watches," at :Compile* OK duel' Priem • (roods ordered tor Zteyi York, at less profit* thin .it kept constantly, Ace hand; Solid licirditligs far $1 '73 peemnir. vrefelt., 13.- TAR' BOX.. Ba.vinehantra Depot, Join. 2.5. 1871. • • . , . -- •• •• .. ,FOB . put . , THE' 'HOTEL P.roperty, - located -it6 ' Diem! Corners. end Runt and tavprulbly ketirrn U. thelesrls Ilotet.catascted wltitertact are 'boat Twat,* Ares qr. Valuable Land • --.-- . - • - . . 3x particulars addrers or 'call on , C.C. MU 13. .Dlnurk. pa.. Jan . O. nit. •• • F ' ' tf. , , ' l'imrusouttla LAWIAWAIMA VALLEY - , Boc i 1501711...5.WV01NT. 421pOcsrso S 3 esiticA °ries cm. efla pc? ESTABLISH:6OIN IEat—AUTHORIZED. CAPITAL UNLIMITED.. lannouLt.' W. transact a General tanking Evilness, without LOA, tined to oar • " taX PEE CiIETT.INTERESTALLAWEE °MEP:AddI. DEPOSITS.. AD Deposita Patti 'on Demind iVittnint Persons keepinst accounts with on can deposit and ftrlE, the rate aa with any other^ bank, and oar enstottleet will ha attonnnodated withoai oXutt charge of dIer.CMAS or exchange. • ' "MEELFUEEE9 . , - For dolman, from point* in the country convenient to. railroad, *eat by 'uprose promptly acknowledged - and, remittances in payment Made lc carrency or by • Drilla for sale la . , Ali Parts ot - turope. Conetettota avide alt.boaratittr cturia Max Maine, al moo of ex bang*. PAIPAGITICEETS to sadreom all Duets or Eo2oo. by texas CLuit Steamer,. at the la eat , Bcranton, Argn-t Zl, WOOL-OROWEBS - .11513 . MOT/OW IiOTTP; WelOtAN LULL rannlig *a tint. iak OE Lag allernol Oanneis, chechrd and. arbile7 atop; canna warp llannel. tba beat ere, • made; cal - wool tweeds atealmerea . .. A large tat of - cloths on bind, for sale or to exchange ter wad. Pleaseslee me aCO Won dippes.l6! 6f yetlf loroolbPrre. AV mile* north or-Montrose. , . mom, ifOliffUte; June 7. !Fra: • tf TALBOT Sc STA3iI),-, ELECZEI GROCERIES & EROISI Flour, Salt, Dotter, Pork, trot: Dam, fialfFisb, Tale Candle', Cracbeta, Meese, Coffee ; Spice'', Cboicii , Teas, baprro, Dice, Dried and Canned bruit. Tobacco, Cl,,gor Sorg, sad all other articles oroal4 kept in a brat ciao* Groot,. ' and Pirivlifos Store, we will mark oar Good.** low an we MU *Mad, aal Awn [usual., or exclunge for prodllrw. „ ‘PATUONAGY SOLICITED TAIXOT . A EqA4l.2* *ontrose, Sept. FVIECUTOICS NOTICE. —WIISREAIIi LETTEIIIS . Teetimentery to Ike ert.tte Jugleott Stune. late of-9 Poll to Leto town-WIN decreed, bond bnvti gototed to the obbeeribere elljteterflall 11111V1N11104311 . 1 reties eta requeetml to mike letate.tLC t palm wit. cud the.a hay. lug claim,. or .leweede ngum4 the eptet et or /ha *al& e!... mecca, atilt prewto the easee without flaw. itx nit,Absn.w; • WAItE eAN C. DANDITIMS JULIA DUTTKIIFICLD, • FIIEDSIIIVK DAY 0 COUGH ti. JOIL,NSON. JECEILIALL 40!..-1 , 01213.• • For‘et Lek; Ang. ZIT:I-4w. Executers. . . '''',X• .. s - S..TE WIWI'S -ti.`" . „,, ,:.. . r 3 ItarbleisedSTat• ?....T.V . ZN-i!./ i % 11Mcita.tlogio. ,fe_t 1 • , " • o.g, Vets- large warmest. 1:-. 1 rAfeiNie:t y inertelleg I grew Cadet ~,'Sr„';Nigiip,,, t e. eiegt. wit new , vid wig ' 41•=-4t . ,S ' MI rif•fl.... • • .. ,I , fianitak.,.. .. T....2l:ativiAlST. &Ca. " '..t.. 1, 14}3:M! ' ~ .4, '.*.,• th' S . ' ,:l b UtiV i riet t". ' —.:.,....,:;. - ' New Yaiii. An3.ltger 02.0,000 ' Worth-of Ginvis shire'for the • o open!** the Tall Traileof 1870; in mfullarni generalassortment.of . 1323311 ',mt . , . and Fund/Mug, andFancy colds Zrapiykr Co! 5, , „ Pelage. ..lfsiteme. ' C4tetri: \Slings, Corsek.onbancd44lle. Cri4H4pll3,te Leung/mid Cen's Pktnt.llleffaloßoten_,Fcmele top .11abo,af.11 as.rtionattr Cloths, Canimero. - Ladifeeloga. Flannels. 2,rarkry.' lNiattenc Caftans, itc, 4c. " with a general mart:newt of Mita and Caps, Hoots Slum, - 'and Paints, Graced - is. Crockery, Hardware ; Stoves, Iron,. ,t0., - furnisir: lug a superior-opportunity ,for selections, -and will be sold on the must favorahla 3aIC. 1317 n i a r 11237 air Milford. 110,61 c, TA& 3E1.113 MILL. XX CDV/13131:31. Jontirs.: TicinELL. Proprietor. Etotstai.ts lezie ibis Mai cot bectlarilth tiro a•L..t Mr-i the Elle, pm! the Lehigh Vakkir. %us. • (Jab , B,l9llt•—tt • • Agricultural College, of Pennitylvanfai HIS pi,sll#lloN 4ty, reopen far . thc _ . . SPRING , TER)! 'OF 24 IVE.EII.k On Fria?, February 10, 1871.. , For geneal cap:dose and % other Itt ronnatton: Address, - • , THQS. U. BUTIROWB, Fres ' ' • Agrlealturat College, - P. O. - Jan. 25, 1870 . —t1 - Centre Co.; Pa ,BLoollllNGTol3.."(ll4) . .blupsgay. TU lnr . 600 Acres IMaltu;t l ;.FreCtl! . Would on ° know' ninq; how .10111su 1110 shade,' evergreen tr foot", grano../crollOgyr, oast plants, ante sera. tsar lioee potatorn: ahrOr, rooril creonhonon puel carden vtantrokr de—nowins ind SEWTBLE 13 LEDS I Minor, brat collettian—itorto ustity. .brad 10 costs fn, New. Illn*trard DeseliPtig Catalvno-90pagit, Nond stamp. tuseti for Catalogs d of Bs. with pl.in ditoctionn;4.4 pareo ; Podding aid Garden Plpnts-311 pageo: enct lirtioholo Prim taet—u moa t Addresel!. E. PlloENlX,Eloornlnconillllnols • 0. takyit)..;;Ceote Into the Inelositte of the Bab eh ht Velvet hate. on el 'both tho Olth day at Jule On. xvilifyt . ...opo Marked with t tettntend theatre' with rut.. Any utment •provina • %open! Awe reetut chew:4nm Late thew, away, J.,,T.L410f en. r:F . 5lt. I.4oc!;lSept.U; 1871.1111::' ' • • •,- AgeD.ts Rea 4 . 1111451 TVE WILL PAW Agents 4. oraM7 4110 'll - Per Work and ir.xpe CUT die** lane •xamaisatast io sell our new sail. wum erlUl luesalkos. Wm*: Vd AGNS El CO. *Mita Dl11:11.•
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers