• -- .—___,_--- --- --,---":" ." - -t.„ - --,---.lt, , „ ... ,-,.-2 , : pfst--- ' ---*----- .. ~ •• - - ..„iiti ---- sylif„.iiity-4 - 4?: . -:': t : . *::"•'-' - fitt i*ii-etc .. , 0 - ~_ . • . 4 ., : - ;.,•.., ~ ,t. ; • --:,. ,' --,..7,.;, , ,,,„.,-,- • t. 7 • *.*' 4 1 Cfgo 1 . 0 , lva/ 4V - Airig Ma . itatq. 4- ` ' l4llO . kt. - 4.: rtt ,+.- -2i- ; 7 , l :r, c • ,`' r : -'''' , ''. '''''' 7 ~;, ' -. ~ , •' : 1.): :" , 4\ -‘. , , _ , _.,-, . „ ..„ ~.., , ~,,I ;, I I , );-- "` ' ..-':;,-, ,' , - '.".- - .',.., . ..) ~. , ( ,0-1 4-- '' ' 151 ".4" - ' 8' " ° "'" r ' -'''''", -'A..". ' - ....' - , + t . ; Z:"' rr ... 4 1' 57 - A 4 • 114. '' '. '.- ~,. ~,. ..,,,,. , , r 4. .-• , ~,,., ~ ' ~, ' -, r - t 4.- - .., 1 - t Pi ' - 4, 1 , -,Jr.. 1. - .lt) 4 -r;'4l..lst 47 . )1 1.4-t 1 .1.. l I M .-1 •- -s- ' 4 \ 'kit' "r fi 'sr .,S.C - i , 6-.) - ! ":03 ‘ nt.'4 , .l . „, , , 1 ' ' ' - o -.; ''' ': : '4 ' L 1.1.,, ~ ~-0 . ..,_ t - '., ... - :(tyl.' 'tr.: l l . 31 -- 4 -t . : , r e '-' 1 - `" ) .. - "!:5 , ' 4-4 -:' • - '- ' ..:C 1 `U :I, t .- 4 11 :1;v=tx li ',,,. 't l '- v3 ri --:, ' ' -' - - . ' 1-' ' ..-, ' ' T 1/. .. _ _ , :i . i ,! . t , , 1,',", ,, ) ,::::i , :.. r , f ,, ~,,,,..: , 4, ,, , ~e : ~....,,,i . 1 i, ' , :r t.... ., , i , ~, ","„ -, '' '-_,.:: i ' ':'. 4 ' Vocti T.; ~t.'Nt,. e; 1 •;'/ '' '' '''''' .l :l; ': '''. '''".... -; rt ' 1- -• ‘1 „„... r, .i, . -. .-1. f r,:'. , i s:;'' ..-. - 1 rz., - 11.:!:' - - , - - :- .. ,t;n7 ...": , g, . c ; -:..- i , -1,. -, _ - • -:- - . , _ - ~.. r. • - .F. , - : yf,f IA • ` - 'l . :•.uif 5? -1; N ~, - . .91;- ...,..t•:-u - , -:: , 4 I'' ' ' - ,'' - , ....,,, ' , IP ' • 1 (It i 4:03 Se I T&., ! ,, li _-:..- r :, - f , 47 , „::. "„ 1 , ... , :::,: t '' ). ..., '1: : :-.',-; :2 : 11 1 1 4 :; 1: , ; : i1 : 5.1 ,: . T t '''''''l2 t-:1 1-1 -::: : 1 1 '= ..' o**: ri4:; •" : 4'.-:r.1.1 I 4'. '1.4 .-t.'46.'1114:14.4*71 1. _ -.4 1 1:1 - ' ,1 17:1 , 2 :: - . i „' 1 :1 :.t : ri r, -, .:, „ i „ t ., .f i r .:.: I ' ' ' -t; ,t,- it ": ',. I i:is * , - 1 - 'II : •- -. '; ' 4: --.' - . 1' • ': ' ' '' ' ' ' - .. , ' ~,, 7, .., ,A •`, ~ .. ~.., , , ..„,„r, ~, .1„,...: e, r- :gin i 11 4 .Ar,:yet, rq t r . , is. l ol-4), ,•'' ~., • --",:' ''''''' '' ''''' ' ' - 41 "- (1 " ' . ' -1,- -. 0- ' - '" 7 '2: 1 :1--- .4 -----zer- :,- , .•: ~, , . -•• ,- •- • rr:.'„.•• ,•-, r,-; - , , - r' ' , • - , ”.... , i .1.. -0,;; --- .-' - - .. , , „_,14 , . ~4 ( _ . • •,, - ~,, ._ wrr -t f.`""f- : - 41;cf. sdi 4.1” -,133vi. - • -A.— - N .4.-giffnlr4s • i ; : ' • 1 11 .'1'1'..4 t 1:4311411 ' ' 1 Z 1)11:'. ^ : 71.t.,7t t sfl' tlf`,4-a .• - . !!EMIZ:!!1:111i2M1 I Bt SINES iriEWIR tu'lloiii,recia, jrnalitcad t iliiiell 'wi l d try jij Etalt. Tiritottilt Inds Clocierlilbed:, Cite; Frei. i11..100, ..1 0 0, -,Yralt, Fisb a :Petroleum Qll, Woodep And • Stone Ware, Yankee liot.loai, lic. : # o , EllrOyyourte Railtoad 'Depot, Naiiltillorikra: ,' ~!.. tzi Pleb 34,1863.14y.Y LEr -, LidtiliOrt tre, LiTtra9 l l TA 4Wirejtirr*Y .' Good'. - Groceries' Plata Boots & Shoet' n tr ' , Lenstvi cl "P• , Nana . Se e 'eTig'itt"'the VP 114 1 75-WilleWi nd a at, 'alterWhich the ! r 1 ex; 71°F,A, e efilln*/* 'war - 440iipoeii thisk Fr , sittror - Bock taint • - • rfirAN' " z o doevaameit frog syrpitrinalatik " 0 0 ,i,b oce iddri Tahafft. in: Mod,' attipei iiikfclantry-rena4o • n', 1 entrrrate warzie, .. , . COOPEP4OO.,::: -4 ANCIBRAt: 11anitose, Poi ..13upzersorMoP,04,Cooper & co. omce, LatbroWnew-balicVng, Turnpike-au s., Itcosivit.,.. • ..e.y...sww*. McCOLLU24, , SEAULE, Trogffletaliad Cciamtellon law s —Xolatbse, Ps, Office iatbree-aelv bandl,lhovvr the :Etank• •-• • - DR. H. SMITH k SClici: 00Mee in Lathrope new bending, over Abe Bank, 4B Dental operations will b, ••6 a Aa a a 4nr(diniolis good attle and minable& , .. „ . ...... . _ .. `IOI2IIi'SAUTTER'--,' - WASHIONktILE TAlLtill.:-idizoitiiiie. - Pi. Mull r over I. N. Ballard ' ! ' Groonry,bri Mein -sh .W.E , Tin:akin) for-peptinvorpilie Solldta se iontilltilinai —pledging hit:mitt° do rill %Work satisfactorily:lNV tint done on shbrt notice, and wircrinted to lit. — ., .-: . i •.. licoarodie„ Pti0,01,7.. 5tr.,1860.•'--1t..; -. ' 1 . -.. • LINES, WASTll4Ysr.T.filLOlL—Mantrose. Ps. Strop :" in Phan Block, over store.of Read, Waitrons . • E. Foster,: - work warrsiated; as fitaridlinhat: ‘fr Cutting tams au,vhort noOce.,.in bait 4a:030 • - • iOHlf-'GROVES.,•.. . TATLOlV—liitriitrotia, Pa. Shop near33gptist Meeting ;Bowe., OnTunnie, Met. ATlAndese filled - promptly. In Crt-rate"style. tuttini date bb it u ntitotice, andinimited ISIIELL; --- - RP Croc)ri. Watebea, and aetritu it the ..itionhotteituouaxi; salon reagonable tanna....a.l l work warranaad. , ./ihop_inPugaler sPiatl"P' s ,01A *tore. aroirrnosa, Pa. • 0c251( • riABINAT. AND-im - Auf_.3tAiij*.cTi 7 4o 3 :.mr - Troot tt of Ma th Itteot. )Ibutrose,lia. - • - --- ant, • • . rixtritclus • • .•-• • -- - .I.(Arrernettauni of oOTS snots, lotimirote; - Shop ,over Dewfttli sttriet.. • Wadi di*** Nadel° Walg•ld rigairin4l,o*ol7,:•7 r Tuitavii - uDr4tegatcrunthva.,Jewehirgsi AI *tuft theinastpuralF !". • e sag rtr -dow ligacto*.+, AVIDO.4I4TEYOht.'D.-i; ; TEN - -"- patitiaientifiti SOW -Tan 1811Lariti attendliromptlycalbs with lirbich • , ita. may be taeoreaL Offlos Tooldellatai. , • 'New Milford,lalY;l l 4 :1.861' M.E*IC L _PAR D.-. DR, t 'PATRICK, - Ki.,,Dli f i:L. - L - GATIDNERI T ATICI9IIA.IIIIATIioItheiIiIIIDICAD DEPMMIENT. AA OF WWI COLLEGE. : .bare formed a soPirthe r = for che'prOtice ()Medicine indSurgery,andarep to stteudtdrali-traidueskiattisfu.dyWnd punt:MAY.4W may be Intrusted to their care; on terms comtnettenratO with the times. • Plidases and deformities:of tbs. EYE, "surgical operz-_ tame. And ail eur.ical disease*. particearly attended to. grOilleetover-webb'elitare.- Mice 'boar, from a. in. to 9p. nt Ail aortae! countryproduce taken.ln par. silent. at thehishest value, and astorittrrzattinfn: -- Mclutrc46"*-1".t.145:11r. , ' . NOTICS't • ! xabia• sc dbeapPlt * milFoi;difink,liti and all kin •of • Para.-. Argood.Assartzdedv. Add 'Boots and iShoeicaiistatitly --.l:llnceVa=cll;-&l3boP4dl -711„idit Street.. •, , • • • itinktrixte,, Feb' . Stb Z: tw: ir P: goi.r4l 'OO SlUit-M +Pi .0" .71Ht.iNttniANOCtOJit NORTH, FAEitith' it ' ,::!,:', n:4,21111;1110114112WPA4,:t .' -r tiiijitil:kthafeit*iigeniii**int*W • • . 2'he Oldeat Insurance CA: -'• ;Jumprn • ;•;: Li;o:rait ; . ,:r.wi . .411 1 . 1 11 101 :4 00( 4. "I' 4 ",•14, • 4fizalt u l m A memi L,Cinelo .1; Newliark,,aralseldteretanditaii?. r. the drift for hotiorandintegrijr eteiscssitLerriSeer. i:i ,, A1C1114711 W 410171 X ,Pees, licadrese,!ltilylso 2 PIXITAITOS.STEPIMAg't- . . . ... . .., . .. . ~L -, . - .. - .1..,..;:' , ..-..1...... , ~...: -v . , , ,...v t. , ~.. .., ,t , •;::' ,- ..; . i1.. 1 . '---, INMAN - . : 1- "::' -- - I ~- i ..- ... .. _ . • . ..... .. • . ... , . . 4:it• -2400gkrietr***=" ~C ASHIAPITite ONE 14116.10 N SOLLARS.. • .- 1 1 11161 $44 16 4 12 " t . .ra 1. 1 laillainnig 4 1: , WileLle• • • f. , fp laboteCoreAsiv!- , . . ' 1 1 ) titi4aze, in the Dricic-Modeilientrope.".; .11 20310 ,11 , llMUlaaricS I STRQ VI " Area" 4ria:labargillkalaAV. MOW: Unglaaatelata j aira ' SCothai.kr Aliiollll Bgili( 4 l tiON'Blllltlatti.iii " — l 7,lxwmarz i r e tWai. AvHm v.;,x*itriseo'licA•l -4 - ' ; .. 1. . , ;:,-,: f r _ - _ - 7 ,.....,:. -; ::: • ;;;J; „ i ...--, ... 1. : 1- . 7 1 i -=, _ .. :6 , , ~,...:.:.,.!:;,.; lokotograpidt r - .:i 411111101106310 . . , _, Allithitil - i ,'., '.- 4 , .---.,,,,, ii. ... 40 . f i s iiiiiiiiiii . = . o i tth e, An = rl- . 7-1.1:(4% S';' , '"' k 4 ',. 4 '• , ; f';. -- 0410 . .!313414P111211411.0116141;i' , '0 5 :: iiliFoqiNlPOßt RoW, *air rarassittilitildi' i Whatturrm ie rutar t raa 5a1414.711. P#lntouriiinessistwoAKm`-- ), - 7. -- .. ' " ''' • _xy-i, - --I , -.4 .-; , VOCkedll4Ortrkkgairigltlgaunit *v. = onAlsoolatimk convened IR Ok_e 4sit ve'reaUskChmlx in edgiOPV94,lo o .ROth l and'27th days Oftdune 0.03i7 IT u i tnpyt-, ing was called , tn nrdei - brfthe PieSfOont2. Prof, , Nr* -14- XlawlegvarnA 4, . 1 ,31!1ta_e 11 25 ,- .. pointed Seerelarr PrfAin- ; Alr.,-/). Abu - nath.thon noodookStn Oferci§eln'gntun - j 47 Reading. : Tho-Ansainder4;o9 eore ; . n on was sampled invd.isenssnig ttltelost, • methods of teapkingrranarl.Readjngt` - A(Vourne4 0, -Peet,Akt.tlinifiPA 'PAd; o'clock ,P; TR.; t. • • - ,q, co-f• -e• vo 9 ,1 ' "' - 't. ',,Altersow 45'essionv-Aeottivig -(01ed, Ito order by;.,tho,rikesident --- owh. ► en Digan naklornlnetessr; ne r exercise:in amorps ct sePteneeat after IsidoVlba,4 o 4 o3l ,..etlee listened to singing by tlko,oheir •1 1 M :!. A: N..llallard theNconducted Pp ,exercis,t4 int Primary- Grammar, which .: ,was,folloWed by= an:exercise in Panateettee :by PrOCTifik Hawley: , ri ~j=,, 0 1 _.,. , - I 1r t ~, , On motion, MrP,A.I j 11..rBuilaid, MrliD, Hannah, Miss Lizzie . Sparks, and Miss.°. D. Tuttlo r were appointed accupmittee to , draft rebnintiton4 snlatignv ,thedeati, of someof the members of {the AssomAtion. llatti X 4•J WegOIY Airy IL IL , NM gBB - and Musgilf-AVAllnanFore appOrated to•PMPare, an order of ezeToise -for the nezkmeeting,uf Abe o ksamiation... After/singing ,Old jiqadred, the*Mcia. , tkm adjoure 'i ed.,. , ," tv. . : ~.1 - 'l , l , . :I 'i agsensng Session- - -" Af ter the r.eadiege an- ea tt snY , on- the Pahieq ef v eancatio, y Missrt. E. RearilaleY, thla--Rev-4•Tatten gigdeuveregf an address f which was high,: ly interesting, very instructive, and from which; all present, -we ~trosts derived ,tylast , ing benefit.. - . O, - -. -. - . Sece4 • daa-4 0 reacla Se4lsisoei - Astv Prayer by the. Rev% T..„, Itil.larAsen- :2d.. Sentiments.: -, 3d. Singusg 'by- ; the choir. 4th. Ditionssion. upon the inst. . methods: of teaching eompositio!w '150; The .. corn n; co n n tittee o resoluttone re ,PO Abe tpllpvr ing, which were onanunousli_ adopted. In view of the , effective dispensation of Divine Providence; who., haa recently re. moved-by death,_ from the active tubers in the pause ofiglumtion; „three of Our mem ben. we deem it due AO: the. memory of ] the deeeneAt as, won P.ar to our oalleari rings, to give exProoffon to'....oeraOrroar. Therefore, - . -.-, , ' Resolved„ e ihai ri) ihe' death Of ir;i' C. _l s . gau,ofxriutkun, znos E.G. Sntith of, Brooklyn, and Mr ' . R. H . Rent of the t-/le tegplace, ,wlm, died Or ,wdunda' iuCeiired at the- hattle;;K- etunTeelitlririlfilr,-,.-Iyibitc bravely defundtng the flag of his conntry,- we :feel tlqt we have:, lost, three zealous , friends ; anorliefficieni ce-laboketS that thii youth have lost 0 1 *afreetieeete and de voted . instructors, and the commtaiity• three of itl3, brightest ornaments. `Resolved,, That., we, will - cheris h their memories, Ana "show Our respeol for them, by enodating their examples_ in a thor ough devotion tbtlie, interests of theiis. ins generatiOn.• ~. __ - , _ . - Ambled, That the Secretary' Of this AsaoPiation be. regneistedtp ; furnish each of:the familiel.4 the...deceased 'teachers, with a copy.ufthe4e =Solutions, and also , a copy for _ ,Pflbrth4l4°/4 with 01 . Riiiiutes Or tine nseouPg• , ' 4 ,, i : - The next half hair was .spunt in itdis 08Skin ,upon the Coustitiolop. iifib t , rot x tea st*um :_ThOI oiing r3O tAta ,u wok Op idPte ' ' ".; R, - •- ResSived, T h at -:' z e e -g . 4 4l rseel-lnne - Atting expression of th e ._ protoind eati. :lade due „ille - defeilders of-Oni'ft!lntrY, In this iime:of -par il ;",, ;That dioSe - inel.nhen3 Of WI ,• - hiliftiOn; ivV 6 oliali firielidY labor-for_tbe . _spread 'Of kn'owleage - imd, mental culture, andAnk:tanakidsmOtOve - Ment "which shall ameliorate ramihood in all its condition ado Well; but lhalthose inpir)ers wVo U re nitwit frent',M3 tiday,- devotingtheir eneiglies to stem the 'fide . thit.,'Fould ovembidow, ' our %initialled OPY-er,44P 01 4 111e - Acrii ' Osilt_ tiat,fiiely soores to -wo4l ,ll ?i lli e 4l l 4 ;f 9i ivlie4 to thosf-looint0( is - 0 ' net r iAol t;ivonude4 i f. nd i stiffekin4 en' inSii - ted4 o f . Fa* wto tlie:siontliedttiii *ea to save our i lpyclatikV„itaW'a' blihirle f ] 'maid; which --wi c truid iM - be to tlientititimanrlntairitY- • _ Mr: X. A.,Wotonnoetigeil r ilie4tielel •lei;i2foiikToi enoi ip. In. Oving P#o,tion iostwooteacuing .. :2 ' i .414ernoill'Stseon: =416( iPlew ivil l ing4; V_ _A_Ab--7:estielf.p.'"iiiii•e' 'ldea; r in''eaeni truk sining ivap - :ftiOutted•fii.s. , w. 7 0,4 at gio ? c xiate4metotlesitepv , oici*oiloin ion', ii 0444.41 : ' -' : „, Afiok - oTiiii,:ri:smfd of iticipiro: *o,tiou -pcsi f igulg.,lnio:*i.:, c o mmon ii:atia that' `*nrinnenti 'alines. Hynd i Smger' ,by tir."Bartetts ciiPleentwideb*Y3Oridleiddielliiing ll*4ktithiiX.,..-Yokr-Abur And - AbbA pubbshism s ).l9-mafiaanAtioat• „if.. 'LOW" 1 , 4 WOOti 6o, ',4 lo P . Se o } l .! Pl y :4k. 3 R 9 48 4 , 440/01: OP AnwaftiON 4 1 ":"Arelt-- 1 4 - ( . 44 ,rnEalter ; tne o:s4ted:l44o.ssent#4t#_, , .. * 4 4 eo*ltswito4 46 ,',l l, 4 7 P.g,..M. , `: „ : ( Pr' s 1a4V1449.,,,- „- ,L;. gr ,,,,, 7 , *PI ". f-# 4 • • •1.. 2 J., er. A *Ow .0040 1 pbt. tmaitio , ~ . ..p. liriliai.:,-tdOecomp4;: - ;; 0 9.0 , —0 - bY Aelitilallin't: ; 4 th 1 4E 03 11 ': f' ; c".t. ' "' ' - 1 ' ' 441107/o(niSellitiii;" . • Die iliOn fitirjA 3 o4; ing anglintarAltrlitieklte N. ' W -4 °4 ' N 0a i t -411 '' 111 • 31141 10 4 CP444121Y1 'UT.I,I* :4C. : P* o mm 4 lirftleite4=a , 6. l ° X" I"44.°kl)*WSCClaalli4ol44ltAX ,Olinl. 1 9 0 ' ' =l. - :A7.5/ ') ;r ;'-` -,. ...:1; ; 4,o,;''': .' '' I ' , ""••'. f 11 • t I'l 1 . 3 ''5,7‘4 OOP —mays . I)Aue j't i Wittatiti; El/9n r t taT : 1 1YrittiolitnoeitIOVI teraiotlEL;Hiw - 14:, l'egOadiintga ."Ajtc" .'" ' aid ittentici4ana retain thiriatiinst, of :Trimiti,t'atintelits.. The following resok!lMii 2, ;Nowihei • '47;;;1.1 Resotved, Thitti4lthanks of the Asso tiation be tendered ta•thr-fiuniliii&ofibis ranitinityilotiiheirginbroutr..entertain. raent4ithn friende:•.,,ar education during Ito present Ussiont Gibson lictilqwe, and: that. thit j rntaolptioa be nail: in,Abe . pulpits on the morrow,,` r, ,R 00404 Tivitroit thanks,of, the4tise- Aiatiett bo.,:teofteiett theAriukteett.4.o ll a. eongregation that worship God -ht. ; Obi; piee, for the, o#4:of-Atorih,ongeolpring s •thie l session of rtrio. , ,grosifOorkeo4 4b at . thePastonble,reqqviteas t4rea4.ois res . ' ,olation-toThisimeple.4l^o - IA the : pulpit on the 40)Pixtrw:SObath' t ,014.11104(110, a ;4.04 Of; : tlutolci o ytill:ten-4. 46ra:the:Rev= gtPaXtengilinf,or his' able. address, - 41 60 .to: Mr..- ;B_,W.;:i 3 litte.tOor tho , eutertaining-pasio•witlk which_tle-fa‘ Nond:tlo346lloclatign. rd., :i t:: It ;,,,,, -- ; Tho,goe,looofAajourottteut.,roktilen , Aalieti opoqa it,-w66 deoided !=liatAbet next` ,meeting:;held Itt.. Puudafft-, ill Eaff9rd . 1)6 4401 t Township,: pt.; I 24* :and: . ;2 5 thill 863- : feet? 'till_ 0: 011 41-1 1 gj II " .-". °C PCP/041FM . deeply i katereotea -in ,she 1,660hig. tut t46y Arottecoming , tnoro: and .:more inter .6.6 tin- 624 tititeotnd -,:ive ea.rile§.l l Y-re : irest,6ll : teacitersctindjcieutla of, „Ojai:- two to: be . present,; t:: ; ~., - --- ~.; : -,-I = 1:1&-B - URitfip, Sierettalr• IlhiPosit4ol6: Isis:amusing as' "well'as inierestilig. to feitidl-the .names by wbieh the-opposition - thnDenueratioparty havelMen known -since , the Revolution. We. hive prepared a list, but do not pretend to sarftbatn/r the'differeiii paitieszthaV have attempted' the overthrotv,of ;.,111,imonina3t4indo thdl formation - of -ourßovernmelt, are naued. Pretensions.: of .-tbe- - -personvqa;mplising, Itumn-Alutrarerhmmmrable„ ,- ...They -,Gdorge, orTerteu." -1-aIP,4 Fln 1718; , Loyal TOries.- - i ; •,-- 1n. , 1780, Nova:, - Scotia .Cow-Boys , land ,Tories...,,-.,;,• -:: • ~ 0 :in.11811; Vonventibnalenareldits... In; 1189; = Blank .oockciders' - In 1808; AntATetrerson-_lmprovement . • ; 3n ;1811,' :Men; In-1818, ,Peace - and - Subtnission Merl. In 18184 :Blue-Liglres: 'l* Ifilo :1814 Railcard Conyentionists....l In-181(1,T , Virashington - Soeiety - ?llenii -1 ; Iri.1818; partyallen. - , . : 1n819,-_ - Federahu.. r'i 41/;182 0 4 ' Fedenikik . Oblieliniti Int" 1828, •Nation_alltePubliatmszTL;4- ~-.- 1 011128;•:- . Anti.tdiisons; .- z ...':1,.; . i lii A 834, : Anti-H=OW item-1 , t: , ( . -::i liillB3s;•ConserVativei -,,,. e air- • 188 Z, Independent: .:.Democratic: Whigs...e. , ) , 7i.: :i ' -A: . :7, 71 ..,-.,,. , 1 ,, , , 4 , , la4:l3lB;Abiiiitioniati •;. , i n• -- -i - _ , .'*•,' .i. , :lwlB3l4Log:ealfaiLl-Marill:lderViela - , tbeiatie . 2l{epubliimzAbolition - Whigs in 18484 Mid airAmericsieWhigs; --'ln:ll344; . Coon: , Taltj , vrlAnti:Atmeal - , lion - Whigs: : :' , "E r-: = it., 71 - ,4-:;•F r r in 1845, The Whig , . y4 -,f; ' --..-.., T , . il - : , '~:101.8414 - Ataiela-- " - i' l _liarty. , ..v . • i „1 4 In 1847, Anti War party. ~,I Intilgailtaiigitaiiitreidy4atty. , 1 .11, ,, Inist8..WAilaY Viii#,,P.lrtZt :"..ii-ryff • r._ -iii84.29-SCAti;:wlogs.--7"-i,n'.. f. ..... ;9: 'I) 4040) 4 3A 1 . 10 1K 11 5110 i llgk ,V '','.. , ''"r -li , n 4 1 8 8. 5 04 6, 7 :1 I g r s t.ipi cptAenrSl,o "1A144 3 , 8 4 . %0 :, 04 .. R,-P . - W , .; lot ,gnoyi-XWAlings.. ? ,- ,74; , s'il . ti ~:f- i ' 4: LIC'"I 11 /4 57 9 Black Iterggicatiii-v- V cr- •-,- j0.3:059,- f Opposition an . C.ogia'a i parT , 4,Y.f -,-, ..' - I ...:4 I - ~. , , s ; . : ~, , 0 %. :;. ~,. 4 ' lik:/ikcos ViiirerokiiiO4.:o4:l4 , car pqr&l . , 1 ,, 1 , -,,,,,,,,- -: ; 7 ~,,.lirt--,, .. , : 1 .,.,3.i1z,yd ..t.g 4.4 3 .-4 1. 5 42,4 1 9, r .. 021:107.;' S,ip, ; , 0• , , ; I t [l . l :4.4$ .40C- 1 9119P-1.4*u0DT 0 4140f;,...“.' ' 6 . eipation. Highl , , , Tagatip :,Qcotrahsatioki..„. Iconfiicatiffso7 , EfointlAutioi . ..LF 0.9,4.4404#44:443A-pAskr,,,r3 , t- ,01.1. . I There, reader, is but,a,.finorqtliii names under—whish ha !!Xoyalistir:l4 .d ale -4 1 9Priffic.A...inAt, , VP)P1,0 4 ,1 - pvwthxvcr ;tie_ - 4mr44 1 54 3 .4% itur'449vel* x**.:7 , 1,0. 1 .4740@ ,, 1n4. 1 1 3 44 44.;.*1tk 144 AttelggrAer, A 304409 11 / 4 ,avt. ost_ --,*-Act. .isto4sbrgentyco-A.:l l )pgatelx.:, - rpOrq, Averapi.o7 , 4N - 4)400e5iig0;904., I? , . ..4t04 0 0: OkheV4ityll,gtoesS*4:o of (limv,mldri9l4e-ri • efi , yam; I RI 0 );(4 2 1 4; . suppoyters#!llie suppression . A:stioireft ijom of speecta44-presa, and in Air j pi.*01144i49 - spa -swir tkiye 5 06 41 ',fest P9.l4loo.equir4kAOrvirsoYith 1 :14,),p1r4* -,: ' AT,M,434lirm4. 149PPA0 1 PitolAMtALNPlßOg re tr - A n wo.p i f ilar tt , k.iiitb. tjwfit _Ofttaw.494VOrg i g :W . A:, ii:Z‘ tt.t4 4D9 .1 1±493 * *154.9 i1MA 4-30),A. tF..... ,, 1.:Are?.' i.,-;.:1-.1 .74 - 440?#1.4 1 04057' ' 4 *•• 440,41a8* 044* I: , M il( . . 41. afir, li . 163 4 lOW ttrWr 44l. 1) &1 4 4 'ITALY° l 'Amitheszy se. 4.4' ! ?.. ;4 ic , 11 ,-,t.: ...-51 — :# !I- imeeterHattabe(Vidir# i goio m , p,..141# clleatibiiit many more titles, Vliqlf - bbek fell 41!11fii e,t,04lie646ittn-OpAllikc-I..ooliciligitigttly-- 40h#V 4 .0.0004ke&r,formitP E R I .t; oat ever t Ode i .. ll4:#tCrOt is ))egittAo-.trustAlkoir . i3-,„,:•_,,.G..1tf ""., .s.Ol ...11_ : _ : ,. .. t. , ~va:,t 0. i ...7A?; . - V . . 7 ,.:_ . i'4,' , 1 ,, i T,1e,R ( ,, :: . i : ' i •..,, . • ; A IteO•ffitAV.llO-E y ii:k3 • ' WU + BE aill;:f.P 2i,AtONl'BoBB Obi Wel*. 8 4Y: 11111 • , ,Oct.: ,4,7e1:1136,11.. as;• , mvi nfritr i Ar stoN.4....4ons 'i, t, • ,-°l46BA,*sca4kna, 074 s 1 hferev':. ; Best -eraii,gtaltion,and,One of his ~eolta„ 4,1- i)Tema and $ t beat l ti beat .atatlion Oidisfai; l- 01 ; tad lient; - 4; iiolt,V;i 7 24 beat; ir" "'' irad,resterifisai Silvei, Lake; IA; ,14 4 ,.hr. 0 11 1 49n4'. 0 4.43 Geo. man isoa;. Nets` ?Pirar-a•CI • • •-• iiiiiircged '164;84 :.Be tic* oiei'-4`:earif" 9 ld, nihied!inufte:••oonntyr-$B4 2d 3 beSte2 ; biptillingetinerk7:yeaMOrkribed P(4 1131 51 3 ef•Vh 01 :0 6 ,,,Yer. 3 .• Oar§ 9. 14 1 a rAlfi,e4F the anAntj; 5 - ;'' s 2d' f lies.s I''do.mar 2d* .beilt,tftjali %itched finiseeki'vrned' Ithii7oeriatsvaeflidaed:kiirt,'s; - ,4ftgeft,,- - DT,4 4 l,B4satbrop, Springvllls F.t: F.' BadseA sNa . w-ligfor4 4 3 iiitie.**ter• -• •r• ' 4fiitesF, irlietit Old' eoltn,Ll33 bestpair2 itlir old 'Ohs; 42:;,-beitioair yeirling eolti3, 2; - beat Akyit.f.tr 91k Corti 20 -bost a year -old: colti" 2 ; Post .yearling gof t, 4 ,13es 2nd ; belt lank, 0; 2ad'iiistA. ifaaoia - t IV-Anstin; -gridgelato= —:- •r - - , • 4-011taari.. Besit deitihs:ball,' 2' trertddvattlialliwardi4 Sql•F Pilibust; , 4 49, ,twAF..4.;:lfidAaregm, 4;224, bit s 2; best fievo,n2.ooy, xeamold, vieato;'() - tdlWit;'33 , beistdojbetweetatimtc2 - yeitrolrbl4; 2d best, ; bat devon bnitafp24L2dfdp.i 1. Sethi); Orriii _ _ ir4ciard;=.,springinht.; S. W. Breed,, -wpoidyn:,,.-1,-,-,r,_-)., _1:: ~,, - - i ..,:! i.- . • I :,vi.fai airmvrade -Revone.:;Best : hulk. liest:ecitirOVerl years - 9old,lest. heifer: be. ,tweeo 12 And 3 Tears :oldi,-best , 4yearlings, ' and. Ilea 5 Cav:es,`eacbsB ;1_ andl do., =64 $2., t : :, : _::'3' -:;1;. i. 7., ..i_ ..:-' ‘`' C' :7 ' .: i :i.jaqgf4-4.-AtUftiSSniitbMianklinl:G.l3.lV:, cock, Hanford; apazGuilei , Harfork..2 , -...C1Ar41 W.-.40 - Pcle IlitrAantsl:- Beet bail, best cow:over-8 years .-eldi best heifer,be. - *oven =2: aitoi 4. -storo.old,liest:4 yearlings, 1 best 5 calves, each $3; 2d best de: •Emeh Judges--B4Thwisf Jatkson ; Miti. Met livid], Bridge*stert-Win.AFaves, Dim= 0q1e.;.0.6r ,.. ..1::-.:7 2 2.3 ~q.i ...;N1a,.13: ;.,... ili . • '...-: V lAsa..,lrif-rr4. 2 4ives :.: Best bull, boil, cow 'ON'erc.4l,l_, .igkrskiA liest- heifer -b4tveen 2 *lll 4 le4rB. olds _bei3t , .4 yearlings ; and best likeidifl, diolk-0.;40 best do. Paqh;ta; - Judges-'' rarrgniTtngleyr-lAguir,ipen. 150 n -1130Wo 1 / 2 7§iTiMil ll e k E.G. Ili-idzo:w..sits3F.,„, ,, - , _ ~ -.--.1 .. •il ci -,` ,;'=' CrAst 41.— Oxen 'e - gtiers: Oat rir of w° 7l 4 n g - 9. -Q P r, 4, P 4 rEtz 9.l43m,qFd . ii 4 1 0 : 2d. be of 'OetiilS4woll p,,,und 4.ivillp * ilw. in the 4,14 fAlsiist - A5 . ;.?4 . .)?-gsq.,:* of steers bppFlelitoira yap Al'. TActf iii,ccitm iym-p3,,zr:b*, z;,=:104-iolFek. c fat 01:4e1.. 5 - ; . 24 : -- 104;” 3 3 2 :t?eitt:IPOP I tf# . .;PF:O 6 Nr; ':i i,<Aa'li44- 2 :- , -!;1: , _s -T. , -. - t} -! ..rtteri,*=-Ainiej.,:gf, sllvpiZOki W. True34ll," lab4ty • PavniNfialcelees S : I#9oPrS''•/ . %a r.'. . - 4` !":"' ':* N t ' ;•". ;'..,.i.! , 'r. r, -- ..:,,, ~ .-, , • - ~47Aiiii::B4t, bitArran4,Voi:Aii:Ofrine ,fici-7,`", 03iet '44 f All . -1 3 est):zi 1 033..Ving 14gs , g'J , ViePt;1 , "; .1;e41,4', Lk?, joq,tban woreeks.4ll;A .;,,_2.4 beat 1. , 1 „.._,,, ri i. 44:%:;,.1{0,1A344L.,*13811ej TiVfAeir9rtPtj4B l o; Ir.; T. ,4:friP.L.,:"Di 1100060 i. ' ' ';`.--•• ',. _ •-•,' •,,, . , ~, ..... -.)it.,;nr - :, r.4,4.-: - r i:• - rr '6 , ~ - ; q. o . .,DIVISION ri'‘. „...-..: ;.,. ...._ -7, 1&p . : . :1 f e ' . t iii .,.... fi ..-.... leo buck, -4 ,best 3 fine woo ..., 4CT"St each, it•N 44 Oithi:' 1: V* '3 do. 1 ia11au,..1:;.-sort:oosiO,e sfpopo,l#4l4. best 4. - 40 - iiiiiii,}...44 - 84 - ;talbest;* , ,i best' o.„*kbEfS I.#;‘ZA*;:iiliiidlei.thil4l4:-Xitick oi•boii-P . 49,. 4:wkl;._ 00:04 :tilliest. d o . , - ai" liefVf* IPA ,- 1 04g4ij,i' , ..tr-',.-Vgar Taiiiii`og - facb ' :2:, ' 'l4e*tebriiikbitiolli) 40.5 41 heem_9.1YPA t f a il - t tniglti,a.AlL*R°2k--*9°o4-V and *Ott ipM/I4'i4t'irl i f 1 r90 10 4; , ,-' ;age - o=4;pei Tuit)rep v ., .F ns _late iii EtTIOVIT: I 4;44I ~..7-141:::mot>ii. ',7;:::..!,) if. ai ;.; 'r.. ......?.., „ r,. - t , l . . ,r; .r - .-PFUrtfo./F.jt f , :v; 4:14....5. ' 4 ; l i !i± -64 4%, _ CV 4 9 44:114 r -VOMY 4t, ' ,Ci r i c 4llnt turtoostaill*-Rlte-Aij r l i P r,° A. ;t r t-6 ' sPrACeilvoWnat,4P4.l#4, 2 4 , :flki, 3 4, t ,C o , 4ll. tZe'SttlAti - ViOn hAT c -, --- '.. 410;: Jl4 ,1 .- t: A*4o'p ..7 er *-- 0 i Ii• *.AP d a l fM t #” , r.,i - 4404 ' Ai Chei:Se-: Bea Orir, *of . , - ~ ,-- - .. . - - - -volitrAtEi • • •• • ••-•• • - - •••*44'• •^.•'• • , Z,t, .Z.K•O, , "."i. b iiii . W 4 l4o . ° 44 1 6 1 -t i 1 1 43' PPl e Sfit- atoll a; o. 3; IkestVilbs: • tter:inadell: girislaider - 48-years, - 2 beittilie7e; ; 2d Tie; PrOSident-haarni power to itUgottia , ... - - ..,,-, the Writ of Habeas Corpus:::,. -- * . . . . 41 tr- No words have="been more tOrnineut use . `since this War.commenced,,,thlin thoie' 'of HabeasCorptis ,i--and to ? -uuut persons are ignorant of-,their.' true - meaning, and • - the's:tared "nature!. of the - . writ,. the fol- lloWing histories definitions of that an- -, :Sion law; . are -selected for -their benefit,, to- . show how deeply the people of these UM- • - tedStates have' een wronged by the par; , •tynti*.holaing the power over them. • Sabena- ',Corpus : is an ancient Englisfi: 'writ; addressed to an officer; commanding : him to havathe body of the'person nam.• ' - edlhereiri; at - a certain place and timer, "and - One Of - itS• purposes= was to recover freedom which hadbeen wrongfully ta; ken away:, Personal liberty,. was always • asserted by the.:common law from the earliest ages, and it was alWays • assailed - by kings who would be tyrants-and-that with an earnestness proportioned to their *Canny; - 41encit.it became - necessary:to• 'decbtre this rinciple in most solemn manner in:.l*agna" , Chart% -It -is :then- - saidthat•no -. man shall be taken•and im- , prisoned...but by the lawful judgment or -I,w piers, or" by thelaw of the-land.- This Writ wasissuable from .tho kings bauChi and it Was -used to •• restore 'liberty by bringing - -the prisoner before the court, *whose duty it was to order his immediate' diScharge, if he Were not restriinedief his ~ 'liberty 'according to - • law. ...The. English, 'statute has been copied In the United 4 States without essential - change, unless it 2 , be:to-make it more stringent; and the se cnritY• it gives to liberty more certain and:.' . available. The writ commands the.sh -r-- iff to whom•it is directed fo have the i . : , y' ~..,, 'Of the person who is said to be r- : ~ i. - •., ~ .. i .- .: . . - of his libertyforthwith; before the Ins co! *Or xr- . : - '.- - issuing it, or some other tribunal, and - to , . '' 4 131ci itOiti' -s ummont he-restraining e pris- lin „ . r a ..mg . - liiiritor,..besicorn -. emir to be therecalso--and bring with - him' hest:churn pOw- the cease of therestraint. ,‘..The'writ must; ltse rake; and' 'be granted at any "time r !when prayed' for,. -11; . 24. best , 'and the issuing of the writ by the niiigis-- , - -trate applied to; and the prompt obedi -.-C; J. ence to - it by the officer to whom it is di-- lup. - rectekare secured by heavy. 'penalties. , . The - vast ' importance of this law can he "4 appreciated Only-by those who have stud-• led the listoty of despotism, for.whatever . ,hatheclair.; if ' there be. a • sovereign -who' may disregard it; mid_ put in- strict-im prisonment those who would - resist him, 'if he may'-substitute his own commands for lasi, and , take` away from Society and . from all Poiver to resort.ta -law those who lit. 110Cpberidm, it is lit . 3rfectly obvious'' , that - there panne no resistance which is 'not rebellious if it; be put down, -or revo lution. if , it succeed. • The' 'histories of France and-England offer the most per- . feet illestration of this. , . ' = .. -.-.• = ;,,„ - .The very - acts of ;:the President WOW are -sanetioned - by - the -Whole republican' party are the,cts. of tyranny,-whtch have always produced rebellion and revolution, • in France and England; and it is now sot _manly asked if the -fathers who framed , our government, put - it -into thepower of the president to suspend this :sacred writ, .and thus put it into his poWer- to' become the =Despot -Which they -themselves had. .... fought against, : and from, whittle 'power, and from all others like him,. theyinten- 4led to have freed themselves and .thei-, . plisterityfoiever; Hai Abraham the power in time of war to seize ; il ium,. - prison a Man r and detain .hint Ilk . pr ison g. In .defience•of the ;Writ 41 ha f oel44 3 oUil ? .. The Lexicons ' ail '.aniiiiver Ai* Thu, 3 1 0 1. . Odle of Ripley and: Dari.%'- : from which •. , . , .- 411(P•abiwe is taken; saYs "44 ills:been Sol- Div i s ioji ii.. -• ' . • eninly decided that thehnbenti corpus act ~ . ~ , . . , Pine,,lii_ish' -4 lni 7l6 4itar:B r iffriewOr k, ife• ( 1 4n-b.e- sq B Penaeti conlYl44 riguilature, SAW/ dental tf ur liiil2 , tl.2"a46.4- f best tine; ` a i d ~ tPat,the proclamation uf , martial law • eimeni of :-tibibrotypea; 2;- .2d - .:.d0.c14 best py P. tp . iliVary .Ofticerf is - Doi. 'culymieue - ,s , . 101140 h . ..y rour k, quilt; ,?,..;,.; 2ddiN,. 2; i 3d , do. 1, .;,. all. iik 140. - t he-otr - , faen.:49ksiiii at: New Kl]egeirilt of vay„ : catte,r;_kn4i, 3. ;_ .mt do.: 2;, Orrianlit",,wlio hid filk, pay' '-a-thousand dol ad" ii?:l4'" l best,l4l3,pread, , 2 ; td 6:14 v iete_ fi Pee-,..:Therefore, neither ;•in his Cepa= Iheiti'whitet liOnnif, I': 2d do. '5O .cii. ; best .°-city.as.Vfolighest chit officer .of the gov- - t idy: claw t - ot-er;lsosi - '.. 7:- ---:. .- - - i -,- :' .. 'erninent,;,,ot as, commander in Chief, of the :-,, ,, !' . ./..tafges..4ifiss Ellen' Searle,•lll,otrose ;• `...Ariky l liad,Ahrtillant,Linc - olu the lesit - as. ~ Mrs. • .l3,i,M, , Orange, -.Great. , Hend I - .11 . 1a.% .ticifitrfor: thrusting into prison the five N. Z,Leeti ll iVrieecleYPe , _, ~. , i . .„ ... , ; ` ..hundred, respectable citizens of , the ITni- .. - 1 . • - -", ~ - . iiivoitOii tvi: - : '''. .• :. o:d States fsviici hive been released it ''`.r - ientkofittiei Bet Ciiitie;not 64 illY:trial.' bl'at'evPr.. . of - ',,', , i f„.,''' - r fiiill iti;iiitised iiid`ceibij#ieif bk - :Ona • t i;, ; „,,T , f_ '_____LlO'r in, : hie iPPit i ",,,,,, t l3 l ' s: e r l *f a *, $5 t1.2 4 5416, ; :,2. .: '.f.;:f.. .:::-,F 0 . :.... . ,:. ; - : ' oz. !iargruss, says" th ...erq4uP al s o ti 6 0 4 . , p , 9•1111n • ''.. Abigei " 4:4.Cl4ientertl Th'*f°r4 i .41"`:-.18t;nt'l.'98-11:1141 Of i :k w ac e L L :re ITT:, --: I,,WAeriiTANTPhi-1* ..P.TluiferwAentrose., 4 Fr s -Ir the writ of - ,d• - tint , , privilege- o. , _ _ , ,_, , rpuss ....‘'.) 1 -i'i 3 vhf ''.4°,./73*(711F'XY:444,',7:,:1i d , :il .' not . be st4end4 l'lnlesi' le. cases ; of re-. • . Plowini'Afalskiv The-Mewing . 'Metal bailee or invasion, tbe publia safety may ,will _taker vi r p,arstq c ...„ sept„.24th, require it. 2 l ...Ifo.intimation that the Prey- - ~.fiecoooloo -0-„ -*,-41,f,11.1 Tug' of Daniel 'Went ima thiapower;.bnt..that it.belongs Wiltli7eissup;:.'".)lfest'glowing,lit';, 2d ;. solely, tox -00Ogrese .er scene Legislative '' $4 , ; - - -I,T4Astre4th,r,f2tstif,itd,,,-,:: ,:- __ ; . - 1 _b o dy '. , r , ~,..!, - .. ~. :.. ':.: -,, , - - -.- , .5T . 4.74 1 -troplOitiat-Diati" k i'„___ lli F.M. " _7 - Bift_oiitolle - Sail :. 'ilia- Writ - Offilibeas • - Fillisfntri.,)liridgo44oll._Yir C. ,::',Jefteui", -Cnipisis.the most celebrated virit in . the - ,ricicaplftyp,,... - 1 , ,.:11 _ _ . ,‘:J. , ... L ~.'-‘-'•-•;,:--_ , Ziwieh .law,'Emd.,. ow no be; denied to - A.. :() _le vf Adllasu,„ 0 44... , i... - • . , - Oa: wen- that 40,•detsinedrIji:iprison.- -- taiiii:SeSteribindlij); wl44iii" wfti 44, though tbe -Xing Ilimselt bath , committed:. it 'ell.ottiilles, - - 0.0.0 1 4ag fotritMlims, - ;114E4_ 'Xarly. in , thie - reign of 9haFles ist.,,. ithwillifiliEo , Ore tetnalifs :kid -.minor the veurt4KihgeheneN ,ol 9 l 4ger. iimme dale - , `lll - 14adge=of MeMberihip,„ arliktrarY-Pec‘,4ldents,-•'eleterun!led , that - wbielilioll :admit *Mill' as abov,c-y4tboat: '.they soul ` root 'a,'-writ,bithabsaikoor- - ' ''' room lot zrfenna-MIN-# 1 9 90 :# 1 ; '!".' Pf: -. A . --- -..r : '' liggis t ipt ors its - lii4IPIRAP I X -14 .1 4 0 . 0 1. ', , s4 3 l l ,'lk a m bi., ' nutted 1' t - he ' 811691 1 1 4n% iiii A teatst . A _ z t t ..,,i ',6, l ,WL 2 '.43LC,argvAael i : ii#:::g 1 0 1 !- 'Pn i g eLta i . I V msn er e i r e = . v i s F 3 a so i n * Tls . '1541 ' lionligmu! , wroo. - ' ,'": ' --' ' . ~,-',„: ~, , ..,....: ir -,-.---.-- ifitio...3 ..,1:30 - : l ob , ;1 1; i• the foi„ F z` ll: ' - ' 'Ai RAIDWPro" - ''',' ' '!:`""4''';i ll-- IT laile4 td 2 ..: '` ;-= - - --,,t In '.the i 1 c:', i,5,...,43.14.11301011;17 . -- i 14,Vsini i -'-- ',lol3 r tettri, 69p-e.r0g10p.7 4 , ~, TOr_ i • ''.- F:l4 1/01,traTEA %u- led b 74120 speaud oomukOw cpUtlittomig,, • , New lirdlord; henry Oak,- . . Wines, Canned-Fruit and Jellies: .Besi grepewineitbeet•PlireutArine,les.t black; el 7 rOlifikertr2ddemitt 1041V:beet t 41' itilieilicu l 4'd 'Wtio - sol l oNit t -• iiiit Seljh'-Veteitcple lellyebeit gripe jel-, ly,• and . besteriV•apple jelly, - each 50 Ct.S.t ' Judges—Mrs. L - ..-o:Searle.,--Mrp. W. A. - oiiiiiiiio "•Xtit:lv; l .l...:lgalfota, Wm: J. Tuirtili*, 4:0 1 10% P.W , ;PD4lAttirop. • .-.. •• '• I'`-,.N ? ; • - .liivitijuN • ea*, •-;-.,-, tZ • f Piiiir fia. Vii f e tdb&l ? Beset:o6d win ter apples;': iiiitliiii ill:in iitie doz. of 'eaeb,', aud i nt lenst - - tliree•yarkti, es; _ each • ltg• ;' 2a biett dkiPr 41; 1 beitlFketit4 . dotlesii than . i• peek bettipeesi . • and best-• anOgreatesk VerietriAmegetabl*Tettehlsll , t , .=.,.:.. . ,i. • JUdges4T!4giii'abli Talon; Diiiioak ; at, 1.. Trirralli.FureitLajte. , ;lX:RiAoag; Sitter: jake.‘,-.5i,:1"- - i7.4 •.-14'..) ..,.:, ;;•:::. :.'.:;:-z7 , .z. ,-- • - ,•; , -.'. , ',..t.: p : --.• , -,.o..i 7 ...,,•*tiloistprit: 1r.i.:..-, - -i ;.. • i '.;.1 I ...„: ' . ..;: f .• 'l4, ndaii; - 25/jAV enicr,*iskii , :•:-Best,'etaer, -440egti . e; 3 fint.leeiniinti. i ga..110 . ; 'Oct '2o'do: 40, *.t,ti flietitlei.lbti:lmioe 7 eggati and tier* . I.oltis:lionel.; - eaoh42t-2dAee;)ettch 81:::. ~.. !- • .. Vit'd.4iii;-14 . .. , Mitehell,BridgeWatot ;:.1 . 1. ''ii. Ailey, 0406 - ek ;;- A...-IS. -Nretieteri C ho deiluf,-;z:, ..1 .1 -=1: '•••.• ~. - ,1 - .: - , - . :- --I : .z. ..,:: -, I s .., • H' , "' :Z: , :;;! ,-41- ..*". , `.1'.7 ' :.".: !..r i iingpiN , ..lt. • , t.i.;: . ,_ ' . ..'.6 ..," .. C.?0:2/itii;el.iiii•.*liiiir-Fccit44kfiii -BOA. ,bui iiii,cl:34eitkiiiii•i ii iiibip;a4,bisti at*. Ot:;i3e#4 -eo'lo';'keit-diiubfe carriage,,:: 130 . ! 4elt' iiitTle, carriage - iiiia:liestiingy. fitoo;:ett4!3;:i - 'All. UrAeles iithitilivis,„•; 'lon for Itetievetitien - t44tr'bef,e4, by.' , ,t,tieiniii4fae vier: -- `:",-"--`'''''' f •-• - ': ' •., - .toh - ,•-.t , . 4: W elt s , ; :01tisat4 ;'V Reek. `1 1 ; 2 4.; "gri'-J , ''' eiP1f...1. - -,l,idit(ird; Yiiiiid&-, - 14 1 lei::::':1 1 -7 - <'''''' '; I';' - :". ,::-. ~ - : ,.;P:'); *i,ii4lijirAt;... ...; --: '.....--",• --: :a;iii..iPi4FP.iititi. -•iiiiii Sliiiiiii4(ss , f ; Beit.:, pie*, 0 clii4seenlikirifor,.besiOrn.• Aialis, belitf*li . egitek,:b9stiii4uni.liiiii :o;bPsOiiee'firkiils; *4110 3 4 4 4ei aka` .4.0lop!of(L-Ii451',Eitii*Oei;.cic4 !2; -. 24.1ie5t. , riCit, aro borseshcig $1:. :' _ :. '-•:: — iriiilo - o=4t. -- V; -- Bre - e - d - ;tiOblilyn4 - .V.: . 4%. 'ilkilliitel , ;-Diraiieli il/krid*-114* Jessup. : ...-)zz , ..-i '." ',,,-: t.;:•:: • tifirueroir rait.u; -...-1.:-.. ,. ...i.: -,.-.._• , 2 tßeed#4. -.Best;blebelloof -ixtrnlin tho earii lAJlkalt:.-PuPhei P4' 1 5 10t4 , will,Iter A 5444 O t_jiitit ipuljet otred*intierwl)4t;liest , , ' eft -liiii&t:lt..ting:_ - whent,..i.lietit 'half finaliel.. - of ife, WO 44parter Inieliel' - efero-; ArenTeeCtiest;tialtbasheLettimaly iced: ' im.d.lbest4altbilitiel of Ilaz-seed,:eadilt: - . jutime,,-.Anins,-.Hollister, lit,wklyn • J:i 13t°dinC;411K9P";-111.15 440*oodsii& Zee heic kitiesi 3 Vides 'lefties ildth-: eril2-r2d doa ; , best 3 Sidle - sole leather - ,' 2:; 2d do: k; ' , best:3 aides.: upperlestiler,•= 2 ;-,-PiiiAi9va ;.keiVearri. ll .P 13 4rn-eP 3 ,1 2 V: 2 4 40:4 besi..t:w6 b6ise_ harness, ;2.; 24 -41(x I; besellair fibs tOOtit, 'beet fitui of . coarse boots; I:"" 7 ilidies-11:"LI-Handriek;* 'Friendsviliu; Cyrus 1 6% Wady, • ~ .. • • - -0 111 . 1 8 ION, • 1. rV1•4 - • . tiontestii:iiiintsfaciarist pest Amid 16 ygrdEi, $2 t'2d t" ; einti, fi yards, 2; 2d - do - .' rlest.scrocaiii "carpet; 15 . yardsi"3;: 2d—dcro2 . i - "best half ,dozen partmolenimakai2;.--2(1`do.:P11 -1 /,ent - 2. o p. cts4 esti repo - linen - cintb,lo yarp§2 ; , beat pied oassuute, 'ZS yds: 2.' , • - Judaea=-L. -F: - Fitch; Montrose; "Nig. CcaddiajDinifick shards-49 11 4 41 P.;:Xx5 , , Whea t on; Franklin. NUMBER -28; . .. : .„...,„, _ • . ~..... „.:_:. . _„ _ ';i• , :!.- , :.:-. ,-,,,•-:-.,:.-: , L...,. ,J* K o 47 _, *.;.- - Bilkorgollho;LinintlioisiPartp4to.7i aH ._~~:^. ~S. '',- , :,: - ;: . ;=,,..r,:,-:c-, - " , ;.: , :.: ,, .:.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers