THE - HOMO= ;i:DEMOVRAT TERIM -463 0 PER • A. J. GERAUT§ON EDITOR, POBLISHEit, ,, AND--_PROP-RIETOR. brrIaI.OPPOSITFI T 111: 6AT-oihen: ;Ktlez , Mr<le 2 ; : Otti r it 5/47-t960: DEMO CA /tip jinv.4 TiOhir's yOR • PRESIDE.NT, STERN A. DONK von - vim rn_porpErr, HERSCHEL Y. JONSIII; Of. Ge61.‘,48. Pon GovER-Non, D FOSTER, bf.WesiinorelandsContit v. •• , • I'ItESIDENTUL ELECTORS. ELECTOIN AT 1.1'l:11E RICHARD. VAUX, • GEO. M. KEW DISTRIcT V.T.ECTOMS. 1. Fred. A. Server-14. Isaac Reekhow,l 2. W. C. Patterson , 115.. Jack-soil, 3. .10. .Crockett, ;16...1. _1.:114, 4. .1. G. Broiner, ..11 . 7..L B. Danner, ' 5. G. W. J:ieoby, Crawford, .6: Charles, Kelly; .119. H. N. Lee,' .- 7. 0. P. .Tames, 1204. B. Howell, 'B. David Sehall, 1 21. N.P.Fetterman, Lightner, S. Bai-ber, 23; William Book, 11. T.•1I. Walk l er, #24: B. D. thindin, Winehesi er, .15. Gaylord Church,- 1:1. Joseph ,Laulnieh,l DEMOCRATIC COUNTIMEETING. TICe I)eii/oerats of Susquehanna County will bold a CO.nvention at the Courthouse in 3tontrose;:on MONirAY, SEPT...BI), 1860, at one o'cloCk, Y. M.; said Conventicino be comj)osed (4* two Delegates froni each Borough and T i owniship in the County DANIEL unEwsTER, Chairinan Co. Cam. - The Denni - cratic voters of the se oral Election Districts of the County are invi ted aPiemble at the usual places of township electiotis, on: Saturday- Sept, Ist, lik'Ween the, hours -of (Vile and four o'clock, P. and choose two Del egates to represent them in the above named Convention: The Following named !tentleinen consti tute the Vigilance Conitnittces for the aistricts, and it, will be their (bay to give due ,notiee of the above eleetimis, act as the beard for the same,.anil certify the re roil to the ConVifilition. Vigilance Conamiltem. Ararat—L-. Erastus Ball, J. 11. Tooley, Robert Kay, D. Walker. ligolaeon—Dayid Slierer; Iliehanl Col lins, I'. Welch, Nolan, E. O'Sluingli nessv. L.l.Switzlier, Daniel Seeley, Geo. Overfie.l4l, E. d: Mowry. lirooklyn=R. 0. E. G. Williams. Anson 'Pinny, E. 13. Goodrich., Aini;Ely. . Britlge.water-7—Latliain .IF. ?1. Willi: nos, Edwin hill, \V. 1.11-leFitt-,--.3. June; W. Lowry, Henry, Bennett, Join, Brainard. :Cimeonat —M. Dickey, M. Kane, Jr., it. Heath, J. Kimble, M. .1. Donnelly. Dimock—C. C. Mills, Robert FoOer, Lathrop, W.V. Dean, Johil Wright. Dundatr—C. C. Church, T. 1' Plininey, B. Ayres. • • Forest •Lake—. Thin Bradshaw, Flislia GritEs, b. C. Day, Stanley:TurrOlh G. B. Johnson. Frie'ndst-ilp--C. B. Jackson, M. .0 Sutton, Calvin T mitirews. , . Franklin—a. Merriman, Titus Smith, Jr., -F. E. Cote,- S. D. Tnrrell.tyrns Peek. . Gt. Bend—G. W. Bagley, Noah - Gri!..ngs, A. (4. Brush,Wm..Green, C. S. Gibson—John *Hey, Benj. Dix; Ciie Wells, Almon Clinton.- Ilarford- 7 -A, carpenter, C. IL *ale!, John Leslie. Herriek 7 '—Thotpas. Burdick,. ../2111 yette Lyon, A. Tilden. Harmony—R. Martin; .L 13. Steve MeCAy, Win. Tremain, S. Witter. Jackson—Leander Griffis, B. Hill, 1. A. Page, S. J.Slciffis,.A. Benson. ' Jessup--W. C. Ilandriek, O. S. Beebe,. T. Depue*,l: Zenas'Snaith. Leaux--11. Mareey, A. J:Titns, IA: A. Payne, Hiram White,.Wrn. • tathrttp 7 —E. S. Brown, A. B. Merrill; Lyman Samplers, Seth Bisbee. • • Libert):7-1110:Turrell, 1.. lienyoit i Jr., Whito,.llV. I.t. Bailey. - .)114illetowo r 4ohri U. I)odge, Otis Ross, L. Cully, Thos.Leritry,3liles Bald win. ' N. Ball u-41, If. C. 'ryler, A. J.. Gvrritsoii, A:Lathrop. New 31ilford-Norman Titi! , ley, Pierce I)catt, J. . w 3filfordl3orot---4.'. W. Boyle, Waa. Hayden, Wm. ,37.... Ward, H. Garratt, Geo. Hayden. - Oalilan4l--Lv.i . Wtstfall; - Elias.Leavitt, - • Inn:it—James Redden; GeOi. Harvey, E. Osborn; E. Maynard. „. • Quick, gileyi James . Wm. H. Gerrit.son,,H. Kerr, Wm. States. Silver Lakes J. Gorman, 0. Evers;, B. T....llarphy, S.Usq . 4 Depot---D. A. Len son, John 01.aughlin, A. W. ittiwiev, E..Carlisle, Curtis: , . • Thcaisam-Cliarles Wri! , hter, Chestr tit otidirii,.tolin, Gat es, S. Aldrich, M. T. Wititnee. :• : -47,1 We hoist the names .of I) oug hi H and Jolin;orii7to-day, upon the ..basiS pro: posed liy..the 'Democratic "StateCenniiii- . tee, at their. meetht9;-at Cresson, on the 9th, believing. spelt 111.11011,' best calculated t ensure a peineeratjc triumph in:Penosyh at.the Dc'tolier. , :and November - elee t ions. . We-holt:A . the tt. atneof Pouglds valise he received :a , larval- - number of votes at the National Conven tion than any other candidate.. This ar rangement will . douhtle . ;.4l3,gi'yeAlte State to Doug lason4 ensures theAefeat of Lin coln, and Nielliopet.hat every honest Don 4-. las )I , . l.tocitAr it ill ittiite: Heartily ritll whit -seems, to be nkalmoxt intiVerttilietu, iment ; and ,that, Breelanlidge }nen Will do so, there is nodOttbt. If any - faction': shall attempt to run; a : separate ; tieketit remainsTor.them to attempt to show that. they . . are, not strivitig to ditiile'. the DerhOcratic 'rote - for the benefit o£ the flack republicans. = h , Ai another time .sae will gilye, at :more I ~ n gth, our rilation for dm .. eOllll4 ttrt pitrane. 710" .. ;;ItirruitidAlto4 • ItuRT.T6S; -.., When the rast session of Congress as sembled, the = - lilitilition-Jahn-JOn BrOwn party: mast* a pry Operate; iii tempi to getup some iSstte ;thaernight tid, thetn in stealing littp• poorer:; ,To.this end .lOhn Covode's intlimoin4 :' . qnve*igating ;was npi -) This impiisite, rialihmnbug; lifer spenailig , • -.$ • • a great Alcial i .. of 'l. butrauttntoney . anal disgustingco n rtunuty with their undisimised foul play, hot bed up a large.: VOW no-of faiSehblid; misrepresentation, gild .i i lily slang, inrd prepared - if for the lll* printer. But . the:veculating rePublicius *ere doomed. to meet with a diftictlity,:which they had not initicipated, as the Pit tsbargl i . Prisiti- will show: - ' • TH kl 'DEVIL TO PAY. ' it is understood - that. Mr. 'Ford, ,t. te house Prilifer; has virttially sold his con trat% With-'the Reuse tO . Mr. Pangborn,af. ter! prec=iously iielling it to Messrs. L: r• cothb- and English, Who have execufed t ie work this- time. • The public kii w that larcomb, .and English . deny Fort's right' to 'make the second sale, and. ha -e enjoitied.Mr.lleart, Sitpkrititendeilt oft to Public Printing, .nOt to pa!,• 'over a doll u to Eord Or- biS second assignee. Mr. I, c wiltrespeet , the writ of Pi.itietion, So, ii Pangliorn - essays to -execute the work e inainingtoi be done, he must have ri -I baekers in !' the speculation'; for while it will rffluirdri heavy capital, the chant .: are ten to one that tin circuit CoUrt, yid decide "in fa or of LarcOitili and En lies': elainui to- the' sub-contract; covering. o course the right to execute WhateVer per tint'qf the. Work PangbOrn may- "ao. Ii tlio meanwhile, Larcomb . &; English haVt over - 30,000- collies of the voluminous lc port of the •Covode Copnittee, erdetal by;the House-to be printed' especially as : republican party electioneering, doeumen for the current presidential campaign.:- That large batch ofiic..nments,,,- as well a others". 4 are new ready tor deli Very to ti Huse binderzi;.lnit not! a sheet 'will Lar condi and English perwit to out of thei possession . nntil the Court decides *hell er their sub.!contract or !that of Pam boil is a valid - one. '! Meantime this - inValuabl rePublican tiampaignthnlinuent, ii-hich h: cost the peOple one - way and '.nuoth'er-1 couple of millions of dollars -must .gath(! -dust on the i shelves of the I,indery.. ' 01 •CoVode! COvode!! it will bereniembereo gravest charges which w the -Democrats was that; inn had beep re-1U :by- trartof ! Vet these pin the raets;; before:the pu king K TWO 811b-contrActs Of the work!. This : s 4.1 promised " repnldicati re , the people will soon dee' MEE= would ,suggest ti (Nilo aislufrseil i900,06(1 tempt to abolifionize th 'go.) call his committee tharizethe,Mblitionr ., or. report, whi6h shall set "stolen from the gayer(' t( '!nake votes for Abe • ask Tom Foul, i1w . .110 is not. the ,printei•pt al MEM MEMMMM befiefit of 'his p thii.s not think that 'the in this State for not thrown away.; also' not better tiso his mots prTliksitigimdertaking.t , aliolitionize Pennsvlvan . . , THE TJArron. • - The opposition are boasting loudly over the fact that Mr. John Hickman, of CheS ter county, ~this'State, hai Come. out for Linctiln. They quite foget. that he haS been one of the bitterest. enemies of DciL mo'craty for years past ;j although Pre tending to he a Dought man, he - IMS been, using all his efrorts• to disorgani4e and tie. strOy the,Democracy, inst. a.s J. W.'Fo neY At Co. 'are- now . clting. As late as . 441,'18.59,' he was a member of the Cori. vention which assembled at Harrisburg 4 asert the Territorial views , of - Mr. Doug r Ja:l, Re spoke at. that iConviantion, and asented te. the resolutions, one of which .read : : • • ''!. That , this Convention entertains the l highest adMiration for- ;the Hop: Stephen 1 A. Douglas, the heroic statesman ant Senator of Illinois; .that., his great ability his! bold, manly and deeided 'Character his steadfast adherencii Ito the principle:. and . pledges, of .the partV, particularly itr• reference 1..2v the,governitent of.the Terri tories; all demand for him the thanks am' continued conoifence of the whole Democ racy,7 and all trite men."l . - i ' - ' Such xvas the - language oflapplanse ts . which Mr:: Hickman subscribed in .the anOntit of April; 1859; . and yet, will it be ; believed,' while he _ w:u 'applauding, ...'11 . r.1 Donglas before the puldw., and conveying the- impressionAhat he Was hiri friend, thi, satire John Dickman was seertV his one : tn3i, and was nursing 1, bitter thought. against him. He now sonfesses that ,hi., dislike and distrust of'Mr. Doufdasis -nnij t thing of recent growth, but that it slate. as far back as the -winter of 1855-6. H 1 now confesses that lds . 4silfited frienashi . for Douglas • was ~a . fraud, a pretenCe, public show, while-his heart was agains hint. • ,In - his , Philadelphia speech he say 4 that: he views me. Douglas as "tine of the most .. unsafe and .t„reachdrous ofleaders." ==:=l . bEATIT ir1:0:IL 111 E BITE OF A ILITTLEj ''. SN,iKE.—Wg areinforined. that Mr. John' . Eag laitA, an Englishmatf, Tesidiog at Susi . quebanna I)eliot,Eitt:jiiiii i county, was bitf ten by a.rattlesnake on IV elltiesday of last. ivnelc, 'and- died about Id. o'clock 'llama:Li morning,, the - .otit. ing. I.3ln.4aglamt had . caught the snakenlii.e, 4ml was fooliShly, • . • s i - ' eay)-ing- .. 4 tome tn ns hat, when it streak' itirdeadly hugs into on . (X hiS lauds. lie kttintediately sucked th:ti wound . alai hi's. lip', ; and .I ; ried .. tke: often; presgribo reine . .dy,:nl Idriiikinp• .1 large kiitat;tlty of 'Mils' .- 5, y „key, bu all:,9flo avail,' Tlie s. fatal - -poiSon had g e. thormighly.intorhia blood; and :the -- utifortunate matt-died .wlole.itika-atate . .of Inseusibility -from the- fffeets:of -the li• - , .quOr:!fie leavei , a ivik , Mid ihildren. Thiskslitaild.'be A cantiotitO everybody n& in - Atitle , with= these 'Yetiomous:ließtileri— fliey Ought.akwafs to be killed at swift. - - that:several.Delilocrnts in Clifford have conte. out notlJ:6i; whin • . has Tnrj,:the sforYT, but ice think it lin4one that is 'tVe are pretty Well peostedin regard'_ mat= - tern in that part - of the county, and lYci Yettnre to .nlleO.Je• that all .ehatiges, arc, two to one, at least, in favor of the Dein ,eerats, For 'every Democrat that has changetnto Lincoln, we know the name, age,. occupation; (L-e., of from - two to OYe. Men who for - Fremont, 'wholtave • yenouneediptintety, and who Will vote tiro Democeatie 'ticket . this Fall—and in future. We know 'of several changes in our favor, but have-yet -to learn of any against us; and we are confident that Re- pablieanism will lose, and DenMeraey .g7nn, in that, as well as in' other parts . `()f the county, at the next, eletiOn. We shall see, Tns STATI.F.ttn.---The StateAgrietiltu , ral Society are making active preparations fir their coining annual exhibition on; the Wromin ,, battle roundS. In addition to . the present buildings, they invite propo sals for the erection of such other' saloons-; :Ls will, beyond doubt, aecontmodate . the vast 'concourse - of people from all parts of this and adjoining States .. who will be tin attendance. It is now. conceded, We believe, on all hatis, that the:State . Soci ,ety acted' iSeIY in their selcetioii: of the site thr this year's fair. The historic in terest that clusters round the very spot on which the exhibition 'will he held—the un- . rivalled beauty and attractiveness. of the valley—the-productive wealth that lines I 'the whole coarse of the Susquehanna—its • / [accessibility' in railroad, and the desire on thepart of ahngst everybody to visitthis region, will form, at once ayombinatign of attractions that. the fairAtroands throughout the whole exhibitiyn. / CAMP 314:Krix6.—The.1 •usi 1 ng is t Het camp, meeting for this year, will be !held on the same• ground - as last year, near Leßa3-sville, Bradfbrd county, Pa., to commence on the yvening of Wednesday, AuguSt. 22d, 180. These who desire beards .or otheriumber, will writ eto Hey. E. F. Roberts, LeßaysVille, in - time—say 'two weekOmfore the Meeting. An boar,ding tent will he upon_ the ground., The *re is beautiful, the water good; abundant, and convenient. rX that one of .ti brounitt aain i t. 1, the publie'print the original eo p l ks . could not 1:- blie without for the -executijn itety,iimittEr of tftle formathin," whi+ Me to be altogetir/ z are inlbrincti that the Lincoln "Pole raised in Dimock, last 'reel;, was Democratic • timber—aa stolen, at that. `party that begins -upon stolen timber, 410 but a very sinall business. 'Wt . ..robn Co/oil e in_ the foOislt is state fynir tolreth6r, and an !n appendix to•his brth the anniut4 indireetl-, - Let hini Ise printer—whO , but who re-lets .7 3 i77 We notice that Forney, the Black Republican Clerk,As hot waited with- the ,v . icy of the DemoC:ratic union in the :mate, tecause he fears it will defeat Lin coln ; he thereforeissues a proclamation tiir a convention at Ilarlisbpi! , on the I fill'. A good many other . Ifepublicans tslur sr.:a to i ordeP a convention Ibr themselves, in ouV,naine: This vile trait , of has no democratic abetters here. tA a cat 4 cit . - 4 urtv—whether he it 40,000 which he sir Freziwnt, wds whether he j — Geti. Hartley arrivoLat New York on Slomial last, from the Nellie...coast. Oy in some more !han attenipting, tb W.17:1311 . ON' GHEELEY." . Gen. James Watson Webb, the talented editor of the New York Courier d• En: 'parer, a leading Republican. paper, pub lisheS the appended article, to which we . call special attention, as it shows the spirit of the terrible war now raging between the reward .and the Greeley fictions of the Republican party; a war that was provoked by -the cowardly butchery of Seward at Chicago. • • of If there be In this assembly—anv.dear friend of C..csAn's—to hint I say that Drubs,' lore to auar -wax tha,n If then, that friend demand, tvlty lint-Fos nose against CA:smr, this is my answer: Sot that Ilored 11rear bee. toil that I toyed Mime mare, • .• * • • is C.r...LAtt loved me, 'weep for him ;as he fortruudt, I rejoli.e at It: hut an lie wan ambitious. [rsOme.of to glee iao , o;,9ile—Greeleyj I slew hint. Titer - cis tears for his love: jnr for his fortune ;- honor for hie valor; and death for his ambition:' •••••• • . • ' • Ardhony.'" Look! in this place, ran Cassius' dagger through; • See, what a rent the envious Cases made; :Through this, the well beloved Itnprns stabbed: And as he plucked his cursed steel away, • Mark how the blood of C.Esatt folloWei it, . As rushing oat of doors to be resolved' If Bntrrus su unkindly knotted or no; For Bm. - ree,. as you know. was CEO-Ur!. angel; .;Endg.e„' 0 yen gods, how dearli- C:ESATI Mtn; Thip was the must unkindest cut of all. , • • 1 • s • ; • • !Thily that have done this deed are IMnorable; What private grietathey have, alga! I know not 'That made them do it; they art; wieo.and honorable, And will. no.doubt, with reason answer yon." The lament of Brutus Over the fall of 'Ctevar,, was unacconipanied by :my ap- Trehension of unfavorabl4 consequences; and contrary to Cassius' 'advice, he per mitted gust. Anthony to address the peo pie. Not •so Greeley oti the defeat . of tieward at Chicago: 'He trembles at his 'own Work •, and in the deaf! curses of the people, andLOSS•OI47 TENS OP THOU. SANDS IN HIS CIRCULATION reads the hand : Writing 'upon the wall, and re quires no, Daniel to interpret it. In such an emergency, discretion would inculcate -silence; while remorse and the-stings of conscience, and the contempt and odium of hOnest men, should :prompt him to seek obScarity, and oblivion, in the hope. that goodmen and frank-minded; hoifora -ble-poliiitians, who never cease_ ,to be gentlemen, may forget his treason in the apparent - death. of thg Taker. But Borate Greeley does not so read the judgment Of his Peers - ; and because his treachery in the Contest between Lincoln an.ponalas, which defeated 'Lincoln and the Republi can Party, wits not puniahedas itdeserVed, he gloats over, his work at Chicago, and knds - forth howlings of astonishritent and disgaSt;that even the, enenties of Repn licartisin and those Wl4 b, 0 have Most*cerism:- . and .condemned the prineiples . of Win: I If. eward,"sltauld excrecate the . cotidneV of the viper.. which, Warmed into life and power by 14 countenance and support, used and poWer tints bestowed, to sting to death his benefactor and confiding •friend: , . . Greeley, whom theßnitoii.Post . justly . deiciihes :is a "coarse man;" potsoses none of the instiew, and course, none'ot;ilie :sensibility Ofagentlenian; and he entin4, lreeive 'therefore; that wren thi04..i . 60, re 'the treason - cm:stng:C(l at 'ClOigo, , most 'Cordially despise thelrraittir ,- And' least!ef nll,-cali-he'ennipreliendViitgeic tleinnnly feelingundinanlyinstidct, which pr*pts honest and . - lianorAle men or nll.parties, to itx em horror :it the .4,10e 7 1)(54R:1?f the astennitie, - ti•ielierY which f.,">l. :2 _,.- - , „.,... ...:,.__...,.-..„.._, .• . . .1,- ;-• ..,„, * „,,,e,„,,,,.. i . - ; ,... tti , !:•• -4,,.. i & - rzze . k' .-4 , -- - ...%-ravt• - •:1 . ....;:i.,,--•••••s: Ai,;:tflf, ltA t iOttrirti p. .-' ....,,. - 1 11 E „. ... . iiiNiqh& - airiirMiti ; d4;t:r - SiCRO - aglit ` - `'TEC - Chttitalaitthen al erO e om- ~ , •_ , egg. " -e.. `bei e y reeruiiii 'i ,. ,:gi, ' .l. .., ,' t ',',k" , :. -•• the power to:injure, and then wielded that inittee. the teplles'of gip )34 ...j am tA l li s :froli the Wain tribes, while the rangers' 1 '' i'lie L loitaliii .. .ll467l - 4,''.real _fit 'the '§Sser,Ao 4 ' 4 l ':: t • .. is the tfataii)ti4,' Ni . V, - YesolgiiiV4idoptalVitt.44.4tZifijiily, LoKlier,oll un . 1 ``i - . silo the north , u m - 1 4W 4OiceitirOfqWei' c roFtheltii, " - dgdidef in!-Attilt one wlid owtf:Pito'his whertit Wik‘olliirsgthlktbitli*Tattiel; *te..o . s rti W ,-.. - p . '.9a ','destroy Dallas; t eiort-prlinr . idently.,,l.,Thtb'thet•ittli.gfst : jointbit,•ine • t'l d the friendShiPii:if "his... ti'' t4O4id as:. follCii • t . . 0 ': ..".• . 1, I !;itlizird l'itlia ii I,] tm 4.' !munition oft`" -- ' - lftifitti; Sliiii;j,iine.2tith, 1(s60. ;ThisteictK *.ver to injure l'ir...;'. "?- ,Ti ThelfrienAli of Ifelli.:taii alas, freitlyitig. ! *..' ,i lib i - "Tig er s''' ; J.** . '' it, share the] . `, 3 i fy 541iiiit'filitt i -Oi' i lfiir'e 'doubtless 17111•1411 . 0441041. a Reptib.licanpapee t pitb'j . the We' tiVgare',.'l ' . o. ' l ' 4 ' ' i . - 1 . ! ..'1l - .''"' '' 'B4 'q e 'Y'•' ' ' • ' ' I. al c i , h z, _ with, the heard'OrtheAnitilfile iiitiOlierit's'that 'have Allie'b e t a ird'Araiiii,ilectet a t laige, ' liglietiTut 2 : field, which; We tit*asisi,ir ''Fiftli..diStria • .4 ' 4 , i, - )!villain (*an i4f 0,1411 ~,, b hung, "4 just beeny peuietnited. iipen the poor tildee - i - flot - ;r .ak the senthnent''.i>f A1.r.,• c •- 731 , 1 c lt:- j a ` no l l iz'i ~ . -1,, : ;/ ithii(yelOoett. -,';., :mail vit. routid 'hunt 1: aliii4lanii'', - Or.itfOnnt:,'l;..ab.iirteill - hY the .. .Lincobi, arel ii only two Preities'in the tat - 6iii- nerglibo • riiik.ciii of' Fort Worth \ ta)Cittiai'liblettfin , ' , -sOilie.":; * easeit 14iTurlish Fifteenth di strict, :Cri!, er...,4re D.. Jackson: Eighteenth district ( , :1, R. Crawford. . . Uriited States, so. thr ',as we know, that have ventured upon i defence of Greeley Twelftlfdistrice, S; SAYinelnltter• , ' 44 : Tweidy-:thiril.diStrief;"Wiii.`Beek.''' '' ii-seountlrels:Vbahre'engagedinAlitt tirt, 1:I: , Alferatetiviniai gio:yei.e. 4 24 iideqnate - co : 4 WelpArit that he had, slio,wed'iaaY a ' n umi . ,, - bletifailikrelibiftititite4friintlill .S)trig• limo days ago, believed to be onitoNlose :Wareiy.,..:- - i'f," - •':-.. ,- r-- . C' . r ", :' . k 'i ' '''. : 1111iCt... TWO out of five thousand, have : Seventeenth,dist4Z - I.4\J, B. - Palmer . ' `' AlniFlCil l .: 3figgienaries 14*estima; , • t 0 ,'5,t , ti73 itticNt-#lO-_,MMMod of f:their re 'den . ' in &Wing' conduct,. which by Twentieth 'list:rill J.'.l - 1, Ilowdl._ .. la load ote six-shooters . passed:on..tohinkftedilni:'lOSl,Silstaliteirle. therlirisilan' a. ,144-- . 'ur iiffeslAgithtYlala ft er he was' hung i Thc'.- it: baseness; sinks ourspecies to the level T• • r*i - I.' - - • ;lnit - Weiiiiiitereefiteit : . lie' was -beta n:yeti' j at. 1-.10 micii...'iiiia . s:thit: of the I) about wen .v.• i 4 istrict, Gaylord • lurch . - . -. . Cr i ofalie brute and, beneath' the standard , of , I ,' ii .. i . ;--: ...- ...,, ; - . .. ; by - one of the gfun andlienee i lii -, anti ! I;ine:-Theitiliattitaiiii4it Ahil Christian e. rietnts of Mr, lit eckiuralge, reply thb-savage ; arid . iiitoSt.: - of thOtie who look ', • • were thwarted. - Many . .aothdii - • ...liiharf4 l -iewit;i;lif -Doirat-Itinni - -411 , 1 1 :H sl '• ' 1 , ;. , ; ...., „ _ .. ~ . . ~._ ..., a eek)a i 111g111 the affirmative, are, with ton or. upon. such isneetacle,of:oll- 'il ,/, M. Kenn .. ~ , , ~. . ,the-tetin: i ,, l , ltavelie .ertwitifeS.Sedtwt4httittillpflitagliteretVin cold blood, • .- -"co re / , nlector-at liar e• •• .- • - -''"lite r --- ---- ,- ' ' inanity: do not hesitate to bear testimony . g • , suc h times. ' We are most profoundly ex; I a ft et still' SuKt,endetlifull*b,_, made. Thir . Fll,(' ' 'A. " • ' Server. ' • - -s'• -- - toj the; piddle and private - Airtnestlie .'econd, iB V7 t; C."P - ' '.• , cited. '''l'o4 . o;tktmlift.,dttY,- . ..an4-,iiigliAilltal ty..oi fortr'egtireUtili*lre-Theetplundered talents and the stateintinship - `of the vretitn , :nava; Joseph "1,. atterson - . , .: . , ~, ..., know.nOtV l 4.fV.*o l o l -.liY‘Pitili"l4o)o4# an d ,burned" nitititft ,were put to ' of the viper's . stitig. Lincoln knoWS that ; it ~ • ~ Crockett. •• .. . ~.::- - j do - - 11! . C. eireittiigtnittlegrateliVit%-',..and i death, some of.whom were Vreteli. Nearly. ../' ~_ .., t • / r mirth, J. Cr. Brenner. . - . -:' --'i T . ' ‘l.r -I''''' ' il . 'l'' ''''. ''c' ... ' it, I 'Aa mg wits for Bates and not, for i. ' •', " . A.Tear -that Lie trott-.0. IS lie ef.mPtie ,to I. one .;h 'WO Wen bun ed' a " Sixth, 'hailer-Celly. : -. : . - ..,,,,., i ,:.., . , .t, . .-• , ~, ~. t...,,,,, ,t-t ..., •., ~:, 1 _,, !... . _,... :, ..., .......,.. ~. , , i , • t 4asen Wad'.perpetrated. • 1-1 thhr 'fitafe:. 'li:i:' aiir 0 04.:4 . )=',01:1*..4111.- and ;the Aro of the ' destroyed. ' Seventh O. P. James: : . •i: , -1 - .' •,''' - ' --,- - ‘..- -i'lt ' - ' - if fi" It 'h'' ' d'. 1 - -.2*..--. • .- ~. ,7 1, that the treachery 'which d to' Wale - AM Ins,ar./e,O ail -, g.,t. 1.. ,e,-..gpo ' Many K4tin. iii- alSitliftte; • • b.nniedt-- , Eighth;David,Sehell.[ - '", - . ---,.. , I ' • in; 1858 and. sent . DintglaS t fig ht rm.- i ns bOlintry'dgOod' ---- 7 -.. c r. ammo" Ninth, J. I . ..Lightner, - .. • . -... -.:.-, .• ---''' , - • - •i ,,,,. .. , i „them the Anteruhm . , , on Chapel • . - ' I ttlisi - ate, was • deliberately; 'planned .'• r , , - - It i.s•alm..4los4lble.tlietlutetypthe., , at liaide.gii.4=aid 4 1,1fe4 *holt lionses at matically carried into e ff ect ; i cntit, S. S.'Baeher.: '-. -_ ', , - .•4. -.•-• 'l, - -- 1 • -Ta- i-hi - . 'l,d`lfa 1 D • ''' 'IC ''' -- ' '''' ' dept of.tuoraltnt int Ji• 11.0 WA. .'! Xe 1 T_T:d • 001r:.•':': , . -' -, ••,• • , 1•-• -, -"*• h•- . Eleventh, T.-11. Wtdker. '• .;'. . • - Mg the recipient - of the tenet .(1 the instigatunv'eStieli ttil laetik The-flittaltreWitiltglaii *rile t he- civil- ."Thirteenth, Joseph Laubiteli - ... , ..- frolll the-Chicago treason;w:u,an'acement is descrihed•ltbOye. "•-ftlerq - Artkcit .. st, erne, ited.,Wolid:With..llo.trai'l:4ind there- is vet Fourteenth Is. R. kh -'' - '•' ..- . , ..1110 (...0 ?Vt. ..- :. .- Milieli the arch trai t or could not control, , s . s delibetately plannea s whteliiitt gii-adigeiii, , .somethin m tir bettild.''Jlt ..iii - hilieyed.thaf, txteenth J. A Aid -:; -. -'•• -' - Mid wldeltwas the least' , palatable of any • r ' •• ••. -' . would 'inevitalilY hnt , ftat'rafiitt - e - clatinler: not - 141itlf•thafisialitliZtottliiiiit- CiristiaMi are . • ' 'l"result - 1" • • os A - - potssth e of iis / schenini„, ~.. a .-• T w ent y-first;•N, P. li,etterinan.:Attt , !..:l,- • ' '. - -•-: .. ---..- ''• " • 'rwent --fourth. - ,8.-D' Hamliti-- -:'' ' ' ' kaltiiisi4... . and all - the unsenes_•iittetula.A..tql o 44"q - , sioutAoridestiqjcts and.hierenoother evlen the'Deniecratic Press of the-conntry, : • • 3 ' ' • ' ••. ` s'..-:. vile iisiirreeti6it.'!-"Aor tw r ii:s4*.ore hopb for subsisnanco than .the charity of' 'prompt eilby' manly / and generous senti- -. H. N. lee, the Elector for - the i-Niite-. Northern , Abolition - BO t-IltiCie ateWPWOII- - the i:ChiiithiiC.lviiirld - r 7 44 . g:than' 5,000 owing, and dcsrpiing meanness,-41i in enit,, teenth district, u - i•ti en 4 , ' o f 'Xt.' I3reckiW der ' at'l.lase thitiii vtelienlhe - PulPitiit fugitiYg'hafelieeit iiiiiiihitiirby thecon and treacherytactuated .by .a so r„ su . of sitige,• : replied . .. in the negatit e - ',' -- .'.. '-' ....'''. ' crated, to ihoitiltlikAtiotitiotitgfs'lO - th* stil4.rniaitiOnaties, - merehatitsild Convents ,justice to• a manly - Opponent, and mourn- Samuel Marshall; 'of the•tiVenty-Setend bloodtWork?' This is Spitriceon'iays% of Weirlit; but lII'S itt:iiil4r . a' tenipost itigoVer the,spechaact - tif a' distingnislied 'district, refused to•respiand to theimptiry to.them: - 4 ‘2Better etery:mhite'ndi ' d,isittnau . nit ttiement. Semething niu,t he done for ~ statesman' bectimbig the victim of:pet-son- Or the Stine 'Committee. r " . • .. "and child be murderedjn. the , Sonth„ and theistarviiii,bdmelesS Ihtittisands Who are ~ riband pelitical knavery—iiiiitits with all ' 7.11 r. Fulton . , or,. Armstrong, offered the peas th ousand Unions be dissolved.tliMi hit:. noW,hiding inefives and ethei• secret pine ,* who calls themselves men, in seekine• to. follbwing reiolution, Which, aftkr consider- ,t „I„„islaves be allowed to exist in ; peace ees until-peace . - shitlfsbe declared. Beirut soiled/the blow inflicted under the garb tion and diseitssion, was adopted, as till- "and quietness in, the•Sciiithern States - in is ni, , 16incer aplace of _safeti - Tor Christians, „ of 11)endslop, br generously and fearlbssty lows, to wit : . • " the American' - Union!" .Was not ' the 1 3,loilein - fanaticism is;nrils1 : "Ililli• aroused, . . i•enteclino., that re:l4ly :is tiler beretOfore - Ilo,.•:olved, That the Demoeratic.:Eleeto- ,John 111'0Wn attempt and this Texas plot' i and the - Turk-hilt Goveriunee t has found hart, been, to assail the eltief,a theße- ral 'ricket be headed With th e . name.of bitt putting such iireaching into pni'etice:?.' it necessary to statiOn;a4tlate;sin of sof piddle:ins,- he. is worthy nf all hon o r as a Stephen A, Douglas, or John . C. Breekin- .IA it no t well for the Nortli4o coksider ilit4s in every_ 'eonSurs! ltetike fbr . their.. statesman of franseendent abilities; and a ridge, is an Elector at 'Large, and in the how far thev . encottrage this anti-SlirVery protection., Thou - Sands Of :',,Christifin refu- n .th ii .01 . unimi ., ekeili.ii ond ni ii mpeaduth i e event of the success oil said ticket, if the fanaticism it:lien they see the bitter t ,fruits i geeli, mut large nutliera i oftile,native res- pnrity, both in his public• and pr i vate.; greater number of votes shall have been of the " irrepressible confliet" , which it I ideres ' Bare 'fled the „reotiptry. .indeed, life. - _ - cast for Stephen A.Doeglas,then the tote; prodtitTi before them? • , - : ' Ithelland is full "of Misery intl. the deept t st m7 ',And hoW does Greeley bear this? lfbes of the . Electoral College "of the State shall i - .. hit not only fro/ the rebuke conveyed to be east for Stephen A. Da and Her-1, •,, . • . • Antei•ican inissioparies,i titled - bY• the lifm,. but heed italso,wbv shrinking into chef V. .Johnson, for yresident and Vice j•• •• - ' • NEINTS ITEMS. 1 . ;11;irds •rrom . tin: • Ameriefri Consulate , obscurity until his treachery shall President, but if tbr John C. Breckinridgel, !• . have brought away MaziTi 'poor, be- . 'V th. ' -' then for John .C. ' Tireekin ridge an& Jos. 1 —The Demoerat.y of crmon .I%e noun- td be reitionembered? Far 'front it. . Ileo f and 'persecuted thrins, whose . ~ f e id, it deeply—ten the •Ri i i mwer „.,..„„ Lane thr the same ()dices.. Ifthe vote of inated John G. Saxe, for Governor. : ' • lip Is ay e . . 11N liN t . be made to feel the sharp-pointed spein• I ennsylvania cannot elect the vandidates —.limes T. Brady , Esq., of New . " Yor . c . En4iish. 1. , ,,:5e • i5 ,. of wat ,. hare picked up . for whom the majority of the. totes: are 1 city,. has received the 13reekenridg,e!nopt- • WWII penetrate:: beneath his coat of mail 'ab4in. 9 4 60 b ftigitivesonatiftvounded • WO ., cast, and it can elect any man rtninitig . tbri illation for *Governor -of New York.. . -but instead of shrinking, from the pub. men and elildr n - rho bad e , eaped to the li(l • gaz e; ht writes an'artiele, and publishes flit office of .rregident •of the United ,1 -The tieW self! uling stanipedenyel j ote - • , g 0 ' I.seal coast, and there is stilE woik for thein . states, claiming to be a Democrat, then ;I which' seems "destined to play such an no- Win the indepcuileatilover_his own sig ns_ • to do' • •-s 11 bell ortgrit 'rut in the postal '•iff firs of the . ' flirt, rebuking the Demmer:lde Press'fo r the vote of the I:leetoral College shri ll p , . 1 „. for.• • • I What cap be done in the Yttited States for that candidate.' If it will not elect 'I country, is again sale. . 1 • their inconsistency: : and berating than lbr. • ~.. hese fitmishing widows and;orphans? "titer 411 . the candidates for Whom it is; --Yrantli - P. Blair' is e le c ted, in the St . presiiming to disenver anything lint vile- el -. • ... - ' . ' ; •,,,i I w ill say nothino• now.of ; vengeance', fer iidss' in' Win. H. Seward ! When he de- east, or tiny of the Democrats who are vo-, Louis District, alissentrt, for the ton, term, the Enropean Powers wiftno dotibt,eifiet ted for in the State, then the vote shall be by a Majority of 1385. He is defeated,fer feated Lincoln and elected Dotiglas thejustice 'for the greateritne, lint hemanity cast for the candidate has • JIM major-- the short term, .Barrett having 140 major- Democr:die Pi.ess Nulled his indeliend ' enee c a ll s upon ine, 'not only to distribute bread amid comniknded his' treachery to Rept& ' 1 that the'. ity. ' ' t •ity of the votes of the State ;am , . ' •-• to th ose:lround my horse ; but td present C . l I r c • ' 1 (Bell lit'faiti.:qn; and he tbolishlv supposed, that Chi:dm:tit of this Committee be insttuct-i -, : i o , ,es 1..43. ,00m J.s i..i and,-Ever- tht;ir cause to ;Inv ennui:m - 11101, -and • to. ed to Ottani ,feoni the, gentlemen on.the: ett) is elected Clerkof the Court. 9 When by a still. deeper planned scheme of P - 1 arcise their sympathies bit-belt:dr of th is vill:dity,he sinote his friend under the fifth Democratic Electoral Ticket of thistitate peals of Kentucky, by about 10,900 itiajer persecuted' peolde. • . . rib, sti-nek down the'fat orite son of:sTew theirseveril and distinct pledges of ne- - ity.' i • the piing of Greece leis' sent • :i. sum of s ; he tbreooin• resolution,' .--'-' A census4:tker •doivn ii? Tethiessee - • . . ... York and deprivc:d• IVin. 11. •s c w an i of tildesrtlrCe 01 f . .., tonal.. money for their i resent 'relief; and efforts and to report the- result, of his action in an old woman the nomination which was his-due, that sevent y -five -Y e ' tt : s ' are: beim , made elsewhere to cancer ictonev the premises, :it the next meeting of the who Once split threehtindred yfirds,of rail the sznite presS would do hint honor, :is fOr' i that ' obje(.t. Anieriea: sent thud -t . O The man of :ill othes, 's ho struck the I • ( '°"'""ittee• ‘ , • fence.: and never -dreamed of: runniite. _fur ,t : • I In-I:6141 and Greece, - andiwill' not' 'some giatat est. Moir in behalf of the Deinoeraev, -• ' • -"il n • -'' ' ' 1 1 division 'of the Tiestion on the r6O-, the Pt est e c3, i . , . 1 = 1 thing be done foryie Christians of Syrii ? • . rtrt to ill: , —llon..llenre 31.1•'uller has been nom- i - - lotion wa s . dielnailded, Tile 'first' . • - - ~ . and a•cainst the principles ofßoptibliean- 1 I I;espectfully and tridv viiiirs. i s i n . 'H ow terr it,i, t i n ,. An, , li sappo i„ i _ elude all after the word " resoleed," to nate.ll,tor.Com_reSS lit : ..t be r"ecomit'h As- r •,.. 1 - , AITUrsTI,7B, JOHNSON. ~ . inent, when the Press of all parties, rm.' nAtitutionarrnion and including the Word `offices .". 'rhei trio, lot i. the cq .. . .; ' ,party, 1 itet..FßANers w.tyLiNio,i) .. D. Set.011(1 I,:ort .to iill:Iollo' :ill . :lifer time word;, and in the Fourth DistrietJohn Bell Rob-) i . . fir their hist Met s as gentlemen and as• men, • -111 , 4111. .o.=- , ' =- 1 • • 11 11 q reedited the noninettion . ...:.-'. • , J unite in holding him up as a viper Which ""tli"e;'; ' -t" file W 411.4 ‘‘e.lindid , ll6.". . -- Theil lio•" 11 • --. , • - of : . - -- -7A torrti.eti .frai,:cllV reeetitly • took has stung, the. bosom which ' warnied hint- third !,art to include all out the 'wordi —A. State COnvention l of the Ai; ' Ti ' iw ,A. place. near Szieraineirki, which has intense lino life, and turning to his victim per- " e:indillat(•" to the end of the - resolution. 111:41 :111(1 Evereit met in _tyre on ; ; IQ '- ir ittitated tl • t l.• fhS r - Ort ~ . , . i.i • poi ion o. t ' , e . ta_e... f c - lii% - •Nritill4 . 't•brhicitd - S**7li ;ilitieS as a 40, "VS 2°. 'ltce second division was Barnes for Governor.. In the evening a qie. 14 th of july a man named Witzler statesman- and his devotion ;to what he agreed to, ye:is 45. nays 27. The third di- nit itieation meeting was held.; .1 ' . was murdered while asleej; in Sm•raMeitto • eunsidei.s the great .prineijihs of th e C on . •ViSi. , ll'WaS bgreed to. ___•t0101 .:kbe r it - is s:Ii(1, (but , firobably . City, and his house_ robbed of considerable . stitution. We can readily apiweciate the On inotiOn 'of -31`essrs. Leech and John it is a fietkin) cets split r:tils. Thousands I money and jeWelry. Cirennistance.4 'point inertificat ion and despair at this exhibition s"" it 11 " is - lof men hale split rails,- anti consequently ed to-one Win. Watts as, tlic:- murderer; . ; of public sentiment; but we cannot till- Resolved, That the Chairman of the i are deserving . of the Presidency, if rail- • who rya:followed to 'the IWaslipe mines derst Mid the folly bordering upon madness, Committee be mithorized;--to publish -antsplitting 'is a . tpiardication for, that high' and arrested on the 234. He was (.zon. . whlcti could mince the editor of the. Tri.. address to the Demberaery. of the State ofriee! ' ' . ''' '' ' revel, to Njeitans, in Stttic...„!olll-ItV" 011 brine to give vent to his feelings in the ar-.A at :is e: 111 3" it dap- as practicable,- ' I —A Republiean editor, was observed I , thd i 250, and that niglit'srted fori_;:tera • tiele wh'ich we extract from the Indepen- Onmotion of .Messrs. direiter and•D a - the.other night; after watching. a g , a me of imepto. h:ouleelfell, i nan t'ipen wagon, WI-, dent' of SatordaY. His plea for writing yis, the proceedings 'Of the Cpromitteei chess yet short: time, to go away. ..A grell- 4 der the yliarge of Wm.. C. StOtithird, re-' anti puhlishft i ft. is; that "it hog its 'flor a e , were ot•det•ed to be Published in the Dem - -1 denial' remarked dn- seeing _ hint ffo 'ot t I eetitiv. District Attorney of Sutler county; , Which is, •• be juithjid to principle." H e operatic: papers or the State, ' i "don't like_ the 'game there is no ‘ni t ,... ger , i .c.:eorge ArinstrOng,.fbrilierly'frorn Testis, .takes care however, to say " is much On motion, the ( - .'outinittee , adjourne& in it.l _ •' ! • - • .• ' 1 ainl celebrated - as an Indian fighter. - .and cant and kyliecrfse in these manifestations 'to meet at the•eall of the,Chairman. Thitothy Wharton;deptity Sh eriff'ri of Slit ofitorrotc." Where then the moral—where' '..., . - WILLIAM IL, WELSH, Ch'n. lerleounty,'but formerly of Ogden (+minty, 'the reward for being true- o principles? I .. , Ill.; • Oti•„arrising within' a mile_ of Sacra - Is' that reward to be found in the thlse ex- [ THE TEXAS INCENDIARIES.—A mento at 2 a. itt, on the...2th, the prisoifer pressions of sorrow.originiting iii ‘Leant quietly slipped his handero. oft; and with - add hypocrisy?" or is it to be reaped at a iiistof - taken from Artnstroimg . while" sin•h Conventions as. that of Chicago, asleep, fired -on Whartiin • and mortally where honest and -well • tneattino. men, woiinded him . :He then Area . en. Stod . , were led into .a. repudiation of the well (land, killing him : instantly • 'neit On. Arm ,, ~, ktiown,Mal clearly expressed wishes of strong, inflicting a .wound' from which he..., their constituents, because a iiiiserable diettin an hour, Wharton was 'then suf viper who was knOwn to have been nursed ficientiv recovered to fire iiii the prisoner; • into ; political life and.' importance by When - I;efletl. • The wounded man. was . Win. } I. Seward, and who assumed to. be 6,1)11 - • to Walk td-Sreranneirto.and •give the r .--3, . . alatm; .but he died the same,night. - The his grateful friend land ;intent admirer, , sheds 'crocbdile:tears - Cover the enoritititti/- comity has beerr overnir6Vitli firmed men, - ity of his gr'eat, friend, and urged the ne- searelting - fbr.the escaping, desperado, but ` cessity of hisyr,iection by the very Men thus far without findinganytrices of 'him:. elCited - to do, hire hotior * ?: lt, is said that Armstron g Was _ a very .. ~. No, no; the plea for writing this (mend, vigilent and watchful man . , . and the only , . oils scolding of the Democratic Press, is reason. giyen•tbr his falling. -asleep' is the itsfalse as time whole politicallife of its-an- fatigue resulting front-his long and uncea thor—as false as his atheism and infidelity, sinB , charge of the,prisonerwhile bringing .. , exhibiting- itsellin Sitirittialism,Fourierism hint over the mountains: ,and Free-Love; -and yet prating. :4•A' men being rendered "a little more tit for the king,dom of .G0i1.." his purpose was, .to give•vent tolds gall andbitterness against tlq• Press, because it has been , tree to it self and its manliness, .in froWningdown and treating -with -scorn such treachery and fraud as has marked the conduet of Horace Greeley toward •Wm. IL Seward - • • - PROCEEDINGS TimnEmocßA i TIC STATE commrrrEE. , The Democnitic State Committee met aKresson, agreeably to the call of the Chairinan, Aug. 9, Is6o, and was called :to'; order by the Hon. Win. H. Welsh. -=- The roll was called, when .the following members answered to their names, viz ilinbt. - Anderson, Ste - phen:D: And - erson, Henry Askin,, Vincent L. Bradford, thigh 13arr,James P. Bare, W.ll. Blair, William D. Boas," John B. Bratton, ben E. Brown; IL 13. Burnham, Charles W. Carrigan, John K. - Chadwick, E. .13: Chase, 'lathes C. Clark; :Town W. Clark,: j4hn Ciimmings, Alfred Day, John Da-Os; Henry L. Diffenbach,- C. M. Doniwan; Philip Dougherty; Henry Dunlap, William Each:, Peter Ent, J. Alex-ander-Ful ton, J. Lawrence Getz; Joseph Thompson Graham;; H. A. Guernsey, John jr. ; J. li. Haliart,'CliarleS:H. .Iflinter, F. .M.llitAins - on ; S. C. Hyde, Jciiatph S. Hyde, Geer& W. Irwin, ltob e4 L. Johnson, Reuben Keller; 'James W. Kerr, J. Monroe Kreiter, George Lauer, dshac Leech, IL.R . .Linderinan, F.: P. Ma gtie-, Charles Magee,' Charles 1 i. - Maidy, Rbbert )loCay, ,ThOmas C: McDt*ell, - JOhn' P. McFadden,Pet& Mclntyre, John F'i! Means,l3.- F. Myers, 0. IJ. Myers, Ithward L. Miller, George-L. Miller, Wit. A r ita- II: Miller, E. C. Mitchell,.Robert E. 4l.Oritiglian, R. flruag t rkAriken, Vrederiek S - 4Pyfer, D. R. Randall, Bernard Reiley, -Stekesi. Robert, Dlivid Salomon, S:lttsiainMenry 3 . .. Stable, Israel Test, .10. se 0:31. Thenpson;- Wm. Ward,. Nel-, sop WeiSer,lacksoulWooglward;;Win.l-1; Welsh, Chairman. • f. ••, . • VILLAINOUS PLOT. 1 . We have already publishedlill particu-' lars of the. fires which laid waste, it large • amount- of property in Texas recently, , breaking out at -various points almOst sine { nitaneously. We now copy below a let-• , 'ter written-to the Houston, Texas, Tele- , graph, froni Dallas, which, it is reniember. ed, was-the scene of the most deStructiVe conflagration. Its statements. are start ling, and, if true, disclose a plot to which the Harper's Ferry raid was comparatively trifling. The letter ie dated July 21st, And .after corroborating the facts already ,published, goes on to say: •. •- , "Nearly or quite a hniidred negroes :have been arrested, and *upon a close ex t , amination, separate and apart from each tother, they disposed to the exigency of a lilot or conspiracy to hty waste the.coun try by fire and assassination, to impoVer lab the land by the destruction of the pro vision; 'arms and ammunition, and then, when in a state of helplessness, a general revolt of the negrops was to begin on •the first 'notably in August, the day of elec tion for. State officers. This- conspiracy is aided and abetted by abolition emissa ries from the North, and by those in our midst: . . The details, of this plot and its modes operandi are these: Each county in northern Texas Vas :i. supervisor in the person iif a White nianovhosetiame . is not• given ; each - cgunty is laid 'off into dis tricts under the sul . kignits,of t•hisaViiain,. who controls the action of the said districts, by whom The firing was to be done. Many of onr most pronzinent citizens were singlet] ont for assassination whenever they made their escape from their burning homes. Negroes neverbefore suspected are implicated, and the insur rectionary movement is Widespread to an. extent. truly alarming, In some places the plan was conceived in every form. shocking, to the mind and frigthfid in its results. Poisoning was to be added, "and the old females - to be! slaughtered along With the men, and ,the young and hand some women tO be parceled out amongst these infaMons seoundrelii. 0 They had ' even gorfe so flr as to designate their choice, and cetain ladies hadalready been I selected as the victims of'those misguided monsters.' Fortunately the country has been. saved tii•om the accomplishment . of I these.. -horrors; bin, then a fearful' duty remains for us. The negroes have been 'lncited to • these • infernal proceedings by 1 abolitionists and. the-etnisiarie.s of certain 1 preachers' who were expelled from the conntrglast year. Their ageritsheye been busy. among us, and litany of them have l•been ni Mir . inidst; . slime- Of. theni have be'en identified,. but- have fled -Irons`. the country l others still remain .to receive a l' , fearlid - accpunfabifity from an- outraged people. • ,Nearly . a hundred negroes. have . testified - that , a largej . einforiiem . elit of ali :(ifitionist!lt are: expected .on the first of .. The time has been in tin; histnry of; this-country, that if a candidate, had been presented ior the Yresidency, with the sole qualification for the office that he had once Mauled rails, the peonle would have been indignant ht the insult offered' tbetn.' WhiAt hiss been arrested at Yorkihire, Cattaraugus county, N. Y.,.for the nuirder , of ,The prisoner states that his flither and mother • assisted in .t 4 deed,. he 'having strangled : his ,Wife during the excitement. •• —The Washington correspondent of the Journal of Cominerce says a rumor has reached in private.' letters from Detroit, that Gen. Cass has had another ill turn there, and that thereis some doubt whetherjiis health will Warrant his return to Washington: —.ll. C. Allen, the Douglas_ candidate ' forCrOvernor of Illinois, Yates,as accepted the propoidtion of Richard t 61 Repub-. j lican candidate for,tbe.rsame. office,• for a.' series iof joint discussions on polities, and a-t.appointments have been made, cover ing a large portion of tho State 'arid tending over.a period. Of time:_froni the I 31st tilt. to the 19th of October,. • - -_1 prize fighttook . place. oil, Monday, on one of the ! Islam& in the . harbor at Boston, Mass., between Jack • Turner and Andrew Gidiow,and eighty-five • rounds Were fought,. wen the'poliee interfered and arrested the. participants: They were both-nearly blind.from.the effects •of The blows they had given and received. Tur ner and aidloW,bave, been committed for —The New York correspondent of the Philadelphia Press says that among the recent., graduates from West Point was a son efi Commodore Vanderbilt, _and that the lather . promised:the . youth *lOO,OOO if he woitld bring himself among the first five, of $50,000 if be coinpleted,the course at all.l The son wail not the winner of the former prize, but received a check for the latter) - • . —We'obserye that the ConStitutionrd Union; party are making nominations. for Congress in Pennsylvania. In the first Congressional DiStrictJudge King . has been nominated; in the second Hon. Ilen ry M. ;Fuller, and in the. fourth 'fob inson.l The "People's • Party" dodge is, by all accounts played out in•Peimsylvan . ia. The Same may he'said of the "Opposition" in New Jersey...; : • • _ . ' • "41.- 46111. • 67:-!?; ! 'The Chicago Times. and Herald !me been united into. one: The • editor says. ih his salutatory article-" Doubts having been .suggested by interested rcir ties, that iny support; Of Judge Dou! , •lns wa not genuinp, I take this occasion 'to retutelthe charge. I.•shall, coursc; give Judge Douglas urt'aarnest - Suppo'it; by all the luMaiis illy riweri but while doing go, I OannOt-stibmit to that test of my sin 'eerity lurbieh - rennires me to.denounce, the great body of the Dethocracy as . :distiniOnists. -• This Ilinow to be untrue, - consideration' Can induce me-fo • sanction it. • - . • • • - TITS BLACK 'REPUBLICAN CLERK - In the proceedings of - the bentoeratic. State Crmnittee,.at Cres'On, an incident occurred which exhibited in the, most stri king manner the feelings, 4f thel Democia- ' ity . of this . State in refereke tol this, arch, traitor: <- Billie course Ofkthe discussion npcin,the seVeral propositrns -before the Conunit tee,. Mr. Johnson,of • Cambria, known as the dose politica,and personal - friend of Gen. Foster, our • gallant "stand ar4earer -in the - gubernatorial contest, ' and Aso, as a supporter of Douglas, opened a battery of the Most violent denunciation of thepolitWat fraud and' chicanery now being at tempted'to )tc practiced by John , W.Forney. refirredj to him as a Black Republican traitor,. Ivhont no Deril--'f ocrat,. (no matter what his preferences,) dictnot despise from . his: innermost soul, aturdeclared that.fOr hithSelf, Tie spurned his ;impudent assumptions! to speak in half of the Wing, of.the part v •te which. he belonged, and utterly reputliated any and all fellowship with -hint in his _wicked and base:designs. These roitarks Called forth theimost terrific shouts Of applause, 'and for the moment .the : - pro4a.dings of the Coimnittee:"gave - way to,Wcatening out- Mirk. of scornful indignation•of the unttov cre4 demagogue. , If he cpuld only have . beet' present at this assemblage of the representatives of the Pethoeracy, he would have quailed befor,e the storm contempt and derision that waS . shoivercd "PO hurl. - He has talked boldly -of his . friends iu the State ConiMittee; but this' outburst. found "none sc. ,- ,Poor - ;to do Lim reverence." It was the unerring - and un- sentiment • 011' Pennsylvania's DetnoCi'acy,itnd it is . the `rebuke for which he has-been so long; waiting. I Will he take this kick, and - go over to the Black Republican camp, to which • • ai - . .. . Jesse Booim, iti.e. i I_7(i years,_ asps lately setitetwed by th - e.: United'. States Court, at - Cleveland,. to - fie years:ttt tbo penltenttary, for counterfeiting . .. - ' " .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers