~ • CONGRESSIONAL.: , 1 knew that gentleman would vete against 1 1 . THE: MONTROSE DEMOCRAT I li • • - - • .- - -• • --- 1 anvthing but what. related. to negroes. In ', TiOtano,rszkaliNcrhr. 7N ADVAN;I7: ,i I . %-, • . '. the course of hie:remarks - be -.said that ' - - -- . • • .• . , . --, Dec. in—ln the Satiate, Mr. Teri E2, - ;•ek. 1 .... . fi • •• - • -' I . • 41‘ . ...-sT:11:3184:10"ies ;tr it...c•ter t do 4mm shall move to,. take peered a resolution that tho.rrasent - *all nessession of • Colutribits, *e; wail requite 1 EDITOR, PUBLISHER ,- ' AND PROPRIETOR. I is for the Ilnion, according to the Consti- : every. soldier that.. can 'be " bran ht into ,' i y o - ' — wrßo gz' Inge A,'y - iDzciggmtg --- 19th:1161 --- : : ti tution, and the•Atilect btu) savo the for- ' the tiold to retake*that plsoCand march i' - . t met. and entitrce the latter. -It was So in on to Tennessee.. .L.* I, ;• , - the beginningand_should Ite la) to rho i • _Mr. min h ipi.of jiy., earnest 4 ~. ,..I ., v oca - .. .1 :'PIIEL . P , OSVS-OE - THE WAR i I last. .• That measures, extreme and racli-I.ted , '' the passage - of the bill, 'and showed ~ Congress by a you. early unanimous. reseal the fol. ; 1 cal and disruptive in themselves, involv- ; the necessity of applying' the proposed ; lowingresolution a July len: able hit sotasbeeu fo 2 1r : ' ing in a common pale loyal and * disloyal, force. .A. tierce contest may take place at' sp Thi on ta t o th sa e r n stry e by d A P o l %tattal c osigt w it the • Southern ;!, M'' . The Harrisburg. Daily Patriot and should not-. he resorted to, and that in s u p- i any - hour. - . , ,;; , stst o o3ost in arm* against-the Constitutional Govurn- , L/ - n - 0n i will be furnished as usual to 'sub= pressing treason the Government cannot . . , .iklr.:Blair, of M0., - elt)sed the: debate,—; I stone' omergefics,cosigratis. ' numt Ind in arras aronntt the Capital; .thst in this Ns- i;- batng'all feeling ofmer b : 1 1-SO ribers'foreini dollar during the *session* prove-a traitor to the orL.;atue law. Laid iln reply te Mr. Lovejoy, he' llaid I''' - . It'e 1 rg at e l b ° ll r D r t P ;y7l i i m iart t t;lZ n ,7f. ° Zt t z'gl ts .; ‘,2l r o pa t . over. , - • ; I have the'hest reason to believe that we lin any apirtlptappreselon.or tar on' , pur ß ose of eontqueest 1 !. . ) f the L egislature, and•the .weekly 'issue Mr.' Sumner, of 31-is s, ottiti•ed a resolu- I have not enough men in the field ; for we ;11, r, "- u w l 'it g it i ; ° , l 4;; P n ar rXeg r ates er iaVlTtlitfa ,° : o f it r i r oo r ; i r the low. rate of adollar .a year . when tion that the Ccamtli . ttee on patents be in-' haVe not been able to coplaer the enentyl state,. but to Jar tri in . a e i rT nt:ln ti th o e un ag n rer , tzgt,t , ,, ,;,finbscribed for in 'clubs aged or. more, to structed to inquire it any additional legit:- auvwhere as yet , and we 'i.liave 'not met , iir g tV al e g ion tit - drt l y, and Tau or...several Statesullim.l ibe Sent to ono address., Single- Subserilr lation i 5 necessary to secere ler persons rhirn escorting :then he lintinnnbereilus. Ip . lishlt .. the *al._ ought irk ,W3 .. so_- . - .. , : -, , ~,,,_ _ ___ 11. ors pals; ; and that so soon as those_ oNer,ta era 1if:.6112- 1 two dollars a v6ar in'advande. • of fric.att desecnt the rigilt to 'take 0nt1.., H e i ne n.`,..„ have : net . bein able to drive i ya I Nit& - j'irrret,4 to. t - I - ~. I+, The approaching session •of Congress bad- the -foo one foot ''''' I TIK .. "' -e ' ll' ‘ . "' -iet Y " I. F(‘l'''''itiu-"g were I . ,lir. Loicloy replied . that he ".:Lci;onnted 1 4 .t . , .. 1 - -r • . (:- C.••' 4 . ' * t . " "'• 2: : Y L 7 4 . * • ft flStateLegislature are invested - 1, - .4 r ~,., 1 :,A11 : the made in regard to 1it.3gr0,..5.;1- • • - ' for this by the fact that the enemy trill' ".. * --I"1. 1--% - ' 1-, 1.4 •".-tt - ''' ; I wo h un us ua l importance in consequence A resolution was oared to e.. - pel Mr. not meet us unless' When he is sit -tri yr-in ' l';' ; , A\-, ',...- L''' vas -----') 7.:4" ;iof the exeitinn• state of affairs, and the pro- Br -it of Indiana, he having given a Ilr,i .., • lI' L .• '. , • ; . itt't, ' ^n + u y,. ' ' .. t-, 1 :-. 1 number. - •.. ; - " . ..I' .- - -N.Rtz-- ----•- ,i," / 1 - 7 . q'eeeditto - s oe both bodies will appear. in Lincoln a-letter ofintrodnctienAoJeti , Da- , . . "AI rl • The win - I Id 1 ..-.... -..,' -- ''q' -" 3 ,.6 0 , 31 ''''', 6--- "* -- . - . 7 . 't 1 4 - , , ' .: r. ) air— en s ion n otour ~ ;,4 - sts last March. . Referred "- ' l ' l4 ' 3 ' 7 i army everrun the enemy.? - I --•;- ' - ,?) • s:;--- --41 ‘.. - • - uotn I,Utpers, .togs her. with teleraphic; . ,;-_,...,:,;.;. ~ , , . •e,... 5 , ~...). C' 'I.: -etkel of ( . 6"Van of Penn.; ' - - — 7: - ;-: , .•;'' IAA *.• :,..11 , " ': dispatcher up to the moment of going to . _ -.-1 ,1t.'• t1" 1 : - ..s.l:-...\• -: -' ../01MOiti.C'e Oil 11,••._ . - t Air. - L ott -tßeoattse we hare no , sylvania. - . . . . 1.., 1 Generals. ' , : ./s Mr. Trumbull, of Il Ledesired to call up i - ' I 31r. Blew advocated theTassage of the" ''',,q the reeolittion inquiring into the author', • bil l ,.evi z tieh was . passed: .Z. 1 .. . : . * ' -...404- -.- 5..:•,r, - -... ty for; and the arrests made by under the ; tr. .tnen, of Ohio, introduced a joint 1 ' . direction of the Seeretartenf State. 1 , resolution that, the Semite concurring, _ Dixon,f. C-in..ooptised tile resolution. , w h en the llonse - .!iiijourn on Thursday 3/en hail heldPeace ,nte ' ll "P" an-d e l'P o- i next, it- be till the'6thofJeruarv - adopt- ' - 'o„.'later news from Enoland show a ' , . ed the Wateancl they ought to be arrest ed ;:4 .- .. . • 1 more hostile feeling than' was noted in i. -yeas 60. , nays 56. • m all] there was no law, for L. i `', Dec. 17- 7 senate-Severai abol i t ion pee! our last paper. The . war spirit seems to Mr. Trinnledl, rose to ativOcee e his r t .. " .. ; titione were offered prevail, and apparently John Bull must I. , elution. It slid n o t,in.bi, opirion, imply , . 1 • 7 Ir. Lane sailed' the resolution tre any censure to the Scetetary of State.- , - of . . t r w ee s ti c iit - r. I the Sciereta . ry of -War furnishing I have Mason ailtd Slidell given up. or a i ' The resolution was one :is to the aerest i k eeppeSorthe-ordera . for I fig,ht.. We ilik i nk it needless 't copy the 4 - lers6llBjll the leynl States. The courts. ' building.i ' , c. iv 't 1 saner ;articles roan English papers, and oarra . c s y . tr,the Kansas troop? i ~ . ••. I were in operatioe,there and it ins -fin '' a nd in a speeen crit i c the action • t the officia l notton 'of the . th em to arrest; no: the . genet-el Govent- of! pretcr to :mat. _ „., 1 • ! the goverimient in the conduct ofthewar, I'Crown before attempting to sltoW that ment. - . - , nnimadve-tim ., • severely onthe • • ' vc • , ~ untetivit I there will or 'will not be a war. • I ' The Senator front Connecticut. had ad- ,• - ~ i ot . our froops, and saying that it ' was - a , mitt ed that the rinitt persons bad been or.- I !nary necessity our army . should (teen- I rfft The ahelit ion organ and leaders rested, and he not`v eomes to tins defence ; 11 v the rebelittes . Mr Lane contended of sari' despotiz power-the I.'.••eelleo of des- i 1 1 ',. • •• • • 1 charge us with " treason " when we ex- i the I,.n tert the go ,-e ummt should take possess- i potieml-where the President, by ' pose any of their party frauds -upon the i ; 1 n . re , the :;laces m order to force their 1 eos , er • -I click orthe teleeraph, eau orde7 the at. nment • vet, oven at a risk, we must a.asters into submission, Re was replied ! F. ' - ' rest and imprisonment of any one .in the : ' , c ~,•, ito by Mr. Cailile, (t Pi on) - Of Va.,' who . 1 refer to an item-ri Fample 0f... what is 1 lov- 1 St.-e•• . WI • t b , • .• a.- .o. ~. . 1,1 •""lue'' "' •""'''" u • 1 saidhe wets eel , ,' e 4 th at th e. , , . , Ain ,e. at govern. constantly occurring, Last ,June, 'Shinn.; tienal,liberty-what are we 11:•itig for, .'. . , mistake in 1. , ttil e , inent i liad l - mode a g reat ~ nets if the bread ground is to be esstaincelyl Cameron ordered a private sale of 5000 Ir. Lane A e . -inmantler of the ar- 1 to be justified in this; boa: - ,, that any Man i P u l' a l ir • carbines-eley being called nearly worth-' e (.3 - Ir. Carhle) contended that the I. loss:, ~; , ..,, ..,- is to lie thanked for.assimilnit tineonstitii-: 1 " . ' 1 neytwere sa n d f or I : 1 '7,50v. after ; . nay was a constitutional one, and the ar- 1 • liana] mai tiuwarranted Authority? into . being „ , :.. , of • . ; ley conH not be, turned negro stealel silently - aitereu, at an expense .a - I sir was willim , to vote, and d aft vote , • ,1 1 few shillings each, Fremont 'bought tlie et the extra sesewn of Congrt.!: , S 11) 5:M0.1. : - i • 2 ••.. • • appo in ted llesers of ' ion the acts of the Executive made 1 Inat' , . ill:to': Chandler ,lliraPP." ~-. • • -• Wrade, same lot, for the g,overnment, payMg the military, power, for the I,:trpose,,,ot .. o f ..31,ichtgan, ,11114 .John- ~ €4l 1 0,000 for them: Bc this bold fraud 1 ....el bi'Tki; sopi,vess:oz lii.. I.,,heiiieti, for ~.0010 o . f ,•,, . 0.,, , , I l lessee, as the COT int . ttee te;in.! tho leo ,le are relibed-O'fabctut surillon.- : _ , N t.5t1,..t.1 tle g,enei al conduc, of the. war ., . 1 • . 1 .' ' - which no warnint credd,perliapshe intrust. . lierTse---•The resolution of Mr. Eliot, for j This is the way our money goes. Is it '. - But now a diti . .,-rent state of thinks exists. , • • The: l'resideet is not infallible - and west : the eine iicipation of slaves, being the spec- 1 treason to 'protest:against such things ? err. :2,7iinetimes. 1fratr:,(1,116 , , ,, :0 . h , c , i, • 1a.. . ial order, were then resumed. Mr. Hard- I . _ - , tme is itecessary to p : nish treason in Con- j u g , lUnit": l c'f . K.)"-, °lrered .s cune P°i - nt s 1 6"••••?„e'Tlie. great item of Southern news ‘ - • • . ___i:, oppositiozi to thein•-thet Cone-flee: has ' ,- neettcuts or env where else, lie Vir•S In i: 1- • • - . • ' • "r . • 1 this. week is a destructive fire which . .... ror et p,:ts.s.:eg such a laW. • • broke out in Charleston on the 111th.It on-the subject, and -the administration 1 - It is in just siieli tittle:: as these that the _ ads l against all interference !is steted thet 57C, buildings were destroy foundations of tveanity and despotism are ; s t .t'' • pledge • , e • • . .- • • _ . . laid, an] not, Iv fall the .0.,,i1 „... ,_ , are widi , '. et slavery, that legislation is forbidden on' ed, and the loss is estimated at from five This lea s: , the subject by every principle of . lined " "! to seven millions of .dollars. About one awalo,-.: o their sin interests. tip,,ii the i.e,,p10 uotov arcs, Aa mil,, t he i disgrac efu l mul l that they would inaugurate a ' fourth of the city was hurtled. s e an ar isgracefu vier, lett - dying loyal and dis- . pretence of incessit v essimets this great , title in another I zr•t w'll b co tun i . 1 . e seen t hat 10 ; .ai in its borrors; On motion of Mr. • ow er. and they caanof extricate them- , ' itellogg, the resolution, rind all others re- . the city has met.with Similar losses tel I selvte. frein tilt tvrenny that is lipoe anted, to the subjeet in the sanin .speeial 1t„ fore, There are various ? details of a thorn; lie wo...thi it eve: eon:mend any • . reeler, were referred to the Tudici•trveom. i • sitell 11.1livetion. , . , e t . • • • . • contradictory and imagintitiVe nature' mt.. Nrik,.:t., „ 1 ... m ,. 1 ,. e... regre: tea the . re e inittee by a vete 6177 a s gainst 57. ' I which we deem of littlf interest to. the ,4 :1..,! --enti:tuatt feet 0 ininoiS (Mr. '. I\i ' . .* VIIn W.Yet•-'. Chnirman of the I mes - i . :-. • „ cpubtle. The southern congress has voted Trumleill.i . ii, , , Air. T. ,.. h ,, ew .Imit , nii : tigat mg Corninitte, submitted r , esolittn,n. ~„,, , , , ',., , 1 ,i, v ~j , i. ~t a, , e terra 111 :I•;:`anstivir,..(inz 5153: further paymentS en I toadvan ce.rel ief to the sefferers "to - the • done I.v the obedience- to the Pv,ei.1.1.1, l'jlis:••: , r'':l'wf ". ! '"ll''' ' 'lf 'tilt'. '' - liar'er of the steamboat ' re - nount, of i;i151000. ' . cierk . l:o N i:.l,: , :iiiv ivn, ~ v i, v, i L vil, as k tl , , _, i Unt.il . :r• - •, in n•ijustl the claim :111;:liti - 51 the ! ______..,....-._ .e. . • see1.0:11 . 1 . 1i,1:, : h tt , i.i.e, , ts,, have liven . .„ :1,1.. .. e ie - enteent tot ti•i•a thousand. H3ll I e ar- : :::;:r The majority in Congress ere very Lines pnrchneed by Gen. Fremont. :and I busy in devisine• mewls to : Abolish % slavery. s 'Mr. little, of N. 1.1.. theuelit, the . teeee. : stating t h at the pritetiee of employing, i lotion was ern:mei:fly tweper and • a pp t -0... -r-' but take no step looking lie the abolition f e e, e ,, am i 1„. ,e„,..„ , ,,1 f e d „,„.,eie e d e• lt , espon,ible parties or the performance of , et rebellion. Plain I peel) e t 1p here in .the pliblie ditties, and the purchase of sup- 1 ,- was not, passed. Our fatliers TOW - 41 1 - for plies by et:iv:lie enntraets, are injuriteus,to I country, had 'got the , idea iliac our iihme= . the principles 4 •1'.... reestit utional ' liberty • regulated livlaw,uot m pithlie Bert lee; And meet the untitled- ! diate troubles were eauStel,by some Incas ere indepenacilee__, Ihe - and the government:had better fail • than ; 'l'l disapprobatiOn Orthe 'lnce. The 1 ure„ctetleast, by the rebel-armv. and that eonsh i leration of' the report • was - • . be fai th less to thaf.-er,eit priee'q,le. lie post- 'if it dispersed.peace, union, prosper-. • -P* • e.vanted to stretigthea the betels of the ! I" . "' c ' • . . 1 itv, and haimony inight be reStored,. but A hill Wnc, renirted from .-the F or t i n , _.,• . _ . • GoVernment. lent- he Wanted ' - tl,cin to Affairs committeki• appropriating one then- i . Congress appears to be aiming elsewbere, - --, stretch acre ,- ;- 1 ite-Pei s omae Smith inste:la ' ' sand dollat•s to pay the enners of' the I :and tio•doubt think that if they destroy- of:comb. il' ', he people, 1110 w p ow i n , put-their flood of treasure, fied th:tt thee Britisleshio Perthshire for losses inhurr- sla';‘•ery mid turn 4,900,000 of ne.gro pa n . have been trifled with. sod thet imbJelli- cd in consequenee ell detention by our ] , , - ,pers npon the sort , t tis contempt]) e blockading f ile t Off Mobile, in June last, ty stands i n the. iti:-.;.•:: Of 4 - .0:1rn ,, 0 in the i little reb l'• 1 left c don may m to starve, and our navel-otlicers at the time acting on a . ... Yigorous proseetitioli t•t Ihe wen, then will our army stealers to fatteneipoti the life : . tnisena,rstaniiing ;,11' the circumstances.- t ilere be snob a s'‘ , l-1 , 1 ( o r: 2 •- • '• ..A..1 th e y , t•Itloo•1 of the country. Tho fill was finally pa_ssed. ' heads - as histery never rte. - Pr:led. - - --- --....tem..... • Dec. I s'-Senate-Le-Aboli - tion of slavery 1 l"-- -- Cone , ress will adjourn for the 'ft. niotitm tea:; :11:I•ik!lo-rei ' or the matter to - g C(entnit tee end:: lone d'ehate ensued• and fug's.' s l at e In . " . " 1 "i for as 'istla l • ilielidaYs, during which time the people fit" resolutiou!offered by Mr. Stunner . . - . ' •Th.. Trettil.etll insisied that it teas' arcs- will he obliged to try and content them-. that tie , army sletll not he need - to surren . elution of inquiry enly. Ile was as mart i 1 i . --. '. • - '. . , - - , . der legitive elaves i eVee taken- tip, 'mid, at • . . 11 sett eg. Wail reading . and hearing :Alma the against traitors as the senetor from Mtn's i ter a felt - remni•kS in favor of it by' Mr.! affairs of the white folks ; but, on the re acioise: ts ; but 1:0 t, as :Oso I:'.er Con tits- . liberty. The sell:ll.6r front • ALL. , , ,e e e'Seiniter` and agailiSt it by Mr. Cowell, : assembling, the alld mportant'eplored idea of Fa., , was passed. tisetts'Arti: a : rainst traifo:••', and also i'eP - - i- will be resumed. In the meantime, if the ch • Hen .0 -Tile C ommitteeon ., ' e Tlis . Lie ti t , ' ' against th e eceeitittnion of. his (Pantry. , '''•i .eo de think petitionlii , trill dol g m i any goo 1, • - Mr.- Le: Ilan; of C.:l- eetthi see 11 ,, ,fieeee .! reported thet Charles IT. Foster is not co. 1 1 l, . • •To the Lovers of Good Music. -I they might 3 . 51;.. ConoTess to tate' into t.t legl . to a -seat in Congress either .from_ . .-..s -t- • c' I • ' , con ' city in tramp:nu; on the (_ . `onstitution, - in t 7i-\''.. the t e tras or - SCCiOild - Congre.ssiquat Dis.l rddera i Lou some measures for the benefit, I Mr. J. G. Towner, of the . urinal Aead-, (truer to : , :181.:Iiii . it. -- I;et tre•a.s6ll be 11t111- . my of .31usie, Geneseo, N. Y., and Mr. I isli.2:l Ihv law : :eid if tre..n must be arrest- i trio of North Carolina ; they were saris-. I of the Union awl the WhitCS , and, possibly, 1 te ‘ I tied that his elaitiv was founded el l in t im- I , , T. G illumine. Pianist,Pupil of the abo ve ed. kt 'them be arreSted • Decording that potty •nia-v do so after attending : • ''''' 'of - to Institut-on, and also the Normal. Must I law. . • _• i sition, as Was 3lrl Foster ' himself. The I I the afairs of their immediate constituents cal lnstitute North . ! l'E•pOrt was ailopled. 1 ,. The lionieStead 1 • - • - file resolutien are:. ref._• - rr6d. to the LS,; i bill wag -then 1 alfrn up, diseuised! and If not reminded of it, iitisonW way, th ey( Announce to the citizens of .Montrose and Co.nmittee opt the „I wrie;ere YeRS ~ ....... r•C:Stpoll•:_td till - Jantary. 1 may overlook such trifles. - •••••-'e • i vicinity,. that they will give a Musical , . nays 17. . i - . , . I ;1)611, of too weeks, in this place, some- 1 11 else- The'llonse passed a bill to t '"rl• ‘\ ~. .I, I 'I " An. Appeal in Behalf Of the . , time in January or February next. Time strile.• i'rom the peesien roils the 11 :01)e,.. i .1' DANNIN":•I"cr tri.l.7sTs-IT/ZO-..t WO , men. I • I Distressed. , ;to he fixed and notice given soon, provid.7 all ' persons why far; 0 trilen np ernis • 4 . 11:::Ii 4 Wei - e standing in Wall street, :New i , fir.. .„ , te•eiest the Gevenonent or in 21;:iv man- );or1:-.talliing on the subject of bankruptey, I •Ti., e t i me f',„t ' v . ing.there ran a sufficient- munber of 1 ,Z.DITOII. :-... a. is , . . ., 3 „,.,. _be . ~„ ,_ , , 1,111)11 . s. 'f he exercises WIII.OO :irrangeoin Her gilled the rebelllee. . • lien otie 'of thent's:lNV :1 real his V : i n k ee ' Proa( , bing when the ministers and elerf , v-, Air. Vellemiigken eirered •r. preamble ; lumbering down. the street a knife and • men of different denominations' will ex-'i . the Joll6 . witig order , . 1 • . I pect their annual - -donations - from fheirl Moriting,.-1••rom Oi o'clock to 12,'v0. . gtttin : firth that v.-hr.r,•nq the traitors • stiek in his itan'a.l .. • I " cal U raining, (liaSSiTil 8 system„) as taught ...; Maeon and Slidell had been taken froat n ' Nem' f , .•i.soive-t - tort;,' said one of the i church members . and the public ' iwi at the. Normal Academy orMusie, and fa-, Brltish ve , , , e 1 ., t1 , .....t the-Seeret:ry 01 the • men:limits. ' IV,ell ask Ids opinion cm , general, of thegoad things of this life.-- - H , . Navy and I. !enTess had endorsed the net, :' bankruptcy, or rAier his ideast„' , i That is just mit should be. " The li a, or , tuiliar lectures on quality of tone. ennuem - • :ee l t h at c oe .. e . . e . s . e " 1,...,1 e ,..1 e5. :-.1 t he P re ci• 1 .. IV hailed'. the ;Yankee - Whil - ‘ll4lllO, len is W . prthy of his hire:" But• there is,l lion, prontiiiciation, and the effectiy9 -de . dent to confine them as teflon., theref.)re, • criewl, can p . m tell us the micaning o ft :mother chiss Lev worthy citizens- ii eur j l iv . "''''' fthe- voice- li , "• - nh'it t . A!••• the sense of this I loteee ! Imilkrliptey.' I • , rcountry Who eto some extent been ! , - -I, ittteritoon.- Froth two o'clock to four, t practice of choir and sou negational sing- ; flint it is the dot v ..t the Pt'eS'ident tai ; "Xe:l, I reckenll kin-Lalld f•kin tile of Ileverlooked, - so far as donations are con , eerned. • I morel the destitute evblows.-1 ine..", w . itb a view of devating the stand- more firmly inaliCtelit the etan.l thus la.; eloti s t - ditit.' I'. . ' ! I T bere aep those of them doubtless in every and of church - music • els!) the ractice of " ar .1 t. -- •- d :- ''.- ' ' P ‘i• i• h.ll, approvi:lt; aw i l a,l:,ptin . .. the net a J ' P. 1 , , ,,, expl ail; ?' - 1 hut t pnes an c..x . ercesesasmay, .aciaate t i \ 0 4 4: Wlikce e ie , T it e • e f neve e ,,.",„ or l •tt ell,.you len , me a. - fiuv, fur . two _Or I township,zwme: tor - xi:bo rn bare no homes 'demand 0 - tile Dritish o•i•vermitelit, awl ; Iliree m i nutes '':'' • lof th eir o w n anti have•children to care for •pi ogres,s In reading mUSI e. ; , • - ' Er ening.--Froun seven o'clock to nine, 1 and are under tlie neeessit • II 1 ' :,,, o a mring , , : that this house ple.le - es its 4 . 1111 snppert . to - ' Ilere it is now proceed.' ' ~! him in tipholdno , now the honor atelivin: '‘, ' ' Wel!, now.. I . twe like Smith Phis , enorus pritctiee. fits 1.111 „titillate for their support.. - -1 clieutinc , the e oureee , of the GI,Y0.:1i111.111. : . (•(•:11`.., ` : ii i]- . .llrowliilui tailor , five dollars': elass of citizens should be remembered.- The abov.e will be the reentl•ir order Of, .e. • . I ' Stern winter is - upon us, :iii mans of i nuts • t:xercisee, subject, however, to such! :01d the peopk t.ft he 1 "iiitecl States:re:tins; , .f.er thiS e'en,: mid l ye er n ee ,' . I i occasional changes as cite:must ances may i l. a forelem power. , .•w t ; • said ri .I• in 1 .4 1 , t. • • , • the se worthy ladies kTIOW Cot Where their ,it- e L Xi ~11USS ~ 1 V4., me I I Mr. Vmlandiehen: moved tie."l.ek Virtt l s: 1 111 Y ils C-*; ' „ ''' : 10 . 011 ie. corning •front e The labbr 1 - if 411 C , reqttire. 'l'lle conductors will- spare no - c nestion They had heard the fu:st ”rowl ! . 't7, It eout-j- ' . .tii a bankrupt, . b , „.,e, , , „ i,,,,i v o i , 1 linsl): ; loinan has been abundantly =blessed.: efrorts• to render their drill boo, pleasant : and profitable, and , they are confidcnt I • of tile 'must' III,•:). it P.:in:tiled to b e 1 Cs•DIC ill for a slew , with. the reet,'_ e'ea he for the year past ; provisions of ail kinds • - rfecu• who weal:] (.4cm - en. lest the astonishec ; merchant to is f ur !are_ plenty. Now e let us cOntribute some- , , that they o ff er, fon'thetrifliegesum which , • each member may pay, an amount of in-; ' thing to this destitute class of citizens- . Mr. Fenton, "rNo.t• Yerlt, moved :jest • his . live dollars. • • i i etratetion which cannot be obtained under ; a bushel or two of grain or flour, a few :. the rolution be referred to the Commit- . . - ' • 1,. mind.' f - • o pork, et beet, a few loath 1 „ oft other eireams_tances for t. 25. tee o nFri:reign aflitirs. . Zg-r - The ChicagO . TrilAille concede. that I P ' Mr. Vallatuli!rhatu remarked that a for- the Leei . siature of Wise . onsin is l'?ermi- . - hich ierms.-Gentlemen-81 50' Ladies $1 I wood, or some articles of clothing iv . ~ . .• , " • The books - will be tbrniglied. by ,the, eon- I ober resolution liptirr.batory Of C n critic Its tilt] makirifi.. The Repnwiean ~, will make the . WidOW'S " glad. heart dance i .'" \for joy." , ' Perhaps some will say, Let the titletqrs, for , which there will be no extra i t NWilkes 'Ans. passeil 'without being referr- : Gorn - r b s as n ietio•re majority. , -1 . • .' . en,,! . • zr• !liar rk ed. Ire ' lent offered this resolution in • eoln had more th , ii t wenty • thottsaitti ill 1 writer set the example. Re has already icJ,• - • • _.•• . **end faith, unil.w6lll4l ;gaud by it. . '... de-. State. - • . . 2 1 i I done so .and. is .willing to do more.. 'We ' the N. B. Th ose wishing . to jatn in 11 drill, ; - • are only steWards of.the•Lord'is goods.=-- will find the subscription.- pap.er ,at the 1 -; The 'Luise refused -to secon:l t lie . de- .: ' : .---------4-48.4.-;-.- - ----- 1 • A w ill oflice in the h ands of 3lr , 1, II Smith 1 "'Tile earth is the Lord's and the fulness ! • , , .. - •- • - .1 : • wend for th e previowz yrini4n. :- r : We are to beipitali a th ousand millions i , 1 ., and those -wit:dnr to a ttend, who reside thereof, said the cattle upon a e thousatu. • te . i no motion was e - e•rt•ed to . --,-,,, lop. or more of debt, growing out of this re-' I bills" 'He that 'p.,,iveth to the poor,.len- i out of town, cap send.their • name! iu a ' ', apliezt 16 nays, • - ---.- ... i. • bellion, to our Pi•Meritv; that, just, Beth Unto the Lord.'!• This :enterprise Is 1 _ • • letter. Address, Rev. R. an Yalken- ' The House -resumed the. vo - nshle'ration 1 teems inevitable - . I Shall ire 'bequeath the bur. , .3loutrose •Pa • -- • ''' • yell worthy the attention of any otntle- ' , . . ~w +, ''' • of the bill, •autlioriling the . raisiii,o of• : 1' (tome of it,. too, )10 1 that then i . may - have' it e volunteer fore • e tbrthe 'better di.lenee of like eontest ;whilelNatie I , ' d't It• II h , i , .. ria Cre 1a .1 C• ; t man o r lady, and should be - engaged in at . . lientitek - . , . . . . itojiaired by th e debt we are creatii,„.._N-.: ,ono. N eu do do not let the Month ofDe- , -The Boston Pilot Uttered a great truth • Y. - Tribune - - ' .. . f' . . i eettkberpass away without tiomething•bee. in forcible latignage when it. says, if the: . Mn. Lovejoy,of 111., hoped tarns i -;, • •; !. •• •- ' I . - • inn' done for this .Ivorthr• el•iss of - eiti--; Speeded . • . States: should . lay down. their we hbpe Wheu the • i ''" ' not pa.ss. , According to of fi cial returns, •-. We trust net 7 . • -- .- . ,• , . . 'RAT! alig • . : , , • . : arms to morrow, it is little less than.••cerL. We r-. .11:1NO astincling :truly of betwuen six ' shall have entleditttlm:,,reStoration Of the , • , ' . ‘ 14' ., ..t..... ItiE-ND TO TuE-I/EsTritrg. 1 Min that the Abolitionists cx:4l:it , Norik and-sere Imudred thousand men, British ; Vitiow with - the rioittsi of the statei'unitn. i. l - .--•------,- - ..-40.-.-8. - - . ' r. • . I would immediatelY.provoke;theinttn a nit is aanply.sufliie.nt for the war. ~, . ! Paired, that the :-..Abialit' ionists, 'who Werei I : The Pews in St. P,aul's Chuieli, Mont-I liump tion of hostilities . - The_ tuiem • . =CV air. Wieldifremaid.:-Kentitek-y his fur: ! ek e tai --2- el . gut. .eauseotourtroublea, willnnt, ! rose, will-he.rented for the ensiting year, I pated negrO would be still super.or to • - _. . in - 1.114 - 4%1 ulnota c.f.twenty-gccon tilluisatid ', be heard of again -eivoir•as• p..wurairig.tn on Tuesday Dee.4lst, teal. at '2 o'cleek,t . C •' • • . tercet to the onstitutton ot thetr co .utitry kaon.. :,.eNt , :lo Mr...-liovejriy!'s opphsilmOlc• s.fitt. st re 04iier:sti/Itis; - ' ' - ••• • ; . with that herd of finaties. - • ; - - . '. _ • - . • . • . '• - . Whit Papers Shall I 'rake"! . . . hThe above queryis now governing it tielf to many of our readers. ' Alter advis ing* that they ytake and Pay Forith - e Mont i . , • rose Demoeral,we add notices of a feu= se beet journals, such as we' can recommend, after reading them ourself. -, ': -,. • t:‘ 1 ,4, • - Ipress. This4s a first rate: bemocratie paper, ,And pats due atten.,t ,. ion . to State affairs.— [We:Tend its articles with more regularity ; and - interest-than those of any other e jour • list. •on our xchange list. • In many re . . spects it is superior to the NeW York pa lPers• • • • iIOLEASON'S ILL'USTRATED LITER ARY COMPANION. • • ' etl Thts - val n„ de. Literary Weekly will rr om men ee anew volume January Ist 1802; in grand st,ll'l+, with a new heading., new type and dr:i..Ss throughout. The com iLpanion is 'mil elegant, moral and refined emiscellaneou.S. Family Journal. Its col lininns are entirely devoted to polite liter il.ature,, wit and humor, prose and poetic i'!gems. An unrivalled corps of writers :and artists have been engaged for the reOlning year, and several new and popu !Oar features will be hit red need. Each number will he beautifully illustrated. In ize the Literary Companion is. some flit !teeti hundred square inches, forming a weekly of sixteen octavo pages, I and containim , nearly twice as much read ing matter and of a more refined charac ter than any_ other weekly paper... Terms, one sulitkeriber, 8s ; eight do., $l2, and :one oratisl . Sample eopies sent free.— Pabli;Ved weekly by F. Gleason, - copier of Tremont and Bromfield streets,Buston, Musical Convention: Prof. Joh Towner of the . Normal- Academy of Music, Genesco,'N. Y.,- Will hold a Musical .Convention in Brooklyn Susq'a comm encing,Tuesday Jan, 7th, 1862, at 10 o'clock A. M.: To !Ad four days, and •chise with 'a concert: Prof. Towner Teaches Bassinis'• new system off ,vocal training. 'Gentlemen's, and Ladies tickets to the Whole coarse, 50 cis. Ad mittance to the concerti 15 cts. Books I will be titrnished free ofebarg;e. Brooklyn, Dec. 4th, 1861. •• Charleston, South Carolina, I , Charleston is the largest city in ' South j olina, and is-built on a ,peninsula • or tongue of land between the Ashley and Cooper rivers, which ' unite below the k town and form a spaciOns• harbor, com municating with the ocean 'at . Sullivan's Island, seven miles distant. 'Cooper and Ashley rivers are from thirty to forty' feet deep—COOper being fburteen hundred cards wide, and - Ashley two thousand - one l hundred.. The - city is regularly built, and extends nearly two miles in length and a mile and a huff in breadth. ' Some of &e streets are from sixty to seventy feet I broad; and sonic ere narrow --for histanee King street, the Broadway of Charleston. Many of the houses are built or hrick,and The Scientific American, , in 3st vle of vleganee, particularly around 11 _,. 11 " the battery buta (urge number are of - we have hail occasion to notice at V:1110118 wood; spine of the m neatly liainted, but .. :tinte,i,is one of the Oleapest, as well as more of thentz very (thin-, and inhabited most reliable sources of information to the by the ne ,, ToeS. ' mechanic, we add, Agri- i • Tlic'Streets rftn mostly parallel to each celturist, on this continent ; it. is conduct- other, running across from river to river, e el with marked ability and tact, its eon. v and intersected longitudinally nearly •at ductors are men of scientific attainments, , right me des. They are shaded with the and hare the l'"'aitY ofconveying Piide of India and other beantifid trees. :illation in an attractive lVirni and- in a eon- Several of the houses are enthowcred in a I vise and perspicuous manner; in .addition orofusintrof foliage and flowers. Many to which they give:notices Of the.mostlin- I of the-dwellings have piazzas and are or portant inventions, whieWare frequentl3 - .,1 namented with Vines and creepers., while accompanied with,engraviligs, pa- the gardens attached to them bloom with per is printed • in 8-convenient form 1 the Orange. and peach and other • trees, contain: sixteen l' a g" " (1 ' and T shrid in grt varlet week, with. a number of beautiful , he po( is ulation ea in 1850 Was 4:2;085 of trations—making a yearly ~volume of tai we hieh 14,092 werslaves. - ' • I par es, at he l'"r Price 9El'2 per •a nt !"" ) ' . ; The chief exports are .cotton and rice. Each number contains a complete list , 'lhe avera.i.e erop'of Sea Island cotton in the claims of all the patents, issued each , week M the S. ratent ()trice, and a cut. zsoutu Carolina is n'',ooo to 28,0" o bales, about two-thirsts of Which conic to Charles mum to the metal and lumber mar ton,"the 'remainder to Savannah. kets. We trust our-artisans will subscribe 7 The rice crop of the State it 130,600 for this standard work, one number 4 . Afl of which Charleston receives near -which is of more value to them than all • Iv .all. 154 Charleston exported 24;- the trashy "story papers' published. Ten 7 - 2 softies 12 months will be furnished for; 761 hales of Sea Island cotton ; 408,8 . . MUNN CO:, Publishers, bales of upland . cocotton,323 064 bushels of a;' • rough rice,•about much cleaned- rice, No. ;Park row a nd2a,544,050 feet of lumber. Charles ton exported more rice any other ;•cit v in the Union, and was surpassed on ' lv iy New Orleans and Mail° in the ex portation of cotton. The great extent of railroads that open_ eimummication with the interior afford Charleston superior advantages for inland . , trade. - • • The city' of Charleston is one ofthe,old est in the United States, 'having been founded in 1072: Its population was re crinted some years afterwards by thigne- I not refil7,ees who emigrated from France' and settled'in considerable ,nainbers in South Clirolina. From this' stock many of the first fluililies Of that region now claim 1. to be descended. ft was . not . till 1783 that it was incorporated as a city. Fifty- , I t wo. - years previously; in 1731,it ccuitaincol. six hundred hons'es and five ehurelfes,and a thriving business was done in its port.— t Daring the Revolutionary War the pons-4 essiOrt of the harbor of - Charlesto'n was I - • '.'.the object 'of more.than-one British expe 'dition. A garrison of four hundred on Snllivan'sisland, under command of Col. i :Moultrie, achieved .Vreat distinction by A the repulse, on the 28th ofJmie '1'7,70, of a British Squadron of nine ships-of- war. On the 12,th of May, 1180, the city was I surrendered to ; Sir henry Clinton, by , Gen. Corporation and prin eipal inhabitants refusing to coupe rate in t its defence, and 'ollerinir[ti) acknowledge 4 the siwdreignty i)t . Great Britain. The t British held it till May, 1782. It contains Isome thirty churolies, a theatre, several excellent hotels, cotton presses and fits-1L 1 tones, em]iiiie and machine factories, ship-1 s yards amid -ai large dry dock. It has suf ! feted greater disasterS :by tire than almost env othercity in the'United States. In 1778, there were two hundred' and fifty, , noilseS'consiunAl iii • l79o;ilearly a third i ' of the,city Was destroyed; involving loss of property to the amount of $2,500,000; Again; in the great fire of 18:18, the :hiss* I was estimated at . 5,000,000. - • 1 Airrnrtt:4 111..‘43Azts E.—This i. n most eticellent =work. Each number is tilled with the choicest literary matter ar ranged in its variOns departments. T. S. Arthur, whose stories and sketches have, created snch an array of readers owing to their purity of thought and lifellike rela tions, is the chief Editrtr, assisted by a corps of literary . writers. Pile January No. commences a new \Minnie. Terms *2 per year, with'lower rates.to dubs. We will send the Demo , enft and Arditirone year for *2,75, if sent in by the Ist of,lanultry. Address T. S. A rrthurS...'Cb., 323 Walnut Street Phil adelpflia. 4'faf fan. ilotios.'=fitio annaj w6oting of the Susquehanna CouhtyMedioal Scici oety, helitat the Office - Of the Secre tai7, in Moiltrose, at 101 o'clock a. in., on -Wednesday Ihe first day of Jan., 1862, - and till regnlar physicians arc cordially in ,Nited to be Present. Patients laboring under obstinate chroit. ic diseses.ean present their case between the hours of 1 and 2 p,tu., on that day and_reeeive advice gratii. , • - CALVIN C. ll:user, Scc'ry. - the Scheel Teachers of;Stisq.C6.‘, are earnestly solici ted to attend the next." meeting of the Sal 3 4 -. County Teachers Institute," to be.be held in Brooklyn;, on' Friday_ and . Saturday the:-10th and th ,days of Jana ary next, commencing at Ido'cliick a, tn. the first day. - Messrs.g. A. Weston, E. I'. Gardner, and Richard Kent,. have been Appointed . coMmittee of ratige men ts and : reception. J. 13, Mc-Collura Esq:and others will defivCr addresses be { tore. the Institute. School Directors. and eh i;ens gcnerally 3 will yi,m' come -forward and assist, as it - expected. that tines ! tions of importance to all will ho before the Institute-for discussion . . • • . A. N.. litay,tio,co.Sup't. 'Montrose, bje., lath,lB6 • • • The-report:of the, .Con sessional Committee to expose', frauds- upoii the . - government, in the war supp'ies was made to Congress on Tuesday. s ., In reference to it tins Philadelphia 'lnquirer, If the people of the United-States 1 haVe heretofore been astonished at the.; developMents of speculation, peculation, : plunder and malfeasance - that haVe from I f time io tinte been expoied by the newspa per press during the progress of the 'war , : against the.rebellion, they will . - experi :,ence.a still - snore intense -emotion when they come to read the exposures made by. ; the„ an Wyck Committee of ion. In reading it,. vnrds'of buiiiing-m -ditmation spring instinctively to the .lips, finitme forbear to use tlleln until the zea ! ord of these infamous''itraasactions iB 1- spread mare fully. before the country.: ' ; • •• .- - :Wiveikmotheriand-sisters,"Whose sons,. and heathers.aro in the - army; cannot put into theirk -- napSack a "mote - neeessary:or valuable gift than a few boxes , ' of Hollo way's Pills and 'Ointment. - They injure health even under the exposure of a sold-- hors life.' Only 26 cents a bor. - sjp. . . . . wAtt, isrtttrs. ...._ -DAC: 12 - .--:-Prirati inlvises froni • New Mai ice rePort - lhatt4o strong forces - sent against the Tivinjin'the:Mesilla Valley built driven "The `enemy : fat...back into Tex*. ";'-', ' r.'.. •••:-- ,- ' . =yesterday a Re 41 battery of light ar tillery _ appeared atl'reestomi Point, and Opened on the Yankee and Wyandeak.— Th*.kept it up for , sit hour, when .they ceased. Both our vessels . returned- the fire land the final result was that nobody 'wesliteirt. -.. • -1' - • -- —l-The ( report that Genetat'Prentiss had bag4ed 500 Rebels ii not true. - . 1 - I Sedalia, Mo., Dee. 12 , —The, scouting expdition composed Of a part Of 3lerril's hor e, and two com p anies of regular cav- - ' alry returned- here - this afternoon, bring-' i_ Mg in as prisonerti,fotir captains, two lieu ' temintsaurfabont-forty rebels. 'They-also I cap lured one mortar and a large number of her. es Oil wagons. ,1- . ' ' ' '• i ! ' T to expedition went as far as .Waverly. The report that a tlitce of 2040 Rebels i rem tins at • Lekingten. - Shelby's men rwer., seen arid pursued several times. The [:rep4rt of a fight near,Waverlv proves to . be false. . . Colonel Morgan,. in comniand,of the trodps at Weston, has issued a prociama j I tioq to the citizens of Platte county Mo. 1 loin ;Which he calls qOll them to. aid him-1 lin Protecting the railroad, mid calls on absintees to , return, assuring then pro- i tection to their persons and property , if loy4l. _ . No negroes are allowed to enter • the ' I limkor to.leave without - passes. - All ma ' nulling parties of armed, men t are to be 1 shot. ! r „A skirniish took pltee on - - the_ 6th .instE, on the bo-der. of Johnson county, bet V een the Missouri retligeeS‘ aided by son e Kansas troops-omin' body of Rebels. Thke of the latter are reported as killial. --' • - - . . . , tit. Louis,. .Dec. - 15 -L-The Democrat learns from a gentleman , just from Lex ington that General Rams and Stein; with 0000 Rebels; were in, possession of that to4m on Friday 'last, and another large' holy of troops was expected No reach there yesterday-. Gen: Prentiss, it is said wait on the !Milli side-of. the river, and _1 had, thrown a- few shells into :the Rebel carte and destroyed one of the - tWo ferry boats in their- hands. This information 1 -saNls that lie heard heayffiring alter leav-1 itii Lexington on Friday, indicating that anengagement -was progres s ing - betwee n I on forces and the . Rebels. Also, that Cie i. Davis' brig 1 ade•of Federalstroops left Ot erville on Friday for Lexington. These, sta ernents need eonfirmatiOn. - j:,,Oaisville, Dec. 14.--Capt Lee's •expe-i dit on has returned to this city from Jack vilc, bringing two prisoners. - Nu further i de ails can be obtained. On last Thurs-i . • which comprises Mt. • . day Company I, or th e Ohio Firteenta ) h • u • . 14kiment, (vote attacked -by a body of j largest and, , best ..._, 1.56 Secession cavalry, - dismounted. .the 1--.• 1 Setlessionists fi red' one volley, wonndino.' STOCK F ° GOODS , several of the- It ebels. The - Secessionists - thtin retired;-carrying ofi' their wounded. I this ,hie of New York City An Kept in ANY cotarraY Store •_ , : - None of our men *ere hurt. • - I - _ other tight took place in W es t ers i 1 Airricentvhieh Defy Competition \ m p l gta.lately,which lasted all afternoon. a , 4 „„ emai . a ALI333E " . ,; 4 ,, ~,,,n . , ,nr . d , a yea At Inight' the tifilerals withdrew intending of 77,iwper i•pnt above the whole:ale cost.' We will mak, to 'tea e w the fight, but - the . rebels broke i th e Lik'w l ng' Gc l 9 l - ) slo !•he annexed Pticr. viz : up their camp and left. Our force was i Black Ft'ock Coat worth - 4 9 for- $6,0,0 18( 0 Strong, and we, 105t,2.0 killed and 3CI Black • Frock. Coat worth BO for 7;50 wo!unded. Rebel force estimated at 2000, 1 Black Frock Coat worth 112 for 9,50 am) their loss at 150. ---.- 1 ' IlnAness Coat worth - .0. for $2,15 . *The late battle in Weste?n Virginia: 1 - 3M:hies's .Coat - worth- q for .4,00 . is rep orted in the Richmond Whig a s a ' - Over - Coat . worth -$5 for 54, 00 federal defeat. "The paper states that the Over Coat worth 7 ;iii 5,75 fightla , ted seven bours,.and that the con-! Over Coat Worth- lo•for 7,50 : • reditx:ttos lon twenty-five killed mid eight ' _Over Coat ivr,rjh -15 lbr, 11,50 woF,' titled, anti that the rederals carried I Over . Coat worth 20 f or 15,00 away their woundA and - left; nearly one' Black Pants • worth • 4:41 for $3,00 huhared dead on the Bell. . ~Black Pants wmth .5) for 3,75 t a t t i mor e Dec , 2%;..:-.l7:le,Av . ;neg ' 'arrived ': Blnek Pants • worth "6; for - 4,50 heie, reports - speaking the Fttglish brig - FaneY Cassimere Pants wprili $4 - for $2, 1.:4y Norte((,- Witit,ll reported that the Valley Cassimore Pant k -worth s.for 3, Sainte , : and Iroq , ..is had had a evefe en- ' Fancy Cassimere Pants worth 6 for 4, gagement - , and that (Me ortheM:—he did 1 Black Satin Vest Worth $3" for $2,25.• not. .know .v. hich=had put into Mar- .t, Black .Sat in Vest worth • `4 for 3,00 _ 600 eto repair danme-: , _;s, . , . . I Black Satin, Vest - wo' hla fin. 3,50 - . ...urtress Monroe, Peet:tuber, 15, via LOFF:11-STITIITS & OVE LiT,I,S only ,3 r 13 altimore..—The transport steamer Con- i UND'R GARMENTS E QAT:VI:OW Ai .atioa, Capt. A. T. • Fletcher, arrived I - .. -.• .- .i - he -e this.. afternoon. , The ConstitUtion i : . I • ' li.Portland On the 21 n of No-entber, ! As Winter hasfairtyappeared,we, fairly appea red, we, .ri to the attention or wilt the Twenty-fifth .MasSachusetts and i - -,,cy, ,SI ...Ninth Connecticut Regiments, and ar-, rived, at Ship Island on the 3d inst. . -All the• troopi were landed the next dal, in four hours; by means of the Rebel st taniboat recently captured by our fleet. The Constitution real:tined at Ship Island I, four days, and sailed for . Key West and-I Havana. She. stopPed at Havana two tas. ,She will . . take on Coal here, and sal for Boston to-morrow eveniligovitere4 it s suppoied;she 1011 late on board. three m 1 re regiments . .for the South. , 1 ' 3rigadier . Generial Phelps, at - Ship Island, Mississippi, jri the sth instant, pin forth a proclamtion to the loyal citi I • 1 zens of the'SouthWest, •strongly anti- shivery in tone. "' . ! . i t -The news from Kentucky 1 s io the e .et that the recent 'skirmish -at Mum= I foidsvill was' a most_brilliant affair. Four coinpanierotabout 350 nieril . from Col on.el Wallatik's regiment, le(Lbythe lieu- tehlint-colonel, droVe . back '3,000 . rebel-• r cavalre, inthntn'. lad& artillery. The tr 1 a 'I - - sups are reported s behaving like vet ri•ranS nailer the galling fire into . which they had -been amlniscarted by the rebels, hit obt of which flier' extricated them sves with great sk II and coolness. .• • . "The Van Wt,ck investigating cOm matey sav in theirs report to CongresS .- . . Vat; ..".;..• . " It is prolier to r ',nark that' in furni,3l!- snpplivi ntfhe J 7e.stern Department th r o commanding- G nerd- Fromoni was pdenliarly uniUrtnna o in the-character of die then by , wimp :-Was surrounded.— T srstem of put, plunder whieb pre v. fled the Departnicnt was inangurated • a the very beginnitO, and followed up v, i h.tottiring.zea';-the -public welfare as f, , I tirely p‘ - t rlooked Iftini as dreettif.ly . • ig- ; I. red :IN if the n:a meznbgot ten nv to elm. i 1./. a manonothselignie of lice nation; at 1 1 do:lwatt of the pi.... ophN- • to . Ibe! !.!arried\ 1 .. , pret l t - .the fanatics . the North threaten atl ayevolution .ArbeW he was retnoveil ! %trong was tiseit fontiness for ; an arm- . i ' , I t lViiiie.itongtatulatlng those . who bare t e good focitine tolbe born beaatilbl,we, ofthe other-hand, pity th e hions4old that . 11 has tint had the p ity 11. 700, fortune to i obtain :,a a ipa pi!ro tilerria 'Allen's 001.1 i) Medal S4deratus; GO intiriediately to your .Gro-. cer,and get - a , paperiiand, our weird for it, ylin will never use alny other:. It has been analysed by one of the most distinguished chemists of the country, ,awl prMionlieeil p?i feetly barnaless, putt to produre an Bth twee bread or buisiflt, from the lime , biol. or floutiluta can bo procured front any oklier ; fietiides it takes only about halt the gnintity,. Pepot :xi 2:Lib'erty sti.'m- . 7 -7 A. CA-14.31IALsii KriiikT-c.r.rtox .REAT.t.ROII I IIEXtECTED AT THE STORES OF Outtclibcrg,ltlosenbitO, Montrose, Susq'a County, Elmira, New-York,. Susquehanna Dept, Pa- *. I - -'-. • . • . . . . 1 IV E telt t c ln ot!c o li n tim f c ri e t' u n i i :he O d re t * h t. 6 4rr g es e s in g li n t tic money atlhir* in the eitice we an Purchabe • . GOODS FOR ,CASH, FROM 10 TO 20 TEC CT. LOW.-R TOAN Formitly. • I ' Therefore we pro clete \ nntottl ,to offer the public.out gcuerul . stoek or I. • READY MADE Cog DRY GOODS, .• • Alril GENTS whin wiph to nail ttlentgeiieb or the. °Pro' tunitilo mare roue Fair.one a oleo - . Christmas or New-Yimrs 14' P ia'AlEaliT to oar lar,.;e as!..ortment. of - • tl .- CLOAKS,SI - lINWLS • Atotioluira` . • OUR: Asc - ..ncrmk.nT DRESS - GOODB, IS AL~rITB LAr;GE - &-COMPLE TE,' • COMPRISING • - " • '. I'L VIA lab and - T . i• • • 2:2 4 ;k2=1.1 4 :4 • I • • ~ of, all colors and 'shades. LAINEWO, - 7 OUH STOCK OF • ' DO Nl.l l -jS IGKZ CAN NUT BE EQUALLED 11-11 TIIIREfg Crnrsi [Navy Meetings, 6 to Bcts. per: . y74 B est llear,y Slieetthgs; - 7 pry'd DEN VMS, from 8 to 121 eepts' per yard TICKING, froth 10 to 15leents per yard GI MAIL:IMS. from to to fp eta: per yard CIILIG.OES, fast colors, 126 yards oily. # 1 Best ,Ilerrimack, 10 yards only; . 1 - . Heat Seel. Spring Skirts, , , r A Lace lot—selling at 4 . e(s . .,iier'spring. . -• Ladies' Saxony Wool Vests and 1 . • Draisteral - ,--.: a . LAMBS' WOOL.. HOSE. Of the, Lneetq, Styles, - - . Thankful to the nutnerotis customers for their generoiJs paironnge !the past year, we respectfully solicit a . icontmunoet of the atone. • - - • iinttenbevt . Alostubinie, Aks: i.e. mom,. I:VT; Of t tieW 1%. " •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers