ERRITSON; PUBLISHER. I*.• t*) , DRY GOODS. ! No. 63 COVET Street, Binihamton. , . Will the people of atosirTlio SE and vicinity, please read our list of prices and compare theni with the prices that others charge for the same article ?rood De Laines, for _9 cents per yard. Fine 64 Beautiful " 11-dit 12 " " Fine Madder Prints 9 c r Awr 6. l cts. p'r y'd. olors, 4 Best 46 BeSt Shilling Prints, 9 y'ds for 88 cts. FrenelPri_pts, yard *ide, Its pr yard. FAST IQ]. tc Good- n s co/ors, Fine Heavy" Denims for ft\ L„.7p Apron:Checks r 9 Stripe Shirting fo*- Heavy Tricking s, D Fine Shirting for J. Heavy Sheetinirs Wd, 4 61" wide - Very Heavy " All Wool Flannel ln" All Silk & Wool Brodie Shawls SM. All Wool Double Blanket Shawls 21. STEEL. SPRIMG SRIRTS of all kinds constantly on hand. A very ,large assortment of elegant A - 1 0 1 , s , ' IR from three Shillingi upwards'. Our space 'will_ not admit:giving a-more complete 1 ist of prices, - and we will therefore only add Oat all Goods usually kept_in a DRY GOODS store may be BOAlly Low Rates, at go.df ff i9cK . :4:VOOKE7S DRY GOOD'S" F4MP0R1011,..:' ., - 13.:'fiiutt.Sirttt. Binghamton, N. Y.,'0ct.125th.-4* i" 'Join ovict s itaam 10. - 46 46 64 S 4G • 44 46 9 yards for 94 cents-. 7: cents per yard. L 4 7 44 66 46 ‘C 46 46 cc tc cc 44 • : 66 44 64 66 46 no aWAVIT TriELIV fOONZ'EOT NAM Mat atio ipliP mow tiro uvan Elm Og 4®B isinnE.Do T E MONTROSE DEMOCRAT, 4'1701.1811ED TRIMBOATB, Br A.jr RRITSON, EDITOR & PROPRIETOR. OFF µB !MCSITSENUK, OPPOSITE SITS P. O. iCGEE rates—s 2 per annum:or SIISO in admire. De quoits eubjeet to charge of 42 50 per year, with interest.- Discontinuancea optional with the Publisher until all arrearagea ankpaid. Ad% ertisements- inserted at $1 per square of 12 lines ' • 25 cents per square for each insertion after the first three. One square one year, $B, each additional square, $4. Job iVork of all kinds executed neatly and promptly. Blanks always on hand. Guttenberg, 'Rosenbaum & Co., ir k EA LERS in Ready-made Clothing, Ladies' .15 Dress Goods, Furnishing Goods, etc., etc. Stores at No 24 Dey-st, Now-York City, and in Towanda, ilfontrose, and SuN'a Depot, N, • • i' L. B. ISBELL, EPAIRS Clocks. Watches and Jewelry, at short notice, and on resonable terms. All work warranted. Shop in Chandler 4r. Je.ssap's store, Montrose, Pa. toc23tf. Drs. Blakeslee & Brush, ra AVE associated themselves for the prose- Al cation of the dutieaof their profession, and respectfully offer their professional services to the Invalid Public. Office at the residence of Dr. Blakeslee,midway between the tillages of Diniock and Springville. • ap2oy 1. C. LILA KESLEE...-... P. E. lIRESE. ISAAC L. HUNT, MPORTER and Dealer in Foreign and Do. I m'estie Hardware, Cutlery, Carriage Trimm ings, Sc , also manufacturer of Anierican Hard ware, and proprietor U. S. Malleable Iron Works at Newark, New Jersey. No. 215 Pearl street, near Maiden Lane. New York. fsepBm6*. C. 'FFL Ell, special agent. HAYDEN BROTHERS, WHOL ES A LE Dealers in Buttons, Comb., Snsiumders, Threads,. Fancy Goods Watches, Jewelry, Silverand Plated Ware,Cut lery, Flailing Tackle, Cigars, &c. &a., New Ma. ford. Pa. Merchants and Pedlars, supplio on liberal terms. wa tf HBNEY B. McKEAN, ATTORNEY and COUNSELLOR at LAW. Office in the Union Block—:-Tuwanda, Brad. ford couniy i Or Will attend promptly to all professional business intrusted to him, in this and adjoining counties. [je3'sBtf DR. E. W. WELLS _ HA VI ls/ G permanently located in ptuidaft offers his professional services tP all who may require them. Also, keeps constantly on hajd a full stock of Dings and :Medicines, Pure , Wines and Liquors for Medical purposes. [ap7-Bm. • DR ; H• SMITH, SURGEON D'ENTIST. Residence and of tice.opposite the Baptist Church (north side) Montrose. Particular attention will be given inefulkte.l ABEL TIIERELL. DEALER' in Drags, Medicines, Chemicals Dye Stuffs, Glass-ware, Paints,Oils,Varniab, Window Glass, Groceries, Fancy Goods, Jew dry, Perfumery, &c.—And Agent for all the mast popular Patent Medicines. Montrose, Pa. DR. E. F. WILMOT, GRADUATE of the Allopathic and Howse. pathic Colleges of Medicine, Gt. Bend, Pa. Office. comer of Main and Elizabeth-sta., newly opposite the Methodilt church. M. C. SPECIAL Partner, withLiwrenee, Griggs & Kingsbury, manufacturers and jobber,' in Straw Goods, flats, Caps..& Furs, Umbrellas, Parasols. Ribbons.. and all Millinery articles,— No. 46. Cotirtlati'dt street, New York. sepB Wm. H. Cooper & Co., 1101 p) ANKERS,Sneeessors to POST, COOPER & CO., Mont:vas, Pa. Office ono door east from Post's Storo, Turnpike Street. Wat. HUTTING CoOPER---..—.HEDRY DRINKER. C. 0. FORDHARG ANUFACTURER OF BOOTS & SHOES. klontrese, Pa. Shop over Tyler's Store, 'All kinds of work made to order and repairing done neatly. je WM. W. SMITH, & CO., ABINET and Chair 31aoufactorera, foot of Main street, Montrose, Pa. tiogitf DR. G. Z DIMOCK, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office over WU eons' store ; Lodging-4 at Searle's Hotel. DR. JOHN W. COBB, - - PRYS'ICIAN'aud Surgeon. Office on Public Avenue. opposite Searle's lintel, Montrose. DR. R. THAYER, • - buYslcimi and Surget.n..Montrose, Pa.— " 'Office in the Farmer's Store. - . • . JOHN GROWS, IMASIIIO:VABLE Tailor. Shop near the a: Baptist Meeting House, on Turnpike.atreet, Montrose, Pa. aught • NEWS OFFICE. 1 HENew York City Illitstrated Ne6papera -IL Maturities, ete. ete., for sale at the Montrose Book Store, by A. N. BULLARD. ' CHARLES MORRIS,. J3MISER, and Hair Dresser. Shop No. 3in basement of Searle's Hotel, Montrose. • MEAT MA - Kgr. OR. Public Avenue, near Searie's Hotel. 11,EEP "constantly on hnnd a good supply of MEATS of all'kinds. CASH paid for Reef Cattle,Cal ves,S eepoind Lailabs. Also for Bides of ad tk I nds. • • HENSTOCK & HAWLEY. a. T. HEXSTOCY. a. HAWLEY. .IStontrose, March 300, 1851.—tf. • H. GARRATT„ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN FLOUR, ORM; SALT . " ... _IL I _ SEW WORD, FA.—lkals Room, =ars-Soma. WILL keep constantly on hand the best brands ofFLOUR-•by the Reek 'dr Hen died Bariels—itthe lowest market prices. Also, SALT—by the Single Darrel or Load. AD orders from Merchants and Dealers will be promptly attended to. * * *Casb paid for Grain, Wool, Pelts, Hides, and ell ilWrierePnidoes in-tbeirseason. , - "X'ALI3LICPPLIN'ciA.. P. REYNOLDS, AVIN G returned to Montrose for the per. H pose of resuming the Tailoring Business, re‘peotfullisnnotinees to the public that -he is prepared to attend to their want: with prompt. nese and fidelity.' - Late* always at band. Cutting done on abort mouse, and warranted to fit. Shop In basicooot of Searle% Hotel—eorner room ir *o t.: ,Intratf. MONTROSE, PA, NOVEMBER 10,-18642 summgß IS IMAIL Hush! tell not to the flowers and trees, not to the birds and the breeze; Let not the blossoms of crimsonand blue • Hear the sad tale, though its burden be true, Bummer is dead t • Hush I for the sea bath suspended its breath, Fearing to catch the first commons of death, And the bright clouds that are passing away, Fain moat drop tears could they bear whit - you Bummer is dead: - [say, Aye ! though her mantle of glory be still Spread over garden and meadow and hill:-- Though the rich bloomtutth no toneh • of decay, And the bee toils through the long sunny day, Summer Is - ciesd:: • Ayo! it is ended I Fro s o'Lilt and glen, • From cities alive with the eonflict of men, From the grass at our reit, for the now silent bird, • From earth, sea and sky, in our spirit/kis heard, Summer dead. So much of our glory and gladness is lett, • We sigh not se those of her presence bereft; Her crown and her gnimidi unfadeti4tre hung Where they dropped•when aside they were care• leanly Hung. UNDER THE 'VIOLETS. Her hands are cold:, her face is white; No more her pulses come and go ; Her eyes are shut to life and light; Fold the white eestures, snow on snow, And lay, her where the violets blow. Bat not beneath a graven atone, To plead for Mars with - alien eye: A slender cross, wood alone • Shall eay that, hero a maiden lies Ili peace, tteneath the peaceful skies. And old gray trees - of hugest limb Shall wheel their circling shadows round, To make the scoiv.hing renlight dim That drinks the greennes4 cram the ground And drop their dead leaves up her mound. When o'er their boughs the squirrels run. And through their leaves the robins call, And ripening in the autumn sun, The acorns sod the chestnuts fell, ponbt not that aim will heed them all"' Por the morning their shall sing, Its matins from the branches high, And every minstrel yoke of spring, That thrills beneath the April sky, Shall greet bet w 4 its earliest cry. -When, turning round their dial-track, Eastward - the lenAtioned shadows pass, encitetio, aninag..erw.t suer sow.: - Shall pipe for her an evening mass. At last:the rootlets of the trees Shall find the prison where she lies, And bear the buried dust they seize In liaves and blossoms to the skies, So may the soul the). warmed it rise! If any, born of kindlier blood. Should ask, what maiden lies beloiv Say onli this: a tender bed, • That tried to bloissom in the snow, Lies #ithered where the violets blow. _ _ THE FARMER BOY'S SONG. Let others boast of wealth and fame, Pursue them those that love them, Be mine such wild - desires to tame, And raise myself above them. Content may find a resting place Within a lowly cottage, And Love will think it no disgrace - To dine with me on pottage. • If happineis is what we need, In palace of in hovel, Pray, is it found' with greatest speed With sceptre or with shovel I tell you that the Farmer boy Staodsin the greatest peril -Of reaping in those fields of joy That to the prince are sterile. Oh yes! oh yes ! I love my lot, Though it be rough and narrow-. All Kansas' gold can tempt me not To leave my plow and harrow. a. We delve, and chop, and clip_ the fleece, With hopefulness and vigor; , We are the nation's pride in peace, In war can pall the trigger Tea Baer Idaszatt.—One of the speakers at a late public meeting in Boston, revived the following pleasant story: In the good old days when General Jack son was President, be was making a tour to visit the-northern portion of his dominion, and was received at every city and every village by a ceremonious welcome. Coin miueee were appointed, and every man hid a little speech of his own to make. It hap pened that in the city of New York, the ar rangement was to have the committee of the city to go to Amboy, and meet the General on board the steamboat, and there welcome him to the hospitality of New York,. and es cort him to the city, the chairman of the com mittee was an alderman, distinguished for more soundness in the Democratic faith than for shining talents is an orator, one of the very few .persons in our country who ate wholly unaccustomed to public speaking When the committee reached Amboy, the General came as boaid the boat, and they stepped forward and were presented. The Alderman, making a most profound bow, and having prepared himself most ,elaborately, 'begat): "May it plows you excellency"— and then suddenly seemed struck ilth.t:on fusion. He looked medico his brethren for help, but nothing was. suggested, and again he began with a, profound. bciw-s." May it please yonfEscellency,r acid again he stook. The Gebaral stood waiting with a bland arp Premitnt, of copetetustuse, and be began is the sane nay the third time, and with a like re sult, and glen ,bolding out Lie band to the President,lintaan astute bunt forth ; Hang ikon, I have forgotten my whole spesishl We're glad to 'see yet: 5 .004,61." The Gen eral shodkbis band, rind said it was thilktaa• antest se well aethe shortest speeelt`he b 24.1 beard since holed left home. • "13iisay dew, it . Neve idbijfens." aClaet, blip tit, maw, dad'a a black Rerbilara.4 It was early in the spring, and the- old bunter had just returned horn Columbia, where had been to carry the produce of his winter's labor, which consisted mostly of fore. He had received 'quite a sum of money. and bad brought it borne with him.. The old man had for several. ears been accumulating money, for oiviliistion was rapidly approach ing him, and he meant that his children should start on fair terms with the world. Que evening, just as the family was sitting down to the frugal supper, they wereattraeted. by the sudden howling of the dogs, and as Slater went to the door to see what was the matter, he saw thre&nten approaching. He quickly quieted the dogs, and the strangers approached the door. They asked for something to eat and also for lodgings for the night. John Slater was not a man to refuse a request of that kind, and he asked the strangers in. They 'set their rifles be hind the door, unslung their packs androom was made for them at the supper table. They presented themselves as travellers bound father West, intending to cross the Mississippi ' in search of a settlement. The new comers were far from being agreeable or prepossessing in their looks, but Slater took no notice of the eirperostanT ces, for he was pot ova to doubt say man. The boys, however, did not like their appear ance at all, and quick glances which they gave each other told their feeling. The bun, ter's wife was_not at the table, but she sat in her great easy chair by the fire. Slater entered into conversation with his guests, but they were not very free, and after a little while the talk dwindle to occasional questions. Philip, the elder of the two, no ticed that the men cast uneasy glances about the room, and he watched. them narrowly. His fears bad become excited, and he could not rest. He knew that his father bad a large sum of money in the house, and his first thought was that these men were there for the purpose of robbery. After supper was over the boys quickly cleared off the table, and then went out of doors. It had become dark, or rather the Smilier is dead ". 4 V — a n at the acme time casting a look over his ,aboulder, " What do you think of these men I" "I am afraid the). are bad ones,' returned tLe younger boy. "So am I. I believe they mesa to steal father's money. Didn't you notice how they looked around I" " Yes." "So did I. If we should tell father what we think, be would .only laugh at us, and tell us we were perfect scarecrows." don, and then going to the doghouse, they set the small door aback, so that the bounds Might spring forth if they were wanted. If they bad desired to speak to their father about their suspicions, they bad no chance, for the strangers sat close by him all the evening. At length, however, the old man signified his intention of reiiring, and arose to go out of doors to see 'the state of affairs Without. The three followed him, but they did not takeitheir weapons. The old lady was asleep in her chair. "Now;" whispered Phillip, "let's take two of father's rifles up to our bed--we may want them. We are as good as men, with the rifles." Daniel sprang to obey, and qtrlck as pos sible the boys slipped two rifles from their pocket behind the great stove chimney, and then hastened back - and emptied the priming from the stranger's rifles; and when that father and the straogdrs returned they had resumed their seats. .The hunter's cabin was divided into two apartments on the ground floor, one athletes, in the end of the building, being the old tmaws sleeping room, and the other room in which the present company sat. Overhead there.' wise sort of scaffolding, reaching only half way over the room below it, "and in the opposite end of the building from the little sleeping apartment or the hooter. A rough ladder led up to the scaffold, and on it; close up to the boy's bed. There was no partition. at the edge of the scaffolding, but it was all open to the room below. Spare bedding waa spread-upon . the floor 'of the kitcken for the three travellers, and after everything bad been arranged for their comfort, the boys went up to their bed; and the old man retired to his little toom. The boys thought not of sleep, or if they did it was only to avoid it. Half so bout had pawed away, and then they could bear their father snore. Then tbev bean' a move _ment frond those below. Philip oraisrled si. lends to where he could peep down through, nd saw one of the men open his pack, from which he took several pieces of raw meat, by the rays cf,the moon , and moving towards the window, be shoved, the sash !Nick and threw the pieces of flesh to the dogs. Then ho went back to bis bed and lay down. At first 'the boys thought this might be thrown to tbi dogs, toslistract their attention; but when the man laid..down,:the idea flash. ed through Phillip's mind of poison. He whispered his thoughts to his brother. - The first impulse of little Daniel, as be heard that his pisor dogs - were to he poisaced, was to cry out, but a sudden pressure from the hand of his brother kept him silent. At the end of - the boys* bed was a dark viaeow, a small . NUM door, and as it was directly over the dogs' house, Pbtllip iesolvial to go down and save the dogs. - The under. taking was . a dangerous one; for. the least noise would arouse the villains. and the con sequences might b 4 fatal. - But Phillip Slater foetid bitted swag is heart, .ead be deter. piled upois the trial.. 'llle &then; lib sight A. Tale of Western Life. When Kentucky was an infant State, and before the foot of civilization had trodden her -giant forest., there lived upon a branch of the Green river, an old hunter by the name of Slater. Ilia but was upon the southern bank of.the stream, and save a *smell patch of some dozen sores that bad been - cleared by his own axe, be was shut up_by dense old forests. Slater bad two children at twine with bim—two sons Philip and Daniel—the formerfourteen and the latter twelve. years of age. We elder children bad gone South. -Dia Wife was with bin), but she bed been for several years an almost helpless cripple from- the ef fect of severe rheumatism. "But we can watch them." "Yea, we will watch them, but dun's let min know it." The boys then held some further coosulta- be in his hands! The thought was a .tower of auength in itself. Phillip opened the window without mov tog from his bed, and it swung on its hinges without noise.- Then he threw off the sheet and tied the corner of it to the staple by which the window was 'hooked. The sheet was then lowered on the outside, and care: . fully 'the brave boy let himself out upon_ it. Ile enjidned his brother not to move, and then slid noiselessly down. The hounds had foetid the meat, but they drew back at their young master's beck, and Phillip gathered the flesh all up. ,Ile easily quieted the faith ful brutes, and then quickly tied the meat in the sheet. There - was a little ladder standing near' the dog-house, and vetting this up against the building, Philip made his way back to his little loft, and when once safely there he pulled the sheet in after him. The strangers bad not been aroused, and with beating' heart the boy thanked God. lie bad performed an act, simple as it may appear, at which many a stout heart would have quailed. The dogs growled as they_ went, back idto their'kennel, and if' the 'dangers hearfl ,them„ they thought the poor aniquils-we're growling over the repast they had found. I At length the hounds ceased their noise, and all was quiet. ',An hour passed' away, and so did another. It mast have been sear ly midwgbt when the metittroved again, and the lad Phillip saw _the rays of a candle Bashi up through the cracks of the floor on which stood his bed. He would have moved to the crack where he could peep doWn, but at that moment he beard a man upon the ladder. He uttered a quick whisper to his brother, and . they lay perfectly still. 'The fellow seem ed to be for sadsfied that they were asleep, for .he soon returned to the ground door, and then Phillip crept to the crack. He ,aw tbe, men take knives, and beleard then) whispering : We'd kill the old mats and woman first," said one of them, "and then we'll hunt. the money. If those little brats up there. (point ing toithe scaffold) wake up we can take care of them." But we =IA kill them all," said another of the *Allem ," Yes," returned the speaker, "but the old °lie first," ' Phillip's heart beat with horror. "Down the ladder outside! quick'!" he whispered to his brother. " Down, and start op the lilts! lan fur the frOnt door, and throw it open—it't fastened. Oh; do let the dogs in • the Eloise as quick as you can ! I'll look out for fattier while you go." -Daniel quickly crawled out through the little window, and Phillip seized a title and crept to the Lead of the scaffold. Two.of the viliians wets just approaching the door of his father's room. They had set the candle dawn fip iffisfs t We Tt3fillbtfiseirtk — nms - Vatet - inin rested the muzzle upon the edge of the board. One of the men had his hand upon the latch The boy hero uttered a single word of heart felt prayer, and then he pulled the trigger. The villian whose hand was On the latch, ut terstd one sharp, quick cry, and then fell upon the floor. Tha bullet had passed through his brain. For tin instant the two remaining villains Were confounded, but they' cluickly compre hended the nature and position of their ene my, and they sprang fur the ladder. They did not _reach it,,bower, for that instantuhe outer door was dung open, and the houndro— four in number—sprang into the house. With a deep, wild yell, the animals leaped upon the villain; and they bad drawn them upon the floor just as the old butttertame from his room. "Help us! help us, father!" tried Phillip, as he hurried down the ladder. "I've shot . one of them! , They _are muderers I robbers! Hold 'eat, bold 'ens!" the boy continued, clapping his bands to the dogs. Old Slater comprehended the nature of the scene. in a moment, and sprang to die spot where tbe bounds had the two men on the floor. The villains had both lost their knives, and the dogs bad so Wounded them 'that they were incapable of resistance. ,With much di ffi culty the animals svei>e called off, and then the two men were lifted to a seat. There was no need of binding them, for they neetUd some wore restorative agent, a• the dogs •had made quick• work in di,- abling them. ' • After they bad been looked to, the old man cast his eyes about the room. They' rested a moment upon the hod} of him who had been shot, then turned npbn the boys. Phillip told him all tiq, had transpired. It seemed Bomb time hefcire the old hunter could crowd the whole • teeming truth through his mindi but as be gradually coin preliended it all, a loft, grateful, proud light broke over his features, and be held, his arms out to his sons. Noble, noble boys!" be uttered, sidle duped them to his bosom, " God biers you for di+ I Ob, I dreamed not that you bad such hearts I" For a long time the old man gazed' on boys in silence, while tears of love and grati tude rolled down his cheeks, sod his whole face, was lighted up with the moat joyous, holy pride, l i ont. before darlighl, Fhillip mounted .the horse and started for the tutored riettletheut, and satirist the forenoon the officers of jus tice bad the two wounded I v men in_ charge,- while the body of - the third was •ninsoved. They were recognised by the officers as crim inals of nototiety ; but this was their last, ad venture, for thejustice they hid so long out raged fell upon them and stopped them in their career. Should any of our readers clones to pass down the Ohio river, I bog they would'-take notice of a large white mansion that stands opoo the southern bank, with.' wide forest park. is front of it, and situated some eight miles west of - Oweneboro'. Ask your cap. min who lives there, and be will tall you, Slater dr Brother, retired flour mar °barite They wars the Buy-Rerom of whoat . blive been writing. • - . Why, Bridget," said bet mistress, who wished to rally Widget for the annweinent of her company upon the fantastic ornamenting of a inure pie ; a Why. Bridget, did you do Ojai You are quite an hula:; bow did you do it t " ladade, it era myself that did it," replied:Bridget, isn't it pntty, stunt I did it with your false teeth, tom." Arne but bedlcrinforta—s sift get. • VOLUME XVI, NUMBER 4 A...Tit:panes() Social Tea' Party. "We paid a visit to the jo ly whom and fair; dames of the ion-rone of whom by-the• by, said abe bad looked 'for my !return, and had reared a kitten or ma, for which I think ; ed the fair creature, telling hpr I shodld take another opportunity for Galling for h'er pres ent. We pursued our.peregri nations through the garden, and suddenly came iMon asocial party of Japantia ladies and gentlemen at tea in a pretty aummer houee. l l W e bowed to them on passing, and as we . not wish to intrude upon their - privacy, wore about to wittidarwi when a young ginti man arose, came towards us, and pressed us o enter and partake of some tea. We gistk acceded to his 'request; and were anon at ens with oar new acquaintances. Small s eat tables. of lacquered ware, about a foot nod a halt in height, and sikinchea square, we e placed on the right side of the_Japanesei ih&A, suppoil, cops of tea;aWeet-n3eets. cakea, and small . lac:- gamed bowls of rice and fruit . ) Four married ladies sat together on clue rids an old gentleman; opposite Ni .aneseyfflcer and two young Int seventeen years of age, theothe ty ; the latter were very pretty. dreamed of seeing such beauties in spot; their skins clear and White t. Circassian, with a healthy Wast cheeks, and teeth of pearly luStre. e l black hair wee brushed from the back of ~ tbe head, and fastened in ; the top of the head by a filletl of Silk. The - elder was the hand4o two and the chief object of 'attrac4 young oirseer, as he frequently Igavi portn'tlity of observing, by placinl; round her waist and_ looking I loch her eyes. I ' . , ,Thete was gracefulness in all her atitudes, especially when she took up a I guiltar at the • request of her:lover, and played a few airs for us;_bat the music was rattler ar .nripsnous and , without harmony—at least. our dull ears could not detect any She, s acCompanied her self in a song, in a falsetto tone, a, species' of whine, not altogether so dlscordant as net of the Chinese, vet merely bearable from its strangeness. The sister . now wined in a dtl ett; one endeavoring to out4riek jibe . other. Our elder hosts were in raptures with the per formance, and they wondered at our stOliditv.; but bur ears had been accustomed to the music of Grisi and Mario, and' could cot en. dere Ile . ftnest Jammer* singerki ~Finding the ladies so obliging, we prevailed upon one to play' while the other danced. - The pcifcr mance was peculiar; she webt• sr‘tund the aparments as in it slow wal'z, making grace. ful passes with her hands', and' huicming as air to bereft smiling most 4grettblr and bowing ous as she went:round. They were attired in richly embroidered silk; a lno•4 tunic, with wide sleeves . was fastened round hi ti i k --- 61 elfen Tau.',ab .a.r-r-rry4acl---rmr board, covered With parti-colored- IsiL: - The married ladies were Attire.) in ;robis ('' t :id , ric resembling cashmere, and 4 a . on. lc lav ender color. After tea they iMrcs,l it, I pipes and some light wine. :The. Japint , 3 . ,bacco , is very mild and without flavor so e ; 2queat ed that they would perinit us to I go. cher. oots instead, aceording, to . our I ow They ezamine,d our uniform tninurt the English name of each partlof ii nounceing each word separate y a • [Toueoo'a Voyage t:1 • 1 Serenading a Young L: dy. ' A friend tells the following i In my young days Pyres extravagantly fdrn of. attending parties, and somewhat celebrated r playing on the flute. Hence, it was geilera ly eXpeel.- ed that when au invitation war eat ndeAl, my flute would acemmitany me. •, , 1 visited a splendid party"one ev ning, and I was called upon to favor the ccimp •ny Kith a tune on the flute. 1,- . of courskir mediately complied with the request. !The company appeared delighted; but more. tart c.ular iy so was a.young !tidy , iitio. raised her ands and exclaimed it was beautiful, delight al, dm— !, of course, was highly delighted, nd imlue l diately formed a resolution WI sty nade the young lady ou the following night. , i started the next night, in company, with „several young friends, and arrived, as I suiiposed, at the lady's residence, but made al, glorious mistake by getting under •the , window of a . grind old Quaker. , ! 1 • . "Now, boys,,, said I, " behold! the sentimens tality of this young lady, the MorneM I strike up the "Last Rjse of Suomi."' I 'struck up, but the wthilovrremained Closed, and the boys began to voille. i . "Oh," said I, "that's nothing; hot be in good taste to raise the w the first air.", I next struck up "Old Rdbiri, Get, the window remained closed. The I.n eyed, and I. felt somewhatflst..l "Once more, boys," said .I, "and come." I struek up again—" Sly I the red, red ruse." till these Was onstration. "Boys," seid " she's a b u Mbug I sing 'Mime, Sweet Home,' and' if t bring her, I'll give up" - We struck up, and as we finisher lineohe window wai„,rsirsstl. -"That's the ticket, boys; I knew fetch her," But instead of the 'beautiful Yonn turned out to'be the old Quaker, in cap and dressing gown, "Friend," said be, "thee was .ingi home—and, if I reccolleot tight, there was no place like home ;1 and , time; why don't thee go is thy Thom .! is not wanted here—thee nor 4hy Fareirell." We, and ourintia, went borci i -3 I igrAtt old man, 'smitten with i a desire for family glory, sent one of his tie lee tuna to college to become i doutor. Oft I is return, determined to test his acquirements,) he anesplanCion of the: manner lin 41sidi the' victuals were respectively coniluctid to the, stomach. The son, being gioesa •of ana tomical lore, very quietly told bite that there was a clapper. placed between ilro ipipes les& leg to the stomach whendie dranklit closed the opining in that one appropriai to con vey food ; anti irben heltte,tuat for the The old man, after a few titre whiff; of his pipe, showing the power of it Mt 'ial strut -. gle, replied: "flow wait it go w t.l I eat mush and tpilk r Wiptize. the eaulttluwer, i ts obbage•for he bawl.' , i, end near then Si a young Jitp 4tive, one about r bout twen- Wei little / this retired ce that o(a a on their Their jet Fide and ix knot stn palu_'pink er of the lion to the us an op ilig an arm iingly into. ly, asking , and pro et.- us." it would uticilr 04 ." S'ill ye snick. , s Ve I i must f L nu deal Lot us at don't Iwe could la4Y. it g of thy tied hail if 04.44 / ii.owp ttes ay. 1 , : ii. LIM
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