itirt. ABPARGE/132P1 1 1 — XONTILO 3 : P.' 0, I. • pm 3 uo sAT m . mens.Alti2l7X---tiallY (Fumbtiv, exceliitt ) *Qin' the t .-.,2• - .. . ...• -..! - .- 't ut and South, by ILstlroad at 7, 1 1 .M. Daily, (sanday excepted,)hom the NN:e'st. q y Railroad. 1 • i•'„," • • .ntuNra. in. • . . . ,I• rom Binghamton direct, eri , ry Tu . eaday, creaky end 10rI ' - . Mt' .: , Its.,. Saturday. at Is( p. iv. • ~.._ '_:.,.. , MILS sublwribef ittin idrciat Pliblic Srdesilitsresidento. .Frouo Tuukluinneak - direet, ereri Ytic $ l . ntzr 7 w ii.. near Meeks •Onnters t itt , proOMY I 4-02 fi rUnDA4 and Sutuntos, Illt p. m. . ' fur* ...- Jan • 2911, trist•, thti'. followang property, - towit.t 1 Span. MEd Towanda direct, otery Tncaday 84t Cite ; 031121174 g Taus MO B in 11 yearn old; $ o span tom g p. in•l' , , ~,„ , ~' led) , ,•„.„..,•• ~„— i ii Cows, tentter, mining 1, (Torn Shener , and agm llsili tem Frien ,,,, v.. • Oult"ftY ei c erl 4 "-"‘ ," —' i My otHOusehold Furniture and Farming Tools too net.' • merona to Mention, Terms of' Sale.—All oilman - inlet 11.3 Cash, over that amount 1 Year credit with interest it'd apnroved security. n 1-• • • llarooklim.Jaotlt. —T4 4 2 . REM= Witatel. . • VE—Datty (randays excepte4)fbr And ocuth, br rathuad. at 6 nally(paratay eteeptod) for the weat; by 411ro;11., at 4 p. tn. Far Itiagthamtosa dinxt crery fitontiay, Welancretty and Prlda:, at n, ar. • I Fee Tunlzhattnnrk direct, erer,F )tetulan Nitduaiday PrM C. a. in ac. at .. FoiTowanaattircct. army irect. Miaatv and Fr ' - :Daily fur Fiten&cilic. tattatay al Fur 'Lacey - title tthrouait Aulatra}—kaYea Weila , s.l4l.a. 5 V. in., . .T. CD" Sea the Advertisement or Doti Sal I avigcireter an Cathartic r ills, in awl The use of Dr. Dint etterls Stotnorh Hitters 4 . for I)rpepela, Ylatnlnice, Ileavinefe of tit Stomach, ve -any other like affection, if eecoud to noun i AredCa ttr abroad. To be able to Itatc confldentlythat he "Bitters' ore a certain cure for tit-Put-114a and like dife6ace,ll totem proprietori a tonrce orunalloyed removee aft morbid matterfrout the flontach.purlitesthebloottitnpatta renewed vitality to the nervona avftent; giving tt that tote and enordy foindlstecnfabie ta , the reftoration Of health. The numerouf acknottiodgemertif of Its an't)rtoreatell. enoe and beneficial tettilts, have affured the raditleture th a t it cannel bla trove a et-at Cale to the ,oilleted, and Impart aitalvz,- to' the thon . mgh v3 . fteni. I Ve'See ad vcitifentent in another colutnd„ ' lia. , 6 Itidtieia by prom.Fiala to a mere kelotoiut —cuttr.o lIV NPRITAVE . b liarentra"—"Atr. A. Xatchett, a trader probably na Well known Ira any man In Western I;ennsYbania, Ptale , ,as'follonm: " Tract With a llsrmer in Armstrong COnllty hr. was reduir'd by byemifer to a meri olkietpre• I persmaled him tointy ot the 13<crhave Banana believing It V(11214 care - Atedi'ac him s om.c months ater.what ulna minatontsinniit . hhn hale, hearty man ; he told I me . he now 'weighed 9) ponntls, and that this wohdorh. I change had been precoced by Borhare's Rolland Bitter., to which - he attributed solely his restoration." dec .- , , 3iothet Re a, ad Tit to.—The followlnk ts an drArnct from a letter written by thepastor of a Rap , i„ st Church to the "Journal and Measenger,” etntinnatti, Ohio. It says volumes in favor i of that worldwenowned Illi'lliCtllo-31E,S, WINSLOW'S ..:' , llyrit.rx,; :Flynn. Ton Cttannuti Terrurso: `,', We see an advi:rt frnment In your column t , of Ws. Win slow's Soothing Syrup.' .tiow we never sad a .word In favor patensmodicinein our lift, bni we Rel cont. . 1. pelted to ray - to your readers that tail is no Itionlmg,—Wn :RATE TRIED IT, ANT, KNOW IT TO DE AI.I. r: AIMS. It is probably one of the most m.,..cessfal tn.-die:lt ts• of the day, ber-nuse it is one ofthe bat. Those cm hatave babies cant do better than - to ain lav . 1 decal IY BALDWIN - AL - tlnderldontross 6.ituoer t Office, LiRE RECEIVINd Fresh Ground - Western ere!" 30 days, whichse-warrsuut to git as any in market; if good returned at our e. Food; 'and Bithkwheat. • "SALT AND: PO BT THE LOAD, I.IBRIZEL OR gots, [S•upar Cure lit • " Dried 13130 f "Smoked.: Drips and Syr' .1101asseg and Sugars, TEAS, CO FEE Si BR 0 O.IIS, AiltDl XAL whiela we offer for ask at Low Prices, for ONLY. • Montrose, Ja Lost, in.,Montrose, • • k NOTE33C,C L OSeorthling42oo. tir or thertaboats, la Not :zal :, rang Iron V 1.50 to *lllO. kay peNon having' foulatKuch n I.ooi will lease 'leave It at the Mont , ree•Delanerat oflikv, and recelv4 a liberal re ward:\ 11w miaow - of Fah] notes ha' .i hcea topped. The notes are friven payable. ' ja4lo • . • s R\ WI 'BUTLER. • aS;Er. a • A Fa. ri:=.32alstelcot-y - Nc:eto givi`n Dayton to the nnecnogued, da ted M Great Itead, doe me year at r date, wit , i intere,t. Alt per•ion. are her he cautioned against buying said note. ae• the drawer is cl,niy notified of Slalom 01 Bond, .Tan. 10.--3w* ' • .D. A. IBA . I.DIVIN. . , milmrtarrixriel DR..H. SMITH & aBlf GREETINd.. 77163 IVow•eWbozz - r'iss I;Arf Maiitte vri3M - M, 11. • _. i. . . --:-_:,-.;...-.---; 4---,, , :...,s- • 1 • -----',-- ---'-'• '7 - r - ,'•;::„ , _ 0 ,..„- . .„,..1, .. I - . , . 7.-4,.. - -,- -- __ .. k ..,..,. -. .;:vg-•.• . : -'"..)-1.?".7.. - 7` . i . : - ` , 7...7....-cc-',7e,....- —. • . , 0 , :.1 , ..%....e•. 3 ,-/ - •<..c7,1.7'!• 4 . • .-: . • : is t LP. il . -, • .i ' r • - 1 ' ‘N-“ 1 ..",- - :.-,..v14,•%.1 1 . • .. • T.uft Ineert.teoth on 4 .3003, Silver, Chedplahtit orTul ‘, eanized Rubber Plate. In the most be: ntiful manner. EX_TRA CT/ \ T • ii. G.. . . -TTAVING Instrninents adapted to eachpar:if:Oar ease, VII we are prepared to extract the 'mostidillicult teeth. and with the did of an LJectrizing, machine. which we ' have recently purchased ha New York, -th ynaav in most • eases he extracted. and the patient erperlt cc lill PAIN from the operation: •' Fal-ar—illV • 141 Fill teeth with COIL) or TinFoll.rSiver Amalgam, .1r Artificial Bane, wiicli Is reromrne , ded for build" lag up old routs anti deed, broken teeth. I eo e., to make Alma andel. Iv." LD GO or TinFollflliing {ailswi• in Fire Yeare the curacy will be refunded or the Mini., replaced. All Plate work: done vatillactorily, or nopay required.. I . fi • . TORRSONS wiihia.rr IMSTAL operatic) IP, trill do well, X . to bear in mind that WC are REIMAN rxnx locatt,ll at Mortroa% and hart have had the experience of:ri years Dental Practice. Tooth 3C)WeLCOT ' and Brindles con - atantly Oa. band for :4ale. , " Ur - Office in Lathrop 's Brick Block, over be Mink- lint " Du. 11. S,IIITIIA' SON, Yoatrose, Pa. ICE §:1111101 1W TE PAN IC. GREAT FALL I\N-P ICES —AT VIE—, • ' • . ` Bee- -If •e hive:. 7 • •- 110 Tf.• urt St. Bth g tiam- - -; .• 22- ; 444 5 04 We' I tun, : N. s'2. 000 0 worth of Dri Goods to be sold, regardlest; i t fccost. That the .may compr •licnc.l-•this 15 ; M:Al - a ( 1-1M1 1 .11-101 the necessity of which is pate t to ALL, we give alrst of prices to sho the exact .reduction: - • Best Madder Wints. totmqll, 1. $ •• $ 06 Beaudtal De Wait*. • ;. DOW OS I - _ _ _ Corner ilvary 5 - ard.side Sbectlxig. Good Pantaloon 5007 4 , p 5 : - 08. ... Excellent ." - . ' 1, !. W• ' 15 AU Wool Broadelqtlx - • : • 2 125 .. 145 •Ited, White end Rlao ilannel; ! _O7 Z `4900 yds DRESS-GOODS. latest atilt'. 44 . 18 Scotch Gingham-: ! . 1 , 3O Colored Dress Ellktt; ! • l' IIV • • 5 Black all Boiled Silk, eplendid quality.' I • '';u Wool and Sill,: Brush° Staterls. 1 , 4 (3 • . 995 ..... -. ' • '4) ("4.001 , " '• ' •" double - .; 10 : 700 • --, - . ' - 18 09 . 11 00. Rich Cloake. " Flue Broad Cloth, ,' • 7 09' -. . .5 . to Tree() Bearer. ; 1 . 9 E ., & 0 1 4 Leone MI Silk 'Velvet, •-• . -1 , 7 5 11 - 4 'Film Fine•lash Linen ,. ' l-.5 Opera Hondo, • ..1 • .15 . : .11.4 Embroidered Collar,. -.•-• ir , • 5 ° HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS.,' '• . •'. Deduced Hosiery, MlDonmetic..nnd all Wooledqowls, .- \ lteduced Drestruul (:lent Trimmings, - ..,•; . . • _ Hednced Every dollar 1s ; oss , wortb I 50 loi Glitssibt, Mit inasio •,' O 3 s!" .$ We pledpotirselve?Ta sFe a . A tall is respectful) solicited. - . . , -— - • hmann Bios. - . Co, Jan!) No. 10, cor Court askd Watermts, iluaggiabidon, I HAYDEN BROTH \ wEIou,s A LE LT ALE I t s ixi -12-.,s a w irairn 2NTCP"I.ia;os —AND-- - FANCY GOODS: . ,w 0111241. I 1 TRACY EIAYDMV. - - NZ!? Jai ORn. .P. 4 ODDRCit HAYDEN, , 1 . Cfl •Ste! lay at 7g,rn. .touchy, it 0 l'AiD FOU - 11-114 2. l fonl'e, Ll‘,l Ittzur column. 3ErtrclEc. ai, - t, AND BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, - 1T TU); NEW STORE_ROUSE . , ONE DOOR BELOW • ' LITTLE & POST'S LAW OFFIOE. • The Highest price Nedlbo paid for good OM ASHES, dcliyered at..Jpho • • " READY. - .MADFCLOTHING, AT 'GREATLY REDUCED PRICES N. , L, POST. Montroso, Pa., Jan. 7th, 1861. 508RZYt4"..,.% Sifg - AFg 11Y virtue of 'miim/ writs tv9ned by Conn or t:onanon .L.:s 'Pleas of :iglra Co.,' and to me dlrerb.d., t•xpo , e to public sale. at the Court Itone•e. In !dontruon, on Friday .lannary :nth in., the followin7. teal to • • , , : 0. ALL. that certain piece or parcel of land sitoran In the born of 3linaro,e, Su4ifaceninty, Pt.. bonnded and de, , cribed as follows to wit : on the north and east by land late the estate of litivid Pont, decd, on the aonth by land or Mott. and we , t by th4llridgewatttrand,Willicsbarre turn pike ; containing about 50 rods of taut': Ileing in ?art on the turnpike, lit e rods, and ruttninqinack about ten rude, willa the apportenance, on , frutned dwelling honse. One vhetl;and all improved. Taken in execution at the cult of S II Sayre .4, lira t , -vs I S Bunnell. ' ALSO—AII that certain piece ors Creel nfland situate In the township of Jes, - .tip state and county bouu. deal and deScritnal as follows, to wit:- north- bylands of I)Crods Shall. 3, east by lands of Orlando Stone, , south 14.,. lands of Win Young, decd. anti thii Drinker lands, west by - - A T. Ilowe. being lot No. tt,t of Henry Drinker's re.aurvev of the Meshoppen haft,- containing about 50 acres, with the appartenances,,orm framed house and :Moil M acres iinproved. Taken in execution at the suit of Jno.l , Dim . more vs (lcorge Henry. ALSO -411 that certain piece or parcel of land.:sitnate In the township of Ilantionv,•stabi and county abires.iid, bounded and desirihed as follows. 10 wit : begitmlng at a cornet of land deeded hy John N Skinner to C S ilenett in'the line of Loveless' lot, thence along said Loveless fine north 59' past 2.37 rods to a corner, .thence north .Ul' west 152 rtidslo a corner, 'thence south west MN rods, Unmet'. south krIV s c oot T:1•503313 SO a corner in line °ton cob Taylors buitltilenee .muthal'east along line of c 5 Ben. net Vs laud 71 7-10 rod:‘,, thence south 5,9" we=t rods to a corner, thence gnu t h 31' east 44 27-stl rid, to the plr.ce'of beginning, containing 145 acres and 141 toll be the same more or less, and all unimproved. . Taken bn ox einWon at the suit of e S Bennett t-s Henry. W Skinner. ALSO—AII that certain piece onparcel of laud situate In the to tiodilfrof Liberty, state and county:Vlore:aid, boun ded sod described e' follows. to wit . : bi.lnat lot No. SI of LA', purchase, so ealled,bounded north bY.land3 owned by steam saw mill company. west, by lands of Marsh.. south by lands of Smith Sackett. aml It being known as;Lawsyille tract of hind riniD formerly owned by laws. eimta I Mug 105 the same more Or less tuget tier with the apPartenancea.a framed dwelling hduseand about 25:acre. improved. ALS(I—AII thitt ofhtr piece or parcelof land shuttle as above, and de , tribetl - as follows, to wit: beginning at an old corner a small hem lock. being. a corner titian tt of Cooper Corbet t hen ce south . t . east 144 rods to a stone corner. thence south ti west alting the line of land of Dubois 1 M.% - .reels to a post and sullies, thence north 57.3, west along the line of Charles Harr, Laid 144 rotiS to a beech an old ~ .iraer., thence ,long the line lif 'Cooper Cortetre laud north te I Inv rods to the place tift,eginning containing 119 arms and rods." be the NUM; more or less. anti all unimproved. Takeniu mceent ion: t th 2 .3 snit aE. T. Young s V;rins of sale - the saw:- as :obeli ised eliev, here in till: paper. ELIAS V. GIIEEN, Sheriff's 0111ce:31 . .introse„,lan. 2d.16ti1. • LATER FROM.EUROPE. FLOUR ewitisfaction pease. Also • Flour; RK, PO ND alibut, Ps, FIE ART PAY =NM GARIBA LIM TA KEN. 181/I t THE -Ail HEN WEIIO ! x-Ixis : .. • IITIIVED here ec , - - terthtv. brini:lnet the .tititting :Nem ihsj GALIELX-11.4L1-sX)X nivrAmiv tqwrprit-t• ttn henritit! that L. -B. _ISBELL, ,_ATIIIII-yut; I.:... j tistplirc 4 a,r4l a Itagt• x, , ortlue.“ Li CtOOKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, A . -1.110 it27.-1111V which he win sell ch,ap for ( - Ir.lyner:t ILL,t ,4,1 v ~f.Publie Aveane. Mntro,v, P. Wa and .Inwniny ropalred, as usual, on #hort .on, and reasnnabln tome MontrnAe, me t, lenO. ! a HOLIDAI PRECIS! TIiE subscrific.rt , take plea...nre iu annotmeini to their . friend,. that they have this day returned'from N. York with another ruidition to Weir ,tock of Good.c m,:leeted with great care, aid eupecitil reference to the approaching festpte sestina. !thy per=on de&irotn. of Making CHRISTMAS N EIiT•YEA ft FPS Mnd arhope noie will deny tbrni , olver the idea.nrOnan And a rich and extein t ive m.ortinent to :+elect from, and at Or rxry lowezt EVLNS ALLEt, • I de2V. No. 2 t Fellow!. flidl, 7iinghamt..ll. WateilCM—Llilit ,. 1 iatn 1 F.ll`llllekti. art. - 1,:le. .11,0 a variety fit' antrallsei Eng- Amerimn and SWiPP. Huntine:and Math. very it . Gold Chnlns—A very exteno, e varlet% nf,Ves!t. Fob, Guard and Neel: Chains. 'by ` EvAV. Ames. t Earnings and Breast Pins—:.n itatelte vaiiety ! of etylee and oriev‘. fu rote and sinzli". . _ . I Finger Rlnks--Diamond, Ruby. Rigard,Pencl,Salle , Cluised and Plain Gold Itings—a large stork. . . { Bracelet. Gold, Jet, Plated. and BAIR Bracelets of all patterns and prices. ' • • EV&ICS ..{.: ALLEN. SnTer Wart&B.-yetydescription to Silver Forks. and Spoons, Napi.lns Rings, on hand also Soup and Gravy Ladles. Cups, Card Cases, Pie. Britter and Fruit hnives-, Children? sets, salts, - rte.. warranted good a , coin. Plated Ware-A Beautiful assortment of lee Pitchers Castors. Cake Baskets, Waiters, IluttiT Dishes, Sugars Salt 4, EtiliTei, Parks. Spoons, Tonet Racks, Cups Goblets . etc., etc., fir . ' • EvAss. .t. , !..•,t.t.r.e. 1 Sleeve liitttnns and id ud*-I , ,}arge stock of ail 1 patterns and prices. ; - , 4 Bead'—Coral \rckincei and Armlets,. Amber, Coral ; . P,,rl. Girt, Ste.d. and silver Wad.. Shell Conrbs—A ^nod 'tut It (f , hell hark suri bile Comb,. alAußalinlo. Ivory, CorubE. hair atul Tuuth 8rr.41.t0., etc.. etc. d ALX.iILsEN, dec2.s Nu: ^ Odd Fellows Hall, Binghamton. SH.EII-I.FP .SALES. . Bvittne of Fuildry write, tsueil by the Court of Com- MO Mims of tkisquehanna County. and to Inc direct ed.l wilkozpose to Aale; at tile Court Lunde. in Itoutro,e, on Saturday the lath day ofJanuary. iiefl, at one o:elock, p. m..the followirie Beal Estate to wit: , ALL that certain tract or parbel of land situate in the township of Liberty. in the County of S usautleinr a and State of Iletp, , yly 'intl. and 1 dit ted,bounded and described as follows. to wit : Deing.ll.lti-t certain piece.. pat Cele. or lots ofland known its sub-division lots of the liirhy,t Law Snake Creek purthane.s. , „ vii. and 74. as of,IUI:n Burrs Rimy of paid lards made in the year I79ti. Le inF, the same pre:nisei , . conveyed I,7CO3)pqr Corhett'and wile tQ Crrus.Stronz Jr., and other,' by deed dated the tlrst tkiv uf.lnne, Mill. and ail tininiproveiL Taken in ext#oatfon at the suit of Cyras Strong. Jr.. vs. 1%11110 N.- Tnricvr and Anna • E., .hls Wife, • with notlet.;to -Terre Tut:nat.,. ALSO—MI that certain piacc or parcel of viand el tnal e la the tewnphio of... Auburn. county and btnic aforceald. bounded and deAviibesf fdllowe, to wit :On the Nunh by lands ofJaltua Brown. Etat be Inn& of Ovum... , Bump, and Verkine, lan& of O. C. Robert, John. Fon Slater nal Stumm: Bennctt. and West by the Bradford County line;contalutrg about EightratTaA. With thii a. partensucon. Two framed dwelling ibuasca, barn, pea u, . ard. nada,bout-thirty-dve norea itnproved c Taken inftx ecutton at the ants of J. Amick, is th: use. of R. B. iabsrtn, re. U. W. Brown. ' . A'tStl=-Alithat grtain piece or panel of land situate s in the Borough of Montrose. County and State aforendldi botinded'and 'described as follows, to_wit Du the North by land of Emerson Linder, on the east by land of Solomon I,,stittdon. tm the south by lands of John r. Dimmers, and cm the West by inflate highway, containing about 9,5t11 square feet of land, being In . kola on the ; street thirty feet, and running bark one Idandred seeenteen and a tutitifeet, with the uppiirtenntices, one framed dwelling Lunge, and all Improred, •iTaken in. Z. -revel lon it Ike suit of Sohn F. Di:lawn ore. A. .X.Wright. ' NOTICE TO PLIICILA,StIftB.—To prevent nit:minder: tatiding, notice IS hereby gh4en that `Purchasers at Sher ! ITV safes vrill he reenirtxtto pay. the Lenient bid at the ~timethelandl. cold. It has become imper. itively necees, are to adopt this ride, and it will 'be strictly adhered to, except In (Mete , where thepnrchaser is *lien creditor and . ,ix entitled to the ffindasproildell in the lit section of the act of Assembly. approved April ffilth.lB46,which teas rot ! Prom Whenever theperchasers of real estate at Or: plume toart or Sheriff's stale. shall appear from tbepropei robtardto be .entitled, ns a lien' creffitor, to yecerre the whole wan, ' portion of theprocectis-orealdraie, if shall beetle Amy vit . the Sheriff, Administrator, 'Executor or other person making ench sale, to receive the receipt o tomb pattitaaer orperthasorefor the tamoard *bleb he or ! they would appear. fn3m the irdeord' as aforesaid to be en titiotitszewhrev Provided,thattitts - accticio shalloOt be iso ecinstraed es to prevent the riatrof ifaid liffieriffiAd: I mtalstrstott, Ezecator, or otber Terme, aforesaid to tic mandand reeelveat the time of sale a OM sufficient to coverall teplacats added tit beptild'ontatfliaprocemis °timid vale; Arad provided further, that before any pureha, sex or iturchesers shall rifecire the -benefited this section, be or they shall ptoduce to that/florid: orothcr persona() I snaking said bale, a del y certilleti ttatemegit ftwAttic prop er er records, under:the hand and official seal of tbe'proper officer, above ide that, lie tortilla 'creditor: entitled to re. ceive sapper( Of the proceeds of the sale 4farmaid." ' Montrote Fa, Dcc. - ;SLIMLY. C4fEpitAteri.r.' I r ,, Tunarr2T TIC?GLASS: Neat , Ili the sizes wanted. " • - LITHOGRAPHS, lida and Artists Materials. VARXISHEB Itilutn4D6rerj,.Putt3i; BIRD CAGES. . A good - variety of the Vest style. -Also, Canary; Hemp, and fiapO Setid, mid all the fixtures for keeping Birds. , SPECTACLES. A Fall Assortment.- WHIPS AND LASHE& A good variety. .•.. BRO;OMS, tiimage, .Baskets, GUNS • UNS & PISTOLS, Powder • Flasks, Dram Ffasks, &c Gun and 'Blasting Powder, Safety-Fuse, Lead,' Shot; Caps, i&c. .TOBACCO, Snuff and Claws.' And Surgical Instruments, unmentionable Al-ticks on hand, and bonght to or- I3y the Barrpl, Sark or Pound, POT &Wit 41}.L . All kinds of hard Soap, and-all the materi als necessary for making soft soap, in. the most simple, easy, and cheap manner,posg. Mfr. - Only $1.50 for a barrel of good soft, soap.. • PATENT MEDICINES. All the best kiiids in Market, direct front the manullleturers i and warranted-genuine. •ALMANACg FOR 1861. every family -in Stisque ilanna county, llrratis ! Send and' get it. .0 MIBRELLAS I Confeetioltiy, Toys, Vineg,arjlops, Sage, tke. • Tl. PO'Fi • C - EILAIN TEETH ) Gold and Tin I I, &c, for Dentist's use, and sorne - :of iiearlS-. all other kinds of Goodsinllarket, too numerous to men-. tli)H. The Atuutioo cif the public is respect fully ins to fly stock Goods, bought exclusively tlir cAsit flows, niol will be sold on the !--.31)t0 principle thr low prier‘. ABEL TutatEu Munt ri*e. Doe. 20t.h.,' 1860 MR.5.1 WINSLOW,. klperhmeril Nurt , e and. Female Physician, pre,ent4 to the atteution of mothers: her SOOTHING SYRUP, FOR CHILDREN . TEETHING ,hich - greatly facilia, the prose: ,- of teething, hr soft ening the gums. reducing, all Indamtnation—will allay P.,,t!..7 and b p:ll.l, lo ,Se action. and fi SURE TO REGULATE, THE BOWELS. Depend upon IL mothers, it will Tice rest to you, and RELIEF AND HEALTH, TO YOUR INFANTE. wc,havtifnt up and sold this article for over ten year., and can say IN CONFIDENCE AND TRUTH of it, what we have never been able to say of any other medicine— NEVER HAS IT FAILED. in a SMOLEINST_kNCE, to EFFECT A CURE. when timely used. Never did we know .an instance aftlissatisfaction by anyone who had nevi it. On the contrary - , all are delighted with Its operations, and speak in terms of commendation of its niligiCal effects and 'medical virtues. We say in this matter .• WHAT WED(' ENOW." after ten years' experience, and PLEDGE OUR REPUTATION ftir the fulfillment of what we here declare. In almost every instance where the infant is metering he pain and exhaustion, relief will be fonud in fifteen to 11:0 minutes after the syrup I. administered. Tide valuable preparation is the prescription of ono of the most EXPERIENCED and SKILLFUL NURSES in -New England, and has been used with NEVER FAILING SUCCESS in ' THOUSANDS OP CASES.. It not only relieVcB the child trine pain' s but invigorates the stomach and bowt le, corrects acidity. and gives tone and energy to the whole system. It will almost instantly relieve GRIPING: IN THE DOWELS, AND WIND COLIC, L. Tr! 191VE7.1 and overei'imiironvjth.ions. which. if not sp..cdilr cured, end in death. We believe It the BEST and SURE `ST rem-. edv in the WORLD. in all canes of DYSENTERY and DIARRIREA 1N CHILDREN, 'whether it arises from teething, or from any other causm ..We would say to aii rnothars who have n child suffering front any of the forego inz complaints--DO NOT LE7' Yon? PREJUDICES NOR THE PREJUDICES of OTHERS. pund between ' , von and your suffering child, and the relief that will be LIRE--ven ABSOLUTELY Sl..7lZE—to follow. Abe nse of this medicine. if timely need. Full directions for, rising will tteeompa nv each bottle. Sue genuine nplesr the.fac simile of CURTIS PERKINS, tirw York, is ou,the outside wrapper. • . Sold by Drto-•ists throngliont the world. - PrinciparOillee,l3 :Cedar strcet t Nilw York. -PRICE ONLY 2:3 CENTS PELBOTTLE. decßi ly Far sale in Montrose by Abel TurrelL LIFE PILLS, At PIIOEIIX.*BITTERS, frIIIESEVEDICTNES have now- been 'before the Wilk 1 fora period of Thirty Y4ur*, and during that time have maintained a high charactik In almon every part or the Globe, for their extranglry and Immediate power of rm.toringperhmt healW to emonsenfering under nearly e ,, elikion of dhiesoe to w Leh the human triune is liable. The following are among' the distreYslng variety of hu man dleem‘e, , In whin the 6-6 T .171 • re well " own ErrT • to be i n f JAL T jAjtV,l ea.i) • DYSPEPSIA, be thoroughly cleaneing, the let-and flnd stomachs, and t rusting a flow _ ,ure healthy bileJustead vt'the stale : nd acrid kind; PLATU - LENCI, /Aar Ap lugllealear:bern. Ifeacraete. 11J-Temper, Amr u-tiff Longues and ifthpichay, which aregen ern] symptoms Dyspepsia. vanieli, as a natural con - -eginame of Ile cure. CUSTI. VIZ/MSS, by cleamfing the whole aengtlrof the intestines with a solvent procPss. and without violence; ail viele:ft pur,.,, - fes leave the bowels costive in two flays. FEVE,B.6 of WI kinds, he teetering. the blooti to a regular circulation. threi• the prem.'s of respiration in Foch cam.. and thoro' solution of all intestinal obstrons in others.' Tice Life 31talitines have been known toknre ATISN permanently in three avecks. and GOUT in half. that time. by removing, local inflammation from the mus cles and ligaments Of the Joints. ' • • DROPFSIES of a l kinds, lip frodng and . strengthenhi , the kidneys mid bladder ;titer operate InO t t delight fully on theee important organs, and-hence have ever been founds' certain remedy for the worst eases of GRAVEL, -Also WORKS, by dislodging' from the turnings of the bowels the slims' matter to.which these ens/Mares adhere SCURVY, - lILCERS, and INVETERATE gum, the perfect purity which these Life ..ifediebw give to . blood and all the humors. • BCGSBUTIC ERUPTIONS and BAD CONPLir 10 by their alterativepffect upon the dal& that fecd the sk allfi the morbid- state of which occasions all eruptive complaints, kallo*, cloudy, and other dliwrecablo com plealOna. . - . - The use of Diesallils for d rcry-sbort time will effect an entire cure of SALT BIEgUld. and a striking , linprovc• meat% the clearness of the skin.- COMMON COLDS and IWYENZA trill always be cured by_one dose, or by two bathe woirst. mimes. - . • PILFB. The •original proprietor of tile4e medicines. was cored otrltes, oral years standing by the see of the .We /Marines alone. . • • . FEVER AND AGITE.rPor this - scourge of tho .Hest.. ern country, these Medicines will be found a safe, speedy and certain remedy. OtherNedicinta learn the system subject toa return of the disease-,a care by three "led nines is permanent--Try them, be softened, oral tenured. Itlllous- Fevers mud Liver .Louiplsinis„ General Debility. Loss of Appetite, and Discusetrof ?e -ludes. The "Itedielnes have been used With the 'most neficial results in cues of this -deaCtiptiou t-nifings Veil, and Scrofula in its worst forms , yields to the mild Yet powerful action of these remarloable hledictries.. ISaghtSwests, NervoutDebillty. Nervous Corentaints of all kinds: Palpitation of thellleart. Palmate Golln. ;are, speedily cured. ha ß v i e o lk r s s zum r e f im n p li ibrbyn nh.-eP In a o m di o c i wh as o u o se d o t 4P t r lik lr M e s . will find thateliedleints , apetfect they neeeradi to eradicate from the systens, all the effects:of Museum lunette), sooner thauthe most powerful prevarigtopa of Ferwmarills. • Prepared and sold by MEDICAL SALT I‘lol 7 F 3152,4•Aznr47 2 . For an Druirglslit _ 1111. TURRE'S tOl.Ollll .' , ,.0:44 = 7,T'vu , 44414=': Now. olferii for- sale olio oftlie,taricst and - , " `beat tielectiofis of ' " * .1 -I Ever r red •in Sns4neliann - as - County ; and probably comprising the greatest-VA RIETY of most different, articles -of any . Store. in the Northern part :ofl'emmylta l-nia, and perhaps of the entire State. An, assortment is kept hi:about thirty differ ent branches - of trade, and the selections are Made. froin 'about forty of the best houses. in New York, and more than. fif -4,3T Dealers and Manufacturers out. of New York.- A large proportion of the Goods arc bought direct frorn.the Manufacturers, thus insuring genuine- 'articles. CuStOni ers on entering 4 the Store must not expect to find everything in sight, but nearly. ev ery article waited will , be produced:, by inquiry, .Some idea orthe , Stoek may be formed by. the follinving •general ontline;• but enumeration is impracticable. DRUGS & MEDICINES. In.this department tlie aSsortment is large and complete, and the utilities the- Ite . st in market., -PAINTS & QILS. A full stook ()Lull kinds, of best qualities.. 14 if T Evvrything,• and perfectly reliable. No one who strictlyfolloWs'correct receipts,- need . fail of snectis, who buyg dye stuffs at Turrell's. GROCERIES. , A good. and choice variety of Fatally Groceries, constantly on hand. Ladies say they get-tho best : Tea for the prictS of Abel 'Farrell. The greatest variety of Pure Liquors to be found in 'all Northern Pennsylvania; and comprising (with Veryfew exceptions) every kind mannfactured or held for 4:11e in - any market: ThySe art kept for medi cinal purposes. If there are any pure•liq-- ON hi the country, the • druggists, are the men who have them. It is almost im possible to obtain pure Liquors -else Where at retail. . , CROCKERY. All the kinds usually kept, in' a country "general assortmen't store. • ' GLASS-WARE. I • . A complet6. assortment for: Table and general use, miillbr Druggists, Physicians, Pedlers, and in short every l'ariety for general sate.. - _ • WALL & WINDOW - PAPER.. A large stock, compriing an - extensive variay, of styles. Tire most fits tidiotts can seldom fail to be suited. ,JEWELRY. A splendid variety, embracing— nearly eV erything customers may wish in this de partment, ininght direet_ofthe manurac turers, and all warranted as represented: SILVER-WARE. Tea;:Sttgar, and Salt Spoons; Butter and Fruit Knives ' :Napkin° Rings; Thin Nes, Sfvetacfes, . fie., constantly on !mull, ho't direct of the manufacturer:l-411:0e to order, and warranted' pure as coin. All other kinds - of Silver \Vare obtained to order on short notice. PERFUMERY. A choice -variety of beautiful Perfumes Extracts, C010 , m6, Hair Oils, flair It.e7 storers, Iy - es, &,e: Articles to make•the hair groW,•and also to take it off, and ex orytfling necessary .for the Toilet, inclu ding a fine assortment of Hair and Tooth Brushes, Tooth Soaps and Powders, Fan cy artices for-the complexion, including :C3leen Fun," and nearly emything else desired. [A great Place this', at Ttrrell's Any think and every thing that anybody wants can be found there 4 • FANCY ,GOODS. The'grcatest -variety in town,- comprising nearly everything usually found in an exclusively Parley Goods . or "Yankee No tion " Store. -MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Violins, Accordeons, Flutes, Fifes,:clar blots ; Violin, Violincello, and Guitar Strings • some- pt: the best qualities in markemarket -Violin Bows, Bridges, Pegs, Tail'P t Resin, Instruction Books. tf;e. on hand; •and.all. other Instruments obtained to order. . . . BRUSIIO. A Full assortment, bought direct from the manuflieturers, and cOmprishit - ; nearly ev every kind Made. -AMERICAN POCKET KNIVES. About fifty different paterns or styles— considered the best for use in inurhet. - TABLE'CUTLERY & SILVER PLATED WARE.- Including Spoons, Funks, (5z - 4% 5 -constantly on hand: • . • • L •31 S • A good variety for Kerosene and Fluid; and some for Camphone, Oil, &e.. Lamp Chimneys, and Brushe.s for Ahem; Lamp ..and Candle Wiek,'• Candlesticks, fluid and oil Lanterns,' Lamp Shades, -4.te„ MATERIALS. FOR LIGHTS.' Every kind used in this section ofnotintty,. and of beSt qualities, at 'ply-prices, inclu ding Kerosene, Fluid, Canipltenp, Oil, Candles, &c: . - - HARDWARE. A small assortment,iNails;'T3A - A; Batts; Screws, „Dolts., . Giuilets, Augers, Hoes, Flat Irons, Hammeri; Faucets, Sand Pa per, Paring' Machines, -• - BED CORDS . Clothes Lines, Mason, Chalk,: and Fish Lines, Fish hooks, • STONE WARE: A Flll.Stoelz; including a _ larg . ,c quantity of•Jnglic.4to. . , - ORY-GOODS. *mail assortment of Stsple Articles,- MIRRORS, Wood and Glltrriones_. TURRELL, Montrose;Dee.2oth, 1860. ! P Arciatinted in A.Tittreil's 24 oolumnx :x1envt.5 0 .241-.7t ; • . RE vienow. - - - ler.) o 'AT ITHE;STORES OF 6atteitherg, Nontroe Suscea County, New-kork i Susqtiehasna. Depot, Pa. WRittln):l:ll:zrenraceot and p th:n public reinurbt mono - afruirs lithe cities we can purchase i • . -■if i klit ..,- O - i ' 1 . . . . - A 1- 1 . ... t - I '' , - • 2 at 0 toper et. I ess s Khan.lformerly. Thereforu wciarc &dm:lined tu.3lfer the puhile our .1 gutival stuck uf i . IMADYMADE.OIAOTIIING . AND DRY GOOPS,' which comprises the- . lartr' est and best STOCiVGOOII3,4 ' Kept • ANY COVNTAY 'Store • I hi Nlcle of Xew :York Cliy, At Prices' which Defy Competition" •nsi • VP .for C 241,815. at tho advnee of ten percent above the wholefaro Cont. We will sell the followipg•rObS at the annexed : Black Frock Coat. wo.rth $ 9 tbr *6;00 Black Fro lc. Coat worth 10 for 7,50 13Iaek Frock Coat worth 12 for 9,50 Businesl Coat worth 445 fhr' *2,75 Business, Coat worth- ° 6 for: 4,00 - • Over. Coat worth. *5 for. *4,00 Over worth - 7 fbr 5,75' o%er Voat worth 10 for .7,50 Over Coat-worth 15 for "11,50 Over Coat worth 20 for 15,00 - Black Pants • worth ,$4 for $3;00 Black Pants worth,.s , for , 3;75 rnaet "l'ants worth-6 . . tor• 4,50 Paile. - ..ol4;intere Pants worth s4.for *2, Fancy Casiniere - Pants worth 5 for 3,i Pancy.Cas i sitnere Pants worth 6 cot' 44 Black Satin Vest worth $ . 3 for -$2,25 . Black Satin Vest worth 4 for 3•,00 •Blaek Satin Vest worth' 5 for 3,50 OVER-Si 1{ :".S:' h I.ALLS only ,31 I 'YR (41 TIMENTS EQUALLY LOW ' As Winter bits fairlyiippeared, we invite t heat tent ion of I c'EO ( - To ±ew,A:; M Abe 6 • ..t...a.rarrxtrcrxiaise.meig2-,. - Also GEI:iTSIvio wi•thton;all thetwelves of the oppor tunity to utak° fount: Fair Ouc a nice Chzistms or !Now-Years' JES to - dor to our large nerortment of • Gri es i... - . 8 i - um, AN ..._..".....„ .....--,--,..J • - ._, \ ...._ ' r SILIESI & -BONNETS. OUR ASSORTMENT OF DRE_SS* - -G001)S, AND. • TRIMMINGS IS SLWXVS LARGE & GGAIPLETE, COMPRISING 1r IA ILI -11 L and - of all 'colors and. shades, . 'DE I.i Allnt4 t , & A). OUR STOCK OF. • " DOMESTICKS, CANNOT BE EQUALLED IN gIIALITI. , .,gi _.fifilEE. , . Good heavy S.heetings,6 to Bcts. per y'd Best Heavy :Meetings, 7 to.B4lts. pr - y'd DENIMS, from 8 to 1211: cents per, ard TICKIN.-1, from 10 tall:cents per yard 'GINGHAMS, from 10 to 'l4 ets. per.ynid. P.ALICOES;:fist colors, 121 yards -only- in: " Best.).lerrimack, 10 yards only qt::rt - tcort. 31Ettx - ttes. -- _A choice article; only 121 cents: , Pest 3t,e01- S pring -A-nice at cts.per spring. , Uuth)s' Saxony W'ool Vests and Drawen. LAMBS WOOL HOSE. X adS-DZ E I9 O C)letat " EPX.l3. Of the Latest Styles, Ate., ,-- - - 11041+18E --• iIOTICEB, • _ J _ . , -• , TXparocumco of UpiAti, bt AOremply, the followl.ft per ./ fouilisfatiOCtlons frith ththe-Conet of • i gniler &Won* tho Peso for it* VollatY. -,, $ krpornbatolm remota sad ;. an d paldpeth• ..-',. -4tlonirwill be promoted to Oa Co Int nrog Moodl7 ITlMllkittl to the namerotti, cikstomen tor l'ar"a 02 / 7 tergu , Wit-ii beingtho Ilisidarotthol ooo tti• their generous. patrOnagp, tha - pa,l!:, `).,em•,: Itir c hithruP=4, l . l S . ln d inr i t i r nt , . I we ..respp . otfully aolicit: a -iontunuume. , of ~ Daniel Hoff. Jessup. - ' doeer . 6ol4, Aubtlin, ' Ilidame. - - -'. ', ''::. -`, : . .-., .: -;';-,-.. ) - , / 1•41 / 2 3 . 811 " 7 r 4 . %IC' et,: eb, n i ti v o il tro " oo ' 'ff -, A r.. .: ' .. 11upOn Steno, fidSoresaake• 1 ' ' tb rglo nbalui t - tv i aj i ' Thmluis T X arm and Robert Moot. kurq's Depot, - ( 0 11 14 1 t . - it - at I , - --- -;,fv?aractirLderrist-taeo. Wboritorag.4 B . , . -,yfi I*, p. Dioatimr'isorlietA , :,:-:: ...' 74f - ':: q: 3-143 :4 ~ ,....4 "X * P-e 4-.5 .FARE 'REDUCED. NTSs BETWEEN - ikitTROSEA MO ROSE DEPOT ria, Th .uir Wail Line will bOir , ,en -Puss wr ahora ftater led brat t alts aim girristactibll6ldrift th'cir WAWA the Port Once cm attha,Fnuddln arm, Stages ilaussatit at, and. 4 Prethel.r.J. H. TAIttIELL, !meat. • • 4an3 GUM. WV CO. ittmtrara, ' . ' • '••• . .. .. 1 -...-. I. ME1111111111 . & -SO rinAKEihts method irt informing thoir OLT) AND NEN? .I. Friends thet they hate jIl At recelvfsten suhlitioute the Tortner.etock oy Goods, 'Which they ' 1 301 . 3- 0 11 T . Fog' }cAsTr, . 1 . - AT PANIC .-- - PIIICESI _ • ..• AND WILL 'SELL TILE* , TO .: .; ~ - ... • CAS I. -.BUIYEIZS Prices Perfectly Airtionishing: -We hare not time to enumerate articles, or prices, hat invite the public tonal, wreathe; anOatisfy therareircw of the truth of what we publish atrawinte, thewbay. J. L. utumAx a - riplourille, Dee. =11.1910. -* • . TIOICE Lot of Family arocerfeatiat Tecotred i , el lindoldpor teat. below former prices. - • pvscy Coafeettommy for the 11Olidaja, at - • • BIERRIMANSI. . . V . V - 1 21ARY . PRODUCIC of ad tirade, fee shieb fitgbeet. ..112 market ',Mace will be paid itx Go,ode. Upienville, r a.. • MKlLM3l4'.7..ift. . • 4 SUBSCRIBER; FI AriNG chimed the atonic' of - . BOOKS •-AND 'STATIONERY FOMERLY owned by A. N. BULLARD, Wive tlita Diethcid of informing "amt . :rho rcike the papere." that the eteck' hat attain been removes to the old etand, below the 3ZIOXIELC:mair /Int Ciflac+4l4 where he will be moat happy to witit upon thte,e who may favor him with a call. • ANY-BOOK 110$1.7BLISIIED Carol L.l print) can b obtained by leaving 1 - ; your ord." with the price.of thobook and pnblieher'a conic Al the desk. Alto, any article in the 'Book and Stationery" line:.'. NEWS' -OFFICE rjrARPF.R*S. Godey'e, 4eteraon's. - , Atlantic, AI. or cuy of the popular Magazintia of the day. Letbrcr. Wevkly, Derenry, Clipper. Flag. Wilke** Spirit. and all the illustrated Pripertifor dale. Ba 4 nt6n berg aupplied, • : • - SCHOOL 3300KB—,_AU ui the oldd new editions.= BLANK Booxs—•A very nice assortment. • CGTI.BRY.—Tip top article of American. • GOLD PENS-Very Fine mica, Ladies di Vteixte PERFUMERY—A.V.r."Harriscni's and other'. ti ICE ME A C7.a.„l.eXa, :MAI will .T have **a rlinzle eve to Door intieree" and one to my own. Yours, ethically, • H.iasnaztsr - ix. — 3foxrapiiz. N., September let, IDM.-fef P. E. BRITSit, - M. D., lIATECC NO3V LOCATED PERMANENTLY, • AT . s d a3P . 1 . 12:0-lict r ille; Will attend to the &Meg of his .rot'ef...±lon•proinptly ()Mee et D. Cathroghs noted. , JOIN THE “ IST CI VV . ' Xf• CO —Fog— THE RURAL NEW YORKER. (A ) ticultaral.) at . $1,26 .••• AMERICAN AGRICELTUR ST, at --.-- ,8Q . LNDEPENI)E,NT, (Relighiu. , )at - - - - $1,25 OonErs LAMS — RAO E. ATLANTIC MONTIILY. I lIARPER'S _MONTH LI MAGAZINE, - . . •... and PETE NON'S MAGAZINE. I , Alt at "LOWEST CIX ILITES s ” at Spirnrg NEW OrinC.E. Maatro4e Deacraller 1A 1%0. w. PERMANENT EM TRAVELLING AGEN . Vrtall emplorAgents to sell n mi new and vakaide Pat nted Ankle, either on comieslon or at n liberal nalary. Businebe honorable, nackl and lucrative. The ankle requirediu every family. I. • ; For particulars and complete inst-nctlons, enclosi. , stamp and address dela nt) ' J. W. HARRIS & .CO., Doiton. ifnea. Buffalo Robes dr.: A 324,: : ircri -received, a New Milford, Noe. Sth, With TipLCC. Jt returned tenni N. beautiful, and extentdveueso Is ready to tarnish the Ladies of M. FASHIONABLE 14 good and ag rich se can be purr keeps the very oicezt paiods. • such' the most difticult. Prices very The Ladies are invited to calla r4r Romug otiposite .7dotri Salo . 1 street, Montrose, Pa: NEW G JUST ARRIVE ORIGINAL "ONE 'PR HA-YDEN BR THE PEOPLE'S Haven LARGE 3,7 SIM Cheep:sr than the CALL AND EXAMIN wnETnEy. YOU nt7 IT PAYS .Y 01.- TO . ZraLIMMEI 'NEW mitronb,l4ovemticr 8 Register's PBLIC 'NOTICE is harem giv tenant In the following Zinn • 'Estate OfJostsn Eu.ii of the T, N. Granger Adm. I n Fttitte °CM:mire BceMr, of tit Township Of Jackson deed Charles Tingley,. ad= The final amount of Jane E. Pal er, . Guardian of the miner children of Swot F. Mcb a, decd.. - _ Estatant Town Bartm, of Dixon towniihlp, decd , 31, - , S. Wilson and • Perrin Wells, ite m, - . • - : , Tlutt thetummustaxite base settled theliaccounis In the Register's Office, in and for the ceiraty of Susquehanna., and that the same will be presented to' the Judges Or the Orplutne. , Courrof said County, on Friday January Zth 1w ,t, for confirmation and allowance. - •• • Montrose, Pa., Dee. 27., - _ . J 1 E: MEWELf., Register, I- .ix. A'Z' -fis m x Psi 1 NEW MILFO 0, PA., IS THE PLACE TO UY YOUR HARNESSES SAS, CHEAP reni o ass, AND GET THE WORTH '0 YOUR MONEY. n'"s 4m - ' i• nowirru. • DR.J,-:_& SMITH,! The INTEN'rOII. .and. DENTIST, IR' Practicing Dental Surgery tit NOW b &AIM Domain the item' lithronlitnotel, Ina pilau/at Irma; of good and Intelligent people, ; • • dee SO 1011M01 - 100r -- • ; tad D 00814448 xtrucriurg, Maw PUBUCgonemagy ire Wormed that a WM xr MISITION Om et a boars Of UK 67; of XZW 11430D6 of = sorts, eta: . Drese Goode of dannsetretates . halite, laserne in patterns ahem Bet Jaconetto and tiwtes Mak un Ladles Collars and ij aree, Dlmitl . Sarsedneti; Wore.% Tarat4 tare rralta, Keateek7Jeene, Nankeena.lsananer StalK. Goma Shirts, Gotten Dam en, Conan. Cravats NetY4ler: and Saspenders. A neer and larite tat et. • - • . • - .7LEATHER-* AIM -. ••• each as Gents Flu Calf Ilootb-rd . itpit Wu ..holpi sot light Shoe L Splendid Uinta° tors from Owld OM *Amato:Mt At. White, Brown, and Black Ptuneola and llmbellas,../anl Boats andwoticamaB4B: - . 31411,1-3:i.l.l2.alFiTtai.`' .. cl.' . rin g Sizertn,"_Aidarnantlub twd.TalloW tandaa, *au inS. /waned Lactate, Waeh Boards and Cotten idille, Vim.- wash Brushas,lted Cordite° foot tom-whittled and Clothes Me, Pine and CEDA4 PAlLB,postclaaw Arr. *AlliggaT ' - ' () A4 7 4Malklallt, '. ore rery variety. arnaniwitieli two 'raitioitaisi . Corn Stars& for &alma puddings, Cream:Tartar; MaolKiwen Sillowalto Castor All. Eimoni laalts;lll.iek and SON& Snot, and loin of rttinsit Iv ttlah won't do to raid casing, htle v =4 tw a _Calls examltte and talk abaft. Wears wattlidnd .„ ....... t. ,'""'`,,,,_ Goods, even though they may . not *ln : and '..""'" "" Nita OlvOra. • • - ' V. a Tzrzu. ______ 12' OCT& buy* atottle of the rhilling lialf Took; It _—i beat% anything era shook up.. ; TrIXICS. MONTROSK, Ray eth, itgyl DAILY MA.II , RIIITE " 7 ' 4 :4 MONTROSE & FRIENDSVILLE riCi.ICHES carrylogmilk and iket‘ emcees .beiseecr Moutroee aisd Fnentlsvllle, v.lll leave Seadelanotet. In 3lontrow, daily. at Zettwlc., - a-, in. and love ryttos *llle it'll o'clock%m. pPrllorm.To amf.e p. arirfagesrAn be Opal red at tb4 Um" . Stable of the an bacriber 3fontzuee, on reamtmable tame. NonLrost..4l4g.lG, INfA. -tf J. D. GOODWIN. • FALL STILES NOW . 'READi. At Great Bargains! FOR READY PAY AND SMALL PROFITS r , . ErtIRITT., at the 'Original New Xllford Shairland. irll Dr,e, Good. Emporirunr is now receiving a Large soil CHOICE STOCIf. of i FALL AND WINTER a 0- - -0 .- It %f Including a great. variety of the neWeat and beAt, irtylFt of nres. Goode, Shawle, Brasileloth disirtister - 6tug,.., an., with a large aAsortnient Of other - Staple . and FailOy,Goods, as usual. in Grociries, Crockery, Ifartlteare, Iron and Steel. Nana. Stove?. DruirA. -Paints, Ono. Fluid. Booby Shoft, Hata. Cup,. Clocks, Carpeting:. Floor 'oll'Cloth. Wall Paper. Painted and (lilt WuldOw , Shades, atm:gotta* - or Neronlene Lamp and Oil - Fistureei, Aldo Furs and Buffalo Rabes. The entire Kock being tars?. itnd bolted for and largely from MANUFAcTURpIts and Flow lon eive superior opportunitiva fur choice *deal= low•dowu prices, and will ho aold•on the,moat famotabto terms for CASiI, PROHLICE. - and to Prompt Ittz-Mastbe - Iluyere. Atl4•XaMillglol/ of the Gooda and Prices Irt2 b* found profitable to thoae who oloh. to bay. • PLOIIIi AND SALT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Now Milford. October, 1%1. .‘ ° -7: ' / 11/,-;"1' FIFTH STREET PITTSBURG, PA: Nocniaci.ctod. Jai 31.1340. - Charteked by - tte Legistattire.! 1 1LTEARLY 6000 -STUDENTS, from ' almosterery State in the Union. have been educated for bushman. bel ng . the only College of the kind In the Lnltcel States conducted. by an experienced merchant. - Onr Junior Principal,Wm 11..Dcre.. has plat been awar d,erl. by our State and other Fairs, EittAiTirst Premiums Yorßusl nee S Ornamental Penmanship, over competitors called the fleet penmen in the country. Samples of his Business anikprnamental Writing. a circular of Ge pages. and an ekcauiitenCraring_mailed, post paid, an receipt tl tn cents in etamps. For book ,, ellers. Itarper's F.nlared F.dlUoti of DUFF'S It 4 WICK EEPING...'. pacee.*l awarded/out .,,crireriti 'Lit,. and ean cti onedh 9. are chamber of commerce and American'lnst t te u r New Yurk. as the beet published firrr .t.D111.2.0:', new zuni cle:;antly enzraved School Copy liook,p. ~.rx en m heri. file.cappaper. I) eta per dozen: Dem c per dozen. J. S. Lippincott Co.. Phikuielphht; W. 0. Johnston ar Co.. inttehorxh. pry at_v-s OFMS of Business and Ornamental Pod . nnr= s srcaviacdtarto...os 11 et" S . , Pggeiroatk VE r Buy roar s cholar s h i p In town. Collewes,, that send them abroad, cannot sell tin= borne , where nitride novil C LUB" mitr.xlsT CA- I • LOYMENT. S. WANTED! • ARE. YOU INSURED ?. . :33X.s.A.CUSF.21MILZT S recvivirm applications. for Ineurfttei! In dm follow-' Co!npanl6 , : Wkoniing INSURANCE Compfuay,: WILKEii-BAURE, Pa. • ." adios Furs. will be sold low for • 11.1315111t1TT, '... Charter Perpetual. C:ipitAl sqpniooo. Surplus... Or;iiihizoq .2cl, .A. D. 1 657.7 IXBY, • York with a ment ut 1I Jr winter - - ' C. M. ITollenback, D. G . :.Drimlotli, J. P. 'Dean:s. John .Itelehsrd, • Dilvid .Morgatt,. • Chas Dorrarive. Sam'l Wadbarug, R D Lame, Wm 8 Ross, L D Shormaker. Ceo P Steele; II M Hoyt, R. C: 81111*. &'ey. Ifoumraiker„Pte" W. G. STLITLISO, 7'rear. L. D. Snorxmcia, VI PTO. :MI: ntrose t vicinity wltb ONNEN ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY; Hartford; Connecticut. :- Paid up Capital, si, — pp Marts, 2,134100 V/ ased. anywhere. She cannot fail to pirate . nable. • examine her G00d... (denim(' floor,} :Vain [emptiltf Quaker City Insurance Company, `Philadelphia, Pa With n C'apital of . ODS NORTut.UN FIRE .t LIFE ASSURANCE COMPAFF, No. I Mo9rgate street, - London. •' Ceptiol, V 5.198,000 ....Apottal Novenae, $1,000,006, • Wx GETTY,: Agent, Fbiltdelpttim AT THE CE" STORE! OONNECTICCT MUTUAL LIFE L'iSCESICCE COX PANY of Ilartrued, Connecticut. Accumulated Capital $3,310,e00 00. TILERS, GENTS, Any one wishing their lives Insured will do well to call and examine their mode of insulin!. , and', their rates. which are better than those of any other compent. before Wan: elsewhere. _ P. BLANAIkt. ocil 001ceOverthaxuller ds Jowl: 'a atom. :`,NDID Stock' of 4001 WitLoa SO" it t t N. 05 -33 - TON !C u :MU I R Egris DYSPEVI lc S.2_, 9 Chetipol!t ! OUR GOODS, ' 011.',NOT ! POSTED. UP EtrtOel. ;Imo: PICOIONCL CORDIAL To the Citizens of: Pennsylvania; , n pothetari pr ep rat lllri e rthrta, Griicers mat Wnifo's Pare Cognac Brandy. sa Wolfo's Pare Maderia, Sherry scut Part t linne. Wolfe's Pare - Jamaica and St. 47:ain':an. Virolfes Pura Scotch and Irish !Maha n . A T.L XZ .1211::5T.Min.1218.. uto all persons eon to. wit: w i ns4lp of Rash Deetl, _ . IBEG I.EAYE' to tbsettention of the ettbems of ttae , United States to the above Winn and Lwow, knot ted by Vsou'itu Win.str, of New York, whore name is der miller is every part of this country for the purity °lbis celebiabed Scaturmat Samar& Mr. Wolfe,ln a letter to me.. speaking of the gni ty of hia Wine" and Liquors;Bays twill stake my reputnicrtfas a man. my stuldinK. u meschantof thirty years' residence in the City of N. Y.,,. that all the Brandy and Wined which I bottle are pore as imparted, and of the Seat quality, and an be relict, upon, by every pmetweer." .Igrery bottle has the proprietor's name on the Wei.; and a. facsimile of his signature on Lim nertlncnte. • The public are respectfally Invited to - examine for themselves. Por sale at Retail by allot .the Apothecaries and Grocers In Pbiladelphla. - • 1.1n0.1L Aturrux, No. let Market st. Phan!' - . • .- Sok ..igent/br J'hiJadslp t, Rend the following from tbe New Turk Courier: EO , IIMOL , Ii Drsenuss won ova N. Y. Sintscusur.—Wo arc happy to Inform our fellow citizen* that then" is . ono place in oercity °ltem the physletau, enothel=7, ant -country merchant, can go amtparchaie - pure Whom and Liquors; as porn as Import.4l. anti of the latat guilty, We do nut intend to gitc an elaborate dtweriptton Of This mer chant". extensive business, although it will • wall reVay a. stran-er of Citizen -to visit Udelpha Wolfe's extensive: - warehouse, Nos. le, n) x V. - Hearer at, and Nos: 17, le At 21, Markotltc'd st. Ms stock of Schrieppe On hand ready, feeehlpreent could not hare been . less • than MOM:n."I • the Brandy some 10,030 cases—inntagna of Ind to tip moo caws °Madeira, Sherry, and Post Wine, *etch Ss I r i s h Whisky. Jamaica and St. Croix sorne'rery Old and.equal to any in this Country. Ap4 to . He ta V - 4„ thred large cellars, Vledwith Brandy, Wine, ender the Custom Roue key, ready for bottilag.,./Mr. alto's Ws of Schnapps lest year arnauntsetto tettooo down, and we hops. In tom than two yearHl ,Ite..may`be equally soeceerfal with his Brandin 111 d WiII6F. ' His business merits the patronage of every loser Olds species. 'Private famines whowlsh our, Wit" a Liquors for medical use stuattld tend their orders direct to Mr. W, petit every Apothecary in the land make up theft Made' 10 clitnrd thelpoismunts stuff beta their shelves, and fa place it Wolfirapure. *Nine,* and Liquor.. *Pelegideretandlfr. Wolfe, for the accommodation of email dealers is tlet country, put. AIR &MOW critter . Wine/ and Llquers. Such a man, and=ancha Inereloat. ehogld be bulliAlnod Vales* Ws tease! lbounniso. nenta in theVidtedtitates,who tranoming but rninevt ktintraan healtlraed toppiorts. am : ' • • • 63, SSCO,O(KI OD
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers