rattle. Ti ipreachedlit , , outer.iine ks-1 Tile -` ere l ' l 4 nri i lt . up the hi/ they. - ted thitlowi bank in front :the rifle4'Ote, the feile,ra soldiers retrd ont jo---the ditc be hind, burning d firing. us they wAt a4 l, e. 4 , long. t 1 / 2 was hand to )Itandeont)Otr m - Every an foug it irni by lselfand REF Innt• self_ Lyriads of the enemy • pushed for ward down the bill, across into the works, and go o titerP. l 94P ,r Y 4 Aihrereffiont ing; fr scfethning, - 'and swearin,leldsh rcluni • • s and firino their: pieces.— ltn. l'ederal 'nrtifterietti , on 'the hilla ene,m s - stillialel - overtlie - le 1 up-. Bale. '' 'Artie, - alninst Aisrega!ding the tak;inPerliiefi fageditibundtheraolireeted 411Mteirfiie•nponithe 'sitting eblrratha of t 4. . citetnytiicha'r'gle.- Event , available eau. niin (oti?thi'cteinefery`lllll, - 'and to the iighlt itivl Inkthrt.tv, its'Shells-01d shot in tiVe oitat .; , w,rlioirw:w terrible ; but -- eS,t)*•ortiry'erort the enemy pushed tip t'iT ill! I'Mul'*4o.s the • second line: • •of fltill'`thefir'lletatne hotter. The , i r .4„..ic-airt.6kind forth. One 'Moment i t trtemyittild•bo at the railings` of-the tre*4-1_ 417 ; Akin' s tosh-frotrt the federal , ildiaNclililti drive theni down intiv the val. leT. th iptle of their horrid &inn - Aei, h ey would fiercely On up the lfilfsgairt, into the cemetery, and have' a fiOrhe battle aniong the tombstones. It ii&sitie hatdet fig-M.of the dair and tun= aretli were *in there-.- Reckless daring, Howe'sei, - Will not alwayir sncteed: Sev &eV-attempts were made to take the place, hilt theywere - nOt'. suceessfal; and tate in the'afternoon, leaving dead, and wotinded behind them, the •enemy's forces Slowly ifiti-eated - IT their awn bill and into -the Woodragam. • • 1- ,They were not rtnited. • They ' can iiearcely. bona to have been drtven.--- They bad Intide. an attack tand 'been re raised, and after renewed attemptS, feel ti4that- it was useless • to ; try any More, Ifit:7- retreated. it was now- General lie t adi's' tArn to make en attack. Tho' they had lost heavily, his soldiers felt ela *pt. I." They saw hopes of a victory, and were feady to do' almost anything to se cure it. Although there had been Ati fierce' a battle in the valley below Gettys• 6*gset the sown' was as quiet and as fttneh deserted as erer. Shells flew over it; and itotto and then one or its houses mould have a wall cracked or a roof Iwo irert, but neither force possemed it. Gen. 3H - ea& tttrued his attention there. The UaY was waning:and the bittle had lulled :lin& 'fie determtned, if ,potsible, to drive the 'etieniy . out of the seminary. Ilis troops Were PlaCed m order,`, and charged down thl hill n'nd Tao the town. "They •ran 'alt mg every street, chasing a- few Of theenetny still bid there, before them hey came oat upon the west side, aloWd the "Tape-worm, and the Ernmettsburg !Mei eltamberiburg roads, ,aua ascended the enemy's 'hilt amid a storm of grape tititi kbell., At the Senairy the eonfeder ales 'were not very strong. They had . -ttakened that portion of the line to make inn attaek Dirth er south upouthe cemetery: . Th, e tedeial troops did not chase them.-- The hind back of the seminary was rather Ir4,Lcad cut up into grainfields, with here 4 :6i- c i thererApatch of woods. The rifle- Piatin the - brow of the hill proved an ef fee'tuiltaid to'the federal seldiers T ip main- Altilnetheir ground ; and as theylay he liitid the bank, with the ditch in front, they 'conld 'pick 'off the stragglers from the 't . tzleating enet r iy. ;There ii-as bin, lit- Oe seriiMs fighing atm. thitt, and night inlitenii l end to Friday's struggle, the Con. Teaelates having ietired about a mile to ifit - harth, 'near 'the seminary, and a bor rElfe tn - the south, at the little streatm - `tithing'the night the dead in the streets et tWitpinnitg wete buried, and the woun. ( denn all:paiteof - the field were ool l `eot,..- 'e'd`'iMd'i)lrried tosthe tear.' 'On the next' iiinl-Aiii: Genetal - Nea r deexpected / nnoth• ,er affackrtiuf instead of making it the eitertiy*-iet related firther, abandOmng their entire line of - battle, and , she: pickets re- Oiled :that they wereentrenehmg at the 'font •of"Seuth' Mountain... The federal w ing' was terribly Crippled and sadly in wabt of reg, and no advance '448 made, althotigh irackete were thrown ontaerom theenenty's old litre nfbattle, and toward Mei - eate Where they were building` en trenchments. All the day was spent in deeding'and resting the - men ' Gettyg littrg was 'turned into wlrast hosratailda tripenniptn anti were made - nt A dozen. plaeei; on-the field.- The rain carpe, too, sad with it emir air and refreshment hal from wind "andWn. ' °=lTo' one could tell what the enemy were doing; every pielt et' reported that they were entrenctifn,,,n, and the night of the 4th of July closed np tin the-telit with it in feder4 possession. Tag iossas. -4 ,, pi1 - erY difficult to make any e4timete pktbe .lassils_,ip payxmtest, bat: from ail 1 1 * ,e4M, - be /ear/led, lite number of killitd, Sgint,'Mfte,,,u_____lluq eaPtirell-ef_the Federal, ar ow 'Yu' . 4 •Wgeilt *sicced ant. en thousand. The enemy's loss; Waa“ about •the same. T.here is no reason, sulky it . should -exceed Oat, of fiken., Iteade x , and ,non ft trtiieli sl ?. 90 1 41 1 1 1P-a4 us te,flaCea. 49Wer estimate spy it- -41 *.Prtseargrt A 18.ToroNliffi ,,,iitleo.judge, but, as there , it:ere; no, in btatres o any entire comnliands surren dering, the only men, captured beingidi: filer thi a - st r a4 l *#na woutided: *ho bit r hir iilfg.e4 I Atind,OetaYTIPPIL the field, glie t*Y arthieillis: 4 'e. teen egu*ll,7 .deple ledV.e4ptiiresi:7he Voilfideratis; bi - krer,. - parelitd neatly uli utoutApy took, itfiaAiie . are stil/ Itlek e'rt , ,X . teAk., „Cif 4:4kgreargenfeAerateerthke `septc(co",ftsfe 'Atbtkut;liiAdtiiiitiia.: - ' ' ' - ' , f ,- t- , -freill,ritigit 40,44 riPiti was mad Ibis f(Tustolay)WAnottiiow latd-it presented II wlnAterfill though Alarrowfut Spestacle,for flit' itsriotui. , Most elate dead= lad been houitti,lo rainfsrare 131&11 lying About, fewc,ime, iteria(einglAttleannoldien. OiVergr4eztoftwar iralvitecistilarzt, Attimr ori'cbouse or shed upon' the field -or areand.„ it e r liW4l l i*Ws :411110 1 ere: *I . out 'tlitlf.-bila 7 t ‘ttongit, fell= -',e had bekli icifir' datiitbY0 3151 1g b v „ r epos O ti L t ~ ....e, '4,4 - 40 la" IV h., a _. „ carried ' owl, , , , ily ! o f rna*ek barrieutieN or 11)idlistivOti. ce.9Thcf:etmituipre:yionslt_tuftt-` T el iered Ovo-ibsurfabe ii thi*greunli liad. 'been'eollected iii-pilea fo:trilleupiti- Wear. ly every,iree had limbs torn from it, and alrliiire niarlth Of bullets . Some had their ibark-etrippe4 off in shreds bythe wind of phitsingsliells.* , The ground wan tramped into a bog r and was covered with every :"CcineWthlre-IfitriFF-44tetiltketr ke •baymintsuridialimredsVpleveanfLyefgontv brokeawheels, , cant id g,e 1 boxes. beltsclkeras , cicitbing,4 blankets; ifragmetitic ;aliellts,' and sometime.* i , nnexplodedvones f btllet4 cartridges, I *Mae D . -.'eirtlithin g :tined 11):. war or:by by: stildieth, was iscattered,, ! around in plenty : ;; The I igralkaml, graes, i lvhicb : once grew:there.: was: almost; groUnditQA . jellY.'. - ,Eiterywhere cOuldf be-, seektuum of the.: carnage v -lituniredsiat ideadchcrtf sea ;still unburied; larlimi!the Seldlizand in.boggridacea,:and; spate-Aistanti.frem 'tbe town;manyifif thet men merestikum borifidad; ,;(f _i • t --:::, trvil.,l7 i: il , P. _•...'1 Thervia-sothettingiimpressito-abou.t.a dead Manesiebattleofield.:-.To!seet, bira lying there. with i hia..bandS clenched ; his teeth betond. his --finals. draWn :up. with ramiod'er masilet firmly held*L-Iying-juid as-be - was standing Avhen 'the', •filital bullet Struck him, teaches a' -sad lesson. .; Tome scores 'if them is...more- impressiva; and tho i withiOn awful desolatam and: havoc and rain on all sides, showslar toe plain. Ty for,delicate , senses , the; terrible end iif battle. To;knout that at this fence. where so many .lie a tug !of . war.: was,had for hours—to feel that thatree whine bark : i& ff stripped`o, , showitig''Ted stain . on - the inner wood, . has received the : gushing blood of 'soma poor soldier, is by fir the best teseher,of war's' evils. And. when, atter all is aver, Meastill lie ,on the damp ground, undisturbed as they ::fell, with hawks and crows and busier& s a iling la zily over them,their conimenanco bear. lug an expreasion •of ,horror; ad..theiblear. ing, bloodshot eyes,- the blatkened bee and the contorted ,features, turn up to wards you,,when, .4414 is seed, end the fact,thatihousands , lika,theaL,brfp Lin Aere before,' . it,is impreaSed.. upon, ihe mi n d, a. remembrance:is left : w hich , cannot. be effaced. . Sermons and precepts Way be, exhausted in . .vain;, but „ the, lesson taught by, a dead man slain inbattle, ly : inz in his gore,. le: ,worth . . te4 l .,.thougointl holiday ; , exhortations. , :Yet !any-. 100 4 upon it without - emotion., ; Many, vvilked a ?la iuni4 thelionid‘4teilch fof tb4 field un mired; They.tnrnedevo the rubbiSh, .1 •I*. 'ea, up iliille.tg*id , trAffi;dePt4 of "OP for - rnementpes,hat that Waa elk., They kJ 61 4 , uffPn .09,-A.Ra, 40. .be ilarei,bui Will IP • eXPMS*. , of SY•if harlVere 4 rederal eoldier,. and only ~a laugh or a curse if ho. xFore,a,C4feclerate- _ l l.lley for got that the-n or ; Aead .nian bad keen, led to.his death hyiotbers like, responsible So far as the fght. was iconcerneknei diet army :can be said to bittegairied any material advantage. To ,ret,reat.•frem field andleate kin the enirmy!speksesaion is technically a defea:and it. maybe con- ceded therefore:that•General Meade gain ed a victory. Stili,Lee's ',array was not driven away. It was. not routed= vol. untarily fell back at •a time .when: nature., was 'fighting it. tidea.began dig.iand to retreat at-the same time; . and so ,well did he bide his titans:mitres, that heueenr. hours; Start) in,. hisretredt. He mired -down both iiiihnior the South Mountaia and on. Sunday. afternoon, while pursuit was commenced, there were several skirmishes.... Lee mit...safely away, and. unless .the high water. in the Potomak stops. hinr,. or ; he does:not: wish to' crosi, heia by this litne Atfelf over With the greater parte his ariny.. Gen. Meade is not able to intercept him, 'and all ideas of his capturingia : . -host of: fleeing invadersaro fbolisk; ; , : Still, GeneraliMeada Idsdone;the best -he could, ...He is a itiodesf, unpretending, btave officer,.:and acted wisely and well. lie has done rall:that layiin his powerond it :weald bethelgreatest-injas- . tine if fault .wercta :be found withr. him: now becauie General -army wat not routed or taken.:.:; The invasion • la: over. The frightenek people oftithe North can mow breathe freely«. Although dollare,of property Aisii been destroyed, arid• nearby the: - finest:portions uf.Adaini; county 'Timed, yet 3:the ,enertiy out, af the, state and we are. oneeinorksecure.l The licalis, of war,. A- letter frOm Port -litodson; - says • on Wednerglay;iJunellth t ltbe febelo agreed to a flag of troco,allOviingiiis to govapon the battle-field -Of-the - •previims :Stioday ied . teeover our dead :'sounded, , whOlaid in plain eight Of out?foneesi hut , eol2lo:not he; obtained in euttseg Oen be of the- close proximity of ithe - ttebel:;aharpsnootera. During this, long ,` period some-, of. our wounded laid .upon; the ground. exposed' to ~thehot.stuLl :Oar -men brought - 9T And ibarled (ma boadred.: °Meets - • nd•soldieta. The de: d•were vmteh de- LoompasedAhat t their, clothing :aloneheld them-together:: A long trenolt .cssmoutitig,. and - Uri , . Wi r es AVere4lttilidd in one , dom.' nion toPe.evyidiehtifiiWion v•beingrimpossi ' ble. Three men, w,fire; fofntalite,. Jobe , of ' whom was a raiingsaatao. Theyoaugl4 joAt rain Ila 14 iiiodttia= ;`showerP,oitti Mon ye i ghwto a unitioPlifo ; fithilee -itiOnAbelel WehYABY le-bouvns4*l,of sothav roe3ooel w thnievmevded men ,oxre: - ipagilaritienvn . goodisyl*lghtkitatTeirallvsti oagliVetbuds= .day--:morm lug) font *alp. espondek and .itheikAheillag Of!truoe.mma::di vn insplaii.A,-,bat thate,vieinit)c vas 40 te a ; o f eitAtlfrerins 4 4.• :JO)4 those-108k hove ' Atom; beareAgithi.tione'tq to ISome isretsfar**4o - Sheir:scloilies . warn itokraY:lugtikmAlsibigif*Attriggifl MrS, 4 7..71 - 1 , ,...a...... - r.... 1• . ,10. - 111.11M14}119C.r.ir... ,. .: , , , .. - *PS .ti ; Mr r . 74....1 .1:-. , ....i..; i, 'I, lA.; Jr; CPBRBITSCINE ., , Editor. Memocrallo„Eitate; Nominations. r.".tt „ %. • ,!;. SOlt: GOVEittrOn, ir6EO9&F`N WOBDN190; ' • , RP; .1 A:W=4 coo I.i 1. ").' • ; t,•l - 77 6 . -; , • , r;;I:7 01 1. JUDGE 97::TITE SIVPR.r4S.!COTRT, -4 Will N. tOVIIIIL, Ii 1 . 1 . 0 0 0 *.: 11111 01 3 441 , ibrobtid, ,Thate inasmuch ,as the -Cnnsti l tntion embodies the only :.gnarantees we hare for, public liberty and' private-right, as-withont it we can I have no' hope of pro. teation , frnnt'.bloodshed,:spoliation:and an archy--ethe:min Who sneers• atl„bet " Con stitution as it is" proyeal himself to be de ficient in the first element of patriotism; and anyolficerof the .Stati3..or Federal Government who swears to-iupport the, Constitution,: and afterwards- with that oath on his conscience • wilfully-viOlates it wholly-im worthy ofpublic confidence. Resolved, , That among the rights which the Constitution provides to every citizen is-that-of being secure in. his life, liberty; and property,no that hir cannot ,be de uiVed of either withotit due process of taw, n fair trial by To competent judge and jury of his neighbors, with. witnesses to confront him sudeounsel to defend him: This is so just in, itself; , -50.. - necessary to, the happiness of the, people for_ whom, all government ianiade, and, so plainly writ,: ten. down- in .the fledeml ~ ConstitudOrt, and Also State Constitutions that) !any: person who , can misuider. shmdity basmot i in onr , crpmion;, - the.metb. tat capacity whichfits, him , for public sta • tion.:-.4tihieliteri in Slate Conventian,,lB63. ir;r,A , number of commnoicatickna , are unavoidably crowded out! of this . issue. . - - • • • - - • !, rAff7,Timat,.,,:/etru3ractisay'itappepnr.: %o ill?out. played I - •otitiol - • mlitil regiments bare been'andn#4,no* aibeing mastered ' out, A ke!* 61 '000 1. Satttrdtti last, informed. his' brigade (of which' the 28th P-11:iformsia , riatt,Ythat they vtrould tthln .to'llariislitut to 'be: Mistired ' r?ii4 l .i - =*iiiloi.tatiF.l: l '4 o.7 4 b r a' Procured. The friendsof _Mt: 6erritson will he glad to , learnttlist he will probably be: at home within' ten ilaya, Thus far he has been able 'to staid the atiltiOus eampaikn with goed health . and . .spirits; and is alwais reedy to meet every duty. CD 15 04 743 Avery and Lady; Vocalists # ltave given, two .Cooverts in this village., withal 4v . few daya - patit..-L- Thodit*bo'''iv6re foreietil, itijOy4 a - rich iee4df ii0101i:" - :4VerY irah for icoote.One*iheATl4Y9bnisPvere 4 1,0 ;4' -tinned health, from Which:lle is still suicring; obligedlitrt to resign. - He holy oa a' z i4eisiiiital ;tear; ivith:' his 'tic ; cotoPliebed m414101'040 ta,o::l.l*. li.verylas. p voice ot great, coypus sn'd power; which_ appears to lave been cold: voted tvitii study: . Theie '6l, oe rts.ll Y,e be . en .l i khlk i Pr i re n dafea'q ,1,4F6 IFto:lo4.#l*DPO:lji'fitt,i4i.'it3 of the ceentry, ~ ortirtvell deseft)ng of publiefettronage. f • : • , 7, : • • . • yisited , this section! on Tuesday miming last. The danrage.tolhe I crops, ,and ieeialxy coin,. is' V ery , serious: The came' h hthiil; tie:dank tier 5ta1 4; 4 . 104 l o d giug,ithp b, v , i2gra , •;ra gm ill a Way thal.?okii'difeogrningttO 'the larvegteic— ' .; Ristary, at the War,. Amougithe- numerous im s t er i es of the seen ntine'that. )440; a* - , l 6lgn];`,' upon .o:ttii:poile;•4#:*at. % Williams 4 Tl!tkoky, .094/ publishing i b 7„ Karam -eNfilartfoi4l C4,lln.;two nohnues,theau (mot illustrated Tiß.m wßiii*Fe,:,#:*:ooiiep%"ofiep -54*AM 4 41',49.1Pt0 burgvtiul*l:and is 1 tirrit*ila, the graphic and .attractive style ; alisr. Whtf . . - ItOsiefey„,"lthjW-bEnik :iiii-rlpxpciiii4,o44oAr.ft ,t4 l l feP.:.7/ W;ithm the;paA fry, Air WO 're. . ••• Li," .1: . I ` l V,) • rielli9l3ll‘;Yef*P4 l*9:Cll l #4 9 B4*.4 l , mulatematotteringltojtatllL'Xiscir is the Oddscoipuitinitrfor : our**mto dit) for. •p li r a! -1 peace I : Mu, ~, -, i • _" , . ~, oi • tiso, 2 - 5 -t: rip :,. , the ft", , .'' , 6 " • in A , s, itti .bu. 41 4; tr - i - . fr dra :: iri I' , stkof actC t Sc:n. 1.'4.: id • 1 i.,, e l , Otat4 °drill. ..dis sas r;o -, guide , '. cat* witilhave e' fund, abotit 8O) men, whick_With 50 0 per et, ad : ditional, to cover dittcharges, vrill make' I 1 11 :P1 6 4 11 k ° rA l filit-. 1 .1 2 P 1 .. 1 ft Pkl eY4rb tif4. man in the first class . A ravenous swoop, ----4 tfhly, jitsratcharVelitli43eintiaTiVirg , i We'WCtild,6l,lVielittOtion'of.thetielr, f 1 abli444il4:r.liizt W iriaiiierii )''''' ' --r.'a ia. i i 1: 1 .! .,11 , 43 5Pgil Act rt rWA !,#." !K c c . P .44l '' subatition titan) to-,payr. t he - a3400-i-Ibt; 1., 1 cause such substitute itr thebany sure pro. t" 1 7 16 0; 1; *iii i 44t i4% ;,‘ I '0inii:f . ilitPT 3.rd r il lt ( Tl-4 / o , ,Olitl e -YVtiia.;-„,.±;1 r. ,.* i 4 ierOn diaqed:•lrY•lte PAlngtect•at any, ettn4'on or . before ,the: c lay appointed 1 for his appearance at. therendeiimii. ' ' 1 I A. l _draftcl4rthre 'Ll ei l aiirrk -- , ei g era lo pt(ioa frO6Phisichl"disabfiiir andfailin FTP" I' cure•it on - that.groand, ; will be permitted !afterward to. ,paythe. s3oo,ar, practice a subititnte. *i 1 24154 ie o a 1 • *CAIrr-stArt WaTtzsinrua;.Pa. t - • Ju1y.19,4863. ' - DEAR DE3IOCRATI- 1 - 4 8111t0 tact writing, um- adventures have 'beery less exciting and dangerous 4 41161110 114 t • otaif able nature: , W e lei& in' imutip -- nkr tlar lisle ((part of:two g:. auys;', in& on. the morn in orthe 4lh Jedy, tookom-phices in marching column, and when on thii , sqttare in the town were told Mutt we werego ing five - that •'we'hiutbetter leave extra . luggage: bilitindlb sent be sen, So dawn' 'went teiiv Cloths into , a guard placed • over them: until next 4rcy'. when ive expeti led them to 430 , setit &retard to bit. When 4ve 'see them; hi thinlvlhe! "emergency' will be over. Our conrseAtts to the toward s plifis in the South Illifpuntdin"? on thesOtabttiast•ofile Cumberialid • VatleY. After a plessantqranip of' l s 5 1* i 3 we passed thrti-PaperloWn and entered the.nimintairoyam, Ebro' vehiPlOt was.ex .pectpd Lees army, ki4ve to: retreat' to escape our vietoriamellegionif "nn..the other; aide.of I the mountain,./near Gettys-• .barg.idtftentioon h. rain -.Storni arose; and we lahbred for several miles through one, of the. bca , l viest rains witness tog I .k . 1 190 1 :CRn I raa d. intiO b,o o * 0 1 , 1 0itrracl * as. di t eP An. l'deßeefr; ter trhietr'np* tan ii,inef,Mia, along . it_tb strong etryggtig. • ...Th - otkif - nightlylkkalt- SA:Piti Gi°Ve where 499/e cattle were 'killed,' and a ritinn cir INef without salt .wap„gifeti_ont.L 4 ll:red froth oar bard 2. 4 2.-4 4"%vi , pascia , g t i.ainy night upciictinit iround4Lintilf tof without covering:!. ; WevienitdnedP the' not 'day tuitnioht:,to,ihisibeatittii*heniNvi • thole iohonntanr • plathlio . the Or' enii Brie loftifartlll tile; pastOin; 'triter Jibe 4itbitii stair intto - vAdaniroountV - ;Pasaiit'otenig -the srnintroiln •sideiiveic" , l4Warf efenint eatife s h e turnpike VeiweertlGeitysliarg and Chambersburgi;tihiret it pia ses. ttiro a short riAge. Heiefiiiiiere lint a few to from he late; ieVethigbattleflroundi and on thellihellitiliAtikriail—lbey haw,. 4 nlrocaPecksPluo.,. ften l o9ofk'REPPnf!*, PO, ~We, : kere ine.. 4 rcP,•4 0 41 0 ,40tAY177' 1 : ' 4 Y O went it ngi , )' s lrtick.* 3 l,4 l joyll !AA. iqghti .4444ol o.r iC*L:F 1 ,410. 1 fi1i 4 4, 6 7494 srpia.ntii..en4stclyni to - t unying,,thomight' lifi*eFfitfru4 3 .ll l4 c*l'r 1 1 '. 1 49 1 0N49.0! 0,41PPA1t4, 0 ek4l4o o act;4 4 Y,i - -A4ellillo ARiP74,A.VPI K•10 4 *4 1 .0v14.c. 1 ";,1iid4.14 1 4 4 1 APSWYt w &I INA4,4o4leNti‘-inAlgis 0 1 1 1-igto P 2 bo: triamfP 4 1; 1 14 ( tJP ikk.f.!) 4 140 1 44 R.04f2....w49 1 # 1 :tg* imr/Pukiummp nears The arm of Oa totnoriAry under Gen, Meade, is on" our ~."~ c POrtionii who Were drafted latt,fidi and furnisbeirsibstitntes; ar uoteexempt trim Drafted men failing to report A the(e signated rendezvoua will be treated s deserters. The Thentha : voltinteers iii 'the ser riee are liable to' . draft, receivii%ieredit for the time therinayiaerve in. their Pres eff ti engagemOn Co ( nsiderable hostility to the droll, is being inan!fest,edi'lie - dflfreut parts, oft he country, and that oppOeition is 'not mi., : lied to any particular party. It comes - ,,froot.the laboring men and mechanics— the melt Of • limited or 'airfoil pecuniary hneatia--in And' the, great ob . - edtiaU 'to' '.it' is 'the $OO and aubstlttite exeniytions, which, they. argue s and not Without reason. and . justice,: favor •\the ilch -at the iipense!of the poor. 'To this' ire doubt, mot; there' than 'to arlythinF, else, 'aitizibitted the: anti-draft f'"O* 2 4:in I s Tqw, ioric,, ilostuni•find .oth- Or. places; • •The Lasr ,is befb*.ohe of the ihnfivoi io' ; itie . oo,l- tutf46 l )o.•;:i l l l oo 3 e4hiw TAY_ to hiPYPAI-se o ,r• 4 : 0 11 444e hP enforcement of the Act; according as it shall be against 'Or forit. The safeand'Proper einirsii" for air men „Cf:_ thrs,. its' in 'tither si , Tugl3=4;*'to'tta , 4* - trie by , ••the,:Judiciary 'to :be kw, Eke bail& I berivititha , *change-or re,- Teal? the ,9 0 /T, !n +;of ii ipiisititi>i coiieisteii 07*IVI);(3;r79:00- 3tenti'for ivithontla . w'there is no.seeitiity to liberty or property, ato4d oomnom'bnuiti ri:bt and teft t -Witirthexiebellbree, under oir f t.' • 2-, •- e n - ov °days with (,,t- • ptAmn .4.A.meat,) and V v 0 a - whit ,lit- I' In We .4 i .. ked l i, ittpetti gltborhood,and thelta son d:ron4i . . of old rations. Weltre , a ligle lite4lat 50 cts. a loaf, and arc weak with hunger. While in camp !tear Harrisburg, we fared-very well, but since our bard marching began, we have liVed , partly upon fajtjelittroOr charity. Acting,. Brigadier-General, Col. 4 t r f i P & J o rtqlfi n t i l it Tr l f t e ts fr rwl a wee.,. a, ,• —, that whefttWW4Auftrlei*hf, Abe, beans, Stfrpitlhoitt o lify4111X9C091(1001014 9r nlll4llooPti p i9tr tin cups over opr,cam iiis - rec less ettudtteti iii t—rtiatiftitig" tts` , .4,tithout prohmiti;i" abdrge.tuairttimimiii fleas, has pogifoyi E tiitnlptiymal lie is from Luzerne-county, I think. N . m. , t7 iva . • , , - , ti nAGErsTOWN; 314.,-Jaly 15: • Daitt 9 DiritikasT: l -;-T-think M3/ . 1:64'1 . 66- dated:Our • Wayitestnrg, Pa 4. lentil:poke Ofhtinger; We 'got nb food exclit Stith as we could , findby ,i,oarninkthe'dottntry, Until the' 11 tit; when Sed - drektrbarittnek .forfene day, land Were sent•iint.'ontite connoissance, three regiments strong.'''A r g ter gating oti\hear two miles -WerOnite to .where our Pickets had been dritrehitil :day befotie: .We Went on by a eirettitoits tinter nd after about a Miles' travel, - we came tO a min' 6 Miles front' eatim i &hr . or . fl V° miles front IlagerstoWn, and learsalian a-Mileinto 41,1aryland: alighta pair of rebels, 'and found tt, large quantity of flour, which Said- the: Yetis were coming that night to tarry - Off. • ,'We de stroyed the flour, and'-returned.to Camp with Out seeing the enemy, vibe hid 're tired the day before.' We then' laid With rout `rations or shelter tilt the 19t1Vwhen we drew two days rations, and marched southwatd• by a - 'zig-zag route. After marehing some Miles, crossing' t 4 Antie tam creek, (near which tilt. latelY' we had encamped;) three tittles, We fount:rive were "on ••the pike fin' Hagerstown, • and had tramped some miles fur the reattOn that a bridge had beery! brieried on the 'pike and at Onij . crossing the - brigade :maretted4ver; aingie file,' ten feet , apart, On a tottering foot alridge, •• although &dol. en 'Men . conld'hate/bridged the Creek Sub stantially' in lc fel* hdurs; any, day, dtiring, the'faur idle' daytt'past.' 'After the teill oui croiting -watt' vY ',We passed Inlet ly -along the' pike . to-Itagerstown, 10 Miles direct from late eamp i. Our compapy_was & tale& til - gimiki • Vmdence just tiorth of totett; beih i ngitig tit one Havrmaint, where we -spent two days. Our camp it'mt located in the line 'of the grand ' with rebel breastworks' 11 They Opened - 6'llo'r fire ' toward eveniiig; Sit 6, our 'regiment and , Others 'vierat oat ' 'as skirmishers. The,enemy threw shells tint stmongs ivb* "iR ere roittifirr - varl - ge; - Wet' hot receiVh:any•shotit What raukti. T liVe tsY pe s getiefallltatildite - ze' day,' but &nod neit' rebel -Whieli'ieeeinir. to have beet': CroSiiitig 'foi• Some 'dam had nehilf.`alrgoti o'er the Potomac, which about. 6 , miles- froni twing the'day "there•was ccinsid erable-heay.i firing in- One front; •anti' ire learned that our artillery-, were shelling the rear of the rebel fOrces as they pasited over to the other side of' Jordan. lesznp-joinetis tho'i4th. ''" ' • • Ocir uols- are , in yery fatt,;spirits,' con *tering, 'ttig•''sittiation—enduring, hard Inartinht-1 . in 1114 'heavy 'Mini; "withon,t tents or blankets , mud ratifirie'hitit'' the time.' These things keo r inp a' " reginien tat :,growl' ftencialkt. ' .resto k pi t • better 1,i2 ; MY next: • •A:7": G. .1; • • - • ,• . • ‘. 1:1 : : tP0 1 . 3 4 1 R4 C 1 4 404 f tizt 1 4 4 That.,Shing,if.!„ : ,; • • As •was- ptediete4 by. wr. -Little; - - in his speech of the 4th inst.,`thaV - pipeit :at -Montiorskvitsistcprosento repOrti tarn aysayiii,t, "we've bad blood enongh.".`'!Wherean, he did say that/ he'. ikottld have the war 'carried on witli ten times *foie vigorihan ' bad beenifigohist - th;e: military Orgati*- tioif of thellouthrTat the § sii{e lime ho ever holding but thn'4)life•branch . tO the .don-nonibatorni• populitidn, , ty , tolthe elemimi, !which! the•Pteiii dent has assured the country, largely ii isted there. Itirdid'lsV gomer'sfur tsomi to r •halieithisnppear. Agitin, lie 'tll4 - rebelrroni 'cerAionv and iveey foravand- , keit of Of cl!oursecifoiner etheldn't let' hltut - appear} his i' l eiaciong • • Still again; ho 'represents' - loYtit - Thte Aft,- litel • ARO did imathei the-A/460 iterb*;=,.. -titifse Men `Who a 'profess( th bOoSpel'of pedile ;and gin:A.4o_4 - I'll4-lot' "howl ' iittt j a fig r. cry , for tflood- , Lbloodi:Vote , -fri de; Toyar ofeesOrinetheitrniOnTinte'itithe jreeniiiiioii r arir moue of- negro. Men who don't wan% th0," 1 1.4‘-.! ion as it was,"-burelaineilr for blood and: me negro./ f' Thesm 'were••die la. dm' fort . peal tipoit-pealiof anssfeting apphitiked • Once more, Homer heiledticalled 4Siniardiforiitiviitgzhifinti frbnt .That - iiii. , tioti trope' Mriai.sliald,iti,waitki cowardly attack , onishepiDemocratic edi. Ph Mflelft figMißg',.sl l 9tl haties; Af-hiLP4 o 4Rt.7ll9r_Oft; cdt/Fr4 - 144r ;4 4 ,8100', 1 flßeS.atifilmo-aym.99, t Ppm , .4.o4,witaajb,•thaAsk,„ iP.roof 02t “ ipatrptifin I;d9terrtos giyottimk opsyit..ll4Aft. fannily, and business , idok his' life in. ~ho! :494fspitlf9041 iiiiiiiii Ih.e.)llAißiagit of simply Dome ,, -stout 'at De, min pion! a,.and Ae4:oole4.ll7inmes.--stich'ati 14 9 11P e #19i ? fir!tP fh P•i a# F -74 t 7 i4rie4' in t i Ovef 19 6 , is i; seilY *4 l ; 41 4C1,4 [10 ;f 43111 tilifit il li,:fi rld the r • tql e e itt Vol. av in , A scm in the prat' 't he has 'd ' a_ more i t in •:' '_::' he ~•:_ -• , , ' .t. ' ", e year t . " '' ''''' XI. 'h. h. e hfe,ii he sh Iry , I .' _ a A "tire .c. . ~. . ~.. the Chair. L . mu, trittione t,h • - ,•- he ' 4, the "c o y. pe head ;Weet ' ," ' i nowit- o hare giv e! oreritienelr o t catunty far, than any other man ititiiwn I But not to go - further with these Thirp• representation:s we. no w call the atten tin, 01. 6 4 6 1 461#11W-.1. ilk -( l9utiikto one other fact — , proving still more the Pritint.tzoini In •bipl tw -who l yvkyriP , oectllell Ithat 31r..tthilteil tub • lio- atteittlo4fd tb6* in decent, ,Nike, - ,i....(ent,, siad . ..,,iediCiable hand 141114 tliati :', 4111.biltU urea, from that rrinting.blEte r iapalwere - posted:And scattered ,iii•theitight,'„iki `sir: to, meet hit evetV [ ti e llere:o:*etl" you mutate of 9,1,11 meeting. "Doeii tho__paPet . atin ogize,_itz titer fir eontleinti P Not a word: '" Did one:Jettiatiej'Aliiitirinel icifititifiiiii sky a "t i l tr ! :4o6ll ?,gmlaT) 6 t"f "it?'• 4 476 . t .54. Tbeytlici•efore .Cotintenancii.iii& adeptrt tiketinicrets ! ~mild that libel' aptiri--kerv' it for future-mt%teezitsatudiedzmrbina lienint, insult upon err ene ef Aftn ! Ponder.lt, till 'y , ott -take its full nilianing and impor?" Theiii tirerlbel-inen and the means.youtitre to,deat with I r Vile nex t time you Sr:mint n meet,itikat"Montrose, weimppese esiniiler renrit' - Vill be pre pared to meet \you therm , ' Nay, - . they threatethia NverYlenrk of threat. I , lina ble to. (pat ncipplenti with Argument ; they, (pat once to 0 10 1 0. 0 1 , and thrcits, full -ot slang Imd malice:\ They ‘ lay aside all. the amenities and decencies of lifeond bristle elk omeriwith hlto.. 1 frheytalk and act upon the, nsantirptten that,yektirDerno crass, • have no rights in this country, arid no interests, in I Its : sevritnent 1 You hvouto_right tn,eqld a ineetiiii,.especial- Viri,•Neinme ;. you hare no right iori yrtiot 1 you have no right . ' to speak or., think •, nay your very silcuee It treason! By and by, 144 rotineetili `be a crime ; and this is Arnerian - ,Freedorta' 1 - - ", - ' r, 1 i l lt tut they will =yet, learn that i,Denineral itnroirs no, feer—he- scorns alilpytheir;Opi theta and theirhthreats.. CtioVlandAter. mined, ho will battle j with the storm of r r ey el mien-and 'anarchy, while a•PlaPh-ctr a Oyer is left. . • •' - - ••' in t 2' aqui let any matt , be rdesiciVeiLYtt Abe, epithets of 1 , peppnrhead or, traitor- In all this, darkness and.,Caiifiireu,_ ,tti,nre is Oe'aimple test by wllicli eveii,.nutii CA digtingnish the false front 'therttf' That test is the Co9aciiritiop of ypiti , eintinry ! Try every inan,ltial "CvE4y , tarty by that. Ntrtraitor 9ver. l6 ,)•o:<:tthr , -3, mi.- 0: 11 : 114 eyer, hates it. Your country 4 -your. Con: Atittilion,—They are both Chi! . 'Tiesiton to one, is treason 10 - ilie4llicer. To dAy the ism is between tlW , pernbcrat7 and the Constitution, on the One ' hirid,--and revolution ; it nth l initiChy,'• 'on ) the other. ehooil., 'ye, Ither,efer<tblik-idliN "Whkhti - wilLserve. b dirOfiliT4l 4 ettfronvOts nbn , t i ld • • , 7th11368; • -z 1 ; Awns Knepp . : Ihmr:Sivz 4 AVithi - iftrkti and path I int:QM:VA otAlts rhatit of your dear. sour O. An linappLAtact. 0 11 0 A4l on dearest friends apd,,co,p4mkonn t , trim, d and myself have beta company tiii& each other ox,e,r,ten,...mon;hs )11, the zs sgtvice of our cc:pinkeye , tll'oortelloiv‘ I he 42113 d more. But .I -trust f hels Aunt, wherip.berejs no nik4t tA cinitena tenst he is now with 'his tiod above. l wish I lad been- abler to' have 040n:4411, got his things, Anti- sent tbento . his i pa 7 rents in remembrance of their ... But it wia the it o 1 1310433. , Phontgl. : be shot first, -and tut wasiconipelfeet4i, leave, the .1144 of aotiou in - Al3 carry:tart of the fight, as I sus .too IntielrAmryto stay wipiquy conpapy. gliew4lthe day of 14-1 1p -l abetiVrie. l 4lM, and ihtutt:›itiftrtet - OrNidb::.lanorAtilltaida•Thq company, say '4l - liCr.t.oilkeltl".. forehead nd tlietrinatently;• • - Able - thingican say trulyibawAiAiolo and. tsravin o stpl a icr, ,an,djled trysited;tfie deat OrditiaA that° r ()ba thers fought and ilied-fori--The loss from airiiglitillntiitettsufogzakotifiq -3WP also lost 94r 2 9,1024 1 .R1A plejor both killed. 01, 1 11 atipottr i gh e WN! za, g as - - — JAMO3-11-TAYLOT4 .CO., F. 124 Rik r iVNAZ.St likef The funeral Sermew—for 0. 11. ,Will preached --. !If :Pri;i4Syed church near Lynn on:Sandailtigusi id; J...pPa , ,,k74111 3 T.,Ets Ar. COL goar.„:„*E4 -- .(telPjared. seems to hitAie ei4siSha' ,l 2% 41K. exposing tV mde iAins mg beirtexe apg . j r tan 'Seabe aaa woandigiVi ftg" . ..WAt . 0:417sUll in the i t4lP:Mitt AT il b e iA l !? 111419 "" it,.0.SPelq.tn"I'4 . nd 81nrtetcarilt#110611-Of cu r le iow tife Mht thkeh.fievniviiikiti:prisonir,:in is pow lytn . Thre , t 4 llinessAleeitnatiettliansii4o` - v podia. 4.bp 1,-outivnt „ o the men :1 1 Zr4 1 11 F V- %WY. ffro if. ttif 14;r181410 hi:** 6: 44,:liifil~k . LO 494 4,artot'ailtexf;lpleeiL ie:miguni *Rh ovekieddhintegc.„: en • Wi l firXtitkiikorteeprProg of *Way !VW thoiltbeaok, GioßoW Nom- HQ 4 Iit...VAR ifsch4koloo r4 alitrQ onerwitit nrto bun .8 u hof iu_zo • t Ivanis regiratomenpraarthe'' fbifise fate has nod t , boon licoetigia. AijiWi -- ". - 11111i waif 8d VS • j A ap 71, tOßPr en ) i e 4 .., 140 axmwmia' w `vryttisuurs, 111111=1311
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers