NricalturaL ORIGIN OF FRUITS;. ETC. We find the following in an address delivered by • Dr. Charles T. Jackson, of ' Boston, before the Plymouth Agricultural _Society. "'kis the glory of our poble art' thatit possesses almost creative , powers. "'Not only .his every seed been Made, / to 'produce 4 ::ift4r i#s kind,' ) _ but also to yield still other kinds; not indeed new species; but varieties so improved that they cannot by all the skill of science be . idem ' titled with the wild' plants from which . .they originated. Who cum point Mit. the native or wild grasses, from which our cereal grains have been produced? Botam ists have suggested that they must have bud suchorigins, but they have not been .. able to identify the particular species or grasses frop- -which wheat, barley, rye.. and oats have been derived. . "Our large; plump, juicy,--and mellaW • .applei, are •all said to_ have originated from thebitter and sour wild crab apple, which differs so much from theta that it is difficult for us to conceive how those rich fruits were Llerived from humble an origin. . • . • 1 "From. an' insignificant and • almost tasteless wild fruit, originated all our au ' merous varieties of deliCious pears. - Oar Lug-e t :Sump, and luscious peach, would blush at seeing its dry; withered and bitter father;—acid our juicy Sums would be slow (sloe)* to recognize theirs. The apricot. and nectarine cannot boast Of the excellence. of their ancestors. The ,apricot is said to be.a variety of the peach. •„, "From nauseous and poison 'weed's •have many of our garden vegetables sprung. The tender and juicy asparagus: is supposed to, have: been, originally, a bitter and disagreeable plant growing, up. on the sandy shores of the sea. The cab bage, with its' head full of -tender and • highly nutritious leaves, was originally weed' growing in , meadows by the sea • . shore, and the delicate i.mditiower has no better parentage. "Our tnealy potato bel - 4ngs to thC Same ramily With the -deadly !nightshade, and in its wild• state, was an insilmiticant plant, withlittle tubers not worth digging from earth, or of eating when they were dug. a The anion was a nauseous shore plant, growing in the sand, like its relation, the medicinal squill. "Parsnips, turnips and carrots,,id their wild state, were also strong, .unpalatable roots, unfit fhr food. - _ "From , small 'beginnings came our plump, cereal grains, our rich, juicy and delicious fruits, _our nutritious esculents, and savory giirtten ve2.etubles. .. " Who, as it were, created wheat, liar ley and rye, or first put the wild fruits • and vegetables ii . i• the way of improVe -.0.1 ment, we may never know. "The ancients ascribe these creations to mythological 'deities, and thus did I he tilrmers injustice, unlessindeed tl ey meant by their fables to deify them, nd exalt their labors. 1 . • - " I would suggest to you that it is highly probable that the wild rice of the . lakes and rivers in the por tions of the United States,which is a high= lYnutritious grain and very . prolific, now feeding myriadS of wild geese, ducks, pigeons and other birds, and Supplying , winter food to the Indian b,—.. r .. miqht flowed tneraoWs, and be improved by cultivaticm. The wild sea-kale has been successffilly cultivated in Europe, and is -now extensively usedfor * * * "Progress is a law of nature: From the earliest dawn of creation there has been a constant series of improvements in progress. Geology- reveals that the loW er order orsensitive beings gave way to those of a higher . grade, until the last term of physical creation was attained in the creation of man, whose improvement, as a rational creature, and an immortal soul; is still destined to be onward and up-ward." • • •The common_phrht is 'mid to have been derived fmm the 'pole. The nectarine Is considered by some botanists to , a distinct apecies ; but there etm be no doubt on title point. as Qke peach lttmlf is nothing more than an im proved tir fleib , almond which bears a similar relation to the peach end nectarine, as the Kato does to the apple, and the sole to the plum. • Damsacr.—The most primitiyemethod is by Ineans of open -ditches. They should hare- sloping sides to, prevent washing. • The great objections to them are, "first:, 'their expense; second, the earth thrown out must be carted away; third, it is dif ficult to keep them open . ; fourth, they are in the way; fifth they take up too much room; sixth, they do not act equally on the land; and seventh, they carry of the - water so rapidly that it' washes• out the sides of - the drain arid carries with it Many fertilizers. • Tim second mode of draining is by means of ,brush laid in the bottom df 'ditches and covered with dirt. This works well as . long as they last,. but are easily obstructed, and not permanent. . The third method is what is called mole drainage. this can bo used only on clay soils. It consists of driving a . mole or, plug through the soil at the depth of about three feet. The bole left by the mole remains ?ripen and carries off the water. They may be useful in -some dis-• tricts but are not reliable. ' • . Fourth, stone .drams. These are next hest to tile, but their great expense makes them objectionable: klth, tile drain*. This . ..methOd is the best yet adopt(d. Thebest shape for tile is that.of a pipe. - inth a round bore and .a round external surface. There iA no,rea son' why good tile are not as dec , irable as stone. Collars are sometimes', used to keep the tile-in their place, blit-add about .50 per cent. to their cost. The necessary size of the tile .gill depend on the slope'of — the land, their shape and smoothness. a - IfICIW TO , DQ, yr Sinirr liosous;--Take, two ounces of fine white gum arabic pow der—pat it into a pitcher, and pour.on pint or more of -boiling water, according to the degree of strenglb you desire—then . having covered it, kt it stand all .night—, in the morning pour it carefully from the dregs into s clean bottle, cork it; and keep it for use. According to Edward Everett, the use of alcoholic beverages costs the United States directly $120,00,0,000! has burnt or otherwise destroyed ss,ooo,ooo.worth of property; destioyed 40,000 lives; sent 250,000 to prison and 100,000 children to the mar house; caused 15,000 viaraers and suicides; and bequeathed to - the coun try 1,000,000 orphan children. rgr We commend to our lady readers the following, objection to a late fashion :. Young girls wearing straw hat s w i t h liAle bells pendant from the brim in. the sort space of two inOlithat Immune croSs ! eted. - , Justantos have occurred of - malformation of the ayes caused by Elie . of these little bells.. " BUSOMS CAR'DS. L . :JOH:g . A li I rEII, 1 • wAsmo.tu.FE .r.. 0 MOntr,oae..Pa.l Shop wet LN. BullaMts room.- on Malottreet.l Thankful ftw past farm. he . Pfilicita a contintutneo —pledging , Mimi( to do all ork satiaractority. Cut ti= done on Abort notice, k ind warranted to 111, 3101006 e: Pa,.. 1111 11hb . . Ma—. ' . C. 0. FORDIL-at,'-1 . : INTANUFAVTIMER of 1100 TS .f • 8110E1S.:MontroPP. INJL Pa.?,. Shop over Trl store. All klbds of work =do to order, And repalriing done neatly, • , e2jyl • • - DR. WILLIAIq. W. ItHEATO ECLECTIC- PHYSICIAN & SURGEON! DENTIST WITH DR. xrßos • WITHATOA; MecharilairaudSumitrit Lientlat, 'recently of Ring - ha mton, Y. tender their prefeSalpnat services to all whoAPPN - Mate the "Reformed practice of I'hyeic;" arena and skillhd operations on Teeth; with theeno,it acienthic and approved etylee of platmeork. Teeth extrataot wptout pawl and all work Warranted. Jackson, Jane 14th. 1800. L . B. !ISBELL-4, • - ' • I.i E arw A r l te li le n e .ig N tin ll d * 'o t i be re ' aZ n n d atl c e ‘‘ ; e 'el gt t 24 work warranted. Shop ln' Chandler 'lnd Jeesnp' a More, noa. - tuong;Ta. ' ' - . oena tr Le------' W 31.; JTUSTICE OF THE PEACE.-:"Oreni ]tend,- Mice •on Main virmt. opposite the.Wcbtarn Moe. - ,P. LINE'S., • • IASEfIONABLE TAILOII - .sfontrose, Pa, shop In Phcenls Block, over store. of Road. Watrons AP Foster. .1.11 ICork.warranted. as to At nod finish. Cutting dote on short notice, In be style. janrf,o • 1)B., 11. S4ITII & SON, unagoNDENTISW;-31butrose, Pa. , ..I.lloBllco fu Lathrops' new building. over I- the Dank. All Dental operations will be performed in good kyle and wamnded: I • lI . COLLC.II ' D i R. SZA.K.C. - • 31cCOLLIT.A1 & 4 :SEATiLE,, • • • A • TTORNETS and Connrelloro at Law,—Nontrore, Pa Ogee In lathropa''new bulldig., over the. Bank. st...4rourr. ' P E. PIRUS, DItS. BLAKESLEE S BRUSH. .sp.oelated themselves for the Prosetotion of la the duties of their profession, respectfully offer their services to the Invalid (Mee at the resideace.of Dr. Blakeslee, midway ban een the villages - of Dintocin and Sprittv, ille. . ' • aptt bty 1. R. AMMAN 11, G ANK:i. DRS...BINGITA3I A; AN i2Y, • AATOULP announce to the public that they have entered \V into - a partnership for the practice of • MEDICINE & SURGIMY and are prepared to.attend to all calls in the tumor their profession at all hours when vot otherwial, engaged. OFFICE-,-The one formerly occupied by Br. - BinghaM. N. B. The book accounts of Pr. Bingham lutist be imme diately setilmi by notes or otherwise. • . - New Milford;litareli MO' • L. W. vtr- TIEINItY B. I.I6REAN"; & TTORSEY and &onnaellor at Law•.—Towevoi. Office in the Union Block. ; Y.3530' : ' , 'DR., E. F. • 11..NDUAT11.' of Allopathic and flomtropathie Col leges 'Of Medttine.—Grmt Bimd, Pa. °nice, corner of Main and Elizabethsits, nearly opposite the liethodist. Church. = " - ap36 tf WM. UrNTTESO COOPER'. UE RS DRINEER. • W. 11.11. COOPERS CO., _ • BA. KEllfi.-slontrose, Pa. Successors ni Posts Cooper & Co. Cake, Lathrop& new bulding, Turnpike•st. NEWS OFFICE. riIIiENEW-YORK CITY ILLUFSTRATED NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZTNES. tiff Pale at the sloatrure BOOK STORE, op Public Aven,ne, by ' A. N. Buta.ant..", • JOILN GROVES . ,. 1 ' "VASIIIONAI3),E TAlLQR,—.llottrome. Pa : Shnp neirthe Baptist 3ieeting Howie. on Turnpike street. All'orders filled nrotuptlv. in first-rate style. Cutting done on short notice, utidowarranted to ht. • • -- DR. JOHN COBB,' 'DUYSICIAN AND,SURGEON,—Montrore, Pa. Oilier nn Public Avenue, opposite Searles Hotel.. :01 - DE. :G. Z. DIMOCK,I. 1 . 1111 - sialAN AND ShlGEON.—MentroSe. Pa. Office .L over Wilsone.Store Lodging:4.ot Sear e' Hotel. . ABEL TURRELL, l c • DEALER Metlielnev..Cheniicafe. Dve Stnera, Olaea Ware: Paiute, One, Varulah. Win do G14%.a. Grckeries-, Fancy Goodo, ‘Tewelar Perla men% &e.—Agent ftir.all the meet popnlar - P4TENT IfhtltlNES,—lloatmte. Pa. : wag] tf i'""iing .- 1 1- tr J. C. ........ ' ....I.!L. MAD. • OLMTEAD St, READ, viTOTTLI) AIN7OITINCE'i to the Public that they hare entored into a partriephip-for the Practibe of MEDICINE & Surgery, and are prepaied to attend to all mils in the line of their profm:sion. 'olllre—the one formerly occupied by Dr..l. C. Ohnoti , DUND.N.F.F. • . • , tun ..Im. LOW PRICES WIN_! .4 T THE ORE PRICLSTOR El HAYDEN BROTHERS, trw MILFORD, Pa., A RE NOW RECEIVING-THE bAft- I. en. and best stock Of Goode ever brought into this 4ounty g ,•which we arc bound to , n,ll cheap for comb or ready pay, consisting of I: Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, I - Choice Fatally Grocerie%, ` flats, Cap*, Ready _Rade I Clirtliiim , W Crockery. all Pa er, ' Window Shades, Flour Vork: Fish, Salt. Paints, Oils, Gl. ss, Fluid, . Coal Oil, . Hoop Ski is, - , Vitikee Motions, Fancy ooci • 1 - Walches, ! JEWELRY, SU; er W ire, ' Pails,- Tubs,.ll room s, Utica, . noes, and Lots .46i Stacks of oods too numerous to mention. , WE ARE' NOT OLD-FOG .ES in the buslneSs, Charging a large profit and depending on keeping an old set of patnnas who have not tried at other places to see bdw much cheaper they can hay; but we in tend-tojive up to-the mark, and believe In Felling many Goods, and Felling cheaper than -"OLD FOQY merchants can buy them. Now is the time if von want to save money and get Bargains. Call at the ONE PRICE STORE. rtn , " A large stock of . Goodwin & 8r05..1 Yellow Bank Tobacco alwayj; on hand—cheap, very chep. wholesale & retail, HAYDEN BROTHERS. Nek Milford, Pa., May lath, its. . FATAL SHIPWRECK! PART •OF THE CAEGO j SAVED, IN A DAiTIAGED CONDITION TREMENDOUS LOT OF WET GOODS! at the " BEE mvg." 3,500 Y'ds FIGURED. BAREGES Partly damaged by Water, at 4. 43,d,1248 pr yard. RICH MIS', POPLINS ) for IF', cat, pr yardr—wotdd be. CHE A f0r.75 (Trap. ALSO A LARGE LOT OF AUCTION 'GOODS. ! • li Iro - ke sold at the . followiug prices:. , . .. Good Sam p ler Shawls, only • • I.' $ , - 5 One .Stella ~ 1,60 Wool and Silk &oche 4 ' 3.00 Handsome Mantillas' 1.25 Very* 'Rich - t' • . • Good Lawn's, last colors., . . d , 06 , Pine Quality De Laines - .1 . .141 ' Wool and bilk Darwin , ,15 3 4 • Baregerd'Apglals worth 31!4 - 1 - ,18,!, - ; 10 yards Merrimac Prints, and win:linings 1 1,00 ' . Fine" Drees silks: ,00 Extremely . Rich i 70 . White Hose - .06 NicatisleThfetui Gloves - ' • i.- .(15 Pure stlk mitts t• .L. ,12% Watch steel sprlngelcirts.... .. •.. . . ... , : . ,25 . - Good straw bounds.:. 50 Beautiful Leghorn • o •• '1! t . 1. 70 MO Bona Ribbonsl; • ' 10 I • French Embroidered curtain =dins:: • :,..... ,12X, GOod Pants stuff ' l' . ,123. I Better L 9 • • - 2 . ,16 Oilier Giliods Eque.Aly . as :CHEAP: _ Ntexxxiimibeir that . we will do all that we advertise. _Be sure to call before purchasing; Ms - where, as live wx.m. a-ot, and CANNOT be under sold by any establishmethis 'side of New 'Tort, MRS' a& CO. Binghamton; by 1014 186 p. AFFLICT - FIX: ItEAP . 1 . WILLIAMS'S COMPOUND "SOW , T T s twilor the plus. la warm , to effect* Cope to evofy aure,sed in all stages of the . or the money will - be refunded. -Full direct knuisccom • y eselleittle: Foreale* Abet Tiurell. Montrose ; 4 G. Hempstead, dis t %WOO f T. J . Babcock, Dinka& •, nal Carpenter, ThrfoTa : G. G. Williame.Jaelcsoitt Z.B. Slocum, Dondstr: B a.: Merrill, Hopbottom ; A. J. Marll.l.l§eranton. do r- -,..: •4--L F r...t _, ) ,....p . ..03 ~- - , -...5.,. '''' A: f:7; VON .41}(ti 8 ~ _ ~, i ,,. - ,- l ''MOUNTIE HERB i ll' . 44 . 1,1110111._ TE- iiil ii u II ' .0 Herbs, kilts and Roots MMUS Poisonous Minerals and Drugs. - MOTHERS TAKE HEED ' Do you when' observing the uneasy actiona.of veer children. consider that It mar be more than a. mire (italic that afflicts them . ? In nine. cases out of ten. the caeca of the little puffei cr's anguish is WORMS, and should be at cow looked M. HEADS OF FAMILIES it not let your children Buffer, when we present you In „ JUDSON'S MORN TEL A SAFE AXI) PLEASANT CURE FOR WORMS. flow mach better and safer would It be to hare It always' in the howl. A little delay I 0 when a child is taken 111 may Often be the cause ed of Ito death, while acting without, delay,-and by giving the MOUNTAIN DERB'TEA imme dude's+, you will_ not only tare the child :a long and tedious illness. and yourielf much expense,- but also feel happier in knowing that inn bare dune your duty. and perchance laved Da life. This medicine is Combined purely of " I 0 HERBS AND 'ROOTS NOT A PARTICLE OF• tolomel or „Mineral IS USED IN IT, No more filthy Vermifuge mil be used by }wl those who once use this Tra. The only active principle of all other Vennituges and Werra Killers is BIM It O U It T. . • GIVE •NO I IV I.I F . CO - 3E' ee) TO • YOUR CHILDREN. 141 1 Use this mple, Safe, Vegetable Medicine. Thin Werra Tea was discovered in an unusual :;4 way among the Wilds of Niwthsro Mexico—a (nil account of it you will find in our Almanacs. Ask for the "Rescue of Tula Alewnroc," of the 11 , Agent, and have - ennui it, send it to 1 Tour neighbors, that Ole* may Ono kuowlsfrind • - be cured by thia GREAT 'REMEDY I v • JUDSON'S WORM TEA t ‘ . KILLS WORM'S,. 11 . Never Itartos—is Pleasant to Tate. ' • • GET A PACKIGII--.PRICE 25 tn. OPSERVF.—AIways find the Nuns and Signs tare of 11. - 1..11.11•MO. N k CO., and the portrait Ali of Tanico, on each package of this Worm Tea. lir a L. Ji7DSON 8c CO,; .SOLE PRO PR - I E.T RS, 50 Leonard St, New York. Judson's Wagon Tea In sold by one (I/ 1 Agent In-' every Village, and . • 4 by all Druggists.' R.E & 13R0.; Agent., Montrose. (de-42:2 HOSTETTER'S , STOMACH BITTERS. • s . The proprietors and mannfactUrers of-11(ak •,, TETTEL;•:s cELEi;•ro•sq . ()SiAtii iti - - 'f EIZS can appeal wit it Iterleet emnfid, nee ' 0 physicians mail eitix,ns'senerally or the Unit O. . •mes, becanst• the artiste has it t I , tilletl Vern tat ion•herelafore unkbown. A -few facts ofina . fhb. I,,.intL will =Teak more ..poiverftllly thr The ill' 11,..1,1 ter's Stomach lilit tors for the last.year amounted to over a ha . I minion ltottles. :mil trout it. Manifes(stemi y .• inet ~ , f.' in times pall. it .1 , t.vi4ent . t hal: iiiii . itig 1.: , e coaling year 1!.• tausaniptien trill I eaol Iles r entrallii.limt tell leS. The. itelltenSe t:la .lAit. C0u1...1 never hate been sold but 'for ahe raja medicinal preperairt contained in the prep:lilt *bin. awl the iaineion lA' :he most praminebt physieiana is 11i,..!. teetlet:e of the samittiy where artiele is bes , t. Lug v. It tog utS,ly -recommend the Ilittat a I.: ibeir_ . _ptalients, I, 2 ist are ready at all times to give testimonials to its efficacy in .11 cases , -, i , iton.:‘,l:i, tierttligVitellt A - and the slisei,es resulting therefrom. & • is not a temporary popularity, obtained by extrnordantry efforts lit '11:e way of teak • peting ;be qualiti6 cf the but a solid - estimation at' an=invainable medicine. whichi l is destined to be as enduring . m.: lithe itself. Hostetter's: Stomach Bit:Fes have provi tl • a Giqlsend •to regions where fever and nine ' and various other 'bilious complaints Luse counted their vie tints • laji hundreds.- To be . tilde to•si ate Confidently that the ...Rifts:l:is" are a certain CUM - I'pr the 1)2. Frepsis and H i ke diseases, is to She proprietors a source of tin- - . alloyed pleasure. It TellieVeS allinerbid antler' from the .....I munch, purifies the blood, sa l mi imparts renewed vitality to the nervous syetsin, giving it that tone, and energy int - lisps:its:4;de . for the restoratiou of health. It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive orgy 6, mildly but powet fully, and snon restores th'ion to a condition essential to the healthy diseharlze .ofthelunciions of nature. - , .. 1 Elderly persons may use the Bitters dailAnat per directions - on the !mule, and they will f i nd. in it a stimulant peculiarly adapted - to mint's:art ' declining years, as it is pleasant to the pale e, , Invigorating 0 the bowels, excellent as atoqie, and rejuvenating generally. We have . the eyi dence of thousands of aged men. antl-witnien. who have experienced the benefit of using this preparation while sufferinr- from stomach lc rangements end general debility: acting, under the advice of phy - sieinus, they have Lleantlatled i all deleterious drugs' and fairly tested be ' merits of thii•artiele. '' A few words to he 1 gentler sex.. There are certain periods wiefr ' their cares are so haras•sing that nanny of thilm sink tinder the trial. The relation of Mother and elaild is % ao absorbingly tender, .ittet Elie. mother. especially if site•be young, is sar.9 to forget her own health in her extketne enmity -for her infant. Should the period of matennty an•ive during the summer season, the wearltof body and mind is generalty aggravated. Ilere, then, is a necessity for a Stimulant to recut:c rate the energies of the system, end enable Jae mother to' bear up under her exhausting trials and responsibilities. 'Nursing mothers gene rally prefer the Bitters to all other inyig4ra tors that receive the endorsement of plaYsi- Mans, because it is agreeable to the taste, na well ns certain to" give a.permanent increase of bodily strength. ii • All those pet sin.. to whom we have partien- . ' lnrly referred Abu*, to 'wit: solferers from ' lever and agate; 'caused by mole: ia, diarrhea, dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite,,nd all diseases or derangements Of The stow_ h, - - superannnattli invalids, petSolls of sedentary - occupviou, and nursing mothers, will emaltult their, own physical welfare by-giving to Ipos tetters Celebrated Stomach Bitters.adriab CA LTTIONI—We s caption' the public a„,m4nst . using any of the. Many imitations or colmiter felts, but. ask -for 'llortrairxen's Iflm.xnualima Simi Aril 1311TEUS, end sett thateaeh bottlelhas the words “Dr.i..T. liostettee's Stomach Bitters" blows on the aide of the bottle. andistaMped metallic - on the cap,eovering i the cork, nod observe that. our autograph signature is onl the label. . . . tie Prepared and sold by 1108 . 1.'eal'EA & SMITH.. Plttsburgh„Pa., end sold pyii a - druggists,_, grocers, tared - dealers generally throughout the United States, South Anke. . .. rice. Watt Germany. . , - ' ' _ . Err - tor sale in Mt - intros° by . ~: • , jams ly -•• _ '-' - ABEL TURga.L. O.2NOLD DOM KWH% BOOK OP MIA • • elk kVand great 'discoveries of the Japaneie l / 4 / and-East India Medicines, with full directioils for the certain cure of consumption, brouchitp, ca tarrh,coughs,coldsastbma,fevers, heart iittease, ser °foie, cincer,dyspepsia, liver comp laint4travel and urinary depositis:female complaints, /fre...-- 'lllustrated with hundreds of certificates occures and - engravings. AST the purpose otrescrung as many suffering fellow.beings as possible (om a premature death, .it will be tent to any part of the wain eat by sending 25 Ma., to DR. HEATH, oc2oyv)J (47 BroadwaY, New York. City.. Sold also by A. Terrell, Montrose; Hityend Bros., New Milford ; C. P.Mathews, &unitise. Sinigita,ABRAWLEMENT• Dela. Itakkao% ilVeatera DaUral& ONAPINEMEEM • - Tieliotirs-earlier to New Toik, - - • Ono houi earlier to Pltiladelphiti grAN and after Monday, Mai 28111;1860, trains ‘..) will baron a/ follows N • TRAINS I I - 1 410141111 South. The Aceornnindation Traits Past, on the N. Y. It. E. lilt. arrives at Gt. Bendet -6:38 a: ca. And thoCinclonattiPxpreas at •-• 810' Connecting with the ExpreaS Train leaving Great Bend for NeW. York .. • end Philidirthliiii 1:10 Due at New -Milford '7:28 Montroie - L - 1:4(3 • Hopbottnru •-•- - 8:07 Nicholson' - 8i23 Factory Ville:B:47 Abington - - - 9:03 ' I Scranton - - 9:35 • Moscow - • - ; 10:20 Totighatufs • ~1 10:59, _ • Stroudsburg . - .. 4 1 ; 12:17 p. m. • Water Gap• 12:31 Colombia • . - 12:45 , _Delaware (15 minutes to dine) 12:56 Hope (Philad'a 1:21 . - 1:25 • , Washington , 1:58 • Junction - 2:15 _ New York.. - 5:15. e • • Philadelphia "' - 7:15 , The Express Passenger Train, South, con. • fleets at Junction with 3 p.• M. train an .the Cen tral Road for Easton, Bethlehem, 31auch Chunk, Reading, Harrisburg, &e. M 0 V 61.12 Nonrtt. 'I • - PaSsengha froth New York,lleava . . • Pier No..2.North River, . 7:30 a: in. Or foot of Courtland street - 8:t0. From Philadelphia " Leave liensington - 7:15 . J1111(41011 - • 1 1 : 15 • Due at Washington - 1.- 11;33 • 130(1w:cilia , 12:01 p. .m llope(Philarln conneetiou) 12:13 • Delaware (li, minutes to dike) 12:28. 3 Cal uanbia - - ' Water Gap • - 1:14 Stroudsburg - 1:28 Tt;hylninna - 2:46 Moscow 2:21 - Scranton • . • - 4:10 • Abington.' - 4:47_ Pactomitle • -5:03 Nicholson - - .5:22 tlopbottom • - 5:43 or MONTROSE ; 6:0•1 New Milford - • d :22 . I - Great Bend . - 6:40 C( t naecting at Great Bend With the Mail train Nest at ' - 3:24' arid the Night Express at - 1:3 tr- - .W-.:11'; 'rho : Nail Train, West, Which ileav%rs - "Great Bend at '7:24 p. el., is # qhroligh' Train, and reache.s Dunkirk ,1.8:47 n. jn., • • ACCoMMoDATIOS Tuan4-516‘ing North. Leave Scranton for Great Bend at 9:40 a. m Factoryville . 11:00 Nicholson • - I • 11:30 Montrone - - - )2:45 Gfeat Bend ' 1:50 Connects with Dunkirk Ex. West at 3:06 Mouria SoUTII. , The NeW Mork Express, East, n-r- jive.. at Great Bend at . - and connects with the Accnnamoda- .Train which leavcs•Gt. Bend at '2:15 • Montrose . 3:10 Nicholson - - 4 : 20 Factoryvillo - . 6 : 15 Due at Scranton - - 6:40 . The. Accommodation train does not leave Scranton until atter the arrival of the morning train on the Lackawanna &. Bloomkburg 'R. R., thus giving passengers from the Wyoming Val ley a direct connection for the I,Vtat by the morning train. - For the- accommodationl of way travel,ort 'the South . ern Division a Passenger Car'will be at tached to the Express Freight train— Due iii l.~oscow' - Streudsburg - Junction Returning., leaves Junction at - Due at Stroudsburg at Moscow • Scranton Pasannge'rs. to and from Now York will change cart Junetion. To and fern Phila., via B.P.R.R. leave or fake ears nt llopq, Fur Pittston, Kings inn nod Wilkes• Barre, take cars of Lackawanna & Bloomsburg. R. K. at Serantiin. For Jessup, Archbald, and Carbondale, take Onmibtn,ses at Scranton.- Tickets gold and hiitgagc checked. TIIItWIIGII. JOHN BIZISBIN, Supt.. WM N. JENKS, General Ticket Agent. Scranton. Nov .23a, 1861). • S. IVL Pettengill & Co.. - • Advertising Agettls, at 119 Nassau-st, New-York . . and 10 State-st, liogton, are aaentm forl'hei atontrose Demperat, and are au thorized to contract for titat our lowest rates. A SUPPLY OF WALL PAPER. . A - VARIETY Of STILES. 'BORDERING, WINDOVy PAPER &C., &C. ANEW SUPPLY, jest arrived. and tor sale cheap. by A. TURRELL. 1%1 Intre%s, March 15'11,11860. - 11E4 2 11 A,k31.03ED! :~~~.~~ ; c~TT Az aperient mid stomachic preparation of num purified of Oxygen and Carbon ' by com b:Milos in Hydrogen, of ;high piedicallentbor -ity and extraordinary efficacy in each .of the following complaints, Mi.: DEBILITY. NERVOUS I AFFECTIONS, EMA- CLtTION, DYSPEPSIA. DIARRHEA, CONSTI: PATION. SCROFULA. SALT REEVE SCURVY, JAUNDICE, LIVER COMPLAINTS RHEUMA TISM: MERCURIAL CONSEVENCEB INTER MITTENT FEVERS, NEURALOLL &IRONIC HEADACHES. FEMALE WEAREESS. EIS. - MENSTRUATION. WHITES, CHLOROSIS, etc.. ?ARLES OE TEE FACE, ROUGHNESS OF TIES SKIN, etc. The IBONJ,eing absorhed by the blcsid, and thus circulating through the whole system, no . part of the body can escape their - truly wonder. ful inilnence. • The experience of thoniands daily previa that no preparation of Iron can for a moment be comysred with it. Impurities of the blood, de pression of vital energy!, pale .and otherwise sickly complexions intimate its 'necesaity in al most every conceivable case. In all clues . of female— -,_6llol4lnor4dlini, chloroidiitte.), ire abets aredelightfally rentristing. Ifo remedy has ever been discovered, in the whole : history of medicine. vkish exerts each prompt, happy, and fully restorative abets Good appetite, com plete digestion, rapid acquisition of strength, with en mitinal dispoeition for active and cheerier eitsraiso, immediately follow its use. As a gram and and.gemeral reiterative ' it has mo impeder and do selstitata- Put ap p s kept net metal boxes containine 50 pins, lee:600 rental per box s its boxes, 10 50; one dose* boxii. 1141- 00. Voroale Druatiste genargaly. Ntrill be sent free to any sadresso reedpt of the prase. iAn Ists ter, order, etc., should be subleteled to R. B. LOQMI& CO., • bone 'al Agents. • aivlßßomipwAv. N Y. Pt. Whore - Isla teminalli or Ia label oat eau% box. r • ' For sale in liontroie by - aBEL !TURRELL. Agent. '•1 • - , • H I WOULDN'T TAKE A WORLD FOR fps," .. - a lakromarked- to* it ditor-ewn- ain ,e, as she exhibited the portrait otan. on)y 4114 gone :to thei "Writ land;" which was one Of - aril:miner,. 1 1111MITIREI` IMBROTTPES I .. How I should regret it, bad. I not secured this precious memorial of that Gear one.' So. thought we; `The, loved tincis !ire:Am; always with ns;and while we cap 'call them ours,lev'ery one should secure such a memorial; especially sic they can have them so trutlifully'talten II that successful artist, A. B. TUBBS, of Bing. hamton. IA. • - cidc MEAT iMARKET. On Public - Avenue, near Searle's hotel. 'VEEP coastantl4 on hand a good suliply.of IV MEATS of all kinds. ..CA.SII Fkald• for Beet Call le,Caives,Sheep,and Lambs. Also for Hides /*all BENSTOCK &.H AWLIW. a. T. ISENsToCK. ' N. HAWIEY. Montroac, March 'pOth. I- BILLINGS STROUD FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE AGENT,— ' - Montrose; Pa. - • TESTIMONIALS. WE, the undersined, "certify that wyi Were . insured in Fire Insurance Companies represented by . Mr. t Stroud. of Montrose: add that, having suffered logs by - fire while so inemird, we Wereeyerally 'paid hy said mairipanieslo ihe full extent of our claims; and we have confidant:o in him RA a good and_ effective agent. • JAS. It. DEWItT, ZIPROS Cogs, LATHROP & D4WIT - T, •11 J. WEN!, • F. B. CIIANDLriR, • J. Lvorm&Soa, BENJ. GLIDDRI, LE6NARD,SkAREL -Mom r",e. Pa,. November fb . - NEW GOODS ! • Lawsvilleibentre, Snag. coi, Pa. wi P s a id):4;4ztd received,ltoeiin, 17th. • IIt: KENYON, JR. d& CO. .:. . 1 LIVER INVIGORATOR - 1. NEVEIt DEL!..ILITA!kES. - I T Is compotunl'of entirely ft•not Gluten, end 1 I has heenme do;..:e..ed tact. a blend..rd 3a.llclue.etvnwo and apormed L.. all :11.411 here ex... 4,d to 00W ..,. .r{6l to 11111, e . t.a:um:o:J to • All the dlie...tra tor *Web it Is reoummeaded. , Ie I I ' • s It has eared powiand+.l ~....r.- 1 1.1n the lest tled years • isbo had elven at, all hr,..,a, ‘,O s tn re:et a• ex 11114.1 . 011, 41111011eitedOertiOcAtiS14113v, 2e,a !v0,,,,, , ,,r.e10v. The dose roust he adaptc . di Glto Ito froxprrament or the Individual Ihklns q, awl Uo-,d.1 to roofs tkt1,111.1.144 1 ,, 10 Mt 'MU, on the Dowell. i . I g Let We dietatet et - our, - ,ildgenent guide yosj in the use of the-LIVER S- , 1 IVIDDHATOIC„ and it tell! core Liver Crim-I 0 :plaints, nit lons At, tacks, Dyspep*ta,, t i a ithrintic Diarrhoea. Summer Co in ,-1 plaints, Byeente. ry. Dropsy, Sour! Stomach, Iltildtual Costiveness, C1444-`, 1 le, Cholera, Chole.. r ra Morbus, t:hole sva • Info voltam. Plain lence, J a and Ic e,I Female Weakness- es, sad may be wn;11 en, cesefulty as en Oielltnet- - ; ry Famlly Illedl-1 pr i ism , . It willcureSlCK. ILE AD AC III!), ooii r thoossols esa sentry) In 1 0 twenty minutes , It, , two o threci Tea spoonfuls arc Cals-! len, at comwencentont of attac a All *who use Reel a.... g , their teiatinsay !allots., I DIX. WATICII IN TILE 11IIMITil WITII i THE INVIGIIiItATOII, AND SWALLOW I BOTH TOG CTIIF.II. .. . 1 _ • 1:17 p. m CATHMiIit PILLS, ..' , e/44Col.7NDED FROM 1 .. Pare Vegetohir Ent reel., nod pat! op In GLASS CASES, Air 'right. iLiidvi.l.ll keep In any climate'. t , . The Family ;Cal ....• Chortle PILL Harm. tie but toilet Cathartie ui which the proprienor has ouietietbithilltafirf .91 lAqms.lleVn...lll wen barHongowdinePt:Ll. , s and the sang:at-Linn whlrit ee. ell °spr% in rezarl tolhelr nee. Las kW uced m!to Once them within the reachitiK all, Pil , The Profesaion weilknow it. that different Callitrtica act on different itortiotia Lt the VS _Nine& The FA. LI ICA-1 - TIIARTIC PI I. I. im has. with d reference to this well established fart, ' been - compounded . front ", ria, varlet; of the. purist. Veer. i table Esteems wkieh anti war alike on mery Tin of 66 i alimentary canal. at arc g wend and safe In ell voe es where a Catha. In lei ei•eded, ouch tat Jl. = rangementa • of the A Stunt ac le, Sleeplk. , Ilres, Pattie hi the! pnek cod Loins. a Costiveness, Pal of • Mid . Sorrow.* over ,!!-•• the whole biddy 1) 4 front =ldea mll, s‘ bleb ; frequintly, if nez ,eted: end in a loon miter, of Fe- i oar, Lose of Ape- 1 6 1 Me, a Crr.eplaw sett. ": action of Cold l iver th,..4 0 4,- 004 ti,,.. '. nee*, Gemini-he. or El; all-In nano to at..ory44 It Dlsrasts, AVOrII.I,I in Children er Adtt It et hen mot lean, a great' •! Partner er the Blood' a,..• and onto! 4Sencet Ina WO i flesh, it heir, tut nionernani t..P to mention in thisailvertlaa• i meal, Dome. Lial ________ ;: • . i 5.40 10:25 3:10 p. m 3;40 a..m 7:35 12:50 p. m '2:25 Pali* TiII:UBE DIMES. S• The Liver his-lcorntor and Penal,' Ce, qhmtelle PI Ilm ace retplie.l by Driegi.t..l generhlly, and told wholeeale by lbh Trade to an the lure, S. T. W. SA NVOItD, 31. D., l! tsattiseelsse and Prcerleter • 335 Droisiway, NeNv Far sale in Motqrese by ABEL TURREL4 Agent. KEYSTONE HOTEL; , At Montrose, Penn.' WM.H. HATCH, Proptiotor. THIS new and commodious Ilotell situated on Public Menue;near the`Court 1-I:ouse,and nearly . ' in the centre of the business-pbrtion Montrose, is now fitly completed and furnished, and was opened lon Monday. the 27th tiny. o'f September, 1858, . for the accommodation of the public and tt•avelers. The Proprietor feel's confident that le is now prepared .to entertain guests in n manner that cannot fail to 4iive • Complete Satisfaction. The Hotel and Furniture are new, and no a-- penile has been spared tolonder it +al,' if )dOt superior to any similar estfiblishment Ili this part of the State. It: is well supplied with all rho recent improvemCnts. and comforts, and obliging waiters will always be readyto respond to the call of customers: .1 , The Stables connected .with this douse are Now and Convenient. .1 The Proprietot .O respectfully solicits thepatren 7 ago of his old friends, and the public geocrally. ' • I' , WM. K. IlATCII: G. IF: F011:1111A31 AS remove his shop peroFs the street, to H the building one door below Keeler it Stoddard's, which he has fitted up expr4ssly for ;I Saddle, Harness and Trunk Shop where init l y be fonnd nil kinds if 3E3C-41.3ELNMES, from the heaviest lean„ to the lightest trotting harness, and a general ashorment of" trimmingS, which will he latide up or sold %:ery tow. I. Carriage Trinuningii: good - assortm e nt on hared, which will be sold very low; all trimming done cheaper than- elerr wh; 1 . OAK LEATHER s on hand, from which harnesses will made and NA7'intielretaxt eat.. ..tcustmiler.4 sill,bear mind that 11 , wish to settle up once a year. Those having unsettled 'accounts., or notes due, will - oblige i)isettling or milking payment without further delay. ' G. F. FORDIJAM, - Feb. 24th,] Pa. - I ! Lt.ollllttl 71. 4, WHOLESALE. SALT" DEALER, 2011 Wash ngtow . st,..l I • (Directly Opposite Wsshington Jlt i irket,) Me _yrir STILL CONTINUES to Offeeto thu city. and COUNTRY, trade, all' kinds of FOREIGN . Coarse and Finni SALT, at the very lowttist figures; 40000 sacks and; bags, consisting in part of Ash ton's celebrated brand for table and dairy tore; Jeffrey & Darcy!, Marshall's, Brownlbw a, tea, and 50000 bushels Turks Island, flonkres, Cpl racos, - St. Übes,Lisbon, Cadiz, Ivies, Nantes, 4uhr ea of which will be sold'at bargain Meets fropm vessels, store add 'storehouses, ; -; • • Any purchase'r wishing to select (rem a geed assortment will ifind Rio his interest to call. • B.—Fine table salt put up in swill baga of different -aizes, itnd constantly on broad in ship. ping order. Al ao a splendid article of Rock , Ground. salt, in Out bozes,*put up and for sale I by the quantity,!itt.cases of five dozen roach. • Price One Dollar per r Bottle. SANIPORD.'I3 ' • fP , fir ., -4 0/70/ _ . COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. 40CATED, OVER TA & SUSQUEHANNA *ALLEY BAIII4 BINGHAMTON N. Y. koamsoin forlostraitlon from 9 A. m. to 9:3(i, p.m. IPACIALTT: D. W. LOWELL; Principa l, Professor of the Science of •Accounts, PraClient Accountant: '• Author of Lowell's Treaties hpoit Book-Keepl • ins, Diagrams illustrating the same. t Jon* RASKIN, Commercial Accountant, Protest!: of Book _Koeping and Practicarldatheinalles, J. J. ,Ctiwris. Assistant Proteasor, in the Book Kceping•Department. 3: - WAlMpti Professor of PpOlical and Or nnmental Penmanship, Commercial Palsula t l , tiona and Correepondence. • LIEVEIVIcEnSt Hon. Daniel 8..-Diekirion, Lector* totumer l r ;- alai:Law and _Political Economy. Hon. Reason) BalcOm..Lecturer[oo Contrasts, Promissory and Bills of Bschnoge. Rev. Dr. B. Andrews, LeCU/ter on Commercial , EIARIINING.COMMITTEg: `Din. Sherman D. Phelps, Wm. A. Osborn, Esi Tracy R. Morgan, Esq. i 4 - Tke - object of this College is 14 afford to all an opportunity of obtaining tktboritegh Businetia Edueation. - - • • - The Books mid Forms are carefully arranged • by praetical accountants- exprestily for this lit stitution and embrace all the recent improv Pent& • !• . -The course of instruction comprises every' • deptirtment of business. The 'learner will be jlioroughlr taught - the science and practice Of , Double Entry Book-Keeping as iiPplied to the following kinds' of business, viz: General Met. aandiaing, Itlauufacturiag; Steamboating, Railrandin,g, ForwAirding, Freighting, Foreign Skipping, .jj -Ladies Department entirely separate fro that of the . geiSleuten. SludentS, e'en enter any time mid receive instruction. By this arrange, pent every student is permitted to progress Aa rapidly as hiS enterprise and ability will per mit, and when-through, perfect and complete. will receive a Diploma which Will enable hike to. review /it pleasure. , • . - Time to; complete the 'course:o to 12 weeks. vacations. Board $2 ttks2,so per week.i TERMS: For Doii*Keeping, full.a ccountnnt's course, including bPractival Penmanship, Commercial Computations and Diploma t (Time unlittlt edj - • -$35 f:10 Same course for Ladies (separate) - 20 00 Penmanship and Arithmetic, -. • 10 Teachers' course in penmanship; Practi- eel and'Ornatnenlil, - . 30 00 Twelve lessons in Practical Penmanship. 2 00 rjr Occasional clas , ies will be formed lin Phonegrapy. For full patticulara send for a circular. °el3* V • , , . . Cheapest: Bat! Largest! , .15135 7 00 • Pays for Tuition in Single antt Double Entry Book. Keeping, Writing Commercial Arith®u tiet Lectures. - - Board - S we - efts $2O, Stationery $7 2 Tuition $35, entire expenses $62.. cnt.,t mite .Trotr 40 10 weeks. Every itu. dent, upon graduating, is gnarinte"ed compoieut to manage the Books-of any BuSiness, and titial. ified to earn a salary of from I * • 600 TO .$lOOO. Stfitlints cuter at any thee—No Vactitioh Review .at pleasure. First Pieminui for Beat Business Writing; for IBfi9,..received at-Pittsburgh, Philudolphio;*nd Ohio State Fairs.. Also, :it the prinCipal reirs of the Union for the past four years. tyr Sons received at half p71c4 7 * * *Fer Cirenlars. Specimens, and Embelliati ed Vie•ks of -the College, inclose five letter stamps to F. W. JENKINS: Pittsburgh, P. FIT.: MUN • M.OIITROSE . 'PEN.NA. rr HE subscriber having purchiuted • •• • refitted and ynewly furnished the above well known and popular Hetet, is prepared to necomtnodato the ital.- eling publia and others with all the attentions and conVenionces usually fotind in first-ilais Houses. No effort will be spared•by the_Pro. prietor and b,is Assistants to; make the Hotel equal in every point to any in the country. The 'Bar will always be supplied with the Choicest Liquors. The Stables, connected With this 'llhese are large, roomy and convenient, and careful and attentive Headers are always in charge of them. -J. S. TARBELL. HOWARD ASSOCIATION , ' I PHILADELPHIA. ~• A Beneoolent -Institution established by :spe . ei»l Endowment.- for the Relief of the Sisk - and Distreased. afflicted with Virulentand Epidemic Diseases, and especially for.J the - Cure!af Diseases of the Sexual Crya4's. EDICAL ADVICE given gratis, byi,A 1. A4ting Surgeon, to all who apply by litter, with a description of their-condition, (age. alma pation,shSbits of life, atc. - ,) and in casesco( treme payertv.medicines furnished free of chi rge. Valuable Reports on Spermatorrhmairindioth. or DiseiseS of the Sexual Organs, sent to the at: flitted id mealcifletter envelopes, -free of charge • Addiess,.Dr..l. Skillin Houghton, Acting, Bur geon, HaWmrd Association, Nil. 2South Oth-st., Philad a, Pa. By eider of ttie,Bi rectors. [4B FIRM. '1 hour, Ira kirobisicts.-s;i&_i, At 11101VTItOSE, Pa., ONE, door below 1. Ethridge's:Aog Store, on Public Avenue, where vitt be round constantly on band a general sisioniment of .GROCERIES: , Such as Sugars, Stelasses,Viyrups, Teas, Cbfree &c 1 . Also tie choicest; biands of 'FAMILY FLOUR steal; Lard, Pork, Ham,.Fish, Candles dr.4. - We solicit a share of the public patronagti, and pledge ourselves the fair thing,-hoping by each bargain to secure another. BALDWIN &•ALLEN. • Md. LAiLEN ALFRED BALDWIN Bo Ammo smooLi AT , EAT - BE ND, FiA • riHis 'WHOM. will be opened for the receN L tine of lAdies end Gentlemen, on th&29th day (Wednesday), Of - February, 1860. - 'miss OF Terme. , Primary flianohes per Ctr'ir of 11 weeks, $;,00 Common 44 - " - ." t:340 Common sod Higher, " . 4 4 x• 4,00 Higher English, a ' 5,00 Lessone onYisao, 64 " 10,00 Use of 4 It 11 14 lg .00 Ornamental, and Classical Departments, extra. The Principal has had much experienCe b lenching in New York and Penn's for the last ten•years,in Quitman, ne well its SelectXiaded or High Schools. References given if reqUired N.Bp-:Board at the boarding hall, two doll's per week. *.Lights and washing extra. ; 1 Papnents to bp made quarterly in advance. nib y .E. W. ROGERS, Principal. 5,0,000 CETitdi Sold. wayßoors moat COUNSEILLOII at' somas, - By Frank - Crosby, OP THE PIiti4DELFOM. PAR. It 'lel!. you Dor to draw ap Partnership,Pa. • • perst ,atl gives general forms forAgreemente of all kinds, • Bills, of Sale, Leases and • lons. • • It tells you B oth to draw rip. Bonds and • • - Mortgages, Aflidavitss; Powers • - . of Attorney, Notes and • Bills - • of Earl t atige, Receipts and Re leases, I . • . It trigs you The• Law - for the Collection of 'With the - Stalates of • • Limitsti on;and awout and kind - • ef,Property giempt from Ex , • , . aculion In every State. It tells you How to - audio an Assignment • . .• properly; with forms 'for Com position with' Cr Corn, and - thelinsolvent La of every State: . It tells you nits legal; relation existing be. tivetka •Gustdian and Mader and Apprentice, and Landlord and Tenant. It tells you What - corristitntee Libel 'and Slander: and the• Law-,as to - . illatrisge Dower, thd Wife's - ' Right In - Property, Divorce and' Aliarsonv•. ' • It tells ToskThe Lbw 'tor ',Meehan's' Liens in , every ,State, and the Natural.. ization 'Laws of this .country, sine how to comply with the • ' Ittells yon The Law , Concerning Pensions sod how to obtain'one, and the Pre.Ereption Laays to Public Lands. IV-tells-you The'--Law for Pajents, with' • . mode of procedure jo- obtain ' 'ing. one, with. Interferences, * Asssgmberits• and - Table of Peea. ; It tells you 'row: m tomake your Will, and hovr - Admilsister on an Es. with the law and requife _ - \- trouts thereof in every State. It tells you The ineaning of Law Terms in ,general, use, and explailis to • .yon the Legivistive, Executive ,und indicini Powers otLoth 'the .General and State Govern mints. , It tells you How to keep' out of Law„ , showing how to do your bli. • Isiness I legally, thus saving vast amount orpro'porty, and , • • vexations iiligution."-by its time- . ly -conaultation. - Single copiei will he sent by mail, postage paid,. to every Partner, every Mechanic, every mau 01 6 -Business, and every body in every State, on receipt of sl.oo;et in law style of binding at 81.25. • $lOOO A YE -CR can he made by enter prising men everywhere, in selling , the above work, as our inducements to air such are very liberal ; For single copies Ofthe Boni:, or for terms to agents, with .oilier irifortuation, aoplg to or address •JOHN G. TOTTER; Publisher, ki7m6.) ' No. 617 Sansop•St., Ph i ra r Pa. What Everibody Wants. THE FAIVIILY DOCTOR: GOSTAIBIS6 SIMPLE REMEDIES EASILY OBTAINED, FOR • rut: (Tim Ca? imsri...sE IN ALL FORMS. Professor Henry S. Taylor, M. D It tells you HO; to' attend, upon the sick, how to cook for them; how . , to.prepare _ Drinks," Poultices, &r:-, and how to guard against - , - infections from Ceutngidus Di— seasc'. It tells you Of the•varions.diseases of-Chil dren, and. gives the best 'and simplest mode. of treatment during, Teething. Convitlsions, - Vsecination,W.hooping-cough, , _ Mearels, It lab you, he syttiptoms_of Ceoup,Chniera • Ihfantutn, • Cholic, Diitrrlicea, . Worms, Scaldedineeds, Ring . 4ornt, Chicken-pox, &c., and giiesiyon the best- remedies , fpr their "cure.. 4 4 ' It tells you ,The spiverus ()Wow endAgtie, tind Billions. Yellow, Typhus, Scarlet and other Fevers, and gives you the best and simplest • remedies fortheir cure. It tells you The symptoms of • Inflnetiza, eoniulDption,Dyspepsia,Asth- OM, Dropsy, Goat, Rhetoatism, Luthbago;Erysipelas, &c.., and given yen the best remedies for their care.. the symptomsof Cholera Mor- Ims;ltlatignrintCholera, Small- Pox, , Dysentery, Cramp, Dis. *axes of the Bladder, Kidneys and-Liver, and the best tenit - Airs folk their cure. i,ytoptouis of Pleurisy, Mumps, Neuinlg;a, Apoplexy, Paralysis, the variona 'of the Throat; Teeth, Ear.and Eye, and the best remedies for their cure. It tells youi . Tfie symptemi of 'Epilepsy, Jaundice. Piles, Rupture, Ds .. eases of the Heart, Humor rhage, Venereal Diseases, and Hpdrophobia, and gives the : • best remedies for their cure. It tells you The best and,siniple.t remedies ' for Wounds,Broken Bones and • • Dislocations. Spryins.Lockjaw, . ' . • F ever Sores; White Swellings, - Ulcers, Whitlows, Boils, Seur ' 'rey, Burns and Scrofula. It tells yon Oh the ‘'arioum to Women, and giver the; best and simplest remedies for their Cure, tr.gelher with many vat: tirades-hints for The preserva-, It tells you It tells you ifon - of heiißh , •Thri work is - written in plain language, free from medical :terms, so as to be cagily under stood, while its scruple retieiPos may coon pave. you many times the cost of the book. kis printed, in - a cleat and open type; is illustrated with appropriate engravings, and will he for, warded to your address, neatly bound and'poct ago paid, on the receipt of 81.9.0. -- • .91000 A VtAllt - con be made by 'enter. prising men everiwhere, iu selling the -aborts work, as our inificements to all such are e ery liberal. • , • • • - .For - Tangle Copies' of the Book, or for terms _ to agUnta, with other information, apply to or address JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, je7in6.] No; 611 Sans`om St., Phil's Pa: WM. 13.. SIMPSON, WITD:ff REFITHEIT , Shop in Boyd ..IVeteter7s ova huildinp, Hirt croor'abore Keeler d• Stoddard's. HAVING iwiirkett, for the past nine years with,the most skillful workmen, he feels confident that he can do the most ditficsalt jobs on 4hnrt notice, All Work Watrantcd to Give Satisiaction. W. B. Soursol Mut . forked for mo for some time, lnd i can recommend him as a careful and skilful workman, Competent, td,. do as good work as can be done In the country, and wordy .of confidence. Wm.- A. Cmamanaux. Towanda hine/lOtb, 188 - Refers to—Wni. Elwou, E; W. Baird, E. D. Montayne, E. 0. Goodrich, B. Kingsbury, Towan da; B. ,B. Bentley, D.' Lathrop. J. Wittenberg, Montrose: ' • **Jewelry neatly repaired on short notice, and on reasonabletirmth [June 15th, 1858.-tf. WOOD WANTED! AT THE 40EMOCRAT',',OFFICE.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers