col:rival -sr ACM W.lll.:lrtsi Remarkable Facts. It is a very remarkable fact, says the Hartford Times, that since the days of the second Adams, the opponents of the De ' mocracy have elected but three Presi dents; that each of these Presidents has died in office; and that each of the Vice Presidents who took their places has been compelled to differ from the policy of the President whom he succeeded. That the hand of Providence is mani fest in the most recent change, no reflec tive mind who accepts the doctrine of Providential influences in the affairs of men, and realizes the true situatiotrof our country, can for a moment doubt. The partizan political clergymen who some time ago so noisily affirmed the tact, spoke more truth than they realized. p, 0. Appointment , D. M. Smiley has been *pointed Post Master at Smiley P. 0., In Gibson town ship, this county. An excellent selection —a model for the future. Farmers take Notice. There will be a meeting held at the South Bridgewater Cheese Factory, on Thursday evening, March 29th, 1866. Matters of interest to those interested in c heese-making will be considered. All in terested will please attend. Another Veto. Gov. Curtin has vetoed the Philadel phia and Erie Railroad bill. The veto takes the ground that the privilege accor ded to the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad (to build railroads in near half the State, and preventing all others from building i a road in those counties,) is an infringe ment of private rights, and that its opera tion would be conducive to the fostering , of monopolies instead of the promotion of; the general prosperity. Of course Landon, Cameron and Oster bout were parties to the passage of tlj outrageous bill. Returning Reason. The Ohio Statesman speaks of a clergy man who informed the editor the other day, that a day or two after the assassin ation of President Lincoln he had preach ed a sermon surcharged with vengeance toward the South, and that almost ever since the thought has been ever present to him, " I'm a pardoned rebel, too," and that, therefore, there was no propriety in his invoking vengeance upon the South ern people who had been engaged in re bellion, while alone through pardon from the Almighty can he hope for salvation. There is christianity in this view, and we have been surprised that men assuming to he divinely ordained have not inculca ted it from the pulpit. It is not too late to 1, SO even now. 0 1— The present Congre . ss passed,with ont hesitation, a bill which contemplated the expenditure of twenty millions of dol lars per annum for the maintenance of ne- grow . • Andrew Johnson vetoed it, and the Democratic party sustained him. ~ame Congress has neglected to ar i mpriate one cent to the equalizAtion and payment of bounties due white 601- The Democratic party demand that they shat} do so, and Andrew Johnson is with them. Who are the soldiers' friends'? Those who postpone his interests to the eleva tion of the negro,.9r those who demand that the elevation of the negro shall be postponed to his interests ? The people will answer at the polls. e" The Cincinnati Times, a furious Abolition print, thus assaults Sumner's <xmstituTional guaranty : " According to his argument, Congress van not Only require each State to admit the ne , ..7rw's to a vote, but woolen also, and not only this, but may require a pro hibition f whisky making and whisky drinish., define the system of education for a t•t.ce, prescribe what books shall be used, wi,at cia.cecti of men and women shall teach, and that every man, woman and child shall pray three times a day, with t heir faces turned toward Massachu setts !" I==CEllll re - The right, man in the Right place —Andy Johnson in the White House.— vbarypart, pass.) Herald, Republican. New York Wholesale Prices, Prices for the week ending Jr ch 17, 1866. Beans, white sound, per En., 150 235 Butter in tubs, per pound, 45 55 " firkins, " 35 45 " rolls, 30 40 Cheese, choice, " 18 22 common, " 12 16 Dried Apples lot 12 15 Dried Plums, per lb. 35 40 " Cherries, 40 " Raspberries, 40 " Blackberries, 30 Eggs, fresh, per dozen, 24 Flour, wheat, per barrel, 8 00 3 00 14 " rye, Corn Meal, per hued. 2 00 Buckwheat flour, per hued. 3 50 Flax, per lb. 20 Feathers, live geese, per lb., 70 Beef Sides, 64 12 'Mutton in carcass, " 10 Veal, " 11 Pork, dressed, " 11 Wheat, per bushel, 170 Rye, 66 66 Oats, tt 51 Corn, 61 75 Hides, dry, per pound, 30 " green, ill. 11 Hops, prime, per lb. 50 Lard, common to best, per lb., 16 Beef, mess, per barrel,l7 00 " prime, 16 11 00 Pork, mess, ~ 24 00 " prime, tt 20 00 Hams, smoked, per lb. 18 Shoulders, smoked, " 16 Bacon, 41 18 Honey, ,t. 20 Chickens, 41 18 Turkeys, 64 21 Geese, 16, 8 Ducks, 4t 22 Clover Seed, per lb. 0 Timothy Seed, per bushel, 350 Flax Seed, " 260 Tallow, per lb . ll Wool, washed, " 50 " unwashed, " 3O Apples, per barrel; 4 00 Pittsburgh, March 16 A mass meeting to sustain President Jol:nson's policy will be held on Tuesday next. ➢Zany eminent speakirs floor a distance have been invited. sy v. K "Tifrtnguionledg is e oft st em en saves Mrs.—Every be has iu h IMPURITIES. When these are within their natural limits, our health is good ; but when they are in excess.patus, colds. rheu matism. gout, debility, costiveness, diarrhea,:dinentery, atlltet us. What we hove to do to re cover our health is to take out from the Bowels and the circulation the excess of impurities. This dorie,health follons of necessity. BRANDRETIFS PILLS are the only medicine that can do this with entire safety to all the organs of the body. Hundreds of thousands are now living who have ad opted Brandreth's Pills as their only remedy for periods of from thirty to fifty years. arid whose average health is excellent. They have always cured themselves when sick by using these Innocent and Infolhble Pills. Principal Agency, Brandreth Ilouec, New York, Sold by all Dealert , in M dlcinea tour. 15, imp "'"?" - Dr. Tobin's , Venetian Liniment.— Died of Croup: What a pretty and interesting, child I saw last week—but now. alas !itis no more Such was the conversation of two gentlemen riding down town in the curs. Died of croup! how strange, when Dr, Tobias' Venetian Liniment Is a certain cure. if taken in time.— sow. mothers, we appeal to you. It is not for the pal try gain and profit we make. but forthe sake of your in. fent child that now lies playing at your feet. Croup is a dangerous disease: but use Dr. Tobias' Venetian Lin iment in time, and it is robbed of its terrors. Always keep it in the home you may not want it to-night, or to-morrow. nu telling when—hut armed ii ith this Lini ment you are prepared, let it come when it will. Price only 40 cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists. Office 56 Cortland St. New York mar 15 Imp i_V - To Die in a Bad Cacnie ita thotie who fall in the ranks untliint, dly I. in fooltah. But on the other hand. Dyfiny for a Good Cause, as those who are wise and prudent enough to remedy the detects or nnthre aith cith•yrAncatoss HAIR DYE. are drain; f`Very d.t • r, in et ere city of the Union. is cm ict•ntlr tiraisexiiirthy This peaceful revolution go itini oil throne:how the whole liind. and thus beauty and harmony stiopiato homeliness and incongruity. Miniumetui he .1. eIfISTADORD, No. ii Asior liousi, Neu . York. Sold by Di uggists. Applied by all Ilair Dressers. [mar. 15 Imp. r?•' - Deafneas, Ultudneas and Catarrh Treateti ,ith ho utmost -user-.s Itr. J. ISAAC*. ()o culist and Aurist, (formerly of Leyden. Holland, I No 51'J Pine street. Philadelphia. Testimonials from the reliable sources in the City and Country can be seen at his office The medical faculty are invited to tic company their patients. an be has no accrete in his practice. AP,TIFICIXL EYES inserted tcie hoot pain. No charge made for examination. [July 20, 1:,tr35. ly .-eStranze, but True.—Every yonng lady and nolitleatnn in the I..ntted States can hear something ve ry much to their advantage by return mail tfree of eilarge.% by addressing, the untler , lgncrl. Those having fears ,abeing humbugged will oblige be not noticing this card. All others will please addr,. their obedient Bevcant. THOS. V. CHAPMAN", Dec. 26.—lysmp 831 Broadway, New York. r": """To ronsumptlves.—Tho advertiser having been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy. after having suffered several years with a se r•ere fang affection. and that dread disevio.. Constunp thm—is nnxione to make known to his feilow-entlerers the means ofenre. To all who desire it. he will send a copy of the pre scription used (free of charge.) with the directions fur preparing and using the same, which they will find a snre cure for Consumption, stilton, ftronchitiv. Coughs, and all throat and lung affections. The only object of the advertiser in sending the prescription is to henetit the afflicted. And spread information which lie rolled yes to be invaluable : an 1 he li,,rea avers -offerer will try his remedy. as it will cost them nothing. and may prove a blessing , . Parties wishing the prescription, tutee, by return mail. will please address EDWATID A. 'WILSON. Williamsburg, Kings Co,, New York. Dec. 26. IS6s.—lyemp IV — Errors of gentleman who euf fered for years from nervous debility, prematnre derail. and all the efferte of youthful Indieerct mn. wilt, for the sake of suffering humanity. Fend free to all who need it. the recipe and directions for making the simple rem edy by which he was cured. linflerere Wirhillg to profit by the advertiser's experience. ran do so by addressing JOHN W OGDEN. No. 13 Chamber, street, New 'fork. Dec. `..41, 1865. lytornp rY7 - Irhe Conies,.lons and Experience of an Invalid, Published for the benefit and as a caution to yiiunt.t men and others, u ho suffer from nervous oebility, premainre decay of manhood. etc. supplying at the runic time the Meallg of self-cure. 13v one who has cured him telfafter underitioinQeonrideruble quackery. By enelo• sine a port paid addressed envelope, n idnizte copy. free of chartry maw be had of the author. "NAvneNtEl.. MAY. rein, Eeq., Brooklyn, King. co. N.Y. jstri3o lysmp7 Draths. as well as marriages. are published free Obituaries publiblied at the rate of fifty ceuts per hund red words. or flee cents per line for poetry. Cash to be sent with the notice. 50 50 35 25 15 00 5 50 2 10 4 10 20 In Forest Lake, Jan. 26th, 1866, COR NELIUS WARNER, 101DCrly of Wallpack, Sussex county, New Jersey, aged 37 years, I ino. and 1 day. The Lord has called Cornelius away From his cinnpanion dear; lle left his children and his friends In sorrow, grief and tears. Then let our sorrows cease to flow, God has re-called his own ; But let our hearts in every woe Still say, "Thy will be done." In West Pittston, on the 4th inst.,Alrs. EFFIE STUAUT, aged 76 years, formerly of East Bridgewater, Susquehanna co. READ THIS! EVERYBODY I;iiscttlelnee°:wth Lathrop. Ty ler leyviii r eaoell nt the office or H. C. TYLER, (opposite A. Lathrop's) and teMITITICIM the same without DELAY or FARTHER NOTICE. LATHROP, TYLER & RILEY. 2larch 20, 1830. 3w STRAY 2, I.M. CAME Into the enclosure of the pubscriber about the let of November, 1865, a White LAMB. The owner Is requested to prove property nay charees and take it away. .k6III`i LYNCH. Apolacon, March 20, 1868.° 25 11 4 00 2 75 12 T. CHARLES 110TRE. LEASE & FUR NITURE, For Sale. Possession given the first of April. • • • S. W. SIIRORSS, Proprietor. SCRANTON, Pa. Web 0, Ma. AUCTION! AUCTION! fVflg subscriber having sold hie farm In New Milford township, will offer for sale on the premises, 011 Saturday, March. 24, 1866, rommeneing MAO o'clock, A. 11., the following proper tv, to wit: fi Cows. 1 two-year rid Heifer, Qyearling Heifers. 1 learllng Bull. 3 Shoats. 1 Lumber Wagon, 1 top Buggy, setts double Hart'less. 1 lumber Sleigh, 1 bob Sleieh, 1 Fanning Mill, 1 Elorte Rake, 3 Plows, and other i•ttrm lug Tools too numerous to mention. A quantity o( Ha), oats and Corn, Dairy rtensils consisting of Churns Putts, Pane, Butter Pails and Firkins, 1 Cook Stove (nearly new) and Furniture. Lot of Tinware, Stone Jars, Household Furniture, and other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS.—AII sinus undrr $5, cash down; $5 and aro . , six months credit, with interest and approvedse- curity. C. S. FILBERT, Auctionet.r. PETER AfcCOLLUM New Milford, )larch 20, -18611 Executrix' Notice. r { STATE of L. C. DAY, dee'd, late of Forest, 1 - 2 d Lake township, Susquehanna County, Pa. Letters testamentary upon the estate of the above named decedent having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them duly authenticated for set tleMent DANNAII DAY, Executrix. nu-et:A Lake, ?larch 20. 361.16. Gl' A Farm of 133 Acres, And Good Improvements, lu Bridgewater, 2 miles from Montrose, For Sale Montroge, Starch sth, 1866 For Setae. pIIE subscriber offers at private sale the following described real estate, viz A FARM containing 140 acres, well watered and wooded, and a good dwelling house, almost new, two barn!. and un orchard—only or a mile from Dimock Corners, on the Montrone road. acre. of valuable land contiguous lo the vil lage of Dimwit:. containing I dwel hug house, I barn, a good orchard, and the building known se WOOIJIIUFF ACADEMY. which at a moderate cost could be easily converted into a good dwelling house. All of o bleb will he offered together, or divided up and parceled out to suit purcluteere. Also—a dwelling house and lot, directly upon one of the four corners, u ith a horse barn, wagon shed, and a zood store house, suitable fur the Dry Goods ur Gro cery trade. The above described Real Estate, tozeiher with a quint ity of personal property and ye stock, will be of fered ou tettos Noontide to the poi, haser. L. H. Win WHUFF, Susquehanna Co. Pa. Jan. 2. 18141. tf ANOTHER GREAT ECM: IN TILE CITY OF NEM' YORK' 0f.,1 I ltly re:Ter:able citizen. N% VII known t , the Mer 41)1;1e et , nontinit). by DR. J. H. Sc a EN C TILE GIZEAT LING Do(701i or PHILADELPHIA ()Frit I: N. V. AND GALENA LEAD CO. No :1- ' 4s -.\u St. No , n York, June 1. ISM Do. J.ll, !nctif:•:( IC.—Dotr Sir :—Por over fifteen years b een rustled eitls a be, ere cough, and usually trioor three tunes it sear IC 101 more or less hemor rhage. which together, for the Mat few years, loin kept me thin in and too weak to do business of any kind e ithout suffering. In A zignnt last 1 hada very Ea vere hemorrhage, and accoiding to the jnOgo eat of a good New York physician, 1 was classed as beyond the reach of medicine, and was advised to he prepared, so fawns property matters were concerned, to leave this eorld at short !lodee. The physician (and my good friends) said that the first cold I took must prose fatal. Early lain:nu:try 1 took n aevere cold. and fortunately was occupying rooms at No :la Bond street, diroctiy over your odice. I think about tba Pith of January I procured a bottle of sour pnlmonic Sy nip and come ("clic:cal taking it freely. NI y tee-! and II RILLS were Very nuo h se (Alen, and ail the I.lolllt Of a speedy death scented to as company any cold. I sent for lily former physician and six ed to him that I Wale taking your medicines, and after chess Inv them to him. and Laying tasted of them, (tc., he replied • •• You ran take them if you like, they will do you no harm. - lie said : "Ylll2l IZIKINV what I told you last summer, and I say the same now, if you have any business to close np, do not put it otT. - 11e said to other friends that tic could nee no hope for ine. lii•dids and relations eoncluded tnv time had come. At :his time I wan taking freely of your medicine. but had out vet seen you. The doctor milled a few tinies. and found me (MILL'il to his surprise., he said.) improving, and he could not understand why. Iniih wn , iocren-in;z!n your medicines. and 1 had II Wish Its have you examine my cane, and see what you land to say. When you ti ret Came to my room and made the examination. you gave me lint little en, ourage ment. hat on the contrary, expressed sad doubts of my ever being helped out of my !lien seeming di tlicultiea The second time that you called. finding me still gain ing. you gave me encouragement. saying. •• Your sym- Wins are impros lug ; the Pulinunic Syrup. Sea-Weed Tonic and Mandrake Pills had acted like a chem." My circulation. my cough. my appetite. all beau to lm prove, and I could walk about my room a little. You visited me nearly every Tuesday. and found me improv ing: and told me not to gu out (if my room until the first day of May. I took Ile cold while under your treat ment, my appetite became first rate, and you told me to cat every thing I wished a a ntitritions nature. and to I exercise ahout the roam as in nob as possible I follow ed your advice, and to the surprise of my old physician and friends. I seen) touch better than I have been for several years, and breathe Letter than I have ever ex pected a person coulo with one lung, the left being com pletely dried up. I feel very grateful to you, and con sider your advice and medicines invaluable Yours, Truly Dr.. .S,IIEXCX—Deer Sir :—About two years ago I was 1 taken with a very troublesome cough and a pain in my breast; seven or eight months passed away without my doing anything for myself. Then I applied to a physi cian, who attended me for about three months without rendering me any service. I also obtained the advice and treatment of a physician in one of our hospitals, and also had the advice and treatment of two other phy sicians but all to no put pose. During this long space of time I was nearly dead; several times my friends came to see me and witness my exit into the spirit world. I Wil, confined to my bed two months at one time. My breathing was Piece& ngly short. I gave up severaf times all hope of getting better: and as re garded getting better; and as regarded getting well. that was entire.y out of the question. And to think this day lam well and hearty! I was advised by some of my friends to try Dr. Schenck's Medicines. I accor dingly bought bottle after bottle, until I reached the ninth; then I f o und a decided change in my cough for the better. I suffered severely front palpitation of the heart, and two weeks after I commenced taking your medicine this difficulty ceased. When I first went to Dr. Schenek's office It was with dllliculty that I could get up into his reception room, I was so weak and so swellvd• ' my skin was as sallow as • though I had the jaundice: I felt dull, heavy and sleep less. Dr. SChenck • after examining me, Paid both my lungs were affected, and cave me brit little hope,• but his medicines, in about two weeks, took right hold of me: It seemed to go right through my whole system. The Pulmonic Syrup. Sea Weed Tonic and Mandrake Plits,all took right hold in the right place. The Pills brought away great quantities of bile and slime; the Syrup loosened the matter in my lungs, which cline oil very frse: the Sea Weed Tonic gave me an appetite, and everything seemed to taste gird. To sho v what great power the medicines bare in i purifying my system, and to show how bad I was dis eased, beside all the bile that passed my bowels, and the great quantitiaa of phlegm and matter I expecto rated, I broke out all over in large boils, that would continue to gather and ruin for about six weeks, and I ! had at one time over twenty five boils. I have nothing i of the kind now, and feel like another person altogeth er. I can safety say that I have not enjoyed curb health for five years as I do nqw. and cannot praise you and your medicines enough. May God abundantly bless and preserve you! is the sincere desire of one who has been so wondermlly relieved through your agency; and if any one desires to know with regard to the truthful ness of this report, if they will call upon any of my friends, or upon me, No. 4 Dryden Place. near Thom p 7 son street. heluw 7.7adwalader, Philadelphia, they will be perfectly satisfied with the validity of the case. Yours, with much respect. MARY SCRNAIDT. The above case, as described, is perfectly correct. I know it to be true. Yours, T. B. MILLER, mch6 Pastor of Hancock M. E. Church. Dr. Schenck will be professionally at hie principal of fice No. 15 North Sixth street, corner of Commerce, Philadelphia, every Saturday, from 9 a. m. until 4 p. m., No. 32 Bond street, New York, every Tuesday, frpm 9 to 8; No. 38 Snmmer street Boston. Maes., every Wed nesday, from 9 to 8, and every other Friday at 108 Balti more street Baltimore, Eld. All advice free, but for a thorough examination of the lunge with his Reel:thorn& ter, the charge is three dollars. Price of the peiteonie Syrup and Seaweed Tonic, each $lllO per bottle, or $7 50 per half dozen. Mandrake Pills, 2.5 cents per box. JAW lyjw For eale bye]] Drrtggiste and dealere. THIRY FOR SIM npuE subscribers otter for sale at a bargain their Tan i ning Property, with all necessary Out Buildings, Teuaut Houses, Property, together with Store and Dwelling House, occupied by Wm. Tremain. Said property is in Har mony township, Susquehanna county, Penn'a, situated on the Starucca Creek, and near the Erie Railway, two miles from Susquehanna Depot. The capacity of Tan nery is frura to 12.000 Hic3os per annum. A good WATER POWER on a never failing. stream. Rue the Patent Oven for burning Tan for heating purposes. Thu Tannery is in Good Working Order in every respect, and is as convenient and well arrang ed for doing work economically as any Tannery in the county. A good mercantile business is done in the Store, and might be increased, if desired, Wishing to get out of the Tanning business is the reason for selling. Possession could be given as soon as present stock is turned out. orr For farther particulars Inquire of J. P. Trutt:min, Monticello, Sullivan Co. N. Y., or of Wm. Tremain, on the premiums WM. TREBIAIN £ CO Laneeboro' Mara, 11th, 1866. 2m $5OO REWARD! STOLEN from the house of N. D. Snyder, in Rush, on Sunday. Feb. 2.5 th, between the hours of 12 and 6311; in the evening, 1,40 00 Dollars consistin g of Three One Hundred Dollar Bills, Six Fif ty Dollar Bills, the rest 20's, and 10's, and s's—mostly interest bearing bonds. N. D. S'N'IDER. Rush, March 6, 1866. 8w 1866. PHILADELPHIA 1866 D. BREWSTER NATEOLI. Pasfripeavis. HOWELL ti BOURKE, X" .13.496 xis - 133.g is, Window Shades, Corner Fourth and Market Streets, PIIILADELP-MA. N. B.—Always is Store, a large Stock of LINEN and OIL SHADES 31nrch 6, 1866. 3mJw Dr. F. C. BROOKS, Vinsician &*urgont, HAVINI; located at DIMOCK, Susquehanna County, Pa will attend promptly to all calla with which he may be favored. Unice at L. Blakeslee's. N. B.—llan been connected with Willi,' Bye hospital in Philad,lphia one year. Dimocit, Feb. 27, IbGli. lm• ADMINISTRATOR'S SIR I MITE undersigned will offer for ease at auction, a the of John to Lathrop, ou Saturday, March ..!-tch. I , f.h. at ten o'clock - , A. M., the following dercrihed re.d estate, late the estate ol Davie N. Phil lip., deceased, to wit: All that certain parcel of land situate in Lathrop township, Stisyip•hanna county, Pennsylvania, bound ed and described as follows : On the north by lands of S. G. Osborn. east by lands of Drew Lord, south by lands of J. M. Williams. and west by lands of John like—containing sixty-three acres, or thereabouts; with about twenty acres Improved, together with the appurtenances, a small house, a barn, and some fruit trees. TERM S.—Twenty.flve dollars each on day of sale, three hundred dollar• on confirmation of sale. and the balance in Imitallmente payable at the end of one and two veara. W'Persons wishing to purchase can learn all the particulars by addressing the undersigned at Ilopbot tow, Pa. . . E, M. TEWKSBURY. Adm'r Lathrop. Feb. ESTATE of WARREN P. KENNARD, deed, late of Drldgewater totruallip, Snliquehattna county, Ps. - Letters testamentary upon the estate of the above named decedent having been granted to the undersign ed, all persons indebted td.said estate are hereby noti fled to make immediate payment, and those basing claims against the same to.present them duly authenti cated fur settlement. _ J. P. HARDING, t El . rs S. L. KENNARD, Bridgewater, Feb. 27, lark. tiw TIIE undersigned, an auditor appointed by the Or phan's Court of su4rini.hanna County to make dis• tribution of the funds in the hands of the administrator of theestate of GARWOOD MITCIIEL. deceased, will attend to the duties of his appointment et his office in Montrose. on Saturday the Nth day of March, 1866, at out:o'clock. P. M., at which time and place all persons insterested in said fund will present their claims or be forever debarred from coming in on said fund. J. B. 3rC0LLL.1.731, Auditor. Feb. 2.3 d, 1866. lIMIE undersigned, an auditor appointed by the Or phans' Court of Susquehanna County to distribute the funds in the hands of Sewell Wilmartb, administra tor of the estate of Lobar' Russell, dec'd, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in Montrose, on Thursday, the 39th day of March, A. D. 1866, at 1 o'- clock, P.M., at which time and place all persons inter ested in said fund will present their claims or be foray er debarred from coming in on said fund. E. M. TURNER, Auditor. Feb. 27, 1866. 4w T. S. SIIELDON THE undersigned, an audito r ap• carted by the Or phan's Court of Susquehanna County to distribute the funds in the hands of the administrator of the es tate of S. A. Woodruff, deceased, to and among the heirs and legal representatives of said decedent, will attend to the duties of his appointment at the office of Bentley. Fitch A Bentley, in hfent rose, on Wednesday the 2l et day of March, 1866, at 2 o'clock, P. M., at which time and place all persons interested in said fund will present their claims or be forever debarred from com ing in on said fund. B. S. BENTLEY, Jr., Auditor. Montrose, Feb. 20, 1866. Manhood: How Lost, How Be stored. I UST pub'ished, a new edition of Dr. Culver e/ well's Celebrated Essay on the radical core (without medicine) of SPEIMIATOMMOLA, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impotency, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Mar• Hag°. etc. ; also, Consumption, Bpilousy, and Fits, in duced by self indulgence or sexual extravagance. "Price, in a sealed envelope, only 6 cents. The celebrated author in this admirable essay clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarming consequences of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use of Internal medicine or the application of the knife—pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his con dition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. CAP — This Lecture should be In the hands of every youth and every man In the land. Sent,under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post paid, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Address the publishers. CHAS. J. C. KLINE it CO., 127 Bowery, New York, Post Office box 4,586. March 20, 1868—lysnip. PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD, the whitest, the moat durable, the most economies Try It I Manufactured only by ZIEGLER & SMITH, Wholesale Drug, Paint and Glass Dealers, jan3o ly 131 North 3d street, Philad'a. rjcotioe. MY Notes and Accounts will be in the hands of G. L Stone .t, Co., a short time for collection. March 8, 1886. F. B. WEEKS. PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD WILL do more and better work at a given cost, than 11 any other. Try it ! Manufactured only by ZIEGLER e EMITR. Wholo"ie Prniit, Paint, and Glass Dealers, jan3o I y 131 North 3d Watt, Phllad'a. Manufacturers of Executors' Notice. Auditor's Notice. Auditor's ,Notice. Auditor's Notice 317.7)3E1."'Z' Car Co Corllo. NEW SPRING GOODS, NEW SPRING GOODS, AT TUB Binghamton Eiretri.ol3. lE;tore Binghamton X 3 ret.33.433a OS-tore. DEL.,41.1%1"1r GI-0403:11BI ALT Cola I=yrices, BEFORE THE WAR ! I. N. HINE & CO. IN THE STORE OF O. L. STONE . CO Montrose, Fab. 90, 1866. WE HAVE ; :4 1.1111'211 MARK= DOWN, PRICES ON ALL WINTER Dress Goods, Shawls, AND WOOLIN GOODS OF ALL SORTS, OVERCOATS, OVERCOATS, AND ALL HEAVY WINTNR CLOTHING 1 AND WILL SELL THEN 'or *llse. "Lest 90 ae►yms. EFAARDLINS OF COST I CALL AND SEE US. Guttonburg, Rosenbaum & Co fit. B. DESSAU-EL Mamamma PANnirsa Mostrose, JAG. 9th, 111116 110 FOR THE HOLUM! THE BEST PIACI= IN USE! MARLsiO FOUR DlsTricr saiTcaws. Sup asze for pour 101711'0. A Written Warran t y Given if Required. We calm for the FLORENCE the following advantage• over any and all uther Sewing Machines : Writ makes four different stitches—the lock, katit, doable lock, and double knot, on one and the name ma chine. Each stitch being alike on both sides of the fab ric. eiP"very machine has the reversible feed motion, which enables the operator, by simply turning a thumb screw, to have the work run either to the right or left, to stay any part of the seam, or fasten the ends of seams without turning the fabric. Per The only machine having a self-adjustingshuttle tension—the amount of tension always being in exact proportion to the size of the bobbin. eWs - Changing the length of stitch, and from one kind of stitch to another, can readily be done while themes chine is in motion. 1120 .- The needle is easily afflnsted. riff - It is almost noiseless, and can be Used where qui et is necessary. r.4 9- Its motions are all positive ; there are no springs to get out of order, and its simplicity enables the most inexperienced to operate it. It does not require nner thread on the under than for the upper side, and will sew across the heaviest seams, or from one to more thieknesses of cloth, with out change of needle. tension, or breaking thread. rirThe Hemmer is easily adjusted and will turn shy width of hem desired. ro — No other machine will do so great a range of work as the Florence. rirlt will hem, fell, bind, gather, braid, quilt, and gather and sew on a ruffle at the same time. The taking up of the slack thread Is not performed by the irregular contraction of a wire coil or uncertain op eration of wire levers. The precision and accuracy with which the Florence draws the thread into thecloth is unapproached in any Sewing Machine hitherto offered in the market. We furnish earh machine with "Barnnin's Self-Sew er:' which guides the work Itself, and is of incalculable value, especially to inexperienced operators. Orit Is fully protected and licensed by Bliss Bowe, Jr.. and his associates, and our Letters Patent. While possessing the above, and many other adren tuges, the Florencis sold at corresponding prices with other first class Machines. and a careful examination will frilly substantiate all that we have claimed for it, and justify the assertion we now make, that it is tile best Sewing Machine iu the world. We warrant every Machine to be all that we claim fur it, and will give a written warranty if required. • Liberal arrangements made with those who buy to sell again. Furthe- reference may be had by addressing S. CD. TYLER,' coma.trome., 3E* AGENT FOR SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY. Dec. 19, 1865. 3m home Insurance Co. of N. Y., Capital and Surplus, Insurance Co. of North America, Phil's, Capital and Surplus, International Fire Insurance Co. of N. Y., Capital and Surplus, Girard Fire and Marine Insurance Co. of Phil'a, Capital and Surplus, Lycoming County Mutual Insurance Co of Muncy, Penn'a, Capital and Surplus, 2,500,000 Security Insurance Co. of N. Y. Capital and Surplus, Farmer's Mutual Insurance Co. York, Pa., Capital and Surplus, Enterprise Insurance Company, Phil's, Capital and Surplus, Insurance Co. State of Pennsylvania, Phil. Capital anti Surplus. Kensington Fire and M. Insurance Co., Phil'a, Capital and Surplus, Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance CO. of Hartford, Conn., paying rO per cent. dividends to theassurvd, Capital. American Lite Insurance Co., Philadel phia, Capital, Travelers' Insurance Co. Hartford, Conn.. Insuring against all kinds of accidents Capital, 500.000 rfrAll business entrusted to our care will be attend ed to on fair terms, and all losses promptly adjusted. STROUD FL BROWN, Agents. prOftice over the Post Office, Foot. of Public Means. BELLINGS STROVD, COARLE.4 L. ItnOWN. Montrose, Jan. Ist. 1866. ly THE subscriber respectfully informs the pulalic that he has leased the Blacksmith Shop of H. C. Clemons, near the Foundry of Sayre Bruthers. Customers will do well to call. tie t hey can gut every thing done in the Blacksmithiug line neatly and prompt ly for cash. [- Particular attention given to Fromm Shoeing. EDWARD P. STAMP. Montrose, Dec. 213, ISGS. tf MARKET, DOWN Cloaks, 4v:i.M , PC.): I 3-1.:(03 tb3ing Vatint, WITEI REVERSIBLE FEED. READ ITS VD:I7MM Fire, Life and Accidental GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, Aercsza.troJsio, Pea.. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. THE REGULATOR! MAD QUARTERS for BARGAMUS! Great Inducements for 1866. 133E10. 3ECAL:"E - TIAMIV. NEW MILFORD, PA. DENI.ER Ili STAPLE' & FANCY DRY GOODS, UILOCERIES, BOOTS SLIOES, IMADY. ]LADE CLOTIII'SG, FANCY GOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS, TRUNKS, TRAVELING-BAGS, And lots of Uoode too numerous to mention, at the very lowest market prices. Call and examine—no charge for showing Goods--ee• ery article warranted as represented, and will sell Cheaper than the Cheapest. (3EO. HAYDEN. New Milford, Pa. IMPORTANTToFEMALES gt ------- SE OE4 - : - -!: y .o 4 1, V 9 ,s,. ,p e ---itiv,), r‘"' ' 74 ,7 S (( - ( PILLSV WILL Immediately relieve, without pain, all itsikr- Dances of the periodic discharge, whether IV from relaxation or suppression. They act like a' rtu In removing the pains that accompany difEcultor On moderate menstruation, and are the only sufe st n able remedy for Flushes. sick Headache, n the Loins, Back and Sides. Palpitation of the n ew t, Nee. irons Tremors, Hysterics. Spasms, Broken Sleep, and other unpleasant nod dangerous effects of an unnatural condition of the sexual functions. In the worst cases of Fluor Albus or Whites, they effects speedy core. Dr. Cheeseman's Female Pills; Are the only medicine that married and single ladies have relied on for many years, or can rely upon now.— Bewanz Or IMITATIOIN i These Pins form the finest preparation ever put forward, with immediate and per 'latent success. DON'T BE DECEIVED. Take this advertisement to your Druggia, and tell him that you want the best and most reliable Female Medicine in the world, which is comprised In Dr. Cheeseman's Female Pills ! They have received, and pre now receiving the sans• lion of the most eminent Physicians lu America. Explicit Directions with each box—the Price, On• Dollar per box, containing from 50 to 00 Pills Plila sent by mall, promptly, by remitting the prise to the Proprietors, or any authorized agent, in current funds. Sold by Drugoiets Generally. lIIITCHINGS RILLTER, Proprietors, 28 boy etreot, New York. A HEL TIIRBELL, Wholesale and Beall Agent. for Montrose and vicinity. Oet. /11. etimly $3,000,0p0 1,700,000 1,5(X),000 1.500,00, 10.000,000 I,oomoo HATS .t CAPS,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers