~e~wy-`^eic7: -:a{tr~ac~~aiiYursr-e.>=x+s= FronsAlliaajeltaaStigemans.oflianweiii: IgyrtAbionis,-Niuutefertit.2ftritilt. THE PACRIOATION OF KANSAS. himFejr, neither a Democrat or lleliublienn, POI, lOS,AT .TOPS • ÜBLIC - 14N161 4 i5T1KT1Q14414 , 1 I,lo\trig, OF TILE IKE', EUTUTIV3I4 • Speech, of MIS grAcetitkticy, Zt a. i'llikertpasvairtsor. In repliltnee'lri thtin invitation frotn the citizens of Topeka, , Governor Walker accom . pauied,by Seurstary..Stanton and Mr.. E. O. Perrin, visited our town on Saturday last, for the purpo.c of coining, an acquaintance livith our people—of ascertaining their views andpislics—ofitilerehauging , seotiwni., and orliroinOthilifitiling,s of tauttiaLeiinfidence and good will. At four o'clock, pureuatit to .iiiireensr - notice-Ivirmeting of =our , eitirenti, radiketsmaterostatandi . inteiligent, was convened tulip liC alt in order AO hear ail eitprea -geion Of.thia:Gorernar's.vieiri,to ea "Astinplilitettitiesiiild the +An !Of adjustment, lOad to - IcOnfer-freely!witia hintorrtlievitious 1-palitinali.opics ably eingi&sing , the attention . -4kiiieVeopielof the whole Territory. ,r -,trail: Holliday presidedilandintioduced-the Cieerocir nhoote,,vanced. and said:- •.! 'sli,:tsik/ifoo . -C'itizosk&-UvOn-the,sirEvitatibri of !, , tlibttitisitivrof tbeztown:OfTiopella !and- it: Otioihil!, - ,1-, , Tivioieitinsounelwit6 -you,' in rre lord:toithoseito6atimportent interestslwhith I mo ( ..x . m ie et e d with. the ,administrat /be At the .earifest_request :of.:thiaresidept:of4he toiled States; I bod- Aentolidio-oomelterialathi oCeopy 'Abu -Poilt ion ICElSloVeritor.f;of Tads- dun not come %Moog yrmtalt a Kolutiteer.:l have rug r ugh t: rtitiottwiiton. Uu,ki>b.r.outts,ry,,.l..haye ite oeftry.sl:litHaral I. MU :Crew to say,. with,great rlditlidepregrOsieg out of-tbe ocutvietion im trwsed.itposszthe luituis vf, the. Chief • Magis .ltnte Ale umot, had - an. his' Qabinet, that not only.of:this beatitiftibTerritory of yotttabutlthat of,the whole Union depended ; . .upon . .the,,se . ttlepont of these, dillicult . l . nud excitlng questions, ,which have, hitherto iu- AOdeced otvil ,war and • discord throughout _ • 2 , „ . 1.% rico, toerelore., the matter was presentee, ,to run in that . liglit by the President of the .:tailed 'States, ati;.f all his - Eabinct, I felt eallvd nOtw i itini;andia i l my- d e ep sense of the !:961:10?4ialky trli*o I was required to as ftune, - to - withdraw of this Africa, atid ac, s opt_ the pioffe.ro.l trust. .1 am • oYt• -here - this. day thefi fellow-cititoßs t . to Add reg yop : upon thole grave and morneatcuis, At3e4„oof , Aiii ) i coricem so much, not only, %ur. p,e,se iond ! prosperity, brit that of tti . e .5 13 °,1„,- - : • , -; 4 1 4 41„ ;Permit. me to kav,. that it -has lieu toy 4,- to .have, trayelif ttiroiigh every ..Sja . te in this I.lpion,\except t;alifornta,,,afut . I 4nust . ,say ; that. Iliaye neyeriseen, anywhere, Any , regionfor which Godluoi,clone„so•much 04,erfijp7,of " KaPgaS. (cheers.) - ' An that 5,,!4: !Ant laptaod,and propeaity,the recog . „tattoo pc theprincipl. , 44l.l,the. people,cf t stts_ alone . ,ruie jut excreise in .eotenectitin, with all the groat questioni, which ; hare 41istml.ied,the quit and hairony,of this :TjFriters4„4 l older„ fo mxLe net. 91'1Y the .4,,0pee,.:a ooe of the nu-Kt - of the Ti4ritory and of the'llnion but to Juakegaxl, , , soon, at the proper pet lA, to te n coiile a• - 4v-ercio.r State, one of the most kispiportant n;1 tf,ourishin&i of the whole. eon 1r , werilren-ion Cols a pfactio..al goes "bn, mi l l - ,,1" . ,,,0ke it you are , . Ica rueo.; Wit Iro - ii,do ilk. ~ntilo to tl;it>rie4 but to,t:u•ta aud niSillts;and that 'you de.. , iro! to ascertain irA n t9i-'thelsost mode is Which.n peaceful " 47 rigt Ritlit r ijr 'Nieceiubst tkplotable anzura". d s-t pablishA - in thiS Territory, togetli j'°/"s"inr'itt,tinetßns"-fiom the 'Prel.irlent 'T tioti- ed : ,•:tates, - Pninting out the movie reached ( :Ciltief Magistiiite:of the I:Saimi, • zd - orEe %T ito that -hi - A 'position bi• the 4 : ? ranklin w ill Prtple, as well'as his Celli -Mel ndividnal who now ad - 17 ' ..ren w '''' s Ave.. these onestiotiS Can he chailie. Tik.; not by a - party, whether it iti urn pits of aslaverY, htit by - the • whole - - ' nobleman 66 110 7 at KahRIA,, who, as is man of ti:e ir - -, :ht, hi-,, thit - t great principle , fOnndation of all oar . inSti • \ of lils time at m ' ;,.,,,,- 4-, 1 , a n , ,, e I- • • -' ~ ,_ . , taa majority Inueli annoyed - ptrill,e4 .what shall be - .. upon his e d it; hir lkoilT:=.•-' Ett,' .Owii socitil In .turn' shAitistidn'lltitytit' • se t . . ... -Italittas,,,, ; ..., . -1 - ., 4 - i to -lb ... - .. I s , t, - or '. _ •-- . ~ .rtow-In ltd,-tin} 4:llUes - '' - .?,1" - sele'i:'Birailieak."as r L. .. I• -. .-;:hitiitt 31I:1 - tcaiq .- tie' Ili' this; that in . e, 4en - lit . - e•- , l*Ai t nticiii: - shall . b . e . ..: , . s t's t-O ti:Ortheeitizefia of liatv .tir , °- - A tli be subniiitd to the vote . 1,4 - . . 4 • - strif",l.ll4 , ;(i.ldoi•insisi 1E42;4 miii Arc . a i4isesiidit tails:WA:be: Territorititi ' I itatt l . 4 .4,i ll ! those . _ixbiy *Were residing,. sere ...,. tit a March tist,'hut - I mean . the . 3 t ' '.:opleveit,Xankq, tiot.'• ilitly those 'who air N a tibirAlitit those who wiii •be her--; vett - -'faitii . l iig t ,il Etcsid cut 0,-s—that.:thir•y—th peo-; pie - bri. siAnttri thsz•einsti - tin ions - are - to ope ra - -•- - -they'hy ; st In-jolts- of their.votosy oltall a for themsell:ei what shall tie their on, stnd.witat -- shall- . .ht , titeir scteini" itistil' - IR..' OA , . Ihis..snlijet!t, LI t,lesire, I r e ... I peitOri;i read it ektrat from Inv litstrtorel • Addles to . " tild • people .of the . tertitors• of Ifitnittir;loget)‘E-r with the riewsef the liresi-' I desiollithe,,Vnited States.. . . elecfetet'il cannot' doubt that the Consen tiztn,F.V.-04ean the 1 - tni•etition'=isitieh is about , Itt i lneOlih _Septet:ll,4r -next.) . ". afterla-ring fritin4 - 1 filtiile , OOlistitotiOn . will , stibtnit - it ter Atittentiori or. reiectiM4-bv a' ttl'ejoritv of 1 the - then"ii...l44l bona file resident settle4l a 1 I Koansie - .?! - ..,,.', ~ ~: - • ..: .: .. .: • .:- _ . . ,:,IVith these views, well known to the Presi dent and C.:bine:, Lnil a?)prosed by them I Vixpted gio uppointruent, of Gurernor of KA,Asiks. 41s,:inatruotions trona the President. throe , ; the Segretary of State, under date of the 30th of March I:14,114;0in " the regularl It 2 iloelerritory" in "Imernbgpf; a oyeptiOß CD4stitotioc.aud they Noyes . 4.116 ";,;,_ i nint : oo of the PreFide:nt,. that "' - whenFtiFb"a,Cupsfiltision;shall he suldnipW Tr" :l 9i7ville? -91 1 45 t. Pfiltijet 4 , l :&:9ic t Ale 7 -*XerilAt et,theic u rig4, RCA V 0116 4 ,447 to 10111SL thatinFtrument;.tand the fair :exprtaun o?pqpniar will last ' 144 be 44 e T4lo ' 4 fra )4r, 1c .420 )-Bcqf own flldiviiled "Lrei)e2t. Alt qt. as my Ocir 'eeystetiou, i ,that unless thettinvention inrunit the -4.;cl;ustitti tion to the vote of the actual resident Felder., cf Knosas,ittathel.lietT6tite - tailly - and juftly coUsiffigteis , lol4 . 43o6stitl4oB be; .a,t}a +t44 e,te k l. by Congfe/a." [Cries of - . Ititatielltitl, OIL 11)6 submitl with 'there- Finitiabf, tur:kdr-illiatake,lntirtnkappraileatiou es' raped* lipi*liioes.and the polio* . which i shall .4fiefemittup:ebty -to pursue. -iii the ads inbastitathetrzbUt*execotive 4epartmeet lot thearteileiri ofirstroa:i.di,isitsrehred faveitipiettiviiirlhat thcrAitijoritilof the PlcOvorgulisaisogat ilmtnilmolortos'oftightj ti iyotsty of the *f. &wan mit adopt their vice Coutitation en! reje#3t - ; ito...th' thetnejetritrofitheliipopie of Kemal et the vat tellist , eleoiBe-.4444.ee timoi via latealsete oiltieeEXete4g3ipisieejfi dimikettair eihitert:kpeeriotwiliaguisi etiyhether &e . tetrtirettey.,bet preset:tel e / be. Hitecthet - themet&who , tleeireillhat the tettitrof titeigteplesahatilerAtbliehivetituthee' but a monarchist or an ari.tocrat. lie desires ,1-that the few shall govern the many, whereas, khe great fundamentaldeett - ine which lies at tbe basia,..oeitli-„Any h iifeWinstitirtioni upowincl4 thevrt . rep4e, :an sithiOE has been iarstiettinto . E sftioiw . .440pel evoiry- ot r ;St+ but ,an auj i whisth, ... . . :, ,getttlernei,49kleyottri,..4 atid., -el ~ tien to sustain: me; its\-4 - my siisette h`rVei shall ob. t•iin iti fullest tealiLltieit here, is the rule of ~the majority.:, :--,----- - ------: .- . -- --: '' • ' [ Now, Lilco, g entlemen, as to the mode in e'• which this is to be accomplished. - I pre leurne we all agree-.---at least I - hope- we do; as to the doctrine that the majority of ,the I r.w.ople c,f. Kansas, shall establisa their own 1 constirution and . irttiodrice such social insti ht- tutioas as t- 4asoritrtriifer"-^ - 11fif '-'how -- is' Asia vt•bwdone t , :glie.Con'gressofitWe United i States has establishd for:Kansas but, ate mode lof..idtiott Ott: thitilstiljoati•and - thatvaetion is khirrugit the tistritoiialJaegis4atatre.-•-•,• : ' :•'-: i'-•::. So*,-ncintr!of - mort'eatt wrel, nufre . tha!ol I sio:any.•of.thow;atiertlorublei rind ',..ealatiltons pcircitirista aces; ill! e It'ltiire, tsktn istieel la ahe 1r.,r , . , 5t: ~ Fot.mt , sef 4 l wish to overloOk:the•••prist Aind loisiL ft!rwaski•to ivbeti er await! ijltter fsa- Att re. -, -X hat Ila - ritbrial,••LegiSlatis re'.l.li.for,- iu ~ reeirect :to , 'l,lref - .‘autiartity Overi:this :questioir, ..- . . . .0.4 9 , , . " - A • r - •our rejee t ...._ . also, .; a' tnejerey n i ~, .._ , - .., - : --- . -,... , ....e. ._ _ .. , - • been 'recognized by the.attta' of ebneeress 7 Of I eefee, teilispeeii:o3e'et the 'Con.tittitiort - 1 ,, e . , ,-trat ngaln , t.the cr.,f)%i , :nm e nt of the letete,e , 1854:804 - 1 - 1857.. l'ltat LeelelatarLehirs caged :e'enife t e feit'ytihr cen'siderroii3ii'next • fittl.' Now; I' S''''es; ("Y" , n "•'') ' 1 " ~"" l''''F. e ,. to . d .''' i5-1 "1 s, - 6;intitstiorefo aitsernlikiitiSeptettiber 'fi tiit. * it 4 len. I "it i raitt, ie . propoied to - be:dotte lie ;set rip the Sotte gotweetteent4e.tj,. the Piesmet n est the and ill. ; e goy. ; That Coctstitution theylitill'etirethey ia ill: not ; this Leeislutute 1. It is proposed to pet in on eirtiment :Tie-et: v ..l o letibitiiteiotlaismina.of the majority of the then I er n tion a bede'orltiii's. - But vou must re- i "te` nft . '''"'gr' c . , 'LY I , l i ee p ra ''' n t ( "l" t ."'"nt o f 1 It State. laws. (A litre, "not . now.') There I :actual' tiettierleoof .ICansse . If' ihew , elo • net I member the pitsiig,e of -- Istyeß is no farce. titusesubmit it I Will jain,ron; fellow-citizens, is not a leitnlete. •[A•voiee-" It h as ' l e en. can no; be' • a State,,.. eoverntr•ent ivithont a .... Sei . ee-Govetnor, ivipjout his solterstabier the in leitful opposition to th,eir coares.• {Ones of beiel ' A law ie n eonsmitml, it exeets 61. e• 1,10"ct!Tr..11" t'. Iltloit 2 l IA ti0 . p,, , •• • , , 1,•nt , - ,r the !",,good'. l -..and cheirsjetAntli 1 -liantiot doubt, dience from the 'whole people; rind. is to !tele :gentle:men, _thateonaeinue h• hither. than 1, ally be put in force in the "fertitore. What is I ,"itel s' r'''''' un" 1 ' ii'-' pelt'; if c"T,4 etc; ',l Ilere et:unut be 3 if;l3lC ! ,ZoVt3'nfp•rit without ; the Chief Magistrate .ofe.he. Union, will •join the ' contequence ? • Wise , . von thus- proil Ile,. [ y 93 In oppositicin. But t :gentlemen ; tor:ray- An - Absolute; clear. direct and positive coins- S•.ale:iltri e e`.°--';•n • nti li'e . rs' c•• • Ihn°", I'" S t 't,la Jude' ; self. I.eannot &ed i t eloetnet-ceneentione e.; without ion between that Legislature and the Govern. e without tteer stile:tee:Oro7 "the juogee np submit sachem itestrament as they may frame, • nser,te t sf the Unies,i Su tt ee. 'The re are tw o pron Let by the Penal:legit of tie: I' oi' eel State, for the. adoption or - rejeetion ot sthe- 1 whole ; sets of 'elicit to trovern you. Every mnn's con- under the leits of Cenereee'or a S' I :pcople of .I;:anavi;--to' all_ who now are or then; trap t ; etery mall's title, evert , manse p os e r s-lature with 'tn. state:'..-..the,-..the,the T ate Legio errieonal .I„nstv,be, actual. lsona.fide resident settlers of 'ion willelien by involved in difficulty, and in 13 ". Ti ill"s"'; this or it m" . 3" n""iling:- LtheTerritory ofelCatisaa.- "ilea, at that time, the course of three orTour months you will eeite.y ties que+.tion i• :then re e lielli,,h; sgaint ;Wad in pureuance of •the'fisethod. designated have a large importation -of lawyers. [A ti:e *weird:tent of the uniltsd• Stales, • ullieli 'by the laws of your coontre; by the inertic• voice-" We'have 'Plenty of them now,"- ye t i tell elle you du no':- mein •to reiett. I none or the Chief Magietmtibt" the Union elainebterl It will involve Lott in endless lit- Vto - . Ile re trentieman, I newt) you me t whooaß platied there be the people and sworn I itation, from which there will he no possible i must tencee . .. thanks fer the kind end 111,101 iby them to exectite • the laws; I'do not e en• extrication. - gent nttention Kith which vou playa: listened i terrain st driubt - but that that Con4ntion will .NOir. f , entlernen, is there tiny neceesit r ' fir t ' Insi `e !-I '; - '' kS 'i (3 V " ..t.:. • " '‘ .l .' ttt It.; to ' the t:IICi.‘I„ . ) 2,nrc . , -/ n , ferel ton enieel stn 1.,t• atty iAul.mit to bit. Whole of-the bona 0:le settler.; this'? 'IA' volee.- 4 ' None e nut e bit, iliele peicefulh , (I, , eide .•ele'aetieti...e., Ihe 'teita ef 13W. ilfi'lt•til,'l..:llltl of. Kans:te, the determination for 'them:AO - lees . . . never was. z,f . Ti:.. - p.• 011.• Wi;11;‘, -.9 fully (--tal,ll-11,••1 lucre -1 '''] "Can You not bilati:acti , ,3l..tuoitirity ot't'he whole 1 • * - '1" this question in theist - ode pointed alt by .tite 1 Wl:ether they shell adopt 'or 'eject. that Con- •h it, ct• t r rety . ; eit".zens, you will cheerfully ply Rio of Om erese.; if, ite you can 'awl will.he ve, stitution. It they reject it th erts'ie an en.l. of th_is seedl• pee:tete.' to otple•rt yeur ()en gov thet. Co/nit:lion: •It has lietfOrmi:.:l'ite eta .e. rote: •a-fitir nod - full (ppoltlittitv of ieicirdine volt r [A itoice--- 4 Why tie nut "ha,! '''''''''''''• ( - A `."..'''' " w'' "ffl hate 3 g''' 'd It lite% &Mourned meter to meet again.' ' i [., e it ?'' juentlettien -t• wt „ not G overner of deal titc,re cottfil.itt-e•-itt the vote of the peo eoite..," What next!.:].. What next, you ask. 'Kilning, and Mr.-Buchanan was not Plesi- l' i° t ' '"- given 1 " 1 " l' . •• 11 . if von--will tell "s by i% het !net: e sti:N. thteAteloss are to be ap'- ge.atienteusl .. Them-Are two other very easy dent of the •Uniteil States.' (A. cuter-"'llow I %%ill am :4'or flint queetion for • I exits from the r t i nin nit Yr an d * •A ' liec l ue:4l° n ore we to oet it fl - Yon • will 'aet liv the r"' n '' - 'd-.' ) is st ..pritc tic i'l one, I prispose•to answer it. co - nieent io n - su b mat i- tig the 06tist I tetton . to have: te e doubt i . t. is feisty asked and in ~fair (The vtee,." it certainly is") I will 1-iiee.letot•er 'next., not under .the , aet •of the the vate of the whole ' people. [A • t'ak'e-. `pint. I late Territoriel ; "Legislature, but tinder the ....w ho ?,. to\eiect the o e lll . itt•l ,, r. ? lino i ., . sey I . :1 . 0:: to (.11, L., ,,, i)tletft, ,, i - , that if tiwy (10 lilta*..l ofe.Cougtees,-you,.the. whole p0p! , ,1 of i t!,, , er.,til questinn rit G4.ntlemen it is cette ' II"' ""P'"" 1 :1 fait ::iii ir.ir'' ll ' .lll :Th;ris" I'Y l.liassaas ehave -a right tits:eleet a 'Delegate to • - •. 1 ..- q ;, 1 ce ; whi,"; the ~,ij4),i!, ~r :,,,,„ ;,:„!,:•ii, Lona file. , :•• e•-. raiall‘e..l• ,.2 13223.. 110123....1 A. 1031 the eel- : ~ i Congieet, and .toel e et.s e Territorial Legisla - . etitutiOn is • t o be sijbmitt, 3. ►Don% I,t I:, ri• -, .:"n': i - v.t!":- t.f I;:tn - a; shall v , ! l -, thr , I l gli tu;.e; and through that Legirieture you . can l•ren aWer after ebedOWs., Do not refee• to ! the. itterententeliy or init,eatini ittd ; r:e4 will epeii - k - your views and instruct them either to rreeist.:e'and then sea von can't N --, tr. The4' ..--' `"" -1- 'n't - '),•°' " I 'l in !; I " .ll 4' . nri"Siii'ln II tht'ir 11 ') call A 210 V •Gonv . eitiiiirt.to.tipbmit anew Can-,reat Ilizti..itantial paint is this, will 'the wletle '"2-'. aid ''''.€' I'''''''i""ra rind C'''"Z r e - ' yl'ii : ra stinatiou.efor the,e4neldetation of the 'people,: or they': cell ,inettutttheir. Delepite to Gin ! - neople of Karetas next WI, he a - fair e!eetier, , i'et ;heir ("enstit . etie.n. (e - teee „ . .., ii +ll o h , ; iinpertially end :aide i•onduete.l be impar- ( - 7- "" v ""I'l'" ;ill""itt 'rrip"rii'ii •,j''''-'g's'l''' , I' greee, chusen by a mejority of theirown rouse t t i,i i i. „1,„,,,, j b are ren • t); , port „, - i fv ..-i, 0,,,,.;,!,, is th..ir duty it/ do F f l. (A ve1 1 .,..." Will the)._ to.ask Ceureress to pass a law autlet r zing the ;•f er 1 taelneelvN What Sleill i.e dit.ir f.l m ,:',. ' l '''''' 1 I . wr:ilt-1ii , , ,- . I ern not tie; Cor.vete tee-Lb:it 1 do net ii, tile tliey will give - you people of liAnsas.to form ,Suva- Constito•• i I • rt. we element and whie.shall be their t oclel I • lion - for themselves.: . . - '. : - I siy• tteey will, boil o e, e st, p 11 , 11 1" 1 -it-'-l.l.i . "' 1 ... ; ' - '• ,(A robe,, ". I a ill, n't." tile ,; ifistnutionsl; •It is quite cert'alni genthmen.. that in 0 4 ' father -IA v • oit•e". Kaye Yon got the pow- ~ ,t •••;, . , . .i.e,0_, r l'itt e et . e. ts nny 01.• ello :eell be al /node' there is in any eveut a•peacefuletratluil.. kill 11l hive not the pist er to brie.: •,.. :. ~. , i ...., ••, %Lie .Cohieleeet: eyee j e . • ~.•, ,no . 1,-..,•• ercii ! ) .1. ri.,.. : ,1 ; th e in .t, 1 .qrsiet.exit. from -.ail the; embarnesinente and , t,,, ,0, if :t w <',‘„,,,,itimi will no . 4 1 0 it , 1 s t,„ -Lt:Vl' • • ••/t 110 . /etlVii . It/ /- "i• diffetnltimi by.widelt tint are sorriest:dell, nod 1 j o i e yea - in lawful oppo s ition to their • prove , - ' e „, , •t -ty-L , . -• T i,. pest is the time is, inoitv . coining, at , it : js bee .not 4 diii_ , ..c. IC • rieA of goo d, t o:e .i.--,.‘ yoi e e ''• vici..,l%l•••ll,',.oi.,:eto_....itti.e.,.s.e%.,:ivs..l'Vetliie;•, po?.?er. :Ind . 1 ,„. e ... e-pt^ist'll ftl'estai In ±lLlLatia - stli,;Tie - _,.ze j., ~I it 41 Lot.: vets to__ , toil' xromis(-." At: . n. " -.... t oeit power 1 that. . ilv • o,_ , " 17;0'11 t 11 . ; . 5 ... .•1 , Thee., gentlemen, wbat ,is-,-the can er a eo l e e ; i';"•,,, - •7" -- .7 - ", .. . - --'--- ..."-',. I:11. i . r ' e. .:. .0 . ...: ,1 e .... r'', 1 ' -1 - -t '''. ren tom r Another r oiee-" Nei Ittet no ceetre, , e to tater tee leure 1 !tare ; ane - 1 , which is'preeenteei. You are abort' to have ; "' o " elti , 1 ., 5... , 2i , e,:t „,, i r d:r r . 1 1 :riti 1% ... ; .„ ,at 1 , 0 .4y, : t i r", tr? .. 3 . -0 . 11q. u , ro:INAtt limb and f e i r e1e ,,,, r . 1 it.'stlettibled Isere at Tooeka, next week, what I, w e ll . - .ge11 , ! ,, m ,, n, - I h are t „, ) ,, ewer.to g t , , ,-,,j tat iii- i.l eeven to the people - c.f E.•.ittses to de ! is.talied ,the State Legislature. for., they tell I arms- Lf t j.,„.,,, 1.,,,,..„ r i m , : h . . h as ' eidi: ler thein..-}v e : witat ...Judi be their feria 1 you diet they .ire now .about to convents a'ed in refe ti•e een 4 . ees- • te ••4 l .• ft) iiiC/ • C/Ifit/ett/r; i•t •ott ii ,•r ~,t vrlmp.n..lredediler the ^ , t , ..1 , c•soill , : l i Legislattne for the .State•cif Kees:ie. NVlte ti . i %.,, '' • I f • - ... -I '''. '-'.• •:' I •- .• 1• - I i • •• • • - I' . ` '`• ' t' ' ekettel that . Leerielat rellv4.-v[Athevolvicheo,idmvotil.e lv ~_t ecolt. ,l if ~ q•.••-,:on %•% ilc 1 Ills tory , . , :tv:or:. You-0r0 , ..•/4 i(W• , nt . have . not eeza tun . .. ~ , . _ . ~. 1 _ _ - . t reieea,. tee. terent vouoeee te; t. , ppoottnitv. no fau.t of !nine. [A voice-'• fiat .110( j,OlO-2 , PeOpie..l. The pets :le ' , I in Buchannn power to repeal • thoee laws ?"__ I have one po•Net 1•1* wie,.! : Ti o man or set of I zir e O • for your so-ealltel - OAT4 6 / 2 .31AT k. • - . • - '• a• I Another vOicee'llasn't he eanetionefl thine V] ?"'-'" '••"" ''',,l'l"i'v mcl, it'll . '" whir! , I * i , :t' ,l. t/TT 2 ' . claimed by sourectree, las ►but 1,7:::: where- l 1 Lie had mi . ...1:in ., * to do with Thiel - but the l ''' - '''''in'''v '''''"l. :".' 1 I 'j:it I" ..Y 'i " V" " in at, there are.now regis red over.lo,ooovoters, l' • *- • t`-. 1 ' • ' 1"I" - • • ' • •' • ' Le•nerees t.f the leniteo tetetese.as seithotlo-,1 : , `"ill 0te...-:!1; nto .t, ,, er net:. (Le e s ot es at on , e '-- •r m 4 1 • . k ' i ' )l/ . / 44, -are- . 11 -'te ex' I t the iserritiniel L.-eight:toe to rose laws. - 1. ;,,, " 'net% t0'.....1."' en.? ltni reeeltoese, (ler:: 0 . clasive of t"e tietusentie .omittede• or *who I Pre•ideto of the United s.'tottee" lees' taken' e n elii:•11 the C.-vett - ler it I; l e lo'v, i have - arrived .1) ' • : ' e•ii eince.that 'date. The Pe"' 1 oath tii carry the levee into • eil ; - t. • • '-• ''' Pon. F. P. ' - '-inti:ti. the Tterlioliel S . tu .. •t>.• P Do you mean . to.tell -me that 1.731 • - • ' • - -.•O , .e... 1 t._ le , for NCI! If ion are opposed' to - these - litre, .Tars-• eve. , iette; 'elec./ lit. the .eleennen, ntel votes conttitute the whole veteof the Terri- 1 1 ' i the 1s • - - - i 1 I•I •, ' • t eronea. people's vot e to teee a l th ee; _ ; a:e.r.., , ., t ho. Ji•Net:i14:1:10 111 all eeerteelteseed tort: of Kaaart9 I ' EA. •voice-' That. wag a , F . . k „.7, 4 • • ' ' •• • • 4' " Vi • S. Call ri n t -et at then."] 11,...e.,. lams. t•-"l'''''• ei - c''"• •., year. and a but t 3g But should thcies• 1 . 731 '• .le--- . _ e • • Is nce. to e least diflictilly dein: 'your co.t.iit. . I A b; ;. , r mil to .st td,:e ;el irese by llon E. vte-a year and a hid( ago impose a• Consti. I-- I e --' ti ' Ai :' •'•0 1' - • • ' 1 ' • I , 1 :It 't WM. ..2. VO2CC---"......ep oot et ees, 1 I • )0 - i 12 rim, tetietnetto tee proeceetngs. t u t -u for all time to come upon trio _ presen t ' atUl 'we will de well • enough.l '‘'‘' It. • L e -' ' people. of Kaneast [A teice-" Not -against j• • • I - T,„,; te 1- • e • -•en '' t emen, I: _ • ge tnyeee to you taat: - so ter -a their will."] SitoubletheConstiturion Le fob me Power is eoncerned-and I do not 'doll!): iiiittetl to their 'Will: foradoption or not I fz,. ' . the.t Cott ate rot, in ant; event, to heve ri-en , voice-`.` Yes:l - That, gentlenem is Ole great 1 t acted here the scenes of the naid.--bute :to rat queetion, to.far As theoolafe coneerne , i.e.litit I I undenttaniFiliat yen.clairn to be a Suite rove l• •• ''' , ae MN' rowt , r is concerned, ' I - pitelge myself . ; mat the peeple of Kansa*: and al lieeses I and-that - eyes:sr Re=called Legislature, chosen , t• 11. • • : sttlte tint', -not the pe.tple of Mietooti en of , ety 'a email .number of • votes, propo•e t teit 1 i k • '. I • . • • e • - - ;• .fsteetieetreetteeor any cachet `::ti., shall int, r ; e•-• ‘ ‘seleto enact laws to,be enfcsroed in Kateoti. 1 k r e:„. n .i f ,.. 0r1 '6 2 ,i 0 ; T e ; Tot ... t o tc . ij o ro:- ill,' ' l llliS miserwde r wrioisty,constiniting . mottine. 1 people . of riiinsai vi. lief eh nil 'be their • i tor tu ; tently.:Ofthe•preseat people ofii:rnsine'propoee • •T e• • ' That • 1 - • '' " • none , • 'voice- nit it my •1 rettrine. _ to Isosoette defiance:ti: the . ants of Congress. Cries ,t -- tz „„ (: ) , eeoderl 'flat, ,„ 0 , - ..! ...„,,....i1i c , n 1 t.. t .. and in ,Ol.en rebeltion, mark you; gentlemen; I.shell decide' it for thiitriselv;;4` Wh't.r i AI ~:,' not ouly::against 'the: l'e.rritoriai '.laws, hat) • 'r• • '...- • A % * ",• ‘, 1 . li • I : lassies:: te. ewe rtncl . government -of the Uni- ' views to, mine arebot - carnet, into etootoiesen - I you - tee...roll ; will :not he'vert fell nnd fair Ott 1-tetl Stat4e, to Assemble here, sad. re - 1. - . . • •• l''‘'' a nt' 1". 'ft - 1"•''16 decide forYotirsetves what slelll - , po trm i : ing 1,731 TIN/pie, in/posethis Coastittition by ~ he y ou , form of eovernment, nn - ci i•otir soeiel • feree upon tile pear} Of Kenvis by :the 'en...! itiel'ittititint 'it Will then 1.0 time encieoh to sir tweet' of *`.Aces, [A ,'voice--" Where are ! • • ' • complaift of me, but not 'till them • IK'..Yeritl thoet 1.-Cre;oo.voters that' are not on the re- I vontee •""T'irit is Hoist.' Another - it •- i : exile' 11 Some inaivertently omitted,' runny ; ;4. N - 4 - I . ? -'- • * • --- . - ° e ' ±.7 " . tat ahottt the !meat; lav:s 9 1 And nOie , who A culd .. not register anci.ihousandi whO! 1 - . . . ' • ' •-•ls -' es asked , what about the booes'• Is is-e -ls/see arrived siciceethe - 15th of March' last.••l e\ R -: • • --- • - '`' • ' - nc Your very Governor Nir leoien on has A s s te,gerde -, tl9A.,ftegister, :. however, - I say to • ' ' ' • '- ' . 1 acknou ge -led d those bogus laws by petiole vuteti - Ust, it. is" i tef :eom ii , PurilivelY-• little con. - ; into etreet a charteropaZoed by that teeetS ,' eequence, i(tire'Cimstitutioa ite• submitted to I leeil.lature e and so have many of You, ttii ., l'i I tie . wittele-peopte ee . ; . .- . . : . . • ; neatly all the people of Kansas. • And if t h e i;t maysuit the purposes •of:Tection to ask ' L ' .. ',oats% Legisleture has power to pass eh-eters [such questions by.tiec..who 'refused to treis • `• „ it has power to pass any other Jaw,' not in I ter. but the„pubstantive is -prat t the Laatsti.. - • • , , conflict with the Constitution of the 'United I 1 tutiou Can ire of - no ,feree or-etfect,unlets it, III.: . ' - ' . ! Statei. [A vome-o llovr are thotelrte l e:eiell for them iv. deep whether they, Sviiladopt j • •• e• ors to be nimenned I ] must to I it. or .. note •Itat Imre comes& I'mde et( men I - • .1! I . . wit h ' I pointed fairtyapt impartially. of cour.e. [A. 1 , acting in defiance, of ' the laws of' .0 • • voiee-ee Who into appoint•thetull I doubt ' and-in effect i ve:le/lion against the"government 1- - of,. the UnitN- States, repseeetstiog, aceoniino • ' ,1 te their oten lesuetheeit, Jess than one,ten tit •ofe - ' • .trot thatthe Convention, will prescribe- 'fair, I . ,, r. jost e sind an impartial method, as they' do' in*: ;other Stntee. [A voice,-" They did, - in els , ' 1 the.people efsiiitelasewho come forward And •- • ; ine U . S 280 voters in thia'connty.'"l .-''' Well, I im"....that •,-theeleeoPle•esext. fait-than not decide' '-'• - ' - I tlsisepietii lal .t• 41 ff..ntleineerlet us look:'at • that q u estion,- 04 -:-- 1 -exteetateyini.nortl, , nor an rt •-• . -• ) \What hare thetie 0 80 voters todo, if NOti ' of, out o f e ll ow - eitioinatreslaewhere:throlighout . ' • - hare all& finavoice next' Fall oti the'Consti- the Territorpsholl.:ocompttbe tietw`tgaStitn'. IL lion, or reject i:. • -, . ration . • [There has - been no census taken "lel ' • '••• - '''-'' ' •• That has-nothing on es(ith'eto do • '"With - 411! ••.-Geestlemen, I vteme iltere.!fot liituypose: t,',of • • ~. • ciestiOti:'f . BUt :while- I• :bust . 'deeply fe 4 i4e- 1 pe4ce Dad pacifieation., _ I come henexceine • -- • - • ' - -c' ' ' . statitlejlibere Ate etrentrottailceethat theirs- has I , nug'uraterttlale fele off, .taw; of: juttineelann - 01 betq l : t i i - ER Tent - Emu .•centhis; : what 164 :to I ; the whtaft.-PtlOPie of Mai l ei vo l AY-g i vittgtheir' third,: lartitth 't - O'fi ty th •- 1 • r '''-' ' l thole w to pro ess to row an ettOppottuaityiotedrepting their owe GA' to.. • ‘. • . - • 1 t eSentitbe Ittipubl i Lein party' of tide` Tetil tort ' .stittlttestettliteauteolesilosriag•- ; a . lotittlfol- of ••-' • - ' • ' • . thwtyotrehould'iteither register oi.iote.•:i. •-•''' 1,13/ wen , to ithstiate a Vointittitiow onr tlienr , - • T - ••••t' -• , ... f fromregistering' • -;, , : , /11-441, by,,,k4optiat Lucie ei.;,kawro,,.ptep*•• aid Ili : , you . ;were . rel/t, as ,pats Ate their vaflouktetatnatittena e eat' • andelaried;. to kuoiv , V Tellika!ng 'the tidviee of these' part.V; pat io 74 sPeratiott;* nolo 0.-fho?..ovet, 'hied , lita4:ersot .1 . 150ri, - aj•rd . : t hen complain, ' sour I ate witolo peoi , le Of Ahfr Territory, aril depriv- , 17 annoryiii . .e: ' You, nett hare regis i teredliere i n .,... , 0 1em ittf :t i ogt ,ii.,b t, t i ct i ec i lle • 04 t, b e i t . oiro : f's . ,onlfteat!4 - atitfhtinfredv: , in thlii . 't . erritery 1 1 0 " T 'er in 1 4.,0 01 , extiot il - e ,„.-„ e _, eoo _, ,thetc r ow ) . tttire . boa rtrig:my 'plan' Ita • %!e • ixpre-4e4 ib ,toe . '"l'w• rellt.' Y Constitution. • . ' ' t .'' • f:y anot i• - e 't •• •il" et ., „, t ,, i . 14 . ,i • -_,,,,,.. j _ ;. ., ~,...,; t!4...ii''',deep - f egret t.at•th ,It 4, A( it A* twie i irevesct i tstilAmneheit , fer • and Many Of, yoity,Toiiitty s 'ilnee my arrival II 'iiii;cfs i _„,,,,___,„,....,,,, ,t ,_,,„.-, o __ ; ___ F eee.____ o !tie dittirtsed le it one ants resolved to the`P (ma, :2 outariporpattatuag , 1 i'. ,. ...1 ~....., ~.: .. ..,. .. . • I" it w ho reit ind poke :: ja, • l - 3 7 1 W .rfil l' iriouviidly I:64:107,1w, ,! ,p , , .. ,r,v . ,,,t4 ma,_,p!,., , a that lie ,wll._ stew-dot:4.; eitti , rog *sib of ;Alice .niq vire : inlet i 3 lit . h' f'-! t g 6W . r . eci gl t li° t'Pla". ) l l • 4 ' been de p t lit . , to pot',do ten gbi i seolt io n _. o c inic h,4 4,o ,... o l 0 fleecy priyi!eke,jn.voil!ein . g . ' , reglvtered; b 4-. • _ cause /9 dettates that whether - reetpered for the 6.00 d 044 , 1 , ci: g , ,t IPey - • - ' •--.- - ' ' • ' ' b - ~offer.; . - , Wig ''• 136 i he *l)l'dot vote '-'"'-• ••`•-•;'. - - -:•• • -..-? ,•-• .. or mow hrid , Yitiittitttjittlkti.oWniiiiiiie..of , ,aiiiir; •., --,...: -,..., f . .- , a. , .$ . •,!••• , t . , ..1..„;:•...; t : F :.- : tleting 4: {A , 'Vetti4thmt , too , •worctiow", s lpectlio-e i f. i .., ;flow 7.11 W itra„ 4.1* xonswitiolillit,,s44l, 46 t, tjoitoit„Owl!ticeopi,ilktk.thipw4wweVlsw'rightil- oPPw.4.•iit: by isAixling 44 0 01:11*1, - 414, 3 . pta pte i'PeOpie•Aff tiltit!Uatttiti , •;s4totkititya , joist, 'WIT* I Y,OP.thq4 ) ,W4I, 49414:OPk.tbeif' Coo- t' leAtttieeffteifiefttetilivitartl* lE rata Mgt laitkot ilikofipn.?s,-,py •nom.gAgmt - P,u44,l ,, instrocu4ll4 . ,:...; r • : : :- . . , 54 ,,- .1 .- • i : :;;• , , ,,,, 4,-,( 1 ,(1 t i:t . . - ;A11,f,x ,, ,74. 1- 4,i%: , , , , -, .. iri , • - ,r ~,, 1 ..t , --..:: 1e:, .' i ,L , -:. '..: . • VilvWbeii&biAlturiMlAl;Tiaitraii4r4,l:';[X Nyito'riverUkAtty Tore; the r,o- rle of-tli 11tatetl. Sta:tes . h . .l4 just . elected a itmjatitytto Congroti 'who entertain the satue ,opinionlivitb lotn.Alits is a matter involving.. t,- ane, ilapiiiwess antis A profperity vf the -' w ;.. rtiopler-Not4 towns will Vkivanee in rc" e inwpitatire and wo4b, your elaiini will in ..oitaret cartf r your cm:Lc* irk value. jutTatumnd' good will reign i trritity if the people Nsbri'l ate no* here and — who will be here in No.. vember or I)evettber ..next will only decide Icor theinselves wlmt shall be their own form of s tioverutaugkern.l . „their, own social; institu, bony. • lint what is it this Leg,iihrture propnses to do;-withqut the ::alighestrneeessiry... without 111.1'4141a-est pretext- oi 'apotog7 trader - the mode of adjustment now proposed ? I Ipc:ik not nova is regards the past. : J.wish, ,God that yau I, and of Vs eattla rid) out the peot!'s• r 4 voice;'" It cannot be.(lone," an other vmee;"Atih,imt hO i gns laws."]- 11tit, thein i 'mit; zentieinat;,' it 'you f voice •"\Ve - eanaot g 4 thatM get ,that. EA voiee, '"'6i're'tii4.:i„litir rota at the'Tiext CleetiOn,"l— geftivit. "At the nett .election in von elititt. the Tefritorini into re-rou 'ennrilx . flic:f.l3 you C:10) lso, " oil. ' , r tuts next' Taff that ivsttualent. when you havo a fair chance,. Cotizre , s u-i!1 not as though you had: No. -you ennuut cident the etnlit I t tit ion lis refusing . to "tiw. Govet.pon_js,rigltti ;tad - 40 . thtir.'') . viv;:gen),Tou.flp, i•e:4ly have , :ti - ictu 1911 g Tbere " nottritg on earth that 1 tore, n); 1 4 -• _ than fred opiitititi, trtrep. nud Cries - or 'it.bi•t"). TliFffi of 4 .d.,1,..etin, to It, I love to lir:,r P•oute of you differ from me or ask questions. .Come, let us - reason together. .pisearding. passion trid prejadiee;ttgrettittg as you and I 416,411 the difficulties that bare oecured in the past, let us n-k ourselves this vett: practical ques tion: :Witt: is best for the great future of tins:is!, (A Yoke, "The Topeka Cons.titti- tion.") • Well, gentler - nen, T loupe no one will sae so, unless the min . %%1,0 beliere.s,that 1,731 Yetett . tt•liould deprire some 20,000 or 30,000roters now 'in the 'Territorv . ,.br that sotity''will *he here . ; of deoirling their own Triton of gti . lierutitent fora:ex.s-elves. (A yoio, ! , wte% it. whets Misitouri'etthe brit?") I linOe nothing to do with 'either Miss'Ottrior Massavirettettli. I Jon Oar' 161 1 1:- ins , to the future. And I say: if rote tear; tLoini erica of "no no,")' if „% . ou ole•lito .confhef ; (" * No no,") if you desire to enter :4 robellion, not ng,ainst the Teripirinl la%vs cnh • 17,- stw..men tlt a s - pul , liNbeil in . the r ! Jri.,tle to, th e h•tve inii t .ortiume. It is.sigt..'.l try G. I: , :ti-t}l.r tl:e ltotel at the time to i a prrson 1,1 , 1 prt:t.dou-ly but. wi 49 h a d lot tt I 5!..01.1.4,!r.:;.;:, OWitig . j...! a rui.unii,.r stan;ln.7 with to hi m (T)n) incoe I.Vai.ker Of - the in.Fiana S:ate I.o..igi. , ,hiture, that the hotel was o;:anv.l.ano that 1. ,, 0p1e wenl.l find nut That (This waf. 'nufere the et.-k• 11::,11.,•;• tin to bzcito huldi t fettinrk.)— The 1-(•:-. , ou a:lil:reil.toat the zliito s time in -in a turreut of at , u , e'of . proprie.. ; taflod to improve 'it t n op- . runty 1:1 4. 41:±a btarder. th e he tol, of tp preruiat a stra.igpr trnterine, it.-- :Meti the Ip.‘catuc an iaa.h• to butt up this ,rursterieus man,--hat mitiOut e-beet. All that. 13 known h 1 ,....aft. hint is. t hatl.'ke did all in liig pevrer.tif ter.!cavinz till: iltte .to;;ecnre. 11+1 .situatiOn ey" sLtraril of the Trhke lfouse, and that, t tint, in that, ht. left W- sand for Rus ton, ‘ii.:re,he had fonerly lived.' Axoizter. A.401101:$ Al3ol:rnON CLEfidTMAN. —Among the cases on tht calendar the court„a term of which opened . in S.teuben comity N. Y., last week, was that of Georgm D. Stewart, Pastor of n Church at Bath, indicted for' assault and battery,with itktent to commit a 'rape, tir_ai the person of Mrs:Daniel it, of the same place. The Elmira Gazqte says4hat . the case -attracts a /urge concourse of people from the • ancient and “ristootaiic :vilkage of 13ath..,....lotwyers and. hankers; deacons and. laymen;-maids and inatrouri,tturned out, plentifully, as: witnesses tote in case, attd asiager hearers of the de- tail. that rwere.expetSted-to be eltciteil on the 1001. -tut. thery....were disaltpointed. Tile case The wife of a rAsprciablQ frni!esninn N.-Y4oecupying rtitaition, brought- btfoie 14))106 InlgiS tute.- and I:n4 - Ql2O-for atAling.gei ß h: froth n dc- tio,l t,tore. The hu-houl en.y etreismaintice, and; it li — Enid; ally for:itiii fittnity. \Viten ac*ested, the wo man hail - forty tiollitia in -bee' pnit-nitinnnie; giv.okher for "if in 'money." ierbUtior Gcorge.Mctsreir, fOrnicily of An - ou Friday Meithin4 , from the i•ffects of n d isente con tract iqtrit the Hotel,'"ichere Ed dined on the Bth of Januar; last. He hid charge of the funend cortege whiob JtecorntiAnied 'the re maillt of jobtr Quincy Adams;; to Masmcihn- Fettt. Tim li . efetans of the 'rime( 1812 at- W441;1.'1414:1 foneirtklu Simosy:ifternoon. EINEMI Aiilifutrose pcnurtral. .0 4 '4 0 0-71rg. l'f? - • - s•tt•j_.- 4 , . •% • Y,,14 - ; J . ii. geGOLLI7M, • K.J. '• Thstr4clar,•jmie L'sth • 1.5.57,* DE.IIOC4ATIC STATE TICKET rort GOVERNOR. Wa.L'ILV:7I F. PACKEIIi Of Lycominy Counts, FOR C%‘ !".A I, COMMiSSInN! R, ranatok) tiTiglCiii.AND, • Of Cote FOR JUDGES OF TM s iiWrCOTIRT • WILLIAM rirl:ONG, O Bi.rks County. JA 311 N 4110311!SON, . • Of Ede - . Om'? y. Detl2oelll:_for the Campaigig. ' Being ..1,-..! , iroas of placing c.•ur paper with in the!reach of all . r..ho wi>b to understand the true issues involve ...1' in the coining Gaber- 1 natorial contest, we offer it at t* ratcq ;-conment:itiz at any tirne during riaej. pre:_-mit, mouth, and continuing until the fir. t or "No%ctni er. or until we get the-official re tutu§ of tlat Slate election. • Sif,,2l , e copy Teo copies • Rrtk•en copies Anil an extra cf;py to ti a zetter up of ti'e All or.:t.r , inU , l. itirariably .aeensup:tnied by 'the ca ii. Yuk , :ors and 'others will please net as run- l !cttinz 11,11 Clftl,c, Heeling of the Democratic Count) con, a: ince. A.ru,etir, of Coe I\tra.wratie C'om mitNe, v,ill l,e Ittl 1 at the Committee Room .on Wednesday 'o;e-1501:pi ! July ; at I c,'Ooei: T. M. A full :iVerolative. is ep141.61 e-e ht• of itrwo tsnce Mere the Cumw:tL. A. LATHROP, Chairman June '23,1, 1857 Mr. Suernwo4 . llpropose; ;().cnniinTe 1:i!= enul4e ~r in.st in Pennrin,liip. xt rourns in 1'11,..ni ck. to perfeelllle:ns , ..lvcs in tl , e aft, wll (10 well to givtl lulu acall. Gl.• ii.nd . ,ee uuriv.3l:,d SiWC lIIC/JS kite GI 31:1:n The hill for the .:de of the 'Line of the rtili'de \\ otk - s. exeiies considerab;e ous,ion.ll:rimErhoat. the -State, rp.il gotne to take pr..cw0n , ..3 of ail o.h.g - tion. in the ai!proaelt,; Cul,e:-1:3- I‘.lk, tter,,e the Le : , islature. we several articles in cotilentliation proei,iong,and sit!Cti r; , lw• tleS4iite inort , ri:i eve: i• tax Fiver iu tha Common- we:11;:',1 sleJul : l 5 , 13 in •r 11E. It pror....tr to. pr,if%ce R F i ‘el•• ,1, ,mtion of . the 4 . ,t..:1,xi0ti. fe re: . izoni•uß h flee!arntion tf,g.t. th e 1.,,,:h•v e.f diro,:d..,,n :Mil for a J n,f o f ti: e . and Rlilroad Nolierty I , elotr7k, to ti:e State, is not . 0p", , ,a1 I , y any p4ty ; i• :.:tirnst a f :7;ft the prop er td a In:I r,11:001 e“rpf,aii,ka th a t the. 1 ertior raey ill b•-1141 tLe ixx Pavel; otter o;4r era pr,tes!. Ilk bill amounts • FRC- C czt ny :0 a i•rop(:,11 . 1011 tO 111 • lilt! . I±ll'3- 11:iii:naki Company at the exl,e9,e the - :4;: t to., .aa,l .1“ e • lint, n•'olit: ltg-COltallVtratV - 4:4illri . oale itt ally r- , 4" tnalwer :o her v.:;oribo us (1,1.4., l On Cite etii earn llepriv.ni 11.ur of an imr , ortarrt sotacti of revenue—th,r ro: , riii.l tr• pay her lis biliries, vvitirout gi:itig. anything' in rturn.— That- we nosy not be accu , e,l or ,werting r..lschothts f..,i. I criti,,.. in pi rpo,e, tee Will *tec h.). the provisions of the act which AtrAnnii ate our statement. Br this bid the Govcin . or i.r directed to sell at' iritetion the public corks of the Statc,:foi a 51114 . 1 1114 lei, 1113 n seven and a half millions of.dollri f s ; a nd in caScl the - Periosy tvrlda Railroad Company becon 3 ; ? , the purchaF.er, they are required to ray in addirion,.the t-uni of one and ,a half ni:ilions of doll:it:A ; and hi corysideration for the payment of this extra sum, they are to to discharged by the Commonneulth forever, from the paytnent of all , taxes upon tonnage O r freight carried over said Public work and to he released from the priy ment of other taxes upon their capital stock., bonds, dividends rirkd other property. ' it. is iMpossi ble at oresetik to enumerate all its provisions; it is enough . show that it titsoriminans tin justly betweet a powerful corporation arld ifitiivictuals, a :I - gives to the Pennsylvania liallreird c mpany such a decided advantage ) over other e.drporatC bodies, and the private citizen, as to'exclude competition in f the pur 7 Chase, and practietliv• limit the_ disposal cf the property to the said Corn - pang. 'lle-rides, this Cmpsny are only required to give their bonds for the mondy, hearing -fi'e per cent interest, the ~first payment to be made thirty three Ylql:::; hence; and then the amount of the paritlia-o to be paid in . amitial instalments of one million dellars each. Now the profits ovr:r expenditures, de' rived: from theqe works, in 1856, are cquivaleit to the . : interest - on a 'eaftital i.a . r I.,..itriy - tweivo Inillions,.. at five per. cent Oro rate of iateresi required. by this:bilt ;) and the proPurition of the. list Legislature is to diSpose , of for nine• Miliious ! Add to this the fiat •that the Said Comp a ny ire_ petraitted . hy thiS. 'hill, to aban. don the uupreduetive portion of the works, and. ard exempted from- the payment of the tonnage . and other taxes, ' auk' . pots ±pcissess them of a pr(*rtk.worth'twetityttlitfioaS of dollars fur less titan Italf•that sum. `l ii , view of theso'faets, with how. little iropriety, or . truth can it be asserted that Abe:disposal-of Ahem; works on the terirh l'irttorsavi .i:.4.;,011;",,triq• tribute to the'liquirettion of the State debt;— Theke is, besides, a qUestion raised by' the provisions of this law of deep interest to those]: wheleelpeet the Constitution of the Ceti:Fuca weultir and are anxious to maintainihrioy ereignti of 'the peophe- The authority of the titate!ip levy taXerr f or the s upport of her,gov -4 eminent amithe discharge of her halrilitiesos unquestioned:, Can that authority—that-in dispensable attribute oC sovereignty—he bar tered.airay. by the lavvivaking This-is an important constitution, l question, which the people ate to .determine st the ] ballot-box .this Fall. The Black Itepubr:eart I Legislature, which made itseltinfriMorys . bv . l an extravagant enlargement of the banking capital of the State, .assumed in th e bill, to which we have referred, to possess the power to sc//).be sovereignty of the -peopletheir right to tax the property within their juris. &Olen for the support, of their government.; If the Ipgislature of last winter was authoi-I ized to exempt the capital . of a mammoth corporation from taxation, the next Legisla ture will posses; the . Same - ,right. and Mai like its•predeee-sor, for tz' cowdderation exercise iti And in this manner the Stale will even : tuallv ba destitute of the means to raise' a revenue ; her Credit will depart and her fair name he tarnished by her, inability to. meet the just demands against her. What is the effect of theexemPtio‘n we have' instanced -l 11tiinly,to inererae the burden of 00i:ix : pay- . ter. If a portion of the ,property Within the State is released from taxation, the burden thust necessarily fall heavier upon the mare , „leased part. And why should the. Pennsvl• 'vania Railread Company with its milLons of money, enjoy the luxury of exemption, while the laborer's COW :trio :verb of land are sub ject to taxation for the support of Covet runeet and thol4padation of the State debt? the supporters of principle deigh 'to re: spond 1 Thisis a eeestion of home interest,and Iwgit• im tely involved in -the apprimching canvass; its sect, we ask for it' the careiyl eonsidera tine tax•payers, who. are vitally interested in Vadjes,tmenr. • _ _ EDITORS. $0,50 4 00 6,00 N - eu- Tor!: City Threatened with The Republican • I.egislature 6( the Empire St-tte, during its last ses-ion attempt ed to deprive the city of New Y tk of. it,: mot valuable franchise--the rbyht to c onsti. IWe its Kliee forte and seleet tither dliiters netes , ary in• the administration of its I.kluniei pi,l i . tr:tirs. The tnotivefor this strange and t M i o:, - .,i;-: ( l..at e il species of r l,tislittion i, dbt 7 covered ir. the over .I.lieltning nilijority throwil by the citr last fall, far nationality and. government. The demot . .rntie metropolis Inu:t t a I-mid:heti for its tefos4 to el e vate, the -" Pathfinder," and' its repudiator of the lrer e,ieg prclrgati.d . liy the e,lelirated •` quintu.- pl.: :Winner.", .Tlius argued. Om Solon.; at Albany -; and hence the despotic and 'inso lent enactments which la , t week threatened N ew - Votk city with. civil war. The appoint mint =l'v G iv. iii,,rt of Street '.Commissitmer was the immediate octtr.sion of the " scenes „ .%vhielt took place in and- around the city:a:llh vir,,l,„a mc cf Inst the Mayor, Fernantio 'Wood claim: s o. the lo 'appoint to thltr..fliee,. by virtue - .of the City Charter.- 'Fhe appointo; of the fire Satuldny pi, low= for the and pallets of the Sr reel C..mmissiont,r, and was denied them.— with a ropul-4., Le retp.w ed Lis demand on - !tfor,dav,thteatene - d to take foreihle po-,esion of the t'fßee tnwitich Kin,. had a:14: , int...1 bitn.arttl wag it .L.:x lye . ; Ile then applied for and viol:titled a warrant to arreFt the Mayor. The attempt to serve this paper resulted in a eollkioa beteen the rep.ular police force of the city- and- tho‘:e . elaimin:z to lie such Ondar the not here.ofore al:tided to. Wood wa, , , finally ar• re:tecl, and released on bail. ,lie, its the rep; lesentative of the people of the city howev er, thus f.ir tviumphant, as his appointeels in pose:.sion of the Street cornmisFioner's Of-. e„. The Tribuite and Journals, of its :s;ripe de neunee the Mayor in the sevetest and . must: alu4ivo.terms, while the gteat mass of eitt.l zens .t , ustAin and defend Iris eoure, reovding him as they do, as their agent and represen tative by virtue of the dike to a hich they elected him. The contest: is not infact and in reality 'between Fernando Wood and Gov. King, but between the peeve 'of the city and.' the Albany usurpers. Tne - Constitution'aiity of therenactment whielt gave rise to them; I disturbances is to be paze t „l upon by the high I est court in the State, and Ito further trourde is apprehended. Kid the appointee of King Waited patiently for the decision of the Court, no collision would have occurred, therefore I upon. them the disturbance is properly chug- I able The " hero of Nicaragua," was enthu,ias tically received at I‘.7ew.York City last weA. - On the 15th inst, he addressed a - letter to . the President Of . the United States, giving st brief historkal. necount of . adventures i and complaining of the treatment he receiqd at the hat ds,of - Americati Naval officers, wito,he alleges, trampled upon the rules of interne- . Lionel law; in seizing, the ship Granada: in a' Nicaraguan port., He conelotles• his rather interesting,coomunieariou tothe,President,hy expressing the;:liope that the Goveintnent 'will take such ectiou as will "clear h from. -any .participation in' the insults and'tlegrade-, tion.which`\iearegua..Jrts received • A4: the hands of Ainciican Officers," , Whatel'er may be thought of the.enterptise which hare:that. edWallatr's energies for the last two it cannot be denied.. that he is amau .ofsppe : riorfitrauess and ability: - t Aceon.linli onr`tignest the Repu6. 'lean copied thi ankle we \ coPiedfrom: tlie Kansas 'lTerald ofd Freedom, but repudiated it ; stating that it; is tipposed`'to ''tha - "ree State policy, and that m its alltiotas. were "sheer nonse nse," and yet in:the next issue copies from it and asks us to IMblish its acti cie's 1. Publish the " sfieerr4ioas etid ": o f ' edtior u;ho is trpinq to & snli out" the' riee- S tate- men,' and ask us tkr -- copit, e'etnot mult' *rilele' n t ear t4eistijiiiftisapattitn abont' ' ' Civil 'War. Gee: twWaiker, ,K a !Iwo ciii We print ,t6-day the spend' of Gov. 'Walk. en tletivered et Topeka, lianas Territory, Jerrie Otb. lriras an impromptu effort, and -is dese,ribed by persons present, as haying a Panific . and happy eflata on the fa - natical spir its of that famouslocality. .As wilt be Peen, the Goiemot Was fiequently interrnpted with. • questions; to all of whiell his responses 'were. so fair, direct and manly that the ,toost •fac tious.were compelled to acknowledgo'the jits lice and wh.dom of the policy he hi instructed .by the Admistrn t ion to enfuree. A. eorres pondent of the N. Y. Times who, listened' to the Governor's remarks and 'noted their effect (=eludes that Po" bleeding ,Kausas . " : truth will speedily require, the substitution of 'the' phrase " peaceful -Kansas..!"f he folly and ie. jUstice of as lempting to put in operation the ltontNsb.u-nrilJrst LANE . Go - vernmetiCare so clearly domonstrated, and the fa tal Dud bloody con4quenees 'that 'would follow the.atteinpt ate so el.6quently fOreshad nwed in the speech of the Governor, that'- we earnestly ri!e. 11) mend its attentiVepe - ruiOi 14. v voter. if the advice of Walker is' heed l e d - , a . p tace f a l t.olution:Of the difficulties whi;li 'have hitLertorimitta the prospects of sr,s, will . c4rtairily be had. AlreadY that pro fe.siOnsil mi-chief-maker with e free lore" noluripOs • Oreely--grow despotnient when he,contemplates . the proba ble future o( the fair d.muain upon which -h. and his idiotic etumit , afitis brought W eivi war,with its trxio of horror'. The." shriek , have lost- tin , ir 'potency, and thefagoitator " Occupation's -gone." AV - The Dlitor of the 4:lepoulent ..11 publican seeks tv convey • the impremion 4 the readers of liat.. Journal„-that we aeons, Willis Dean - the artist—of participating the as,iitilt , upon Wood's Dagueirean ear. We have never ,i'n ti warted anything .of . t I kind, rind the sneaking creature win? insin ,:ites that we lieve done so,inerits and recei f:ur hearty eon.e,mpt. With reference tot attempt of the Town: Council to dritl W. O ut of town, rid aim we haveto .. .s4y , is tit our fort:lei...statement of the Spatter -nricv c , .rest and , true, and We challetige • ineress eoutradietii9, - Wood was 0 Istitifortsted t 1 he.niest remove his Can, as it frighten; horsey and was therefore air obitruction in-t bighway.• • Whon however the zealoits of I al who had invifod him . to jeaTO,, found ,‘ that Wood -purposed to remain in the tortsfq and locaie hi, Car on the premises of ribli!.ing citizen, ireitignified his WillitiOJ to let hiin rethairt on the" Green," if would pay a certain sum per week,_.., Tr, Wood fttolishly (tv, think) consented to' Who was interested in getting Wood : . 1 leavel If no one, why has be. been har :. .c.d. in an unlawful nuil , disgrtteeful - manner_ '-I --• - --.4-- 4113/ -41.-------• :V - The If.eptiblicun of 144 t. week tak l occasion to rift-. 1 to 'iei-vate eittiriei"t noted 'free.love i Deinottratle orator." N we - lose a letter oter . Jl;dze.Wi mot's eig .ture,•desigaatittg the goalie 13 re f erre d as g,allant. ahri ;espeet:‘,.ble." Quell tile:Accusation of the Awn t*:11 a - mot, so. ine“u I: k 'Elf lowest. clepflis of . itte'aed. lin call l.i ilt)teil ft Oe-10 ye Am espeeleg Take either leen. EN111=11:=1 CODI'V'q tz , r's Boot: has with the.) No. erit , red Iho Z,T.01 voluole,lo-hAs b in eitargelof jirt!si.nt phbli4ler fof j 2:7 ye , ~ zl:ira.ntee, of ipf an or worth. Sctal and 14e will tont thspElr foi'one:Vettr. - AnTirun's 110mE afar:Az:NE,ia fully up to stcre!arci . iti Literary typttgraptli c. cation is • rvallv creditable. ~IL•~SS ~~t!L•h. • • 1 ....The Fei•ond setitipn of _An. importa act passed lyy the,.lice LeLrislatnre,anci.w' lii , g oes int o opi.rati( ? ri iairned'intely, provides follirc%S:---•,':fliat heieafier the tax,im..- • by section thirty of :lie act, 'a piatove4 . Mai 1854, for the regulation and coniiunauce a system of etlucati - on by common l schoois'. i : trades, professions and_ occnLations, or single freemen, :lull in no ease - be liis ib Lone dollar." ....Qom. Vunra. of the TeSll4 navy, it' stated, lies drawn- from the U; S. treas ti;12,800- fur commutation ' of Empress Eugenie tic France, contlyappeartl . uL "a ball wearipg :jetve •nito,e value was.estimated at 54900 004):8 having flounces of lace . on her robe th'at c. $120,000. ....:rite copyright of Miss Striekla l. "Xi ves. of the •Qneens of. England" - sold auction (lir Z-34,000. . W. Taylor, a son et' the late President has pnrclirtsed " Bonnie Lasaiel celebrated racer, for $5OOO. - • .Gideon J. Tucker, E 4 4 3, is . writing t ei• history of - the Demo ratio party in . the Sti e• of New York. Saute dined going. tot e dliink.er dill. role ration, in oston,frn coup ho illness of Mrs. Scott; DOW 4., Ai farkriai r to elect a Mayer in P v-, bits resulted in_.the choice of Wu!: M. I.lAlutati,_ the . " Atnerican",on date. - . • . , A new Democratic" paper,' into started :at Timmins, Schuylkill: Co., to culled the Democratic. Bentitte4 by Mess Foulke d; Bro. Also anew paper,at Atdti same Co.. - : - .:9n, Allieator has been killed in 6- bron, Conn.,whieh meastifed six feet i a ian So sacs the Willmatitio Journal. - ...The Topeka Legisixture met on ~e 9th, tat the 10th held a-• Secret •r session, a on `the 11th, elected W. A: - `Philips V= Senator, instead of Jim Line. -a - bone reporter it is said. (it is since report that be was only elected to the State: ate.) - • . _ 136gus` Gov. Robtason;sot, tu la mew heen voiy 'irtrongly deaciunce4 by I rcinsaillerald ofrietdom. „.; .--;Soattr - Mougbut, by invltsitlont, drigiedthe aitiz,ens Spsi ag,fiehl ou Ea! *li !Ita - Utah affairs, on, Friday hot._ •.; _, I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers