. i *DEMOCRAT, ;I- *- - ,: . *:..'1 , ?:.' , ., -. ',',..r-i.i.':*, - - - I:-....! 7 *:..'c'i . -.. ' -: -- -- ,, ---:'l' :-. ~- -,.'-',..•-4- ,: 5 ,- ,-, -,.- ,,-, -!- . ..•-•:---- . ,. ,, .*- - . - . ,, t -, - - - *,,i?,i,::;*:,.'• .ii; - :5.:., 1, .:' .. 4 : ' - -el. . _ .`:......:1L , ,... , . , ,,,•:...: , . 4 .-z•-•''-; :--I•.` •-. 1- ••••••it": - .... , .. , ••••...,..,:-...-;: , 2:2,',, 4. _:.:... , „.,....,.:,..:::„...... , „..,... . 7 .,. _:..,, , ._,.. .. ......_._ T . R .. , , ~...„.,,......,..., , ~......:......:. 4'• r2 '" • . ... irNUE, - - • E.., r 7t" ! ;;... , ..-9 3 .t . pLES HOTL. 1 . • - i . , . ‘ : .-. .. ..... , . j . ..- '..° ' .1 l.; .. . - . ~ ... - ... ... ~., ~. ' ..,. .-,,. ~ : ..,:i ~' ~ ' ' l' .. 'i . '''* ' ... .. „ . - - •,,. A $ ari ni. inADviz.fcE ;i . - - ... . . ..... .r. ... ..: ~ ....,... - . • ' 4 " 1 " il li' Y ellE e „ ra igT!' ii -. • ,:, ~, - :: , • • . .'•til tict. , ; ar a rn.... . . THE AONTROSE - Is OBBUSS , HEII;TiI T 406cyk: OFFICE ON PIM/ rliass nocin.s Ateivr. 7.T.Eint.4.7-04,50 I)er . otherwise $ will be ehargei. _ added to arretrages. at the option df Publisher. to paw expense of oallectlon., etc.. .A.DTAcsipv,ment preferred. 11 ADltEirrisEluz&—rs elnieileil htithe -rate of $1 per-square. of ten lines o' lcle , foithe Mit:three weeks, and 2 ceutsfor each additi nal week—pay donit. 3fercliantJs, and othrs,: acii-trtise by !I the year, be charged at :the foil wir.,7. rates, 'lir.; • ibr one 'aware. rr tfAi, one ran tf changer tti Back udditional +square, at fltera c • 6 So credit given except to them: oti :BUSINESS ..IUD _ . S _. w.. InniTTING coop= . .... 11731. IF. COOPE iR CO., BA.ltE:RZilreolatrolioe. pr.te!'btrilr;V°lirstP.er , v, n. xtc-OLLum - z - feCCtI.LI, 7 3I TTORNEY6 QAMSCHOri; A I4,w,—Montrcenc, Pa. i .Z.a. Orrice In Latlirops' nor but over the Rank, lIENRY B. Mc & TTORNET Awl Couwepor at offlec in U Unton _______, . _ __ —_.- Int. F.:. F. WI ,SIOT, GnAievrr. of Dv; Allopathic a diflonamopathle Col -1 ;v, •of litedicia —Great lien d, Oa. 0 iatft.!_, corner of Maia at. 1 Elizabeth-Eta, nearly Opposite the Methodist Church. . • .:I v i • • spat; tf DM. WILLIAM., W. "k lIEATON, ECLECTIC' PHYSICIAN " & StilleEON DENTIST. • 117711 DR. WTRO.V . rtiq,tros, . _ ... • . Meehaniml•totd Dar:teal Dctitiat; recently of Dingbatnion, I\i, T. tender their professional Serra to all Who *ppm elate the' '• Reformed. Practice of Pluaic;" careful and rAiliful Operations on Teeth; with t i noost scientific and , approved styles of plateAvorl;.Te .1.1 . extracted wlthop. pain and all work warra'aied. , . Jackann. June 14th, lade. , •• . 7 DR. 8,3111 , 11 Qint,GEOINI DENTISTS,—YontroI t.7olllce in Lnthropa• act' badly the Bank. All, Dental operations performed In good 6 tyle and warran t J. CrOLMSTESD -1 DU. - OLMSTEAD' WOULD ANNOJINc that they hat'e entered into 'Practice of IVADICIDI and areprepared to atteini to all vol t profession. °Mee—the one formerty Olmstead, in tar.NDAFF. • DR.' Y.. L illysielan and Surceon. Frlend.rri.U l • - .7 gat:7A 1.621 DR. LEFT gives particular alien of diseases of the EAn and Err; , his knowledge of, and experience in !ice will enCifie hint to effect a cure epos. For treating dlsea,es of tiles. he charged,rudess the patient I'. be meat. : SOIKIIIWORTH 4: DAKIN, lif ANti"ACTCRERS ADD DEALERS-In liiilian and .._' Y .1.. American I , larble for Monumtnts, Heml.,tonea, Tomb-TaQes, Mantles, Sinlia and Centre-Tals'ef.. Ah‘o dealers In Marhleized Slate for Man t.' eo:.'entro-Tables., Se. ..• Shop a few doors east of Starle'Llotei on Turnpike street, 3..lontrose, Pa. ". I -..1 d - 0e4...‘* ..___ IV. I. A..SNO X . ,,1 . , _ usricF. - or TIIE PEACE.—Greaoend, Pa. .o:lice el on Main stmt, opposite the West House. • alai JOHN SAUTTEIZ, , .. • i 1.4 Tl, As . nioNABLE TAlLOR.—lfontrcrc. Pa. Shop 1 over I. N. llnllard's Grocery. on Main-atrcet. Thankful for past favors, he solicit% a.:contlunance i , —pledgrng hlenselfto do all work intlatictorily. Cut -lint:done on short notice, and warranid to tit,.' . Montrose. Pa., July 2th, IS0).--tf. i 4 .• false to national trust, and ivould justly i -. = ,_,_, i „ . 4 excite the ridicule of the civilized world I'. LINIL."3, 1:- . ; , •• •\ , ; tna . t. would abstain frgin the u.e of any et - p:t - STEIONATILE TAlLOlL—Mpritro4, P. Shop L in Phcenix Mock, over store of Rdtt,t, wtamns r N tictent means to 'preserve its own exist .t. Toter. MI manic. warranted, te. to Et sold 11111-h: Camilla clone on short notice, in best.sttle. jan 'GO GO or to overcome• a rebellious and I \ • --L. - ! traitorous enemy, by sparina -anti pro- ..../ (Arc MIOVE6, 7• • ••• •••• .., to., ...V.11 . 1 3 ...., ~ r. . 4, ;...:,.. - • ,-,- •• .• I te4i g the property of those . who are 1 - 1., A SITIO:SABLE TAlLoll,—ltontroae,,Pa. Shap I 1: near the eaptisi M e eting House, Ida - Turnpike: 1 11'812 - ,ii 'war againSt it. '- , wret.t. An orders filled pri.riptlf. in nr,it-rnie *tvic• ; i - Th e - -f t i Turnpike: . 1 eipal Wealth and power of thO Cutting done on short notice. and warrantedjo lit. ••• i 1 Hebei Sta es is a peculiar species of L. L. ISITTrk.L"• 1 -.. , .._ • -•''' T 1 ertv con•zis ,11 ,-, of the service ..or labor of TIEPAIRS Clarks, Waiiiir:, and Je , celryst the IF% 1 Afrit...."th slave\,or the descendants-cif ii.... frit, JCL-shorten notice. and On reasonable fernis. All . • the scazranted. - Shop in Clizndler .1 , 144 s lesl , ap's C t i-4 i , ' cans. This property has been variously f tore, :^k.toA./ZOSY, Pa. !!. ota:ot tf.4 1 .1 - 4.s \ - estimated'at tile " : I K te of from 8700,000,i W3l. W. Slll'fli ,111-r.•.('-!.0..., • : coo to :'.l,opo s oop', ,o. • . I CINETNIZT AND CRATE :SIANI.:I , 4TVIIER.S,—Toot i Why ‘,ltould this p -opertv ,be exempt N. 1 . of Main 1 , 11 , ,et. lit ontrosc..,Th, 3 . a,ng - tf I , •- ' -------- --- --:--------- 7 —e---------- front-the hazards and etinsegences of :t C. 0. FOIZDH4I . ' 1 rZ. , bellioas War. aer o : • i li.t i; N:Fts . Ac op - r-t 0 711 ,. LP. of ./10 or , : & &IDES. 31or.tiose, ilt was the boast of thedf the re f Trier !, eto ' re: All kinds Of work : _ tnaile to order, and repairing done nea'.4.y. jut y , i 110111011, while lie yet 'hail a 'eat In the AIIEL TUTME.LL, ::: , ..enate of .the United - States, that the . e iS' mth , States would be courl aritivelY I - 107%L8R in Drirr,,i, lledielnes,'Chtinir.als. Dye .. i'- ' e• // .1 P Staffs, Glass Ware. Paint., Oils, ' , yip - rash, Win- ! s safe and . free'from the burdens Of' war, it • - oo: Glass, Groceries, Fancy Goods; JdVelry Petra- i • is.err, A..e.—Agant for en the rbs, popular PATENT ;it shoul&be b?ot-rht on by the contemr l Y.EPIC'INES,—Montrose, Pa. -, Ii lon tr I plated rebellion;•fuld that boast was acL • - HAYDEN I3ROTdERS ; . . companied by the , savage threat tha • 1 . V'Northern towns and cities would become *•••rtot.r.s2al-: DE:II.EI.•IN . •it • , ' the..Vie.tiMS of rapine and military spoil,'! - • ' 2. - 45 6 1 •T1ME -' I %T-C"X I IC )7 / 5 ; and tgt"Northerners should smell South . .—AND-- - l; FANCY GOOOD ern gunpowder and -feel Southern - steell - ~,_., S. •_ I 'No - one doubts the disposition of the relit NrAf.- II Ali \ JO4.N 11.A.TOES. ,1 , f; - • ••-- • els to carry that threat into execution. . -- iyrw, 31,11F0 T. r+--','' TRACY As DEN: GEORGE IiATDEN P. E. 13RUSII, :13.; • DATING NOW LOCATED PEEN&NENTLT, AT 'cm attend to u iutles of hie protessteM promptly, otnee at Ai. Latarapia .a.so ribtrrPso! NEW MILFORD, PA., 13. VIE PLACETO Bt YOUR HARNESSES 9 CHEAP FOR C I ASEL AND GET THE'W,ORTH OF 1 1 011 k MONEY. 4Cit WC " INSIAANCE. UOIiPANY, CASH CAPITAL, ONE MILLION DOLLARS. • ASSETTi let, July' 11160 c 5 t 4g,1319:27. LIABILITIES, " " 43,068.6/I:, . 7.11117 cm Sail. John ..11e.gt.n. a•algacd, at Ids slitaucco stli'oula, Arent. Policies isan • onlce, one doo nnvZ Xx . X 3 13: XIL XIL w . . AS just rewired a large Eta& ofriew Stores. for I Cooking, Parlor., 0111cearid Shop pliposes, for Wood or Co.tt with Store Plpe,2ll3c. Msassortraent is select arid deslrable, land will be sold on !Iwo:0st favor/tic te=cdc •for Cruh,lir to Prompt: Ns ][oaths BArers. . New Milford, Oct: iSGLL • • Dandelion Coffee, AIIEALTLIT berers,,-e. One pound 41T thisCollik. aIU 3u4e as MUCiI as sno potuols of other Coffee. .For szle by • • ABEL TglatELL. • MEDICAL' C INTX.X.aI34IECIOre D.. Graditate L. of the Allopatie and Ilionceopathic' i colleges of Med.' Iwo% would returoblo sincere thank:. to the people of - Dendand vielnityns t htbe. tery Ilbernl matronago with which' they tare fajor. andlle hot& boo strict at- - - entlimto busluezrorederlt o liberal oh* of the public .confidence. . .Great Bead. Jautiary , TAKE NQ.II6E-1 , !Ewalt- Wierict'-'l"Co* . Act,. cpsh , „ NJ, Sheep Yalta, Fox. Mink. )dn.knat: 40. n" FM., A good seaorttoont Leather; 4ind Boots and Shock conedaad.l7 on hut& *Pica, anaopy, : tar Shop on gain Street Mcluirme, 'Feb. Gth. A. P. & L. V. A-8./it)? - DAVID C. ANEI7; HATTNO located permanently at Nei: Ntiltortt, . PA.. will attend promptly Want:ills. with ;which he may he favonn.L (Mee Att.Tothhe U t4l. ' . New Milford, Juls - .11, 1 la . ABEL , T . TYRRELL 0-for-sale. Metal 011, for' Seing Machines. /0111. Clock & Wits Oil, lic- Bed Bag, Rat & Monne- Put. Pea, Homeopathic Remedlem, Antra Exthet. and &great variety nrLinimenta Salve., Ma, and !tamers, and an • liff... Taricfr of Patent Medicines ! ; • - - . We . - Join Ourselves to no Party that Does not Carry the Flag - ^ • takown responiFibffity. Cabinet Bliinder. • The Secretary of War made out - his re port and sei,t it to the: printers; with the following paragraphs ("Policy No. One") included. After being Printed in the Tribune, the President called hini to account, the Cabinet had a conference, , and he was-forced to strike. it all out, and insert in lieu - thereof; the appended "Poli cy No. Two.";: !,•• • ' C UST P* .I.esz,ser has:become R graVe qUestion for • de; termination,l‘iat shall be-done with the slaves abandened by their owners to the advance of our troops into Southern terri tory, 'as:in the .fleitutbrt district of South Carolina:. The Whole white population therein is-six thou Sand, 'While the 'number begroes exceed- tbirty-two thousand.— The-panic u Which drove their :.Masters in I Old conftisien from their- homes, _ leaves them, in undisputed possession of the soil. Shall they; armed by their. raitsters, be I plated in the field to fight agaiAst us, or shall their-labor be continually employed lin reproducing; the means for supporting . the Armies of rebellion? The war ilito : whish this Government .i has. been forced by rebellious traitors is carried on for the pUrpose . Of repossessing the property iiolently and ..treacherously :"stAzed upon by the enemies oldie Govern ment,and to yeetstablish the authority and 'laws of the United States fu the pia ; teswitere it is opposed or ovrthrown by armed insurrection and rebellion. Its . 1 purpose is to recover and defend what is i Justly its own. • War, even between .independent na is made to subdue the enemy 4, and j all that belongS` ‘ tri that enemy, by occu pying the hostile- coup try; anti exercising dominion over all the Men and things within its territory. - This.being true In respect:to - independent nations at war with each other;it telfoWs that rebels Who arc laboring by tbrce °farms to overthrow i government, justly bring upon them ; Selves nil the consequences of war, and provoke the deßtruction merited by worst of crimes.; : That Government - would be I ' be 11 ed• RS.AII READ; the Public ieirtnerthlti for the * Surgery, s c line of tbeir oe,:upiecl by Dr. J. C. my :'..nn. T. °lke (:',7ANUf • On to the trratmcnt is confident that that branch of pree n; the ino*t difticnit eir g ans no 'fee will ietltted by the tree:- Auplot :Z0411360. A rm, .11.11FORIV_PA. The wealth •of -"Xortherti towns ' and cities, the produce of 'Northern' 'farina, Northern workshops and mannfuetoriesl, trould certainly be seized, destroyed ol• appropriated as military spoil. No prop erty in the North would be spared frOm the hands of the rebels, and • their rapine wouhrbe defended under the laws of war. While the loyal States thus-have all their property and possessions at stoke,, are I the insurgent rebels to carryon warfare. i against the governm propertyent in peace and- - .se i i minty of their °lilt . Reason and justtee and self-preserva tion. forbid that such should be. the policy' of this Government, brit demand, on . the contrary, that, being forced by traitor and.rebels to the extremity of war, al the' rights and powers of war- should b 1 exercised to bring it to a speedy end.. . i Those who make war against the Gov i ernment justly forfeit all rights of proper -1 ty, privilege, or security derived from i the Constitution, and laws,•against which ; they are in rebellion ; and as the labor t and service of 'their 'slaves continue the • chief property of the rebels; such proper ! ty Should share the common fate of war Ito Which they havit devote&the property i of lOyal. citizens. . . 1 While it is plain that the slave - proper ! triit, the South is justly Subject to all the conSequeOes of this-rebellious - war,; • and .1 that the government would be untrue to 1 its trust is noti employing id! the ' rights: I au& powers of war tobring it to a speedy cloie, the details of the plan forgoing so, 1 like all other military mdasitres ' s mtist, in a.great degree, be left tb be determined by Pnrticularexigencies, •Thedispo:sition of other property belonging to the rebels 1 that beemnes subject to, our arms is gov erned by the Circumstances of the case.— They Government has no power to :hold i-.slaves, none to re.strairia slave of his lib. I erty; orto,exa ° o his service. -it has a right hOwever to use the Voluntary ser- I vice! of slaves liberated by war, from their .! rebel masters, like any= other.. property of I - the+ ebelS, in whatever mode may be most efficient for the defence of the ger , ; . .' l . ern m ent, the prosecution 'ofthe war,, and : 1 tlie.uppreasion Of rebellion. It is as l'elearly a right of the government to arm [slaves when it may become - necessary as itis to use gimpowdor taken from the en-. emlrl - Whether - it is - expedient tri -- -)60 so is-p - iireiS• a military question, '.The l right ll§erinneqtioniblebr the laws of -war., 1 - 1 - . . i The :expediency must be Aitermined .by, eireu'instances, keeping in :vie* the great 1 object of overcoming the rebels; reestab-, lishiiii , 'the laws, end' resoring-- peace ; to 4 . ... " the e Nation. ' -•- . - • . PreMtent," , Vice '• ' It is taio and kite for l'ho government to "carry, vo:this . orliope to maintain itSoitstence *gainte tebillioustorceith- VOL. 18. Two Reports frpm Cameron, roiacy xo:osE , . out employing all the rights and ..powers 1 of war. 'As has - been said, the 'right to,! deprive the rebels of their property in slavies and slave labor, is as clear and ab- 1 aolUte, as the right to take forage from 1 the, field, or e tton from the warehouse, I or Pca;de? and rms from the" magazine. 1 To jeave the enmy:in the possession al i such property. a forage and- cotton and military stores, and the means of 'constant- 1 ly reproducing them,. would be madness. I It is, therefore, equal madness to leiv,e 1 them in peaceful and secure possession of slave property, more valuable and efficient to them for. war, than forage, cotton, and' military stores. Such policy woul.d be national suicide. .. What to do with - that species of property - , is a question . 'that tune and circumstance' will 4olve, and need not,be anticipated further • th - dn to repeat that' they cannot be held by the Government es slaves. . It would be use less to keep them prisoners of-war; , and i self-preservation, the highest duty of a government, or of individuals,- demands that they should lie disposed of or em ployed in the most effective . manner that : will tend most speedily to. suppress the insurrectikp and restore the authority .of the'Qevernment.;_ If it shall be found . that - the men who brive been held by the Rebels as slaves are capable of bearing ! arms and performing' efficient military.ser viee,it is the right,aiia may become the du ty bf the Government to arm and equip them and entploy their services against the rebels, under proper'military regulation, I:diseippne;and—conimand. , But in white.ver:manner they . .may he used by the Governmenf, it is plain :that, once liberated by the 'rebellions set of ' thekniasters; they should never again be I restored to bondage. By the master's 1 treason and rebellion be forfeits all right to then; labor and service of his slave; and the slave of the rebellious master, by his service to the Government, becomes just ly enqtled to freedom 'and protection.• The disposition to' be made of the slaves of rebOs after the close of the war, can be safely be left to the wisdom and patriot isnr of Congress. 'Phe, representatives of the people will unquestionably secure to the lOyal slaveholders. every right -to whichithey arc entitled under the Consti tutionlof thecountrv. I SIMON CAMERON, Secretary of War. _tee. pr onto .6 'us 1 , . . . , gress would ring with denunciation,. and '. 3lorning ; Sessien, second,' ility.- - 7 -ilousis. ,from amid the wreck' of • continents and Mr. Charles Sumner be•seized with tiecon : called to order by tht: President. . . ; the crash of worlds. - You Perceive that' itroiable spasms of . . n o ktoatit , a ___ but as : _I since. the Prireitive-or azoie, ',it has vastly Class exercises, bit._ Arithmetic coa -1 increased, but still preserving its triancm- 1 they are only white Northern catizens,we I ducted by A. N. Bullard kAnalysis, Prof. : suppose it does not matter mural what I Hawley. far form, groWingioward - the. equator. ° • A remarkable feature of it is the absence . . • I becomes of them - It-is related of Daniel 1 Afternoon Session.- House - called to 1 o.'Connel, the great-Irish Statesman when , order by ; the President, when the gees; oflofty mountain ranges, and consequent- the British Parliament was'agitated.with : tion of adjournment was taken up,an'cl•de ly of au extended river systein, for with- i 1 the negro question,"after, - he .had made t eidell that the next meeting; be held at out mountains to condense . tl - M evaporated filoisturefrom the seas, there can lie no unavailing attempts to • bring the I BiOoklyn Centre; the :!M Friday and _Sat -1 Rouse, oflreland to the attention of the : urday ofJanuary - next: The following springs or perennial source of activity , - water. Into ,the seas that Sfirrotind th°e'l touse, that his patient:o becorning . , ex-:, preamble : and resolutions were unanimous. hausted he bitterk exclaimed-Oh, if the ; ly adopted :. - dry hind were introduced Itti 'entirely new • - 1 Irish were onlY•blaat men some attention i WilnliF.AS;,. In this tintel•f our beloved ; population of shellfish with n order of I .. I fish, designated by Agassiz the Gunoitl, 1. would be -paid to : their woes. It' the:, country's trouble. when the noble intim. ; • , black men,Congress would soon learn Why !: greatness, are threatened by the treason °ahem men in Fort IV-arren were-only - ; titers under which •we have ;Blown. to .or those fish having thick, ony plates for scales, covering the body- from thetlie 1 they were,arrested and,incarcerated with- : aide hands of Rebels and ••Traitors,. we: head to the enlongated tail, iservingl out warrant of law, and why „the- guilty _ f • t;hould feel - sensible ofa great. ne,glect of . double purpose of tr. buckle I for defense and covering for the fritisetil i. system. - No• 1 - 4° not punished and the innocent ]theca-!dui, yto cur eotintry, if we fail to. manifest i tel-P citric,/ qnd Union. -.-. , o sympathy, with•lhat universal, patri higher.order-of the animal kingdom was eac ery in-Congress.l. otic sentiinent, Nvitit.;:i tills the ,hearts . of, known, and hence the nine' Id. the fish 1 • 'T r ii' --- " ------- • ... . "; the..:;):ssus.of the lOylil -Statesi .- There-, era to this age 'of the entry).- Of this ' •• • • I We clip the following important para- ; lbre, • great order Of fish, once so I abundant in . . 'the' sea, only two , specieSA bav - e come 1 graph from the proeeedings- of Congxess. I ./-:v.e1. , •01. That_ while we wild advance- Dec. 4th : , , down to-the present-the gar pike of our l of . ••• peace, and believe in tlie Divine ' Injunct orarCT OF TILL WAR. ''', . ton, Love your enemies" we still regard weitern waters, and the :tither. of the 1 - . , Mr. Holman (Union Of Ky.) introduced l el • ' '-- !the duties tootir Government of the great ! Nile in Africa. I 1 • . i • . Tiumbull, the great Republican Sena-We first find their- boneS teeth and 1 rtance and feel ourselves called - I the following preamble and resolution, on ! un)o •• ' - • .• . scaly plates in the limestoneslat the base : tor from 'lllinois, in intfotducing his hill to ' • ! which he ineved.the previous question-= !IA :tit. f beloved ! 111,011 to acrifice:ill other interests upon,. confiscate Rebel property Used 'language, o f t h e system, which,: • ' ' . in our country -u 1 ' . le tr e ourcountry - even . , I- i ll'7,ercax, - This Reuse, on •the 2241. Jul.. ourour property and liv es if neces - sar7; in or-. that ought - ' to lie noticed by the eonstitu- : ; &clic the Catskill mountains, and - are , last,! by an almost unanimous vote, glob-: der to quell this unholy.reirellion, we area • - tion-discarding fanatieS of the da3l: ; found along the western'slith'es of Lake ' Erie and :wain at the - I Led tiw'f°ll°win"' resolution submitted by ! therefore;,for the vigorousand d di Falls ee etermme }kn. J. J. Critte ° nden,.of Kentuay i : prosecution of the war, until every ves- ' 'lds , not take the ground- wl ich hai : ' • 0 reee ptaele cf he remains i ,„.. ~, been advanced in soine quarters, that in !' The g rea t' i s of the fish, hoirever, is in the old +, . !"" " l i tives of the United Stateq-, o cd, By the House of Represen. I il g e ofireasoi . i is . t . radicatedatid the "Star' times of war or rebellion the m litary. in , red:sandstone sxstem which caps the mu the p ent deplorable civicwar has bee 'l' - r ! I e S ly )a - .e c ci g r l y ec i lß . i r il l i:a l l e ilet w ir oeistracgonlinntr 3 over ev. : • superior to the civil power; or that - choose . to I Cattskill motnitams_and the ' ; lofty hills. in ; aeon Ise country by the dinunionists of the S u ojnl c e e rn m ota en tt a n u mln arm .a s zi tta n irt th e 2 Constantiolial . 9overp- I '!' randr. ti, *ri a t t ll it e it te S n h il s e ci r uelianna eosin-. such times wliat 'persons may north-eastern Pennsylvania.], ania.ll These Cent- i the brave T9l- . ! clonal emergency, Congrevo,banishing all feeling °Mere 4 - • - call necessity is hi her and alike • the 1 aeries of the dead have been industrious i kuts ,. g l i c on co o nn r r t z ; n i t h m i e t n t tgi l i v l s r r e i co s In unPilni I that In Ulla Na• tint ci.i's 1 'lt 11 ' • ' Constitution': N. - eCessit y• is the plea of' worked by the Scotch geologists, and teachers) our ~s in--' tyrants, Mid if our Constitution 'Ceases to 1 IY-• u n cq a t w o n s . uts o tiui tie v ir to t art he ty, (and ei 4 peei all y t lie a P .! cere and heart-felt symathy a- d - will . , ~,. •, Made classical-ground by Miller and In- lin any spirit of oppresslon.or for any puiposeof con ties t ! operate the intintent a . foe i'Son jetlurg,Cu J . ground A onejgat or purpose of ove tlirowi g or! o . i• -!' 41 • ' " '' * 'd ' ' sin up our pay cab tor aspee y close of G 40,637 20,334 660,971 with its Observance thinks there is -- a ne- 1 derson. II . .• ' with' the 'lints or established l' lnstituticrns \ o l f ". th ier. ' ' their arduous wilt...en the battle field, and, Thei report' ' ' suggests that some genes, cessity to vto ate It, it is o ittie ya tie.- 1 ... • • thinks ,1 . 1 I The predominance offish a 4 the higheit 1 toxic~, but tel defend and maintain the supremacy of ,hr. I coaßtitanon, and ip preserve the Union, with an thefor 1 their , ale return to their ... families and type of life mu the seas, continued through , dku r n i ity. :quality, and nglits ofthe several States noim- I • • __ , , ' . . • al plan should be provided by Congress in So far from adMitting the - superif,wity of I all of the coal . ,era,.or carbonifereus age. r mi , xi e d ; th ri e d wa tita r O s u l g i llt z o oen as these objects are aecom- ! ir /elms. . aid of the Sultcs, by which our militiii can time military over the civil pOwer iii timel- ..! . Resotrq, That educational Periodieala [ Indeed; as this may be considered as but I be Organized, armed and disciplined, and of war, or that there is any n.ecessits that I And ,Wltere •I' that . • a., since . time no event I are mice:ls:try aids iii the. great cerise , of . madeefrective at any moment for imme- it should be so. I hold that under - h 1 t e - another ehapter of thisiliSti4V, -we shall ! h • . -: e• • , as occurred to change the fek•iings•of the ! cdtteatiMi, and we considerthe Penni:l-. iso treat it this.6ening. , I 1 di:ite service. - Constitution the military is as mitch sub- - 1 the Governments: therefore' ' ' . . • ,- zin i a ~...p'd i r - ,,,,,1 Journal: worth of' the pat . . The Devonian continent gridually grew; • Mei:Secretary directs attention to the ; jeei to the.bontrol of the civil power in!. Resoire(l, That the principles above, ex .' ronage of ad teachers and. friends of edil -1 into the carboniferous. Land plants ap- I . . fact that by existiiig regulations an MU ;. war as in peace . . The :powers _of ; go'. ern- pressed are solinenly 're-affirmed ' hy• thi s !. canon in time Stitt. - - ,• .. . • cer of the regular army rminks an officer. of ' malt under Our system are three o? which parsed in the former, few in ;species' and ; • ! sparsely. distributed ;in the latter, flour- 1 House. . • . • ; Rc.0,,,d, That the tise of, intoxicating • yoluno.•ers °film same grade, notwith- ' the military •1.4 not one. lt is Merely in- ! !liquors tobacco and the habitr , .i • of profane ishing in the Most abundant profusion and \Whereupon, Thad. Stevens • moved ' standMg the !contruiSsion of thelattertnav client to the otliers, aMI subject I One of : ow ; : swearing by teachers., should be- severely • with • out WI ose per .. ; luxuriant foliage and - verdure. ' In this , that the resolutions be laid on du; be of antecedent date, and recommends• these, the legislative, ; veltsured, - and we deem it the duty of tin- r, cartoon you see a sample of three. genera I which was adopted by a vote of 7,1 to 1.13. that-seniority of commission should con- , 1 mission it-can, have .no - master' . e, 'and !ployers, direettirs, awl the moral part of of`the threel vegetable kintidoms. This 1' fee th&right.of command, on the ground ,when called into being - by the a tion of I I Thus we see the Re bi . ' • pti man majoriti. ! t : . not •gencrally to discouractu the- prac i one, with jointed* column, fruted longitu- . . that the existing practice' has-a tendency I Congress, it is by the Constitut on - ex- • ! unitine. with Union men in declaring that' tiers" - •V••• '• • ° in t. crypossible 1. as•. to rekess the ardor and to. limit the 'op- i res 4 •made •di tt • suchrules di nallh , p } st jec o as {the ~ , .. , . . •-. • i is called the calamit6, and 'was 1 •' • ' the war is wit'o.ed to restore and preserve _ I:.c.tra'rE/, That we ° tender our. sincere. - 6it,..,aticie. re resent ot time scour- ! . • • portimity of-distinction to the volunteer I Congress shall •preseribe !forits govern -1 ' le•uks t !!) tit "• , ri• ••.. - rush of .Sandy. and. damp hinds. , This' the 'Government, but no sooner do they !t .• t. I. i irt, ‘ ,.it . ion of the Baptist, . officers. Therdia•apparent ;justice in the I meet. When, therefore, our ar nies,' to!' M g• • Church for the ese of their.• ' , - - - house- 91 one with lofty :- stem and ambelliferous top 1 thus deceive the people into freely giving ; 1 suggestion ; bat it may be . well question- I raise ainlstiort ~which • Congr ss has! ', Vor::iiip•tbr the pitrpoi of the Institute. i is now knoi - mas the lowly fern'tree. The est whether a CelOnel.of the rek,ular army; I expreis authority under the Cons itution 1 all needful aid, than the o mil r• •• - y p y ep , iol 1 Re . .oleirl, - That. the proceedings of the. ' other, with ,en or more leaves stn 1 . and in .. ,rho h's made military. science the study I go,forth to suppress insurrection - .. . . . : `lnstitutet. p ion, it- in time county - pi- of ins 1 le, is not better fitted to take con- 1 ' doino• so shoot down rebels and 'deqd:ite I I- -,1 tog the stalk, is also a lofly ; representative 1. . i - . of the t r n tinnily.- • - T L that t ley-Intend to use the War for ends :I,,ers and in the'Pennsykania &A o'o Jour.; . . .. niand ..• tan a voltinteer Colonel whit • has ! their abodes', as they" censtitu tionall v-I •t• , 1 . • - not in accordance with their resolutiOn of! 0 , .1. . I . It.. is seld m that ,we find ini the rocks 1 . 2 . studied the art of war durini , fiv&of six i mar, they are as much :subordinate to the Peni•Wl •n • • made - ~ preserved-specimens ed -specimens of , entire , indi- I lag! ' 3 4 1 .Y• The people mast ; watch these % ._ t. ere by the Superin- . monthi... The question is purely one- of I civil power as ivhcn engaged in a holidayl well .;' 1',.1..hey have come doWn to 1 •• I treacherous fanatics and force them t o a • tz-nclent and reading I )f . :in essay by: Miss - eapacitiv, which should subordinate all , parade in tithe of peace • and coutriband 1 vidu'A tree.." ' . 1 I usin fracnii its, and the botany - . of the ' , strict account, or our government, 'North: CharlOtte Wells. Discussion of questions. other t - Considerations ; and most volun- 1 ' - • , property seized and appropriated i by the ; continents 0 las well South,• •*11 • from time • I.lt . • • •-• • ' ;- • ;as to .be studied tin !fragmen-.: as l .ui be utterly • . . r CN 0 USt, In geography,. , teer officers would not , hesitate-. to %wail I military, in insurrectionary dist! ict4 in ' preserved ' speeiniens and ':b} reve.utionary'fanto les. .• • - • . • .1 , condueted by IV. Watson.• :;• Adi . ourped, j themselves of the knowledge id expert- suppression of the, rebellion is asleeiti- 1 t ' o .-Y,. she , e ;. t , ts (if --: to elect 61 o'clock. ' - - '.n whited and .carefully.illustra- I- ...,,--... ence.ofregular Officers of. luferiorTank. • I mately !!taken as if •eondemned.' to forfeit- I ne " n '''"` l •. 4 ~/ .Steel vestscapableof resisting' • ' ' •*. - , V' H . Led ' editions:. Enough, however,is i ' rifle shot . Not Withstanding • the current rumors I-ure be thejadicial authorities in district"! species . at the 1 or . bayonet thrust, and weighing i Beardsley, sialtiect,.lTi s ioey,. W Ilia! ... Wai • known of the profusion of ! that thh Seereta - ry of War would take. in which judicial process Was.niat ol strict : about 3-1 r lbs• each to be worn 'under the ! listened to with interest and profit, and- - a" i , k r Tit* I period' we .re speakingsof toi ; rinderstand 4 • ' distinct ground in favor "of emancipating ed. I Want no other authority ordinary h. clotnitig, are, now . being mane- :.copy . _was requested for publication. Dia._ :, that the• for : sts were variegated' in . ap-;i [and gripin g the slaves as the most . direct 1- ting down even this authority r hellion ,sl, Ricci in great quantities by, a company i eussion of quest hies from the box. .Ad.• (pearance, rieli in prefusimf of species,. and 1! ." way of, crushing rebellion; ande;notwith- ' than suCh as-May be' derived _ff- - to the H en'Ct -.E.r. • t in ~l ew at , . . •1 journe.l. _ : . I - s that-lotty trees-were-loaded IWith fruit, standing the endorsementof Col. r e - 1 Constitution • 1. pi open .1 interpreted: _, . t.. 1 ,e• tubed from 1 Such things may do, and they .may not ! . I:,,yenoon . Seision,e-. Third -!dai.--t-The. I . , , and rich ant costly urns' g ;. ; rime's blood and thunder speech, the .re- I equal, ecru to flits a real einergen y, and ' • • • do---at-least'vre should not like to - carry •• time was spent mostly iii - the relation of the broken. ranches. That the-savannas .', . ... . IPort is:itine'xpeetedly shy in alluding to the Mote.' we study its prOvisi ns, the I.that muen . dead weight without a certain- ! experiences in teaching' and • discuigion on fliarta "ic W see• t p . e little or no trace of • more* is tried in. troublonS .tuns , .M 0 : w , .n., , 'ere green nth fern and mosses, that 0 , • ity that they wonla ward off the bullets. clime theory of teachimt •-' governinen't, &C.* the "frimk talk at Springfield," or of the 1 (7reater, will he Ouradmiration for the in- th e nit 11 aS. aden with the aroma of 11 9 - lii There isnOthino• new under the• sun," 'AI • • carried l'• ' l'' .- otien that the, -t.xecutive ers, and that the insects came home lead.'l d . . . - coin-- 'Cochrane speech m the report: It 'con-' l 'struinent and - onr.veneration fo 'its au- an thesevests,are only an improvenietit ; inittee,Witli the Co. S,uperintendent pro-, ed with pollen end the inellifitious fruits of 1 [eludes ].with some remarks on the-sub . 1 b •A • • lasthe• • I the-subject . t ors. s unpopu ar , ,on t coats of mail : pai'e a constitution and hy-laws:for the `their aenailJurneys.. • i . t .:. of "contrabands," in which We observe Ibe for the moment anion -th • tought= g..- e 1 I worn a thousand. years a o' . So far as Institute: Adjourned •I • The mine is of this age are ga en, cOp- .._ . at ; o; - .• ~,: 1 I,..lecordance with . no departure from the previous position of lesS' There declare that Inm for su 'press- Iweight is concerned.- Such protection f ormer vote. 'Adin . "-t I.*• ,press-;per ores and zinc blonde - fotind in' the the ,UM ra ion; as disclosed in the' ing this _monstrous rebellion accor ing to IP , 'the -3 the.., reininds us; of the old story of a coward - ' -./ T., ~, „ . . . E• 1:. tiSTSON, Prey- pro tem; . base .of earbonite- i • . • • - ! , . I instructien to Gen.. Butler 'and General law, and in no other w ay, - and I elieve 1 limestones a y titian whcr was drafted in the late war. ; W. S. Gegoottv, - See'v pilo tem. Sherman - • . • tyous the i! , lena laCeoniing'int the West . that Cottgress. has 0n1y .. .t0 disch:i ge _its.; I.',r. 11 ... . ! i' . : lien 'a man of Means, he had 'his own ! ! • • • " ' ' ' - 1 and•bo.uthea re. - silver-bearing ore, as a . , 1 The folio witimis the only allusion to- dot . ' • d the' to erform . it.- With y, an army . p uniform made, and ordered-the.. tailor , to ! , I —There -AMU considerable - discussion at • • - I' earbimate, a d known as kidney Ore clay - thisi " s i' '• -4 ' V' .' ' .briti the War to as ee • andl ,_ is , din ,. put a thin plate of steel in • the breast o f: the outset of the war as to the propriety t °l ic . • • !, . • • ..: acti it), to ,g p ) _ ore and sari • Ili other•synenirivt • "It i I a already a 'grave ' question what •sneeeSsini! issue. . •We are -figh in to 1 nostic of' thi -toe:- Coalin vit'rio'ils forms the coat. The tailory_whe Was somethin•;•l of employing caValq. .. Gen. Scott. was op; . I shall befdonewith those slaves • who .are ' ntaintain.the. Censtitetion, and It .espec- ~ . -,... • •-.. •. ~of a wag, put the.plate in the -seat of. th a e i posed. to it us alt expensive and inefficient ' ,• t is two di rate. I abandoned by their owners •on the ad: ially'beorites'us in appealingto thii. peg- 1 .• , ___,-.1.-......-'--- I _.- -..., . - - breeches. It Was, too late .to remedy i arm of the service, • Gen. - Meelellaii,' an - i vance Of our. troops lino the Southern pie to come -to ;its rescue', not to violate. it I --Que. Oft e most remarkable 84M:wells 'What:the' soldier! - a i mistiike, ' experienced cartd.o: officer, when he took' I territory, as at'Beaufort district, in ,South , ourselvk • How are we better than ,the ; on record,- i now„in 'operation at Wells- and he went to war. '• The • first •,eoo.ar.e. ' command of the army of the Poterhan or- Carolina. The' numbers left -within. our I rebels if both alike set at nought t e con- I ville; Ohio. The well Was tulmk in antici- meat Was a sort of a 801 l 'tun affair, and : tiered •11 large increase of artillery, dec i lar-. I control ;ht.that point is very ConSiderable,l Siltation ?' • I warn my eountrynte who ;potionof lin mg oil, but when at a:depth in getting out of the,Wive the Soldier. cross: in that this•would bean artillery war.- 1 and - similar eases will probably • Occur, I stand ready to 'tolerate; any act: one in ;of 00 feet t e borers:strut:li 4 veM ofgas e a , ti; fend', hotly pursued by. o n o - o r ' t r te Somebody-isresoonsible. for having sad' I What Shall, be .done with.them? . C an we good . !faith for the!sapnression of he' re- j wldeli!bnrst forth with such Yi9lenee as to enemy. The latter made n, rp . n i.r u ti u o' g , dled upon time. Government a large. army afford to'send them forward to their. Wis.l bellien, not: to A:Medlin - uitirpati ns -, of! CjeCt all twit used in boring,iogether with, at hint in the rear, but. the bayonet did ,of raw mounted troops, audit isisitid4at .tern to be by. there arthed s against • ns or 4 , pOwer.WiliCh may hereafter :bech a • pre-.l2oosfe.it,ofp pe which .had been!previons. not penetrate; bat only Rent him !oVer_ die 1 the-warideplirttn - en: is, ito.w, satis4ol, that. used in produiting supplies to eustain the I cedents for the destritetien: of "c nstitu-. Ily introduce! : 'The boring had developed fenceinla hiirry. ' : . ' - t Gen- Scott Was - iight. in HS objection to .. • , rebellion?- Their labbe may be -useful to 1 tionallibertv." . . - - _ •! a very,Stri4._rein of Salt. '. water;.% Which : "Dan; it,"-said the*felroW "that taller' I their' introduction; ` , I us. Withheld from-the enemy it lessens • - '' •-: ''''''"'-'..- 11 " --- '** :! .1 yields a bar -l - or saltan bobs,. - i ••- '' - T , ' • -1 . - . d l' •- • • 1 - .....,__... : ..,;„,..„..__*.L: ''• '• • - ~, ~. , ~ ~. :. , • is 'a mann wont views an nows,,more I••- - , - . I his- military : resources ,.. and _ withholding The election for ; Mayor Of - Ne_ 'York 1, . -44aineblnksiptthsseeni to i forget,tbat it o fit. w e•lthn n rdo pl. -_ --. • - !•'.:,-- . ', •• ..The•ftillOWing resnhition..ivas, isdePted. theta has nTO teudnncy to induce th©. her- city occurred on the M; - I , 'esilltitig !i;,the'l 1 horses shed. n.the - tviiiterihOhld have the '''lf we ire to haieanYniore 13411 : Runs; I tie:; ll "Foeeeting held•in.Wbash, "CO, Ili, I rots, of insurrectioneven in rebel ettterann...election of -George,Opdylce:•• • Tai '- bete inner side of he sh tie Of See)) ,cpiffiguiation il i e'Neitilfartin l coMpariy had torn ' , . ~ .„ . better.. . t . geiolved best' 'although the .Deni - oi ities. :They. cons,tatute,a military resource stood-- ~ -• • • . ._. - as to let go ashy of Brie* Valli' formed in - it•;• •:i 1 • i.e.vi: l .,,,tention`to:brenclies : with jiripene: 1 crats ;were . strangers: to. the coiebani I and being' such, thattliey- I-Silent& nOt,•,be •'• I -*-*Otidylte,-Repablitian, - . ' . ;:- - • ..7 • ;.?.5,0 i:the hoof. .I •• onlf,"recinires a l gradual in tribleseati; - ' .• -"•• ''.l• . --. ..• '. •• :• • I made with *Abralianint•Chicage r yefthey turned-over to'the 'eaemliis-too, plain ‘,6IM 1 - Gontlier, TurianianYPen 2 ocrat, 2 t s Erl ‘-efelist in sii ciutWard,_": WO :no 46i:etail. --' '• 2- . c i ~ i '•• •Ii.• •• •iiiii.••! : '';`7• • '': ' . r . ' • i tire made Partakers Of the bkaabigs - con-- trtiacUssed:: Why deprive ..him treat Su *, ! • Wood, 'llforart Demoetitt, -' 2,1 F. 5 •.. • Jog itftgare '.'aild -- eadh ball, almost as fast . -4t is thought that • the• fugitive stirs' ferrednrion'the ceitintry ander:that' core: . • . . -Tiles by ii blockade ind-, Volutitar4 give : The Comiirti,Conneil is Denttatic. asforined,- 'll be readily parSed"With. -- -•• law Will he repealed or modified: - --- -• • rnint.' •-•• . . .- . f . . . • . . . . , . . . 4 - . - . • To ibe President. POLICY NO. TWO - [See abstract-headed, "Report: of the War tkpartnielit," of which "Pulley No. T.{ " • the cOnellidin paragrtipli.], • Report of the War Department. The - report of the see'y of war shows the fadt that Pennsylvania. hatifurnished ,04,760 vOluritePrsi to 100,200 furnished by New York, 'which, considering that the latter has mitch Vie largest population, shows; that. Pa. has done much the Most, propoilt ion ally. The!several arms of the service are Ca timateii as follows : Vol't'rs. Regulars. Agg. 557,208 1.1,172 568,353 54,654 4,744 50,34)8 20,386 4,3,08 24,088 In fan ti-y, Cava! Artilldry, Rifles tind 'sharp sitetiters, 3,395 Engineers, : • MONTROSE, PA.,THURSDA . bin men to:produce supplies? The dis position • to belnade of the the rebels after theelose - of the war ean safely be left to the wisdom and patriotism . of Congress. The Representatives' . of the people will unquestionadly seeur • - to the loyal slaveholdera every right. • ,which they are entitled under the Con titution of the eountrf s ." • • _ Report .of the Seoretary The report of Secretary . -Welly that when the. vessels now ..build purchased, of; every class,',-are equipped, and ready 'for service, 1; ditiou of the navy will , be, 264 armed with 2,557-Auns, and may 22,000 seamen. - The aggregate of seamen in the service on the f March lan was 7,000., - Since the institution of the bloc hundred and fifty-three vessels had capturo sailing under .vario ino6t of which were attempting t the blockade. .. The iequiretnefits of the depart the,next fiscal year, are forty-four' of dollars. The course of Com. Wilkes, in Lure of the rebel commissioners, ly endorsed by the Secretary. his language: _ • • Captain ,chall'es Wilkes, in' ci of the San Jacinto, while scarab' West Indies for the Sumter, recd' formation that Jtimes M. Mason a Slidel, disloyal citizens, and lead' • spirators, were, with their suit,.to from Havana in the English • Trenton their way to Europe ilnOte the cause, of the insurgents ing in the Bahama channel he int theTreut en the Bth ofNovember, from her these dangerous men, wl brought to the, United States. li having been-ordered to relit for.s Charleston, the prisoners were on board and conveyed to Fort where _they were committed to th y , Ldv of Colonel Liiinmick, •hr coma that fortress. • The prompt and decisive. 4tion ot. Capt. "%Wilkes on this occasion Mierited and received the emphatic approval. of the department, and if,a too generous forbearance was exhibited by 'Min in not capturing the vessel which had these rebel enemies on board, it may, in vielv a the specific circumstances and of 'its patriotic motives,. be ecuscd ;but it mt, by no means be permitted to constitutes ptece dent hereafter for the treatment I of any case Of similar infraction 'of neutral obli gations-by foreign vessels engaged in-corn merce ,or earryingtrade.... Trumbull on the Constit and_ Keep Step Acv the Music of the Whole Unio DECEMBER 12,1801; -ri''.i _ . . Geological History of : North 1 Difference Between Black and Susq. Co. Teachers' Institute. - • America.. j - ,White;..;. : I. • Ire accordance with adjournment •' ' Our grave Senators and Representatives Institute assembled nftheßaptist Church' at Washington; 'are very much exercised : in Jackson, Nov.- 21st, 1801, at 10 o'clock about certain colored persons' confined in' m. Mecting„was called to . orderby the jail at Washingtou,and a great deal of N. Bullard, wheit'ai the officers were not' . indignant sytiapathy is lavished upon that: 'present the'lnstitute proceeded to elect • inured victims of barbarens -laws. The the tollowink; pro tem : • Watson - use of Representatives have instructed ' Preiident, W. S. Gregory Secretary. A' the Committee. on the DiStrkt ofACohnit- committee ; was then appointed to pre hie' to inquire into the-matter, ap. what pare an order of exercises for the session.' legislation is necessary ;to .relieve thein ; absence of the committee from,jinprisonment, and prevent persons.: Hannah conducted-,an exercise in cuthog from being similarlyimprisoned hereafter. raphy. After receiving the,report of the 7 .Perhaps it -is:right that these.- imprisoned' ':comitlit tee' the Inst hot e adjourned for one . negroes should be liberated, and, perhaps hour. the laws under which they were commit.; Aftermion Session.—Prof. M. L. Hate: ted areal( wrong. But_ while Congress ley conducted a highly interesting exercise", had this subject.. of false - imprisonment tin; Lin- reading; also M. J. Corse in written der consideration, We wonder it did not : arithmetic. The remainder of the after occur to,some of the Soloris that quite [ i noon ivas spent in discession - of the follow.' large number of white men are now ing question:i Do'our teachers receive as . prisoned' in Fort: • Warren without au: mui:h etwOurtigenietiffrom the Directors; thority of law. Would it not be well for parents and citizens generally- as they some CotigressiOnaleominitte to consider should Laid over until evening. . their cases, and provide means for' either , Evening Session.---Hotise called to .or- - bringing then' to trial and punishment, or.' der by the President. -Prayer offered by' to liberate tli - eurat.eneel Most of these ' the Rev. Mr. Porter, - after which the In-' men. were arrested in loyal States .where" stitute listened to a highly interestingend the administration -of justice is until,- instructive . address by 'the 'Rev. J. K. strutted; and where they Could; be- fairly Peck, subject-Alttnian Life, for which a land impartially tried. : One of two things vote'al thanks was tenaertid, after whieti must be true,-either'that 'they- were ar-J A. Vii. Bullard delivered a short address a ' rested without sufficient evidence of guilt, copy of.wlkh was requestedfor'pnblita or that the evidence against theta is Sitfii. went to secure their coaiction and . puti- Jr. Porter was called' upon, and. isliment by the Courts. In either ease : responded with eloquence. after whichthe/ they should beitru'ught to trial, and not former question was:taken up and after kept hi confinement without, warrant of discussion decided in the negative.' ..Ad;t. law.or dismissed upon taking the oath of journed to meet' kalf-Vist • nine to-mor-. allegiance. If they were black men; Con- row. • iW.I)R. S ; perciievrlze ~xanc.:?trwire.zr. HoW Molluscan; era of the; earth-continued, in whiCh , l jthe . • Siberian seas Swept around , the verdureless islands and boreal continents,noW united to form ; the North American continent, We have no means for measurement; sufficiently long, however,•for the brad bosom of - I .the seas; tO be.filled up with immense de posits or limestones,'known , its - the ,Tren ton, inagnesian, Galena and blue lime stone, in 'afferent parts of ,our country ; for,equally-iinmense deposits of shales, knowiras•the Hudson river; p•tica slates, and black slates of the West , , and for -the gypsum and salt-bearing roam- of New York;; • - ' If y As the era drew near to its close and a new animal kingdom was about to be in troduced, a vast deposit - Of• .Sand was brought-by some unknown' cause into the bottom orthe seas, the currents bearing it sweepi g from the east kvestward— These sands blotted out the life of the old seas, obliterating th e 'past . atid preparing for the ' - feture, These :sands are now known as pie Oriskany tiandStoneiu New York, and forming a range of Mountains ; in,Pennsyvitiiia and Virginia.- They lie; at, the base ofthe new, the - fish-era, or De vonian age, which is.the subject of . the., lecture this evening. • This map shows you whit may have been, the shape and diniensions of the De vonian and earlioniferons continent of the then western World—at least suc h por-- Lions of it as have been •eSrved to states ng and larmed,. vessels,] ned by number urth of adO ono 'e been s flags, violate uent for lie cap strong- e quote mmand in the ived in lld John g con embark steamer to pro- Crnis excepted r lnd took hem be is vessel err lee at retained Warren, I cast o. nand of SOB PRINTING_ of ALS. IMPS , i - • THE , OFFS ; qr-Tux • NEATLY X6l CY C:1 1 RA. •X" AND AND AT "LWE Am> tiT LIT:z" 'ram ; • • . - Tun office 'of the; Montroie . 'Derno , :rut! .Iba recently been supplied with anew and epic.% Ide ,of type, rte., and we arc now prepare(' to pint pasn;kle:, , !eire:,,,,ra, 'etc., etc.; in the beg style, on short nottc, I nandl4lls, Posters, Progiarntnes lotherkinds of stoic to tills line, done according to ord;r I ;Business,. IN;e(bling," arid Ball C.ti.nt, ITtelcet4. etc., print with neatness 'and-despatch_ Justices ' and Constables' Bltmlni, Notes :Deeds, and all other thinks. on bald, or printed to rrde, {No.` 49. Or Job work and Stubs. to bO pert for or &Um,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers