• . - „ .. . . _. ..• - 1 s,PRICESI ABEL TURRELI, --_lLaw .Itookoi. • : it The New Ilampshire Patriot says :- 1 1):t.' . :.,. .le'te , ! . I nk (ir: - ... V .-.,,,, wia , p ilit.twiß -Eleven years ago,lohn P. Ilale begun . 1 / 4 .- . _) 1 / 4 - )At .19 - i i! .. - , ,„ , . I • Now offers for sale o ne of th e heropst and - outtno)r!entarAtz'ittnieilitettce,puinsvo Forma to intrOilas.lo. petitions in Congress • for a 1. Graiidott a fortna, - -ond Others, at .." di.solutioll of the Union, and has diligTitilly . - sNiAtii...DER,Dst ~ - - -..' :1 : - .' ' SPRING STYLES NOW READY. • • . best • selections of , , . mitt , ...L;-, •.. t' . .. . resucritnEtnes.. I ia bored to that end ever since. The result :* -- MEDIUM 51Z1 4 .1) J)Eitaxs.!-- , . .. ~ which he and his coadjutors . labored for, .- • : • -M7' ;41'7 LARGE ;DE} IlEtw'ZiliCriltilLlFlL ' t i l l -- . ,- , - i ce , _ •' - , i ' '',.: DISROLUTION. ' -- i , prig ko_partnerahlii___haretotore`exlatln under the.firni i has come at last. - - - ' A DNIINISTIZATORS ' DEEDS, _ ... Is noir receiving ttitititat cholee Hoek of . v ;'0 • ; .1 8 ■ Jl. - of TOUNOIF.BRIM la Ude day dleaulleed by annual ' --The present trouble im likely', to dis- -EXECUTORS' 'DEEtOI . ' : -I SPRING - - AND 'BUMMER Coneenli The notes and accounts will be in the hands of -- ,••:;,lve two popular sectional 'errors, which . GII.ARDIAXS ' - ,PEEDS! I . 2 • -- , -,," • , • - • .•• . .. • ...._ * E. P.-Sanrn kw settlanent. Al/ persons indebted to the • I_ ,, a4e :t er:c2e . Importande u s. t . :a m s u kts i t a i! l tm o m ux eli o n:to ,- . . . - 11 -% / ,fi : , Ever offered in Susquehanna County, and Traps long existed. There Ims beeii a TRUSTF,ES' • I)EEDSI &p.,.&t., ..: 1,- , very general impres"sion at the North that . and . MORTGAtIES' 1 s. , • . iv :probably comprisin g the greatest VA- . . manai itth,, Pita. . .-- ..'::: b. P._ 1 13IITIL -• • or most,' different article& cif any -..` _l ' - !....,!•.....:c ! ----- .'.. ). ..-7 -- - t:- '-' our N'ortlietu man can %visit, thiee South- All of the most desirable styles ; printed '', • . -•.- 1 . Store Y in the Northern part of Pennsylva- • 1 d... , ern ones, and an equally ,„ovneral ••iinprt.s- very neatly, on first-rate paper,,,k kai umil d s i :m i ; e * . n ia - Tactst e re s sy s : r i . CO P t RTNERSUIP • si,nt at the South that the . Southern man for sale tit'. CASIL 'prices: ' Attorneys 1 ou litliaal te - ra tillthe trigu jetan r i i; DT se ctrl °l ,. u s ae 1 ' S t I I t i e h * e n d . „t re setts stunamammust orffilk, aliktlfg ()tamer.. nit, anti perhaps of the entire State.. An MBE SlStnicilbers:hstring l eatoyedlnto ett.partner . .hip . . . . assortment is kept in about thirty dlllr- ii uudeethenarne and Bern of : an whip ten Northern ones. It 'is • vvoy Justices, and others; who want peeds,_ and Stella Shawls i nauttass. butters. Parasols. Rich Ribbons Bonneurand hionien • Hoop Skirts. Broad. likely that both sections are destined t,„ whether one hundred, or but - one-- - .3vi1l I c l o th,. 6).1.4 i . summer stub, Ac.; with a. large at- ; ent branclieWof:trlide, and the selections are made front abot.t forty- -of the 'test' roll Till.; 'PURPOSE 8...L - SUTPHIN; I Co.. ' more than .fit= ' be inist.:tken. WE. are entiuently a war 'do wdl.to call anti lookut the fresh, choice I sortment °touter -. * Or i.,:.VRItI . ING , 6 4 . mgr. like people all over the , tonittry, and one vaiieties at the DEMOCRAT OFFICE, -: - I Staple / andralloyGoods.l Houses in Nen - 1 York, and tv Dealers anti Nlanufacturers. out of N. ew --,--- :-.1- -7.:' ---.-7. I I , Irian is just as good as:mother, when 'used 4 ------- ' -----.---- " : " -- ,7 - ' - '-/ IAB usgal. inorecert es. crockery. Hardware, Train, Nan:, I 1 For ~Indhpintlort.;: SS as a stopper tor a bullet, or , any other :. . . Try Diserhares Holland Meru. I Store., Draws.' 0118. Boots and Shoe,. Hats and C ape. ! York. A large proportion of the Goods • i a ' • lot neurtkuut,•• . -i,• ~ ` Clocks Carpentering Floor Oil Cloth, Wall Paper,'; are brought direct front the Manufacturers 1 "t he 014 insind lacir ouctiPlad b3' Tottuttia Smith; where - luau. - ' • :Try Danhovo's Holland Diners.' IP/dated and Glh Window Shades, &e. • thus iusurtug genuine articles Cu s t om- , we hope [o merit the patronage cif old Felmads. as well am Try Dimly:wee Holland Diners I The Stock la large, and bought for Cash during the.:gain tin, pontidence, of hearty new one., by a system of entering tile Store thuSiSnot t prompt and honorable dealing In•our htudness. ----A 3lrs,Swartont, living at. Baldwins- Fur ":ttidit•T' For Waterbrasl Try Bierhare's Holland Raters i present War Panic,and will be sold at low-down prices, , Ville, On'ondaga Co.; Moped last Saturday ;Fur ilemldebe.. 4 ; to find everything in - sight, but nearly Cr-R. L. StTPHIN, FREEMAN, Cal. E. P. SMITH. , - 'l."' 8(1.rha".6 n°111316 Bittern I and " ad Id"t e Buy h ers " . rabi N d ,p ten" .r_nr egul atul b _ . Sa i rt eo_ Ce n . Lan cd. tIY ' ers WI with a lover .enjoying I the ' euphonious I i Pirtit s ttLtatr, tlic ' - •It' ' e l V r =tll l : l lllltirert n:rtUatlilin• - pie miaow, Hay. 1561. Siunmersellic March 9th. 1F(1 intli2l3 - 4t name of Solomon Bello avg.. -.Bellows was i For Fi lFu. ,-; Try DiT r arharea Holland Ilittme ---:--------",' ---- ---- _' cry article wantett i 1 i 1 be produce ' d hi i --- -- - -1-' --* -. ' ' ''. ---.- - enabled to kindle a &mein the furnace of ' ti l k u ag a tn e n=m i e th i ' n u i l ftst ic ` a %te l l e ilti tc a b r et re Viet r if, 1 ' Ehisq 7 aCount3r . iiminirr. Some itch of the Stock may lie ' •13 •li i ISSOIUtiOII. the frail one's ' breast, and to induce her to and In othen, effected .g cc h,,,,a arc: r . • „,, i visissicai and Normal Sca l :ol, l i fa:l e u ti 4i tun b). o . r t fl b t e lo r r) ol:: ,i n n li p ig r . ne g ti e el n i e b rn ie l .. outline, i • • f i /VHS 1 , no of Illrschnlaon.Broa. &Co., I. thht day sat- lea ve lier htisliand, taking with her a nor- , /lathers, Bend Tbll.--;Tbstollowleila Anestrice , it 6 en. " MID eitea ol26 la Al' ; . i • .4.as:_f_tx 0 - wel t fir IJ. solved bp atimatton. mr. It 11.1kirmital retiring from i ion o f itIS h - orliily• good ' s. It is said that ••,• the tn.m .l s o l ur.d eiter anwridttemnearcugtherepsst,.. .. ...__ , the. nrrn. I All accounts must be settled with ileum S.J. -cis of t r i t may td a .1 - • '..8 and P. d. Dlreclsmann, who aro alone authorized to sign t ile unsentimental cud:Mt:l6M of the ,i- e .' , volumes tn raver °twat world-renclwned medicine-Mos: I PROF: S. SAARTWELL B. A.,-PRINCIPAL . ',fru OS ;IND MI:DIVINES, -- 1 I for theFlrm . Finn. . ' ' S. J. HIRSCHMANN, . Wtsatamea Soormno Salmi. von Curtain:re Taro en. , : tielie' heard that ids ' - . We moan adrartlaement ln your whim& RififreAVlii- I - --°----"-- , Mn. 13 - . 0.-CAMP, annHiss L. 111011AIIDS ,laster own , . ... - > . DY E 8 7' .UPFS, I iter•Reteir, P.-I/NTS .I.VD OILS, It. J.IIIIACII/dtatiS Illnglsamt/in. %pill Ist, ISGI: E. J. DOU3TARL. . • w ift• had mine off with 13(.1low.; Was • olietea Soothing 'Symp. NOW we never /AA a word In 1 . n ' . • •'• • - • '`..- tarot of an3".9atent romitslne fri:.6nr life , but we feel cow. Yrs. A. X,.)II.HARDS.- iBU BLACKKAN, • - In - g t the ab • . te °-:-:- cti • ti t tro In amours: '' That be blo wed !" . ; pcned to may to your resiilm that Oilm is no Humbug -wit i, Primary ,tepartmetir. I Music on Piano. ~ : I tint to thepublic that we ' w o M e et/annu l : n ro sA;ilt r ni on n e rr o . r s t fo . m ß . Z . U nece riz fil luir m il=r t k e 3 3,. t v 15 . , Dr. O. Z. DIMOCE, Lecturer o on Anatomy and Physioloc. ' I (i , ROC.ERIES, • - • • - - The - Sa‘antialt Itepliblican calls the I ~...‘:' .-•-• • - ' . L - /Q . UORS,' - ' .- I fillt 1.• fil Northern voliinteers a filthy multitu I'" Le34" er it .. l % " riu ° is i y he tu b s ea s t ii - piTl i r "rhuhav i: 4 u blesu y " ,4lr n of,hb, Ica ' titu i tLawUgj i n e or P r i rl it ibli. ' 4 - • ;do bett th g ay ia li h ear ; , . , CROCE ER I"U 1 Hi• i uuODS • BUSINESS 1,. l'apers North and South, should.remember ' ll ,' - -- ' ~,,,,, , The Trustees would Nay of this School. now under the . ,* Teo cams made by Prot neGmthuilth eta “-----,-- ' direction of Prof. S.S._ HARTWELL, that It la Ina flour. •GL , ISS-W AKE, ' . in all l ' kbranches, es heretofore, at the old stain/. • I that if soft words butter no parsnips; hard Title OIL.'? are ahnost Ealraccdoua and AO wends:Mil and I Ishing conditlon . and offen superior Inducements* to all • :. IV' Ala ...,....: lir ea et ,rl, ter' n s int [ m • Instantaneous, to satheactory.„'srul mitigating of human . dealings thorough education. Those witting a good 1 ...., ',,": ..,`'•" 7 , l" "'•" '' 4 Ai" V- Pr- 'U." r ••C:r l , . I I:nlhr the aunts pus Firm of w*ords break no bones. . ~. :. , .1 No. 20, Cor.- Co4t. , axid !inter Sta. , . ill, as to call upon public faucuanaticti. and these haying I pre for for teaching and other pursuits, I sit, WEide 3 • ~, 4mree oftrobllC tatuntaions for the meirhiiiiterdotng,to i- .-td .., i --- lIev: Mr, Ileattie, of the. Bethel, at look well into Ilse - well attested merits. the sample efficacy : do well to avail themselves of its advantages. They is - . SILi'ER-WilA l .67, cte yt-1;I nil, Ohio,- presented are rolvor Co or,„,..th l ' r - i., 11 -ec i tt ( 4 1 , 1 ,'" , , . n.. c ' ~,,!„; supplied `-:: lut refe" FOr t° P tb al e tl t e t ulrirsi ir l:arcalll. . ; i ' - Igo? lougEß 1% ; I . • ' • liirschmaangito tbers. i , me 11' the soldient of the Seventh Reg- ' a it . ;•ipileio f ra . Trl a cisily,,Pet ' :l•. "l s. r De r- tiirith. NO. Dri P solith ' C. F. READ, Secretary. •• Si. JESSUP, Pres't. I FANCI - GOODS, - , rti...".e.tEit roi -- in,lft,:-...:,•.-•.. wiitctt imintinuauce o f I a: , , I the same. - , . • et intent before his departure, With the foil- kftglith.street, near Chestnut, Philadelphia, Pa. ' I -1 1 - -- --'-- 7 - .-- 7 - 7 4...'""--.---------' +.7. :- i See adrertfauntont.. , • - _. - __;. NM Inc : MUSICAL ,IXSTRUMEIIITS,I, • - EU.RSCHMANN BROS., i, 1 • .Im'in g iniunct Km : • - •If you get in a tight • for sale in Montrose by ABEL TIIIDIELL. itaatt. ' - iii . T -T , . (- 1 • • lIRU SHES ' illogliaiuton, .i.pill ail, „ 1:861: • : • apt' i piaoe, and have to use it. ask - God's bless- I 1. 0. of 0. F.-Mosercosz Loral, No. 111, mccis at •• .11 - r..74W IL.,TOOD ► '4 . 1 - , .1:5//, , R/ CA A ' POCKET IrN.INESs - • ing if yott 11 tun tint: but be slue to not let ~ OddFuUoweHail, rellowe Dot Montrose, on Tuesday craning. t i : Sheet . fi t lisle. 'i AO. Waseinsw, see: i Waill. Sontarr. "-Y. G. ' t your enemy get. the start of you. You ' 4 •ur - • GOODS. I - . r ABLE CUTI'ERY - and 1 Ii 1 C:011t. 1 T ' iertrittt a ,r33l = l. Relek s "TEP, St. John • 'Encampment NO. Sillq'tneets at Odd I .1, 1 411 Iv I SILT ER PLATED WARE 1 A Instep Land, and other :New Mee& at can say amen :miler you shoot" , . . scnonsllaU, Montroac,-an 51 tuad,ith Feldaeevenlngs fit • . N. each month. -:G. - C.Vassielr, Aer. A.N.DcLiann, C. P. 1 . . . i ; . - fiVEXINEVIEi. --RAJ:nisi/it:no, May 1.5:-The Military - 1 bill . for creitting a loan of three millions ---- wk.& -- : - ~ E II:IRD WARE, `-. - „ I ._ .. ....., ~.- ~_..t._-___ _.-,_-.- for arming the Stale, was .• -w _ • . _ , .. WA)" g r. - wiNvo l y PAPER. , signed by the - . . ----..-... . rl '. Ira ',... X . _ 426 '..„. 413° .: 1111 __ ";,..,..,- _ ,- •• . , ' - RED CORDS, - Clot - 611er ttl-rlat - .• - . . GAI)EN - --TIALSTEAD-In Lenox'on 1 - - - - . . STONE - II" A RE, ' llj f l ~ , , . , _ . the 11 t h , by 7 'tiler Jr ., 'sn .1 . --From Washinoton we learn that i t t owen -ea' Callen and I. ` ,. . nt i : in.ly i' l ' 3 • l ;: te ' a i .a r : 1 ,E . ,* . , • - -..-. , Gr. . : bn) - 000DS, - 1:3000 ROT Ls ALL XEWPATTEIPcB, inns . , . J t at .: • 131 - !..fe tr:litt conta tramps has passes t- : /912%21Ct r iMIC*03 33szscolkr., Mit oriso. both of Leno . :'1 IN 0 GOODS. i - .V/Rit ORS, . through Baltimore. - . . • r, I i.V./.) 0 It; .4.V.6 PICTURE GLASS, I _ It ' atr '_?" , Fa - A F rn 9th ' M4l -te - • • 0 . • -It is said that N . .tv Vir di .- -• ' 1 LITHOGRAPHS' - - : ' • 3EIE. "CM' Agi:Ftr) ' 1 • establishment, '' L 1 ' "" I I " UNION G DS AND INSIONIA i • _:state and embrace forty- pI , . , I S.. , : r..-ißivisirs,s - - EB.I/11) C.',GES, - 1 I • ! ti.Ve counties. The Wheeling Convention --; WHOLESALH: IND RETAII:. • ; - ; I . - Si ' '' . • i . '-' • ..SP.ker..4CLES, - ... _-:- ' ,-.: -; ' MANEFA4.• - •ru ups OF -AND DEALER 1s , : is harmonious. Western Virginia has General/ Depot* /2A NN Street, New iorla. • . ' _, ; Jai erk 3eg. 4.. - . w. cir a. , a. X 2 19 2 • - WIIIPS,ik. LASHES, BROOMS , Nos. 43, Moodie': North SECOND-0. Philad'a.i= i furnished 9 ~000 troops, who have' been EwvEtoPEs With new and 'splendid devices at the ! ATLI* ' • -. G 0 ()DS. • • sTIVE nylon' receiving our SPRING STOCK, wilfeli stvolll in. 11/ 01110 two regiments are reldv ' - 10"."' rat'''. • • ..a : .: 1 I.? . will Fo prise a large stud desirable assortment of : . . : Ist quality (white) per thousand filaiu • : • 'AT - GUNS, - PIST.OLS ' " - ... 19 . • ', all kinds of . to assist - Wheeling at a tnomenes notice. • • 1,., 141 t :: L i - ;;; ;: t ilu ' l i ;", .... . • lit) - ; ; ' , • LLARE.,,,,,02D..,3",.e51 " •-•- ,^ • .1.35 I , ' . , ►DI A - Nrw R0i.t.:..-The report that the "tame and Business Card printed au item Iftlealred. •• ; , , . A3lLi NI ... O N. I : 'AI •0, &large assortment of ••• A single package or SplentildErtectopF . a sent post paid t . , TI. • • , Our atoms of FLOWERS and RUCHES. will be nnuipi, 2- ' 1 '21.h., 13111 mull fmli reoiments tare I . ' n- (,11 fOr VO cents. • 1 -- ,- 1 ! I - ,- - ; sklly large his 110:01011. and wessecesold Iny•fte your specon ' rat Or by the “eneral Govarnment, i 5,,,,, :no Splendid Ent - elopes positia s id forsl.oo. ' 1 J lIA,IIDIAG , - ST,. CO • attention co that department. Plltsse call and emunitic i UNION PAPER extra quality at SO Per Muth C:"' ' • 1 T . 08.A.C., CO.• them before making your purchases. i'i - eat -..a s great sinprise. ',There must be quire aentpost paid for ...t.' cents. SI '• ' - ' ' • • - u UNION -BADGES AND ROSETTES, elegantly made' - •_ , ' ... • MED/ C. 41 d'• SURGICAL !mit ' time,: is, Noi mh .ll7o -4 11.1 hrs . North SECO . N.D ,trei l l; abo W v . Y.l n te • ll. , f ~one mistake in the inthrmation. . The , , I - ' . . . it at 10, th. 83. la arid SO cents each. - SALT, • -- . reasic , if, we :ire informed'. is that these reg- , : Liberal al.eoant, whsin ordered seam quantity • '.. , . . . , • . SOAP, P - 07'. - 1811, &C., BRAD. CO. LARGE; & WESTERN MEDIUM, ; intents did not signify their instant inten- . Vtlit T i lt ti t t.V E Co m A j isl: N rr er lr,ss " c'c 'li nte cc" . rtheracter" : . Nitltiots().N.DEpcyr • UMBR A t ;/.. LAS, 1 ti,.11 to sorve for three years. Wf.; do not °I. •741- • • • . •., , . - TILE STAR SPANGLED BANNER, .• centa -: heart ; , - . • PORCEL AIX T.KETII. CLOVER & TimoTlly, sup I know as litre the General - Governm . ellt gets ,itirring design. • ..... •• - ' - - . -- - ... aiit,liorill" to increase. the reoular' d rai , I IiONZARDMENT OF StIITES.IO cent!. a splendid -1. , . ' ~. The attention of the publicls respect. . I • . - , . ,-, . colonel engraving, ~. - - • ant: navy or call volunteers for three yeios. : 3IASSACHUSETTS Gili Regiment and the Baltimore ; LIBERAL DICOUN L IT , fullv - invited to my stock of Goods, bought - GOLDiDRaP,.& CATLIN GEED . WHEAT, I The riosident has the ele;trek riglit to ' e n rc b c:.,c 2 ii c a e sl t c 't ia tPlen il l transaction. giT44 II i - 1. v . exclusively for CASII DOWN, and • will be DFor - sale w AMR' IN 4 ALI.Ek . . 3lontrose. i . i.- , cid la , 'iii tilt t'sil initeiers as he deems neces- scntso.stage:Pl4. on r°OcIP 10 !/4 .1m i , 1 • ' ' '.old on tile same principle for low pribes: . i ,,-- 11 „ 1 , . Q sari, for three months, but beyond that lIARDEE'S.TACTIC4 , MADE To •• , • .. , ..., .. . ' ABEL rtURRELL.. .. -110 JiilAi PRESCNIN 1 I - i the 01311 el' must be referred to (...omyress. • of ftc•cruits and Xolnteen, being a petercomee manual , N'S . i• h.tre ri,S doubt lie Win be •:listained in of all military tactics no d sguaions, and ... a :1 0 1. e" ,-. ' 1 Montrose, May Ist, 1,881. Black I%roek Coat worth 8 9 • for *O,OO . - , trim snacribera take pleasure lu announcing to their , I -*. publlstmd no complete and th-up.sent past paid for 25 cts I li_ frictutethat they Wire ads ihty returned from N. York 1 Black Frock - Coat worth -10 for 7.,..0 . _ an i - demand he may make, bat are our each. Liberal (Recount o hen ordered by the dozen ) - ..* 1 , • 1 1w Rh another addition to their stock of Goods, -with great care, and especial cefenince to the appn7a l c e h et in e : i l vol.viteers tv hi, protnia Iv re 1 t ills • Ari inf3rms"cm e°nmming tralPa'Clmis ' le ..`"t " ___ 9 . 5(4 1 \ N FM' 11IFFORD PA . ! . Ego pup FOR wlliiT Black . .Frock Coat Worth 12 fur' • ... -.• •.. J a spon, o e application _ . testi%eseaaoa, esear. Any person desinms c . .f making ' "a` tilless Coat w o r th $ 5 11) r ' t` 2,7 - rgt uncub•criber. re , liiing In.the Awe , er Now Milford, or igin•il call for three months to be ilis- .;:iir . AviENTs WANTED. ..7.,-,1 ,IND - . ' CHRIS I PMAS & NEW YEAR Gins ~ 11„,„i„e,:s (_',,at Worth li-for 4.D0 1 t'os' s count!, P.. , .4'i:re the following property for Lt - 1 aced becalls.• they hesitate about ,a,•smn- , tddrcs , all orders and commanleations to , pale:- , TIIE lIIGIIEST MARKET PRICE ! ! i 1,- J. VOIGT d., .00 . , - 7 • Over Coat tiortli *l5 for $4.00 ' • in.,: a dill'erent , ervive ?We do tail un- No. iri, Ann street New Yon, ' , 1 (and we hope none willdeny themselves the plea eau , /-1 . l'• . I .i• ... •- One PAIt)I, on which. the aeltoscriber h . - ---------- r----- READY-PAY CUSTOMERS AT TIC_ STEAM MILL. and a rich and extennite assortment to 4elect• from, and , vt er c. tint It ort a / lOr ..,,, I.; . resides, ID eaid bore. containing about IV Seen, in agent ileretonil this Cern of eit tirs.-Pite...oro , -. :' GROVER & BAKER'S' - - • , at the terylowest Cult prices. ~ EVANS 6. ALLEN. - Over t`oat worth 10 for 7.50 " .rate of cultivation,. enlteble rebind gain, getting; snit Po N i -i1 .ir paper. • —o N. SIIOKMAKEI4. , - WC are determined net to be out-door . Montrose, April nth, 1801. cleat 'so. 2 odd FL Bows flail. Binghamton - ! OV er Coat 11011 h 15 for t 1,50 ''''" P ur i i ""' . ' -in the way of . i _Watches -Ladles; Diamond Enameled. and Ain '''.. ; Over Vont worth 2 , 0 for 15, 0 0 Also, another E.A.R3I in ssid hero, near . . , - __. ; a nplendid article. Also a variety of Gold and Sullen Eng .1.0 1„ ci, , , -. , 5e,....4 _ ILI: ....,c14,7r...,.., .. t. t h.. b. ci e d i sebo alr :tro L : , ....i e d :o. D n:ti e:o .l e ibsi t- i mg c . o ...no tt . ta .7.d. l a n c l re. n bc ! .win te i r taere.h e2_ , _ a w fram it i k . I .e nig d mt: n r jo of e ' nth. American and Swiss, fluntipmnAwn,, , ,rmAn. , i) . , , ,it!..t, i,Afit . ., ‘"'"i ,f) .1. MT: tr ilrootea one videlgt I_.o NV " 1 3 il 1c Es ..„--- ,7, ;:ft"g1aaihr . a:X70.:..;.7...: - .; .... -- .............o. • ''' it. Lints is well timb:l wltit a Chertnat etc., an s =l3.. L. • re. „ e .. . 7 ; I Bar mugs and Breast Pins -An infinite variety , Illuek wort h 0 fur' r 0r 4 i 5 r 0 .43 1 3. . :t .. .t o . n n t ' l . ,,. t r a.ku. pay.faish rotwove Hee, mud other lumber ; th ". ------G----,.- , ..: ;‘- ' 1 ,.. • ~•••;" r 2 e; , ofstyles and paces In nets and single • • , ALL BINDS OF PRODUCE Taken in Exchange for -'' / -- ) ..'.../- ) Flngerilthg,-Diriniond, Rule :Blear], Pearl. Scale 1 I Chased and Plain Gold Mace-- a large stock Fancy Cassintere Patits wor th - *4 f I Farley Cassimero I l 'ants worth 5 for _ , , Iliraeelers-Oold, Jet, Plated. and HAIR Bracelets of --,-., ~,, • Is r i t t.3 l, fO 6 , 6'f o r 2 5 4, ..i. - I , cotzn.t .i hnt li4 nhs st ifi ; c: , : a :o i tt i la o :oin tit i ti .:‘,. r :dstr:t.E. F . ;: ltl ßl ie l goodl,3l; i l l is i bt : i : o w =tfoa2:4 3 l ; t or ir d ; air G Co 0 Cs 0 330 D el . - . Established in Pittsburgh in 1840 , I all pa l t ternsiand pews. S__ver Ware -Everli de , cription o E f r S A I ‘ It B- er L F - o l t, ,E .,Tu'id : r ;7 1 3, ( 1'L1 t ,„ s is n s t l iT e l, re ,:t a : l ) :: ir t " . - f i r' , sr tanmerceu .0 eye to the L. IianDENG 41a , CO ! The Ohl C •It y it • . Sp(xms, Napkins Rings, on hand. also Soup and Graiy .... . „... . ... , . . ~ . , Ladles. caw. Card Camtv, Pie, Butter and Fruit Knit es, Mirk 1'',..11111 1 es( north I for 3,00 , s of unimproved Ladd, in Nicholson Depot, list' ith, 1861.--6 m. Union, Conducted by ft Practical • Children% sets. salta. etc., warranted good an coin. Black Satin iiest worth 5 for 3,50 , 'Used% Vare-Aricantitulmssortment of-lee Pitchers ' menis b f: ; m i s i nt o n; t a s7 re . • Merchant. ' CatSoni. Cake Us ir --..s_eLß.Waiters. Benet Diohes. Sugar. . . . -1.! IXAMMNO, JR. OL . nat.tare tn. ,ll l (vria 6000 Students have attended It from Thirty , ' Bait), Knives , Forks, Spoons, Toast Racks, Cups Goblets lON Elt - s l-1 I Ill ' s A , OVERALL S orllY . 3 I. ! rELERRATED NOISELESS 1,. 'HARDING it CO., different State& Pour Sliver Medals have been I etc/. etc„ by ' EVAtto d; ALLEAt. , r Nun , 4; A 1131 Eyrs Egt- A LIN Low said township , meltable for 2 noel farm. ' awardedDidoos3nalsnx of Rook Keeping; and the new Sleeve Hutton', and etude A taut , . stock_ urns 1 • The shove peope'qv will besold very low SEWING ' IVIACHINES, T I KALEIts in Dry Goode. Groceries. Hardware. Ready JLFelidade Clothing. Boots it Shoes e Ssab i lelaee. d. Kt. ' chenlarjest finned cOnrains lettere hem students in Phil- i patterns and pricee. _ .. .. c 1 , adelphia, Baltimore, St Loots. Cincinnati. etc., proving BeAder-"Coral Nitklact. and Arnila . Amber, oru , I , ~ ',for mill or at accommodelfng terms on credit. Asayde . FOR FAMILY ANn stAN'tra.crultitic , 1:61 . 1% Nthhols° ll Detwn• 2111 3 . 7(14-I'. • It to be tbe best known. NINE Phut Premiums were re- • Pearl. Gilt. Steel, and silver Beads. - formstlon in reztni to the propene win be given by th e As Winter has (Mat appear(•(l, oc int itetheattentlon of I subscriber:ebb, residence In N eve-Nl:Wird, n. cent) y wdrded a the Penmanship or IVm 11. DUFF, who I Shell Ctombat-A good stock of shell back and side I , - -- ' with his associate Proressor.t. c. Cochran. are =doubt- Combs, also Buffalo , lion I% ory. and Deeaing Combs, tj6 -., .. ' ~, ‘ ... ' - I janttl*** MUCIVEs C 3. VI 7."..*1.11:10. ‘,..,... .- 9.17,7 - A . "-t ; 495 Broadwayi Neni-York. Auditor's Notice. edly the best penmen In America. . -, , Hair and Tooth Bruthe•A, etc.. etc. tk.' .. • ~ ~ 0: , ; , XTOTICE le hereby given that the undersigned , an , suet- tiarper•A Edition , of Des Bo_ok Keeping post paid. 8 1 5 , 1 : 0 1 i zirr.A.Nres eel iLxaxjaniehr, . , 46 1 ; 6 . . . Ayenrees in all be,prvnerral. Grief trod ; ~.' I for appointed by the Orpheus Court. of Buse aCo Dttff and Duncan ' s Gems orrenmanstini. . ..-.:-.•- r• s i 1. , i 1 I i• . ;41- wine i» Ike United Stater. ,• to make fustrlbution of the rand in the hands or the ad. Duff and Duncan'e New School Lopy NScholon... G-Tio'a, '54 , dee.. -1 1 No• 2 Odd Fellows Hall. itinghenitot, • ministration of-the estate of JOHN 13Akte deceaeed. to ForearePlell et Duff 3 , Eoehrall'e Redeem, MS Othemen- , • l- n.....a. - Er-wicrryr.....mal.x.wir, - 1 i ‘...) Thu Grocer t hike r Sewing ilLeitine Company are .'and ninon the heirs and legal repreeentatives of raid tat Fennienwhip. with the new- circulator 64 pages, inclose • PORTRAITS PORTRAITS ! , , ___, now mamlfacturing, and have on exhibition at their cif - . estate, will attend to the duties of hie appointment at 25 n eell o, tu: . ti stamps to F DUFF t SON. 4 At., GEN•rs whoo Mt to avail thetn,,•ll es of the oppor• rg WE coparteendlip heretofore extstingbetwesnAugg of June. 4 . .% 'NEW ARRANtiEMENTS IN THE ' tunitv to make tome Fair One a nice - , ferent salesrooms. maadnes malting the Shuttle or Lock his office ha liirentroge,. en Monday the 3d day Ma, of the tame 10•Derne and at the came prices as 1361, at one o clock, p. ns,, at which time and place all , .. 1 • - i 1 deroigned, il this dav dianolrtni by mutual. cornett • ,- _ _ , _ __ _ _ ___ _ _ ames C. Wh , •Atou ullhdrauing from the firm. The haring any claim* upon said Ned are required to ' 11,7 I Christmas or New - Years ',. .0 - i J K. , , book acciiiints and "Mtn+ will be found with R. KEN - 1 • 01 1 . their celebrated Grover itNikleker Stitch Machines, time I Pena= affording ihstpuhtte the scivantage or coraPtiring the I present them, orbs forever thereafter _debarred. - L F. FITCH, Andhra II $ I ' Till - 13 ,-- rl3 I C 1.... BLOC.i.-. - ....__._ __ .. t . , -...,,„.... 1 Jr... who will continuo the business in all its various eWSI• V • 1 N rtitchb* of the the leading n.L•chines end exercising their [ nue arr t Jim- Kir K-c , • Ir. lg. WI ALa Mt" IV" bruncbes, earl keeps large stock of own jadgment ao to tbeir respective merits. Mos the „ 1-- - S ' MEE unoterslgned hissing Wen the Rooms formerl% t 1 only company that manufaccures both kinde oenusebbses 1 Important Notional Works, . 2., occuplell by W. B. DEANS. is new pro *red to Sluttish to our large assortment of CZ4 - C7 l CO I") .19 1 and thereforethe code one ehat, can offer this privilege to . Pabliehed by D. Appleton &Co ,34c1 and 34 0,,f Greet impel - lance - tn. : all: in egabt of all ne d i h na o m .a tyl u d w es .t ire ed w in lti t t h a ni golo .d d n an cti d on tn o t f th t tu e l v P ar o i rt ou rn o i k t. inds I "...... gceg 0 , . the purchaser - ' , of Pictures Of the day, I flatter myself thet my work is not 'g . ” JG" - 110 - .t& - v.. cm-. ~Ont Which trill be sold' vet, low r., r A GLII on Arrnovro .1 1% - ..t 1": 1 rut ABOLITION. -WC tool. Op -n ' Broadway, Ne-w York. The following works DRY. 41001)S. 'CLO k. ‘,..... auntie. time. Theee Indebted to F. ezrelledby any In thin ocrtlon orthe country. - 1 g 6_ , I:',,ir."-,r•, ,, -, Co,,will he a itl - of turanethe on this tear bet ween the North :mit the - . ' . . are sent to suiperibere in any part °filo, Coon- Among eke various kinds taken at my Rooms ere" the .1 Ks blii.ANyi.,,,, ' Kenyon iu n d;itWedev o astouc a t7ss t thedebts m %A m es t trestle -- SOllth 33 one virtually Is - aged for the oho- i lulu ' Bitaispnc f ,4,IIILOOTT PE, P lI_OTOUR..IPII. , ‘ and l). ,be W . P.. iienyon.Jr Is itexuhy id • ty; (upon receipt of retail price ) lirm hit Of ex nmennu .tar the dim vebeuever neceasso . to settle the linet=if-n -1 - 1 I ion of efavert i - and believe that it - will S - press, pre aid: . , he seen clearly by the future historiate , to ' . TAT; NEW Amer:teas Cvet.orentx :-:- A Pope- _nin,ounitaivil lii ,,, umin to ; , A11,4:11111:0TI - PE, AEILLOGRAPII., . Viol l iTliirerS. ', - i also, authorized to receipt fur the firm innow, teepee rA In closing the bu•ine...l. ROGER EX5.10111,..n. . 5 , ler Dictionary cif General Knowledge. edited by - ' I Locket Piet - twee down to the meanest sized nalniatnre ON OF THE n red Ambrotypet•-the finest thing out, for OUR ASSORTJLEN ' I ' OF , • .1. C. WLUIATOX. have been a main instrument .of that bless-' taws‘ilie Centre,Jam lb, net -Su .. . • Geo. Ripley and Cbarles A. Men, rildi•cl by a A to any part orthe Amid without extra , ------- - --=---- ------------ ed •leillieratiCe, however ignorant of the .• we ,q,,,,,•0u1:.,,....i...-- j ii7 ji sy tat t hat, pi: * N10..-ri;f l lUM at. after • ..n itil corps of writers in all branehes Bee nctureo arc bold. vigoroue and expressive ors Tr, s it, Ureters shadows often sold about the I}n'l, rat' littwiiiltia to in.bet t it. 11_ .• ,... 1 13'4' 4 ' - ~_. ~,„.,_ mi„,. °lnril l " •- i l l "' 1 ,„s , c,„.,., 4 ifee.aure. This wart' la +' ~ S ' G 001) •_) 313. - mivriaigrzuvi e Irre-eminetiCe '' :as; ...u.letteElla, 1 b .'ne p hi' I din about a c nff . No. 2 'U . 1 / V IS ' 44. ilesHleeiTt7l4,llleut Ott !Semite These l laTne s" "...set' '"' • 1 ' large ° c' te " () rriatrearg lillift usable /natures or sewing, strength, • ant. mi tre e s o t i lk ye en ung in chi sit i k d t re nd 4 s . , * i I . , - r t mln,_ . ,tT. And elasticit, all of - wich are broneht out in bolos - U 18 je Ki. ° e N r :o7ple ti t i r c ir r e . n e ei qu ei lli be ly ' • _ Et - r-i \. I DR. 11... SMITH & SON, .. , Its operations.--LAnti-glavert - Standard. this me invention, make tt - the aret sewing j volumes, each containing 750 two-eo " -,....y;,". elect satisfaction. is - " V C . Q ,OS ::: ilnplr, gss . .4l.lforze, , . machine in the cenntry , Others have their food points • ' Tf, . ; e first I i vr,lumem are now ready, each con - A - for 1 r a o , F h a .t, p l gtr: t t c L . lo m id o.t lig o l t t h t e co rß l , Tl:l 4 , :i t cAr s , try ' la i xii ii Al Ker.il the adverti•zemeut in .another Cri l .- but thin combines all, and possesses even- c uncteristic 1. . --- , . . ..ci nuff, brown. orange, yellow, etc. ', e 1 urn, h ended - Uni on 6,.„,(-1..,, (L P_ ncro.ary to make it most delomble,••-:1" ,)- rhetorical, , tattling DEW - , ,000 original ` articles , An addi: Ico ib is that the pace to get your ."pierare" is ' , ; _ -Pi t wale anti fart: nal. ' 11DM; volume will be published once in about i lock :. . o% acct Read, Welton* A Foster's store.„; , 11 „ Rt" ''''':-/-Y3-_ , , 1-1 , " 1.----/ • . i J. B. HAZLETON. . slt s, NO a t: ini ftt x. .}:l ,gis lN 0, THEIR , j ~, l ls ALAV.\IIS " I. S.RGE 3, - ; comri.rn , ""e'W C P MoriatT 'l.lbree months l'rico in cloth . $ 3 ; sheep, $3,- Di n e Pa., Nov. With, ROI ~ . ' Weekly Market Repoits: . , t 50; half morrncco, $4; half Raven, 84,50 1 COM P11,151N4,14 . , i - • • - - , Allil i I Al 1 V .:• , each. _ iMT . T • - 1 3PlEtte TENT _ _ _..--_,. . _,,, ~-, , NE5v- 'vow," wHOLESA LE PRICI:s. • ' - I The .New AMerican Cyclopedia ie poinliir I Pe" ' '' '''".l4 ' °llii I - I 6L ' ' , '.. u. ",- l e i - IN d V I 111 hi %, bilkill.N.Cial. '" old. • 11 - heat Flour, li ) bbl., 45,0048:V10 , _....-i - , without la ing superficial, Warned but not Pe- , SPRING AND SUMMER 00011,1 DAL I I dr a" l i g t"h tl a" f / siiat ... .' 4 • , IT r • • I : AN.C .V. SI `? -' 7 ' . - . -, ......., • ; dantic, onmprebensive but sufficiently - lietailed, i , ' In .... qv_ . 4 HAT Hour. ,F 4 1,1)]., ' 3,lo(st. 4,00 , , . , canals In of a very large and extensive assortment pt . • • j ('rover,' free from cso I pique and patty prt judo. e, 1 F renc h' , i',„,li a t,. an d Anier t ein p r i nt , B att -b orne De . Under Montrose Democrat OffiCe, - -walk , - , •-.- . (:01 . 11 Meal, 1 . ...) tail., 2,Bofir ;2,85 & . 11 . Ira., T s vg:,: i l'ir... IF t •isg• - wr Perghlro that the i pr na , an..- , , ~ at came is entry day meth; more i fresh yet accurate. It is a completb staterneo I. Llama. Challiesould Mohair Drees Goode, Irish Poplins., , • . •••eDlty bee.. . i lio'.:. _ „,....,.-...„--- - _ , - W boat , - -p) hit. ' ' 1,28 n 150 and mo eT re in res.,. r. bothlor mantlfseta4 and family e ' Rich Silks, Handsome style' of 'piing closksonauttusi, ' -.. le liy e, po acs,---but ettpeetally as juktpted At, al th e requ i e „ . .. 'of „all that is known upon every imp/Idiot topic 1 - ..) lm., 0,65@ 0,70 . l in i e r MsOf family use. Other =clines, by dint of brazen I within the ~ . .., ... . Embroideries, ie., and an en - diess variety ot all Beeds.l scope nt human intelligence. givery too numerous to mention; all of whlch have been bought itEIRECEIN-PC(I Fresh Ground Weitern FLOUR ' 4"4""' "" 0 s , '.lk e fty S' t .. tiltmkils.l.2 !? . ..). 'i fc....o st- ratdBu la •- I ••:cireforred lir toassti,- 1" .. " 111111111"'w *.e vot ; putrefy sou constringsoutcommittos• at owe fairs, , i in „,,, in " a nkl e i n it - I,„ b eni ,, speniniir written entirely for tarp, Mostly at , Oats, l .-) bu. (a2ll)q)7o,tiOril 0,35 1 every ea days. which ;••• trarrattt in g i ve, nattsfaction : has e sou c forwital taw tai fleet plaoe; butt , he are 1,. r. ,i i ;as any in market ;if not good returned at our expense. o L Silver, Cheo Coil), 1; 1 bn. ' 0,60@, 0,70 fast 10 - sing thin unmerited position. - - The real merits of 'for as pages by men who arc authorities upein . Butter, "P fli ‘. 0,12 a p, 1 G i IT; G i . c a over A DIA N., er Mel • ' W E l ' P el t " •er 1 1 Thi ef ' t osvnege . d rinaro bc . pine .‘ ini to be known I the toPiee of which th eY si'euk• They are re ~1 AUCTION AND .-11'1% ASSIGNEES' SA El ; Feed,i an d . Buckwheat Flour, D E 16 kill E I A , ei:.C. 4 k c• ' - - :::,;:':, , :ri e : 11 , 1 7 mu her : 41:11 : „. . E NT RACTING a tui tu yaf Me n fur them in. , , the subject up to the present . . :. Cheese, 1 . ) lb . 1„ - 41,04@,, 0,091 creasing, while thc demand for heretofore better known. : odlrco .0 onng . but inferior machines , lit proporthmately decreasing. SO • niutneed; to state just how it stands now. All tAT ENORMOUS sAextricsst ; SALT- A PORK - . ' Tailow,, ...p lb 0,091 ,1,0,1,,0 Iv turns out in this, tient many other instanees, thee has: ' I OUR STOCK OE L - - ' • and which we will sell • -• • • By TH47 LOAD, BARRET. on L•trd. i - .) 11, 0 00P 010 we is the heat pang.' and t he right, be the' cud, cornea the statistical information is from the lot st re-' e " 1 . ' ._ ravelme-I. , _ _ ___ __ _ : ports; the geographical accounts keep pace ; Cheaper than Ever yet Dibrell I i HAms, f Sni/or Cure d .I)ONIES'II.CKS l .r.-. • , ... ,-. AIANI 3.G Instruments adapted to se c tpertieddas can llONTliter.. PRICES CC BRENT. I i with the latest explorations; historical matter I I • . ~ - . - Dried eef, , i ll , vre are prepared to extract the IP ettfitabit teeth t include the freshest just views; the biographical : PRICES .TO SUIT TIIA' TIMES ! ! ,• . , Smoked Halibut, CANNOT BE EQUALLED f . N. and with the ald °fen Eleeteleing maiddee, whir!. we 'Wheat " , t) bushel. et. Tg.51,.., : Wheat Boer Pbbls6.dt. PA) - _ 'Rye ..... Edcenta } Rye flour le ewt . 2 ta. -- - . °olives not only speak of the dead. but also of i T °111 " In id "' tic "" e ife J ' elli ft % '''''' ales• alit" ' of ' 1 ....... h eme lare , r be er7 i t srec lYP ted, trebaneill and me in pa li t er ent Yo a rk pede l thei nc rl s T o in r . AiN t .. ..: est , 56 cent.% i Corn meal V coril,so e, 1,15, , , prices of sieve of our Goods: - . Bucku limo ... lo cents I Pori. 10 lb . .io on, canto • .. the liciag. It is a library ofjtself. '• i Drips and . tff. - ALITY .1111 friff tea !from the °P" .. I . - nat.. ~ 25 cents ; Lard.P lb 12 cents .4, ethodCalicoee, warranted fast colors, 10 yards for accts i Atkinourrer OF THE DEBATES OF CONGRESS ; Merrimack pageoca, •. . „ 12 '• Sl 1 Molasses and Sugars. - . Bean , , , dial , e I Butter V lb.-.N et 15 cents, ....., ' ,- tieing - a political Ilistory o f United States, j heavy Sheeting.. ,•v • • • 5 3'i ece.la Per Yard 7)'':l S , COPI:EE, SPICES Good fleavy S hootings,' ..6 to o o 1 8 1 . 4a. fi. pe pr r y . : t i l l 1 urxo 3F il uteet i bw 3r-it ith oo r-e Lnor tplj ii, IlOr Potatoes, 5,; eentn I Egg" r doz .... .. 8 cents - . - Heavy Denim'', . . . . ie • ,i 1 - ' BR 0 0.115,.. , 1X.D NAILS, • , . • . ttb t he ' , from the organization of the first, Federal Con- i Gi n i f fiann, warranted fast colors:, .1 • "• - - sneer Amagram. Ea SG ILA Nrrox witot.r.S.Q.E - PNICES I'PHRE ' NT. '' 12. trl2lof it ° , 3 ‘ • " t" ,..hl e te su r" 15,t1(,) sly ', P hi f f rim in 1789 to 1856. Edited anti coin filed I Do - ol De Lance, ,i • - • ' 611 " ".. whiter we l larer ror sate hutow Pricce. for READY Pay ; i i rgil i fi t i.S7l•o s ll h t ee B til t lg O S ; 21- cents p.er yard I .„ , i l a v are A tii "" roo e ts tal ara " tieste . 'lb . ich brote rem s teet m 7, °ed ge ss rm. torssit greateet cou °nee t ere. sno r Ina ne or near V hit V; zest: es Pork V hid 61:000419 00 general nadir Me thau Grover at Baker's Sewing /Al' ; y Hon, Thomas H. Bunton from the Official ttar d t maleDelaines - •• " 12 ' 4 ' ONI Y' ' - Mentrore Jammer 1861 i e .. • -- ' Colored Drees Silk - . . . , - 7 - 37•5( '' - ' ' ' • i , - •• I'• T ChI.X(.I, front 10 to 15 gents pi r yard th e "! 6 ' 44 ' ' Wheat 17 bu 1 12•," itz Dee,,,ed , She, 0 eies. 100 ' chine Co. Itnsakes 4, amount elastic scam that does • •o• ..., i rEet rds of Col:vets. Tha work will bo win. iV • Good Black ffilk - i - . —____ . _ Hoe do 504 r Beef MI foot . 1. a -war 400 not rip with seam or washing, rune almost A:gooks:ay, I 1731 s iliaS • '. -' ' ' , i SI .I.l" ' <----'. 1 pirz s A.,: - Alt - 4 - .. INGRASIB,-ft.", fo toVf ets. per yard ; WillttßA.Wrir - . - . 03,„ 4., ES '' dressed .. G 4:1/Q., Geo Mohan, simple, toy teworlr. and uorliattle to get out I plated in lb royal octalla volumes of 760 page , Oatl do .30 " ifi bbl .inco of repair, fastens the ends of its own thread, anti , use: A each, 1-1 of whieh are now ready. Au addiiiiTrut7 l : iic ioo d cw nin n, 4 an Linen. _ „ ei, -•• per piece 1 ~. ". , 1 FLAGS! . • FLAGS , (I r. 121yaras,onlv *I 1 .. , jl ' Any GOLD or Tin $541 filling fails within Aar pars Deers do I^3!n 11,0 fildee OiN, tri threads artil willoi direetlY from the nfbobie mt. whit+ the. . ...... ... . . seaargrin e C ol7 .l .o sai ll l e : `, , : le , . „ •,..,...,i . ,, - ..;', 4 , 2 , 1e ," n . ' ' Buckwheat 40€1., .12 Hams 0 It; .. .10S I are bought- '--.6 . • r- . Larlder• • ., '' .. volume Willi be published ewe to three • months. ; ! I ! m it i th i ezn;y o r d ir w ultt at e i d ,fa cti do ut ri the y, S o l f it oo ng pir reolaecd, nvidTha ••tiourrd cut 1 C 24 Shoulder', . . OR , Cloth Ilt3 • Lnw Sheep, $3,80 i Half Moroccu, l other Goods In proportion. -•- „ 1 . , . ~ , _ l . .- ‘" - I,;est Merrimack,' 115 yarti l s 'OO3 - - • ____ Apnics Vim (7( 50 lard - 'foe 10 '.-• '' --'- '` ' - ' I s 4 ; !lair Cuff, $1,450 each. ladies, and all others interested. vi oidddo writ te tent' . - f p fl 4 . • ' • ' . 'in mind ► that the best andebeapcert place to trwite teat ; ' Ci (=sett Cia3. ' , i‘ H , „Plitti, XleAt ' tg3. , RESIDENT DENTisTst dried do 63Cr, Butter ; firkin . 1361. 14 ~, , ..... • 56 - . roll • . 13fd. 14 - ' ' -----; I '' ''- --••'''' '.-- I- - ' T/IE WAT OF PROCURING THE CYC. " ' VI " ;• HIRSCHMAN ' S . BROTIIERS ' , 1 . . . - • , A choice. article, only _l2?, kmite. • I ( 11 , 1:4C 0% . ON 11 F:ggr. re dos .•. tea, -.., eat DEBATES ,- Forst a - club of four, and remit • Fiat la ton 8 606 - e TOO [Clover seed 'Oho 3WC6 Oh ' No. 37 Court etre l d, Dinghanton-Sign date • tire Wee.' 1..... the price of four books, nod five copies will he it ( ~ ,a.taanyaa hand. a large and .plandid aniety ~ : , u.. ~ S lIARRIS TpatwoNs wikang DENTAL tierstet/Ido well Salt - 0 i,bl .. .I to Timothy seed .. 3' 1. A. to bear in mind that o e are PE T 01........TLY ionised pueLing 1 624 t - 1 75 Word /2 it, . - :tilt 40 _ '" • ' •- . ' sent at rho remitter's ,ex nee of carriage; or „t Ses.t :Stee l SPriltif S Pl air ts, 'at Montero.: and have have had theesPerlenee °HIS years Pelts t . t , teaet ,,, ii it, s ° °, / T o l W hi,te MO ~, ir b b l : 0 . cie, ,,,.. ae • a Bak i es ' 2 - atianea . , 014 k in their ir p eculiar 1 fur ten subisi, ' idlers, eleyeu copies will be sent , 31ILLINERY Ii3OODS, .9 A ince lot--sclling at 4 'cts. pi•r i erring. 1 Tooth 3 p c:Br : ciumae..,...,.....d:.„„he Beak. con . UNION FLAG MANUFACTORY '-' ' 4. •.' '-' s ' •/ ' ''' - • . 1, -. 41. -m-- - re' t ",., 2 l . 4 ,' , A hl tn n i. d r t... 711 4;;. ',Nur.' .t SON. Moutroee. ra .... stitch. and fabrics putecigether by it. may weer and drop Pt our expense for carriage. For o bole-ale and remit trade at . S. E. GOII. FOI T IVIII st, VINE STS - L ._ . 1 ,„__ 1 to pieces from originsPormimess or hard Image, but come MAIL .I.B6.&NorlaritT6-K0NE8.062 P. 0. , 'Fo Aagara.--No other work. win - so fiber. lIIISCII3IA X X HILO'S. • 1t.433..5' A eel pg_ D e it y (amtiy - orceplail.) ewes tbe 1., sup tO r e t ek v :r .ll 44 l l:ll 4 b4• G• Rl le"6 oolOr tbe fUlt O C= SFZl l d i lir th ern el ha wi ngi n i ally reward the exertions of agent. mograi pleghaintoid. April Leith. • • 3PA:CgICA.A.S,ZIZiMIEILX4I.. Lailies'OtonyliFiscillieta and i .. Dlitwierar EP ,i and isouth, by Railroad al IX P. - 31 . t ln rage and tettera--/f. Y-A'nee. •• • - i Wanted in this Canary. Ter r e mode known on -- -.---- -- - - - ----'---: - , , Daily, (otinda, ex^epted,l from due West, kie HailrObtio i , i . -;---.- ' - . 1 ' j appijention to the Publisher. STATES . RIGS • • 1 a • .it fiai' u. ut. C , : r " NEW GOODS ! --.r . From Binghamton divert,. every Tuesday, nuaradai anu ' ' . , , LAMBS, WOOL HOSE. ~ wilcuis .iiwit ll y l i t i•atnteley. at ,1 1 .< p. m , • - ' , y s From. Tunkluetrock ellrea , cv•evy Tuesday. TitatadaY • - ' : . 1 r kilii g ' PAl l na• IV-3111N2C7 arc , c•x)es, __ OF ALL 81ZFAS; ALSO, ' . -.., -- • 3 . . . x . "%xxxiass Glit, ---- mislion.., , mrs woswesakeertstytne4, a s/ Meads , patrons. and Sattminy, at Ip. m - votes tgIANTITT br waltana wmow rA. ,, . From Towanda direct, -. every Tuesday and yat , ; r e sadth i e m f e tcgrneratiy that we haven= Mme - ' ZER, new 'tyke Sir tbe sprier trade. Just arrived. - R.ST ""M‘ EIL - UNION 'A DGF S 7 p. m , - - Daily • from Yriendsville .10 . 7 . 44 an r . n . nrn i " rtke PiIIintIESPILEOSSAYR MOW WOW" - and limper. : mare* Awl, WS% 111111. ABEL Tullio:Lt.. A T - _ - -- ` 414 " 41 ' t I k tr t ‘ ,• - ' tent to meet tbe lilac ramie of neetareensats hi &machine i ' . SITIVIMERSVILLE ' , ' ' OF 1 7 .3R.10 LT.S' ST.I ` LES ii • SIZ j ES: • : Watelheakthsolry. Sake? #4 2 lesteil ireire, v..-irt.e• Lira IT-1131V einudays exreptio) for the east fur family seeing, we dad more fully combined in the n Ariel) , sigAitjumTE Biff NI • . f. - . ands outh. by railroad. at 40.1 a. '.- ' . . Grover r.Batter. viz.: extent of espanity. simpliaity of 4 .!".+110w fla. • I- - - 130uv,FIT LOW FOR CASII . : • , .._ . ...._,......,_ ..,... ___.. _ •-- ' Thankful to the nuttier:tug oubtomers for • • ~! • • baili temday - excepted) tat thevreat, by nialwmti, at 4 couetruction, ease of , management, advantage of Wing 1 • f 31751' El Extraat of Rock Rose, , f. itieigll .., . , oeverretwai dase a st ssa sl oe. rra ; l. thread hum two' watt's without rawindtng, sitriSth of 111 & FRIENDS ,-: i -o . fth ;, . e.,- , J.m.e. , :___. t, st, . 5 yk.... :1 4,, f i , s. ,t,t y , ra„„„t s voi„ ezioes ilid ir vi atk n o'r it 111° , ", 44 , ~ ./7 -- rdarru Mr P a tt i/ 10' til.“'44, 0: iflatr, 1,. Peary ""'- use. _Oita! least? Yet Binghamton direct, every Monday, 'Weinesday and I work. elogleigr.Surability anti tget.ati and E. I rie w k, ove us a (Winn& we will e!initv you ' _ I NI= create.t Rowdy for SCROFTLA. end other kind- Tivi, tesptitelly spjltiftl ... rontffillatict. oft I m u t age b r iv er ' 0 to • P "Ir", " . rrrl a" Friday. at la. tn. - - quietneaa et movement. We theze t v .+ 2 „ tr i njwia ' t° G lC L eg r os ," "t " i m e Fr im et ur v lrldi rti e W o .f“ ' " lngant i oa , " aes 4 etrort, " t t,' 13 A,kitG 4 1 ,1[1%14.11. . Ted diuwasee, ever known - .. - I l't• 11-•••••Pinteldar (Mangos OM the maniac el For Tunk/Lannost direct. eTerY Monde!, Wednesday G. 'tee °rover kitaiter:4'-Reliorrilf -- - ----- t -------,-- -- • rho eatne. Fridy. At t; am. ' Mate fair qr - its)o gib/Zonis agstegartror moo. -, td. Montrose, dai l y, et , 051 A, a• 117.,.. alliff 'viva 'Mend ,. - , • "'' ' gercisene; Cansphene dr-Vlldd. ! ,t& 6. I. ~ i , , wiochop am Jeweler et - or - 12. Y. . For Tmtanda direet. risers Wilda) and Friday at in 11 k "" .. , h , " T r a Icrr,-.. it" t, i , ~ ti eat o'ciock.p. nr• , IL jr,. 411‘; CO. , oUtltltuttg s 105t1111:111111, 'tY V Cl. : batty for l'i tend , rine anadit ex... 1 at .7.10" p.m ' ' r: nr , 5,.41...t.Nryt.r., , n, ziLvellt, OrSee dna ea ages ems be procured et tbe Lis cry on vempable terms .. •,. ..;tk. A. , ,rji.sga, Isiji,_ :it grin, row snit 10*..t kinds to be fo'und in any market, , i --* Nn. 0.10,11 . ' . Sera 1•,.r 'l,,e, , 1 111 to rough 'i Of ,irro h- a‘i.../k.nliti ai e - , . • e % ... e °Hite enhaertber In ontrose. I. Loitriand on hind and ier , ale at TURREI 1..' I -m o w - h• I id' 166) . " -- ' 0. ,.„ in p ~t et ...f.r . n, .1•1•1 ••At • On. -ti,o or.) pln . i;•1•1 ,i' cri ,In c * 3lontrosc, ra. Montt°. • .4 , 11 16 fry if J P .7 , loP_Wpv , • - ..'111111.1ur , ' , .. -, 1 ••,- • , • • • .• 1 ' . . • - • N. . March I, ',Mt ...Sin • . _ (..111% the suddim-shock.of war 11 hieli has lini:st upon us like a clap of th un .icr from a dear sky. it is natural that the true instincts of men he shown out. The true patriot will stand firmly by . his post of .Late, and lend the GoVernment all the aid in his po'Wer to prosecute the war until it can IM brought to an' honor able termination. The realhero will wheel into the ranks and !prepare to meet the enemy in deadly combat. But cowards mote be known by their sneaking around and thseatenim , ii.denec against their neighbors Who may chalice to differ With them in opinion.. Therefore, when men :ire heard ,apiilying:t he termt --traitor - to better:patriots the ti they dare claim to he or talking about mobbing peOple -for shn ply expressing opinions in regard to mat ters ofpolley, it is positive evidimee that . •her are afraid to volunteer., and wish to make a display of patriotism by blowing around hOine and threitlening mob rol -I.ct all such bipeds be -"spotter 14 cowards.' A.__.~R~3.E~.~l' REDUCTIONi InUOIS i GlititUßND }EXPECTED. AT THE STORES O. igiuttrifberil, Ilasenbaunt, co., Montrose, Susq'a County Pat, Elmira New-York, Susquehanna ElepOt, Pa. , , . . , 1. _ - ~ i. - I our Patent being now established by the Coasts, we `proclaim to our friends and the 'public in general - are 'enabled to furnish the Grocer & Baker Machine, lath .I 1, that in consequence of the present pressure in the impo rtant improjement.t, at greatl y . - '- ' •' , REDUCED I EDUCED 'PRICES. mane:ad:tire In the cities we can. pnrchass" ' , .. -, . . .. 1 GooDs . loft. cAs . , , ti , .. The moderate price - at which machines, making the 0 , Gruver& Baker Stitch; can now be bad, Wage theta 1 . FROM 10 TO !O VEIL CT. LOI .. R TII I i Former.y., within the reach oral], and renderelhe ascot madam* . - . •" . making inferior stitches ZIF trrineeasasy as it Is leartat Therefore .re are determined to off.r the public our Persons desiring the best machines, and tbe 4* to general stock. of . • . use them, matt nut only be sure to buy machines staking - . .. ' 7i • tbeGrorer & Bakes Stitch. bat - also that Mill iseehines E - A m ( !R AD E o t offi t iN G ... : a t r i e las m f a i d o e ,, e arl . I r. camped__ under ba ron: patent. and Mow Of . , . D, , CARD FR 1M WAS HOWEI JR. Y - GOODQ ,_ A4' - • R. , - . ' All persons are cautioned nous) make, deal in, or nee which coinpriles. the , nny sewing machine. which sew trorri two spools and I. st -a nakc the stitch the Grover & Baker atlldb„ v o E'S alid . liek, • less-the came arc purclui.ed from the Groves & taker Sewing !Lachine Company, or their Agerow, me Bemis,STOCK°Gooll3no d f * -1. tanitrd ender mY potent of September 20,,J1116: 1— I.' , Said company. and their llceners.alores. wrelogally ita- Kopt in ANY COUNTRY Store - : thorized 'under their own patrml, sad my said palest, during the extended tebn thereof to make and sell this ' this side of New York C i ty. .1 - : ' kind of sewing inschina, and elf others are ;Andes epo s •- - ' ' At Prices which Defy Competition my raid patent. and .19 be dealt trlth, accordingly wham e‘cr Cozad. 3 . 4 we will sell, for CLELifinEIC, at the tidal' ad.`.s.ore ; New -York. 01,,teil per cent above the wholesale cost. Wel will. sell , the following GOODS at the aurreso prices, v,,z,,: H 0 0 L NIAI iOI I: MED47 4 II, ' Cs 4t4tr t;It14:. ALT • STANDARD. REMEDIES of the pr , wnt turf, ”c.rui!ed their crest knaguitt oulLibrvuglA yeur.,f trl4l.'-tobuitzfleitiati,Lketles • • Is rui.4.1,1 tlou, iti d 1 CUM. • gOOFLAN.p . qt- GERMAN BITTERS I=l 'Liver bungalat. DmejpiLs. Jautidk76,ltitereir:ia Do- Intley. Dletutetea Of the "Aar" au.s arklik; (rota a dl.rdrantlfw, ! ,,,•45 or tlo Mattock aa./ Orgus.- A 51; 4i ITSVtIf YIUIW urn, 1111.1IPS MU!, Allenvre 111/11MIL . 'ee w r prxf cesoo per ;Mao Hootionts,Balsaillic Cordial, tY Coalcha, Colds, oulloorssasos, Ifrossilds. Crap, PlittllSOlda, locipisst Coastioraro. , •ad 144 1 4 . U-used thosokst. ostim.tablagtconososkisior, CONVi/tic•F.D CO3ISU3IPTIONs • As • tisz;Lcca e.r,1;41 it Is rerqualbl. PECI, 76 emu HOOFLAPID'S -GERMAN PILL, bring well traoult throughout Fortipo and Autetirs• Mail • trleotaraeadatton - here. They are purely Impact.* 7 prepared with great er.uctucee, and are sugarcoated. Xe better Cathartic Pill can ha found. Mrs, licit. pm box. The. medicines are prepared by Dr. C. ll/. 7 aalNtw & Co-11.112Z Ipidn. Pa, and ?t: Louis, )Lt, and an all by Jruipgi.t. and delvia la medicines - everywhere The dip JAC L. 40 :, wai lei en the outside et seri . „, 7.. a .. Artful% r0,..5wn1.11•340 ...sulty, you " nit find tetaluor.! :81.4 0 , 111111.111.110111 notion Ames d t p.trtm of the coote.rt •110:;t ltaisacs An Clem Imo? b 7 • all our ngz.r.,s. . nag public, 'Utz' tiuri rgipectfully marital to t&o following cards of EuA flows., JR., and tbo Osamu & Big= S. Y. Co.:• . Card_ from the Grover & Baker S. M.-Co.: GROVER & RiXER E. N. CO.. • 491.7troctdray. New•Tbrk rx..41 Holm n.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers