. An Untimely Resurrection. Mr. Sumner has met with a turn of bad hick. The story is a funny one. Some time ago he read from his scrap book in , the Senate a letter, giving the most bar rowing particulars of the murder of ex- Brigadier General Osband by the rebels, at Skipworth Landing, Mississippi. It was attended with circumstaneesof cruel ty that rivaled the Saint Domingo butch eries, which the Massachusetts Senator has proposed to inflict on us as the penal ty for not giving negroes votes. More over, the murder .of Osband was greatly aggravated in enormity by the fact that he had commanded the Ist Mississippi colored cavalry down to the end of the war. No more thrilling story than this had ev er found its way into the ponderous scrap book. No proof more striking than this could be offered of the hatred of reb els for Union men, and the duty growing out of it of keeping them, now and forev er, 'under the armed heel. In fact, this was Mr. Sumner's capital and unanswera ble case. If any Senator ventured to suggest a relaxation of military rule in the South, " the fate of Osband" silenced him at - once. The " gory locks" of that unlucky brigadier were shaken. by Mr. Sumner in the faces of his colleagues at all kinds of times, seasonable and unsea .. Aonable. Plutarch's Lives and Lemprier e's classical dictionary were diligently searched by Mr.., S. to find some parallels • for the cruel assassination of Osband, and athough no case could be found among either the facts or fictions of antiquity at all approaching:, the brutalities of Skip worth Landing, still a good deal of " diet crick talk" was dressed up, by the aid of those valuable works, to embellish the as sassination of the " colonel of colored cavalry." This went on for a month or more, when, lo ! a most unexpected cir cumstance cancelled the precious leaf of the scrap book, gave the lie to the letter, and dried up in a moment the fountains of Mr. Sumner's eloquence. It turned out that Osband was not dead ! not even wounded, but in lively, jolly health, and, worst of all, using the tongue which Mr. Sumner had described as cold and stiff in the grave, glibly and effectively, to de nounce the radical schemes of that wor thy gentleman and his brethren in Con gress. The news of the brigadier's con tinued existence came from his own pen, and it is with real pleasure that we pre sent a copy of his letter. The more pleasing portions we italicise: "The telegraph informs me that I am a murdered man. I decline the honor. I sin neither shot nor otherwise murder ed. 0 "A letter, dated " Gubb's Rancho, Skip worth's Landing," stating that the coun try was unsafe, and that ex-Federal offi cers were in danger when attending to their pursuits without a body guard, has bren used by Senator Sumner to prove that this country needs Federal assistance to pre serve order. We can do quite well alone. Sonic time about Christmas four non residents of Mississippi and outlaws made a rail upon a Northern merchant and ki'led a negro. The citizens, more than half of whom were returned confederate sol diers, turned out en masse and pursued them one hundred miles. Owincr '' to good horses they escaped. This is the only case of violence that has occurred in this part of Mississippi (containing four large counties) since the surrender. Resigned or mustered out Federal officers of all grades occupy this country as partners of the owners of plantations, are clearing hnd, intend to plant cotton and have no thought of a violent death. This county is safe to law and order, safe to the Union, and the residents are as loyal es Those of any coun ty of the same size in the North not utterly given over to radicalism. Every plantation is being worked; all owners want to hire hands, black or white. Negro men are given from fifteen to twenty five dollars per month, with house rent, full rations, fire wood and a large garden for each family, for five and a half days work per week; negro women, boys and. girls in proportion. About half of the bottom lands and one quarter of the hill lands can obtain hands enough." Mr. Sumner was never a " restoration" man, and the untimely resumption by Os hand of the functions of life will not be likely to increaae his fondness for that ug ly word. :far.Tudge King, of Bedford, Judge Derrickson, of Crawford, Republicans and Judge Elwell, Democrat, have all de cided that Election Boards have no pow er under the law, to refuse the right of suffrage to any person otberwise•qualified, on account of his not reporting under the provisions la the Enrollment Laws or for having deserted from the service. —One hundred and nineteen " citizens of Chester county," in this State, have pe titioned the Rump to do away with dis tinctions on account of race and color.— The sun must set early in that county. —The important controversy between the Pennsylvania Railroad Company and the Atlantic and Great Western Railway has been decided against the latter, the Court granting, an injunction denying the right of the Catawissa Railroad Company tomake a lease with the Atlantic and Gt. Western. -It. -is stated that of the assetnblage which listened. to and applauded the Pre3- ident on the twenty-second, one-third were returned soldiers. —Mr. Wolf, President of the First Na tional Bank of Mauch Chunk, shot himself on .Monday morning. with .a :pistol. A let ter,liated same morning, to his friends, gay as a reason, thelcirculation of slan ders agaipst him which no doubt caused deprestuon of spirits under which he. Ja b:Asir at the time. BUSINESS CARDS. Dn. E. P. 'TINES, HAS permanently located at Priendsythe for thepnr pose of practicing medicine and surgery In all its branches. He may be found at the Jackson House. Office hones from 8 a. m., to 9 p. m. janl6tf Priendsville, Pa., Jan. 16th, 1b66. C. SAILBERT, Auotioaaar. sep7 6411 Great Bend, Pa. ROGERS & ELY, - X -1143 50d4323. .4%.1.2.0t1013.C , C ) 2'194 mylo* Brooklyn, Pa. PETER RAY, -- i-mic3c333.eseci (eta 6itf Auburn 4 Corners, Pa. M. C. SUTTON, 1-.1.43.53a.i50cpcl 87a.aticzmeer, ap7 65tf Frleudgville, Pa. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, SCRANTON, Luzurne co.. Penn's—PENN AVENUE ang o 03 J. W. BURGESS, Proprietor. C. 0. FORDIIAM, 11000 T ct BHOE Dealer and Manufactnrer Montrose, / D Pa. Shop on /tnin Street, one door below the Post Office. AU kinds of work uade to order, and repairing done neatly. janl STROUD S; BROWN, CORE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENTS. Office over the Post - Office. Montrose, Pa. All bnsinesa attended to promptly, on fair terms. [Jan. I,lSrid. Brm..rNos Stnorm, CHARLES L. linowN. LAAIBEIITON TTORNEYS AT LAW, No. 204 Market street. /31.. Wilkesbarre, I'a. Will practice in the several Courts of Luzerne and SuNnebanna Count C. L. LA MBEIVECIN. E. L. M ERRIMAN. Dec. 4. 1865. DR. E. L. BLAKESLEE, 13HYSICIAN it SURGEON, has located at Brooklyn, Stlßea CO.. PA.' attend promptly: to enlis with which he may be favored. Office nt Bald- DR. E. L. GARDNER, 13HYSICI.kN and SURGEON. Montrose, Pa. Offire over Webb Sr, Butterfield's Swre. Boards at Searle's Hotel. myt,s tf G. Z. DIMOCK, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon, 'Montrose, Pa. °Mee over the Post 011Ide. 13oarde at Searle . .. Hotel. BURRITT, DEALER in Stnple and Fancy Dry Goods, Crockery Hardware, Iron, Stores, Drue,. 011 , t. and Paints Boots and Shoes, Hats and Cops. Furs. Buffalo Robes Groceries, Provisions, etc., New Milford, Pa. WAI. IL COOPER & CO., BANKERS, Montrose. Pa. Saccessors to Post.Cooprr & Co. office, Latlirup'b new building, Tu, - npike-bt. UC NTT INO COOPER HEN RT PRINS ER. 31cCOLLITI SEARLE, I. TTORNEYS and Conn.ellors at Law, Montrose, Pa Oflke in Lathrop's new building, over the Bank. J. 0. a C.I.LI:11 D. W. SiiAlll..Z. A. 0. WARREN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Bounty, Back Pay, Pension, and Exemption Claim. attended to. febl al — Office first door below Boyd's store,' Montrone. Pa DOCT. E. L. HANDRICK, Pkil sICIAN SURGEON, respectfully tenders his professional services to the citizen of Friends villa and vicinity. M — Oilice lathe officeof Dr. Lest. Boards. at J. liosford's. jlyl.lo tiatf ABEL T BRELL, h`A T,ER in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye tuffs, Glass Ware, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Win ietwOlass, Groceries, Fancy Goods. Jewelry Perfu aiery..ir.c—Agent for all the,most popular PATENT EDICINES,—Montrose, Pa. DR. W3I. SMITH, 6111P.GEON DENTIST,—Mo - itrose, Pa. 00ffice in Lathrops' new building, over the Bank. All Dental operations u ill be ,:erformed in good style and warranted. JOHN GROVES, • ciASITIONABLE TA.U.OR, Montrose. Pa. Shop 1 over Chand'.er's Store, on the Public Avenue. inSr — A 11 orders filled promptly, to first-rate style. Coning done on short notice., and warranted to Lit WM. W. SMITH, CABINET AND CLIAIR MANUFACTURERS,—Foot of Main street, Montrose, Pa. tf P. LINES, r i IASHIONABLETAILOR..—IIiontrbIe, Pa. Shop I. in Pluenix Block, over store of Read, Watrous & Foster. All work warranted as to flt and finish.V rutting done on short notice, in best style. jan'6o 014 - JOHN SAUTTER, RESPECTFULLY announces that he is nitc pre. pared to rut all kinds of Garments in the most Fashionable Style, and warranted to /it with vlezance and ease. Shop over 1. N. Bultard's Store, Montrose. OC>I-a3;DOZIFt.' PENSIONS, BOUNTY, AND BACK PAY. HE undersigned, LICENSED AGENT of THE GOVT . EP.NMENT. will give prompt attention to all claims entrusted to his care. Charges low, and infor mation FREE. ' L. F. FITCH. Montrose, Jan. 14, 18(i5. tf SOLDIERS' BOUNTY, PENSIONS, And Back Pay ! T llEd lil i g edLt 8 attentiont clatnsn[re ted to his rare. Noettorgrunlese - ruem4Frel. Montroee,Aug.-40,'63. J. B. -111cCOLL751. SOLDIERS' BOUNTY, PENSIONS, Etzac3l. Olt, 313.. - 5%'" rr LIE undersigned, LICENSED AGENT of the GOV ERNMENT. haying obtained the necessary forme, ltc.. will give prompt attention to all claims intrusted to his care. No charge unless successful. GEO. P. LITTLE. Montrose, June 6th, 1864.. CALVIN C. HALSEY, EXAM S IMGION LUn I For Pensioners, and Applicants _ _ _ far Pensions. 09 — Office In Public Avenue, over the Store of J. Ly ons & Son. Montrose, Pa., May 26, 1664. tf The Montrose Democrat PURRISIIED =ET TUESDAY MORNING, AT MONTROtIE SID3QUERANNA COVNTT, PA., ET .421.. O.T. Cr "Jra ,IEIL X=IL X "I' Ea CP PT, AT $2 rza. ANY= DIADTANCE-011$2X AT END OP TEAR Business advertisements inserted at $1 per square of 10 lilies, three times, and 25cts for eactirolditional week. Yearly advertisers, with usual changes, charged $lO for four squares, quarter column $l5, half column sto, one column $6O. and other amounts in exact proportion. Business cards of three lines, $5 ; or one dollar a line. VirLep.l notices nt. the customary rates. • • Job Printbut executed neatly and promptly at fair prices. . Deeds, Mortgages. Notes. Justices', Constables', School Bad otherlasoks for sale. • g rearZiaili s C)o4eila. 3741,17GrX1L. THE SOLDIERS' AID. WILL give good satisfaction to all their cnstomors, and do work CHgAPER than at any other Boot & Shoe Shop In this vicinity. Call and see for yourselves. Boots Half-soled for 75 0821 tl9—other work ac cordingly. Vl — Shop oppueito the Binghamton store, Cu*lnuan's building. Montrose. Jan. 23'cl. 1.866. tf -13 Jam.:, * , r,lai'do --------.- . ~./.....c D. W. LOWELL, Principal & Proprietor Or the above Institution, respectfully calls attention to the unsurpassed facilities of his course of instruc tion. and the important additions and improvements which have been made in and to the several departments of his l'olleze. The course of instruction extended and perfeeteti.preikents to NOtiNG MEN and LADIES The best facilities , for obtaining a PRACTICAL, COMPREHENSIVE, BUSINESS EDUCATION. The thorough, novel and intereetir g course of ACTUAL PRACTICE embraces a complete routine of transactions in earn im portant branrh of ho.iness. A store, Bank and Railroad :steamboat, Teler.raph. -offices, are In full and sneeeseful operation, repre.entim , in a pleasing and sat l.factory manner, the daily routine of urinal buriness lite, in which the student becomes In pro,grersion an ameteur CLERK. MERCHANT AND BANKER, iectiving . , in each capacity, a practical reliable knowl edge of busineets in itt3 multitariotm forms and phases PENMANSHIP. In this essential hraneh of business education no Col lege otter hotter !ambit, to the learner. The t•pone, Han ' , est ern will be taught in snits varieties be the most skillful unto.'ers of the art. specimens of Writing from this Institution have received the highest encomiums from 'the pr•-s. For general information. terms. a.r., address for Col leen monthlt, which will be matted free: for specimens of Penmanslip, enclose two throe-cent stamps. decl2•:v Address D. W. LOWELL Principal. Lou ell's Commercial College, Binghamton, 'N. Y. [July 11-ly CHEAP CLOTHING. Tbi.9 day received oar Fall and Winter Stock of REM MADE CLOTHING! OVERCOATS, UNDERCOATS, HATS AND CAPS, PANTS AND VESTS, BOYS CLOTHING, FINE FLANNEL SHIRTS, UNDER CLOTHING Look at Prices ,•f a Few Articles : Orpr-nat., heavy and warm, as low a. rzso All %%001 BIII.IIICI Suits, Coat, Pants & Vest, 13 11 Union lin.ine,s .• 9 00 Good Undershirts and Drawers, per pair, And other Goods In proportion. Garments mnde t.. order. and warranted to lit. Flour and Groceries! Stich as Tea.. Coffee. Su:sr. Molasses. Saleratus, Soap, Spires, salt. Sr. <hr., as usual. and examine o'r Stock before purchasing else where. Wanted—Egv , , Chestnuts, and grafted Winter Ap plea, for which the highest prices will he paid in cash. G. L. STONE & CO. llontrose, Nov. 2 , 1. 1865 JAMES R. DE WITT, DEALER IN DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, CHOICE FAMILY Ili 0 V 2 a Tr 9 BOOTS AND SHOES. Hats and Caps, (c - Trir, GLASS-WARE, mire HARDWARE AND NAILS, SIC:OMM LEATHER, el a. Produce taken in Exchange. Montrose, Feb. '64. 3. R.DeWril. Lackawanna & Bloomsburg 8.. R, Oand after November In, 1865, passenger trains will run ac follows: A. M. A. M. P. M. Leave Scranton, 5:50 10:50 4:50 " Kingston, 6:55 11:15 6:20 " Italwrt. 9:15 &!',l " Danville, 9:50 9:30 Arrive at Northumberland, 16:20 10:15 NORTHWARD. Leave Northemberlrnd, 8:00 8:05 " Danville, 8:40 3:40 " 'Rupert, 9:15 A. M. 4:15 " Kingston, 2:35 8:30 6:55 Arrive at Scranton, 3:45 9:35 S:10 Passengers taking train south from Scranton at 5:50 a. m. via Northumberland, reach Harrisburg at 12:30 p. rn.; Baltimore 5:30 p. In.; Washington 10:00p. in.; aria Rupert roach Philadelphia at 7:00 p. m. Kingston, Nov. 25. H. A. PONT)A, Supt. PURE LIBERTY Wltsrei LEAD. PREFERRED by all practical painters I Try it, and you will have no other. Manufactured only by ZIEGLER k SMITE, Wholesale Drug, Paint and Glass Dealers, jan3o ly 137 North 3d street, Philad'a. "THE FAMOUS BARBER. " Come and see the famous Barber, Famous Barber, late of Hayti. Late of Hayti, now at Weeks', Now at F. 13. Weeks' Store Room, Find me shaving and shampooing, Find me cutting hair to suit you, Find me ready at year service. At your service, CHARLEY MORRiB Montroee,Oct. 15, 1663. tf THE MASON & HAMLIN C3.4OI3XIV3EIer 011.413k-AI.IV/S, FORTY different styles, adapted to sacred and secn • lar music, for VA to $6OO each. Fifty-one gold or silver medals, or other first premiums awarded them.— Illustrated Catalogues free. Address. MASON & RAM LI N, Boston. or MASON BROTHERS, New York. Sept. 2, It36s—lysmp LOTS FOR SALE. T i bcr e eo f sale a few choice l i T%reatnjMlwe.lncioproxlt the extensive works of the D., L. & W. R. D. Co., now in progress. They are laid out in convenient shape and good size, and may be purchased at liberal rates and on easy terms of payment. Great Bend, Dec. 7,1864. E PATEddi.: Ml.exia.co - v•ttl. G. W. HEWITT & CO SOUTHWARD ABEL TURRELL Is continually receiving NEW GOODS, And keeps constantly on hind a fall and desirable as sortment of genuine, Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Liquors, Paints, Oils. Dye-stuffs, Teas, Spices and other Groceries, Stoneware, Wall and Window Pa per, Glassware, Lamps, Kerosene, Benzoic, Tanner's 011, Lubricating Oil, Neatstoot Oil, Relined Whalo Varnish, Whips, Guns. Pistols, Cartridges, Powder, Shot, Lead, Gun Caps, Musical Instruments, ToPet soaps, (lair Oils. Brushes, Pocket Knives, Spectacles Silver Plated Spoons.. Forks. and Ivory Handled Knives, Dentist's Articles% a general assortment of Fancy Goods, Jewelry, Perfumery, flitc. ALL THE Patent Medicines advertised in Montrose, and nearly every GOOD KIND IN ANY MARKET. in short, nearly everything to restore the sick. to please the taste, to delight the eye, to gratify the fancy, and also to conduce to the real and -übstantial comforts of life. Enumeration is impracticable, as it would All a newspaper. Call at the Drug and Variety Store of ABEL TURRELL, Montrose, Pa. NEW GOODS. WEBB & BUTTERFIELD Are now receiving, their c7 -.,,7011ring o,lllllllla Joi "es . PLEASE CALL AND EXAMINE. DRESS GooDS. consisting of GRENADINES, PoPLINS, C EA L LIES, DELA INES LENUES, ARA MATTAS, 2dERINnES. BRILLIANTS, JACONETTE PRINTS, and a rood asanrtrnent of nil kinds of Goods in our line. Montrose, May 11, Isl . New Skirt for 1866. The Great Invention of the Age in HOOP SKIRTS. J. W. BRADLEY'S New Patent DUPLEX double) ELLIPTIC SPRING SKIRT. mains Invention consists of Duplex [or two] Elliptic Pure Eetined Steel Springs. ing,enionsly braided tightly and firmly together, edge to edge, making the toughest.most flexible, emetic and durable spring ever urea. They seldom break or bend, like the single spring and consequently preserve their perfect and beautiful shape more than twice as long as any single_ spring skirt that sv r has or can be made. The N 1 onderful llexibilty.great comfort and plcasnre to any :ady wenrihg the Duplex Ellipt, Skirt will be experienced particularly 91 all c row den 1113,C hliet , . Op csrriages, railroadcare. church pews. arm chairs, for promenade and nouse the skirt can hr folded when in to occupy a small ;Aar: as easily and c-m -veolentiy as a silk ur muslin dress. A lady has ing eiejnyed the pleasure. comfort and great Jonveuienee of wearing the denies. elliptic eta el •pring skirt for a single dity will never afterwards willingly dispense with their nee. For children, misses end young !active ably are superior to all others The Hoops are covered Ivith 2 ply double twisted thread and will wear twice as long as the single Yarn covering which is need on all single steel hoop skirts. The three bottom rods on every skirt are also double steel. and twice or double covered to prevent the cover ing from wearing off the rods when dragging down stairs, stone steps, etc., etc., which they are constantly eubject to ben in nee. All are made of the new and elegant corded tapes, and arc the best quality in every part. giving to the wearer the most graceful and perfect ehane possible, and are unquestionably the lightest most desirable, comfortable ant economical skirt ever made. BRADLEY k CARY, Proprietors of the Invention, and sole manufactnrers, ir Chambers. and 79 & Si Reads streets, N. Y For sale in all first-class stores In this city, and thro' out the United States and Canada. Havana de Cuba Mexico, South America, and the West Indies. rA 7 l — liaquire for the Duplex Elliptic (or double) Spring Skirt. Jan2o 3m Dr. N. L. Brundage, SURGEON DENTIST, HAS permanently located in 3tontrose. Office over Webb A lilttertie.ld's. People of this vicinity, especially those toothless once wanting beautiful plates of Teeth, would do %veil to give him a call. All work warranted to give Satisfaction. THIMI 1•I'M NAT .111. 1 1" M . Dr. B. Wood's Plastic Metallic Filling, an improved fusible metal for Fitting Teeth, for which I have the right, privilege and license, granted by him to use for Dental purposes in my own practice as a Dentist. It In called Cadmium Alloy, and is designed to take the place of amalgams, tin. metallic oxides, Ac. for filling. It does not contain mercnry, and hence an absence of the difficulties that in such a variety of wore occurs, or are liable to occur with the agent. Its Qualities and Advantages. This filling is designed for making perfect and durable pings, as a substitute for gold where economy lean ob ject; and for inferior material where the Teeth can bo saved, and not for temporarily stopping those which are disused and wort hie Assuming then :Lit It he skillfully need, the Plastic Metallic Fillingpos•esses advantages shove every other material hut cold for falling Teeth, a bile it can he em plo,ed In many eases where gold cannot. It can be ia troduced with facility and arenrately secnred. It molds closely to the walls of the cavity a ithont recess ion nr shrinkage, forming a perfect plug, solid throughout, thus excluding air and moisture. Montrose. Oct. 10,186,5. LIBERTY wiliTE LEAD . Liberty While Lead. Liberty White Lead. Liberty White Lead. Liberty White Lead. TRY IT ! TRY IT I TRY IT I TRY IT I WARRANTED to cover more snrfare, for came weight, than any other. Buy the beat, It is the cheapest. Liberty Lead is whiter than any other. Liberty Lead corers better than any other. Liberty Lead wears longer than any other. Liberty Lead is more economical than any other. Liberty Lead i.e mere free from impurities, and it Winnenvuo to do more and better work at a given cost, than any other. Buy the BEST, It le the CHEAPEST. Manufactured and warranted by WaIEIXI3O.-T—NMFIL £t 191.12111TMC, WHOLESALE DRUG, PAINT & GLASS DEALERS, 131 NORTH THIRD STREET, Je 29-1 y• VIIILADELPIIIA. ERIE RAILWAY. (111 ANGE of hours, commencing Monday, Nov 15th, V 1893. Trains will leave Great Bend, Pa.,at about the following hours, viz: We•estlacr Ezra. s3ca-L1.33.61.. Train 1. Buffalo Express, at 3.26, p.m. 3, Lightning Express for Dunkirk.. 3.31, a.m. t, Mail, 7.62, p.m. 7, Night Ex. for Donkirkand Buffalo, 3.00. a.m. 9, Mail for Buffalo and Dunkirk 5.27, a.m. 21, Emigrant 11.13, n.m. 27, Way Freight 1.02, p.m. Eiva,ostiacrcarci. Sound. Train 2, New York Express. 4, Night Express 6, Steamboat Express. 8, Cincinnati Express 12, Night Express., 29, Way Prelght 10.35, a.m Trains Bit 21 rim daily. Train 7 runs daily except Sun days and Mondays. Train 8 runs daily except Mondays. Train 3 stops at Great Bend Sundays and Mondays only. Train 12 stops Mondays only. All oth ers run daily except Sundays. A. RIDDLE, Gen'l Snp't, New York. WM. R. BARR, Gen'l Passenger Agent. HOWARD Assoclation,Phlladelriala, Pa Diseases of the Nervous, Seminal, Urinary and sex ual systems—new and reliable treatment—in Deports of the HOWARD ASSOCIATION. pent by mail in scahyd letter envelopes, free of charge. Address Dr. J. Sumas( Hocrenrow. Howard Association, NO 2 South Ottstreet, Pti.Uadelptils, Pa. A FRESH LOT OF NEW GOODS, JUST ARRIVED FOR THE Spring Trade, At WILSON, GRIFFIS .t WARNER'S. LATE and IMPORTANT HEWS ROM THE SOUTH I Tar FORT FISHER CAPTURED .A 0 Ills time, and the Rood people of Wilmington and T other places in U ixie are said to be much" TERRY fIed; but the good people of 3lontrose and vicinity need not be alarmed in the least, as nearly all binds of goods are going down, and have been going down (Info the Store of the subscriber) almost eveay day for a long time past, and all wishing good Goods had better cull and examine qualities and prices before buying, se It is my purpose to sell goods strictly npou the principle of live ana let ltre. In the Franklin Hotel building Montrose. Jan. 2-1. A. N. BUL LARD. fAMILY GROCERIES, TEAS.—Chnice Tens, good at 10s, better at 12., and beri at 15 and ie per lb. Sugars, Syrups and Molasses that are tweet, and Vinegar that Is some sour. Tobacco, (the ••filthy weed") from 30 to 120 eta. per lb. and some in the shape of snuff. Yankee Notions, Books and Stationery. Pocket Diaries for 1665, Candies, Nuts. Crackerq, Cheese, cider and domestic Wines, Butter. Lard, Potatoes, Onions, Fresh Oranges. Lemons and tots or other Good things quite too numerous to mention, for sale b♦ Montrose, Jan. 1805. A. N. WILLARD. Peace & Peace Prices. PEACE ESTABLISHED. Large Lines of Pt-ices Conquered Reduced 11. irt Is now receiving, for Spring Supplies, new and large Stocks of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, STOVES, IRON . , S7'EEL, NAILS, Paints, Lamp and Linseed Oils, Ben zoic, Carpetings, Floor Oil Cloths, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Hats d Caps, Boots 1- Shoes, Clocks, ctc. Including, c+ n•ual. full var , etics of 00 moat popular stile. of LANES' BL'EsB GOODS, silAwLy, BONNETS. RIBBONS, FLOWERS, .Pc.. whirls he will F.,11 on the most farorahle terms for CASII, PI:OM - CF:. or to Prompt Time Buyers. Flour & Salt on hand as usual. NEW MILFORD, June, 1865. Two To SIX „ , OF THE SPECIFIC PILL Is ennictent to effect a prompt and radical cure of SPERM ATORRIIOEA. or SEMINAL WEAKNESS, and is equally the specific remedy for every species of Genital or Urinary Irritability. Involuntary or Nightly Seminal Emissions. from whatever cause produced, or however severe, will be speedily relieved, and the or gans restored to healthy action. PROFESSIONAL OPINIONS —"I have used 4bstr Srectric PILL in many cases of Spermatorrhea with the most perfect coc"ess." J. MILTON SANDERS. M. D.,LL.D. " I have cured very severe cases with from six to ten doses of your Specific Pill." B. KEITH, M.D. Price,: i 2 per box. Six boxes for *5. by mail. Ad dress J. ~ WINCHESTER, No. 36 John St., March 23.—1 yvow• HUNT BROTHERS , El CD I=l-41. 1%7 0 , Pea., Wholesale ,t Retail Dealers in 2 - 12w i cil 2 INT STEEL, NAILS, %piairAg, wit ®DEL 4, BUILDER'S HARDWARE. MINE RAIL. COUNTERSUNK & 7' RAIL SPIKES. RAILROAD &.• MINING SUPPLIES. CARRIAGE SPRINGS. AXLES, SKEINS AND BOXES. BOLTS,OPTS and WASHERS, PLATED B YDS. MALLEABLE IRONS, HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES, SEAT SPINDLE'S, BOWS, &e. ANVILS, VICES, STOCKS and DIES, BELLOWS, HAMMERS, SLEDGES. FILES, &c. &c. CIRCULAR AND MILL SAWS, BELTING. PACKING, TACKLE BLOCKS, PLASTER PARIS CEMENT. Il AIR & GRINDSTONES. FRENCH WINDOW GLASS. LEATHER& FINDINGS. FAIRBANK'S SCALES. Scranton, March 24, 15113. ly FOUTZ'S 11! Horn ii Cattle Powders. l's In all diseases at Seine, such at; Coughs, Merl In et at 1.42, p.m 4.18, a.m 8.38, p.m , 7.10, nail . 8.12, a.m the Lungs, Liver, de., this article acts es a specific. By putting from , one-half a paper to a paper in a barrel of swill the above diseases 414 01 W will be eradicated or entirely prevented. If given to time, a sertata preventive and cure for the Hog Cholera. - iaa Price 25 Cents per Paper, orb Papers far $l. PEXPattEI; C S. A. FOTJTZ & 13110., all AT =P. WHOLESALE DUO AND MEDICINE DEPOT, No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Nd. Fos Safe by DrCindsts and Storekeepers tbranss- 41 ant the United States. FLUID -- EXTRACT B=lnt Ton Non-fletentles or Iscoasiasoso et tTelaq latassasso Lisa sr Ulcers:lan of the Clad/sr or Mine" Disease* of the Prosiest. C land, Graysl, Erick Did Deposit, Dropsi cal Saellinp, °sisals Weakneas, DO: Mr, NOW. Om plaints, ie. I. I F,L;II,IBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU Improved - Rose Wash nut radleally exterminate from the system Miasma ado ing flare it ablte Dissipation, at little expon4ro, Mio or eta eartnle 0/ diat, no inconeelsien4e or 4sajoosuro; completely superseding those , unpleasant anel &mg/arose remedies, CopaWa and lf Armory, In curing thou Causes. USE HELMBOLD'S In all Dlsoases of tho Urinary Organs, Thoth*: eahrtlar Irma or TGUALI, from to/tatooor saws orienstiny. /ma no manor of Arno long mending. 76 Is phnsasaf la Its tuna and odor, lIIMEDIATE la action, and wore strengthening than any of tho proparatlons of 13srk o► Iron. 7.10110 suffer's: from .892:44 Down or Dolioato bottoms, procure Mo /Unsay at ones. The Reader taint be swan that !limo's'? slight sly be the atta.k of the shove discuss, It is eertahit Is offset ►Y Zoidai .thus.:4B, Powors asixf /Tapp:nest If ao treat:mat Ls sabssittsal to, C•nsamptlea er lassaity nag All the ahem. diseases require the aid of a Gana& HEA BOLDS EXTRACT BUCHU MOMS CONCIESTRATED Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla, For purifying the blood, removing all diseases aristag free excess and imprudence in life, chronic eauttitatlenal Cr eases arising from an impure state of the Weed, and tie only reliable and effectual knoan remedy fat tha eon et Scrofula, Scald Iload, Salt =actin, pains wad Snell/Ng if the Loner, Ulcerations of the Throat and Legs, Lleteltae, Pimples."' the Pare, Tatter, ltryalpeLls, and all sally amp lions of the skin, nod beautifying the eourtsmaci. - ;14 AY: x /-• Of the wont disorders that afflict munklad arise frets the corruption that accumulates la the Bleed. Of stll the Or coverts" that have been made to purge It eat, IMO sea equal In effect ITSL.TIROLD'S COMPOCW D =TAU er OF SARSAPARILLA. It cleanses and rsaieratss lb Blood, instills the vigor of health lota the system, tad purges out the humors which auks disease. It stlesalites the healthy functions of the body, sad expels the /herd= that grow and rankle In the Blood. rock a remedy, slat could be relied on, has long been Bought tar, and new, for the first time, the public have one on whisk they eat 41- pen& Our space hero does not admit of certilleates to show Its effects, but the trial of a angle bottle wEI she to the :lath st It has virtues Iv:paean anything tan have ever taken.. Two tablespoonsfol alba retract of liaraaparilth, added to a riot or water, la equal to the Lisboa Diet Drlak, oaf ens bottle to equal to a gallonet thetfprupet Ithresprlly or the desoetlon es usually nada, The above Extracts are prepared ea pare!? eriewlas principles—la nesm.--.d embody the hit streagth of the Ingredients entrain; Into their sesspesitlea. A reser and ceneinsive test will be a comparison et their propa ties with these set forth In the U. A. Dispeasatev., HOW TO USE THE lIEIVIEDIES: ' In Diseases et the Blood, Homers en the Tate, er Wlif and every part of the body, MI 41 Ittxtraet Sarsaparilla, es plylog to Pimples and ail external Demon or Brepases the Improved Hose Wu& Us* the Extract 13mIe ter all abeam* rmisietag the ad of a Dieted., except these of the Urinary Oros; eaelt Gonorrima and Gigot; In them me tbe.Zalraal luau and Inject with the Improved roma Wash.: Err THESE EXTRACTS HAVE BEM ADMITTED TO USE IN TIM UNITED STATES AlnlY. and also us In very general nso In all Ma Erna HOSPITALS AI? PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS throughout the laud, is enill Is private practice, and are ecoulDsrad as invaluable realsdlat =!2=l lIKLUISOLD'S DRUG k CIIIMICAL 594 Broadway, N. Y., next Metropolitan Hotel, oa TO lICIAIDOLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT, 104 South Tenth St., Assembly Build's, PHs Is invaluable. e a the quality 0 0 , he milk. It has at proven by se- 7 al experiment to aerease the quaA- q of milk and a twenty per and make the ter Arm and pi L In fattening t,ll. gives theta 'petite, loosens hide, and them thrive FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA HELKBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT DUCHU Is the Great Diuretic. I-313EILMI30LD'S NOT .A. FEW MEDICINE DELIVERED To ANT ADDAXES Desarib4 s9mpiOT*a 411 all COIRIMIPACIONOM SOLD BY ALL DRVBSISTS PARYWHEAL Beware of Counterfeits! p : 1 DI m o iao n ty4
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