Exciting Se Stott of the _ Revolution! S E AV.-A I-IF'; 'OH, lit TERROIro; THEIGOAST. CHAPTER IV When Sea waif left the presence of fair Kate Criogle, he met her• father, who accompanied 'him down to his boat, in vain .trying to-find out what had wanted him for. .The young capttin - sprang into his boat amid the murmured good wishes of hundreds 'of citizens who had gathered there to see the privateer go to sew, and in a few moments he was on board of Ids With a clear, but bugle-like voice, 'Which treaded no trumpdi the yeang commander shouted; 'Man the capstan bars, lads, and, ran the anchor up with a will. 'Stand bythelib and flving•jib billards-lay the beadryards aback!' ''Aln otders were obeyedieadily; and in a few momeuts, the second officer, who stood on the forecastle looking over the lows cried: 'She's broken ground,aik' Very well sir-pi-on np -the jib and flying .jib, and, haul the sheets to starboard—man the top gallant and topsail sheets and hal liardsl Round with the capstand l men, and run the anchor np3o the bows!' c A momnet later, and the head-sails up, the 'veering bow of 'the schooner proved her to be all aweight, and then came the-order: 'Sheet home, swid 14st away top-sail and 'Sp-gallatit sails P This was done; and as thetoreland-aft sails, already up, failed, the schooner began to gather headway Then, as shi fell off before .'the wind, which-1, was fairnut of the harbor, her square sailsr'filled, and she shot ahead with increased velocity. .The crowd onnhore looking with delight trpera du) splendid ves sel, and gladdenedi•-too, at the thought of her errand, rent the air with cheers: while Mr. Cringle, taking upon himself the part of gunner, fired an impromptu salute from a single On ivtieb was kept upon the wharf to be _reed as a warning signal if the British, approached. Tire Tyratinicide' replied to this by a sa lute of seventeen guns—her whole comple ment. • -*That's what I call a darned waste pow der!' said a pinched-faced, dried-bp, anatomy of a man!, whose thread-bate - clothes, little eyes, adri lopg,, greedy tallons of_ fingers, guile the miser 'out and out. "It isn't yeti* powder, 'Moses Gelson,' said Mr. Cringle, rather sharply. If it was, it wouldn't be likely to be in a vessel destined to fight for libertyl' • lash—mit? ,What is this 'liberty' to usl—the war is 'ruining trade,and scion, we'll be as poor as - ratsp said the miser pettishly. It is a pity that such mean curses is you eern't poor i you're too stingy triiive! If totroniy bad -your . due, you'd get a go.. ducking in a horse pond!' cried out Mr. Cringle, „so angr:h , and so loudly, that his words were heard by the crowd, and proba bly found' echo in their hearts; for they in stantly shouted : `Let's duck the old miser—to the goose pond.with the old tore ! And eeii:ng the terrified wretch they drag ged him roughly toward a pond of muddy water near the residenci of - the merchant, and soon would have pat their intention into eve •nution, had not Kate" Cringle, who saw their fictions, wepped out open the balCony, and cried out, in a clear, musical voice, which reached everrear: ' Sherrie, 'men—shame I to treat an old man .60. He ii weak and helpless-, let Lim go and save yobr strength. for a nobler pur pose!' Her timely appeal and her benuty:•---for in "ser eicitement she really looked handsome— had tie desired effect t the old miser, was re leaseid,\lntich to his own gratificaticin, and rather to the disgust and auger of her father, who would hate been reallyglad to have seen old Gelion get a lesson—for he hated him-hearti ly, not telly for his lick of patriotism, but for his miserly uteanuess. remember her—Pll remember th at girl, bless her!' muttered the old miser, as he hobbled away: froth the crowd as fast as be •-ould--not stopping until be reached his •....n- residence, which was also x kind of store house in which a cast ar ! riel.y of all kinds of Rockland trash were stowed—old junk', se cond hand anchors, sails, cordage, fishing tackle, nets, harpoons, and a thousand other things. ' QIIAPTER V serer was a craft in better battle trim ,pit deck, below, .ar aloft, ihan the Privateer, ifter Seawaif had got Iher rigging stretched. Cull scions that he was ready tojmeet any loe of his tonnage and weight of metal, be boldly beaded off from the coast for the track of in ward-bound vessels from &gland. One morning soon after, be was at break fast in his.cabith with the that officer and the doctor—younghtorly beingin charge on deck. But each of them bounded from the table 1.-they beard. the_shout 'sad ho!' from the H.k-ont, at the topgallant croas4rees. 'Where away, and What does she look like?' cried conng Morley, in reply. Seawaif sad hie companions. held 'their tresth and listened for the atiewsr: . I see three *stil sir, dead ahead; they seem equate:rigged, and coming down' right before the wind!' was the - reply: Tngliabinan ind making for the coast, 11l wager my trat prize money r said the captain, is he hurried on deck. - . • 'John-Bull•Men's; be gar—lshall get my instruments ready for amputatreried the de lighted Frenehmaa. . 'So will 11'_said - Mr. Doolittle, as be buck led on bieaharr, but abort cutlai, and fol- . leered bis commander mi deck. The breeze was fresh, and tbe.schesnier,with -enly her lower sails and toisails set; -was going off to the eastward on a taut tow-1 ine, her top-galhurt and rtryiil yards. pointed to the winch and her hiebeard tanks aboard. There was quite a tesly sea rolling;,and as ate pitched into and through it, she threw the-snowy foansover her prow almost:as high as her foretop: 'See all cliiar for action, fweiind aft—reeve .preventer stay. and braces—have - the spare spar crewed away!. Gunneri, look to your cf.Olren; they mad Gaye play soon: . 13,av dare and Pikerueni see that your toots are in their* places!' cried-the captain cheerfully, as 14e-came on der.lti and then he siezed his spy glass, and scanned the vessel in sight. • 'What di) pin make out, sir, if you pleaser . asked Mr..Docaittle, whose hopes fur worn and. price - mo ney were now on the rise, !I• see six vessels; but they are yet too far off to alias ontr Whether' _they, ate armed or_not!' was the repry.- _ • • - • _ 'Shall the gunner open die magazine sir?' • 'Yes, after all the galley fires are put out!' he men went to their work, and iheir re spective-stations quietly, but with a 'crieerfyl loOk; which betokend a perfect confidence in theirvessel, and especially their officers. .fin hour passed', arid the vessefs were now hull-up ahead, yetLf•Calitsiii Seawaif gave no orders flier to lit& the coarse Or shorten sail.- 'What about our eelete, sir 1' seite - 4 . the lieutenant. \ • - —'Yon CID nin 'em tip in ions veady to purl out whet I order it, Mt. tle; sel,l thn captain, s:ill 'k epi:ig his glass , direcied'tdwatds the, appro." • fog ships. The - enemy were now risin fast, not more than'four or fire milAs off; 17 i t the Merchant men, obeying signals from t e sloop-ofivar, %bleb had evident;; diicoveled theilational, ity and chintcter of the Schobner, by the rig, hauled du awind and shmterleil sitil,wlfile the man-of-war held her entitle iinaorit cloud of canvas. • 'Take yob r stations for 41(illi.int sbiprcried seawaif. The men bounded Ito -the sheets And - brades. 'Hard ttp the bet —ea-e etT ills alto*, and round in the'*eat . r-braces!' cr!ol the captsin. . . Tarnal thunder', vou'ra from one sloop-&-afar, are pti l lierstetant, in agonized wond l 'Get out and rig two ape, nongh on them to sink them one overettph quarter, atO as questions ( Mr. Doolittle,' • quietly. 'I beg your tpattlon,, sir, a ' I ; thought you was a goite to delighted officer, as ,hehaste "Double-shot with grape and canister —gun ners to Your stations!' cried captain, now, determinedly. 'Men, make no noise when I r.nnoutce if, btt within an bur that sloop of-war shall strike her flag, or we'll vi down with ours fl) ing! "Nbeit she iS taken, the mer chant-men well be easy prizes. • Had tbey-that beenßautione4, the men would_ have cheered so lou!ly as to ba`vos betltt heard on board the sloop-of-war. After the drags were rigid and lowered over the side, held by stout sweets, and, not seen because. sunk beneathi the water, the schooner did pot go more than three knots, although—under full _spread' of canvas—=she seemed to beiunninztiway from her antago .niit, which now could be [teen coming up hand over band, her docks crowded a ith men; and her ports showing a battery of. twenty four runs. On she came wfih, the red c flaunting from her peak, unti nearly alutile of theschooaer shot from doe Of her bow go ''Show them out colors an the young Captain, while his with a smile ofterrible,joy. It was done In an instant; head was not changed, nor Rapidly the. Engli,hman leg a little to leeward, so as her larboard beam. . • 'Crouch well behin'el the stand by your larbOard guns, a match until the order corn depress your guns, so as to t l wind a'rtri . water! Sail- tr:rnen - sheets and braces, and be re These orders given, Capt his position on the laroard ter-deck, and with ill-conoea' the Eng Hillman range alongi almost abeam. !Haul down your colors, Strike, you Yankee rebel,stn English captain, Who stood o, vessel in full uniform, atead bolditv on to the miezen rig 'l'm Jost going to:slrike=4 but you!' cried gewaif, sar . stantly giving the order to broadside. It was done ty i til terrible etect, for the British had not anticipated r i"tance-froni A rebel whom they supposed 1 o 1 e using his best efforts to escape, and were huddled along the deck on the aide next to the schooner, and. were cut doWn in fearful swaths. And as the sails were little injured, the sloop-of-war shot ahead; sa that she vias past the schooner be fore she could return the broadside. • 'Cut away the drags, spritig. to sour star board battery—throw in chai n-rbot ma well as grape—and cut her sticks away " cried 'Sea waif. , rl a Then orde;ing tbelielm np, l s tbe - schooper's headway increased, he vee off athwart the stern of the sloop; and as th guns came in range, delivered a raking fi which not only swept her decks, but cutting away her mails, Crippled her completely. - He then hauled on a wind, determined to pepper her until she should ;strike,' and not wishing to lose any men at close quarters, if he could help it. 'But he had no occasion to use his guns any more; for, suddenly, with a shock, which shook the set and the air like an earthquake, -the ill-fated craft was seen to fiy into fragments, amid a cloud of smoke, into the air.^ . . Wbetherby accident or d e ign, no one could tell, but, in someway, the powder in her mag azine had been ignited, and she wu blown to atoms.. " Promted by humanity, Captain Sewaif in stantly ordered gybe helm up, and geared for the spot where the sloop-of-war bad been, in hop. to save some surviving persons of hat crew. BLit not a living soul could , be seen. A few blackened spars and timbers only met the eye. 'Mon Dieu! Mon Dien! xis is too bad! Not one man to amputat= - -not one ball for extract!' said the'dottur, with a sigh and st - piteous grimace, as he looked in the water. 'You may.hare better luck another tittle, doctor,! said Seasiaif, as he, gave orders to trim sails and haul on a wind again; for the transporti—having seen the fate of their pro tector—were now crowding sail, and tuing, like a flock of frightened sheep ; to make their escape from an opponent which had done such fearful damage in so short a time. But the Schooner had no lumbering cargo, and - svas ready for Combat . or a nice, as occasion required. • • This great revoltitionary sea-story, from the vigorous pen of Ned Buntline,will be - condo; tied, from where it leaves Off bete, in the NEW YORE Miricunr, for Saturday, February , 4 26th, 1859, which is now ready and for stile at s all news depats and -bOok-stores. The 111Eaccar ie the largest, handromesiiind most unobjectionable weekly paper published, and enjoys a circulation °foyer one hundred thou sand copies. Etch number of the New York Mercury is illustrated by the celebrated lax Dsniar. Subscription, $2 a rear, or $1 ! for six months. Address, Cauldwell. South worth tk.Whitney, proptietors -New. York f I'ov. JAMES PYLE'S inEwric samsaierus: THE B! ST in market "r* it. LASHES,—no heasbati ,- -st UV 2s each, ilnd no Jess. MAW Supply of those excellent Candles; !It by the or box. li e rEW supply of those - good TEAS, at 4, 6,&:- ..k.N."Bs'per lb. ; the very bestial' anirket if 01488E6; - 1 4. 021ACC,0;- ' • ' CM , IRS'," - lig etteteis littiOKS e ... Of every variety that is used under the present adininistration. YL CLOTH CARPSTING : and indeed our "tate ban now botat of an assortment niegaallect heretofore,• at-eery{ low -prices for mar.. ENYON, Jr dbe23 & P • r.wirsillb Centre, Pa. R: I iTh ritnenirrg ti MCEOPATIIIr 11 - R.emf4iipg for Anln by A- ts. .1., Tilit-ritt.;.,. • - KEYSTONE HOTEL , At Montrose, Penn. -WDL L RATGIL Proprietor. 9 - 1111 S now and cetontedious Hotel situated 1 on Pub.lie Avenue, near tho Court t ilouse, and nearly in the centre of the business portion of Montrose, is now fifty completed and fdrnisited, and will be opened on Monday, the 27th day of the present month for the accommodation of the publki and travelers. The Proprietqr feels confi lent that he is now prepared to entertain guests in a manner that cannot fail to give • Complerteitiatisfitction. The Hotel and Porniture'are new, and Co ex pease has been sparist to render it equal, if not superior to any similar eitablishmentin this part of the 4tXte. It is !well supplied with all' the_ recent improvements and comforts, aria dbliging waiters will always be seadvtirespond to the call df eltlitorners. . toin' to run Girl' asl:4 the R, with iron e or dragti; chop no ktpertinent d the captain, n!' said the now , ad to obey the The _Stables coon' ctrl t. ctoct with this. ficituie lire New venien. the Proptieter reOpectfully solicits Thertron age of his old frieudr, and the public getierally. W3I. K. lIATCII. Menlmoo,Septemluar ABEL ITURRELL jriefi r clelaWnt NesiNint, *in! a Hlarge and cbcdsevErlety of goods, which he ofTers to his customers and the irtadiS at low prices fcrr'rash. Hi sockt compriges: llt GS, MEWICINES, P TS,, - • OILS, - • ~YIND'QW GL AS S, ' DY.k.'STUFF,E, • GROCERIES,. - GLASIS—WARE,- TIOt K E R V, - M It RON S, CLOCKS, WALLPAPER, WIND,OW,PAPEft,. WIN DO O IL sII XI ES, FTANCY GOODS, MUSICAL INS-TRUMENTS, - JEWELRY, i'ER UMERY, - DR Y•G 0,0. D S, HARD WARE, S T 0 N'E WARE, WOODEN. -WARE, LOOMS,it BRUSHES, JAPANNtED WARE, , C iv ARY SEED,. -POCKEI KNIVES, • WHIPS, UMBRELLAS, G U N S, PISTOLS, • A M UN I T I 0 N, . TURPENTIN.E, C A MP H E N E, BURNING FLUIt, .A.LCOHOL, • LIQUORS, , rossotSt-George she was within when she fired a d namel' cried nate fine flashed ut the vessel's sail touched. osed • op, hes d o tauge tode; bulwarkb, mew outdo not touch from my lips; 6ke her between rs, stand to your dv for orders , : Sewaif took ;ide of the (par ed delight saw until she was (FotMerlicinalPurpsoset bitly‘) TRUSSES, SUPP'ORTERS,.' ' .r I 11 sink you kr!" shouted the ShiOULDER •BRACES, POTMON , NAIES, -SPECTACLES, SILVER & PLATED SPOONS, FORKS, &c., GOLD O PENS, STAZIONERY 9 VIOLIN STRINGS, BOWS, &c., 1 , the poop of Lis ng himtelf by , ot fSy eoiors., deally, and in= nr in Lis abolt And all of thnmostpopnlar PATENT MEDICINES, ThanlePil for the liberal Vatrohage hitherto re: eeived, he hopes to merit a continnanne and 4arge increase of the samt. ABEL TURRELL. . Montrose, Nov. lat 1858. NEW YEAR PRESENTS. TtlE subscriber Fiche. to make a present-of about different Alumina, for tilt , tfelti 1859, to ,every family in Stisquehana county. They and got up and published at a, great pease, and contain much valuable information. • ABEL TERRELL. • Montrose, January Ist, 185 e. Vrtseuts. THE subscribers would call the attention of their friends to the great variety of Gold and Silver Watches, Jewelry and Fancy Goods which they have on hand suitable for the ap proaching Holidays, and which they offer at the /retreat Cash Prices. Everts 4c ALLEY. No. it Odd Fellows' Hall, Binghamton, Dec. 17th, 1858. • GOLD' AND SILVER WATCHES.—Open -Face and Hunting, of every style and price. comprising over fifty different patterns, many of their own importation, and warranted time keepers, which cannot fail to suit, by EVANS & ALLEN. GOLD-GOLD -CHAINS; Crosses, Keys, Seals, Neck- CHAINS ; laces, Studs, Thiables, Spectacles,-Breast pins, Ear-rings, Finger-rings, Sleeve.buttons, Lockets, Bracelets, Snaps, Pens, Pencils, Tooth. picks,s&c., &c., &c.; by EVANS & ALLEN. SILVER WARE. Table, Desert and Pickle forks. Table,. Desert, Tea, Sugar, Cream, Berry, Preserve and Salt Spoons; Napkin Rings; Childress' Knivis, , , Forks and Spoons, in sets; Cups; Ice Cream, Pie, Butter and Fruit Knives; Salt Cellar* Caul Cases, &c. &e., by Etass & P.LATED WARE.—' tea Sets, Tea Pitelers, Castors, Cake, and Card Baskets, Pitcher Trays, Salts, Cops, Sugar Baskets, Soup and Gravy Ladles,. Forks and - Spoons, for sale by Evian & , . 111APIERMACHE Boxes, Perfume and ,Fancy JL Cases, Coral Beads, do. Necklaces and Arm lets, Shell and India Rubber Combs, Tea Bells, Telescopes, Watch, Stands, Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives, Scissors, Wax, Satin and Amber Beads, &c., dtc., &c., by EiANS & ALLEN. I)IAMOND PINS AND FINDER-RING some very Eno, by Evass & ALLEN. PLATED KNIVES.—A Large Assortment of Table and Desert Knives, and CarVers, by EVANS & ALLEN, • O. 2 Odd Felltottr Hen. Eihikat6l6e, (TA 7th, 1858. irr 1859. WE ARE BOUND TO CO AHEAD? . GO SEE • rrHE LARGE STOCK OF NEW GOODS 1 just received at the Original One Price and Ready-Pay Store of HAYDEN BROTHERS. The People's Agents are °nand with a large stock otoMads comprising Staple& Fancy Dry Goads, • Slats Ik. Cain, • • Boots & Shoes f Groceries & Provisions, Floaer & Sally • t • Ta s sitee Notions, Watches, Seiketry, Wall & Windosi - Paper, Woostelat-Waie, and 1e hatione thoAand . and one thldgebeshies. ; fire will my to CIeGASE BUYERS stu.oint BARGAINS CALL and 8.1 1 :Ei HAYDEN BROTHERS. :dew bliirord , Pal Jan. Ist, 109. • Wilt Spot York City Illustrated Nowtlnporio A- Motraziais , &r., Citt, • for sale ot the 314IFST111141KIF: itedlii STORE. lov 1 A. N. 13(11.1.Aill) • 8 MICE. S. 0. S SIRE dr, BROTHERS itEE NOW • - st vpll - of 41j ke 4 ,' FALL • • AND WINTER- b(00101S. w i HlCiifor . lbashorProdace can be boight very WALLPAPER. ' A select assortment received. S. H. SAYRE 61. BROTHERS. CARPETING. Bargains offered by' S. 11. SA] RE & BROTHERS PLOWS! PLOWS!! LOWS. We invite the attention of Fars Y to the celebrated Peekskill Plows which welters added to ourlarge assortment. S.H. SAYRE S. BROTHERS, . , Proprietors of Eagle Foundry. Montrose. Nov. 29th, 1858. 18tf. STOVES! STOVES !! STOVES !!! OUR Stoves 'have been so thoroughly tried to the entire satisfaction of all, that they need no recommend frrim us. S. H. SAYRE cit DIMMERS. 00 Ds 1? Lt OIP g.a a ff . PM& AT THE HEAD OF NAVIGATION; A ND examine the -choice-.stock of Fall AL! and Winter Goads, just opened tor Examination and - 5A.1.8,a eery lotakures by C. W.MPTT.. STET. . , Cashmere, and DuLain-Shawls at very I prices by G.W. MOTT. HA Ts and-Caps of 01 newest styles,-in great variety by C. W. DIOTT PRINTS in abundance by C. W. MOTT. BRASS Hoops, Ilosiery, Gloves, Belts ete., etc., by - C.' W. MOTT. 1100 RAWN and Bluo Sheeting tiaa Sh'efingh -2-.7 Shirting Stripes, Ticks; Denials, Summer Stuffs, &c., &c., as low as can bo afforded in this market. C. W. MOTT. GROCERIES, Crockery, Flardware and various other articles too numerous to men tion,—all of which shall bo sold Cheap for Cash r Ready Pay. • C. %V. MOTT. • OLOTMlS,Cassirners and Vestings, very do sirable styles, at prices that cannot fail to suit. Call and be convinced. C. W. MOTT. WM. B. _SIMPSON, WlTtii. REPAIRER, Shop in Boyd cC Webiter's new building, next door above Keeler & Stoddard's. AVI G worked for thS past nine years IX with the most skillful workmen, he feels confident that he can do the most difficult jobs on short notice.' MI Work Warranted to Give Salitfaction W. B. Ststrsou has worked for me for WIMP time, And I_ can recommend him as a careful and skilful workman, competent to do as good work as can ho done in the country; and 'worthy of confidence. ' WM. A. CHAAIBERLIS. Towanda Judo ibth, 1-858 !refers to—Win. Elwell, E. W. Baird, E. D. ?dontayne, E. 0. Goodrich, B. Eingsbury, Towan da; B. S. Bentley, L, Searle, C. D. Lathrop', J. Wittenberg, Blontroiin. • • * *Jewelry beady repaired on short notice, and on reasonable terms. [Juno 15th, 1 858.—tf. gait, Batt I halt I ! aE[). W. MANN, Whohilktle Salt Dealer,— kfil 201 Washington Street, (directly opposite Washington Mark'et,) still continues to offer to the city and cointry trade, all kinds of foreign coarse and fine salt, at the vory lowest figures; 40000 sacks snit In part of Ash ton's celbblated btsnti for table and dairy use, Jel'rey & Darcy, Marshall's, Brownlow's, &e., and 50000 bushels Turks Island! Spares, Cu' races, S. U ben, Lisbon, Cadiz; Ii ica, Nantes, &e.; all oft'hich will be sold at bargain prices from vessels, store and storehouses. Any purchaser wiahiog to 'elect from a good assortmeut will god it to hia Interest to'call. N. B.—Fine table salt put *up in small bags of different sizes, and constant y, on hand in ship ping order. Also a splendid article - of Rock' Ground salt, in quart boxes, put rip and for sale' by the quantity, in eases of fire dozen each. New York, April lst,lBsB.—ly* An entirt Beiu it.o.tid ..4.1111411111 NEW ARRANGEMENTS At the Old Stand of Lathrop & CO; LATHROP & DeWITT BEG leaie to announce • to the public in gen eral that they are now opening one of the largest STOCKS of MERCHANDISE ever offered in Montrose. Comprising Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard-Ware, Crockery, &c., &c., &c., which they propose to sell at the LowEse CASH PRICES. T-hose are real Facts-, We wish to demonstrate' to the public the difference between buying Goods-for cssn and- ON TIIIE. LATHROP & DEWITT. _Montrose; April 26th, 185£1. MIISICIANg.- ARTICULAR attention is cnlka to the P choice variety of Violin, Gaiter and Bass Viol Strings, some of the best qualities in market. Also a good Selection of Violins, Bows, Pegs, Bridgim, Tail Pieces, Finger Boards, Rosin, att., Aceordeons, Rates, Fifes, Dram Sticks,.Tuning Forks, Instruction Books, tic. Call in at the Variety Store of ABEL TURRELL 11 W 11IILFOR Shawl and Dross Goods Emporium! NEW FALL 'GOODS - FOR CASTI ' AND PROMPT SthtfORTIIS BUYERS, 8. Mr/MITT j_T AS 'now in Store, and is konkint.laiio addl. 11-lions to his Stock of ' • FALL AND WINTER GOODS To which be would invite the attention of= buy. ere; etnbracia,„„ff the most desirable varieties of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, including the New Styles of Rich Fall Printi and Plaids, in De laines, Ducal Plaids, Plain and Paid Merinos, Mohair Cloths, Ginghams, Silks ; &oche, sten., Caihnire,Sillcand Wool Shawls, Rich Ribbons, Bonnets sad Flowers, Net Hoods, Ladies' ClOt hs, Broadcloths, Cassimeres, &c., with a full assort ment of other staple and Fancy Goods, as usual, including Groceries, Crockett, Hardware, Stoves, frost, Steel,-Nalls, and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Carpeting,PloorollCloths. Painted Wiudowilhades, Wall Paper, Clocks,. - Drugs, Oils; Palate, Buffalo- Kobe.; &e.,- J The entire Stock being large and bought for CASH, will give superior opportunity-for Choice Selections, and be sold at the tdottlEs`r FIGURES to CASH AND PROMPT SiX MONTHS DINERS. Salt & Floor &Instantly on New Milford, Cfctober 1et , 13b5. • - DENTAL NOTICt 11 - Ikit: A. Girrecomb has Located himself inn - Montrose for the purpose of carrying on -the DENY.% I. PIII.I3iCE 10 Its lie - is now ready to attend to all ails in his profession' ; e ah prbrnones,aiid will enfleavtir to , 2717 e entire NatioLetion. Alt nio•ratic.n% WC fol A NTED. ' Office with Dr.l): %writ, 44 , pt. Ibtli. I asP.—tf. THE MONTROSE DEMOCRAT. PCBLISIILD iIItIiSDAYS AT MONTROSE:, .2FFICI.: ON Ut.l:l-1C AVENCy, 0.1.1 . 051 Ti: TUE I. 0., Terms:—s2 per annum:-23 percent., de ducted.if paid in advanee z 50 per cent. added to arrearages. No person receiving a paper on credit shall be entitled to the benefit of any exemption law as a bar to the collection of bills. The receipt of papers_on credit - to be evidence of an airee ment to the foregoing. Discontinuances , optional with the Publisher until all arrearages are paid. Advertisements inserted at el per square of 200 ems; 25 cents per square for each insertion after the first three. One square one year, $B, each additional square, 64. Job Work of. all kinds executed neatly and promptly. Slakuks always on hand: REAIOVAL. Little & Post, Attorneys at Law, have removed to their new office, a few doors south of Boyd & Webster's corner. Montrose Oct. 23Am • DR. WM. L. RICHARDSON, WOULD respectfully tender his Professional Service's to the inhabitants of - MONT ROSEA, . • and its vicihity. Office over Studford's Store. Lodging% nt the Keystone Hotel. Montrose, Oct. 12th, loBURNER, GRIGGS, & KINGSBURY, MANUFACTURERS, AND JOBBERS IN MATS, CAPS, AND FURS, 400/I:Dgi Umlnelras, Parasols, and Ribbons, AND ALL • ETILLINERY 'ARTICLES No. 46, COITRTLANDT STREET, LAWRENCE, ) NEW-YORK. Ls. M. Gnicns, - General PArtners,— .INo. KI-NGSBURY, ) M. C. TYLen, Spee'.al Partner. [sep.2,ly.• • TIENBY B. McKEAN, TTORNEY and COUNSELLOR at LAW. LI., Office in the Union Block—Towanda, Brad ford 'county, Pa. atte'nd iiro'mptly to all'proressional business intrusted to him, in this and adjoining 'enmities. s • ,[ je3'sBtf "HOME AGAIN,"_ all. lb'. <S. DEMME. OFFICE, over Wilson's. Store. LODGINGS, at SEARLE'S HOTEL. loCentroae, March tok'lB.sB. • WM. W. SMITH, & CO., Cabinet and Chair Ptlanninettlr irs, foot-of Main Street. Montrose, Pa. ABEL TUERELL. mosTmohu, Ps. Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, chemicals Dye Stuffs, Glass-ware, Paints, Girs, Varnishes Window Glass, Groceries, Fancy Goode, Jew. elry, Perfumery, &c.—And Agent tor all the most popular Patent Medicines. JOHN GROVES, Fashionable Tailor—Shop near the Baptist Meeting !louse, on Turnpike _ Street. Montrose, Pa. DR. R. THAYEB, Pbl3o.eran `And Siirte'on, Mobtrose ta. Office in the 'Farmer. Store. • HAiDEN BROTHERS, mew Milford, Pelineal. Wholesale dealer in Buttons, Combs Suspenders, 'threads, Fancy Goods Watches, Jewelry, Silverand Plated Ware, Cat lery. Fishing Tackle, Cigars, &c. Merchants and-pedlars, supplied on liberal terms. WM, HAYDEN, TRACY HAYDEN, JOHN HAYDEN, GEO. HAYDEN. - DR. E: F. WILMOi, tirades:me of the Allopath:c end llomeo. pathic Colleges of Medicine, is now per manently located in Great Bead Pa. April 21, 1836. • JOHN SAIITTER, rashionable Tailor. Shop first doo north of the Farmer's Store. IKIII • , IT HE subscriber hiving purchased .•• 1 refitted and newly furnished thi • bore well known and popular Hotel, :: • - is prepared to accommodate the trsv eling public and others with all the attentions and conveniences usually found in first-class Houses. No•effort will be spared by the Pro prietor and his Assistants to make the Hotel equa. i every point to any in the country. The Bar will always be supplied with the Choicest Liquors. The Stables, connected With this House are large, roomy and convenient, and careful and atten five Hinders are always in charge of them • - - S. TARBELL. Montrose, May 13tfi, 1858. _ RE M - 0 V A. 1.; iliSaddle, iliniess and Trunk Simko( Leo R. WOMDMVE IS REMOVED to the building recently on pied C. C. Hollister, on Mato St., one 'door above S. S. Mott's, whero he will be happy to wait on all who may favor him with their pattOn ng.6.o Jan .-26th, 1858.—t a. Patent Medicines, &e. READ ! AFFLICTED, READ /7 Gnarnminano MEDlClFES.—Vegetable Pills Green Mountain Ointment,_ fiefs/piffle: Compound, Children's Panacea, Eye Lotion, Fe ver and Ague Remedy, Health Bitters, Dysen tery syrup, Coninmptive's Balm, Marshall's Uterine, Catholican, Dr. Libby's Pile Ointment, and Manual of Health. Ayre's Pills and Chew P,ectortil, Germap Oinfultnl, mAdatie Cfruttifer(t, Holloway's 01 - rittnint and Pills, Davis' Pain Killer, Pr. Fitch's. Heart Corrector, Rannetes Rocft and Plant Pills, Sonle's Sovereign Balm, Wright's falanVeAetaVePilla, Rhode's Fe - ver and Aguo Cure, Merchant's Gargling Oil, Arni ca Liniment, Camphor, Castor Paregoric, Aloes, Pisani, Myrrh, "Lteoriee, dre g '&c. A now suppryj list reeelved,ra be kept constant ly on hand, for sale by L N. BULLARD. October, Ist, 1856. HIGHLYIMOORtAN IN: F-110.MIT-1111, To All Gentlemen Who Wedr ClotArs. lIlAirF: recently - m - ;de arrengements, AL, ion. siderable expense, for doing work in•the Tailoring Business on very short notiee, in it neat,darable, and huh !enable manner; and at reduced prices. 'I will furnish garments to otder, If desired; or render, the customer whatever assistance he may needzin selecting materials of the beat quality, and at Ole - lowest-market prices. Ail my •work will be warranted as to ft;' 6n. ish and durability. No customer need take hip work from the shop unless it suits him. - Eking permanently, and lizclusirely engaged in this basinfuls, it shall be my great aimlo please the public, and thus secure their patronage. , . • .• • • • JP. UNEISI. lilontrose, Ate - fat 1 gbB.-- • - ' ' . 111.1 :, Ecr ou rprOggi ai,ai - r4i7r - ,1 4: 1 7i7.7j - d i ~ C l . -d - ,r i_Y alit il' ~- - --4 40 i; §. , . er , oo ..,...pori On newtest i . - . for vole by ABEL TrIRRE Montrose, N0v..1. 1 30, 18 . 58. - ' 1" 111110GRAPIIS-ii NEV riC POl% Der` kb, 11359 - TOliffEf.L. , -.......H•z0v1. -. 6) 11,0-, //-..," --,• , .... i; --0,40-7), • 1,72/ v,- a.,-.,i:..-1 • MON:CITY conmERCIAI.COLLEGJEZ,. PITTRB U RG, l'A CIIA RTER ED 18555. I 3.o4Studtmta attending January.lol3, STOW the largest arid moat thorciughCommei .ol ciat School of the Milted States. Young rneniprepered Int.:actual duties of the Couuthag Room. _ , J. C. &mu, A. M., Prof. of Book.keeplng and Scientific Accounts. • . - • A. T. DOUTIIETT, Teacher of Arithmetic and Commercial Calculation. . ‘ J. 'A. lIEYDRICK and T. C. halms, Tcacher of Book-kceping. A. Cow LEY and W. A. MILLER, Profs. of Penn mansbip. lINULE ND Doctite. ENTRY npoK NEEPIND, As rise in every department of business. COMMER lAL AHITIIMETIC—RAPID BU SINESS. WRI I' ING— . - DETECTING COUNTERFEIT MONEY-- MERCANTILE CORRESPONDENCE— COMMERCIAL LAW—' ' , Aro taught and all other subjects necessary for the success and thorough education of a practi• cal business man. Drawn all the Premiums in Pittsburg for the past three years, also in Eastern and Western Cities, for best Writing; NOT ENGRAVED WORSE. ' IMPORTANT- I FOR NATION. Students enter at agy.time-i-No vacation =- Time unlimited—Review et pleasure—Graduates as sisted to obtain situations—Tuition for full Cont.- mercial Course, s3s,oo—Average. time 8 to 12 weeks—Board, $2,50 per Week—Stathinery, s6,oo—Entire coat, $60,00 to 830,00. tWf: Minister's sons received at half !trice. 'or Card—Circular—Specimens of Business and Ornamental Writing—inclose two stamps, and address F.W. JENKINS, Pittaburg,Pa. September 9th, 1.858.-3 m I.Y•eq,*.w A PRIZE FOR EVERY BODY! WHO SUESCRIBES s FOR THE - Neitr-Ooth rt'attkln V 1155.. Vi mtaunitrmt - - - - :a :it! fiT . . hi.T ZZLi• f AEU' . 111.1F1P.011 Irr HE NEW:NORK WEEKLY PRESS IS 1 one of the best literary papers of the day. A large Quarto containing Twenty Pages, or sixty Columns, of entertaining matter; and Ele gantly Illustrated every week. Al Gift worth from 50 cents to 81000 wi!l be sent to each subscriber on the receipt of th 2 sub scription money. , • 121 no copy for one year, and kgift .. $2. Tliiee copies one year, and 3 g!fta . . . 5. Five copies one year, and 5 gifts . . . 8: Ten copies one year, and 10 gifts . . 15. Twenty-one copies one year, and 21 gifts 30. The articles to be distributed are comprised in the %flowing, list :- 1 United States Treasury Note $lOOO. 2 do do do 500 each. 5 GO _ u do 200 each. 10 do• do do 100 each. 10 Pat. Lev. Hunt'g Cased Watches 100 each. 20 Ced Wstehes ' - . - 75 each. 50 do - - GO each. - 100 do - - 50 each. 100 Ladiesold Watches . - 35 each. Silver hunting Cdied Watches 30 each. '5OO di) Watches - $l5 to 2& each. 1000 Gold GuOrd, Vest and Fob Chains t 0 to 30. do dp Pens and Pencils - - sto 15 each. aold Lockets, Bracelets; Brooches; Ear Drops, .Breast Pins, Cuff Pins, Sleeve Buttons, Rings, Shirt Studs, Watch K.Pys, C old ana Wes, and a variety of other articleS, worth from title cents to fifteen dollars cach. On receipt of the subscription money, the sub scriber's name will btf entered'.upon our books opposite a number, and- the gift corresponding with that number will be forwarded vjthin one week, by mail or express, post paid. -There is neither humbug nor lottery about the above, as every subscriber is sure of a Prize of value. We prefer to make this liberal distribu tion among them instead of giving a large com. mission to agents, giving to the subscriber the amount that would go- to the agent, in many cases a hundred fold more. Address-all communications to DANIEL AKE, Publisher, May 27.—y1.] '2ll Coatis Street, New York E1a..0/lifße..*itql ' 2..ttnt# TO MOTHERS, WIVES it DAUGHTER:... Dr. R.A. LAMONT'S Periodical Compound. The most beDiAcial and successful FEMALE MED tan now in use or known, lot all eases of dis. ordered, obstructed or suppreshed Menstruation, Lueorrheea, Female Weakness &c. Ladies who have been disappointed in the use of Feinale Pills &c , can put the utmoSteonfidence itithis Com pound, it is infallible in the cure of all the above named complaints: It will be sent by mail to any address by enclosing. 82,t0 - any authorized agent. Preparedloy.R.l. ANDREW Buffalo N.Y. For sale in Blontivie by mayl3'sB.lyl READ, & CO. HOWARW ILADELPHIA. ASSOCIATION, PH A Benevolent Instittition,established by , special en dmomeni fur the reliefof tfie sick anddistressed, eicleti with Virulent and- Epidemicdiseases. THE HOWARD AsIOCIATIONaII viet' of the aw. ful destruction of human life, caused:by Sex. nal diseases, and the deeettliotut practised upon the unfortunate victims of such diseases by Quacks, several years ago. direeted their-Con. suiting Surg eon , as a CHARITABLE ADT:worthy of, theiroame,to open a Pisponsary for • the treat. sent of this class of ditieases,lii all their forms, and to give MEnt: - .:si-A: l ;vP2i. anstii, to all who apply by letter, with a description of their con. title°, (age, occupation, habits of life : , dte : 4) and in eases of extreme poverty,lo furnish medicines free _of charge. It is needless to add that the Association conimands the .highest medical skill of the age, and will furnish the moat improved modern treatment. -- - ' The Directors of the AsiOciation, in their An nnal Report upon' the treatment of Senna] Di seases, the year ending 'Januarys - TO, 1858, express' the highest satisfaction-With ihiseceess which has attentimt tbeishe . rretthe-,cOmMitiog surgeon-in the:iiiie SfiermiteirMit,'Belniesi- Weakriess,'lrnpetence;Gonorrhcea,tileet,RlPillig, the vice of Onanisin ni'Self-abuseAci -and- or der a continuance of the Mne-plan, for.the.em suitigyear. An admirable Report on Sperawatorrhrea,.er Seminal Wea kn ess , . the vicelif Onanisro,fflastur _bation, 'cir'Selt-abuse, - and other dieemies of the sexual organs, by Abe Consulting Surgeon, will be gent by. mail (in a. sealed envelope), FREE on, the receipt of TWO STAMPS for" postage. Other Reports a nd . Tracts on the nature and treatment of sexual diseases,. diet. &e.. are Constant!). beie Oldish. ed for gratuitous distribution and will •bo sent to the afflicted. Nome -of, the aew , remedies and nactbu4s of treatetent discovered during the last year, aro at:great value. • Address, .for Report or Treatmeut, Dr. .1 SKILLINHOUGHWINAitirig Siirgeon, How ardlitisociation;Nii:2 South Ninth Street, Phil. adelptiia, Pa. By order of the Directors. - EZRA D. BEARTWELL Presidini. F ALRCHILDi See". • • ee 28•13' • r • AN X.CROISTIC. charitilroiii -*kb 'lAir WE, ` • Zitotole bait Of - thie'.'s' it, 6t it , And -nope to• ikallass.foe' atttl - biatt RettoliVti'te'w)tillttat et i t tloß."' Des • hate• it' liusir,'Fastiorlys ' You'll ihtd'itii hatiiiiitattat' ittitff dghoptio.•Z,Bainifkaitt of itedifewilotolon Turnpike &Ad.!' • -• Witt man, Oct:2oth, '" inaction Ak : -' .. 2.,11t,p. m. ,Raturnitrg, !SDI-leave Junction at .._,;,..0a,ni, Due at Stroudsburg el . ........ 1.1...5 '• .i , sciajiton at .. ' ° :Bs p. ni. Pa ssenerii Iti‘einrfrehi - Ntir York .i.ii'r hi', kadelphia erttrchifriuir iiiriir'et - Jrinctinii: --.,---, 1 . ! • For Pittston,. Kingstom , 4n4r.tllilketibiarre, - take L. & D. R. IL-, sais .atlicrantori..f , - • •...• For Jinisup. Archbald, and s .Qarhurniale, lake • I. the StagiasSillauranton. ' . • -•:, - • I Ticketilold,and baggage eheckeifthrough. , AI'S '- • JOHN..DRISBIN, Sup't'. W.n. N. JtiKs.Oco'l Ticket Ag,trit •. NONY'ROSE; NO I?. 30111 1858. tierautba,lan. 1 5 3. th, I 65'..,. :NEW GOODET, =NM H. J. WEBB'S. ' , 0 , ,1 A.„.M:I). S' l . kNtY MATERIALS - FOR ::.L....1.:: A: ::„G:7!....+1,-7-. ::,SI ,Its DRICING CaMpllene, Lamp 011, 'ljr Candies, of best. qualities, eeinstantly on hand, anclat prices as CRAY AS TUE CllEArssT. Cuistothers map rely upon zetting, Fluid and Causpheue, new and good, as I sell so fast, ,they. sever get stale. Also. I:ans and Lawns. • ABEL - TtIItREI.L. Blontrose, Nov. 25th, 185$. • THE BLIND SHALL SEE. A LARGE AND NEW simpur SPECTACLE - S. - 7CM RECEIVED. •• • CALL AND TRY ' st Trl:ll4l,L'a TO .41D i g ke Montrose, finv.2sth, 1858. ;flour, , titb-&-YroVisinit 2.tore. Om door beloWl. Ethridge's- Drug •Store, on Public:-Avenne,:;wherw with be found nootantly on band a•general assortmentof :GROCERIES: Sneteas Sugars, Molasiseti,.Syrups, Teas, Coffee : dre., &e.,.&e. • Also the choicest brands of FAMILY FLOUR -Meal, Lard, 7FOrft, Harps, Fish, Dipped Oandios• Timothy, Citiver,Yield and Garden Seeds. We solicit n share of the public patronage, and pledge ourselves to do the fair thing, hoping by each bargain to secure another. BALDWIN . & ALLEN. ALFRED BALDWM. W3l. L'ALLEN. TO THE PUBLIC. SOME Merchants publish a few low prices, tir the price of Slow kw priced articles, as aminducentent to *Sons to Make their parchases of them, under the presumption that everything is eiplaUy low. Without taking space in the pablie p4pers to enumerate prises, I wish it dis tinctly understood, that Twill sell Goods as low fur the quality as they can be bought in any other 'Store id this place or county. Baits and Hooks not used. Purchaseis will generally find pied qualities of Articles at. TUCHELL'S, and in Drugs. Medicines, Paints, Oils, and Dry e Stuffs,' the . very best, and the assortments .fult Tlm Fancy Goods Department is also extensive. Also, choice Family Groceries, Crockery, Wall Paper, Jeweliy, Perfumery, Ste. In short nearly everything usually kept in country stores. ' , As deal many departments of-trade, and have more Articles than I can wallenumerate in the lignite of a Newsroper, 1 shall not attempt it meltl r will it lie necessary, under 14.,e to fill a column with useless re petitions' and blankii. - The people are invited to , call and examine for themselves. ABEL TURRELL. Montrose, Nov. Ist,' I SIM. HERNIA TRUSSES,. ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERS, SIIOULDER BRACES UST received a large await:lent of the J above tiitietes, at !educe') prices. The ploNt difficult cannot fail io bo suited in size. finality and prices. • ABEL TURRELL: Blontreoe, Nor. 25th. 1858. ' White-Man's Barber Shop, T THE 11fr _MEM 0:071 . 1, .11 (INTROS A', N. 11. NEWEV. BUFFALO of sEw No. 1 selling fur three - quarter,. the prieacif last seassn, by 11. lIURILITT. New Milford, Dee. Ist, 1858. CASH PAID - Mk - NIPPING FURS-. BY HAIM EN BROTILF4LS. New Milford, Pa., mad. Is', 1839. .TO 'TEE PIIBLiO. _:- GOOD WATCHES I s r pfIAT haye Veen spoiled by unskilful persons 111 1 - can again be made good by , '!. ~ n ' J.RIGGI,NBOTIEAII - 1 . , - A regular Cily Watch-rnakeP,competent to repair ' Duplex, Reptiaters, Pafent anti Detached. Leyer ; , , Lepines, anti VOrtleolVetehes,dro.,&c.; whether English, Swiss, French or Chinese mnko . : - and for this purpose has on hand a pod assortment of Watch Jewels, Wateli Wheels, Matusprinp, Cylinders, Hanils. Glauen. &c. t &c. . . . Fir Shot) in. Bentleki • ReVd & Co.'; gtorc, t'ionnii: illoUlt,'Nontrose . usil. Co., Pa. August 95tii,.1858. ' ' If. .. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. altimicEiEw.mgm EW RAILROAD ROG`I`C-DEI. WARE, II LACKAWANNA & WI:STE:IIN RAIL ROAD.—New and expeditiode bri.zoi • gongo route from the Noit and West, via dreat:Bend and Scranton, ind from the - Lackinthnti, and Wyoming valley* through to New Yoi.4' and Philadelphia. . ' On and after: Thursday, Jimmy. 2011, 1859, trains will be run as follows:. . . . . The Night Espress Train bound cast on N, Y. Sr. Erie R. R:arrives at Great Ifend at 7 33 a. m., and .ronnecti the EXPRESS Train u 11. eh leaves Great Bendior'NuivThrk and Philadelphia at • . 8.00 a. in. Wont 1 11ontrose, 8.37 •• Tunkflanhoeh,. 9.18 " Factoryville, 9.43' Sera_ntop, . . 10 30 " Moscow . • • ~ 1 1.1? • Stroudsburg, . 1.12 p.. In. Water Gip; . " • 1.25 Delaware,(ts minutest° dine,) 1,50 " Bridgevillo;' - ' ' - 2.'20 " Junction, 3.13 " New York, 7.15 " • ' ktitadeltdria, , 8.15 " Phsite — bgUris . 'teeth 111: ._ i or, - _Na 2 North River; it • ' " .'7.30 a. in. From PhiludelPhia,leaVe Walnut St, . -- Whartiat • ‘. • -, •6.00 " Leave Junction, -' '.• t -. • 11.10 " Duestßridgeville, ~. - - .42.02 p. in. . Delaware,(lsruic.to,dinner ) ,t2.l6 " ' 'Water Gap, ' ' • .12.55 " , Stroudsburg,: , • 1.08 . " Moscow: ~ : „ • 3.16. Scranton, _ 4.00 Faeloriilie; '' ' ' 4.'52 y: Tunkhanneek, . 5.11 " • hlontroao, 5.58' " . Great Bend., • 6.35 " Connecting at Great Bend with the 'Mail Train, west, at Accommodation Train Icaies E'er: n ton for Great Bend at 8.10 a. m. Arrive at Great Bend, 1:135 p. in. Connecting with the Emigrat Train West at 2.20, the Dunkirk Express at 4.35, and the N. Y. Express, east, at 3.10 p. m. Returainglloaveclirett.Bend at 13.15 p. in. Due at Scranton, — - . 7.30 ' For the secommod s olion of . way travel on the °SonthettMlighleil,frifoisenger eat will be a t taehediethf Express Freight Trahrs;leaving- Scranton:lW ' -, - •- • • . 4454. m. Due at Slroudaburgat. I, i ;10.20 !'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers