. - • - _ . . . Do GRAMS EVECTRIC OIL. ;•f - ^: : I. ' ' " 2ir- 3:r ..r . ii ri:itlaili . jaliat , . • , Greatest Rowe dy in' tho WPrld,for :; '. M 0 NT R'o SE—P EN N A - , .1 ---- • ... , RHEUMATISM - and all PAIN, . . rill subscriberhavle Dr, g pith:ha:sod I- . . C U Dr, Warranted to -- CUBE . ,• .• •• -..- r.e.fitted..and newlyfurniehed tht ' ..0 ' - r Aa ai ...'. % ;, 1 ; ~,, ab I IVO wolf known and Populardiotel.-1 . IMAM .. f a l' P- .- ' , - , . . .. , . nrver and Ague. le one u1...u) *. .. ; - ___, is prepared to acdoMmodate the trav-1 ‘ ll/ 01 o._ • Chill. ,‘, tie, nii..tiz-i• :' I ' .. .: .. 1,,,,t,,., in v ., to :,,e7,I:Q • ; . , "piing public l ind othoin with nil the attentions , t 'AL if% • -,,,,.1,1... • • • " - 1tt ,,,, ~ ', . "'''il ' l ' iu ''''' • -Ind .convenlenees _usually found itt'first 7 ,cins !' . • C 0 ,7 'CU FUE - . ‘-..1' ,• ill frOAI va..., to Ituvc ‘13 . . , *; . • , s m arm W o u..lLI. and 1 , • . inouses. Nur : often' 'tirlll be, ipargitl by the Pro-1 , . - . .Indammatioun 4t"ne tit: : , , . "Prieto: and :hie Assistants tii.Ltiikethe Hotel Neuralgia, Croup. Toot.mehe. Berne. tri t teu minuteej . NervousHeadaelie ...„, iierne•rtem .cretala.itiusceso, in ten u ” 4 • il • . ,•1 •r• • • one tO three dare - t equal in every point to any ittilte country; . oetatet, ul/linus'. tl•N•,.181 • • • . , ..EdraChe. snfr Neel:. .V.tee, Ili ear ilai , 1 to sil itts.„ , i -The Bar laill always be litipplied with to , ru ße ice i relont. woken intt.o.t..soit ....ttiot , T. „.•,..,,,,,, ... Choicest Liquors. .= _ . i . „quinsy, yalpitat liqi Inenri,z,. in .r,t w, i y i d; ..,; . .N . l; -Alan* Gout Eryenuelae,ht live to tI t The Stahleg, connected with- this !lops , , . k-- ' c v,o • Trotted f ee t. 'enfinb l in..,, ,1 . tiff .folote. chrouie ! Ithett. I =tient, Sore Throat.. u ,tr u .., .. I. r i',.‘er, :old the lame I aro. larze,. roomy an d . conCenlentieed careful an. , .•-. - made to walk. by A few tlettle... IlltentiVe Bostlers are alwayain charge of them i . t.. 11 - 1 .- ... - ' - -1 .t, . . 'This mt.. (rte arnol . -1 1. , mild and pleasant, and to a .. . : u : . , - t ma t vatoty M,llelii..for ..tlitarell to•etillng .f c. - i _ • '_. ••• ..,.. .. • _•••••• -,, ,•_•-,._ ~..!!••:.4••:_:,..._1*,.".R_ BEI3, . I , 7 . ' , ll i ...tw , le I Ladle* luitotbi all 11,•11 It always lea, ee.you better , . . than it ned , you. and one lu.ut tle often cur. entirely. 1 : r \ I kr I 1 •' 9 ! •=: 1. Ilv.the mos °fittest lilts the peiyidicittackis of Ntrrofix ; or .iiiel- itefularhe may. be prevented i' and if takem at the i commencement ratan attack,_Amtinpdtate relief from pain ~ and sic k ness will be obtained. i . ' They seldont fall itircrnoving the Nuntwa and lfractocAr to which fenialee are so subject.. ,• - They actgently upon the bowel:I I. .—removing Cottireness. For Liters ry Nen. Studentf., lkdlcate Femalea, and all per:4one of terten tar% Atibita, they an:Valuable A i a/as - afire, improving the apataite. eying tononnd vigor to the dlges , tive onzane, and motoring' the i natural elasticity and ' etrength of the whole nyatem. I iThe ettrusLlc.rius Re th'e result of long invest!. natton andearendly conducted experiments, havingbemi In -use many years, during which time they - have prevented . ! yid relieved a vast amount of Mtln and enfferin,g from 1 headache, whether originating in tho ntrrorts system or I from a deranged state of thostomacA. I They are entirely vegetable In their comptultiotioand ' aytnbe taken at alitimen with perfect safety without mak -111',: any change of dirt, and the a& , ' incA'of any di.agrtaible tg.te. readers it easy to administer them to children. .".. I: 'Beware of Counterfeits: ~ . !no . 4 e., mane have five signattirs of ]teary G. Spalding one eh burr: . . . 'Sold I, Driggiete and ruttier Dealers In Median - ca. A bor:will lw.sen (-by mail pruliald on recnipt of the Price DD . ge.22.tes. . - .ill enter,' r , tuatiliflx , aaire.ned to ' • IlliNlitli. C. SPALDING, ' .1 ss sues••••••as..- —ft •••-•-•• • Work • . ... .. . . • . . • „...------ • . '' . ~../-', • . comill • Re'ad letter fr..llll: , • , ..ismes 'retnple. ---- /.7 1 i/e1?.c.4) • -11:4.114:11:11s1•1 1 : I Wien been alnlerod'forthirhwil years - . with Neuralgia and other 14inflil complaints. nml 1 hate i . • been unable to sleep sontolle or walk nny distance f o s 1 . ~.., mans' "tars. mot. 11.2 Pt Weelli 1 got a bowie. otywar n n '' ' ' 1 . tHe OIL.. Act &At won I.Alept ponnilly and re"' n lnt In ' 1 - nnY 1 nrn 1110.1. a new :pan. Me wit. , e,ntld •-•" 1n . .. 4 . 11 .'" v ',', h ,r Voss: 'roar ElN^trle. 0:1 has done ln -"'' "reek, "'-'''''''''” PllTerlans of Phlladeli thin f il 1 ,- on In tlnnenn ,'.:errs - . OratOrallo --In n .' • :Ito :•.' out!, street. Arrucitak rtpurtlv:. 1 F..tni. ellizEt. IN ‘,SE WtE6. , DEiII'NESS CURED. ~ D. 1V; I.OWELL, Pri -* - i 1) fs ( of the . 1 rit ipa , ro 0.3 ir •. ' ;.- - -' Sin , Itsvrv. May 119th. laiol. i I:Zeit:peg of Accounts, Practical Accountant. •:. 'Prof. De Grath: Me brother has been deaf for 3 Years. : Author of Lowcil's Treaties upon litink;Kt.ep .,Artcrtryinr, many - •things. be iii-aal tour Oil a G.xy Units , . ~, __. , M.!. thag,ranis illustrating flat T 9 me. : .. and„lt cured. him entirel . , ClArPouti n. 5,,,it..:5T0N• .1011 N RANKIN: (.pinnici•cial Acenuntant,"Peefes'r Inilr'For*al , hr all Orninzirts, and at the Depot. :II:" tip-Boot: Keeping and l'racrmal Mathentatien. Akftlthraldttlit-tit. Philadelphian.retctom ry 1 .11 - 3..Cutrris, Assistant i'rolessor in the Book 'lllO YOV WANT WHISREILS ' , . ; Ketßing.l)epartnient. • , ' A. J. WAIINEIt, Profeslor of l'ractical anti Or- Do YOT: AN'A lfr, WIIIS.bI-11F-S „ ' 1 " ... naMenta i l l'idatoooobte, /I'..immoili.it . ,,l 1;,,i,011.., ' tintla an Correspondence. " In) YOU w.‘NT.% mr4T.t.i,: , ttr. , li E I. VI !I G if A :VI • S . ILL:CTIr II G 3 S : I • • , ( '', 1, i,rale.i , lion. Daniel S. Dickirson, Lecturer on Comtner . slap Law and .l'olitical Ecouom. t.. si I mIitiITINGoNGLIENT, ~.I. ln ,r . „l ni ti a no s om Balemn, - I.ee . turertin Contracts, ry Notes and Bills of Exchange. . . .- . . Far the Whiskers & Hair. RAN. 1)r. E. Andrews, Lecturer on Commercial 'titbit 5. • - - The inbeicribera take tile:no:ire hi announcing to the • - . ettizeis of.tbe United State, that thew bare obtained t he EXAMS \ I 71e. CO:il lIITTIE :: agency for, and are now enabled to .tier to the American . Wm -- . public, the above Jnetly celebrated and worldtrenowntal 11. M. Sherman FL Phelps, .IL Osborn, Eaq , article: - - Tracy R. Morgan, E-41. . - . .. The Stimulating .- Onguent I Ti.,, object of this l;ollege is, to afford to all is preiaitid helli, C P. Itellln x hazu. an eminent phyei- an opportunity of obtaining a tborough.DUMinCSS clan 0l . 1.171140 - n, and i,, Warrant,4l,, h r i ng e o m a t id e . set I .... chmition. . . of o -The Books and Fc;rins are carefully arranged . . Whiskers. or a Mustache by practical accountants expressly for this In. ,in p rem ith ege r e sin urel:s. 'Hide artielOte the only one faillitien and embrace all tfle , recent- impreVe of-that.kind usod•by the French. and, in London and 'Parte mints. itis inanircroa nic. It la a beantinal, eeon,,lnical. i.i,othing, yet stimulating • The course of instruction - e..inprises every eeteponed. -actin,- as if by magic upon thermos. calming department of bus'ness. The 'learner will be • -Abeaural growth or nis.nriant hair. If applied to the • . scalp, it. will turnbaltlne s . : , and cause to spring up In thoroughly. taught thir Itch:ace and -practice of place of the bald spots a tine g rou Ili of two hair. Ap- Double Entry • Ileolt,Eeepin. ai Applied to the 0 plied according to directions. at will turn, red or tiiuy f!lowing, kinds of busipes.s, viz-: General3ler. halt dark, and restore gray hair to ii- original rerior,.lea• 1421 g It obit. smooth, and il,xihr; - • 'The. - outrun''' . IA an' ,cliandising, M anufacturing, ~ Ban k ing, Cotn Min- Indispemable artide in av(!rs gentletnan'i. toilet, and af- Kinn, Steamboating, Railroading, Forwarding. ter one week's nee they oefil torn any considaration L. w Freighting, Foreign ,Shipiring, &c. - - • . The subscribers are . Poi 0ar..._..,.... 1,. eb. ...al.', :o • -•-• -.. ... ..., -- - --101.,-.4n. 31r... -t —— -- --- ' the 1.:011.ed State-, to a. - born all ”nier, mail h.• adqrc , ',..ii• • Can qualify themselves in q short timed 4 this Inetitut Orin, to nil . important and •Incrative situations. Ample Prluo. One Wise a- but—fur sale by all Druggists and :nit <ll where graduate, ilf POI are now Walla:a ;or a box of the - i it: a :tie:at - iwa.rrante to bare tarf , n,eesum M. u .b„ duster i t , b y . filimgdeMrable situations oithsalaries,trom tt:/00 to $lOOO the desired oilie) w ill Cr ei lit to any mail ( diroctl., saiiiirely risked, on receipt of prire and : Per numn• • Tlie Proprietor- are in possession of teetirolinials from • Putitnei t. l Ih. Apply to ~r ailtimes tomeof-the first Commercial! iton.es in theStnse;to whom Alicat.l.ClL 1... 11FAll:MAlli 3. Cal. . - Prwr,:iste..te., 1 they have tarnished hank-kecnen.. oboe - nig their entir e , witti , tm • str ,,,,, t , :,:,..,„,. y,, r1 ,.„ , satisfaction and conildence in the ahtlity of the g radeate; rah•f—•Y 'of this Institution. . - ... . ---- . . . • 'PATENT -- FICA -LAMP CHIMNEY. i ; "... , ;,,,,N,qi, . In all its bran 1 cheil, taught by the'most skillful . and time. i •A. Lamp Cititnnev.t hat , will npt lireak ! _, ough masters of the art. So College iu the country cn- i ...,. ! joys it•lttgberreputatiou in this department. Ladies' De r (MIS great Invention conimerile it-idf to es-err one ; partment entirely separate triam that of the oentlemen. i IL citing COAL OIL 1.A.311'5., It gr. ce more liglit, re- Ii Slndentseari enter College at any time. biro variations. 1 . q uires less cleauing.-and will. l p .1 break by him or eold, 1 Time to romplete the course, from S tOld ace:eks. Stu- I ' - falling or any onlinary rasitm. For Pal, by Storekeepe r s . dents passing the rannisite eiamlnation are prrsi•nfed g enerality . t thiou,liciut to e C. S.. and. e., Canada,. and i with the mosrelaborate ' and elegant iingratied - Diploma is hol,sale i tho Niannfacturera and tats- tees. l tasni:tl by any Commercial or Classical Institution in the Iferia.Nl7l.l .t iinTrltinn-. . 1, Union. Assistance rendered to . g raduntee in nrocurinc;.l . ,- . ' 'N'''..: l "-. !. N s'''"'"d Stre ' l • Phira. -it natinne. - - For terms of tuition, price of board. ter.timonia.le of \'.B. A late, and ,npenor e 1.r1, - . of CC) Zvi C 341 ~ g raduates MIM I : positiune,3c. adds..- the Proprimor , for j Ata , ragL iairsi alway, im bar„. at prieosili-ty.in g emni• circulate Camtalning fill partientari. pani oil. 5i,,., t he P . or , Li;:. I“. a ',ld, at tJanufmitarer.' 'LOWELL 3 . WAIiNF.II. price. ' - naar. s 4" ; Proprieti irc Ilinghannon Co:nal' reial Colle g e. -- _ __ _ --. Noe. ii. 'de.—y . ' Ilingintinten, N. T. • . . . • if KLIII - GhTluti H[l i p 1 .. - }(Ey-roNtii-iOtE:L . - 1 • K off' :tad lugyli AB( )V E :1111.1;011irti. _of ' . At Montxoso, Penn. nom PUBLIC ,•11.:-,11, sre il.f.rtatal that a Flat F..ti • . wry'. H, HATCH, ,Proprietor. ..i. trunTios• i'.: giro; at all 1....r.r; of tit. day. of 'S ENY 141rtut. iiiallrelitlMlZO4•Sief:kansll3llU'A''' -. i .T.,;1,5, 1 7 1 7 f r t , m,tnvi,kiimeingtaKtily4444Fk : Itrallauta, Rook, Itvd..lacouett. and .•. ,, ,v..rr. :dull. Ladies . Collars and Sleer..l , , /flatil‘. - 31:a-seine, 31,,r,,n r , Furl:- I nearly in the centre,of the -business portion of tiara Fruits. Kontueka..l , :;us, Numb-et,. Summer Stuffa. • .. . ! toontrose, ontrose, is now fu ly completed and furnished, Gents shirts. Cotton' brnwer. Collure, Cravat. Neel.4l, A, and Suependen!. A TWIN WICI, 1.1:": , 1..1 of , 1 and was opened on Monday. the 27th day of 1 LESTII El t - AV .A R I.:, , september, 1858, fur the accoinmodatien of 1 ' the p,ublic and travelers. The l'roprietor feels each se Gent. Fine 4"..if It ~, tr.---zood 'mu+, Rice heave art. ' confident that he is now prepared to enterta:n ;tat snoc , ., SIJI, Ilind I,:fd 1f - Gaiter, !row t, le Is t..l.llllmzr . . i . guests n a manner that cannot fail to give , uarranted to EL NI - Idt... linens. ::d. Mae:. HOSIERY Pm-m.ols snd l'rebella- : It:-::d ft::.:, and Work 8A.,14,:,. - Complete Satiaftict4or mg-ti..-x.ial.3ooz, ]6 - .3:12 . 1ci h The Hotel and Furniture arc new, and no ex. tend Sperm . Adamantine and Tr.dhw t•ra• A Itri,:r an d 1 pelage has been spared to render it equal. if not - Japsued tauten:, Wash Board,. and Cutlet Itlille. White- superior to any similar establishment in this. part mat Bruabt,Jled Cords t 4 O feet lona, It kit Llud and ;sling of the State. -It is well supplied. with all' the Clothes Plus.' rin!. , .. and CT.11.111 I'All..tz,ln , sldes a TILE of 1 recent improvements and comforts, and obliging 1-41tallaT Eh g....i1e! 3 e 4.4gis t . waiters will always, be readyto respond to the - or CverS YariefY.atnolu:,..,h;Chare Tar l: und t'ora'Srarch call of customers.. . - for glorious ptidindi, t . vale P.M, r..rusda .tarclt S3ir rat Ile. Cheilli)l Oil, Epfurn i'altr.. Mack atat ric.mrlt Swirl. awl ten: The Stables connected with this House are lof Odle:* which w, , n't do to read ntymt.. bet please to call, ' 'Naar and Convenient. _ sesstrana radfaa 07.4tt. We are n‘ady . and willing to.how The l'roprietor respectfully solicits the patron. now:, eyen though OK; ut.n.7 Lot et.: ; and thankful fur *man 15more. - - 11 C. TYLER. , age of his old friende,and,the public generally. 1 - - -- • - -- 01 .. Ivy! , a t‘c.ttl.,..t tb- Fb MI :.', 'Hair Tonic, It - ~ o WM. K. HA TCH.. '1 beats ar;vtlll:•,d evil.elmol: r - , , TYLEft'S. ' • ' .MONYBOSg. May ;tilt. V.,io. . • BCERHANE'S A - CHAN GE • - THE SIT.I3SCHIBEE, H.\ VING of• - LICiRMERIN ~ w alt•tt by BULLARD. - take* thia tadhod of Infortaimr (Nov ;7-ho fa, pr:p - m." that I thectoelthit.ttverth....-fr.tatoredto-theoldnatft. feelow - the • I7zto7tMC,C , 2 - / Xt osl.oo, •atre . sst will he tri.ol to wait u.d.nt , may SIVAt Ida with n nal. ANY BOOK 'brit ja;. 1 ...!j tart h. your;tracrs.with the rid*. or 1111.1,,,ketsul ; , T.1111,i..11.-Cr. • naa. at tbeAcAt. ittry tb, , Stattiovet"Jins.• • .OFFICE.! . . . HAfterat*.- nritl.,'_.. /:..11..F. 1%.,..r4,ri-. 1t1w1.1.1 , *. 0.2.11. K ur•ilie 4.u.si)tatil,3Ll;:azin , , ..1 Ow (la %.. :C. Y 'Leiter...l.7. Tvireirlej, 1410a- , try. 42 . 11pi,r. Visa: Wilke. Spirtt, 3111/ Ortildllll.l,tr:Ot d Pdpers , 1,7 -rd.'. ne,k ~In Derr suppria . 44r.': - ..' - .7- --. WHO° 0121r4--L . AII the aid andnew editions. • -sur-.lll•Tau des4/44ortnaent. .—Tiptop article of Amman. CPO a-9ea Finetenes.Ladies & Gents • _ 'Harrison's and others. - • ME A 4661L2Cff 3,11 coeloa,,r to •- ,4 hire . 1:01/7t htitIVI.C . and ot.. •-•• l'evarr.erkletsalsr. ma 71 " 7 ; ''''' y, 5.,,, _g• . 1 . 111 1 / I °E .• • ar e -- . . _ _ • Delickets .1, for the ewe uf the filuttimill'ri 're:4ton WI II the FUZLI bseOrtese)errettrd 'the so tzlied :Arotostic, - " . Cordial, " . d0n ... A.11 by all the 11:u111111CW Own: rtni• tlfibeem:l4 r 116.445,.! Un - Theit,'67lirCele - Itt.lo/I•lllLoisSentell daroi , rMactl4 l l ton ('1.1) end I'LNIE t Fut op isollart IYrthrtte foAdIP nil I'mg e-Atßorolneo;',4-4.0te.,:'. echo A."?! . .'fftN7.llm. rr it . :s: 1.. tLatatrt t-m. 1- =" • - - Fete Proptioturet • N 0.19 firivol tetrort.N.il.• Fur sole et'ito-or i ttrAor cr. no; wouuntrr TAKE 'A WORD:, FOR JIBS.' r;1 11. 4 1 1d - ty 4 " 1 ur t o Ifnvt-. Xi/IL/ 1 144 PPri tr..t • f 11. Ord, ChM> ;4,•.11.• Nit .04)4 • 10.121da " ichicli Wilk:one of INIIUO [F MfiOiPt I low I should rog,celt,h,,hitti I ribt 84.eured 414 i 01.1 t. e ton r ihat - dearone!' -So gidrigirr*o".:' within,aba-g b iit-Averntrz:.AilArein:l6«re ! , e eery 'e,ne ei‘piwist I .gittee thew truthfully taken hy tnnt r--• 1 I' COMMERCIAL COLLEGE.' Loraited over awtinrquylutnna Valley Rank BINGHAMTON N. Y. FACULTY; HOLLAND ,BrTTER§ p'T,PZPark i DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, LITER COMPLAINT, WEAKNESS OP ANY KIND, FEVER AND AGUE; - Am. the Tarian affertiono teoisevinetst woe:. trroMAc t ia LurEg, Fm } ' gehlity oftheStstrtmkeollekPileit, Le... o f Appotit.;. ihorpoodrfl,C. COMIOI.IO}II4 !Ware' Ithootling Nits. In at/ Nemo,. illortimatir, RIO Neuralce -. ./(fiwtione. It hag In 11111:11VINAL, 1,104114,1 yroted ldrktir 1.114C41. and in otheiveSortod i(dueidett ewe. Tfit. is a oriely vegitallo iem.spon tut prepared. On Ftrkily seientifir pan , ' I , los. After the manner of the relehratA.l ll.Matnt Privfooooe. rorrha(o. Its mputation at home pro. (lure.l Its introth,tka here, the &mond monmenoing with .tlogo. of the, Fatherland sestteted ov,Fr the ,fsee of this novltty country, mane of It la , otawht with Um. 5”..1 has,ded,4.an ilu.trasilthma of W rah*. 11 is ling: eferef to fh, .lairrinen:putoo. hammy Mal it; grutetroodrrfoi ne'le ina: ririws 'mut nehenotr.frd. • It is liartkitlsaly rer'ittnnencts] to thn,se peranna whoa. oonst!tutions inay hsteb-on Impaired by the continuous use otardestapirits. other Aamte of dnla*Pstim- reMerallY • itrinntatieutts ri effort:it ends It /may dlrr•dlyitabe Nat of Ilk. tldilliujt and .iniekettlna. erery sena. npthe •Ireoping spirit, and, in flirt, Infusing new health and alga . - Nterielti—Whovver i•sperta to .fird thin a 6eT.1111.1e vdd M dhappafrite4;:t.nt t 0 tin , ykk, wink JuVlicrw spirited, it proxe:o restrfuj arvrnatic. 4,edirst, pealed:xi pOtertilr. • READ: CAREFULLY I . • • TI.: Cenuinf , highij coiceritriit , xl verdurrec mtata lutten Ir vrt -Op la LWOns battles may. aid Mailed at. (Mr house perbotFlo,!c Fix bottlecroc Firs D 014.41 4 ,.. Tbb prat demirottor tbi. truly Mel mited )tiFikibe bar Induced massy Smiled:me, whir 4 the public sbotild guard aboski:ist 4k . fry** ot f0ur...1461i; -14!.1i4tt . Ss on the Islcl of c-ry bottle notion . . " • . Soli by Elregaists iteserally. It tan be ftrwirisd by Express to most pmts. •r E,T ILO 1.)14 F:2 OJI 'BENJAMIN" PAGE, Nf fACTtt7g4 ....-:Viiratattatists and - t o h em i s is P,ITTEIBUS4II, PA. ' HAW ISITT*.IIS are sold In Mina r.,., Lr, • y AMU., brurigiol Mrs. J. BIXBY , be.glifttl.,and - extimpivr t of Fall .t white I.llffrt • • - • • #~midTt 4:0 111111 4the irmii.hl o[_(untrunx47icinityw ltli FASHIONABLY, DONNED! v.Tver..eA and as rieb ar eau be purehnod aVywhere: she .Akenes the very Metall ghoda, .such w• uto-d diliScult. Yyleri very removable. 4"h:• I...diee are invited to met and VN:111.011.., her 11.41 r fx" .e •—iti.. r...isv :Leh 'THE 4.7spOItSEMENTS nF - ;A:palrjuilirty z ?„ • CEPTIALI C . PILLS - AL!. SirrFKR FROM tjEAD4CHF..;. SPEEDY AND SURE CURE TS . WlTHlN'ili*ltt REAM —o—L• • Micsi testimonials were tinsolicited by ifs 'Spalding, they afford unquestionable proof ii`' the efficacy of this frilly 'T•. - , scientific rliseorery. • rob. 5 E. Srauts.s.P. sat: lhave tried Cephalic Pllla. and 1 lat pent .o trill t. h., A a n Ton to amid mu st: worth mute.yo of tnAw.a.4eir.0.ek......4.44....., sylann• t ge0..0. fos. out of the first box I got from Semi Ito Pills by mall, andobllce Tutu ob't peret. ' " ' ! JAS. NENNEVY. . . , . • . , liatrford. Pa., Feb. S. - • u. c• Sivatdin. §ir: '!, • ' I wish von torend xneon••'more box of rani Clpha lie FinA: .1 trafe rec. itevi 4 firviatileql qf b,n4jttfrom than. Yaun.; rio.prctfelly, ' ' ' 1 ANN STOI1i1101:SE. Spruce ereek. Huntingdon ro., Ta.. :lan. IS. li. Spalding. ' _ , . Sir : . . Voli will Plea:ro rind me two:boxes of your Pills. Send them fiunwdlatcly. . I • • i , Re .p . 3.ourr. , JNO. 11. SIMONS. , P. s.—lharc +/NY/ one ei n of 'your Pilli:ond Jrnd them etrolfrot.• . Bale I.l7nnn, C. spalding. E,q• dad curium - 4'll.l,:ll'l4'lre" crate. for nisi( 11 Fiend me nnntliri twit of yonr KN. They are truly the beid. pillo I hnoi ever Ole& . • . ftlreet • STOVER, P. N. \Vytudot county, Ohio, C. Spalding,. Esq. - • I wish for souteclrrniars or large show bills. to bring your more partirularly berore my customers. If yft - roe headache.. elvenally lasting two idayst. wagetard of hn ot tart. ;it Co ho,r by your /ilk Which I teot her. Reaps:tinily yours, W., B. WILKE:S. Ileynokl,burg. Franklin rA.: Irmo, January 9. Tlfnry C. Spalding. N 0.48 Cedar street, S. V. - !hair &lir: 1nc10,44 find .twentr-live emits. k w,' for which send me hox of — cephalic piles."' Dlr'rct to Iler..Win. Filler, at flernoldohnrg. Franklin cenut3. Ohio. Four liar 'tort. tit, .churvt—curt headache 01n,G4 .itirfaretPr. , • ' • yimre„ arm FLILLEII lir. ..kiktldiay. i Sir;. .. NW. long &ince I .ent la yea' (Jr a hex a Cepludic Pills for thy ewe nt the Isterron” Headache sad . Cestiveners, and received the gam., and they had go good an creel I ,r ax intlurrel (a rend jar work. Pirari rend by return mail. Direct to . . A. p.. WHEELER, . - . Yprilanti, :Snell. • l'rtose the A 'so-miner. Norfolk. J. I . 7,phatie 7'iLl artMnlrfi,h theinhjef:t for Nehleillhi7 were made, viz.: cure of headache (n all ita forma. Fpan ilea .Krautinr i r. .4Vor 115 . 1 k, They hay, been tted In more , than, n tbonxand Wail ;nth, GEM • I Fowl the Pet;i6ergt ' 1 St: (70.1, min. If von are, or have' been troubled %lib, the headache, lona for a box of cephalic pipe, au that you may have them In cuenof an -attack,. \ Front the ...idealiser; Proriden.ce,7l2, L r e phatic Pitt, itiralid to be, a rettorkaldreffective remedy for the headache. and one of the eery hest f4r that very freqUent tylnplaint, which hate ever been dis covered. . From•the 11 - esteca R. R. ()orate, Chicago. we boartih-esdoric and Ida unilvalled eophalic MI& • 1 • , . ! From the rolfrV Sig, it Sit , I'd. ... • I It''''Viaareiltat plaik,n, trttl'ariag %vita Ike: bradachr,. Nt tiirtrylhka, will rtlek to thorn. Front the Pali Finder, New Orleans. La. '.• Tay Wen,: Ton I hat 1 areatliNtpd and we acetonic. that tour tedimony can'be. ittddreV to t h i already. lattuteroaa 11,1 that has rosivtal benvLt, that no othertiandlcter can i produce. - - - . 1 • • -•••- .....!--, . . . 1" • . : From eke' M. I.4ttis Demorrat." " 1 The ImineneArnrilitlikir *the..nide (c6helli:plli.) i., rapidly Incri , 3,l rag _ - 1 . I Front the Gazettr.- llavenporl.Wiefiy? i Mr. Spaldint iimad ncitconneet hI. name Viltb an ar 1 , 9c_le . Lc did tiairk . l , >er , ii....(pufge?4,4 teal merit. .P.'"hr the ...Providence, .12.,L Th.• to ttm o urfn their . 6v4r fa xti,;ric: 'fiant . ttic t inort romper state qu..nrters:„ Fro» y- .l l'ete l Aewito - R. I. ('ephal[ePii,.an-taking' tlii• place of nil kind. ' ~Tr"S.ingle'tinttU of SPALPINT.i'S IitEPAItED wil(satt ten timetette icoet andmalty .111: " : SPALIiINV#P,..I*PAREI) GLUE! 7 SPA Llnsirg"h; - t.PARED airk! PREPA)tED GLII ! - .1 Vt: TH.E*II;t:ES Bad Lin'. ' taiktici.foot, - El.tulap. Bad Bretodr, Chilblain**. Gout, - BUMP. . . (tapped Ilandv. Lutuhegu., (Mandel= Swelllnveorno, (Soft) Pileo. . Bite of Meorifitoes,caracera. ; litteurnati.m, wand Sand,Pirei, , CCoonttiacted and .. .Sealds. . Coce-hay,,, Stiff "fointe. ..- . _ tivre.Nippleb. kiljterbtP4C, 1 ) ! . glibb-lil cos 0,21,./... . . Scum ..„-. ~. ' note tikdr, ..' 'Tnintirir:. - .1,2er: , . ' Wendos, ~ ; . . Yaws '' ; . . Sr:-Le. .t.e. r CAIITNINI—Nomoarr testdaw twice. the words '''d tot. I.4WAT. A Elle-YtAOC -AAA !0/1/11)0A... , 4 1114 dieceraft#,:n4 a wider-mark In every leaf of the book of di - teeth/pa around ! <wit Ott* box ;I)to dOme Maybe phifuly Awe 1?y ddi..," ! lAtlecy , fp at light A bandeoute reward wilily given to . ... . . ~..,, ..„„. „;.,;- _ . , ::, _ •.; ..,., .- ;.,_ .; .;-_,,,,:, ...i . ..: .i /try one, - Seehomg - ekth,lareomatirea sootily lead la th e • . , ... , '''.1 . .1e770-k - . ' - , „ . deteetki any ; Tartlea counterfeiting the tredl. t' - ,: . .._ ~ -: ...-.: I-.-.%;-... •. • -.' n , ' , "; ...`• ;, 1 , ( ta n te ° .ip m ei he th em he be. eintriclutt.- A. cert. in unprin6pled pertiona are atteinptlkg to-Pabn • ..• kilt the nicarPaofapaurliet.wwAr. MY off ou the tfa,u.peeting public', Imitation:, of Inv l'avand ' Malden Lane, New York, and bv.ill re,pectatde Druggigt..4 Vat, I .Wouki motional} X - ktoosa-triiesatalrio 'bean per- . asel /*Mem it Aheolialema. the,alvilized world. cha!ing, and pee that the full name, :., - - In %Agee al . V. 5 et fg feettht..tinfl V ea. 11 .• pi, - sP. I L/./11 - r;S I 'ttl,:l'AßED .41;1' J.'. • •,i, 4 : 4.7 . ' there L .-o.nriderahle ;hr l,' taking larg. r 1,...0.,- ...: lt , jfir..et:rar. for (hr. etii.litt.,.. 4.omilit of. l', ' ' L t "I:.'•'' ''' '' 'II . ' l'Pl'f!s'".. r. see "" '''''''''. "'Ur' :!.:, W.+ !''' ,r, ~.11.1,-.1 to -, t. I-.. , , WI FM )3tY . • 'II rfir , !A . ,‘" acrid/ant. will happen; 'ayeeti In well ttertlßlßdAtml. 3ti. ;eery de.lralde tolastrU. mome theatpastiOULVell repaitiVigrOtiaiWYO. 01Crt.iite. LDIN6eS meets all oath emetkenclesoind no ihounettold ea teatroni, r: tO.be without it. It_its alway. :Msdr, and up to the etlrld pa - 48L , , VsEttu. amocapanle. each Bottle. Price ::+ . . . Addre.a„; ITENIII7 itt.P.i././4Y/G. ' • . No. 48.,t..'8dat , Street. New-Yor.k. ABEL. TIJIIRFIL 13ttztaortirtL',/acigfe4;ffautrv . : . nd other ,atent e trines An proportion SlOatsoye, litutch.l66l , r ADILL,WiLIIALL IC I ' 4 }net returned frum eelerting and httrch Icing and is .- ••••-ff •••••••• ...fiftf--ff- -.4 . ~f . ‘" -fr , tIOW reteiTIVOLIO of the larlt m and begt tf Wel. Or iviazo.T.o4liL • 1064 .,., id• , t',AD 1 , 14 ,, vi. va.t.aiscer,, at ' 6:Graduate Go .1.4* Or the Allopstalcand liennompatak Colleges or Med ' e__) 9 I,l`,(„lfdlir,g7 l °C`TrlVXX`"'"" 4 1111. which, they lave favored him, and he hop,. bra lurid at, thin uttered to ibis inatletg }pod , all warranted 314 repre t .got d Th. tees] IA or ne trl% every . tendon to totaluute to merit a liberal share of the public con idenre Or at Bend, Jantiaq M 14,1151 'terms:Ready earn and Low P 4 lett 1 general Idea of ___ ____, ~ 1 the dock may be formed from the folio hog entunt melon -• '' '--- -;'-- Drams, tit tom% ice 1111rNICLIA 1 PAIVrAf OWN VARMAIO ` V, taro GI Pf`f`f i i R i Ih owe Viztr i erli l , (Ammo r. • (Luii‘i ARIC. Mirror.. CIA/. 1n.1., W.. LL PAI Zit 1.. M R M ..... ~,,,t,wr.rtrit. „,,,,,,.. • .t, eukOne Pkttex (mono i elliii, thin motto al of informing their OLD tltar oda , Monte t I lend num ate Lauti,e, It weir,. Pc rfullll rl, 1 btlend4 that thethave pot recel% ed insulator) loth , . Stun( Ware - Dumont Braehe Whip.. Vint*•l a former stock of Goods, which they Bird Logee Pocket hotter, Oune,Pl dole, 13(WCI1T 14'01' Cl5ll %tninunititn. Li g oore, I nor. Supporter', • fff ~, f - 4hoOldrr ISINIti e, port monnale„ ' %prelacies Al: PANIC PRICES.' Hint ..t, platod Spoon... Fork., Le. Gold pent., Stationer), Violin Guitar, Ito A A 10l , dringe f dAtbOgrapha, port Main Teeth, Artlara 'I be petal litru.h .%N DD 1111.1. "kit. TIIIX to ve, &c &c, &leo some Dry Goode, t% oodeu W.tre bard t , end japanned War. , Flold and 011 Fans, Cam pine, Coal C ' anent Miming Fluid, Aloohol, Tifrpeatinth lamp, tanner e 1 ,ASII BUYEItS, ftmt lard, olhe, Loot or boiled and fAll, MOO Cti 016. With* Lend, Zine. anti all lin& of cOlorctl i rpin \lnt ' 'i .... ..,_ -.... . _........ 9 ta i r e Catta l gh t t r aleo h all the popultu Pa WWI. F . irerxecuy insimn ith iair• thi go too nunteroun to mint one It etnpracticabin to glee mom than a general outline Wu ha% e not time to ennmeratt articles, or ptiCe9 , hat of to_ Flock thron,M the netavp went, el em one ulahing I Invite the public to call, t vantine, and satisfy themael% ea GOODS it , invited to 0111 nod (Ant o ine. Customers on iof the truth of what w o publish, and of courm , then to s enterin the men. must no. expect to and every thing In .1 L 111011111.1.1.% & 0.% eight , b ut n. art) • every article ulntt d dill bt pmeltb, cd by i• t psom.lllc, Dec taltth leA4) • Inquire Thankful for the liberal patronage hitherto rccrhed, h hope.. to meta a tontine inc‘ lotllarg.• inert-em of the earn.. ‘lll I. TC IMF I I , Montrno., .luny 1 Intl . WIIIIOLESALE SALT DE.IIILEIR, . • 201 WatdillisOottod, '' . (Directly opposite - AT:lshii:Tine Market,) loir STILL CONTINUES to offer to the city and COUNT RV .trade, all kinds of FOREIGN Coarse and Fine SALT, at the rct y lurrcest fiLva , oni amen asoks and Imp, consisting in put of Ash.' ton's celebrated brand for table and dairy use; Jeffrey dr Maki, Marshall's, flrownltives, dtc. and 50000 bushels Turks Island, Bonarea, Cu tacea, St. Übes, Lisbon, Cadiz, lvica; Nantes; &c.,, -all of which will , be sold at bargain prices fr9m vessels, store and storehouses : Any purchaser wishing to select from a good assortment will find it to his interest to call. N. B.—Fine table salt put up in small bags of different 'sizes, and constantly ;on hand in ship ping order., Also a apletulid article of Rock Unonnd attlt.„-in quart boxes, put up and for sale by tliC quantity, in eases of frre„dozen each. WYOMING VALLEY r 6 PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, BALTIMORE, and all Points North dic, West, LACKAWANNA & BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD Two Daily Pa ' ' WILI. B! 111.71 SCR AL 'AVON IN 411 \S FOLI sorm Pblll N. Y Mall. Es presei. A. M. P.M. 0.10 4.2 2 , 1qT156 NOIIIIII. N. Y. ' Mira lixtiresn. Mail. Leave Leave A. M. M Scranton. Norlliteland. 6.W . 4.15 Atti‘e at StTiTE at Pittaton, 6.34 1.53 Danville. • 5.(Vi &.O Kingelon. • 5.20 Rupert. 5.* 5.50 SlitekKhluny; 7.50 6.25 1110onioburQ. - 6.45 5.00 Berirlek. $.Ol 6.55 lkirielck. 732 5.25 IlloomPliarg, 8.50 7.30 Shlclishltar.7.4.s 7A16 Rupert, 9.410 :An Kit)gstnn, et.3o 1.15 Danville. 2.25 5.10,.. Pittpton.• ti. 57 5.15 Northpland,lo.l l o 14.3 5 Scranton. 9.25 1+..15 TER LACK/MARRA & BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD At tik^ranton, fiir New York and rhiladelphia, and inter mediato nloo for G.reat Bend, Binghamton. •Seractire, Buffalo, Niagara Falk. and all int{wrtautpoiut • • ', s. -, At Rupert Remittent* with the cram' an Railroad. for . point/70th Riot and Went. - At Northumberland it connects with the Suntiou and "Erie Railroad for point. 'West and Sim to THE.4REAT FRENCH REMEDY For Rheumatism, goat, Neiaralgia, Tic Dolorosa:: Dr. ROBAN'S RHEUMATIC CURE, Ileverlr, P. 9 I S INVAIXABLE need itYirifili: 74"iiitr7,-ri pronouneed by all to be the only reliable remedy. It has cured thousands in kuropt..t has met with mat and wond erful success here. as testimo nials dailerecetred will rhow. It Is hartideta, but certoin, hi its effects warranted free of all injurions Indredients. It parities the system a: renders it perfectly healthy. In fact, it is a spLtillic which has not all equal for the cure of the above complaints. It Is also good for pains In the bad:. or bones, or joints. generally. The demand for It lueratu.log. has Induced the proprietor tolippoint en agent• for this district. Also for salon% the ageney_or Br, Itoban. No: Broadway. Nev York City. Tirturgists supplied on liberal terms. sent by Express to any part of the country on receipt of the price. n0v.1.9. y ',ABU .Trltla:LL. Agent, Montrose: )61si7anti, .11741... Jan. _ ;salt ! V. 1 011-051, TIME HET ROUTE SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. senger Trains ImErwl:r.s "aril UMBER D, T.OiVS : MOM.' Ts wml TUE • DEL. LACKAWANNA 4: WESTERN RAILROAD Mark These FactS! THE 'TESTIMONY OF THE WHOLE WORLD'. Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Bores and Mears. degeriptiong of soma are by the prop. L er and diligent nee of this Inestimable preiewation. To attempt tactuu bad lega by plasterfh.,^ the ed4; e l. of the wound togrofber Jo a folly; for should the ekin unite. a boggy 'dirt:lied condition remains underneath to break out with teniotd An In a few days.. 'Die only yucluz , and auccearthl treatment, as re. duce the tefietuuna_tionir iindabiatt - the wound, and to Boothe the ettattersig parts Alf rubbing in plenty ortho - OintUrienfignit. in forted Into meat. Diptheris, - Bhiersted Sore Throat, and Scarlet and other Fevers. `''.of the above di/cases may be cured by itch rib bing the Ointment, three times a day, into the chest. arrantend neck the_patihnt it will Kron•peneteite and glee immediate: teller. `..lfedicitie. taken. by .the mouth muAt operate upon the whole system ere its Influence tau be felt in any local part; wheeze. the Ointment will do its work at once. Whoever -tries the' nn rent lu the above manner for the dismises named, or ater effecting the chest aid throat, will find themselves reliev ed as by a charna.' Itricturet. rpm. above class' of complaints will be removed by ulgtini 'fomenting the parts .with warm' tenter,. and - then most Afeetrudry rubbing lir 'the pintarent.' Persona suffering from these direful complaints should lore tint a I moment in whetting their progrets. It -should be under stood that it Is not sufficient merely to smear the Oint.• ment on the affected parts. belt ft mn't be well rubbed in for mere eonsidtarable time tyro. or three time., day, that It rear takttrinicrthe system. whence It will remove one hidden sore or wound as effectwillyal; though palpable to the eye. Them regtin bread and water pouf kcal, after the rubbing in of the Ointment, will do great service. This bethormly sure treatment for fetish's. eases of emcee in The stomach. or where there may .be u general bearing Indiscretions of Youth ;—Eiroiei 'and Mears. - I,ILOTCIIEts. as ties) swellings, can. with certainty, h 13 -radically cured If the Qintthent be need freely, and the Pills be taken night 'and Morning. as recommended in the to the printed instructions. NVlren..tomted fn. any other way they only dry up in one place to break out in another-; whereas this Ointment. will remove the humor from the system. and leave the patient a vigorous and healthy being. It will require time with the nos of the i Pius to ensure a lasting cure. Dropsical Swellings, Yaralisis end Stiftiointo.. A LTHOUGII the• above complaints differ widely in /1.• their origin and nature, yet they all require: local treatment. Many - of - the worst ease., of-such diseases, will yield In compamtively shorts pace. of, time when this Ointment to di4eudy rubbed into the parts affected, , even nfter every. other. means have [Mimi.. In all serious' ' maladies the tilts Should be taken according to the print ed direction.. secompanyingesett bor. Both the OnitatOnt intl.Pilis.ihould be used in the fidtcoteiV, canes: -'-• 4• 11tolcEtakolTamilyigrocerlotjuut rec.,l A land vel ling,p) percent, taqpn: former 11ANCY i.'onfiTtitmarr for the Ito Nave, at 4 • : URltltliAtftr "CoNTADTT I 33I/:". V ANN 141011117 CE allitlnd@„ for which the taglicoi marlayt, prices will be paid In 19oodic at - • .11EIHRIMAIS8. NEW,GOODS JUST, AItRIVEp AT TIM ORIGINAL ONE PRICE"-StORE, II A YDEN . BROTHERS TH.PEOPLE93*GENTS; 'rave S1 4 14E7:41)11) Stock n: • M NAT 0 0 Cheaper than the Cheapest !1 ANI) EX.k.)IiNE OCR (3601), wiuntiEn vat; law oc .NOT TT I.‘l - s - y(u TO GET 1)0A'1.:1)1:1 1 .' • ..1EX.A."4"2:1311.1V - 33XILC;0011.!, NEB{' ittu'onr), Novviawr kth, 1144. CHILDREN • 1100114 MRS. VVINSLOW,. . . . . An esperienced Nurse and Feinnle Physician. i , l'er`entir • E., the attention of mothers, her 1 SOOTHING SYRUP. FOR -CHILDREN .hlch greatly facilitate! the prose!! of ttethlng;4 enim.7 the gum!, Tel:lacing . all Inflammation—will allay PAIN and rtimonoWc action, and in SURII TO REGULATE TILE BOWELS. lh•pend nroo it, mother!, it will giro retd; to yon, find HELM. AND HEALTH, TO YOUR INTANTS' Wehaveput Ilk, and sold thin asltele for Doer ten yearn. Ind can lay IN t ONFIDENCE AND TRUTH of It. %that ivehare nr % erli. en ante to say et any ether tneditille— NEI I:it II %SI r F.%11.1:1 1 • in a ' , 1N(.1 F. INSTANL 1., to i.Fr h.•l ibt 1 la: 'i hen onkel} Iv id N.•iir clid toe know in itist.o4• otitis. it i+filetien by Anion.• liteu had used it ...1 the ioutairi. all ari delighted with its riper itfunit, lind .1,4: in teruis - ot 4.innutund it WI) Or /1. magical effects and medical chivies We say in thin matter . WHAT ME DO KNOW ** atter ten %earn' experience, and PLEKIGt. 01 R REM 'I ATI oN for the fulfillment of whatsive here declare In almost eve r% instance nil. re the Infant h. omit riog m imin tool Lxhant , tiou, relief m ill b.• tonnd in fifteen to 3:1 mine!.. after the croup ir administered. tl i T, • 1 : 1 : 1 1. 0 :t 'l E v .4ll: KT la r a li n a i nd th :ii ETTA! I . 4'l ' t f ts ° l• ! .4 . of in • v •tela Id nod Itn* he... 11110.1 11 with NEVER I IILING 7114)USA NEM OR C.tsk..s. It s.,t. ril% rt.l le% e* the, child from pain, burins Igorit tt n the stomach and bowels * rot:win acidity•and...riven tone and eticr,, to the whole systcm It will almost ite.tatitli toilet e , . GRIPING' IN THE "BOWELS, AND WIND COLIC, _ , and overcumeamvulgons, which, If not epemilly cured. cud in death. We belie% e it the BEST and SUREST rem elt', in the M DULL. In all canes of DYSENTERY ;and DIARItIIIEA IN cult.ortEN, whether it arises from ot thing, or from any minx cause W.• would sac taf all moth irs who hart a child suffering from any of the,foreoo in,: eompluints—Au NIIT LET TOUR PREJUDI('LW NOR FIIP: IT11117)1(1,*.s of QTHERS stand between you and your marring child. and ihe roll& that w ill ba SURE—rea ABSOLUTELY SURE—to follow the UM` of thin nit dieine, if tonctr tonal Full dlMetiona for wining tt ill.o...mpanv .:ash litttle None peuulne unless the lac nintil• of ChRTIS # PEIIELNE, - ....ew York, Is on , the outflti.• n ripper. '- ,Sold by Dkagnints throughout the world. . PrlncipaVOUtce,ll3 Cedar , street, lireVlV York. PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS PEE BOTTLE. decal y For :kale In .Vontrose he Abel Turrell 111 - ole V ALT tS LIFE _PILLS tt 11TTES 1 ' ffiIIP.SE„NLEDICINES have now been before the pd blit Pura p&iod of Thiqy ieae., a / a d darhagthateime have maintained a high character in' almost evere part of the Globe. for their. extraordinary and immedlite jpow4r ut rasturing perfect health to•persons tlatTering under nearly every kind of disease to which the human frame ra The following are among the distressing variety of hu man dituaeed Itt which the VEGETLELE LIFE MEDICINE \re well kn own to be J fallible. • • -DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the let Ind 2nd stomachs. and creating a flow Of pure,heultby bile.instead of the stale and acrid kind; FLATULENCY, Loss r ptal.4./Itarlburn, Ifeadacha, ReggemiNg: a:T em p er . 4 n , r . I,I V. Lan Ver and mem:emit iittch are gen eralaymptorna . of iry.pgisia—vaiiih, ion natural consequence of Its due. • COter2Nnl3, by cltniudng the whole - length oTthc -inindines with a solvent pnicess. and without violence; all violent puratsleave the bowels costive to two daya. - FEVERS total kinde; by nadoring . t he blood to a regalai circulation, limo' theproceas of respiration in such cares, and thoro' volution of all Intestinal obstructions in others. .'The Life Medicines have been known to cure REECE /WISE permanently in tbrce weeks, and GOUT 'in half that time, by removing IMml inflammation from the mus cles and - ligaments of th e joints. ' • DROP3IES of all kinds, by freeing and strengthening the kidneys and bladder ; thee operate mod delight reify op these important organs, aryl hence have ever been found a certain remedy for the word cases of GRAVEL. k Also WOW, by disludgin,..'s from the turnings 'of the bowels the same matter to which these creatures adhere. WOWS' ULOREE, and INVETERATE BORES; by the purled. purity Which these Life Medicine-4 give to, the blood and'all the humors. ,1 SCOREUTIC ERUPTIONS and DAD compLEXICiNit, .byrtheir alterative effect upon the fluids that feed the akin and the morbid state of which ocesalona all eruptive compiaints.'eallow„ ciondy, and other disagreeable' cam • The.une °ribose Pills for a very short time Will druid an entire mire of SAY.,T EICSIIIK, and a striking improve , • mentin the dearness of the skin. < COMMON COLDS and lliFOP,EiZh.wiU always, be_ctired by one &we e ny by , two in the worst cases. PILES.—The Original proprietor of these meilleilies„ was curs! ofPiTes, of 35 year* standing by the use of the lledicinee alone. • . . rVER• AND' Acary.—For this scourge of the West ern etrantiy, these Medicines will be found a ode, speedy and certain remedy. Other Medicines lease the syStem subject to a retnrn of the disease—a cure by these Medi cines is permanent—Try themi, lir . eallslfed, chid as euryd. Nillistat Fever* and ,Livery Complaints. Ov sena DOM ity. Loss ofpputite, and . Diseases of Fe malm. The Medicines have'iteen used With the "Moat beneficial results in cases of thin description:—Kings' Evil, and Scrtrfula, in ha worst forma, yields to the Mild : yet powerful action of these t•tnriskalrl!'.ltediehaes. Nightbwons. ?semen Debility, Nervoui Complaints of all kinds: • Palpitation of the &gut, Painters' Coile,l are speedily cured. 31ereerlal Dllseineal:Tersona whole &hadn't - MP& haveberairme impani by the Inindieiciue use rot Nero ry. will find flume MeUcinert a perket cure. as they Reward! to eradicate from the system.'all the effecta - of Merenry. ' infinitely sooner than tho unno,pbrarlitil preparation of Sarsaparilla. - Prepared and d by , • i W. W. NOIStrAT ". • •"- geld litterAnursr. 7 Navt.l'onk. s SaLe..by, all Dructgbitm. • ''Afflioted. - 1140.! ..c()StrtftTisiD‘ SOtt.'; flan il, 1t i 4 P ull to _Warranted in'effocta-Oure in overt mom and lir all etageeotlhs disettoo. or the lapney will be refunded.• Ygll direetlonii accompany 64jnntle. For : , ale be Abel Tnr&•II, lifontroge; Ililleurpatericl, Brooklrti : J.' Babcoek. Permel Carpenter, Hart irat4;4*. : Williarrnroluekrim: J.1.4.13Meum, Amiga% .1. -11.1W0111.1rupbettomi : A J Merin. lidisnton. ' .- 11:7Ert.TrZIPSCS41101 1 01D.' ! , 1 that Sri*, ¬:y.lo4' been alifleteo foe. Year 4 out with that dietreoolnz toropnitnticnown;aa the 14111s4_1 , ;114thatt , bluil 4 Afitikd hkafrOoffiellSt tgopi va. :Anis nyiaetans; iikelonsintincepottsl4 UAW. •Mair*.:4lk4ilutiu." whichye ol4sineti at one or his mde" titan 4 4 - .741.4111utn 4cell not olvotible . ..-. The tWaq wax4mm yomblitlast fall. • and. atoms. 'piing so direeted for. slew ilsys,y_hat ,woave 31004 .nstaon .to think ',iv' a pensuistat cure l oos ed : normal other.caotiA - or 11.21.1trt lii. MI 'kjmfty IstiVrilotA it With like Neultio. "Mal 31t.Nrin r,,, c a m , no pay ~.vcr,y vac itklik'affileted du writ to by it. . • . .B. Bdr4l(Ort; noun of VI i.r • h gr. h;in tmg!ir, W 7. Orling N. , Pia . :STILL. OWITIE 1 1 R410K ! I GIiASS SE EDS. ,Ii'ARE RF,DUCEI)•ii.,-Ton,Gs. , ~.. ty,,„,, PI OVFllandilmo'rnY SFFD lely" - ' - ri. atirturrr, irew mitord: i---- . -- .1 1.5 "I PAI.DINti'S cp:PitAri rtr.s. For all khids of Iletid•sebe. . ',ONLY :CENTS! • • a v -I BETWEEN MONTROSE& MONTROSE DEPOT Ayer's Sarsa , parilia, fliilltiteguirrf-Mell lithe Will tarry passengers between ! ' 1. the above pitteett far the Enni Orr, cents, or less, I'IB64IIIMM wlllbacalledibrat their midway by limiting ,their mune, at the Post Office or at the Frankito Moues, • ?OR 'PITRITYNG tHE 'BLOOD, - ; Rtaget ,, lznit tliftsilktitillouseat 6 ri. nio and 4 ii. ut• • , i t t i ti j ., :r , the api , eitir ' turn ofthj ilibbined varieties or Procilwiti. • - ~ -- J. 8, TAIIDEL, Agent, . ' Scrofula and fierofalouis' AMretlistaai *Melt o'.. • L .jang' ‘. f.., ilrardStage Company, Af_ ontmse, Ps. i Tumors, l'lrera, Sorra. Fgrnptlostia. Plat ' FALL STYLES NOW READY' - . , plea. Petatnlas• Illathrliaa, Iloilo, Illatns ...• • Lind, all Skin. Illaeases. , , •. At Great Bargains! , - oil:l. 4 Ni*, ISA. ‘lth „Illtle. 1..:... , . ; .1, r. area s Ai init. 'Gotta: It 6.4 It ow duty to , 0: FOR READY PAY . AND SMALL PROFITS! kuonledf,w whet your earoaparilla has' done for i.. . 1 llraelinf tiiherlteit tc!..:ertifulnifs iliferthiti 1 brie suffer , I . • ' ----o------ •• ' frorh it 111 variants ways for year... S.n . netiMes it 1,10,r lIDURIULTT, sttta "Origthil New Milford abafrittrid I out in lrc Irvin on my hnloln and urinal; rotitettln.o, b ..11row tloods Emporium,: ta now readying a Largo I turned inward and distressed td at the stoin•yeh. To.. - and CUOICR STOCK. of • i yearn ago It broke out on tor head and .4,,,,,r,,,1 toe ~,.„1,, FALL AND WINTER '', ' 1 T.',1..',,:ii.,7. 1 .'. 1 .4,°,::::.°r'i•t'nq.',1 1 '.,".1`;' , '. ,4 ...ni r i.u.! „ "..".1.' , :..?' , .':.: . ..": .. • . 0 ,..,......5.,,„, „,,,,,,,,t ;MAI r011..r fr o m 41ny Mite:. 1, , -.1"-. .-.., - 1 flirt, tio-di.mmier essay worse. )It leligtf, I wa: r ,j,i.....1 r • '' • :It I to reel ht er n e Co.pel Mcownger that-you had pe 01 .,,,, r ,..1 I an alterative tsoinaparlllo. for il knew [coin ;our r rot ____J 63 ,4) I lotion that anything you made twist ton good. I sem 1 . • I ei n ohniati mil-gut It, mid ~sent it till it mired one: I 1.:-I. Ineltuling s'grest surety o ' the newest an d best styles 01 I.•, o ao you t0t51.,.. . In aturill .1.,....i or n 1.-foil...mil - 0 9. ,, • DlOOlll Goods,lll/44wIla ii igeondrlosh II; Winter I mouth, told uawl almost Mow Unities. New alai lionhii. , tlsiti point bogan to loin, yodel' the peal, wlif. o i niter ~ Atittiffr, &C., With a large assortment of Warr . ~,, Idle All otr. ' My skin in now rear, awl I know In 11,,, , staple aid Fancy Goode, 1 . 1 .7,;; 1 ',','.'.0.,.'11. 1 .,h::,t.717.Y . ,',"11.1'1`." „ 7 , ..`nn , b , Y, 4., ` , ' , '.^.... , ,',-:', - 1 •70.. that .1.01.. yq„ to tie °aro!' the apOistle. , of the a • as usual, In Crater! ,Crockery. Hardware, Iron and unit crumb' ..t..r grAt.•felir, . Your., Stoel.„ Neb. Stores t i n Drogy!, Paints. .011 s. Fluid. Booty , I- A ixttgrt 11: T.vi.i.r.y Shoes 'Hata. nips, oak L'altieting. Floor OIL Cloth. liCallhiper,ittinted d Gilt WhtdOWSbildea.alargiqthe . " • 41 " / 1^11, '" Vire, Rose- or Pori olprlu.,. of Kerosene Loup and 011 Fixtures, Re., also . , Teeter and Salt 114.4 on. Scald Ilcad.. [tins , airortis. Sore Ey co. Dropsy• Furs - and Macao - Robes. I lir. Itolkrt ,T. Prehle *C..riteiC frron Satrin, .N. V, t.:C. _ . ..til i' .__T h . ° ~._U",,,tUkt„,,,...bciasl,l.,arE.,"nd bClEtift*. C .A 26ll • I l''fici,i'll-siti.l/4-filliell'i'llain":alet'o%rtLer'Verain"l„oht'esintr;/?l'v • 't'sl. ;1,1 woo unaeiyuow 4...J15ui . .M., -- .4 , n. , 118 ante r h.: IsAsinm. ~...I.•%'ering use: of our Stir ai nrilla, and ~la, a . ALM. , ; AO ere superior op Attica fm choice Sebtettonk And - rus 5f10 , 1.: of Motion/1u t P.l;pll:P j IMO br h,,, v ,, d„,,,.., ~(1 1 ,, „, low•down prices, and will be sold on the most favorable um.,....„be, mires the cOnunott truptfour Inc it not terms for eASII. PRODUCE, and to Prompt Six-Months' ,t ntl . r ' ' • Doyen.. An examinittion 'of the 00thrand Pricer will be ' a • ' . I lt r olichoeclic, Goltre;far' Swelled :Nivel... found profitable to t ose who wish teeny. . FLOUR AND S T CONSTANTLY ON BAND.' 1 ' 7,1.0.. !..ipsu of. Prospect: Texao, ..e11...: •••r,.. . o . r . m.p ,„_, ,_ „,„, I bottles o f, your Saraaparilla cuirwl - me from a Coif,. —1 • ••••••••••• .... w•••••• • I 11/della' gn..ll l na on tile t rek, Wltlrti Lead mar. red frt. ... _. —_ —......___ .' i • ARE 1 1! U INSURED 9 1 ;:::.74:::Ir ri a or 'Whites, Ovarian , Tornt • - Eta-rine "'terra Minn. Female Dbieroyes. -JEL. 3p, z a dLeoic,isizAi.z7 - 1 •Dr. J. It. S. ch.ootfir, of New 'York Cite, nrit.,: •- 1 . Itvwt.Clomerfnlly romply with 111 ,, rt:trteitt . 01 your norm lo IVreestrine•Applitestioni for itumrance In th e follow• anriiig I lime found your Sarlinteirlihi am e oot t...0h-int Ifug Vompimies: - j ,- • ~ ulteratlye ha the tatinwrOUn eoilipinintm for srlael, we r m. ,Wy ciraing lIISIIItAI'ICE Company, . ^pLiy 011.11 a II 11111 , W. 1,111 CITCCIIII/Y 111 P.P./b . trireme: , or the Serofaloito di.ftliesda. 1 hair oared mans. bit .1 'fit I Eli lEN.ISA BICE, 121%. 1 Prate CISIII Of i,twortlyra by it, and POMP wilt.: the. . ; rotuptAnt n.., ..U.A bt , 0/rem/ton of the uterus. Ti,' •, %leer:aloft Itself wan scion rilin4., NOttil111.: Irltliln my chozir Torpettud. k,„,w4,„:„.,,,1..„ for 1 licte• female deraw„:•inents. - . ("Plitt( tit : ,', ,*i 000: Surpti,. - t 4,,, *7,Oilt) gentluaorortas tumor ne one of the fonnieS In tni fatnily • i.'" whieh had defied all llie resttedles we could «mph., , h a 4 Or u! ;Zed a Oliti/liser 2d A. P. 18;37. •`I at length been comptetety cured by your e xtraet o'r :•nr , aaparilln.,l Our phyidefaii thought oultilag. len mettle. . - I.' ...hi afford relief, but in tutvirosi Ow bird of yin •TtIRECMIS. --Sarsaparilla an OW hurt, resort lo•fore c ut: Mt:. mil_ It G. M. IloUenback D. G. Drlesbitrb, J. P., Longa. - primed 01..1=1 lfter, taking Four rrol•al.Y eleht n •a-.a John Itelthard, David Morgan. tints Dorranee, •no sympthat of the (Steam: retrains:. Sam'l %Vacillator. It II Lame.ltnoF, it Sy pit Ills and Merelartsyll Dlsea-te . L 118tmemaker, the r Steele. \ Wm \ll X Mint. I • . 'Nrt• tittth..as. tr." 411 Augu•d, 1 ... I"- killiTlii Ike '' - 11,11 • 4191241 / 1 "KyP io.f. - - itii..l. C. ANVIL Str :- 1 elierrll;lly. romple with the ..W.o.alltealMa. /•D• Dulauarwals• Vars. /W . f. I requed of your agent, and report to Ina wOrio• 01 rho effects I lime realized 'with your Sarsaparilla. I have cured with it, In my, prartiee,nuet of the c• ti, plaints for nhi,di it it ruenunto 71.1ea1, lad liar. found I :, oleo• truly wonderful In 111. MM. of- r,,,cr,af ,00r lb, euria lAirenee. One of mypatlents had Syphilitic uleer : in his throat, whet sv..re 000 mining Id, ihtl:q.• amt rho top of I,lx tnenth. Your tirosparilltf: stetuillv Ink, ,, eiimt Win iu Gke w o rks. Another war attacked by i ,„, °Hilary i.yinlitoms to 1.11 , . 110 H ., and the 111. , , , t11..n 1,1.1 eaten nuny a rowldoirabfOlatet of it, t.O that I I.• lie., the ' yikorder mould noun remit lilt brain and kill lilin. MI It vi,:hjell to iffy admlithtrailon of your :.or.nparilll : fl , • '4144,1 , healed. and l i e is tr ,.., II aga l t ,, ta ,t - o r } oar ,. ~p 1,,„., PAM' disfiguration ,if dm &eq. A woman who had le,, t w oe,l for 111.• rata , dh.ortler Ihr mercu ry ,a , Pur..11.14 frotittlit7.polPoillei her bones. 'flieY lied 1,•••4,1,0• ....11•S III.: Iv. 111,- 1,1PII1.•r that on a d.nop day On .tiller,d - , • ernel:4ll,g‘lonn in her • joints and hones. She, t. 0., 4\34 1. 1 1 4 t r o " „ i • s ;ri l'i it i n n i 4 t ) ii, l io ff rli o n7a r i S ii r iry i : i i i „ L r ' n i • n e t i ' d f ;: ., i " i '. l: t ' s I. ;• 1 Ws Preparatkin flint your . lnl horator; too 11, a ;.r. L.; Comedy ; cono. N uodf.i.. thew. truly PO/P0.1.1,1. ref en, ', s.ttlt it bare not sachriced tat% :. Fr:den:ally your, G. I. I. %1117.11:II. 'I. P. , ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY, • itariforfl; Connecticut. Paid np Capttai $1,509,000 OD All*(11., • ~i%i,100 NORTH - F.lp: FIEF A LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY; No. 1 Moorgate street, LOndon. CspliaLps e lsehdoo....Annuni Itevenne,4l.ooo.ooo. WM GETTY. Agentitandelptda.' coNNEencur xtrruAL CC9I- PANT of . Hertford. Connecticut. Accuustilatnipitel .43,510,000 CO Any one wielded their lives Insured will do well o cell and *:amine thelt mode of insuring. and their Turf:. which am better tbo those of any other company, before taking Policies elsOutkere. P.'ELACEDIAN. oc 9 '6Ol °dice over. Chandler d Jeesup's store. Administrator's Notice. LETTERN of lidinlidstrudili k to theErtste of Mrs. Lydia Cirpenter. ded'd . lute of ?ford. baying beenlei to.tbe undersigned. all person Luning demands against •4,11 d estate will present them tot nettlament. and 'thope indebledirld ntake.lmtnedittopnyment to • .' • lILLISOURN 0.&13J,EY. Administrator. • Milord, March lid/ itga—roso _ Wistaioa • of Wild• Cherry. Wiatar's Salaam of Wild Cherry. Cotten', Colds, Coughs, Coushs, Colds, Coughs, Astints, Bronchitis Boar:mess, Brprhitis, Asthma, Bronchitis, Bentseness, Breuchiti. • Whooping Cough, Croup, Whooping. pingh, Croup, • Consumption, ,Cnnssuption, Consumption. ' " 611 F i r legli FW ISIU PV IIun, - and all Las. , 4iitiszect ipfairs.rig antirkge, n ' ready neUef„amil_n sun and Lady 4;4, in that great- Andlsntliatly'appreired ratgy, , W . 4haSEUTi of *ribs Cherry.* WiateAilisbarn.of Wild Cherry. Tks Rev. ha* Soitilega • • Will 411• WAI L ead.rraA rammied reset Viltfeerseeleys - tiut' etrerry, redes Mini' ennesiessfer the a/soy etas afflicted: laxorsi, leso. bfeeirs. S. W. ; ?OWLS it, CO.; talkie, Dem Sire : dito.ingrealized: in my family impostant benefit's from the use of your,valuahle prrparatioe, WISIAK'S BAL SAM Or wico , tnzier, it at 114 - me pleasuto to recommend k MOW public. &Woe ( eight years age one of my. daughter{ seemed to be iti , a deiline, and little hopes of bet moiety. were entertained. I then pro mated a bottle or your etteadlent Them" and before ebe • bad taken tie Wbole,of, the contents of the bottle there was a great bortinneateat is her teral . et. • I bare. in any Individual tase;, , nsade Maltreat see of yaw :valuable ineditine, and - ! lei* al a tie been benefittit by It. I eh!, Ureter, Feel'. re! emetic artiest ascis_lAT is a good deal spurious Wistor'r Balsam 4 , wad Cherry 441 11404: eat tie country. If irgini . Testimony. CertVag* fom' Mi. N I'AMORNE NoaTox. qf as Etasia. Olks, Ridmix& • • ~.•-•-',---- ----- -•:••. --, —....—. . • Ittcastoin,lll.;Yitc= -Ae. Go. • .:'• Mean. LW. if9WLIC & Boston,— Gendemem I with Pleasure,reinity to the peat meth of pinata.. allitehlelang medicine, Dr; Wtagma's BALSAM or WILDWILD,CRsiItI which il likewise highly velumd by many Of ur mamma sitiM' ma; who bare tested ha" virtues. by trial.: I drat made use of this Balsam some terra years since for a violent and distressing cough which ladled the' . 'kill of physicians, and, to my joy, experienced suck gratifyinfrelief , as to Induce meto persevere in its Ulf. always keep it by me, and ever and it to be .unfail- Ina In its effects. NO medicine that I have ever used ha! given sochiredy relief. Yours truly, , • sonoksA Nov.ros. rna ;41,1* ps4th, isq, Prsoidegt qf emit. Bask. amt. saw it sea !lama 04 "Cli soksral et , rigilin!t . Afte Avery. Mqssustows, N. J., Jas. a . 1060 "iblegma. S. W.. roirtz 1< Co.,—Damn: Having Dr. W 117.4101 ylu.aAaf Ortirli.o,,cumairr for Amur fifteen ymint. and having realized ird beneficial milts in my family; It •adbede:cite peat pram* In recommending it to the public as a valuable reniedi le - eases of Teak tears, cads, coughs, its., 'and a remedy .v s ehich l consider to be entirely innocent, and may be taken with perfect safety by tbeinan delicate in health. Yours rely impectfully, HOME SMITH. .07- Beware of. rile and worthless counterfeit, ! -The oukt Goinino,lirri, "rid iticrieinntatit,o her" the name-of "t. •IlenSi! . . within. with a pen, and the. printiatetnief:ntlhe pritrieters, 4 S. IV; 10.W14E & CO.;' va thiwnier- wrapper. • • . All 4,1 gib rol l 4:4l , ll;fliitass of bis TAnnt, Lungs, or Chia, can obtain tar/Selby mine Wistar's Babiarn of Wild Cherry, W-ister's Balsam et Wild Cherry, • ' - PIItErAMILD-BY S. W. FOWLE & NO, TREKOIATSTREET, BOSTON. . • -Proppf*l.Dvader, aid.Werdsards tyry !coo • ,kii4 4641,14 thited.fiates. [sr - For !ale-by Terrell and Read, Watioua .t ter, Montrolse; L. IL Woodruff, 1:01mock ; AlllOl4 Niehtdr. Brookl ; Whitney Mosley, Ilarford • Weed Ward Great Bend; J. C. Olmstead, Dundaff; , Urlffln, Wear. Bend. July 2*--Yi. MEAT'n's: -1 .1 - MARKET. ,••, o*&exiles' Hoed.' icitoqd-iiipply or all cAI9IIII paid *for 4 0 1 0 1 4escialrelheliPiPs4 4 /Agatlitt Also )!o urs *tali kiodsu. ...•' . • HENSTOCK & : 14A ViLf:Y; . a. T. lit:vsTock. . '' 3001. Itlicitinntl•oz. Llsrer Compln int. • I.sta:l9 - NSW-Nev. Proatqls Co., Va.. all 4111 v. • Ilst: .1. e. Slr: I hal at 111. 1 ,4 p.m ftl elsrmsi • IMatinierliAel nkill pllyaklan”, aspd muck\ to sm. In sq,it.• all 5!..• 1...555...11414 I mull fin%t.uutli 11r1.40 . ..ar oss Lon b, ruir4 fm• in ti.n wertp., mid re.s..n4l sql lib elt slot I am far triter Shalt 1r I salaelie.l. I think It a tr.m.b.rtisl med kin,. . V..•• 1 lsae rfi11.1.41 for yr.+ with ass le' , 1 irer, , r l ,4 , '.+' dr-insy.al my Imaltls. I trie.i.•,:•rs-11.1.sw.aml , cery fr11 ,, 1 1.1 relive a,, 1 111, 1 I hat.. 4..14 a beokora'.lros at as, I, for •nsite vitro rhos, ts.ll,thOr //,.. Lirrn " papt.ir.,llsel:e., Mr. E.,.pr; . to Iry emir Sar.aparilla, ca.! Ise knew trekwz. Be th.• 'sr.! h. 6 8:0•1,:lritiod 1111 1.) slow mass of mil, -11 1,0 "voas.4: 1104 rill. be Kum or:l , m P. wit ',nit' g•Aol Srhln•u+, etlitkV er Too. ore. En 111rartnettll. TA lL:trot .. Corle• t nod A . :arol bottom of the non". - rold,•ty or Jssli roVort•••1 t" cures of tries!, foros1 , 1:0,1 , L,••• I ill!. r•dat•dy; bat our •p:4 ••• , ill r“.L onl tb.llll. "rtili.lit toy toutyl to our 1111.•:P.3 I ivld,•!* nj.r..11V,- . 6•l.tiv 111113 , 4 rrt• I• 6 naroisa.. gretl In Vi nvlos n.il Ow the.", • Dyspepfiln. Heart 1111'1.•11.4, pito, ' . lNicurnlgirt. Slnnc Irtsrinrlsnl,b• ouruu Itnt 1,-11 toads lip thy alteratisi• Ism JTor 0114 Into;ro the altar fiindions i, L igtisvian autjun, ot o Ili" . 6.rsreoines allsortlurs wltielr, would 1•••• 50pp0.,..1 Us r.volt. Surlro tymody Ilnr lout; ItouTt rtitolrytl iv , 11. • itocueniti. , .ur the.' people, MO %re ; I n• eon Inl , te t I": t trill do fur lludit all that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral; FOP: 111. 0.1110 ::1 - 19: Cough'. Cold+. 111111111.111. a. Croup:zllennelittla„iluelptent (tcsat,ito p lion. and for the' Atellef. of tow...imp- 't the Patteist pi,. 'to unit-unreel • stags of the lithtenee. "Tide fa artmAy n to ~ .urvr other for the cure of throat mini - lung ounplainte.tlint it Is.te-eleas here to publhat thi•e'videnee of It, it: tmrivalled'exeelleueu for eintglo and mid... and it,. trill-- wonderful CUM. , of. hitlinotutry ilimnt.e, hate net , !'' ft known throughout the elVilited ~ f the Few are the tiotanitailities, of even famine., tote,iit: tt , who have not inane herautistl experienee of 111. efts -11011:e ll.ing trophy In theft' 1nh1,4 or. It ktor, 11. , - aubtie and danger:lax Ills - orders of the thr , nt .Le all know the dreadful ilittality of thew iii.orth-ri. as they h tt ee.ir,h>o, the on-elf. of 11.1• I , lTfrliy. svtuno„r:l do more titan to itastivi thriti that It hat! new all the it • tuts that-it did have when the run-, 'won ao etrongly upon the.4uull.lenee of mantlnd. rreparell. by Pr. 7. C. AYES & CO., LoWeli,-Idass. For =de 1i Abel Turrell, 31ontroee; Church llundaff; Walttuan - .t.,Swlither Auburn Centre. and by ill deah...6t and drn,lttleta everywhere. oc 81- cw - MORI SEW ARRANGEMENTS GREAT ATTRACTIONS THE . TOOT "lilt ivritrarisTancr. exfensiro furnitirojEstabliAment of Stinnt Bitontsnsihavin, l bgen rerittgd acid - greatly improved, „the ~prpprietcirs respectigily announce to the citizen's of Montrose and vicio• 'ity that they are constiintiv nicking and keep on - hand-16e LARGEST Arid ; BEST nssnrtmcnt of FUIINITURF To be tosind 'hi the Country. We give the follow* list of soine - of the nr. tides - which ,we =trill sell ''at greatly reduced for,Castt or ROl:iv PAS: Bureaus, Walnut or Mahogany, with,. glass, from 916 t , s $35, 1 Bureaus with marble or broeatelle tops, from $lB to $1.4. • And a large as.sortmerit, frou i $3, $lO, 12, L 4, to 818, Wash Stands, Card *ands, CUrner . and Square Stands,:Of O. varieties 'UM t prices, from 75 - cents to ten dollars. Desks, Divans ;rowel [tacks, Footbtookpuo. tnans,,Leunaes, dee. Centre, Card, Pier,. T,pllet, Dining, Kitchen; and Extension Tables. T, • - Chairs—Cane and .ir0.0..1 Seat+, Rockers— Cane,: Fing. and Word Serifs, of every variety and style. . . Sofas, tete a fetes fitrnished rat short antic: At NOW tOrk prises. N. U. • „Reads audel'eoffins nn hand or fin ished at short notid!-. 7 -11.,tarses alWays in. readiness whim desired. We einplOy none lint,CanrsuCaud E4ent:. EieED Wviittmicat. , 'We 14qi to do our WORK WELL, and sell it as I.onr*4 it can be afforded. • W. W. SMITH. . r.A :01 JR.; - - Montrose, Jan. 18th;l1830.—tf: 110E — ARD .-A3SOCI/ITION I PHIL/LB : El:P.111A. t BilwaPlent .. bialitutton o#lublialact- by .spe•- i; Bratosuririal.l4.4Ae i ß.clirf of tire Siek gad Pisfresse(kailic4iit with Timeknt and ,,,D,isperialty for - 11a s4.2.ttul Oryons, ADVI(.II.: hiy [ the, L 7 l , t ,, ,kkkg:444 rgecn), tc - ',lOl who siiply.by w il h . a (11;?Kript,i9r1 of lbw [condition, (age, °evil ? tiri Oaa, and in essaii of ex , tfernepoveriir;medieintS lirrnished free of charge. Jtsports. oritiper uttorrhara, and or Diseases i?rtlio Scala! Organs, sent to- thesf fiiieatedlerter nvelopis, free, of [thargo. I - Addlosi,i-Dr. J. Skillin iloifghtop, Acting Sor . geon,.firiirird Nio. g, South 9111—; P,. .q../..tl:Alrif.i.•
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers