Tile Provisional Goveisaumuttifthe lusurrectiotaiats , We nave before us a copy of the constiAu tion and ordinances of the provisional govern ment, which the insurrectionists At Bar Peep Ferry was g overned by. ' - It ses forth in its preamble a series Of ab surd and incendiary principles upon the sub. jectof slavery, auclthen tleclares a .Trovisi?n al Goyernment established upon 68 basis therein eipres.sed, "the better to protect oar persons, properly, lives, and liberties, and to govern our actions," etc. Then •follow 'the provisions of the pro posed c omtitution ; ordinances, -and regalia: tions. The election of a president and rice. .president, house of reprerentatiVe, and jiiiiges of' the suprerid court, the appointment of cabinet (dicers. a commander iu-chief . of the army, nod -various other matters are piovided for. -It is in reality th4constitntion of an ab olition society .upon an immense scale, witba careful and effective orgauization, a treasury, an army, with oaths, signs, and penalties.— We 'rare no doubt that it is• already in exist ence, and that its operations will be manileat in other attempts at servile insurrections. 41:21 , , 110- - • Biaci.—Tbe uegtotls of Dayton ' Ohio, publicly celelirsted the success of theßepoia• Haan ticket, in the markettlace on Wedoair day last. Ilad the ultra Black Republicans been more successful in the demonstration at llarpet's Ferry, we suppose it would bare been an equal source of cohcroulation. Igr See advertisement of Dr. Sanfont'a Liver InvizArat.tir ned Family Cathartic Pine, in another column: - TIIAVER of the Binghamton Water-Cure, will be at Susquehanta Depint (Nichol's Hotel:rein' the 6th of each month du ring the Spring and Stimmer for consultation. invalid.; will find it to their advantage to give him a call. Patients received at all times at hie estahlit.hment in Binghamton-, N. V., where every cotofirt and convenience may be found for the succ,essfol treatment of INVALIDS. [tf. ' - `fly pnrehaoiog Goods of Ziegler & Smith, ( Whotexate Druz, Paint and Glass Dealtrs,) . earner of Secoid and C reels Sul., Philrld'a, you have the Advantage of select ing'y'eur pun-bases from an extensive and varied stock of Iris ite lead, ziuci col'rd paints and" inda asr" glass of assorted sizes and qualities. All of these articles are to-irked at. such prices as (=nue& fail to suit the closest buyer. [feb3 tyllse Important Lu lemailefi.---Dr. Cheese aatatu'li 191.14, P4pacrd by Coolie/ins L.Chetst , man, Neu , York City." The combination of in. gredientl. in .these Pills are the result of a long and exttr „ dce pr'netice.' They are mild in their operatiOn.and certain in correcting all irregulari• tics, painful inen,truationa, remoting all obstrur tions, a heiber from cold or otherwise, headache, pain in the aide, palpitation of the heart, disturbed sleep, o 7 "nieh arise from interruption of nature. TO MAR 11.1 ED LA Di ES,tbese Pills are inval uable, as they will bring on the monthly period wittrregolarity. Ladies who have been disap• pointed in the nse'of tither pills, earl place the ntmost.eonfiden:e in Dr. Cheeseman's Pills do ing n'l they nre-represented to•do. NOTlCii."—They &tumid- not be , used during PrepL,ney . . ns a mi's carriage would certainty re sult therefrom. Warraoki purely vegetable, mid free from anything injurif,um, to lite or health. Explicit directions, whield 4 should be read, accompany .each box. Price $l. Sent by.mail on enclos. ing . sl to any authorized agent. B. 11 TCIIINGN 165 Chambers-St, New-York, General 1.41, , ent for the United Slates, to whom all 'Wholesale orders should be addressed. Dr. J. W.: 2 1.1 - g A'N, Tunkhannock, and ABEL TurtarLl., Vurtke.e, Agents. Cour&.c of Lectures.--The follgiving named persons i..ale engaged to lecture before toe YOUNG ML,ls's LITER:LILY ASSOCIATIGN" Of Montrose:. 'lei. D. K. LEE. Auburn, N. Y, Nor. 2nd. Rev. TK. Beeyber,filmira. " " 291 h. GEo. SVMNETt. BlIStOll, 'lttaEs„ Dee. 2rth. WENDEi-L " " l'l9 C E.GE ELE V. N. V. City, -- -- Fir (Aber, remain yet to be heard from. A. N. Rt3i:il:AßD, President. C. W. TYLER, Secretary. m.,v3de • SUSQUEHANNA-COUNTY CLISSICAL NORMAL' SCHOOL, ' At Pllantrose, Pa., for 1859 , V Tru.steesa!e happy to announce to the 1. public that the next term of this popular Institutl!..a wifi bcoin on WEDNESDAY, NO -VE.M.BER 16th, 1859, under the charge of Prof. 11:ARRI BRODIIIEAD, 11. A., a graduate of Yale College, who has consented • to remora. ft k bow probable that there will he no interroptien of the regular Sessions of the lnstilutbm. The trustees respectfully refer the patrons of the school, and others, to the for. lowing tqtiiitonials from the President and Profeisnrs of Yale ColtetTe ; to the present pros perity -of the school ; and to the highly compli mentary resolutions .passed by. the students, commendatory of the successful itdrniniettration of Prof. 11., and expressing their grAtifintion at the prospect of a continuation of hks 'Saleable labors. • -TESTIMONIALS. - YALE CottEur, June 24,185.9- - "Brodheaul,- a member of the- elmie lately graduated at Yale; College, bag held a Met rank in. the class as it scholar. So far as I am acituainted with il, his moral character., and . habits, are trorprou'rhable.- , TriiormitE o.•WoOisEx; President. - 11 r. ll:Brodhead, who'behinga to the &Ilan.. Ming- class - of. 11 . 59. has shown himself dtt: :ring the two yeam - of his Corinection' with' the college, acapable and succeasful scholar.: Shed be apply. himself to the Work , of instruction,,l h a e c.rio d o ubt or his ability vi - justify the confi dence and - satisfy the expectations of any who MaYar9il themselres Of his setViees. Jas., lisnt.Ef, Prot, of Greek. • Ilfr:fl. Brodhead the dlass of 18S9, in Yale College, - ,ls a good scholar, and has 'a superior mint ‘.l hire4ittle doubt he will make an - eft : eieeitind "successful teacher, and ran recommend libo:Nrith'great Confidence that be, will not die _ appoint his patrinii. • • NoAll PORTLIL, 'Prot: - at Philosophy and Metaphystes. - .. , • • • , Idr. 11, Ifrodhead-hasjtat ,fiolthed Six coarse of collegiate ellate.dirm. and metered the_ sde iice or - l a...heier of -Arts, at ths manual cons. m:Jean:tem. _Vs be prnposes ,te be enimged tsar tittieltr the business of tesehing;he iecheerfully . - recomineeded by the undersigned as a person 'Well goal .fied by his &ohs:Aim:hip and attainatelats. !This chrlitiancharauter ami deportment te•lie successrul in the instruction ,and gorernmollt 01 a school. • Tuoitas A. TRACHEA, - - , Prof. of Latin: „StUdents may laere be pre-Pared for itOnission titi advanced:e i htss n any of our Collette, and particular attention will ,be Paid, as'heretofore, ' to the rho•ouga . preparation awl stkarno DEMISE To BECOME TEACHEES,IItIieNO4AL DEPAIT- Specielintractionihe Initer:DePartmelft will lae-given-doringlbeenstung term: Tfie Text Spoke heretofore lased - WM becins. tinned in the School. •.; —• ' Leeturta on stitieets of general lutertsit-Will be the year. " ?rice of Tuition per -Term of Merit, •WeekS.' :41690 'Primary Department, • . 8,50 in English Bratfehriamilettin or-Cirsek, 940 Latin 'and_ Greek,' - • • 5 4,06 lo.tratnental and- -Vocal Music will be 'givn if detArr . ed.' "." . . Thera- atteittlian.Of lin. days, . beget nirig DeceMber NMI then =ogler- ;earl of weeks: . , . , . Students wiald4to, prow* TOoOur or board can be accommodated by arrithts.l4•. R. Cultbe man; -Ewa-, .and those wishing to hoard ahem salvos _can obtain stores-and-farnittire-froas Melons.- Sayre Brothers, an rsonmaialit3eirtnr, Priee-of Board averages from/ISM week. Hon. WWI. JESSUP. Presnient;-, 41017- r. F: READ, Secterary;7, ` Nminter 2d 1059.---Iow4gi. • In "Binghamton, at Wav'si bolel,Seitt 10th, 1859, by. Rev. T. Dwight . ..Walker, Mt, H..P. KIMBALL of Little Meadows, Stisq'a and Miss MINNIE M. BEARDSLEY, Of War. ren, , Bradford Cu., Pa: , In Dm:, Oct; 22t1. by-Rev. A. P e ase, iv. ,GEORGE VANLDNE and :Mitts. MARY A . TRIPP, both of Stiuth , In Lenox, Oat. 300. by W. M. Esq.„ Mr. HENRY C. TURE'ER, of Hirford, and Miss MARY C. rAYNE„:of Letto. . ; In Springville township,-on Tbursaay, Oct, g7tb, 1859, Mrs. MARY . B. TAYLOR, wife of Simile! El.TSyloy, :Ted 48yesrs. j STOYES! STOVES t AT REDUCED PRECEV . I:3IMPLI I T a rI ir Is just large stock of NEW stoves including a full assortment of C r ook*, Parlor. O f fice, and Shop Stores, for Wood or Coo'''. 1 - Store . Pipe, Zinc, Store Titbett o dc. His assortment, will include the most select and desirable stoveti in ; market; and bill he Gold at Reduced Prices for Cash or Prompi Pay. New Milford. Nqvember let, 1859. j - • - COAL OIL, ro , the best quality ever offered in this or any other market. . . _ KEROSENE . O COA L OIL LAMPS, embracing the latest improvements: Able. the best qualities of CAMPIIENE. and BURN ING, FLUID. LAMP OIL, rind 'LAMPS, in which to burn them. 'CANDLES s and 'sticks, and every. thing necssary for Lights. for sale at the va riety store of ABEL TIJRREL4 noel : Mont rope. Register's Notice. oncE is hereby given to all persons e on. . 1 cernell in the toflowing estates viz.: Estate of Elias §teenhaek late of Gibson, Mary Steenbsek advz. Estate Qf Orin Lester late of Forest Like, O. Mott, Estate of Abraham Taft !ate of Milord, C4rles Tingley ado'r. Estate of Caleb Miller late•of Jessup, Ikt Iton Hunter suirwr, • Estate of - Nathan Shipman lute of jliddletryn, .Frederick Taggart eseer. Pinstpecoant of Peter R. Tanhouten, guardian .of sfary W. Vanhouton. - That the accountant' , have settled their SlCCOnntn in the Register's Office in and for the ronnty 'of Susquehanna, andihaiihrsame will be presen ted to the Judges of t$ Orphans' Court of said county on Friday the second day December, 1859, for confirmation and allowance. . CHARLES NEALE, Regilff• Register's Office, Montrose. Nov. Ist,.4w* " GOLD. WONTED Oft PORTRAIT O); 11R. EVERETT.—A faithful and arca rate photographic picture of this gentle man. is now ready for delivery.' It is beautifUlly eiecuted in nine eoloni. with appropriate emb lems of Mount Vernon in a gold arabesque bor der. stippled after the manner of- SenefOder's discovery. Clubs of from 5 to 100 solicited, and filmier de& the same as the Washington Portrait-it* dollar fur each picture nraeind k nov3 2tp) - DEVERgA!..TX & CO., • 132 South Third,Street, Philadelpnic. OCTOBER, g7TII ! Ell) Of NAVIGATION FU LL OF NEW GOODS. VEJV ALL WOOL DE LAINS, " • NEW L.11.V8 not all 001, BLACK SILKS. Handsome MERRIMACK PRINTS, • SAXONY.. LINS.EY, and VILLA PLAIDS, [AnVIA, WINTER,SIIAWLS. CHENILLE SCARFS, HOODS. COMFORTERS, IIOOPED SKIRTS, SHIRTS, ' OM VATS and COLLARS: itrOreGLOVES and HOSIERY, a new swig af Burnt Wit COCOALVE for Me hair; - also, Da 1 tyro plrls HOUT.II IVA S I?, the best Thing for the Teeth end.Gumelinown. And boots oI other GOODS---ncilime mention. All will'he said CHEAP for the - ..I = L-t3 - tx - cl - 3 T by H. C. TYLE R. _ • . F RESHBURNING • FaXID and Cod Irkti--Please don't a•dc to get trusted, but brine alonryour Butter, Ezgs, Dried AP plea, drx, &a. ; and get the worthof your money. Tobacco by the pound 10 ctn. - H. C. TYLER. Montrose, Oct. 27th, 1839. TO THEINDEPENDENT FREEMEN OF_SUR QUEHANNA COUNTY, GREETTNCi: ' Bat tueie Especially to every 4 !der mast" and Justice of the Pence istheState of Peuustivasiia. TllE' andersigard .tias ihe.gepera agency of' this State for thessale of LC Glidden's Fore) Duette. for. Justices of the Pesiee,eontaining abr breviated 'forms for entering barons, both civil and - criminal; and - aft - stibaogrieet proccedinga therein; also WIN for judicial' Constiblut . and Witnesses' Fete; being a enmpleto guide t 4 tiers-Justices, and savior. much labor and time tQ both new and old. The work :is highly mem+ mended by Hons.„S. It; these, jeimuip,V. Barrows, C. F. Mead;7-13. Mi.reeter, and oy nearly 'all the 'Attorneys of the county: The Attorneys in their testionnesls . sip thatui 'strict economy, Raying nothing ql the great coll.', vinieoce,nf the work, vill, in onrjujigutent, in duce everf Instfteln the cenntv to: purehaao the _hook 4s, soon as it is esathineir by them:" . 1 silted/2001y bound, and, contains,six quires of good piper. snit is sold t the unifo rm; price of - $6. Call and• sceit it the Montrose' Book Store Orders by mail _ ,froal no, part of tiiiinonty or state, encl osing•the Pail, Promptly attendo ttcanitibe'woit sent btr exPreas; or as , bided: - A. N:BCLLARD.; Montrose, Del 84. 'B9._ A and 15,4*4 ptuck a Pocket Knives; rromitscd - : .411. N;... B. B 00" BINDING.--:014 'Baal; ,l. Plfinfthluta...botind upon , strortattotice. - - :444 4"80.11::7 -HOWARD 'ASEOUIATION; Beseiotenc lablication•ogrolumekok4o3r•-arMI tint gaidotenitst. for the Relief of this Melo omit iikstriese . oigieted i it 9 :Iririskost aitei Epidemic - Diriertatf, 'esperially - for#! Cpve,ofl."Needees of the Atructi:Organe. ..11AIEDICttl. ADVICE gir4ls graUi, by the al • SFPO4.te 0 1 .404 4 %PO! 10404 With p Pr the._fr)torsdiA ^ a. (igeePoFg, r. basoskjim 24_ ateig pus. : ak - eTet uvula ,POTer3),: NSW litrnethosi fro* .0 cbargr• • .• '• --X • 1 7- ailiesportilin.SPerguttore sad eth er Ptsesees of the Sep*. Oriole, irea Nix Itemidira etel,eyiel Ow ; Imo to the 'Sic-tea in vehltit letter rarreePre, fro* alslseeres. . Two*r three slahVe ler '<MOP - -- Adds* Dr- .1 kthillin .44 - 011:11 - Serceee• Howar d. Aesoeletioe, -S outh Phlregielphie.re: By order 0014 DiracWlL rZattIritARTWELLO*O6,4 Finrcitths;lteereti*--Oeff#l= NEW GPODSINEW : GOODS,.. AT Tilit URANCISTORES sgattenberg, llointbaum, tt • . AT ' Montrose, - ar. 4s - 0 - Depot, Pa. THE oudersigned have provided tilemaelvea with a • SPLENDID ASSORTMENT FALLAND WINTER GOODS which they -boast of being the HANDSOMEST AND CHEAPEST in this section of country. They also flatter themselves that they have the best facilities of obtaining 6crobs Srtst from tV arhet, and are determined not to be undersold by any firm this side of N. Y. City. In regard to READY MADE CLOTHING • we would ely"that being in this busines largely-at • 24 Dey Street, New York City we cep - offer the pnblie bargains nnrsurpassid by any retail dealers in this section, as we :can sell here at retail prices as. cheap as those who go to New York and, purchase at wholesale and then bring them here and hvae to make a profit over that which they have already paid them selves. Call end see us and we will prove the facts. 11135iiibaltM, Ca. Sinn tmme s Pa , Octobec 27th, 1869: NOTICE. B. P. TEWKSBURY, County Supt.; will deliver the • SECOND LECTURE bafoEeltle '`IOIIIII , CE HIGH ScHOw" And "LIT ERARY -ASHOCIATION," ill ACADEMY HALL, OD TUESDAY EVENING. Nov. 15th, 1859: B M. STON K., Sec. of l.it. A.lsociation. HORSES FOR SALE TTILL LL be offered for sale, oo ihe premises of V the subscriber, on Saturday, November 12th, 1859 at 2 o'cloat, p. m., six Horses: One blare, .8 years old, • One Maio; 4 years old,. Two_ Colts, 2 years old, - One - Colt: 1 year old,- ' • One Colt, six months old. TERMS:—Credit of one year, with Wens' and approved security JAMES O'BRIEN Brideogntor: Oct. 25th. 1859 PREPARE FOR WINTER: HE recent cold wertther warns lay that Win 1. ter will soon .be upon us, and all should be properly prepared for it: JOHN CiIIOVES, the Tailor, desires evO'rylooly to remember that he is al ways ready to , do all work•in his line, in a satis factory. manner. CUTTING DONE TOR the READY. Montrose Oct. 25111, 1859.-3 m. Caaation.. A LL peraona are cautioned against pureban. A a Jodztnent Nolo signed by me about the firat.of Mareh.,:lBs9, in favor of Alfred Me- Kerby, or bearer. for $34 dne io six months. As I flare received no value for aubi note, rahall not pay the name unless compelled be law. JOSEPH STEIGER. Jessup. Oct. 20th, 1859.—* Executors' Notice• WHEREAS.Letters of Administration hare been granted to the subscribers on the estate of Moses Stopard. late of the township of Forest Lake, deceased, all mama indebted to theSsid estate are requested to make immediate payment. also all persons haying 'pet demands against the same will please present them duly authenticated for settlement to the eubscrbers. WM. lIARVEY. JABEZ Executor's'. OA. 21st. 1859. SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of sundry writs issued by the Court of Common Pleas of Susquehanna county, 'and to. inty directed, I Will expoSe to by public vendue, at the Court House, in 3loutrose,on Sat u rday ,the 19th day of November, 1859, at-one o'Clock, p. m., the following de; scribed piece or parcel of laud, to wit: ALL thit ,pieee or parcel of land situate in the township of New Milford, county of Sus_ quell:Kos. and State of Pennsylvania, - bounded and de , tcribed as follows. to wit: beginning at a post, in the Cochecton and Great Mend-turn pike -road; thenie by lands sold to Park W. Avery, south 44 I.2.deg. west, 90 s.loths dteato stone's. the corner of lot No. 33 on the map- or.in;sitiveyof Drioker's land, made by. Jason Torrey: thence by Amid lot 45 1.2 deg. West, 172 perches - bra pobt and stones, the north corner of said lot; thence by land sold to Alexander Shirley north; 44 1.2 deg. east,7s 1.2 perches to a post in the middle of said road; and thence itl.mg the middle of said - road to the place of beginning; containing 75 -sores and ----- perches, with tho appurtenanees,•one barn and about sixty acres improved:late the estate of Charles Tingley. Executor of Roemer Mott, deceased, and Lois Mott, widow. (Takti in ex ecution at. the .sult of John Howell, to the use ofSarah Mott vs. Charles Thiele,. Executor of !theater' Mott, deceased, and Lois blott,widow and,devisce ] - ALSO—AII that-Certain piece or parcel, ef land stitqatein the township of Lenox, county nf.Suaquebasna. and State of Pennsylvania, 'bounded and described as follows, to wit: it being known/us let No, 315 on IMnker's map of Tunkhanniiik track . , - -beginning at a stone. heap, • the north :of . land • hereby •convercd—it being the east corner'of lot No: 316, and west corner q 7;, tol :NO; :1114:,tkneelillie Southwest line of the last mentioned lot, south 45 deg. 30 min. east, 150 perches to a post on the line of William !Jai:del% ,1404; . thence 'Along . ..said (Pulley's line soutir . 4l , deg'. 80 info. weld. 127 percites to a heroloCk; thence by the Collins Ilands north 46 deg. west; 150-perches too stone heap, the south corner of lot-No. 316; and thence along thssoutheket line of the said Inat men tioned rot north 44 deg. ZO tnin. east, 128 1.4 perches to. tho playa of begiuning,. containing 119- acres Perches; be' the dame more or kiss, 1061i:hi attpurtenanatis, one framed hos*. two .barie/tatte orclordi and ibotit SO acres ha. proved./-[Taken in Executionat the suit of C. & JtAltvott.tit.-lisbn Millard.] 'ALrea—=J! that certain , piece fir parcel of land eltuate. n 't be' to sr nsbif of. Greta Ilend,in flesisk - Co“'s., - bounded and desict4ied follows, to wit: on • the ovilb by landk of E. di ikaawjtifisimoit by land in the possession of G.- W. St, Clair and Jerome Thomas, siutb Rb . ert UsWitina t ind wanasc3astaLerj—zEtralief4oisteininikaboin ttitrAltilesilofwe riella,Lagollheer - with the apt unamincesoa how; Atonal tasi2V:sonse frog, trees, and about - 45 sera iraprored.—Taken iin-emeautleant - the suit 4014.:Eleneett to lite id* scohol*pcni, vs. - Wastriestolf Purchasers Wilt balsa spue4 lc required to 9 . 14 the_444,olllileiAll prOalliklakierlt fo torsi:Ai. coo Of-seda.istberwtse, PrP,Per- Jr-Wiltinirosobi-fettherieb. - - JOFINTIOUNG: than' ObertirW66ee;WeeThari3Oet. ilbth,lls -fit Tin WAY IV you' want your Ambrotype,-Melainotype or Photograph taken Cheap! Great reduction iu the price of AMBROTYPES, The aubscriberwill take large $3 Ike for $l,OO The •$2 size For - .60 The b 0 reit:size for . • . = Our ur 111 GOOD OASES.) PI-IGTOGRAPHS, 4.4 size, For each duplicate, . - Pictures taken to' be sent in letters-without additienal Oat:lga. Having a large Side and Sicy.Liklbt combined, we can fake good Pictures in all kinds of weather. . Er -Rooms over Abbott's Shoe Store, oppo. site the: BANK OF BINGIIIATIITON. Er INSTRUCTIONS given in the Art. A. B. TUBBS... ni ng h s elton,Oct. 12. th. 1869. N. B.—No children under 5 pears' old taken far less than 50 cents; and no 95 cent Pictures takes w hile there are customers waiting for those of higher price. - Teachers' Examinations, MEETINGS for the examination of those who desire to teach in the public schools of this county, will be held in the different town- Alps as 1011‘)WS : Brooklyn, Nov. 5, Centre, -- 9a. m. I.at hrop, " 7, Hillsdale, '9a. m. Lend:, " 8, *Bell S. H., 9a. m. Gibson, " 9, Union Hill, - 10 a. tn. Jackson, " 10, No. 9, 10 a. m. New Word, " li. Graded S. 8.. 10 a. ra Franklin. ". 12, South S. 1-1..• 10 a. an Montrose & . 14, Moutrose, Bridgewater, Dimock, " 15, Public B. H, 10 a. to. Spring Title, " 16, Public S. 11., 10 a. tn. Auburn. - " 11, Lowe S. H..— 10 5, I n, gush, " 15, Grariger'sS.H.,lo a. at Jessup, " 19, Bolles S. IL; 10 a. W. Forest Lake & ' 21, Towne S. H., 10 a, tn. Chapman,., 22, Baldwin S.H., 10 a r:: FM A r pi d i n :: :l 7ll 7 , 1:: & 23, Little Mead., 10 a. to. Cnoconut, . " 24, Clark's S. H., 10 a. m. Silver Lake, 25, Brackney, Liberty, " 26, Brookdale, 10 a. in. Great Bend, ." 28 Hs " side 1 0 a. m. the river, Harmon " 29, Lanosboro' -t• 10 a. to. y, . Thompson, " 30, Centre, 10 5. to. Ararat Dec. I, Church, 1.0 a. In. Herrick, " 2, Uniondale, 1,0 a. to. Clifford at " 3, City, in. DundatT, It is desirable that all teachers -be examined in the township~ where they expect to teach. The examination will an usuel.be the written and oral methods combined. Each applicant should be supplied with at least two shads of fools•cap paper, and peTand All should 'be pnnetualoone admitted to the class after the examination commences. B. F. TEWKSBURY, Co. Supt. Brooklyn. Oct. 17th, 18.59. *Held it this house by rapes, of Banal Board RYE A IV-D OATS • • WANTED! T"Ehighest market price will be paid by the subscriber, in C A S - H • :• lb? any gnantity of Rye and Outs selivor ed et the Slont7 Depot. . WM. H. KEDLER.. Montrose, Depot, Oct. 19th, 1859,-4w TRU NEW ZRA 1 NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS AT GREAT BARGAINS Bendy Pa and Small Profilx. 1315RIIITT has now in Store and is .11.• making large additions to his Stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, to which lie would incite the attentionnf rinialer PATIF9:BUY- Llts. embracing 11143_1110st. desirable varieties of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, In New Styles of Rich Fall Prints,and Plaids; in DeLain,ri, Ducal Plaids, Plain and Plaid Meri nos. Mitimir Cloths. Gingha nd Silks; Brecht., Stelity Cashmere, Silk, and Wool Shalls; Rich Ribbons, Bonnets, and Flowers. Net Hoods, La. dies' Cloths, Broad Cloths, Cassimeres, ate. With a full assottment of Staple. and Fancy Goods, • as usual, including . . Gicaccricsi, Crockery', Ilordsvare, Stoves, Iron, Steel, Nui Hatsand Caps, - Boots and Shoos. Carpking, Floor Oil Cloths, Painted Wiadow Shades, Wall Paper, Clf .. )ek's. Drugs,niia, Paint, furs, flu ILlo Robes, & c., &c. The entire stock being large, and bought for CA.s.n, will given superior opportunity fOr choice selections, nod will be sold for itt;anir.PAir 10 - to 25 per rent: below regular prices. An ex amination of the Srocs will be found profitable to those. who wish to buy. N. B—Flour and Salt constantly on hand. New-Ililfbid, October, 1859. ezNOLD DM. HEM'S BOOK OF FBAFF42Bank, and great discoveries of Me dopaneseUtt moo Fast India Medicines, with full directions for the certain cure of consumption, bronchitis, ca , tarrh,coughs, colds asthma, fevers; heart disease., mauls, c.incer,dyspepsia, liver complaint gravel and urinary deposits, female complaints, &c.—. Illustrated with-hundfleda of certificates *retires and engraving's. For the purpose s of rescuing as - many suffering fellow.beings as possible from a premature death, it Will bo sent to any part.of the continent for 25 cent;, by , DR. lIEATII, octlUyvi 647 Broadway, :New York City. Sold by A. 'Farrell, Mutarth 6 ; Hayden Bros. New Milord; C. I'. Mathewe,'Scranton. .•• •ESTRAY, rtSCAPEO from the pasture of Stephen allt o. fiaaleton in Dimwit township on Sunday evening Oct. 2d, 1852,, , a Dark Dv HORSE of good site, with small star in the (Prebend, rather rough bnilL, and•from .19 to 15 years old, with something of an enlargement of the left fore leg near the ankle j. int. • Any person having any knowledge where - said florae may„be toned will confer a favor by informing the owner immediately by letter, or otht flake, and all _reasonable charges will be paid. EZEKIEL BEDELL. - "New IfilFirdi Oct. sth, 1859.-9w.0. Anditor's - Notioe. NOTICE is berebf giren tbt the tindersigfi ed, an Auditor ,eppeinted by the °Tana' Coutt of Susquehanna county to makeidistribu tion of the funds remaining„ in the 'hands of Charles Tiogley. Administrates of the estate of Ezekielllimes, late of Gibson. deceased, to tkei heirs and Mgti represeritatirem, will attend to the duties of his sprintinint at his office in Montrose on Friday, the 18th day of 'November next, at 2 o'clock, p. su., at which time And plice sit:persons interested In said fond will present their Claims or. be-forever debarred from com ing in upon told WiI.4.:,IIJRRELL. onfroie. Pi.: Oct. 26th,•1859.-4.4' - Auditcr's Notice. NOT I C E is hereby' given that the 'under. eloped; in Auditor appointed hy the Cone o(,cocolutin Pleas or tioNsrek.oloir coffiltrtg spike distrlbisiott proceedtrarisittg fitinv We POWs sale of , rest Wale lazotif Bylvested Johnson of.Cliffbrkwill attend to the duties of said appointmet at; the, office of Bentley & Filth in bloottosioli - itidsy;'thei_ltith day of lsovember sot. at O'efoek, oi.oit which t i me , p u t p)acit. ;Tema Ao4einois4 foal trill potent-their claims or be firepird* bairothow amain is spoil acid fuel. . NEvv: y ; 'ver. Ist t ieso. • A %m t : rtmatz.u.-, .•, IAGIIIIIIORILIff!! - ~ r.itEl3ll4Jerning Fluid, Lin* Oil, Candles. 'Also White Lend; Zit e Paints. Liniseed Oil, Raisins, 'Coffee, ete. ete.,'lnst otietted and going cheap. .. • :- J. LYONS &SON. , SPLENDID Lainee, Gingham, Prints, and ID sheeting, just oficoCd. cheap. J. L. , ~ - MA.3.5113 ... AtELOPEONs, Guitars, Violini, Fifes, Sheet 1.11, Music, on hand or furnished to order. eep:2El L LAWNS &SON. ABEL TURRELL Tx AS just returned from selecting, _and.pur il, chasing, and is now receiving one of the largest and best assortments of • 8340 CO C=o 121 ever offered in this market. The quality of nearly ;every thing good; and all warranted us represented. Terms ;.ready cash arid low prices: Some general Idea of the stock may be forined from the following enumeration: DRUGS, MBDICINES, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Window Glass, Dye Stuffs, Groceries, .Lamps, Glass Ware, Crockery, Mlrrors,.ClOoks, Wall Paper, Window Papef, Window Oil Shades, Farley Goods, Musical Instritnieuts, Jewelry, Perfufnery, Stone Ware, Brooms, Bruhes,Whips, linibrellaa, Bird Cagesf Pocket • -Knives, GUM. Pistols, -Ammtuaition, Liquors,Truues,' Supporter., Port-monnaies, Shouidat Brains, Spectacles, Silver and Plated Speen*, Perks, &c., Gold Pens, Stationery, Violin, Guitar, i Bus Viol Strings,. Bows, dc., Porcelain Teeth, Lith ographs, Artist's Tube Paints, Brushes; &c., and all the popular Patent Medicines. ~.. Mao some Dry-Goods, Wraden, ' Hard &Japanned Ware, 'Plaid and Oil Cans, Camnhane, Burning Fluid, Alcohol, Turpentine, , - Lamp, Tanner's, Beat Poot,Lard,Olive, Castor, Boiled and Raw Linseed, and Coal OILS, White Lead, Zinc, and all kinds of,Colored Paints, Vino ' gar, Canary Seed, and other things too • numerous to mention As it is impracticable to give more thin a gen• eral outline ohm) stock through ilic.Newspapers, every one wishing goods is invited to call and examine. Customers on entering the Store must not expect to find every thing in sight;.but nearly every article wanted be produced by inquiry. Thankful for the liberal patronage hitherto received, I hope to merit.and receive a large increase of the same. . Montrose, Oct. 5;'59. ABEL TERRELL. COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. LOCATED OVER THE eIISQUEFIANNA VALLEY BANE, BINGHAMTON N. Y. ROOLDS optn fur Instruction from 9 a. m. to 9:30 P. D. W. LOWELL, Principal, Professor of the Scion& of Accounts, •Praetiesl Accountant: Alithor of Lowell's Treaties upon,Borkk-lc,:ep ing. 1 / 1 3,zraml illunrating the tame. Jens 31cCane, 'Assistant Professor in tho gook= keeping Department. A. J. WA 104E.1L. Professor of Practical and Or namental Penmanship, Cumniereinl Calcula tions and Correspondence. Hon. Mullet S. Diokirson, Lecturer on Commor cial Law and Political Economy. Hon. Ronlcitn Bolcom. Lecturer on Contract% Protniesdry Notes antills.of Exchange. Rev. Dr. E. Atuircurs, Lecturer on Couttnereia Ethics. EXAININ I NG•COMINIrTIEE: Hon. Shermnn 11. Phelps, Wm: R. Osborn, Esq., Tracy FL Morgan. Tbo-objtAtt of thin Collegein jo afford to an an oppoitunity of obtaining a th-fiougli Business Education. 'Pile Books and Firms arecawfully arranged by practical:Accountants expresiily for this In utitutica and'embrace all be recent in:prose. The course of inalrmtion ....mpriseii every depurtutent. t of business. The learner will be thoroughly tutliglit the science and practice'of Double Entry Bunk-Keeping as applied "to the following kids of business, viz: Giclienal Mer chandising,-"alannfacturing,, -Banking, C 01130161. gym, Steamboaling, Railroading, Furvtarding, Freighting. Foreign Shipping. &u Ladies Department entirely . separate from that of the gentlemen. `• .- .Siudents can enter College at any Limo and receive individual instruction. By-this arrange tuent every student is permitted- to progress as rapidly as his enterprise and• ability will per. mit, and alien through, perfect and complete. will reeeivo a Diploma which will enable him to review at pleasure. " • Time to 'complete the course. frum Si: to Twelve weeks. No vacations. Board s2,stt per week. - For Book• Keeping, full arcounlant'm course, ine:uding Practical Itonianahip, Commercial Computations and Diploma, (Time unlicuit od,) - - - - $35 00 Same courses for Ladies (separate apart- ment.) 20 00 Penmanship and Arithmetic, a • -. 10 LO Teachers' course in Penmanship, Practi- cal and Ornaweatal, - - Twelve lesioas,in Practical Penman, grb Ocessienal classes will be formed in Pbonograpy. For lull particulars seed for a circular. T i v N N • WANTED 131 iIEDIATEILIN A . few more active and enterprising young men can fend Immediate emplciymetit by %Web they can make fryer- 600 ,t 0.0,000. dollars -a y . ear, to vet an agents for several.new and popu lar works just published exelusively for agents, and not for sale in . book stores., We have a great numbest of -agents employed, - many of whom are making from lb to dullars per' week. _ • . Those wishing to engage in this p!oasant and profitable business will, fur , particulars, eta, ad. dress, C. L DERV & CO., Publishers and Whf.lesale Bookseflens, Oct.. 124 Igs9—w3.] • Sold usky City; Ohio to" A Book ft:or Everybody. _&se STARTLING DISCLOSURES !, ' -,... , . - D .,";jk B . f 4 or L : E th a a S min g rrioi t ( , or thoterootemplating mar. ( 4 4 ' r ',..i. r ..,„ ria,.-20 pages full of •C., 1 - . - C ‘4P.,&.; 7Plebteteill, • iv- sj- - --- ',Price 0 cants —aeru•to all , 0 .' 1..-_, ,i pairs under seal, bi mail. e 1 1 .: POSTPAID. ' 50,000 cop. 4, 4 V';' . ' .''',.' '... .: iti Mold Ibupastyrar. The 1 t i";, q 'ilV , itnee truirried,and the mar -1 : '" -.- - Z.- - .....N tied happy . .A.liecture - up i r........ Lore. .or, how, to amuse a partner; a comPlide work or, midwifery. It eentilina hunt:lnnis Wise. bi eru. never befork• published—Warrontod to be worth three times the amoaninaked for it. 'abets innposie or postage stainpa. - enolosed, Will secure a copy by return mail. J .A . Add - ii, u a ' _ - Nu: 5 Ileavir.l4, Atbaciy..N. Y. • • .lelf - ' DR. b 0 /4 with fug diinetionS. Married, ladies mho* not use ihem. - 7 —. Bent by 111311. ' . • CALITION.+-7 hear Pitts aboldd rivi be takenly foonake during ihe MONTHS (f erwmuicy,•as thevarelurgworetusenisodreiagei but a t anitt.dnrailnedseysits riafc ' Jn'eliposee or nervous and spinal *free tion,piin in the back and_linda‘ fiatlll4 l o ofthiire*.tiertion. pilpitatintta heart, heaters, l and whke.s. these pillanyitt-efent 41 cure when ill - other toennehave ferHeri-andalthoill pmvortni remedy, do not con- - taindrohiealoittet enthirohy, orinithinw hurt rtil thtite• constitntion:r. , 'Address Mt: • TELLER ae above , ' • . fetal, FACULTY: LECTURE NS: TERMS: - 2 DO . . " - V ll . X). t ;NATC: , ,COrip THKWELL KNO WN.. . AM BROTYRIST I WILL BE AT - SPRINGVItIit.IIOIIOII I .... From the oi 06th of O ctober , to the- 16th of No vember,: 'All persona wishing rimed Pictures of themselies and friends will not haeo-it better oppottitnitY- of obtaining 'them. Having Mode ever- • 1500 PICTURES k Here in MONTROSE the rant Summer, m flat tering evidence that my efforts to please a gen erous public arc fluty appreciated. AM Iitt.OTYPES in good caAeti.• 50 CENTS. on Plate's for sending in letters, 33 CENTS. ' N.B. All work warranted to giver hatietee lion. -F. D. IVOOD. Springville. net. 13th; R 59 NEW YORK STORE! NO. 51, COURT STREET, ADJOIRTNG THE BARN 07 BINGRAIIION 11. K. :111:11tRAN, 'Agent. mats SPACIOVS and ELEGANT store is now open with an entire new stock of, M.re 00'0D47,9 which for extent, richness and variety, far sur pass anything ever offered in the Southern Tier. OUR CLOTH .VEPAILTHIENT . abounds with every kind of Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinetts, Vestings, Overcmitings, Tweeds, Ken tucky Jeans, etc,. etc., ete. s train the nicest to the .cheapest, In the line,of . .• we have the largest and min,t, elegant stock of BICH BLACK and FAIiCY SILKS ever exhibited in this market. Plain and Printed all-Wool Fn's& Marines, from 62c, up. Bich ChintsFigared, and all Delatnes. Bich India Silks and Poplins. 260 pieces French and English • New & Seasonable Dress Goods • Of every known Style* and Fabric!, Good double fold Pam:llooas, at only ISe. . Plain Merinos, Saxony Plaids and Stripes, 20c. Moulin Do Laines,- 10c:: • _ English Prints worth 12 and 15cfor - 100,. Good dark "Sadder Prints at. Go. SII AWLS - . 1 .7 SITAIIrLS -1 . „every deseriptiOn, from' the cheapest Rob Roy to the most elegant double troche, cheaper th:in ever known. . CLOAKS, • RA.GIAVNt4.I, 111113Tie1V5, - • T_act.cliegs' Cl•cotla of every color and quality, with trimmings to match. , - ' • • NESE KEEPING GOODS, IM EVERY VARIETY., 1.41131.1V301-JiMai 100 piece; white and acitrlet, plain and twilled Wool -Flaneliwretailing for less thon . New York package price... E.CIO.IIdEMIEVIMIS3 of all lambi by the bale. piece, or yard. Ble;ebed and Brown sheeting, 6 carta, • . r aIIiTSTAAV F IZ of every desZription; both whol e 4,,h, a nd r e tail Milliners supplind with everything in the line at New York wholesale prices.. From the fact that one of. the Proprietors spends his whole7tioke in New York City, **co ring and forwarding the. ' BEST BARGAINS the market alftUrds, purchasers can rely. upon al ways finding-ttur.stoekluil and assortment com— plete. All Goods bought for this estsblishment are in connection with relarge Nitholesale Nouse in New York, front the I inpoPters,MunnEiLlurers Agents, and Anetion 'louses direct, ttu•rebesav ing The !others' profit, the benefit of which our customers hat-o. Froni the frwairies we possess, we know dist we can and a iIl i nll all kin& of-Dry Goods less than anyother htne4 in : khs t , tetinn. We have the aI, aid we will smisfy i•ur Ponntylvania Ctistoiners on exeiiiirmth i n, that we hate the disposition. rt.63312.e353112.13 THE " NEB YORK STORE," AT NO, 51, COURT STREET 10.170041/VNILTONit ti. N. st.p9.93mY 11. K. 3111.1EIRAT. agent DR. CHURCHILL'S' REMEDY Al 11111 nIZTERTOS AND-MX Or WINCILESTER'S Gramme PREPARATION OF VTR iIYPOP-HOSPHITES AID OF SODA, Stt 4 8\ i 1 cac. 7 nulai t!inwm‘diani tatiotai Atlitinzt,4ttckuLaf . etit4tklia l „t‘t lui-a Oettlit.it ;:tu 3;04 4:11..tax..1i .. Tfis proem ar Ws NSWV 111311:DY 011octartml by 'NJ Q6sßtbll>. of ra.dejti - oldali rer It theincet iamournErt roirtl.gurt thri.ghout, guppe and the , Valted States. Yt tits rut* SCLEICIIVIO PIII6PARATItIE, and wit vitt' niveninia senc44:l6 all stage ! 'or. minonsiy and Nervoiis Diens*: lite Ilyposdlookibeikiizoiewie Mo Prin. aplo vide!: mitttotts-Itovetu..farat sod Bp Oa resat . 4toteerful Mead genertailtir avails Ilaten.' • The Care of VolishomptiOnt' tams miss sum/ istas imams (at a period, coaregneatly, vita there cm be be mieertaluty v tb thy rektnre of the diseue„) ea be etitalard.4 - 1/1 ALL CASPX 7 by the trealueet, - exeept shoo the calming lerloo of the Itme to of 'ltself witlicleat to ppidmi death. Casa to the riale,.boralithe - Yids /Cotus has n4t'sol7 arcurattre cithet; tat waif tisid whersier tips aids aim/du of the Media Pur.vprr Tie DEVELONIF.NT, sad thus ad as • rarazav•Tora want aID}rID SO , 001GRIXT1101. 21711 74=131/3141 DOD 'WITS M. 114j11:0 witatt.icrt. ' Professtonal Correspokdence, . .• Comma; OM 4 1 lui• 0 been. tiliat ct lha dlimme for twenty- years. mid bars derived mom aid too from the iew-M the Hreominewerres Mari from all other forme of medleatioweambiood." /1 1 .Ancnevett. Mhz., hod: J.1%9.-Khmer used the Breornalti fizergeln my practice with rery AaPPV efeete-w Mei. In • that I nto nor em armlet= ro MOWN yr:rawer mum." •Ilitomearar. Aug.. 9, less..l believe the livuoriaiii rams need the weir and war Dt. Churchill and than. WILL cells Conotheston. .231111.ntAnsrows, VA., Auer. IS. 1969.-I have prescribed thg Bypophosjibite hr several cum and eta - delighted with lite, vests- IT ll Aecvnintinithe WO,Dans." , • L 0.11.1. 0. July A, have toml 111 all about forty bottlei. and In hot Cue Instance hare they toiled to benefit the pa. ekpeoiod dtet as a hope ma one before 1 wag rolled. I hate had emend Lams given up by - attending physlaans veto an sow Maoris. gpiraluTlVrtir 0000 IMAM% and seloser matt ALL vas marrows dr pulrommry _dloesae. I have maul th e SJailart In my - own CUM teigh. degidat4niedua. It Vol r,q raged as immune by physiaana and friend; nod men by myself. under she • old trenchant. lam now able to tide. In sat-adieu ell - iddi. as many =dies. perhaps In a day. at any ocher physi-fte In the county.. - • Ilpostue Yaws:lt t.t Aug. 11, 1i3e4.--1 here only time, MIS morning. to say, that I have hem astonished in rattle...l ng the ihrod tiscla of the Oreoenteiraerla.- stmendats a yang , psniedilet are not at all eraggenated." • • • JC4lrOpr, NANsAgTg.nnliVnft, Aug n.1014-I Acen mft yeiur Ileredsoliphteni of Dor and t'ads. tr , !d 714 t. W 4 =l,la2lg;er:: t x 7 teeg g thtmwr baj ]hied by WO sta.". enema that Vieto bottle, Of cgoreedipa -Remedy for ,Consniption. • IT troanzerwomane XVIIT COW MAO - No Delay I , co.oirrmrs, In any goo of the Dicesse, should neon ins. O to the me of the. ilisruremariumw of Lena ow Z 4"M .. . 4- 5% rnen genie ossmsa Un reasatoir(4glmpie syrup). ectra large hottles.te_.dwidadll purer It salaam:kw =by Dv, Churchill-. for rease4 ran lo prepared 116 his eitatinc/J /brand* Churchill's Work on ConiukiPtioo• tilipriabg hL nerd made wan bwpee•ueaaioax r ofjaeal i ..., Tit= a CiAlar. wilt or rot ofi reor and leraun 4 o f 'TWEet C 0 4 TOWyork i tyri Ms may rfOlablat- Olatiors b relu . 7 Dr. urtLDla l7tC l Sl4 . AM. oy. try' to WO yon 0 64 Wag fie.: frol buy item: ••grauloo Yr*. -1 ••beani raYfue mile rigt.dure. wolfram. of ali.rerilkoratleia au 3 1f..i tai be Ow alma. aaia.4 au a. Ariaaa wah bade. jperpimeotimo. aiol , fag daft leatraiMr• Pak lOUS rm.."' isow arcaparo i.„4„4"..‘uw.j.41 Ira* re!. a; threDattlai. li.;'Cowelltratot .01>WW aatat at lbw - nit i q ßfa "Vgr e•i i tAteiefi 04tuttetamno=th,9 verakinataay, Abn. I g rai t widOlf ,OrtfL'..A6islow , • idiNINONESTEk 43-41 m N.Y.; Sold ii.Kontrviiei •lw • • if. 40( .4/%1. Tup.azi.L. IV I GIFTS !A TO PURCHASERS _ 'ls*. At tIuaIIIGETAL and the ONLY GIFT. 3300 E ERTERPRISE; Utahlisted by G. G. EVANS, 3EXL 1804. i, HEAD QUARTERS FOIL THE ' UNITE D . , STATES ♦T TiiE, PUBLISLING HOUSE OF G. G. EVANS, 439 CHESi'NeT:ST, PHILADELPHIA, No coFtieeNaG with' NiTi; York Gift Book Storen., (CARE?.? SINCE 'Originated the oift.Book Epterpriss; I have repeatedly called the attention,of the ,;* public to my large stock of - liberal offers, w.hicif they have always warmly responded to. I can. now, with more satisfaction than ever, call , lion to my largely increased inducemente to pur.d . chasers. Being very heavily (gleaned in pubitsh-1; ing.lyiettatige my publications for those of other , houses,ltini On enabled ti(proeure all my itooks at the original &et; and thus can and do supply the majorittiof the other houses en.Tiged in .the} ' : 01ft , Book trade, with their books, cheaper than they can procure them from otherpablishyri. 1 can also, by My hei4y .. .ptirchases of Watclies & . Jewelry, for cash, tarnish them with their Gift* at lower rates than they can tidy thent•frotti manufacturers. . Having such an advantage in buying./ can sere my customers a great deal better Gifts whit their books than any other house,and can give mf . agents a larger commission. A I . :doable Gift to delivered with each Beck at the time Of ,dare.. Gifts, worth 8 . 100, at , the Fewest tltolestifelateei will be impartially dlatribtdetliVith eiery $1000: worth 9f Bobica sh4d. , • . Send for a cataltsgo, which will be sent free •C to any address, conWinine,the most valuable ea: lectioo of _Standard' productions in Literature HistorGeography, Travels,and . all Cw the favorite tempt: . Fiction and 'Sejences, with ." every other department of Literature, classified As described below. Send for it.for ifyou don't wish to order books, you will obtain a very val. :Ishii) Book for reference, as it containk all the 1. desirable books in print. and costs you nothing. Particular attention is requested to the li.t of my publications, which will he found in the hitter part of my Classified Catalogue . . It rontains; a large number of deservedly popular Works:by va n uns authors ; among which are all of T. 5: Ar. thug's best works. well known as enteral instruc' • ; tive, and pleasing author. •0. OVA NPli Philadelphia, Pa: tAPIAVANTIIII) !OIFYY worth fronifio etti;. sioo, is given with each HOOK salcf. • CLASSIFICATION OF BOOKS Agriiniturat—This department embraces all standard works upon general Agrieu!Lim Cotton Planting, Flowers,. Gardening, Fetid implements. Horses, Sheep, Cattle. Bees. &c. itiburns-g-Ladies (a great variety) Floral, Cap Quart...), Royal Cap, Decoy Quarto, Auto. graph, &c, Annuoir-r-A huge and el r e . gsnt assortment; Bibb's—A splendid aliSOrt mrik erf Ode et,pew and fatßily Bibles! in every style, from el to $5O. prayer Books-1-A completeassortment, in every form and at ail prices - !bum Books—As used by the different denonis., inations: Brographica/r-Works of Irving,Headley,Weema r i Sparks, 13 - ncr ) o ft , ant* every other standard author. - ~ .Botanical--Xty ' domatork, Gray, Lincoln, beri , y, Wood, &c.,, & 4 ... . Cookery—Receipt and Cook Books, bY Ars. HJle, Leslie, Widdifield, ikrKenzie, itte. , German—Standard German Literature. Died' naries—Webster's . EngliA, French, Ger. iart , Spanish, Latin...Grvek. Italian. &B. C kipectias—All of the standard authors; • Geographical , -The h.test. /aid toost , lutproced se - hools and other Geographies, Maps, .nod. Travelerie . duides. i _ . Geology—The works of Hugh ?dater, Harris / Hitchcock, Lyelt and others. historical—R , Precott, Irclng, Bancroft. Rob , erti,on,Hume. Gibbons, Aticattley-, and eilicro, Humorous—Eia , braces a-v(ldd of fun. s, Aurelio—Every description of illustrated book for children. . Law and Midicine—The Standard works - of - Ilene process - lona: Mechanical and S , ii7affic—The tnoat"npvroveri works on 'Mei,hani;!.4, A'rehiteeture,, and thy exact Sciences. Poetrz—Englihr, and A'rneilean... Octavo and lit erary edition 4 of the stadara I'oe:e; pocket and cabinet editions—plain -and illuatiateti, bound in every stylesto suit the time of ail. IVorks Scott, lrving, (Molnar,. Dickens; and all .the approved Writers. Miscellaneous—(Tit Miticellanentla Department embraces every thing not imrladedln thy above 'classification, of an interesting arl irstrnetiv. character, that is, in print. Including, School and Claseic 1. Tract-I , ?and A ( lrenl Oris. Games. NporlN and Paslimes. Religious, Bil.,}iced and Tl t enberi,at.• Mus'iltj and Ohs iit , A. l . Odd Fenotrahip. a, , 4 - Freemn sent: v SCHEDULE OE. C- I PP.,' The Gifts-COEIKist of Gnat and Siivvr Gold Gharot.i., And Silk Dresses,Psts,Parlor s, yr: riiited - s . :aen t netit of Cain, Florentilli% Core, 'Garnet. Tntquo;s. and Jewelry. Gold and tot , , dies' Neck and dturt : ninit. Chairs ,lionne Mi., rpm SUM, and Ilttttans, Port.nionnsins. and A THOUSAND VARIETIES OF GIFTS! varying 1 . 50 ferns to $25. AGENTS 'SANTE° EVERY To agents I can give more litieral in - doeements th a n h, affloat ent - who- honse: In Midi lioa ln , larvir v:11111fi3.01., is is . tiltirt! easier to get subscrilit+is fnt toy f.nterprle than any other. The peculiar advatitiiltes'ard--: A larger stuck, and better Catalogues to se lect from. _ _ _ 4ntlar.a4sortrnent- and Qua lily of GIFTS. Marc purcfuulitq= Ana roriii•ibu:4i in 611 ins ()Mem ' ti4od. r,t'o Peho ,,, t Wishing ft valtalk , Litte*ry can 7 gostiA. - .TtlOtta *pekinty, an cuss method of :''••)• Hot:l4l4dd bAir find it. • ' Any one desiring a g.”,a - AValeh. Cal , •',.t•l it. Mir'ull p r zsrtiviPir , s, tend for c .• t•• My large et,g - t r iftir itiat C'tt Oriehe in the I.iisinoel, and •t , tent milisei:y w ith :,11 it,i dotnit,, elvt A. , g• mint inealefelnhleadv , nttig” ~ i 44 nli ot , • All I nfik iA a t s riAl. e, wlul you will be canviheed that 41i-re la It.. Da lIIPE bratit 7 zue, And lo.stidross tl. MANS, . „ O.R.IOIIVA L. GIFT.. ON TER PR 439 etelS'i'itU'r sTREET, - , kolas. Petsnits visiting tho Pity. nrre regntsted to and oximirip tnr tl ie rnsOve L , I '; to' Vs Nirticei.- Tll . nride4iinisa trislie di.dribution of the proceetk of Sherilra sole of Reel Es tote- of Tlibriy; at .ltis.ntliee in Mont t /use, on S:dorday„, ibu di") , of November noxt, et I u'eltwk, p. tn., pt %slash Owe end plaet all persons intUrt•steil will present, their elaisns or be forever buried trutn coinin'a in on-P,Aid fund. FItANE LIN FRASER, Auditor. . . il3h9.—su. • - 'Audittprli Notice. frHE undo...Jen - NJ will make distribution of the kroe..eds Al Sheriff's made of Real E. tale of P. S. ilionsim s Lake Bronson and Anna /fig, r.Oieg in Montrove,en SM‘irdnY, 44 of - November nest, at at F o'clock, p. m., ab erbitth thaw and p)keon, all peraAra inte. remelt will-res-nt their:el:lllmi or be forever baited from ..rerinsefri : en fund. FRANKLIN . FRASFR, Oct. - 10th, OF . BOOK
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