- - -The Nations). 'Cade. •-•- r It is urniorstood that - rontineta' mem-. bore *fax: Diplotnatia Oot.ps have, addres• Aed this - Povenitnetit „retereneti to the ommuereint interests of their respective comb:ice - in - view - of the preient political - troubles, and what:degree of protection may be expected" Or something tothis efeet. The aorerument„howaver has not Pet,replied. Returns are daily received at thoproper died Siam - South -Carolina postmasters, 'shown'ig Chit honoring of contractor's or dim for:pay mid purchase — of perstage insteps. • ' i thestehmer Star o( the West which sailed from New Yorh,on Saturday, Wee chartered at the order of Gen. Scott, and Oahu ffll supply of provisions Tor Major . Anderson, and 350 men under Lient.l3art lett: She ought to have been heard froni at Charleston Ao day. • The report circulated in :Washington for tunne.days past, and, telegniPted to Northern papers, to_ the efect that forty tons of shot,,shelts and powder were 're cently shippe4 to Mow ()Aeons by Adorns •& Co.'s Erpren, proves to be wholly incorrect. - • " • ettaltunra, Jan. 9,.—The Star of the West,in endeavoring to enter our harbor about daylight this morning, was"ppened upon -by-the• garrison on Matir , lsland • tuatitdao by.. Fort Moultrie.. The.steamer put about.= went to sea. The belief is that no injury -was sustain-• ed)gy, either thebot4 or those on board. Fort- Sumter _ did not re.4pond. • Lieut. Hall of fort Sumter -came over to the eit-v about I I : o'clock with a flag of truce,: lie , repaired to the quarters of the Governor;followed by a crowd of eitieens. Ile was in secret. communication with the Governor and Council for two hours. • cloSed his interview with the Gov, ernor and Council about 2 o'clock.. The facts have not transpired. ,We learn from high authority that they are of the, most threatening eharaeter - :, The object of. the deprtnre• of the Brooklyn for Charlestonis supposed to be relating to" the Star of the West, in case ,the authorities of South Carolina oppose the inFrois , of the latter into the harbor. by bringing back the troops to Norfolk. Baltimore Jan. 0,--A company - of mat tines, numbering forty muskets, under Lieut. Hon ell, came - in a special train .froni Washington thiS morning, and took possession of Fort Nellenry, and raised the stats and stripes. • : . Both the Union and Douglas DCITIO ‘ .- ' mule convention of Kentucky unaniinetis ly reccommended the adoption of the Crit , tenden resolutions. Secretary Thompson . resigned' to the President his commissionAS: Secretary of the Interior, because orde.ra were given to reinforce Maj: Anderson. .. , The War Departinent is. in possession of infcrtination that. the Governor of South Carolina his > forbiden the UniteJStates Stib-Tre.ssurer at Charleston from paying the drafti of the Paymaster in 'fator ot - Major Anderson and his command, and the Sub-Treasurer has reibsed accordingly. /On inquiry at the proper quarters, it has been ascertained that before June last, it being found that the, arms at the several arsenals were not proportionately • '4istri, auteri; and that the Southern arsenals were ysc...: - -4:•.:a.t...,.0 savolirc_lv distribution , was made for equalization only, and for no other. object. They. - were principally drawn from the Springfield, armory, and the arsenals at Watervlict. - -Nemr York, . an&, Watertown, - Mass. The secession troubles had not, as is known, then com menced. Menem'. After the distribution was com jfieted, t ere remained a 'preponderance of arms t the North. ' Thellnited-States Revenue Cutter Doh bin, which had been taken by the Savan na soldiers; has teen released by order of the Georgia authorities, and has gone to sea; • ! - , The marines at Philadelphia and New York hare been ordered to Furt Mcllen ry sett Washington, ' The President anticipates the early con firreation of Mr. Mclntyre, as Collector of the port of Charleston, by , the Senate, and he will proceed forthwith to Charles ton byland, sad endeavor to execute the revenue laws on shore. • The National intelligences says that the seizure Cif the 'United States forts in Geor gia 'Jails precipitated by mischief-snaking telgraphiciipatches form Washington. The ordinance for the itntnediate seces sion of the State of Mississippi has-passed the Convention by a vote of 4 _ Charleston, Jan. 'N.—The dispatches sent yesterday, as to the Star of the West aro correct. ' About ii o'clock-yesterday morning a boat from Port Sumter, • bearing Lieut. .41211, with a white flag, approached' the . - city. • Lieut Hall had an interview with Governor Pickens, and-was afterwards es corted to his boat and- ;e-embarked for Port... Sumter. Thu communication from Major Anderson is asfollows.: To His Excellency the Governor of South 'Carolina: • Stu: Two-of your batteries fired . thin, ..• morning on unarmed vessel bearing the-flag of my Government. As I hare not been. notified that-war has been dared by South Carolina against the Uni ted states, I cannot but think this a hos tile act committed withoni your sanction , or anthecits Under that hope, I-refrain frikm.4lltemng a fire on your batteries. I • - have the honor, therefore, respectfullY to . ask whether - the above•mentioned *ket— one which nelleve withont parallel in the • !history °four- =STY or any other civil'. _zed Government—was-committed in obe dience to your instructions,' avid notify 'you, if it is not disclaiined, that I , regard it as an act of war, and . shall . ot,after rea sonable time for the return of my messen ger, permit kiny_vessel to pass within. the ryange.-of the guns of my FOrt.' In Order to - save, as far as it is in my power, the "tzlteddin*of blood, I beg 'you - will take due skotification - amy.decksion for the gikod amid eimeerned, hoping, .however, your ansirer was justify a farther' continuance , of forbearance on my part. I remain, res . pearl:fly, ROBERT ANDERSON. Gov. Pickens, after stating the tiosition of South Carolina, said he justified the net, as he - regards the • reinforce= ent of She Berta as as act of hostility Maj. Anderson . then ' informed, Gov., Pickens that he should deter action and await orders from the . go r Ternme,p-- t. Lieut. Talbot went ashore - and :left - for Washiegton to get instructions. • - 1:27" In Ten States of the;Union Liti coin did not receive a solitary ,Tote. It does not appear by the returns that a kin -Fie Inutan bein g his hvorbz all that isumense.extent of teriitory. In five - odi erStateakixdling several hundred thou- amid votes, he scarcely received a aorpo. _nrii guard imovt. The Republican . • partvia not a tinged States Party, It 1 24 flo; _ ,Ax i f it enee. „, Auk regluded as ';' , blicfaiemYa all SY/ people, in almint, 1. 1 ? g SWeRt itinage ‘ of arosiden To the Senate curd Hoit,u.allieresentatives: At the opening of present sostion I 'called - your ant% non :to the dangers which threatened th eidstetnidefthelln: ion. - I ii expressed inopinionn ,freely. eO.ll-'. ' - corning the voriginallt . sinses Otheae . dad& ers, and recettimertded Audit Meastirea aft' I believed .trould have the . effeet of tranquil hung the tountry, su ing it fromthe peril in which . it had been needlessly and Most. nufortnnatelyabrown, .'., . ' ''. • . - These opinions and recommendati ons I do not•propose now ‘odefeat. ; ~ My own convictiont..upon the whole .subject" re main unchanged. 'The fact that .. a great calamity was impendiak,over the nation Was even at that tithe acknoidedged by every intelltgent citlien. 'lt had ,already made itself felt thoughtint the length nntl.breadth 'of theland.:. • The necessary i 'consequences of the alarm than, produced; Were most deidorab n. The imports fell off with a-rapurity over _known - before,j except . in time of war, in the history of our foreign commerce... . The Treasury -was "unexpectedly left Without means, which it had reasonably eitunted Upon f te- i meet its publid.eng.enserits.. Trade was naralised, manufactOes were Stopped, the . best public-Seel:nites" suddenly sunk in the market, every s p ecies of property de preciated more orss, and thousands of poor men who dePended - upOn their daily labor for their dailit bread,. were turned i k i out Of employment. , 5 , 1.. , I deeply regret t at I am. not able to give - yoti any . Hirai' mien upon- the. state of the Union. *hie is more satisfactory: than What I was t4n obliged to 'entitmu ideate, On the contrary, matters are still Weise at present than they-were. ' When Congress met, a strong hope' - pervaded the whole public, mind 'that ..scime amica ble adjustment of the subje ct' would be 'speedily made by ti e Representatives of the States, which night restore peace to the conflicting sections . qf the country. Thai hope has beendithinislied . .by every hour of delay, antlia the. prospect of a bloodless settlement fades away, the m s pub lie} m distiess becoore and More ag gravated. As an Videnceof this, it is only necessary to. ay the Treasury notes authorized by the 4ct.of the 17th of -De cember last.-were advertised according to law, and-no respotisible bidder offered to It take any considers le Stun at par at. a low er,rtite of interest; han 12 per cents From .thesc- filets it appears that in a Govern mentl organized lie ours, domestic strife; n-a Well gro inded fear efl or oven hos tilities;ls,more d e . tructive of our public l i, and'private intere is than the most for midable . f,oreig,n wr. . ,„.` - " In tav annual m ssage I expressed the conviction, which r have long deliberately held, and whieli releentlyeflection has 'only tended to deepenlandi con fi rm, that no State has the right by its own act to se-. cede froth the Union or throw (efts Fed eral obligationS at plea Sure. I also. declare - my opititoit to he that even if that right existed, anti should be exorcised by_ any state Of t' he Confederacy, the Executive Department of thii Government had no authority under the' Constitution to' ree ) oonize its Validity . y aeknowledgeiug the independencei of st eh State.. This left ace no alternative as t i e chief Executive offi cer. under the Con titution of• the United tztoto.Mtt.to natio t. tlica ?LAX... Irovettlic...4 and protect - the p blic property, so far 'as this might be pr4ticable under existing laWs. • • 1 ' . My provine3 is o execute; not to make thelaws. -It Belo ins to Congress exdii, sivgly to repeal, ritodifyor . enlarge their pr, visions to meet exigencies as they may occur. = I possess no dispensing power: I certainly had" no right to make aggressive war upon any State, and I 'am perfectly 'Satisfied that the constitution has wisely" withheld that ponler, even from-Congress. %But the rightand the duty to use -milita ry force • defensively - against those wfio resist the-Federal officers in the eiccution of their legal flinc,ions, and lin_ inst those assail the piOperty of the •Federal Government, is clear and undeniable. But the dangerous. and hostile attitude of the States toward each other has already far. transcended and ,ait., into the sh'ide the ordinary Executive duties already provi ded for by law; 'd has assumed suchy.ast and alarming:pro onions as to place the .subject entirely ove andbeyond Ekepu tit-e control... ' . The fact cannot ,be disguised -that we are in the midstof, . a gieat revolutiani:--- r Therefore; I comnetid the question to Con gress as the only human tribunal under Providence pOssersing the power to meet, the existing ,eniergeficy. , To them exelu-, $ sively . belong . s th power to declare. war, or to authorize t e employment of milita ry force in all e. es contempl46l by the Constitution, an they alone posSois the power to remove all the grievances which might lead to w ~ and -to secure - peace and union to thiq distlacted country. On them,. and on them alone rests the -respon sibility. The Union is a sacred trust left by our revolutionary-fathers for their de-. scendants, and ndver did any other - peOplo inherit sci rich alegacy. It bus rendered us prosperous in tocace and triumphant in war. The natiqnal 'flag, ,has floated in glory over everyisea, an under its' shad ow Americ - an:cit zens have found --protec tion and. respect in• all lands beneath the . sun. ' . • _ . . . , If we . descend • considerations of pure ly material interest, when in the history of _ all time his a Iconfed eracy been bound together by such strong ties of mutual in terest. -Each portion. of it is dependent upon' all; and all upon each portion, for prosperity and domestic security. ' Free trade throughout the whole . supplies the wants of one portion from theproductions of ariother,and slers wealth everywhere. The great ,planti g and farming States re quire die aid of t i e - commercial and nazi 'gating Mates to s end their productions to domesticiand foreign markets, and - furnish the-naval power to render their transpor tation secure anvist 'all 'hostile attacks. ShoUld the V ion perish in the midst of the presen3 exci meat , we have airmly had. a Sad foie to of the- universal 'suffer -4 ing which wo residt from its destrue, 1 tion: -The its , would '; be "severe in 1 eferyportion . Abe Union, And would be quite-as great, to say the least; in the 1..30u- -- thern as in thelirOrtherdStatei. ' - The greatest aggravation. Of the, ev, ll l land that which I would Place Als In the most unfavorable ;light both before the world and poste 'ty, is, as I sal 'firmly centinced, that he „secession movement has been. chiefly tufted upon inisapprehfla - :7 lion at the't3o of the sentimints, ot'tiv majority in sere I of the Northern Stay* i t Let,thequestio bkrethov,edfroui the po;„ liana :womb . to 'the ballottior, -and toe : people th:rnflelre! 'would speeany ni -1 dress 'die - Berimitirievanees which the ignath has ititeriid. Ifilf,billeaveri'stiarne, lot tbp<t 4 1 *i/tide' WOO *kidniige ni t* :fa ulna' d oaf:fa:4 arm the mere - as, I simption that there ke.- 1 0 : -1 4 11 Fr. 0 4 8 7: Lir • tire- .., - F , I - ' ,1. 2 ' : ,'4- " ' • 1 lime isitre . 1.- e'onsirvotiveliewer.:—. . . . . Liku . spaw tit thementous_point, and TICE - BIONTIIOI3E IMIOCRAT. afford did people both ' : the `: North .a.nd - Soitth arroppOrturkforiteflOotion. _Would' • - Chit Soitth CarolitalutiVbeett..ixitiviticed 47. ckerintisaior, IDITOV:PUBUSHER AND PROPRIETOR.- ON& truth *fp* herbrielptitaltction. I therefore Open). throngli the _ peopple of the cotintrytOdiselfita.lo their , might that-Abe Union iiinsCrand be preserved by all constitutional' ineana. Most earnestly recommend that you- de voth yourselves to the"-question how this , Can beaccemplished_ in peace. All , other rittestions.when'eordOarell , .with thii- sink • intolusignifiearme.. The present 'is no time for palliatives. Prompt action is re quired. AdeliY in Congress tolirescribe or recountrend - a distinct and proposition for conciliation may-_ driYetut to a point from which it be almost im possible to recede. - A - common givirud upon which e,olcilia that and. harmony..may be , producedis purely not unattainable. The proposition to compromise by letting the Northhaye ; • xclitsive control of the territory abovou Certain line, and to give Southern ittstitu-, tions protection below that line, ought to receive general approbation. In itself, indeed, it uray not be entirely satisfacto rt; but when the_ alternative ; is betwen reasonable eencesilon on both sides and the-destruction of the Union, it is an im putation on the patriotism of Congress to assert that its members will hesitate, a Moment. . Even now the danger is upon In. several- States which have not- yet _wetted,- the forts, arsenals - aud makizines ;of the United State have bean seized. This is by. far the most serious gtell - which has been taken since the commencement Of ' the troubles. This public property. has long been left with out - . garrisons and troops for its' protection, because no person doubted its-security under the flag of the. Country in-any State of the Union. Be sides, oursint.ll army has scarcely. been sufficient to guard our remote frontiers Ugainst Indian incursions.' The seizure of this property, front all appearances, has been purely aggressive, and not in_ resis tance to,any attempt to coerce a State. or States to remain in,thecUnion. At the beginning/of these unhappy troubles, I determined that no act •of mine should increase the excitement in ei ther sectien,,of the country.- If the politic - - al conflict Were to end in civil war it, was my' detefinined- purpose not to Com , fence it, nor to furnish any excuse for it y any act of the Government.: My opin ion remains unchanged, thit justice as well as soundpolicy requires as still to seek a peaceful solution of the questions at issue between the North and the South: En tertaining this conviction, I refrained even from sending, - ri-enfoi cements to Major Anderson; who commanded the forts of ' Charleston harbor, until an absolute ne cessity for 'doing so should make itself ap parent, lest it might be regarded as a men ace of military coercion, and thus furnish a provoeation, or, at least, a pretext:for an outbreak on the part of South Caroli ua ,No necessity for these re-enforce 'gents seemed to exist. I was assured by distinguished, upright- gentlemen of I South Carolina that no attack on Major And rson was intended, but that, - on the con trary, It was the desire 'of the State authorities, as tnuch,as it was my own, to ayoid the fittal consequences which must etentually follow a Military collision. -And 2s tel4.-rvvrara ‘lO. ...Emit for I,ratir .informatiou eopies of a communication, dated 28th Ilecemher, 1860, addressed o me-by R.-W. Barnwell, .1" 2.ldams and James L. Ort, Commissioners of South Carolina, with the ait'ompanyin docu ments and.copies as iny. answer thereto, dated December . - In further explanation of Major Ander son's removal from Fort •Moultrie to Fort hStiniter, it is proper to state thataffer my answer to the South - CorOlina Commiss, loners the War Departnient received a letter from that gallantofficer, dated Dec. 27th, 1860, the day aft,dr- his iiin‘'ement, from which. the Viewing is an extract: " I will add,as - tny opinion .that many things-convinced me that the authorities of the State designed to proceed to a hos tile act, (evidently referring to the orders dated D ec. ,11 of the late Secretary of -War.) Under this impression I 'could not hesitate that it was my solemn duty to, I move my,comreand from a fort which we could not probably have held longer than forty-eight or sixty . 'par's, to this one, where my power of resistance is increased to a very great degree.", It will be recollected that the concluding part of the orderS was in the following words: - - :" The smallness: or your force will not permit 'you , perhaps, to occupy more than .one cif the three forts,but 'an attack 0n,.0r atteja t p.t to take possession of either one of theca will be regarded'as an act of hos tilitiland you may then put your coin main'. into - either of them Which you may deein most proper to increase its power of resistance. . You are also abthorized.to take similar-defensive steps -whenever you have tangible- evidence of a.design to pro ceed to a • hostile act." . It is said that serious apprehensions are to 'some extent entertained, in which I do not share, that the peace of - this District tarry be disturbed before the fourth of March next.. In any event it Will be my duty to ,reserve. it, and this duty shall be performed. In conclusion, it may be permitted to me to remark that I have Often warned may country men of the dangers which now surround us. This may be last time I shall refer to the subjectu officially., Ifeel that my duty has been: faithfully, th e it niayhe hi/perfectly performed; and what ever the result may be I shall carry. to my grave. the conicionsnets that I at- least meant well for my country. . . (Signed.) -JAMES BUCHANAN. IV-B..sru2iororr CITY, - Jun. 8.; 1861: -. Coughs, colds, ‘ore throat, bron chitis, asthma, croup, -whooping bough, and incipient consamption, however Seve rely, devcloped,are Cured in a surprisingly short time bti Dr.Wistar'i Balsam of Wild. Clien7- 7 a 'medicine as generally appreci ated as universally 'known: , _Prepared by S. W. Foyle & Co., Boston. Sold every where by druggists and agents. ' Holloiays Pills, and Ointment.="3fes sengers cifjoy." Diaorders Of the kidneys stone and gravel. 'ln all diseases affecting these organs,- :whether they' secrete too much, or too•littlexater ' or afflicted with stoneor gravel,- with•aches and pains set tied ;be lolls over the m.o. ons of. the lit'lneys,lnbre befiefit maybe derived in 24 hews s by the, use of these medicines than would lie in su months biany other treat merit, ,In_had eases if a small,pot of the Ohittirient rubbed - citi the 'mall'of the back ow the kldneysit wililcdeldy pen. .-`etmie itnd give instaat relxe>i bliteperseve rence'ia , ..sesssary - ttkillbet;:a eightfels ihould he taken higlipy'accor ding to eiremneitancies,,ii - trial of these - igaeffiiii beltt(iiioez - vtli - fiatilffl*, "iyitsiljtfc Cati 4 Air An, /7,./cfel.,_ gra Taut -in:mar:ate. Till MORTUSE Mint MRS 18th VOLUME or ma MONTROSE DEMOCRAT A. commenced with the .e.einbcr issued on the lid day of January ~1801—being the fali commie since we have been connected withAtio ellen, and the 4th since It dins been nuder One eteluitive controls and we emitted to be enabled to announce the.fact that the business is at Ode Vine in a numb more healthynnd prosperons condition, in all respects, than at any former period since we entered upon ourardnens,but notnitogetherunpicaeldenterprbic. This desitablestate of antra la owing, too great extent, to our system of casting'oft those enervating exeresceums pion.pay log ' patronek). which are the bane of any and all kinds of business. andespcciallyJournallani. As/mother inmortant auxilliary to the prosperity of ouritedertaking, we mayrefer to oar experience of past years. OS well Ilan acquired knowledge of thoprectleal duties of the 'craft'— , enabling no to conduct affairs with prudence and seems and attend to the want/set Our pationewith an inereaaed degree at promptness/and regularity. It shell be oar earnest endeavor to make our paper a, desirableLamilyJounud—one that shall be eagerly eonght for and read with pleasure mid profit by each member, of the family circle. Believing that no country or locality can benefit Iteelf by destroying orcrippling the intermta Many other, we shill oppose . both in national and international polities, MI measures based upon eelflahneM ; and sustain such doctrines only, as recognize the [landau - tents' Idea of noiversal progress. •In national ranks, particularly; that elardrof meantime which look to the advancement of ono section, at the apparent expense of another, shall continue to receive oar earnest and unqualided condemnation. It will be alike our duty and our choice to oppose the present wicked spirit, of sectional hate, which now prevails to a fearful extent,and whlela.uniesssann checkedand replaced' by words and actsofkindness and mutual commaienAnnet • nttertydestroythe best governmental striteinre ever tlau.c. , d We shall advocate peace, fraternal harmony, and friendly nation - al intercourse. bemuse theY aroJust, and desirable, and In no other spirit MU American Liberty be sustained. We appeal to all conservative, national men to. ald nein the good work before us: It is only through the mCdium of well sustained local - papers that oar principles can ever prevail, for It is by means of county organizations that a national triumph Is achieved; and a county Democracy that neglectalo sustain their paper always beholds thelmik. of the partrenguiphed in the whirlpool of fanaticism, error, and sectional hatred that sweeps in upon them. Let each true man stand firm, and add his influence towards doing' our common duty. Subscribe for the MONTROSE DEMOCRAT—and pay for 11 in ADVANCE. and ask your‘friendi to do the same. Send your adverti sing and Job printing to this mike, and 'pay for 1111, not next week, or next year, but cash down. If yen think It strange that the Printer cant Wait for you to pay him the trifle of $1.50, pin remember the embarrassment caused byaay alai like you-keeping back $7130. Our friends must not forget that we are' In a minority, here, and that the want of favoritism from officials who control public patronage; renders their cash patronage more desirable and necessary: nlit credo not welsh to ha nnderstood as Intimating that our patronage le, or 'should be, confined tri any class: and men of all parties are respectfully invited to embrace the advantages resulting from sending In their orders; and we .doubt not Metall w'hoale not blinded. by bigotry, to their own and the public good will continue to do so, We prefer. being Judged by out efforts, rit titer than by a glittering army of laniconathr promixes. During the past ;year a large sum has been expended for new type, etc.,fur the Democrat, and further improvements will be inade, as our patronage warrant*. Let our prompt patrons be true to their old custom, and our slow one* quicken up for a NEW I - RAU—and ALL rememhcr.that "the more the merrier," and that there Is alWays room for more," and our future intercourse will be maritally agreeable. As we expect—life and health - being spared,-to continuant our.] present hardness, audio devote our whole time and alien- ' to our paper, we invit e our old friends and patrons testi!l continue their friendshlp'and favors; and we shall strive to CORY ince nil that we intendto so deal that each - man will fled it both pleasant and profitable to "cull man." Anyone procuring us five new, cash subscrMrs, for one year. will receive-an extry copy, gratin. Ca 7 r Terms—,ll.so per annum, in ..;dertnee..../FS A General Dun. Pay :Your Bills Court Week. Every one of Jaw subscribers who is indebted, will please take-notice that we expect them to pay up, if POSIBLE, during the coutinlr.tertn•of court. TO some. who are in arrears, we 'send, .bills,' and hope that-they - (and aliothers), will square up and pay a . year advance. Those who cannot send the money by neighbors, can carefully enclose it in a letter, and it will come•safelv by- mail; for which a receipt will returned. Three zent stamp's win do fur parts of a-dollar. Z~ublla MlACootiris -or 'TIIE Soldiers of the War of 1812. . In pursuance of a recommendation by the President of the3siational:Convention, a number of the Soldiers of the War of 1812, residing in the county of Susquehan •na, State of Pennsylvania, convened at the Court House in Montrosb, Jan. Bth, 18G1,. for the purpose • of celebrating the battle of New Orleans ; and taking, meas ures for obtaining pensions for the poor soldiers:sof 1 . 812, and those Who were mule iviilows by -that , war. - - ,The proceedings of the meeting were as follows : James beans of Montrose was appoint ed President; Ebenezer Avery of Newt Milford, and Samuel A. Noiton of Brook lyn, Vice Presidents; and James W. Chap man and A. L. Post of Montrose, were re ipiested.to act, as Secretaries. The object of the meeting-was explain ,ed by the Piesident: 'S. A. Newton, James W.:Chapman, and L. F. Fitch were appointeA.l . a Committee tokiraft resolutions expiessivp ofthe sCnse of the meeting, and S menrorial to Con ,rress. • • • The 'immes of soldiers present, were en rolled as follows ! , • NAME. James Deans.. S. A. Newton. Ebeneier Avery Samuel Baldwin Joseph Peck. , . .George Ihverly Daniel G. Baker Jason Fargo John Faucher • • 75. Samuel Wilson 80 -Tunis Van Antwerp 65 Dennison-Root 76 Gurdon Darrow 68 Albert 7Woodcciele . 66 "Lebius Rogers 67 Amos Crandall - 71 Collins Wood • 66 S. B. Fessenden '6B John Woodhouse 75 . Martin Hall. 68 • Ira Cole ' 66 William.7gullock : ...73 Dalton Tiffany , • 7,0 Palmer Gui1e....,, ~ 7 0 Freeman Loomis • . SO Aaron Dewitt ; • ,• 67. Samuel Matt 67 Dyer Lathrop ' 60 Samuel Sherwood " 78 W. B. 'Welch 67 John Rogers - 70 William Cronk 67 John Bullock. 81 C. D. Cobb:. Jonathan Nutt Heiekiab i ßuliard 67 Hope; Baker,wid. of Geo. C. Baker 69 On 'notion adjourned till l j o'clocl; • .Convened . according .to adjoarnment; President in the chair, At the suggestion of the President, sprayer:..was:7 offered by A. L. POst: • • • . An address,-full of the. spirit •of 1812 was read by..S.A. Newton,recounting ad ventures and hardships _, Othat ~war, and Was listened•t6 with much intere,st by the audience. • On motion, voted timt,a copy. of the addresebe requested for , 'Remarks upoolneiclens,of tile war *ere called for and responded to by. ..several of the Soldiers prOseat; S. A. Itewtoa remarked that'll(' Was - a lifer in the ectinpaay, mid .oceaSianally nied 'to 'Shit; sells' to enliirenl Ids fellow soldiers, and if they would excuse an-litit MBA and-a broken voice; ho - Would gilt , ' them ti Opecimen . of those IMMO,: ' l „ . yet, did so among.: (APplauset): • • • ' = Among' others," TunisaVan Antwerit, !denial Rolland Capt. Cobb gave remit*. iscences. Tile latter wait in the. -regular' 'service ender Gen:liactimb, at Plattsburs 404 had amen shot down . by aide was himself grazed oithe shoulder by a musket ball, and found one of the •enernfs balls in his pocket the next morning. • Committee on Resolutions called for, :and L.F.-Fitch of that committee rep ort the folloWing witielt were readind -sev erally Adopted by a unanimentsvote. Resolved. That as the Soldier's of 1.812,.. we look - with pride and exultation upon -that noble country whose battles we have fought, and- which has been, so greatly prospefed inthe irituriph'of' tine prinm esolved, That the. same. patrioti 4l sm which nerved the nrm and fired the zeal of the. seldieis of 18 - 12 _still exists in our land ;- at duty's call brave men with true hearts will spring into line,. ready now as then to tight the battle's of our comtnOn country and conquer our enemies, wheth er at home or abroad. , - Rooked, That-we love the UniOn--ce.l mented by the blood andlreasuree of our; fathets—rendered sacred by the memories! •and blessings of four score years—and wel are ready to day, • as did the patriots of 1716, to pledge our lives, our fortunes nud our sacred honors to ita maintenance, Resolved. That upon this anniversary oq one of the battles of Our country, we are proud to refer with bettor to the brave Old JecasoN,Who whetherin the battle field, or• council chamber waSbf the,same stern i metal,who knew his rargii\and - riAttun-'lOl DO IT, and in thisi.espect at least we com-I mend his example to the, leading men of' the present titnes,•as worthy of all praiS and imitation. ... t ; • L. F. Fitch made some remarks givin& a history, of • the .various Pension liwti heretofore passed. • . • . S. A. Newton presented a form of a Memorial to Congress which was. adopted, Voted that it. be sent to both houses of Con gress with tlmunmes of the officers of this -meeting, and the names of all the • soldier 'present appended. ' Elder J. C. Roemer being called upon _ at'ade some remarks upon the glurioui hi , -tory of. the past, and stirring events of the ' - present; wishing the old soldiers happi!- tress,Prosperity iiic.. . - . • • ' - • Resolved, that these proceedings it , published in' both the county papers. - Adjourned. .N. . . . • if FZIOD.IAL. To the Honorable, the President, Se - ate and House of Representatives of th l e United States.—The undersigned, citizen's of Susquehanna •Co., Pennsylvania, and soldiers of the War of 1 8 W., in • active - ae . 4- vice at different points; on duty and fo i r different terms, would respectfully TOMO rializei show and. petition—that we di .not serve for pay—that what we did each receive of the Government was merely 'hi bounty and tar from being adeqtkate' tp our toils, hardships, and exposures—that' the land which we a few years ago reeehi ed as a pension we coula not make avail:t able to any - considerable degree' its. Cod gress undoubtedly ex peetedwe odd; thdt we, the - few that remain, are growh. old, many of us being indigent, and ail Of ... L.,i,,, x t oore or less infirm and past hi ' bur :—We therefore respectfully petitioh in beltalfof the widows and orphans of thlt war and for ourselves, that your Honora ble bodies grant-us some suitableand a' t equate annual stipend, pension or rewar 1 fi,r our services rendered in said •war ; and as citizen soldiers ins tluty,liound we \roll ever pray.- AGE. 66 70 77 , 79 64 70 .: - 69 Edgar E. Cowan, a lawyer. 4! Westmoreland eimnty, fOrtnerly a, Clg •and a recent • and moderate con vert to llepablicanis'in Ims been plectell 11. S. Senator; leaving poor DaWilintt out in the cold. Henry D. Mo ‘ ore wds elected State Treasurer. Curtin . was - t o be illaugarated on Tuesday, the 15th. I. • The Jury lot, Is printed in our paper this week; and our readers can-see who are coining to courtond look out for a chance to sen 4 pay for their paper, by some of them. Court commences on Monday, Januarly 21st, anteontinues two weeks. - . MrThe County Agrieultural Society holds its annual meeting 6tf.Tue:sady eve., the- 22d inst. Alabama and Florida have sec! , ded. European Intelligence. , • We have three Jays later news from Europe,. by the st,!amship Palestine., Aff airs are not materially cliankred . in the Eastern Ilemisilere. The Chinese. dek Patches reCord some sharp dealing on the part of the English. Over $500,000 have been forced from. the Celestials to indent- Lilly the injured English citizens, but there is nothing said about to simila e r stroke policy on the part of the French Govern ment, ,although Frenchmen suffered se verely in the . affair. :Astonishing as it may appear; Gaeta . still • holds out, - and the Bing grows great as his fallowers di minish:. Napoleon has again ' it. is sail], advised capitulation, which has been once more politely declined. The British Pre'Ss were loquacious about American matters, -awl the London Times said, in substake, that this system of Government, is' a fag-. are. " The large shipments of gold for . Netw Yorkcreated no uneasiness in the Londo money_ market, as it-was .believed that no panic here, when werdo not owe much to England, could, materially. affect, the ye cumary affairs of our British . cOuinifs. French re-enfnrcements were heing *sent . tothe.army in China. : Atmost import* rumor, to the effect that,,Napoleon an& Alexander. of Russia were deterMinad to support-Francis of Naples in ,his -atreng hold,. was gaining credence ..in -Paris.. wile also said that Nali,oleon.iitailitated to make. a northern and a southern .kinkdaten in Italy, which would go far to settle 'the Teuds . ,,tbat exist'there betireednatitcs Eaf both extremesOf the country. • .. Importamt froin Mexico. Reports from Mexico state- that' Mhz. , mon was completely routed ..on . the 22d Alt, and on Christmas. day , the„ Liberals occupied the c:apital. Puebla-has also capitninitid to:LItO LW): Presiaout uores he'd - OM 8 or, $ Argt_w4 l rie leave Verq Prgz , tho ad Watt tP t 4 3 1 1° ) IS Pf ai ßkfa l th 4 sexy : gotrernment, , ..Thp City of linzien, under _ der riationa gram mirinum 4 Bed on Ate fs46: ult v Vvai Vittieeii the rifal;Utlobri ! If/4T go, posed to have ended. -r- Estwin'illtiOszmit.---We are in re this is by ifazthe most *paler magazine 'in the *onntr3i l, *lmmense circulation Voth 10 U 71: 'glutei( had Canada. If an iead' er# want a good peri edicid let' them tnkilNroPer." Now is [the time to subscribe. Address, Harper 14.kBros„:N. Y.. Termi—S - Ingle copy, $3; it7ivo copes, in4unced thie Seward be _Lincoln's Secietary State! • *++lllo. 41IP • ray $3 rorvvrolrearg. Stich of the pinions of the Alontrego Veinoe - rat as.Lare:•pegleeted to pay their • suhseriptiou, forithe.past year, are request ed to send us s4lto pay for the part and coming years::: l 1 t should-be sent along at Mrl'hu anonymous call in the Ite pu limn fur a meeting of "friends o'f tho Conitiftition and 'Onion," has been print ed without consulting the - Democrats, who are all true friends of their ; country. We doubt not that the meeting is design ed to' be the usual one held by the Re publicans, many of whom are John Brown ites. 'fl en whY, this dodge? " you. Walk into my parlor ?" says the spider to the fly. .;„_7/` We real in - all Illinois of some more weak Republican No less ' than ',forty-two of the county treasurers of that State are reported to be "a little faulty" •in their accounts. It. apppiirs that they all belong to' .the im-. maculate Republican party, as a .Republi can paper. in Chicago pronounces theta 'all "sound on the slavery -question," but. thinks neiertheless that they are " un won: thy of"" trust la . financial Matters." MOntrotfoFire Company. • . Election reittrnsvf the Montroie Fire C0...N0. 2, .1 . 1 at the Engine House, Jan. 7th, 18(11. Foreinan, .•• - E. Mort, . Ist asst. ,14 ' -•• J. GRIFFIS, 2nd ",• - - A. Brtru-sTF,n, Treasurer, .•P. B. CLIANDLER, Secretary, ,S; M., WILSON, . . • Pipemitn, ! - Doourrt.E. ' • - M VLFORD, Wardenu,• •• G. A. TILDEN, • ( J. D. GOODWIN" Porter, -•- DAVID NELSON. After the election, the Working Mem ber, met a few' of the lion. • Members at the public horcie of Wm. K.. Hatch, whore aitplendid supper:was' served up, to, the entire satisfaction of this' branch of the Fire Department. . Esqr. Chambeiliu on the behalf of ths• ;lon. Members, manifested a wish to sus tain iii, her noble enterprise. - • R. Stroud, represented the Fire Instt; raike companie,+, and stood itp for No, 2 to the tune ofFive Dollars. . . F. 13: Chaniiler and - W. S. Wiltnarth gave in their testimony as workings meul burs. S. M. Wti,os, See'y. you WAN T IT, TOUR WIFE WANTS IT, yOUR CHILDREN WANT IT, TT WILL - PERTANLY PAY, I 7 J ND YO,WOUtD HAVE IT, yy you only krfew. how USEFUL, how IN and . how - ENTER TAINING it is. We refer to that "first best,' that larg- est, most instructive most beautiful, and yet cheapest journal in'the whole world for the HOUSEHOLD, for the ram, and for the GARDEN, viz:: the . , • American Agriculttuist.„ YOU WANT IT because it con tains so very many new and useful direc tions, hints, and - suggestions about all kinds of oat-iloorWorie, in the GARDEN, in the FIELD, in the ORCHARD, on the little plot of ground, about Domestic Ani mals, etc., etc. Tile Agriculturist is not a stale rehash 'of theoretical stuff, sueli as goes the rounds from one-paper to anoth er, but it is filled with usefid and new practical inforination,everrword of which is reliable because prepared by honest, practical WORKING MEN, who know what they write about. Each volume: contains many hundreds of useful hints, and it is certain that many of these hints wilt EACH be Worth to you more than a dollar.÷For an example, a subsCri ,berl-writes: obtained 5 bushels more per acre on .1-10-acre field of Wheat, '(or in all 50' bushels),lsimply from a - hint about preparing the seed, given in'my Agricultu. : rist." Another sayslie obtained an extra yield of 11 bushels of corn per acre On a 15-acre field, with no extra cost for culture by applying One hint from the Agricultur ist. Another, (a villager) sayshe got *43k worth of extra good garden vegetables, which, be attributel% wholly to the timely hints'in the 21gricu1?turist. which told him from time to time WIIiCT to do, now.tp do it and IVITEN to do it. Thousands of others have. derived' similar advantages. 'You - are invited to TRY the paper a year, at a cost Of only 81. If you desire, you can have, I rum of charge, 4 or 5 parcels of ehoiee seeds, Which the Publisher, will distribute among his subscribers . the present winter.: YOUR 11MIEMI wants the'llgriculta rist, because it has a targe amomit of valu able and really useful information abont.all kinds of 1101:1SEHOTIE WORK, from Garret tO, Cellar., Give berth° benefit of this paper a•yeim You will find your home made better, avid money saved: , • , ' I Your Children want, the .Agriettltu ' rise, for , it_eiintaiiia a- very interesting,- Use 7 ful, and entertaiiiiiig ilepartinefit for the Yontht nd - children; which. will be of great to their minds and hearts. TheabOve'aretruthful statements, that, will be cheerfully attcstect, by tehrlyloo,- 000 of the_present readers of the AeuiceL- Ttattsv.• Yon aro invited to, try . , a . single volume of the A47,IIIRIULTITRIST, which will cosi only' $l, - rind abundantly PAt. ClarTry,ifferlB6l. (Voinniti2O,) ORANGE_ AMA Publisher, 41 Park Row, New York. DONATION VISIT. THE'lliemlit of BEV. HENRY BOW. / 118 are:reSeittfailY Invited to at ten hia,rosidenoo in =ford,. 'ythi,',TfltritfONil?;-.'01:"Iltb;lsoi: gliirt.tidte;4antiitry erm, 1861. - Atiburn—graod.Airortinor Tubbs, Traverserik P„Carter,.. JAR Bunnell, Geo Tiwksbury... 2d I week--*0 el Gay, Chas Pierson., - Li • • Apelaeon—G4L-P M:Rytni. • Traverse -=-Asahell!tfichaei. '2d-D -.TlBrewn, - Harr r . . Ararat--Travl—Wm Caqienter, Elson Stone, Denison Tyler, 2d—s.N: Brooks. Brooklyn—Trtiv—P Ii Tiffany, James Adami Jr.. 2d l -Nelson Benjaimn Thos , M Oakley, E S gent, Frank Tewkslairy. ' Bridgewater-f-Trav-4lex Allen, Ica • Jutnesen,Danl McCollum, HM Williams. - I)1 )11 i ds, . Albert Woodcock, - Jonas Munk: . . I ChM/1 , 4-04-1-, Jas R 'Johnson, Wright I Truv.;--Jltel Stevens Jr. 2d-•--Wm' •• I• . • 00--noinnel Lee. l an d tyls•k 4 e,.ll y l.oo - Ai1i , :049/Avrti, Urbane Smith. • ; •i • .1r mass 'eprar."4l , rerf" —Minted Moot I .' Franklin--'l`ittle.hri A Welch, OM Hall. 2di f H , enry Smitli t Ainlyew Banker. - Gt Beint-gd-r- 7 R. H Haywood. - . Tr-Geo Buck,Charles )syd. 2d4TDEasterbreek, Gary U I.arke. I !• i s Gibson-.-Gd--Get , ll Wells. Tray-Geo Brundage. 241 -Timothy Carpenter. Herrick—Wl—Ezra Carpenter. • Ilarmony---dray—JWAustin, PL Nor ton, Jacob Schlager.. • 2d—Jas Harford—TrnV—Wrii Brundage, Fow ler Peek., 2d--i-A,B Seamans. •• • ..Jl.4sup-L-Gl-4-Jno Bedell; Dant Picket. Trav—Jeremiah Baldwin, Joel Cagswell, Bert.j Shay. t - Jackson--94—Ala.pii;Amat34,Notris. I3V-2u , ot —o ii ty .atsrortm .:- r. . . . . " . . . Lenox—Tra —ENMOre. -s. . ' ' Lathrop--T av—J M Leo, ELLathrop, Rita Chapala, .' . • - . --, Liberty—Tri-2d—G ary Law.... ...: ' MontroseHM—A .1 Brewster,Goorga Lathrop. Tray-:-S H,Henstock. • _ Middletowut-Gd 7 -Michael .- Keough, Saint Taggar t.. I Traverse . .. John Barnum, J TBuxton. I . - - .•• ' ,• - X Milford-fd-Juo A Dix, Tracy Hay- . den, WrriC Ward. Trav—Horace,Little. 2d—P H . Corvin.. Oaltland-,--Ggz-Geo:Bratih. Traverse— Stephen Farnham. 2dL-Calvin Brush and Samuel Brush - - i ' - Rush-Gd-1-D H DeVine• Tray—Sam Crank, J P Devine... 2d Hiram Lacey. , \ Silfer.Lake—Trav 7 -Thos Heavy. d Trumann Gaige, Edward; It Hoag, Ans.el C Ilin&. . , .. . . . 'Springville-r-Grand- A Root;' Irn Scott. • Trav4•Johti Lyirifid,H P' Loomis, John S 2d--' 7 •SA Loomis. Busq'a—Tr4v—AlTni - Taunton, That - Cher. 2-M L Mike. • • - Thorium -Tray fl r IlAtb?rls,?Zorer-uk Btona.. - Weekly , W M t%I s._ et, Bepprts. ~ CoriTieted ;Viet& fo r ' ~tfontros Democrat: NEIjV-Fola - '---, I : GOCESALI ---- rlll --7 Crts- --7 7Ali=1 2. .Wheat.Flotr, 1.1 1 b1.,.55,00 0 57,00 , I . . Rye Flour * bbl., • 3,30 Q 4,15 'Corn 3feal; • ,V bbl., L3,10Q 3,55 . Wheat,'s,bu., :.: , 1,1E1) ,1,60 Rye, bu.. i :*. .0,75 r d, 0,76 ' Oats ; $ bti., (3,24,1) 040 Q ,0,37 • :.Corsi, • buy 0,70 Q -0,75 Butter,. Vlb . ; 0,14 Q, 04 . 0 Cheese,7t . .? lb -: , :0,09Q 0;101 Tallow, Vlb • . , 0,03iQ0,10 • l..ari), - .lb-. . i :-- 0,09Q0,10 SINGUANTON - VIIOLV. . I Flour? bb/ f 6 2.10/r7 OZ Wheat 12 bn 1 12X 145 Bye do .. • arp. 62 Corn 'do .... .: .. 60 ...Oats do.. • .a.. 1 . Beans do .. .: ', . 23 . *14 . 1 00 Roakwheat. ... .40ab 42 . " dour ;9 cwt. I s(it, 1 S 8 , Apples ?bin . 1e... 4_,44 . " acted-tit:l :. .. ....0 m; cbee , .., li a!) .: .., n. , 4 lo r(s, Ilay la ton .. .'. 7 , 8 00 Salt 11 bbl `.... .. 1 60 - " packing .. 1 ,`le 1 Z Wood le cord . .. 2 '...:Ga 2 15 Pelts ...- .. _ 50:a.. 1 00 Chickens'? lb .... .. `.. OL 'ANN.N.I. V SUSQUEHANIIS.I DEI Cont. 1 9 bushel . • $ Rye, Oatn, 90 Buckwheat, .... - 40e44 MONI *SE: PR WheatVbusbel, $l. 64513 i 63 cents Corn. Buckwheat Oats Beans Potatoes... ~ 1 13 cents "'Poet 141 lb effeetits .25 cents Laid 11.115 - 7 11 rents .73 tasl Butter 14 eIS cents .3.5 cents r.gge 11 doz... 15 cents il• : TAR AND.. WOOD NAPTHA • TrtlVoll2.l Hacine in me world for the curs .f CoUghe and Colds, croup, - Brolicaitii Asthma, Difficult Breathing, Palpitation at s the Heart. For the re/ I talie/14 in adraneedi slogs, of Ceneump n together with all Diseases of the t and Cheat and which predisßosatu Consulaption. II offail , t tho.roof dgf disease, and maize tlwieg2 datroyerouipodnnb foitsiMUOLCe. oteoprodti as free mettortaion, dinofners healthy anion •in Ple dUeagad Ifurous ,31e2nbrane and Ussaut: It is peculiarly adiPted to the radial.: . ' • cure of ASTHMA. • . • One dose reim.," inratunble SYRUP often gicso ease druloongeequentlyeleddrporhicitthe particular '. nutmeat diseasedeiaes. - It isterynkasant thi lade, and prompt in its , effeeta. Try it hownrl,nreci that U is ilicaluak In the cure of litroSch I (feel icing.. .Peitee 50 eenrs per Bottle: Prepared only bfr Dr. A. ES 'h WAVir,, krsold by A. I:an:rein, & Co., N.; IV.-corner 9/Aand POPLAR slntek, Phi.ad'a, kbr *del in Miontrewe Ay , nagen.olo) Aan rtiRREAL Drugaisi the Grand Crusade. PH'S MISSIONARY, T011110%1:1 C the angitisli of those-upon whom diger e has laid its . heavy hield has - beeu _for twtiii _ years,'. the.: mission of H Thomas li o ' Oray. , . Miring the: whole of t that time=haw.not been warring; (with nature for h s ally and true sele•ace for his. guide,) ag,ai Ist all Ob.. Maladies incident to mankind, but agiiinSt th'e - iiilse :systems of treatmen , under Which they have-gath ered strengt s h and in6eased in malignity. He,is the:great .3ledical - Crusader of the Nineteenth. 'entar)•,'Mid - the "superficial ists whose in-deep ;' . eures . fail-. to reach the sources of diseases' and merely. lay. a brief embar oon theSyruptoinS, have been, unable to m Ice head , against the reAoln i. : 0 toulte has inangurated. -In vain' - haVa theytaken :he field:armed anti ' as the professional cede' directs; with lanc et, end blistjer;drastic;purge and • sttfpifx.- ing opiate till° hai mei thcin,With two:uni versal speCific, a Pill •!:inil' an Ointment,. and driven lieni disconitited . from the con flict, ..It in er, birtruly raid. of. his - ,Oint- I Ment, in th . words of the grerit..dratuatist, " It dropit like the gentle assr from b eaven Upou pia bleu bines ," • healing au cooling the angriest. wound or ulcer, and removing every- species ,of external inilamation. With oval truth we may af t plyShakespear'l detiaition of' fleecy, to ollowtq's.world,ronowned -in term! remedy ; "It isi twice blessed. It blesseth hinit that gives and him that takes, for it literOy °mots out the . predisposing causeg of lingeaso, .3hlessin the( patient With , ielieWed health, and the loving .w.atehoti •the couch of pain with the akintrauce.Of a radical curit4,-14-vcrpcol Mercury." i - • ALE PRICES. cußftsyr. Piwk ,Ti bbl $l7 034:1,118130 I)mq...sea Hop, 6 OtKa 6 50 Ileefott foot 300 •! &Wed .. 4 1:0a; 5 54 •• bbl 10 OD hides OiSif 05 hams ra ...10:4; 11 SbOnlders 08 • 'lard . .11e, 12 Batter, :14Q- 184 roll .. 150 16 Kist/ doz —1515 . IS tiOror seed Ot4/ 0 5 60 Timothy seed. 3 15 W601'019... • 34 . e, 40 White Flrll2 l4)1 .. 915 i .. 4 50 itePRICES CGRIZEICT. fl bushel, 61 041'10 Pried Apples 75 100 Rutter, 1.7 e .Cheese, 10344 11 dozed, •18 41 , 4 ICI ELWEI Wheat door bbl tee f 6,00 Rye flour "tient...a e. 2.60 Carp meal ft cmt.... :: 2 2 p 2.25
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers