M _ ',_ =_ ....The Scandinavian Democratic Asso ciation, have started a paper, called the Nordstjennen, at idadisotr; Wis. Tkere'are 70,060 Norwegians in the State. _ ....The Erie Dispatch, an imiependent piper, says Judge Thompson, the Demottrat ie nominee for the Supreme Bench, can poll more votes in Western Pennsy4 . auia, than any other man spoken. Of in connection sritir the office. Simon Cameron, has presented the Carotnissioners - nf Union County a large bell for the Court Uouie at Lewisburg. ~The American State Conven!kn of M n oachtpetts, at Boston. on the 10th ins:, nominated IST. P. Btinks Jr., for Govern- ..A IVel..lt CoToni-, nr 203 pergona, ar fitea at Portland. Me., last' *eelf, under the, ore of Rev. Mr. Roberts, on „their to Tames; ...Rev. Dr. Sintt, pastor of a PtC4vteri an Church in San Fraociveo, ree.elves fnr iris vet . .."ices the hand.oine salary of $12,000. Per vesr-s-probably tare large.t salary paid to any preacher in-the United States. ..The'Sotingfiela Ilept,hlican says . Connecticut valley a larger surface will be devoted to tobacco this year, - ere 'Witte.. time ever before, :The artiole: tnaintains so. high a price that a OA .is beyond doubt more pmfitahle than any other._ On S. atuiday lasts hnrricane which occurred at Pawl. 111., blew down thiii lire ;b n ildin4. One child was killed and . seven :persons badly injured. Upwards of 7 t:' , F0,000 worth of property was destroyed. of the Chicago poor hivebeen detected in selling -to the Chicago e and the College of Ilichig,ati, the bodies of the psupercv;hoilied st their institution. SPECIAL . Hollov.vis Tilts.—W hen the Complexion at , urnes a sallow appearance, and the whites of the eves are ting. 4 With yellow, there is misuliief at work in the liver. A dose or two of Plie Pili3 will then arrest the progress of the disew, rind save inuvh pain and it ()uti le t, but the mailiti?-„liave more dangerous stag.e,and t a k e r-the. s h a p e of billions fever- or jaundice, and the funct ions of the stomach become 4isorderel, a course of the remedy r'ttay t e neetessary. The pure is merelp a question of tizne,for howevei violent the syinptotns'tnay he, however I,mi' the patient njrir I.:111; F u t Jo.nedy will inevitably. prodlit!e: the de,ir ec i .caret if alnlinis4leal in acc;Oltitille2 with shy _Fair at .Thnidaff:! IrE Llcii,34.of ails ::Qiel n izale of uomfal lanos artiv.leg i n Sid of -th e Epi , .{:or.:4l (4! Mich on the 4,}1.r; S . warm dinner will be prpit•troi !cp. fc re p. rn nn,rotller Refre"l a n'nt itt n1)1:fill:wee. The public are ts,,pertfully linked. J une 23d. 1557.' Cents I inftliired of 51. CS!,, , s; • 101. Czi!i be tA.t* itTio 7 1 7 e I e en; Ambr.lt f.ett 41tIft) fill t• lure. nrin rat i With ilt:talissitin of 'Atontr , !", , 40 weeks nuirt. in LI ro tiln c-itiZ.ems step wi;il :iron a ftw 1.. r to gi.N - c , 1111 a chtince lite - b.:4;4Pa or our eXri-1:c:It. ihecui+c•k , (s a tm on th.e. OT11:EN. NVOOD r" • Cant', tl Montrose. Jun MEE 2 , 111' r oruali ing M ahem, sl The G. .(I , therel.)re inrue cur flt+rt(ll4ll€4-4etl Alfrea 8:t1,1%%it/, lifrAitt.oFt4. .14ae 6th, 1857. On Satunli4r hue 2(411; nt oe!•itlenee. t)t . 1/1-. 11. in 14.:111r.0ce, Walter N. Wvettll. l .4,..,Chttry.aT McK , zritlY ut .Coriagorwer, and Miss RoXANNA MEACiIAM of Je:•sup. At. J.lmv City, JumtB, M r s. MAIM" N. FELLOW'S, noed cenr= And 6 montbs,claugh ter of C. L. rii : ov. - n of this It. 4roiett, NEW ADVERTISEMITS. IMPORTANT TO THE q:o MAKE HAI WHILE THE S U SELVES! jF TisiE UNDERSIGNED, (after usinj V last seasun.) the = liidepenclut Tooth Iforxe take pleasure in recommentring it, for :he illrf reasons: . lit. That it will rake more liary in' the same tiFne than any -ether Ratite in use. 4 23 d. That while oth.r - llorge Rakes are luau rinui to - up4rate, this is in int+ zed with congetrative eaiie, and in fact with plea-ure. as the f..perator rides on the Ruke :VIII!' rak . .na, audit f•an lM op erated by :my b(ry capsble of manNr.ing a .11on,e. 3d. That other Home Ttatieg which haz e been introduced into this section, (that will operate on rouzii meadows.) tear np the leoam, roll over the 100% e ston es , and twist up the Has so at. to make the (ether himeilinz inerinvenient. This Rake leaveft the Hay ID the slime condition Wt the Md Hand Rake...clean, free from dirt and ttonee and easy to piteit. 4th. This Rake is less liable to get oat of repair; end ran be easily mended wittiout . going 'off the Farm. • sth. The Teeth' being del hunilndepeneent oreaeh other, when an f,bettle le is In the way while raking, no more Teeth are raised from the around tlian,is sufficient I.a pass it, Also, this hake may be used for ratting Grain ready -t•ar binding, at the mane time raking over the whole 11. S. Searle, F. M. Williams, L. B. Guernsey, M. L.Catlin. ". • S. 11. Sayre & Bro., E. G. Babcock, ' B. A 4 Butterfield . , Dan'l F. W. Stage, Juno Sherer.. Bridgewater, June 23185% . - _ • •: • - Theeßak. are 'ewer manufactured by CHAUNCEILFOOT, one mile-Kurth 0f.M0.N1 4 ,, ROSE, at the Foundry faruterly occupied by 4., & irbere they can Ito obtained: Machines may be seen at the atore of 8, IL Sayre & Bro., ana other -Fleece in. Muntroge. , *** These - -Rakes .retioiro the Hind , -Wheels of a_ Wagon to. rditke item complete for ttio: JU B T look 4tihs RlbboirsstAOlitbnnn4Rat ' ' KENYAWS. O i e eictv, 2Le ENvculive hold die Annual flow• one of the townships mfir < - •T• Imp9r . ,tAnt .:-.Poopvely. CONSUMPTION. - and all diseases of the LUNG* and .THROATIain - :poeitively curable by I Nil A CATION, whiedi cotive s the . rented les to the c Mae; in the lungs 1 hroug,lithe nir pans get , : A 44, comit* in 4i4 11 ,1. concn,,t, with the disease neut6ll*es the tOWrcular snail e r,al lays - thlievugh causes afree 'end easy - eapectoration,.lheala the I ongS. / purifies the ble,id,imparte renewed vitality to 'the - nervous systrm,, Os int : that chergY Pio indispensable for t liii : rost-nitidn - of the health. To bee able to state UOtifide9•llY that . Cottatimi"° is curable by Inhalatkon, is r tcvme a source.of un alloyed pleasure. .It is as much under the control ,of media treatment as any - Wier - formidable dim. ease; 90 not .'lllO cniseg ran fie cured in the Ist ave.. anti 50 pr et-in the 2nd: • but in the 3rd stage it is impossible to crate rti , ortk than 5 pr et., for-thee Inii , s Are an rut en by the dise:l.e. as tfir bid detiance•tii medical ski 7:. Evi•n, liiiv. ever, in the last stag,e ii. INT - IA LATION affords relief to the suffering attending this Parini scourge, whic h annually tiestrovt: . 9,s,uoo persans in thdt.s A i nn e; and a correct enicu la thin shows that of the present population ref the'partti. 80,000.000 are destined to fill the consuinptiee's paves. 1-. ! Truly the quiver of tie-sat hits no arrow so fa. tat as Consumption. la all sues i- , .. Iris been the great enemy i,t. I; re for it spares neither age nor sex, but smoops off alike tat. brave th ; 110:iii..fili-, graceful cad gifted, 13v the help of the gn pronit. B e th,. tr a m whoa enmetti every goad and perfect gift. I am•ci.nahled to offer to toe afflicted a permanent and,?pveily cure in Consumption. The first c-u , e of tithe- des is from impure blood, i sad the 'lamed:ale effect prodneed by their dep. io.ltion in tilt, lit ngs . is to prevent the. tree admits ! sion lif ni titan the airrells.whirti causes a IA ea k - i tined vitality flirt,' the entire system. Then sure ly it. is more ra..ion.il to egret greater ucixl from thedit;ineS enti• - ting the ett ides tilthe lungs than i from - these ailmin;Slored i brim 01 - 1 the Stoinaeli t the patient wit{ theirs' find the lungs free and . the ineathinir, easy, atter inhiling the remedies. i . Thus. I:lhab i ti o n is - Liana! remedy, nevertheless I it acts conatifutionally,avil with liipril poem and i cc: Lain 1 y t haa reed ios ad in inistered throuo the stomach. To m . reie the 12Lo.velful and dtri.e.t influent -et - if iiii4 mode of administration. cdilor.i. i • born inhaled will entireli• dean ay sen-ibilitv in ; a few minutes . , p.ualyzing the entire irerv.ius ht'S I t.-ra. so', that a limb may be ouiliutated With; i the :4i:thirst pain; hilialiiii - the o r dinary Ldining, I 'gas "xt ill '.dt•at toy life in a rely hours. 1 TheAlial-it be) i./ 11:13”1“'t ; 1 trill arouse iiM`St s. 1 tcmwlien- faitutr.g or apparently dial. The ad -1 Or .of minv of the meilicia es is pereeptibli.‘ in the I sk in . 4 few Minutes fillet:brine , inhaled. arid mac i l be iumo , •ctiately dot- tied in tire bliiod. A cony' n - I ;in;t pt-ocif at -the t;iirriitit . utitinal c trirts iif ialialit rtion,is the fart that sickness is al wai s it- , doted by in eataing . tOu I tii:-is nottitis positive tAblerice that proper remedies, earefolly prileyt d and ja i dit-iously.ailininistered fr.rre.f . ol lite lunges Should 1 unit - ince the:happiest result?. During 18 ,years plat-tire, 111;111y thitii , ands,sitifering, tram iLses7-e4 1 of tl , e !ultz.s and thrtai, her,. ii-veri tinder net a.. re l and I have t. ffreed many remarkabl e cures, eV. - 11 grief the satr•rets had 1...e..qt pronotmec-d in tile .1 last stag-es, whii l l - : fulv satif-ft,ii me that Con_ , , sutnplic-n is ties longer a I:.:talciiiiera.sr. My treat 1 meat of Consumption is origirfal, and f o ut,i; I on tong is.i vp. re ice anil -a thitrougt investigation. My pe:t eut niliviiiiiiillee %%a4 1110 nature of tu• liertiles, 'etc:. enables meat,. distinguish, readily. the various, forms of disease that simulate - Con se:option, ;it'd apply the prover remedies, rarely ~ being mistaken even it- a siirrle ease. This tam _ ty, in cormectian with certain- Pathological i sill 11.icrii , Viipiv riim:.,Vt, I le 5, I..anbl es me to I 1.1. e, 0 lice lunas front the effects at eitatr i%-tel cliists, to enlarge the chest. rwify the blond. inTart to ; 1 it renewed vitality, ,item i. r:ergy and tone to the I entire ht. F1i.P.1.. - . • '• Medieiays %% fui: dirc.etions to rm . m:rt r`Th^ 15:iited :ir:•-•.os and C.l3.ida4, tOrli!4 letter. B t h te cure. won ' d i,e moil; if the ratient shou'd rl2y :I i.it, U'Lit4 . l tv ,, Wyd give me :tri eplen - imli:y I.x . :tr:ire the lungs a•qt e nal,ie rnr to-premqii.fe. eertni;:ty; and :ben the be I fr,:V l / 4 4 . Wit hOlil ply rte irLr p .U 1 :I (Vi( , P. 1131 ,! old" Nry. ) o:l4li2t;c. • Cash Paid lor W. oil nmth,! pr;.--: in 'paid Tor .f:ivi.r.DA pftttn.l,4 4.F t: 11.11VLEY (;t11nn..,11.1..-u• Notice, AllrliEßAS% fly. %Y . 1. 0, left y y_ rtv .r 1 f . r piov,.enii ,, P. nerN-n , 1,, nart.or ( , 1, In ureoill,i. 'xl,l pn; no toe. contrf.ctinp: A.i1.7..ti B1.11)VVN. FrA n!: .Tiint. - 14 ;1. 1c„ ANOTHER . ‘4lllllr •Lra ef N3wlnd LITTLE & li_IIIDING L .= 0 3 t' NTAV Sloe?.; of i;rocorieg, Hardtrnre. Cro4pry,:..l:e.. 4:e., -a hinoreto part v lik:ft we have n. , t ti;ao to sn4;tition. Enon2l, '0 sic, we have OL4 fst 1.171Vt11132'. .:11111 f.ke - r y eXpeete,t to be fou:oi at a •storo in tho L.,,uritr—all of IA hiett are deturrninori turn .eilf-h, Jrf the very thorte.stkossiiile time aLti We terry, it h issue a NOTICE We. wish it distittetly unaces:4l,4l, thut CASH t` , :cs An.; ki:.d of Gout.lbut'iauch p:lves thin u-uul.. Kind Reader ! A 13 . 7 , ,r:i with Yott.Ptieutely, if you NVP •.:0 not wish poi te 4.riterain the idea for aMU rile t. tb3L We* K - 1;1 2,4'9 u LToods at anst, 4.r leyoi f.r Ih. nuke ~ .!oina bu. , inoss: for thbt is n.)t, 'our ir,teutioti. \%T are wilting to Poll :it a vury profit'. anj b.t c.,:d.c.ut. Large Sales and -Sail Profits. W« , are determined t,11.4-11 nlt r. , er. imnurtt of G9ods this Sunnier. n evor end al it-Junk fitir f.tatit inav liolll. vet. we la pel:t at the 'end rr' th.l year, the who:e amount will prove satkhfactory. , , Wanted! AlmaKt all kinds of "rods.tee wanted in ex change. tor G4o4s. Como and tako.a, LoOk. WC herewith issue u general it,vitution to 114 to give us a Call. • U rTLE & HARDI N G Tunkbann;/ek D 4,4) June 13th, - 1857. • WOOL'OARDING. TILE z-üb-zeriner is fitting ip his mschinirs to nettornmodste his customers with work to suit the spinainzr, and knictiogpnbtic on abort notice. Thanidul for past rayons ha hives by 'strict attention to business to merit a rib u re Air public pat roil:fgt.. A. G.. REYNOLDS. - Wetit Briintlyn. June Ist. `1857. 23tf. B LACK SILKS, at low prices at KENYON'S Lawx - ril le Cent rediiwil . • 101100CET 101,11ftg..—A large IS4uiptunent of 4 the begt - ii Ana rket.et TETRAEI,I,'S. ID LASTING Pftwoloi. ? and Mk! ; POwriter for isnle . ,l4 1. h. 81113. AR D. .41itimsitetit. anolintrot of- Bonnet,', gannet rand-Drtitia Titatiallirir-dtte, at -' _ _ • - 11AWLE? az- GUILD'S.: For the tiananer Tr. zb I,e:r2 cptnt,cl NEW DAILY PINE O. STAGES: .r. 4 • ,_ ft .xaf , ; :FAA. Fronk Springville to .runklternizock Depot ! (1,:s: the Del. Lackawanna & Western R. R., via. Nilien and Piereevillc; connectingwitb a Daily Line to Carbondale. LeAve Spring,%ille every morning (except San. dap)at 6 o'clock, arrive at Tunkhannock Sta. time for the .Nluroing Tiaina going East and We3t. I Leave Tunkhnineck Stiition• on the arrival of the Train 4 1.0.5 t and WeNt and arrive at Springville th,! aarne evening. Now :Ind . UutumUdious Stages, and Excellent I are in use upon this, Lion,. with C.reful Drivers:' GEORGE WILSON, Proprietor N. B. Horses and Carrla:res always in readi. news to coned pasz•engcrs -tram Spriugaillo to any point desired. prii braille, Jtne sth, 1857. 24tf Horrible Smash Upl - A CA R RUN OFF TIIE DUG WAY! . And Twenty-Five DullarsDestro - Yed M~VT this bears no comparison in horror with vt hut we tire ::,Loot .:A re!: te. (have probably all heard of.the :Ilan with a cork leg so perfectly adjw.ted that it walked itself'," and kept on walking till it xvilSed tint death and then ran off _with his anat. tafv. DV- this Is vote tame eerapared with a etery th a t - we heard the other clay of a lady wild,. had lately Leen fit ted with a Pull ...!:\or_ of Artificial Teeth on the New Plan. Soon after the teeth had }teen ad-. josted in the mouth - a kind rifspasiondie twinning (.1 the tausales et ibe lower jaw was 1011, and from that her mouth commenced to Open and shut uitti such rapidity and violence, that all she con;d do she couldn't stop it. She W:1;tor course ! almost scared to lle:1111 and So was the Doetor. :.'pringing lona and he Sl`ziA the jnw and in:ld ling it with ad lii*mi,yht he limsl.y*enet eded hr a exertion in porting Ow Yeeth out ot the tmAuth. and here t h e •vi.i-ore of the tragedy ended But the saddest part ail dm story- re mains to he t.dd. Imagine the lady's distress iihen she (4:Gavots(' that !ter splendid set ot te(•:4 for just paid three hundred dinars had completely etzb-ne:cm. , eirra up. 'Pitt, I tact- from last amounts was still ztilf..rit” - % from s pt:o in the jaw,whieb.we fergetteo to say by the-violent contractions of the .Digastricus. w:.s diatoeated. Now it is to be moat devoul,f loped, for the rake of hunt:miry that t prt,f,s,ion will take warning by the unhapn tote ef thia lady. and be cautious how they em- Ploy their shin in e4il its tuost modern and P , r-. teeled ft - o - tds, for without doubt had' the doctor: failed to get out these teeth they would hue dull. 1., :Im , tired. friend*. I ,11:0-i ebdeavor to keep eltarot sueli jam ipic 7 ;: frN, lii putting into toy se:t of tc , ott ja_st, Cie of the ea ti t er prep-n- ty nhich is prdcii: , c'tittle , and sofe. rot a will fold me at alutcst any time exeept meal time trir night time in my (flier over Wilsob's more, west end of . 14 - tek•.l3loot. with a heart almost bursting with thanks for I past faybr*, and ever:lnt your service fur a mod ; crate-return. YoLIN • • e. I). Vi!.; 37.011trn:=c, Eheriff's Sale. DV, .); a writ of Ven. from 0 : 33 the Court of Coininon 1-4:ts of 6Leitt'a wreeto.i, I wilt exptise to sale at the Court Ilonw.. in -Mot,:ro.:e, day. the &L. ! 6f :In!r or.P ecloth, j P. '3l..tlte follwAiriLt 14a; wP.: • Alt that piove or Ik:Lre,•l oI land :41.tiate h z -i nl in tt :v towns.hip ilr.itt:evratPr.irr. t:o• connlv of Son.gin.l:lnt,.:, boundpr: 'and • rip-erit:od 14:t ...to On the north anti lanes of 1,...11:.:n; the m : 0 0 1 ot Jt hrt Joshua Corti-, st.d : on :lie I,v larti , ..of '1'ri:1:1,111, eon ; on,. ;terri of Itral with Aftt , w !!I•ti 1 . 4 :•••'.X 1.1 r n' •I c 11,0 Mi.to or less. pu.tenat r:rie hou.e, ont trr.trod.-tr:ten, an orohr.rd, r.r.d niw=tiy improved. in oxvoiltion at the Etta of 'Alexander INV. Lpi,ri;:g, vs.:lnch:4d 1;:ar. F. P. li(JLUSTER, Shtr:fr:.4 loth. 15.57_ s • 6 Word from "Down Town" ant- t•v:lerwo brirrfs, Tf.at WIN ynt;r:ot -1.-:4i , e" AC ithu t :my str r tioer Ili,. uidiont. you 1,a.5.v, er,n r , u err.vinee pPop!e tgoodta. 1:!11 , ; , ;611 that •••t-lievp Ambro tt-p,.-:' I.nvc;neitheT the merit of ;re!l enn in any rompar.: With which [v....vs.i all requisite :And dcbirLfo:e Arsi l tr t oTyr E s 4lf this h.lt,r tics.erii3tion Cll3 be r.bta;r.i- a• \ Dr al's Pizenix Fmt of Pal)lic .Arc ?re. is. (11,:; - rc:Ju ihat hn tr.ah I.s -6u v.:T.l' ea-xt.s." with i.:"cibres favi 1 , :.!n2 r a re Incte that li;ph.c.ss, at a fa:r an d fir vivre sali , fantory, than :t elria!;:7r at nr, Conn. ex:unape his pictures.. and be rorivincrd that 5. , ,u ran grt the worth of ou'r caonry,in ot:e. of 11w<<! - ' . L . ll ' lll ' lll shadows" Which I,l , tht and Art. n ith by working i.o:!(•ther, catch nu well. ilTi;ntrus.r, June j 857. ±.;lerk. Wanted. .• YOUNG - \ll\ who ithderi.tands Druc nw,insv,, c f steady amt itolngtrtoug wit() can pri , cluee a good reeornmendation from raq emp!oter. for tiore,yr. temtveraLce and quaiiftenti•ms uid rind opportunitv for “teady vnieto tnent with the .aiii-eriher, go Ion.; 1.4 t:r the.e ri quisitions. If no gatb— favtory arranfzement can be made with a mart of thi.de,•milition—thon a yonrg man vi;llanut exp e ri,-cee in m.•rerantile Ini%ioesg, who can sire •,:.tist::etury reference, fur the 110, , ess.ion of :1;1 t hc . othr:r •Ifort-it - requisites, wilt be received to learn the IJUAirathS. AI3IM - TURRELL I;'tn!m+e. bane 181 h, 1857. - Land Warrant Lost 1 - • hare received i•rforraution irony the Pension DepirtinT•iit at Washington, inlbrming me that Miiitary Botp.tv Land Warrant, No. 65,- 903. i.sned on the 12th, da• of April, 1866. to Baldwin, Sergeant in Cart. Camps Corona ny, Pa., 'Militia. was forwarded to me at Mon trose about that time. Now, as said warrant has never been recireed by me, and has been lost, or miscart•ied by -the, mails, I hereby eatition the public atfairon purchasing said warrant. as any,rtoosignment thereof is fraudulent and void, and I. have entered a Caveat against the issine of any Patent for land uprewhich it may be loca ted, and have also applied for enother warrant in favor of the raid S o hn 13 2 1494 n. • .1011 N H. DIgOCK. May, 1857. . J. PALMER. & CO. MARKET STREET LIARF, PIMLAPEL- PinA." Daaltirs in . Fish and Provisions; Hare cowitantir on hand an *aeons) ent of • Markertl, kihad, Herrings. Codßah, • , Beef, Pork- Lord, S4oolders,• • • Hama, Sides, Chicei /bre. • • 21ca. W OO / 1 'WnO/1 paid tor Wool, at ILI June 4. 1857.] A. LATOROP & CO'S. 4 13 p4i4l. for all t h e Woor. in Su;qtwhanni by Oft.'KERNIAN &GAgitell. 151L0bR fur iho Lugo in. Barrel by .- • -"DiCKERMAN de:GARR-ETY. NowXij fo4 hoe loth;180., ri#4lPagon# pit fOug at 0 0.2)2 8 9Mil In Great 'Profusion and Magnificence/4! IL-11: IfITAI I 'ld---T-.- WITH his compliments to his friends and the public fur the - substantial and long. continned patron4e - of his bitsineiVorauld Again announee - that 1W ly receiving a lirga'sad stock of Spring and Summer Goods, Including as us•nal, a great variety of Ladies' Dress Goods in Prints, Gingharns, Lawns, B:.rege-Delanes,Hems, Plaid 11.1rege., Pep tcre.; Brocade Black and Fancy Dress Silks; Rroehe, Stella:6ll4 and Cashmere Shawls; Prantillas, Put asols, Rich Ribbons, I3onnets&Piowers, Broadcloths, - Cs ssim _ • &c..lk.e. With a great variety of other ltaple and Fancy Goode, including Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Iron and Steel, Nails, Srnvcs, Hats a. d Caps, flouts and Slities.rarpoting, Flower Oil Cloths, Painted Win. ch.kw Shod( s, wall Pa. - per, Clock s,Drugs, Oils and Paints, - ; The entiraat_ 4 - t% It hating been . 'perehisid•for CASH • aril Kith rouoli care, will be sold at the lot/Ts/figure, and to meet tl:e views of the_ closest cAstt or TI)TE buyers ; New Milford, May 1357. • . 1 - Challis DeLain . . r r nEbuy Challis for n ac;nz is rt. C. W. 16-rr's Bari_go D3Lainos T reduced prices st Lawns, Lawns, A T reduced icea t ms C. W. MoTT . S. , Parasols! Parasols! - -you ran buy 'a %try cholp at C. W.. liorr's Samuel M. Itlecuichen. MILL- 11 - RIG II T B L7?11 :HILL STONE .11 .1 C CZOLE proprietor of ,totinßon'it approved smut and ..cuLESING MACHINE, impro v.-I Iron Concat. Brun Dusivr—tire Pre thiqi Mai:flint. fu r Milie rm . Resi , irnce :: No. 64 Quovn.f.tt., (19tIt Ward,) ad ire-,,lieaz. 7 nf4t ,, n Post Cal -e. Simi,: I hi% 4.(3. ‘ •••••t • bel , .w Front, Kiiadelphia.. Cr e:die. Mi!l it 4 tones, Mill Irons, Sinntt Ma. Ktent Portabto Milk, 60. e :clod Briar ;7, Cenicnt and tSerpen Wire, 0 /are • ,(l It' Clatis . rtilt.d. , l l ,ilis. NI A ; 2hth. 1 557. 2.2-2rn " Eagle Foundry Plows • Kuperiutity of tnsti c g, t:4 extvllencc AL of machinery e::n r.f.t execi!cd. S. iL SAI - ;:s. - 47. ft:torn:7.ns. Corn 1 3 !ow. DATITICIMAR attention is invited to the p,•iksl;ill Corn Pow, .devideifly the . 4eA Cora ever introduced in this murket. S, 11. SATKE ti; BROTHER.S. Cultivators.. 0 better in the cnuntry than thew.? ffrerod I. by- 1. Jl. ;SAyr..E. &. 117.or1mts. s-rovi: si-ovt s : STOVES !: Stors h ,:•atie,r, so thoroczhJy tried Vrt.r•the sntisfixti•.o of ail, that they nvol no reor'nrawni fr,yr.rl us. S. 11. SATRE ct".Dr.pTiivr.s. H.. - 11cCOLLUM, - WITII ITholc*ale and Ilelan Deale rs iv. Staple and Fancy Dry. Gocd • YANKEE NOTIONS. Itio2b.inld_.n. N. V. Onr du we of Orpol•ite the 1:4- , dinnge. ABEL TURRELL II" jd-t reinriii•d front Nv iv : York, with n hirge noi rt.:trice virieity of b4,ught for CASH, falti sel,..te‘l with 6 . 411 rstre, Cr. , nt ovi.r thirt‘ 4 , f the ki , ,4t,Honst.ii N44w York. v. 44.11114) (17.. rs to Ilk (7;o4'o:nem:lnd the ft,Coliv at low prices tor ca-h. Ills stook cumpri,es.: D r.. 1; G S , • ,11 D .1 CINE P TS, • OILS, • W I N 1) OW GL A S • S, . DYE STUFFS, •GROCERIES. G L A S S—\V A 1: CI:OCKERY, ' . -1 R 0 "S t• • CLOCKS, - WALL PAPER... WINDOAV PAPER", WI-NDOW OIL SII:VDE., MUSICAL I.NSTRIiMENTS, ..JENVELR.Y. - • PERFUMER I.* , DRY GOODS. 1lAtt1) WAR - E, • STON.E WARE, • WOODEN WARE, .- .4ißooms, BR . USIiES, . JAPANNED WA'RE, • •BIRD . C d 'A .G E S , C.A.'S ART PO.CKET KNIVES, W II I P•S • 11- 13 RELL S , • GUNS, ' • PISTOLS,. A. Id T I 0 is', TURPENTINE, It C A. ?if P,.H E N E, ...• BURN ING: .E•L ••••• - ALCO:110L, • L I.Q - 1.1•9 4 -R.S ; _ DitlP-a=46-ses SHOULDEA 13R A'CES; TOR SPECTACLES, SILVER & PLATED SPOONS, FORKS, du., G O L D P E S T A .T :E VIOLIN STRINGS, ROWS, Are:, And sit of thoi molutipopular PA.T E "M ED. i; N E , Thankful for the liberal patronage - hitherto re. Mt - v(1. he hop , •3 'to merit a coati:mule, a.nd large inereame br ;he *same.' ABET. ? TUR:RELL. Itootrose t June 1004'104.i: . - ::u^. - =EKE= C. W. MoTis FANCY GOODS, TRUSSES, SUPPORYTERS, Ti D - gO - 911kZa.2 . 111 V4rtirgOtb'' AT -111 E NAYIGA - TlOl AT D examine the , choice stock 'of Spring .CIL nod Sattnuter Goodu,, just • opUned for Examination and SALn,ai tory low figures by • C. %V. ItiOTT.• rIHALLS, Lmcns, Brilliants, choice pAtexag, very cheap by ►V. mow QTELIA, - Cr.itiitriere, and DiLsin Shawls it 'vial kw price* by W. SPIT.: 'Dr and Cups 451 the newt-At atvlea, ILA great vrriety by . C. W. MOTT. PILINTS in abundance bd : - .C. W. MOTT 1-7ROWN and Blue MiPeting. and sh* . rting s — Shirting Strip .:s, T;Cks, Denims, Summer Stuffs, &c., ay low astir:be afforded in this market. C. W. morr.. CLOTlTiti,Csillialers and Vestings, very de. sirabio.stylvi, at prices tba.t cannot fail to halt. Call and.be contiius•ed. C. W. IInTT. - no CLASS livsiety, Gloves, Belts, etc., etc., byC . W. rIGROCEIZILS, Crocker, Hardware and VI unions other hrtkles to numerous to men tion,---alt of witicll shall be sold Cheap for Cash or:Reedy Pay. 111ontroAc, 3 1 ,4 sth, 1857 S. 111.'' SAYRE RROTRERS ARE 11.07.7 siav piy of din 1 C:21 SPRING t 414 t , fAND - Willi Ft a GOODS INTRICA for Cusit or Produce cula bo bthaght V vury IV ALL PAPER.' A . se . lert assortment just yy received.' S. - IL SAY RE & BROTHERS. CARPETING. Bain min 4 - • offered by S. H. SAfRE & BROTHERS. PLOWS! PLQWS! wf, vite the attcntion of 'Farmers Ao the celebrated P+•ex 4i ills Plonk's which we have added to oor larce 'assortinCrit. S. U. SAY RE & BROTHERS, Proprietors ,it Eagle Foundry. - Ji4ntrose. April 29th, I 1i57. ItttE New Millinery rind Dresm-Makiui ES . Z.ABL.ISLIMENT. • Ladies, havo yob. Hoard the News. Mrs. fasnta, fornierly .of New. • haS oponeneen Slillinety 42 . land Fancy Store the village Brooklyn, and Raving, jdat re ~_'tia: ;" tnrned fnnn New York with a Lane acid. Faslif onable steek of-Goodig'con‘iAting of La -4..;ie% and Misses- Straw Hats or every style and v;,-riety. Also, Crafty r.na Silk !Akio, constantly on iland, of every hue and'oulor, together with a. spkniEd assortment of ceer,st_ s• • • - Erribroid,ricn , , 114 r Brcids,llosiery,capf; Head' Dresses, Lave G(Tocim, etc., etc., all of which she' ofr.:N Et the LOWEST rr.tcss. - nttcatl,in pad to B.lettcli. ::L home. • - 51f). 19.57 The Gre=at Exhibition PRIZE. ME DAL! • ....AWARDED TO C. MFSER,' Fur h is Toro Octoberr 15, 1851 I _ P. 111.4 Y R, ESPEttiqq:LLY- informs hiR frl;nds _and It the _pui.vi". zenerally. that he has constant ly on lond I'IA\US equal to those for which 11 ,, rvceirol the Prizo Liedal, in 'London,• in 1551. nnierg piomptly attended to . and great care i the seieetiun and packing the Ile has rr•citced during the last 15 t•eara more medals than tnv other maker (rom the r4;:ili.:(nstitute ; aiAo First . Pretniums at Bos on. : r,d Premiums at Ncow York and Baltimore. ‘Va re rooins rmalmed froM 52 S. Fourth , treet - to No. 18p ARCH STREET, below r th. South ciao Ziat• 14,1857. 21 m 3 I/ ;ZIP:1 - ?;ilatei CP:ITBM At the env Stente in dibscni. MBE nrilerSigneri haring returned from Nt.w York, arc now exhibiting to the good. people of Gibson and vicinity, a complete assort ment arDry Goods. Groceries. Crockery, Hard ware, Boots :and Shoes. Hats and Caps, Ready made Clothint.T, Stzple and Fancy Day Gooaq c , .nsistinfr of Lawn., Bergcs Chals'a Ginghains, Prints. Sheeting , ., Tickings, Ind a large stock of Summer Good; for 31en and Boy's wear. . . peliering tile Re4dr pay and short credit sys I T] to be the true one our motto is "The nimble 'pet,ce is better than the ,low shilling.!' Call 4 0, sod sec us for we zeiii - sell you goods Cheap for Cash. - • TiAwLEY . & GUILD. - Gibson, April s :loth, 1857. N B. All kind. of ['reduce talon in extiinnge tor Groodm. • • 11. & G. rissOltitio3. rrt lIE .co.partneri.hip heretofore -existing be. tweet, Elii.ha Bell 811 A W. M. Tingley under the 6rm.of Bell k thi i _day dissolved by runtoal con.- , rot. The Books and Accounts are iu,the har,cs or W. M. Tingley for settlement eoniolio'nce • if hit being acquainted with said accounts. ,They will he ; 14- the store in Hop Bottom on -Eaturday of each week. All fpei•sonl having unSettled:iccount upon them are requested to settle the same immediatay, by note or otherwise. ; TELL, - W. M: TINGLEY.' The lomineat will he carried on M. the old stand in Hop Bottom by Elish4 and Truman Sell who are . thankfal for past favors.- We solicit a call from all our old cuatemera. B. BELL, BELLi • Hop BettOm, April 29th, 1857. 18m3. Administrator's Notice. Whereaa, Letters of Administration to the estate-of Edwin Tiffinsy, late of the town ship of Bro. Ik ly n, deceased, have been granted to the subscribers: all persons indebted to the said estate are. requested to mike .itorntidiate plinent ; and -those -having claims against the flame. wilt present Ahem deli authenticated tot settlement, to C. M GERE. SOPHRONA TIFFANY, Adminlitrators.. 20%4: Brooklyn, hay 13th, 1857. 2000 /tolls nOMPRISING:a good variety of De*, pat. kj tarns ; ANS," Ilbrdaring, Window taper, &0., just aril va4, -- ati c gs* astir (*hes P for the 1.11, 1 - Hy. ! 7 - 31onttkiiiiii, Matti 1$ 18117. _ ' • L „•,• appr to aPpowice to Is • open . 3 s ..,g , 111 KtOcri tie, reCt4!ir't cip ii. *tail; of Nnipesid tmtier Goods ) totibts3ing ; ; Dry•Ocx)ds;; ' - • ~, • , Groceries; - • .; • . Crockery, ' • . H4rdwain 41e. Which biotin sell for cash., Buttet, or any kind of r • Fanner Produee,, in a manner which Will prove perfectly - antlefac; tory to all who are disposed todeal with him. UP s o6fille MAY Bth, 3-85 7 . • _ D EAHVNIAM CLOTHING, • - . at the " Upsenctlle Exchanke.l! IDOOTS & SHOES JITSI' REC'D, - JO 1 ' at tho" Upsr,;ovilko.-Eawhonge" HF..HIRHEST PRICES PAID FOR' T :BurrEltat the tVioevilte-Exehanse.7 A SETTLEMENT OF OLD ACCOUNTS DESIRABLE, el the ..kipsonville Ex change." 1111 S. is the great principle among our 810- X. fi hh. hh.small morehrtots. In proof of this took. at the late Act pa.;eett at Harrisburg: prohibiting hawking and peddling iroSnsquehstna County; . an At passed to gratify some Or the Merchants who have expressed a desire "tu stop sons large ta7,04".- C. W. MOTT. 6nlttubetA, `,loritbattut DOWN of ITH KiONOPOLY, .Thelr large wagon will run morti_repiarly than ever beicre, until their license for plddliag expires. In. order to accommodate the CIOIMMU nay and, be able.to battle monopoly suceeseul. Ir. ,theiy :hare nude arranzements 'to gk Kew. Good 3 weekly from New York, and they the ramp from 15 to 20 per :eint. theupkr.than any other establishment in Sumpaziena - Coun.,. W ty. We have now eect:lved.otr NEW 5115.1111.E1L G6lOO The largest, cheapesv-tuid . best aelect . ed' sleek evr.offertd in this nihrket, • jt is net neeeiSai to enumerate, - the artielea - v:hich oer ass - Oftittent comptises': - it is stiffi• - •letit ay the iv t .'lLave.. B .. generat stock of the latest and most fa , 4ltioraible goodS.ta the market, and we cannot fail to snit the pliblie,as well in taste, as i» pries.l4.. A fed words I.:ore to our fellow•eitizeris,and.partien ittrly. to those who feel themselves incleitr.tdont and not. obliged to purch:ise: at some particular store. Nyt..,k - new th . nt it will be for. yoer int& test to exarniOe ar.d price our go'ods isefera opr• chasing els °Where 7 that is. alt rtio motto that - s n penny saved is better ;than tiro earned." ' We are detektnined to'lir.tre no pains to 'give general saii,ifaetiel,. and we; shall a ways be ready and happy to! exhibit our assortment to those who will faro!. us with a call. (; ..Gurtrsnr.tio,R.osEsit.tust & .Co„. • Mont- se, May.l2tli, Ram; MO NT ROSE, P A. . . • rip tiE"subscriber p urchased, .1 refitted and n0w..1? furnished the ;1 0 above wt.ll-knoWn and popular-Hotel., is prepared.to rievinininilate the tray. eliuj public and others with all the tttentionse and :convenience usually' found in first-class lloufies: No effort _will., be ! , parr.d by Vro- pri4for and his Assistants.-to make the Hotel equal in every point to any in the country.' . The Bar will be sUppricd with the; Choicepit Liquors. : . 'rise Stablei, connected with thin Reuse are large, rnowy and . eon.verlent,c.nd eareigt,and •atlc4l:.+ . e' T.10:51te13 are always in t.:114..rg.: f d.s.. T.A.iLDELL rntroge. Isth, 1 7.• /11.Allitfittarrrs' afitsuraittr Clia'rter Perpetual. Granted by the State of Fire and Ii aand tali an. AATtcpr-S. WM. A..ttnoDi:s; Vice Preet.:: Atrazn Seer - etary.- ' . • • • DIEIECTOES: • Aaron S. Lipincotti C - 11•:ries Wise, '• A. fillodiis;- . Alfred. Week t,' Wm.. Thomas, j..-..ktinaldo Sitnk. • _ SArAI. Neal, Simmons, -. Clialles J. Field, - , -James P. SmisS. . Office Ntx. 10 ilerehertt's Ercharr a Phila. A: N. BULLARb, Agent, Jl:iintidsePii.• • • •Stiel C. 4S. islsllt, et. CO; Real Estate Brokers,' and Pealcrs in, Ex- DES MOINES, lOWA. FASTE It = Esehanv,e bought and sold. , Interest pai4 eu deporifs. Monvy , loorivd 'or invested at Western rnteA. Lands bought and sold. •Lands located with Wartiuts or Cash on the mhst favorable •terms. • We attend to anv business connected with :.Government Land Offices, in Central or Wes. tern lowa,—taxed paid: Collections made, and promptly remitted.. . Des Jtoina, May 10 4 1857. '2om3 TiTtiereas, Lettcoi of administration have . VV been granted'to the subscriber on the es. tate of Lynintilinapp, hitt at the townshiNof Spriogville,-deceased;" all persons indebted- to tilt, said estate are requested to Make immediate Irtyrnent; also ail having, just demands againSt the same will plea3o present .them duly ante.nti. cared for setticthent. . ALarge stock of Giovns and Hosiery of story -veriety, for Gents, Ladiek andGnildren,-at HAW LE Y ar. • GUILD:ft: BOOTS and 'Sim* and ReadY4tinde- Jog of ovary.atyle ip market, at I • QUIMVS,' 47* &Ad ot.;-.Potini;vat -41. GUILIN._ Dairymo* ako. Notice, T...TAMTUEY .44 Au r, have enostsligi l 4l l' biltid and halm made Jo ardei'Vhins.rir; kips. Re POI and !utter Tutio or. She bfrat quality. ' tGibiott, - .4lfrit 20th; ren: MONOPOLY!' MONOPOLY : ! J.S. 7 Pennsylvania. CAPITAL . SNO.OOO aangc, arm Lind 'lrairants Administrator's Notice. JAMES QUlClC;•Admini~tral , i-. . Springville, May Sth, 1557. UtivF MEM Mci=ll•=7!El ,„ **mil/ ._.,,,„, : 16 ~, 1-.• : - 41-11 - --- - I , - .$ . ..' , l : ~ _...„.. _ . J4eig ''' -se TUF4 undentigned 14 0// . t eres t of deo. W"1.0111 Geo: W: §eyzatinriftWi* . . , 61.1i1E -,Fk; B L When) they wilt be happy tL itad:nhow iheat a nice stock prior quality,at Ysay Low S;! LL Lry.74 .: S hEld GI ats3rtment Ica Olkitt, Alms & VERY NICe Shitivis; at at .2, , - -Glint., 119 ONIN ET$ Irrislizaingsi a •(i 4 nisortenent _ itckc H. Ent. 'of the arloftinitkof Waoe-aV S';•;.• - ih; lkist,43r. yarn - 011iLt._ & Itaiford, May _1241,7 i. 1,145/:":, . . .. . 0, 'tes in Ci: A LL who criehlo buy ileol Xii-efithk, wit? enifit thiiifft biore, in the Post 0114,*, - wl goof articles at alitir price. JUST "RSCEI ANC LOT OF SCif.oot Welif.'d eette.s 41e Reatterti, Teems el' Moral Seitinee-;-ei; . Wetoter's Standard • 'Nee' pricea.k., , , • : , ... ,:,..,..., Au 'a -4A _. choice hit.;_et' Sise, s, rgiieci aiialeiik t . .,w - by. New-, ilAinvn: - - • A: N... 31olitiese, Pa.:-May 13t11;.1131kl, TV3E—. 44 Pop Gc4nvthe stranproitop a, pupate.. • Herq's a''styre, iust.d_pit ifl Arid view ,Ntel? ,VronAertit SOO tha ' ToYitiilit: wee I lutvd ina-Paper, :Tait That .you vari.find East or W . It any rkf my frie.nitsboaj4 art -✓Call in, I will ease your winds . It; ' ... .- - -', 6 pht it, • , ~ bunt Il l .:, - ,--e ' Etilleid'i." f iris , tio!,i , Ilene' :el 1:!r -I: ... 0 1 11 - - ii : .04,c... .t. I ' AU - kt es ot Children's Book*, Ind Wel lr p e a' 1 "lii alto t here ev7f7 it t er Viiiiin fiel: .: " 6 " l : Bodie li si o uto i ; .... "„ ii _.! In the ant end STAitiONECIt I e-tv „it; men, .°4 AlO . llO, come one, co e m 4 ,1 , .h end poor, come r ir t en 4 r.. was Li 'ifrix o .„ ,11 seta you - woks -bo , teitP; ended` dri;k2:; l : \shalt yoWcustont k "—:. 4equi . 4 " ' _ . Wtirdlstim .tt l i i !li t 1 - . '.,- I=e.-•' •;-1 So co Conn r And r I kat):: fa., 1857. MEM w Ei4 AGAIN . . _ . ELTAVINU failed•of aelll g ott j X I itimontents; we are again aood..4selling :Am gas; . .ifien can he fund-in SusipielLan are determined to at4l - goods Low : the {nil ings ; of oprup f l,o;v.n neigh one .and al.l i eo*ana,brry whe the eheapeati; I,:cinvey save von as forltioae 4 i . on have ernie ': • It . TH.I 1 • April 12800857: _ 40,.... :11111 1 -GOOD S! - i ., . - i a - . :... ..,,,,,ter,..:. .: .:. • . - It. , J....-wE ..ill'i4: ~... ; :2 1 1 , .JY .7" 11 10' S:k AP .R. I 1; 30(h . 185 f. ,r. SUNITIEWAILDANG Nhw Rail' RAul Da-aid-are, La.c.kowlitainh . . .. 1 YEW and expeditions tiro" .1 . ..1 frotn.the..North:and Wesi; and Secatiton, _And from the • L Wyoming ,viojleas, r Aireetly ti York and Philadelphia.,.. ' On and after. Thrirs4y,ll trains w ill 'ht; . ritit" si follows' Oineinhatiti. - Traiu bounden E.'P... R., arrites at Gt. Bend e the Alnii•Train at 9!25 a. m.,,,, the EXPRESS Train which.le: for New York and Philadelphia Due at Montrose, • ' Scranton, . Sirondslitim, -T.Telalvard, 166Annie' t 4 Bridgeville, Phil. pasa. • /unction, - -;. -;. New York, : L . Philatielphia,, Passengers from N. 1: - , Pier Nu. 2, North Ri. From Philadelphia, lasi nut st. Woad, it, I .05Ve. JilnetiCin— Duo at Bridgeville, Phil. tonne Delawore,ls minutest Strondslitirtg, . - t.:,eratitort;, .. ~- • Great Bend. , • . -_-': . Co h neel inr ::.i. prCat-llend•-wit ?tigil Troia West at*:; ' S.leran - ton' Aceoiamodititln /alb leaveS'Serantnit for Greater 11 at -99 d aid Arrive at Great Bend, ` - . ;I - 00, VAS: Connergting with the Sttlatned Expose 094,: •t? and Dunkirk ,Eapresa*oat, od h e • N.V. & No.- ' Rot inning, 1-aves Great ' Ben - at, .;4 25 p: . Dile atScranton, _ - ;,- -_.• -""-/ 98.,t . . -- - For the areorurnodation of ..ara. , ttatifi till 11111' Southern Drision, a passenge ,_. "CaV lift be: melted to the Express Freight iTtaieaci r t .,. 1 Kinato.i..st 1- - -.: 1 ' ' . ' 7 ' It 1 Dno:it.Strontistmq at - '-, _ ,". -- ---_ll l B/1-._:,.. - . 1., ‘• Junction:o,- ' - ..- --,--1 ~ .-_41.116:8-illk -• , itetnining, wlit leave itinction at AISR••LW 1 Due at Stro udsburg ii -- -.- - - - -2.1t4 - " •.-.; - •i''' . Scranton, at y.; _.: -....3 , , pvik: _ tia'ss'engeistroin NV, Yotk will 'cliimpaili atrelhrksviile'.' "' '' • 1;;' - -,._ .. ," 5 _ , - -- -"; ' 're-and front, Philadelphia, `a Bia.witi' - leave - or skim ea tit- at - Bridgeville: ...; ---:-.. - _.. s ' .- ...,.,;'-- , . -.. For, Pittston ; Kingstoo, antl , Nnedbarreildat, L.,,it 11, fLit,, cam At Oir u— ilot. - -- ..',..'2 For: JesanPArd t idilldCubmie . Pt.. lll:' l . e4r*tGallt,. . tt- TrletTloa - 114 liaB9 l P lelletie4l'*-,..?.•. ailstationa ntiionnictintiOads.• ,-,--!:`, 1, PassengetittAd'ithdriMiteibil l i* rnhine &n.Yaiii Lackawanna &liftoff/got . . Jtattroadigo thrOitirif niithatit tpr_dakaatiekillti;-:zf' lElecatitpthitir the trains oii thaf.to6*-1111. itectfia-.:with . th e Oprewtigin Sthflit.., jr,..13;„,,_;.-,:, , . , ..-', 7 ,.7 , faroflAniEln'Otu4 liVyain rtcr 4, , , ~,,,, . i. , t. 4 Pliituteiiiiiin. 84:60. .Irom 4140. , vi6i,k . ; 4:84;-:-)VY 6 ODIVi07. :-- - Alki , ..- 1 ittvt. ' Yin* 4175,...- - , . - -: , • 1 ,* ; '-", , ~,,,---- •,:::.: ~,-., ~ ! ,.0: & , -.:_. :: , , . . -tfor kat Solkaddladrao th-,,:54 .. - ", W*t.Lifiltier"GettMOtetf id*: -.-.7t-''' AZG"dgra' lisad on band al rale a an M. _lvo 4, 11 ~_~~. ~' ~ ~' ~~ . 5i w k ... ,, , inillia. alert ' TiuU r airi eat'.lso4 at tod . tabakeot or ITILLARD. your eymp.-;‘ t BaHardt' • i* , ;-- - ozirre in the mug* - • only,- for WS. a county. W. • _ otwithatanOeit ore. So Newest - You csalbr i I. at goal Mbertbferei. En ds tom. BLUNTS: !. outeL. ~-:.f : 4:*-Aijug - via .0.1 . 4vit141_01 pisrv.sumi -10 4. t 6 Itrif I idtfi; ice, :. tag : l., to.; *As `oaneetjilit Pitt tea argil& Beta_ at 9pi IOU!' ' 11 11:i; .- dineill 27: : 4 '. - : •41 ease totk Pt . • 3-45, " 14 411 .;', 8 1 10 i 81 et" xt List 1 . Iota; 1 ti git l ilt il li ; - 1074un: '-4 480` . , • .. • .111111 e, Ink 4. the ' - . . ~ _ • 8 ti;-‘,.-", ~~~~.;~_ mOrtmsb
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers