THE moNTEOE DEMO - /3 ItITSIIED,TiteIta DANS, G'exbrits , • OFFICE OS - Ptl3l4CAMstir., Tiiimu Doom- A 139131 MARLIN PO !finnan in .pv.a , ,:%vt,e $l. %lmb., ehargvin—and flitF cent arided to artraragra at tho potion untie .Ptibl expealc or r.uceston,.utc. Armor= pcknw • • A u aTI:4 Nntvis trill W:inserte rate of Si it qtl r of ten Mini ortemforth uvekp. and in COOS. ibr etddrtfunal Nitt:ll:lllt.S, :Ilia tither wllti the soar, Atli be chargrA it Oro rollutrlng ratet, l if .711re.,4 k<is ;"4# Year, 'mit/tett /l ine i ' S.iGi a 1iii4,4117 4.lltirr.; itf th, reit, cy. No.cre.lit ;:iv en exsopt fllito,e of L11ou:21 to* .BUSIN ESS CAB ax.ntiTT:tdCOUPiat' itccnra W.V.'II::COO/_ 3 il:lt,at CO. Mimtna-c, u ha.. so; v 1404 to PO co. - onto:, balm.. I.'nuu - building, Turn EIEEM2232 - Muct!LLU.ll.&•, * SEARLE TTOIIN EYN - nnit e,ntn•it.llnro nt lontr.—M 1.11. U 11& in Lathrp,' LeW b ~ 1 1:111:11V, over 111 l! , - 11.:11cREA1s;, A TTORNEY 'atul Conn,lbir at Lair.—Toit , .11: WALT iu the thdou Muck. • . • I)1. I. Il'll.lklOT, • - 11.11.`1.7ATV..0f the Ailepailde aed !tempi - 3r '.‘l,deiate.—i:re..t Bead; I.a. och, or Nl.tie at I Elizabette,lii, .nearly uplaoite the -•" ' , . 111N6 - 411A.)i ANTI, TVITSICIANS. SERIEOSIS AND bENTIS S—New bilrord Bohm.: I`4l. . _ . • . ••• ' Dll. G: Z. 1)I11()CK, . " r i ,. ' - • 1)11TSICIAN ANI) SrMlEON.—Montr . kS °Mei 1 . over Wihicoute 'Store: .14dginga at Searle:e hotel: - ' DR. W.1LL1.131. W..WI - IE T , - . _ ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN 4. SHTIGEON. D NTIST. -.- - 1971/ in:. ,VritO.S . ' ITHEA TO.V,. . and Mechavlcal o Soi^.7,lcal Dentim_ recently of Bin thamton; N. V. tender_thOr ProreQ,looal ',.erelet.4. to all v: to appro. ciatfi' t.te •' Reformed 'Practice of rhyale:" careful and *kiiiral operations on'Teeth : • with the mo,t ado Wile ned approved st yles of platework. Teeth extracted without' pain :Indult ivork warranted_ • Jackbon. - .l_unc 1,1th..164). . - DI:. IL slim! . otc-, SON, I URGEOS lar.NTlSta,-3iortruoe lau 47.10n1ee lu Lathfolu.' new the Rank. All Dental UlNerttiorU , will be k perfume" iu good stsjo And warnmted. J. C. OLNISTF.AD.:.. OLMSTEiD & hEAO.,- AvorLi)Axx(u..NcE. to . th e EPAli e that they harp entemd into a parttiereh4) . flithe Pr ctico ,- NI E1.H.11N4. & Sur l !.ery: and :MP prti,aied to at lend to alt calla In the Ift ef their tin:cc—the one fitrinelly.occupicatby Dr . .l. C.. Oian.toad,tin I)UNIAFF. In IT ant, M N. -V. LEM', 11;•sician and Surcton. Frieni7,rille. o.ffit the !!Door. LEFT part ktINF tits tI di..eits•ei , or the EAR and EYE: and r.-einint knowlialire otl and - experience hi that limner tic: , will ert.ible hint to eik...r n cure in the moo For trentin4 Once or^,:il)4 h.• char,;,,d milers the patii•fil` i, hvnonlte . dbV Lt Anglo,:liitt, sournwsitcrii VAI)AKJX, ANUFACTURF.IN AND DEALERS' in *hp'Han and J. Alrl,Tlvan 3T:wr. If; .r Mon tunent, , , Re: &tones. Tomn-Tahl,..Man S'n}:!. nod l'entre-Tahl n. Also evaler. , in Mnrllle+wtl Sl,ll, to.' Cent rv-T: &c. few 4.1,,0! at sear!t:'n p;r,o, Pn. • pc4l:..* • W 31. A. SNOW, VSTICE OF TUC PEACE.—Great Bond, PI: rnee co on Main eirect, ttprte.:te the We JOHN SAI'T I,lA.sncr i.s-AuLE 1 over 1. 'N. .11n1lonr, I;rovery. Tlvtalifnl for part favor, In , —l,le;lOng, hint•t If to do ntl nork inctlone oa ,Lon notice. and war: lionitoee, dale 'I,IASIIIONABLE "1" : ;\ _ • in I.lvrTilx Illork. giver ' , tort of Ilengi, Hatt. ro-ter: , All worlz-marrAntetl. As to tit gunl.tni Cult; done nn etiort tAA'reer. in best style.- jAul . • 1:53.1.1 gN A B 1.1: P. • nenrql.e Diptl-4 Yl... , etlgvz,.llen..e. str, - Al! .nnl.2r, f.llea pniztotl, - . In first-r.tte s t‘ cattir4 done on , itert t.nt!ee; ranl warrat:ted to t -L. B. EP ITIZS , Wrarlier.: nud ;rev:v.l7 at sborte..l eel ive. and-on r...A , ne•gble terms. A Nrorl; Slgtrii in 4..11:1:.g.11er AloN•reisr, , ocArstf IV M. IV. S7‘i S: -CO (1%.111•7\ - ET - AND CIIA TR 31 N.St.T.tCT P..E1l of Main '.611‘,..t . 1-, Motart>:•e, Pa. • • • C. o. I T ANUFA eTr ItE t,f BOOTS 'ft I ,Pa. nver Tyler% , ,tore.• All Idue, I waic to ora..r: at,cl repti!riti7 . lfont-nlitly: j • ,t..kl;Ei. 'r‘EALETT in ellernic-rtl=, r•tzuz:re, Wan.. 1,1 4.rm firoverles, (:01 - 410, en., A t'vr rill J ht. rabnt Jrupnlar PATEI mnigrusaN.—Montroze. al e -4 ttnzl tf • 11101;',. CILtIZLES 3101;1:1$, nnd Hair Dre4ii•r. 'l.lfar.tros.e. Pa. Shop in .13 tr. , ' • ir'-•••., !Intl 1: • () AV:, W . I ELIA:IIS, 1 r).VIIBER 11Alli DIIZSSEIt. vicr, to I .1I the t.m..trahly that tl•aie in the and al ti-tie inannee. ''" Shop in the mirth frtnit ~,r. USA:, "Aunt rose. N. 0,,a iiaStind.l:,•s Latin 6a. in. until p. July tki,' ISti:l. -tr. . FO.iT.B.AITS, PORTRiIITS NICW AnIIANGEnENT4 - .IN THE . 1311-IC B ICS), rum nneterflirntil Lavine Rooms I ace.upied bv-W. D. DEANS. now nreparml t all who mai' w._th a :owl and truthrol 'Pori; Beim", well post edi the tirr4lnet ion of the vario of Plettlres id' the day . . 1 'latter iiteself that my trti excelled k.Y.hilY in -tboi • seri ofthe'etinntry, Amin the carams kinds taken at my 1 OOLL11 , :: ill BR(' 7 Ili 07 (; ()T) - P NKILL 01; lit • Locket Pieinrea down n. the Intel:ll.6st stud Transferral .I.,miirotyptes_—the ltneat thin• sand:reg be Post to auy - part of the World 'with° p"s!...tge. 'NV Picture are hold. vitpiron. , . and en —nut those &Int. lifeless shltliiire often sold a Country. • Pictures taLiht In all kind , of weather. well, except those of yonint children. NO pictn taken unless pr;ffeet tmtisfection dresaitiz Air a piCture.; blue. purple, starlet, Ont.', etc, y,ced otbers takil green. black - . red, snuff. brown. oranze:yellow. :4r Remember that the pl ice to tel your "phi in the Btlek- Mock. , orer .P • lIAZLET Ituntrwe, Pa.,:Nor:F4ll. LADIES , ONE EEICE • ,V•ziaVic7t- wirtrlT- , EMCI IOILN EADEDIA; Nv.-116 Mtell ip.P and stkot.. lintadviphin, Owe dr MS:Markt. porter. Manniarturer of and.Dvaler in nil klndo . ,V 11 41.32:0Nr Ilaviq,* removed to • Inv Near Store 718 ane tieing now enya in the Manufacture end I.alt Hof i'ancy run. which. In :lc :Nod-ante trith - tbaxout Price ;Priucipl..t." I hive market! .tt the 100 na.fiihle Klee. 4onalainat with% reaoonable prufts. I would rich from throe in want of Flirt for either Ladlme ren'a Wear. A, au Mlle...tint of my 44er:a nosko. thoet goriK, itatiallett, an I am - of my abilltylophatae In every dealred eascutlal. • re - Persona at a dietance. _ S ent to call manually. null .otil , r name the artliie. the. tottethm With - the price.. aild ltn.trectlone 'or send: lug, and forward tim ttrder to my addreet.-mone- nertnn. patting—to 111.11111: a sathttel.ory rompllaMm mit* their I , ibitec {Ate:. CAA rim rjrASjuKt rt , ,vivnil, a 13%.?.t, 14(1c)r.' of neoviit, (Aim undlilkuirptirpo9o. : l ur Coal. ricia 1/ , OrtMeottr , Aelvct rutd de•trable,'lrod wlll Ito will Onlise oattetAvor4l3fi: tonne, fvr L'orh.ur 441 OVMPt - 4. 1 X Month" Ituyenk. • • New Mllford," .. • • . Ivl/11 . Property'. Ficsrt.: Is.i-s-La • .;:• • . • .... ! s tart /TM anderalanedoljera for iiale- hfi NM- - yin • 1 New Ninford.Arro inflakenst from the bor . jt consists of a : 0 Itlffr MILL audA.a.W.MILt.- wi pito, atone Dam nearly cdmrdetefld 4 4) feet .thick at, ttorn. 173‘ feet widest. top. and JO fen high. sts a'very de. %m Arable ien. both -as to bra TV wl's% - and pow - . - ror It -rtherinformatton inqulreof... ;• ARCILWALA !it ' Now...SW.(ord. Noy 181800.410. t i 4I , , c : ATI ' ',,, ,- - : ' ','-' 1 ;-- % '-. =', .-- ~- '';'. •- •' ' - - 1, "."7- , -'.-% v'" -.-: , = ; :,... :- -,,, , • -.±=, ~ , - '.Z , :t - ";;:,, fV.c'',- - .' 7 1•'' , :!,,'',": 7._,-:.. 't. - :=.l - ' Tz' ...-,-;,---,1:-11.--. .t,:7.. ,, ,...0 ; ',,,... 5 .,,-, -.. -- , ~,;.=•.,,,. --.- - v= • ~' . . i ., '... ''-• •:.. "ir. 7 ...: ~....,,,,..,.. ...,,,...,.. ,,1, 3: : : - ;" ' * . ' - ' ,7 " '. - 1 ' ,_ : -:: --"- ..:: '.• .- I f L. \ 1 ' ::: 0 - . -- • . .. -' ' ;-' '. - • ;_.::: :-•':-.: . ' ..- .10 . a • - . - . - ~‘. - '‘.--.,.., --' . ' ' ;-: ..... • .., • ':-. ....!!'., - • .-:.• ' UPTEL. - ' ' ..'. -: ', '. •, ..._ t .... , " : •••;,, , 1 - • . ". ',' l '," . 1 ;.".„'. _ " ; - .nroir &amain 1 •• • Nlgent, , er• to' I , : - • :- _ ' -- .., ' 1 ', : s - . _ • = -, '- ' •;_ , - '- ' ' "".'•; - , -;:, 41 - --_ 14 • -- :',, -,. ~ _ ~,... ~ , .-_.. , -- . , nt the `,rpt threc ay dolvn. " 'viz.; Tire Join. Our Selves to, no Party that ' Does not CarrY - the - and Keep Siep Nititiie of the.„Whole Cooper Ake-et. Thesetting tun's hug: brilliant fay, • O'crbeauteons nature *comma to play, • - "i - When With that holy; caciati :DoOk, • I hied me to a Shady:nook- • • ; To hold commune with (thrlst And fie:am— •• ;The sweetest boort to mortals given. • nu_ my mosey sent, `• -. .7 The brooklet miarmtwing;*t my teat; I - • • Above my head the lofty UN*: • • War gently sighing In thd breeze; . • • . All-'seemed to *peak. of Heaven, aid love ; ; . 4nd waft my thotmlitt truth earth, above. • . As thus-Lent in reverie deep, IlnconairliOualy I Runk in sitip t . • • j • And hovering cl4rmy Vision bright, . • Apiwareo nveraph clothed in white, ' ' With gloriOus brow, serenely mild,. " • She looked on me and awe tly - untied. ••• Irt client Wonder, Ma' amazed; .-. • •. . . • ' On that transuundant-form I gazed,' But quirk to cbeel my vain alarms, geutly drew Me to het itr Piliowed inco'7- my-bead upon her breast, • . And scythed tny weal noel to rest ; And now our spirits upward rise, And pierce the - blue ethereal itkie4--; • - And now mystising Sold- thrilla high, - - On, on, to Heaven's high realms we fly; .3 Now opening to my ravishtsl sight, Are realms mire:dais, and ,Witrldi Pflight. . • Above, below,:„otc every side,• Near and. ;far, around; ho'W wide! • • Are countless 'hosts . of angel binds, And golden harps, are in thalihinds. They spread aloft their glltterlng•vvings,- - • And in their. flight (hey sweep the strings, • Ansi as they tune the golden lyre, ' "". _ • Each rising, Cory; thrills high and higher; Till all thelleiven-born aiMel throng, • In hmy cadence,Min the song. : ;cow half in rapture, bait innate, • - '.lu nwe-striiek wonder, round I gaze, ' The seraph reef mt spirit's; felglit; • And veils me with - ter robis of light, - And hides inenenth her folded wing, . While liighta•rtfil our soul, upspring. . ' And npu aid, heavenward kill we rise, And as we cleave the upper:skies, '` • Behold.! u far more gloriousi, • ThaiTinortnl7 e'ercould think or dream.; • ` I see u blood•wailhed throng, I hear theirglad triumphant song, • Of hallelujah to the I.anib,i And glory to the Oreat I. Am. I - see their- robes bf epoileen :white; Iterpiendent as the noontide light., .• .Theirgulden crowns so rich and•rnre, Thit even angels may not Welzr ; ' They sing, u song of of 111 . :senly They ring the matchless, priceless worth,' Of filo who did their soots , redeem, j li i himmtigels may not touch the . theme— But all the .titits' tweet mitistreisi„ kings out the holy eyinuhuriy. „ . And now I turn me to tne throne. Where dwells :the high. the holy Ono, ' The great; the triune. Lioty, In His own bouiulless. majeSty. • Ibex Heaven le inc merry s;si at, The ~tare are tire all helm :oil hi - 2, feet, Andcireling far a1.0,e his t. , ;:ci, . • IS - thlt area of prualice na:aie, • To Mu n. ere yet the sitoutl Who .I.ayecl, • 'plat nil the world ill rUlll ariniud, also, e. below. • liesptemient ttoods of glory dow, Till quite u'crwlichned d Alt all the,. , euelgeiv Naze, I fain 1' Id from his presence IV,— : Ay, • the,-. ui 11 I, eye, • • .rvoi the, 4 tyLre of 1 cam uoilia'sceit a tothng place, • 'Cr ell anti for uveuly h.t ta , • " .1 n , , And t..1,.re on tt..4 /11 stay, '.•• 4alan U: d ss a 4 w ashcd away, • , • _ botler• tnen.Ailichy p.„thuii hide. - . Sprin:zvtlie, Fa. MEI ..,J. L. ~'.SAB: rifinent !dent thin f ppnc thtlienlt fee will he treat- TA 1111 I 60 Oti imr. wimiitziG . DAY With:trenthling band. and heart with sorrow Throbb ftn.t ;,;vc:thinthesari4ty walls cdp•elt t,.et, my' own dear slrter Luc.v . to.addreznl. Lc' It'd.> you a--k' thus my h.:trt with.cenincos v y t-Itoittcl.nty I;.ind at sitcha r.v.k its U:nat.neet. Nett. Wen may yin' ail: am: :f too Freely nuii . 1 ej,en Wt.+ s...;.dtu_at . t to Ther.rny tdocer dear, thefelly Dried! Eroth'er pray Jorg - i ve Well dosithoti know n•hat JO3 nil dart wereours togei her . to: enjoy lu chitclhoed u - lum cherli , heti by . - . Fatheer4 cure; we tald each other tben - dor T4l:, ofinirQt. When by u Motlier'd FiFutines, we Were taught the einitile'prSyer, "Our Father tt hicb in peavin art-i" then in our Little couch she laid us down to SlCeil. Thoie childisligrijs which oft; like mbutwains seemed Our sports to ,we frankly to each Other told and quickly them forgot. But sister dear tie not the fresh remembrance :Now of home. of lov e d ones; skone ofnimm in Raiment white, redeemed, I trust, from sin ' Arc chanting in the spiric.n erld the Atitllg • t.ll yo -es and the Lamb, that makes my hand Thus tremnhiroi, -my heart this gloom to feel. Oh. no I lire them o'er and o'er again And find tam ple.usures still. • - But nit! the thought That we from child to man and Is ouianhood Hate groan; and all, those -portlric.-enes for stern Realities are changed. Those fancied castles Which so high lu air we built, Ilko,,hubbles Each their little moment sparkled but to Disappear. 3fine ii has becri that fund old Bowe- to lease, its eurobond lured enjoyments All to bid adieu, no mum iterate:zee, It, Bliss to share save lu the solemn stillness Of the midnight hour us ditfal dtesrus my sweet-repose attend to lead m on Behilletbe rippling brook; o'er meadows green Or through ,the threat. tangled %%hiding paths Where hand in hand. then 'eager in the chase We joated; or us a p,isitor I SCEIC That long loved spot in which a few V Short hours to-spend. Sweet hive'nty ever Been, for thou to. clider my heart, west there. - In pensive mood'the y ard where rests • Tne slamberingdead we've sought, land there beside The tufted mounds that mack the resting place' Of those whoie serge , whsle here, u ere tningliiwith Our own, were •seemed seraphic notes almost Tollear from harps but newly strung. before ' The throne of God; then offering silently' X prayer for grate in t trial's hour and rest in . ftleaveri trt last, we In their clayey bean The Silent sittnlberep left, and burnt returned. tAnd when the djewy, tc`c hercurtalMi round cabulydrew.lreside the hearth otiose Brightened by ‘ the nulling light of, ev Sates daivatoslug. Those songs.t those giros and pftoliur of plaise h alti ctututthou etc 'roma! haefl tura those paps o'er. joy .but, but Within this prison house beboeud,, else would it swiftly backward wing Its with thee to sing nest d'erasalu. But now as giadly Iniy steps retrace; - And our that bouts thptin approach, thy voice,- .IV Pm, thylgacto give roe chew - , will not. , De nits o—fur gums 10 light ,the Waco( one, lit.srtithau aft jilt Witt hoslde.,to dose, *milks Allege thy'childhood home duet now rpplake. FUT well I know tha this Ito sorrow 'to as,. at hlus hurt ultould briug;for Moot wilt Mania is: !Ad 'iwastitt mu unkind dot- Ta fortru, VW , tim l hl PPo l ri al st 4 P l ' 44l4 • That 1 . 41 thY,1 9 )04, 34 % 0 " 1 ' t•'= ' MA net VPILIC; . 41 4/C-4 0 0. 4 10 Att, Wen thjPartr Azteoby *sad*mills • 4-- Nay ilearetelt stiefintktutnithinsfall with dower; bypath sintday too . atpkwu,..,splipur For uw,Ogialitto offer up. ast gifg, ••, ku Jame ft ot uit a mtruitiso . Tole ^ ' l4 . a TO, WILL Liewtol2llltAlivfOrrltl.7o,l:4.,l4illk ' ll7 ' . ' I :111f. It nintare out. for t t•Ntra we - Ivo .oth the e ,i a I: AK.,(I be yoL. 18. ' For the ItolitzawDeutociat A:TIS • BY stAny E. : 1.001a9. Mt=MMI 'LUCY, , . MONTR,OSE, PA.:, -THURSDAY, JANUARYIB6I. ,4 ' d A itiMildOF s ttEint , sit t - riili S lAY°6 "" . ' I " itr? - —• • • .-. • - :- ' '9lefiryPittrpitOtiflatirtibtiil*l6o. ' . 'Washe,knont.o to:yeti . - •.• ./ -.- , •,,- . , . • . •. J. Was lier ?. Oh, ,tho.stots. 'don't like to hear the 'noise' of :theist! • inent —that • followed ' that's- tsuestiolii---L shimmiers. The dull _ song of laboring. Hetirs,..:l 'Her ~ n olde firstsblira I ' :He ItlVho I picks - breaks upon the tihr , - . with Monoto- had taken thes place of thedead - :at -their Innis esignlaritp They are ,making_ tracks board, and,. 'Intl): a gravitY. beyond,_' his . I for a railroad in -this Old town. - am not ! years; carried out : the plans- his fatherleft - o i ple!ased'.with the siniovement s as - sure within:lied I. --And:ittitis hiablue,eyesWere . lcat it, for a.pletisant-farm . helve- and WI. c'osed foreveSl his bright_locka roiled:: iti aurrounding tieldtt;that sloped from, high :the dust! . theihinight: wits nuguish.l'A and undllating hillshave vanished threver deathly paleness carne over her, buts she 1 before its nod; The great. genius of "en , : rallied with .n great effort, and- said as I terprii.c, with' his ugly shears of commeree calmly 0 before) aasshe tamed her svhi 1 ro lis clipping at the or wings of poverty ,:tened.Cheeks away :,, • ' -:: . and romance, till, I fear, by and 4, they 1 : ,‘ He waitny'so t e s i ts r. wilt have, only the postal. toll:lit:slang:the-I, ',They did not Iseeliter 'as she walked' ground, their ethereal facilities chained j sinickly-and firmly from the room. down to stock . -taking and invoices. -: •,,i " N0w,,,G04 forgive Me! I ibel \ as it I ,I am sorry' the house": has, gone, fu had done - a - cowardly thing,'" murmured there. are) some. recollections connected ' the 01Beer, while his lips -grew Pale • with - • with its hi tort' fQr ti e sake .qf -which, it : emotion: " Coming beresto partake of- Would be pheasant could - it. hove ben ; this woman's hospitality, I have. cruelly spared.. :An - old' finandumse, .suiTounded I stabbed her to thOteart." : :. S - by fields of waving grain and Corn, in the is " You, are not -to :blame, My friend," 1 autumn time, and overhung by the bfan- I said IVashi a gton in"' his deep tones, in ches of varions trees, golden with the full- I ! which was. a sudden pathos. "Neither; I tress of time, is a. sight of picturesque! in retid heraright,. s trotild she rev illthe t , Ibeauty in a rich Nft .es 0-special's- it a tine ' 'child bravely fallen in his eousitrY'S cau se. old : mountain looms' up in the background „Thi s i s _ no comi t ies ] woman—her soul's or a deep shadoofforrest trees Istretches Ignobility. Mark . me, when yciu' next see j'away into, the clear, mellow atmosphere' h er, she will be tearless, no word of* . sor beyond. / 7 . . - ',' -+ " row \ will issue from her lips. - Our moth- In that-onebefore tis(l - um speaking cis'--lam proud to say it—are heroines now as if it stood on - the - old spot) the-, in this tryingperiod. And- this." he cons' widow of the noble Captain Pierpont lived I tinned , - pointhig to the- Bible, "and this some twenty years ago., The lady. was a i is the Seeret:of their greatness swheneyer fine specimen of old time - women ; digni- , you behold that. volume opened, bearing fled,- ever commanding , in manner; with i evidence of 'constant. perusal,' • there yen:, afresh bloom sipon• her -cheek, artificially ! will find:woman capableof any emergency. moulded fOrehead, and a deepand'earnest. I repeat it,' when we meet again. She Will , sxpression in herliright eyes: llS'he was a, be calm and tearless, although. a mother woman of refined and cultivated intellect- 1 bereaved oilier chilCi."' ' s e.• - .I nal powers, awoman who in youth hail 4nd so, it was. Madame Pierisonthad I known not stint, of. wealth, whose mind,schooled her grief .for the time into a stored was iiith'elassie lore, Who had rev- • suoideuttl sacred sulimisSion s and when ' er,t ill she emi grated. to the wilderness of the olli&is was called 'into another room . 1 the New World, soiled her fingers . s , with to partake of•the smoking* viands idle had 1 _ . even household work. I prevared, they found her collected; nil . 1 Father and husband were both dead,-- i changed -in - Tier manner, and serene in 1 The banes of•the•liarmer r e posed : in anoth- i eount mance. The officer, from - whom the ter country, lieileath a marble monument; I liews , had rudely lansit, was lost•in, adjoi 7 , 1 the latter had now slept two.years in the ! s st ion of her • condticts and Was -often.: little burying-gromid - 64...5ide the ivoodew heard tO say; sebseqnently, that he vette- ' !church in sight. of .he red fiirtn-house, and rat e d woman more for her sake. . i • ts 1 - - h -s •. , i I a small gISSY st4l/ I CI//3110 I . ll t 1 •1 10 1-1 w -/ (-. 1 .1 owards -night the trig departed, thank drift ashes inherit:l with Che dust. - • ; in!,the.kind woman with grateful hearts One day, aril's the letrdeststsoupaigsi litr. her i-ourtesy. •Titc;y :foetid their hors of our soldiers;. Msdstoe Pierpont was es ready saddled . , and yore forced to 'eon ; :done at the thrin. ruin!, a al2gro servant jeetnre that Madame Pierpont had her ; had gone on some.ertm;tl II llieli , would. se iti per t„ rme d the duty o f h ost !„ r. . detain hitt; until nightfall. and Alek, the General Washingtias kindlY took, her '. hired num, s had woueded his hand in the hand ber'ore he tweintell his charger, and -• ill" niing wi tit oil axe, so toast Ii c .Ias4S,LV/itt....14.1A4,,,......1 : L.,.... -•-<••••4** - * hfia - - Ifir . .. -- , -- tri . iii ,, ai,:abled aii,l obliged to return s: n to fns ly. - Tears came to the eyes of the officers I about a utile distant, ,which, by the way while they liSteited, but tholigh'san in Hvas: the nearest home-stead .to the the olio - crea - sIMe , :pallor overspread, the: widow's red thrm-hunse. The Widow's Ann' brave - taco. she murmured.: sons, Of 1:1"es vzo';'hig titan eighteen to ! uI am thankfiti, thankful-to my. God : t went %%six', had started Amt two days pre- An, that he hasi deemed me worthy Of. de‘ sitnis to the fle"d of their Coluts.ry . 's•battle. mandins , my ! test-Born'inthis gleriotts ' I 'While the; widow realized that in all struggle, he was ready, sir, really for life ' 1 probability some, perhaps all, of her treas- , or death."- . , . r ; ones Would be stnitteu by the ruthless ; - But when they were gone, site turned ' hand of war, Ver el&-eks were . still .Im.. to the silence of that' lone house, the ' hlanched,•atitl le;pe - sat , in the. repose of panther :wept. exceedingly ,bitter tears. '-her beantiful feattunes. .A ?It) . L6w, and Draw We the curtain before her sacred. ' she turned to the - open Bible betbre her an - !s d,,h, . i . . .- I and read a few consoling possases, and s' I FareWdl, old Pierpont :house, with straidttwar resumed • lien .work with a yonr c'arpet of melloWs,•and old fashioned `trusting smile. Alt! p a triotism found an 'flowers in old fashioned lots standing up-' endearing hi : mein - many such a gentle ,on the stoop. I feel sad at the' thought : ~bren,st . , • ! that I shall never again' see its doors . I . Suddenly from thes distance. came a wreathed -in !vines, whereonliting clusters sound like th e tranipin;s'Zif horses' feet, of his iniant st - tills;: or. its_ windoWs on and a clued ofdnst beiokened the approach . the lOwer . floor,- all -opened 'with the white • or traielers loirrVinr to their destination. I curtains of snowy muslin floatnn. - s with • The wid;tti; moved to thesdoor s .and. shit-. a dreamy, undulating motion •inthe plena ; ding her eyes from this intense sunshine, , ant breeze. . . . watched their 'progress. They drew i- . . nearer,and in an Oilier moment - three horse ' : AWA RNISG TO ErCllt7l. PLAXEM- 7 A , Men -drove up befitre . the door. They wore., VOling Man of 3.4lWftlikk, who: is .very militstry.costume, an very all fine looking men. - The foremost gentlenitur by tar , .. btntl of a''dateshter ail ‘.pillar' in: - one or the popular churches, was taking tea - at exceedieg the others ho- his imposing fig"; 'the house of his adored, a lbw evenings ore, and greafueSs of his countettanee.--- s i nce.' an d h a d' some fruit cake , offered to ,It needed no, introdction, to assure the; h i m. widow that this was George Washington. Beitn , somewhat 'confused ow ac t count of his situation, as . the cake was held , With that character which always-idiom- ; nut , h e cried out, "I pass," The finher, te .g rized hint, he bowed nu'ef ull Y t o 313 : 1 " hearing him, and Itaying played iSOIDC in ante Pierpont, as Ve, blandly asked -if he ; his younger days, was horror struck at ! could find rest and recreshment. I the young mail's infatuation of the .gathe " Onr horses are weary; we, have _rid- j „odthotmht he would teach him a. lesson, • . den since this morning and, wimild fain re-I and 'emit," he added, ' . - . ).)lie bluntly, "YOu pits do you? r ,:.: Then I order you'ltif i and there's the - door. Certainly, gentlemen, and welcome,' I•The young man sloped: . she replied, sniff I jgly the owiv . wide open I ' " ----L _ By Airs. di. A. Dennison , , the inner door as they dismounted. ,„ : i, ,, -... ' The - wife of a well known:literary " bur poor beastS,'' said one of the ofn-1 g.entlema,„whild reading one of his -anti-. cers, 'patting his • smoking horse. ." I ; etes for the press; corrected it,as . shement would they could be attendeirte immerli along, and the errors were somewhat nu ately. Is there a grown - or servant about your honse, Madame, who couid rubtliein i mer " s ' " Whv husband," she eiclaime - d, liberall"you down,y." and feedthem ? I will reward him ' ; do nct know the first rah alafgrammer, or -- .---.- "We would' ask no reward in this 1 else you are very negligent.", .. ': house, sir," replied the -widow ; "it you ',' " Well ; well, my dear, he said, looking 1 will will b e eared ! up from his work, " what's the matter l for." ' ( ead thern - round they , non . • I Why, in three •phtees, you speak of ' . ":Hake . )tirselves perfectly comfortable i ' gentlemen," Said tale widow,' "and excuse. l' ellr sex in the singular nuttiber."' • me whilel prepare your refreshments. i I "Can't help it." was the ,retort, retort, - " . •wo- Yew must lie hungry, as Well is fittigued." ' titan is a singular being." ~ In another minute the widow was in I' ' - • • ..._. -.1. 4:11. :11.- - ----- the- stable unsaddling the poor Ite iscs--:-.1 .. , ' W . '"A Quaker - had his, : broad brimme d. workto *hid] she was . not. acemitbnied hat-blown off . by the Wind, and lie chased but - which 'she nevert beles's . could d o i n : it a long_titne withfrititless i and very rid thrie.of need, being a wonian of streng lindens . zeal. :At laSt, Seeing a roneish muscular.frame au& great - energy,. She; looking boy laughing at. hiS- 'disaster; he 'knew it trt4 be done by herself(); not at ' solid to lain: • • . i i , . .. - . all. As for the men .and horses, they - we're 1 " Art ilinn . it profane bia Jiy9. -.- • completely . jteled . - oat. She. :with `straw} The youngster replied that ,he sometimes rubbed the anitnalS'•down with• her . own ; did a little in that line: ' ---: • ...'. ' - bandS, led them int o.the ,tal's,•find pre: l . " 'nett said he.; taking a half dollar out., pared _arid gave them their .I(et. ...Afte r of . hispocket; . - " thee;ntay,-dani yonder_ changing her dress, • the widow :returned, 1-':-.-- Ilet4ink, talc fifty cents wortlY,'_ . . . : againsto . the parlor, where the'roilicers,.l. .- -• f." --4.--...-:,-:-.--- : baYing unbuckled their swords - unit dbiredil --. 4r: llere is a - cOnmidram - - got off by their caps, sat Conyersing tegether, eyi- i a NebritSka editor." Whir is a Nebraska: dettly . ettip)inga delightful rest.. As the shinplaster like an impenitent' sinner"?—• widow stepped, overhe .threshold of , the ! Ile ruse it does not knon that' iti3 redeem . . t room; one of the officerS was reMarkingi er liveth. t. ) hi.:.00 :4:P4 one— -..: ---'''' ' "•'..'''------ 1 llet'e is another:F till better. - , Why' is • - "Ile was onebf the bes -- (inen, :and . - is I . 11 , 1114 fike -- k..febl?.'l.3eCarive - i's` "holdsa fine looking ayoung. ~ - felloW :is eVerVel- lady's hand With oritiitteeting it• •-•,..: .•'' • linteere(l." - - :--- '. ' . ------..-..-4....---,-- . . . . • • , "Do yon speak - of young Pierrrt?"l A Why don't yon nakodatwlik.r. - - " t , ef mirried ? ' ' yourig, lady the Wily! YeS, ' • pierced ,by d a y to a ba.i.belor, thrsibalK 'poor:felldw; it -Was -a . 'bird -4_ , I have - 1)6.a-trying:. fir Abe - last !ten fate f ir,eneh a boY." - IYears to_find some ,one: : . - irho ''For one atninent the:4oCli ).4lor - silly . enough: to .was the ro was blanched, henrt shb fig(Act - g4u*t calmly !Kt 1- "1 gm!!,,1 4, ,u 9.4 r iitto Obit : • •'r . • -,,r..., ~.. • -• _..,_......_ A RI:MOAN- WOLF , Velfhnntihgtitid•beftfiaMting,ftrelhe favorite pleash - res Of the Russians. are 'builtc4.l* -Wilder; *hen: the Wolye4 being-hungry ate faro: delta . :•.Threift . or 'four hentstneft;- - each :kited With do:Ole-barreled' "get into - 41:ii , pikii,";*hich ii:ftatirtl l 4f- . fttarrtage; drawn bY•thro;horses,its name being rived, from itsleam, and not from its forth: . IThe middle 'gorse trots with''' his 'fiend 1 hanging doWh, - and he iftealled • the (mewl eater. -The two- Others' haiih only one rein, and - theiftre.fastened he :poles by -the :Middle of the' body, and -gallop Withl their heads frOHthey are called thftFuri : The ti' a Oro coach man—if therft is such -ft thin 4! • a -Mire i 4. coachman. " is tied •te -4 . the: rear of the vehicle - hii• a : rope, 'aftl-chain t greater security) ;' going tWelt'iii.lyarda long.`l rThe Pig - is - kept in the ?vehicle until the hutitsmen.reaeh the forest where:the:hunt ; is td-take plaf:p,'when he-is taken out. and the horses started. . being 1 accustomed to this grit,. squeals, and 'lns squeals Sooitdegenerfite into laMentations. His cries bring out one wolf," who gives the pig chase ;t.beii two wiolve.y tPti three, then ten, then; filly posthig _after the, pooh - pig as fast as, they_ can go, fightino :salon(' 'themselves for the best places snapping and striking at .the . ..ponr pig at every opportunity, Who. squeals with despair:l These -squeals; of agony arouse all the !Wolves in the fittest, within I a circuit of tia:ee.miles, and • the troika is followed by airimmense ilocklof twelves.; It: is now thattft good driver is inclispen ! sable. • . The horses' -have- anj instinctive '. 1.-horror Wo4ves - , and go -alMost crazy; ithey run. as fast as they can , The loud:often flee as fast as - they can load—there hill° necessity to take any ' aim. The pig squeals, the horses neigh, . the wolves ho'Fl, the guns rattle; it IS a concert- to mitke Mepliistopieles • jealous. •As b.iltg as lh driver einnumMis his hor ses, as flist...asi th ey may be rnitnitig, there is no d:Oiger. But, if he stases- to be master of; them ; if they ;balk, if the troikais tip;el, there is no hilm. The • next day after, or 41week after- Wards, nothing will remain of the :party but the wrecker the troika, the barrels of ' the guns, and. the later taines,of - the hunt - siden, drier and horSeii. l ; • i Last, winter Princeltepine Went on one • ,of thes• pant, and it •canie very , near tie-, MI4. hi:di:lst Mint. He Was oil !a visit with . •t wo oflhis frauds itrone 4,lliis ;estates near the - stent'ie, and they determined o otenunt: - 1 - hef-prep4reit a - large sleigh in which three peNuns quid move 4t ease; three vigorous horses; were put into it, and they selected ibria 'driver '• man born in the. s conntry :01.1 thoroughly experienced ih the sport. D'rery runts-- ; nian hdd a pair ordouble-barrel guns, and . ' one hundred Mid fifty ball tariridges. It Was night when they real:hed the stems.; that is, an in i nnensii prairie cdvercil with -sooty. The moon Was fUll and skint bril liantly ; bdants, refra c ted bV the snort, g i ave. a light :eareely inferior:i T o dayli?:ht. The pig 1111::4 put ouViVlthe "sleigh and the horses whipped up. As .sOon :is the pig felt that was dragged its began to squeal. • A bolt' or two -appeared;-. but. they. were arid kept a king way off. Their numbeis gradnally increased, and as_ they gained iii- strength theybecame bold, er. There 'Were: about twejity wolVes when they nine within gun range *attic troika. One - el the party tired`.;; .wol f fell.' The-flock beehme alarmed and fled awav: Seven or eight hangry wolveS rcniained behind to dev,lour :their - dead; :companion; The gaps were soon filled. go every side, hoWIS answgedl -howls; on' "every. - side sharp, noses and brilliant eyes !were seen peering: Tho ghns rattled volley after, volley; bid the flock of wolves increased instead of diminishing, and soon' it, was not a flock, Iftlt a vast . herd Of wolves in thick seried egluinns, which gave chase to the sleigh. ; The wolVesi bounded forward so sapid: - 1p they seemed to fly over thft!, snow, and! so lightly noti a sound- Was' beard; their I numbers continued to increase. and in crease ; they peemed to . be a I silent • tide drawingnearer and nearer, and which the, gmis of - the party,•as rapidly at they were discharged, had no effect on. I The wolves formeea vast crescent, whose: horns. be gan to-encore ass the horses. lithe nuth bdrs increased so rapidly•theYiseeMed to siding eut'ofE the ground. :There was something weird in their appdsrance, for where could three thousand wolves come from on such it desert of,snoW!? The par ty had taken pie; pig into the, •, his squeals, increased the welveS! :boldness., the party cd4mited their fire; but they had now used about half their • =mem: tinn and hadb r ut two hundr4cartridges left, - while .t h ey were surrounded by three thousand woi'es. -The barns Of the ores cent became ftearer and nearmymd threat ened to envelhpe the party., . -If one of the horses should klbate . given; out, the' Ate of the whole party ; was sealed.; ; "What do Lymi think of ;this,. Ivan ?'T said Prim 4 Kepine,- speaking; to the dri ver.. "I would' rather be at home, Prince." "Are, yen af,r,sid consequen ees "The devibi have tasted bh4od, and:the more you fire- he more wolves YOtt'llhaVe." " What doiyou thiitk is the ' best best thipg to be thine ' . .l( '" flake the', horses go ihi 1 ter,7 M "Are you sure of the horses?. " Yesi.Prine" "Are you - inre °four safet The Made ne reply. - He 4nieken ed, the_ -horses, to= wards home.. The hoiies . fle*faatei than ever.. The dris!er:extted client toinereas ed. spee4 by sharp: whistle';', : and' . 'Made thely describe a : *Carve. which inter sected one. of the: hems 4)f,, the ereseent. • - *The wolves opened their `yankajindlei the horses Pas& • The' Prin,o; i4isel) llll ::gunt l , o o° o- aattident - iliall i r:eielafited :tbe4 1416 0.; "vve obe,to var The t ) :: l vV,! 4 -4400 11 •;,' 141ibis120#"6iedeii°119 eiedWahluntiti..l)4l9k-tMi *hie* the tittle flee thet*:' the wolves started nem afteFis it Was too late; ,eould not overtake it. qurtier of an honr ifttirWird they Weie,tn Sight of home.. .;'rrinee Repine thinks his horses, Ten st least ski niilesm these fifte en Minutes. Ile rode over the steOpe..the - nect, day, end found the bones of mors..than two hundred Wolves. . • . . . • :We are well 'satisfied -•tiet - ',lrentlenteis have no - genius fey' slitiPping:4%.llWi: SIM not equal to it.', N'ature'has lelkilietifie ssititstrimperfeetedin that Oracular.. - ;:Can write books and rnake - -Peethes4 . ' - air that'sort of thing, butt they ate iciettp . to shopping. Irtakes the lattieellar thin. ,Men : gii to a store and -Beleet 1 iihat;:ithey -:* want, am - bq it. I3ut that is not =shop. pin =that req u ires no genius.• Men - Pre- - - . ... . . . . , ~ ... .. tend that they don't like to - gO ehoppmg Whale I law an tide:liver Of , he. present with the ladies. 4 wonder who ever ask lairi-or Pennsylvania, ~ made or; the furs! ed them l'• What lady would have suds the . rueee or the educational- ntereSts: Of ; an'enctimbrifiree on such . oceasioni? Men this Coinmenwealtli,alaVi tha 'open's:wide are well enonghln their :places; Young the demi of knoWledge to' the •young„riud I gentleine.n-a^e cneeenient to take - them to aspiring, the indifieat," the I nteast, and, iconceits, and 'see 'us" : home. frofti*:thundt,. the lowly:-to 41. of every: grade - ends and bring us boquete: and'musii!, and him- Caste of society , and:stqi . ciare - hither ,ii,a; bands are useful, 't suppose, - - to. pay 'tisi ii Slake your; thirst, at . the "sp rigs'. of , cent the:!:bills; cte.;.biit for 'a shopping: excursion 1 Helicen,Williimit money' and i thout price, they are quite t - of • PltWe• •• Do Cottlin lam forced, from, its present working, to' i.derstand me to 'insinuate that I:have di* 'conclude, thatin order to have it produce ktinguislied ability that way T.; * Not - at - tdl ; its desired effect, it' must be revised. ''. - I only speak foe my sex. -In 'fact. I :tic .4, is the appointing , poWer to "which I i knou•letige'a poor hand at • it.: . . But.'inyl Would particularlyeall attent on at pres-',' friend' Sallie Z. is a model shopper. Lam' , • particularly call . .. . . of • • I 'i taking les.x.s her, and hope to he • per , . 'The Sehnol Law - . provide -That all-i Ilia by the time I' am married. • ..A few vacancies, in the °Mee of. Co my Super, -t days sine"; she invited rat to go with her. intendent, slialllie fillediay - 1 e • aptibipt-1 . "I wish to lea at : the new. style of Meta of the Superintendeet 4f Com Men i silks," said she. , •,. Schools, 'until 'the next -triennial , ecievens " Wiry, do you want to get a dress ?" I Lion of directors, when the office si icli , laiasked. filled by election in the usual inanner f for i• • "Really," said Sally, "if it was -notim the full term of three . yeats, That any. pplite,'lslionld say you were * verdant: I vacancy which may occur in the (dike ! don't; want a dress; •but'that's no reason ' of County Superintendent, can be as join- c why I Shoiddn't see the material." - - eiously filled, by •a man that ie an,, entire 1 So. Sallie and I sailed iint.! • The fit* stranger to the condition andruits of the 1 store we entered, she asked Whether the Schools, in-a county .where ie may :he 1 inerch rit hail received hiS -spring goods._ called upon . , to: exercise. his apponitifig ', He said he had,. ' and inquired what she power as by the directors, whn are resi:.l would lik,e to see. '' - . , • . 'dents of the county, and familiar with its ` , "SbOw me yoursiew style dreeagoode," wants, .is an • utter impossibi lity.:. You said she's." suck is herlo, , e robes and lawn might, with the : same propribiy, -let the. robes, handsome stripeitand"plaid silks; directors °retie county elect kir ellicee•jo brae:idea and dlianerable silks are - nut preside over the 'educational interest :of Much worn this spiiag, but - .l'll look at another. . • ''; your Solid colors." ~ . - - Besides, when this appointing poWer The inereliapt coon had his counter falls into the hands or some fow,'.wlieo- spread With gOods. She examined and :ling politician, the appointment will !be tossed the pieces - about, - making various made to some political leader, regardless i ugly creases in them-to see whether they •of his fitness for the position: to which', he would come out again by rubbing. . may be raised, as ali past experience has 1: ' " What style is Wurn,f," said Sallie to demonstrated. The edi,cational ;in- 1 the clerk, •, .. terests of Pennsylvania'; to-day, are suffer-,1 1 :" Well, we sell prolesbly more plaidi ing severely from this - very cause. We 1 and stripes than any other. , ' • have now,* at the head of our . educational ' ; I • "Have voleany with the ehene stripes?" _ dspartnient, one of the most degraded 1 inquiredallie. - ,' , . -•. - politicians that can be• found( within our 1 "Oh ! yes, some very fine," and a-vari , State limits, one of BuckShoti•Warsiotorie- 1-e ty of pieces were pri , ductil.:! :• ' - t o r a miau Z.Nkif L4.4..ofluliii.oAlgycry ....trait. ..-.S-Wsu,-2.—..u. , ..5... ? „-...sir-rear•Twirei-, o, character requisite totorm um-virtuous - ot - clime ;stripes - it looks :like the old'l and accomplished' gentleman.l Ile iS a 1 style revived. .I prefer the_plaids; the man that will sacrifice • virtue,( honer, and ) :green is Very pretty."' l'. . . . public interest„.forslinpurtiCee of self a! , -',l . So Sallie held it in various lizlits, rub- grandisentent. Ills past hitory shows'; bin g it and creasing it 4 :- ' ' that there is nothing top;ign ble for b iin ii- • " Well, it dopt - crease much;' said she; i to stoop to. • In the exercis of his iits "1 wonder whether it will cut:'" : -- • . pi.4iiting power, lie has discrithinated ,be, -„" No, it-is boiled silkomil tae find that tween the urbane, scientific , nit acciins: the p!aids and stripcs generally very plished scholar and practical teacher nndiseell."- , and _ . the demagngue of meagse • bilities ,l -" Your silks are quite pretty ; and you equally small acquirements, 'giving, the:l may cut me off a saieple, if you please," dentaeogue the preferenee. -. ,This he hail- I continued Sallie. ••s - done in iliieet opposition to the Spirit mind, This the merchant was forced to do, . intent of latii. Paity :politic's :, though with rather-a bad grace, as most haee legitimately nothingto do with the irof his goods were,* in patterns, and.he commen schools, and shouldof be Offs!' feared spoiling the piece. • :-- . • erect to-influence theiroperatiO is,ormoiild "'Will yen be . kind enough ,to give me. the administrtion of • their a irs. The samples of the solid Colon?" • : ;,. systinu is not a -Political agent to betiele& - These were ale's tiumislied. . ' as a party ihatrument for the laceompliah- 'I "This,silaid; you s:iy, is one dollar 'and - snen t l of party purposes. ' ' 011iters of, the: thirt yseven 'cents. • Is that the IP west ?" eystent,-. whether 'general or lqcal, ' shoiild "Yes ; we can't take less." - . • exercise 'their respective fincetions, andi '" How 'ninny yards in the Pattern?" . discharge all their official du . ti swith . ref-i - "Fourteen"' - - • ' ~.. erence solely to the best into ests• of the[ • "I'd - father have eighteen ; perhaps I Common Schools-and the cat., e of poim s might conclude to haVe„ . thiiith.e,i. _ 'V•kll, lar s ethication. . The _preseeti itictuubent,i I'll' take the'sample and shOW it to my • has not the requisite qualificat ens fur the ; mother, and then make nip my mind.— Office that he now holds,',the if he - were'l Have . on any‘Coates' cotton? Give me i an.honest, self-sacrificing. man Ile is a a spool, Ncr-133." •: . - : • ... . lawyer of such meagre abilit es that. lie. This - was . handed her—she paid five cannot obtain a living' br.ll6fprofiission,l cents, and we lett: I looked_at tnywatch.. and has.never had any experie4e in teach-' We had - been there exactly :in hour!' - . iii, conieqiiently knows as httle abOut "What a cheat! I cm) bny"thesespools the teacher's duties :Ind the cv.Mts of Our for four vents," said• Sallie, when we were. educational , system as: the-- s e iner . does' hilly out ; "mid besides we fergot their about the christithes conflietq triumphs, shawls." . . . - , - experienee; andblesSings, . His assuming - • • So we wenoo another *ore. - the.responsibility of clischargieg the *du-, - "Have you any : Stella ;iliatvls?" — ties of the offiaddie now fills, (*holds and j " Yes, some beatitifel Cues, just opened. prevents others froth • filling, is evidence , Would youlike to see the luisthe borders, per se drat he feel no interest iii the reel- or . printed ?" s : . • , . . fate of our 'common —land Schooli—:thd 'shows "Both." . • . . . him to be Zinc of that class of i l ndividnals. "Any particular colors.. . who: cares but little whether the elation' -"Nii,-sir ; I'll look at them.all," said . trump of fame shall ever sound - forth his Sallie:. - . . _. praise to au. admiring world -or not, proviS ', Different patterns and colors .wereuc-. .. . ding he can obtain some ofgee- whereby cordingly produced. . _ he can procure aliielihoed at :stlie . public "What is the price ofthisgicm..centre - crib. If a than whosimac'never set 'fOot broche border?" ~ . . „ on the water, and., I.:new' nothing , - ali•out •- "lVe can afford on that tit nine,;4ol - science of navigation, 'Should tender , bars; :same • style sold - for •fifteeti, two his services to engineer the . Gajeat Atlis-1. two months ago." Some printed borders tie acrOas the, briny deep, how rincli inter-were put at - four dollars and filly cents . . eat Would he manifest - for the . w ell beingi - "'No, -I refer broche ;•. but can't-you . and:preservatidnof the lives o the 'pass- ' take less?" • • .- - _ .. Yor JUN THE SCHOOL .L engers on boardT He y isetitll. show' the same interest for their lives thgt .Thomis IL Borroives does for the life_aad,adimme ment of o:minion "SohOols.. : " . . . . . Formerly the o ffi eefof- Sn7intentlent of Cominon Sehools,.waa at ad tinct of the ofEce_of Secretary of State, but-ithas been disconnected•frein that Office,or the piir- I pose of plaang it onts'di e elf po itiCal influ ences-7401d; unfortunately„the desired:re- suit has .notbeen 'Obtained, bcatise the 'step was taken:in:the wiong.irection: i 1 (1 , The appointing , power is , et in' 66 , ' hands of the, politician. So lo g as "Our edue4tional m' syste remains 'tl e. paiiiaito - of the partiton, and is used . for patting AO iteejAng in power the political deintigng* we must despair of. ever: bail/ ing - . - ItipAik , educational colossal forPenasy caini; tbdt ~___ _ , ~. ~ eve may took aplo , her e after-, I,lll,atOra. don and pride. - The proper remedy for - this Mil, in my opinion, is to i3fihp,go,theia*, eh halo 'Om Ilie SoboOr Dire.*ted,timStae'the,r*ht to elect th6.0 . 111e**4114. in to'reside over 1 'the eghieid,ipMdlift*MA.i'cifthelState ; 'pd. 00 t011 1 11.411,Y1041_110e8 '' . ,thif May occur. IllAtii,tl64,4,o6Mitjt §4Peritaliont r , 1 11 - , • • [t' etcrY ' thy if ailit t 4s f eePet by 401 - ni le!t. pointi; to itztem i kept Pvl • JOB Pi xellne:anwrorteit:?l: DmairactirtArzf . . . . . . Tuts ~ .. . ~ _.. cle ft - of - the Montrose Dietimi Du iiccUy bus' wipplled witli a worwol dike mites, K tym iwl wi arontyw prepaid WNW powslaW" cLrcrs, wic, wx., In aw DM silk OIL 111 mum . ~ Handbills, .Posters,. Progriunints,ma euma Wadi se vrealla this Las: doss !gaol* Is grist ~. . , , Blisfiless, :.Wedding,. and _all CAM* l'lcksuv W... pristid 11gia1,w0u'in# 1441 . 1 ....1 63 0 24 - ' iio±l. Justicesi anliConstiibles' BranicOrotes p.m*, daia ail gillo-TPlabal asi!aaltaaFaSaala 1011ast ta-iwr etsatlbaltiA iePaige"/alie Tait3oLENiz 'or ti Daiwa w.. saw • a twinkle, in,the merchant's eye , , knew qhe waa only shopping . heOf it you won't mention it, I'il let you hpfelt for "Sallie looked- surprised. • She knew • the article weaselling atisine. • • - ".Six..dollars; b that your. lowest!" . " Well, to oblige you, I will say' four I" said the stierchant. A:panse._ensded., _ Then you thii4t = (our . _ dollars is. your . • lowest P." • • • - :"..4then:s! we have slate lot, -end Went .to :dispose of them'. say two _dollars and it fialt!". - "AO rau sure it is 'a first _rate' .pisieCek-. "ru warrant it all silk and ,W90.1' .said . the . tueichant. My 'friend was caught.; Turning td Die she whispered—. •, . , "I do wish I had brought itornititeder" and then ad4es.4ing . .the tuet,chot, said : - "Lwill call again Ps - •• ' I never was so Opt tp .out of store before, for the clerks had gathered lirountiimeitnintin undiratiuldthe joke, But salliikteit - hturie, got . ittniti. money, and lilgitett tay returning with big. to. 'theattire for shawl:: The triaift4- he xvit . ''t.try hitt the shawl had 'kit S. . lieen'so4! 'And striv:i.:&lllityti 4 i;l l lTiVti - W 9— A V 00 111 4, 44 dc ) lq°m,4l.lllt.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers