112=2 SECTS WORD AS.FAIL." ♦'R.EtIS7LESS ItEUEDY _,, - ..' :- ~:. , • ~ ,-.1 'sf . 1 , -', '1: 4 ' -' ('--- " , )t, i- - 1*- *.-ig - 0i.k" . " 4& - . 4itf•i; . ' I - HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. first dTO THE BICH. • 'rrtHE first hospitslaurgeoes and medical pub. lit?ists of Europe, admit the unparellel4 ar.ti intlionnutory and healing properties.Of this o.ntment; governments sanction its use in their naval and mifir,ary services; and the masses in this country and throughout the world repose the utmost confidenee in its curative properties. - It penetrams the sources of inflammation and eorropii , in which underlies the' external eel. • deuces of disease, and neutralize• the fiery ek. meats which feed and exaspemte theCnalady. • " Blieitmatism, Scrofula, ysipelas. These are among the most tumble and ago. nixing diseases of the muscles, the flesh y fibre and the skin; Yet in 'their-worst foisms; andwhen seetaiki.rly incurable, they invariably disappear under a persevering application of this soothing, healing. antidote to pain and inflammation. - Salt Ithenn;, Fever Sores, Stiff.Teints: in ail CaSt..o Ot Salt ithiuin, ,khere medical wa ters. lotions.. and every receipt of the pharmice pies Lye proved tsseless. the Ointment will ac. conifiiish a thorouch cure. Fever Sores heal quickly under its- influence, and its relaxing ef ;.: fcct up.in contracted sinews is truly wonderful. Discharging Trims. A rnp4 - reciarkable and happy change lip°. d •h.• • 1)1,e -trance of malbmsnt ulc:eht of re r n N.a aNilstatiens of this Oinment. The sur roundin vanishes. and . granules: of flash begin foe take the place of the I matter. This procesv goes on more rapidly; until the orifice is filled up with 1;0:,[1 , 1 1113*Fini. and the ulcer radically cured.. A Wortl to Heaters. Th el ,-,Di r rig are the most frequent suffers from ' external. injuries, and therefore every mother • should have this healipg preparation constantly at hand. ft is an absolute specific for sore St , breasts, and quickly removes the encrusted sores '-. which sometimes disfigure the' hemli and faces of childriln.' L • Significsmt Pacts. This Ointment is univerrally used onboard the Atlantic - and Pacific whaling, fleet as a cure for scorbutic affections and as the best possible remedy for wounds and bruises. Large supplies of it have recently been ordered by the Sultan. of Turkey for hospital purposes. kith the ,Oinhient and. Pills should be used irl the following caseat:' • Beni .rts , Chapped Hands, Scalds, • B Mercurial Eruptions, Sore Legs. ains, Rheumatism,.. Sore Breasts, Pi,ta , a.• Ringworm, -Sore Heads, Gnat. &.11. Rheum. Sore Throats, Lumbago, Skin Diseases, Sores of all kinds Piles, - spraihs, • Stiff Joityi„ Ulcers, Worms of all kinds, Venereal Sores 'l'etter, Suiellesi Glands. t Sold at the Manufactories of Professor Poi:AA - PA - Ay, 80 Maiden-Lane, New York, and S.rand, London,by all respectable Druggists •••, soil Dealer , : in Medicine throughout the United :,nd the civilized world, in pots, at 25 • 6t 1-2 cents, - and el each. t. 5.77 There is a considerable saving by taking raiaer sizes.. N. R.—l/irections for the guidance of patients in uv4:ry disorder are affixed to each pot. j9y 1 23now. .• Gifts! GiftS! Gifts!. Gifts! A +3LORIOUS CHANCE TO GET GOOD BOOKS 0 R NOTHING! : 1 - j r" Send fw:r a t'atalogne\ which will be sen to ptu free of Postage J. S. COTTON di. CO., PUT:USHERS AND BOOKSELLERS, :co. 409 Chestnut St.,Pkiladetpkia, in 'addition- to their "regular businesit of l'nl, , q•d•fin2. and Bookeelling, adopted the princi ple forni , hing a Gift of the ralue offrnm 25 I 510 , ..K1, to the purchaser of erery book of Op. Ppaar oust upward.' • W"Bend fora Catalogue, which we will send to you free of rostage._LlFl Beino largely engaged in the Publishing Bo- J. S. Cottoelk. Co., hate peculiar advati taffeS. of oblaining":, Books at very low prices, enables theni_to give more valuable pres, (al , than can be Afforded by any . other douse en gaffed in the same line of business , Anv "Book published in the United Oates, stilt be furnished at the Publishers' price, and valuable gift tO the purchaser without any eltra rhurge.. These gift, consists of i ;old and Silver Watches. Gold Chains, Ladies Splendid Silk Dress Patterns-Parlor Time-pieces, sliver-plated Ware, costly sets of Cameos. Mo. .nic. Floreniihr, Coral. GJrnet, Tory:lois and La ...., ..1•,.;•ry; Gold Lotakets, Pencils and Pens, I.—sit 4" Neeks and Chantetaitte Chains, Gents Studs and . Sleeve Bottoms, 'Pocket Knives, Porte-Monaaies, and other gifts of use rei va:ue.. • . . r-ilr Five Hnru red DoPars worth cf Presents di.trihoted with every Thousatid Dollars worth of Ili.g . .)ks SoId•JEI .• 'Sand for a Catalogue, which will be sent to yon FREE PF POSTAGE: Persons forming ClUb t s or wishing to act as Agents. can get Books and valuable gifts for toFhing! Arrrieultural. Botanical, Horticultural and S e i e ntifi, Historie al. Poetical. Juvenile )1;-';e.14irosaus Books—DictiOnaries, Biblesy Prater 'and 1-Ir.ron Books—Albums; Annuals. sod Works of Fiction. and all Rook , published- in the United States, vt . Potiiishers' prices, and free gifts with every book. s,•nti for a Catalogue, which will be sent on tree of p o ,t a gle„ Adoress: .1. N. COTTON - & CO", - - No. 409 Chestnut. St., Philadelphia. Agin's wanted in every part of the Country. - -4w3. 1.0 00 AGENTS WANTED. i , vE:zYTODY'S_ LAWYER AND COUN. - 1,14 SE.I.LOR V. 4 BUSINESS, containing plain and ...int& instructions to Everybody for trans a-::::iin;_ntheir business according to law, with le forms for drawing the various necessary pa per, eon neeted therewith, • togethele with the States,-for Collection of Debts, • Pr.iperty Ixempt from Execution,-Mechanics' Szeution or Deeds. and Mortzgves, Rii;titsiil:Mar , ied Women, Dower,Usury, Wills. - 45;.:. be PLANK Cnosur. ESQ of the Bar. 38t pages,-limo. An entirely new work on the subject, adapted _.1.“ the wants of every citizen of the United ::Des. Single! copies sent tor mail to ady ad. on rei-eipt of price.ll,oo, or in law style ,fh,c,iiug at $1,25- • Low) Agents want& to canvas for• it, nith • wi,:qn arrangitrnenta will belziade. Apply -t , i r rDddressJOHN E POTTER:Publisher, • ::qIB I 61l Sansom Street,Philadelptda.Pa. • a ~~ ~;=~ &TIVAT POCKET:COIN-IETECTE • Ft,ttestini tie various kinds-of Gold and Silver Coins. LT is Admitted ,by everybody to tre the -most p.il-ftict thing of its kind ever offered to the It iA so small it can be 'carried in th 1,;,:h411. wittiflnt any inconvenience. Every Met. • 1 ..0 t. Hvrhanie,sad business man she'd hive It "11 Varrantee goes' with every one stAd. postfaidte.any part of the country. „=. Agents in every county. tr. whom a heavy given. iNIL'AY & BICKNELL, 1...1.2913 : 1] Box 1150, Philad'a, Pa. ALT CW GOODS, is my lion of business, arriv jne rcrn Awk. AJIEL TURRELL A rOttE MOW GOOD* urine in at the i.u.n . e of J. LYONS & SON. where every_ ;y,;,,.. g,.(44 CHE,I r for Cans,—Call quick. • -0e:: 381.4. .! 852.. DRY GOODS FOR GOODS, - V ULL stock of SILK WOGS, 2 Full stocot STAPLE GOODS, - Fu;l stock of FANCY. GOODS, • Fashionable FALL SHAWLS," CLOTHS. CASSI.VERES, VESTING.% Bl a nkets, Quilts, Table Linens, utc., eie., ERE & LANDELL, Fourth 4 Arehotts, Philadelphia. N B.—Black Saks, Wholesale,at low rates. jar Bargains, Daily, from Nrto York Auctions. Philadelphia, September 6th, 1869 . ..3m w ALL wanting larmg in a delightful climate. rich soil, and secure kora frosts. See-ad vertisement of Hammonton Lands in another eolnmn. • YESTERDAY TICERR WAS AN ARRIVAL • No. 2t -r N ELAINES, :Shawls, Mantillas. I.J Dusters, Parasols and Umbrellas.; and an immense quantity of other GOODS which will be shown FREE of charge by 11. C. TYLER. May 19th, 1859., . ABEL grUnlitt.l4lL4 Ib s ar " I ai -l ns to JEWELRY " g the puicha,ers. Call and see. - July=2l MAKE THE OLD THINGS NEW! A' NEW ARTICLE for sale in'Sas ti quehanna County only at the Montrose Book Store. A ;Mahogany Cloth, 28, 45 and 48 inches wide,—for Tables, Stands, Bar, Store, and Bar-Counter*, Mel6deon and Piano Covers. FIGURED TABLI AND -STAND SPREADS Of fa• rious sizes and styles, and all warranted to stand the test of Of boiling water, hot coffee pot, cam ,phene, spirits, ate., &c., and will neither break uor.crack in cold or hot weather. Just the arti cle to make sad furniture new. A N. BULLARD Montrose, July 25111, 1859. FRESIIARRIVAL 1 E • undersigned would respectfully an JL !tonnes to the public that he has just re ceived a supply of fiMILT GROCERIE S, among which may be found the very best of- Suirar, Molasses; Syrup; Tea, Coilbe, dco, at prices to suit the times, for reads pay, Don't mistake the place, but call at the basement of the rir co NV. aoTy.L, where your humble servant carries on a general SALOON & GROCERY BUSINESS, and where the public may always rely upon haying their wants attended t. with promptness and fidelity. - 0. M. CRANE. Montrose...April' 20th. HTELI THIS iIATMININGI 100 K OUT - FOR -BARGAINS:I New cz• eta; 'VT HAYDEN. BROTHER& ORIGINAL .ti..`One Price Rcady'Pay Store, Consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, • Boots dr Shoes, Bats 8t Caps, Wall Paper Stone & Wooden Paper, Floixte, Paints, Oils, alass, - &e., Watches,,Jewelry. Yankee Notionfl, -NO END TO THEM! jay • You will nerer'find old shelf-worn, moth-eaten, rotten, or not 41f style Goods at !hums Bros.' Look t out for Old Fogies, and buy your Goods .. 'where you cab SAVE 28 rEt. cEST. We have a large stock of , . GOIMS Purchased for CASH, and will be soldmtprices that will frighten the Old Fogy principles. EYERT ARTICLE WARRANTED as represented. No charge.for‘showing Goods. HAYDEN BROTHERS. New Milford, Pa, inne..1859. tm - LAND., WARRANT , FOR r HE undersigned- offers for sale a U. S. 1 LAND WARRANT fc4 160 acres. For particulars ;enquire of A. J.Gcrrltson at the once oP the Montrose Democrat, or of me, or address me at MOntrose, Pa.. IRA COLE. - Franklin. August 25010859.-3 W. CHEAP GPODS! Q PI : ENISID New Chali., Lawns, Prints, and Gtngh.ms, at reduced prices. Also 13 lbs. of Sugar for one dollar, or 21 of Rice. Just 404 and for sale by J. LYONS &SON. 1 , 151 °arose, June .15th, 1859. BtiRNING FLUID. White and Cod Fish, Ladies Kid S..S. Boots, and more G.iters from 56 ets. to $1.15,-111 at TYLER'S. May 19th 1859. • - _ 2 LBS—OF SUGAR for $l,OO, at . IL C. TYLER'S. Juno Bth. 1859 3,000 ROLLS OF WALL PAPER. 10 DIFFERENT STYLES. BORDERING, WINDOW : PAPER &C, &C AA NEW SUPPLY, just arrived: and for sale ebeap. by A.TUKRELL. D. coggstrelPs 41117P111061STIC -MS; a sure cure for INFLANIM ATOM' Diseases of all kinds, for Kale by ABEL TUaItELL. Montrose, .iont SHOES:' A LA RGE just rec r eired, and. for w( e sale men ettl l rs i e d e rt h r l y lae; low est rates, by J..LYONS, & SON. sepB TOMS'( /NS wishing to change their business to a rapidly increasing County, a New Set tlement where hundreds are going.,Where the climate is mild and delightful. • Se advertise ment of Hammonton_Settlement; another col umn. . , - J. PALMER. & CO., MARKET STREET WHARF, PHILADELPHIA. Dealer: is Fiah, Cheese and Provisions p i, Hare constantly on hand an assortment of - Dried and Pickled-Fish, he., Mackerel, Skied, Salmon, Blue Fhb,- Herrings, Codfish, Beef, Pork,' Lard, Shoulders, . Hama, Sides, Cheese, Bems,-R.ice.; &e. WOOL .CABDINCi Taubseriber4tntiouis tag above bueinea. 1 as 'usual at his old stand to Brooklyn Tnankfal for pat - favors be would solicits a share of the public' patronage. • A. G. REYNO/613. Brooklyn, May 23d, 1859.—tf. • - - AdMiniStratilefairOti&i. WIiEItEAS, Letters of Administration ham been granted to the subscriber on thees tate of Timothy Me:Cariby, tate of the township of Auburn, deceased. all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate PAY. men; and all haring claims against said - elate to present them dolt , authenticated t o BRIDOtT hfcCASTHY, Atha's. • Auburn, October 18th, 18551,3ws 100 BUSHELS • •-• • WRITE WINTER' SEED WHEAT; For sale by WIRIE R & ALLEN. Meetrome. Auroat 15th, 1859. KEDZIE'S RAIN WA' ER FILTERS. TIE subscribers are agentn Mr the above 'valuable - article, and have . bri hand and will keep the different 'Mos for saki. They be happy to show the FILTX3a to their friends and customers, and can easily demonstrate the value and importance of perfectly purifying Rain Water from all impurities, and thus making it conducive to health and comfort, with small ex: ponse and no trouble. Every person is aware of tho superiority of Pure Soft Witter for Drink. ing and Culinary purposes, and also the great difficulty they have heretofore , experienced in procuring it. These celebreted FILT,ERIti effect the object speedily and perfectly. please call and examine them. Evans & ALLEN, No. 2 Odd Fellow's Hill. Binghamton, August 29th, 1859. . GOLD.TIII.IIIILESivm4II sizes. Also, Silver do., by EVANS & ALLEN. PLATED KNITES, full stock of Taolo and Degt•rt Plated knives and Car. sera to match. Just keeeived by Eiwis & ALLEN. EAR -RINGS AND BREAST-PINS. The subscribers have this day received from the manufactory a fine lot of i Lava, Enameled, Jet, Cameo, Gold Stone, and all gold Ear-rings and Pins, in sets and single, some very fine and rich. EVAI!(8 & ALLEN, No. 2 Odd Fellow's Ha. Binghamton, Aug. 29th, 1859. GOLD PENS. ---A very superior stock of Gold Pens, with and without holders, all sites and at first quality, by EWASS & ALLEN. BSA 4 CELETS..—.A large addition to our stook of Bracelets, viz: Hale Bead; Jet, Garnet, Band, Gold and Plated. Enameled and Engraved, of all sizes and qualities,Just re. ceived by Evans eALLEm. LOCKETS... -We have now on hand the best as4ortment of Locksts ever offered to our tustoMers from 1 to 6 fsces, and from $1 to $lO. Eysss & ALLEN. GOLD SPECTACLES •—•Of every age, and various qualities and prices, by EVANS & ALLEN. SALT, by. the Barrel, Sack or Pound, for sale by ABEL TERRELL.. TIOGA POINT AGRICULTURAL WORKS, tower for One or Two Horses. Changable Thresher and Separa tor and Thresher and Cleaner• 111ANUFArTICIIE1? BY WELLES, 'BLOOD & CO., • tlieriusii:Pet. rrhe Improved Eatery Horse Pow. ers are equal if s not superior to any End less:Plain-Powers in the World, and warranted greatly superior to ttie• Wheeler Rack and Pin ion Powers. The Tioga Point Worse Powers are unequaled for convenience by any other—being adapted to a great variety of uses where Power is needed— as five different degrees of motion-arc Obtained without extra gearing, and al.o any desirable length and velocity of crank motion for cross cut Sawing, Pumping and Churning! They ran easily, are strung, durable, well tinishtd, and made - of good niaterials. Tinga Point 77:rrshers and Separatais. They are made of various sizes, and nre sope. nor to any other manufacture—of which fact judges of such Machines will be satisfied upon examination. Panning Mills Fitted to run by bionic. Power, Thresher and Separator. by Belting, from the Power. Thresher and Cleaner. The Tioga Point Thresher . and Cleaner, and Emery's Combined Thresher and Cleaner: these run easily and thresh and clean fast, without wanting the grain which in cleaned fit for market, and are warranted-to give. entire natintaction. For Sale—Tinga Pam , Farming Mills, Por table,Cirmilar and eras-Cot Sam Mills, Clover Hullers, and Farm Grist ‘ifili/ls, all of which are very superior machines. _ Fir Persona in this and adjoiinng counties should by alt menus examine the above mention. ed:rsizehines" before purchasing elsewhere. No one will wish to send off Seveml hundred miles for agricultural machines, when Burma MA cIiNES are to be had made near at home. Send for Illustrated and Priced Catalogues H. L.BLO WERS, agent for Susquehanna county, Post Office. Montrose. August, 16th. 18511.—td. FARM LANDS FOR ',SALE 25 miles from Philadelphia by railroad in the State of New Jersey. Soil among the best for Agricultural purposes, being a good lloadi soil, with a clay bottom. The land is a large tract, divided into small farms, and bundieds from all parts of the country are now settling and building. The crops produced are largd . and eau be seen grow ing. The climate is delightful, and secure from frosts. Terms from $l5 to. $2O per acre paya ble within four years by installments. To visit the place—Lease Vine treet. ,wharf at Phila delphia at 1:30, a. m.; by railroad for Hammon ton, or address IL J Byrnes, by letter, Hammon. tpn Post Office, Atlanticl County New Jersey. See full advertisementiti another column. Salt, Batt ! *At &EMI V/. MEE, WHOLESALE SALT DEALER 201 Wastiinglon-st, (Directly opposite ‘yarifiikton Market,) TILL CONTINUE to oiler to the cite and S COUN'IRY trade, tall kinds of FOREIGN Comm and Fine &Mast the very lowest figures;' 40000 sacks and bags, consisting in part of Ash ton's celebrated brand for table and dairy use; Jeffrey & Darcy, Marshall's,' Brownlow's, &d. . and 50000 bushels Turks lstaad, 4tonares, Cu racoa, St. Übes, Lisbon, Cadiz, Utica, Nantes, Ste:,. all of which will be sold at bargain prices from vessels, store and stor4ousea. Any purchaser wishing to select from a good assortment will find it to hie interest to call. N, 3.—Fine table salt put up in small bags of different sizes, and constantly on band in ship ping order. Also a splendid article ' of Rock Ground .salt,qa quart bpzes, put up and for sale by the quantity, in mos of five dozen each. - New York, April lilt, I 859.--aly* • NOTICE. DU. E. PATftiCK,.JII., would like afteua silence of Dearly ten years, to appeal to tit" moral sensibilitieis of a very generous putt lie, who have always 'Manifested their sense of appreeiatiott of his awfulness by emitting his services when needed or thought to be needed, but who have given no other evidence of grati tude or goodwill—particularly in the way of " substastial aid" as Kossuth would say—that be now desire's full end entire settlement of all his seeonnts, also the sccounts of ;the late firm of Patrick & Dimock i and be wishes father to date that he desires nothing 'to be considered Voting, if, after a few Weeks, the said atioants, remaining unsettled, Who'd be placed in the hands of a good sharp trazion and made to account to him something that will bay Oats and Buck wheat. Please notice this and take action iattr dinglY.—Yours Truly, - jang E. PATRICK, TR. 110ERSQNS +wishing to establish Marrufacto. I: ties, in a Ow ;sett thriving plass where business is good. see advertisement of the 'Hammonton Settlement. sAarroarlis LIVER INVIGORATOR, . NEVERDE . IIILITATEE. e IV:=lNlVitatrel' , 1 78 1 "'We e " 11 ,.... a . tvzrut= ti ti i tz u tea ns wedit, the=se t t d e .i. ll la reamenraded. ee• It lien nate thettenvin elthle the hot two yeas 0 who we thee up alt.hopetn. cf tellef. a. .ha istunPlPall 11.100thelieti certittcatea it, 2111 IL. w1,,p.,.....v,,,,b„,„. 5...5... Thedoeenont beadepotd N. the tempentrotot ~ t the 14 whid.. l ulna; it an d us - ttLto nub tunnels. In la let vent on nor-oven lot the Gene, of ).ar . helot...tetrad. pa to the I% .i. ce the Li v im IN- g ivzcoavroa s sad is 0 willow* Liver Cone- ittlaltste, Billows At. Z. tacks, Dyspepsia,' Uhrenie Diarrhoea, SI if comeru C o nt -; ne , plaint., Dyaente. 5: i ry, Dropsy, sour' Stoable„llahlteti . ! ll iii Oestlvenese, Cbol-' 1 'ie Cholera, thole. reMsarbti,Cholers l ,Iterattena t e„ Flatlim ea:. /ante Jaundtee,l `Pesnale %Stake ear, `c es, and ear be met sue , tr, Ally 14 an Online.. t r 7 Fatally 7..ledi-114 t ent*. Iteilitouro SICK us A opAcia E, 4.1 'demon:as eta nmay3 in twenty nallnotee,lll !two or three Tea. spowiltas are Itak-1 I len at 1111Lamuirruntat Of sus& • est who use It are I giving net: twill:may la Wane. • XIX WATER IN TILE MOUTIL WITU THE INVIGORATOR, AND SWALLOW iIOTII TOGETHER. , Price One Dollar per Bottle. . •,-- ALtii 1...._ SANFORD'S' CATHARTIC PILLS, Pure Vegetable Extracts, and put up Ise 5 . GLASS CASES, Air Tight, and will keep 0 1n any salivate. The Faintly Ca • *beetle PILL leave: • tle bat settee Cathartic which the twortiotor Ms sued I. hie pnteUee were thee tweet) , years. The etowlaolly leer...stn. demand front time who b.,0 0 .... e d t h e PILL' SW a stet the sandotko shlds W...wee le ...Reed to Weir tow twehttlueed meta Owe them wlthln the macho( sat - •The Profession welt know C that flatfeet Cathsrtle• IA .„ ea different _portions of the bowels. The .PAIIIILY CA- TILARTIC P 11. L he.. edit doe fehienee to this well nenthllelled het. beau compounded !Km • t h , variety of the purest Tea. . table tenet; whirls of uir elite to loserspot of the dime:easy toed. and are g good and safe hallow es where • Cathartic Ix needed. such se De. r, ruNgernents of the le Oto• e h. .: telettpla tto i nese, Patna Its the Beek and -Lolls es_ Castivenea., p•i .. and Sorresew over B the Whole body, front eolith. cold. whkat f reg ...4 It. . If ..teats:l, end to a 104 course of Fe. Cr ref. loose of Appe- the a Creeping sien. e.„ °T gallon of Cold over e5,...11,,ft5. heeei,..pe . ktsl4 IleadAeheN Widget ha t Ise head, oo alt In la a Ma at slim „,„y iii n i .,„ 1v0r ... „, 6 ,... 'Children or Adult Rect. unit Ism. • Veit n Bloo d • Parter of the enn end wetly dhows,. to whit* -. flesh l• heir, too n0ne,., %1r it meseets tri das serene, co mei PRICE V. THREE °MCP. P ttliginariahren,t=nol":2.::VlroCea:a I acticrwholeetae by the Trade le all the wwws . a d - S. T. W. SANF UIID , 151.13 . „ Msoureeturer end rinprielor. a 7 , New York. 335 Broady, Titiu Agticiaturta TO ALL WANTING FARMS, kßave Opportunity in a Delifectful nifd Healthy climate 25 Wiles Southeast of Philadelphia, on the Camden and Atlantic Railrdad, ,11• E I% J CRS ET. •ACN old estate consisting of several thousands .. ? ."1 of acres of productire soil has been di% ided into Farms of various rile , ' to suit the purchaser. A populatiort of some Fifteen Hundred, from va rious parts of the middle States and New Eng land have settled there the past year, improved their places, and raised crops: The price of land is at the low sum of from $l5 to 820 per acre, the soil is of the beat quality for the production of Wheat, Corn, Peaches, Grapes and Nezeta bles. IT IS. CONSIDERED THE-REST FRUIT SOIL IN THE UNION. .The place P.. perfectly •seeore from frosts—the destructive enemy of the farmer. Crops of grain, grass and fruit are now growinn and can be seen. By ex aming the place itself, a correct judgement can be formed of the productiveness of the land. The terms are made easy co secure the rapid provement of the land, which isl only sold for actual improvement. The result has been, that within the past year, some three hundred houses have been erected, two mills, one steam, four stores, some forty vinyards and peach orchards, planted, and a largo number of other improve ment... 4, making it a desirable and active place of huslaw. TILE MARKET, as . the reader may perceive tr a m its location, is Vile BEST IN THE-UNION. Produce fringing double the price than in tO cations away from the city, and more than dou ble the price than the %Veit. It Ls known that the earliest and Lest fruit-and vegetables in this latitude come from New Jor.ey, and are annual. ly exported to the extent of millions. In locating here the settler has many advam tages. Ilg is within a few hours' ride of the - groat cities of !Sew England and Middle States, ho is near his old friends and associations, he is in a settled country where every improvement of comfort and civilization is at hMid. He can buy every article ho wants at_ the cheapest price. and sell his produce for the highest, (in the West this is reversed,) he has schools for MS children, divine service, and will enjoy an open winter, and delightful climate, where fevers arg_utterly unknown. The result of the change upon thoie from the north, has generally been to restore them to an excellent state of health. In the way of building andhnproving, lumber can be obtained at the mills at the rate of $lO to $l5 per thousand. Bricks from the brick yard opened id the Place,_ every article can be procured in the place, good carpenter,' are at hand, and there is no place in the Union where buildings and irnprovtrne'ntis can be made cheaper. The reader will at once' be struck ' with the advantages here presented, and ask himself Why the property has not been taken up before. The reason is, it was never thrown in the market; and unless these statements were correct, no one would be invitedLto examine the land be fore purchasing. This all are expected to do. They will see land under cultivation, suck is the extent of the settlement that they will no doubt, meet per.ons from their own neighbor- hood ;they will witness the improvement and can jue the character of the population. If they . come with a view to settle they should come prepared to stay a day or two and be ready to purchase, as locations cannot be held on re fusal. There are two daily trains to Philadelphia and to all aettlera who improve, THE RAILROAD CIIMEANT GTVES A FREE, TICKET TOR SIX MONTHS, AND A HALT•PRICE TICKET TOR THREE TEARS. THE TOWN OF HASIIIONTON. • In connection with the agricultural settlement 4 a new and thriving town has naturally arisen, whi h piesents inducements for any kind of tfrusi: nest: particularly stares and manufactories. The Shoe business could be carried on in this place and market to good adiantsge, also cotton busi ness, and manufactories of agricultutial imple ments or Foundries fin casting small articles, The improvement has been so rapid as to insure w constant as permanent increase.ot business. Town Ids of a good size, we do not sell small ones, as it would effect the improvement of the place, can be had at from $lOO and upwards. The Hammonton Farmer, a monthly literary and agricultural sheet, containing full informa , tion of Hammonton, can be obtained at 24 cents ' per annum. - Title indisputable—warrantee deeds given, clear of all incumbrance when money is paid; Route to the land: Leave Vivo street wharf, Philadelphia, for Hammonton bg Railroad, at 7:30, a. in., or 4:30. p. m , fare 90cents. When there inquire for Mr. Byrnes. , Boarding conven iences on hand. Parties had better stop with Mr. Byrnes, a principal, until they have- decided as to purchasing, as he will show them over the land in his carriage, free of expense. Letters and applications can he addressed to Landis* Byrnes, Hammonton P. 0. , Atlantic Co., New Jersey, or S. B. Coughlin. > 202 South Fifth Streets, Philadelphia. , hfhpis t wnd information cheerfully furnished. aug. 1), 6 M. Administrators' Notice. WHEREAS, Letters ofAdministration hare T been ranted to the aubseribers on the es tate of Dand Buffism, late of the township of Apolacon, deceased, all persons indebted to the said estate are requested to =Oa immediate pay meat, also alLpersons having, just &tends apinst.the slime will please present them duly anthenticated for settlement to Wm. Burma, F,i en d e ak k WM. BUFFUM. /Ad m i n .— JOSEPH BUFFUM, Apolseen,Augu t 15th:--Bw. - •• . • 1 ADD* GA ITEIO)..m.A dew lot it LI 56 ends, by I. LyoNs &AIM • S. M. Pettengili Qc. Co, * A dvestililog Agesata,'lt 119 Naniatasit, ..Ci.New-York, and IQ Btitt.st,. Baton; are - agents for At Montrose Disoerati'and are an. tborized to contract for ns at oar lowest rates. R. KENYONJR. & CO. mrOULD iespectrally solicit the inapiction of a new and very rich assortment of DRY GOOD►• this day received; consisting in part of as olls;wm Rich Black Moire Antique • Silk 18s. per yard; Foulard Silk, nice style, 6a. per yard; Rich Plaid ' Silk, the very neatest petternv., 10s. per yard; Black Silk, 28 inches wide, from 'is. to 12s. per yard; splendid Black Silk Shawls from $8 to $ll, the finest assortment in Sual'a Co.; nes invoice of Ginghams, at very low prices; also of Calicoes; large stock of Denims; ?di stores, Plaids, and le'vens; Printed Shawls from 'ls. to $5; Brochs Shawls from 45 to $25; Collars from 6 es. to :103.; Parasols from Be. to 245. each; Bonnet, a large stock; Ribbons cad Flowers; also a new invoice of genti,shoes—Congress, Enamell'ed and Calf Skin; Ladies Congress Gal. tern, Kid and Enameled; Misses Calf and Enam. oiled Boots; Children Pat odi Boots, Gaiters and everything in that line. They would also call attention to the feel that having an irrangement with one of the la.geet Importing Mouses in New York they will receive regularly New Styles aalas3 as they appear in New York. add will take the greatest pains to please all who call and see' and wish to purchase. Particular attention paid to procuring tine goods—in every style. °V3E.E1,63. 'A new lot this day received. AO would re spectfully solicit an examination pt the same. Good Tea at 35., city prices, also at 6s. Ba. WAT G ARA. COFFEE-..Java, Rio and Ground Coffee. SA LER A TUft—Jamelity le's, Babbitt's Med. Mina!, and Exzelsioi‘ &e.' NAILS, and also a new stock of WALL leAriErt and WIN; DOW PA PER,this dly received. FARM. IMO TOOLS of the most approved patterns. Crakcar..erv, Gold Band, Shaded, Bloo,Band, and all the new styles, as fast ae they appear in New York., FLOUR constantly on hand. SALT by the barrel or sack. PATENT MEDICINES, GLASS, and everything else roil want. R. KENYON JR. & CO. Lawsville Centre. Pa., June Bth, 1859. REAR YE! REAR YE! • 1.11 FEB. IL BLACK and Colored Dress Silks, Collars and Undersleeves Lace Vails Bro. Tissue for Veils, Esmeralda, Cotton Yarn, Carpet Warp, Bar.d Boxes and Bonnet Boards, a new sap ply of Gaiters. Corn Starch and Papieo for puddings. Cheap at H. C. TYLER'S. Montrose, June 8th,51859. i=a.mrarcyvorar_i. G. F. FORDII-431 HAS removed his shop across the street, to the building one door below Keeler de Stoddard's, which he has fitted up expressly for Saddle, Harness and Trunk'Shop where may be found all kin ds of _ Tr3C-19.1=1.1\TMEVEI, froin the heaviest team, to the lightest trotting harness, and a general assormeitt of trimmings, which will be made up or sold very low.' Carriage Trimmings: A good assortment on hand, which will be sold Very low; all trimming done cheaper than else. where. - OAK LEATHER on hind, from which harnesses will be made and Vc r iaeri e rnalatetie • *.*Customers will please bea r' in mind that I wish to settle up once a year. Those having unsettled accounts, or notes due, will oblige by settling or making payment without further delay. G. F. FORM - IAM, Peb. 2401, 1859.1 Montrose, Pa. IIE HAMMONTON FARMER—A news piper devoted to Literature and Agricul ture, aleo set - ling forth fall accounts of the new settlbment of Hammonton, in New Jersey, can be subscribed ror at.only 25 cents per annum. Inclose postage stamps for-the. amount. Ad dress editor of Farmer Hammonton, P. 0. At lantic Co., New Jersey. Those wishing cheap land, of the best quality in one of the healthiest and most delightful climates in the Union, and where crops are never cut down by the frosts, the terrible Koine of the north, see advertise ment of Hammonton Linda. EIVONS wantinp, change of climate for 1 health. See advertisetipnt. of Hammonton Banda, another column. NOTICE. 7 COBB would respectfully announce to the GA. - public that hemay still be found at the old stand, fully prepared to attend to the wants of the community. He will keep on Eland a good stock-of Grrooerless SUGARS. TEAS, COFFEE, SPICES, FRUIT, FLOUR and SKIT (by the sack or barrel,) Flu, and all articles found in First Class Groceries. He would particularly call -the attention of Farmers end_ others to the fact , that ho is constantly receivfhg, fresh supplies Of FIRST RATE FLOUR, also good - and medium qualities, which will be sold mut., for ready pay, in quantities to suit the purchaser. Cash paid (or Pelts, Deacon, and Veal skins. MARRIAGE GUIDE. A NEW BOOK, BY WILLIAM YOUNG, M v , :n . The secret clue to courtship, love .A•4l & marriage with the diseases incl. dent to youth, maturity and old age; being lights and shades of married life, its joys and sorrows, hopes fears and disappointments. Let all married people, or those contemplating marriage and having the least impediment to married life, read this book. Let every young man and woman in the land read this book. it befall of Plates, and discloses secrets that everyone should know: a little kpotlledge at first may save a world of trouble in after life., Send for aeopy (enclosing 23eta..'to - DR. Wm. YOUNG, ' ap2B y] 416 Spruce-st, Philadelphia. ETII.—GUM AND PLAIN TEET H Tfor sale by ABEL TURRELL AN IMMENSE . QUANTITY OF Welair _CZ:roods AT THE gealtg-Vag ,store, 'This Week. Please call andCeee Tem. _ Septa 22, 1859. , U. C. TYLER. DISSOLUTION. THE firm of -S. H. Bares & Bios. ii this day',dissolved by mutual consent, D. Sayre withdrawing from the firm. The business will be carried on as heretofore onderthe name and style of. S. i 3. Sayre & Bro. The notes and accounts will be in the hands of D. Sayre for settlement. Indebted - to the firm will please give it their immediate attention, as all the ac counts matte settled. ' • • S. H. SAYRE & BROS Montrose. Sept. let. 1869. • - 41 3 •5a 0 A . 7 3r3ante.Pe. , DOSthittoard and Toitibe at the Heide I um River histAtutet the Cllunn and Beer SCHOOL io the leo& • Experience Gentlemen 11%14,114 dms st the hoed -or mit of the nine departments. Superior ed. lanes for French. Painting, end Piano Mask, lo s a Term open. September lAth. Fir Write fore Catalogue. . . • Rev. FLAGS, rb .25,v0.1 Clateisek,C4l. Co., N. Y. rOVlll‘frosh ground. Motasses and Si post asap. Jost rook/4 104 rWe bs 701 9 titbl 7. woNe & SON, 'XEW Ttßyi, glour, 1 - 0 frobisioft Mort, At MONTROSE, Pa., UNE door below J. E th ridge's Drug Stare, on Public Avenue, where will be found constantly on hand a general assortiact of GROCERIES: Such as Sugars, Molasses t Syrups,Telis, Cares Ate., 61.e..1ec. Also the choicest brands of FAMILY FLOUR; Meal, Lard, Pork, Hams, Fish, Candles Ate. We solicit a share of the public patronage, and pledge ourselves to do the fair thing, hoping by each bargaip to secure another. BALDWIN 6L. ALLEN. Wm. L. ALLEN. ALF4ED BALDAVTB. WM. B. SIMPSON, WITCH REFIIHER Shop in Boyd & Weloter's nev next door above Keeler & Stoadard's. TIAVING worked for th e past nine pears 14.1. with the most skillful workmen, he feels confident that he can do the most difficult jobs on short troika. Alt Work Warraattd to Give Satisfaction.._ W. B. SHOWS has worked for me for some time, and 1 can recommend him u a carefull and skilful workman, competent to do as good work u can be done in the country, and worthy of confidence. ' Wm. A.Zusitszault. Towanda June 10th, 1858. . 'Refers to—Wm. Elwell, E. W. Baled, E. D. Montayne, E. 0. Goodrich, B. Kingsbury, Tolima. da ; B. S. Bentley, 4, Searle, 0. D. Lathrop, I. Wittenberg, Montrose. ► ► ►Jewelry neatly repaired on short notice, and on reasonable terms. Vane 15th, 1858.—1 L FRINUJI' UUM, rpHE subscriber having purchased refitted and newly furnished the 11'1. JL " above well known and popular Hotel, II - . is prepared to accommodate the trav eling public and others with all the attentions and conveniences usually found in first-elast, Houses. No effort will be spared by the Pro prietor and his Assistants to make the Hotel equal in every point to any in the country. The Bar will always be supplied with tne Choicest Liquors. • The Stable% connected with this House are large, roomy and convenient, and careful and attentive Hostlers are always in charge of them. J. S. TARBELL. Montrose, Hay 13th, 1858. KEYSTONE HOTEL , - At Montrose, Penn. • WPM S. FLAME, Proprietor. rrillS new and commodious 'Hotel situated 1 on Public Avenue. near the Court House,and nearly in theentre of the business portion of Montrose, is n ow fu ly completed and furnished, and will be opened on Monday. the 17th day of the present month for the accommodation of the, public and travelers. The Proprietor feels confident that he is now prepared to entertain guests in a manner that cannot fail to give Complete Satisiketion. The Hotel and Furniture are new, - and VII:PeX 7 pence has been spared to render it equal, if hot superior to any similar establishment in this:part of the 'State. It is well supplied with all the recent improvements and comforts, and obliging waiters will always be readyto respond to the call of customera. The Stables connected with 'this House are New and Convenient. The Proprietor respectfully solicits the patron. ago of hjs old friend..., and the public generally. WM. K. HATCH. Montrose, September 11st, 1858. SIMMER ARRANGEMENT. ° NEW RAILROAD,ROUTE— DELAWARE. LACKAWANNA At. WESTERN RAIL. ROAD.—New and expeditious broad gnage route from the Nort and West, via Great Bend and Scranton, and from the Lackawanna and Wyoming valleys, through to New York and Philadelphia. On and after Monday. April Ilth, 1859, trains will be run' as follows: The Cincinnati Ex. Train bound east on N. 1' 4 Erie R. R. arrives itt Great Bend at'6.lo a. m. and connects with the EXPRESS Train which leaves Great Bend for New York and Philadelphia at 8.10 a. m. Due at Montroaa, - 8.45 " Tunkhannock, " 0.24 " Factoryville, 9.48 " Scranton, 10.35 a Moscow, 11.22 " Stroudsburg, 1.26 p. m . Water Gap, 1.39 a Del aWare,(ls minutes to dine,) 2 : 04 " Bridgeville, - 2.35 " Junction, 3.25 " • New York, ' 1.15 " Philadelphia, 8.15 " Passengers from N. Y., leave Pier ' No. 2 North River, at From P.biladelphia,leave Walant'St, Wharf, at - 6.00 " Leave Junction, : - 10.50 a Duo atEridgeville, • 11.31 " Delaware,(lsmin.todinner),ll.s2 " . Water Gap, 12.29 p. m. Stroudsburg, 12.41 " Moscow, 2.26 " Semntob, •,, 3.10 - " . Factor/villa, 3.58 " Tunkhannock, , 4.15 " Montrose, ' ' 4.53 " • ' Gieat Bend. 5.25 " Connecting at Great Send with the ' • '4 ' • Mail Train, west, at ' 5.37: a Accommodation Train leaves Scrap . ton for Great Bend at 8.10 a: m. Arrive at Great Bend, 12.40'p. m. ' Connecting With - tbe Dunkirk Evros west at 1 10. the Emigrant Train west at 1.53, and the N. Y. Express, east, at 1.58`p. m. _ Returning, leaves Great Bead at 2.00 p: m. Due at Scranton, • 6.15 " For the accommodation of way traVel on , the , Southern Division, a passenger= will be at tached to the Express FreightTrains,leaviag- Scrantou, at , 4.00 a. m. Due at Strondabiarg at . , . '10,05 " a Junction at • 2:20 p. m. Returning, will leave Junction st - 3.80 a. in. Due at Stroudsburg at . . 7.05 " , Scranton at ' 2.30 p. m. Passengers to and from New York change cars at Junction-to slid from Philadelphia at Bridgeville. For Pittston, Kingston, and Wilkesbarre, take L. & B. R. R., care at Scranton. For JeWtup, Archbald, and Carbondale, take the Stages at &minim. • ' Tickets sold,and baggage iiheekedthroug . h. _ .• JOHN BRISBIN, Sup'l: Ws. N. Jiare.Gen't Ticket Agent Scranton, April 6th, 1859. , / if Vielik :c-N•A y :b 4vall ‘fust Piddiskattltatta l , i rs fif4l4twastild, , ' AgLi "W onto on:the Rational .I'rea,tment without Medicii* 'of Bpertuatordera or Local Weak. new, Hectares! Ersisai , oneAleultal and Nervous Debility,Plematere Dees, of the Systeur, bap°. taw asd Impediment to ,Illanisge_gosoully, BY B. DE LANEY, U. - The inspnrtast fact that the msny'alerming complaints, , originating In the imprudence and solitude of youth, may be easily removed WITK. OUT strunctra, is in Ohs small tract, clearly de. contested; and the entirely new' and highly successful treatmentess adopted by the Author, Billy asplained , by means of which every one to enabled to tore Eusimar perfectly and at Alm least - possible east, thereby avoldinwell the 4. remised nostrums of tho'day: Bent to any address. gratis and post free ins sailed eu'velepe, by remitting(post - paid) two pussy stamps to Dr. B. DE LANEY. 88 East let Street. New York City. I iftlyeqp. A P and easy remedy for the Plies • 11:. Corot Try It.: AlsoMayrris Wand Mks Exteratioatiirp said b 77 ., LYONS 41" 8 1 0. Jo* 1E4b,.1R. yer's Sarsaparilla A eompound remedy, hi which we have la bored to produce the most effectual- alterative that can bo made. It is a concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla. so combhisd with other substances of still greater alterative power as to afford an effective antidote for the disease! Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It is believed' that such • remedy is wanted by thus° who suffer hum Strumous complaints, and that one which will accomplish their cure must prove of immense service to this large class of our afflicted fellow-Citizens. Ilow completely this to:impound will do it has been proven by exper iment on many of the worst eves to be found of the following complaints:— tie Ficaarusa AND ' macs CourtAncTs. EarrnoNs AND Eau YE DLSEAST-1, ULCEILS, PISIPLE-9. Burrore..s, emetr.s,_tharr Rearm, SCALD HEAD, SYPHILIS AICD SyPIIILITIC "ACTIONS, lIEBINISIAL Domutft, Ditoror: N co- RAtoi.t oft Ttc DOI:LOUSES/X. Dziot.rrr, ?cram ftxo Iftotor.strio:c, EitYAIPM%S, BOSS on Sr. ANTHONY'S Fmr., and indmi the whole class of complaints mining from Ixrcurrr oY TUB BLOOD. , This compound will be found a great pro moter of health, when taken. in the spring, to *ape' the foul humors which faster in the blood at that season of the year. Ily the time ly expubiort of them Many rankling disorders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare theinselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which. the systeni mill,strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body nan alterative medicine. Cleanse out the tiatitd blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, entptions„ or sores; cleanse it when you find it is ob structed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. • Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and live_ longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood hes*by, and all is well; but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later something must .go Is - tong, and the great machinery c.f life isidistiridered or overthrown. Sariaparilla hay and deserves much, the reputation, of accomplishing, these ends. But the world has been egregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone bill not all the virtue that is claimed. for it, ibut more because many preparation - a, pretending to; he concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else. During late years the public have teen tub'. led bylarge bottles, pretending to give a quart • of Eitrautl of Sarsaparilla for one dollar bleat , of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only - contain little. if any, Sarsapa, rilla, but often no curative properties hatev er. -Plante, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts uf Sarsaparilla which flood the 11101 ka, until the name itself is justly despised, and has become Synonymous with imposition and client. Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, weal intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy' which rote upon it. And Ice think we have ground for believing it has virtues I , hich are,irresistible . by the ordinary run of the d6cases it is intend ed to cure. In order to secure their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle. • rEtrv.rn BY DR. J. C. AY E CO. LOWEI.T., MA SS. =M== Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, has non far itself such a. renown for the cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, 'that it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has tovn' etss pinyed. As it has long-,been in constant use throughout this section. wo need not do more than assure the people its quality . is kept up to the hest it escr has been. and' that rt may be relied on to do for their relief all it has ever i 6een found to do. \ Ayer's Catha rti c Pills, . von.yr-2 crEz OP C.ttirencss, Jaundiee, Indigestion, Dysentery, 1:411 htimiaelf„_EJyypirlas, Headache, n lihenastisin. Eruplams anti t.kin Dutra:es. Liver l.:.my(aitd, Dropty, Truk, Tumors anti tistt Ira, on, Gout, Nestrnigics. 'us a Dinu~rt f ittti for l'urifyiag the lito'd. They arc 214tai-COatth So that the most sepsi tioe,ntiri take them pleasantly. anti they are the Ite,t aptiriet t in the world for all the purposes of family physic. Paco 20 cents par Pox; Five boxes for $l.OO. • (treat eurnbers of Clergymen. 'Physician.. States. men, and eminent personages, hate lent their names to certify the unparalleled use:till:lnv of these remedies, but our apace here will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named fur nish gratis OUT AMERICAN AL?! AN AC it, which they are risen: with also full descriptions of the above , complaints. and the treatment that should be fol lowed-far their cure. Do not be. pat nit In unprincipled dealers with Inlet preparations they make more pi-hilt on. Demand ASE/A. and take no others. The sick want the best s aid there is fat them, and they Should hare it: tit Remedies are, for rale - by A. Tin:tutu., Montrose; . A. P. MILLER. & CO, Gibson; J. HOSFORD, Friendarille; Yonsa & Splrnt, Summers; IRA SCOTT, Springville; HAY DEN.BROTHERS. New Milford; L T. CARLISLE, Great Bend; E. R. Gnegw, Glenwood; W. H. Taarr.a, Dimock; EATON & MORLEY. Harford, and all D?uggists. (ruh9 I y - - - SALAWANDEB. Safes.--EVAIII ..., 7 „....... & Watson, No. 26 south fourth --t `''• ~'.! A treet, Philadelphia, have now on f hand a large assortment of Fire -_.., And Thief-proof Safes. Also - Iron doors for banks, stores, Iron shutters, Iron sub, all makes of Locks, equal to any in the United states. , . Five Safes in one Fire. All come out Rig N itt. with contents in good condition. 1.30 a. la TEL OALAILiNDICII BAYER OP PIIILADELPIIIk ♦OAfIST THE WOULD. EVANS & 'WATSON; Have bad the surest demonstration in the following Certificate tbat-their,manufacture of Salamander Safes has at lenattaully warranted 4be representations whirb have seen made of them as rendering an undoubted security against the terrific element ' Philadelphia, April 12th, 1856. 'Messrs, Evans IS . L WATSON.— Gentlemen: It affords us the highest satisfaction to state to yell, that owing to the very protective qualities of two of the Salamander Safes which we purchased of you some months since, we saved a large portion of our jewelry,and all our books, papers, &c., exposed to the calamitous fire in Replaced Place, on the morning .of the -11th When we reflectAbi . t these Safes were located in the fourth story of the building we.' occupied, and that they subsequently fell into a heap of burning ruins, where the 'vast concentration of beat caused the brass plates to melt, we canny% bat regard the preservation of their valuable contents as most convincing Root of the great security affordedby your Safes. ,We shall take much pleasure inlreconimen& - iog Ahem to men of business as a sure reliance against ire. GEO R GE W. SIMMONS & SRO, Jewelers, Who have purchased sic large Safes since,. April Rft, '59-Iy. AGAR D. Guise's, Nov. 22d, 1858. 1-ITHEREASthire have been some statements V mid° by me against Itzascca A. Itzt.t.aT, and whereas said It. A. Kelley has commented a snit against me in the common pleat of Sue. quehantat ienitty for trespass on the ease, now for the sake of a settlement of said suit and peace and quietness I make the following se knowledgments: first I regret that I ever said anything:about said Kelley, and at this time withdraw all charges against her that I have made and do not believe her at this time to be suck a girl. - D. F. BRUNDAGE. AHOMESTEAD FOR $10: A HOM ESTAD FOR $100; also. HOMESTEADS .FOR $lOOO AND - OVER, in a desirable, healthy SoF. • ul AGENTS WANTED! Send for a Pa i& ae Address E. BAUDER, LAND AGENT. jy2llf. ' Port Royal, Va. . a n tIOH Business and Factories can be carried eat profitably at Hammonton. Sea _Adrer. tlapineet of Hammonton Lands. OUPERIOR OrouDd Cogan in cans, Codfish ate., for oafs by 7. LYONS & SON.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers