, c The .Citirliattiii ry of de St v, re• forting to . r. troops of 0110t9 " st otho eii njft ; 3 4. Charleston, and th*Aby a speedy and unflinching ? , o the - it:genet. A telegra aSitaiitiratorannnoun. thatltirftglArgOol/4 5 thr.Arni, letV litartitiatifkiri4o 14140ii/ilkc'l* m6r ping. Our w4l4', 40VW..iktitross the Po tomac. Lee is tetreidikig by way of Stras- SclithT.ROWl7-0.02 ilOrtS‘r ei Yg a Willittl4l;oftl•nre; very-Ootnity .OctY Mi t e rebel sMit‘tlW'LP 4 r,illt l oobhtritqiiii*". optandertlieWiireibirlitp7Ottacrilt Lida nOt; orli,ol4lP (ler- penalty QE Lion 111 ,0;,kfn9f. - 49 1 4 0 ediPn*'41z.; - -2 , - • - ldorzatAs raidhas-Ooviiwto an. 'unlucky iie-taiiirtfittior,ii4itierol',eiroit to dross the Ohio on,Sandayi,near• , Cooley= riltialtit:Wprifteillea'by 'igimboae.4--- rebel were killed or -drowned ) and 1060; t iaiiMers: With their _ artillery were tain t among whom 'arc Colonel Ward and Otihitter:Diekjitorgan. - ..: Th 6 1 dor of the band entirely-broken up,. and portions being-takeri. 1300, had alreafylieett.tp.ke,ti ! Geo. Ituriliat't eeents retiortthat'Brakg was retre.lollg.precipititely ipto.chorgra on th e HO followed by ilosecr_ims'e forum Rosecranit's advaiice - was "reported AO be ‘ stßomei GA7 Braggw-catraeavoyingto make a rite,Opti . Johnston,tali is said Ow, d6 , 3(tidni4 fe6bi tbe hrpiy.,trOie ' • atiunorous•! :ran cf To;_.'•.'i ---- lII' 411 . . ...'" ll "'';'•''''''"l - ' _. Ron. U. .L Fallaniligham. :,IXO.4egrAtiiinAttilifttittOt.. j Aicte(4 -Ni agara that Mr. Vallandigliam has, arrived there in good health and spirits, 'notwith lonatgllKadltreitthfebfbel titer been subjected to. by.the 4dininis4ution: He has issued an address to . the people ~q tthiNiteAttilakihaocifidifoi ribeakantie v iit to the. Constitu . 0n...,ef his country. Be mys he has had;* pass_ the vari .MviStWieslotNi WitlietiiJ 6iiitrede, and he found all-the Men,tall the women, 4 attuici i i 0 1 4409 . 1 0,(P1.-rogetilriti Atte &Menaion to resist OM' ,iliViiiOn .of their States: by he Federal ` to the very lislVrti•rlsittldkorerl-thituthiiAe gays that while theysre firmly and-nnyielding• 4 Y 4,11,4,1? *hilt Rpitlsohlttllititat w Iten eve r 06 .. . .,Odelil ar mies are' - withgli,.itin that they Wilt *ten to l the terms of reunion on the grahlii.dbf ihit itkliviitit iiitieb,:iii: :all:: its length tutd , -brtndth. He add* _that no treMment of hjm,..howeVer tyrannical and . o"plalidui itSetitYl 5W T . 1N ni ! title' chat ge 'lns dqvothpa.to the ITnion„. and hisznalter- . . . able love for Constitntienal liberty. Then he thiddEi the /leaideefOhio 7 foil the:honor they have done 'hint in standing by hint, atiite'ecelitif of their .noininat ion for GOv ernor, , and: he'coiretudes brdeelaring that his oldettlie inardlei % tiie?mgr are en changedclinit feeleessured ihat it. is only by Pent' 4bat the fUnial rein ' belecOn stiziotect.--Ektily4ltimet. - ; e 'nil lrl Affi e Alma g i 1. - - i • : : .Demlya,. New, .York .etty Ortially s.a. q l kg f .,„ 2 -I'. l sPorl.asl.ok)i , $4 1 1 6 a.r gav'e the'peoille the positive assurance t hat the ConstiptcloAality of tho•CittscriPlP Law 840414- hO tyWe4 ikilie 'Coks: . • • The "fOlinivitig are the reasons that are believed to have operated for the present restoration of peace : _ . • T - Fitlite eifi*tuilf:pro::tiiiiiori-stop mp_or,thtt cir scrip*a f , , '...., .. .fi . bci;otni-.-Titatiltitriors- tin it 'itinv'neV;r l it temPtivill * 3 , rIPIMIP' to "toPort'e "'the coa ac4tton "t`. 1td,07 11 0. - judicious PPPmls '' and pretnti.of Go v ern o r Seymour and aoilimmiLmil-- 1p01ice.,...,.. , . Fourth. The conciliatory :addresses of A rchbislntgleri.--- Filft cliklAMf..g.to4l) l 4ings . of thigyes, bra cgs, nod jail-birds, ~who en, aeatrlmAt- to''enrich' thernielVes and re ven,rjrierkt°_,.__irMi...°°.°9 11. 1 °) 11 °Z . ,_ u P9 I3. a time.cri F e' p ar • noinniaLlon.ler we per pethatihn .of Oa, based i.gi.** Iwo: been iireciitally _stopped br the police, assisted by oieteitfid fed - eiatrotpa„. '.:,_ . ThelVis." .l !l, - 4 011 - 11 n tile 'Ewalt - - teuip, that * age d ' Oti fi litiaay, 'and'' i rnesday: IV bethatit-allitnialtlannidentiitbsidence of the storm ilepands . upon Abe littnro ar tia° to be' .1 1 11 Y 1 O:bi tile"fedO, l 4 AdOorl tieti. Ili 'otiek Who' were canceinclAnTthe troubles 'of Monday and Tuesday"lntre been head to say ant they do not wish the seeuesaclailaye to be. 174.*nanted, and witi 44C 7 ,- at 4hainere rd. t 3 A- 4 ?co' tAlsitithei** ::. . ilefol,lV o s l °O. 101 firinkkiieektietJthft-nimr farm* Mine a R9uM r icans are tiiiivip t heir families out, -01'ioQUitiliecfproii . Linithinid ge:thiial - hai i* the ilia 1 td beetici It is estinuttedltdit , 2oo Eves/lave - been lost darpac i thil-Jeafful i ointlircalr, .not more tlititi l touitliotarliiinii were riot; ere. k t --- -- • . ~• \ : ;;;'‘',4l, ', l • • • .1- ~!.--;,• l';' - ... - 14.1: - -:''' rr ~•;,- , ,-,:-•:*.Ts.,l MI that certain piece or paicel of land situate In the borough of Great Bend, bounded and described as fol lows, to wit Qn the north by land of C. S. Gilbert. on the east by the public highway. on the south by land of ;ILP.edepheas, *rid on thesiortlt. by-buid :of. by 1.. „Vjuiee„contairdet s.)6oofeer.of boat bemg fa pont Sift. ,and runnidg tack 100 feet; together witlithelPpiaildtb ces, one [nutted dwelling_ house and all im ptoved. Treadweli, rem, It, Norton VP, B. Munson. 1 Ir. Ail that cestain • _picce or parcel land-situate In: the borough of Great, Baud. deacribed-aa follows. to wit be ginning at a,point to fot litic olllmruuagildwin's farni, 100 feet,from the Mitithvirlimir Of '-t he Great Bend nail Ccheetop tuts Mike aWoontherlyMne of. Wm.. Barron's lot, thence south 11: deg. east, along the line of sundry lots about 400 feet. to the southern corner of Hiram L. Les ••ne's lot,. thense south G 3 deg. west, 100 feet to Church street, thence north 27 deg. west along the north erly line of Church street, about 317 feet to the said Bald ling,thency pont' 24 deg. east along line of 33a1W0 lelgart WinaCtiltn'a 134. to abol lhe r• of beginning' =detain; hboub4o,so2.feelriof land,with the eppurtentutees, I dwelling- beric,l barn, , sore truketwiee led • • Jas Whitesir fi - .2lr,tulOny as.l)„ . L. " . L !AB , those two certain., traits of, ItuoL, the cowttshisiof Liberty. Waded and, derretibedartil lows to wit;,the Arai being let no; MO Una Purchws_ so called. and bounded on ;he - perthhy land 0,80 by theStettni fliarlafill Co. OntheaseWby Marsh. OnLthgarnith,by land At. BMA-And Sarket.und on the east try-=--- - %.'ldersis-lt being unbar as therVaws• mine tracts eland. and formerly, owned ,hrlawicon wain; „lea Wes. be.the „same more, tor 4earl-nrilb the-gmostessaticea,one frame dwelling house, mid ahout .gr r ser t s, Itoproved.4 Alio all that .. . certain, other piece, MU:aft salire. and botioderkend d —wolitredae followe Beginning at an old corner, a small neraloch bab e s: morparof /and OVCoaPor. ,Ctst%thince Was ,• • east,l4lllseds.to Mono,- corneri epee -south taro greerwest.alcorathe MOO Jandsof DnboleitOji rods, to a post and atones. -thence -.north eighty seven and a half d west. along,t.hellne of Charles Harts land, 144 rodatasheeeh, and,Old corner,„ttteues aim the line of c o opet-eirtas ladderworthlt rm& 110Vioila to the ylauerof begihrring, containing tat- *mind 'Brod% be 12re_sanorrnore oriels. and altimprosed, -1 .., atv Ltotoddatad a.- • . , All that ' eeitalaple4 or par14.14-lind the -townstd kellfrAtt=s talundedatuldescribed as follows to wit In that:entre of the plank roe& et a line of lot cod by or near 4 Staten:tit tree.*llasas, • thence:ln :centre ta eald7read, north 6' west, 18 and &Icahn- psrebes.,; NorthlErwtst, `loautdobaOtit :Harth degrees east,Htatte 10th perches to centre of road In line.of-, north video: lute illunitztk Thence actuttrlS36'. sag to Test and atone'. Thence south 153; degrem west; 64 i&LlVttalnaldrtoneseirterts 2034113reew witness er t orth 70% west. 15 7-10th wasp to bealnign2. -esoalsdng tifaxid22penthes loose or•leac,, with the ap ptotonano*(escsuixight of nay of said piardsroad)).one boon surd onelista.and about Ave racretatned.. A. Lathrop, vs. H. 4.1.- Wag: • , ibrattindble , the rsonalterlyadde of Winced pilot) thetownship totTbrutspittosinn...slotief:laud - ln w=giWort ofMtn. .43218:1d• glob:tin; lastwantlaudpiot Hobert 4011 ; between tlanda , saititliatta and= dike anstreninforts pot& naldlionse standlorebong 41,feet soutliward,tentettidPelMnlTlZenpliteitiescrib. ides follows, via: and part thereof en toga •salaTurnpaketrordoialllctitt.nrhignef eat. length 21feet, and 2 stories in he with ;pule windows and One door in the aide next-said road, on the western ' Ma of saidltonN:MfaHmtnyantts, and on the southern ,andsaf asidluniserallarladoisa. and. op the esatern *ldea Ma bait.' she 11 6.1 0 WW.tlatratO a me laza agivr i viriazomfo.lo6l , 4,..wAltlyirri and.one.dgor Henn or-02W aide Aelt Ite the lielm tuddrOadobstortits western end 2 jower our one upper 'ar thmliSestindelrOttnalltk- Hitt aerithlrnh:ldadOWand OSO dOor.Cread atilt mentioned twenty teeth* length, hi:Worked all-thres POEil away tooth* aPurnadttitirorraorritnasaosuidtthelew YAP- end reallotiglitit dald:LWo tinuee t tp) usury lime teramunerfg cogs rsopsnare f%l or.) - sad Ime Parrundatio Atir :Lgt i l a m rai n Socon.one tom.- „, tel ) , .. • - - • tabled brftemoreltberir 'the Bald-house; • A-lesinelltdshed , leitit ratinspisparal: as saidallo agalnstaliblator aderatotandantial , AMA* strestila aleat;opirorarlatenclosed 1 1141 for 014:40 albt- „eb the =Trot AppuFv«. 741„woilr:vaktop i , o. GrosCwlth ti ," . "7? - 11 ^ 1 T • , ,'"I liaper.:4 oB lol 4 ,- • • , A n ma Wet, - or liweill - td` sow iltuatero form — neatly ptilltedi 7 ' ? Van% %Ilene 'kap — ald, arproiC'Sat atiCbatt te;„ den • I r l aßlift.oo l4sl WliNdlieliKiffe a ooppqrt; farv,ttbe ,. benefit ***lA FountietaisificiititU - Eon; ridaryke.44tirplt, A foreliklies - lby cig-4144010,E kinterWq*O[l.lf 2 " Tidal 111/14K ' rips ftwiignea. imilmwAbite,olilO6 in- ism agosziressig, loon riga:Dam : infannutlos - le-F.4IPKT. Mmitz"NeA.,lPO ?O 186 S• •• • c*ok. ThoolsoiitstwithiekltairLino of 13EltdON 1 etlefitogioWiill tb tbete eit halm old eotratt , Ndidtertibiso patiane tickets by the above lino from nut wahsetilum: c1AT , .r. , 11: I Alto, Drattronireland for sate In sumo to suit. Wlll. 11. COOPER & Bankers. IKOntrose, Joly 17, VAS . ' SagtiVri" agic SALES•. K 11011Rulf r ot s ingar100 1 telilitilioinitilltiti r ti r gi -JLD ColMititifi Pl6l Or2sl3l4lillehilitittlitikitt . tiketeilla dir VW and &tiro-raj- barejelgepiall taketrAteeXceef• trot; aigd wM sell a t.Publfc aterdikat,llte7gouti-itbilite It( Montrose, on Sattuilay.3h4llitli:d3y . of Augnst,-1863, at I I I F .Velac.l4.p. OW 11 91,IPAI°VY 1 09 5 9', 11 Mi:kleql?Pc: -4 14 Au.: All that so ttin plecit iti parcel-of lartiL biennia Itk.the ttqwnsbiptali Luau;;bounded iindAiesalbOlaffiliDAwiy, t o wit : .Beg r inulaat,o; post fin A 10 be b.llll3.4elulkla fmm lititon's tannery, thence along said highway south sr enet 0 2-10tha perche, Malec south 81' West ilii perch , es, thence south 74' east 19 Perches ; thence south 74" cart in_perches, thence south VS" east 18 perches, thence twifith.7o' east - 7 4-10ths perches, thencesouth 29' cast.ll 2-orbs perches; thence south ft9' east 10 perches. thence .-sOath 159* east 6 5 Unto , perches itya *tier of land, con -41,341bn 4 014 1 1n(fittnertilteMma.saltir eat{ ag gffhaterebte4e.A ;Prue* 'reg Mk gtelht 'l l 4.4teiti She an 's !midi", tlkence 17 t e came south W. west 24 1-10ths perches to a post In the Iltitiof Marvin Bairber's land:thetitejdongsald line north likkirest9 t-teta &wit .oB ton a nom,' corner of said Blytiersland 'thence berth 21' weal& 4-10tli Pere lies thi"ti poat4atidiffieri conies of said Barbet', land, thence 5pat4.70."... ,trest.26 and 3-10ths perehesto --" he of said litirbeett land. lichee rietrAt Itt „ wet ,1 ' he1q.404 thetiee'tidrtit fi)e irestlf3 pet. c.bili tee th 'of - kiegiti tin.- containing ca jicitisint4 4.1.1 perch laird, the same wore orleiis. with trig apportenancel;'one hOnse, one ban:4 . lorue *nit tireeP t and abontlat delis itoproted. • ,'• " - '-' WatAlartlej, des of 4. B. Ileitli, *M. -111Chteel Coderr. ~..• • . • MI that certain 'piece:Or parcel of land situate lir I<feti Milford, bounded And described as follows. to wit Be ginning:at st Post In a-line of the Daniel , Bla lot, isis, ed. thence by:the same Asustit ;Or west UV perches, to- a hemlock anpling-eorner. thence by land forinerlyul Bar rett - nayo,sontis 19' east G 9 perches. thence- north to a pest tintstones, :thence einith west perehes to- It post,Alienee 'sonth 19'-eitst GO perches to a poet and stones, thence north "11* east IU4 perches to a beltp of IlleuessActiCerby , buld. festiterly_44 Lincoln istlith I 9 ` west 139 perches to the plifeimif bxt: inning`, 'Contain ieg '79 ^Acres ruld 20 perches, be the name more or less;, trithille appurtenances, one framed house, end about 1; acres Ira , B. A. Pratt re. H. Id-Meister, •. • - •,- • • • . • AU thafeertainlifeei- or ;Mica of hind 'firtittite In.tbc township of liantionyilionntled and devcri bed as follows to wit : on the north by land of ;mei - Taylor, on the cart bland OfdacigiN'etirali, ort'4htretitab by land of *EL -R. Newell, and ent the westTiy ltuid of .Taenti , Ttylori'aon- Mining about • IT acret,- , bit the same, more or less, tine framed dwelling-ho•me. one barn, and all imp ' oved, be ing the mmeland deeded by Jones Taylor to 31•11:44 Patrick. dated Jan. it. :Pt*. - • Prances CoLb vv. J. B. Pateck. •.- , • All-and ecetuirt tract orparsel-rrof lagd sittlatist the towroihipitif Gretit Bend and Utiort yy . ottuddtV de scribed as follows, to • wit :.bitinitig at a'stake • and stotitas; sterner oflatid Lbelintith.l.bkneentittli • far cast 34341-10ths rndso th e. cattier Oland Oceopied .by McDaniels, thence titidhtfr 50 Min. 'east by McDaniel's lAnd a3X rods too :stone near the west sidOlcil the high way. thence north 16X. Crude to an elm entrap: tbetice north•lx' 45X rode to si birth saplinz.thence, east 2:5 -rod,. thence south 1673* t east by litre of tract 4.0 8-ICUs ies. alt olighird eurtke.thenco sand) r g: min. west X rods toa.stakeund stones, thence south I deg. west 150 rods to nichestnut, theaoe north "85tietr..51nin. , west 61 rods. ..thence south 3, deg, ,west 80 rods, thence south Pr, X' veg. 'east' 13034 to east hoondis am tract. thence south along the name 'Rends lo a point 40 4-10ths rods from southeast corner 'said tract, thence westerly patallal with the:tont b lino and along part of sahl.sonth line 435 rods to the beginning Containing 034 8-10ths acres, with the appurtenances, 4 framed houses. Shams, 1 'steam saw-mill, 'stone haittrees bind about 155 acres improved. ' Also, another' piece hi Liberty townshlip, 70eilerthe4 as follows, to-Wit,:. bet file wh01e.44 Ork.lll - 61. Cit,lsatulf3B l'intF together in the Arne: Ydraterli-tif 8. Contaitifingitiall'4o,97-100ths acres, as Snrreled by Wm. .Warts thelOth day of April 1836. together with all anti singular the, above described lemLloray*,-isabirs, watermarr.tes. rights„llbertles. pat times; improvements, hereditament* , and .appurtenan. ces..te. landzsdlitoProralk.:l. Edwin Eldridge's*. Rebecca Aruba . = " MI Unit tortilla' piece tolatrrelat land Amato fn Mid ettrwir;bountled—olol d . entnited 'no .follows. to virtu be- Onelat es trprwi in . the road:the isouthesit . corner•or Charles Heires.iaraL• 'thence byldsland -torthG3 we iJ perches to a•pagt, A corner ot.e.std ffeerfs land. the ntu by•timinad earth 2S deg Amt. &Dem/mm.lo,a post a corner of Janes cluTheetilitti the de•el bt'Odiiney's had north 65 deeAi:OA , the new road. thence-by thesatneeonttra. owest 64 verehes•to the northwest-corner unlichet lieogirelatid, thence by Ida line southdir deg. east.94s S percher to a, post in the drut .mentioned wad, and Chence•by: said road, north 4i deg. east 30 perehey. and north Ea deg. 19 perches to The, to of begng,oantainiOgfanttsa. WICPrePT4 OIB 9 With the apportenancee and about acre:. improved. Jeasupi, truliteca eat : . pLit.,/f. Rose, deed, rs. John Keogh. . • • - r - ,iiiihreoria'aVart*°Worlisaldro ''' • e :law i rlf, i'=U l , e tlr turogirgi r ci al mVpra- e 1144.Milfafts6~#tisthe-litMllateofifilkillhWaWr 4 'nontlhvane *uteri/ ner.Ottftl4ll4 OS ..bN1T1)4 0 .4 ;Pk mer;ut said Skinneralot, and thence to.point late link, , 'edliv Darid Thomas's-with the„linildi hecoom.cad. - , liarlakt_ and Ithilitljr emit , laid be i e me i Veir ICV th,-Ille atrferan . oil. fronted d Ili wed an‘ f bb,• l 4o to e pun-cr. - oil oil immv - --.,,.. g t r i tt *WM:Wolter ' igned*tblttuni DOntdedity. - Ji4: TS. 1 Cisr l ioint, igbo;ti! ~, - ,•- -, , , ' "', • -' ' ;•• i -• ' '- I ►iiiiaiiiiiiViCWi: • it:a — ; itfiiiii' . A r, ..,,,v _pa , is-• pleeene mroti rj Iscel:siltitiiii,,,l'Or the to!stnishlo,44 Titiftestatetc letpnall uual described as followes. to..illit'VthillSttt tipsonthrititColMer 'gland 401014114,0'4p IV poop; er;boondetlitotll.l2lt;street bud snit. by nitid.•Operfr , : luuo ifOlithAeleit F•41 7 a,,18. pelybekt. tbetik b bst i Itad, Cottle'. ors land illsoutl„rntith,ttsint about Itco pelcilelt !Oa corner; ofoalo.4peemid Plereelobuld •' .thence . by, Ma, tlitlespee ! V nto llesOo`e, land: tibenC.north -ealt,lB re& Iti;lllglist.: t by *aid *11.4i Sttedt - . 2: rods re the Plittie of beq47, oltim'eotttalute,tritbeuttlfirbds'..tit gonhertnore or Aom. • Atto—otiolot 01040 Ibe bo ro ugh - 1d MotitrOse,rom- Meneittg on 31111 Itettletrif the corner . or 1 (I 1, C. Fort hinzve,"pki.Abop spy bath :hy said , shop about 22 or Sttlfeet J. ttitineo,by .001 'Forthener limit 'hortherly 40 feet tO i llia nOrtheast Cygnet. %id 'Forth:pen barn: thhisce on :Lund sttf6 odd barn - toxin i ptreyt; thence on Mtn street to the pito of heginni.pg; enufa[ning•about Zglfeet Of [and. mere or less: With the .ajtOntiehanetot oniebiactmoith_shop. 'Also-Ain° lot nf , inis4 Ai the bor ough °UM outrase.Veseilbed as follows : beginnin,_d at the sontheast,ecitnic.Of IltAllinikmines Jot' ohlhe Mll6 l O l rizatpwego It t &stintiing nosh, abont . 0 , 3',.wra1. en the ' slueotsuitt rktuari) , ot toll litmtcortirtOratid,ollith peretiesaintl,2llnbst tlienet mph' . Illettnnet,llue.and Tykes line tio di: - nbent' rt• - • fast 3:A1;1,440th ,perches attallohe•tita Post at Ms center' ttr die ,northwest 'side of, a : ant Otkence dirt, through the; Ceutro of said bath by . Partition 20ferf to the south side of 'nald barn ; thence. long the side amid VIP'S' - north. at Out sr end. 'to the' timathean earlier I hertmf 1.1 fcct [.I hence • , south about 45'east, 4 end 4-ttith perches to a' post in dietetics on the said Milford and Owego mai ; tlsenre on the lino of saitUoad.soatis n a,bout GS; wrst. li 4 od--4.ltH h -Vet and xyit,nllo, , to ;414....p1aee - of beg*, ntingo - n.it; ;ling abont - nineteen-priebeti-of rotal. mere or tree . sr( the impjtoixements thfrron..t, fronted bortsr And bilrp,,.. M. 5,, , , wilsi e lq Live , it 14.1._ it. L t i and I.L•I, root M. , All? 6^ 7 , .' , . 4-----,. i !... :, that Ortatts piree;Ot paral cif Jatitilltidite itt, We tOwastsiti of New3Alilford. [sounded and des vlbed as fol lows, to w[Mott-thamortb4:4•. land oft Theifilin - Velinsan, on the repel* lurid of-David ilfattsronc on this south by load of A. Perkinsand H, Willinme, and on the west by the Pnblic highway ; , containing ,sixty fens acres, be the same enure orreels, with the. aproirrenancelii one framed house, one barp•and aboutAo acres hupipited. -.; Metal . Bunitt vs. Kasten Bombe and liirum Bee* • All that certain, piece or - parcel of land sittutteln the township of New Milford. Countyand State aforesaid boundedand i denctibed as follow*. to wit • the , all, north by land of Joseph Mead on the east by Inuaf Joel Keep. on ,tbe ninth by Jund of James Westbrook. an d . on the west by the public hichway; containing about Woo ree and three water* dim rpm, be the same More or leen, with the :appurtenances and all improved. John. F. Ormancire vs, Henry and Writ-Turner. , . - All that 'certain piece or parcel of hguttituate in the lownehip of Great..Bnd, bounded, and' descrlbed 10*S. 10 wit :_beginiting at* chestnut tree in the north UPC ofigtolt Crow.otrued by Thomas .Ilaye and 'thence along hitinorth lino weft 6 chaln* and 26 finks to &stake and stones, thence north. 22 chains and 2.4. links. to the land or H. &pea/heck.. thertio cats 6 "chains and 98 links to.* ttak* and stonet.thencenottb I deg. east 28 chairs land 35.1 inks to aped andstoues, thence south 803‘. east Ilichalus aud-78,11u9s to a beech snpling , thence by the Heider lot and tbe Carlisle lot. ill' deg. treat 17 ch. LLan6o 11 nks to: a post,. thence south Usk; deg. eatt..ll, ch. guol *links to a' cbettnute thence eolith IXT deg. vett 27 chains and links to a post corner. thence Fouth 2416* typist 04.1utirat too poet, thence south 50'.w,ent 12 el. to post, Corner °Mewls Mon'ell's land. then& hy the same , aria by tbe sald.llay's land .west 25 ch and ,Z,Uuks, to the.placwOr beginning. containing IGlocres of land, be the same More .or less, With the arpnricnauces, 'thinned .houte. framed barn,. small orchard andabont.2o acres Int, proved.'- _Lake Smith is. VannettcnOnd'rt. Awthat. eertain, , piece oc pareelofTand situate In the township of Brooklyn, henndedand described as follows to wit: on the north he the burying ground lasted by lend late the estate of f. Tiffany, dec'd. on the Gast by the public highway , on t i tte south, by. land of Q. 4..-Eti ritigejatdon the atestbriands note or tats the estate of deeld;containing Seems ler pdrehes;-be the 04ttne more or less. .witb the epptqlenances. f dwelling bonze...l:him. come fruit tees. and all improved.. 'David Morgan' nee of L:8. ItirehArd cs. A. F. ,r. All-that certain piece° or pcmrel of laniValtuate in the . township of Mkt:MA County and Sratereforeasid. Worm. , detl'and describrdirw"lblloars, to wit; beginning in the nartb•went line of land now occupied brltbrattata Sla .ter. et hpost and steneathe east earner of the Nathaniel •Lewhelot, formerly thence. south 45' went. 75 chains and Jr/Minks too stake and stones; thence. .north, 4t)* west 211• chain. to, a stake. and stone.; thence north Areast tan stake and steno.. saandingoo ate, sonth.bsel. of sh¢ fiss quehanna river, a rart.Le of,J. K. Grimes le t t h ence up said river an the voile *lnds and tame to a corner in the range 9f the f irst above described_ course, thence south 45' hestld4oVklate'otbegirrning ticqMta hang two hundred and tarn& 'ftereleof land, be the game more or lean, -together- with-the appurtenances," one framed hone; twoltamed . barns, one orchard, and about deity live acres improved. Phelps, vs. Louisa S, Tillmarihnd James M.Tiliman. Sheri a,O~ec. .a. oErsr. bloigrose, Ads , t0,418f11. VAltlkt - FOR -- SALE! T onms.crit,e,ii;,ffirjbdr armor eitpstod In L praakatn, &tames coquti.bettreen 8 oklrreylit and Chenargo road. uhrint.fi miles` froth-Montrose. terrain 'irg,about 109 acres, with &culling house and barn. and about 'IS acres imprbrcd. This farm is well wateredand ttuds.rxd.,itqd7tiloperritorritrd ;be - south. The soil is of good quality. ilia pmAucei gooireirms. This farm will he sold on very liberal terms: 'Part of the purchase Mon ey will be required on sale, ands reatonable time given frithe ttuduuce. , . • , 114.80 l LS h'esalof Cat.tlr'(Faiwring Vtenile. houstbodd Furniture. &e—will be saki + far.castddown. at very low figures. Ver"Perritirther prditentartylrapilre of the sub scribers, the premises.. .• MICILEVIITUVITT; Franklin, July Id, lfial. Et JOILNI 74`CA DE. Auditor's TIE undersighed having, been .aPPointeit an auditor T In the Orphan's Co . art of Stoßnehanda county, to 'distribute the fundsin the hands of the administrators of the estate of A - anti - Peat:At deed, hcrehy,gives notice that he will attend to the:duties of the.ioddifppoliffraent at his office, to Montrose; on Moudaytbe 10th day of Au gust nelttatt 10 o'clockia the fereneop;'when and where all persona baring claims upon the[eald MOO, are re- Iniredlo preventtligin, or thereafter debarred from 'coming in for share In thafobda theodtotaibuted. , : , dirisrA 1801. *, • A*: ClUdallffilLpii Auditor_' ;. - Au - dito - es:',NOtidO." • - liWtmderidgne:d havivelieen sbointed ,an Auditor by tha / Orjaharea eourt Sumueltannh county. to distribute the rands in the hands - of Executor (amongst the heirs, lerateea and °theft to the same) ofthe estate brAndrew - Willard, dee d _, here gives notice that he yritretiirtt-thlrAntio:Ter Intment #145 Once lalroarobe, prilloirdsithelart guns next ; at 10, o'clock inthefirecroon.tshen and is re, ali-PtreetisitattiVtlaime . 'noon th e ! aid - .tondo, tir • suited tepresent ttrem, or thereafter be debarred from coming for a share In the funds then distributed. July 8, ISM. 4...t , 114.118E11L1N, auditor. - • ' t . . 144. , 9Platice . f ret a o Ctilo r ei-ts sid an Auditosappointefity the Coact • 'on Pleat vt•ttnerfa , „eo,....to, dittettatte the tin ram the Wit 4 ) 1, the alu tt lir ' th e dni T i es- V IL tato , _,- Bogert,- wilt attend` to' me- es of his appolititicint at Me office • in-' Montrose, on. Friday, thel4lll day of /tug. next at I o'clock In the P. M. at whicluhadandplait all persons , intcpertcd.will-pre ritht;theri trainitioitt•fotevert deltfrotri combs In upon raddl'undb: , s - --.....-.._-. _-; _f-4:...-.4 Jul y l4- • 409;117...;3 "pzAzz.....4.19-:,)1 1 • r,Al:#Wt• . -Auditor. .1iia401.14 ‘N°ti-gei Cathariae'McH¢bhlln, >n the.Ceart eintueceiActa ititimpletottnis plYanty,(No. , 1:11,cm.1%-lfiek t r • ,Wkundersigned,itwiatia an;inialtof 4") diattlhitif etlaitillartelottrold the Sheiltravele bf Dation"! , ptopettirAtithe atioreetese, aflt ilttead - tethe - datlee•of lleattoolbtraenti'at tilivonlettlo'Grett Beek bitTeesday the 4th day of ea gi at nextott $ o'clock, p. In, at laphith time lil t inzeres ta tms gy p; iai foray er deleattellikh tikOO`wamod•J Ltr• - ~ ,tamozoN:auuditat. 2tkitetilesitoulroli2JAl36L-I.,;:ftie aFi'M • .1•••.-. OW VIMEtg 'l4lsliablelW•c:4llapea; 'POnitiWreite. ; ,:theleitieri; Strawbertto; 81 •lialtbarr' lee..tlikranti.-"ite4cC/P OM -14 10ft or 20 weeant the; toltlnaingrlpeafot tawtw 4M Wfdell-Wacree q orillWreh n , "450 i 23‘41.arestinrit4 , t ago far =tar amnreek.;?, tn. '17i17 rt): lCa Al it ayetitili.ft t itii 4 o 644 / n ig e bitgl , "4o .; ..• 'Whelilef;in 101:6 - 63taintde-bytmed011ar,,ja work: The above land and funneme luatadatlant... derset'v • fdtrwarifocle W. -Wank 9 .7 14 1 4 i . I I.OPN .184 , :: P* 4 B TI . - ::ret3NSlC=l7 ;. ilo.llooe4irinteii4rewVat: . _ _ __ • WALL 4fib l r.' WRINW.PAPEI3.. -.,-;2:mmtazity . . 4 . Nrseurol,,A..;;Fp- ? ;!3 ....p ..,577:14*",.14.:101210:=1,020:19,1*".., - „,.....,...-..,,....... .. ..........., ..D r ,„:...mff i ws. f . r . : ' ',. -.; ..!: , JP,..7 , •: ; . ' 7 • l '. ,', •!, , ir, - ,,., ox ;''' - : . . ~ • f. •,, - '^" T;Y:r. , l' i',: ,, ':c , • -• i' : •';!':* * ; S1 1 . • . :' ' s I .. .. -,.1 -'l,;, . '.: • ' i, . , . ' . _ . . . , . .•:1 1 7 CZ I '' .',. ; (1 .. „ It . : E L. ). A . T . : ::' - 9,,p ti y Ivi ~., 97. ~. 9 . r " ~„,: 7 . ' :,',:', - ' ::;', ' :r:. .• '::' • . . W ,O . bgyerma4e..arrangearteitt4'f9r 'some of theie Mowers, and can supply those ' Who TV ?otiteitilstO bity t Our COnutri being so uneven and rough,' but few Mathinek are adailiett to - '‘Vc unhesitfttitier ally that after severely contested. trials , witlipilter thorough,..'xtu4l.kinds of land and in all kindS of brass;we haVe bet4ine sitisged - tli4t:we 'awl die' hest - machine in nse at the preserit day. In proof of Ohich_We :refer a' few .of tho l e. who have-tried them • . " 864thAtit)iwn, F' llaadrick , Middletown, ! Wi166 . -TgaitTott, Jacksonf alnei' GOdipp l / 2 -„,- .lohn'tee, A Clifford, _A. Ift.. Coon, Abington , Luz.. • : i p.'SA:shi r ,d e r, ••;- LgfeY,Pttet_y9ic -- ::Hqt•Kjek, liontrip,so, Mar 25th, 1g63. MIA.I..FII . :FESIALE4! PEWS:LEV t I _ l'se that infodpileanult remedy known - elmbold's Extract Buea. rut IM etnitplaints incident totho sex.- 1 4 10 family 'should be without it, and none will once trfertry'lltern. - It to wed by young orold-In the de- i cline or change of Ilte, before and/Ater rmarriage, during and after confinement, to strengthen the nerves. restore nature to its proper channel, and Invigorate the broken. don n Constitution, from whatever canoe originating.— , Use no more worthless pills I Take lielmbalit's Extract Bache— See advertisement is another eulum. Cut out and send for it. SPECIAL NOTICE. Ri'On and after July 1et.186.1. the privilege of Con certing the present !mina LEGAL TI .1 4 .7T1ER NOTES INTO T 6 NATIONAL SIX PER CENT. LOAN (com monly called '"Elve-Twenties") will cease. All:who night° invest In the give -Twenty Lcatri fleet therefore apply before thellrat of4oLif next. JAY t.sOOKE. Suhecripti m Agent. No. 114 south Third St:Philadelphia. Ap.l4:Sm. • Titt-moilliEls&tiNS—AND WSPEIBENDIe. INVALlD.—Published for the benefit, and ea a warning and a caution tolottnglaCa WhU elder from nervous De hility, premattrretetay of lifahhood, etM;supplying at strc+s.A.odo.c stru - wmaloratamtt - c.:Te. ,Eurid chinitZT: liner being truOtX: r efOlt . I . 3 klurylum ex pense through medical humbug and quackery. Byr enclosing it post-patd addreesed envelope. ainfle copies maitre, had or the author. • NATIIANINL MAYFAIR, Zvi - may7Z—lyte Bedford. Kings Connty,N: Y. The Diseases otirrror:-(Eir Maladies &Rpm , * T. JohnJL Ogden, IL D., author and publisher of the It berg work,slo Hereby promise and agree to send (free of charge) to any young man 'atm Till write for it , a sample copy for pernsal. The proper study of mankindbi Men. Thimi valuable work is leaned and se'ot forth for the benefit of suffering humanity. It treats in simple language on all the disceses.ot Error. ineloditig Seminal Weakness, NervOtos Debility, Indigestion, Melancholy, Insanity, Wanting Decay,impoteney, eafe,tryteedy and 'effectual prescriptions fortheir permanent cure, to gether with much valuable information, MI who favor me with akieeirti to read my work steal tcceirg a gamplo copy by retort Mall, free of charge. Address JOHN OSIDEN; lit. D..„ No. 60 Nassau street, N.. 117 .7 done .m 3 SINGER CO.' LEt RR "A" FAMILY - SEWING MACH-Mt, twits riLituE BECENI' ThIPROVEZEITTB; is the bestand ebettpestrund - mostimaintifnliqf all Sewing Machines,' - Thia machirid will se* ,snytWM . .,„ from the running of s tack inlarleta rt to ther,making of an Over coat—anything from Pilot Or Dena* - Cloth,. down to the waftestiasanieorSicissetarr Tishne,an4fis °rep ready to do its stork tonerfettbili.cli,nrell,hern;bineligather,tnek, has eLealaacjty fora great variety of ornamental This is not. the thilt_ma - Chine that eiiii."relf.:Eftn, reilb; bBrtklvlll do - BQ laterttunrany - other machine. Thea-Letfer .mA" Family 60..asitigalitachlne may be had Ina greet vaiiety of mibinee =sett. - The Folding Casa, yehir..h !snow beConsingapo-pnpelar, It aft its, name ,ituslm, dnetha, am bee folded Wes box tircuse.,witich when o p at beantifnl i enbstantial,andspacions table for the Work:4ol.M tlione... The Oases Ina every imagifabTe d'esign—plain as the wood grow In its natite forest,orasedaborratelylinished as edam make them. The branch - effects gere'all'arelrouppltedvith pllk, twist, thread,needles.oll. - ete.., of the very best quality.: Beatte. 4°oll of "Snvonn Co.'s Gagers." I. X. BINGE& & 458 Smell:ray; N. T. 111rPhiladelphin Office, 810 Chestnut street: READ, WATROVS ,t,FOBTBM, Agents In Montrose. Adrctiztistrator's Noiice. - iv olics is Beet-by given to ali \persons having de /IF mends against the estate of STEPHEN HEAD. Wolff Bridgerintter lowitsittp. deceased;'. ttutt the - name &troths prose:knit - to' theundersigordlor erningereent. and all persons indebted: to said estate are requested to make immediate payment.' Montrose, mfty 1814 J. B. Adrirr . FEW conDs'itnta a the • :• DE/Ef0C84.701770E. Dissolution. TirFirm of 11. ,8313T11& SON Ms day dissolved ty tuntt*l consent 1 those indebted to the raid flenp by note oraccount• are mney.ted to tall at'lbeolftee cer& Wm, H. Carper .& Co's Banking .11onaa. and pay np.;-L- Prymeot may be made to H . or W. Smith, of the late dolor B. Smith' 4t- Son. ' • - • -.., • , • • arrra , Ifontroae,iTutte.lat,lBB3,. . , 8111TH. . , • . •.. , .--::--:--.;.---- •.• .• - .....:""-.= •'" : - ' --.-- - • .7 - _- - f--? - .- ,r ----- . 77 _.-.-,'.. -, . - 7--- - :, • , .;-:-:,• , :•I . ... - -S . -_ - -. ,- ,. - .. el l it , - trki , =;,-;-:- - ;.?=- - -r--:" . r . ',.. c .:, - • • '.:.,' . •:.4;.,t-,, , .-T...:,.; -,. TIC i 1 , , f -,..,,.. itIBrIVriLaISEPTIFLIr: iiiiiNDEN4rALlitlikiiiiiWilittittiiiiikidifiuitie x- r acrctediptlit thatildOtiter,ofll:::'Brattev& - Sorr;..b9: 'tkfunderalgaed."Petaaar wishing artlflettil Teeth are, ;lirritpiticioOatiVArsamblifr ilpaeltataiiattit Orlriet , :'.:All: . jriinduestit daricc:am4,...WirrOatad.-..1 will /Fmk 426111=r DentstNorirapwlowlig4Fee ii s ini' onfr 4a Ithie a0,31* 7. OttlaewhareL.::-.7,::-;..... , "I , i t;c:•' - ' ?• '. .Al2l6Mtuldil_inlyi ... the dat.y.:9lr. all ti.-Jsavt...tbeir. .. I r.*:.l l r Alas. WA uMUISNW , D=TIST.t, ..--• ~-.- r..rs i., , ,:;:i ..• ..:L.:_ , -, '4IN/4.altrilt.einSildellt"PengitC '. - lariel6tbils&g: -• . t.t . :. . . , Thmt i tiet . , f . pg, 1 - .)‘ c 4 - I.4tain:RoP. • rerp e rprenCe Yearrel r- • ra 1"tge .7' ,4 1r7 7*( !! , ,;(7, .nkronutree, sfitY• 1813. 111=Will Trnnian:Tingre:St.,, Sam'L Tesylcsbnry,,'South Anbntn, Geo. B. Johnson,.. Jonnthin ' Gibson, ;Sell) Abel; - t 4 1); hnies hasson, S. A. Pett.K- - :1.11 - 31ontrose, Aessnp, -iiCAvi;€4l.2rMierAAACirti. .saititt. Agents. ) S. • Tenni itialtlftl.rit - flecretaht el! =llion. A i MOSTwonderful. pulalleittots. work li of 400 pages, antler). colored engravings. Dr. find ter's Veda - Mecum, an origin - el and , popninr treatise - on Man and Uremia., theiiphysiology, functions; and sexu al disorders of every 'kind, with ncrver-failing remedies fur their speedy cure: Mho - practice of Dr. Hunter has long been, and still Is,•mtbOtinded, , but at the earnest so- Reflation of nunterouspefions. bte bait been indneed to extend his medical ututfnlneas throtigh:the medium of his Vade Memo." It is tr volnete that should be In the tem& ',revery nuttily In the land. as , a Preventive of secret vices, or as ttguido Tor the . alleviation of one .of tbeMost nerd and destructive kotrrges that ever visit ed mankind. One copy.aecurely enveloped, will be for warded free of postage to any part of the United States for iO'cents in P. 0. ]stamp's, or 3 copies fOrll.-Attdress, post paid. Dr. Hunter, No:11 Division street, New York. June 16 4 13 03 - 4 ^ - .--Executors'. L ETTERS Testamentary to thd "Estate "or - havtgf i ce lL n X4 Trlnted to tetifiatattigned7tifirper=t deb tell to said estate , zire' reline:and to !make immediate payment. and those having demands a ,, ainst the same te. prownsi them to• •NOLAN. ' • iptecutars. Friendaville. 'Jane 151 h, 1868. • • -' YP,MV . so ova A VIII SPIIII6 OMER GOODS, M°' JUST RECEIVED, _AiFli and will be sold AT A LARGE • REDUCTION (rag! April P rite l'" • rV'Mds Reduction will include the ENTIRE STOCK RWcii wlllliefotol Aa Tide as nanal, and *III be sold", 11L-10ST.:.EilltRitt::'SMS Z -11 C211":':.11.16.1Eir 11107:;-:- or . for • PRODUPE. May, 1.863, , .; FLOUR, FLOUR! FLOUR ! WHOLESALE St, -RETAIL - ••• 43" , 1", , r Lz -- ^ titrbfip New Store, below Boyd, Et Woodruff's, ail Chi 4 Ati*, , :v. n ii4l), d iticiiiini2 - o . i(iice - li ' ,. ';' paw, gwAv f"4 N. T. STATE !•4 - On Ort he , - e.stikands, , ... : • • t h 1 r t , ' . X 1. , L :, ..' ''. • Z , , , 1 -. o.pe, ~• ~,, kr , , 1.. , q . ! littho tick, itiirretpar loran of k , ery Intieiior qtailty,lad at nuteltictaa prices than dour at equal qualities li now said arinthia market: . • , • : • - , t • - Alen, , " ' • ' ' ''" • • ''• ' - BALT, !ma, , • • •,, WOODEN WARE,. •, • • TEAS, 131:1GAitS, ac. ~ , 1 --. - r , .c.7, -. -r - y - -- - r - .---.. %'•.`".% . 37 - -.:2,-,1- - OLOT :II - .0 , .eke , -_. .- . . 'put Wool, and Summer .11ATS•ItiCAP8. at 15 to *par cent leas than' usually led in this segthm of country. .-. . Call and judge foryoursett•before you'll:lmbue: , -, Montrose, Jane 0th.' 1863. • 'TA. I. PO ST. 0111151a.e . x ., trill a- r , Oa . .. Trittol g AIRTRIDGIONGUNE AMMUNITION.dce. , i for V solo .. r TUILIP4I4. M0ntr05e,V141.9.1064.„,' " • r • , . ./T te$NS D u CTION,E“. -- • • :C; n ON* , • , •-• - 1131relfig takeriiififie Lionise fee thir..PIPPCsIY 'Of , lixtlabeerbrgiondhailargloribse== the i vi l i te l e c :th ili ldis itfl t b evssi ndi ' ll eyl 6 l l •l " On teu s barn Lien' sed: atnetioneer- eau act as !rob; underopeaslef_of #411:). .!lee to4of:?)!ree, Jo), lot 160 . 43 " . ". • ne • orders -by mail promptly t n . s anan FriendevillegrapP i • Aprititbi / tft ti w ; i sk!-- Boa &TIMM ta VOA - id* Hui silirielzas4 a p it u rapppi by_Ake court ot,c9 p39_,riroin ty;toinikettetelonuon Or we ro rtd tbd - ,saleflylval eat ." 4 24 4- Teratekak: by jbe Shed of sat osnolk. it to • the dirtlevof trian - pp o SintrataitatldatiMedin Mothoeif t on Pride gspArd - ,. of 401,1 next. 4t one o'clock,* the' a. at wh Mao and Owe Vinloos thw. exted Taisreseuttheirtiri s M . D -f g rirr" lll ' l6 f"t aus STRElillTo /4 V, ) • 11,U!t13,. , 1 ~,~~~`- L tt' .„ 7 1L 2 3 133 53233a55ur T Pardiesa' 0 . iii) _fj ,-)) Where yjnl'",itierinueot getting the. worth. Of falai 210/i e7Jil` ll ; the , '• • (s,o4coiit k lioicittiattin,.''..l•4•'!i‘', clteT . 4llt TUBE IS ,DOMES . I7ICS, Mit - Purim, Oft epurienara; and ere harilitery Wits ;a: stw.k. %which 'cables ts to offer toolit customers, a. on equally aggood tenuous forertetlit tit . . rise. _ • : AT THI:-STOILES OF uttenVerg, %osinblum * Blont . ..rose, Stisq'a County, Pa.; Elmfra i New-Yorki Susquehanna Depot, ,Pa.:' OUR FALL AND'ININTER 'STOOK • Is C,C)±l34o.lete3 l .'' We are determined cot to be outdoeeieither civallges.-rend we eeAlFalror.to gip; oz F#spzinent aA possible sialsrstetlest, - Th-into . -uswrensowesookls Comte*. Ind WM bit soli lower, and morotastefully finished than any. osegnsrae establishment, oranyfour-home concern thjealde,Ot•K. York City,.ls able to offer orprodnce. Weicanseanrbtbit public that we constantly e.mplorthe - best cutters tad workmen to-make apes? stock , . t•••• "r • , Ear Garments madetoorder • • • ,-• •tc. _ , • laroi theattartpainptliw. iltr A Good Pit Warranted or nossle. . • • In order to close onion, stock of •• wanssi`oll66llllll2lM we will gall at a mall achsate - abora east. FURNIPIENO - " -- N - GOODS . A GreaiSkickiimitantly kept, And sigdlotier Uutis tie t:2 lAosenbaumfi.-to s idol 3 6'0;4: isipiiniy • I BM. • ' • TODAIRYMEN 7i.M.haie made arrarigemants to scud Batter to Vint IT York oti Consignment orContract; during the niasen.•We free; to eilwho' are TG those who Wint to send we will guarantee me MOW market price otiiiPrognlg turns, &API and commlesion.„. • , r e 0 , 1 r nava:lce' Money, on consignments U wanted,'alld hold onntetrea responsible for ell Butter andßails:awned by-dairymen and rent by us. , BALDWIN,ALL4N 4,8411:44,47. blontroie, 10tb; IN& ' - • ' . , 'I' 2I 2.II:iNIESX4=iIV , • • _ Examining Surgeon !, MUM subscriber having been nppointertby ..the missioner of Pensionsot MEDICAL EXAIMIXIL at Pensions at t end Rite certificates' tO it 'entitled to Pensions, mil to ' , ail applications .tbit , be presented to him, at Montrose, Pa. Rooms at J: S. WI , E,PATRIgik Nencrose. :BOYD.& WOODRUFF • 'CARRY ON ITIR TIN T-IRON BUSINESS Ditott . SRARLIeIit• nOiEL.•ALSO The CAUENTEROlO,l3usineis - • :If f tE"O'•7.olD. IrE7lloDifir CalritCEG 0 .7 f a te ge m l o l: ailliblifibeil pD pat' 6 c4Tus:' den' Ilerdware of au kir at: a - , of Alt lands. . • ' Bras lierp, roretiaLa Ware, ivenued and Were of the beet material. Paints, Oils, .Glass, Patty, and pumps. LeitdPlPAPC ßird.64 g e ke ie., R e. Terms rtght. Remember the plsee. • Cal ais4 IROYD WOOlOlO7llll/V., WOODRUM , M0T112950 Matad i Inv -.- BALDWIN,-.4111N-&-.IIARNHAff -31#01*i.o. 'OVA FEErk-sAlx Wheat;, 01004 -POjOr•Ii44k : O , .t I DED ke Halibut, • • SyrnTisi-16)ttestitk' 4, AND, add' , Montrose April 114. 1448.,'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers