~ P ROM'WASIIINGTOIt,''''t 12—/ skirt',-t - en, - rom , - person of a. woman who tried; to crossiho Potomac a few days since; is the State DePartment, and contains forty poilt!ds of silk quilted in it. -Sewing silk" 'must be scarce doWn in Dixie. • . .• Formal complaint Waslinade - today to the War Department, by!, Goyeritor Andrea', of: Masmehusetts r agiiinst Gen. Stone, for, as is alleged, ,Compelling„ - . the troops from that State to assist in theres loratton offitgitive slaves. . The Indian ehiefS• non" r here have been all through 'our • camps and forts aloni , the Potomac, and have seenwhOlo brig:ides-On rerieW. They have:else ex amined the heavy artillery and' , amid! fire arms, and-,seern greatly astan'shed; hay= ing been made to believe that we had no army and no Weapons. . chief • re marked to ..Meelellan—"Big • 1 guns. Why no go fight ?" Dec: is—lt is are:nark:llde filet that-, there is less sickness in the Pennsylvania' Regiments, on the opposite, side the Potomac, ilum inthe regiments from any ether State, This is attributed in a great measure, to the many necessaries andcinm : forts which are sent, to them by their friends at. home. • ' • • 1 The-Weer y of Egypt has :rain shown his goods will to the United States, by directing the captain of the Port of Alexandria` to exclude all vessels - bearingan unreeogniaed flag, from the harbors of. Egypt. —Two privates belonging to the For ty-ninth Pennsylvania, ,who 'a - ere per: forming . picketdrity from Gen.' Smith's' division, yestorday, having, straYed• ; be yond our lira, attempted to return -this , morning, when, on being ordered to bait by the guards, turned.and num.' 'One was shot !my the .gihirds in trio places, and has since died, and the other was tak ' en oner. them. •As the gitard,s..,,had 'been I changed derinl.r the absenee et: these pick- ets, they evcdently, supposed _them to be I enemies. The icentnay Congrcsionat dele gation declares that if 'Republican caucus es continue to.be held, they 'call a Union caucus, in order to'see whether party spirkshall prevail or not: • • Dec. 14—fin important.decision has just beeffniadAy the. Sect'etar'y'of War and the Payrnaster-.General.- The decis ion is, in eilhet, that a soldier is!entitled to pay fr.nn the day lice:3l4ls, hod that he is not to wait. till his comp:tr:;•' is full "or the ibrmal muster of the regiment . into Government service. One of the New York Colonels in ends to organize. a corps.ofp,:oud skaters in his rerithent, dint has, sent for eighty pairs of skates. Such corps have been formed in the' r •North of Europe, .and • might be very serviceable on the. Upper Putout:le this winter. It Would require a practiced shot to "wing theth"• as they glide over Oleic?. There are eases of 'eapitalofren ces of soldiers tl . ho haNc• been cons icted by courts . They 'are mostly charged wititsleeping un their posts. It has not yet decided what action will be Taken-on them. —Orders have been sent. that the mu tinetirs of the New York Sixty-ninth who were &snatched to the Ilry Tortugas, shall be allowed to rejoin their regiment; which. is Wins at Piirvitoyah The' same coarse will be pm - sited - as to the Thirteenth New York, Second Maine ether regi ments whose men have shown a disposi tion to, do their duty in -MIA: re. Zir.liedpath, thragent of Ike tiett Government, has fortnaliy offered to transport to that island all negroes deliv ered on hoard his veSsels at liamptLii i:.):t4q, at t‘Vetity. dol:tirs" each--7-eltildren 11311p:tee. 11=!!!! • Victhry or DeAth. - • TFo fillowitigare the 'concluding , passh- ! Bes of, the inaugural address of Gozernor 4 rown, of Gebrgia Were we disposed to yield, it is now - too late to calculate the cost of Submiss ion. • Ife would but feebly enumerate the results of oursultbnratioo who would re-, mind - us that it would fasten upon its the entire expenses of the war=—lnad our in slustry and that orour posterity fo'r gene- rations to come with burdens and • taxa -Lion too grevions to ire" holl.lli , Yeetl us t o milit ; i r y despotism, and compel i': to roain van Standing manies quartere,l ong alts, to insult us with their hisolehee. while I t they riveted more securely the chains of our bOringe—deprive us of our self.:re-,' speet,and break' our spiritS with the ern:di-- big weight °four degradation.- . • Sooner than siibmit to- this, let the last man in the Confederacy ;lie nobly at point of the bayonet, and' let our U':iVeS and our children, and all the property we possess, perish, together On one erMOIMUI funeral pile.; and let. the winds that pass I" over our graves, M and .chant our funerafunera l. (dirge, tell tootlr generations - in other :climes, that We lived freeinenond we died freemen. i. • . _ _ • rz.--. - r- . A letter-from Gen. Scott is pith!- . ished'itV tliel'iiiis papers,'inivltich he. de-! • dares. that - 4 there is no. tint li in the . report 1' that the Anwriean Cabinet had authorized I the seizure Or the southern eonitnissioners'i an - 41 I.y . presses the . .ponvietionTthatwar can- I' , not, take place between America - anti I. • auditor's Notice. . , England- withoht a more serions iirevoea, I Nona: is hereby s iren that the nndrimignol,:an An• lien his been - given than the present 'one. I:Com;tti‘`,:rtuaractitteiriglit:rorttieitiut;auelitult;eqsnets.icli T eni f n; t h :it. i t !, ti ttin i tstr , lit s , , ror SA!. McKune.deeeaFed, Milanilid It is ittillOttlie(ti hi the Pail!? t 7., t iLos u a t tl a. n y n o ti flu nt at hls i ollin u ji ll e u o nt e r i l ; s ci • apoleottbas tendet ed his ,Serlices to the I on sa . turda Lp.m.. at: 10/10/ Wile Flll4l' place all persons interested mill British govertmtent. ThC -same - ilaper., m.--eut their claims nrbelorever after barred from c':oth' Stated that iu case our go‘'ertintent refitses.. in g ifi riven said fund', •. . -'. - - : '' - . (1 . ectu4yr ._ •. - ! .. J..Ei. 31000LLUM. Auditor..._ 10 ..ire sarisraction, Lord Lyousk to' bei _ _____._.i,,,,.._...._,_._ — _ . recalled, the southern confederacy - recog- i , _Autht. iir's, Notiae: .•.'...- .—..',::: nized, and the Illoekade of - the -southern he - southern !.. - k•roTic.E . is henhy Fire, that us . e underskoieti.attAa• parts Tit IS ed. The Queen has issued a i ,-411,..doil°,THIrgetti•l* •lihni:3kC:md•l.,tl..iolpburry(ti.ii9Tx:tnn:ii'r:_nt..itilie:leerg4l,i,d.tr,l'.r proelainalion forbidden the' export . of-1 ft . rl2, : : : fttnn the ;IC ;11l • • . • illursaid WWII V tin iPI .1.„ in Itte CIIKCOt list] intend arms; ammunition .Millitary stores and , ..t. Borer ! , Avai l ' i Jotiu - Siu i rsr , ,__4. 141 or Nur. Term, lead. TWO British ships Of le - aril:we:been I la. c t, e r ti l . tte , ;t 9t i the dini! th s otitis appoint eat' at his ordered to atlas Celli:oy to the English, at teu o'clu'e tl if i tc..m.,l -F rm i lileh ti e Me l attl Y ,lto. " Jtli-p7rs i .o ' • stsd will present theitelahtm er be for e ver tag mail steamers of the "%Veit. Indies. '. . . : h i t te rr r e e d from aiming to upoumuldfun .d „, .• • ._ :•• An admiralty notice was issued on -the 1 deen-lur , ''.- ,.' !• • P.B.,STAEF.TER, Miditor; sth instant, requiting all men on leave- nf ' •:‘' -: f.: -.. —' '.. _ absence to return -to their, -Ships. The i - . - 'Autlitor * 7 5 ., Notice .''': te.7.trislii i ) Persia has been chartered-by; T IIE tindersiioietthitiltigliCeiieppoi n t e d hy 11;e4qpi t • . distribute the smonnt In• the ;.4 . overnilteitt, and il htr, r „ , e• : number of; , the t a n ,: d t „'" ii r t „ e nw d Al f i l i i "r: t° t mops are wider orders to leave for Can-J./no:0s, tt°,..c...-Aseit amtn:lns,gnitra:clit;'nri,tl,4l"o"Zi A decedent, with attend to the dmies of hi `,4 1 ,r r* 'n at. - :1 , 1 . 3.,,. The -French ,resit, quite . t•eservco., his tgbx. in. ontruse on FRIDAY, Iree%-i n ntis' j r l f.'illitt e , i t Sfi. 1 on the matter, and lt:everai' PariN Intpers !at one n'elokip.'inZ at;which tilde and placenti persons i t lt e ze c s i t= o r r at Iviirestfibleiun aarr re required to meson. blame the l'ordish.governtnent . for_ ac-sin.- I, rrnavennun g la ape! , :- - ,- 4 visa thud. . • , ... Wm J. T,Liiitti..l.L, .. too 11:1Still'.... • • • -• •.• • -- -.......--,.. ...............-------, • —The- kdris - e - riet'efiPOrith.. : ll . l •Or tile : Da'ily '' - u°,' - . -7-- 4 .7 -- . - -. ' ' . - .'- 'AUdjt°r. ' .News learns that when. ' 3 lr: S ihl , "!li 'was i-Adiranizt. w rl -- Notic ''. c: , kiii:a. ,- hea,,, or hi; wird. Q.. imaril the • t° - ' ei '' - IC ~, larribiltHAS,Loitiriviktiiiitittiiiiitonititideititit' Trent:, he Pla:!.e.l .his di4pateites, in • her vv 141 )/bridgeidamford., iate.-or - -tiorricir..tolenal4, laud, told her to ga to l i eri pussy.x,, • t, , . .1, (icceoscr. having boo aun_tato to the subscriber, aillmr- , st AL sops indebted tothetaldiestate ate requested In alike the porthole,:attd that -if an atrempt was i In ' ulo A lb lel4Y-w•c.". Alt*, hav i l n jc l it'lWiat, made to. take tite.box froth her, to :d rop, if i . ifrre e irrerAo rejer4 r.v,itror , ; 4 7 j :: 3 :- 111 ' ' ' Jo' I t* ' - alto the sea. Nis. Shiell 'obeyed bi - * if-rd. I . ' ,: h•:- - A __ -- . .- '' .. ,... L,.. -' 4 ' ~,,t . 7 , '- --- 1 .4 4 ,' 111.1-'l . - r'r, was uot inolesterli auil took - the des : ',_.lAl 0, ,td e: tnityiti-3 , safely to England, ;'• _ 1 • . ' ''..•W ,ll ER.E.lFsiatireii+.4.4friiiii 4 bsitalidito4ll - e lt o ot • • ,I, ---, - ..... ites sap-, •-•••-,-• • •-- ' ' " N 4 bikni, • ) ' 1 "•Isun , r ,, R•••1111n of vontepss, 4001.1 1 , 2 r e, . . - been pima ttrthe enbarribere all poponeindenW -no , '. —The Aft liti•ni Pro &lfini:i li nn of Gen.:: ibe said estates-re rtniuested to' nit •in edi y . ment and those hatin I s - % t. ci nn - ate I t n; i.l'y..ll;triYa.ll4):::,:ttu'sr ; j:vili t r i ' ! ' i l : . ; lll . , !. 4 l: e ‘t ° •:i ti t: l l ' il ki s i . l i e ll tl .' ;7.o4 tli t i l l'ket;t a . '" ' • 7- '- -r4f ; n4 . l - I°l4 : . i ne allif: 4 A l ;:iiT: ••• 1161 , 14 qt? •• • • •• 17 lii SMITH.' - ,-.---.-••• di yfellial act,- and uptst, therefore, bt • . • •-• v -'. ' " . ' . -'. z:irtif.d itecord li ngls'.• . - ' . *. . . ; S," l ";" , 7ilmtsrrovlgasik 4 w r!• 1 1rd ' ' - ITEMS —W . : IN. - 1/06105, , ,formotiV. amend Ticket Atgent of the pe4svara,La.o4liari 7 na,& Weateni - Rialroeuk his beim appall:. toil- iLatul Agent at - Brownville, liraska: —Thollalvoiton.:Chilian says that, "at last accouhts,•!Geaeral Houston was slow ly recovering, and was deemed out of linger." • _ _ _ :Washington- correspondent • of the Pliladelphia North . .Atnetican hasin forthatioti that the Tecera Union conspira cy diScovered iii New Orleans; was, con fined 14614 to those Who were born at the North,. and who were engaged almost solelyin commercial pursuits. . • 1 • -,There:apPear .to be an increase in counterfeiting : and altering bank notes.— 1 &archly a day passes but- some new 'and admirably..executed,_ imitation makes its appearance, which cun only be :detected ; by experts: less .than forty fonri. en 'tirely mew Counterfeits and alterations haye.beeit discovered and reported in the last ((Mr. weeks.: • . • .—The Sussex oOunty,X4.,Horse Fair, 'among other attractions for a crowd, had a fight between a e bull - and a bear. The Bull got the . - best'iir it, getting a horn lir the.licar's mouth, and • handling so harshly that Bruin skulked off, and could not -be broliglitT to:the scratch again. • —A eorrespondent of the BMW° Cour ier, writing froin . clarence ceihre ' 'states that A young lady: named. Miss RAO; • daughfer of highly respectable parents, who was - Ningaged to be married to a blacksmith ivitlnti A feW dayS eloped with a nero. named John Barney, of Lockport N. ,Y.; . on the, 20tH to the lipt:rer the said blacksmith and the great .distress of tlie. parents. 7—The Hartford Courant say's: "Rev. Henry Ward ':Beecher IpcVt94l at the South Baptist Church oh Tbnrsday even ing. The society thirprociired his. set vivo,aid so, hoping to raise Vfund for a charitalile object, to feed the hungry and clothe the naked The receipts were $106.• Of that , stem.W.Beechei took one hundred dollars !" • - —A gentletaan named Trowbridge, of 111 - einiilile,has.applied for a patent on a new.bonib . in additiOn to the powder t •: . quantity •of rock which ignites OHM the shell explopi;.S and scatters abont,tirjs'evervtliitio with Which it comes in contact. , • . • —Secretary Cameron has submitted- • to Cc) ngres a report. in favor of the Appropri ation 0r54,710,000 for putting our coast derelict's in order from the lake round to San Francisco. • ~--The:LynchhariT ofFriday says that a Marylal'ilf regiment hag desert ed from Lincoln's army, with thi.ir arms and .cquipthents. It was sent - out to do picket duty. and When it reached the front of our lines it-hoisted the Confederate flag and marched . into Centreville, accompani ed by. the Colonel and all.the other oftic c:'s. . , . S. SenatOr otPanSyl van-, has been cOinpelled . to return !wine, on *.count of ill health. Board of Itellet.;--Notice le herahy glei:n. that the _lnartl of Relief, compoaed hf the Atsociate Judge* and e‘otuty .(lommisaionera, will meetat the Commietehnicra' Otllie. in Montrose, on Monday. July let, 1:11, at two o'clock. p. in., and on the Etat Mondar of each month thereafter.to receive aplications and main appropriations , for, tin• relief or Volutweere and their families. under the Provisions of an Act,:entitted -"An Act to , create a Loan and to Provide fur a:min:: the State, approved sla y lit .ISEI 111" 01;DLIT.0 BOARD orittLigr.."-1 , . :Mothers, Read T11114 4 -The f.;lloning . la au ezirant j from a letter written be the paiddr of a Kant IA Church to the - Jonrnal and NlOSSeir4er:' Cincinnati'. Ohio. It Kays I foltitaas in favor of, that world-renowned inedieine--ltn.s. WINS•Ott'A SOOT/ONO ron Cnimnien Tnrritr,4;: We seenn :14t - rrth.entent In your columns of Afro. ftlateh SOW tiyrtipt 'NOW . t-ti k over , iced_ . wartto favor-of dn ' y - pat eat invillelne in oiff wy red 141.: , pelted tnNaytaltinr reader. tkat Wit la to htlrtsbug , -Act.- lIAVE rutcietr, AND KNOW IT TOPE :ILL IT CLtlxs. It le probably one. of the most Pucceeqiil ni , itieineo of the day. berm:tot it ia one of thort beat; ;Chad wpotiaTedniblee cant do better than to lay in a supply. Stet' r • fiht udentli intending tn attend the Itinghatnton- Coto Incrcisi cci.letre, n hearbfFinDellatlg orpractloiltd(tie. j br clang at 9r addressing. this • office.,. . • • , $25!) ENIrLO7tIIENT 1 ISM 13G-I:IMPS t7liTBMliMl:l: We will pay tnni $2.4 to $75 per moatb, and all xpetara i to active ,gems. or give a romminoqon. Particalaro rent -frer.. Atldtwg Enic brwizto Coatraitt,' It. JAMBS, (Jeu. era] Agent. 3111 mi, Obio. sepi , 4 r. , "" The Slipp in the nett btick -Prelbyterlan Cl - .lirch 4n • Niontrn.c.:'; will be edit on Thtirsdar. Jant lol 7 -211 . 1873 . .at 7 tido& in the afternok. • nes42B . "IV! At Hai - ford, on the' Ist-lost, by fley.;A: Miller, Mr. Geo. P. %Mains and, Sarah E. Hunter, lioth, of Cliftbrd: • - - In Faetoryville, Dee..rith, Dev,l.F. Mr. David C. Itutan of Athens to .hiss Harriett P. Perry of BrooklYn ; also Mr. Wm Perryto Miss Eliza 31. Baker, both of - Brooklyn. . • • . . In Ore:it: Reid Nov.- :16th, Her. S. S. Barter, Mr. Ge 6. P. Crippin•orliega and•Xli:,s Melia Urown , ;of Kirkwooil. • 7 :1-134121 1 111SIL ": In narfiardi .:Yov. 5 th,WillistOp.R" Oak ley, soil - Milbourn OakleY, Al 31 . In nyde•Park, Nov. 3d, Lydia J., *ifo of Erastus 'Muni and daughter of :3.4. • . ildrainistiator's Notice. j:OTicE is hereby Oren to nit per.oni: hsvi drns tide nzainit the e•tAtt,:.:sf Phehe Wilson, trite or Auburn that the samv =Si he presented to the undersir,m6tl for arrungentent.and all persons Indebted to - saki ehtste dry retitoottil [him:the Immediate ixtylnent WALTMAN, Administrator Aubarsf Ce:urrr, Dem ttit,'lB6l:=-Cits • AsTAiiimr4,l44:9k9i4e ,ciPzqu*:9rlFOiii , oigatitzsuonlot Mate defense: I lie be s . had Milos notteeted, the railiOr . l4o.oftkr ly visit Wneliington',,te •Onter-witli: `the flattener anthoritiei. for:the'fletinifi' of DelanifN ricer aiii Lake Eik.. r 1 : WA'S TEM 16,0oeM en worn on fold ChM / iron : at EVANS'iIc AILIJINIX Jewelry , storih to buy Watch ue, Juwerly rod Yaucy Li 00 5 .1,4, for THE. :HOLIDAYa! The subscribers take pleasure is annoincing their Mends, that . they have this day returned froin - frowYorit with an unusually large and well selected *taker Goods wlth especinl reference to the &uproar-MN:Festive balm Any persou'ileuirous of making , • Christmas or N 617 Fears' Presents, can lied a rich and extensive assortment to select from, and at pricca that unmet fall to salt, as we hgrom Gonda exelnalvely tor cash, and show them with Vesture with. nut charge. ' EVANS & ALLEN. - Watches—Ladles' Diamond Enameled, and plain— a aplemlid article. Mao a variety urGold and Silvez Eng, Ds h, American audSwia4, Hunting and Plain, very low. Gold Ehninn--Avero oxtentivo variety of Vest, Pub. Guard and real• (Itim% by • EVANS & ALLEN. Earillnge and Breast Plar—An Infinite variety orstyles and prices. eets and mingle. Finger Ulage—Diamund,Ruby, Illgard,Peari.sago Chased and Plain Cold Itings—a large stock. firacelets—Gold, Jet, Plated, and 11A1lt Bracelets ul all pattern. and prices. -• • .Bearjs • Sliver Ware—EterydeacilpptlonoftillkerPorks.and Spoons, Napkins Rings, on hand also Soup and (Iravi Ladles. Cup., Card Ci4CA, Pie Hinter and Fruit Knives, Children.' sets salts. etc., wa rranted good tin coin. Plated Ware-ABoantifulassortroent or Ice Pitchers Castors. Cake Ba.kets. Waiters, Butter Dishes, Sugars Salts, Kid VC'S, 'Forks, Spoon.; Toast Backs, Cnps Goblets etc.. ete.,.by • - • EVAN, Attie. Sleeve Slate nn and et ade-A large stock otall patterns and prices. ' Beada---CorsiNecilsces and Armlets, Amber, Coral, Pearl, Gilt. Steel, and silver Beads. L Shell Ccintbr--1 good a tOck ulabell,back and aide Comb , , also Buffalo. Horn, Ivory, and Dressing Comb* Hair and Tooth Bruaher. etc., etc. mrl7.a.xvss te ".a.zazazrzw, Nu. 9 Odd icHoist HaII,T Binghamton. . . Administkator's Notice. ETT' 132SnilmlnistritIon to the estate of the late 1.1%.13:5:E WALKER, of Gibson having heeogranted to the undersiirned, all persons Intleheed to said nettle are requected to make Immediate piyment, antrthose having chime against the tattle will present them to • • JOLLN SMILEY, Gibson, Dec. sth; 1551.. • - Administrator. Stockholders' .Meeting.: Amine! Meeting of shuStoekhOlderuot the Lenox 11 t Harmony Turnpike . Itoad Company will be held at the holm, of Joel Stee»bnek, in 4.311,, , 0n, on Monday, of January. Wilt nt the t. clocks. to. Dec. Lilt, 1911, JOHN SMILEY, Treaeurer. [NT . 5 yr AVE, GO be.en made to supply all the Union Troops with 11 winter clothing, but nu public provision hatas yet been announced for dressing THE HOME. GUARDS, and the rest ottnankind. But the cold weather reminds the People that the - GeneralTailtir, Grove:op,. attends to that business In a lierit, prompt; and durable mintier. And it should lie remembered that NO "-SHODDY" WORK _comes froni hie Shop, Garnients are put together with THE - UNION STITCH! Putting disunion out of the question. Ail who havehad bad FITS should call and on nie end avoid future danger. Cutting done right, for ready pay. Remember the place. One Door West of Searlo's The latest fashions always on hand And Instructions given in making-up. To get I t nbvays rai an .Vontrose, Nov. 25t1i. • Jens. GROVES. UNITED STITES ARMY FLearlaLlti.zo.6 . o3corvricte•t • ANTED -- Sala ab'le bodied uoniarried men be tweakthe ages ..of eighteen and thirty-dye years, hot less than tre.-feet 'bred tootles .ar.d of good chanuler. THE TERM 'of SFRIVICE 3 YEARS. • The rate of {yap is tram' $13.0 $2 4 ' PElt MONTI". In addition to which he b provided with quarter., food, fwd. clothing. and medical attendance. Mernoriona !not are from the ranks every day andv.ounulasioned Lienteuantit in the' ltegular tar. • • or all other Information :apply to Corporal Reuben Chichester. Franklinilouse. Montrose; Corporal milch cl:. Ureat. Bend; Corporal 'Rot:dawn. &Tanker': or at Binghamton off!. deli. Clay, C4ptalu Fourteenth Infan try. Iteerniling °Meer. , • • November 15, Ic6f.--ii2 CORWIN MORDIR TRIAL Tho Trial of William T. Corwin, xOl3 THE MURDER; OF HIS WIEE, CAROLINE S. CORWIN. b'rarr . ..Vint , in press ay,l mill be publielied on ...Vonday Xoreinter. I Ith. , A FULL and complete. reprirt of this moat thrilling and important Murder Trial—the strangest and moat mlngular arse a the records of Luzerna Couni.y. „ „ - . ‘t.llE t'ORWIN ItURDER TRIAL 4 Phonographically reported: by D. H. .11"inton„ Era, • About WO pages. octavo. A limited number having.. been faiblislied, persons wiFhing. to obtain a copy will do well to apply at, once. A copy. postage free, sat by moll on .the receipt 25 cent.. ;.dr — Wboicrale price. $2,00 per dozen. All orders, accompanied.by the promptly ntatoled to, - • IBEItT Wilkesberre, Ltt;arim lo Co.,,Pa. BALD' Nov. 14th. --w„ 3, • • STAND -BY YOUR. RUNS! zr3o3p3&-w WITH- 40 0001#1110tERS II - Armed With Bitch -ate ' _ WITIIIN 4, rllO TI IS MARCIE OF WASHINGTON! AND 3 3.41.11r33P1EM5T .11EIMIL01g° fill ND WMTER GOODS RAN Mtn tif %Mar MilittUalliie An d h a plentiful - stpply yre tuiie Portiase4 a large STA PLR du4.,,ANilt. DR.Y , GROCERIES . 4: PROVISIONS ; lIATS A lir irc AP • B 0-o?S`' • ',A 'S HOES.' WA L iro.o,.bg 4 v, IVA RE, • C 0410.1 , equi •L AMP : - • • •r it . A . NOTIONS - SKELETON SlilitTS; FLOUR; SALT, PAINTS N,1)".. 0118 - , And *OOO other artlerea taw ntunetoUs to mention:which trill be sold at,Prlcea thaf ,• „ Def# ' Conipetilion • . . Don't Porget:Tho.-Placa, MO( you inip)ie oryottineighbore for -- .1 The - Cheap Store, They wll . l-loeiolibly direct Yon to' - • . "t ' ' HAYDEN MOTHERS, THE ;PIMPLE'S AGENTS. ptEr- : ORIGINAL ." : 011EPRISE "-STORE! PRODUCE token in Ezeltano for Goods; 'Cask Paid Paid FOr - *Uri; „ HAYDEN._._ BROTHER& TIEW 1411, PORD,N4venlber sam .19e1. A.TCRRECL Offs ra_ li l.. 1 11 1.4.2:1/44.. - - d 1174_ : 0 : 0 :1 4::)111411 7 ,.7 11 -----11 1 7 1 - Ma- L LA: : t4 . l''. 4 i ehicik,rtit r, I I.4wi . llt* titiT; all: ofLR7.TrEcc.,.l4i7L, !El. ::- '-Theo.2 . . ,\ - ~-; -7.. 4 _ . • PROF:IA:HARTWELL; 11.44 PRINCIPAL missAistutant, & Teacher unread ws. ctutrds, Lustnictrees ot Freuett and Draerthir. Yin E.• Bleckuutu, Instruetrete of Ntudeou Pismo_ 39se A. W. Hartwell, Instructs. to - Maury pout, C. 1.1. Mho, IC D. Lastructor otAruitomy sod 'Phystol. Q. Dlrceek, ILO.. Lecturer int 0 • Other Acatatants slid Lecturer* wilt k• !a:II,IDM a* !b• • V1D14. - a,tt U!!! adi!!!:!114, 4eaaual. • . . TUE next Tortu willbOnon . . • INtonday, November.l;ls,lBat In respea' to . this Institutions' - the arnstoes. ire happy, to • state. that . their- expectations of, success hare bean fully - realised, •It is now ln - a ilottriabfng condition, arid they teal cuintictit.tn saying to thepubile, that It Is entirely worthruf the pstrobsgek of all who de sire thane mann' disopl„lne. 4 - the acqulaltion of knowl: edge, whethersi a preparation for College, or teaching,. Or other pursuits.. led patrone petty be found In all.parte of the County and to them reference Is toads rospecting its siorits.. . • Tuition. per Tann. Of .IClorip - lirooka. Prunitry Department, • • • iso. Itighes English,. ••• • - • • • • 6 CO. Latin, fire& aud German, cacti. " 4 00. French, • 3+oo. English. with one Language",, • • 7 CO: No bill fur the abo've - eittalesi shall exceed.... 9 00. - OD. • Vocal Music, (three lessons per 2 iveck.) '• •.. 1 00. Music ens the Plano,: • ••• Use of Instrument, • • - 2 00. • . . Bnarelitoni22.oo to 22,60, per week.. ' N• The sarcieeonventences an heretofore for those Neighing to hoard themselves. For other Information addiesi the Principal, at Montrose. • JESSUP, President. •'c. F. ITTAD, Secretary. ' Moutrceo. November, 1861.-4 NEW.IAt!•&WINTER GOODS TYLER'S •:.: STORE! . FIRBI'StORE BELOW . TARBELIS. : : 1 31 s:icocoawiryi . A P.4 - F ar1 2 t.0 0 C1.13311.1313161, - FRESH CODFISH; STONEMARE; WOODEN WARE, BROOMS, PAINT ct.s VARNISH BIWSIZES, ING,.SCRUBING, . • • NAIL, and .LATHER BRIJSES; ALL Y}RY CHEAP. ALCOHOL;TIIII,PENTINE, LAMP BLACK;- TALLOW, SOAPS ' Of every', kind J3td sorr: AT TYLER'S STORE. BEN:mil:1 1 1 1 g trnitligiieKr.firsaniliees,7l.'heil°; Tallow, • CAVA - C01,Lr4R,..p,i. Olive, Castor, and Metallic:lit, for machinery; also 4 Haylem andßritiah 011. : • • FOR. THE HAIR, AND MOUTH. ii RS. ALLEN ' S World', Lair IC l ritg r rlo r it 2 : _ r li * n t'a eifir trti shillinu OfCnn'is Bear's and' Itnae'ctair 011, Poninde-dn-rbilocouto.-I!hfladelphia and .N* York Mouth. viz.: Parrlah'a Primsant Elizet for the teeth and and otna.Dalyrymple's Mouth Waph, Dentardoap, &c. AT TYLER'S STORE. FOUSlli3lndianitoot PllloYrichralntlian•Vegetabia: 111 Pills. Citplaallc rille,--dcath on Headache. Or - Dont ask toict trtuhed at YYT.Y.It'S STORE. Montrose:Nor:4th.. • rrENRY.C; TYLf;R.. GROVER & BAKER'S CELEBRATED NOISELESS sE.wl,.Np.i.v:24Hiw,'s t Son TAMIL? 'ILMISACTtILIXO. 495 Broadway, New-York. . 1 Agencies in all 'hi principal Cilierand .\ ii.the United Males. I . The Grover 4;S: Baker S. M. Co. beg to tall the attention of the ptibllc to their recently introdu ced NOISELESS FAM;LY AND MANUFACTURING ligesigitl 3 246 l ; snt4rt,E of Loth( STITCH. Thrse machines combine all the Wept useful impreire mem* In sewing machliticry; and are highly recommended hir their • Simplicity of Construction Noiselessness ;'• /Sapidity; ' Ease of Management; • ' Capacity for all kinds of work, And Beauty and" licularity of Stitch. Various styles of these maehincs adapted to thohquae or workshop Will•befound.at the different agencies of the company throughout the CUlted States. , Their new ' • • •SHUTTLE- MACHINE FOR TAiLQAS' USE, The Inteit triumph of the ileHn; Machine art—nole . eles,s. Incold,ind candy - opereded-,will commend Itr tin l b rto tbo . d w h o nolle en mactdoet fur (rm nufacturl Grover .Bz. 'Baker: Machines; GliffVEß. - 14 IJAKCN STITCIL:' These Insily-cebiliraMd Machines. adapted to ail the wants of the- household and_ manufactory, continue to maintsfmthe pre-eniinenee 'which the almost uniVersal verdict of the publichai awaided them.. The well-known STRENGTH, ELASTICITY, & DURABILITY, of the Grover Baker:fititch wilt always -Insure these machines the preference fotifamily nee, fur the meantime tart of such goods as aro intended fur wear—for-use wail nut far sbow. .' .. . - _. _ , • Cam' Wherever the G. orm t illaker Sarah Nachines have exhibited: and fairly judged in competition '.tvitit theleading.Sevrinp , Moehines In the market. ineloding the Whecier &Attlee,* they hare Imnrlnbly borne of the 11ret'litotninm. I : • , Thte alesitfen fa eontlrarleoi by theeleefelon of the cm mittecsottbaltatoTalra of; . . • . .• 116L10101 - • •• -watt) , and • •• recently-held, ankh o word - 4.010 . Ant premium to :the Grover allaker Machine (IVO, all other* to coottntritiort. 13,- CIIAN-DLER, . Agent,..' - tF* • ! --Montrose, Pa: . DI *SOL T 10 quo Fton,ot itimr a LATHROP was Alintelso JL mutest tonsent; on thettd of October,' The anmsents and notes of t h e late Arm may be found at the store. An' Settlement. ' • - - • MINOT RILEY.. N0r.4111.- •. D,LATLULOr• , . PrTbe Mercant il e btultreittral he emdfound bYtba nu assersMed , who raveningly sollette ttm Anrortfi OLD end 'NEW Customers. . 1 - ' 11141/' • • win wwiwww NICHOLSON, : .'INVOmIr;Ie COUNTY PA' mink Winfor Teem of MD inotitation will 'commence Mooffa., Dee. gad, 19fdisso4 matkmo tWefro woo , Dee. 00.-ivr D. M fiTe/IF., Pemba, • • . Ever oSettid ' iti SP 4( rtebanna . " tv 'and probably eaMprnung: the ' greittenty A . _RIETY or most differeaf-artieles of Stor'e in the Northern part- of Pennly;va ilia, and , perils of the eatire,State. 411.4 assortment, is ept iu about thirty difibr. ent branches , ortrade, and the IseleetlOns are madelron about forty of -the best 'louses inNew - York,_and mere than tif; Detaersan4 31aupfaCturers Out of New York. A large r proportion of the - Goods are brut:gift - direct from the MatMfaetufers, thus isisurin# , genuiae - ititiCies., Custom ers on entering. the -Store rausknot expect to Gnd everything - in sight; but,nearlv ev ery - article wmnted 'be produced by inquiry. Some idea of the Stogs may be formed brtheifollowing general outline, but cuumeratien is impracticable. DRUGS AND AIiDICINES, ,- 1 1 1 4INTS AND OILS, • _, 1 ; D 7:4S' iSTUFFS, GROCERIES; - i i f, •. . IQUO.RS, II CROCKERY, - GLASSrIVA R, - 11: TV-llLlutict JVINDOIIT I P. tPER, .rEWELRY,I; . - S 11• -- SILir.EA'- iirAR, 1 L i . , PERRU.V.SR.Y, FANG' 1' oo4ps, • i ' l ,If 1iW4'..11,, INSTRU MEN.7'B, . - - 11, , , ...2.4 USERS AMERICANIPO7' —is.. . .ikt.'T gaIIATES,' nllll4' CUTLERY dad - " ' • S.I. I FVER• 14,4 TAO) WARE LAMPS;: -:,.1 iAFER/A . L S fr;i. thiLTS,. 11;1RD WA RRI . 2 . I' !- ' . - , 1 STO.i WARR, DRY qoti .0. - • • - --. • 1] - t :lrzleirozes;i ._ • 7.liDOJir 43t1rD P/OTUREIOrtAS, - .I , I I ROORAPRS.,II - - • ' - v.i ray 1 sim' ,1 - --.. --.' . filltD;o4oES, - , . -,-S I.R , UTACLES, 1 - • •-, i,.. Ti'lllP'S 4:' Llisk Es; •_: iveOlts , 1I - , ~ . . : • GUIS% ; .PISTOTAS', : . .411 NI TION. i i it. , - t -0 i .. -Ak C CO. : - • StRD.ICiIL'Ce'..IS"ErROICAL .1 1 truments SALT, , 1! . . • SOFtP,,POT-48144.-.0,., .117:1( BRELLA..%H . - i pORCEL.iIiAIITEE7:II.- The nttenti(u of the publie is respect. fully invited to by of Goods, bought exclusiely furl cacti.. DOWN, . dija. -will be sol .on the same 13rinciplefor !Ow prices. . , AJ3IL Turt.7 O. L HA L s . E ..... Moht - fose,py Ist,_iffo I. 1 . ----- IF you., wi! SH TO PU ebb ~.~'/~ GRE.47' B. rOREAT.LIAt Be mire - and - cal Be sure and al `Bee No. 20 Corner Bingham • OmShclMA K: 1100 . , }lave receiTeJ nothor- Larg( I New Fall . ai l d Winter' ( - , making their's the largest and best assorted Islnek.. over exhibited iw-Broome comity. • ' I '. • • - Their .400ds - conaprising the latest styles uitappear In a the Nell, York mke hate all been bought, for cash. mostly, at auction sale at large- sarwilice, add • are now offered to the public 1,1 ; • • I I -'••• • ' • Regard! ss of their Volt e, • • • . at a small advance. wh rebrwc are enabled to aelrilich Goods almost equally low as .the price - mdly paid for cheaporfabrics. Muff readtlie following list of prlata We are selling GooliDlialues for • • . ; 110 12.%• Handsome l3; inch °Scant! Lustrel%l • • - la Plain and figured Fmn Merinoes, 56 to I 23 Good Black Silk. wide] for . Worsted and Silk donbießroehe Shawls. • ' so Woolen Double shun lc! 1 ' . • • handsome cloaks at OrFt Eargalni: • Ali Wool. black broad utb, . - - • 30 • All wool colored' cloth. .1-: " • -,- • A large variety of clothal for man's and bo MArnellletLikwinne. „ . 5 Ladies' cotton- host, ' • I l ' „• i• Wks' ribbed wbol do. 3,1414 • - f.O Good Steel Spring skirt , India Rubber rnmbs, • , • • 1' • -• handsome belts, • - • • 125 I( Wire Port naonnales. - 1.25( And innumerable othyr pitiflas attnosam pnvortunii AT,TM; "wag rill" before putilkeeing eleewltere, ati Treittft , ittiPliitflhat Ott* 'le the only pines to 'Autoeach EXTRAORDINARY . BARGAINS, . , . • DIUMUXIMS, • . SrRE AND C No., 20 Coat-. treat; l ' ' • still► at 14. HIKE pars Binghamton, October 7 1801. IIARFORI) EN ri,.. Fall Tenn of tbl Instltutloo.wl 1 commie* be NVerluesd.iy; SejOt<7h l er The Winter tarot an IVeduesAny /./ =CID hyr end the i girrlog etTO.Oh Wed. nesilay. February nth., 1 -1 t . • ••••- - - • • • • • Each Teens ettuwhatig of el *et*** 13111.211C113811\1180311111111. TUITION.—Uommon 11:1000#, Irani mos le.• • • 0,00 Natural Philosophy, Cho I stry..Pb ' ytdolop voob- ICee p hg A . gebra,UeometrYnn; telant LaJgunt s•• • • .French• t•• , Murk on Plano, until Warts over, ..... ... ; ;... 6, Room runt. . . •I • • ' • • KapenNot tvreeitatioo ...... 1; Le:turd — with., riOlp firapitti. are Bina: • Overey itacn room rarnisboll With s cooldfigottirttaad snit table, for thorn whtiolnioro to board thrmsores, noard.ton bad Ow nal:Wm:4o4 ,ot two dollars per week. :1 - 1 . Pay In ndvinee. or. properly isientr6;".:-. - itarroni, Atlanta : , • nintrisa.ol. Lot.ANN! 'T i AltplOttG; VIE Uratol in Itry Cibate; hinted. 03tarsivirip:Iliimty Mailecelat !Ong: nootioji SOO; ft,ihe niebolom . 11 40 01 . 3 g 1 7 Y. - • - 3B RI XI rtamphiur„ciiiillakia4l. ' At • I 4: 7- , 4crOrt WANTED4.- - WANTEDIi.. I NEW IWILFORD - ,11 1 4 - A-.i' - ',..- ifi n , n - _..-,„-,,* * Li NO.RMALSCH • g lzi r . z 111111,11,11-111111.1.1111111 f DI. - L. • -_-11,0011 bushels orthits, , ~..- 't, 1 .. : , -1 - i, Inteimedlatt T a r. ~..,,, . :•1: i 0,000 lbs-restr.Batter ' _.- Tubs or " - In :. 3 L all ata r a rjr i zz . • An : . HOBO - • : ; ' t l6OO Ites; itecelwar o ,'. • • ••• . 1-: . • Turrio2.s-- 4 .leomiL . DlPABlrlintrY. 6,000'4i:6 Eggs, . „ , - - , , , kmulish kr.atiches,--eonunom - • ill • •: .1400 Joreupalre Good i'V:i • ohn : Socks 't • ' m pg. " 4 nuthemau". 6 . • 1 ; , : u • "inelading Latin and French. • 5 .i . --. 41harail0• clAjmur , r`j• •- - ~- '• :: ma wmvu ...... - , ., !. inn WTNTBR TEM of tlita Reboot will oontnamoo M an._ i , ......... a.,.. —: “...,, , 1 , .1 ViritDNEdEtAT, zetiVENBER rib, sad amadnee It Pries - will . tie w ei** . ell" " 1 " y will ..tte , • sforded the gadget to to• 1 r 7P . ,,. ! In _ , ar r a i tt . , qu re a atom& ednattion. Board maybe penciled at '",• - . .; $1.73 per week. Booms can -bo obtained at nommegge. . i - 000:6 - .. Go . i . • ..,-,.. t y.)m..... ; . ratea, for those wishing to board themselves. '- • 7 i For particulars address the Principal or !hectors.. ~ -,, • • , • !... .' 1 By order of the Board. . if. nARRATT. Pew lilt ' -•• •WI• C • f riglsialltit•, i• 1' .-T• IMYLE ' St.e* [New.MUlord, Na . . ell _. 11 no teikee.NoT•4l, len. - ; - . • • i' .' t ' . TOE WAR . f COWIN:Et GREAT - BARGAINS PREVAILING, NEB' FALL GOOD§ , . . . , • -i Mt: mrt:rxtra.rmseri, . . , - irould'agaln call attention to hie New and Large stock of GOODS! powbelagmaeleed, and embracing the moat destratide - :.earietles of Ladles Drew Goods,loineh Fall Prlnta - - Cashmeres. Detainee, Ottorozn.Valoel, Merinoes.i Tarobonrd-Reps., Gingham' and links.; Ski. k l / 4 ,Slikt_Brea4. and. Wool Lunt: SOB Of, • i ulch tdbbinja.Buancta. and Fluwrra, •'. • Ladles Clutha, Ilroadclueri.l74.•. . I: bimtire . ..l, .to., AI II haler% full • ' . . . , - . astortmott of - 1 Staple 'and Fancq 43:00d:5 - , • as wind to - • Thirds - eh.. ertmkery, Iron, ti4lr, Pante. 011ik, Boot* and Shoes, I Mate mid CAP*. Clocks, Wall Paper,-Ladies' Futa;llturalo Robes, Carpetlngs. fie., with a new • assortment' of flumes end 'rriinmlngs or the beg quall&r, made to order, A:c., fie.. IVir As the erotic is large and bought ("crush, be is fok prepared to conquer sa :•Peace,',:' and N.:CUre tlekbh,:ltmt. ad eautagem of the t• Wise' hi Ida, cast telnkare In •rited to raugo theinachis under his "` Hisnuere" and AO cure the ISeoftte. iirthe Fight." Flouetegilt, 6ditantly onliand- NeW 3,1-Ilford, Oct oher vziturrEl• "NEW 000I)S. - NEW • C'wOQPS, N = 'W- •i NEW , 6 Go()Ds. D s! NEW GOODS. L. HARDING & CO'S. N!CIIOLSON DEPOT: LIBERAL DISCOUNT, ,RGA IN'S 404/It'S • . _........_____ • .. We'are detennitied .uot-..t0 be unt-duue in the way of • ‘ ' - -. • . LOW . `PRICES . ALL ELUIS OF PRODUCE Taken EXCNILIVarm la' IMP ° CIO O]P I ) ES a L. JEFARDINO de, CO. Nicholson Depot, May 1801.--4 m. hive.' ater St NOTICE. TILE Late Firm of Baldwin s Allen, Flour and Previa. lon dealers willbo continued under the na Allen; Deana 1 Co. A lt due the old firm Is In the han d, . of Baldwin fur Immediate settlement - - A. BALLWIN; •• July Utl., W. I.: ALLEN, • • • NEW. FIRM. • • ALLEN DEANS '. • . 8/, Under . Montrose Democrat Ofrice,. 'ARE ItECEMNG • - • • _ Froeih Ground Western FLOUIt . eve ! y 134 X days, which we warrant to jeTlf satisfaction, as any In =OE4; If not gaud returned at our, expetts!. Feed, and Buck*hilat Flour, SALT AND •P34K og.POU HAMS, [Sugar cared] • - .Died Beef, • SMoked. Dripsafid Syrups, : Molasses and. Sugars, - TEAS: S PICEA BROOMS, AND NAILS, whlefi we offer for sale at Low Prices, for READY PAT ONLY. ' • • Montrose, JulyP. 16r,1. OBS, LO't of nods FANCY PUBS. FANCY PUBS. , *ohn Fareita. ARCH Street between' 7th.: and Bth.. Sty.. Ofett Sitl Markel ,Ff.) lAUcteriltAlcl. Driven, 3.IACMFACTIIIILtt Dasir:n IN ALL ININIMI2 ncr Perm. fee. Lioitcs wand CM:drew'. Ircor: wing now Mall id In store my usual ' and beautiful assort of ' the various !slut qualities of Furs. I aid-to the etimlttg Pall Winter Seasons," Id respettfully invite an dustbin of my stock purchase. as I amens , ... y .w. mem very , —sole inducements. Al m l Fury have been purchased for cash ; and marls; by experienced and competent tuindimuti as the present" monetary troubles- render It necessary that I should die.. pose of mygoodoet very small advance on cost,. . I am satlafiedMiat it will be to-the interest of those who dcslin purchasing. to give me a call. . M"'" Recollect the name, number and Street : John Farelra, (New Fur,Stored Ile Arch Street. Pbtladt+i plila -• • ',Sept • 121151et31 Sol." VERNE . , HOW.. LOST ; HOW - .II,ESTORED TURTPubileheil, In a Sealed Enielnne : On the nature 0 treatmentrandeadleat cure of epertnatorhara! Ofql,elll - sreaknetatotemud deltllity.nervonsocrs anti itivoinn. tary emissions. producing Impotency, contempt lon, and mental and phyrlial debility. By 1101 IT. J. CULVIERWEI.L..St. D.. The Important:Diet that thaawfol consattuences, of !self; abuse may Int pfectnallPittryl w i th Wt-liibtrlnd'needt. eines or thetlangernes ippi eat ons of esusttre. initrunt. eatsedicated Wfttr.oisdatitereppirtest devises; ta here el early dentonstrated.tusd the entirely new and high. ty suereashil treatinent, as ado - taw:thy the celebrated au• thnr fully explatned,bymenna of which every URIC, facts. aided to tare himself intently, at the least.poesiblecnst.. , therrby welding' all the,advertlsesi nostrums , of nester. The !cetera will omen a boon In thottlands and Mounted, • Seat tinder idol; in a-plain envelope. to any address,, paid , pairf.-on. receipt of van postattrretampe. l_ty Mitre!** • . Dr. CM J. C. KLINR, . 12t.Dotacry "New Tork. Vat Mos An t 4644. rprit BEST IN TIM M.IR6ET, Compr, dlfforei nor.air.by Aryisuires, t: - For Cub and prompt six monttui burn. MADE TO \ et • READY-PAT CUSTOMER& 44. - iN : ,II 0 -0.1). wzinr; , COMMERCIAL COLLEO - L, Located over the tuique4rulf, Valley Eanit. BINGHAMTON N. Y. EACIULTIir: .*- Prineipsl, Peurtassor of the .Seletate:,'of Accounts, 'Practical ACcountnnt. Anther of Lowe,ll's Treaties upon Itoult:Krep: Diagram illuxtrating tha tame. Joux ILtryt.r. Cujimpreial Accountant, ProfeelP of gook Kcepin t l and Practical itiatheptatice. J. 1: Cunris. - - 1r ri,tr,4 ProiCattor in the 4ilooli Kcepini ‘ lYepartfltlPl.f. A.J. Waxamt, Profehmer a Practical and Of nanivnial Penmanship, - Commercial hints ut.l - Correspondence; .• - . LECTrimus: • S. D:cloi•slm, Lecturer on Cinatial _ vial Loy mod Potitical Economy: Runmogri Bnicom, Ltm,urer on Contract* Pr.4nimmory•Notem and Bills of Eiclump. It,-c Dr. E. Androwm, Lel:tura - on Commaratal . . EN 11 IN ING 4.:O,IIIMITTEE t . . . lion, tilierinsn 1). !'help•., Wm. R. Osborn, Lai', Tricy R. Alnrgan.'E.•q. -, ' - . - -The tibp.el: of this College Is to afrord to all no opportunity of a thorough Business Education.. The. Books and ,- I?..rms are carefully arrange* by practical aceuuutant» expressly for ibis li. atitutieo and ambrnce •all the recent Improve. 'The . coupip of, instructionee,isipOses seer, department of buslness. The learner' will -he thoroughly. taught the seienee assi Practice of Doubts Entry Book Keeping Asap Plied. te , the following kinds of business, :viz:. (lineal ellandislog, Manufacturing, ,Bainking,"Cbminbt sion, Steambouting, Railroading, rForwarding freigLting. Foreign Shipping,'&e. • • • • YOUNG MEN • • • Can qualify themselves In a sbott thus, al this Instills :tloo, to till Important and Jacntive situations. Amplsi refercnecs can he given where graduates o'lloo sae sans desirable situations with salaries from $ to MOOS per aamim. The Proprietors are in possession of testimssdails bossy !Jodie of the first Commercial Houses In the,Sta te,to whim they have furnished Asniii•keepers. rtinivln'• they smith, sutlefactionand connilence in the ability of the grsdisatim; of this Instltetieni. r::~ ~.L~ ~inr In aim branches, tiught by the rnor t skillful and Dom °ugh masters of the mt. 2 , :0 college in Um eogatiy Joys a higher reputation in this department. Ladies' Da .eartment entirely separate - from that of thegentkanen: .Stodenta can enter College at any time. Is.o vacations.' Time to complete the course. from 8 to 10 weeks. Stu dents parsing the requisite .examination are preamdadi with the most elaborate and elegant engraved Diploma. Issued by anyCotnntercial or Classical Institatlonin tba. Union. 'Aserstance rendered to graduates In proctuttyr situations. For terms of tuition; price .of board, lestimooiala - oft graduates ailing positiona..tc, address the piopriettam *Aar circulars containing full particulars. . r, •Lbwnu,it wAnNik . Proprietors 6La,btinton Commercial College, Noy.tt. Binghamton; N. Y _ _ Mark' Theso Faetsr_ THE TESTIMONY OP THE WHOLE WORLD ~ , , , ; _ _ I st r . A?.4.2.;4..,. ~....>...l<ii :„.......:. ~,... i.., .i....k... Is::':' 4 - -;.41: 4 o. • ik " l .....'N''' . . , ' .., .....,?,..........._......„.. • Holloway's Ointment!: • Bad Legs, Bad Sreastar Barra and Ulcers. - 4 LL de.criptitins ofeurea are remediable by the prep. 11. et' and dilLtent nye of this Inestimable preparation. To-attempt to cure bad 1.2 Y by plastering the edges et their ;wooed tort the: k a folly; for sliciuld the sittn_anflis; lye= discapcil condition remains undertmatisairibrean out-with .tenfolil.fary in a few days. The only ratleaair - and aneve.arful treatment, as indicated by nature, into pee -duce-the infbunnuttfon in and about the wound, and - tor .e..othe the uelithboring parts by rubbing in plenty of Sp Ointment as salt is forced into atvzt. - DiPtherlar Mutated Sore Threat ! and Scarlet aa4 • other Fervors. ... 1Y of the.abore diseases ma, be cared by *ell nib. ' Ling the Olutnaent, three times 'it day,into the chest, throat and neck of the patient; It will soon - penetrateand. give 'lmmediate relief. Medicine taken by the moat mnst.opelatenpon the wholmsyltem ere its Isulamememus he telt in any local part, whereas the Ointment-Ye do its work nt once; Whoever trier the nerment in the *bomb mannet for the illhen*ey named, or any similar disorders' ain.'ctliin the du st and throat, will find themselves man ed an by a charm. . : • •Piles, Fisettaa v Strietuas. . . I above class of comidalnts will be remoellid ni g htly fomenting the parts..ith n% water.. nal then most effectually rubbing In th w e Oinwtament. BMu s 4mfering from thew; direful complaints shutddlose not a,' 'moment in arresting their progress, It should be wader: stood that It Is not sufficient merely to smear the OlV.be ment on the'affected parts. tint it must be well rubbed ha, for some considerable time two or three - times& day, that tt may taken Into the system. whence it will seateretutr hidden sore or wound as effectually's though psbpabla to. .1 he eve. 'There a,Taln bread and water poultice*, after*. rubbing In of the olntutfnt. will do t..7cat service. Tblin -Is the only sum treatment fur females, Caren at Cancer tn. the. stomach, or . where there may MIA general btarlpft down. Indiscretions et Wrath t.—Seros and Then. LOT(IIE9, es also swellings; can. with certaintyost .1.) radically eared If the Ointment he used freely, andk • the Pule be - taken night and morning as recommended in the In the printed inktructitnts. When treated.la arty other way tht7 only dry' op in one place to break eel .he another ;whereas tide Ointment will remove- the b Nolo the Au. and lease the patient a vtgoluita il = healthy being.' It will require time with the nee of tyt Pills to =wine a laming cure. Preplan' Ewellings, Paralysis end Stiff hint*. LTIIOOOII the above complaints differ widely it, atlk that. origin end nature,yet they all - require Wail, treatment. Many of the worst awes. .o( such diseasee,. , will yield In a venpamtively -short space of time whets * this Ointment to diligently ntbbytt into the parts affected." ,even after every other means base failed. In all serious maladies the Slim ',h o ned be taken according to the print. . ad directions actsunpanyleg each . hex. • _ . tie (liar:bent and should lie used be: . , fhllowing cascs: Legft.- -natura ls . had I)reast Gout, .Burns, ' Chapped Hands. Ltunbacts,.... Glandular Su ellinzseems, (Skirl) : Piles. Rho of Mosel:does., Canters, littentuathuat. and N:a-Plies. Tor:Warted and Scalds, s Coo:-ben. • stitr.toinis. - Sore Nipplse„.• Sore Throats, Skin I)lPenres, Scanty, horn noads.. Tumor,, . . Messrs. WendeS,. S Yaw* dc. Lc. &es . • CAUTION 1— NOIR, are genuine miles. the siordiccrlOl•P , . • ,LOWA.Y. Yaw-YOIIXAND LONLMIN:' are discernible** woler•Mark in eery leaf of the book of directions cash pot or box : the same may be plainly seen byliaidia. the len lo Me-light. A handsome reward will tie ghat to any one renderinz such Information os may lead to fal• detection of nuy party or parties counterfeiting the clue. or sanding the sane. knowing then' to be smitten. r• 'P.c.-Sold at the Ma olifertorP of professor HOLLOWAY 10- 74101.9) Lame, New York, luta n:peetable sertntosto 'and Doalers In Medicine, thronghonl the efrillsetiwointlS in boxes at 55 cents , fit: cents, anti $1 tact. , r4t- Is considerable resin:: by niktng bwmerbones• • N. 11,- ,,, Direetions for the guidance uf patients hi era" r ire waxed to each box. - MEAT MARKET.. .-. . On • Public' ,Irenne, near. Searle's Rota jT EEP (haat:11111V OR hand n repo& supply or 511KAl'S uf:all kinds.. CAeU p.lid for Ikiel Cu t Aldo t'?r Illides - ol all kludg.. T • IiHNSTOCK - &:11AWLEI L :;" .4.. T. 111::1•NrovE. = 30111. - tiRRELL ix AR for ma Belliogium4 bilmulatln Aldo" *Whiskers nod Ualr,that Ofluif MAL sot ofiV/hkool ora Noptacho. iu from fix to set .vrooko ; Bakn r Ootopootutoonm cum for Dpoolmii., Montrose, July 1708111. 1F 1 11.11. 11:1, -14E432C411;101114 , „- A udlircry shlo; oNrsa.zry for LlGUT,pglits44ll 7/A. Itnntrnic,'N9f.; ..Turroll • Mei • it. a .-Nlratift . Mtn 0. arm
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers