I3esi.Pair.'9tworking."oxe.it,• over 4 . years old, - raised in the county,la library of Agricul tural Eliooks, worth ..t,,55 2d beil,ltonatt oit Citle, and - 2i. 3d bor e Allen's Born. Animals, and:.. 2 4th hest, Alb. Cultic., and . 1 Best - pairrif Steers,' betty. 3 and 4 yin. old, - raised in the cenety, Stephen's Book of the Farm. . • , 2d ben, Amer.r . ligr, and 2 . 3d best., Amer. Agr., ' 1 Bad. pair of Steers, - betsseen 2 and 3 Tears raised in•the county,SteEbee's Book of Farm., 2tl best, Amer. Agr, and 2 . 3d best, ' " ." " . Judges : Wm. L Post,: JD°. lis tingtoti, and Miner Terrell. .11 0 0 S'. • • , Best Boar, Youatt on Heir, and, • $2 2d best, Amer.- A - gr., and 2 :Best Breeding Sow, Youatt, and 2 2d bast, Amer. Agr., and 3i best, Alb. Cultic, and . • Best 4 sprinepigs, Youatt, and - 2 2d best, Amer. Agr.,Ased Best A pigs-lwa thin 19 wks, old, Youatt, and " - 2 2d best, Amer. Agr., and Judges : Hyde Crocker; M. Blue, Jr., end E. G. Babcock. -•- 'S H k EP. Best fine wooled Buck, Youstes - Sbepherd's Book, and.. • $1 2d best, - Amer.Agr., end 1 Best 3 fine wooled Ewen, If:sedan's Sbeep . Husbandry, and -, • 2d bey, Amer. Agr., and 13e' . .t.'3 fine wooled Lambs, Country Gent. Be4t coarse wooled Buck, • Youatt's Sbep ,liercUs Book, and '- ea best, Amer. Agr., and • Bez.t. 3 cots se wooled Ewes,Eandall's Sheep Husbandry. and 2d best, Amer. Agr., and - !lest 3 coarse woolediambs,Co: .sest 3 coarse .ged Lamb,..,ountr3i .eat. Iles middle wooled Buck, Youstt's Shep herd's Book, and 2d, best,Amer.•Agr• ' and Best. 3 middle wooled Ewes, Randall's Sheeplinsbandtv. and 2d hest, Amer.. A 47.; and - Best 3 middle wooled -Lsrobs, CountrY Gent. • Liecesters, Bakeyrells 4 &c., :are classed as coarse wooled, Saxony. Merino, arc., as fine wo.;led, and South Downs, gfirC., as middle wooled.. • - . • • .1" zuls&es : not. P.Phiniiey, W. J. Wet mak and -Merritt Mott. . BUTTER AND CHEESE. - - Best Inkin of butter -made in June, Butter knife. worth *3 CM, and $2 2 , 1 best, knife, worth .$2.00, and 2 11 . best, " " . 4th nest,- ".• "- or - 2 Best fiikin, of butter, made in fall, knife, - wortk 0.00, amL 2 best, knife, wortks2.oo, and 2 best.. " '" • " " . I 4th best " ". " or Best 10 pounds' of butter made b_p.a girl under 18 years. knife, worth - 2 For 'largest quantity of butter -per-Cow,' from anc numberACows.Uountry Gent.,and *3 2•1 largest, 'Amer. Air., 'nil B. st Cheese,' riot less than '25 pounds, Amer. Agromd...-.. 2 2(1 • .2 judges: Henn. mi.kinrrgy, • Urbane 13u1.- sews, and - E: • FRUIT, CII)ER-_VINEGAR.. VEGETAB LES, lIONEYAND SUGAR. Best FHB not less than ig bushel and at leasl. 3 varieties,Downing's Fruit Cult- uiict. i. 21 be.st.. ..... .....r . sl* e st Winter-Apples, not !ass dm.,Downing's Frnit.Culturist. • 21 best, `• ' 1 'Best Penis, not less t4n one peck; Amer. A grimi rist. • Rest Quinces. Alb.Cultiv: Best .Cidei Vtnegar, , not less than g gals .3 2d best, 1 11.!,t and - greslest rarieti of Vegetables ; ... 2 Des! 10 pounds maple supr,.... 2 2,1 1 Ilest 10 pound; tione3,Quin by on Bees,and 1 1 best, 1 Judges : F. X Hall, A.. H. Patrick,. and . .'Alar , in Newman. CABINET WORK, CARRIAGES, AND BLSOKSMITHING. Best exhibition of usbinet work $5 21 best, !Js't rarriage, single or double; 5 21 best, - . • 3 For the best lot of 6 horse shoes, .... ... ... The llorSe'sFoot-low to keep h sound and 1 2d hest,.....llorce's Foot, &e., and 50 -cts. Judge—G. Z. Dimbck, IL D_liinds, and Wm. F. Lathrop. .- FARM IMPLEMENTb. For best plo•w, • •• $3 For beg cultivator, - 1 '. 2 Fur bez..4 corksheller2 , ..-.. , For best strawcntter, - 2 For best power for churning,. , ... 2 For ,e:,t 3 - 61 k-ins,. . ' • . 2 For best horse rake,. - s - - : 2 Forbest barrow - 2 . - 2 Judjes-:::C. Cartnr; l :A...Cassedy, Rufus &pith. , - - - 5E811110 ,4 5, &cf.. . Best Nobel of cosh, (ears.) - £.2 Best 1. bushel of wbe4t, •,- • • ....:. 2 Best ..i bushel of rye,. ..;.t.-... - I Best, f bushel of clover bee& 2 'Rest .I_r bushel of timothy seed,- t .- 2 Be , ' bu.hel of flu Seed, Judges-4. C. Lyman, Henry S.' Searle, Reuben Wells. • . _ Atc . Best 3 bidet of harness leach ~• 271 best, 2 Best 2 side of Aole 3 2d I;est, . ' 2 Best 3 sides r.f upper leather, - • 3 2d best, Bea carriage harness;- 3 2tl test,3.- .. .... 2 Best farm harness, ...... . 2L . - 3 -2d best. - ' 2 Best saddle,:..- . 2 Best. pair of. ..fine boots, 2' Best pair of common boots,: 2 Judges--:Cyrus .limes - . Mead, Christopher Perkitii. — . .DOMESTIC MANUFA.OIIJP.E.S.,‘ For bait Etta:lel less-thin. 10yards . ,..$2 2d best,. -1 _ For best fulled -cloth,rtAttleSs 1.14n - 's•yards, 2 • . ... 1 For heat woolen carpet no!,iesa than' 15fds, 3 • 2d best, -• ' 2 For testrrig carpet ttot leet than 15 •ards, 3 2d best - - • 2 For bet'i 4losen pair of woolen socks,.... 2 24.1 best,-.. .• - • - ... 1 For best 2 pairof woolen mittens,.. , ... '. 1 2d bell,'; .r.: ...;.,..-:..,. .-: -60 ate. ORNAMENTAL NEEDLE. WORK, arre. F*3 . 2d beat, - 2 . For , ben quilt of ant kind;... 3 2d best,... .... 2 For beet winter .... 1 For - best Lulieeiacque.. 1 Matadi Wright. . Best 3 torkep,..— . . .. Country Gentleman. 2d begt, ' $1 BeA 6 To l i svls Lveai Country Gentleman. Best 13 sprlnk c'hickens,...Arner. - Agr. And $1 23 best, 1 Best 6 ducks - , Auld. Agr. And 1- : 2d Albany Cult.. And 50 cts. - Judges—Myron Baldwin, James W. Chap man, and henry Sherman. To_ .tha farmers Whosi prod outs' are the greatest (hay included) in proportion to the number Of e'en's under cultivation, taking into account rlte stock - kept 'en hisfarrn during the seasoe,a lie ar./ Of agricultural - books worth, $5 and cash-85. To the:pelt $6. Repolt to be made to Executive Cenanittee previous to the January meeting. • ' PLOWING.; Best Best plowing,— —Country Gentleman and $3 2d best, Amer. Agr. and 3 3d beak 3 4th best, - 2 sth beat, . 71 Judgea L and Committee of Arrangements to be appointed when - place is decided upon. • . The lisecutive Coniniittee in offering pre miums to be awarded have in some respects changed the mode heretofore adopted, prin cipally 6Y - offering Books and Agricultural Papers for a portion of the premiums. If any person shall be awarded the same book or paper twice he shall be at liberty to substitute any book' or paper of equal value, and if any person to, whom a. money premium shall be awarded, ;shell so desire, he shall be at liberty to select 'any book of the same value for a premium. - The Ccimmitee trust that the plan of dis !dinning. books And agricultural. papers of value among the Farmeis of this Courtly may give satisfaction to - the members of the So ciety, and prove an advantage to the Society both present and future. Tile premium list has been considerablY ;ex tended in tltte departments in which mist interest is felt, and some new premiums Caere; :- Proposals are .requested titan different towns desiring the plowing match to toe held in their vicinity, to be made by the 3d Tdes day in August to Mr. Baldwin at,Montrose, -F. M. WILLIANIS; E rectitme ALFRED BALDWIN. Committee. SAM'L F. CARMALT, i Gents The Celebration at Brooklyn. The Committee of Arrangements, having in charge the uubject of the Celebration of our Na. tional Anniversary, at Brookh n, on the 3d of of July, submit the following Programme as the ORDER QF THE DAT. At 10 o'clock A. M.,, a procession . will be formed, under the guidance of S. W. BREED, Esq., iMarshal of the day, 4,nd R. T. Azini:gy, Esq., Assistant, to be arranged as follow., _Martial Music. 2. Stildiers. 3. Clergy. 4. Reader of the Declaration, and Orator. 5. V,lcaLMosic. 6. Citizens &e. T,heprocession will then march to a pleasan t retreat in the orchard of Mrs. Tiffany, where the following order will be Observed : 1.. Vocal Music. 2. Prayer. • 3. Vocal Music. 4. Reading the Declaration of Independence.- 5. Martial:Music. 6. Oration by R. B. Lirri.E, Esq,. 7 Mil-Val Music. A recess will then be taken, during which a a' Collation will be servedtswll who desire it, by the proper Comniiitee. :.,7tlter which the": order will proceed as foltovrait;;,`:-.-1, • • • 8. - Munie. 9. Regular TotstS:"sessoned" with brief sp eche...and 31usic. 10. Volunteer Toasts. 11. Music. 12. Sencdietion. •:„ - - . The Procession will then return irrAke same order as it adviiiced to the, grounds. The Committees have each, in their depart) meats, arranged for .11; !" GOOD Time," and are en couraged with the prospest of a sumptuous g.ith eria,4 of the et:liens "from all the region round about" on the r.ecnainn. Torch Light and Fire-Works in the evening Per order of the Committee of Arraligements G. G. IIEMPSTF.AD, Secretary. Sabbath School Celebration ip l iie33tsl,ll . 29 7P41., The Citizens of lirackney and surrounding country will celebrate our National ledepen deuce on the 3rd day of July , . 1858. Sabbath Schools from Ilawleyton-and Conk'in Forest, N. Y., also Liberty and Franklin will l e in at tendance. A nrrixtexvirivitation is extended to the Public.l OFFICERS OF THE DAY. E. 31ILLER. President. A. H. GAIGE, Marshall. • VAIL, . t Mar W. IL LATHROP..ss A ORDER OF EgERFiSES. Prayet ' Vocal Music; Reading or the DEC .LARATION, ;13y A. R. Van.; Music by the Band; National Oration, by J. B. McCollum, Esq , of Montrosil'lVocal and Martini Mn.iti. Addres-4ea, by the Rev. Mr. WALKER and D. C. Vosatrm of Binghamton;• Martial Music; Dinner; Grand Pa.• de. I • • • The proces4ion will be formed near the church, t 9 o'elo4, o. m., speaking to commence at 10 • • - ... 1 5 - latti ip., ?...2;,..;3y,aa, , . A.J ..g,tl : ....:4.,-.,:.--.,...-t.„.::::.„.7,:i;.,....i..z....:„...;_.,-„,,,:.-...,.... The fire companies of 114 uu ro.e proru‘se bracing the coming "INDEPENDENCE DAY' on_the 3d of July - by a GRAND PARADE commencing at 1I o'clock, a. m. DINNER „AT TWO O'CLOCK, r. M. - 210' 1 1 11 1:E.r. end magnifteent dieplay of IL -W 0 Rik% in the evening. 8. H. Sayre. W. H. Jegeue; D. D. Searle, E Mott, F. B. Chandler, J. P. W. Riley, Benjamin Chandler, Henry Keeler, E. Baldwin, committee. lioticc.--Rec. , MULES will pt.( IA at JarkseniVallei; North 13nInch and Fra , ndsviile the 2nd Sunda:) , in July, (July .11th }instead of lat Suntl4. 10,000 Patients cured annually by the use of HelmboldleGenuinePreparation of Fluid. Extract of Rocha, n must positive and specific remedy for distressing ailments. Read the ad,vertisernent beaded -Heltnbold's Gen nino Preparation." [mj Waned pe r o either-Male or female, who ever nsed a bottlef DR. Tomas' YEREVAN LISIIIIIENT, I I that will not say it is'the best article for the cure ot Rheumatism, Dysentery, Pains of all klnd,i, roup, cots, &e. It is Warranted - to cure—or no pay. Price 25 & .50 ets. Depot, 56 Cortlandt Street. New-York. None genuine un less signed S, I. Tobias. Sultiby A. TURRELL, Montrese,. Pat. " ' [26w3 Ao loyalty's Pills.—When the stmnach is in an irritable cond tion theNvholo system sym patiftee. Hence sick headache. nervousness di incapacity for meteor physical exertion. There are few who have not experienced thesetinpleas 7 ant effects or . indigestion, more trying sometkbes than serious illness. Now we take it upon our. solvers to day, not from report, but from actual: experience, that Holloway's Pills ate a positive and immediate.remetiy for all such depressing A. annoying disorders. They set the stomach right at once, and the cant-tilling organ of the system being regUlated and put in order, the return of bodttfatktueotal beitithis a necessary moose* , . lattice. , • - • - . Netle.te—qhe School Directors of Bridge. water hareen informed that some in the distnet are dissatisfied with teachers for opening their schools by. reading i chapter in the Bible.. The Dies:nom are unable to see anything improper or out of place in *nine common. schools With prayer or.singing, or by reading a chaptet hi the Bible (without comment)... They *retort, leave it soikely 'with the. tpacheie - of Bridgewater to exereise.their jodgesent and do as the WO - pro. per in Ala , respect. By order; of the. Beard Say 1.4 113815. j - CATLLNi &err POULTRY . _. i iiii s rd and 11 1•Oins t - for the Nor " Al 5e110061.--Thore who will furnish board fp students, dtiring_the coming -term of the Nor. it I school. stici ' those who have vacant rooms wAtere sindents ean' board theme..l res, will please lncorai me fmrnelliately, as applications "era al. re ify coming in:, • !urge attend:lnce is antiBpsted, so that stu• de is will do well to app:y early. W., B. ntAis.s. At the Picture Gallery inlthe Brick Block. ' IM4iVIlkl34. n Montrose, Jane 16th, by Rey. A. 0. Wsr ret Mr. A. G. wimirr and Miss C. L. WIN. T bath of SaSquehanna. In Montrose, on the 22d Jane, by Eld. A. L. Post. Mr. JAMES 0. BULLARD of Brooklyn, and Miss EMELINE I. SMITH of.Dimork. In Bridgewater on the 10th of June., by Eld. D.l Dimork, Mr. FRANKLIN B. TAYLOR of White Haven, Lozerne Co., Pa., and Miss THERESA B. FANCHER. of the former plsre. Tana. n Harlon!, May 2Ist„3IARY, wife of Harvey Isteit - 62 yearn. • DISSOLUTION OTICE is hereby given, that the firm of GRIFFIS & DIX is this day di.solved by tual eon-ent. LEANDER GRIFFIS, Itton,.June 24, '5B. E. P• DIX_ he - hooks and secounle can he found pt the l idenee of Leander GrATIA, who is authorT.z.d .ettle the same. All having unsettled ...onts.:.re requested to settle the SAIIIO. ASH FOR WOOL. BURRITT will ply the highest price in ea-h for wool ;it his store. ew 51•Ilhrd. June 28. 1858. $lOO,OO liEwno! OR a Dever, Sofen s or more Economical Li2ht than can he had by using D. 1) Pet.rs' Patent Non Explosive Self-Generating, Ga. Lamp. it being equal if not fin peri or to the bes Coal Gas. The materi il used for generating Ga is Burning Fluid or £therial Oil. The Gas is g l enerated it. the Burner by d,composiug and evaporating the Fluid by its own heat, forming Kure flidro-Carbonic Gas, whit-h is all conve)ed to t le Bunter, leaving no subst4nce onconsumed. 11 he Burner can be fitted to any ordinary Lamp andwarranted perfectly safe and free from any don er of explosion, is free from smoke or un ple snot smell. It is perfectly adapted for Churches, Hotels .Stores, Reading Rooms, Pri- Vote Dwellings, &c., &c., and only requires a trial. to 'prove its superiority over every other por able light now in use. The following calculation wit! ahowlts emno• my over other materials used for lights: PeterO Sol t-liessernti..g GarLanap Wiih Fluid or lEtherial Oil at 60 4.5. per gal. with six Jet Burn. ers, ' 1 et. , per hour. Cithene It 55 els. per gallon, 21 2 " " La osl tit el 25 - " " 22 3 " 4 - t Sp. Mn Oil al 52.150 " " 4 eta. " • Fl id with common bimers at 60 cts. per gallon, . 21:2 " " Gni at 82.25 per 1000 feet, -- 1 1-4 " " Gal at'B4 00 "- " " - - -2 I 4 " " " • 1 wi.h it distinctly. untierstood, that this Gas Bu4ner will produce more Light than any other P Lble Light in use. It is very simple, easily trimmed and-kept in order. The public are invited to call and examino this Premium Camp for themselves before pur. ehisiog elsewhere. this being the only Patent ~. IL net having a non-conductor. Fur sale at the Mo *TROSE FinCili SI oRE'I4 A. N. BULLARD. Montrose. June 15th, 4156. WM. B. SIMPSON, WITUFREPLIREII, fV!ONTROSE, PA. Aterrimon's Boot and Shoe Store, nett . to J. Ethridge. - LT AVINgp - orted for the past nine years 'IX with therrtost skillful workmen, he feels e v ritident t h :st he can do the most difficult jobs on short maim.. 011 prk Warranted to Give Sal4faction., • - • VV . . 8.. Si,ipso haswi.rlieJ fox 1.R6 for some ~ tiMe. and I can recommend him as a e, rein) and skillet worknian, competent to do as g d work as fan be done in the country, and wo\l ly of cor4fideneo. , - Was. A.'CHANBERLIN. .Towanda Jere 10th, 1858. Refers tc—W in. W. Baird. E. D. Mohtayne, E O. Goodrich, B. Kingsbury, Towar • da 8.. S. Bentley: L Searle, 0. D. Lathrop, J.. `:itten berg. Jlontrose. *Jewelry neatly repaired on short notice, and on reasonable terms. [June 15th : 1858 —lf. !Mai SOUTH woßm. COLONEL G. W. CROCKETT, CHARLES BURDETT, HOMAS DUNN ENGLISH, M. D., HENRY CLAPP. Jui., GEORGE ARNOLD, SAMUEL YOUNG. • Mits. ANNA WHELPLEY, • VIRGIMA VAUGHN, Mils. DI. VERNON, Miss HATTIE CLARE, _ • FINLEY JOHNSON, Viiie only e'er the GOLDEN PttizE GOLDEN PRIZE : , 11.0EN Lz[: ialE IioLDEN Pit IzE: GOLDEN P43IZE PRIzE 1:01.011 , .: Ii PRIZE 431, N PRIZE LLr I'RA7 EEE ' A: r• -Is , eir-% r LIE New 1 talk ‘V Zsrkiy PRizr. is one uf.the largest arid brfit literary papers the day—:.n Imperial Quarto, _containing, .8 es, or forty roltnnits, the most iiiter ing anti tabeniafing reading matter, from the a of the very tilat,writers of the day, Aleguntly lllusts-wed Every Peek Present, ttorth frame.) ctnts to *5OO ill be given to ench subseriber,immediately on eipt of the•subscr;plion torn,. y. This is pre ted as d memento of friendship, and not as an ucement to Alain subscribers. ' TERM §: One copy one year $2 and one preaenti Three do three do (Twenty-one do T e articles. to be given away are comprised in the following list: a .1 2 Packages of Gold containing 8500 each 5 do - do do 200 each 10 do do do 100 each 10 Patent Lever Hunting Watches 100 each 20 Gold Watches . • • 75 each 50 do - . - . .. ,60 each 00 do ~.. - - : - • SO each 00 - Ladies' Gold Watches .- - . ,35 each 00 Silver Floating Cased- Watches 30 e a ch 00 Silver ViTufehe4 . 10 to 25 each 00 Gold Guard. Vest, and Fob Chains 10 to ad Gold LOcketri,Tiracelets, Brooches, Ear Drops, f i I east Pins. Cuff Pins. Sleeve Buttons, Wens, ; irt Studs, Watch Keys, Gold and Silver Thitn , es, and, variety o! other - articles, worth from ty cents to fifteen dolfars'eseb. ' We will present to every person seeding us l'ty subscribers. at 82:a Gold•Watel 'wort h $4O, o any one sending one-hutuireti sitbscribent at li2. a Gold Watch worth $9O. ' Eaclisubscriber ill also receive a preheat. - . , -.- Immediately oh 'receipt of the money, the anU._ riber's name will be,etitered upon oar book, d the present .will be forwarded within one irW y At i l ic t i l a r l e l s o s r a e l 'i l fo r rm ' utr i catio a n kl ; to DEAN & S -I. LTER I Proprietors, 335 Brovireay, Now York. t Istwiecnoly Jobe 1, 1858. WOOL, WOOL Aftrltti 10000 Ai. of Wool, fot *IAA *a pey the highest market ! lasted at Mir More: "10171 , 1 G & S '3IITH: %Martaleitrifla, !rite t fB5B ' NOTICE• eoPsrtnership heretofore existing. un -31.. der the name t,f DU:herrn:in & Garrott k this day dissolved by mutual consent. The notes and accounts of 'the late' firm are in Horatio ,Garratispands fur collection. DICKERMA , Jr. HORAT4O GAR .ATT. New Blilfoid, June 10th, 1858. The business will be continued .at the old Rtund by Ilk .sitliscriber, whq will bo, mppy to see his old friends, and es m:iny ne ones es may be disposed to failor him with a cu l . More hereafter. . J. DICKER,II N, Jr. New Milford, Jane 10th, 1858. A 110011 FOR THE MILLION. (JUST PUBLISHED.) • • A TREATIsS s ON.FRRIOCHTUD LIQUORS, or till) Art of Brewing, Distilling, Rectifying and •Manufactering Sugant, Wines, Spirits and all kinds of Liquors, including Cider and Vinegar—, with Wood CutS. This work which has peen favorably reviewed by the New York Press, con. mining 1000 valulble• directions in Medicine, Metallurgy, Pyrotechey, Artificial Guano. Cos. metics, Artificial Gum Arabic, Artdicial Gans, Bleachinv , of Sheil Lac, Sealing Wax, CPlncOtst, Pastes, Cleaning Cleansing and Clearing Matit rials, Family . Soaps, Starch Polish, Cologne and other Perfumed Waters,. Dentrifices; Antique Oils, Hair Dees and Restorers, Solders find Silverings, Vir‘nislkes and Ink's. Price $2, mailed free by the authnr.. DR. L. FEUCHTWANGER, Practical Chemist. 143 Maiden Lane, New York.—lftm2i. SESQUEIIMA CO, NORMAL SCIIOOII, J. F. STODDARD, A. 1114 Principal. rrIlE undersigned take pleasure in announe_ inv, that the sUSQ'A.COUNTY NORMAL SCIIOOI, will aoain open in the Academy Buil dings, in Montrose. on Monday, August 301 h, ISSS, to continue eleven weeks. under the charge o s t Prot. STODDARD and eompetent Assistants. aided also. for ten weeks, by B. F. TEWRSIMIcK, Co. Supt., whose . knowledge of the condition and wants of the tr.:tellers of the county, renders him eminently qualified to contribute much to the in terests of the school. [We deem it proper to state thatiMr. Tewksbury is not pecuniarily in. wrested in the school.] I . ' - Prot. St,,ddard's character as an efficient Ed ucator and mputar Author is this, well known to require comment ; and the marked success and universal sitislitetion that have attended his la burs among us in the past, are sufficient guaranty for the future. During tne - present summer lie will visit the Normal &thoula of Canada to prorsesm himself of whatever improvements in the Art of teaching they may present.- • LECTURES. Prof. Stoddard-wifi lecture on the Science and Art of Teaching and Mcral Development. Mr. Tewksbury will lecure on Physiology and hy giene. The following gentlemen will two lec ture before the eehool: J. L. Richardson, Supt. of Luzerne co., N. A. Calkins, editor of the Stu dent and Schnolnzate. N. Y.; lion. Wm Jeu:up, R. B. Little, and B. S. Bentley, Esqs , Rev. B. B. Emory. and others. There will ,be Primnry Department erinneet ed sith the scool, under the charge of Miss El ko C. Park. Tuition in Normal Department; 11 weeks, $6.00 " Primary. " - 3.50 " Normal ,d ;S: Latin S. Creek, 9,1.0 Board pr. week, 2,00 It is desirable that tuition bills be paid in ad. vance..rind no deductions will be-msde except In eases of protracted sickness. Sludents can hro.rd themselves. as heretofore. Cooking stoves and furniture can be rented of Mr. &lyre at refl-- stumble rates. For information in regard tr:-Rooms and Board apply to W. B. Deuns Montrose l'a. or to the Sreretarv. Students should notirri/ to he presenrot the opening of the school. W. JESSUP, Prtet. C. F. READ, See'ry. Montrose, June 8,1858.-3 M -AND- • Jairb - TIREI EVDT.I VTD.2IO KmBygmouTER&REipER ,„ lvE aro nmitufaeturing the above mentioned excellent mactime for eastern Penn+cica in and the neighim . ring counties in New York, and invite the pirtiCular attention cf farm •rs to the following features of Kirby's Mower and Reaper. a hich we believe to he superior to all others in use, in the following particulars is the light- est in use ;is s.rong and Jamb ; simple in con struction; easily worked: adapted for horses or ()Sell; requires much less r'mitt than other ma ; has no side drAmht though it cuts a wide swath; will _work on ron:111 ground where no other machine can follow it; very ddlitmlt to be clogged in any kind of grass.be it wet or dry ; notliable to Bret out Oftepair ; is'compost d principally of iron; is c perfect cninbined machine, unalang, equally_ trelt lthether naming or reaping; and is the cheap. est in price,—Mower being only $100; and the combined Machine 8, 120,—making it altogether th e mos t desirat,le Mower and Reaper in market. .•ckef d: Co W - -..Fariners wanting RELIABLE Mowers & Reap, rs. ehould by all means bee our ntaeltin, s b e fore making up their minds to buy any other. Additional & interesting, information concerning the - Kirby machine is contained in our Illustrated Catalogue, wlrieh also degeribes (ur other ma- chines and implrirwas,atnong - si - hivh nre Emery's Patent Changable Rail Road Ilorse Powers, logit Point Improved Thresheri anti leaner', T h reslicrs said Separators, Portable Saw Milky Plows,Cultivators, and Horse Blom, Cider Mills, and Grain Drills. Our PORTABLE DOG POWER fivO do .15 ten do is a valuable machine, and much stiperior to the common Inclined whet-I, and is adapted for dai ries of from five to twenty cows. - Srnd for eopieN of our Catalogue and Price list for yourself' nd neighbors. WELLES. BLOOD & CO. Athens. Pa.. Juno Ist, 1858., • 13w6 11. L BLOWERS, Agent fr Susq'a c ounty, Pccst Office address, Montrose. Pa. .- 30 21 WIIEREAS Letter:4 of Administration to the estate of Ellen Bagley. late. of Brooklyn emnah;p. Connty. of Siyquehanna, deceased, hate been granted-to the subscritter;. all persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make immediate payment; and titm.e baying 'claims vainst the same } will present them duly anthem tieated for settlement, to It. W. GEER. . ppit, L EFT the - premises of dames Arnold; near La a I throp's Lake, on Saturday "Re night last, a SORREL COLT one year old; has one white foot, and a small e s ter in the forehead. ' Whoever will return said colt, or inform me where it may - be found, will be paid for his trouble. RICHARri ARNOLD. Lathrop's Lois, loos 22, 2858.-25* WOOL, WOOL ItAZD ENl i r T lE r i g hhig tiprfoN derel:ttt; weMilforhme 2elth,letig EXPENSES TIOGA POINT A.G ItICIILT 31tAL • ' —AT-- 7 - Aiken: Bradford County, Pa. IIV LL Es, BLOOD 111: . CO. Administrator's =Notice . Administrator Bro(*lin, June Bth, 1858.-23w6. WOOL 'CARDING.. THE undersigned hereby gives notice that he has again resumed 'the business of Wool Cardifig at the old stand at Keeler's 31i11 near• the Mineral Springs in Franklin. • June Bth, 1858.-3w.* A.• H. KERLEK. HENRY B. MEAN, ATTORNEY and COUNSELLOR ht LAW. (Mice in the Union illuek—LTowanda, Brad ford ennnty ' Pn. - R,si" %VIII attend. prnniptiy to nfl priife;isional bdainess intrueited to him, in thin and urtj.ining m , untiest, fje3'sBtE KEW :JEWELRY_ I .l .l_Cle• rt VANS & ALLEN have fil.:, .124 this day returned from ' • ; -414 New York with a well !select. c ..„, a ; • ,,,, ,A4 ed 'and choice assortment of a, • • . ),;,..A Watches, *jewelry a `_.! : -.-1,.,". AND FANCY GOODS,- %villa towetlier with their former Rtha 9 Ma kes the largest and hest variety elgood..sin their lin. ever' offered to the inhabitants of Ihnghainton; and as the above wore purchased for eas,h, will be sold at the lowest cash prices, and all articles warrant ed according to representation. The - attention of all persons wishing to examine or purehase-is respectfully solicited. 'EVANS. & ALLEN, No. 2 Odd Fellows' Hall: WATCH ES.—Gold and Silver ‘Vntehea, of evt ry description, of our own impor tation, end ills of various other .makers, open fare and hunting, for sole by Evans SL ALLEN. 4 4 11LVER WARE.—Title and Desert Furka; Table, Dental, Ten, Preserve, Cream, Sall and tn.tard tipuuna; Plit, Cake, Butter and Fruit Kithen; Cups nod Guldets; Card Cases; .S..dt Cella' a; sets of Knive, Fork and Spoon; and Nupitin I.mgs, ut sterling silver, at • EVANS & ALLEN'S. D LAT,ED WARE:—A handsome variety of P•atvd Cantors, Cake amt—Card Baakets, (-Alps, Forks in/(t Spuuns, extra'heavy plate, tea Seta, sugar Baakew, tialt Cellars, Ote., for sale by EVANs & ALLEN. EWELRY.—A very beautiful ass(); talent of GP Cuomo, Stosaie, Budd burnt., k:OSSielled, o,utie Slat Lill Gold Ear-Wags sndilreast-Pius, just recened by Ev.t.xs & ALLEN. Goa) ell AIN s.—Fol), Vest, eliatelaine.uud CLuins, of various patterns and, %%righl.s, by EVANS 61. ALLEN. Bit„..:ELETs._The be" stuck uf Bracelets ever ullered In Broome tjuuaty, cuuslating us uuttl Lila:, Batik tiler, Jet mid Cural, uf thto be West paiticra, cheap, et EVANS & ALLEN'S, , Nu.-2 Odd Fuliuws' Biugliainton, May 2.5L1t, ltist. . • SLEEVE .I.IUVIONS.—A very superior arti cle ui Oa) x .Caweo,ld,Studs, Hold and 1....1/JCV Sleeve 1111.1.011* end -Stucs, tor sale by - • EVANS & ALLEN, No l Odd Fellows' Hall. Binghamton, June 4th, 1858.• tIOLD,SPECTACLES—Of every age, con- X_A vex :lila cuncate, al,o Snver , steeL, Plated am, Herman Silver, du., b) EvAas & ALLEN. • PLA'I•ED KNIVES.—A large stuck 4.4 Table ulna Desert Knives, also Steel Knives and 1' wits, for Da I e by EVANS S. ALLES. d ORAL BEADS—By the bunch, also Loral Necklaces and Arui luta, by • EVANS & • GOLD PENS.—A first rate stuck of Gold Pens, with and without-holders, by • - EVANS & ALLEN. POCKP.T vory dooirable as. .".;t3illilellt of Oue, Two, Three and Four Biadeli Knives, also, a good lot of Scissors, all sizes, by Evesy & ALLEN. I - 1 LOCKS—Plain and Alarm Lever and Peri l./ chump, 3u day, 8 day and 30 hour, Wood and Iron Cahrs, by Ev.ps & ALLEN. I~AI'KIN RlNGS—Silver, Ivory and Bone, by Ev4as & ALLEN. GOLD THIMBLES—Some very heavy. like wise Silver do., of all sizes, by EVAN S & ALLEN, No. 2 Odd Fellows nail Binghrtmton, Juno 4th. 1858. lbe GHEAT .41111SASSA ii•Olf of IIEALTII A Boon to lht Sick THE want of a sterling medicinal to meet tho ills and nec-s-dties , 1 the suffering portion. of humanity, and one,entirely free from mineral and oilier deleterious particles, was severely felt until this all powerful met - 14110 was n-tiered into the world; Holloway's invaluable Pills have be come the -Household -Itemtdy of all nations. Their attribute is to Prevent,as well as to Cure; they attack the radix root of the complaint, and removing the hidden cause of disease reinvigor. ate and restore the drooping. energies of the sys tem, rorsi-ting nature in her task of Vital and Functionary Reformatit.n. Dynorpida. The groat scourge of this continent yields quickly to a course of these antiseptic Pills. an.) the .digestive organs are restored to their proper tone: no matter in what hideous shape this hy dra of disease exhibits itself. this semehing and unerring remedy disperses it from the patient's system. General Debility and WeaStnesa. From whatever cause, Lownessofspirits, and all other signs ora.discased liver, and other din or,ganizations of the system, vanish under the eradicating influence of this all powerful anti septic and detergent remedy: Bilious Di.ord,•te. The proper quantum and right condition of the bile is of momentous importance to the health of the iturntin crime, this Anti-Bilious medicine expels the hidden seeds of the complaint, and' renders all the fluids and secretions pure and fluent, clinging and xeiuscitating the vital func tions of the body.: . sickiv rencalcs. Should loose no time in trying a few doses of this reunlat'ng, and ennvating 'remedy, whatever may be their complaint. it can he taken with safely in all periodical and other disorganizations, its effects is all but Miraculous. Unrelated Proof. The testimony of nations is unanimously borne to the health giving virtues of this noble romedv,and certificates in every living language bear witness to the of the In trinsic Worth: IlollowaVs Pat are the hest remedy known in ihe world I;',r the Allowing diseases: Asthma. I - Hard:ma, influenza, Stone aid -Bowel Corn-Dropsy, Toflaniatiozi,Gravel. --plaints, Debility, Inward Secondary Coughs, VeVer and Weakness, Svniptoms, Colds, Agde, Liver Venereal. Chest Dip-Female: Complaints, Affections, eases, Com plaints,Lowkess of }Norms of Costiveness:Wad:oles, Spirits, all kinds.-,, Dyspepsia, Indig.eation,Piles, FerCAUTIONI- None are genuine unless the words "liolloway. Arm, York and London:' are discernible as a Water-mark in every leaf o f the book of directiens around each \ pot or box: the same-may be plainly seen by holditig the leaf In the light.. A'handsothe reward Will be given to any one rendering such- information as may lead tolhe detection of any party or parties counterfeiting the utediciliVlor vending the same,. knowing them to be spurious. * * *Sold at the Manufactories of Ttrofessor flottoWsv, $0 Maiden Lane. New York and be ,all respectable Druggists and .Dealers in eine throughout the Linited States and the civil. ; lied world, in boxes 25 cents, 0 cents and . $1 ,each. W" There is consffieratle saving by faking the larger sizes. N. B.—Directions for, the guidance of patients in every disorder are affixed to each box. -.inns 3d. 1858. f22eowlv. PANISH fOIN token at PAR, nt the Store 0 of GUTTENBERG , ROSENBAUM dt 00. Memtrcee, MRS 12th, 1868. .HIGHLYMPORTANT I 11 M 1171 To AU Gentlemen.. who Wear Clothes. IHAVE recently ninde nrrnhgements, at en. sidcrable expense, for doing work in the 'TAILORING "BUSINESS on very short notice,' in a neat,durable, and fash. ionable manner, and at reduced prices. • I will furnish garments to order, if desired, or render the custunier,, whatever aasista nee ho may need in !Meeting materials of the beat quality. Murat the lowest market prices. All my work will be - warranted as to fit, fin. ish and durability. No custemer need take his work from the shop unless 4....guits him. ' • Being permanently. and exilitsively engaged in this busihess, it shall b e . my goat aim to please the puyic, and thus secure their patronage. P. LINES. Montrose, Junelst 1858. , titice.**-Ther6 will ben 'cuing of a School House to.bu old, near Moses S. TY:er's, on Sat urday, July -3d, at one AA:lock, p. In., to tne low est. bidder. . Said house to De , 3o by 2U feet, "tudded and braued; ten feet from top of eill to und..rs'ide of plate. Also, two Oki School Houses Lo nell—one near S. T. Scott's, and the other near Geor.ie Friuk's. THOMAS JuliNriON, MILTON HUNTER, A. O. WARNER, Ow:mit/a. ". Adminietrators' Notice. WHEREAS Letters of Administration to the Estate of Allen Tennant, late of New Milford township, county 'of Sumfu, deceased, have been granted to the subscribers; sii persons indebted to the suid estate are requested 10 make immediate payment; and those having claims against the' same, will present them duly UUtiltS. twitted for settlement, to Tllo3iAs D. TENNANT, MONTH:A - VILLE 'PENNANT Administrators New Iltilfi)rcl, J une 2d, 1858 —2:lB'4•*. Pii.Egi3 FOR 1BODT! • WHO SHESCRIRES FOR THE griu—Llork 'Meal 'Pros. A BEALITIFtLIar T 11A hi ON tr T 7 T.% •Z• ina FAMILY NEWHIP-Ell. THE NEW-YORK WEEKLY' PRES IS one of the best literary papers of the day. A large Quarto containingrl'wenti Pages. or .sixtr Columns, of entertaining matter; and Ele garitly Illustrated every . - A Gift worth .6 from 50 cents.t o $lOOO will be. sent. to each subscriber on the receiptof the sub scription money. rt.'nus—lN ADVAsCE One copy for one year, and 1 gift .. . . $2. Three copies oar year, and 3 gifts . . 5. Five copies one yeur, and S gifts . . . 8. • ,Ten copies one year; and 10 gifts . . . 15. Twenty-one copies one year, lind 21 gifts 30. The artie s ies to be distributed are comprised in the following : . • 1 United Stgtes Treasurc,Note $lOOO. 2 do do do 500 each. 5 do do do 200 each. o do do do 100 each. Pat. Le . lintirg Cased Watches 100 each. '2O Gold. L 4 tches . • - -75 each. -60 - - do • - • • GO each 100 do - . &T each 100 Ladies Gold Watches . 35 each 200 Silver Huuting, Cased Watches' 30 each 500 do ' Watehi'B - 815 to t,ts each 1000 Gold Guard, Vest and Fob Chains 10 to 3u do do Pens and Pencil: . to 15 each Gold Lockets. Bracelets, Brooches, Ear Drops, Breast Pins, Cuff Bins, Sleeve Buttons, Rings. Shirt Studs, Watch Keys, Gold and Silver Tulin blat, and a variety of other artittes, worth from tiftv cents to fifteen dollars each. . On receipt of the subscriptiOn money, the sub scriber's theme will be entered upon our books opposite a number. and the - gift corresponding with that number will be for Warded vithin one week, by mail or express, post paid. There is neither humbug nor bay tery about the abase, ss erPry subscriber is sure of a Prize of valub. We prefer to make this liberal disfribil thus among them instend of giving a large coin mission t., agents, giving to the subscriber the amount that woald go to the agent, in man) cases a hundred fold more. - ar Address all communications to DANIEL ADEE, Publisher, May 27.—y1l 211 Gentle Street, New_York DISSOLUTION. TIE firm ( . 4" HOW ELL 4. WEECH is this 1 day dissolved by mutual consent. The ac. cow:Asure in the hands of S. A. Howell tia• col lectiop. J9.11 . N A. HOWELL, Mi ., 4N C. WELCH. The 13utcheiinvg, bosiress will be c..,.d0m,.d at the old stand by HENSTOCK& HAWLEY. Montrose. Mae ..b.t.h 1858.-211v4* GROCEIIIES -Groceries splen did assortmobt of Groceries at very low figures. BOOTS and Sloes.•--Just received LI large assorment—for sale cheap. ' CROCKERV.--A new lot just received and for sale. cr.rpil II and Stone Ware-T-Inall its variety. READT-71ADE Clothing of every description. To•r)airymen.---We have a large lot of A No. 1 Firkins and Tubs Int sale. YOUNG & Summers, Penn. ?. April 28th. 1858. DRESS-MAKING. Misses .E. A..Shelp and H. J. Bogarl A - ArouLD respectfully announce to the V V Ladies of Montrose and vicinity, that they have opened a glioplor .IiILUNERit and Uniss- Wunsch three doors east of Fast's Stork, where the% e ill be hnppy M wait on all who may please to favor them with n call. Montrric. May' 2d, 1858.-18ta.. TO THE SAL-AZ-NG , II3LIC. mirtin% Celebrated Catarrh Swett, • AN INFALLIBLE REMEDY. FOR SALE'RT 11..'KHAYER, Montrose; S. D. TOMPKINS, Brooklyn '. Wm H. THAYER. Dimmt. "HOME AGAIN, Ea a, GDi TUDIE, OFFICE, over -Wilptonls Store. LODGINGS, at SEARLE'S HOTEL. . Montrn.e. :Vf 'rah 101.h. 1 858. , . ' ..1 Revs Jost:ph E. King, A. M., 1 • t : IPIRIMIMPaIha VI A FIRST CLASS SEM [NARY 'FOIL g :0 , 111 ;Ladies and derrtlemen, ' Fall term w; . opens August.lgtb, IBM' - - - j a 932,50 pays for Board and Tuition Inj . o !Opuntan English; for term of Fourteen i .41 Weeks; Superb brick buildings , benuti- M E; fully loeated on the 'Railroad , near Sara. _ ,r toga Springs. Superior facilities for Mu. p q sic, Painting, and French. Stuelerts re. 44 (mired at any time, and charged only for 014 the residue of the term. i s 4 For Catalogues-address the Pnincirst. *- June l'lth. 1868. : [24m3. SEE HERE. 0.... AVE your 25, per cent. by calling 'at the Marraosz 800/ STO.RE: with your Spanish . and Mexican Money, and I will sell you any 'one or all the articles I have on hand for Spanish nr Mexican coin at par,and time of them at coat at that. ' h N. BUIsLARD. )(tetra's, has I6tb, 1855. k And govOin y ► tie Notice i t • tuselves accorditaglrt ' •THAT IT I 3 . Tll 6attelibtrt," s To make publie l they have.entiJ M ENT,- for I.ll'e joi WO laboring cOllll IN They SP WILL AND' PLEASURE 07 'llosenbaum, err:; l annrioncrment of fact that j.red info a NEW ARRAIIIGE. it benefit of themselves and unity, tts , follocsh! will. receive Sli .COIN at par, in exchange for ail goods purchased it their establishment from' this date; and In ad.. • dition thereto PLEthE themselveS to sell 'tgoodi from 25 to 30 per dent cheapc:r than'any otbei \ firm in Northern lansykania. -. , . There is the resertt time; a large amon!t .. of Spanish Coin iii circulation .in this regiol; and having seetaivi h surprise in the public prints' of thts enuitty, a notice to the effect, that such coin is redacted' in valde al ....2110 N TROSA EtwmgeTeige al WeaCtinll I . .fi . That we are n great nerd of money, and as The said Spanish Coin is the • best ..•' 1 silver in the mark t, we advise all persons 15 potemssion of such coin to bring the motile' G UTTENB ER ,R 0 SENBA Wit &CO.; • who kill' take it at ' • • Its ../Poil ' iner ratites , We are constantly recieving. DRESS GOODS - , of the latpst styrim .and of the.fitiest q u alities, ' j comprising a Nile did assortment of Shatale. Mantillas, Bonnets, and a superb stock of . , Rircf,,lf 3'o , Ilia Tie CtlVrObtigl " tolwhich we invite ti e particular attetitiOttlif cosi 1. trio Milliners. A eavitifill . assortment 'of Em broidery, coutpriain Collars, : Sleeves, Linens, Laces, and White oods too numerous to men tion. We'devote a great deal of attention to tha .READY-MADE CLOTHING business, and have b large Tailoring establish., meet eortn?cted with our Stores at 'Montrose and' •: Susquehanna Depotl We flatter ourselves that we can fit a man—lie he dwarf or giant, and no matter how iiishapen—in presentable style, provided rtleraye. tiaichia portmonnaie is stuffed with the “nia-dfull (dolioed by us to consist of . Spanish as well as Mmerican coin). . * * *Call, and get{ your money's worth at l thil - Store of . . i GUTtENBEtiG, ROSENBAUM, & CO. lontrasp, Pa, • May 18th. 1858. • ENYON WOULD resperifully invite attention to the V V fact that hd Wlll receive SPANISEI COIN at PAR in ,xchang.e for Goods at lowest prices, or_ on notes and accounts, and would respectfully Witte , ttention to his welt selected stock of 10 0 0 13 - con - sisting in'part n. follows; Rich Bleak Silks; Broelia, Stella and Cashmere Shims holm $8 to ; Rich Ribbonk Barrages, Challis, Prints, and Robes; Embroidered Collars from 6 1-4 oh. to V.O ets.; Parasol:4i Umbrellas, and-Carpet Bags. CROCKERY AND HARDWARE: Scylhes—an eked jnt. assortment, best in "this ' itsylPorks, Straw Forks, Brass Kettks, &c., &c.. Fine Stork of Luidies' Sizoers Wall raj per, and a Large l'lNssortment of Carpeting: In fact a Nice Stock of RICH GOODS—to bee' bold at the LOWEST 1P.17.10E5, for _ SPANISH C01N... So tome nne and tall, and hereafter avoid el such as show you y their practice that they dd not. do by others s they wish' others to do by them. You will Inleasc take notice that no dealer offers you lipanish Coifs at go cents in ehang —they expect to g 1.4 more. P. I S. There issonther Oast: oPcnstninirs thki I wish tz say, a Word to: Sti - me seem to Jabot; under the, impressiOn that I do not need 'any money to, cnnduct MY bbsiness. It will pinba bly prove a fatal milalt . e to theireredit with mei and if they • ill sethemselves to Work to pro, core the needful they will be relieved.' the pres ence of that spua] messenger whom no oni cares to see. I Goods as herertofure will be sold to prompt six :months havers—acrd those 'only—on time. All those who hate not settled their account* ' for the year of tease call and settle the sails 'without delay. Yolirs truly, in trade, May 181 h. 1858.11 R.-KENYON. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!! AT— • YOUNG Fat, •SIVI - ITH'6 READY PAY!STORE. .. rp HE undersigiuld :3,),Anies . nnnottnee to their customer*, it i • ildn.-'aflli Al' pubiie,'general ly that they have jt st returtiell from the city and are receiving and v enibg a newaLci , cvmpiato assortment of . J . , , . _ 14EW, GOODS co - carious kindA, which will be field at prices to suit the times for qASH or PitopttE. ' We hays sought the merlinna of the prAs to announce to all upon wlkat prin iple we shall transact buil: ness. It isternied e READY. 1 7 SYSTEM ' . oft SR CALSTIL PRQIIOII3CEs oNt pn:cm to all persons for the same article, and. it shalt be our endeavor to make. those prices:such nit will induce persomi .Who wish t o pay for 'their • own Goods and not others, to call at least and examine our stock,iand if the prices don't collie down to the systeM, we' eann s ot etpect to sell them. Seine kind Mend may say that it will be r` - so no," but we think from the experience of the past few months of every person who hap. , pened to owe the country merchants, especially if it had been standing, six months or Mote, with what coaxing, dunting,„ threatti, de., theyhave been beset; ik they will 'all respond. to . the above system tr i til resolve to buy, no more goods than they ea roity for, and that . they are determined to suppl,rt those who' will establrgi that principle and c rry it 0nt,.., We will let the system_ established stand upon it,s otin merits, believing that it is ho most prudent and Wise course to be persu qi in 'every branch of Hess, and, Ortit the day is not fir distant wheel s } it will be GENERAL fcclopted, Call and see na. • and we will'show y u goode at astonishing lovr figures. All kinds of Mechintable Produce Ulcer; Id exchange for Good at the Wettest market prite‘ YOUNG-dn SMITH. • Shimmery, Pere. April 28141, 18 GIVE CREDIT INHERE CREDIT IS DUET HE original 611E ' PRICE and mil:iv-ra m . T st...re of New . pt . . , . . 1 HAYD -BROTHERS - - The 11!ttot,te'ili Agents, are now receiv ing a large Swett of Staple and.Faney, pry- Goods, Groceries. lloots and Shoes , . Hats and Caps, Wall and Window Paper, -Wooden i i irartt Forks, Hoes,. Flo* and ISul t—by the barrel of' load.—Yankee Nolon4, Jewelry and W,atehes ' wholesAo and rata i ; at. prices that wouldliS loniah those -not posted in the ready-pay , busi.. r : . nese., , • I . .\, , We nice nothing to do wit h .Old Fogyism.— he has '" gone in" L-b, as, vamoosed without 'it groan or kick. andithe last seen of him ,he'cias bolding on to the till of ";Hard Tidies,' and he aril:tiled a-,ghastlylismite aS he passed his'OLD , FRIENDS. I .• Our motto is—lye and Let Llie: - ONE P ICE ONLY. ! .. 4 . Can't:be beat down ' . • NO CIIARGE j itH SHOWING GOODS ! Every Article arranted- as Represented/ We thank our Mende and easterners for their liberal patronage la times patrt, and we hope by strict attention to business, (4) merit a eolith'. !ranee of the theme. HAYDEN BROTHERS. Note Milford, t y 1858.-18tc; 'WOOL ; rrHE subscriber Os carrying on the sineFs as ustutl.; A. GAEYNOLDB. • Brooklyn, June, ; tb, • .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers