THE MONTROSE DEMOCRAT. GMM'SON, Editor. APIONTROSE, SUSIMIANtsIA COUNTY, PA. Thnrsday, Feb. 24, 8 5 1.50 Pet Amnon is Advanae. _ -.- .111 who h. - qv untitled subscrip tion accounts of this.offlic of more than one .yearls , tandin . q sn;ist settle the same immediately, 'or the next notice-faill come from a Justice the Peace. .No longer delay can be allowed. A settlemeni-seetsqess then (WA( 041 A g' the Democratic State Coacetsqou tneels at Iluritborg,Wednesday, Much .16th. Av- An adsettiaetnent of • the New York Wcek!y iR be !I - main out. colutnns. It is one of the best vtperspublished.. Yor . sale, at Bullard's News Of • Pr The tuition in the Ptimary Depart ment;of the Normal School is $5.50 per term inste;rd of MOO, as our'typtshairelbiis l far Sec notice of the opening address elsewhere. 121 - (.. 4 n Friday evening last, .at 9' o'clock, a fire was discovered in a small hovel, cow taining hay, in the rear• of sheds at the Bap. tint Church iirliontrOse. It was extinguish= ea without - being communioated with other buildings. This is thought to be the work of an. incendiary. - Let It be remembered That G. A. Grow,and the main bed,y Ire& domAt iekers'opposed the admission .or the free State of Oregon, and that the chief ob jection given was - had - not sufficient mutation to entitle her toedrnission,o3,42o 'inhabitants being the regnired ratio. Grow and his din 'newdeny_that the poptilatiem is or *been over half that number. "Ey his own record is the demagogue condemned." Turn to the Congrssional Wae, page-520, 34th Congress 9d session, Jan. 31st, 1857 over two years ago—and we finti'tbe follow ing passage from the lips of G. A. Grow t_ The population of Oregon, so 'eras the bust information which we hare goes, consists 1•?/ - sontewhere_ about 90,000. • Grow was then cliairetin of the c6mmittee on terrifories, and of course bad the best .op portunity of any to know , the truth of his as sertion: lie then reported the enabling act Jro Oregon, advocated its passage. and voted for 11,•togetber" with the test . oi tie members ddangress. At that time and since (if we take his parry's word, for authroity,)there wa.s a prospect of Oregon being a slave State. Now she asks for admission as tcf reo - State, and Grow and his companions suddenly change front and . 'vote to keep her out I Have they not changed their motto of "no mot/ slave States," to that- of "no more iris , States ?" Their recta so ifcelari, at least; end by men's acts' aline erelseto juge them. .1 • - keep in befoin the. Feopl That before- Mr..Bucbsnan's electioni; the .yew Fork Tribune, declared that surn as there is a God in heaven" if he were elect ed all our tetritories would Le • )itade stave States; and this .infamously stud designedly false and wicked declaration - a as - echoed in substance hf - the Whole Fremont party. Look at the result. Two• years of Mr. BuchaLan's sise ant: judicious administration will hitve expired on the 4th of March. During this time two fr©e States hays• been admitted in opposition to the best (worst) efforts of the •7'ribrras pack. Other territor ies are biding their,time and. maturing ax - rangerneuts for, alike welcome from the Nalional Democracy, who,- alone, ever hare and ever will ,welcome and admit new sisters to our glorious confederacy, 'in' spite of the combined efforts of Niggerism, Kriownothing ism of whatever other detestable ism s may ,spring up,to a loathsome crerercence `upon the Banner of•the Union. - Admission of Oregon. The follorring are the names of 'the mem bers of the Ho& of Representatives, es 'they voted-on the atimbition` of Oregon into the Union : i'ear.L-Messes.•Adrian,,;Ahli Atzold, -At kiss, Avery, Barksdale, Barr, Billinghurst, Bir"ieock, Bowie., Branch, 13avirett, Burns, Caruthers, Case,-CstrAitr, Cavanaugh, Chap man, Clark Of Missouri, Clay,John Cochrane, Cookerell, Colfax,, Comi n.s, Corning,, Cox, Cragin, Craig of Missouri, Craig of Nufth Carolina, Curds,Davidson, Davis of Indiana, Davis o Mississippi, Dewart, -Dimmick, Edmondson, Ellicit, - English, Florence, Foley, Foster, Garkell, Gillis, - Greenwood, Gregg, Groesbeck, llall of - Ohio, Hatch, Hawkins, Hodges, Hopkins, Horton, Hughes, "Jr ckscin, Jenkins, Jewett, Jones ef Tennessee, Ow en Jones, 101 - g•re, _Konlel of Pennsyl vania, Lamar; Laud,, Iswreoce,Leidv, Lester, • Letcher,Maclay, McKibbiu, Mcßae, "Marshall of Illinois, Mason, Miiler, Montgomery, Mortis of Illicois, Nrblack, Nichols,Pendleton,Pelii&t, Peyton, Phelps of Ilisarreri, Phelps of Mina.; sota r Phillips,Powell,Reagant, Reilly, Hunan; Ratak!, Sandidge, Scott, Searing, Seward, Shaw of Illinois, Singleton, , with ef „Smith Of Tennessee, , Stephens, Stephenson, Stewart of .ilsr)laud, Talbot, George Taylor, Taylor of Louisiana, Thayer, Vallancligbam, • -Ward, Watkins, White, Whiteley, Winslow, Wood,. Worteatlyke, 'Wright of GcOrgia, Wright of Tetaraisaear— . . Nayi-I.lessrs: Abbott, Andrews,Binheto, Blair, Bonbon), Boyce, Brayton, Bryan, Ikif fiaton, Burlihgame, Bourrongba, Chaffee, Clark of Coonecticat, Clark of .New' York, Claws - on, Cobb, C. B. Cochrane, Covode, Crawford„,-Curry, Davis of Maryland, Davis' 1 of lowa, Dawes, Dean, Dick, Dodd, •Durfee, Edie,Tarnsworidi ' Feotou,: Giddings, Gilman, Gilmer, Gooch, Goodwin, Granger, • a r pLarlEnr, Hall of Massachu setts, Harlan, Harris, Haakin, .IEI4 Hoard, Houston Howard,. Kelm, lieitt, Kellogg, Kelsey,,. Knapp,. Leach, Loiljoy, MaQuese, Mioultsall of Kentucky, Minter:or, I Miles, 116 Ore, - Morgati, Morrill; *kris of Pennsylvania, /tlZrseof Maine.. Morita of New York . .. Mott, Murray, Olio, Palteer, Parker, Pike. Potter.: Pottle.- Purvim.tte, Riceud, -Jackie, Itelkins;. P•obbtrts, kaoYce, - Sea* Slaw of Notch Stamen of flew York, Sborteri.klukith of .:Virginia, Spinner, . fitalwor t , hcSial*Aos Stewart Permaylannia, Tappan,Thompson , .-Teetttpkies„.. Ttippe' Underwoodi-Venee,44/atie,.Watbridge,Wal litoni Welton; IViShberie of Minas, lgatk- Wiloonein; lirasinbtifinCOl l ll4se, Woodson, Zollikotrer-1*.% ' 1 . 1111111 u - A 4.: 02, Y. —Th e 13:ac k Republicans are in terrible agony over the attais , i...n of . Oregon. The exercnie of the r inherent rirtits by the !feople of thnt.:late territory (now State) is a grievous ',offetic4 to ,the would-be diettors of the, paity, istcebtraiiz ailtsa.ssiid aPPiaa,tavr.' Thal,=> the free white men of Oregon should date to establish: is white man's State, without so much as con sulting the darkics or their allies, seems to give thentatts , trdelizinin:lreeket;,4-31niret , The Chester 'county, Tinto, in common with others, boils over with impotent frenzy. Wd i • ,' give Ili* specitnet s of its ravini postions of the,constitution of tin are a disgrace to any civiliiel l "Tho-hotiso of "a colored man us ed, his wife outraged, Lis famid and ''eren Murdered, and there it for hint.." . - The : Times , further at negro may be waylaid and robbj punity, and regrets that any" could be found who could vote f All while Kansas was pleading is 'mission. , We seppore the "disgrace" eV, State, is; that her people prefer t 1 white men, to that of srnroes; which no respectable wLi:e ma repudiate. With reffard to tl murder, - t otAtery, tee., perhaps tbi has yet lo learn that they are p the criminal law, wit - hi:Mt- Term ens, subjects. or others. To murder may be committed with Oregon, Oregon, is the - extieme of foll y other crimes. Any poises of cc ought to know better. To learn that Kenna is pleat. mission is decidedly refreshin , Tribtine net having heard of it. Time was, when-not Kansas—but the I eches who were fattening upon her woes, eked for her admisNion under the so-called o Topeka con stitution, and the party that n w moans so . pitifully over Oregon, clamored for her ad mission"under that bastard affai yet, it con tained the sameprose:iptive fea tire as does the conitittitioo of Oregon ! 1 hat a" con sistentsef of chaps ouropponents are.—Claim that datkies are citizens, yet v to to deny them a residence in Kansas, an in the seat I breath curse the people of 0 egon for , a i f similar act 1 1 ' In order that our readers ma- - 1 qeainted .vii:h the exact nature [Of the Oregon Conitiluilaii all inegroes fVom entering the State passage touching this point : 'No free eegro or mulatto, n this,State at thetime of the ad Constitution, shall ever come,_ within the State, or hold any r make any contract, or maint therein ; ,and the Legislative .M pro - tilde by penal laws _for the pubic officers, of all_ such free mulattoes, and • for their effects from the State, , and for the pi persons wheshall bring them in or employ and harbor them ther "No Chinaman,not a rasident at the time of the adoption of i I tam, shall ever hold any real est ,clairo, or work any mining clait "The'Legislative Assembly , by law, in the most effective ms rying out the above provis'ous." "No tegro, Chinaman, or r have thee right of suffrage." By tb,is it will be observed that i to such negroes or others as w Stale at the time of the adopti stitution, and not to such (if ‘ in as had Already settled there. Ti propOsell to take from no pets°, rights, but merely serves to kee coming there ; an not .which prove., To have simply declare should be excluded from the be useless ;' a law must sot on :tory, but must provide a penal than t and in this respect that vides for what the necessities o minded,- 'lolling more. Pet there do so at their own tfstr, :mane the responsibility corn such intrusion. State Officers of 0 The officers chosen under t stitution of Oregon will assn•, lions immediately after the rece of their recognition by Con: were three tickets run at the la State officets, and the candida were respectively denominated' and Black Republicans—the . two divisions of the De,mocrati, Ilards'were the eupPurtent of Lion, while the Soto, - Apia fr. questions which were b:oUght vas: tnight'be called tLe Doug The ticket ofthe Ilardssocce:. 1114414 majority over bmb th!l ginizatioos. neCunsthution under whirl nor operate as a S'Ate. was ado venticin In the Fall.of 1.867, of November it was submitted . for ratification or rejection, an• following vole : For the Constitution: - Against it, Majority in favor of adoption Tlie question fid slavery a was voted upotraeparapsly,wit result Agaiast slavery, In favor of it, - - - - - 113 3 011 1.! "tie inaituti.l expreseioo of people ois tbe rieedstidu of allowi in tbf Stte,erssalsoaiken,and be. Acertgined, %bet Bolt: i Against free clegroee, In 4voroffroe negroes t • - Maj. ag.v:mtfree negtoes, Six of .the sixteen counties - made no returns on this %natio and *level tiro thus, excluded may now literally be celled: . .1 , The Governor is to &Ad aft e for four years, with si salary of #1',500 per rumen: Lie is also to beSuperiotencleatlf ' utaia fostrucs don, and with the Secretary ,the Slate and Treasurer, to constitute a rd of trustees in charge -of the school funds . - The other ffi ooers will bold office for. tw years. The &Sete consists of a steels - atut the louse xif liepresentati vas of t irty-f43ur mem heii"who will receive three *do lan per day fur _folly, clays. The fallowing ,a Dort thi effic ital of the new Steps-- o.iirirtirts.,-.Tplin lithiteste Secretary of Stitte- 7 -tuel en. Treasurer-4ulin D.'l3Onu, •State Printer—A:salmi bus 14,•“/./. A Case. of Ain!ltbrituutSiost It is our paint's' duty to record one cf the ' most huinilia:ting occurrence: known to a christian common - Ay-4m marriage of a white girl to a mere. - The tiegro's name is John Sophia, alto has foi s.ome years livid in the family of Mr. Joseptr E. tufting ; . a wagon baker, in the s Maga of Harford, this county. Ho is a .quadroon, aged about 22 tears.' The name "of the ilk - 1i di= disgus ant ;.trausiction,- is Amelia Tingley, daughter of Mr. Tiernan Tingley, who resides 'in Harfordrownshiu, seine trrew miles' from the village,C.anti abotit_ amile from the University. Her_ JS_ .years., Some montlis since, the girl lived for a time with .ti family near Mr. Whiting'e,and dating this period the plot. wad concocted, which has had so terrible a termitittlen. 'Her fitilier,tearning iliat 'she wS'sbei ug taught to associate familiarly with tore negro, took her borne at once, and, to shield her and her friends from disgrace, it was kept secret;. and here for the time, the matter ended. On Saturday the I.lth inst., the girl went to church, accompanied only by two lithe brothers,.(taber members of the family being kept at ,bome by the illness of her grand , father, Darius Tingley, a notice of whose death appears tisewhere) and instead' of re turning home, went with - Whiting and his wife to their house,, wbcn they called in clergyman to perform the marriage ieivice. Of come rcoe would be a party to so black a crime, whereupon the parties went to New Milford and other places in search of some being who bad not decency enough to deter him from-lending himselltoso degrading an act, and,on the - nest day, a Justice of the Peace at 19kwood, N. Y., consented to give legal sanction to an alliance forbidden alike •by the laws of GoiLand man. iSs "Some -State, country I" lay be enter- Oy:riesarrited leo remedy serts thitt a Id with int 'epublican" r the bill at vain for .ad- ohed to the e sqeitty of a doclrine n ought to be. mimes of Times man nishable'!:7 mce to chin , assert ibis' rispanity in So with monsense ng fcr ad e•en the When they returned - to Iliirford, and it be came known that they were married, the town, was thrown into great excitement, and various demonstrations were made, expressive of the indignation and di4gust of the citizens. On, Friday night they came to Montrose, to avoid, it is said, the just indignation of the people-at home, and a douWe bad-room was engaged by YiThiting, at Searle's hotel, where the four (Whiting and lady and Sophia and lady) spent the night before it was known to Mr. Searle that there was a darkie in the gang. The next day, Whiting and his wife, the negro, and Robert Alexander, who also rt;?cornpattied thein on their bridal tour, were arrested by the Sheriff and held to hail on a charge of conspira'cy, at the instigation of the girl's father. We, trust the affair will be fully investigated. The Whiting's were so anxious to keep the mater secret until a marl-Lige could he effected that they obtained, a .plcdge, from the clergy roan at ,Llarford (Rev.W. W. Welsh of the M.I. Church) that in case be did not marry the parties,he would not sevesl their plotiand he, thinking they could-not succeed in their' design, did not make it known. be fully ae- Lf the feature cli excludes we quota the !t residing in I • pti . en of this repi 'e, or be 1 estate, or n any, aui La .mbly shall rvlxioval, by negroes. and al exclusion nisbmant of o the State, Elio." 1 of this State bis Constitu te or mining therein." ball provide , nner, fur car- Injustice to Mr.: Tingley, his faniily and numerous relatives, all of whom .occupy high standing in community, ,we must add that they are not Chargeable With any strong iu the affait. In her father's family the girl has Leen taught no doctrine tending to so de grading a result. The only exPlanefon of the matter is that her mind was poisoned by the influence of those engaged in biinging shalt the marriage, orboOt seems„ are_ too fully enamored of the .modern domain() of "Negro Equality." Were none but themselves affect ed by the result of their plotting, it mould, comparatively, male little difference, but that a young and innocent girl should be rdned, and a family and large circle of relatives have such a disgrace filltened upon their; is too grest,an outrage to be quietly submitted to. We learn that a citizeus'indignation meet ing is to be held at, ilarford to-morrow. ulatto, bball applies only re ont of the Qt Lhe COL there were) ris, therefore, any previous, them 'from we fully.ap, I that negroes - State, would ly be declare for its viola !' Oregon prc the case de .oni who go istl must us .equeut upon Should •there be 'any error in the above statement, we will be obliged to any person who will furnilh corrention,' or ndd any material informatioi en the snbject. l e State Coo - e their Noe -1 pt of the nee s ram There e election fir es nominated literds,N Softs fanner being party. The AdioiDlstrL m the local Into the, can ; as fcctiori. An Act - To pre - went the it term of the white and black races See. 1. Bo it enacted. by the Senate -and House of Representatives of the Common wealth of Peonsylirinia in General AsseMbly met; and it is hereby enacted by the author ity of the same, That from and after the*pas sage of this.act, it - eliall be unlawful for any black MIA to marry a white woman,or black woman to marry a white man. Sec. S. - That any , person or persons who shall marry in this Gommonwealth, contrary to the first section of this act, and any jin-tice of the ponce, alderman, clergyman, minister or other 'person, who shall join - in- marriage any person contrary to this act, and every person who 'ball be present at suchensrriage,' shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor, and shall, upon conviction thereof in any court of quarter see-ion basing jusisdiciou thereof,be fined at the discretion of said court,. any sum not exceeding fire hundred dollars; which shall go one-half te -the prosecutor and •the other half to /tech County as may have juris diotioa-of inch ta, and shall be imprisoned -in the cootsty jail _ t f such county any time not exceeding one year. ~ i The above bill hes been offered in our State . . Legislature, and wr trust may become a law, nod only be, rennsylvania but in every' State Or country' inhabited by respectable white m men: The ai 'of amalgamation ht too c Imithsome to be' . 1 Crated. Public opinion and penal statutes eheald both 'forbid_ an act so much at variance with the leaser God and . . ed by . a coo opposrag or- gregon will .ted by a con d on the 9th to the people elic?ted the - S 5710 - ,2184 gin? I» same time the following • .6361 - . 1862 ; 7 4979 :Innis - of the g free negrcies so far it could was the re- - .5479 651 - *928 in the State Free negrue► And . Oogon white .man's . . AM: The New York Tribune says, editor= sally s "The Prioritise. Frederick William, of Prussia, has brougtr forth a son. For details see on, dispatch-i' We should think that the details of such an interesting went were hard ly, proper „for pt4lieation in ;-the [irked States. 10 Nearly tee itendre,Lreembers of the Order of the Sonsot *aim; ht 110 DiAtiot of Columbia, called upon Oen. Jo. Lane, lest Saturday -evening, tbeongratulate him upon the admit:ion of Olittn, and hit consequent itteiNtiOn' to die' kinned.e4atea Senate. Gen. Laileietwatemtier tiltiteUrder. • Ent . t tCI.- , Walton heie been : ifresteirsied committed to jail for rib.hrtie the 'Pennevlianin Coal . Company: , cifo:•! in Pitt•tort ' Poor White 'rrn.h** mud Rich Negrovl. The New Tribune,the acknowledged organ of the Black Republicans, in a late article on tb.m revolution in Hayti, makes the following idfitmous and sliagraceful ciomparison "A Considerablepatt °tithe ratite popula tion (of Hayti at the timeof tho'abolition":of slavery in that 'Country) were peth bitches, so called, little whites, the same aid' the POOR WHITE TRASH of our Southern States, without education, o r property, but exeeeding,lv NORTIPfin South, o f a - distinction which -enabled them to take rank of the moat accompliished and is , vdthy OF COLOR." - Ilere the -Black -Republican -oracle lath mates that the poor white people of our c.Ollll - and the "little - Whites" of Hayti, occupy the same position in the scale of society, and declares that tho former were enabled 'to take rank of the mot accomplished and; wealthy men of color," thus placing our poor white population on a level with the negro! What will the ,Sotelligent American Miguel say to this I Shall snob a , grading •insult, to class-that. forms thelsoae and shinty : .of ,on r land, go' tuarebukddi The 'poor white trash,' forsooth ! Let the poor mau temem ber this stigma that Black Republican ad, stocracy fixes . upon his name. Let him re, member it and let hint resolsy te wipe out of existence the party that 'dares thus 'to dit /moor hioi.—Bedford GLacik. The ITeney-11111 Gram. Probably no event connected skit the pro gross of our agricultural industry, has ever awakened a more intense interest among the farming classes, than. the ititrOduction of the lloney-Blade Grass is dOing at the present time. This produotis similar in its character to a bat is known as the Ilung,atian Grassond belongs to the same species,tbough of a much super r quality. It is f. und, by practical ex periments, as well adapted to our soil and climate, and is centidently believed that it is destined to become one of the mast impottnnt staple. productions of this crtinent. One element of its success consists of its strong vitality-, stout roots and adaptation 0 . 3 a dry soil., The roots of our common,domestic gist - v.B are too shun and slender to reach below the,. influence of our dry, hot siimmer , ; while this p:oducien, from ics greater vigor and larger roots. can pieice below the - reach of &might, and draw up the treasures of fertility which lie beneath.. As hay, it is superior to timothy—that old and substantial fisvorite of every tamer. Homes, changed from timothy and corn to. Roney-Blade, begin to tietive on half the usunl allowance of corn, and put on that s fine, Gls ssy coat, ea much adsuired by ~stock growers. it is not the Lay alone which gives value to this crop; it produces seed at the rate of twenty to thirty bushels Lb the acre, which,in nutritive properties, is much superivr to oats; it it heavier, and contains a larga amount of ail. IE grows at the rate of from four to eight toes per acre, and, the statements from reliable Wurees, the hay sells for on- - third more than timothy. • - - • In view of the immense demand for tbis seed, we are informed that a large amount of the common I.lungarian Gran Seed—.-a very iuferior article—has been thrown upon the ruarkut, and is now being. Sold in various sections .I . s Honeys Made: • We caution oar farming friends, therefore, pet to be imposed upon, but to satisfy thernsAes-tbat they are gettinz the genuine seed from the original importer, whose advertisethenvappears in an other column. All of the genuine seed comes in sixteen-pound bngs,and tech bag is stamp ed with a particular. rraddinark,and any irn po,ition can be detected, by obtaining a pamphlet. a 4 stated An !ha advertisement. We are assured that the dioney-Blade seed is offered as low as ilia toal-ibletofurirish it, considering, the rare and expense with vrtdch it has been obtained; and persons, impOrton ed to purchase send at less than the published . prices, may be sure that they,. are being. im posed upon.— U. S. Journal. I mporfurn t to ferriales.•-'-Dr. Clicerm ataitpls Pals' Prepared Cornelia% L.Chtest.- man, Ne 4, York City., Tho combination of in gredients in these Pills arc thoTesnit of a long and extensive practice. They are mild in their operation,and certain in correcting all irregulari ties, painful menst runt iona, removing all obstruc tions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain in tbn - side, palpitation of the heart, disturbed sleep, which arise from inle'irtipiteii of nalUre: TO 11ARRIED LADlES,these Pills are inGal - liable, as they will bring on the monthly period with regularity. Ladies who have been disap pginted in the use of eater pas, can 'place the utmost confidenm in Dr. Cheeseausitla Pills do ing all they are represented to do. NOTICE.—Thoy should not bo used during Pregnancy, As a mis-crtreutge would certainly re sult therefrom. Warranted purely vegetable, and from' (rim anything injurions,lo' life of health. Explicit directions, which should be road, accompany cub box. Price $l. Sent, by mail on enclos ing $1 to any,ani horized agent. R. B. IIIUTCHING.S t 165 Chatabers.St, Neta. York, eienerat Agenlfiff the United States, to whom all Wholesale orders should be addressed. Dr. 3. W. LYMAN, Tunkh.innoctr, and ABEL itiRRELL, Montrose, Agents. jan2o ly By pnr)ehaaing Good's of Ziegler & Smith, (Wholesale Drug„ Baird and Glass Dealers,) corner of Second ;and Green Sta., 1 1 111had'a; you have the advantage of select. mg your purchases from an extensive and varied stock•uf while lend, zinc, eoPrd parfaits and window glow of assorted sizes and qualities. All of these articles are muted at suc'h picas as cannot fail tel.. suit the closest buyer. (I'o3 .Iyslo s o jtv Educatteual Address _---At Address Hill be delivered before the Stu dents of the "Susquehanna County .Normal School" in the Academy Hall on Monday, Feb.. 28114. 1859,' at 3 o'clock p. m., by Wet. H. JEssni e Esq. Friends of education and the - public generally are re- Ipectfully invited to be present TEACHERS' INSTITUTE IN BROOKLYN. There will; be a Teachers, Institute held in the Presbyterian church in Weaklyr orr Friday and Saturday, the 4th and Bth of March. neat, commencing at one o'clock p.,ei on Friday._ Prof. Sronnann will bo, presinnt, AgrinVall the sesaiiine of the Lastitate and, give instria.. tier in the branches of 'iscialpec terig h t,:in - the public f: chooll, and al So odfoplcs of ten. eraT interest. It. B. LITTLE, Et.q., of Melrose; wilt also be present sad lecture before thelnatitute. In addition to the above We hare ascansd as lecturers the services of, the Beek W.ll. Adams, N. Doolittle, J. F.Wilblir, (if ether engagements will pi ralit,) Dr>. B, Itichaidson, and O. G. Hempeteadand E. A. 'We - an, Esq 4. It is seldom we are favored with the privilege of presenting such an array of home help:. 'Thy are ell good'hefpers--old- and tried •friends. of FfiEE Bcttoots and PorrLan EnscaTtat -,• Popular I.xetures will he given both Friday and Satimiiiyieveniogo— The Dlyyelprii and Teacher 4 will t....fctao.-- .0 ";•.,e present, and the peoplo 'ate grrneatly United . to atfetia "the :fess e Tboie who desire to be profited riboold come it Ma enenteiretiaMt and . roterid thi close. e firs tefternotm am, let a-good attendance talwgin with - . . , The exereibus will be prat;tical and feteree s tip: 10 al/, and .espetialiy xo I.i/ rerun. - H. F. TF:11:7;0,1:13 . I . kotice---Rev. A. 0. Warier,. wilt preach:ln Morktrogo on Sunday, Mardi Gth. Holloway's Pills and Ointment.--- We heir that altnostlticredible results have fol r lowed the extdbillog, of lids; excellent medicine in e i tiime•oc the dropsy. Acting iidtnediately on the blodd,,jt: prevents the of sermn in greater huaribtids than the stbsOrbierts can ' t isk& rip v iind by eitualizirig end regulating the ti*v of ,the seeretions, and the circulation of the vita! fluid, effectually stops. the progress of the temper. Holloway's Ointment is also used with great effect as a means of discharging by evapo• Vie! land Alstorplienthev . iitechtrestlycoliceect in "the cellular tissue. Really Nero seems to be no disease which can resist the combined action ..of these two preparations. School lli,COlors of Bridges water Diatriut will meet at:cartielrailritol—oa Monday, 7th, 1850. at 10 o'elock.a,p., ' , Facts Alt iP*67,l;Preet as.a.atgut. . , lo'flOnth Bridgewater. nn the 61h J. F. Deana. 51r. JEFFERSON AIRES and Miss ANN ELIZA:YOU?iG, all of BridgawA)r. In North Bridgawltter, on: the 16th lost., by the name; Mr. I•IATRIAs HENRY and 'Aliss LOUISA F. LOWE, all of Auburn,-Pa.' December Ist, by Rer.-W..W. We 1, 41); at the parsonage in Gjbann.. Mr. L. CAROML BEN SON-and Mrs.ELLEN S. PA RMINTER,hoth of Jackson, Snsq'aro.; Pa. • '•' • February lath,layßer. W. W. WelA, at the residence of the brirle,Ntr.DAVlD SMILES and slisa HELtit, daughter ofJohriSuilley,,,,Esq., both of eibann Suitfa Co.; Pa. In Montrose, Feb; 2 laid/ Rev. B. " 8 - Emory, Mr. JACOB 'WELLMAN 2.4 and Mitts PHE BE ANN BUTTERFIELD,Iotb of New Milford. 110/310. In Herrera, on the 1311 insL, DARIUS TING LEY, aged '79. years. Mr. T. was one of the early settrerS of liar ford, having settled there soon after the arrival of the Partners." He was a highly respec table citizen, and leaves a very large circle of relatives to mourn his lugs. Feb. 6th, 1859. at his residence, in New Mi I ford, of erysipelas, after a brief but severe ale' P, OGDEN PRATT. aged 86 years. As a man of efficiency, penetration,ttriet in• tegrity and high moral principle, the Alemeaseil has left a vacancy, which will long be Ifelt, not only by his relatives, but throughout this com munity. l'hturally enterprising., he was among the foremost in promoting public impruVement.. and prosecuted with extraordinary energy and success . whatevercause ho undertook. in his re mora! his rani!) , has lost an effectioitate and faithful guardian; the poor, a kind 'benefactor; the church, not only a regular attendant, but a large supporter and efficient helper. lie was beloved for the urbanity and kindness' . which marked his social intercourse. His fellow citi zens testified their estimate aids worth by the intense solicitude manifested during his sickness, and by the unufnially large concourse at his funeral. Thus has passed away from earth a valuable and highly esteemed citizen, while from the *nit:int+ and that new made grave a.loice comes to the living, saying, Bele alsd reedy for in such an hoar as ye think not the Sdn of Man cometh." D. A..A. - - BLANK. NOTES. Deedqa and a varic Cy 'of other Flanks for sale at this Office. , -S. XL Panting-lU dvertising Agents,at 119 -Nassau-at, New-Yolk, and- 10, Bisiton, aro agents for The Montrose Democrat, and are au -001.0 to contract for as 11.,0ur loyfTst.i.rifes. I:I.3EACIECONTAT-1. F. FORDHALM HAS removed his shop across the Fi troet, to the - building one door' below Keeler & Stoddard's, which he has fitted up expressly ter a Saddle, Harness and Trunk Shop, where may be found all kinds of from the heaviest team, to the lightest trottinz harness, sad a general assorinent or trivionlogs, hic h will be made op or sold very low. Carriage Trinuningw' A good astorlrnent on hand, Which will be 'Sold very low; all tri6ming done cheaper than else where. OAK "LEATHER on hand from which harnesses will be made and NATElarriStiateria. - - **Customers war' pleas* bear in wish 40 settle op once a year. Tho s se having ,urisetted accounts, or notes due, will save costs by settling or making payment without further delay. U. r. FORDIIA3f,.. Feb. 2.ith, 1859 I Montrose, Pa. Executor's Eale. WILL be sold •at the bowie lately ocinpied by Patrick Jlacaulev, late of Rush .town. ahip,deceatied, on SatuidaY„ March 19th, 1859, at two o'clock p. m., at public vendue or out, cry, to the highest and boat bidder for oath, all the . right, title and interest, of said Pairibk:Ain cailley, defeated, in and to the farm and im provements , thereon. The Tartu dontaina 96 scree.' The imprOvemerits conatst of iaii ? log house,' to e barn, a young apple orchard. Thir ly acres of said - farm are improved. A never failing spring of water near the door. JAMES LOAN, ~x •• RONEY, ecatora. _ . • ISt; Ott.' spill: firm of Cobb & Rogers is dissolved by :1.. mutual consent. Theirnotes and accounts are in the hands of C. Sherman, at th e old es tablishment, who is duly auth orized to . settle the same. Z. COBB, S. D. ROGERS. Montrose, Feb. Ist, 18.39. • NCO a ir ICM: 7C0.811 would respectfully armee:no to the public that he way still befOupd at the old stand, fully prepared to attend to e a is of the community. He will keep on niti griod stook of •.47.3a-c)ci . °rend (TG.,tIIS, TEAS, COFFEE, Sfierfl, FRUIT, Fi,oirn. and &mt. (bf the sack or tiarredi Putt; and #ll articles found in First Class Groteries. . Bo would. particalarlycali the .attention of Firrnere and others to the feet, that he-is constantly receiving fteah eupplies of, . , FIRST RATE. FLOUR, its° good and medium qualities; which sold !UGH?, for ready pay, in quantitie.s to snit the pumhaser. , . : ,Met4roso;Yets. 2 I 4.1052. = • Auditor's Notice. ,• TH' AUDITOR appointed by the eoort 'to andit, settle and adjust the'iteemirrt of . onti of the adm'ra of the eatato of% Samuel tfilhorm dee'd, make diAribatinn, &e., will catetth4s . per• ties intereCtud Montrose. dll-Fri day. }larch 18th. 1849. at 101ock p, m. „ feb.2 , lw4.J , . Auditor' -Ntitice. „ . rirRE AUDITOR 'appointed by' the Court to 1,... audit, settle and adjust the teeciont of of the'aden'ti,of'the estate of Rob6l P. Vidie, dic'd; nista distribution, die.; wilt Meet the paw tiewinterested at Ma' office inlifontrosei on Fri lion' Marsh .1 1 tb. 4t (MO (retook p• feb.24r: t.] 193 f. I. TURREL-I4.Aptlltor. '• Abiditoes Aloft - 0* t' - • rpm tindeted h4tiog OP 011 :44. 1 ).Y the non, ttfei ClrOdna' Coitrt of Sissy` na h4nea County; to "audit; settle and' ttajait The aekoutt rt'LTmen Btureliiniteo, Admittiottatin of tfavict-Bisektagton, decoasitti,k;spott• otiteeptiois Wok to totiditecoodlOsiii herd the 1 4141411 int° . rested, 'lit -144 ..ollge • 1 1 0 0fole. SaftYdaYl the 26.4 day, pf 311t-A4 next, Ai, efternipo, Fit A ra,ry T i ttitS ER: .le;lite,r. 210. I $35.3 TM HONEY BLADE GRASS,' ilTbe rese lls which have been attairo4by ex- Periments in theliultivatioo of this newly din-! ported speCies of 'product, have awakened rutin., (attest among rho farming classes in many s ec • Liens neeerbefore rsrialtil in rho entire history .of our . agrientteial industry. Facts, in „regard to its valuable properties, w hick at first saerrie.d almost incredible, have now been established beyond the possibility of a doubt, mad it is be lieved, by those best capable of judging of its xo r iwito w itip t eo t ritla4o4noir g o.- will add millions of dollars to our agricultural wealth. I have not the space here to enter into details, but will present briefly soifie . ,.olite advantagsa, First, It will producc:double:th'e'-weight tit the acre, in any soil, of any other kind of grass. From fear-to six-tows-peractrria - not-an nriconr.,- nstszyiofd yt t-antt".„l ,stir - in-possession of sworn tiiinuferits by disintdiestettand of a yield Ot `oyireight toes,of good- dry; .hay from a single acro,in sollWhere it was not pos sible to get mbrethau one-liaffthe ahleyo(froin any 'of the common grasisei. - . . S'Ccortil, The Satim* . .eigt4possessel more nu. "(dumps, and consequently, will Sell ',for at_ larger price-in the Market, thus insuring the farmer mbp,"l4art double-the return'' from„ his:grounds that he Could Olitain trona nnY'otherforageplant. The bey possessen one-third Moro. nuttithent than tintothy,rind has sold for 'Sib 'Per ton, .Whare.the pric e of timothy Was brit 0.9 yr 61'2. Both, bay and soed. Can be produced front the sane crop,.the hay being equally vai 7 'table as other hay . ,aftefthe'Seed ta,lien from It, while the "seed tErrs vainabiti us .11re.bift. -of others,grairyini a feed for horse', battle,., pigs, chickens, die., and it hipreqd fo,be aipertor, to .linseed for the Mannfacture of oil, and must al ways find'a ready sale, at „a fair price, for this purpose. Fourth, It Matures in about two. months time, and can to sown ongrorinds where other crops hive either 'by drotith or other causes, and 'id:the same time will yield a "age rsturn. , . Fifth, In northern elimates.whq,ra Clover and other grassessire killed. out by hard,winters,this will yield a largo crop, and in those section? of the South where 'other grassei will not thrive at all, it will grow very _prolific. Sixth, It will, stand all kinds of wheather,and, whether the season be wet or dry, the farmer may always rely s uptin his Honey Blade assa sure crop. These and other advantages arc proveg by facts which ate endorsed by some of the first agriculturists of the Union, and cannot fail t o carry a conviction to every intelligent reader. - having been' engaged, during the paSt year, in the purchase and importation of the pure Honey Blade Seed, I have determined to offer it for saloon sash tertei as wi I mako it an ob ject to overt'. farmer and planter to interest him self, during the coming season, in ittocultiva tion. It is put up in uniform bags of about six teen pounda..each, the amount being sufficient to seed one acre, And the pace is per bag, delivered in New York or St. Louis. Single.bags, or lots, can be sent to any part of the country as freight or by express, and will be put up, delivered f.a. transportation, and the proper arrangements Made ' .free of charge. Each ling is - stewed with the Ilungarian coat of arms, and the following lettering, "Hoiteg Wade , lturigig riais .' G rass Seed," l will be sold, byr..ageaticarious sections ' -bdt parties should Lecaieful of whom they purchase and secure the_ pyre - genuine aced. Thdy are o „ pec t i 4; e : 4 , l tiauell glint tci'plirchase.thoinnimon iluomirtaxi:GraSs.'Seed, as it is very,,fiir-iaterior to tbe Maley Blade. • An interesting:pamphlet, containing all of the facts, and full partrculars, wid.Whe furnished, flea of charge . ; by nie or any / of my agents, Upon application. 1 will state,-as an indication of the intense interest which the subjvct is exciting, that nearly of a gustier of a million of copies of this •pamplilet/have already been applied fur. Parties desiring to secure seed should order al once; as the-indications are that the limited a. motult 'obtained will be exhausted long before the sca4on of sowing hasTassed. Thorn who secure seed this year can realize a rich return, by producing seed to supply the demand of farmers and 'plantent for sowing :mother year. Orden...should be-send directly to me, unless in the vicinity of New York, where they will be filled hi I. M. Erierson & Co., 406 EreadWay, New York,Gencral Agonto. Agricultural .fionses,, Genem ere hem ts, and any btliefpatties properly - situated, are jnvited tr. become - omits for "the slit° of the HOSEY BLADE SEED. , Authority, lath particulars, and from GO to 100 pamphlets for distribution, will be'fartniShed either by me or the New York Agencies, on reLmipt 'of 25 cents, to prepay the packiges: I am authorized to name the followirag , WPII - 'nentletnan- iiii =referoaeos : Hon: 1.. B. Barret,' President or the St. Louis 'Agricultural soli:Mechanical Association, Vice Presideitt of the National Agirieultural Soriith ;and Memher of Congress elect fro's. St. Laths; Gee. T. Till inan, Oxford, Md.: President of the NatiOnal . Agricultural Society;. John J. Anderson;Banker, St. Louis ; John Riggan, fir., . Broker,St :Louis, and Ex-Mayor Washington King. SiLonis. FELIX H. BENTON, Feb.24-3w. •il Ofirketrst4"St. Louis, 51.0.. • c lintricait larintrs Nagaintr. rwon4y,sit hisiVosi Intattecasej tOlixploiniefort!.. .h is now puldig . ieCtiiilioged aiiiteurvokysinlipved, : a )ALT. ONE _DOLLAR A YEAR, .; • in advance; and, for the irattime, it pulse Such ie ttiroeffeet.i„ot tivirtutialr4Trit-artittit the face: It is THE . WORK foi the FARNER, the GARDNER, and th' r ellit.E ; lDE, a eoniplete Agricultural, , litoriy•nitiaral and Family Journal, Published litonthly, at 7 Beekman-St.; N.Y., at the untreanl of low prii.o of ONE DOLLAR a year t, Ninety Cents to clubs of ton or more; and Eikfity 'Cents to olults of twenty and up wards!!! Single copies Ten Cents. Address J.: A. NASIL-Ed, & Pub., Jan. 20th, 1859.] New York. . . . Vi -r t - orrsAti • • PUBLIC VENDUE'..- _ subscriber will offer for sale on his prom •" itios on.the 10th day.of March tier:, at ten priori( a. m., at Public:Auction: 3 CoVift 2 Horses; ,1 Young Colt, 2 Solic f. Oxen: not sold be fore the day of site), %T.:1;11114r 117.4igq . .5, 1 Ox ,Cart, ..1 „Top. Carriade, , 1 One florae Fara; 4ntoer Sleigh, 1 set of Pouhlo,,.l Sin gle flames& 2 fiddles, l Box Otovd, one CoOk- Stbve and Furniturb, and a hit ,• , ;t.ll. o usellold Furniture, ilows,. ktarrrws , Chains; and s great ,irriso of other Buytitig.7 . 'oola tooi.,t!uuterous titent;on ; also A Jut fey and Graui.-: Tints*. or -Sat.s.-611 sump ender fire dollars, cash; sllbver fire, alibi months' credit; with hi . , terest and approved secorlty,. - • • • JOIIN AUSTIN. • Oridgewillet, Feb.l9llV -1113/.4-.3w..* .• - -•- CLOVEir-AND SEED fLOVERANITIMOTHYSEED AtiD,TIMOTRY 'Sat( • • 8A 'l3l e _ tAitaktrikr i at), ffol7 MON gosE, PA. itiSMlth„ QURGEON-DOITIST.- Residence ,stail of -4.0' floe opposite the. BartlintCharehlnorth side) lloittose.i_;,Portieelntatteation `will bo given to. inserting - teeth ,on gohl .and iJ i plate, and to tilling ' . January liti) FRANC - IS. 5.,.,..§141-1 , 1•VS: NEW STORY, WM, til.;T IN ME NEW-YORK WEEKLY, .4E:I AO'D FOR .SALE ALLVEWS DEALERS 14, THE COUNTRY. I'T !sipTine) AEL-IfiLAIN TILE FORTUNES OF A FOUNDLING. A Talc ofLife as it is. NEW STORY. by the popdiar author tpe g 1.111.1) otptIARITY.' EV 1 - 44.: El4-,%1' 1 I.BlllTr T. 1.1 :m A K Elt'S ALTRENTT:Ii," '9'111: A IiANDONED WIFEr - "7'HE - 11:111nRANT," ~ r eate,ronto cozy , ( 1 , is KwToitic-: WEEK I,Y in every, intolligynt. section of, the country. "AZA EIACAIN' is fulief episodes and incl. dents which cannot fayt try.atir to their very foun tains the sympathies ottlie liftman heart ; while vein of quiet humor iekleaeyeloped by some of the characters who fight Jerthe progrevs of the stilry, that will proy#,ltii.'4'butgli. from the most sedate reader, in. spitWof E4061,f. 'Azael Kaln' is a great pictdiinftilo;tiltietr,Ongs before the mind of tho stinshines or human, ex,istet4 - '4UF;PM4rtilol—nnti felt — and participated_ irri4.f.llvlitt,, - lifeathing human be ings. Thei-sendarat otWeleeognizes its truthful ness by the - Wl/bleteit iirhieti- his own heart furnishes. The Ineldents rind- Advent arem of the cmiracters who figure iti,the _gages of, "AZAEI. nust patitirig and amusing eharaker: _ - We have' lso in preparation a new Aerolu tionaryStay from thepon of I', - Dii , --1. . 1 11. r.110BINSON; Author 't NICK WHIFFLES," , "13LICK BISON, 2 "11A1.1 7 -WITTED NAT," " THE PI ONEERS OF KENTriCKI,:' etc., etv., entitled ONE-EYED -SAUL, '''TM.l . .llols, 112! A Tale Of . South Carolina, which will be com menced st, is to I,e'fur s, le by all NeWM Dealers 'on' or before the first all:in:h. Two Great Stories Together!. In editttien to, the ottn.r ettrneCen, ntrered)y the NEW-YORK WEEKLY, 'which uni er-„:‘ salt" nchnottleaged - t0 ha the BEST .STORY PAS R NOW PUBLISHED IN THE ! The. nim of the publAur TliE NEW YORK WEEKLY is to issu/a weekly paper th it will eventually find itgAi . fty in every , nre side in the Land— that be; n Welc,tl._ vita . ether-ever " it gore 7 —eironliy popotx r I n th e work,h o p an 4 the •9ifict2,—,nt timArdlile of the Fernier, er in the Counting room of the Niereh• ant- 7 n paper thtdparents can with :ifety p.ace in the Finn& Of theii children oitlmtit, note or comment, ceZling'rertala that . it, il:flarnce h be to stimulate their' plinth . ; to the paysnit of knowl 'or, lend them to ahliiie -dee, lied wrong. Such 'a paper, we real ...4;:urr;il ; will 'ro cmve. the rupport of en inalligti ei , le,and the • arge eireulatihn already readied hr the NEW 'YORK WEEKLY prates that u'q see not , Ink:- taken in .ohr 'estimate of pnbtje opinion. feel satisfied that all we•requiro to introduce the paper into every household in the rowan% is to let the people know of its existence, and_inake them meg nainted..with the oath re • and character o f its..wevkly contents. • 1.47' THE NEV YORK WEEKLY is now atiid by all, respevtahie:New.s-A 4 ;euts and "took sellers, in. the. United :Staten, and sent.. by mail to nearly every post ufFice inqk Ahvay's buy tl? AVEEELY from the Newe•Agent . .where there is one.. By mail the terms are S 2 a lenr in nitvonee, or two copies Ter 83. 'Specimen copies sent free arh.:l3 do siren.. All - letters west be aodressiod A. J. %VILLIAMISGN, Editor and Piopriotor. No. :23 Brgionaa-at, N.'l NOW IS THE TIME TO COMMENCE TAKING N EWYORK ' WEEKLY. T' Copies sold in llontrim,, at the NEWS OFFICE by . A. N. ItEtLl.,Altly. • .I\TCDPX"' '<OM. .. Y _Wifo WEAI7IIY, (formerly' Vino ell,) I.VI. having left my lied and hn:troi . Filo/Mt just calm or.provoration.,thereby fi-rbid all pvr ssoris harboring orirtisiina her on , toy account, riA 1. Fill pay no debts of her contracting afie - r this tbittr.„ , .• ABNER. BUitPiCK. Oeb_bith 15Z.9.-2FI LOOK 41.-TKILSI THE FAMIT DOCTOR • • Contains simple remedies easily aLlejLed for, the core of disease io all forms. It talks to yett in plain I;ogi2rge,. easily undirsto4 plain folks; may at and moment bo beyo'sd price in its sorvicos to, you;. contains -SOS 12in0.-pages, and will .be forwarded to_yirr posipeo paid, on receipt of oNp DOLLAR. • Every body should hive , it! ' • - . Send to JOHN-E: MATER; Publialrer, • • N0.•617 • _Pr: Aiiiitt-trifffiitlirretk YOUTEL 5 JUST I ' nblished , tho 3 5tty I 1 1 r .111244!1_. AZ- a mailed ie. u,senled envelope,..lo erry • adibeess, on receipt of &roi , otamp , s. A inedi'c:al essay en the jAyeica/ &chow/ion 4.• dc. y of. the was: d by "zt,;pubtee.," - fhfectiop, and the use srmercury, TR...l.Gulietti:ell, 411. D., member of the royal 4 , 1 Aurgeoiu, ci , c.- Spormatoiihcea.oy seminal emissions, genital and nervous debility,4mpoteuer, loss, otenrgy, depression of spirits,.ticuidity.,Aiscusun of sexual oaths, impediments tomastiage,,premptly etfectually cured;bv the author's navel : end. PlUC cessful treNtueut,by.Endans of,_whieh the, inva lid ca.Teregnin,pektitke health.withuutalasing re course to dangerous and 'espensiv:b medicines:. (Fcour, • the London Lancet) The best treatise ever written onlotuhiettof vital importance to nil, woll worthy Ow authorrs excited reputStiort. •, . , L. • . Address thoilohlislters, KILINF.4 Post 80x.4586, - New-York:._. - I friyeq p THWunderiieted; theYountlei-and Putilisber • of'Van ponti's Counterreit-Doteittoe;''d'est rous4)l* retiring Ohm this branch-of business, has merged that '.oblestablished work - intim popular Bank:Notaßoteetorsof Imlay & Bieknelt;) Hay ing pa hi isheilVan Court's -.De tent° ri sin ca. 1839. thwtmdersigned .lelMitantly . parts with his old frieudsscd!subscribers; "but this ouluetanes is - lessened by the conviction, Lhatin Imlay 4t Biek noll's Mink Note Iteportsr they Will_ receive n workjhat.tuatches the times. J. VAN c9Litri. 74 " Two -tilese" • All sibserlptionS tolhthAV-&I3ICKNELL"S • - Bank Nate - . lleptorter are payable sernpulo,usly in eilysrisio. Trail the* 'ad est NOW* PUbI3C ioji lhe f . e thirty Iniig.Y l ears repulaliomireentinges to' be the necessary onzpsnion atl business people over the Whole cOntinent et Ainerida. THE COINS 01' THE WORLD:' Now in pres l i3 by Igilny & Wii , t-,lYen genteitouslylin all old and newsobseriberM: All with Charts ; Guirles-ancl - Ifsnunts, cbiniis'md with thie, may bononsidorml wasto - papse.. $l,O 31Mdthly • ;I Nneliklifaiti at the , Io - Mailed 13 111 - I.XI/-k ICR,Q.:IA., I ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers