, u ; .. - . T 1 T Need Would be true to it, cl±; nteasttres :: - _:vri'lle Philadelphia North American Abstract of INTews. „,-,..R. 11•089 W ins, formerly a resident ... •1 T.ho Stay Laar. _- of ()L e aflet!' County; IN ene York, but lee A Subject to be InTuroa Into, - ' THE MONTROSE DEMOCRA . • i ~1.,14,,,, , ,. ti..,,,,i, . Ti,,, i j, , ,,ii,,,i ng ,0 - , ti,„ „. a , .4,,' .- ,,„),., u flu -4 ,,, - issers--$1,50 egli Lersust. IN MIMI _ j might be adopted to remove the .bene of (114.) says, :-- , ' re ~,g i— a te „,,: e . .G i elet, : ), .;„ it ar n e y n:any5 1 1:::: rims: I of Miltimore, let . rhe r ° le" been 41 "" e ' P ' 1 ' • • ' t fta P \ nsvle •: la• ' la- • • As.. a = :12141111Attilk0501%ty, • ouni is a positive doe. s leenehatsristnied - , at FersloNellenry. An I oontentionan an honorable wey, hold all • "Before the Ibtli Mote, at the! present 1 t 4 the Pprfe'sla'of.3llBB4... e t s .se "meatus Incises:esti'', Got'. COr.- sane -• to 0 t s ' h I . ' ., - att ' "la = •st , es, , _ , prac kt §. k l . "' ItOITOR, Plillt,iBHE '; AND - PROPRIETOL, r, the bortieiStetes brine back the Prods,' rate . obtec - uroulation, the anambet• of as 1 n . , , • ..,,., d iii.i. bill ~,. inferned meeting :it the Baltimore. Met t in OA,. i t , to the fionoi of Lis o n 11 per. ~„ ,„, :__ ; :. Anti se d by th e L eg i s l ature as „,, i n _ . chant's 1/AI,C tange EMS 11 . 011141:0C41 bildfou -1 ~ ..- ..111a.,. tenet charaett•t• to have a tliormigh Inver- Ilan nsist•no, 1 ',...*:),y 1 :=Upon ;fall I - -t s ts -''— e t e • erne4 ------ ' — ftepAl - $ 11:113 . 711161 - '.----+ I ! . 101 . 1 it s, r t atittant and wiser, and peers eitn ie4 :a t,au for n c s ita iru to oo nj , house berths mill not be 1 =te rm •• I t f •f I - . Concrress. Ilia wife him received fiCITIIi,- r)0(1 111:11/C0i • • • ,---••-- .t , .,....---- •-• ; WM: rnl tune, national Itermotteintuty, Ii whole' . directac o sece ssi on; mate tat s. moon- , a e , , . tigation of the facts. Poor -i • . steigniontsatoty nAnaininee nsatistierVisrl ... - - -,-_-_-_-• ..,..---.--,- , ~ . ..- _,_, ..„ I. , , • ~ e ooe r to order It. a i ~. , T 11 th • (1 11 aotl • - . - 'Oll to %Mt 111111. f urn i h il e tl at I iI I IC4. ina , "1":" t'l"th! n g • Wilirli tnaAe ofititineda '':l in silt months • r4AßTlel•lit I •---"Ugresa _'Mitt[ nia " !‘ :al° 1 11145 11rItY• BLit the *riling party': e s 'aee, t , .4 fh e se em ' t i erle n , The ronners stuntulnae MissoUri;he says, must share , ' . t the destiny of thessilnien. -He ventures I -A, 111:111 111111/ed E. IL Walker, product. did not agree with us-refnaed so allow ; . of infer • ita• dot li, la verdt e d °l'"es• b sa n k e et p s l , f rti en'tl t 'sep l assseee of this act, or upon which law respecting an testablishineht of Igit - . , them ,Witlf paper soles, mem . is the place for office:seekers' noW-front • 1 the opinion that the whole power of the l i dealer ht Fan e ettil Hall Market, Boston, sate ofrea, estate ha 4 not been coafirnted, or prolnbiting the free exercise the 3 r i e o ot r , ans. , ~ questions to be teibmitted to e popu. United States will be exerted to ketipber having i•spressed himself. friendly to the y e -.Qtten at some instanees :eel In , there shall he a stay . of execution for one- Olt ABRIDGING THE FREEDO , , within it. Camp Jackson is deseribed, ; Smith, very indiscreetly, in public, ea , `most slit Wed in half. In the l'"" r " w " year. Judgments • now existing or the army • and front SPEECH, OR Or TIIE PRESS; ,. ;df that it '1.4 in the inter- mobbed s ou Sattudav nights He %tau have l e o the menngement 1 ...e Lhib liote,.:111. to. e tegarded aastulgmenus , r g_ Iht of the people peacnausy to asseinuos non otanent,preserrem to accept the evi- . ,14 - T he Washington correspondent of ,tu them creme;w. f and to petition theGov_ern e rnetet tot on a t 1; ( 0- dently _nppreaching ti'ar to any other set. the NC W York Tribohe saes:- 1 ' efitik iif the Southern Confederacy is left as t half drowned with water, t•otitixaled te . • , , supplies. Let the e'sntraet"'. s "a t 'e • ' b obtained within six months•after. the date 1 4 evettees. console:I ^ '• Lincoln kitty been importuned' by men a deduction from i the facts. The con- pay $lOO to the war fund, and then let ge . published ~ 1 111 I I "' al ' . 1 )"'Ili"". th '' S ‘` 1 • •• 1 1 • '' . theriatf. Provided, That the defendant is drew of gal . s --- - dement of existing dillieulties. When we made of hi , ...soods so that the responst n. . posse, es , seri of real estate within the restate.- United States. -- i c• " A little daughter of Mt. Cheeseman, it,. come , . 1 opoe i E routittentsiu public life, and alto hold 1 elusion of the preclatuation is couched in , Tn ~ t },. , Vie- , ., - -- ,_ -_ -- s 2 _ e--- - - ---_-, look back.' and resit'w . our 1 ighotEcial station, to confiscate Southern the most determinedlanguag,es Vile su- thi s vom i t , „„ e a l „ ore a a needle some . 1 e, ,,, *t.‘"Z.l . 1 , `,`,', 1 ' . .,. - 1 .., - , . e ' tit - e cotintyloi• emmties in elfish such --------, , , • , • ' „tnei'll.`Kill , lll.l l LiIVI 011 Int ini•nnr- ' • •• b bt. • „3„, et • , , --• ,- , . judgmosaslxall have, cen o sum. _ is . 1 . _ . 18 7 - and NAL— ' ' — _ , . passmg et hits, we fin d , a perfect just Meal property located iu the'Nerth. They no- ', promo law•of the hind, he says, must and / menthe Once, which yesterday made it: tunes of (elm s, reads to .trice sitarp oar- , ane ot h er esout t e i n Which said jittlgioenfs • In I$!Q, the Unite 1 States became in - I , Lion •; we see niOre clearly that we were sire hint to interfere • in the transfer on shall be maintained, and: subterfugeswill; way mtt of her bide, aft er i ntense s t or, r i,„ : ga ins withet in•t• arum e who is l i ard•pre s s . , ,hall 1:1\ {1 cell tense e c , 1 1• • b • 'f • rre ISt Well IV, be v o s ived itr aya ' with -Mexico. • What noun; and our fears as.to what might fol- real - estate, and base their proposition up-.i not al` - fill fiir-lhe - oppression or nit, good, on thOrmri of-little B e tty. . sh e j„1„i„ ,. ., , ed. are reee- *aide fir the side amen w no, ;..,,id toe .mcot ofstichiloginejoil wort. • 1 in order 10 1 11 it money in their pnekets, in the t o t. • t s penon oat s '" were the-miuses 'that led to the n - ar, or , low if our warnitige--strengthened by ty, Conn or Jedge liar. ,„ ss : , e ,• , ;on the ground that Southern men decline law-:hiding people of Missouri.. Ile, will e t -cll.-Kan us Is t ,p er , . . 1 , . . ~ sic to pay deists due North, and do not hes- suppress alituilawful cfnnbinatione of Men, -The Bo.stoft Post hellcas e - th a t ti ts I it g enfold the eentforts of the stealers that i ~. ill , isaictim) of such judgments, at a • N'lllo N't, as to ohmic tor its outbreak, it is ;-those of 11 ashington, Jeffeison, dolt 8011. ' tit . to to seize property itstianover h ey can wat”er tnilitary or otherwise. ,This is tamper:nes whittle water wi;rlsa was , au u ~ .' have game forth to do battle fer their . B :tietri - ;o part of our porpose now to trace. We , Clay, mul other tnte petriots--were ill hasten • • •desireof certain •r ' • not helm Misconatrued, etal w . • ,cd by the . pa tee, to le f 'l l • ll:talttation, a stun suit:lent to net fin it. To one of then delegations-and t , ~., e ttatover an a ce e l'u ntrs- ' s righto an.} their eev"tr'''' he"' a c db • all theirs-Mount. take the fact that war existed, and desire heeded, have nosy been territly realized! ah re have been several-Mr. i Lineoln i on- evente, towards saute kind of settle-_, empl,oyed to watch it. I - . „ I or. The fortune made by impc,sitinits on ‘d ••• a dUnionstraggling calmly listened, and then said, No, gen- , ment. .. , -A - department of the poses) .set. ie.. , t 'lllnces• and tile anuntnt exemPted from to call attention t the position assums . n duty, molten our s . never." "• But they do it,r replied ; - ---.At Baltimore there has been., i iI" - 01- ,in Virssinia hes been closed . It is- !laid • f l e e l v is4 v ; a li t i ul si st m i l l i st A . M . executih t n . ; e or • said t '' ftl *tizens of the' f f• 1 b 1,1 doubtfull denten, or a int ter but per apsexist - , • untied-health o an u cl, "roop' 1v l.11)e t s t l f :' t i i i i ) e ("l n t N e Vi ll th it hoar t'' b;lan•'e‘i:: I . d t " by e certain portiot of the ei go. e seem y or . past It.n , , . . 1 the spokesman. " They, rejoined the portant moveitunit. Gen. Butler . . issued-a that nenrly all, if not the whnle, of 11, • are imperilled :til -full trued he (Ile inlP"- the saute to he approvedler the Court or 'I. mat In The Whig - etice we can but mingle with oar grief at , . reference o it. , , . I i resulent, "can afford tit do a •Wrong- very important proclamation, on the Mb. i sot/0,0.,.l river service will he „ le sit:ions. whie.h eras nn "".`is hiss c FT' . , Judge beftire. whout the Kline waa obtain_ ,"piirty-,--a large prop rtion •of it-alleged its mixtbrtnnes, the heart-felt satisractk m i I cannot."' And 80 that question is set- 'He seems to have astonished the -authors- . continued.. Seed. Iset the G os •eolor see to _it -rf lit• - ' . ';- I • dependingfrom date of that the War, on thi part of our getern- that both our hands nnd Our consciences tied. - , , 1 • ties bY his knowledge of affairs in that, , irottla avoid tie storm n ~„ f itli , matiou ed ' ei nt ' l l , )4 " • i -I he Southern stockholders hat c d , Ile demanded some arms an judgmentsw froin _the passageof this act, • menu, wee o tu t it t and nticonstitutional , are guiltless of any deed or thought tend- ; Will the Tribune and others eca.ae their citY• purchased the riehts'el thc Atkins Ft press which frill eat upon those who - have cokl- •, ~ - 1 I steepens stored in a warehouse, and Meal- •. , . . a • . ,• , - • which s N ecuritv A:in consist. of one or inure • 1 eg' I " The '1 Susquehanna Register," -- ed to our common destruction. But wnen clamor for thq confiscation ot property r t . es .es dray swituna the Southern Cuttlederacy, nived et. nviell less perticipated in. these ; ersotni who shall satisfy time -C I 1 .. b •s ti l ' - - curt oriy sucteeded in carrying away pile n , searitialnllA Wr0n2 , ..--Ser:1115 0 11 Reimbli- , 11 •I •1 ' - t 1 ` a li as " independent Republivan," then as we are charged with the authorship ofour in thel / . ', l t h 1 - 1 1a t ..ou - that rcsi-ens. -as -ce.;re_ it..o 1 loa d s 101. them. s ome i mp and i dlers e • -A dreadful- land slide has • occairre.3 .1 nage, 'DV 411 C 1 cyst caeca as may be .re- t can; - t , near Ilitrlingttin, Vt. Several wtoktuen eeire . .1. l 4 • dtatth•y ar • bOna fide owners of ; and not 'de- ' bewrong? Or Iris piracy lentirely I hotted, and itere die o -ell to . now, printed in 3lontrobe, and recognized woes, could we berviticemee _ , a • s ; . 1 , ooted the gnarls, a-p , , .•, i ~ , ~, , , „ . . t utrc elute(' mat It is lesson i I et t tat del, ell 1•V:11 or personal, estate, worth, at a .fine a s the o rgan ofthe anti-democratic party, , fend ourselves, and charge home the re- rooted mat, patriotism? 4 It i perpetrate int:odder, but finally eense . si . . ~,. " Pickings and Stealing& 1 appcata that Gen. lintlet has tut-few j APC St4IIIIIISbIN,. - • a ‘• llw . ltiel , l : d s eithi e e s tite ", Itle,t,"lt of , took a sere decided btand against ihe war , eponsiblity, as between tts and our oppos , s __ es „„ -, . . • The reasons I .:hen at the time In toe mem,. out no tningan etas ace snail ne so 1 . - es_ 1 A 1 1.. 1 t& 11- \"AY ''' 'rife report that the reneuns of, troop: with him being eatisfied of, the , -Dr. Gustave Holland, alio was scat -. 1 , Democratic Senatois for retbeing to-vote i , _ • f the North? , Vet for this we are - . , policy_ it talked freely "about the awe- , mints o . . IA% ashiteston have been removed ,f f " e vent I general dispositten of tke eitk , em to pre- Iby the Government of the Southern Con construe( as to stay ant execution that , I for the $5,10,0tt0 to nem ife heat ts e Melt I may he issued after flu expliation of ed, foolish and uncalled for invasion of , assailed with a the eenom which !gismo') J Mount Vernon is still a question under r OciWe o r der. Hi m proehunation is rigid in i ftsderacy, upon a mission to Europe, return letire that there ,core tit) 'ltili , •it-11 I 'are s s istv days from the pasea - of h • li -• • b•.ti • miserable Polk adminio - gives to fr:iii mankind!, We are branded 1 centsideration. 'From Baltimore tie learn , ge tis act, . talus, ) this its cletails to promote theutmost eectirity •ea in the Arago on Wednesday, and 11 a.; 11 1121 lb l'isr("T" :tre"l'd ti". measure it, ( fer the nor 'of et-01(414111e the intereet , t ations" "said it he.. '". tsar of sosgression with t•pithets such as we do not Wish to that a correspo_ndent asserts 'that the re- ilor the city. Xechooner, with firma on i soon after. his arrival arrested by tie keep th e mouse - net ~r ties .1.--J- -4-ses s taste upon .1 ndgmente, for a stun of 'nun ia r. cl conettest;" talked about the" wicked- . name in this connection - and deeds are ! mains havelbeen removedatpon the ground 1 board; was seized at the wltnrf in Balti- I, tatted States :Marshal on a, eltatail of le• t pritteiplifi tole:editors. sart• berrietting to less than five hundred taollars, heretofore • • , , that the North had it in contemplation to i more,', i ing a bearer or dispatches to the sece tit; realized in their fu forts'. it ales ' obtained. But no smelt' execntion shall be ness and disgrace of a needless war:' and I threatened awl committed, whitdt are our do the mune thing. Of coarse, the irholel -11rom Europe we have five davits hitter sionists. . After, an examination of his that up to this time ilo money hes heen seabed for less than - six months arrearages, - boldly charged that the motive of the .ly fit to disgrace the darkest hours of the statement ia a canard, and we strongly in:' nba-s bv the steamship Europa and - Parana. i documents be ;teas discharged ; nothing expended tbr artn , , :mil Vet •we venture ; with interest. The law is not to :Tidy to' was a "claire for phoulcr." These'lviews ' Reign, of Terror! Did we not allow , cline to-an impression that Mr. Superin• I The British Goyerritntmi, is evelted by the appearing theists to implicate him. ... to say, that if ill the hill rontra . ett din I inters st'•due Widows, orAtins and minors. t lendorsementf'Wit' ' • toled • d insultst . tentlent Kennedy has found 'time I to exert a warty from tea e s it rongs go mirevene on o 1 ; exercise of the privateerine• system of the I -s-Th W std ster Republican - 1, ~ 4 C IC r.tisitu the army movements afid the e'll l- 1" 1 "'"ts 1 This aet shall not apply - to judgments ole , in -e- " e ' len influence upon the Associate Press s; übert) Coneresa and b the the ass uuheeded the whole North would • •, ,• t e.• Y proposed, e Pennssla•ama volunteers that Bain party- in Montrose, and throughout p , . parehasell were paid t„-Say, there "u„ld ' taint?ll tbr Vages of labor, •or debts eon-1 agent at 'Washington lately, and that the , Fedend blockade. A squadron has been' more,"lnts always been celebrated for the be a yery small hit thee „ft he neer/Trim ' hauled after`thepassasse of this act, but county ; and such was the position of; el A 11.11 c •t! thi • - •burst out into ail the hole 1 . - se, ; sensation paragraph about the vsolatton ; ordertde.o our coast for the protection of beanty,ef its women,” that the "fair were 1- , tion en letnd. Within the lest wee,. I.‘ss- Shnll apPlv I 0 1 , 111 NnT o 'rations• whether that party Sell over the country, and par- rocs of a war of extermination. lof the tomb of Washington has been the „ I British tessels. A desire as expressed ' s•vet, thi tewaill of te brave," and that clations ef nil ac„t ,, lnslting wilt' , v 1131 .'' defbndants 'or !misters of collaterals. The ticularlv at the North-a few patriotic G e ntlemen of.the opposition-old Whigs I midi. What a vivid imwsinakion for i not. Welder the contest here, The gene- "beauty and booty w:l3 the wetchword at • been mad s which go to .ho„ -that un- 1 0-ns isiOns of this shall be eonstrued , • r. 1 startling items some people dr'oba-e., . 1 ral Earopean intelligence is not very int- 1 :gate Orleans" pfineiple I to el :t • • t linen 4 . 01. whohs to a Ink- to all itulantents in which a sale -n4 1 . • tonorthle exceptions to the contrary . and others-friends_of your. country, e i -- - --- s• - ! --6 . ------ '.. - ' 1 nertatit. Our latest news shows th at an / - 31r.''• - affair into n erand - 1.. - 1• I - I• • - - oteatlistanditor Abraham Lincolo bit. fleet well ere you give further sanction, ' e---. ...peen A 1•01. 11'n a. g- e s . J ud ea : a pees , . ss lees hot brew :ecteelly " a. 1 `The rumor that the Ilon ohm C. ' . • 1 . 1 effective block:tde will,be recognized, and 1 Breekinrulge has not, - cutter islet ire 111% (•I ifL! 10 , 111' , frees' talked of. wa d e , 1.• • tads - denounced the government for ac. either directly or indirectly, to the mad Brekinridire has signified his intention to I that t the tented the idea of taking any such . position . a le Southera Confesieracy will be con -We are laid that the rontrart ore whol as the tele ra 1 1 d 1 4 Zps has assigned to itne n - cepting the war which eras forced upon spirit of siolence that daily thmatens to I serve. in 0 ~ 1 Keutucky re invent under • • 1 • 1. , , i macre( belligerents. The tenor •of the 1 , • • I. . h.. tart 3, . 1 t 'sire - now ems:teed at the C,irarri Mortar, in , Prosidcntla 'Ptoolamation. Col. Anderson. is not eciferally credited. i ominous si cnct, on is pa Eames that the it, end that too from bib seat in Congress.. involve th e y e t peaceful portion of our , 1 a . i news is favorable to the Philadelphis ; I:1 getting . up elothing for , Where:ls nn insurrection exists in the •-' •...• report is unfounded. Col. Anderson i Ili these days of absurd rumors au state- -Feinn Washington we have the num I - • -- • - • - tress the army, have tie-n(41,0w - 4 71101 e clanl- :,laicf I'l • 1 I -whichll I'l o , • on, a, et the 1 TK. I - ter. , Geo. Ashintin,'Of 3lassachuselts, chairman common country in :.terrible ruin!, Re-., . . i• menus in •regard to the intentions ei prom te I T' . at Cineutuatt on Friday, and was reeeived ben of regiments to be obtained froth the 1 (ion into a ~rand .Perttlati.en. erns nee Mil- ty. and property of loyal citizens of the •of the Chicago Convention, that named • mentber that a difference of opinton is in- i withmarksofl • the Itgest consideration.. t Mem men ntumr im taken with a great deal s - 1 e 1 arc states, to fill the complement, A _ • • • • kings nine thine of it. It is - said flint u n it e d states aneendangered, „ . • Lincoln for President, and Joshua R. Gid- 1.. evitablet and that its free expression is 1 ;of allowance. Everything which comes, . bye ; great reeepuotios antic for him flier• aes • s • s• • ey ch. 1 -,P 111( \• I.tlt t er t :oh military And wherein:, it is deetned proper that din , of Ohio', !toe a t fi folly grea favorite o . • • guerenteed not only by the usage over the mires is manufactured teii orders iis to e - rn ' seventy- ve regiments, fors years. Pa. - 1 s„ K. t k . , i.l to It is -r • r •sent d- teall CO tie s. , emit made *2.9.5, WlitlP they pay the wont- •all needful measures should he taken •for's'sl I d foreffectof an ulterior •letreeter. It 6 - .. '. I - • 91t : e 1 --3lr. Ross - Winans has been releissed Lincoln and the recipient of. a first-rate of enlightened nations; but hy all laws,an L• •• , • i the Government is doing all it can do to en who do the- work only 70 eente. Him- the proteetion.of sueli citizens and ill * nflis •is now explained that .1 icut. Tilden re- • Ihe the ;Government, on his giving his . 1 nrot ide for the comfort of the soldiers.- - . ... deeds of NVOlllell Vill o are ll Vail' hat e x 01- cers of the I:nited States in these... Lee, office at his heeds, with't •rs, I cited w atitC • het her human or diyine-and fail uot to I ~ slaved a letter from Kentuckystattng •es 1 here has been too much haste.and conse- i parole ot honor thathe will not actopetils nnteer,d ••• •,...:•-• • , , T-0 -,,,- ~,,,,,,,,i, ll rlr,- of their tnibite (fillies in the State afore. against granting supplies to our soldiers- • remember that-these rights cannot, auttat 'I that .31r. Breckinridge would join Col, An- ' n - .1 lor covertly in hostility to elle 1 nite,l t o o leiv. :Intl yet ussr, i'lery one that is sa id ,_ itenth unnecessary suffering,. It is wen . thus desiring to let them starve in the field. • , not, and shall not now be trampled upon ' dereon at Cincinnati. Hence originated • 1 • States. stinted in I•nIt/),,,tiva-edni-e••• two dollars * NOW. therefore, he it known that I, •• • .. ' Col, e. d Navin , , that the goveniment has sit instruc- 1 , . t Ohio now a two il Thomas Corwin, al , .. • r e t 'or abrultseci even if the worst shalt come. 1 the story, 4 n ersong; suttee • tits to secure proper attention fOr th e I - 7 -11,x-Gov. At 11. -•Reeder of Pettin; and t wenty-tive r•c•ill••• Tile lltlifollt.4 turn- Abe:them Lineoln. President 'I • tof them- - . • - ' that lie was informed that Mr. Breckin- • • sauda, known in relation to the early his, ed riot :It this place Cons,et of an •eveced- ted Stati.s. (lb herein-direct N. command 1111 d office -holder under Lineoln, declared Look back fifteen yeare, note' the vete s; • . 1 • 1 , ridge would be in his command. _, • sol lierse r , tort' of Kensee lIIIS beene fussy vo tr• / him' (stst, I, ; , 01'1 mid Iv'tt , be- er of the forces of the United States on from his seat in Congresslhat "lie h ope d 'mans- oryou then entertained and rts, a - , ...... in ........_ —Gov. Hicks has in a letter to • •" • • ' d e " Bri g' n 'T , • I General by Prmiident 1 ineoln tweet, seek Aw l r e en ae t he l e t a a pair the Florida coast to Permit no person to the Mexicans would welcome ow- eoltliers lull', expressed, and note the fact that D is t itEss 0 1.• N e er o o se -e n di a i i s the' MaYor' Brown in regard to the burning 1 • , ' , of espy sat hoe pates n:' Ihe elnemest ma- exercise any•oilice or authority 11• lila I - i 1 •hi / •• your-elves and others arc livine under the i SI:Me of a desolating famine, after, having I 1)011 t he wo 1,00 y lam sto iospita e graves. '• . a • 1 of hrid,ges in Idaryland. The Governor -The Bitltithore , and ( - )ltie Railroad tenets, and a I , llla-fait toes rap, 'ashen prole islands of Kee West. the Tortuges, and tit 1 • t-' • /ne throtesh a desolatints rebellion. Aus- has not been insured% • the destrt• i, 11 • is quite tart, and denies he gave con- , 1 t ) ~ ~-,• nee,, not ....on now to denounce the same laws, and espect to enjoy, undis- ;e s e . a -ably coat :Ilene tiet y. es sia 1 (slits eaelt. -Santa llos:1, which inns be inceMsiet cut ' t ilia IA on the verae of bankruptey, an d sent to the destruction of property. tof culverts, as repqrted. The attempt at t . a s w h es . sa s,. flii, orrniple:e4 11e •" tote •tt ith the I:twe and Ccmstit tie', oft! •1: IL- Mihaly of such men, • for the world well , • • turbed thc ...line in:dienable rights. -They ' ' .e • . bout to lose Hunenry. and Venetia. Ita- 1 -.--Gen, Beatiressard is reported to hellead Ranks tol i • • •• • • } Point of Rm l 0. njury• n•as frustrated. nt . ft w ,,,, ,, A , 11 „; the ...,...ve..ometit s is eh:le-di I ' • I ' ' I the " k •ilttl • • •dk nous m ten mattics an acts ma o a... who then embraced certain iil - ,tell Mates, :tut...terming oin sat tee samehr-leegest ,I- is pies fbr war. So is Fil • i from wetinds received at Charleston.- -'iltere are ito be fifteen i.e. - rime:as. a hone.- , , - esventer 1 1 ! lea., ss .1 ti . re 1.) , 0 , 2,i.-11. We ;IMF'. If lIC sltall tind it in. cessarv„io m- foal blot upon the 1% •.-_•1 pa „ . ,, , ,,, o sf A mor e , (and even abused them) should be - the 'russia is about to bolitend with Denmark. 1 ~ This. report cannot be trite, ns he was not . disaibuted In ,I ennsylvaithe 'under the are oasitas 1y e. 1 e l s e : . le, see -hiss 1 eanil there the writ of I,obcat ft . d • • . • i last 01 ;-• to ci m • • them to. other , : now- I Turkey totters to its base, Rosa t i,. is, in iat any . of the forts durieg the engage- ' provisions of the nets military bill ter the irpit•-, au can Histerys nO,l it wns only ut nit tlnfor- • - ItsL .'l,l 1 ••• ""l• ..1 , , . - .O" • ' • 1 ' ' 1 1:1''° ill' • "I' han "In to tenxive froui the vicinit.l,- of the United -1 , ' arms, Rome is ill its last. agonies, and Po- _;mein. • • protection of that Stnte. - • I%l' le s s ;ham] t• .1 .1..1,., 1 ‘. p i a make 111 ,,,,,, etai „ . for ri e , ~ , s tnnate einergene li is the awful !het y - when mad pa: situ and Yet SoC - 1. • t , t. ,e, :11, seingerons oe suspect- , . I land appenrs to be on the verge ofirevolu- , - e -During the reign of terror under -The currents- senile still mettieues in at that. Tim, , , , r ) my h. • aid of i ' wer , ,.. 1 , • - no: I east: ruled the boar, thas they were A 3 tletilt)erat'm, WC ask no special ,privt- • . es pett-t•ns. .. _ I cum, `To this we may - add our own civil 1 old John sadants' administration,' when it Illinois. Wit-h the exception of ten hank. thing t::l 2 4', el i!I , , lil , In:o`llfiletThe of . it' v jine.,i; Is i10,, , c,f, ,I. jini i,: h et emit., 'w11.1••11(41 to positions of "pou er and prof f hoses, nor will we perruit aey to he taken ; war , 1 • 1 was made treason for any man to open bank bills there at 20 to ag per cerium). satins:. \I it, si.',l i tut sit •sed st .1 as; I• ; 1 ' , .. •• r 1 ' 1 , :1 111 N 11:11111 and censer the sea l of the it" in the Government. High! or wron , .. agninst us ; we do not ask to have the ' isms month to discuss the acts of the Ad- • discount. • sprees an ; 'LW-. \• I'l , -I,J'ell :10 Per •,-erittice United Sttites to Le aflixtal.. . . . . tlit•cßlllt*.n and their party had aright to guilty arreened, but we do plead anti -de- munstration and the law Wa. , applied ' —.....0 d for l ll' f , hag r ers nu tmg ene o fhb seven ( I ' l l-' l . to't.' I ' Th : 'l.P ‘ i - I\ 1 ' 441 t'"? .. C"'“: 111 ,.' i) , :lie - :IL 111 e. City of W•taiiitestou this 1: 1 . .to men; about 50 I)entocrats of Easton - shoo f - 'tl-•-I 1 •• 1 1 C ie of come° esdesi Itt s ,, ntelteda- One telith lia‘ 01'31 t • inand that hatred •tial strife shall not he ' . ''. ' . their nonest vie we, and WOre allowed to • • • . • , , ps-o -11 ar, au unmet us tu• has °li the tear of our fomed h thinking dub. They met once a lien in ISSil a ,i,•i e h et Is' e l . 0 1 .4,1 1 ' t., ,ii,../ I l -. a, ..` iii e ; express them fr ., 'lv Without end:l:mei-lug- cultivated 'in nit midst ;_we will otTcr ito greys, hire heed reedited at the Plicladef_ i'i' -,• I. 1 ),:q. t a ;:,rue mllltal 11l t' I , j cjlft i'l by nil- . and 1 ' ~(Ij I CMS' thousand eight hundred and - wee-, t , at they p c e an ad phia Navy Yard: ' lass , s _, _. 2 __ ..._ ... . c. „,.. ~_, .., ~,, ~,....1_ •Ixl\-ur ic, , .%-oix., an of t is tra 4 lepatleeee ~u their:lit see their oroviertv., or their nee- t, e ,„_,,,„., ~,,e,„ en ,„„ ~,,,s seo „1,,,, „, see 'oersted.. . a...6k/ ..e.i rr. 74”, ',tit - 4,1,111 was C0111 , .a. f j -The Paymaster's Department can do ,t o not desire tie wrongs shall not be -In the in the - Senate last Witt- • I • ~able n'tojl t 1, - - N.- rr-t• ,• •I't • • lic t•• •1117• te a, ' r ~- - " • R} the I It: .dent : ABIZAII2‘IIIINI ()LN. tilti011:11.i115t, and christiandike on the '• d d •11 I 1 idea 1 part i i e resse mot. st Iwe to crate tte toat .4 not 'mg for the Volunteers until Congrees tyr e s:sward said," the day of compromises : has i d ' • • eessors t,• - salt dish,- ~,et e t proN . ( .,-jj i) ,, , WILLIAM 11. SIIWARD, Sec. Of State. ' na ean appropriation. end lost the -.lle . • t l l -is unceset enlii. - of the government and its supporters- our nation sltall abandon justice and stoop ' 1 is past, ate. Imu glad of it." tie must 1 , ,• 1 -The blockade at• Charleston is; Am , to a system of wicked ,and - unconstitution- therefore, in his heart be glint of the war I flarrislns• nits P • ' Prom .Harrisburg. • althou-b they shamefully nbused their Mal. , a s plete. Several ;British vessels had nit , l, i. untlerstteel, in high circles hens Tenable rights': !• , al vengeance.' Finally, if yeti .will look that springs from - the closing •up of ter. • I f I • care ti Is to sec whostre now m.. - chine in day. 01 - Compromisee. • ; peered off the Port and were tented b e et that Governors:C.:train and Dennison have ' • se. -Tit- _ ;by the la tagava. 1 ' Diabolical • 1 . , :- , .. -- , Tn. 1 sill. a civil ii . ar exists in (Mr - Union. response to the President s call, Yon will ) l'he spirit of a f'nei , l se- , :n. to pos•zess yledge.d the Union men of 'Wester n Vi r . ....... . of the be able to discover that those wl - to. most some, Northern men and per-o(le. ' ,ni ne uillin tile. entire sopport of ,:d1 the threes. I It annul- going into a discussion ' causes, that. brought it on.. we simply re- • ,_ ,„ , ~, - I &sired War hafe no muskets on their Abolition pre.,:sc,.. --AS' ithree a econment of Pciiiisylytuda and Ohio to protect them• ' suouttiers, white upon the true nose of our on their at rocitY: we oonotio.na .to - or r afagainst.the,home Neeessionists ,and East- i fer to the fact that they have been opera- 1 1 - country r -aye, and those who protested ''reatier• a perusal of iho foil , ming ex tract, ie nt .Viirghtia. • Indiana and Illinois have i tine for manyyears..and that it WAS long! against a war policy.-falls the burden and from •a speech d• livered 0 . 6. w days .si•nee • I pledged the Union men.of Renault,- .and • i since evident that nnless the eaiise-a see- i Pat of the unilateral strife. :Seeing this, 'fk- .(',taw. Rand:lll of WI ~ • •••te-in, at Cleave- Misseuri the.saine NI aV. 1 you will hesitate to further indulge in or tionll strife between pertions of the North land, Ohi:>: - 1. • The Gov ernoti . 4 ef.all, the' free States, t '- , , ' tolerate the injust cry of " traitor," for • h - • aced, to exist a rupture ', a y e un i te d Land the Stmt --CA .. - ":fit, :11';;IV :11c-,l!hi - ,Tk;. 1 16',V11 the . .krISQ - I,s- . frOttaennSylrania W#....F4 ward,4. , 1 yon cannot wish to . debase your own ippi„-atel leave a 1r:11 from Notitolunery , and (4 ained a pleckite. from President lof this.rnion ( 313 consequent civil war) • manhood, to saw - nothing. of the great 'so Cl l ,-,o,e3teit ; attoi her should :, hiown i .uncoln that no cssinpromise or cessation`l would necessarily' I ensne. These of us : I wrong-you would do a large portion of . the - Eat:item ~ .-ntOit, anal the 1 vs-- arinie , .' of the Aar shall take plate "'nit' the na' I knowrias'Dernociats, urged that this r u -;•those who are going' forth to fight the meet atClL:itletrot. There ;lie war be- tional tiag - .llo:its over all the moirmal ,' • - . '. I :bittles of ourcountr --even while protest gun miglit be kept in a united and prosper.- : ...• • / gun ; th;•re it ote . "•l•t to cnd. ,when the cit.., , property. ~ • t t that you needlessly forced the necessi isWjpel f,inl CN . ,tcicr• 7 nr t,(timett (jreat citll4l4tt are inase lie. o ffic ers l ois condition by allowing none but . strict ty for them to do so: left there to -how that :i Itionan lwin- ;Item frw:: C:unpClianthersburgabOut the ; constructions of OM- •constitution, giving ": •- - . --40-45,.....- • . __. . • ,: , --4 frThe ' Legislature, alsjourned, on '( : )!It•i -, intl:Crilit•Ft it- •:I , i plitt'e for (..% tit The , scantiness and Lad. quality of the coin- ! to the people thes'exereise of, all `powers,,' owl t ., h.„ t. ,C. I 1.1. I.litklrll 11) •Inti•trti., ti,i-,iiriitt itici•(.. • , ' not expresSly delegated, and platting all ,Thursday last,_ after passinga e 3,000,000, I 1;n:0 ,1“ , •,... r • •. . . ..-i 1+11,111.7Vr et - troops Osne Pot ter,Tioga, •,. _ ~_ .. _.- r hands ofthe : in th • f loaii bill,stai law, and giving the banks And att..) I' '' fl'll.' -Ain , fly In lII,' it ,:n. 1-;r:(.11'ord .:nut"Susquehanna - Counties tusi "tett (1 13 - I .° 3 a t. to beso diSpoSed of as should give' until the second Tuesday in February, to Com rn••relal : - , - . who sultjessed stliey • enlisted for three peoples ' "If to. all , l 111(- c''':,ll,in(-(1 ll'ree: ',cll.(' months, have gone lionsOecausv thettare i citizens of ail sections an equal voice in l i 1862,. to . resumespecie payments. Under rebel Soot., liIITO lIIIIranCLI, tai. lIIIIITIIIIIIIIV , requirc•ol to g.l - for three •i'.ears. It ,is said . - ' their settlement ,-Land I that- all should ' the act. to raise fifteen regiments for State r o ld 1 .o. -t n : ra• •N , cr.:•11 , ., , (4} , :r ,fir:1,..4 :111:I 0:11 1..W 9 hundredfrom 31C;Kean mid I'n'n-' : I , strive to cultivate and 1 • ' - • .prcserse national • • I , service, and to be transferred to the Lini iaai , e penS Wilt . ti• the trtttle - field b ( .l'w e ,, ii 1 ter Counties _returned: home within*. a 4, I , steel States, -if needed, Stistmeleinna eDIIII - , and frateriud - harmony throughout , the "ty is expected to thrnislrfoureompanies- ' lOyaltv ea one i(lc. and tees-on ea' the week free' this pe - iitt. • , • 1 - other; it need, ~,, prophet- to predict-illy 'lle:business:in bothllonses Of the I,ez. i laird, and that one section should not, en- ;.application to be Made within five clays I I ssue , A n d, if, sn.c e ,s nre , - 1 h e cht,,,,,, 1 i,l ate re j,. rinIfIIIWA6(I iii 4i•oufnsearn:mtier. inecessarily condemn, systematically mac -1 from the 1 7th,inst. No .expenses la : be *will extend thr - ot t l• I•oth .the ef I rOlifin, Jill]. s !•on a iitg-literittrrst ,rtrittgt'llt pro itify,•or 'recklessly 'into-meddle with' the 1 palCi until marching orders receiyed by a. aid Genre:in to tb: - I; :Of. nal w'est ward' io ion , : .:inti• invOlyint , the. hi_rdiest ' oblipt- :'• .•-- ' ( i • • •-•- • • 4 -'° 13 P3. 3 .1'• - • • ..„ eclat ecuttlition,an real or imaginary evils : - -Ns-- 411111. -.11.. tll e Hirt :of another;-aud sve fully believedand ar. i 2Tr• Tilers is a considerable movement lie laid waste. :Ina i(lnnt:ltion4 Itarnge',,---- 1i.,1i. .: ,'.. -- - . - -.-- iint - ••.vorni..n fttll (.:ilciren ,:pnrml and • f r o. • + 4.1. </..- • 11 / . geed that a contrary course of eondtict ~ 0 1 Nortim•tr ft.l e "Yankee" settlers in .. '• 'l' - • • • .; h irguna, rccentl)., ...From Faits.-Church ,Churc , - teetsl in itt l eir ou-n shat t•-• -linfil treas. - Tim . ,;•;;; - .i'''C''ol.' C. lb,. St . itil,„ Of Schuylkill : would undo the mirk of 'our Patriot Fa- I --hanis th' , ull llor flag. nii , l l''" r,i'1." . 1-' 1 Irg. comity, formerly' a 'Member of congress! thers of 1 lid:. Arid ire furthet - alleged in Fairfax ebunty, a' number have come I .•• North, fearing future -troubles. Among IClr-171I`ri•ri. 1 .. and a Senator from that district, left'llar- ' it, • • at it was evident to us - that _a class, ef Ana wi., , 1 tian - ? fT- t It , viof ors.l.P• risbni- , ; for Washington; some time. in Fels ' ' others aro a Sir.. Croeker, a Mr. Temple, • limo; til 111iv.i1 ,. .' 'Cfqiiigr•ntifin of a 'tr:iii- rtsary;;lnee which tnithinghas beet heard -' ' ' wll a3i ,at, th 6 1 peoPle at the North, as e .. , . , , . , and on. Friday, last, two or .three families or'' , • esltlto; i•• lice \v" 11 gf. tt l 'i law. of all of him. lie left 'With the - eVident inter- i Sout!'• designed te, delude the . honest i named Read passed through .Montrose.. strong. nations with ,yebellious s'ull,terts. • lion o f - ret li mir jrz in a„short, time, . l ei ii,,,, t mass - es .of the people into the adoption i in I Mr. A. T.. Smith, and - family, formerly' Their land May le-hardly sebrtli the .1-a- his elOthin.g - iii his . roons :tribe State "Cape 1 part or-mu whole,- of their radical, sectional 1 from Liberty came ap on Thursday, by, king : lest,• naturally produetivi• and ea- tal- I tote!. His: ' faniilV are - greatly' des- ' • . . . array• i • deas, and thereby tao two sections. railr.oatl., Mr. Smith informs us that no vi r-ll'h' of hf - inf.t r'''tored ii"il it:''...temiKir 3 - ' tressed. rand 'are , excel.' dingly ` anxious tot I r - * 1 •,iolence.had been attempted or threatened, ry sterility. 1c..., .., : rond cult tire' it may be• re,. 1 Iraye conic itiformation of liim... • '[he n •". P - 0... - 1.7ni01! aphis!, each other, and in- l in that county, lest he thought Northern , _ , ... t ,r: enate d :ri d 10 - 1 ,1 1 . I• ‘ . s t d e . Its riimat"eis i pusition ii;;. that he went Si - ;iith,_ mot; in sure the dissolution of the best g j ektrn- ; mitt bad better leave there, and secure geaial and 'i•taioh.- I lca tti,fits, " Th e iine ' the present hate of affairs, -is r so ,Situated ; mem um earth, or aconiplisb, - in 'the 'Up- i .iliemselves from what danger .May be hie,' lee. , rot t= • nri • - . • -•• i:_-fors ofthc . - -'‘tlanliv :is - to he unlade .10.,,r,CW11. '' • . ' - ' • l ima d ' • Recent eYents i pe3. 4l jug- ' Ile. spoke' of several Lincoln . , . . ( ion, their . esigas. and.o..eifitel. I. iinpro‘e:l. and Yield inn- • - - lir - --.6 , 111 , 10-: ~- -.: • r ~. i voters,.th r natives and Northerners, fold : We:011i to the .free ertterprisi• of Nor- c, ' - A -rlii the State' of Mainetherehas . , •s ! seemed to promise la glorious success tO ~ , , w•no s h ould , stny-feeling safe. Fulls them men, when ty,t a ..1,,,• e s i,„ll - 1 ,611„ t e ; b een s'emetio n e• like a t "Reign.-Of Terri:h . :" ' this ideA. ,Aeivil itiar hi the Union or 3 • Chervil billet. ten-miles from Washington. • their, .border;. Like taivaged Enzlatid„ The tarigor . p r 'ensocrat hulas the following l separation and - thewar which cohlotteadt ', and' may possibly. become a hot neighbor - •.; . wheit 64)11rrint•rrr 1 by Mates ins - 3(1'117' Nor- ' Legere:- : • .- • ...: -. • . -... -: Hy follow, were each acceptable,-and the -, hood-hence the caution of leaving. • - tinito,- the •ernigilereriS;t:ltt-s 'Omni a be par- , :. •- We aClVise', all Pea t • 'tits of ]'irk I • 1. 1 . p otter were eageqor either .; • _ , 13tis the ' • • ' . &omen! Senoot. oNriocrio.-There, <111(.F:out:to the amts soldiers who h a s, . eOttniV, while they 'Steed by the' • snlvdn;.sl them. O ccu pi e d b y t d,,,,, , ;hr .,. .. „ - • _ , „ romAtrY f g r .. , ._at tragedy' at •Fort Sumter became . . twill be :in Adjourned' meeting of the Sus . anoteecuu!, to,putjaeir tirefarins of all , . will heeOine„ rielt er ie'llinteliiil 11*(111r. :mil , the tuniing, point in IThe ten d "affair,. and ! queltanna'Connty Sabbath School Associ- i . .. deseriptious in the hest order intinediatelv - --4.. 40 411.- . --= ' I more ]oral to the ' , tars *mil 'tellies than, and keep.thern leaded ..for •' •' 44.. ,1i ate t ' a , opened up the horrors of civil war. isi c ai i _l allot - at t the' Baptist Cheri+ in Montrose I -,., • ... - esr.r. N ei.ttxrrnisic:!-The . \rus ', • ever before. And see}, will be . the dead- , eireictivj ' strvii.e .They fuls bmel.i n t ,' thee lye luid protesting . - •-' been. against any 1 • • s. l k • . on Wednesdat• the fifth day of Suite next 1 . . 4 ; inoton correspondent of the New llor k lay' of the 1 .-.eeedin , •Sotst hso stit , ,e , criel ', ;Ley „,,„ - „,„' t. t. ,' ,;',..„, t . ~,ei .i i,..„,.: e u e: ", •i e -! e' 'i ' • - - • - at one ocoe P. M.,. at -whice. thee the r.• .., . . les and • measure. which Would, hasten on the fatal• • - Tribune ! . .,;•ti es a thrillino• account of c th rei.i. - n. , . itt he'tiyen, Tiniest; the . rebels: '-14e ! 5i,i,. ( 1„.,.fe„:„ -- 4' .. -' '' •-' 4 , Constitution will be submitted for adop- . .- sivearing •in of . Col. e 'Ellsworth!is New com , • , -.40f safetv-- and that. , .,needdeL-- aril , .„.. • • - • hour. hopingthat our country could: yet ' lion: - .„.. ~ , ~ -- - • . , -10- 081 Al.- , . ,f • 1 of I.'i • 1 York Regiment, Firemen. The • o . s t , I return st , the' s . ] r 'alleeinnee:" . " ' ' 11 • ' ,• • --••-• -•- • • ),s• -saved 'lna fearine that 'Whers'.a' , • blow..' ATI 'friend's Of Sabbath Schools are-earn ,-. , "ILL t . nit7 Aupr . . ---. l.r , Spiitrow ,, rasr, re- 1 - - • ' `', • • ilV.invited t 1 • present.' ' •-' • - es , o .te . . , made them a speech from which we lout a rt` , is the i..... 1 :1 1 :1, ( of.thost.• who; call "tl-• • ' II'I.I 6: '.lc; ; l'" 1 hadonCe been strockAll ho• e' l'the perpe- , . (sit ystnnes . the ' out ear-. th,....Cm- • , ... , . - , ..sessiss---~ .... 1.1.--11, - ..• . - stets( b. 1.-:1:41 ~,.,,, i i - , t i e . N - i „,. 1 kers,,,New 'Turk„ and; ,saidin... a sp eech • twit )' of the Union oeour Fathers :. would I - - .W• Tire•Chic.Ago Times-, ie refering to I " Ile -also said they were •Seon• te l - I , 1 be " "t is m 1 rs - :tveittit c'etitat. ! .o nt , s i t , ilitit . is ti, te. ,. ; that , ~i - service of the 'United. rathe.r . liye,thebos s i,,, of d ev il s than the t43.lard it not to gO :I.' ) the.-Warly- amid_ not , was yet virtue left at the • South; : .N. Y. city. to supercede the President by , States, not for. a month; as Some :. riegi t• • leave YAMlTxr,s;.e(cma4 4 ccbw- of (4 • bi- - " ' enough - ' • a inilitary commander, aays: !!ments have done but as n o other reglinent words of men. ' . "'' • - - • -'•,.- '. •. when allowed to be' expressed in . counes!-2, -,‘ w • , - , , I. - • - • • ' . 24,3 ;". 0 415t, , .:.:1Ef-7!..! ---;'',' • .... - • -. • ~, e suggest the propriety of the Vig-', has don© ter the War, be it thirty.days; or .1 . c .: -The latest .toisatiott item is tee the s e : ' ', This-is:as; geed.. a, : ihe. : o4 y itory a t h e , tlOll With the truesentintent or the North, iianee Committee of New York callint , , thirty years. timue of. the men blinied, , • Jul t 11 ;i' " • dr eet 0,„ 4 -c„ , „„, ( .1 w.,, i t , ..,. ng nra , iotle,q , :ant 1 0..hi0. 'Uilit2 t ry.to sail.fiao aside . *-isword a,pouit-- 7 that I Upon these.worthiesat :once and ascertain- ' but a vast majority seemed ecstatic- aiiith • ong c•it, yes pi cs prieter'of mo t irt v 0.,„„,. 1„, 5 1,,,,i. t.6 . ." e •" au l l ' lt ri-lvilgtfie - 4Y - it4vs , go/oioftWo ; :b a llot s could - b e so:kale:id as to prevent the 1 big 'iviiiithor' they really - .entertain 'the t delight. ,He told' 'them- that . .anv iho • .l'- • seetionst todistely-' -- ' " . ". , ~ 111:11,11.5 of the lather or 1,1,, ( . • o „, a ,i. -,.. e . 1 , , „,-,. . , , „,' '' ~-",•,:•'-'-' ' ''-: ''• ._„ '_•- -,.' ;Use of ballets.' "! When the radical -bran e h'' O'eacitlahhi'ael;il,ol of atteniptiegi 'to ilet did noCivant to light,' who would fake ; to moYerfreat the Vi1.11111:1-'4-hieh V e i n , : t, err ' .'Prl4. ''''''''" --- ", : ba g lq 4 uPPY ' b e - ~ f S ot r, I - piaie the President by revolutionary; vio- i. go home in irons and be encored at iti;entr ft rest' -and 't few • - • T is kliOnth aii.th•• • litMztown Ititlenieu, - - .' ' lt fill " l" `Cainlg . . • •- I buried: 'Nle'st pri..liablY - 01 , _ , .-e is it.: ;nal-entv." .A IS nigh't'time " we Sindetstood .1 ards,lto stand . omit ,and lie would outgo- s haf , -.(..:. in Ilti.- ..I((u.v. ' . . 1 Art:cle .S'f,voltd.---4„ ( . ase „ f woe, h i d , true men remained tolpl(!ad-A'r .all flit, 1 ii•Fet) ) .ptti •p ai . t • - , I „, f' f 8 , 1 . . (, le resi .0 is-- aersin 04 ' medatc them "-instanter. ,` ark. limn , ...nnpatty sliaft inime•liately-di s h ate l !" 1n•14.4;:ir , st, earth, - ,W 4: T e l t . ., di nt it' t h, linieinitiatinm a Ti.bel% anolqrAtors. - obeyed. - •. 4. • PIM .:;e - Millard Fillmore, in 1856,11 speak ing of the Republican plirty, said: I • If this sectional party suc.ceeds, y incr. tablv leads to the destrifction'Of this beau oruf citnic reared ns- r forefatluirs_ ee. mented by their blood, and- befitembed to us as a princeless inheritance. .1 r.." One. hundred and five. Cincinnati printers - have enlisted, awhile printers in Cambridge City, Indiana have Yollinteer ed, and no papers will be published there for sometime to coine. . 1 the bellicose attitude of the ;'tates, scarc4ly a :day has .gor i .e by " that sonic monstrous' story }MS not obtained currency. Nearly-all the journals of the country indulge in them, for the purpose of stimulating the war spirit atnou s these who are unaccustomed to balanc facts and weigh probabilities. Umozi SAVE . ILS.—The New 1 - or. 4Tri bune has been sneering and abusingillem-. eerais and conservative men for years, for trying to preserve the Union. X4w, it. has set up in the same line of business, but how differently! . We never cinder-- took to save it by shot and Khell. That was left to the humane members of the Peace Society f er.4l7 A man lw the „name of Mon Somerset Co.; Xow 'Jersey, recent!' off two of his fingers with' an axe, CI rent his being drafted for.the war. laugh at !din. . While the nation is! ~ , • ing to cut oft its own head, ono poo ought to be.ailowed the luxury o tin y of a fitiger or two.. . l al It Will remain a dark spot upon the Mir naine of ir'eunsylvanta- that some of the northern tribes,who had the fullest ' benefit of the.- hospitality or Sunbury, most shamefully abused die churche s and other buildings of that towsiorhile tered in them. If such .mete .shouldi ,get killed during the war, better mem maybe, and are more likely to be,. killed: • • .Ilitsrltiv SWiNDLING.—The York *:',vening Post_says that the articles which haVe concentrated for the u 'se of, the troops bear extraordinary prii , e.—; Lamps i the first rate; of which are said to be sometwodollars, are reported to have.' been sold' to the Goverumentat - nine lars ; and it hi also asserted - that negotia tions are in progress to supply a quaritity; of muskets at seventeen and a lialf dollars 1: Lich some time since were disposed 6f at, on~sevepth'of that figiire. Similar netts transactions are rumored to have oc eurred. in regard to other 'articles Ifitr, MAA. • . —The average weekly receipts fin- the : • , ; - —four , Quartermasters ;riot` • • Ift (•Ig; past month at the Custom Routes utiscont i to no more than $250;000. , Assistants are to be add!.d. by . . promos Ho —Governoiturtin has granted a,pardon i.auffl regulations, to the General Staff of . to witOt nt B y i r it,. , w h o was ..- or m et o , the &my.. There will be added also telt last fill,' of substituting a false ' return of; Surgeons :Ind tWenty Assistants to the the election for Congress, in the Fourth i Medical Staff; thi , further to tie taken I rom ward of Philadelphia .for the o nl i ne, i the senior ASsistar:R - and the latter from document at the,Nmeeting of the hoard i civil life, under the requisite examinatim of return jtidges. . ' ! --There will be more reports to tho ILuniisnrca, May 15.—Four ladies from effect that the remains of Washington the city 'of Philadelphia, - Misses Fulton; ' have been distur k ed.. They should not be Smith, Bonnet and Baldwin, representa.. t credited..a Thereare`no men so mad as"to tires of the Pennsylvania onion ' Nurse • disturb the sacred ashes of the •inunm - tal C.om, came hither last 'night and have : Father of his country. ' • 'sticitiiedo in passing the •bill, ineorpora- ; —We Ita4 it from data which we deem ting them and their associates, and'obtain- - perfectly reliable, that of the regirmint ing the signature of the Governor. • They' front Luzerne, coininatniedbv. Col. Einle:v deserve credit fur their•enert. to „rind perse- there are but 57 Republicans . the' • in marks, verance_ in the interest. - i out of nearly 900 'Men. , —The:expenses of the British - Govern-' • -,- • S ' -'- --t..en Scott will be seventy-fiie years meneforAhe current year, according to ' • l of age on - the 13th nt June. ,the repottof the Chancellor of the, - Ex; - - - i chequer, Mr. Gladstone, ' —When a women arrays ;herself ~ t 70,000,990, or *345,000,000. This is . will he -about X • Bloomer, it May ; be said that she pants more than four times the expense of the !,fir - r• - notoriety.. 1. . , American Government s even in its most, ; -;-;Whilethirteen appointments, foreign' extravagant year. • • , and domestic, haiM been given, to the ed , hors and attaches:of : the New York Tri ---•A i'Vealthy eitiken of •NewY 'ork has proposed. to devote *10,006 to flit-mint , ; t ibirne, not a single Man connected, as editor Louave Regiment; composed. of eo lo 7 ed .l . or torrespondent,has volunteered to_fight : me* all t6-be six feet - in height: . • , The men who talk the loudest are not the men to fight -Is • • ; • —ls there any minister, who, through 1. • G • ' - I. - ..-_--. 'ov. Ricks has 'finally issued a ?roc all this ttirMoil arid' eioitenient, 'continues' ' amation fir four regiments of volunteers. steadastly and bnldlyit, o preach the old, 1 to.be used in the State or for the prottm though,tiow sO•ntipopiilar story and doe i tion of the 'National Capital. trine of Christ 'crucified? , . . - • —The 'Wheeling Convention has ..ad-.! - 1 7"Tlie mails' between St. Louis and ourned liin , eitie;,,,some discussion hits to- 1 to le:phis hate b toPeen discontinned, owing g the forpage of . the boats ten place as . to the course to be pursued; which:they were conveyed. This has been acrd finally a committee` reperte ' d,for the the operation of an act. passed at calling of a Convention • on the ; 11th of .done by he Ilst session o ,_; ; f Congress. - June, appointing a - committee .of nitre, t With power to reasseinhle the Convention ' • —The' commandant of Fort Kearuev , before the` general c ooi , enti o n ; itneees ' sa. •-•; has become' frightenedin his position, rin'd' -ry.' It was adopted.. ,-- •• -` • .- ,- ~: i spiked his guns before the appearance of L-Col. RiTheit, AndetaiOu Was . 'at ' liar- jan enerey. IL is said that hpacted . i under orders froth' thb Government to tire :risburg ciliate 'kb, ,Where he .was re- wired with marked astituition. : Much to I the fort if he e*e) " (I is untenable.,„ the surprhiti,' ancttea* to-the gratitica-. '• —The'authorityfor the'statement rela tion p)f-' the poop 'lie announced. that' five to Colonel ' Anderson's remark that, I John C. Br'eekinridffe Would belin officer , Mr. "Breckenridge, would join his. cont." - !i n h i s eo - it i i ii atuL ik adae4 that superior .ctrind, is Holt. curs G.', Leisenring, of i• arms hatifiriived in'ile•Eiiitieati 4teniii- 1 Philadelphia, who; clearly reiterates his 1 error the - ifse •of.the treeps, while lie was : recollection of the Conversation of ColOnel I 'confident 'cif the-finitl Siteeesti of the Gov- ! Ander - son today ou this point. This i efficient :acid a 'reconstruction 'firttib' un-, places the Pet beyend dispute. ; i ion on the 'orysitial•tr §i '' -- • ••• ' ' ' . , --,-The - very, men ;who tire now canine . • —lt is• Said 'that 'there •are • '9ooclor a l id -upon everybody tot' tight for the union;" cantifor di i , ii '...i,...n)ti Rouse bertliti in Id- , are the sitme•men that-sneeringly detroun ; delphi m .... s(ina,i,•oo of thein 't„ ; th e . ‘‘ . .',..,.-leed all Detifoertitsl last fall- as "Union le iAs Falstaft.,skys---'- - ' . --' • - •,. , savers." I' -When were thev playing tl : "They 11 fill Pit its Well as I.,ett '"' t 11 9.Ocritrr,: then or l''Pow ? • - „ . . h i ---The Philadelphia Press says that the 1. —A gentleman W.ho he:nal :the...-s - p C' Pee : ; • ~ brinks of that city are liberal to are goipt;n or sam nonstop delivered 'n C'Ai • ' ' , , 1 . 1 .' - 1: ,% eq>tini, , i Texas, •t wo or arree' - weekit - ,••age,,aistires , meat htit hard on their customers. ' I:us that the;atp'l • l4altegitig :that, :he .fi as ; , •-•-A•reverenil titan, a divine, trallied' i.accepted the secession. ,of. :los ; St o t e.ali , :I ';'Slringliter,'ltasjoined a Western rifle cion -1;0 alVll.lo . l . islip' 4,11im diti g i oat i n j o ik e ; : pany 7 Appropriate ponjunetion of name • s.te gut .prpelatics his allegiance -to 'the, and probable employment. , • I. Unitra.l States, .and ;plaint:4a that it is ; ...,Lineolnitea in Tennessee, The' Count V the dityof i •the Unionists of Texas; sin- ,of Lincoln, Tenn.,- bits raised a full regi ply to ,hido, the ....time, .dyteemilied.. to) anent of 1,100 mein to fight Pre . sulf 7 ;ll. .Im.i.ret. o:...tece are user hartigert their liberties mid riglit.g.cif Amer- Lincoln:. Two I ; I I itl lean citizenship. An the - first - fitting . fitting. oeetr- -six feet high: and-nO tote over:2 - I ' ' ' rear , ~... !ion. IWaslimg - ten Star. Mar 11.. : :1'4... . • - • . v or ~ • cut pre on't try -man cnt-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers