REPRESENTATIVE: 7 ...... 4 " 0 " - ', 1 14 ::--3'.',ItiR: : - ; "Ciiiiiity - Cour -Auguttt IrOiriii;AOrii. ! ' •-- -,' -.; •-DOVGLA& -...- "I ';- • I 1 -, • d4T; Aidie:-:,20. i The [Cleaveland - Palatka/cc entinterateit II Gn . A.*iil . ..TrizOtt.a.—Attb*, ;Thos„ Ad 4 for Douglas i---. 141% [JeAediah'-'l2liirehard; II arns;::-,.w. ii.r. voiite--A l ieon , -,- 110W - ard [ .._ .._.- . „ ofjetr erson connty;NeW . York r the i.eelO[. i Nitliliallt..., - Afiewis, avid Sfitcret. Brated 'Revii - alist. "J.oliti ..Q. 'Saxd, - the Bridgewater ; LiorenzAßeaCh,'-Witilii'lli ll . ' • .lAntetiCan . POet - and late Dethocratic - ean-• 7.-- Choconut:C4iltoplei Btarns;S:l l : Car-. didate for Governor in the State , of - titalt7- Clifford.. -,•Dim-; intuit, has declared. his intention tOlltititip ock,'Denikon ThOtnas—FriendAville, Wm.. 'New York for the Little Giant. • Hon.: Buffuni-;-Hemtilt, Asher,,.Burdick7-Ilar ;Geo. Ilinifolt; the gi:jesit Abieriesn Hisin-; ford,' ti.43:' . diiild---JaOkii,i.: - .741011 Mox- : rian, is an clut and out Douglas man Ed! , le:y;['if; "IG: - .. Wil!LaiiiLetiox,., Wril.. Ste . win Forest; the greatl4 . tenqAn- ,T i, plte4-411ddlet? p,'§nnaDodg . e:- [ -;;[New an, is a -friend - of... Stephen A. - Douglas:. ;Milford, Ansel ; erkins i David &minters I Prof Boyinton, the American Lectitrer upl:. '._Rush, Chandler Bixby, J. L. Moore, A. ' on Geohty, Physiology , and Electrical - B. , Jones—Susquehatitia, F. L.. - Cliollar. science, postpones higtOtir to Europe , . to. ;, -. Is[krrt Jitnort: . ,lST'N'i r i?-iK,—Th eo d ore _- stomp for Douglas. Hon. Roger' 13.. a: [James,. E: J. 31 FOY, 1.. G. Tailor, Mar. ney, Chief Justice of the ' United Statei, lijn L Catlin,.l 3- 4er .fackson ; Joseph Por-.1 [-, Supreme COrt, is for Stephen- A. Dongi ter, G. M. - Ely,Jabse Taitaken, Sam. Sher- ,las, for the nett Pieigent. Hen: 11. J-i . ;er , •. - P: A,. Stephens, J. W. Tillimy, If. Li. .. W a l ker , .Ex - Secretaglofthe.TneasuiY,amk Illeowera, i shStehens, J. P. Hamlin, 1 late Goveritornf Kanaas; has pledged- liiin. G. L. Abel; Lew Evans, T: J. Manaer,A. 1 pelf to stump - New Jersey for Douglas.; woodtitra, 1 Thomas Dixozi, Milton and Johntion. .-The - Plaindealcr might add; 'i'iltlfit; . .l-LIK.- , I +lewel4 L. C. Benson; A. McCormick ) the inventor .of the. mower IW. Barrett, 3larvin Hall, B. Roe, I and reaper-411forDonglas I ' The P 6 3 11 1&, Wm. Bailer, L. W. lielluni,j. B. Wilson, are for Douglas, ;and Why pot the Repre-; Bohn Bi shop; John Baker,Pasha Kinney, 1 fsentative men ?' ; j, - [ [ , I ;Tallies ICaistat; .E, G. llRisley William , • , ARRIVAL OF ' LADY •PRANediSz. : §otitli, James Buipan,,!S.ll,lewis. • .. 1 . . ThishprOie.zind poble.Aad,- the widow • 1 'Prrrr Juttons4,nd WEEK.—S, Beards- I of the late Sir John Pianklin, whose un- !ey . ,. D. L. Kimbe i r, Jared Pickett, Lyman ' tiring efforts to discover the fate df her Smith, C. Foot, Jacob Kimball, Michael]; gallant husband in the Northern seas • has Kane, Oliver Ileitld; F. P.RollifitetiWm. endeared her to.nieryl heart, and made litilig Harry-Beebe; James Clark, A.[..K. her a worthy example Oa. the women of the weep, Ehlers ;Simons,' .J. G',-- : Stiles,. 1 ‘i-orld; strived iri our city on Saturday in Elniev:-Dikontick,[ Chauncey Lamb, Jesse j the Adriatic. [She comes .to visit, our. : es- Williains : . John Blasdeli; R. S. Birchard, I thimble citizen, 'Henry ,Gritutell,,Esq., her W. C. liandrick; 'Win. Robertson, Jesse 1 friend and CO-laborer in the-search for her Benjamin, Charle s Stanford, Job Sackett, I husband, and toiliank; him personally for S. Whitehead, G. N. Smith, C. W. Mott, 1 his mtutiffeent aid at the darkest-period ;Timothy BOvle, Peter Smith, John North, 1 cf her trials, and-for hik great efforts in -Thomas • It;zers„ - sr., Asa, Carlin, 11%; the cause of humanity and of science. . Aunt, Geo. Sunuter,.H. 0. 131 anding. Lady Franklin may be sure of a hearty I and cordial.wetcome'inthis laud Of enter.- _ prise and of freedom, and as the:guest of Mr. Grinnell willenjoy every requisite op-' portvnity for learning the workings - of our Democratic 'institutions, ktas.'well. as the sentituents ; .of our people toward her. She will learn we think by the weleoine she • will every where receive, that she has no . warmer frienda , in the !Ilietropolis of - the Eastern than she has inlthe metropolis of the Western world.-:—"Al HENRY CLAY'S DOCTRINE. We. evtrace the folloWing - from the re: port of the tommittNeofthitteen, of which Ilenry Clay was chairman, :made in.. the United States Senate, May Bth, -1 - 850: `,‘ To avoid in ail future time, the rigitti. tions which Must be produced by the con: flict of opinion on the Slave question—e,-isting as the institution does, •in_ some 'of ate Stdtes, and prohibiied - asit is in otlf-. ers—the true prlnciple which , ought to r tort late the :talon of Congress, -in ' form inf territorial iovernments for, each new ly acquired domain, is tO,"reitiitin from 'alt b7islation on thesubject , in the Territo ries aCquired - so . lOng as it retains the :ter ritorial form of - go . vernment—leavitigit to the people of such Territory, when • they have attained to a condition which entitles them fo admission as :a State, to decide for themselves the question of the or prohibition of domestic slaYery." That was Claycs doctrine in .1850, and it was Diunocratic doctrine then, too; and it's Democratic doctrine now. i. 4 qa Slave Trade," - "Slave Cod e ,' stare us in the face from every Republican paper we open. They . charge - that' the Democracy:lmin Evor of the eatensiofi of slavery, of the re-opening of the. slave trade, and:that a.slave - code is recognized in some resolution or other of a democrat ic convention. We deN the opp,ositio n to produce a tittle of eridenip to sustain a single clausc,of any Of these charges. There is not a particle .of evidence: • act the semblance of truth in all their Charges, on this subject; 'and they:lonlytnake them for the purpose of turningattention from the weakness and absurdity- of their own position, and minister to the -cravings of Abolitionism, tVitli which Republicanism is fast becoming identical: LARGY: SNAK.F.-A few clays ago a black snake, eleven feet in length was killed iu Gwynedd township, Backs-Co.; Pa. It, had been seqn at intervals foe several rears, but the Statement of its reported length was discredited. It was shot by a per son who was outhunting Woodcock, and - until he saw the monster, did not believe ihere was so large a snake in the State: /c is said to have belonged to the Anacon din species, and' could easily have destroy ed a lamb or Two Ft; 3foozcs.--A !strange -'astro nomical occurrence takes lace Aring•the present month—that of two full moons. On the fiat day "of the month, at 11 _o'clock and 33 minutes, thO Moon's phase 'hanged from the first quarter .to a .full' moon; on the 31St of thhi . month there . will be another change at 2 o'clock 57 min utes, from a first quarter t 0 a full moon. This occurrence, which rarely happens, will be anxiously Watched .for. - :HE RECENT ELECTIONS.—NOrtiI Caro lin-a and Arkansas have gone Derieneratic by majorities of from 8000 to 10,000. In Kentucky, Coombs,: the• hell andi date for Clerk of Court of Appeals, and a Verv - popilar Old Line Whig, is elected by a decided majority—the - greater portion of the Douglas men having gone - openly for him. - In Missouri, there are four candidates for Governor; hut sufficient returns have not vet reached us to „determine whether' hebemocratie Or the Bell emdidate is. •ilected. '1 HE E Sentrr.:---A leading Doug-' las-man, writing front one- of the Western counties in this State says: - ' "I am one who holds the defeat ofLin eoln and Black RepublicaniSm paramount to every 'consideration; wlio would not. sacrifice our glorious old p'ai•ty and more glorious Union, because 1061 not carry out - my own peculiar views do platformor ! preferences as to candidateS," • - This is the right spirit, Let.all net UP I 1. • and Lincoln is_sure to be defeated. „ • .1)y set:PsrA, haktugsnoN: i Heart-burn,' Sour Stomach, Debility, and numerous oth(;r • dit, , eases have in the . Oxyginated Bitters, a remedy -sulteienk t . o annihilate disease in its most obstinate and Painful. fijrm. A single trial will satisfy the ted. - I'repared bv Fowle.. co. Boston, and sold-4 DrUggist.Sandagents everywhere., . . • : 1/-"An)ong the passetrgersbytheArago, at New York on Monday,-We;mitil,ewis t'ass ' .Jr, Esq., ex.-Minister tti Rome; Col.'l . Axel Gadolin . , of . the.R ussiah army; and:i Monsieur 11. de,ge,.Viee.Consnl for ! France at RiebtuMul. . • - " e rrET 4 r,'" It is said-that Jolin Wood, the pie - 5 7. 4. ent Governor'ofllliriOiii,':arrived 32 'years ; ago, at the site, of the ke,seitteity.of ey, in that State,:-wit} .. Only 25 centi in G his pocket. Now 4;)nisto Yreontains 20,000 inhabitanta; 'and lir: ygood Oyes ; 41, and w ons a residence 000; ..whlli: -. T„o"8" . him 60,000, " •t " .. • - TRIAL LIST. • \ Woodcock vs. kitchen et Meeker etial. vs. Meesick et al. •• Drinker cS. - Latham. Dillon. s. Millis. ;' Cainlibellits. Babson. Millard vii,Rlooni r • - suei i )No WEEK. Ofarsh vs. lF,ntrott. • Wirdia vs4.llaight et al: . Bad g er vs.!Stant on. - liths-ards Terhoss etsal. • Rupniair&l Frost vs. Cholet. Iraylor s. Cholet. Thomson (b-Scott vs. Crosier estate Lagrange Richardson. • liarnimi Vs.,-Coleman. DOran vs, DOrman et al. vs. Taylor. • • Logan Vs. Iyatzinan. Stanley. vs. Ramniond. Roberts , vs."Young.. Dorman Buck. • - \Wickham 'et 'al. Vs. Ifaws: Thomas vS.!Scott. Sibley. vs. ,Gnile kt-, R.6tir es. DEMOCRATIC CLUB! The .Slisqlehanna QOulity DemOcratiC Chlb meets every At - onday evening: at their room, over tjte store (4. I. N; Bullard, in Montrose. All are invited -to attend.— Moirnhvoddriree. • BIZEwsTER, Prexidcnt, • The Ladies will hold a Festival in the AeadeMy, on -Tuesday, Aug. 2lst, after neiOn and evening, for the sale of Useful: and Ornamenfal Articles—Tee Cream and (7alie. The proceeds will be Mipropriateil tcrthe new Presbyterian Chitrel! a StS:QUEHANNA COUNTY PAM. - The annual. fair of the Susquehanna Comity A.g;ridultm'al Society will be held at the Pair .Gritunds, at 'Montrose, on ! Thtirklay and Friday, the and 11th of September, 186 p, The. time is fixed thus early be e:ll4e it is thoughfalcsirable to hold it be fore, the State. Fair,' which to be held in the lattei' part of the game month in WY- .1 , ormag alley. The Animal Ai?dress at` the,Susquehanna -dounti- Fair. will. he tae-' liverled . by Gen. E. W STruntx.orr, Ltizerne county. - • GIB ON AGBICULTURALSOCIETY. • • Tbere 'meeting of the 4ibrc k ' Agneultural- Society .at the Acaderny holding, on Sattirday August 25th, at 2 o'clock,M. for the transaction o im portant business. • A full attendance is re. quested. • GEO. WELLS,' • Skrx -ABEL, See'i. • Pres't. • SUSQUEHANNA; COUNTY AGRI CULTUR4I„.SOCIETY._ • - - The Society- will *meet at the. Court house, on Tuesday evening. Aug. 28, 1860, at 7. 1 1 i o'clock, -P. 31. at' which time -the new 'Constitution will he finally-acted'up On. • , jF,SSITP, - • To ,tlie Voters.VSte!sqiieharana County: ,- ! Upon. the solicitation of my. friends I present myself befOre you, asking for your suffrages for'the office of Sheriff, at the coming election:' Yours respectfully, • I ROGYMS. ..13,iiiooklyn July •th,' 1860. ' EVEN those who are in the enjoyment of perfect health frequently bare need to have resource to tonics as preven tives of disease. We a_re tie'ver too.well armored against . the ass ults of "the ills that flesh is heir to." . Such au iorigtoutor they may find Su IIOSTETTER'S BITTEIRS— a dtedielne that cannot be talien regularly without giving - ritilitrund elacticity to thsystenl. At thlsNeason, par licularly, the strongest mar is not prodf against the mala ria, in Certain sections of the country. 1u all cases of ft< refludagne, theßitthrs isimtirTe potent than any anion= of quinine, while the most daughrous cases of billions fe ver yiehi to its Wonderful projit..rtics. Those who bare Aided the medicine will never use another. for . any of the Ailments which the HOS ,tirgil BITTLIttI professes to sub due. To those who have not made the eiperimunf, we cordially recommend an early appliestion to the Bitters. whenevefr.they are etrickhzi by diseases of the digestive organs. Sold by druggishi and dealers generally; every where: • • I. r4r,Sies adveriisement inAnother column. ;Soli 41 Montrose by ;AIREL it7II?E'LL, tingust 4t Otis. In onttng - c . o. Pit. on thellth . Gtirdl,3irs. • EtrzAi*rit HEwrrr; wife sof ott Hewitt, aged about 47'years. „,• ' mlve thee, deareit mother, • • , I we ides thee every day ; Reath might havemed another, And let ottr,moth ei c Stay. - Rest mother. rest, thy sv . ork is done, Thy : life on arth le o'ert• . • 'Thy Father's voice path called the home,. And thou shaltwc i ep no more., "twos sad to hear thy dying groat WltholitithO power to *lye; Testa is to tee !Ite much-loved f orm Laidlathe silent riot Joene-Wattie tiMe, mother dear, - To dweiLwith lifna.abOve; And thotertiwitalniwciold keep thee hire. 7e Add thee to rfiis love. , . , • 3 , i0• adrroW thdro cam &lad tig brow, Or weigh thy aPiriladtiwa • - Thee art wEbiottf angel :low— star Jcvde Crovvo, - . • ' • r • ,; - .1;612L111,!_ -- ; • • 0 1 E. Ci 4 REMEDIES at z ttia - prescat age, hive .atqulnht thVt . great poptllarity • Andy tbrough . 4 - atira of - Unbou, tttliaa.ittallkttiott • b '1C 1 1110614 Pont in slit suet • 11004AND'S GERMAN[ BITTERS • Zlirer Complaint,-Dysinnda, Jaundier..Kenvons tolltY„ Diiinsei of tho Kidney', and all dimmer nridfig froija a dboninrod lifer, or nes" of tlie.litornaelt:'nrol Dlgeodira Omani, A. 116 WILL POSIIVLIN PlibrYit YELLOW um, woos mitt," AID FEIRI Alta ROIL • &spur F Almatinc Zn• proof /lad, craita_pr Bottle. •.; • Hoolland's Balsamic Cordial WILL trostrtvEir cots_ Coughs, - Calds, iloarseiess, Croup,' Pneumonia, Itcipient Caasuniptiiin, ntui has peraprmeti the moot )kiltonlitijn'g eurei over kriowif 4 . CONIFIRMED CIi.IISt7,3IIPTIOIS. A, a Wart-hien COrdlef It to lastequalleli. — Pint, 7 cents per lin' ttle. . HOOtLAND'S. lIIRMAN PILL, • Lein, well 'known througloml Europe and Americo, r'red a no commendation here. Th' y are purely Vegytaida; aro prepared withareat exactni.4 , and aro augar•coated. No better CAlairtic Pill . f mid. Pact. 25 eta. per box. ' These Medicines are;Prepared by Br. C. 31. JACKSON & CO.. Philadelphia, Pa., andti - Issubs, MO., and Are aohj by druggists and dealeni in anedirinee everiiitere. The eig. nature of C. M.'JACIKON will} be on the outside of each bottle, or l ox. 1 In our "Zerrylssbir Abaft nize,” flublished annually, you will frnd testimony not conintenditory, notice!' from;all print of the cuoutry.. Them f !mutate. are given away by all our agents. .1 mligh] Raid in Montros'e by i‘1111:1. TtiimELL. Agent. --- --:---.-4--.--- . w'" — Moffat's Life-Pills.—Tio high a en, led celebrity ! NVII - 1( . 111005 prisentinent medicine has itcquiredfor invariable I efficacy in all tliseasce it pro fisses So there. luta rendered the usual practice of ostentatii,,mi putting not only uhneces ! nary . but unworthy of them. kliey - are ktilmti by their fruits . ; their good works teeti& for them, and they thrive not 12y the faith of the creduloqs. In.lll eases of costive noon, 'dyspepsia; bilious and-lik•er of piles; fevers and agues rheumatism, ohst hide headaches.. and keneral derangements of health. these 'Bills have invariably proved l a certahiand sisydy remedy . al single trial will place the I LIFF,;;PILLN_ beyond the reatinof competition in the esti- I mation of every patient. I pit. 31OFI'AT'S I I IitENIN BITTERS will be fotind to be equally eflicacionS in all easto of; dysliepsia, headache, I nervous deallity.'sdekness ineßtent to females in delicate health, andevery kind of weakaless of the 'digestive organs. For irate by Do. W.R. .117017 A t, 83i Broadway. N.Y..and'' I bylnedlcitie dealers and drugists generally throughout the country_ ; . . i ' ilech ly time , • . . - '- THE BLOOD MITRE LIFE, - INo more shall the poor suffercls in our country langniah, their ETlllStitutlom racked andlorn by strong and danger ' Vous mineral Medicines; they 111 come to the fountain of health. found In simple herbs nnd -rintta . from Nature's storehouse. The 310UNTAIN Irratit_PlLLS, of bine , cent mountain plants composed', will.reali and ;‘top their distress, and cause the blood, renewed and cleansed, to carry throughthe body the eleinlints of health ; 'lMilding up the broken coniltitution, aniPpirrying life mad hiedtli, where but for the ntWouliFlia‘Aicen the u reek of hope— , the feeble 4t11.111111 SllfferillZ, fli last. ,entied by the cold i band or death. DO not let youriprejudice overcome your better reason: do not look . uporl these Pills us only like others,: do not let your despair, after • trying everything else, prevent you front trying these. The , blood must be ipure, and then sickness Is impo4ible. What a great and yet simple truth is [bps; It appeills to the common sense of or all: it is the great key -clone cii the healing art. Juil- t son'i{ Mountain licrif Pills will Intrify and (dense It 101 sure as the sun wail rise to-mortv. Juilson's Mountain 11 , 1114'111A uresoldtiv all Medicine dealers. Sold in Montrose by . : i august w,ll Important to Females.—Dii Cheesoman's Pills.-- - The combination of ingredients these Pills are the result vieny 'relic aperll.l In hfivoiwk.4l6ll.44l.c . on, nil cc= u n lyre a ful menstruntions.removlng all oliotruction;, - whether from cold or otherwise. licallailte. pail[ in the side', palpitatlo : of the heart.wit t es. all nervous affcct hate, histerics.fat 1 pain in the back and limbs, ttb-Irbed sleep. &c.. o filch arise from interruption of iCittire4 - . Dl.. CIIEEREM.I.I"ti the commencement of a new era in the.treatmerd of thlvre irrelvilaritles and o : st met lons . whidi have consignedll, ninny t liouratiO' of thel .'young, the beautiful and beloved I) a' rurviart - nu ORAV e. female can enjoy good health finless she is regular, and o henever an - obstruction takf.-.3 Place the general health begins to decline. i DR. CREESE.II9.V I .I PILL.,' are the most effectual remedy ever. known for all complaints peculiar to Fentai,s. To all classes they/ire invilnabletluci iv. with 'certain( y, perjuries! regularity.. They aftk own to thousands,acho haye used them at different eerie s, throughout the r011If• try, having the sanction of some of the most milieu! Pk/- Arian+, in America. Explidt direettops..slating tthefyrtnd wireli 11,y ehonli not be used, with each Brix—the Price one clollor per bo.r containing 40 pills.. , r' Pills sent by mill. promptly, b.- enclosing price to the General Agent. For salt. by Dnlavists generally. - It. B. HUTCHINGS. General Agent, Wets:tarsi. X. Y. Dr. J. W. Lyman, Tunithannock;land ABEL TIT BELL, liontrcoe, Agent.r. Iy Lit'" See the Advertisement or Dort . : . iantorrl's Liver Invigorator:aid Family Cathartic Pills..ln another column. s• _ ' glitrriatles: , . . On Monday morning' tile. 6th inst. by the Rev: 3, B. M'Creniv,i 31,. FRANK LIN I GIIANT. of •Syracti4 'V. and Miss OR- - ; taLLA 6.4 - 31nERLEN-, of (*peat ilend, Pa. du Abittrtistiittitts BIIOAVA'S BRONIIIIIII, TllofllEg - , 1 ,,0R the alleviation of flmuchitb, IloarsenC,Ns: Coughs. ' Asthma. Colds: Catarrh. anCall disorders of the Brealb" nod Lunge. Public Speakers and Singers will find the Troches Invaluable for clearing and i , trengthen• M g the voice. Rev. Henry Ward Becher. and other prom inent MCP, highly recommend the M.. Price 25 cents per box: or 40 yts. sent iv rnaiLpostagt, paid. For sale by Montrose. Pa. aug. 16,- . HOIO. AIIEL TURRELL. PALDINGS,Prepared Glue at •' IDAKETCS VEGETABLE COMP4I - tin.a pure cure for .0 Drr•entary. IS holesale and Befall. _ il %BEL TL'4RELL. __ XTEARLY all the kinds of Pet Tg.NT Jth DIMES In-; 11. market for i4alo by ' f ABEL TVISRELL. ' ',.01111111111 . 11011TE- BETWEEN I moknost& FiIIiNDSVILLE.' - , ACHEIi carrying . .inalls and ]lpassenzers between i ki ° lllontrome and Ftfendsville. 104 leave Searle's Hotel, , in Montrose. daily, at 7 o'clock, a: M. end leave Friends :,•ville at 3 o'clock: p. in. 11 , CV`Horaes and carrie4es can be ',located at the Livery: • Stab - 1043f the subscriber In .gontiosqon reasonable temp. Monitor..., Ai.g. 16. 1860. tf ~t. D.. GOOD lin', ... OCHINTT NORMAL $6l-100L At New Milford, Pg.; TEACH MO.: I. * l': —7: 7 - • / V. _tiv _Ma — Deltililiat t __,. : -•-•:-.1 . 1.7.., I). - v. HAGSR, -- ) 7 0- • &II _MUSIC. - - . I • :Miss 3taiy A. ii:s.ii , e, Ptf..nist. Illlii. Osiiil will , commence on TBUBSDAT, Tim Mu 'I7AI( , OP.-AUOUST, 18go.. Tuition; Per Term •of Eleven"Niteeke, Normal De partment. Physiology and. Latin inclatled ; - . 1 .- $/i - 00 Basic, extra. - • ,- Pot r .T. F. Stoddard Is expected t4tes \ lite coin m /nutrient of he school. ••_ _ ' i f ;: . . i - , The - fepirtylurierintendent of the .4 epartmen‘ A tff prattleal Teacher , Hon. nolo If. B rrowesinfer/us no. will visit the school. and render ns mark Bt..nrire. 1 ... Lectureaby mother eminent men will heSdelireted dia- - . 1 ring -the term. • . • - Studenta wishing to •hoard themnelves, can procure l rooms at reasonable rates. - Board will be famished for $1 per week. Students desirous of procuring 'emperor board can be accommodated by consulting any one of the Porn. witiev, ' ' .' " ~ . .1: Diciltzaltan, is' : 4 . • JQR JI sawn . , .. .. - MORATIO GARRATT, . ' ..: . Arms** 3fosa,:rx.,:, - --' • i :sire Milford. Aug. O. 1648. :If II - Comnitittacf i - - 11, • INTeitioe.ljtAG Arieonntii ati!lltes (lA. Lathrop it Co. and of IL Lathrop Dewitt. are In the hanila 'of the Fulpicrilier Gtr nettleiyeat. 11:11..nrt they are aettleil without 'flintier notice. lar'CoST 117/./. 1W .ILIDE. !ante r, Jetty tN,I. !Nal. If • PICTURE GLASS: in EST quality of French PlerrßE GLASS, for sal. JLP b ABEL TVERELL. July yt. 16(30. NEW IT THE N. T. BRINCH STORES OF 611ttel1 11 erg 05ellbatIM, tk. Montrose, & Bumf?, Depot, Pa ne undertigned have .provlrled titenigelves with- SPRING &SUMMER GOODS! HANDSOMEST AND CHEAPEST in'this eeetiem iif country. They riPn flatter Memel:lves that they' have the beet facltittee of übtsitlit* QF. ,- oobs .z.cfrt4 from tlJe.Wtrktt, and are determined not to he undersold by any Arm this side or lcmi York city. In regard to - 11. SA 17:11' F RE,lollllAllhi' CIO/111NC vrontirras 24 Dey.Streeti New York City we Call otter the puhlie bargain- , not imrpar,ed by itny re tail dealer:du thb i,eet iuu. in , we ean -all here at retail pri ce, an ChCall,o , !term. whii go'toNew York mid purelnwe at liolet-ale 'and then brim: them ben• and have to make profit over that whirl' they have :drank paid theth4elve, '.ill and ice no and we w woke the Lim, 6 - uttniber4, aiosrithaum to. AfortfoFe, Pu. Juni - . 1 177101:n.iP 1 IS, AI: ?IST'S Trill, ES Lvzs, 11,,,,i, I A ~... Sifter Foil, Rini...hex. dre.i a mew. suppv; }um , re ceived. A qm, TI lOIFIL. Montro , r, Juor 1:1,` 114;0. AS ju,t returned froth selecting and purrhasint: and i now retell - peg one of [tn.:largest and Lett dock of • - 9 ever offered In this market. • The quality of nearly every thing good; all warranted as represented. - Terms: .Rsody eadi and Low Prieix. A general idea of the stock may be formed from the following enumeration: DRUGS, EDSCDIEP. ' CHEMICAL., PAINTS. OILS, VSILNISHES, WINDOW , GLASS. DYE STUFFS, GROCERIES, • GLOB WARE, CIIOCE CRT, Mirrors. (.'Locks, WALL PArnt. WIN DR' PATER. SS IND'W OIL SHADES.FANCi GOODS, ' Musical Instruntents.Lamps, Jewelry, Perfumery, Stone Ware, Brooms. Brushes, Whips : Lmhrcl's Bird Cages. 'Pocket Knives, Guns, Pistols,- Ammunition,Liqutirs. Trusses, Supporte rs, Shoulder Rimers, port monnals. ' Spectacles, - Silver & plated Spoons, Forks, Sr. Goldpens. Stationery, - Violin, Guitar, Bass Viol .Strings ; Lithographs, porcelain Teeth, Artist's Tubeintintk, Brush to, Sc. Also some ' Dry Goods. Wooden -Ware, hard and Japanned Ware. Fluid and Qll Cans, ()trephine. Dial Oil, Burning-Fluid, Alcohol, Turpentine, lamp, tanner's ; neat fodt, lard.Colive, castor, boiled and raw linieed Oils, White Lead, Zinc, and all kinds of coiored.palnis. Vine gar, Canary Seed, also all the popular PATENT MEDI- A and other things too numerous menion. It is impracticable to give more than -general outline of my stock through the newspapers, every. - .64e wishing GOODS is invited to call and examine. Cusfpmers on. entering the store must not expect treflnd every thing in sight; but nearly everfarticle wanted will he prodUeed by inquiry. Thankful for the libend patronage hitherto.received, he hopes to merit a conthattance and large - increasrof ace same_ ABEL TURITELL Montrose,;June 5, 15.0. Wyoming INSURANCE Company, , WILKES-BARRE, Pa. Charter Perpetual. ' Capital $lOO,OOO. Surplus $5,000. Organized November 2d, A. D. 1857 G. M. Hollenhaek, D. G. Drieshach,, nenniM. .John Itekhan]. David ?!!organ, Chas' Dorrance, Stool Wadtunno,. R Laco,.,. • w n , s L 1) Shoemaker, (ieo I'.Steele, . 11 M Hoyt. R. C. SmPru, See y. M. Ilou.lncniwn. Freer, STEM.ING. Trrem. L. D, SIIO,IAKER, Tice Pre?. H. P. BLACKMAN,- Montrose, Pa., • Agent for Susquehanna County. ' ALIO sott caTori - poi Tat NORTRER:s: FIRE t LIFE ,ASSURANCE COMPANY No. I Moorgatil street, London, Capital, $6,..,6lo.o(tt). Wat GETTY, Awe, Philadelphia. NE W GOODS' . t. Z`V.AlliS - • 'LEAVING enlarged and remodelnil their Store, have the ; I l plermure of Informing their numerous enstunibr; that 1 they are now leady teeshoW the best assertment of ' CLOCKS, WATCHES; SILTEIt -K PLAT - ED win Ef • FANCIODS • • TO:t Irrato,Hreaslpiseir,flimpr-rau gs, , • •Ii it riiix,-Lubinhckitractf;. Ilo4eySo kip s . , •in thin part of the State: -Tb hare Jusi returned from New Yorlentith if full'andatiensive andartment of goddn le their line, which they hat;e , puretunteirfor ash of the manufncturent and ttnportere, and they natter themseiren they ca'h offeeinducements both in edileokriety and pri, 'cell. not to he egtOdJed wester New York: lletermined to keep up with.theprogress of the age; Theyllane added to their Imq/flirter:it many articles not prowionnly kepi of gen; 1 era! utility and beauty. Thanking thet,corpronity forthe liberal patronageheretofore received, Ahoy woultrooltelta continuance.andlperease the tame. ' , ./3 1 nghamlon,-110y poik, -•••-: •• - • ; I , nd ABrnott) , trei pl4 3l6l 7: rico . uzLpi .L . . l itl ainows. 7 l , 4l :* ll3 o L f tEr this saideby C. H. Sraniorst Co4ol , Naswiti otls..Yorir. Prlcel) per Pox :+poot.froi by flop. , . For epic at all Druggtalai, - - • • '?; :5...,.,...,111.,. ‘ ,,,„ 4 _ ri.,... ..,. istiOACtitif iCHooi.l ...-.....,........„ , : 1travit05ti , pito.dhs.xumgig f ,,x4. filtix.. I " aext Ac.4l„ni.*. c arof Aldo tali will begirt T .liiittiiday, , Sept. 10th, 1860, milder t apt' Prof: 0, & LtARTWELL,-itgraduntit-lifilatiCollege..,' ' . t The httentithi of thoso .who deign, sAhorough !lentil discipline, nntlprlictital odheatio_ h . is Cilileiltottilis schouli Those prep3sing theinselveitiorTissielnits, or for College; will Owl, it id cutilldently hello:Fit! AdratOges offered t.y, url Mimi... School Iwthis - conuty. - - :' -- Forjrartlcularsolee. Circular. , -_._,!,-- '. -- • -• ! C. F R. 4,114 Sec.. ',1r..../E.3.5171'. Prig. Aug. V ; IMO. ' Exectitoes . No co.' • • • • LL periOns indebted to the pstati of N.W. Waldrup,; deed. late of Ilorford township; are hereby requiredl to make Immediate parment. and those Wittig claim s ; utminist Said estate willpresent them_ to the substribers: lor settletneou A. Ar. TIFFANY. - CIIARLES FOSTER, SALL r WALDRON. IhnforA, au:q. 9. 1860. 6w • . InfORD UNKIISITT. . „ 7, - IACII Term will consist of eleven' weeks. Thu first Term will.commence on Wddnestlay. Aug. :Nth. The second Tenn will commence the first AVednesday. In Ro cernber, and the third Tevin'ou the last Wednesdai In . Febrnsrv. _ • • The common branches, per term (1.1 00 Natural Philosophy. Chemistry, Ph y siol ogy nod - AiitronomF 4 00 Latin and Greek Languages, And 3tatliematics . 500 Music on Nano-Eerie - 5 00 ' Room tent 50 Expense or recitation room • - 'Ward per week It 00 Each room is furnished with a stove, bedst6tfandsta ble. -Bread may he furnislfed daily. Ilartord. Aug. illy •. 4t PROF. S. W. WILLIAMS, • • IDARBER' it HAIR intESSEk - orm. hie cervices to the public. with tile. guaranty that his work - shall be, tlone - Iti the most akilifel and artistic manner. 07 — Shop t in the north trout of the FRANKLIN HOUSE, Mont mow. Pa. -Open on Sundays from 6a. m. Until 2p. in. 'LEiT 'IU ..s~oRTMEI;T whicit they boast of being thi, ABEL TURRELL Du: EcToßs • •Ot i ti liint!l:7or4.tu t 6:l 4 ll hrh, l7 l 6 - °l-61." 4 1r4 •delliAteit haft Froa•••-o . " ne et Zu r t i tt az will iniitd e gp)orref of halidminne got Soap; by the !Ldclition of hoOnit 'For tale by . .411 EL 77 1 / 1 211ELL. .4.kitftrogc; July t „MM. - • - INITAStioeo • XVIIEREAS. letters of administration In the estate of IT • Matthew Gordinier. tato of Springville. deceaSed, hale been granted to the aubscrkmrs. Persons hi de ted to the - said estate are - requested to' make tromedi. ate psyment.'and those havltig claims or dernands 21,1111/St the estate of the said decedent will makelnown the same without delay to . • l ELIJAII BALL. • * J .vAL0.11:47 GOIWINIFAR. _ tYPtingTille..fyisA 3 J; !Salkht t : ". Adin'rs.• ------- . ,' :711, Et: imirmat , s, NOTICE. i . . XTOTICE Is hereby Oen to all persons concepabd In the I J. following estates, ttlz : Estate ofcoruelida Ei Low; decd, late of ' Auburn, An. drew S. Low. E.t'r. I F.etate of Gginirt Mcliedby, deed. late of Brldgewater. Wm. J. Tureen. adni'r. . i-..,• ..Eistato of Geo. W. Pickering , dee'd.late of Montrose, J. T. Laugdtn, mine!. .Estate of ireful.3lock, deed. late of Auburn; Thomas - - Adams & Abbe MAE. adners.: Estate of T.' 4 . l'esaeilen,,, decd. late of Bridgewater, Berrlo Wellagadru'r: Eatatu of Amos Churchell, deed.' late of Franklin, H.l. Blowers A: Apby CW4IIIOII. whets. Estate of - Daniel Colatly, deed. late ,of AubUrn, Nary i Cukely. Wm's. f . .EAtate uf_lienty Lung, deed, lute of Rush .1 ease 4. , 1 1 Lupg,, wr.' 1 . , • I . :strife: r ig Crawford Tithe, deed, !ate °Mefferd. 9budi• ott adm'r. , •• ..E.*Tale — rFoiticlUltiarriard, deed, lite of Ilarford, Chao. i Tinglee, adrift. Estate of John Plower*, decd. late of.l-awstille, Aea C. Luce. adru'rs Estate of 11. C. liak • er,ideed, late of New Milford, Elli ot Aldrich, achn'r. , Eetate of Ellen IlagleYi'deed, late of Brooklyn, W. • - ~Gereoadm'e. 7'•• • Estate •.1 Philo dec'd, lateof .Silver Lake, I'. V. • Brhnr* & - Jatnes Richards, eers. That the accountants haVe settled 'their account* Inlbe iteglater'm oMce in and fur the county of Snagnehunsut. • and that the wattle will In; prcaented to the Judaea of the Orphan's Court of waid..e.uunty on Monday the githday of August, INA for confirruktion and allowance. • - 497.411LEff NEALE, Register, :lltgloter's Race, Notattdse, July 26, Ihrin-4w• - _ ER I Pf'S , SALES.. , ... BY virtue of 2•Undiy writs i'simeil bythi• Court of Conini4n fleets of Susquehanna County and to me dir4ted, /I will expose.- to sale, liC publie vendee, attheiConrt Ifouse;in Montrose, on Friday Angina 17th, I 860,1tt one o'clock ; ii.m.. the following described piifes Ur rarevra id . i land, to wit : ; . . - . ALL those eerlaildpieces . or pa reels of -Intel situate iii the tee riship of Jackson. county of ,Srisqueliannit and Stiite of Periiisylvani4bodnd ed and described us Pillows. to wit : the.first is liiiiinded on the tiortif by land ill Charles Potfer. on.the east by land Of Wm. Slocum,•.motitli by ~ land of tothani Pieiteilng, - and on the west by l' :lend of Urbane 11,11, emitaiiiing ;Mout twenty. liens, and,a lam t eight sorbs intproced.--Atso— i All that piece situate its above; and bounded and described nit •follows!: on the, north.' east and / w.-st by' hind occupied by Charles Potter, and ).in the south by the phblie highway, con,;uining, I about eig.tity.tive perches of, hind; lie •the same chore Or less. with Os appurtenances, one frit. 1 ed dwelling house, one, barn, some fruit trees, rind all improved. that other piece situate as :Move, bounded and, dr:sallied as fob lows: on the north bly Butler;Lake, on the inst. ',by - land of Silas Gates and A. Aylswortli, on i the south by land of A. - AylsWorth, and on the 1 ',vest- by land of Jasper Savory; remaining about I on e ain't, of batid with. the a;ipurtenances, one Saw-mill, arid all,- improved, ! , ..-All that Other piece Situote. as abut* and described as , foilows: on the nortir/by by land of Larabee,- / Tingley & Cr. , on the east by land of Charles Potter. and Reuben Harris, 'tin' the -Smith by land of Reuben Ilarrisi and on the west BY, land I of Reuben tli.rris and; W. W. Wheaton ; con, imining agent two and / one •half nerds of land, More or less;'with the and'; one build ..l ing used and neripied .ii-i• a lieadstead :natter:lie:- 1 tory, &n., with lathe, and other ninellin+ at. i Mehed,some fruit trees'nnd ail - unproved. [Seized 1 and taken in execution' at. the Isuit ' ot Francis NLlWliiiney.'et. al, vs./Jobe W';'Stone ] i 1 i ALSO-All that conMin l .pircelor parcel of land ~ mites te in the townshiff . of Forest Lake, eipinty and State .aforesaid, Militated till described its 1 1. . I thliows,-to wit: beginning at post, a cnrner ~r. S G. Wheatcrott's Int: thence by said Wheat croft's; line'l 4 mouth, V.)--',' east. 100 perehe's to ii post: thence mouth. :lit west, 1117 perches] to • a 171;00,..t 51 . in7cli;W • io . ;r1;;I:117e7ileo" - " -..,„,4:767 ' and s.littlis perches to a ;nisi; Ithence West .51 and B.lollns perches toe post, atnd theme north, 37' t•rist,,to the place of beginning: containing . seventy !lyres, lot the slime inii•ti or less; . and ail improved. [Taken `in excel lion at the suit of Wm. Jessup rind Rollert.J. Niiten. trust the LINO of Charlotte J. Nelson t 4. Wm. Franks.] A LSO—AII that- eu!rtaintiieee or ' , Arvid of land situate ; lying and being in the fownshir of. Anburn, county and State alCir;salil, bo u nd e d and described ;is follois, to wit: on- the north. by Peter Farell, on thel east by Ti. M: 11Mhnell,• nuo th e south by McDerniet and Michael Clirrigan. rind on the West by Jacob' D. Yoirne, curtaining 25 acres, otic house,_one barn a - small. orchard, arid all improved. [Taken in execution .at{ the suit of .N. Mitchell vs,/ Wm. Atee' and Julio A. Young.] I •1 . . . i• . • ALSO—AII that certain pii/ce or..pareel of bred situate, lying and being in the township of Great Bend, county and 'State aforefaid, bounded. and described as follows., to will: beginning at ' a point on the moutlit4li side of the Great Bend and Coclicsion Ternpilie and fifth lot from - on. 'ton street'at the northern corner 'of lot of Hiram DeLrivergue; thence south, 63' West, along! tlid lino of said DeLaverg4's lot 100 feet; thence north, 37' west, 50 feet to thel southerly eon. ' net- of the lot formerly of M.J. Mnteion, of late D. Estabrooks; thentte north, 63' oast, althig the; line of said D., Estribrook's . Tot 100 feet to' the southerly line of said turnpike: thence along slid turnpike to the place or beginning, contain ing about five thousand feet of land, 'more! or lass, with' the appurtq!anees,• lone dwelling lionise, one barn, and all improved. [Taken/ in ! execution et the suit ofiGeorg,e W. Smith ii. 5.../ S. B. Munson.]! i • I -I. ALSO—AII that certain' piece' or parcel! of ' Innil situate in the villai , e 'of Loilersville;Grent I Bend town-ship. count ry ; and Sthte aforesaid, I bottrided -and described 'art follows, to wit: lon the; north and south by land of Truman Baldelin, on the east by the publie highwdy, and onthe 1 west by land of the N:W. & ikr,le gailroad go., containing about three-f+lW an acre:Jai - the i same more ar less with the appurtenances, one , framed house, bnrn.silied„i&c., and all impriivo; I Taken in execution at the . suit of ti, S. fen.. Keith vs. Elias W. ifiqnlin.] 3' - ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel !of I land, situate, jying, ancdtbing in - the' township of 4Jesinp, county and - .lStath aforesaid, bounded and described :IS follew:S, to; ivit : f m I the i north by lands of Di ennis . Shrills,. on the ' east by land 'ofOrlando Stone, on/the south ILK land of the estate of Wm. Yoniag, deceased, - and :by the Drinker hands; and on', the west by A: S. Howe,-(acing lot' Nn. 43 of henry Drink. : 1 nen re-survey of the Mesheppen tieet)•contain- j ing !bout fitly acres, together with the bppurte- e , flanges, one framed house, :and ;thou( twenty: acres, improved. [Taken; in exeeutiorr at the suit of John F. Dtternore.s. Gecirge Lletiry.f 'oo' , ALSO—AII that certain pieeeor parcel of hind I situate in the berofigh of Susquehanna DepOt comity and State aforesaid, bounded and described as follows, to wit: On thci north by the rued leading from the river road to the Jack'. son turnpike, on the) enstAy land '9 - .fiAlva Bry. ant, On the south by !arid ht' the N 1'.12. Erie rt 4, i tipad company, - and ''est • bil:Md. of . 'E: Thatcher, containing . .thirty-four/ square rods Of .land, be the sante more or.less, together giqi the appurtenance's, one two storyiiameithrme, and a-11 improved. [Taken itrexecution at' ttiO suit. oh' Henry Abel ,vs. Il]ram M. ;Tanner and • MariaL 'Palmeri :, .' ' . -., • 1 ' ' . AC,SO-411. th-it certain piece or' parcel of land situate mitlie township Of Leans, county. .S . nd state afaesaid; boundo and described as folloWS, to Witt Beginning at a corner of a wall, thence Dy land , of Itial l'o:tver, - senth 44 deg. east, 64 rods; thence by the; sameithrth 77 dog. east 18' yods-thenee by lands orlt.!E. TirigleY and of M. Oakley, north It) deg. .4yest 78 rods and l 8 links to a corner post In the.fence, thence by , land of 131:•Oak ley and birtho linking ground ; lOtoustlnBB 34 deg. - west 25 rods Ind tglinka . to.a corner of the buryinegttiend 'Wall; thence' along.tha road loading south 7 IA liegreiirsj w ) esv 93 rederinil 12 • links to a-motile; , thence! hit laude of said 31.1.3ak1eyl nortli,7B - 44: vieiti 6:rods end 10.1 ink s. to . theVlace of iheginning,! containing 16 scree and 5 rods of land, he't,lo adankmors ors leas; and all Anlittsttrd.'. 'ffilteitt eioctitidinf Slip *if: of Ziirah Vary va."l,l3liiil Read. j, - • - . F,.-• • • 1, - , - 1. 1,17171E0P. MEI . • ALSO;zAllit.hat coliiriii:iii) - 'o' 'taircel ot land , Situitt it in ;the tOwriShlP, -o e * Sllieril4ol taunt,' and Mate aforelmni,lmunded and, ed as foIIoWS, - 14 . ,Wit :'Begitining at a prit, .the f l °rl 4 l .qst Or tit+ ?s,t [arid '.otMiclinel Oraderiek,, {hence north :along land . ef - Julm Kane !Ina 447; 3 - 10 " Pereht,t+.l4 n :Post; int th I ito ut It line . hl* the' rriervatiori,! thence by tile. reserYation,ins4t 60, - perches to ri,post, ,, thenettity .land of - John - Karf; ally, south or sere s, tole Nst - in line of said -Michael Broderick,anti thence, along the *Arne •' west hOperehes to the plitee.a -beginning. Con.l ing 55 and 2-10th* aeres,. be ANS al:amet-m.r,.:,', or less, with,,, the appurtenances. [pak t . n., i n . : execution at the suit of . W. & W. IL Jessup, truOtes, to the use 01 linen lim.o Y.i. Nitwits' Holloran.] . ; ALSO— All-, that cerf , tin," piece or pir:el of land .situate 'l,n that 1)(4000_ of FriendSville, • county and State aforesaid, - bounded and di- , scribed as follows, to wit : beginring at the ! northeast side of the Milford arid '(Doug turn- ' pike roof, .iaxalled. sit the norms- 1 k corner of John G urriet's hied; /he+ hy : the liras mirth,: 27' ens% 262: perukes,. to The line 4r Henry • Porter,. 1.414 in Choc...tint townsbip; l llione e by the line of said Porter's hind 54 1 e•elies' to the- None r of lnhd of ,be est.nte of B. T. mi,14,1 1 , dece:ised: thimce by !hi same south, 37' weld. 250 and 6.1001. ...LAlitin to the MiThsrd and "Owego turnpike road . ; •Itinee along : the-snit - to south. 53" east, 42 to the place of. b e v./ital . :titling 67 perm., be chic same more or - jest.. togt;ther with th/• appurtenances; one framed dwehing. one ilt.tp4e„ barn, some fruit trees, mid about 'lO acres iinProved. I 'Pak; nin execution at the suit of IL S. ' Rentley.lto the use of Caleb berm& vs:Michael 51rylert.1 .. • , : A I*3o—A tl .that eertn . in piece or parcel : of - , land situate in the township Ill' ItilMil, (11nnt V . and Stale albresnid. tiontifled and descrllesd as .. follows, to wit: on the n.(01 by hind of David Ilaker,.Caleti Cnrmalt, andcArtioszlltilles, on the east by David Baker, and Ira - Peel; on thi-1 south by John Tupper end, 7.,reas Conley; and on.the west ley Ilenjarnin'lllnt_haw a y and John Ifillra, il;ntnitiing tote hundred end 55 acresbw S ' the same 1110r 0 or less; with the appurtenanee4'. 'Jw house and barn, otie i wiggiin - house and other out bailtlingsn e or Chard anti, about one ' hundred acres improved; [Seized and taken in execution at ,the suit i.ri Post; i3rother s e s . Clarriaiih 11. Dewura and Hiram Duweraj . - 'ALSOs-On,,Saturdny, A ugmd 25th, 1.130. MI that, certain pi(are or parcel of'lanil Situate in the township olGreat Bend, ymitity of Sits;filehanna, and Stitte of Pennsylvnitia, hounded and dem-rib; ell He follows, to wit : - 4...zit:fling al an nil sap nee a corner uir land situ lii ! ZO Conroy. in a line of 1:;n41-rant e n to NorMati ttous i l, then c e by said lust moot baled - landitiorth.li7 -1.2' (;.1.4., .19 perches Li a post; thuitic:- south,' by land • formerly called the Johll.l.i Way. )..P, ;lot per ches to the bank lit the St. 4 tinehnrunirlfer; them-, d ;wit the -sa'al batik aloeg tithe several eatINVS of.snid ricer to the mu/Oleanl corner Li . lot sold ' George Ct.nrny 29 aforesa id; thence along the I. sumo. north 90 perebtis to the Piave. of, beginnino contalning fink:five-acres add sixty-two perches, be the None More or -less, li.gither, with the nil. purtenatmesoino trained !Muse. one shop, one ' burn, one iirc..liard. end ((bunt thirty acres ibis proved. [lra ktn in . exeni4inn at the snit of Martin Stone vii. Almond 51ttioton.1 • : ,: " ' ALSO -4 let cif laud satiate, lyingarwl being -• , .. in the tiovn-hip of Forest Lake, eon ntv and sl a t' - i 137 " . jjewnrero f rile and u'r":ild e ls eeei* t rea" aforesaid. (monde(' as follotws: beginnino at a i Theo* : tlenuine, Pure, and medicinat Baisasa has piti4 in the smith line lir 1)14 Rose Reservation• the' nazne of "I. I.lTTS;:written With a pen,- the northeast ebrne'r of land imutrayted to Itm gc r - and the printed name of the proprieton, " 8.1 r.: Kabe, theneu.alet the south line of said I.' OWLS &.00.•;'' °tithe outer wrapper..- ' ' Itiowrvation caSt sixty perelies : to_n p. vii thence ; - All' who viler iith. an" !I - dime's . e - of the Tirocd; by • land 'id* S. Hallman south one Wombed and ' Limp, or deg, can atain like relief by . thing -. tort y-seveu and three-tents ipereltes 1,, n post, ' . -•-( • . ' thence hy land if Quinline ;mil Mellon:ft west Wistafs - Balsapt of' Wild Cherry, sixty perches to a juost...and thence 4 Itoo-er .Wistar's Balsam of' Wild - Clier 2' 3" 1 : KaOt.4, line north one hundred-and forty -: c an i. and three :tenths perches to life hegin . ning,..ctin- . .„..-7 PREPARED VT . . t S. W.. FOWLE 'Zir,. c 0 , ., .: taining fdtp-tive acres; mnie or less, improves '_.•-'• nomts, one log house, onel log barn, and fro-- No. IS TREMONT STREET, BOSTON: 1 20 to 25 acres improved. - (Taken in exectitrin'' • ! at the suit of ML S., Wilson O. John Kim:: 24.1 ' ALSO—AII that certain Ipieve •or parcel of 1 latid' situate,. lying and being in the borough of 1 Friendsville, county and Stale aforesaid, hound: r ed and described a:. follow • e, wit • On 0 I' no t i ti ,------ , ....--.... r .,42;,,-,4„,,,,h .. , ....oh".1o, Lia,ll,"r (•...i..1.42.--4.0*- —. 4 .---.4..... , , , 1 , I by land of ,Michael I'u reel ten. Lewis Maim', I containing. one 'pen., more. or le:is, with the tip. purtenances, .o d e house, one barnf 'inns- fruit trees and all imiwored. [Tai.en in execution at the suit ~I. Rich ard As.liton vs. lli inin Cook ! • land 'that certain piece or' parcel of land situate is the township of Harmony, Counts : mid Slate of nfOrusnid, .boUntied and aeseribt.;;l as follows, to wit : on the 'north' by Lin& of Benjamin Comfort, 4.n the ;last by the public highway, on, the south by, Benjamm -Comfort, and on die west:ll3.l.nd of the estate of Jena than Tay for, dee:eased, containing, about one-half of ‘ an acre, with I the ippurtepances, one tavern - Dense, t'lne bar n! sheds, &e., ril all Unproved. II A—All that :other piece 4.r parcel of land , ' , •,•,.. • situate is above'. and bounded and dCacribed as '',. 152 1,. . follows: on the 'north and cast by land of the • itlcp estate of Jonathan Taylor, .diseased, -on the smith by land•off ‘Vhitecirnb ineNewman 'and . f .,'L"..- 0 ',,T,,,T, t) „,,,",,. Stem:, and on the west by the public highway, •. , wafurf f •h. diced. containing: about orfe s hdlf of an acre, be the tr. flo, la.te. lid NA,. i urincfri kr , it s . i same more or less, with the •appurtenanees. one, -ro -1 -. dwelling house, Ono blacksmith shop, &c., •anti - - ' • Bronchi - al A all improved. •—All tlnit certain piece or i :1;17.z.ef.,5". AZ/117:43.1;,,i,,;„.,,,,k. parcel* of land Situate in! thelboro . ngh. of Sus- I' .f.Y.b.. , Ir. wrwrythlz.a Pot.. quelutnna Repot,,hounded on the north by Main - ; i'lyan eel. Pa. Foi..tnie,:p)., ..9 . Street, on the east, by land of W. 11.. and J. "_mh 11e.lhot ..:11.1.1. 1 R 1 1.41, 1., Hubbard, on /he south by laifd in the possession -of A. W. Hoyt,. and on the West hy hind of , liews l ! -litev ._ Miles Cregan, voOtaining abolat three hundred RAVE You' HEARD . TY . and sixty' feet of ilanci, it being , the - north half'of . . ... dot No. sof WM. Wurts&mpof said borough. •, % t H 4 T' itir .with the appurtebanceic oho store building. with • . , ' - . dwelling honse !attached, -add all improved. - ' lvitvrti.A.T J. L. lEILIIi3II .4nso'-411 the' defendant's interest. to and in T •4 1 '" 11 " : " w lm•kOu' - all that cer - tain tract or 'parcel of land aitnate in .. the township of !Harmony, county .and'. State • • aforesaid, bounded and described as,follows. to • , - wit: on the north' by the . New:York State line, embriwing in the Dry on, the east by the line of • the; tract deeded by: t ,,l' oc h tr i ti n P e 24, l r James, Comfort and wife to David Mersiereau, hope wear, Shlr' and On the- w-at by the - SurnMit road leading' 1:42..-4:•%1•11,T•r,IY from the‘railroad, 'crossing near..G. W. Sparks. iki r d;,;.. h r . to the N. Y. & Kilt. R. to the Gull' Summit,' it Ms. D . Seetr being the. same . I lent nontraCted - lit,„. David il . ,"'„l','',?„ T " Mersereau to Hedry-Perine, AK. Perini, A. every v W.' ROwley, and D. Nort on - theW. : day of May, 4. D, 1859, together with the arr. 64 ptntenaneer,4 one house. Ono barn, Ono steam • saw mill with engine, &c.,,att•tehed and • aboet fifty acres improved. [Seized dnd taken in exe cution at the Suit!, of - D. A. Byona ed.-D. W. Norton, N. C. Norton and l Norton, jr.] •• • NOTICE TO PI. I 6 (I ItASE.E.4.—TI prevent misun- - 'der:standing, notice; is hereby given that purdins. , erwat Sheriff's Sales' will be required to pay the 1 } amount bid at the ;time the land was riold. It. has become imperatively necessary to.adopt,' this rule, and it will 4-strictly adhered to, except where the purchaser is a. lien erdditor, and is en titled to the, fund is provided te the first sec: tfon,of the net of Asserohly, nruroved god' 20, (846, which is as pillows : Whenever the pur- . chasers of real estate at Orphan's! Court or Sher. dr 'it sale, shall appear front the proper record to be. entitled, ns.a lien creditoroo •receivri the' .. wholo oe• any porti4n of said sale, it shall. be the , duty of the sherifil - administrate:, executor, or y nthor person making such sale,)to, receive the 1 receipt of such purehaser or puieliasers, for the amount which he or they would . atipear from the record as aforesnickto be entitled tie receive :-- Provided that this'aeetion shall not be. so con-, strued as to prevent the right of Iia id sheriff, arl-! ministrator, executor or other pOrten aforesaid, to demand and receive atilletinqt of tiile, - rtatim aufliciimt to cover all' legal - eostsientitled_ tote' paid nut of the proeeeds of said lisle;. and Oki- - vided further, th.ot hefore'any purhaier arptir l'cliats4s shall receive the benefit'dt this • Seittibri, I he or they . shall produce . to I,h e sh eriff, or potion so making said said kale, a duly • iertified state went freni the proper records . , uPder.the hand 'arid - effiCial seal - 0•• the proper. * officer, .shflutieg that he is a lien crediVikentitled ito receive any part of the proceedo)f the sale aforeektd." .!` • (.- - • - - ,-- JOHN :, y(lllfiG,' Sheriff. - • Sher lll4 e o ffice,M4atioae, i : .1" - - - ; ' 'ls .4it1y..2,t,, , 18644 •.. '..:5 4 , ..1 • ' . sMrSt!,ErS A - al l ilit: , - 41'1 1 0 • t P. D TI' °l' pimps BROw-Nlhigriateiretedreeisnmp- Boa s t Ayes fovetrnual yeaAcchadlyoll4attry Dye- Kra thetiotsrart dr.,the time helm wodnad to hie - Be** eventually enredby opreemi• peon firntshed him by A young elalrvoyantgirL .ThlameamiptitzKiirers 'him by a were alit' whlTh - fh a itate of trance; has cured 'herd, w° bt aknit'never hovi to ll ed once. . , • anditheiliiiiiiiimi.:.::;:._.:—. , !'---** 7 ,. / PeireC , ~. . _ T REundersigned;e an i.todltor appointed by the - collie - '- ' I.J of Common Plemol Sunehanna County,` , to dletrib-. 1." 1, . • - . • - ' ute the ommd. aof Shut; We.'of the real astute of 'ft" r. ;At 4 ' •; z i: _,. . , j ,Zaton;maa a t - thiv.wit_iof Bannon Tiiylor, will Attend I„._. Atte vinelthereViVer(of tho principal' babyealtst. to pm duke ofilltwAßtatilutralla Cor astardAy, the ebb.' r•Ant.ote. . Oil igall oube t V=Aro to be nlik tit dr Milo neatiskillo'cl2Wr.. p4thkoedee- : stow . • mill sikait • • page tO , of ,AA' „R. Tou n reme, at ur time and Mimeo]) - . comae mai_ Sid' one tamp to pay neft interested. required , to •tnalce thalrielafma lc .0 •:I ,0 1 . - BRAWN. 41„Grand-at. Jenty MY. J. own ozbe dabs trent e ',, in noon ealdttind, .: . Wilk: a . , Phelpe Brotvit'a Ftateter arc for isie at . Solt' 10th, 1860.--141 I BAND, AudirOr. zuMrlebrinut DAM- Po-, by S• $: Wl:s7.• ' • trb:dia• iit Wild CUM . . Wi!tikto :11413 4 ' ot•W4ItcherrY; - 4411, cork-Nor, • Aithmo, 'Watkins; lioarstners,Trbnchitisi Aitkin, - Bronchilis; Whooping ongh,, Croak- WhoPiOg Cough, Coniumplion,. Consumption, Consumption; _ Consumption; .COnsunintion," f. and all likeilieemes,ind antick'ne,si ready relief, and a cue and sped" cnre, in Mai great'and unireriallapiroreld retards!, • Wistarts Balsam of Wild Cherll% • Wiataraßa"Sam of. WO Che rry. 11 !..Revo4sepb.8echleri •' .17 WV Lamm and much rrspiard among the Orifip tali= vial* Country, mates the jatorsitir stoteatesiStirt ' the oc:gefic ijithe olqaq. • llallovr.rt, PA., Feb. 16, 1850' Memo. S. W. FowLr. At Co.; Baran:— Yin t 112144 realized in my family important bentellteleota S...the . Ulf er yiutr valuable pre;aration; WISTARX UAL : MAX Or WALD aXERRY, if Words in pleasure ut recommend it to the public. Some eight ream a pa s ofrny daughters seemed to be la a decline, and little hopees of her recovery were entertained. r thmi pm. cured a bottle of your-excellent Balsam, anti beicirei she• :had taken the whole of the contents of the bottle there WAS a great improvement in . her health. I hive, in my individual case, made few/tient use of your by medicine, and )13Ve always been benefited by it.. I *could, helerrtr, caldioit the puldtc aittinif imposition., be calm there Liu :hod deal-of syuriotiJ Yleter'e, MAT" of Wild Cherry afloat throughout lie country, - i JACOB Virginia Tat!tiniony. Certacate iron 141 a. Noßnitv. - NosixoN, " Ezdaginet gfce, nicht:nut. , • ' teltard:C 21.,191.4.'e • -'3lessre:H. ro wt. & Cck u lk..inon, Gentlenien: 1 . 1 with pleaatire,testify to the grelt merit of yout in :valuable lung medicine," Dr. WIATAWA BALSA'S f or MILLECHERIII.I", which is likerase highly valued,by many. of our ebteenieij ciiiaeus; who have, tested its virtues lty trial.- I first Made use of.t his 1141Fant some three yeat's'aitico for a violenv and diitres§ing conglt.which balled the 11. kiy of physicians, and, (o . llly joy, experienced such gratifying relief as to induco no to per. in Its use. I,always keep it by me, and'ever find it to unfail ing in its effects. medicine that I have . ..venlig/I' has given girth speedy relief. yours truly, . • ~.• NORUORNP. . _ '.. •', From Jesse Smith; Esq.., • . • ,• . . . ~ rPrt4ideat of the ~ VansV ointly. Bank % 'and, vio is well kown . and much . esteemed thrull . AOlll :Vas . Jersey. .._ '. • MonnisroWx, N.J., lie. 9, 1860 Messrs. S. V. FOWLE & Co., —Dear Sus: Having 'used laiA ILN BALaAM O{• (0i about fifteen years, and having realized its tippeficieJ results in my family, it atrordA me groat pleasure in SecommenduN it to the public as a valuable remedy ho easel of meal• how', cedar, einieti,.4-c., and a reniedy which I . cert;ider to be entirly innocent, and eniyle . taken with perfect safety by the twist delicate in health.' Your.; very respectfully, , . D , ruggistv o Dealeft, and _Vereheints in every tawnr and city hi the Cititett Stales. • .It ,, •lTurr,•ll and !fiord, Watrons & Fos- Montro., L. IL- Woo tint fr. 4 l/1 ; Antos Nichol!. Itarford • Weed t Ward. ,• • e e • .1 WED . TAR AND WOOD .NAPTHA; ." 2153 trorttifor theotit of . Coughs and Colds, Croup, • „ Bronchitis, Asthma, Difficult Breathing, ' . Palpitation of tho Heart. • f/,e re:isf i!! patients la ad rahet'il slugs. if • Consuinption together with all Diseases— ' • of thOThroat and Chest and which. • predispose to Consumptibri. • atta , l , the rout r•flii;ll,l.e i find nittlys tlirpll sq,...iimb foils alsoprodit. • fr,c• irp,..toration. ir..,lltAyaelion Jblateriae'and tivues. , It. is peculiarly adapted to the railital cure of ASTHMA. - - • ' rho- Po. of true baratuat4 sYR.l7 ;', Vfervi'rer • • casertilt Mfivipretary Wadi the particular • ',Wart 'he disease ttatiz.:. It ittre ry?team:mt. . thenil IP erects: rry it cf• courinc.Ti kit it it toratriahle." care of • -Ht•()Ileillai ffe(iliotse. . Prier. 50 cent , Roqfe. l'rrparf d' only bit' • Pr. A. F.4E % IrA'l.X.andsotttliti A. - FientreiPo.. ; W. ovaPritli,`entZ POPL.I/: Arras, ; Pa. For'saldlio.troithrw by • - • in82911/:•,11.4 7'V.4•1 ~'LL, . . • !Ile ws -.News ! HAVE You t HEARD Tho HEWS? • WHAT' NEWS • . • • HAT,. lIERMAN Is NOWBECEIV&G V .direct from New york, another of hiticlikiLco stocks or • .te• cmbritCing in the Dry floods line. de .I.ains, 'inatt tHlas,'glik.s. Poplins, Print's, etc-, etc,.ete, as wallas 11411 stock dr Domestlck,• such as summer cloths,• for men and boys' Wear, Shirtinge. Tlekings,. Denims.' Cotton Yarn, (earpeeeWiirp, Batts, ete. • Proceriee--a full- assortment.— Fish--Mickerel. Trout, Whitefish. Codfish, and Herring. Hardware, building materials, Nails,-Glass, Pottv,Painta.,. ()BP, D'yeetntrs. Iteatlymtaile•Clothlng, the workmanship. WAIZILLNTEIe. Hats, Caps and Dounets, of the latest style., Boots and •lifetee, worth from 1:1!,ce to $5.- In tact almost' • - every variety of (:odds usually inquired for at any country store ! be found at the , - I • and it is the aim orthle . prillrlietnr Lb make such diipOsitkitt s of his (Mods that neither his sItyt•CEA nor his Patrons wilt .110,(s." J.. L. IdERB.I.IdAN. Ppeohyllic. Pa.. •.f fine lot. lseA— if A. :hia - ittAno • .1-frnocivm LF'NEID I_ orars. liuiEiPlllll,lt: generally are InlV r inued that a - FREE EX , HIBITIGN, glven al an hours (Atha day, of - NEW - GOODA of all sorts, viz: fire., Goode of Summer Prints, PnOlinei challis, lawns in pasterns, cheap Bishop Lawns. Brilliantsq . le' wk. Hard, and Snits* 31n11, Ladlee. Collars and Sleeve,. Minify, 31oreenm, Fond tura Enure, He ofuelse Jeans, Nankeep„ Summe,t . Gents Shirts, COtton Drawers, Collara,,CravatioNeck-tiee, and Suspenders: :a1 new and largo lot of. •• • ; LE ATHER - WARE such a, Gents Fine Calf BooiS -- goosUtms;'alseheavry and' light Shnea, Splendid Ladles Gain+, from 5 to IS 'shillings :warrantedd to fit. Whitey Brown, and Black HOSIERY. Parasols' and Unthellas.- Band Boxes and Worlcßaakets. • 131 .-IL - r slug tittet and SKIM. dlliamantliae an Tallow Vandles:' Bram' and .14panedassinters, Mush Boar d ds,and rottbe Hills.—White vrinthlirfshiar Bed Co t& ST) feet-lone, whlttledand spring Cloth. Pins, Pim' lind CEDAR P4IL9, besides a PIRE or V40414r "OXOOBI4IBB O of eivr'variety, amen whleban, Tapleo and Corn 4tsil?ils for ElbrioisiPtidding6sCredna Tartar. dods.slasel tialeratim 011E1°0i/11, Epsom Salts, Black and - Seoteh Stnitlonadlots of things'llieh won't do to read about, bat please to till, examine and talk aloof. ({'c are readyand willing to ehow Goods,; even though they. may not gait ;: and shankhd for small favim. • .H. C. TYLER.' - 1 • . . litiptisUttle of the - obilling Kik ninic, it :4 beats anything °Ter shoot op, .......11LER.s, )FONTROSK May MOW°. , , JESSE, 3311T11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers