taitintnt of ytati,pl Of Eruseicilzeilia,l Mad; and publislyll in puirivance of an. Act o L...------ - -_ . i ' Sniquchnitna Countyz.-Bilance t Collectors' Accounts for 1858. • i • - Collectors. Townships. Duplicates.rioet raid. Exoner's P'reage. :1'014% } o rs' I . _ , •'P. W. Welch:- ... Apollicon., .. ' 'f34) 45 4319 20 .S 5 45 16 80 , I:. J. Gaiter Auburn...—... ' '7BB 44 1.744 41 486 39 17 N. J. Weir .. Ararat .-.:... 162 81 1.53 78 I/4 809 G. Warner........ Bridgewater. 1306. 35 1234 68 669 64 98 J. L Ati.:lmA: . , ..- . Brooklyn—. , 643. 81 608 45 334 32 02 • V.W. Battey - Choconut ... 385 54 365 31 101 19 22 KS. 'Lewis Clifford 721 OP . - 676 , 49 900 35 6.0 E. B. Gates Din:lock ...... 1024 55 970 10 340 51 05 s B. Boswnell ...... . Dundaff..... 168 57 l4B 83 11 91 753 E. F. Cosier, . , .... Friendriiille..,_ , _1 . 30 05 120 04 420 631 E Lines .- ....... Franklin.... .. 430 .02 400 37 811 21 54 M. S. Torso . ForextLake s . 515 48 489 .54 a '4l4' 25 60 • L. G. Beitieti...... Gibson__ 665 46 630 87 139 33 2( R. P. - Terboeif...... Great Bend.. , 94,71 864 57 33 64 45-50 ' ' S. Burgs - , rierriek..•... ,'L 355. 24 332 18 558 17 48 E. V. Green altrford..... - 609 71 577 12 222 30 37 I): Tay10r.......... Mummy-- 318 99 296 06 735 15 58 L: Smith Jessup : 459 . 93 .: - 429'.18 '.B 17 22 58 • '-' T. Thitteifield...... ',nelson.: ..... 500 70 473 07 274 24 89 W. C. Tower' • • • Labor 4613 83 422 17 22 43 nV ,T. J. Robinson.:,... Lathrop..... 233 28 ' 219 179 203 11 56 C - .B'tanforii - • Libetty..'.. , , 393: 26 372.'32 '1 35 19 59 " • . G. Pickering, (dee.): Montrose.... 1522 16 741 11 .39 09 _ - W. W. Smitly Do. .... 699 ti 2 , $ l 3O 36 si • 11. L. Canfield Middletown:. 354 30 517 11 ',9 98 27 21 • J. P. 11illr.r. " 4 • New Milford - . 914 52 863 08 '604- 45 42 E A. Btu . ton Oakland .... 164 57 153 01 3 51' 8 05 11. P. Baker. - ...... Rush 531 42 496 77 8 51 ' 26 14 W.ll. Guice - - Silrer fAce.. , 603 82 570 11 371 30 00 ' T. ScOtt .., , Si.rinzville .. 686 24 635 86' 16 92 33 46 W. 5ki0ner.....,... Rem's' Depot. 325 'B3 296 24 14 00 15 58 A. T. Galloway.... Thompson_.. 264 66 240 741 125 12 67 . - . i *17,132 271416.068 384218 35 *845 54 s .... _. , s ... . . .. Y. • I '' 817,132 27 i AO . Total arnount.of Amount paid by toilectors.... of Esonerations to Collectors " Percentage to Collectors . Tr.?lonrer's Office, Montrose, December 3 - SIJ - W7 E ANS Al To Comma/wealth- CO5 IS Road - Viewers.. .. . Road DWI:MVP p. welts commi,sioner - 0. Mott, jr. do. .. L. S. Page - do. .. %Vol. T. Cilia do. .. ' l .7:arerse Juror.' • i :rand Jurors As-efsors Uonstableq - John Y,.une, Sheriff... F. I'. nollisterJate She iff. Wade. Pro.& Clerk... 'S. B. \Vella, late Pro. & Clerk County Bonds Redeemed.... Interest on County Bonds _ and Ninnies Loaned • 1014 06 A.. 1,. Wehs.er and 11. Stafford, f Pdriting - Fuel 1 . Justic.,; cir the Peace §pitiorery C,i3uri. House Jail Lunatic 11.cspital -- lTnaeatecl Lands: ..... . S. Crossrnon, Court Crier l'ownaliip.Electionq • General Election . ; A. Cro.sarnon, Clerk. Eastern Penitentiary : : . Agricultural Soa ley .... 1). D. Brown, D. P. Tiffany, 1, - Auditors G. T. Frazier, ) 1 . 5 necituding indent. ; Treasurer's Pv.re'entage.. IVild Cat liountica - • iti8,:13051 TREASUREIi r S - :;'; . r ATEM fgt . Oie - ml LIT-A Collectors. Townships. .Duplicales', M. B. Beneui,:t..... Ctifford $39 00y I'. Wel t•li A polacon 15 50 , R. J. o,ntlar. . : Auburn .: : .41 OW, !s!. .1. West - • • • Arnliu 14 " G. Warner. : ... :. , Bridrewarer. a ", i J. L. Adams. - 8r001i1yn....; 24 '" B.W. Battey 'Cbcteonut .. ' 21 50! K S. Lewis 't y Ciifford....... 44 04) E. IS: Crates,: : ....:'lliinsiek:•: :.. '25 " t Rrownell..., . ..fl.hurriaff„.„ .4 7 ' ' i \ 'l IF. Cozier..., ... ) Ftiendsville . ! 13 - "1 1 Linea - '...4"ranklitt-.. M. S. Towne.! I Forest. Lake . ;4 15 bb G. L. 11en4tt ' ; Gibson , 24 54, R. P. Terboas '-Gread Bend . , 61 50' , , 8; Burps ilierrick ... 40. OW; KV. Green ........flatford .. ..i • : 10 50, 31. Taylor = - - • - • iflarmoriy :: :i • - 45 .50 ' L.,S s tnith...... , . :Llessup..-...:1 T. Butterfield. ...,. : 'Jackson ....•::, ' 22 50; W.:C. Tower-- .!Lenox .: : sol' T. I..ll.'obinson .. , ,Lathrop .....! 16 90, i C. Stanford - 'Liberty . . S!J sPil B.:L. Canfield ..... 7 MildietoWp.;s - 20 •50 .1: P. Miller • - 'New Milt - aid.. t '5 6 00 h E. A. Barton. ..... 'Oakland :.: .' . 15 atl D. T. 8aker,...... 'Rush .'• 50 ot:q1 W. IL Giiige... , ..Silvet Lake..'' 27 OW I Titei Scott s , ' . , Srningville...i ~ .19 50Z,1 W. Skinner ....... Sustfa Depot .i • 18 50, A. T. Galloway....thompson.... i 8 00',1 t ' I . -----4 . . $789 00'. • . FiV - 0-Trit:* .T) iiii-g r - - Amount of 1/uplicates.... i , Amount paid by-Collectors ~..$496 21 Amount of Exonerations to Collector.] - ' . 227 50 Amount of Percentage to Collectors - ' •- • • , 26 29 , Amount of Unpaid thtplicate of 1860. •• • •-- • 39 00—5739 Od ------:- MYA TE m ENT oPIIFETWEirI Eil'q - Wri:iffriridir. fficfirktfiClisr Dr. s El W. MQTT, Treasuret. to - amount received from Colkttiirs, fot 1858. N. _ • • TIMASURICRAX ACC.OIIMMU,ratZer 111TH 1716 COMMONWRiLIIi Of' PENN' t• (iC _, _ -1858 --- ~' -,:i• -- • , 1 -..-.. r r7 ..,.. _r ~ -, •; %J. .E.'" A 1858, Tb aggregate aruount of Bute .". ',, ply gyp . ; pccestswailoupd _to Colleco. , 41 levied end. isSeleed for the use bf . ~ Hfogiski final settlement. :. • ..41 443.53 ihe.COmmonwealtb for. the year i biliq i ejitk;a f • ' , i 66.20 . .... 1858, as per statement a County _ . ID ) ; iiimpajCputilipagen s .for .preerts.. •1 - tiormaioioaers filed st'ith. UAW: - 11 '1 ) 44 . 4 ,110,1-411441:4859' -•, ~ $40,42 Treasurer . .- • • ' " - $7, 0 4.2.8 itfiennyent . in lineitirrees *Mk tor -. f To aggregate arnountofoatstanding ' " . 'IL 1458, le es , trio pe r centage:..... . 6,820.60 taxes; 63r previouiTeare t ,kzfliff,p,.:, :.,., 1 f , 13 Y " r i iiii 4 rie• Percatige on 0,889 '; ' I.',: en 1840 and 1850 as per lait'Audi; , - . 1h49 At one per mat ''• ' ' ~ - ~:;.- - ivo.'"' tors-Report; • . , - 340.42 fI .- • -';'-.; --- . To amount! riseeirkl (nun unseated, _.'.. g. , .; 1 1 • ' '`. i "' ' Vitit9, 7.1 leads ' I - To amount received trrons returned ,-- * '." • 8.43 , ',,.•.:, s anti 61,pentrit .4!sembly of the 15th of April, /AO 834 \ ... " .218 35 6'45 54-07, C. W. MUTT, Ist, 1858. ICOUNT . Y.-1858. ..$l4OB 53 ....341 500 • .440 Ofk ..,.200 " .....200 •30 "% " ..• .2312 77, ....545 31' ....838 75: —.406 01 .....403 co' ....120 1.11 ~..250 ..• .401 33? County Orders s nrdeemed from I, INo. 1 to 615, in01u5ive,........515,305 32 's 1G Ilefueding Orders I v amount paid County Auditors 'lB 00 it Treasurer's Percentage • • • 67$ 's2 r • • 311 5',5 191 75 .b 7 43 .14 53 .80 58' 246 79 .56 06 137 00, 25 00; 80 00 ) , ....421 65. " • ....100 " .133 67 :C'ib . 52 ...3 Stu, ref Ptrid:'Extiner's 3 i 50, .;4 68 4 sb . 11 40 2Ot 4 75' lb . 2•13 14 73' 22.130 i 19 00 f 8 08' 11 40' 2.0 41 ) , 4* 28; . ' •30 40y i 3 78, 1900 c 11 40 . 14 4,q; 5 2:1 9 50; f 5; 19 42 28; i 2 NSW, • .12 78' 13 30'; 19 30( 13 30 • 7 13; 1496 2i*.27 50 7, : • CONTRA. Cr. i y amount, paid to Bigade Inspeotot, 1 e ataaSpicer as per account rendered $7,9,d II i.. 27 *m°° o -iPiid 41ftesort• • ....... ' !fiG 00 1, rIY apiocint, paid Natoli •t. : . - ;18 00 y athount paid COmmiaeioners:. : : 30 " . . _ 1 4496 21 ,ty.amouot paid for,Stationery..... ; 120 py =omit paid Coro'te Clerk !Id " i i3y !mount of Treasurer's Percentage ••• On $406',1 „ ' . ; , 9ti fay.amoiiut in Treiectivei : 120 I • ?4 ii 1 4, $7,07D.7u 111:1=31 D're'rege.'irt Due. 1 3b 00' 70; 1 82; 60 2Jt 1, 80; Yeji 1850 18,A 120', 1001 5 " 7 16 4 50 3 00 1 " 3 " 11 8 IA 2 " . 422, 421 1 07i 2 22; 1 60 $ ' 72; 1 001 GO. 1 02 27 50; • 25; 11 50i 2 22, • 1 50 i 70 • 16 00 1 72, 13 " 550 10 4 50; . 103 d 77 1 $1126 1139 tu t , tjl4:-7-r- 25 50 -16 00 t " ' T " 6 " 2t t i .$7BO 00 i $496 21 STATEMENT OF TEEASEREIefi ACCOS?;T, Relative to Road and School Taxes on Un seated Land. • Fint. Uoad Taxes DR. to amount olwarrants for Road Wes for theyeara 18-56 and's7 *885.12 CR. by amount paid township; *842.88 By amount Treasurer's percentage 12.20 Second. Sdhool TaXoi. • DR. to amount of School watranta for the yeara 1856 and '57 - *GI3 86 C.R.,by amount mid top' shipa itC11.67 13y Thastirer's perecnkage , 32.19 RTATEMENT OF FIIERIFF . 23 ACCOtNT. 1858 DR.jo amoiint of fines and Jury 'fees perscertifiente of the dlerk of Quarter Session•. • ' st2sB 00 CR. by amount paid Treasurer and - cbargod in his accimnt. x 158.11 By 3 per cent retained on $163- - fur collecting 4.89 Bp amount uncollectable 95.00 c.w.morrragAstmsa OFSUSQUEDANNA COUNTY, IN ACCOUNT CURRENT WITH SAID COLSTY. Dec. 31, 1858. DR. loarnount inTressurcr?hands as por last Auditors report 932.74 Tuamou n 1 of Du '5B 17,132.27 cTo amount received from John Youno for Fines and. Jury Fees, p158.11] 158.11 To amount from unseated land 693.50 To amount received from re turned land 31.04 Tu atnouut of money loaned. 596.00 $193,34.56 C.R.by amount paid Co. Auditors $ 18 00 By exoneration to Collect ore - *2lB 33 By percentage,d9.... 8;45.54 1,063.89 By 16 refunding order. 133.67 County orders redeemed from No.l to 615 inclnive 13,505.32 By Com'a.ou receipt $18,470 67 at 2 per cent $360.41 Bydo.onexpeudituressls,sos 32 et 2 pei cunt $310.11 679.52 By Oneurrent money • ' '5.00 By nin't ha:insurer Ganda 2%129.16 RECAPITELATION OF NEW COVET 1101.79 E MIMEO Dr. .ro 'contt-set price ft 113,600.00 To additional expense by order • - of Commiss lOTIOVi • 337.52 By furnishing Court Rouse.. 1,425.70 Cr. by Ist, 2nd, Sth and 4th issno - of Cobonds.rvieetned with intere't $14,0b0.00 By cash in Auga.t 1831 500.00 It}• ort,b psid f. r Famishing.. 1,425.70 By uninatured bonde(outst4.) 4,337.52 OTeSt734l:Ell ANNA COUNTY TREASI: RV Numn^ IA 18.59 To available funds in the Treasury' $2.129,16 To nncurrent msmoyolpreeintsn'yea. 600.00 To firth issueofeountyllond toCourt - House Contractors clue September 15, 1859 1, 51;10.60 To sixth ism*, due Sept. 15, 1860.-.. 337,52 To several amounts of Notes, Bonds, Judgments, &C., as per Auditors, Repo' t . . • 500.00 We certify the foregoing to be a correct statement. WELLS. 0. MOTI', Ir. Commis., rs. L. S. PA(iE. Attest—W. A. CI{CISknO Clef}:. 4 Commissioners, Office, Mootr se, t , Jan. 24, 1859. 1 feL3 4t Administratrix' Notice. NVHEREAS, Letters of Administration hare boon granted to the subscriber on the es tate of ANDREW ROONEY, late of the town ship of Auburn, deeessed,— , all.persons Indebted to the said estate tiro requested to ninlo im mediate payment, also all having - jest demands against the same will please present them duly itathenticated for settlement. CATHARINE ROONEY, Administratrig. ,Anbern, Jan. 20th, 1859.—w6.5 NEW DOG POWER, A GREAT INVENTION: Patented ;rune 15111, ISMS by . A. G. TIRITSII, Great Bead, Pa. WE recommend this POWER to all those who have Chtinting to do, as being em inently adapted-to their want!. It is simple and efficient, requiring leas weight to operate it than' any other power used for a similar purpose. It is cheap, and at the a me time permanent. Its constructien is so perfectly adapted to the work it has to do, that it is impossible to get it out of order. At the Susquehanna County Agricdlta : al Fair, held at Montrose, Sept-- 30th, 1t358,_ it appears from the following report of the Commitieo on Farm implements Addison G. Brush's Do g Pow. er, VoQ.k the FIRST rgEllll3l. Hero is what the Ccinunittee says: "They have been much pleased in the enema'. atibia of Addison Brio,h's newly invented Dog Power for Churoigg; combining, u they-believe, More power with less friction, at less. expense than any lunching that has yet come under their obserilition. The rasp wish which it can be don lityucted dr relmirq: and the power indefinitely increased, is. a recommendation that cannot b e extended to the endless chain or roller—its aim- Pielly is truly a remarkable feature, and a dairy- Man ban only to actpaire the ordinary ability to rise a sag', to Make a mortieo and tenon, and he has ono of thescrmachines within himself. When velientisider the drhdgery from which a farmer's wife is relieved by these aehiereinehtii of skill and genies, they cannot avoid feelia4--grateful for'every effort that may be trintlO for such-a desirable result:- They award him the premium 12-" CALEB CA RM ALT, of ABEL CASSIDY, Committee. , a bov e The b indorsement is a sulheientgoamo fee tliat this invention ii,not one of thole troy{ - leatiatUnte tibith have gulled the people . • Airfotai ;Rhiiir to perthaieloWn oettott?tty, nr.Didiiiddal right, tan now be outlet:iodated. We incite - these who are interratedin improving and etteigiining firrot implements to 'give ds WI and examine our Dog Power. We offer @ do p l dadatoAts Wit those who engage in this business are mit only,stire to.mako motley them selves, but prove a Weide.* to`every onE Who has chaining to do arbodi they furnish With ono of these labor. saving Poinent. - 13/LITLI, RECKUOW ie. YOUNG, jer:20.'59.1 ' • 'Great.Bend, Natke. N9TICE is hereby gisten•to all pereone' hay. ing denrsnds ,pgainst jbe Osiste of Mary lihe'htthe Icisrn:".fiiii ef . 71f6reit "fs_lke, aajne mnerhe preseniq fornrrepgertien and &Merl- Ili eirtite are re/nested to 1 . 4'216 Tin mediae pa yreen f. • . C. E .h.lect.:(,/. tztet .t; 1859 --thr. • NT PAID POI OATS! AT MONTROSE DEPOT. ruflE subscriber or his Agent will bo st .I. Montrose Depot, until tho first day of March next, to pay cash fur pats on delifery. W,ill'pay 4.1 cis. kr :bushel during the.next den days. W. H. KEELEIL Feb. 3d, 1850.—w3 ' tt'Sb 12 Warr - ANGULAR HAY KNIFE, ' r ill s kind „t HAY IiII FE 9s usci'd.4to 4yt.llny in : a.3.loFor.Atneks. The follow , letter will t l how nor useful the Kuirea are. , Ch!:crox, PA. E iritr.:'---Drar Sir:—Piero rernenillpr the tewnwhip I bought of you,-1 Inzdo .otie huivired dollar+ in few week.,-in soiling yniir Hoy Knife. Pien,e tintLeceloi•ed $2O rgain f r the right of two more townships. D. CLIFTON. 663.86 Persons wishing to make money .ns stated above can do so by. sending 'Feu Dollars to me. and I trill, send by Malt P . printed genuine Deed, for the right of nny frAFasltp on may wish in Susquehanna County, Pa., and I will send by Railroad one Knife for a model. but you must state to what station you want it sent, &e. Full particulars how to make the Knives, and cost of Knives, will be sent with!the Deed, upon the re. eeipt of price as Above. 'This is no humbug. ' Address $258.00 .0311321 liomorville, Medina 'Co, Ohio, . 12 A HAPPY. NEW ,YEAR TO ALL ---FOR--- 1858 i 8 dead andgone, and 1859 is briquet - begun. SO please call, at the illiotttrose ie Store and Lay acepy of tha Arts of Bea it ty by Lola 31ontez, and subscribe for Godey's Lady's Souk at Sal,Oti, or tor Peterson's, Arthur's, Frank Leslie's, Mrs. A. S. Stephen's &c., &e., nt the lowes club rates. ' Harper's and the Atlantic at,et:3,oo each. Call and buy n copy of Livimo44(.l Travels and Explorations in South Africa. and a copy of Recollections of a Life Time by S. G. Goodridh A fine sett of Chessmen, n beautiful.Albunt, or Portfolio, a nice Pock,•t Bible, or a l'raym Book, (of which you can find 15 or 90 styles,) a copy - or Miss Cooper ' s Mount Vernon Letter, a anperior Pocket Knife, a Pocket Maly and Almanac, 1.1: des, Democratic, Farniers','Fribune, and Juvenile AlM:macs for 18:)9, &c., &e., and at the same time subscribe for any good Family Paper you may choose at the vgy lowest club prices.. For further items of exciting news and Mt portant events ilense buy and rend the .V. ledgit. of Jan. • Bth and 15th, for sale at the 51ontrose Book Store, by A. N. BULLARD. 51ontrose, Jan. 4th, 1859. • • Ems' Discorerel at Last. L A CERTAIN CURE FOR CORNS & BUNIONS! persona atilictini with these painful ex eresences, call effect perfect curea, without the aid of n surgeon or the !min , . by using Sap. ford's Corn Plasters. Sent by mail. ppst paid, 'to any part of-the country on receipt of 81. • Address S. J. SA7iFORD, s.tt Deck-4t., der3o •or Box '261 P.t cl'hilaileipliK • 819,531.56 FRANCIS B. DAVISON, M. D.- - /` -WILLPRACTICE- Medicine and Surgery. in Montrose and adjorrnt parts of Say l er. Fanner C'oun ty_ OFFICE in the Store of C. W. Morr. RESIDENCE Corner opposite the Methodist Church. Montroie, Nov. 16, 1858. - $20,263 2:2 20,f.22 BMGHANTON WATER CURE. 111‘wharnicA lt Broome county. N. r. THIS establishment is open for the reception of patients daring the whole year, and arranged with a view to the comfort 'and con - veto.. of invalias daring the Coto 117t4Tzt,ca. wan woOP))2 xeems are thormiittly imrmeti, and the entiro house is kept nt SUMME:II. ' Experience haq demonstated that :th'e Water Treatment is ninit,snett,essfal during the AUTUMN AiD \\INTER IMAM EXPRESSLY TO THE SICK, You are an invalid and desire telt° cured. You long for health,—mako the proper effort and your health will ho restored. Are ywur Liver and Stomach disetted? Are your l'broat\and Lungs 4ise:tlsed 'Aro you Brd.lolden—unable,to walk? Have you Rheinnikm or Impurity of tho Blood Have you General Ltubility antltul ,, itation of the • Heart Haveall your efforts heretofore proved abortive ? Go,to the Binghamton - %Valve Curg. IV,'er Trea:nuni . cure . you. *!For fuitherpartieulara ran at the "Cure" or address 0. V. THAI ER, M. D. , SETTLE - ! SETTLE!! Short Settlements .tnake Long Friends. FOR the accommodation of those 'Who have patroniied'me•heretofaM;f stilt tay;thiit I will he with my books, bills, and accounhi at the following named-places for full .settlement of the same; narthat 1 wish to hurry payment, but that we may settle and ply When-you can. We will take oats, and in fact, most every kind of produce—ao, gents, if you have anything to spare bring it right along. MONEY' NOT REFUSED i 1 will be nt Win. Jones' near Lathrop's Lake on Tuesday, Feb. 84; nt Geo. Ball's in Forest' Lake Thur Atty and Friday, Feb. 16th and f flit at Elijah Adams' it and Tuesday and Wed nesday, Feb. 15th and 16th; zit Ge,o. Lewis io Diineek Friday, Feb. 18th; nt Beeman's, elite Center, Tgesday, Feb. Wad; ,Thursday and Friday, Feb. lith a,p,d 250,14 James Bionklyti:Chnter - at Wilirrartferi,' flnpbottorn Station. Tuesday s llareh lat;,_at Idiek?x'a, Spring. rifle, Wednesday) Marek.tid. • , • Como One: Cgmo A 111: N. B. I 'Ariinld Ito glad to see my friends near Montrose atontr#tne-'4c, ogid:ln and settlo. • I.l.antroaa,l.an. r 5,18.59.1„ IL THAYER... IV` A Book fbr 14vorybody: STARTLING DISCLOSURES ! 1 - 1 1 t. TELLER'S great - work for .the married -shoecohteruplat t leg mar. age-200 pages of rice 93 reitts—seat to all Arta under seal, by mail, 'OST-AID. 50,600 eop- Ni sotd the past year. The inglemirrisd,and the mar ied-happy. A Lecture on tone a partner; a.complcite y.- It cantatas 'hundreds of se crets never l*pfiblisliedwarranted to be worth three titieti the amount asked for it. 25cts in specie or postaestinipk, erielosed, will 11( euro. a copy by return-mail. ...Address TELLER, M. D. . No. S. fleiver.st, Albany; N. Y. Er De. Vtritrtie Fitukcs Pm.% sl' a Lox, with ftill.directinns, Married ladies alt,Oulrf Mit use them.-Bent h.* • • - - PAUTION,IhoIte Nits nut iv/4,n 4y finatei ifir • PiliSIT 4101f1'iteil Pregnancy, fir they clic suron rause miscarriage, 'but a 4 i sny s aker ilms i they g resafe. game df nerions aydspinaVafraofon,pain in fhihack and lint fact i gge.on exprtion. palPitationp,f bean, bystertes aid WhiteS; 4.1430 pine will ect a Cure when all other reloanslutre ; 4144; and Atha' a powerful remedy, do not cot,- r ta;nl ton , c .t nfixt;Pir, 6: rin~th4ha'tnirtfr,i to the on DR. TE'I.f.ER I.ns above. febl?,Pl",!, R.. IL - .-1. : NO MORE PA IN, .NOMORE-#SIOkNES'S, NO MORE RHEUMATISM, OR srirestss OF THE Jon:s, LUMBAGO, HEAD- ACIIES, TCOTIfACIIES OT. SITFEEING YRO3I BODILY loutrents. 771 c Rapid and Complete fleecy of, - RADWAY'S • Ready ittlief, In Instantly sloppingilita most Ara c mending" Palits%-aa Od a ACkes, sit r in, Scalds, cans, Wounds, !Manisa.* render it important ihat - everyfamily keep a. 017 ply of it:in the house. Armed with this remedy, a household is al way protected against sudden:attacks of sick:. now. Thousands of lives of peauxis have been saved by, its timely use, who weru.euddegly seized in,tlie.r.i,ght time with..Ctathps,,n , a,;m4, Vomiting, chide rit."fellew FoVer,lind'other vio lent disemies. - Let a dose of this Remedy be taken internally, as the rise may require, when suddenly 'mixed with Pain or Sickness, and it will INTANTLY TIELIE VE THE TATCENT Y1:011 PAIN, and arrest the-disease. e • • gAtualsgen)itigtlief, Has Currd RHEMUAT/SM, 1 'ln four !mum. NEURALGIA, . . In ono hour. CRAMP, - . , . In ten minutes. DIARRI AA, . - In fifteen minutes. TOOTHACHE, - - In ono minute. SPASMS, - . s - In fire thinulem. SICK IIEADACHE;' - In ten minutes. CHILLS AND FEVER, - - In fifteen minutes CHILBLAINS -1: - lh tifteeh minutes. INFLUENZA, -In six hours. SORE THROAT, - - In - ten minuutem• BURNS. - - • In thenty minutes: FROST IILTER,- - - • - AGUE CHEEK, PA RA LYS'S. . LAMENESS, . . . . LEE= AMUSES, WOUNDS, S'l'R A INS, and SPRAINS, the moment, it iU applied to the injured partn, all pain and troksineas tense. Look ont for Conn lerfeita rind imitations—Purehann only RAD WAY'% READY RELIEF. Price :15 ets., 5 ets.; and per bottle. A Now Contribution to Science Tlio-Gent Grand Discovery.. 1- - , • (No. 3,) Radway's Regulating Pills, Dn. il.voway & Co. have ftivently discovered a method for extracting from roots, herbs, plants antl gems, a nutritious eitirnet Of sacs wonder ful nourishing power—which they hare combin ed with - It at , way's it CGCLATiItAI PlLLS—that six of these Pills will supply the blood with the same am. unt tif nutrition as one ounce of ordi nary bread: so that, - --vhilo the system is under. going a thorough physicing, and regulating process, it dnily l becomes strengthened. Persons afflicted with LIVER COSIP:. A I , ;T, Dvs rarsta, HEART DISEASES, FULLNESS OF BI.f•OD, and all Females who are subject to lantant.att irt.Es, ilvsmtta, tr.. are particular rerom mended to use these Pills. Theyeard pleasant to take—elegantly coatrti with gum—free front taste, and wilt not grips, sicken or trrel:Pn. the system, or leave the hoWels costive. Mothers nursing should likewise take one or two of these Pill s once or twice per week. They will not only keep yeur system healthy and regular, but will protat _tolr infant against Cramp and Pains in the stomacVand insure not only a healthy child, but will invest every child, thus suckled, with. a sweet disposition. liad*ay's Itpril4ips Pills - Regulate each and every organ of the system, and - corectall derangements of the Liver, Bowels, Stomach, limit and Kidtheirs: - ' '-, They, Cure COSTIVENESS, INPIOESTION, HEART-131.711N, pi's P E I'SIA. ii lIA Ot3Oli ESS, - COI'iSTIPATION, 130B.OPSY, fiEADACIIE„ - PALPITATION of ' CONGESTION... the iIEAR.T, • &c., &c, &c. - They are entirely yeketable . tuil harmless; an infant at the bretatain take then with safety, and persons who aro - suljeckto Fits pf Apepli•i'y, Epileptic, Heart Dims/Ws, &c., should nlwnvs keep a hos on hand. Price -25 Ceuta. . ~ - . Abk, for Runway's ascuLaTuns, or h.EGULAUNG PILLS. Tho Groat Constitutional Remedy - • 11. R I?: • (No. 2) NCAV Lifc-Creatiiiit `,ltsoltyent Ile:all Old Sores, I . "4rifies 04 Blood; Instills within the System renewed.llialth,and Re solves and Ezierminefles- all. Chronic, and Constitutional Diseases. Thin great ..nu s d glorieua tomeiiv . ahorild be hailed by the human race. an a special gifilrom the Almighty, to rcgeneratedilapidatml hamanity. Pa, RAnyvmr & Co. are the ,only Ph inns 'end Cheinists in the world- thtit have sue ed#ll in discoVeiing n remedy: thg e ir eetualli eradicate from the Imnian aystOna , cOnntitational diseases and ailments, linnatalt(ed froth* pnrents to theli• children. Radway's Renovating Resolvent Will rune:llly as term inato.frodi timayster3 • Frer4ll3, .: elotnkerii; Syplili;:,• - ' Fit., -- 1, Fewer Suite;Ennitings from the Ear, Ulcers, . Whim Swellings, '. SMO Efes, Tutittini - / • -:, ; Sore Leg!, s ''Cancerous Affeotionte; Soraltlontb, i Nodes, Sore Head, Rickets, .. ... '. Insanity, Glandujar Swellinms m,I linoactram, ' Ni. 44 0 91 . 31 L,1N .4 . • Ail Dir:eases of the Qoasuattmoqi . . , t.' 1: Womb, Emil Totter, Prolsrsus Uteri, 4 nm l orsot..; R ,- „ n d : . s, t; Skip .Direases, Clironie Mnivithitisifi, Salt Rheum, i Dispersin, And 'ail disear that haye been.ostabliabed: in the system fe.• years. PEOCE ONEJK)LLAR ! PER BOTTLE. Soon ny piturfOti EviLnywitettne ItADWAY Sc CO., 163 Fulton . Y. , • ; • on 7.3•lnsott TO 4 11 1 1iLINTIfRISTED._.. THE subscription accounts of the F.rnLet McCm.Lum & GF.RRITI4OII have been placid in the hap4sof Ikaaecrbe alone be ing authertied and liii•e'reekitifs for the serum He designs tranealising-thteountyriliffd it is -desirable .that all inflebtid should cattle promptly, thereby savin'g furth'e'r trouble sad -es pense le all parties; f , 4 .1:-R::liteCOLLEI, i‘ , l A. J. GERRITSON. Montrose, 8/gambol-it st;1888: - /j~IIE Partgarship: heiatefora etiatiilg % - f6dcr ilto hike lirkitittlEEV - 8/ WLNILIIV iiVtfirVitai'dhiii&ls v ed by - mutual consent. The airodn'ta - of 'the halo Critt- Are In this hstad4 efl3. V:Barumscho. hi:authorized te,settki this Bathe. :V. BARNES. 24t h 18'561 GE0.11:11A51} 1 11% , , • " • `:;:r and Repair irg bo Eon'tinited thd under glaptt olit,statilt of . Ifen_it qt_pntoSts, wtipre Ike ill prBpnij to attionftio trti, wairts ipidineveicosiontigs with proitiptOot*Oil ljan tr.7w4,+l. • S. V. 13411.iit;S: rirtEETti:::•.(il 7 .lt AND MAIN 'IE L . for oito tyv 4 • ' ABEL; TOM: tali! Monti ose,.Febru'aiy Gt; 1851 I. J. DICKERMANOIIt. HARDWARE . • 'Aub . tote- 61401111 n . • FULL IN - BLAST; TA"y undersigned would tako this . appoitu nit to inform hia.friends and cookintors thaelte has reypotly.,,tnatic large additions to his forintl extensio, stogi; ~ . hardware, -Stoves, 'Stove Pipe, Stove'Trimmings, Zinc, act., nod that he is prepared to supply the until of the comthrinity In that fine at unusually low prices.; _Be-flatters himself that his facilities for :nano rukurin g .bie own Wares, Stoves, dtc4give him a 4cei l led„ndvantage over any y‘•ho pur chaSo and transport at, a . heacy expen.so thriren , tire stork. ' He would say tO thoSe who,Wish to parchhbe STOYF.S of any'desmiption, STOVE. PIPE, ar TRIMMINGS, of any kind, arid pay for them, he is prepared to give , them great bltepilia; but trr those who want.to purchase,on a year's credit and then let it run two yea . rs inert; he had rath er . they would call on some cue olse, even if they taco to pay scventy•five. per. cent more. tNan, an article in worth.' In Min line'of • • . , • Shelf Hardwafe, • his assortment is the largest and best seleatud in Swopehannl County; purchased' Mt his stock has hein Mostly of manufacturea, he iA enabled to offer inducements to those conntrY merchants who buy small Wilk rarely found this •sido of the big city. We can offer,special inducements to Carpenters end Joiners who are in want of either Tools, or Building, Mt:Uri/its. Black smiths can Tina ANVILB, VICEW_BELI OWS, imd, in fact, alinost anything in the; line, by call. Inoous, t tit it i cia Our stack Dry Geoc3s , Groceries 4 11oots and . Woes, Bats - and CFiE, Van.. • kee Notionts, acr: !tr.; is as htrge.es the times will admit of. They wore purchased at a - low figure,•and' will be sold at prices to corrospodd with the times. • READYZADE CLOTHING ! We lave just ' opened about one-and rt-half cords of ready-made, -clothing.- Every holy says they ire cheap. Sam say they are very cheep, and a number have,itentured to ray they aro fl.g cheap. Certain it is that n.sniall,pile of money will buSi'a largo Pile of Clothing. We would add, in this connection, for the in formation of all concerned annho "rest of man kind,", that wo are tired and sick qrcirlit system; we have suffered enough by it ather.dk, and are 'determined to rid ourselves of the the whole "critter." Eelieting, that,the nimble sixlienth is the truo system, we are resolved to adopt it, and are pffering oar \gd i eds ., at prices to correspond. • *;",*Prcidice talon in exchange tor tends. 3. DICKERMAN, Jr. _ New Milford, NOV 2904,18.58 i. eh.) fb c sf BURT T • Is just receiving a Laige Stock of NEW STOVES INCI'.TJDING n , frill aforftnetlk (4..F.Jevatcd Olen, Large Oren and mt. Pry,dtium Cook Stover., (for woad or.coni). with superior variety of Parlor, Office and ShoP:'nfid'Siore. (for wood or. coal); also, Store, Pipe, Z9nc, Sleet Irom,Storallobes. dee.; Si;e., dim! . - - Ilia runsortment-ineludes tiro moat SELEar and D.E44.tnan4 hlriPV ES -in market,, and will be Hold on the 310 . 5 T • FAvor.Apta reßlils, 41114 to ivltictilic i.v6garrlifileAtreTiffittalliiintt or CAqii tnyerm. [New Milford; Noy. Ist. 1858. The GIL LL'ilr AMBASSADOR of. IIEALTIII "Linkind. 11OLLOWArS PILLS. ' A Boon to the Sick .r 111: 'want of a iterting medicinal to meet the. itts nihrtieeessities of t he - stitferint , per tien or humanity,end ono;entirety free free] rnhernl and other de leterious particles,. was severely felt until this all powerful medicine...wee ushirml - .into the Holloway invaluable Rills bare be ei,me the llonscse4:l Reinedy of - all nations. Their attribatqi is Prevent,as xell as to cure: they atthek the radix "root, of the 'complaint, -and removing the hidden cause ordbie . aso reinvigor ate and restore the ArooPinit eiieri e ries of the aye. tem, assh.ting nature , in her tag: of Vital' and Funationaty Reforination. . . • '° „Arspepeisk. . Th groat scourge_ °C.:this Continent yields ijuiekiy.o n courso.of these antiseptic Pills, and Alfe digestive . ';tgans ire restored to their prdper tope; no matter in what hideous, shape this .hy tire of disease exhibits itself,'' this sonichi'ng and onerring!remedy.disipiseeit from the atient'spe, •.- • General Dgblllty and Weakness. - From -vkhatever untie, Lowness of Spirits, and all other faigns of a diseased, liver, and other dts, organizations of the -systeni, tallish under' the eradicating influence Of this all pewerful anti , septic and detergent remedy. lallfons Disnrdees. The proper quantum and right condition of the bib; is of , momentous 'importance to the health of the human frame, this Anti:Bilious' medicine expels the hidden seed; of the:complaint, and renders all the fluids and secretions pule and tincint r eletinsing and restiscittitfrie the vital func tions of, the body. • . . • . , F ema l e s . - Should lOose no time In frying a !Uri doemqf this regulating add renovating remedy, w_hatever they - be their complaint, it can 'be taken With safety In afi periodical and etherdisorgianizations, itcreffects is all but miraculous. 1 — g.:zare/tutcut Proof. •. ' The.-„testtmopv uf pat:foto ip , unanimously botnolo the' hcrilth-giving yirtnes . of this ophlo i'emedr; and certiNcatoiln every rivibg language benr witaos&to ,ilte - fialeniablettesi of the In trinsid Worth. • -• • . • iiottogyiy's pithi are the remedy known in the .• worktfee the Allowing dixeluen. . • Anthem, Diarrbiea; =lnfluenza, . Stone and Bowel Com-Drotaiy i , .; • .ipthun'ation,Gravel. . 1 / a bility,. Inward . Sonenslary Coughs; I, -Fever and Witaineas;, sy.niPtocas, Colds, ' - Liver Veherval. Cheat Dis•Feniale Complaints, Allectiona. IlielrwAm't'Cirutittrtillibi`,LiiwnetiTeiit Worms' or Costiveness,/lendaches, Spirits, • , all kinds. llyxpepain, indi g estion„Piles t ILW!CATITfCIitig-3, 4 lane ate. genuine :unless the words . ~.‘lioihnecy, ,Vrie York , and London:" are diacerntble nsi - Water-mark in every rim' of the book of -directions around each pot or bon thertuitne.mity - liet plainly Wei by •heidirtg , - the leaf to the fight. • kbaildsome Onward Will be given to anyone - rendeting sucti f informatiok na may lead to the defection deity Tarty:or:pasties counterfeitkog the medicinei Or vendi'ng the same, knewing Chao - to Liaotipurions.. • '., c e * spld• ak lb. -Mnnufaalories : of Professor 11 ott.owtiT, 80 111 aid en "Line. Now ••Ye rk• and by all resportablopruggiNta end Dealern in Medi eino•throughput the United States and the "virld,j4 lippptitt -•Coannti !nil $1 eadtr - ' 4 . 4 % t • •, Tharels conaiderkblintaving by t s tki thu larger ajxea.. , N. li.-Direvtion,e,for4,ll. guiddintei flatintts in•fiTcry, lijawder litiscolTuted tai'•eieh Am: June •34, - • • . e[22,6swir,lP' fiii..lluptfititE,rs tioNicE()twrilic jJ Itoinotlinsfor Anti. lluggu,L, riIIOGRAVI:PI---A I.*.V iJ De. id; fZtj. l , - A.:CURIO:LC ' tiVt' 'PE • ••, • • A • - X : • 7 , • C 4 - OF ;Inn ittADY-PAY SYST E IT -is certain that floodil'ean be soh! scr,l*.cp ly in Montrose and at S sq it c IFL FOR .CAS,H.: Tinto this.iiiserlinit will Ili; to At the attires of 6atteilbtro, tiOlA.mtraih, when. , rt kill . 1;c. prncen that the seiloag. iris' 'Goode can .afforA...4.,:rta for Cahn, and eau offer indritieinemx.:rfr:i ,, 4; make it "an objet to Purci , , e.Ar4, pricriffee they'll re- ohl 7 ged in Money to adopt in 'their Pate, SYS 7 rm. - 'hey rele77PTarifi reising, n large tiasortaaran.qpri• CLOTHING, particolprly F .LL AND arid wh'.eil Ai() purebaspcl un4 , - , t] ble cirempstancea. • TfrPy 111 , 5 -• .. o'frer . ieti it fir:lee far belo •.• give 1 1 0 . 41.-b47Ct !Ikea six everld : matter wheitir: it is I'om, Die:, fr.• EXAMIN E, COMPARE AND F 'f'r OUR DRY GOOli', An nenort.rnent heretofore unefinaledbyar:•••-.F . .,7 ever offered in ATentrase. • Fancy and' Staple Drg Gocp.i:s Compiiging amy, new and depirable Goods unknown in.thi9 Jnarkef , salon . * whi . "h"'''l be Tonna, ie. LADIES' DWESS GOODS AH the novelties of tho seasOn,"cheiv GUTTENBERG, ROSENBA.UM, & SHAWLS! New and elloice . 01*reeho double.single, Stella, Plaid, Wool, Talm , , and Matti': and a new style of Chenill Shawls, cheap at - Outtmbrrg, k rlTh LUU, AO asagrtmeni always ,on liandoisq Ladios' Clot and Trimming to matth, of all shades, cheap at , Outtrnbertl, '*ostubanut, 'EMBitOIDEItIESL In this Department we can oeer-gresit:indace went% as they ors pnruluoeil directly, tams in:- porting houses, The cen),Kiaes French Netts, •Slee'vt.x and Collars, Worked Edgings and Inserting, • and agreniastaity.MOee si ti . Cies belong to thikliste too numerous to men- ( t , tiOn, ebeatkat - tql 4 kil:TiEßG, ROSENBAUM, d; CC;'S Bonnets. Ribbons; 'Flowers and Plumes, Wi4e; Stiff Net tinge and Frame at Wll,..lc.baie wad P.:.0.ai1,--ult2opz.t GUTTENBERG, IZO:SRNPAU.V.IE- CO'S. _Do .. mes' ,Gdods. ‘. 31ny be found all tue difereit Ginghates, Illeuehe4 7onda, Fine 1.1711: 0 4,:ir'J Sluelin9, Ticks; Sbeetfn tl 1 . 1 fda wide, cheap at . . . • . . . G TTE TIOS EN B I; READT EIDE COMM As thisjs Fno.of Bushi r ess ;n New.l7,ork. City,:t they v, • one grent tiratrtgre over al Ithe r , st, they haring oa.prtnhr,stredr r'`; city to devot6:lll hill time to •-: of matioarctitrinsr. ' They cri-1 t time, a Good Galileo!. at About 'tee foriirhich the material earl „They will ;currant theie.work and fit ( - g i p° pac, l. They, It eep 0 . 4 gnilQue (.f stocks the c of ' . OVER AND tINDEICOATS! : Such as Frock ; Mess,' Raglan, and Snck PANTS - lat erect_ fricrieo elkd Dibrent ;Styles. VESTS," ' cheap at -.;- , GtrrrENORC., CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER; of the B 1 Xotortal at Short Not 4 1 . _ fiev. --• II er , Garments FOR L A PIES AS F irE LI: AS" 0 R such na Silk, and also Lambswool, cheap si dirf tEißifiG, iioSM`lßilju,As cdb•s: ; O.N . E - = • is surricrENT F O R THE WISE: T o F - R . . 1 E .- NCil CITSTOTVIERS _ And in pattionlarinithosolttmtring:itoniaahres ladabted• Wit% We' say.:ntira Entire that IVO Will ;MAI ' tOr•ltgad.k 4 )3 Yr ,It4inafter. and at! Ac onunts and Itiatetimuat be aintlad..witileld Fur ther NOtta f t. ;polar° Jire(Vot writing Duuninr Letters and thtiPiiit9ttice,andibui: by, )ottitg:;:(.. W-e NVIR 4414 . kinds of Cifoirn 11,4 Itilthestblarkat Price for IP A yir le in,..„D i t a!: Aceounteil:atandlng; nfor% RI 7tiontha ;dr( ' 'orit. ttookii wilt ha toft'-tor (tnilettPti tiniest" w ettli.:; by Note—, ; • , Mt/trb,ce. Pa.; Oat r 20=1;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers