•. - PORTRArIt, - PORTRAITS-! - • 1 --- ' • i'-att, ':'i. „Salt. T Batt . .l -• NEW-,&IITIANG4II.F.taIIi I'S TUE - .. . ir ' • tla Mt WO affi l llr2 PRICK ...-BLO(.) 0 • "ix...; lii'lltiLES4iLl3 - SALIO I, " DEALER." rum =detained hitting taken tne teems Larreetly ! , . 2011. 3, Washingitoison s , ‘• • 1 ocalpied byW. B.DEA.N lino* mutt= to tarnish f , alliaray death with a good and tnithhal Portrait. (Directly opposite Washington, Market,) •- weirpoeted in the pus:lnd:on of the 'rations 10.uds - of - Pictures of the day, I Ratter mvaolf that my work isnot INT evcr "Tr, _ Cja•36;.;- te oelled by spy in this section oftho country. - .. • Among.thourions kinds taken at My Routes are the ... ST ILL CO . tit, 'INVES to ofet to the city , and , COVN't RY trade, ail kinds of FORIAGS' • AIdBROTI727,PHOTOGRAP.II, 1 1 Coarse and Fini! SALT, at the very lowest figures; MELAI2' OTYP-6,--AWILLOaIi'3.PIT.I.I.OOOO sacks Anil .bags, &mediating in part of Ash- Locket nctures -down to tho einallest sized miniature i ton's celebrated brand for table and dairy use; Rl=. Transferred Arobrotypos--the tones( thing out, for' 1 . a ._ e , sandmen. PO4 to any of the World without extra I , t'ur ) & Dar 4, 3liarsiliall's, - Brow olow's, &e,, postage. "Ily Pic= esare h o ld.-r,lgorons. and etpreseive 1 and bOOOO bus elm TitiliVialand, Sonatas.- Cu -tat Mole taint, lifeless ehadowe oßen sold alsout the, ! ra ,, 0 ,„ ~,. yr , • , . ...I, ...74. •...r ULN,leisbon, Cad i....,1vi...a, Na ram!. !! . ....c.„ ; country. Pictures taken in tali nds of member, equally well, except those of young etildren, No picture nerd be ' all of Which % ill he sold at b4.-gain priers irtun I taten unfelt' perfect satisfaction ta cives. 1 vessels, store 4cl !storehouses. • In dressing for a picture, scald light color,--snob as , blue, purple, scarlet, ptak, etc. Blom othern take wellies , Any purchmtbr wishing to..seleet from-a good green. black. red, sand; brown, orr.r.ge. !aim. etc. 'assortment will find ii to' his interest to gnat: , • C.:Cr ' Reznerther that the place to net year .. picture" is , in Cm Fitlet: Block, over Read, Wz,,,,ie.0. ,i,, F0,,t,,r.,., sto re. . ,N. 8.--Pine :i.abie FAR. put tip in stnalt brags, of 1 S. Ix. tiszukroti. , different sitemland const.sr.tiit on hand in ship. - Itoa 'bee, Pa.,Nov.",:itA, 1;46,,. , . - , plug order, Mao a opleudid afticle of - Roek . Ground 4t, innart - boxes, put up and for sate ! 4 -the ‘l.-Witx.' , . in eases of,tive dozen e'aeh.. 1 DAILY MAIL ROUTE BETWEEN • MONTROSE& FRIENDSVILLE. (tOACIZES carrying and paseenvra betweea N.) Montrota and Friandarilie. will leave Sc.r: , ". to Stoat:Nue, daily, at Vo'clork, a. in. and . ..are /Y.C.:112. TIN at 8 o'clock. p. EiCgsas and . carriages caa bo procured at Stable et the subscriber iia Montroae, on rcarozable ter.c.e. Yoatioss, Aug. 16, 1160. It •J. 090 D TAE.,rdleaVV.4l2,so'n. &mot. stock of Gnode, which they . BOUGHT FOR AT PANIC PRICES! AND WILL SELL THEM TO CASH BUYERS, Prices Perfectly Astonishing ,Re haspnot time to enumerate articies, or prizee, I.nt fnrite tho public to call, examine, and satiefy thentreitc a of the !rah of what we publish, and of course, then hay. " J. L. MERRIiitAN fi SON . . Cipsorettle, Dee. flt.'ith.,lB6o. eII:TOWN La of Family Grocerlea 51.4 reca;rod and or! llng 20 percent below former pitee4. rnT Coafeelonary for (tielidarp, at • - ILERRIIIANS • FAR][ PRODUCE of' for which tho hlghett masketpritee V.ll be p-in r.t Upsantalk, Pa. MERRIMANS. • A REVIEW AND REPUTATION HELPER'S IMPENDING CRISIS. ciumnT J. r&L-r. "TIMIS Consisting of 64 double celmut pages. Wee or: published pending the political canvass of 156.1. The." Impending Crisis," is a compl , tattoo of all the sophisme'and malicioue doctrines by which the public mind of the North hod,beeu eo far pois oned as to produce the triumph of the Presidential can didate of the sectlenal party lost fell. It was widely cir culated gmtnitously, by .means of large contributions el money. Cad did more than any other thing to deceive the masses of our - people. In this Perim and Rv - tirmie, , i, ae take np eseh of Ito chapters serwately, and every inipor . taut assumption in detail, and Setote teem so completely that no intelligent person can r6ad tle pamphlet without being ranvineed of the falsity of all the wicked normap none of the helper book nod of the folly of the sectional stri!h which has enlminaTed' in civiLavar. As there is no probability that peace will be permanently ta.stor..l to per distracted land until the public mind at the North is 'disabused of Ito erroneous Impressions relative to the true character ()four Seinthern sister6itate,,most o t whom ore now in rebellion agr-inst our general govezument, as the • result-of the trinmM: of sntiOnal fanaticism both North and Soath,—ii becomes the duty of sit `roe patriots to do all in their power to realnre unjust premdices between the North and-South, nod there is prohohlyino more lout means of accomplishing this result, than hy`generzl circulation of o.tr ./kfutatioit of 116'j:tr. Tt contalus . large amused of raluabie amtii.tirs worth. occerionol reference, eteeral times the price of the pzmphiet to all tuteZligent icltizenii. Price 35 cants per ei - ipy s or .19. pe dozen—sent by mail. pnaiage. prepaid Address jy2s3fa 4. J. 11ZEP.E. iddletoerz. Orange CHM Of TIM DELA - 11 , R, cf• 11".E.S 7'R'S' /7. EMEMIEI ... Or. cam tfter .onus?, • EXPRE',S PAsS,ENGEIZ NOTING SDUTH. • I.IOVING 1,0:5,74. . The Night Exprees Trail PAs.ea len. item N.York. East on the N. -1. & !. R.! :ear,: l'idr No. •.:.North It.v. arrives at Grcat B.:I/dd.:not or Lti' a. tn. 17,00 at la. tn.l f,!: . Or foot or Court2t,d-1...4,:i.J..) connects w:t.l . : t.l.e - l' •ont l'',,iir..leipl,iu Express - 1:1.m far 1...:v - e I' c -wt. ,- N. Y. and Ph:lad'a LeaTe:tr.ct..c , r... which leaves at - - . - . 2,.1 i 7U1',141 Wasniagzon, Due at New Milford,. 1",;;•.) 01. for, ,p.r.a ': I ~..., ...Montrose, • ' b. : 11 , .... , ,(PiA11.er0,...ni0n : 1z...i4 Htopbottom, , ti. 1.):..!..:5 tut:Az:es to ,:a:, a , . if 2,13 Nicholson, L44n . 4..\-a , ,..-.1,!1, , Factorysi.le, • P.CV. '• V. - at,:•,r i....p, 1 Abtegton, ii,t,.! Stroud,burg. 1 Scranton, . 13, ! Teb , tazas, MOSCOW, ' 10,41 ! ?J05 . ... 0w. Tobyhsans ' 11,. 2 3: Scntat Stroudsburg, ' 1.2,12 : --tbk?.4t .. Water Gt.p, ",p. :a.] 1i1,.1:3 ~ ntetory‘l,:c, Columbia, .I, , " , :.:.(1:::.......1. Delaware, fl 5" to din'-`) I.ki , 11,.1 . pl,ottota, Bows, (Philaci. connect.) 1.13 ! Mont::: ~ . Oxford. - 1..71 ' New 1,11: - ;,:d Wash:vit.:l,.t.,lo ~ G7c.".t Decd. Junction. ..t.,:l • Col, e1.,...ts Is :th zr,,.,; t::. in New York, - . 1',..!31 , W,...:. t.t Philudelp:l:,a. e.:5) , r.'.. - .,ci Ni.. - -;•hi Ix. We The Express rt.ll COn:l^C LF a tire:A rbv.id truly Night expre.s Ent t anti on the Er!. P., ad. The unrest. Ptosenzer Truitt SorA. connects et th Junction' with the S 1 F :p.m. train the N:l7 ;11,1,-;:v Central "Road ;or 11.2.t.hleitent.:%;:ta. - h Chntik,' Itesetiv.s.:Q Itarrietbu.g. &IL fIeO3IMODITION TR.gt•i L . unve Stn utka.m.19,:."0., , N. Y. 1: - ...,. train East arrivn Cuw..forvra.ln, , 11.13 lut Gnat Bend ntka.na',.ii :,, , :tchoSou; . 11,33 Leave tit. Dene.,,p . 2..0 !font - rose. (p...a.) ".•5 I ISlor..7rose, :ICC ;rcat Bend, ' 1.451 Nictole.b. 4.:.; •‘*annectin, -, via, Duniclet I Pactoryv/r.n., Z1:1 F:sprogs Veat. at 42,r,s ': Due as Scrantc,u.,_ Tun A.,...nuamotiltion T-r.un dor,. not Inune Sural: nu till . . ftz:Cau rrival or the .rorning l riiir_on the Laelttiv.m.iiii 41a Itiouinsberg Tinilrotal, thnoi giving Padsengerf. the Wyoming Valley u ciirte. connection to: the Wei.: the moraii.g trath. • For the accommodation of war travel on the aor.thern di vialau. a passenger car will Z attacned to the Erna:ea, Freight train, leaving Scranton at 4 a. m.. due at Stromli barn 11, Junction; 3.15 p. Itetnrninc. lelres.dnnct ioz at .1.53 a. in., .due at Stroudsburg S.'4l, Scranton p. m. Patengem to and from New Tork. viii stun; ears r.t Innetwu. To and from Philath:lnnis, vii. Bel..1)el. H.R leave or take =rs ut Hope. For Pittston. Ninzeton and Wilkes Barre. take lArk.k F.lonmsburg beroo:on. Fir JeAmnia. A.rr..htkald. and Carbondale take Orunibu,. at !Scranton. Ticket g sold antrnazzeze eherked thronjt. JOLIN inui•kins. Superinfencte»t. W.N. =NE 'S, Gen. rie«,..! .I.c.t. • tizranton, LackstiVanna'it Bloomsburg 8.. P. Osaid afterticks,l.lth, I§ol.Pastvngvrtr.aukuilimm Es /acme: MAN ING SOG7"II Parizngcr. - a. 3f: 10.:1011.n. 15.t1 .. m. F. 40 1.41.1011 Seraztan, . Kia;raton, • .. Rupert, '.. Hamill.,' 'Arrive at Northumberland at te.o 3.101 - isa Non" It Leave • tiorthntaberland. J. 53 p. • • hanville, • 1 , .10 Rupert, n.Ol Arrive at Serinton. rAI A Passenger train !rare.. icingston n: ror Scranton. to cortnezt a v ian tram for N. York, ErluriOlig le•ves Scranton ou airi•:at of train trotn Nen y,,,k 15 p. ta. The Lackawanna st 111001119hUrg s with the Delaware. Lackawanna t Wertern . mit:ro“,l at Scran ton. foible. , York and int ennediato 1, 0111 1, At llatpert ltconracta with the itaiiroail. for points both east and arc,t. At Northumhirir.nd it coline , ”+ with th , Wtiiatielphix a Erie. add Northern C..utral and Erie L'liirontl for points wetland south. JOHN PALSLEY. J. C. WELLS. Gen. Ticket Set LIFE MEMORIALQ - I I WOULDN'T TAKE `A - WORLD FOR THIS,' a lady remarked t 2. ea a day o f two tame, as 1.1113 exhibited the partrait of an only child, gala. to tba "spirit land;" which was one of TZTI3I3IS' IMMURE "-flow I shauld regrtt it, had 1 not tioeurPd thl'isrerious mentoea. of that dear une ' Shought we. The. !bred enea are not :2 v:ayn with us,anci while we can call them ours. .-very entahould secure ouch a memorial: ellpoeialle . 'since they etninve,thero no truthfulit taken b% -that anmalatai'artint, A. B. T131119.' )1 Bing tounton.- • - tier . - & Albro's Roideis:Cerawit, for.gementlag aU Made n f ro m *e heat chip. and Glass to the coaree 114. 41001. Lesther. Xeista. Marble itc *a womb, Abel Tnerell. . • ,--- • i! 7 I /7 1 • - , `G..,.V.--,. -', •:- ;•,,; f...:L1.....- "e'7_..‹..."-.'.. • ''''').'/ • ' < \-..." - ' i tE lEstablishe4 in Pittsburgh in 1840 The Oray o.73fizercial. College. in the 1 1 Irniun, ~Condmeted by a Practical Mereha:lt. , O S Z it i - 0 rent al .. . o n r h a:e " r e r 'l4 e 4 d i c t iJ: a h m ar ri been rt ' - sy,r.rded Duffs' SVitem of Book Keeping: end the new :lrzularjust issued contains letters from students:li Phil. adelphia. Baltim:lre, St Louis, Cincinnate'etc., proving it to b,. the best known. :FINE First Premiums were re ; cently awdrded the 'Penmanship of Win Ii: DUFF, who %kith' his asakociateirrofessor. C.:C. Cochran, are undouLt , edly the best, penmen in America. Barper's Edition Of Duffs Book Eeepingpost iiaid,• $1,7t3 . Duff and Dune:ail Gcms of Penmanship, . .' 5,0 Duff and Dancan's New School Cop); 800k5,..f, No's, 54 For samples of DEiff &Cochran's Business and Ornament till Penmanship, With tire new circular of 44 pages, inclose 23. cents in stamph to ' nor 4 y S's ,;, c ViII, HOSTETTER'S. STOMACH BITTERS: The propti . dari, rr.anufaettirers iiOS TETTER'..S Cf.I.IiIIIIA.TED STOMACH - TES can appeal with perfect confidence to physicians and citizens generally of the "United States, because the .r.nicle has attained a rept tation heretofere unknown.' A few:facts upon this point will speak mere powedullY ilian volumes of baie assertion or blazoning puffery., The coasumptien of :licstetter's Stomach Bit ties for the last year amounted, to-fover a half million bottle's, and - front its manifest steady . increase in times past, it is evident that during the coming year tho' consumption will reach-_ tzar one million bottles. This immense aracr.nt.. 6u1.1 never liave been sold but for the tare medicinal proitel-ties contained in Rae pzeptira . 7 t c ion, and the 'archon C . .f the most prominent physicians in; those sections cf the country where the article is best known,vllo not only recomtutnd alio LiAters to their patients, but are reedy ct all tin.eg to give testimonials to its efiicary :.11 c at's Ftolvtackic Cler:...ngements rind tl,e , resulting there:Von. This is not n'teroporary populaiity, ehtained extrr.ordini:ry efforts iu the way of truzn r ming the cluttliiie_s of the Bittern, but a t-o:ia estimation of nit inraluahle medicine, which is ' iieetincd to bean el:6l:ring as time itself. Hostetter's 't4teraach Bitters have proved a Go..iseml to - reg,lots where fever and agno and various other complaints have counted their, victims iy hundreds. To be • able, to state couidently that the "Bitters" are aeertain cure for the Dyspepsia and like diseases, is Loth,: proprietors a source of un , alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter iron the stomach, purifies the blood, and. imparts renewed vitalliy to the nervous system, wing it that tone and energy indispeFable for tlit.restoration of health. It operates-upon the stionach,,lii-er, and other digestive organs, mil:11y but pots - errelly, end soon restores them toa conditlon essential to the healthy discharge of the fonctinis of nature. T4l , ierly 1T:724:11S may nee the Bitters daily as ilhfrctit , r.s oa the bottle, and they will find i.: it '^ s‘immaulaut peculiarly adapted to comfort . years, as It pleasant to the palate, lur:,-;oraming to the bowels, excellent as a tonic, at i re;;;lven.ting generally. We have the evi diu:e.e. of thousands of aged men and women wi.o Lave experienced 'the benefit of using this Fil-ration Ithile Coffering from stomach de rangements and enteral debility; acting under :vice of p'. - si;ll.lta, they have abandoned. all ci•Zetericras driip:a and fairly tested .the merits of ills article. A few words to the gentler ten. . Thera nra certain perioden - hen t is circa are so harassing that many Of then] c: der the The relation of mother cliff iS so absorbingly tender, that the r , other, espe , _:ally if she bq yotipg, is not to tor Get lier own health in her extreme anxiety for her infant. Should the period of maternity arrive during the summer season, the weir of body and mind is generally aggravated. Here, then, is a : necessity for a stimulant to recupe rate the to of the system, and enable the mother to bear tip under her exhausting trials amid respouSibilities. Nursing mothers gene-, rally prefer the Bitters to all other invigora tors that receive the endorsement of physi cians, becriuse. it is agreeable to this taste as well as certain to give a permanent increase • of bodily strength. • All those persons, to whom we Lave pat-Lira laily referred above, to wit: sufferers from fever and ague, caused by malaria,-dicirrhimia, dysentery, indigestion; loss of appetite, and all diseases or derangements of the stomach, superannuated invalids; persons of sedentary occupation, and .nurling mothers, will consult • their own phy-sical welfare by giving to Boa tel-ter:9 Celebrated Stomach Bitters rk. 4 4.1 4.LS caution the public against using any of the nanny imitations or counter feits, but ask for 1108TETTEIC8 fI:LtTOIATY,D STOMACH roTTIDS, and see that each hot tie has the words'•• Br. J. Ilostetter's Stomach Bitters" blown on the side of the bottle, and stamped on the metallic cap covering • the cork, and observe that our autograph signature is on the label. - gir P'repared and sold by 'HOSTETTER & SKlTEE.,Pittsburgh, Ps.., and sold by afl druggists, grocers.:, and dealers 'generally thronglout the 'United States, South Ame rica, and Germany,, 1. ..„, , , .., ....„ - v : ( 1 -.T. 7 .-. v 4, f Et . v z i? ! 4 . t; • .! 400FLLi.7D'S ''. itIA ' ' MEDIP ‘ '-T w i [ lirpcy iv . .., I . '. IC; Tr EC .;%.' . .r STANDARD REMEDIES ~ 1* the Pre•ont oge,ilio;e artitsiroti their great ptlitilarli, ruby through yelre of trial. Untenanted natlebetloa - is rerotvroti 17 them in rill came. • rioo - iPLAN - D9s °ERMAN BITTERS L 65 p , cum.' Li•er Complaint! Drupepais. Jam:dim - Nervosa ri Or....l..y,l.Thysonaeo of the Sidral-a; Sad all diaeun ;:ri,log - from 1 ai,oi•Jorrd liner, or weak nom or Ltc ii. , toraneu an p:gostiro Organs,- , A:ra roger rarviliz • NULIIVIETIM I WOOS FEW, AU FIVER AU - AUL Ere cu . ? Aftdaztv,.:cr pod.' ' Sties, :5 cati4 per WWI& Hoofland's Balsaniie Cordial 708111M.F CCM Cantu, Cold/. at Ilaa.issassa, Ilroachitia.lsteasza, CrostP. Pikl44llolll.* Incipuat ConsnmPtum, sasl bas perfonanthe moot rageulahlag mica eserimossa cosrmimiEto -CONSUMPTION. Ls a DiairbanCa it la uneipailc;l. rucc, 74 met I per Walt. NOOFIAND'S BERMAN- PILL, bdngwetl know: re :roc:it Nueva and Aioatica, pee& DO ODIUDID/OADOD here. They are purely yeirtabla, are peepiina irith esactsteai, and are inapiroosted. bat tilt Cathartic lilt can be fotmd. lluca,Z s cra. per box. Then enaikdnii are prepared b 7 Dr. C. IL Jacssos CO, Philadelphia, Pa., and St.'Lonie, Mo, and are said by drialata and dealing in medicines' ernsiTiehere.. The Ot tawa of C. Z. tracoi win be tin the ontaide of at* bottle or bor. In our"Ereirytedys.dilatonetc,"puhlialied annually, you will Dud leidintony and iotonteridataty notkee in" an sarts of the country. Theo Aluumees ere eyes itiay by 1111 OCkr SClSltik' • - - , ap3mdla etr4orticketitjast recelv!. Cb.thattles,ehadca barnrr.4. 'wicks etc. , sat ST. ::.1.,601 - g , Itoritt.'_ .',': i! 7 , :a. , ..:L.v otisl, ii , ' ,. CHESYNUNT. i .:ABOV EAU 'EIJ I I ..I. IVE R ,- liel 6 0 RATtiliii; PHILADELPHIA. ;. 1 .-1 :' r `'" l-1 ' ." 14 "" This ' ..' TN the immedtate neighborhood of the Jobbing !louses Ai on Ifarket, Thitd, and Chestnut streets, the Banks, Post OSICD, Xerebants Exchemge,"Ac., , ,tc.. • ;: ...-„BOARD PER. DAY ; $1,50.: ACcommodation. when required, on the EUROPEAINI PLAN. Rooms D'ODI td cents and upwardic per dat. arid Meals at a FIENT-61.A58 Itestanrant attached to the !lota. Piices according to the Bills of Fats). <•• The City Care take Passengers from any- Station TO or CLOSE TO the Hotel. ' 33 -18. 71. M'English, French, arid Gemara spoken. • ARE YOU INSURED '? • xx. .Iebia..4.C.MEMITAL3%7 ..IS 6 r g ogv . i n - n i t)Vicationa for Inatininne in the.tolloi Wyoming INSURANCE Comp a.n vvr 6 Lld ES-13-ATC E, Pa. • Charter. Perpetual. Capital 00;000. Sat-plug o,';n), ber • A. D. 1557: 0. SL llor.enbaelz„ D. 0. Drleshnch, J. P. (rennis, ' John Itelettnrd, David Morgan, Chns Dortnr.ce. Sarni AVatthant9. R I) Lary!, L Stwomakcr, Gen P D. lit : llqyt, R. C. StilTil, 414, 0. M. MOLLENBA , X. Pre<7. , W. U. Stmlumi. Mat L rit, Pre' I. /ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY; Intrtfora, Conneetieut. - $1.N. 1 1,600 61 2.154,100 02 Paid r.p Capital NOIISITERIT FIRS SS.IFE ASSURANCE CO3IP.I.CIt t - tin. I Moorgate el rect. London. ',Capital, pig? Animal Revenue, $1.000,000. Wx.GETTY, Apent, Philadtlphist. CO*:ECTIMT MUTUAL LIFE INSURA3.:CE COM. PA:.111 of Hartford. Connecticut. AOntnnlated Capital, $3.r..70,11C0 11 Any one wiahinz their lives Insured will do Nr6.11 to - call and examinc their mode of iner.riii•;;, and their rata. trittch are better than those of any other company, before taking roligift elsewhete. 21. P. BLACKMAN. ocb WI • Oft ee ovisr Chandler t Jeasup'e etore, ! P: DUFF ! t, §ON GREAT ATTRACTIONS. TOOT OF MAIN STREET. rrin F., extensive Furnitnre Ehtabli.:hrnent o! SMITH BIiOTHERS having been refined f.m) gre:ftly improved, tho proprietors 1e:11°e:fully »ninon:a.° to the citizens of • :11out?oso and Vie::lL ity. , ,,th:4 they are constantly ninkinanini keep'on hari.the LARGEST•rinct BEST 11 , 1•;.tatnient of To be, found iu laic Country Wo give iho follc‘wiirg, list c.f -wino of tlid 'a r. e I Sell at greatly 'reduced priees, for CASH or-READV : • lluieaug, Walnut or Mahogany, with glt,s.s lei Slti to :7735. . • . - Pureans with notrl.4. or Itroi;titoile 818 to ;324: And a large ~ s morttut-nt, from $8: $l6. 1:2. 14, to 818, • V.' Nt:lnd., , , Card Stinds,CortieriTna Square' 81;toti. , , Ut alb yarietle's and pritt,.m, from 75 - e.,-nti t,l ten dollar,. t)ivans owc•I Itackm. &e. • • • t'rr.tre, hiring. 3::d Extension • S ea t. ? , Can(., Flag, 'rand Seat,„•of t•ry carictß, • :•••P.LN, trio a .t,tos furnished - at bLort nr,Ce at r.rw e s. - , • 13. made. coilln3 on hard q...r far at short Ilbt.ieu.- , -.ll.arAes always in .t witness then Bemired. IVe noi.e but (7.. - 11:Erirr. and ExPr..t:l: \Ve•intrnd lo U.) our it as 1.0 m: as it e.ttn VV. is . . 5311.11. • `..s.snirraa...,:zt., • KEYSTONE HOTEL, • At Montrose,: Penn. Vrral. IL HATCH, Proprietor. aw,d commodious notel situated 1 . on Publ . ::: Alvenue:.flear tbe Court I louse,:t..' I k tho ectdre of the bilsiness•poctit.r. nowl2ti IC w:...s . olyned on iiionday. 211di Sty.t-rni‘r•r, Ir or a;:eommdd4h.n (Le Pub - !>t• arid trro...ri3. The Pr,nrietor ,:oLiiit:: - .t..tLet Le 1.r.-i):Ir•-,1 to, un:rn4 1, ; ;1tc,7,4 t 1,71 to Con=lete . Satisfacilom.. The Hat'o-I:zndrl'urnilure are new, . t.:.:- perL4e has been spar,) to rer.der lino! tkpi:rior to any'sirnilaf - er.tablishtnnt in this p of: the Stnte. It i 3 we'd suppli v d with sil ti, 'recent itnprev.-ntents r4 , rnforts, w":,.,tors will.siways be rradyto 'respond to ,:f The.ht ihles eiinnoctea with this i t. , uye are The Pri.prietnr respectfully solitits the pzit run Igo-4 his old frienciv, , ancl the public geUerz I „ WM. ti. 111.11'CIT. • MONTROSE PENNA. ? I lEl,s u bscri er win g-Pu rCna;ed JL retitled and newly furnished 16 4 it: sbOve well knovn and popular 11,4 e;. prepnred to nccotnrnodato the trav eling puplie aid others with all the I:taco - lien, end - conveniences usually found in 'first-dab tionses. No effort Will be spared by the Pro prie4nt and his. Aitsistants'to tuako Clio Hotel equal in every point to any in the country. • The /tar alas be supplied 'with tn- Choices,t Liquors. e Stable*, cOnnec.ted with this lions are large, roomy atvi convenient, and eerefril attentive nostlers Ire always in charge of then J. s , ItlIE IPTIVINGETitt ' a - xiD , A;t4: _ - 6). „ XN Delleiotia.Tonic .Stimulant. Especially destgned 1. for the a, of the Medical Profeabion and the Tardily, havinc coperceded the to called •• Gins," "Aromatic." "Ccrd!al." "Neditmted.." "Sehnr.pp4," etc., la now en dorsed by all the prominent phi'alcians. ellen:data and con- Lot.senrs, La, pow-easing nil.tbusa medicinal "qualitiegs (tonic and diuretic) which belong to an-OLD and Pp RE taN. Put.upiu qt: rt bottles and sold by all Dreg mots and (Itoeel's. etc. A. RININGER • [Est:. - blkhed in 17/.4.] Sole Proprietors. oe yi to. 19 Broad Street. N. y. For skile at Turrell'F Dreg Store. ...Voldrose. • ' TAR AND . WORD .NAPTHA is the ba.:( .ifateine in theiroti'd for the cure of ' Coughs andpolds, • Bronchitis. Asthma. Difficult Breathing, Palpitation of the Heart. I FC`T the relkt of patient* in adraeued sedges . of • Cooedeiption together with all Norms , of the Throat and Chest and which predispose to Consumption., , '" it attacks the motor climate, and makes theft. 2 dirtroyer :amain), kits influence. It alsoyrodu eee fret - eryeitorution, rL induces healthy action • in the amused l ifacrate itantetuie and tissue: It is peculiarly adapted to the waged , . step of KSTIIIIA. • ; • - ' doe.qf thieinvatuable SY7WP Ora sivicmdcomeguentivlcfp. which the particular nature qf the climate denies. IC isrery pleasant to the twit, and prompt in Its effect". fry it d• - be convinced that it is inralucUe in the cure cif ; Brolickial Affectionk. Price 50 centsper lhate. Prepared 'clad by 71r.• A. .F:SE.6 WM*. unapt& hy A. Esaitnefn. Ar.: W. corner oth and POPLAR crew, • - Plata( a. Pa.: For rale In Montrose by mho eine). AREL - Tr.S.F.ELL itracryiet: . . . • ' • ..• 3K.e - r4:loerike. - - BRIE Best 10-market: constantly irti hand. and at as low a price -Grit can be obtained of any Dealer in Loon. .M - Rem..ntbee T.arrell's Drug Store. MORE NEW ARRANGEMENTS AT THE FURNITURE New and Convenient. L t 4, 4e I • y ESUNT.V VEIVS IT , le couspoutt.!d t ttt ITtly frets Clasisn, emt . ... r,ll4l.l,Nht.m.lsolNa.tultirt.l.l:l,l.ll 1.U.1 prux,.l by a 3 4-4,1 _ tare tied re. 4ot:if to 9iztiera.l.lento Le! ji , AU the ;Luaus An . stl.dos raeolam. - :mlecL • It LAe eirsq ' tlsm:P=3.ls; Ab,lnitlen the IBot two yet Lr' '. l `a L. , r l, ‘ as the nnzae.vue 11,ru.:Cittti. • •4!tettane.billst hr:adolAc.A l t.;. ;to nle OraiteruTerit tEe ;Anal LaLlnl I:Ott-11,1 , e 1 La IS to . LsaLy Ott Lha lia.V2i.l. I ...I I • ettl , 4.to yourl fc, jet anent pilde yea In the toe rif 11. e Livrat IV- t . iNlGOltATaii,ar.l is cure Liver Com.l .131/toutt byeptimln„! IC.Strottlb Diarrhoea. I gz Ira cr Dysenie-. iiossr! iStompo),llablitisni f'-- : ' - : a r 'll"bk :ltostiveneft CtlOl. t ieC i Caa,Ctoe ea Moriiva,Zholera infai um, Plato len ce, Jaundice, VCFrainJe Weakness . es;&army tie and ene :eadallas as Ordina ry Famil y Medi.'t : eine. itallenreSlClC RE A EVACH.lil,.pa .21;thocamds van teaCry.l la tirblity taintitt.s, ifii ... two or three Tea- , avaantals arc la i c - - en at eameataee:aeat a tt who liSe It art,. rs .. - leteig. th eir tesulatooty la as avec, L i:" • . MIN_ WATVAL 1?i TILE 310TITIX WITH TILE INVI(.ORATORi ANL) SWALLOW ZiOTII TOGETIIIIIit„ ~ •, Price One Daliar..yer Bottle. ... . .., --.11.u1,_ . , SIIZIZPORD'S CATHARTIC PILLS, C•1)1Totf NireD F 1107.1 ~ ' Care Vegetable L.Ttrae t s,,_ noel pot , up lit \ ta..lliS Cl.SEtc Ale ltglit, and will keep tn any etiolate. - • rho Pa Alley. Cer-e.,..• t barite PILL karat. tlr liii scLee Cathartic; ul I , th:eh the .propriater hos ' 1...-..1 into praettee r.,,re I ..e 11,n t wen; v veer". line inentnt‘r here ~ , vI re'S 41,enlafirt fiern. - 0 - .oae eta Elrel,;tts , ittePlLT, , , ~3 oil the - se - We:Linn I, I:kb - ~rA.3 in reeerA t., 1: ell r's me, Insakheent LIOLOIAZCO aer.,,..ale , n the reach of :a./ 14 1 i., Profe.ol 10 411 know I te,~ Chet di'rerent Cathartic. Ice • on different twellens of the 9 I oue'al. ' • • ILe PAIIITIA (71,1 .. . TifAIRTIC P. 1.1. la • lila, Pith Gee reference In thts cell estatalhed fact, ham Tampa:mice fames/ _sati variety of the purest Yeti le h's Euracts,ithlch T O,l _Ths. , elike c-n every pert of the _:rceltary Canal. ant - ere e.II woof/ and arta In all Tao. to there el Cotlea:eic Lei as nt...1.1. • Imola as Der taagententa of ehri lei St a mon e le, et leelit-. nes-, Patna In the , hark anti s . Lulus. CI.I 11.C1e0., Pal 'I 44 and Sareneas over, the r whet e hotly, lima so.l.aa cold; which . frTiorra , T, If neslceiTe. en i IC. lot,e•tonese of re try, Loss of Allot.", M tile ' le erreltillgteeln• 1.01101, Of (7°1,1 a, a•Crl I he.enoly • !teed,... tit 1.011,; f iCillatilf., a r"4 even:hil t '. She kr n ,t. 0:1 let fin at tte'a tory I , I>larasee, -- VVoreats to Child reit Tr"Allealf,s.! l Itleetntallsoa, a slant ' Portlier of the 1;100011 ..,.. and rasa, atones Io tchleh :C^sa a•he.r. teeYtntineretts elf to n.cunon to this advertlso• . elect. Dose. I - to 1. ' PICICE irtrit E. n Drittle'. The Liver Invlanrator and I.'n an ily Ca ;halite Pet IN are rc:a;4 he ncorghor eaTroa7. sal 1,-11 a Lartsta by the "ir,!... fa s:r the I.,rge tee,, B. T. \l' c . S'ANCillt IL M. s. 1).., ' ..- later . , 1 :'6,llr:Or, ot.nal '::: 35 tlrontlivay, :,:eiv York. • BCIF...RHAVE'S -HOLLAND. BITTERS DAR CELEBRATED HOLLAND ' REMEDY -FOR TITSPEPSIA, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, I.l's7En. compi,AiNT, , WEAK±TESS OP•ANY FEVER AND ACUE, ' Sin. the various affections coi.iequent upon a disorderod STO:IIAC - 111% OR LIVEIt, Ind! . ; - ,tion, Aridity of the Stomach, Coliciy Pains, of Apt • N.spoiniency, Costirennes, Into,: nod alt Neriedts.l...,ewuritic, nod 7lrA l c' • Arf... - 1.: nA. it Ens in instances proved :y OT,I in others ea.,....ted - o do.:l.led cure. ' I•orAIr n.;.. -- sta l i,OL'lnj•,l7.4. prepared on - strictly after toe roannor of the ceicbrat,..l ILA! ud 1•7.4.,,..r. I , erlrive. it. rept: ttion at brine i.ro• r.l tie i m lion Lee, the denland commencing with f the rather:and - scattered ot,er the Lice of , this t:any of uhr.nt bronchi with them and lit n 'tri.lition of Its 'slue. _ R a 1,110 errs! :fg„ thal 'its trti:y svoarrfli rte.?: r.• fq . o::.77,llthrigtd. It Is 14: tizalAr!e recommended to those perime whose eoust:tutirn.ro.ty tint c boon hui.aired tits COUtillUol2. use of ordelit Oilier f..nps of dissipation. Generally trelent.,, ,, , in en'ts I. it finds its sty directly to the sleet of in.. It,tli hilt end numkentng every nerve, raising tip the dtC,ping and, in fact, infusing new health and vigor to Vie repents to And this a beversevelehl d"...ar.,:tt,1: but to the sick, weak end low rpirited, it e aroMMIC wtdisl , novicased of alas - 111oz rentnan: I.lr porti.4l: READ CAREFULLY! .‘ ^nt C;oto.ire coL, - otrated- Ikerhare's Ifolland Pates, i. I.nt op in ha:flint 1 , at0., only. nod retailed at ON Doti 1 .4 ,1-otzle.[t a ll b01.11(6fOr /ICE DOll-11111 pent ,lenmod for thl, truly relebratnl Medicine induced :Duly eLizit the paLlle FLOUId r 1 egaine4 pnrolnu.lo , !,- Z3o - P.c,,tro y Tr.11,1:::.,n: See fiat our name Ls on the ''. laL*l of treey bottle Too Lay. Solt by Dr:fres:a generally. It can be fomented bfEzpresa to most points. SOLE rnornirrons, BE' A ATM PAGE, JR. & CO.. pharmaceutists_ and ciimists. PITTSBURGH, PA. Tarrh BITTElo: arc €.4.41ta Al , r,trc , c I T - et 4 7 A EII:L TI: In: I:1.T." Th-Jcp7Zst . I 0!: 11‘111)11 t ‘" i l; . tt • • • 112=1:1=1 ' At e:zerient n stomachic preparation of Ma' pzrn?--d Ozygen and Carbon by cora. _ batt,oo i 5 aid:ore:4 or.bigh medical author ity rnd extraoriduaL-7 . Ciii:ary in each of the D:M3.l.l.Trf. NER.VOC,S* AFFECTIONS, Mik a/SION. DISPEDSLI. DIABLEEA, CONSTI; PATION. SCROFULA. SALT BEEIJId. ectravir, JAUNDICE LIVM. COEPLAINTS MIEIIILS.- TISK MIBOUF.EGZ CONSEQUENCES, INTER . KIT= FEVIT.Z. NITELLGIA. CUONIC • , MADAM:EI. 1 - 17: - .A.L.B 'WEAKNESS. lIMISTXUATION. WRITES, CHLOBOSLS.-cte.. PItrPLES Cii TZ FACE, BOCCI-EMS OF TIM Efri. et'. ' The LEON bait; ab!orb-:d by the blood, and thud circulating thr3ugh the whole system, no part of the body can e:tape their truly wonder.' ful influenci. 'The experion ee o" t t errands daily proves that no prep =ration of Trza -can for a moment be. com2ared pith it. Impurities of the blood, de pfessien of 'vital enlrzy,.,pala and otherwise tic' y compl-xtoae i-,-..r,cate its necessity in 111- mast every connifable case. In all cases'of timalo debility titter albus, chlorosis, etc.), its effteM are delis - nifully,t enovating. No remedy bat ever been discootred, in the whole - history of medicine. which exiirts etch prompt; happy, cud f oily restorative effects. Goodaptrtite, corn,. piste, digestion, rapid acquisition of strength, wit:o en • unusual • disposition-for active and' cheerful exercise, immediately follow. its use—. Az a grand stomachic and general restorative it has-za superior and no substitute. Pat Pp Irl,neet 5151 Mad hexer containing . I v o riot.. 50 cents per Ibex ; rill boxes, W.? 33; (vie 'leer" boxes. e 4 00. Por Nate by . Detmazi.ts gooerotly. 'WM be seat free to, nay nobler 4t rreelpt pf the price. terv, ordure. zit... should be addressed to 'R. B. LOCK.E & CO., . • - . : General Agents. 3.1301.1.0ADWAY,E11 - V. • N.H.—The V above Is a far.elotHe of the 'alit on each box.. • . ABEL IV URRELL Bl' now pre/mind to cure every cane of SCROFULA ".lti 1 i ..he Country, and be be a Remedy fur nearly crtry R Ito which flea& le tick. Call at the 1 I GREAT 11.EDICINE EMPOliiint i I. of ABEL t . itititti-R, and be availed of th a dbenefH ti - --dlio rpenaed. -.- - , - Montrcoe, July 17 , 1861: - .. - Gold - Medal Saler,aatus; 4 ND *Tao, net kinds.,i' Ow bent in market. far rale AIL byAtigUTIAIRELL rqi:F4s4oiyrickszasortspk\* waloapto4_,. _ cEprui,ic., PILLS . • WIL L c oz.,,vilkE lyn, 111EADACHE- TITAT A. SPEEDY. :A ND., SITE CURE IS NVITHIN THEIR REACH.. • theie testimonials were Unsolicited by 4fr. Spalding, they aford unquestionable' • proof of the efficacy o this truly: scientific disc& ery. " Mazoitraxs, Su, Sesta - ma. Sin . I have tried your Cephalic Pflis. and hike them io well that I-want you to send me $l worth mato. , • Part of these are for tho neighbors; twwhoiergare ti few out of the first box I got from yon.t Send the Ells by mail. and obligo • Poor; o'3't scret. JAS.. • Ilaverfo r d, S. IL C. Spalding: • Sir: I Wish you to send me tine more box. of vonr Cepludic Pips; ;hers retired - a great destlelbeavi6frosa them; - Yuure, respettfullz. ANN STOIKIIOUSE.. , kpl i ain S .. tinico Crock; Lintdoii co.; Fa., Jail. 13. Sir: - .Zi. .; [ .t . h T er o n a ct o u - m ill e rAmmo said ma tivolmiCs of yonrllll§ . . Scud 7 75; 3 6 . B. stm&:s. • P. S.—l/arra wed ;rat bo of your Piat. and find Men , , esrellent. Belle Verncip, Ohio, Jan. 23: Henry C. Spalding, Esq. _ Please find enclosed twenty-five -cents. for which send me another box of yonr Cephalic Pills. They are truly the bent .'pills I have ever tried.. -' • - • Direct' ' • " A..ST.OVER, P. Belle Vernon, W3andot county. Ohio. . • i . . • • - -•• Beverly , man.. nea9. - IL C. Spalding, I:sq. ' I ' I wish for some cirefilars or large 'pbcivi bills, to brlbg roar Pills more particularly before tuy - mastomprs. If you have anytbin of the kind, please send them tome. One of my customers. who is snhject Loa severe sick headache. (usually lasting. two days). was cured Gran at tack in an hove by your Pilo. which I sent her. , Itespectfullyyours, _ , • .1. W. B. WILKES... • .. I ..--_,....,—... , .. _ - - neynoldshurg; Fitnilln Co., 61it0,.1 . Jammu. 9. 'Henry e. Spalding, No. 4-S Cedar street, u. Y. ' Dear Sir: ,; Inclosed find twenly..five coats, (s.) (Jr which :send me hoz, of '• cephalic pills." Direct tol.Rev. Wm. •Filler,'at . iternoldAnrg, Franklin eonnty, Ohio. Your Pills work like a charm—dire Headache almost instant.r. Truly yours. I Wilk FILLER. • ?rps(l4tl, Jan. a 4 lir. Spa:ably: Sir Not long since I sent tuyon for a the: of Cephalic Pills for the cure of the Nervoits Headache. and Costiveness. and received the same, and they Atid so good ‘ an (feet I was induced to /end for more. ) . Pleasisendliy return mail. Di net to A. R. WISHELER, • - F,,,nz the' E.ranziaer. Arnifilk, V. Cephalic PilldricTomplihh the objec for which they were made. care of headache 111 all I i (onus: Front the'Examincr . ~..iThrff. )Ik. Fu. • They have becnicated in more t •an a thonsauti enas, m:th 1.110, etq...et66. . - . Fr. the Democrat, St.! Cloud. Minn If you are. or have been 'troubled with the headache, send for a box of cephalic pills, so that you .may hare t nem in rate [lan astark. P.1,,.0n the Advertiser.. rnr;dince Pilb. 3rr 531 d to be remarkably effective remedy for the headache, and one of the very beet for ro.,t eery frequeat complaint Wide bad . ever been -dis cos e red. • F,C4n. the li:extern e:4 , .: ettr, (.7Licago W' heartily endoree r. Spalding{ at,4 - his unrivallvii Cephalic • Frm.rt Stur, hunnr Ln . ICI. • • We are gore that p”rsons saftl7l4 o ith lb° headache, who try them, will stack to them. ' ' I,jir 2A1?1.1 Orl,fi;:a. La Tr: t , telii! ( -lon that are afflicted l I and tee are awe that -our te4idnony can ht. added to tue a lr ea dy nurnerout list that luta receifed benelita that no-other medicine cat, produce. .- 0 . . . .CI. Lewis lrinotrat: . • TJ,lnio.r...n.“•tierliand for thG arti le (cephalic piliP) iP rapidly incre:iPiai;. Fro;»' tite Gazette, Da trnport. hind Mr. S'•:,•ahlin wonhtsgit munect witlt r.n sr t!de tetiid du: Lunn tiiroSsess r • • merit. I .Fh,iir the ildtertizer..P oridenee l R. The te..titnnny in their 1 - 11.0.1:111 k 114', from' . 'lke mod respeetab!e quarters. F r ., ;;; Lye:;/ _Yews, kris. ore, R. I. tikinZ, the pl:led oral: • - -S. CURE I SN 4 1e L .46 .1? d ) „,ge0id,,, f ,,,N5P1 4%7 - .CURES. Nervousliedache CURE, (3 " - Headaehei • By the use of thCse Pill; the periods — eattacka of Nervous or Sick Iliadaehe may be prneated; 'and iflaken at the commencement often attack, immediate rale( from pain and sickness will be obtained: - • They seldom fail In removing theiNaurea and readaeLe io which females am , to subJect. They actgentiv upon the bowels.,--removing For Literary 'Hen. Ettidents, Itelicate Pemsics.-and nil persona of redenfary habits. theYare;valuableai a laxative. Improving-the appetite. giving toneund vigor tothe diges tive oigans, and restoring the natural . elasticity and strength of the whole srstcm. The CEPHALIC PILLS are the- result of long Invest! , gation and carefully conducted ex periments.taVing been 111 -twt man.," Years.during which time they baveprevemted tud relieved a vast amount of pain and suffering from lie.tdache, whether originating in the nervous system or from a deranged state of the gantlet. ' • They are eatirelv vegetable in their composition, and symbe taken at alliimes with perfe , M safety. without mak mg anychauge.of diet, and the abeenee Vailv ditagreadde twee renders it roe!' to adminiiter thern to Children. - Beware of Coulnerfeits. The ZPT . taine havelive 14:natures of Henry C. tzpaltling oneach box. Sold by Ilmmists and other Dealers In 3led!clue.. A but will be sent by mail prepaid on receipt of the * 1 '1"1.4t340 Sas 4:J,ezatis. . All orders ebould be addreised - • HENRY , SPALDING, eurl2 v „74S Cedar Striet, New York. A single bottle of SPALDINCV,S.PREPARED GLUE will save ten times its cost- nnnually..ja - sPALDING'S PREPAI, SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! JILEPARED OLI:E! SAIJ:: THE PIECES! team° m ! WITT= IN TIME SIOITS ".;INE,"//4 . As ac; ideate will happen., even in w4l regulated fami• Ilea, it is very deilnahle to have . some cheap and tonven. tent way fur repairing furniture. lobs, . ow...WU', •tc•• .S:PALM3'OW PREP.ABEP GLUE - ,• . • meets an ilia fiderje; pd.enii afford .to be without it. Is always read f, and s up to the stick __ . . "PSEFUL' Ilkr EVERY fforsk." -- 7 . N. B. —A -Smelt IleCOMplilieS ISach Bottle. • Prlce , 25 cents. . 4114rsIss, , ~./LF...N.1e1",c.1 sp4 .L . D Eva, ... ~, .. • : - ' . -N0.0,:e • Btreet,'New-Tiiik:.":l , 0.11.r.T10X ds certain.unprineira a eildrons airs atiemptin,L* to palni .off on the unsuspecting r;iiidtatteins of my Prepared (nue. I would creation !persons to examine .before pm chaoll,ffr =dee* ibatibe-411 *Me. :" ( IarTP.:IZDZSVS PRATARED 61,tr.t.„:v • • is on the ontelde'wrsprer 7. alt others ore trindilig enan. rerfeits. I 74 f GgivrivS 7 ' don . " Groatept Remedy' in the World,for - RumEATipm,and all PAIN. tuTaletS;.to. 011711 a. Foyer and Ague Onedai,' '• . .Chlllu in ilYe infante*); •. '• :Deafness !nix* to ftrar days.; . Bnind and Scalds In we minutes; Sprains, Fotinds and-Braises In from one to - threc (lays ; . Indammation In one tiny; - , • Manacle, Croup, Toothache, Barns, in ten minutes; • Iletuoirhai, , e, Scrofula, 'Alike's. In ten days ; • ; Brulsca, Wounds, Totter, in one to threcilays ; 'Earache. - Stiff Week. Aitus, In one day Felons, Bretton fileast Salt nheurn, In 3 to - six days ; . Quinsy, Palpitation. Pleurisy, In one to teu days ; Asthma. Gout Erysipelas, in "fiTC . to twenty days; Frosted Foet• Stiff Joints, chronic 'Wien. rantisin, Sore ThrentrScarier rover, and the lame made to wall:. by a tiny bottles. This OIL, (Dc 0 rath'sils mild and pleasant, and is greatTantily Medicine fur children teething &v. Ladles should all nse.it, It always leaves you better than it finds you, and.one bottle often cures entirely. AFFLICTED, TILIII.TEEI: YEARS AI)N eur.ED O.EZ AVERS.. " • Read letter from Rey. James Temple. , • PittLumeuts,..lnaefd.h, 1555. Prof, ..e catrilf: I have been afflicted for thirteen years with Neuralgia and' other painful complaints, and I have been unable to sleep soundly or walk any distance fur many yearn pant. Last week I got a bottle of your Eke trict.q. The first night I slept soundly and well, and to- day lam like a - new man. :My wife could not believe her eyes. Your Electric Oil has done in one week what the plusiciaus of Philadelphia fulled to do to thirteen years. Gruteiblly yours. ' NIES TEMPLE, MO South Street. l. - 'DEAFNESS CURED. • HAVEN. May 19th. • Prof. De Grath: My trotter has been deaf fora reftro. After trylug many things, he need soul—Olin few times, and it cured him entirely. ;. . • Clab'FODD SCD \ ANTON. 1.74771P0r5a1e brie DruiTtlsts, and at' the -Depot. .217 South'Elghtb-ht, Philadelphia. , fehl4,3nt cy 0 'IT 9 . . LIFE - PILLS, . kt eiroExix: BITTERS TIIIIESE MEDICINES bin'e how been before the public for a period of 'Thirty. rears, and during that time have maiatnined &high character in almost every part of the (Iloilo, for their extruordiniu7 and immediate power of ra4toring perfect health to persona suffering under nearly every kind of disease to which the human Immo is liable. `TA:2 following are among; the distressing .variety of hu man dine:lace in which the • • Vt.GEL , ,',BLE LIFE • I Well known to be infallible. • , IiSPEPSIA, be thoroughly cleansing the lot and 2nd 1 61CW , , and creating a flotrof pare,hekithy btle,lnstead ' Lie stale and acrid kind;: FLATULENCY, Lost of .Ap. I le, Heartburn:Headache Itatleesneu, Ell- Tinaper, Aux , ,iLanguor and Ifilancholy, - whlch are general symptoms - ! ryspepsia, vanish, as a natural consequence of its cure. OfilriTENEBl3; by cleansing the whole length of the %tines with a solvent process, and without violence; .tolont purges I eave the bowels costive in two days. ' EVERS ofsll kinds, by restoring the blood to a regular niation, , thro* the process of respiration in such cases, Moro' solution of all Intestinal obstructions in others. ie Life Medicines have been known to cure REJEUM -14 permanently in three weeks, nod GOUT in half_ t t ime, b. :removing log al inflammation from the ratts- I i a nd liniments of 1110,14005. 1 OYSLES of all kinds; by freeing Site StreriritheidiT kidneys and bladder: they operate most delightfully or, c important organs, and hence have ever been fou'nll a in remedy for the worst casesof GRAVEL. - go WORMS, by dislod:sj.ng from-the turnings of the 14 the sii:ny mutter to winch these creatures adhere. CURVY.' ULCERS, 'end' INT -=RATE SORES, by perfect purity . .t bleb these Life Yedieines give to th e ' ' i l Ali a iiiTl t C h il4.7.l 9 gTo NS and DAD COMPLEXION'S, . eir eltarative caber upon the fluids that feed the skin the morbid state of Winch oceaslons till eruptyl:e ' plaints, sallow, cloudy, and otherdisagreetible com mits. ke use of theca Fria fof h very short time will effect an ',re cure of SALT DE:E;TM. and a strik;n7 improve* It iu the,clearness of the skin. • COMMON COLDS - 1 DIFUENZA will idways be cared by one ddsc, or by i. irk :he worst cases: • LES.—The original pcopribtor of these medicines. cured of Mini, of 3.7, years standing' by the use of the ' .If,ditin4; alone. . ' 'VER AND AGUE.—F - or this scourge of the West. onntry, these Medicines will -be fonr.d a safe, speedy I certain remedy - . Other Medicines ler.ve the system ,et to a return of the disease—a cure by` these Medi a , i , . r,erumnent—Try (hem, be satisfied, and le cured . • Iliiitim !Fevers • and Liver Complaints. lets! Debility. Loss of Appetite. and Diseases of Fe tes. -The Medicines have been used 'with the most k .flcial results in cases; of this description :—liings - i , and Sero s :ala. in its worst forms. yields to the.m..ild powerful action of tLese remarkable. Medfeines. tht fiweats, 'Nervous Debility, Ntrcons Comolsints of binds. Pelyiltatton of the heart, Painters' Colic, are :Wily cured. lorrurialDistases:-Persons whose eonstitatisat 4:.become imnairtai by the injudicious use of l',lercvy. i End these Medicines a perfect cure. as they never fail . ;Mdirate from t - Intsy.sierti, ell the effects of Mercury. .nicely sooner than the Most powerful prcpa7r.tician of aparllia. Trera ;NI ar.d 5613 by ' W. I. MOPPAT. . . W. 1.5 11710ADVA Y. NT:W-Yeas. ' leor Sale by all Dreamt - Ista. IWidtar's Balsam Of' Wild Cherry , . I Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. Btu" of th pen tely,l of 11 GeEl flti tlon Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Bronchitis, 'Warmness, Bronchitis. Whooping Cough, Croup, [ . Whooping Cough, Croup, • [Consumption; Consumption, Consumption, Consumption, Consumption, • all like diseases, find an unfailing antidote, a I • • y relief, and a cure and speedy cure, in that • and universally approved remedy, IWistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry.. Wistar's Balsani of Wild Cherry. The B. Jacob Seekler, . . ea known and snuck ref/porta among the amain peps. latitei of country, 'sates the folksier 4'Blmm:fee A. keep qf Lie totirtta. , - i- • llAnoczit, PA., Feb.l6, ie.s9. - Messrs. S . W.lovrr.t do Co, Boston,—Dear Sirs:, ring realized in. my family important benefits from Ile use or your valuable' preparation, WIS2AI3 DAL um or WILD CUEART, It Affords me . pleasure to rientrunemi it to the . publie. Sdmo eight' years age one ' or my daughters seemed to be in a decline, and Md. Mom of her reroret; were entertained. I then pro . clued a bottle of your excellent Ito:3' am, and before she Ild taken the whole of die entente of the bottle there yi a d vem ia t ean imp , ro m re ad m e en f t4 u n ta ut health . unof y r our barlin uab rny le edicine, and hare always been benefited by it. / vide Otert ""r is a ' ;‘,. 4344.22. 0,1 deal . 41 :f Papiati:riquragaitrutistarf7:""Balsso% le-. . d Charry trjtoat rfrough6Kt tie coluatrit. JACOB aciILEIL Virgiais Testimony, . . . . - . • . ' from Me. NOUBOII,IiE Nonroy, i4f tho . . Mariner Offlie, lialaimi.. - •. -, ' Fajliptecep, VA., Feb. 21.1680. Ifmak, H. W. Fowti CO, DOM; 9entlomen . ~ 1 with pleasure testify to the great merit. of your in.. s ir !labia lag medicine, Dr. WISTAR . S BALSAX OF • ILD Onznav,which is likewise highly valued by ' any of .our esteemed citizens, who hive tested its ues, by trial.' -. .. , . • 1 gist made use of this Balsam some three years sine fqr a' violent and 'distressing Cough which baled the' gill of physicians , and, to my Joy, experienced such asifying relief as to induce me to persevere in its use. I?iltiays keep it by me, and ever find it to be unfali; fug in its' effects. No medicine that I hive ever used hits given each speedy relief. Yours truly, . . . 7:NOADOIIXE NORTON. • 4 . , .4.i. . , Frnin Jesse Smith , Put, • ' : • . gag - ' ' to tha Xerris Cased . Beek, and We is wed • Assam and muck astienniii am:kw Nap Jerset . , 1 0 -.. - . • _ -•-•• • Blontwiroww, N.J., Jan. 94860 , Haan. 8. W. Fowew .di Co n —Demean : - Having =vied Dv WISTAIVIV BALSAM Or WILD CUEIMY for &limit 111100/1 Years; and havinji realized Its benedeial T. realm in my family, it affords .me great plesanns'in - ! recounitendingjt to the public ti evaluable remedy in . eases of weak map, colds; writs, de., and a remedy 'which' I consider to be entirely ...innocent, and may be' taken With perfactaifetY by Mamma delicate in health: . - . ....- .. Your, very respectfully, . . . •.' - -• . ' ' -51:819r. SMITH. ' ' 13?"- Beware of rile and trorthlese airnterfeifsl The oils : Genuine, Part, and Medicinal Gdecies luta the mine - of,":I—BUTTS," --written withot pen, :.. slid the printed same of the proprietors, '' S. W. • ' F I OWLE & 'CO.," On the outer wrapper. - , ,• 4/1 fa% ,soer wad_ any cluaie of the Throat, or: . Chew' ;;Can obtain Ski relief by wing ... .. i i mmjA ' t r iattiell BSI,* of-Wild Cherry, 1 fistoz"o,BOstuo of Wild - Cliorm _ _ T . - PEEPED 81 - . ' • - 13. - , W . VONitiE 'lt: CO ., t...r O.JB TRENONT 'ST.BBET, BOSTON. ..6dor; Tkale" and iittichanis - •: . : ra, to acs tow 1 • :', ... •. - . and city in the- O&M &ates. • .. ' -- • 1. , " • _._ •orplely AbeiTuircil and fiend, Watrons & Foe 104 Jitontriase: ,- ....,11. Woodruff. Dinrock ; • Amos Nichols' :Br° iklyn ; Whitney ..t•Moley.'llarford : Weed & Ward" Gre . t ,C Bend'; J. .:olntatcni; Dundaff; L. Grl din. time Ilk , ._. - . , . . July 26—y to - ZED GLUE! DISI!ATOIt Coughs, Colds, Coughs, Coughs, Colds, Coughs, A - .y;e-..i.,,-,i--,:i.,,,.54,-.,:i4.4,4,14,,a.,,:ii:.1ia., . lOR PURIFYING TIM - BLOOD; • .11r1 for the spr:stly cure of theiputioltietr vs:Jetta of I - . r.Frernfizia And Scrotalong Affectlame, such as Tttiuutle,Snitif. Eruptions, .rim. 'illotehes t Dons, 111.alsui. ! , uutl fiLL/41'1.1Iseaser. . , • • i ~" , : • 'o...ni.tteri, Ind.. eth June, tre.,2. i J. C. AT:M. lz. Co. tienti: I feel it tor . dutr to ai. i knowledhm tsdint !oar. Sirsitisuilla Ims done -Tor me. I Rasing inherited ft Scroildouts infection; I "rare snffem! from it In various ways-for years. - -Sometimen it burst I out. in Ulcers on my hands awl anus: liontetltaos ft i iratied Inwstrd mid distressed me at the stomach. Two - ' 1 years ago it broke oat on-my head and covered my smith and eery with one sore, which was paint - of and loathsome beyond description. .I tried many medielneiand sever'. I physicians, but whimut'tnuch relief froth any thing. I._ fact, the disorder grew worse. At kniftli I was rep:INN! I to read in the Gorpal Measener that you had pm pared r An alterative !Sersaparilla:,, for I knew from your repo i tatlon that oars thhig you tat tl e untsfbe gore] . l sent e. I Cincinnati find, got it, and nett. it tilt It cured Me. i took 1 .- St, r.s "* . c.n ndrha, In smoll doses of a tcnapoonfur neer X ; Inouthcand Used alinnat three bottles. 2:corona healthy skin, soon began to forni wwicrstise scab. which alter a, I while fell °Z. My skin Is stow clear. and 1 bison by tay 1 feelings that the 1115011 W is robefront my syaton. 1 . 1 , 4 Can well 14.11eVe that I feel what 1 am stisi,g when I tell I you, tit I bold you to.be out of the apoilles ortlal aim,' and remain ever gratefully, Yours • • . . .11.1 - ItLi.; It. TALI.f:V. i • _ I St. -Anthony's Fire, - Ross - or - IgrriitntLar, 1 Totter and Salt Iliac ant, Scald . 11ratI,Iting. smarm, tiore Plyex, Dropsy. I • Dr. Itobert M. I'reble writes fronrSalem. :1": 1 . .. inil I 'Sept.. it .:44 that he has cured an ISTrter tadisc of Diwil TY. which threatened to terminal', fatally, -by the I persevering use or our Sarnanarilla, awl also a danger i ourattack of ilalionaal Err iprlad by large doses of ilea . sanio; ralys'ho cures the counno . n F.sliptious by it con.. I - stoutly. '• - • . Eironcisocelv, Goitre, or - Strolled Sate L - . • Zobnlon Sloan or, rmspetd, Texas, `Writes: "Threw bOttles of your Soisnparillo cured the front ELl:nitre—Pi hideous swelling on the Heck, whieli final titiared from over V.v.° scars." . . 1 LCarorrlicra or 'Whites. Ovarian TrsmOr, i 2 :a:Corti:to Ulceration, remote Dlrestiira..- Dr. J. IL 'S. C.l. miming, of 'New York City, writes i "1 --- I rnogt ciseerfulls comply wills the rennest'of your agant Ist I, saying I liar lowed your Sarsopr.rllla.a most - excellent alterative in the numerous complaints for , Whieli we era ! ploy fowl, a retried;-. but osperlally 'ln Alinafe IV , 4nriev of the Strong:um diathesis. 1 linisi cured roans - Inset- • 0 crate curers. of Leueorrimm by it, awl some stlikre Mo. complaint was ranged ty Ift.'cratinit rir Cie afmi.. 'l'lio ulceration Itself was soon cured. Nvthing within my knowledge'ermals it for these fcreob• ricrac -, ^mods!. • - ntlword S. Marrow, of Newhore, Ala., writes: .. A can. 1 mewls orarian Caper OS oar orals,' Iterate,, Pi my family, 1 which had 4. , .:1 , Ni all the rentedh.s we could pray toy, Its. at length been completely enrol by . your extract of Se:. saparilln. Our physician thought nothing hut eallsmt. tion coal! ;Vint relief, bat lc advised the trial or - your • Sarsaparilla 'as .tlie haat resort ,before eiatiiir. mud It prta.:l4•Jrvetual. After taking, your remedy tight track* no symptonfaf the - disease remaissa.t.'- ,•. • • • ' Sy pistil's and - Ilteranrlnl Disco N.. ?..:aw Oar.r..vis.'Lltli .kiira t. l. WO. I • Dr. J. r. Arra. Sir: I clmerintly comply with Ito request 6fyony ngeut, Mist report to you noose of that effects I Imre reddl ies , with your Sara...pa:Oa. 1 hap, curad with it, In rorcrnettre, Most Of the com -1 plaints for whirls It Is recom m nuicd, and have found Etc • effects' trulfwonderful lit the cure of Venereal and .1/er. curial Thiscroe., prie.of my patients had Syphilltk ulcers I In his throat, which were consuming... Ids palate mist Um ' top of Ids month, Xeur Sawapariila, stesollts- taksis, cured him In flee weeks, Anotherwas attackel 'by soo °minty symptoms it 1114 nose, :mil t h e itineration l e d eaten sway a ermsiderable part s& it, that 1 beltrresim disorder trosil.l soon reach his brain awl kill Lim. Hut It j yielded to my administration of your, sur,ti.rrli;r.: Ur.. . I ulcers healed, awl he is well again, nofof emirs. , ri:ti:ort . i• some disfiguration or the Mee. A womm wt,.) had Irs.n treated for the same disorder le; ider.enryl was anireriag from this poison its her Wines. 'they had becomes° sjensd - I tire to the weather that on is droop slay she suff.soilex- I cruclating pain In her joints awl hours; she, ton, nap icured entirely by your Snr.aparilist Is Ca fear weeks. 'I knots from its fornsnla, Mist, your r4.tilli gore me, that thin Preparation from your lahnrato7 unisthe a grsct remedy; consenuontle, 'these truly remarkable results with it have not surmised me. ' ' . • Fraternally yonrs, ' G. V. I.AIIIYILIZ, M. It. . - Itatenntritlent, Cone, Liver - Complaint. INDErz;:truit:w.6:„. Preston Co.. Va..V.tit .1:117, On..T. C. Avti:. lair: I.hram: bee. afflieted with tr....in fmtbehrontc Rhelonalism for a long time : Om - I skill of phyrieinns, to Le! 13 r pity pf elf tho reniedies I could until I tried your Sarsaparilla. Onn bOttle curd me in two weeks, :mid re..fPrk,l my genert.l. health lit) much that I am floe Irdter than hefore I wa• attacked. 1 t'ain;: It a wonderful um:Urine. .1.(1 , 1:".:All. .TnleS of St. I.unk, writes: •• I 'lmr.ve bra: afflicted for years with an ion Licer, which destroyed my herd tit. I tried every thhut- and every thing failed to relieve me; mid I have-heen a broken-down 111-4..1 forrome years from no other VIII3e than rfernagrmeot the Lirer:\ Ilyhtloind pastor, the Her. Mn rdgly,adrisefl me to try your ScriMmtrilla;bewnwe he said he knew you, and ;my thing you made was worth trying;" By time lug of God It has cured me, and has so purl:hal my blood as to make aMew man of me. 1 feel VO'l,ll^ :train. The best that cm‘be sold of you is nut half good ' Sehlrrtas, toneer.Tettn - orts. Enlargement. trt. eeratlon. 'Caries, and Exfoliation - of the Bonet. • A great variety of emus have been reported toms where eir r e s o. then ftirmilabb: conr.l:64ts hays resulted front the use of this remedy. hat our apace here sill ru: :a!- mif iiICM. llama of thee, may In: round Moar .AlUPriVal Almanac, which the agenb. low named are pleased to furnish gratis to all who call for them.. • Dyspepsia. Heart 'nowise, rtes. Epilepsy. I" . .Zettrolla. \1 any rcraarloibbs cures .r thr3t, lies-, b een made by the alterative power or this nteOleine. It 'stimu lates the vital Inneti rot into vigorous nation, and It.. overcomes 4:lportlees wooll be scipot.e,l beyond its reach. Such a resnory has long been required by tit. , necessities of the people. aml vie are rout - pleat that this will do.for them all That ntecilidne cm: do. • . Ayers Cherry Pectoral-, • ro'tlip: nArip ima: Conghs, Cohle. 1 / I fillenZro llooesetiels, Croup, Broneisitts. Ineiplent COnistimp. tion,Natatt for the LGelief or Cousitanp. five _Patleuts, in advanced' str4ge,l of the rilsense Thln In a remedy so universally-known to surpass env other for the cure or thrust and long complaints, that It is useless here to publish the evidence of its virtues. Its unrivalled excellence for coughs and colds, and its truly wonderful cures of. pulmonary digence, — have- made k known throughout the civilized nations of the earth. Fen , two the comminnties, or even families, among theta who have not some personal experience of Its effects— some living trophy in their nildht or its victory over the subtle and dangerous disorders of the. throat and lunge. As all know the dreadful fatality of these disorders, and as they know, too, the effects of thls.rtinetly, we need not do snore than to assure them that it has now nil the vir tues that it did have when making; the cores which have won so strongly . uporithe confldence of mankind. - Prepared by Dr.:. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mu& For Fale trAr,ul Turrol, :.,luntras4.l; Cburtb & rbigney Dunduff; 11'altrunn k Auburn Ccutre:Und by xi dealers and dru;;;:iFtu CTerywherc. , „oun y cw ytIfiI)H . KEN, MRS. IVINSLOW, An 'experience& nirse nr.cl -Fcmele Physlciin. presents •to the attention of mothers. her . • SOOT i.NG S,YRUP ; FOR CIIILDREN TEETIII.NGh which greatly facilitate - a the process of teething, by sen t/ ening the gnma, reducing all inflammation—will allay- ALL )'AD: and spasmodic action. audit SIiME TO EEG ELATE THE DOWELS: • Delimit upon it, Mottars, it will give rest to-you, and BELIEF AND If.E.ALITi TO, TOEE. INFANTE.' We Lave put up and sold this article for over ten years.. and can say IN CONFIDENCE AND TEETH of it, what. wit have never been able to one of any other medicine— NEVER HAS IT FAILED. in mnINGLE INSTANCE. to-• EFFECT A CURE, when timely ured. licver did - we know,. an instance ofdlsratirfactlon by , oakune who hid used It. 1.111 the contrary, all are delighted with-its operations, and speak in terms of commendation of its ma g ical effects And medical virtues, We !spin this matter "WHAT WE DO; 1:NOIV.," after ten yearn' experience. and PLEDGE ODE' 'REPUTATION for the fulfillment of what we here declare.. In almost every'instance whet the infant is suffering by pain and exhauntion. relief wW,a)nolotind in Gftetm W 2.J minutes after the syrup is administered: ' , This valuable preparation is the prescription of one of the most EXPERLF4CED and SKILLFUL 'NURSEEI In New England, and has been used with NEVER FAILING SECtEmi in THOUSANDS OF CASES. • It not only rellet child fro pain, but invigorate; the atotnach and bowels, entracte acidity, and gives te .e and energy to thu whole system. It will inataLaly • , GEITIWG IN TEE BOWELS, AND WIND COLIC.. and overcome conruhionq., which. Knot speedily Cried, end in dcata. We believe it the BEST SUREST rein- • edy In th, in all cotes of DYSENTERY and. DlAltialcE.V IN :whether' it arises from teething, or front any other cause. We would say to all nioth.we who have a child angering fmniany of the forego in' complaints—LW SOT LET YOUR PREJUDICES SUR Tilt; PRI:',IUDICE4nj OTHER& stand between von alo'r your eutferin z child, and the relief that will be Ul:l—,ea ABSOLUTELY SURE—to follow theme of this medicine. if timely used. Full directions for uslr , : will a:laminar:l each bottle; None genuine uniesa the f..e stroll.. of CURTIS 4; PERKINS, New York; Is o: the out . ei:h.; wrapner: •. , ...oa.l by Druguitte throu;zhont the svitrld. • ' Priuripa7'OiNee,l3 Ceitur street, Now York. • P.W.CF., ONLY 25 CENTS PER BO7YLE do t y For kale In Arontrose by. Abel. Tamil. • • 'HOWARD . ASSOCIATIONi • PIIILADLLPHIIk, -. ; • .1 Bcnei..oknf Itititution established by ape. Endounaint. for.: the' Relief of the Sick and Pi.stressed, ajlietq with Vsruletit and • Epidemic Diseases, and especially Jri the • Cure ri 1h eased tti"thi Sexual .Oryatas. idg EDICA L ADVICE ftiecn, gratin by the A.;:tin4.Borgertn:fc nil who apply by letter with a aetzeriptihn.of their condition. (nge.'oacu' riation. habits of fife. dze . ..j and in castes of ex trer_le po, t .srtv.tnediein ra turnis , hed free of ehnrge . 'lr:dim - We ittpnrttt on Sperinntorrhmn, and oth er llitienetr4 of the tit Istal Orkans,• sent tu,'"t he of tlitled in - t.onlcd letier.envelopee,'lri4 cf. rhergo 4dt.lrote. Dr. J. Skill in. ilonchtnn:Arting Sitr. aeon, Ifoword'Assneitttion, N0..3 Smith 9th..0. a, .Ifr ordernitt . ..e.Direntors.. forg rAndlw, lamp 'Oll.,Sr.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers