THE MONTROSE I',OISIOCRAT BLS PUM4I:3IIED TVESDATS, BY Grerkiltsck.u. OFFICE ON PUBtile AVENUE, TBREE BOORS ABOVE SEARLE'S HOTEL: 1" 4- Teforq.—sl,soper annum iri ATIVANCE otherwise $3 will be charged-Land fifty cents, per annum widen to arteontnee i at the option of the Poblinher, to pay szp,eese of coac.ctioti. etc. ADVASCC paytnent Fteftrred: AD VERTISEVENTS, will be inserteirat the rate of slper egaare. of ea at leis, for the re,t three weeks, and 13conta for each add i ti on al week — pay down. Merchants, and others, who advertise by the year, will be charged at the following rates, ail.; Por one •g ran, or km one imam'. with anonym 66 each additional *pare, at the rate ........ 6 No credit given except to those of Icnosen responsibility. BUSINESS CARDS. .HENRY C. TYLER, . DBALER in Dry Goods. Groceries. Umbrellas. *ante, . Notions. Boots and Shoes. Shovels and Forks, Stone Wars, Wooden Ware and Brooms. Iliad of NaSt- Sation, Public Avenue. Montrose, Pa., May 13, 1861.47 IA 3= WM. H. COOPER & CO., BANWERl3,—lltunuose, Ps. Saccesson to Post. Cooper AL Cu. Office, Lattaups'oiw TainpLiLe-se. I. $. s'coi.t.tra McCOLLIIM & SEARLE, *TTORNEYS and Counsellors Law,—Mcmtaxwe, Pa. 41„. Ocoee in • pa' new building, over the Bank. • DR. WILLIAM.•W. - WHEATON,. , ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN 1. SIIIIDEON DENTIST. WITH Dlt. „if TB ON TON, - Xechanktal and Sfiygical Dentist. recently-of Binghamton, X. Y. tender their services protessional servis to all who appre ciate the •• Reformed Practice of-Physic;' careful and salUfal operations - on 'Tel lt with the'most scientific and approved styles of platew . Teeth' extracted without pain Indult work eramtnt • Jackson, June 14th. MVO. ys DR. R. SMITH CRGEON DENTlST.S.—kiontrose, 00111 co t Lathrops' new building. over Bank-. All Dental Operations will be s ilt api as performed in good ,style and wartanted. J. C. OLMSTEAD - DRS. OLMSTEAD & READ, %VOL'LD ANNOUNCE•to tlte'Public that they have entered Into a partnership for-thee Practico of-IffEDICINE.& Surecry, and are prepared to attend to all COB '.lathe line of their profession. Orlice—the one formerly occupied by Dr. J. C. Olmstead, In DUNDAFF. . my 73m. 'JOHN :•.Al.. 7 171..:R; v CSIIIONABIS TAlLOR...—Mont.m . ae. P. Shop over I. N. Unhand'' , Grocery, oil Mah'-otreet, Thanktal for past favor's, hF folicita a contlnuattee , lannwltin do nll work aatigfartorile. Cut- ' thuz dnise en.ehort notice.. arid warranted to tit. 1111.ontroac- Pa- July 2th, I&iL—tL. , • P. LINES, I.IiSIITONABLE TAlLOlL—Montmse., P. Rtiop In I'llrenit Work, over store of Dead. Watrynta It Foster. All work warranted. a• to tit nhd Cottitta done on short notice, In beat atyle. janlto 301 IN GROVES,' wASIIION ABLE TAlLOR,—)tontrose, Pa. ihop 11 near the Rapt i-t Meet ing'lloivie, on turnpike treat. All orders filled prorinptly, In lint-rate stele. Catt:a t done on spurt natter, and warranted to lit, • - L. B. ISBELT 1)7 ErAing Clocks. Watches. and Jewelry at the lb sh. irterrt not lee. and on reasonable torn. All .or warranted. Shop in Chandler and J 0 0 ,111 0 .0 store. Molornosz. Pa. tir2A SMITH R CO., nATITSF:T AND' CHAIR MANUFACTURERS.—Ftaa of Main urea. Moutrioe. Pa. aug tf c 0. 11f ANI.T.okeTt. RE!: or/Win* d SHOES.!Ninvinnsc, ji P. shop over Tfleer %tore. All 'kind. , of work made to order. and renntrin4 done nentlY, Sel . y ABEL T1:111: ELL, :sive Groceries. Fancy Goods, Jerwelry Perin- •d eery. kc.—Agent for all the most popular PATENT a• rl CINM-7ituntrusa. Pa.- aug tf - DAVID C. -- .1NE8 7 . M. In., TT tvfxr; ioroted permanently if Sew Milford, Pa. 11. vi II attend oromptly taallcafb with which he may he Neared. Office at Vold. Motel. Maw idliford,July,l7.-111. MEDICAL CARD DR. ,E,PATRICK, K. IR. E. 1. GARTAER. . - LATfi ORATWATE of TUE MEDICAL DEPATMENT OP VALE COLLEGE, have formed • copartnership far the 'practice of Medicine andpirgery.and arc prepared to attend t all heslo•iss faith( and punetrielly.that may he invested to their care. on terms commensurate 'vitt, ;he times. Diseases and deformities otttie.EYs =TOW 0 0eira• lions. and all ourcital diseases.palirticularly.sttended to. VMP'Olnee over Wehb's Store. _Once hours from 8 sa. to 9 p.m. All sorts of country produce taken In pay- Merit, at thS hir„tie4 rata., and CAM' NOT PLETLIMD. Montrose, Pa..'May :th,l662.—tpf HAYDEN 'BROTOERS, - WHOLESALE DEALERS TN - IrAILNIE-1313 NOTSONB FANCY GOODS. wv. HAYDEN. • JOHN HAYDEN. TRACY HAYVIDT. 'NEW .1111.POAD. PA. GEORGE LUTHER.. P. -E. BRUSH, 31. D., • ELATING NOW LOCATED PEEMANENTLT, AT' 'Ell:01 . 11.1.1g1171-1109 • Willittead to the 'fain of his pioteealon promptly. Ocoee at at. Lathrop+, `TAKE NOTICE! .-.• C asps. Pelts. Fox. Ming. irabgrit,._si l l g efil i firg ili ol Fats. A good ngfortment of LentbeT and Boot., and . Shoes constantly on'boud. Office, Tannery; d Shop on Main Street. ~ Montrose. Feb.dttt. P. d. L. C. KEELE,6 FIRE .INSIIRA.NE. THE INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH AMERICA, AT PHILADELPHIA, PA.; Has Established =Agency in Montrose. The 'Oldest Isliturairce Co.inthe CASH CAPITAL PAID IN ASSETS OVER rim E rate• are arlow thane of -any good nomnstry in Neir,Tit. or elpesrlsere. and its pirector r are among the Ern s enor and integrity. ' • rft ittzi arr. See'r. COPFIN..Pres. Montrose, Julyls, '62. MLLIN GS. STR.urD, 441.. HOMiL I\SURAAUE COMPA NI, Of W oweelrairls.. CASH CAPITAL, ONE MILLION DOLLARS. mans Ist :ray' 1860. :61,481,819.21. LIABILITIES. " 43,068.138. - CDa■. Prraideut 11 F.lrth: Vice " ' I.lllltrm Smith, Seer ioha McGet. 1.1. •• rdiciev. I.sued and renewed. be tb4-andeniliaal, iL SI. 'Bac. urie dom'abose S'earlt'• ili r nel,:Nitrotrufte, Pa: novit 7• ' BILLINGS STIBOL'D, Agent. S. 33 mr rt...2..r Ty AS just receired a lame stock' of new Storm fur ,-11 1. Coaxing:. Parlor. ['Mee and Shut' purporet, (or Wood C•ial. with &love Pipe. Zinc. Ac. II la assortment . ). atilect and drairataa, and will be sold 11 the moot favorable teethe for to ran thl /Overt. , New Milford. Oct. ?..'itta. - • :Cfr AN TED-4 renneienade Denson or•Pitliet pen in T every nea;:bhurlunni qo t. 41 J, EL. leutr ui .d., ouv . Tart. nodal.° .1. R St.stlonro Inter :Alen SrLworr. Pow. ...DST.. °lire Tar lo a tile. Trknroa rent field: 1.1 in the ler< reeled,' known f.rt dieenree of the throat, inner:or Ana-rn. Alen :Or dieetherin. Cron!, Vitninnint , Crouch. 74v Iron and Sul:Amt. P ‘ wardere ntrentrtspen the . mil. "-el' aid n; diere ion. and Wiry the hlooff, - I hart a r:Ttrea pass ennutlsite; full riplanatiann. and ester ane.kundred - tertimnnisl, (rook well known promi• 'lens ne%tene, which I will Beni to an,' ant free hr 11 . 41 . 4. 11, Sl' A Pri.)llo. Chemist. jnel—le• , t. 4143 excialfwv. N. Y. Dandelion Coffee, g /LIMIT bevetaii, One pnowd ailtbli•O4iiree will ktaakt as lawirt as two pea 4441 , of onwrllneee. For *lt TICZRZLL. she Simi, Seek oft Nth& We Join Ourselveti to no Party that' Does not. Carry the Flag : and Keep Step -to the iitasio or the Whole Union. 1. - ,VOL. 19. COItRESIVIThEntIii. 21se History of the •• ft4tteadess Compromise . I —lt was Rejected by the Republicans in- Cot:stress—lf Adopted, the Smith Would • ; Have Taken It-41. Would have Saved the Uaioa and Previa' - "am Wa'r-4.itter. I , • • -: from' ii-Sefteetoi Bigler, of Peaseiivasia. Cumuli:LA-Sept. 27 ; 1862. - 1 Rott. Wm. BIIIiER Dear sir: The Hon. L. W. Hall, at preaent the candidate •of the Republicia . party for the State Senate in this distric4 In the course •of his ad dress to the people on the evening -of the 22d itistant, stated that, "same Republi can members of the - United States Setta;.e hlad i votee for the aritteriden -Compto raise, and some voted against it, or .iiords to that': effect. He also complained that certain Senators -from the Cotton States had withheld their voles on., the Clark amendment, which: - the Critten don Compromise was defeated. T'Ais You were a Member of the United States Senate at the time,: and • acted a cotiipicuous part. in favor of that and oth,-, ei la r .rta. of adjustment during - the Memorable session of 1860 and 1864, and tnust be very familiar with the. facts, we respectfully request that • you tiirniA us, fOr public use, a brief. history of the pro;, clit..diogs of the Senate on the resoktitions flitiiiliarlylmo<vn as the CrittendenCorn." I.+oniise, and 'of the surroundinff, circum stances: its. T: Laoa'Aito, and others. CLEA4FlELD,*ptember 29, 1862. J. L READ • Gmcriosturi-:-I am in receipt of your limer, and with pleasure proceed-to cum . - lily with your request. In doing' this, I shall endeavor to be brief, though it must Frye obvious that anything like a full Moto : py of thepreceedings of the . United States .sf.L•tiate on the resolutions familiarly known as the . Crittenden-Compromise, and ' the oiicurreneesiii;!itient thereto, sonnet be compressed into a very short story. . ' i You can all bear.nie witness in The ad 4esses I have made t'! the people, Since ti y rei ir.iiey from - the .Senate, I. a not sought. to press this subject e on.. shier:akin iii any party light ; I hive held that the Governmekit and country must bk saved, do in s atter whose folly and made hi-Ss had imperiled them that we shout& first extinguish the flames that are emi t. seining our national fabric., and after- Ward look up the incentliary Who app l ied the torch hut, as the subject has been bFought before the community by a dis . tinguislied. member ,of the . Republican par -6,, for pOrtisan ends, and statements made it with the records, it ,is emi nOtly proper that the factit-.—ot -least all t i hntssential facti—shonld be given to the • , . ilt is not true that • some Repnblican nienvbers ° of. the Senate 'supported the "Crittenden COmpromise;" aioi someop. ppsed it. They opposed it, throughout and Wothout an exception. Their efforts to defeat It - were in -the usual shape of post pooementkr and amendments, and it was until within a few hours of the close of the session that a direct vote was had op the proposition itself. -.. On the litth of January, they. cast a u nited vote against its consideration, oh the - 15th they did the same thing,, in odder - to, consider thePac'fic Rail-road bill. But first test vote was had on the day- of,Tannik_r_y, on the motion of 31. r. Clark of New Haiiip . shire,to strike out the Crittenden proposition, arid insert certain resolutions of his own, the. only object manifestly. being to deceit' ethe for mer. The 'yeas and ottykun this vote were as follows • . Yeas—Messrs.: Anthony, Baker,Hing hUm, Cameron, Cluttizi!er, clerk, . Colla- Mer, Dixon, Doolittle, Dirkee, lessen, deri, Foot, Fostei, Grimes, Hale, Harlan, King, Seward, Sinamons,Sumner, Ten Afek, Trumpall, Wade, *BD" son , and ilson-25 , NAYS—Messrs. Bayard, Bigler, Bragg, Bright., Clingtuan, Crittenden, Fitch, Ireen, Lane, Latham, Mason Nicholson, earce, Polk, Powell; . Pugh, 'Rice,' 14ury and Seba.stian-2. So Mr. Clark's amendment prevailed, and the Crittenden proposition was defeated. On the announcement of this result the whole subject was laid on-the table. •. This is the vote on which : some *sir or eight-Senators of the Cotton States with held their votes, and of.this I shall speak hereafter. • true that within a few'hoitrs after these proceedings, as- though alarmed a bout the consequemts of what' had been &ME, Senator Cameron moved a reconsid ef-ation of 'the vote by which the Critten den prel34itien had-been defeated • I,This:snotion came up for consideration on the lath, and to the amazement.of ev erybody out in the secret,, Senator. Cain tr6ii voted against his own motion, and t4ashitted by every other Senator of his p'arty. The vote is recorded on page 443 of Ist volume Congressional Globe, and „is: as follow‘:' • I YeAS-15ftssrs. BaVard,.Bigler; Bright, Bragg; Clingmatv, ' , Crittenden, - - Douglas, Fitch, Green, Gwin, Hunter, Johits.on of Arkansas. ..Johnson s 4 Tenne.see, Kenne dy, Lane, .Latham, Mason, Nicholson, l~i tree. olk, - Pugh, Rice, -.Sauls bury, Sebastian stud Slidell-27 litts, Gainer's. Chandler. Chide; Collamer, Dixen; Fesenden, Foot, Foiter, "Grinosi, King,-Seward, Sinitdons, Stunner, Ted Eyck, Iti ale, Wig,fall, Wilk istlnuti ettnl ‘Vilutts- , -' 1 24. • . 4500.00 C 51.200,000 This v.ite wlt.4 regarded by :many ag the Criltendrn propot.i -m, for the 11.•;1‘111 t 1111 i the ltepithiirati afivr . lllll girlibermiqn amt. e0n . ... htvi e ast-:t 11:41feei iitte against . 1-sktni: flrget upptAratice • awl littatiwo of , veiterlyr- itatrtot,. Crittetoleti on the- antiointe.ement; 044' ; hi , heart seemed full to a vi.e. flawing v arith . .grief...4 and leis countenance flare the unmistakable marks of , anguish Mot despair: We.. motion of. Senator cameron to reconaideritad iispired, irith hoist, ion hopo'l, hat the. !suited. vote of the 1t...10t/Mean I..4.littiors,against tlix proposition, showed' toe , clizttly flint hia efforts were vain., S.VIIREELL . . . ~....„ . . . . - - ~.. . . . ~.. . . ...1 , .. . - .. :.. .. . . ' 1 • - ' ''- 1.- , .. : : .. '.- ~... - . -.' . ••• ..... : '1 S ll4 .: . ' ~ . _ .., .. . . 4 ...a..:.. . . , . _ . . .. • " . .... . -.... . . . , . . .. :__, -,• ' . . .. i . . i ' IF i ' : 0 C . - 2:3'7' '... :4 . • . .. . • MONTIIOSE, PA., TOSDA:I7,I•: NOV.. 25,1862. The final vote 'Was taken directly on agreeing to the Crittenden proposition on the ad' of March, one day befoiv_the final adjournment of 'Congress, and fa leeprded on page 1,405 of the Congtessionialaiobe, second part. On 'this vote eveiii:bbmo crat dna every Southern Senator-;4nclu ding Mi..Wfgfall, who voted-against the reconsideration of -Mr. 'Clark's amend ment—voted for the proposition,and every Republican 4 against it. - As for the Cotton State Senators, who Withheld •their votes on the 16th of Jan nary, 'that Mr. Clark's amendment, might prevail,- hail) no apology to . make for their mischievous and wicked cenditet on that or any othet occasion, but if. they are blame Worthy foc withholding their foie.; and not sustaining the Crittenden !imposition, what-shall we say of the Re publican Senatori who, at the same time, cast a solid-vote rhinst it,asi have shown,. It was no half-way business. with them— they aimed directly at its defeat. Some of the Southern Senators, on' the ',other hand, who lied withheld their votes on the 16th—Messrs. Slidell, Hemphill and Johnson, of Arkansas—by the 18th had repented their error, god 'east-their votes to reconsider and revive, the compromise proposition, but the Republicans persisted in their liostilitV to . the end.' . • ' . NOr is it, true that the votes of the Cot. ' ton St'tte Senators, with- those of 'all the I other SOuthern Senatorsi and those of all . ' - the Northern Democrats, could have say -ed A; secured theCrittenden Compromise. They could have given it a majority, but everybody knows that 'the. Constitution ' requires a vote of two thirds - to submit a mendments to- the Constitution for • the rat Meat iOn of the States. These eould not be had without eight or ten Republican votes., But suppose the Constitution did not so require, what could it have . availed to have adopted a settlement by a mere I party vote? It was a compromise tte. • tween thnwo,sectiims that the exigency required. The Republican was the domi nant party in the..Nortl4 - and no compro mise or adjustment could be successful, either !tithe Senate or before the people, without their active sup tort. They con. stituted one'ol the - parties to the issue, and it would have been folt; to haVe at. , tempted a 'settlement without heir sane lion and 'support before the country. When congress assembled in December 1861, it was obvious to every 'one who was at all - willing to heed, the signs of -the • times, that the peace of the country was in; imminent peril; the.naturaiconsequence - of a prolonged war of erinimation au& re- • crimination between the extreme and irn • practicable men .of the North and Soup). fhe anxious inquiry was everywhere,'heard- -"what 'ean be done to allay the agitation: and save the unity and' peace ofour.coun: try ?" Athong those who were willing to make an effort to conipronfise and settle, I regardless of sectional, party or personal' considerations,consultation after consulta tion 'was held. The first, great task was' I to diScoverEhether it was possible to 'bring the Soutb.upto grotind on which the North could stand. Many and various *ere the propositions and suggestion's pro duced. But it was finally Concluded that the proposition of the venerable Senator ; from Kentucky (Crittenden) was most likely to command the requesite support in Congress and before the people. These together with all others of a similar char aeter, were referred to a select committee, ' ' composed of the following Senators Messrs. Crittenden,. Powell, Hunter, -Se:avard, Toombs, Douglas, Collamer, Da vif,Wade,'Bigler, Rice, Doolittle,Grimes, --Eve Sotithern men, five R . ep_ublimus,and three Northern Democrats. The Southern and Republican Senators were recorded as the:partieS of the iasne,andlience a role wakiutcPpted . that no proposition stionld e repOrted the Senate as a compromise unless at received a majority of both 'sides. I All the Southern Senatorsoctve 31r.Datis I and Mr. ToOnbs;were known to.favor the Crittenden proposition. On the 23d day of December, this proposition came up for consideratio'n,andit, became necessary for 4 . Davis and Toombs to take their positions in regard to it, and I shalt never forget-i the substance of what both said, for I re garded tbeir course as involving the fate of the compromise... Mr. Davis said, "that for'hitriself the proposition would be a bit-1 - I ter. pill, for he held that ILis constituents had an equal right with those of any-other Senator to-go into the common tetfitories ! and occupy and enjoy them with whatev er aright be their the time; but nevertheless, in view, of the great Istake involved; ,if the Republican . side would `.go. for it; in good ; faith, he would unite _with them." 3lr. Toombs expressed pearly. : the same sentiments,, and declared that' Stare would accept the proposition as a final set- I tlement. .Mr. Toombs, also, in open Sen ate, on thB 7th of January,-used the folio- '; wing language: , ' ,"But;althotigh - I insist *on . this perfect ! ' equality in the - Territory, yet when it `was • propos'ecl,as snow understand the senitor . r from Kentucky . to propose, that the line, 4 sit' 36°..30' shall be extended,.neknnwledg- ; ' ing and protecting our. property on the ,south sideof that line, for the sake of peace—permanent said to the r cominittee of thirteen, total say here,• that with . ot her satisfactory provisions. I would swept it."—Page 270 cfir.g. Globe, Ist: . In liddition to my . owe. testimony of ' what occurred in the •Cerninittee, of ,thir. teen, I. present ex t rates 'front speeches, of Messrs: Douglas and Puob b4ariror direet . ly ow this point. -On the :Pi.of January, in the course of an elaboiate Speech; Mr. Douglas'used the following language: - "IfyOu of the RepUblitwi : side are not willing to accept this nor The proposition ul the Statue from Kentucky pray tell 'us wilatott Wil! du. I'address.:,the ryloltypublicans atone, for the ,reason committee of , thirteen, a few days ago.eiery member -from the, South, inclu ding those from the cotton Stites (Davis and Toom - bs) expressed their reariineSsAo accept: tile' proposition venera t le. • friewl from Kentucky, a final , s:ettle- pent of the Oontrovelsy,- if tendered and ; . • sustained by ; the "11:efinkilicati inembers.- 7 - lience; the BOLE .. responsibility of our disagreement, and ,the ONLY difficulty ! in the way of amicable adjustment is, whit thl Republican party." -- I. These remarks; weremade, as well as I I remember, bet* a very full Senate,in the presence °final, if norquite all the Re-. publican and hern Senatora; And no lone dare to dispute the facts stated. Mr. Pugh,. tn. the.course of a Very able speech on the 2d ii . f . March, remarked • . "Bay stippeselthat - Senator does prom tee me irvote ithe' Crittenden proptiai-' Lions; I have followed him three months;' I have followed my honorable friend Trout I Kentucky, [Crittenden] for three, iiionthis, I 1 hive followed My - friend, the Sehator'of Pennsylvania, [Bigler] for three months II have voted ivithithem on all these prop ositions, at t Limn when there were twelve 1010 Senators invtliirt chainher on 'Whose vOtes we could rely; and what came of it all ? Did we ever cret,a vote on the e , Crit tenden ProTositiens? Never. Did we ! ever get a vote nit the Peace conference • propositions? . Never.. Did .we ever get a . vote on the bilipittroduted by the Sena tor from Penny vania, to stilimit these propositions to aivote of the people? No. ,They were not strong enough to displace the Pacific "Wird:id bill,whielt,stood here s and defied them in the Senate tbrl more their a, month. • Tinily were not strong' en ough to Set asideltlits plunder bill yoncall a tat iff. They were not strong enough to' beat a Tension bill one morning.. For 3 long months have-I- followed _the Senator end others,beggilig for a - vote on these questions-; neveti-e:m get it—never; and now I am to be &laded no further; and r use that, word delusion certainly in no engin(' sense to my friend. 'l.lle Crittetidim proposition has been endorsed by the almost imatiiinotis vote of OM legislature ofilientucky.' It has been endorsed by the legislature of the noble, old commonwealth of Virginia. It has , been. petitioned for by a larger number of electors (lithe T i nited - States, titan any proposition that teas ever before Congres I believe in my Nati, to day that it would • carry an overwhidming majority 'of the people of my state, aye sir,olnearly every other state in thellinoin. Before the Sen ators from Missis4ippi left this eliattibet, I heard one . of them, who now hssunies, at least, to be the .Prt,sident °tithe Southern confederacy, pro Pose ac cept it and 'to, maintain the Ifttien - if that proposition could receivetheivote it ought to receive from the other side of the chamber. There fore, of your ;propositions, of all your amendments, know ing•as I do, and know ing that the historian will write it down, at any time belilre the fitst of January, te a two-thirds vote for the Crittenden resolu tions in this chaniber would have saved every the Union but South Caro jinn. Georgia alma+ he here by her rep reieritatives:• and Louisiana, also—these two great States), which, at' least would bare broken the iwhole Mute] of Seces shut." Mr. Douglas, at the same time,,said iii "I can confirm the Senator's-declaration that Senator Davis' hiniself, when on the committee of thirteen, was readyat all times to comprotnise - on the Crittenden propositions. I go further, and 'say that Mr. Toomblowas also ready-to do so.' Itnt if this testimony were net . in eist.- enee at all, do w 4 not . all know that the great State of Vli•gioia endorsed this pro position, and -su mated it to the other states as a basis of final adjustment .and permanent peace!? It was this basis on which that state called for the Peace con ference which as4embted soon thereafter. It was endorsed by almost the unanim ous vote t:d . the fegislature of ,Keetueky, and subsequently by those of Tennessee and North Carolina. • But it is useless to add testimony. The Repriblicap members of the Senate were against. the Crittenden proposition, and the radicals of that body were against anY and every adjustment. When the peace Conference - had assembhi and there was soine-hopeof a satisfactory settlement,it is well known that Chandler, Harlan, and others, urged their, respective .Governors to send on impracticable fanat ics as' commissioners, in order to defeat a compromise. ! • " In what I . have said I have not intended to extenuate or letcuse the WICKED NESS of the _secessionists. Bad and im politic-as was the policy ( A lthe Northern radicals, it furnished no sufficient excuse for secession, rebellion and. war. ; but I believed most sincerely then, as I do now, that the acceptance of Mr. 'Crittenden's proposition by ore-third of the Republic ans in Gong,ress,at,the right time, would have broken dowin secession in nearly all the states now claiming to be out of the Union; and it might have been accepted without any sacrifice of honor or principle. So far as.the comnion territory of the U. States was concerned, it. proposed an equi table partition, 'giving the North about .000,000 sqiiare Miles and the South about 300,000 square Miles. No umpire. would letwe in-km selected that would tiavegiveri the North more. i It; then, it was a mate rial-interest and tattle we were eonteriding for, it. gave us a full share; if it 'was the application ()fa principle the; Republicans were Struggling {for, it allowed the appli cation of their deletrine to three-fimtrtlis of an estate that belonged' to all the states and all the people. Itexpresstyexcluded slavery from s gooioq square oula,t , of this estate, and allosiged it to the remaining 300,000. But n o bne . cad misunderstamf the real object or the I Republican orators in / paradint! the ftc that silt or eiglit.South ern Senatorshatn, at one time, - withheld their votes from the Crittenden • proposi tion:- • It is - tii - shOw• that the-South, &tis not for it atidAid not desire acoinproutisei nnd hence the *politic:MS aretiot re sponsible: for th . horrible consequences of its 'failure. - Oa ' this point the - testi mony is very conclusive, and I shall give itat some - length, please or 'displease whom it may. V Republionw choose to take the ,responsibility of saying that they were Against, the" pro position: and &term- - ined to make tiolsettletnent;however we may lenient, their policy,' no one' cOnid Object to t hat-pOsit ton, as matter, of fact, ; but they will forever fait tlisaiWy . the . 'world that the S'Oilth Was not fairly . tom , Maid to a settleinent on the basis of the Crittenden *Prop4litioti, or that theNerth-• ern Dernocrats w l auhl not have.compromis . ed on that, ground, had they possessed the power to do so Trim aware that there are plenty -of Republicans who would still spurn to "'settle with the =South On such cOnditions,•as •there are alio - radicid fanatics who would not take than seeticinl back into the Union even, eti• the condi timui of the Constitution:, They certainly can have no complaint ,against ,my views and sentiments: •', • • The Reptihlientis,' it is true; "just elected President,;,and-were about to take. possession: of the government; but "still, the popular vote in 'the , several States showed that - they were over amnionef votes in thii:ininority' of the - 'electors' the United .Staten:. Being Million in the minority, if they' secured the aPplica: tion. of their principles to three-fourths of all the, territory, was that not enough? Could they not on that beim boasted ofia great triumph ? Fora tune these -.arg uments and considerntion seemed to have weight with- the more Moderate • and conservative of the, Republictuu Senators. Indeed .at one time I had strong, hopes pt' settlement. .13iit the radicals rallied hi I force; headed by Mr. Greeley lind the current was 'soon changed. ‘ire were; then met with. the .argument that the.' people, in the election of Mr. Lincoln,. decided to exclude slavery -froni all the territory, lind'that members ofeCongreis dare not attempt to reverse that decis ion. - • We them determined to go a step-, !further and endeavor to. overcome this ! obstacle ; and it was to this end atleel consultation with Mr. Crittenden and others, that I myself introduced a bill into. ,the Senate providing for taking the minim of the people , of the several States, a the I Crittenden preposition for the direction of members of CongreSs in voting for or ainst Submission for the latification of the States, as an amendmeht to the Constitution. This was an appeal to the Isource of all political power, and, would have relieved the members of WI serious responsibility, the vote of the rePresent ative Would'...baice been in accordance ! with the votes of his constituents, either for or against-the proposition, The only ,I objection made was that it was somewhat irregula • r and. extraordinary. But, • the satne men could not inak • e that objectidn at present: T‘io many extraordinary things :have since keen done, by their chosen. agents. believed. with - the Sea -1 ator of Ohio as I believe still, that .the proposition would II:se carried a majority in nearly all.the.Siates of the • Union, but i it shared the fate of all other efforts for I settlement:- Would to God, our country was now in the condition it then was, and that the people Could be allowed to ! settle • the controversy for __themselVes under the eigliteen,_.menths'-vv- perienceof war and carnage, and the count- i tless sacrifices of ttational . strength and character.' Very truly, your obedient servant, -4 ,W 31. BIG LER. • ILITASY TACTICS -lATEST EDI , TION. 1 • Comnianding Ofrer.-1. Gentlemen, - you will please - give your attention : 2. You will be kind enough to cast your head and eyes to the right, and-endeavor to observg the " immacul ate bosom"- or the third gentleman from you; 3. Oblige me now by casting you visual organs to the front. • . 4. Allow me to suggest the propriety of coming to an order arnis ? 5. Gentlemen, will you condescend to order aims ? . • 6. Yoti. will confer a special favor by coming to' 'ii support. 7. If meets your approbation, I beg leave to propose that you carry arms. _- 8. Now, gentlemen, you.will please pr e. sent arins.' , 9. I shall consider. myself under an ever lasting obligation,if yon will once more obligelly. carrying arms. 1,0. lia l i . ving a just, and high appreciation of your ntrinsic worth, es well ais your ez alte in society, I humbly ut that I ain not infringing upon your go od nature When I requ,est you to trail arms. IJ. Gtintlemen, for the last time; permit Me to remark that it is my earnest desire that yen should come to. a shoulder arms. I ) i 12. If it is not too laborious, I Should be delighted to see you change your'pOs ition - 1,),t coming le a right face. - *l3. To, conclude your arduous exercises, I will stillfurther. trespass' upon your well known affability by desipli d g you to come to' l arine port. 14. Gentlemen ! soldiers ! blood-stained heroes if con! , enial to your feeling 4 yen may , ccinsider- yourselves dismissed. I 'beg to - remark, however, that should it suit yonr convenience, you. will be kind enough ito subject to be again celled into line, which you will be made aware of by the 'repeated • and vigerona tapping of 'the" spirit Stirring drum," ireQ( the chile, the first vibration of that , sweet' instrument that strikes the VI - kip:intim 'of your-ears is only : precautionary. to - exclaim, iii stentorian. voice : Sever the ranks ! march ! • ,c•a. country school teacher, prepar ing for exhibition :of his school,fielectO a class df pupils, and wrote down the ques tions which be worth] put to them on ex an-lin:won day, Theday - came, and all of the young hopefuls but one. The pupils took tbyir. places.ase had been arranged, and all Vent on well until the question for the absentee, when .thc. teacher asked: 1- whom do you : believe?" "Napoleon - Bonapart.e.'! '"Yotf believe in :hula ,Ch - rist, do .yOu not ?" "Not the boy that lielievoi in him has t• not co me to school to-41sy, for he's sick `a bed." An explosion followed.. r'4l"l%fen are bo'rn With two qv; bet with mie tongue ; in order that'they Aced see twice as much as they say; but from their (*duet,' one would suppose- th'ey _ were bOrn - with two tongues and-one eye, for thoke talk the most whd have,obmerv ed the ieamt, and. obtrude their remarks upon everything who have omen - into-rio thing. I . ' • ' , ' 1 NO. 4'i. . - NEW MAREET, Ky. Oct. 24, 1862.1 31Y DEAR RUH= —We have been On a long and tedious inarch 77 -' a march with- , out tents, ;wagons, or camp. equippageiof any kind; continually :moving from one point to *nether; even required to keep the strictest •witch.leet , r eshould. be at tacked 'an likery defeated; as the -enemy-were near in vastly superior nude berm... It was on.this . trip that we were compelled to retreat from- Lexington ,in consequence of our 'defeat at Richmond, Ky. The enemy hovered . close to our 'rear until within a few!milea ofLouisville, Once, or twice getting close enetiglitti•Shell the rear guard of.our regiment. At Sli4-, 1 byville a charge was made _brick through the town, and the rebels driven off. we .arrived at Louisville almost entirely won I out. We remained there but a few_days, I and I was.kept very busy. securing snb-.I • .. sistence, stores, tfcc. A cavalry force,ofi which we constituted a part then advanced towards Bardstown, as far- as Salt river. I We remained here roe or four days,npd were again coinpelled to retreat; it being reported that Bragg's whole army were ; advancing on Louisville. To prevent this, we -were compelled to burn three very fipe ' bridges. ' We arrived in Louisaille abOut p. m, and found all wariexcitement. Workmen were busy digging -entrench ments, and from general appearances yeti might have aupposed- there certainly ! would have been . a fight in less than.. 24 s s ,hOurs. Not knowing where to encamp with the teama, I remained at the e&lge'of • the city,.. rolled inyself in a blanket and lay-down,,ouit pile of stones along The pike. I Chose the stone on account of then! being ICBs dirt there , than any °fifer place near.. I slept quite:comfortably pn my not very downy lied. We did not go into - any regular "camp, but quartered in vacant lots about the city- . ---each one ma t king himself as comfmasble as possible on 'der the circumstances. Buell 's army fin ally arrived and Put an end to all few of an attack upon Louisville. There, was [quite a large army eollected—think I I would be sate in estimating it at,125,000. i - When this army nioved,•we moved with it. One portion took the road to Tayler ville, the other to .Bardstown—we went with the former. The cavalry was put under the command of Capt. Gay, U. S. army, who placed me with Q. M. Eck els, in charge of the train, where I have been ever sineeit . not very enviable Po sition. The Cavalry, generally scouted in 'the advance, and encamped' 'there. ,We were compel led- let all-the infantry, pass every morning, Mid drive through to the advance that night. We have hitched np early in the morning and been compelled t. ,- -•vait till after.snminwn hefnro'firiving out otearup, frequently being compelled to drive all night before overtaking our commit& From Taylorsville u e went to' Bloomlield, and fYom thence, we took the road to Perryville. Bragg's army in the meantime - had left Bardstown, .and were .only.a feW herirs in advance of its. -Crit tenden's. division, with which we united, amain close - pumbit, la having gOne to Bardstown from Louiffille. This was;on the . 44 inst., and skirmishing was kept:up all day quitebriskly. 'pie rebelii plabied -two pieces of Artillery in a little town called Texas; but retreated, losing 15 or 20 men in killed and wounded. I 'I came up with.our forced late at night. All the teams were ordered to the rear,..(ex cept ammunition,) but they finally per mitted our train to pass, Which must have been within' li t miles of tlifi • Eve)) , one spoke of the morrow's fight, but I hardly thought it would amount; to much, as the enemy seemed to be making 'every effort to escape. About .5 oichick the next morning tbe,bidl opened with ar tillery firing. was not in the fight-;—he ing cOmPelled to remain in charge of the tram.: I wanted to go up very much ; but I knew that if I left withou,t orders,l I would likely The court-martialed.' About 9- o'clock I rode forward about 11- miliS to the rear-of one of our batteries, where it was fully engaged -some 500 yards . dis -Itant. The 2nd lichigan Cavalry, arined with Colt's- revolving had been dis mounted and sent out as The rebels held the Woods, and. shot from behind fenies and every conceivable place I:of shelter. A Atissourtreginient wentito II the reliefsf the,cavalry, and althOugh the place was taken it was with considerable loss on ear-side. I bad not been up long before the ambulances ; began to bringfin !!the wonnded to a farm house close hy.' r -- Then for the first time, rfolly realized oe horrors of war. Some fifty or sixty must ,• have been hauled in while I 'remained there. The house teas soon filled Slid the balance were. placed in the yard. Some 1 - were very badly oqinded, and have most likely since died. I noticed one Offieer Iwho was shot through the entrails and was dying when'brought in. It. :was tru: ,ly horribleth hear his groaris and his pit ; sous inquiries for a surgeon: I.was cern ; pelted to return to my train about noon, '-and did pot' agaiMgat to • the battle-field ',that day.. The firing had nearly ceased, and I supposed the fight was over. Alien 1 1 p. m. it again commenced and raged I with perfect fury until long after darkl-- The roar of artillery and the sharp crack of musketry was terrible. I, had nerr, heard anything of the kind 'before. 'lt seemed its ifevery gun thathad ever been: cast was belching fOrth its loudest. Not haying' been in the fight, I cannot gay much, if aiiytling, or the movements iof different parties.,. It is sufficient "to my_ r that all foitglit well. Those that were ;at the battle ofShiloN• say that' both sides , fought with more d,esjwation here than there., Every one, however; speaks in the higheit terms of the bravery shown bv- F the,rebelg. All say. that they fought - bar'd and Well. I atp told they made three mile cessiire charges along the whole linistof battle, determined to break through, but were repulsed. - Our • centre and. right Maintained their positicinS, but the 'left r fell back jiver a mile, and the rebels hold that'part of the field until next morning. . 1 Gin. M'Cooll'eofnmaeiled here ,witlirnost ! ,reereita, but ,they: . fought well— ; Gen;•Rosseau Mae was here. (I see Mate ; liine has' writtefi 4.letter. Intim which; it I might heinferied that the latter Oeneial had'foright the "w alehimself. Tie ; ALL Klima of:011 _DONE AT nut t onPrez 'Or anur, Et loner a a Vt. AIL yr se; NZATLY AND PRONPTLi, • AND AT "LIVE AND LET Lfyx.". PRICES. Tam office of-the Montrose Denioorat !has recently been supplied with 'a new andvitoic• variety or type, etc, and'we ire tow preparettoprint pamphlets letrealats, etc, ate., in **best style.catisWtaotted. Hahtlbills, Posters, Proirsunni . es, and' other kin& of Wort in thln line. dans wording to "Met • Business, Wedding, .and *Ball CARDsa 'lYeirtio!r-:orinted witAnesttessaad4esPlitek. . • . . Instices' and Constables' Blanks, Notes itleeita, and ell other Ithuelu,"on hid/J. of pitted to orde I tar- ;lob wmic and 111,16 b, to be paid flytclt. . . doubtless fought Well, but many .others` are equally deserving praise.) Generale jaCkson Sand Tetrill wePe both killed o* the field, and here I meat note a little hi , • htimanitron thepart of the rebels, They at one time hadpossessioti of Geri, Jack son's body, which 'they rifled of etery% thing valuable, even cutting the epattlette , and buttobs off his coat. Night .put - an end to the - Work of deatfPanddestruction, and our cavalry brigade returned . to its former camping ground, with bat small • loss. All expected the,fight Wbe 'rate* , r ed" the next morning. None seemed : to think that much had been gained during the day. ' Some even supposed it to be 41 drawn shank; The sun 'rose 'clear And bright the nest morning, but no enemy. was to be seen; They bad quietly taken their departure, having becomedisgusted with the people of Kentucky.. They' left the d—d Yankees, as they said; to do the dirty work of burying their dead. I rode -over the field, and-the sight was tru ly horrible. Rebels and Unionists lay side by side ak though both had fallen in il hand to hand fight upon this pi4rt of the - field Ole centre.) -I, should think-they lay in about-equal numbers., I. have' cell told that, the' rebels 'were hauling way their deaden night. The dead wc r ly ing ing almut in every conceivable pos t ion. Some hdd been killed instantly; o f erg' . had twisted themselves entirely on of shape,'dduhtless to allay the pain. I Ea*, a rebel who- had been hit fairly in Abe. back with a six pound shot. I rode over 'to where our lett had, fought. Herter fighting must' have been -terrible. Roes; - es and men lay promiscuously over the fields and through the woods. I counted l'orty-three dead men lying in a cornfield In a straight line ; just us they were form ed in line of battle. -They were therejust - long enough for the regiment to make a stand. One of'ouiregiments Was station ed here, and was forced to 'retire. We' finind one of our -batteries that. they bad '. taken from us the day before, but no liv , ingrebels - near. They bad net taken time to spike the guns, cut doii . tn the carriag es; or even to destroy the ammunition in the cessions;' All were taken to a plaee'of - safetv. s We then passed on -through- the , woods in the direction which the enemy had taken. I cannot describe the sight. , It' must be seen to be fully realizod. I un derstood Capt. Kimmel 'of our regiment counted:463 dead rebels in a space of 60 I acres. I Saw many - of both sides but did ' not count them. I rode down a narrow lane. where dead and wounded men were lying in almost every fence corner. We passed on some two miles, and still dead men lay-scattered through the woods though in less munbers. We finally reach ed a steep precipice,at the foot of which .ran a fide stream o water. It trawthe first we ;bad seen for days, and we had suffered Severely for the want:thereot On the fiat helow lay a pile of rebel guns, and . I'4 dead 'rObels.'the hogs had commenced to eat the 'dead bodies. ,There . - was some thing so' inhuman in 'what .I saw, that I dismountekled, my. horse down the hill, and drove the hogs from tbe.bodies. . We -however lett, them ea we found them, and I presume nothing could now be found' but.their bones. ' From a couple 'of pri!. oners hire taken, I, learned a rebel hospi tal was within g short . distance. I, with several others.started in search, and soon found it. Some 400 rebel wounded were placed in the_ house, barn and yard. IThe surgeon in charge stated that a great ma ny bad been ,hauled away—(all they could move.) Some half-a•slosen doctors,were.. -busy amputating arms and legit, quite a pile'of which lay under the table., This was the only rebel hospital that I Visited, but there •numerous others in thii.vicisti. • ty - . One of the 'surgeons (truion) detao ed to make report ,of tbe. - rebel hate, tt. me they found onehospital is teltielt-theire were estimated to'be 1400 wounded reb 'els. They estimated the total rebel loss in killed and wounded at 6,000. The nett day' we proceeded to. Harrodsburg, 8 mileil from Perryville: The former place was ,reported one vast rebel-hcsital.--. They certainly had been - Very. muckwors ted pn the fight, and were retreating as fist as possible. - At- llarrodsberg, Gen.. Gay captured 80 head of very fine cattle, and the 12 rebel soldiers that were guard ing them. These he turned over tome, I being his commissary at niresent. From here we proceed to Crab Orchard, thence • to 'Stanford, ,thence to Springfield, and from thence to this . place, 6 miles from Lebanon.. - Gen. Bile! has arrived, and quite a large army has passed or, I pre-' _mime for Nashville,.Tenn. I cannot say -. where we- will go, -but I think to East Tennessee, Morgan was still in this State st'tew days ago. Miny of the men who jeined him lately aro leaving. him and.giv:- big themselves up to our troop,. . .- - - There are many bitter complaints that Bragg was.allowed to go out of the state. All think l i e should have: been caught, and fiery many find fault with Gen. Buel.: I have heard many gate serious 'remarks Made, hbt cannot speak of thb truth there of. It does seem to mu that with the force at' his command, he. should have at least captured the whole of l3ragg's army, let, ting alone Kirby Smith and Morgan. FRIDA-vi• Oct. 24th.--To-day eleven months ago, we left Harrisburg for Ky. Lean hardly realize we have been so long froM home. Eleven monthiCago the Nor thern Aeople generally believed that iii moliths would close the , war. A yearhas nearly passed, and te my 'mind the war ' has scarcely begfin. The rebels to-day are_as strong - and powerful as when they 1 firt-t rebelled ; and doubtless stronger-and i more powerful, as their troops are now I better drilled and more enured to the ser ' vice. The North generally muppoiled that 1 when the Ist rebel army was defeated they would be unable to raise another, or if. not defeated would bo'compollea to strrender fur want ofSubsistenee: If the' I Northern people gill cling to such views. 1 they had better abandon them at once, for. thus far the. Southern army has been sub listed, and if it has not proved 'a mateh' .. for ill on the-field of battle, -it certainly has in the 'skillfulness and rapidity of . its* retreats. Where is the spiny of the west -to-day ? One year ago Gen:l3ael started with his artily fretraoitisvillesotithward ; idvaneed into the cotton Stites, but was . . compelled to return. The rebel;anily had'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers