T4e Fight tit Tort P)okeiis• • • ,••• Ernt.ters FPO![ A PRIVAI* .••- ? ' b At ten &clock - on:the morning Of .- the I 22nd,.the Richmond s oPenedi a bopbard-1 ntent of Fort. •Aleßea and the netgbbor-.! in k ; sand batteries. For a iiiiile- r ‘ every- i thing went on sw immingly ;abut the ene- I W My opening a poerful tilled, battery on the ship, the 'conflict - grew sOious.,s The I . •i li • It I Arriter says: • • ' . ,:,- ~ "I had been complimenting, they- rapt= :aiti ofone of our g uns, for 01'43 aCellbey of 'his aim, whep ;t.sbell from . Vuyt ',),leltea bounce!' through ,our bulwarks and took the pour fellows head squat'e off.;; Ills ibrains and blood were scattered 'all over any face, blinding my eyes land •n - taking ,my brain reel. , ,1 "A'Ve had thirteen men setting that gun. Of these six wer&Woutied and om killed i . .outright. The spectacle ws4 one f the . maost horribleintaginable.- ' - •II .. "The firing continued-all - day; :nil was resumed by the enemy next morning.— .By this time, however, We'had inoved beyond range of their guns, but Altii Niag ara was still-doing her beat - to jilence them • "Up to - this time; Fort Pie , .kens lia.g lost but one man killed and seven wounded. / "Some idea may be had of the weight of the rebel metal, in the facet thatf.!•when the shell, alluded to above; itruelclus, the" explosion raised the ship out of w4er,and• made her stagger like aglrunken . ' "Another shell burst six feet belOw the . water line,-causing the ship ,to leakfreely, but by the aid of the eeaut4 pumps we think we can keep her free. "We haveiMpairekbut have- net de stroyed, and cannot desfroYlleß6, until we flare rifled guns. The smooth bore guns which we are obliged tit) use 1 1 is , no match for the Rifled catinon' i bT the enemy, and the sooner the Govertuttent acs upon . that truth the better.. , 11 . . f l , • i notiters,4tead Thlai—The folloWlng le an extract ••The.'N iagara, an the while, Was at -.- from a letter Wr.ltten by them for of* Baptist Church to side the hat, an, diet- . t v l= ., urri t n , :ntl Messr nger:':Ciucinnatt I. Ohio. It says seine distance outit , - i wl c r,,,, j .,, fLo r r , o u ct o ha4l, l7 , rld-renigned metliciue-31n . s. not be much in, fired: ..i i i r; ,;.- We seenn ad veri hoement P h l iroar r IEN 'V 11% . " TolflOrrW (23d) we int qiill AO i : renew I stew', Soothing Syrup. Ndw we zi:f ' cr un grd ° a word in ; favor of any Went medicine in our lite, but we fed sln the bombardment, with the det4rmina- i yelled to say to your readers that this to no humbug—wx . , to whip tit- be whipped. -: , ; -, , .I AVE TRIED rt. - AND KNOW IT TO 8ie.111.1. IT CLAMS. it iS . ECO , h u nb ..e l.liAn ,, c o o n r i t o he mostruccessful tn, divines of the day: "The Richmond, previonS' to 4oinin; ,, i fthe bcq. Those who have babies cant do baiter than to lac to a supply. datlo c - here, was employed in the blockade.: of the Mississippi passes. , During . her tibsOiee front there, we have learned that Oeveral Rebel vessels have managedito go to '4a, "A Spanish vessel hadcorile.tioisin .with a 'nuurber of Spaniards on board; wlio were obliged to escape front New g rleanS to nvOid imprisonment_ ; "The fitritives report -034, thei! most, vigorous prevarmilons-Arere ,bent? ,Inade by the rebels to repel attack:: rilloy had three ironclad steam bat terin grain . * ready icL c.arrvinf%from- eighteen. to ..I;w6hty guns of the heaviest calibre. They, were also constracting additional steam; 'rains • and fire rafts." - • ; --- - - Glasgow, Mo. Der. Stb--I*enittorious marauder, Captain Sweeney.; ltnd hisband of reLbm.s, who have, for soni c '? tithe past kept this section of country! in terror; were caplured, yesterdhy y at liogei's' Mill near here, by a detatchmedt of itvalry tinder Capt. Merrill. Sweeny's 'pickets were surprised and capturiid, and his whole band thirtydive in - nuinber taken without firi n a gun. —On Tueday night the rebes out of the woods, S3lllr.f. 7 or tilMiles above Itonthey, and captured someNagoli•trains killing two men and wounding •Itieyeral •others. They burned:one ',two ',of the scagons and started of withlthe litilres A party was soon: dispatched ,front Rom ney after.them, but did not; 'succeed in overti.king' them. The - Vniou scouts. the PreACyterian church lin the niiighborhood and seized some property Belonging to a Mr. Paneolir.l, —The transpokt Atlanticym hot return 0 - Port Royal,. will take Ont. a Printing tress, typg,tte,:, with i viewi r of ,tari tiny a newspaper, to be continetedninder t he . supervisipn , of • General 'Shernfan. A proper person,will be selected asheditor and it is tonfeirldated to is 1e a weekly ,Iteet,'whi - eh i sha . Uexpress the- sentiments of theGovernfnent, and at the sante time aid in suppreSsing rebellion :on thci soil of the Palmetto State. • • t - The Secretary t'lf War recoin mendstbe annexation of all the. citities . on the eastern shore of Maryland, Ce cil, Kent, Queen Ann, TAO, Caroline, •Dorchest'er, Somers,et and Iroreeter, and Accomac and Northampton; Va., ito little Dela Ware. This would make .Ditlaware quite a large State, extending into the ocean, with. the Delaware bay on One side and the Chesapeake on the c'lther. M:ty :land; the Secretary says, could be Cotnpen sated•by the annexation of of Virginia , lying east bfthe Blue Thi l s Would include Richmond, Petersburg, burg, Norfolk and Portsmouth—the ^• g, est cities in the • State-4nd etubrace about. fifty_ counties , of its itio'st pop-, uhiusp•art, being 'something leSs I thai half of the whole of , A. would seetn to us better to leave this Otter to , the Slates after the rebelliott is crushed. ._ ~ lion: David Tod,*Gosvertuk eleet 1 Adsniuistrater's Notice. of Ohio, has ordered that the ClVeland 1, ``Toner. is hereby given to all perteils haring d:rnlnds Herald,. a,viotqnt Abolition - ne+paper, ' township, d the tt e ?et, te gaVtTie ehe Stl l / 1 1 - 'mts n i. 'o presentedo Auburn • tin miderillmed fur arrungemeuLan d all persons Indebted shall no longer be allowed fo be, to said estate an requetted to ranks inimediatepayMent Heald • OU the - ears of the! Cleveland and *7..klithoning ! i • ABRAM WALTMAN, Adminlatrator - • Anbur • Ceu'r railroad, of which he is the President.— '., An bur _ ___.. s• Dee. 60412;61. - -f:lT * Goy. Tod gives as his reason fiat the ' Auditor's Notice .-- I• ~ . e.ixtrse of-the Herold "is highly (destruct- • 'N I , TOTIC is hereby given that the undersigned, an Am it's sir the beSt intere.sts-of _'.our -Gov ern- . I i ditohippointed by. the Orphans Court id Stinqueli'a 4 snout.', to of the funds ltrthe hithda of ,Inent.". -* • . • . ''' 1 , ;. fS. F. McKune, deceased, will attend i e . . • . to the duties of his_ appolutmen tat kis Mike in Montrose, . • ______ ......i5...m.5.c.--- 1- -- 4 1 . i . •-•:- t lie Chicago Post notice the!',:.'arri val 1 "o h . m s ": 4 .Vg'el h A m n et Tp ( la r ee jal tir pil .r 4'o sa- o:Itt;:4- Ile ea u st in-that ail -, af the remains of a inclinber.of ; % re s ent . their claims or be forever after barred from corn -i -in upon said fund. . CoL Firmtnly,arth Cavalry 4egimiint, who aegio•tui . 3.11. McCOLLUM, Auditor. - ' ' ' • has been tried And .shot ?ot - ',Slcepiiin While I - .. - ......_.___ AuditA)es .Notice. • :on duty as aguard._ ;;; • • ~; • OTICEi is berebr given that the undersigned, an .Ati --Sahla lesditig Dettio(mit of the Wvest, 11\ ditor appointed' by the Court of Common Pleas of the other day, t. - 4 , die ?resident, "If those 1 lt,lX,etn n tr i antr a i l tAt r o ' i nake distribution ! .;f the [ands' who helped to plase poss-ill f,' pow 6, 'were' , ill' of said county, on a ih. e g. T ,Tn n t a ilf r "caCi If • the Sher : (No. 20• Court Street, ,as trulY your friends, and IS unselfish and Nov,, ps a I 4t. Itoge . .re opium John Malony.. •Zii. 141 of N Term, i DM, 14111 attend to the d u ti es of his appointment at his M-Tichereser the 0 over -&..liaker Stitch .lifaihines i - hare exhibited lind fairly Judged in competition with ! , ' - • Sign of the 111EIE HIVE Bin”hainliiin October 17 1861 ' - honest...in support of your adminiktration, 1 Intee in M ontrose on yralay e ltlm'lOth day ofJanuarylfokt, the leading Sewing Machines in the market. Including i ____,• ___,__:,..__ . _ *, .. • • ..:- , e the Wheeler & 'Wilson. thee have invariably. b'orne off ,- - as those *who apposed. yvytt; yotii!'would : tite e r lL ealad o w`ili t "p m res - e a ntlit t lir cl l :t n tm e u s odr place all ve'r er lf4. the first premium. .. . .. . lAllivoßD:uNivEßk h ave l egs t ,,, 0n u e.. , 41 he VA &i nk so, ,i 1 barred.from coming in upon said fund. . - -t , . ; 7,„ , fled; in• . F. B. STREETER, Auditor. replied* the 'Prey eat.. ..•, --' , T • . -' ---- --. Oharlesignmuser, C. siSenat;jtir from 1, ' - u itoes. Notice. _ A d' lIIIIE Fall Term of this Institution will . mmence on .1 Wednesday,- September 4th. The Winter term ou . Ma.saclittsetti, was invitecrto defier an , Wednesday December 4th; • and the.Springterm;onyed. • MILE undersigned haring been appointed by the Orph- nesday. February 12th, - . :•* • J • athinisig before the .oidierctUelie . ,t-Sti6e ; I - ,1„ ans Court : -n Auditor to distribute the amount In • Reefs Term consists of eleven weeks. ty of ilaretitilL M'ass.. 4 a sh.Ort dine since I the handsof-the administrators of the ism le of Jae: W. * 132C.Z 3 .1111VE.113181.; • ' and did to: And he charged and ';eeeited i decedent, wlttl'irtYtto .. 11i t e l flOies . t7hrs „ d ppo l iernleg i a d t TUITIO.N.--ohminOns Branches, including 'coma outs •- • • twenty-five &Ilan; for his • ..fsirvitis ! 11 . 1 t i ts oi = In Montrose on FRIDAY, December kOth e , 11161 is • - g i 83,00 .1 I I:. p.m.: at which time and place-all persona i'...lattual-Philosopliy, Chet.nliory. rhysiola and Book. any man in this eonutry hakdotteia tlik . 4ol . ,lutemsted in said, distribution are required to peseta , . Keepinq ' '• , - - • - - .410 :heir claims F be forever debarred W" m an "'" ' n u P °6 l Do itr •t Th PIA . ' ' " ''- ' . - Montrose, N. Algebra. Geonetryand Ancient Langttagesi b. 0 er'thing„ t... , onSiderin•riat th e cirilit '4.4/3 - I I 4 IL, ,- . said fund. MJ. TURRELL, ' n orge e Place. ..• , .t . French 5, 0 , eeS, we have ailed ~ to'noti4 it. %,. .: .u °r = l 4w• - •' - , Auditor. i -, ;' ..• , . - --..:-------- 'Ntle,ie nil Pin no,•until the War is over l' • 8,00 _. ...„,...,..: I -. But if yon Inquire ofyour neighbors - for ',............. .: , DV% SOL UTIIO N ! . , Room rent. ' 1,60 '. Expenses of Recitation room • - • •: , . 1,00 —An abolitionist is as rtiuelt 4 - f tt se- Alininistrator's Notice. I ',,, - ' k r :: • ii .„ 2l / 1 0 Cheap Store,' 1 , - k-- - , ; , Lecturemitita gap& ApaTattis are given every eessionist as any tole Annul in Sotittli*C-ar- 1 , Nu - HEM:IBi Letfits of.Admisietration to the estated I The. will'in7, invariably direct you 41 - ' • i rung. Firm of RILEY L LATIIROP was dissolved by', ' week. _. 1 F.ach room is furnished with a cooking skive. bedstead olina.-inclrew Johnson. , , . IVI Lillybridge Munger& late . of Herrick, township, i• HAYDE I , BROTHERS . 1-1 mutual consent, on the 22d. of October. The accounts , and table, for thus ! who ebooie to board themselves, 1 deceased, having VOA granted to the subscriber, all per- i 9 , and tones of the late firm may be found at • the store for n ; • oard can be had in the neighborhood at two dollars Tills IS precisely what We liake been • seng_tedehtod to the said estate are requested to make i ,• • • - 'i ' '• • . - • . ~„i settlement, ,- . , • • . MINOT RILEY, ,i. per week.. •-•- . • - *Lenin , * our readers all the Itifie. t heAll. ,i,Lni,e . d w ilif,P7mVian i g i .th o uie 4..l , 43f i Vra . ,knig? the ; • * TEN.PEOPLE'S AGENTS. .. •;! bpriugrille,.Nor. 4th.- .. ,I. B. LATIIROP. i I i Pay in advance, or properly secured: .. - • • i: ~.! _. - • . r - V - Tlie Mercantile busineas trill be conlinned by the ttn-‘ , Raeford, August 8. ISCI. • • •• • (di Cuittists ofthe North. are as fzri t at ene.. *. ileFrxck , ; l l/C•r1'., 861 . -6 1% . ... • - Adinitd ! srnitar, !. ? 1 ! . I AT , THE— . - -. 1 dersl g ned, who respectfully solicits the -fawns of 0 i- .---..-,_-„._-.--5___.............._ mies to the Vnioti ac the Most: Ulira men ! . -'" - ' •*' - . 1 ' and NEW Customers. • • : -; ' -' . i ORIGINAL "ONE PRier! STORE' .1 - - . -,- -- -- i ni -, LIIILEY. 1 L. HARDIN°. in. .. , 0. L. HALLatiLitoll of the South. Theyittwe done . wore -• ' Administrators Notice. - 11118- i • , • 111 - :..1.i* L. 11A.RDI'SG. ct - -004 _ -.. • chief than all the Fliwds',..the Yaneevs. d ! unIEREILS letters ofAdinbsistratlonlo ' the estate of 'nDri •• ..• •• •' • - . i - . • ' DiOniMoithinnfril=litrtlig;Hatlatirnateiß'ill . . ,a, ,IT Hal•mm Newton,Esq.. late - orMontrose.dee'd, bave i••• n '-'ll if c.so taxes: In .Excliange for Goods. • : ICRULfiII sp. , i . a ae , 4 Ile Beattregards put together; And *Vet ' been granted to the.subscribers, all perking Indebted to . - - i rs ' ....„,1A gro,., ' ..' ' I . Nicholson Depor,'lday ith;-•.T. - . ' ' " i ery ot „, the , isid estate am reqtiested to make immediate pay ; i . • • 140,, , / - a - .:4"au,t, s - vr, rIMIL,, : I NICHOCSON I WYOMING COUNTY • PA. --- - F LUID they have the audacitY to raisirtlit meta, and those haring claims or demands against •th • 1 - HAYDEN BROTHERS r . 1 .E...1 ir i !„gt ~'; .0 1 0 T - - . ' . ' - treason against men Arita -never ilevi at ed entt.n. ot the 1.81(1 decedent, will make known the same , • r _ 1 ....-0...r . _7e. ^n _. f l t ..__ Te l :_ ti _ _ li a o n u A I ! elTe m sTe en ek e e a . reitripeese. candles. limp alk be. ; without di..4si f to; .1. B. IieCOLLUM„ I Admos i , in their support itf the Unit:qt. . ... i horns* -; .• - E. W. SMITH, . f - '-- j. oet.to.-/w ;. • B. M. STONE , PrinelMl I k.l _at : ". - Pr The. effect of the Wesident'a mss sage, and his inOification of - Secretary Camcron's report relative to the dispost• tion of the slaves in _the South, is said- . to have been very marked in Kentucky,- It has given confidence and strengthto the trnion men—a faCt which is indicative of u like result all over the South, :if the ad ininistration confine them Selves topreserv ing the integrity Of the Union 'and • main-. taming the const itution and the laws as the object of the war in spite of •tbe fac tious opposition of the abolitionist traitors, Who arc urging them to a diflerent'course. 7-[Ex. —Thereis" no war news of importance t 'this week--Imily a few trifling skirmishes, !tin different quarters. —Beaufort has been permanently taken possession of by about 1000 men, under Gen. Steeens. No enemy. make their ap peaance, but small- parties approach at night to secure Or. destroy 'the-property 1,101 by the rebels. —The President declines make public any cornmunicathini from Env:land, &C; 1 in reference to the Mexican invasion. --LetterS froni gurope state - that the administration beComing disposed, to ! , acceptibreign intervention with reference to a seliaration. i Dr. Rusiell is authority for this.. ---rt appears thatthe frauds in buying horses t'or the war are more flagrant than at first supposed. Middle men make 10 to $l5OO per week, re-letting contracts. .' —Letters from Havana still speak of a continued running of the -blockade by the rebel -'•apply ships. • Board of 'toilet—Notice In Itersby given. licit the Boma ofltelief, composed of the Atniociate Judges and County Commissiouenn, will meet at the Commissioners' Office. in Montrose, on Monday'. Juts Ist. 1861. at two o'clock; p. m.. and on the . first 'Monday of each month thereifter.to receive apl 'cations and make appropriations for the relief of Noltinteers and their families. under the pFavielons of an Act, entitled •'An Act to create a Loan and to provide for arming. the State, approved Iles 15.19x1, B VW:inn= OP BOARD or RELIEF. . Students intending to attend the Binghamton Com increial College, can hear of something of practical value, trr calling at or addressing this of $2511 EMPLOY:RENT! (STS! ..e..armzrrisi latr.a:wriErip: We will pay from 03 to $ll7.Nr month: and all expenses to active Agents, or give's' commission. Particttlans Pent tree. Address Entz tirtWiSo•COMPAST, It. JAMES, Gen crarAgent, Milan. Ohio. aep4 j;:rl7 The Slips in the new .hiick Presbyterian Cturch In 31outreie, will be sold.on 'Thursday, Jannir ' S'lld, 186:1, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. nor:l3sn . IMCAL.FUJELX.A.C3-1:1751. At'sthe M. E. , Parsonage in Montrose (Jet. 13, "by Rev. R. 'Van Valkenburg, F. G. More of Springville to S: M. Cyphers of Lemon. 'ln Hush, Oct: 2iith, by the siune, Oren Garrison of Vestal to Delia Wileox,Rnsh. - At the Parsonage in Montrose, 14 2- the same, Nov. 21St, E. P; Howe of Kush, to .Jane P. Hall of Twearata: By the sameat sante place, Win Mc- Collie, to Catharine Mary, both of Next - - ark, Tioga -Co, ST,. Y. 7ZIIIIBTXXIS. In the Uo.4pital akWashnigtort, D. C., or: I.sth,Timtis A. Gavitt, a -member of Capt. Leonard's company, >2rl lieg. I':i. Vol., and formerly of this county, 30 years.. In Liberty, Nov. 30111, Diptheria; IIelry):, son of Henry anti Lydia A. Ladd, .El 3 yrs, 7 mos, 13 cis. - lic this tiei•eacement a 'home has been saddened and. hearts made to bleed ; but sorrowing friends,-tho you miss the kind rice and pleaant voice of your dear boy twit', you wish him back to earth again? 0, rather rcioi-:e in the prospect of a bles'sed re-union on the otlier shore where the weary arc forever at- rest. ' In -Silver Lake. Nov. bth, of Diptheria; Allll, daughter of John ind'Amy, 'Gary, vrs and.,s mos.. In :31Untrose, Dec. Ist, of Diptheria; Elizabeth V.,,wite of Wm .Gari-, 25. Dec. 3d„tof same disease, Lucy M. only daughter or Wm Gary, .eF, 4 yrs, Ermos-. Lonely indeed is the borne frotn,whieh the hood ones depart, but We feel that it is only our loss. They rest in Heaven. . "One week ago, two hazel eyes j ,• Were.g4ng into mine. . - • Two dimpled arms with fond earess, o Around Inv neck were thrown, *- .• Ind little pattering fee.t were heard - 1 - Pun my chamber floor - ;: Oh can it be that I shall hear • •. That.fairy step no mote? • No more! yet .Olt, my . grieying heart Let all thy murmuring cease. In the good Shepherl's sheltering arms, She rests in perfect peace So softly nestling-front the touch Of sorroiy, sit , and care; - • O licird I that last may see, And clasp my darling there." . . . • _ , ohday Goods.l -' i Silt.- CO.. NU B AL: ! . _ .... ..., . W"Tilv'slll,tritrigita.l=h7dreA,4%,re, •:- -r. - EilC,Etc)...l::o3—a, •-_, . 1 to hey Watches, Jraratly and Fancy Goods, f or • .. a. , t t or °z i ts ... o _ _ ~.... _ ............ , M I L", •L" 7104 THE: HOLIDAYS !. -4 -. , .. •-- ... ---r---77- 7 7 . - 1 1 . The aniscribera tab.; i entire in ariamacingi s to their" PROF. S. S..HARTWELL,,B. A., PRINCIPAL. friends, that they have t h is day retnenedgrom ..wyark f Mr . I. EE - Bassa, Ist Assistant, a Teacherof Void Visit. with an nnumially large and well selected stock of GoesleT - Misit L. Richards, Instructress of French and Drawing. • with especial reference° the a PP r Sl a n hin g .F e ative Bru e n- Miss E. Intekman,lnstructress of Music an Piano.' • - Any•perban,desirOna °twitting . _ • I Miss A. W. Hartwell, Instructress in 'Primary Drpart- I nt. Christmas '• or New Years' me Presents, I . n. o. mammy, M. D.,lnatructor of Anatomy and Physic]. I • , an and a:rich - and extensive assortment to. select Rom,' and at prices thaecaunot &II to suit, as we buy our. Goods G.T.Dinitick, M. D.. Lecturer oil '' -' .- '•. " - I exclusively for cash, and show them with pleasure with- !other Assistants and Lecturers will be enipl as the • , ' out charge.. _ i wta f the achool may demiend: • - -. ' - , ..EVANSS, ALLEN. . an n • . ' Watehes—Ladles' Diamond Enameled. and plaln-.• ,-....i,-'.....--.: • ' - • a splendid article:, •Also a variety of Gold and iiilvei Eng. . ' Ruh. American aiid Swiss, Huntingzind Plain, very luxe, MITE next Term will begin on . . . Gold Chains —A very astectsiS e varie t y of Vest, Fo b , -4; - s. Guard and Neck Chains. by ' f EVANS & ALLEN. I Monday, November 25 1861; Ear Bingo and Breast An infinite variety of styles and prices, i in sets and liP =. ' 1 In respe:t to this Institution, the_ truntee4 . are to stare plot' their expectations of success Placer Rings—Diamond, Ruby, Rigard,Pearl,Seale I happy Chased and Plain.- Gold Rings--a lamp stock. have been fully realized, It Is now in a flourishing Bracelets - 4301d, Jet; Plated, and. HAIR Bracelets of . ,co nd i tio n , and they feel confident in saying to the publie nil patterns and prices. EVANS & ALLEN. Aim( it is entirely worthy of the pationage of all who do -1 - • Sllver Ware—Every deserlptlon of Sliver Forks, and, sire thorn' mental dlsciiiiine,&.tbe acquisition of know!-. Sperms, N'apkinsitingis, on hand also Soup and Gravy edge , whether as a preparation for 'College, or teaching, Ladles-Cups, CUM Cases , Pie, B , utter and•Frult Knives, I or other pursuits. Its patrons may be found in all:parts Chlldrens' sets, silts. etc., warranted good as coin. of the County - and to them reference :is made respecting Plated Ware-A Beautiful assortment of Ice l'itchers , its merits..- . . .Castors. Cake Baskets, Waiters, Butter ,Dishes, Sugars. i ' . Tul on per Term of Eleven Wccki sSalts, Knives, Forks, Spoons; Toast Racks, Cups-Goblets 1 • etc.. etc., by '. - . • 'EYANS & ALLEN. • ' Primary Department, - • .$ 50. Sleeve Buttons and studs—A large stock of all I lllgher Englli h,' patterns and prices. . I Latin, Greek and German, each, • 4 pa. meads—CoraT Necklaces and Armlets, Amber, Coral, - French , .. , ... , . ... -3 00. Pearl Gllt, Steel, and. silver Beads. • ' English, with one Language I 50. -- '- - - ------ 'mod stock of shell back and side 1 •No bill fur tho aboi'e studies aha, l '9 00. Shell &nibs—K. good Stotl. Combs, Ildrn, Ivory; end Dressingg - Combs Bair and Tooth Brushes, etc., etc. • Zr4741:1\71131 tdb:- .49.-ILEXAMMT, • $O. 2 Odd Fellows pall, Binghamton. AdministratOr's Notice. ETTERS of adroinistratioitto the-estate of the late _LJAICIIER J. WALKER, of Gibsen haring been granted to the tindersigned„altpersonc Indebted to said &tate arc requested tol make immediate payment, and those hating datums against the same will present them to J01:7 SMILEY, - Gibson, Dec. , Administrator. • _ • • Stockholders' Meeting. TI E &nnual Meeting of.the Stockholders of the Lenoz & 'Harmony: Tnroplke Road Company will beheld at the house of Joel Steenback, ln-Glbson, on Monday, the nth day of January, 166.1. at the o'clock, a. tn. Dec. .sth, • JOHN SMILEY, Treasurer. Administrators'.Sale. WILL ! c exposedto sale at vendee, on tOth day . VT of December, rinay) 1861: at two o'clock. cluck. p. tu., at the house of Wm K. Hatch, in Montrose. the following named property:. late the Cfrtate . of N. Newton, Esq., deceased. One Bay !Torte, a Buggy Wagon, a Sulky, a one horse Harness, Buffaloltobe. and °Mee Furnitare cisnatatlng 'of Secretary, Writing Table, Desk. Chairs, &c. Also, well . seleSted LAW LIBRARY, comprising over 200 yolame s s. • Terms.--Cash Mn sums less than.ss; over that amount, six mouths credit with approved tenuity. J. It. IktcrOLCUM, E. W..,§311T11, Admlnist's. Dec.sth, 1.9131. GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS, AVE been tnade toeupply all the Union Troops with H wiuteeslotbing. but no public provision has as yet been announced : lZr dressing ' THE HOME GUARDS, and the reat.of mankind. But the cold weather reminds the People that the GoneakTailor, Groves, attends to that business in a neat. pi•ompt, and durable mlnuer. And it should be remembered-that " SHODDY" WORK comes from hisShop_ Garments are put together with THE UNION • STITCH! Putting disunion but of the question. All who have had bad FITS should call and on Inc and :rvoid haunt danger. Cutting done right, for ready pay. Remember the place. , • One Door ' est of Searle's }total. The'isteAt l'Ashion9 always on hand. and Instructions given in tnakingnp. To get suited, niwaye rill nn Montrose, Nov'. ir.ith. JOUST GROVES. 't UNITED STITES HMI Roorultisss IS 3r w• I<3 : lIIANTEW - 2010 able bodied unmarried men be tween the .ages of eigltpeen and thirty-flve years, not less than feet three inches high, and et gond character. - rrrE TERIi of SFRVICE.is 3 YEARS J. The rat a of pay is from $l3 TO. $24 - PER MONTH.- In addition to which he is providedwith - nuarters, food. fuel, clothing, and medical attendance. Meritorious men are •sch,te'd from the ranks every day and conithisi,loned Lieutenants in the Regular Ar my. For all other information 4 zionly to Corporal Reuben Chiclieetcr. Franklin Muse. Montrose: Corporal 'Mitch ell, Great Bend.; Corporal Robinson, i Scranton ; or at., Binghamton all. deli. Clay, Captaiti Fourteenth Infan try. Recruit Joe officer. . 'November 1.5*,•15ti1.—w . 2 • • , CORWIN MURDER TRIAL The Trial of William T. Corwin, FOB THE MURDER OF .HIS WIFE, CAROLINE S. CORWIN. rff7,2llu; id press and will be published on - . MOoduy So/Tinter. 1 Ilk. AIT'LL and complete repnrt of this most thrilling and important .11tirtler Trial—the stranet and tuoft singular! case on the records of ' l..t4ente County. - .11E CORWIN MURDER TRIAL, Phonographically reported B. IL Winton, Erg, - About 100 pages. petaeo. A limited untuber bayinn been pnblished.'per,ceas wi*hing to obtain a copy 1011 dd.w•ell in apply at more. eoPY, Pottage:free, eent'hy mail on' the receipt of 2 cents. g/s^"Wholepale price, 12,00 pe; dozen. AU orders, acconinanled by the cath, promptly attended tn. ROBERT BAUR, ' Piatill6her.-Wilkc,barre, Luzerne Co., Pa.- Nor. litb,—Nr. i. - AND BY YOUR ©Viii 321.t3LN7X.! WITH iO,OOO HOD ROCKERS Armed With Brick-Bats: WITHIN 43IONMIS 3IARCII WAHINGTON 33.49.77r3:13131\T .3EMILCASP i - • - The latevt trinmpa of the sewing meehine art—nniselesv, FILL :IND " TED .enopt , I s w . u , b ai :ler „y o ff i es teg Tm w a ng=e i n zi e g t . i c tedzt : hose H U U • 11) I ill POV F. VlititlVllD ! Grover . & Baker - Machine:it, .• IX ' MAKING TIIE , . • • . . 1484 1 7 14P6C111Ualt)N4 GROV ER '&' BAKER STITCH, Them.' nstiv.tetebrated maehinec - adapted to all the mimeo( the leasehold and manufactory, continne.to . ' maintain the prtsemiaence - which the almost universal ' • verdict of the public has awarded them. The'well-kuown STRENGTH ELASTICITY, .& DURABILITY , And with a Plentiful supply We hate purchased'a large , stock of - • , STAPLE.on4 FANCY DRY . GOODS, GROCERIES 2.1: P:ROVISIONS, lIATS AND CAPS, • 1 ; BOOTS AND SIIOES. WABI, PAPER, WOODEN WARE,I 'COAL LAMPS.„ YANKEE NOTIONS assertion nbv thedecision of the corn '• . • SKEL•RTON SKIRT,, • miti4o7igscate•ratTor • • . FLOUR. SALT, - FISH, NAILS,'I im A tA N otic, PAINTS N D OILS' ' • OHIO •and: • - • And 50,000 other articles too randerous to mention,which - will be sold atprices that will • • Ak.N - i the lira premium to the • Deft . Competilion,! ugzy,tbanaire'rnalliltherelnompettetou, • • F.''C! lIANIAXR, • ‘,Agent, Drawing •,pxceed.. Vocal Music, fthree - leasons per wg.k,) .. 3iusic on the Piano, 8 • • Use of Instrument, 0. Doardiroin $2,00 to 82,50 per week. - I The sameconveulences as heretofore for those wishing to board themselves. • . For other information address the Principal at Montrose. W. JESSUP; President. C. F. READ, Seefilhlry; , 1 . 3lontrc se, 'November, 1861.-,tf ' NEW fill &WINTER:. GOODS AT TYLER'S - STOREI FIRST STORE BELOW TARBELLS... A ria: of CRY GI- Earl f, ar Pt. CO Ft I MI M FRESH CODFISH, STONE WARE, WOODEN WARE, BROOMS, • &e., PAINT & VARNISH BRISIIES7, BLACK SCRUBING,, II Al 11, Tooth, NAIL, and' LATHER BRUSES, ALL - VERY CHEAP. - ALCOHOL, TCRPENTINE, & LAMP BLACK, TALLOW, SOAPS Of every kind b u t soFr. AT TYLER'S STORE. BE.Z.B..,"zinng, a r n h ap, i .r c l io cran i Tiie C :T i e ) . henc 4 Tallow, id MN rtOD LIVER, Pure Olive, Castor, and Metarlie . Oil, for machinery; also parkin and British Oil. - FOR THE HAIR, A-1171 . 1 World's Let t r a tz.2ylab? I samnm et's lynr nonlandtwo hilling lair Tonie, Cienn'slear's and io.eair Oil, Ponenie.de•Philocome. Philadelphia and N• York Month Wash, % . tz : Parish's Fragrant Elixer. for the teeth and and gums, Dalyryiriple'S 31outrIVash, Dental Soap,' AT TTLER'S,•STCORE. • ORSFS Indian Root Pills,Wright's Indian Vegetable i. 1, 1 Pills, Cephalic Pills.—death on Headache. [_Vv - Dont ask to get trusted at TYLER'S STORE. Montrose, Noi. Rh. HENRY C. TYLER. GROVER & BAKER'S CELEL'ILI7'ED OI&ELESS SEWING _.'7.-ACHINE'S, run. FAMILY Am? 3s..a..vcrAcrrniNG ESE, 495' Broadway, Now-York Agencies in' all (tie principal- Oiled and Towns in the United Stairs. .1 The Grocer & Baker S. M. Co. Leg to catl theattention of the .public to . theireeceptly Ins:rode-, ced NOISELESS FAMILY ANO.MANUFACTURING enwxas(si zgacusteas,„ - THE SHUTTLE OR LOCK STITCII. i These machines, combine all the latest useftd Improye- I ments in seniugmachinery, and are highly recommended , for their Simplicity of Construction; • • Noiselessness, Rapidity;, 2 • Ease of Management; Capacity for all kinds or,work," And Beauty and Regularity of,Stitch.. Various styles of these machines adapted to the hones or worksbop trill be found at the different agencies ofthe company thruughtuit the United States. Their new. ! SHUTICEIIACHINE FOR TAILORS' USE, of the Grover & Baker Stitch still always insure these machines the preference for family use, for the manufac ture of such goods as arc intended for wear—for Wm and not for allow: ABEL7TURRELLi Now offers tor, ule one•of the lnrgest and best-selections of t ,J Ever offered in Susquehanna County, and probably comprising the. grk•atest VA RIETY or - most different articles of any Store. in the Northern part of Pennsylva nia, and perhaps of the •entire State. An assortment is kept in about thirty differ .eht branches oft rade f and the selections are Made from about forty of. the b'est Houtiesin New York, ifid more than fif ty Dealers and Manufacturers out of New York. A large_proportibn of the Goods are brought direct from the Manufacturers, thus insuring genuine articles. Custom ers on entering the Store Must not expect to find everything in sight, but.nearly cry article wanted will - be produced by inquiry. Some idea of the Stock may '. be formed by the followhi general outline, but enumeration is insp kacticable. • DRUGS .4 Nb.MEDIC/NES,• .`. PAINTS AND'QILS,- DYE STUFFS, GROCERIES; LIQUORS, • - CROCKERY, GLASS-WARE, - WALL and WhlrD OW PAPER, JEWELRY, '• •• • . S'ILVER-WARE, PERFUMERY, )'ANCY. GOODS, mu szcAL INSTRUMENTS, ••• BRUSHES ERICAN POCKET K NIIVES,• • . TABLE CUTLERY azttt - SILVER PLATED WARE L'AMPS, jIAT'ERIALS - for:LIGHTS, HARD J ARE , • BED CORDS, SPONE TARE, DI; Ge)QDS, MIRRORS, • '1 r EVIND 0 Ir . AND PICTURE G.L.4SS,'., LITHOGRAPHS, TARNISHES, - BIRD CAGES, SP . ECT4CLES, W111P.;.5,471A5,HE5, GUNS - , , PISTOLS, AM UN ITION rr.o u A.O C O. MEDICAL & SiURGICAL insfrunients, SAL7', 504,4 , ) POTA,SIT, UMBREVLAS,y - fiORc i NLAIN TEETH. Th 6 .attentionl.of the piiL&c is respect-. fully invited to 14 stock of Goods, bou g ht BASHexclusively for , and will be sold'on the same principle for low prices. ABEL TURRELL: . Montrose, 31:i3 Ist, -1961. IF, YOU' WISH TO PURCHASE AT GREAT G4i XS A7' GREAT BARGAINS Be spre and call at the Be,shre and call it tho `Bee- ,p, hive. ' •"6.6.*P' -,-'7•••••1,14 . • 6;021 le. No. 20 Corner Bingham- MISOIMMI BROTHERS, Have received -anottier' , .Large Lot of New Fall and Winter Gods! making their's die largest-and best assorted stock, ever L exhibited in Broome county. Theirgoods comprising the latest styles that appear in • the lkiely York market...have all been bought for cash, • mostly at auction sales at largo sacrifice, and are now I offcrea to the public . • Regardless . of their Valise, at a small advance. Whereby we are enabled to sell Rich Goods atrn4t equally low as the price usually paid fur chualier labile!. Please rend the following list ofprices : Wcare selling Good-DeLainell for • ' tO 121 i Handsome - do 15 Rich Oric.ital Lustre!,l • • • 16 - Plain and,tigured French merinoes, 56 to I 1 .55 Good Black Silk. wide.for •- 75 , Worsted and bilk double Broche Shawls, 4 50 Woolen Do tibTe shawls,' S 25 Handsome cloaks at Great Bargains„, All Wool black broadcloth, . - All wool colored cloth, X large variety of cloths for men's and bole' wear. Marseilles Bosoms. . - Ladles' cotton hose, - . • . 1 . Ladles' ribbed wool dd. 3 pair, . - Gond Steel spring skirts, India Robber combs, • • . handsome silk belts., I' ~ • - I2X Wire Port lit00114C:., " • , • 1 . • . 124 And Innumerable other Geed!' at the same proportion, BE SCItE Mgt CALI, AT 'IRE before purchasing elsewhere, as we are sitiefla abet tlits is the only place to . secure such • =TR:WM:ID:ARV BARGAINS, • . • ,WANTED!- WANTED !•-; runo ITITLER'S STORE. - 1,000 busbels of Oats, , • 10,006 lbs. Fresh Butter, in Tubs of Rolls, . - 500 lbs.Reeswalr, . 5,000 dozen Eggs, 500 dozen pairs Good Woolen Socks, . Highest Market ..Price will be ,Paid in • GOOD GOODS B A Y n. C. TY lAIR. Montrose, Nov. 4th, THE - WAV CONTINUED! GREAT BARGAINS PREVAILING: NEW FALL GOODS - • ' ... - . .- For Cash and prompt el.r. months -buyers. - • i im s. ; 121• Cr 17 6 IR . I WTI . ' - COMMERCIAL: COLLEGE. -..'-`.. l):\da NGH ted over the 'Susquehanna Valley Bank. . • 'would again call attention to his New and Large stock of i - ' —l ' BIAMTON N . Y - • i now being received, and embracing . the must desimble ; l.) I. V.:l.(VELL,Teincipai, Profeieaor of the • varieties of Ladiet Dreeia Goode, in Bich Fall nto, . , '•Seience or Actiourits,• Practicai Act;onntallt, Cashmeres. Detainee, Ottoman•Valoce, licrinnes, • i Tamboitrd-Reps., GlrMuuns and Silka ; Stet- - ! Author of Lowell'a Treaties upon Boolt-KCe I). la. bilk: _ Bruchc, and Wool Lori Stovall.. —. J. i n•,,r, I/izgroths illustrating. the tame. , Rich Ribbons, Bonnets. and 1 wers ' . . ! Jena It acma. l'lgutnerciat Accountant, Profes e r • • Ladies ',. Cloths', Broadcloths. Cue. ' _ . . 'lnterco, &c., With a Airy full . y. I of Book" Keepint! a3d•Practkal Mallen:stir& * •. asaortment.of . - „.• iJ r J. CURTS . S.. A. , etibla4t. l'rele.9sot. in the Book - Stapleas usual in , and Fano3r Goods' i livepine Departnierti. . •' / •t• J._ WAT:NEU, Professor of Practical 'nil d Or- ' - - Hardware, Crockery, Iron, * •, - nainciiisl Penruarnyhip, Cointneicial (.7 ilen!a- Nnifs, Paints, Oils, Boots and Shoes, • 'T --• ti,,rts Lilt! Currespondcuee. .• • Hata and Cape, Clocks, Wall Paper, Ladies' ; - • - - ~ Furs, Buffalo Robes, Carpetlage. &c.. with a new I • • assortment of Stoves aud Trimmings of the beet quality, ' • ••••••-•- ILECTURE",:s: . . made to. order, fte., .t c. - . I ° . . • r As the stock Is largeand bought fur cash, he is fully i 4.qt . .it:inlet S. Dickirson, Lecturer nu Coln m er• prepared to conquer a • Peace," and secure the highest ~ , r lid Law and Political* Economy. . advantages of the "War" to-his:customers - who are lA-' [1, 41. Hans° , flait ,,,, ni. I, e - inter en c ontrneti. cited to range themselves under his " Banners '-' and and be. , - . cure the benefits of the "Fight." • '. - I Protnisaury Notes and Bilk of Exchange. . , . Flour & Salt. . conotantl?bn hand-i.ituv • Dr. E.. Andrew,, Lecturer on Cculapreial • New 3lilford, October 1661'. • 11. Bumurr. ~. ' thi 'k" , . NEW NEW G EW 0 00(11)S. -• S ! -BIW6MS NEW L:IIARDIN:G PENIIANSIIIP In - ail ltp braliehe%, t4u. , fht by the rot 111111131 and thor ou4b misters of the :•rt. No College in the country en juya a higher reputation in thiP department. Ladrea• De partment entirely.selmrate from that of. thegentlemen. talents mu enter College at any time. :So VaCUti9r3- Time to complete the courue. from 8 to 10 weeks. rtn dent.' 'patialng the requl%ite exrar,ination are presented . . with the moot elaborate and elegant engraved I.r.plomis • . • Issued, be any Comruerclal or Classtml Institution in the LIBERALDIscou . N/11 , . bi l:n tiv io a n tios:l. U . ati ; t . anne tu. i Fender on,. ed t of gr i td re nates pro il eurta i: g f • ' • ' gr:tdrtAili pi.)*:tions.&c. addre4a the proper tor, fel' circulara contuinin full particulars. LONVLI. & WARNER. ' Proprietors - Binghamton Commercial College, Nov. S. . - Binghamton, N. T. NWHOLSON DEFOT. a A ' 9 • , We are determined not to be -out=done • itithe way cf lUNDS OF PRODUCE Taken In Ezehane.for D 4G: G. Cao OCO 0 321) D ta .1 ALL cleocrin . :l9n, 0f...E.0re.! are remediable by the prop: - , _AI_ er and (bit:tent use or this ines4linable preparAtion. • L. alumna ek., Co: .. . • - . h l „l"...,heiln,',P,,`,e'ithcrurt's' ^ b3 lt IrtrPsiotnerantlet%lgleilitre a :4° ak Nicholson Depot, .uay 7th, the only eah to ra Yonal 18 61 • - Gm • out r re OV M- Py 4 9. W ---:--:. and succesqui treatint nt, as indicated by nature, is to ru. . . • • ' . duce the . le itainalation in and about the round. and tO Court St. - Water St ' • - - soothe the neighborim, ,, parts by rubbing- in plenty of the N'® iii r 3E 4 0 3.. • . . - : Ointment as salt is forced into meat. ' - ' . . /TIME Late Fintrilf Baldwin .S, Allen, Flour and'-Psorls. , Dipthcria, 'Ulcerated Sore Throat,: and Ecoilet and -.ll_ ion dealers, will be continued under the name of Allen. . . . other Fevers: . . . Deans & Co. All due the old tlrm is In the hand's of-A. ; i I_ NY of the ;bore diseases may bo cured be well rub., Baldwin for immediate settlement . A. BALDWIN, • : blng the Ointment, three times a day, in the she: :, July oth, 1861. W. I '. A IdLr-N ... ' • . . throat and neck of the patient : it will soon penetrate on , l give janoedlate relief.' 31edicine taken bir the mon:, NEW . HR3I.- - . ~,..„ operate noon the whole system ere its Influence Ma . - ' ' he felt In any Leal pan. uhereas the Ointment will do it, work at once. Whoever tries the unguent In the above ALLEvs, 7 DEAs, . 1 .-- t() . !,,., i4:,,c,,,,,.,rf,,,,r,e"e1di...i.,,..dati.,j.,..,n-nrosuuti,edicArea:trilitts,e!nallieirydlseac.trrilecr,4. "11 1 ' " - .Vtf • rd an by a taartn. I I:, s- Filet, Ilivtzla, Stricture 3. . .‘. . . , Under Montroie Democrat Office, , f 11111: .abve class . of comhints will be remcried ..i 1. nightly o fetninting the•p p arts with warm water. aunt ARE RECE,IVI.NG '` • • :- • • , then most cifectually rubbing In the Ointment. Persona - suffering :rum these direful complaints should lose not e ' LI Fresh Ground Western FLOUR '-meutent in arresting their progress. It should be under, . - • stunts tl3), it not p ort merely to smear the fgt.:- retry B,c• days, which we warrant to give satisfaction - ment On the at parts. but it must be'well nibbed !:-. as any in market; if not good returned at our expense. ' :fur some coasiderabis time two cr three times a day, Mat : -.- It nine- taken into the system, whence it will remove any Feed, and Buckwheat Flour,_ hidden sore or wound ifertnally as thongh palpable to the eve., There again breed and seater pon It! , after nn —SALT AND . K,POR• ruhlAng in of the Ointment, will do kr:eat service. This is the only sure treatment for females, cisett of cancer .in Bi THE LOAD,' BARREL or: POUND.: the stomach, or twiner: then: may he a general beady'; ELMS, [Sugar .Curedl,• - . . - -I rthOiscretiwas of Yoath ;—Sore: arid Ulcors. - , ' • Dried Beef, , ~. , g - 11.0TC:11ES, aselso swellings, can, with certainty', bs . . -1 t. , ) radicallY cured if the Ointment be used" freely, and Smoked Hali b Et , • the Pills be - taken night and mornlng, as Drips anti Syrups; '• in the in the printed Instructions. l'he.rt treated tosay Molasses and Sugars,: -. . .; - 7,,, th o e tfic‘ , rl y w t t e c y -„A n , ly ,:737?nt.'enteAf to place e remove the hurter - from the systitm and leave-the patient a vigorous and; TEAS, !COFERE, • ' SPICES, .-h,•totn b - 'fir will requiretimei hth of tl. y cng. BROOMS, AND N.AILS, -- ,i'ir.t. to encore a tasting cure. • - ••• . ' Dropsical Zwellinge..Peralysis and Still Joints. schith we offer kraals at Low Prices, for ItEADY PAY ' ONLY. i Montrose, July 9, Itill.; $ I.THOUGII the stews comolaints differ widely tr. ; -; ....L. their might and nature; sci they all retittire Ict:4l • , ... . • '. treatment. -Many 6141., ti ors[ ' cases, of such disesm.7.. FANCY FURS : FANCY FURS: -will yield In a. comparatively short space of time wile:: ; this ointment &diligently rubbeclanto the partsaree-.cd, Tohn Fareira l . . even - after every other means have tailed . all.serl,as maladies the Pills should be taken according to the print- AECll•Street between . td directions accompanying each box. . 'tit„ and Nth., Sts.. ; • - - - ' •. 'ate of A ra l • b! SO' ; Mill ti . e Ointment and •Piiis 3hnuld be used in 1 hUadelphia. . - . `,- ' . itrren. MANITPACTVttiItI ,• ' '— • 11'e Nl''Wh-21; Canes: ' - - DEALER IN A'LL suns T .,.,, i f ~,„,, : - cv e e. n .sei et: ~.'c a ' Y n d/ 2 - , - A R 1 i5 ,1; ::.,1 j ,",,,1 1: :. ,"It . ol lii.".a.t , . Chilrdains." . . gu i l ' ? ;Ls ' . Chapped Hands, ... Lumbago,. I t Y d in f n u a l t ' a w g na ln n ,, u . ru u l:: . r ,i ' f il t u la n n ' d ' u • lar . Selling.sf:orns, iSoff , ' iles, ant b eaut i fu l' . 6 ...„.„ i Bute of Mo-clittoe4, ti sneers, . RheumAtism , o f e n, the .N.,, e l„ th , anti Sand-Files. Contracted sad Scalds,. roco.l.itv ' StiffJoi Ms. : Sore Nipples. , .ts and qualities of FrITA. ,i. . Skil Disttie. • Scurry, pled to the coming Fall ' VPre Throats;... ' ,' . m em : - tor: utent• ..Tumors, • Winter Sessonn. I.' Yaws • ac...t.c". &c. • • aid respectfully invite an i Wen 66 4. iminatfou .of my stock ', ' CAUTION I—None ate geninne unless the word:1111(dt (I purchase. as lam ens- ', /DIVA I', ' NEW-YOIDI AND Loxnox,': are discernible as s • , water-Mark In overt. leaf of the book of direettons arnuid An my biro have been purchased for cash, and made i etich not or hoc: the: 99)99 may be plainly seen brill:ding by experienced-and competent hands,and lib the preeent -: Me/sit/to fAe ligLt. A handsome reward will lg.' given to monetary troubles render ft neceisarythat I should die- . any one rendering ettch infoomation as may lead to the . pose of my goods at very small advance on cost. detection of any party or parties counterfeiting the meet- • . lam satisfied that It will he to the interest of - those , . eines or vending the same, knowing them. to be sprolot., - . - who dealgu purchasing, to give me a call. ' - - i ~,-. :told at the Mannfactorv-of Professor HOLLOWAY, It; CO"' Recollect the name, number and street :, . Jrilm 1 Malden Lille, New York, and bye!' respectable Druggists' Earcira, (New7 l lr Stofe.) 'lla. Arch Strecr.''Pbnad ol- i and Dealers in Medicine. throughout the civilized wcriti. .plda. . , ' • ' Sept, 14th iCnt..fitn. :in boxes at 25 cents. 0 cents, And $I each, - - ----,--- - -----------..--- --- • -- -- ---- -- a -- i i'o` - ' There I. considerable saving by takinff larger-b0x.. , .€ ' ' 3l 1 •IS' - :HOOD ' a' ' . ' . .N. B.—Directions for the guitistletretPatlenti/ in Clet7 .• : disord e r ire aMited to each box. . • How LOST, HOW RESTORED .._ . MEAT .MARKET. •• • • ~ - if EST Published ; In a Sealed rlevcicipe :' On thy inn toe l el-treatment, and radical cure ofitperuntorrhunt or sem- !' On Public Arepfie, ncur_:..scgrle"." 'foie!. bud weakness, eexna? dchllity,nerrousuesi and lois - dna- i. ~,.. . d , • laryemissions. prtitincing'impotency; consumption, anit : r..- N El. enr.inoite . tin hand ag' no " if-e - tippty Of mental and physical debility.• IV Mli:/t.TB .of ull` kinds. CASIi ' ri4iii - roid . . BY 8 1 18T..J. - CB- I NE R WELL I 3 ' .73 ; .• ' ' &Seri Cults Itt,Cstive.,filiiiepouttn nibs. The impottant fact that the awful consequences . et-self - ; . , ___ _ . , abase maybe effectnally remored without internal medl7 I A law for Bild . eit'of link halls. ..- ' - ' duce or.the dangerous applications of Caustics. Mt-tram. t . I I ENS 7 OC li d 4 HAWLEY. tuts, medicatcdhougies, and other empirical deVives. Is • - N. HAMILL heye clearil i demonatrated,and.the entirely - new and high.; ' .s. 2'. it E XsToc It Rt , ... . irancesse t treatment:as adopted by the celebrated au. i NI unt....se, Marv!' 30th. 'a. —t f. , . tlior rally explained. by Means of which every one is en- - aided 10 cure himself perfeutly. at the least, possible Cost, ' • " thereby avoiding all .1.14 e advertised nostrums of -the day. ,; . - ABEL • TURRELL .. - ' Theact.„, will prove &boon to thousands and thousands .. Sent under seal. Ina plain envelope, to any addrestQwwt 1 yr Ag for sale Bellingham:it estinualating - Unguent, for pat, on receipt of two pottage stamps : by addressin s JELthn.Wblekenkand hails , that will. bring oat a Utica -- . Dr. Cll. J. C. t'LLNE. - . . set of Whiskers, or a Moustache,- In from six to eight ' -IC Bowery, ,New York. - Post Ogee ; Dos, tbafi. ! weeka; Baker's Compound,* sore cure for-Dyeentery. . . . . Montrose. July ll'. Pint . ton, :N. Y• H 50 • 82X BROTIECILS, P e r v u -313 ' 1.611 i PNI - Icsi ±-4 - 454..1331>s BEST . IN VIEMAIIXET, comgaksEniAran : , 1. "Ayies and prices. Venda by ii... 8114. WMIIZI4. &ad ovary thins nect:lsasp for LIGHTS, for sea at- Montrose. Augnstrt, 1861. ' - " - J--Slontroso;2sor, Turrell's Thad Storm 1=22 .41MafilI0 041L6tg,. ron WHICH 1111 E. ; _ G 00 D .110 H. Sherman D: Pucips, Osborn; I:. '. • Tracy IL Morgan,t,q. • ' ' Tho sibjpet of this . oolie,ge hs 'to alikdlo an opportunity-of tibtaining a thorough Bnainei4 `, Education. 'lli. B 001:. and Fe.rmu-art: carefully arranged . by practical aceonntinta expressly fur We In ; stitation and ,Inbrace all the rteent MADE TO READY-PAY . CUSTOMERS. LOW PRICES. '...ISIINrii:AILYPAP6- . --- - ~ NOll MAL , SO .UL M. Li UNMET. Itrincipat . r- 'l;lxletatgli~cy .. • miss B.F. Urrix. k' - pr t 411 wa:cr MARY 11214 PP. 11C. 1, , is. zont Teirios—NOVALAL • DTj'ARTMICNT. .. - 1 1 4, L n:sh branches,—common. . 1 •• . - el . Higher, .." ' and mathernatict. , . 4 do including Latin anti French , n . i .3iusie andl'aintlng, esrta. f - • - - _ . filliii WiNTEit. TERM oethisSchool will commenec..t '.• 1 WEDNESDAY. NuITE.M.DERZth. and continue IT, „, weeks. , Every facility will be Afforded the student to a . .. quire, a thorough education . Board maybe procured ot $1.:5 per week. Rooms can be obtained at reasonstbk, . rates, for those wishing t themselves. i For particulars address .he Vrilt e ipal or - Directors. H • By order of the Board.. - 1 . GAERATT, Fres 1 .- • T. BOYLE. See. [New Milford, Nov. 4th. 1 / 1 C's veveif-.12-":1.....1 Lucius. The cuetrae -of instruction . eomprisre every depiolm'ent iif buslness. The learner will hi. thoroughly iiiught, the-rvirnec aria pr4clice of. Double. Entry, Book Keeping azi al - gilled_ tri . Lhe. following kinds of hu.;,:es.., viz.: General Mer cliandihiog, Manufacturing, &inking, Crumbs ; pion, St ranil;l;ating, Railroading,' Forwarding i Freigl.tin , 7 Forfirrn Shipping. &c. . YOUNG .3trc . 1 • . Can qualify themselves in a short time, at this Instltu ' tion, to fill. important and lucrative • tituations. - Ampla ranee:ices ean,be given NV heti: graduates of IE6O. are now : tilling desirable situation. with ta.ariea tram Sara to $lOOO , per annum. The proprietors arc in poisesaion of testimoniala from, . . some of the Bret ey ill inercia: 1.10t19e5 in the State, to whom (I , 0! Q , t s h a;?; t ha ncYO r n 4 a r i nt confidence a c h i t Z k ie k L e P t Tje * .; 4 1 1 1 1 1 i ° 1.7 theiri o n f h th ' e gz a 31 erasee i .. - ) !of t..hty• Iwi.lcut:u2. -- -- GOODS, Mark These Facts! TIE 277.171.a.3Y OF TIFE :17FL'ILE WORLD ! • 1 " M -C1 • • 2K {z3 - ~p . Ey,/ • y d 1„1:.1 4 .{)c- i t_, • -Y'.. Avvt ; • - Holloway'.s Gin - anent ! Eaa Logs, Bad Iraasts, Sorts anallcors.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers