• . .The extract , from a ,letter re .ceetly received by\ a gentleman of Philad'a 'from his. ton, an officer on board the United I giteksltip,.. St. Louis, under, date of .3grch t main information *blob aPart from the xolunble commercial staticties Which an ' Wiete ; 1 3dirtpliny-therri, _ 1111 , be read wtt rest • 'Artoilttovu' Atari:ll4Bth. We;arrived.lretrain. Cape Palrnai on the 12th inst.; wbeti'we had been ordered to - lend our relent:et; And if necessary, our assis tatOet,in theeettlement of the war between tifit Cape - Nlmas'peo`ple wad tke natives: On tour trrirai Este found the Governor (ex-Presi ' 'Alent)4lOberts with a - force of one hundred and twenty-five 'men under his" command, who had been ordeid to Cape Palmas by the s kident'of Liberia immediately on intelli .quce teaching Win of the war. In the mean time, the„Cape PelMes people had driven the , tliAirdi.fron their town and destroyed it, and were in torn, threatened with the destruction el their town end the inhabitants. The na- tive,s on learning of - the succor which had so - c .pro i rldentially arrived, and seeing the lives jsopking. with so well armed and organized -force; thought that discretion ;.was the better part of 'mkt. and sent a :45f tnice - with the proposition to bave a pa lavel*,;which was -- agreed to on the pars of the.colonists. Thefolloivin,.. day King Yel low..WillittecomPartied hy the chief men of hialribe," came into Mown, and they were met lii n i - Coritpany. of Lil.serian troops, who es .oertett-thern - to the. Episcopal Illissionary a-here the F!srlaTer was to be held. palat:fr lasted = several - days, and was tinily settled by treaty to the satisfaction of 1 parties. Cape Palmas, or th,s 7 " . State of .M'aryland in Liberia,' ' ettl erg e t of colored people Vrincipallyiront Maryland, who have, since eitablishment of. Lb . *, colony, been sup i - ftpOited by the Maryland ColoniTa on . Society. They "were entirely - independent of Liberia - ROI the. recent difficulty, 1Y b en , seeing their nabilitS'toprotect_ thernse,frei' from 'the at -teaks of unfriendly tribes around them,a,•k ed io be r - eceived into the republic of Liberia as a country. 'Alcommission was . according- Ifapp'elnted fur the purpose of receiving her.' Before the embarkation of the troops on board A. 13:M.'s steamer Heels, which had been sent from Sierra Leon for the purpose of transporting them to Monrovia, Gov. Drayton maigned.into, the hit - lids of the commission _ . . the authority Tested in iittn. The troops were formed into a squire, having the flag it staff in the'centre, and, as the ensign of tie republic of Liberia was unfurled, the 'troops ;ti ) ,, presented arm; taro' three hezzas, and the State of Maryland - in Liberia" ceased to be ');!i¢4 , independent State, • After the ceremony, ATV troops; who werOressed in the Zouava . ..4.4%.r0rm by the Government of France, went gh the battalion drill quAte well consid that. „be - short time they had been in,servicr. for, , qalunteer received for his services, in -1.49r .Y•So:nt Of his pas\ and relations, a town 100 acres of farm land. I,l l 4covia has stlatlderfully improved • oast the last - year, and' pre, , ents a scene of - • t(ity which would astonish those who have =toot visited her during that time. For fear .of being accused of romancing, I will mention two important improvements advertised in the Liberian Herald—one,- a steam sugar pilI; the otter an eating house, (sign of the atl.fis and fork,) where fresh ovters, hot _ ginger beer, dro., can be had at any :reasonable Lours, and quite moderate prices. :Her commerce, too, is increasing quite rap idly; and what surprises me is, that our - . -Ilovernment has no treaty of - commerce with : „It has - been proposed, as - the on dim goes, • IpEngland to give. 24:1,000/ ($100,000) to liiiberia for the right of free tate for the term.of ten years. If this be- true, though I believe it can be, it will have the •ef rat - of throwing the entire trade into the haudsof _the English, as our.nierehants will. not be able to compete with them while they have no duties to pay. -- . WHY ARE IRISII3IEN DPXOCRATS! The N. Y. News remarks: ".It has_ lone tbeda,an enigma to the 'tipper ten thousand' - itity:the Irishman is a Democrat. All sorts '..of_erplinations (but the right one) have been given. The favorite one with a certain-class cf,gtatry is , that iriathe high sounding name .of l'ietnociacY whieh deceives and induces m to enter within itsfolds--which, like the dos iionstrictor, crushes, besmears with saliva, . and then swallows them. • Others, with no inBre truth, but with pester cunning than our silk stocking friends, says it is that dread ,. monater, their religion ; and others,. with no stout or patriotism, pretend . to believe it, is : 2 from downright stupidity or maliciousness.- -is"strange that they have never. analyzed the hart and feelings of the Irishman. had thief spent one-half the time or shown one loarth the sagacity in this that they have used is seeking out and manifving his faults, they would Few° discovered 'that' every fin _pulse of his heart responds to the generous, • pare and holy principles of the Democratic faith. • Cold and selfish proscriptiotrists.tor tnre into a deformity his love - of the green isle, nail ' because they find themselves ince . liable tieso . nottle. an emotion fur -the land of their I.l;rtli, tifer stamp it in him as a crirrie, and would eiet te the fears of silly fanatics to doubt * the passibility of an Irishman ever having a true leveler the laud of his adoption. They cannot appreciate the felings which make. thesonlif Irehind look back with sigh to the'little cot, the fond old mother who bore him, the green ,fields Dom which the lark springs, soaring into th ' iheavens, pouring out the song 'familiar :to. hilt boyhood's ear; the beige,,, from which the thrtul's note woke -; litin to Ids daily labors; the dance, where lasy,te - anifrolie - gere the order of the night. leit - strauge tharthoughts of all these should snake - the eye glisten and the manly breast] Raye.ti Sigh No; .:alhousand times no ! LAW OF SELF ease was deci /4.givia the best prOof that the heart - is hon- ' ded last week by the Court - of Appeals at 44 and badati.„ It is the best security of Frankfort. Ky., which settles the question is 444 tockeedom. lie feels that oppression to when a wan is justified in killing his as basAirbretk him from that home, and beknows ; salient. The case was Nut Grayson Circuit, that it'atatthesame`oppressor' s hand that drove in which Meredith bad been convicted of I .lolotoloriies to revolt against the oppressor. manslaughterlor the killing of one Ireland, Tr* is:,.-why he seekijr land ; and it is Mho attacked him, anti the lower court char iirthis and feel t ifig 'that leads him to .ged the jury, " Iflrelatid,assaulted the defen aptaite with that patty which has, ever dent and head reasoaable grounds . to be reiTsted the encroachments of the common lieve be was in danger of sustaining bodily _ erstaluty. "Democracy ia born . wits hint, it harm, or the loss of life from suchassault,and hligrows with his growtn, and strengthens with if necessary, to protect his life or person from , ettength. -- via temperament is congenial great bodily harm, he, [night kill Ireland,. it ' liberty, and biz spirit chafes wider unnat- he had no safe Means of' escipitig. 'But if' . 4 4iiiitlittbuinin restraint of the opireSsor. the defendsuat could -hare safely ted t r tosiises . in• the land . or his adoption • that f from thedanger, and . by the& ma 'retr ea ass ts have , which - Lis country Men have Ling hoped saved his life arid person, he is.not excuSable f4fltpoireld self-governmitnt, per- for . the killing of Ireland." The higher coUrt spitiwpialign.lind,irefidota. "Who shall paint however, "decided that this charge was *To e ', yirseolAktts- "Elf the .adopted citizen .as:lie—thistithe jarrhad nothin g g to .do with the 1 10b4Sibkhis little son, running about, (per-'' question, wheiher" the defendant could have hiftelltrutags) and Vaows -that lt possible safely setiested, "that being a questio' ato tinkt4z foe pay yet r.hairt the ear of a lit , settled bykthejudgment,uf ibedefeadant Senate or MI the t Rimy übernatariar self. - ' 1 la the exercise Of. e ibis judgment be eirokittor auZl, successfully lesot the . sallete s Of mast - act rationally: - 'M? at oared/ ne ttle lepublic against - its enetaies r - this,' ormity to kill existed ar:lakivis (itlegion sangliplactlie realizes the very Atte re .. l; 4 l;ie- to be decided by Meredith at the moeiraiey:, •Bis erections,' his gratitude sad Though be May - have erred is Ilia judgment-- * hisloye ofjuttiek lead lamb the Demo- though.o hare-saf4y . - reteeated,' yet oftreo petty, aacertainfras. a mother's - love - -if •be acted in d good faith; and had resonatis"' hesii- -, to 'berthild "be fiss nourished ' at ipy groiinds Whirlers that his'Otily . arety eras - nourished ' - kill his antagOnlet y sthelaw4zenses bier." Tnz ZonfatpLl. ibrtnte.-L4lleV. Geo. Jones, of the linited'Sta . 4s "Naiy;:hiia',been residing-at' EcuadOr;ltieking initiations tipon the Zoidiaeal light, ;that. brightnes, eliPtieal shaped, which may be' een bee; in the Western heavens about ,the num& of March. Mr. Jones' obseriations confirm the ] vecent istromicat theory that the Zodiacal 1 light is a belt or nebulous ring around this planet—the earthl- , -soniethlng analagona to the riga which surrounds Jupiter. in , the course of his extended obieriations, saw thislight not only - immediately over the east and west horrizowybut ;forming. a complete arch across , the sky, and this at every hour of the night. He never.failed to see it at every one of his observations: This ring crossed `the elliptic in longitude CO, at an angle...'of about four degrees. It is not every remote distance from the 'earth, and the -nebulous matter of which it- is composed is, it is be-' lieced to be, self luminous, while also it gives us the sun's reflected light. In addition to these facts, Mr:Jones gives some surmises or conclusions to which his observations have led him, and which may be true, though they: deal largely in conjecture, instead of ascer tained fact. The drat is, that space shoat our earth, and probly all space connected with our universe of stars, is filled with self lumin ous matter of great tenuity—sm old idea of natural philosophers, hat never yet demon strated, though probable; that the- milky ' way is composed of this self-luminous Matter, in some places greatly condensed, the sub stance from which all -worlds are formed, culd from which worlds are now being formed, and into which perhaps, they again resolve them 'Sates. • ihis, of otearse, is but party conjec ture, and' is only entitled to consideration for its plau.'ibility. Next, the milky-way; is a spiral in' shape end that our place in this apiral is about one-third or one-fourth of the way from , the Southern Gloss to Sirius. t rUE °BEAT MAIIB AT MISRESOTA.-41.10 cut ting up tilf this immense piece of copper is Progressing. Eight masses were taken off in April, weighing in the aggregate 50,601 lbs to which should be added 13 bbls. cop per chips. 7,310 lbs., giving a grand aggre gate of nearly 29 tens. The copper chips in t chide all which have been taken from the I great mass since it was thrown down. The tetal amount taken from it in every form up to the month - of May, is seventy tons and five hunched and ninety-two pound+. It will ; probably require one year more to get the great thing cut entirely up, and in the mean.- time its yield of copper will entitle it to a rank as the third mine on the Lake. As yet' the copper cutters have not taken any Ipiece+ from the second tier, but have -only removed in places the edge of the mass. Several cuts have been made four and a half to five feet deep, and its thickness is still increasing to wards the centre. - The first impressions which we made public; in regard to its high purityliave been fully sustained by the cut tings thus far. There is still . abundant evi dence that it is almost pure metal. The prcl 'duct of the Minnesota mine for April was 370,550 pounds,or 185 tons and 550 pounds. This is the largest amount of copper ever ta ken from a mine on Lake Superior, in a sin gle month, and probably the largest evei ta ken from one mine in the world during a similar peridd.—Lakt Superior Miner. Garatias IN NEW Yona.—There are one hundred thousand German inhabitants in the city of New York. They have upward of twenty places of public worship, upwards 'of fifty schools, ten bookstores and fire printing establishment; a German theatre, German, opera, and matinees and soirees musical in numerable. Many Germans are engaged in mechanical arts, many are practical terriers, surgical instrument makers, manufacturers of pianos and fancy article; grodera, hakers,con fectioners and hotel . keepers. There are sev eral German daily; weekly and monthly. newspapers. The New York Staats Zeitung. from which we gather these facts, had 18, 000 daily subscribers. The ohmmeter of the German merchants in New Yolk is said to stand high. During the Taft year, accOrling 'to our German cotempotarv, thikdirect ttade with Gertnany froth New York I:nployett, in its marine a tonnage of upwards of 90.000 ; numbering 152 arrivals and 120 departures. There are six lines orpackets and two 44 steamships. Ihe 'number of searnen'emplor ed was 8,547. The valuation of this • trade for the year.was $13,193,284 00 of direct imports, and $9,367,570 of direct exports.-- . The indirect trade may be assumed at a high er figure.- The number of passeagers during the same time was $38,289. • • IMPORTANT DECISION ON A BILL OF EN CHAIN:GEL—Judge Petit, of Indiana, rendered a decison in an important case on 'a • bill of . exchange, at Lafayette,iwhich, if sustained as a law, will have a material effect on the ex change business of our banks and bankers.—, The case was founded upon a bill ofexchaticre drawn and accepted by parties in Toledo and . discounted by bankers in Lafayette, for the 1 accommodation of the holders, at a- conside- I table shave, the holder's endorsement' being required to the lA11,• as a condition of its be taken. The NII was not paid at maturi- Ity ; the brokers came back on- the endorser for payment, who set up the plea of usury in defence. The Judge charged that the fact that the plaintiff required the endorsement of the bolder of the bill—now the defendant in the suit—made the transaction a loan of money to him and not a sale of the bill, and consequently usurous,if more than six per cent were taken, and that they could not in any ~ event find for plaintiffs fora greater sum than the amount-paid by them upon the bill when they received it, and also that a verdict must be rendered against the plaii Ifs for costs.— a The result of the trial was a % rdict for the , .plaintiffs for the aniuunt adva eed• by them 11pola the-bill, without any interest whatever, and against them for cost. ' s,zrio.en;,,Aledicinel4. &C. AFFLICTE-D READ I (1 1147 alisstRa.BEEtnentr..s.—Vegotable Pills ILI - Greenlionntain. Ointment,- lilarsaparila Compound, ehildreg'a;Panaces, Eyelotion Fe. ter arid Ague Remedy, Health Bitters. Dy aen. ' - Eery Syrup, Consumptive's Balm, Maiehall'a Uterine, Catholieon, Dr. Libby's Tile Ointment, end'illanual of Health: • - • • • Ayres:Pills and - Cherry Pectoris.), Tanner's German Ointmeht, Trask's Magpetic Ointrrient, Holloway's Ointment and- rill, Davis' Pain Kilter;-Dr. Fitch's Heart Corredor, Bennett's Root and Plant Pills, Sonle's Sdrereign Balm, Wright's Indian - Vegetable Pills, Rtiode's Fever arid 'Anglia Cure,Merchant's Gargling Oil; Arni. ea Lineament, amphor, Castor Oil, Paregoric, Alpes, Pieces . , Myrrh, Licorice, &c., 41tc. A new supyly just received, to be kept constant. ly on hand, for sale by I. N. BULLARD. October, Ist, 1856. Rhode's Fever and Ague Cure,. nit Antidote to Malaria: for the prevention, • V add care of Foier and Ange, or Chill Fevei, Dumb Angne, and other Intermittent and Re mittant Fevers; also of Billions Fevers, accom panied by lrycihoid Fever, Yellow Fever, Ship and Jail Pe?r, General Debility, Night Sweats, and all otherjorms of disease which have a com mon origin in MALARIA 02 MIASMA. Equally certain as a preventative or care. For side by the undersigned, authorised agent for the Proprietor, Jas. A. Rhodes, Providence, Rhode Island. , I. N. BULLARD. Montrose, Slay]Ft, /856. FARMERS! $l5 will - purchase one of the best CORN SHELLED and SEPARATORS • Ever In.velvted. Tundersigned is now prepared to.furnish to FARMERS, Millers and others the world renowned, Excelsior Corn Sheller—the wonder of the times—being the best, most durable, and easiest miming Sheller now in use. Warranted, to shell more corn in a shorter space' of time, - thaa antother machine, entirely cleaning the ear, from end to end, without crushing either corner cob. • The Machines are constructed with two cranks, and pnlly for a heltoso that twopersons can,turn them, or attach a belt in motion by any power. The attention of perions owning mills, is solicited, as the Machines are wonder fully adapted to'any kind of power. They are very easily turned, and when once in motion a small boy can turn them; they are capable of shelling one' bushel per minute—revery Farmer ghoul., have one—as 'they save their cost, in les than one seasons. They are on ehihition at Searle's Hotel, Sayre's Foundry, Ely's Mill in 13rooklyn, and at Lathrop's Lake 31il1s,Where they can-be seen in operation at ary time. All orders addressed to. the undersigned, will receive prompt atten tion. Machines shipped at a distance and war.' ranted to operate. • D. D. SEARLE. Sear Montrose, December. 111h,Ar k's Hotel 1856. CERTIFICATE. - • THIS is to certify, that I have examined and used one of the above Shelters, for sale by D. D. SEARLE, and unhesitatingly pronounce it, one of tho' best, most durable and easiest runnina Shellers ever introduced into this county. ,It will shell more corn in .a shorter time than any other Machhic, and is always ready fotservice. I most heartily and freely recommend them to the Farmers of Susq'a County, as the cheapest and best Sheller, now in use. I have one in . operation in my mill in Dimock, which needs only to be seen to recommend itself. Call and see it. • AMMI ELY. Brooklyn. December 11th. 1856. 51tf. Burning Fluid and Camphene. A. FRESH supply, just received, and for sale /1 cheap, also, candles. old enough, big enou2'h and hard enoughto stand alone. in summer time, by 1. N. BULLARD. June Gth, 1856. NEW TOPOGItAPIIICAL MAP OF Suzquehanna County. E. the undersined, propose to publish a V I map of•tiusquehanna county, (if sufficient encouragement be vixen,) said map sawing all the Roads, with their angles—all Streams in their ptoper- places—together with all Lakes, and Ponds, with their name's, showing their 10. cation size and shape. The names of property holders are to be inserted in their proper pla% es—it will also show the location of all Church es, School Houses; - Hotels, 'Stores, Mills of all kinds, also feorrect Table of Distances from ono Post office to, another throughout the County. Said map is to be on a scale of an inch and one eighth to the mile, and will be de. livered to Sybseribers, colored and mounted -Alt the exceedingly low price of $l.OO per copy. & MARSH, • Nos. 17 & 19, 3faine LEE ROGER It ENVON. "[SAVING just returned from NeW York, with - Xl_ a comPlete assortment of goods for the Spring Trade consisting in partas follOws, viz: Dry Goods, Groceries, Croitery, Hardware, Boots dc . Shoe., Clocks,Loolging Glasses, Umbrellas, Wall Pa. • per, Ladies' -Bon. nets, dm. dze. • A fine stock of PANAMA, STRA IT', and PAL.II-LEIF HATS, and many 'other arti cles too numerous to mention, would invitc l the especial attention of cash buyers to. an exami. nation of his stock, which-will be %flown freely to all, and sold"as cheap as they sell . ponds this side of. New York'. Thankful for the patron. age that has been bestowed upon him the past year, he hopes by constant attention to the wants of all, o suit all who may call. Hoping that my customers will not forget that a settlement of accounti is due me once a year, I temniu their servant, KENYON. Look and -Read! SOMETHING NEW ! THE undersigned,Merchant at Dinaock Four Corners, has lately discovered that, for ready pay he eansell naoreGoods, and make more money at one-half the usual profits put upon Country Goods. Consequently I can sell Goods from five to ten per cent. lower than any other establishment in this section. But do not tale my. word for it. Call and see tot-yourselves. Bring a little Cash or some kind of - Country produce, and buy sour Goods at a price unpar alleled in the history of Mercantile trade. Aly stock is large and well selected, and I am re ceiving NEW ADDITIONS every week. Hy Terms of Sale are READT. PAY. It will . certainly be for your interest to call and Bee me before pnrchasingelsewhere. Flour and Salt kept constantly on hand. Wic. n: THAYER. Ditheck, Jan. 13th; 1857, • ' FORDRAIf t [St CCEBSOII TO A. & E. BALDWIL] Manufacturer of Saddles,. Harnesses, and , Trunk and Carriage Trintmer,, UTOIJLD invite-41i who are in want of any article ever kept at a Harness shop to give him a can. • Harnesses made of tha beat - Otik Tanned Leathers on short notice. lie hat; on hand's good assortment of Carriage Trimmings which he offers on the most reason. aLle terms. CarriagaTrimm;ng done with neat ness and dispatch. - • • , Repairing done on short notice. • • No. I. 2, and 3, Basement Senriels Hotei . Montrose, Nov. 26th, 1866. • n 49. _ Cr? Li t nEtip4c.oup4S deeirona of paying me money, on 1. debt of kny 44,4.41410 n, can do so by leav ing their payment with Pout, Cooper & Co., Lankers'llloa to - lieledit, ;whose receipts will be allawedfrom their date. - • TA- ,• C. L. WARP. Prif OM, PA& Atm. 1. * i "- RO l 4/Cffc• nen d 131 " ° at la - At c't - HARDWA=RE, [ HOW FURNISHING' FANCY GOODS! PCR CASH ONLY ! ! AVING determined to change our place of businesa,wo offurfor sale oar entire stock of 1111123) DM 212 SXOI3SIEt FURNILSELIVG _ .A2rD FILM DIM 1,,Gx, - .c0. - axi 111 E & KNOWLTON, Binghamton, April 2d, 18.57. We wigh it to be distinctly andor stood, tLat our sales will oe made for CASH ONLY!!! Anr All persons' liming open accounts on our''sbooks are requested to call and settleita tnediately. ANY - Accounts not settled by the Ist of 711 - will be put into other hands for eolleetioti. GOING AT COST ! !! NOW IS THE TIME FOR BARGAINS ! ! RIVRDWARE, 7., FUT3,lll3.talr, .TD ',G: OODS i.l EV:r4rj a ia i Cqilrll"ir)Z. le I T O Isiiise/V • You have now a splensiti t l opportunity to supply yourselves with everything in the above line, at New York cost. • irN Pis , \ rr Aritirthccirmi %10 alga We have a rery large assortment of Car penter's Tools of, the best quality, wbiolt we will sell at Cost. 04:071.222a We have a complete assortment of Coop er's Tools, Soil*, at Cost. Locks, Litcbea, Knobs, Blind Trimmings Butts,,Scrows, dc., Ito., going at Cost. • Desirous of Purchasing their spring stock, such another opportunity will never present itself. Our entire stock of Iron and Steel will be bold at Cost. tir Thule - desirous ot. selecting horn it con3,_plete stock will Pilin & ROM, bl COOrtatireet, adjo!oing Nok of .1314- tozoton.. , . r:tlothi IS ~ 1 51 Court-street. P. & b, COUG TISMOL DEP. ROA it SRN RIS S. INIPLO• W&ZA, nuoscarxxn, WVIIOOPINO OIJOH, CROUP, - ASTHMA, IN. CEPIREIT CONSURPTION, and for the relief of cotannoptiv• pathints In advanced . Magee of the disease. as We need not speak to the' public of its virtues. Thrinnthout every town, and almost every hamlet of the American States, its wonderful curet , of pulmonary cone ?Sainte have made tt already known. hay, few are the families In any civilised country on tide continent without scene on experience Dille edeersi- and fewer yet the. tome communities ithy where which have not ti,mong than living trophy of tti victory over the subtle and dare gerous diseases of the throat and loop. While it is the man prorerful antidote yet known to man for the forty(. dable and dangerous disease' of the pulmonary organs, Is Also the plessantest and safest remedy that am be ener pioyed for Infants and-young persons. Parents shouldhave It he store Against the insidious enmity that Melia upon than tropreparat. We have abundant granule to believe the Cams' riCTO/Uli aaveamoa UT" COD. IMIIOIOIIS it prevents th an those it corm. it by you, and tore your colds while they are curable, nor • Um them until no buena* skill can maw the a emitter that, fastened an the y vitail, eats your life arm y• Al/Arrow the dreadful Wad of lung dieardem, end as they know too the virtues of this remedy, ins need not do • more than to amine them it Is still reads the best It cat . be, W. spans us east, no are, ED toll top rod tt the ben uce rely t o h n agentirbkh Our akin esi, fart hth for their cure. PRSPARED IT DI: 1.0.1111, Practical istti LePssil, Nu& •XBO dOZD 8 p • • AB fa :TUR XV iito ntrpse, And by Nalers in mcnicnizn extryitinie; The :Cheap - Store ti!la‘ thallaV Vattay.. THE indersigned wohld zeiquacttnilrinfOrra tbi inhabitants of Binghamton and :vicinity., that he has recontly.punabased of Milliard Priest his large and well selected stock - ar , 'D t.- -• which he,./i c v ov ,om La - Fayette Block to No. 28 Coup; one .00r abdve - the'Ajneri. can Hotel. - This et‘tire - stack has boon purchased Consid erably below New York cost, enough so to war, rant him in saying that hewill sell Goods cheap, er than can.be bought at any other Store in town. R2WI 1122:5Z Summer Goods. T o . the above stock has just been added a large infoice of Spring and Sum. met Goods of the latest Lyles, which up) be closed out at great bargains.' . eL • ' The Mock consists in part of the following goods t viz ; Fine Lawns. fast colors, from 9 to 18 cts. per yard; Calicoes, American and English, from 4'to 11 eta. per yard; Marimack und.Co. chcco Prints, at 11 cts.; Bleached andSheetinzs and Shirtiegs froui 4 cts..to 2s. 6d per: yard; - Kentucky Jeans, fr )rn Is. 3d. to 2s. 6d. per yard; Ladies' Hose,' from 6d. to 3s. 6d. per pair; Ginahams, from 10 els. to 23 cts. per yard; Dc Laines from 10 cts. to 3:4. per yard.. Also-a large .lot of Linens, Quilts and Couterpains, Curtains and Draperies. Shawls, Gloies, Table Covers, Silks, Saces.Emborderies, &e. &c. Trunks, Valices and Bags, of. all sizes and . • re" Don't forget the number, 28 Conrt4treet, 1. Door east of the American Hotel, but eel; and see before 'massing elsewhere. ODWIN Eing,hatnpion, April .3d, 1856. G • 'REMOVAL! TAILORING EST.fBLISILVENT, ON MATS ST., NIIXT DOOn. TO ,TLIE FARMERS' STORE. Tr"' undersigned having ternrked his shop • from Public. Avenue to MAIN STREET, is Oda rece'vinz it splendid assortment of lIROADCLOTIIS. CASSIMERES," - _ a VESTINGS, &C., Which he is prepared to cut and make to or. .der, in a style that cannot fail •to suit all who may favor him with their custom. Those wish ing; their Work done neat andWitt-a/'e man ner, will find it to their iuierest to gise me a call. • J. SAUTTER,TaiIoh Montrose, Nov. 27, I 836:-49tt. . - - Clover & Timothy Seed FOR Y ale by BURRITT New Milford, March - 18. 1857. Ashton Salt. __ • • and l Dairy and Table use; just received anti li for sale by the sack bushel or pound, by I. N. BULLARD. June 9th. 185 f. • . • EACTTIFUL stock of I..adie4' fine Shoes, and Children& Gaiters and Parodic nt. KENYON'S. c2HAWLs from SI,OO to 810,00 nt KENYON's vir IR RQR.S.—Large Mirrors,Framtd I.YI forsale by ABEL TI,TRFLELL OLD- and Silver Spect----- acicso new lot just received, comprising. all a tie. Ice Angust 15th, 1 8561 A.. J. EVAN'S. iz ENNEDY,S T - Medical Discovery. for sale .1.1 by 'ABEL TUIiRELL. , AYE ' R 9 S • s, Cathartic Pi lls , (SUGAR COATED.) . AIM lune to • CLEANSE TEE BLOOD AND CIIRE THE S/CIC. Patheri. Mothers, Physicians, Philanthropists. read their Effects, -and judge of their Virtues. • run TEE CCItE oy Headache, Sick Ileadache.Foni Stomach. - krrestsch Pa., May 1, laNr. • ns.J.C.Asti.. 'Sir: I hale been ec ret , eatedly cured of the worst henilache any body can bare by a dose or two of your l'ills. -It menu tOariee from a font stomach, which they cleanse at once. If they will cure others as they do Cdr, the feet is Worth knoseing. Yours with great respect, ED. W. PIIEDI.E. Clerk , IS:etlrtter Bilious, Disorders and Liver. Complaints. Dresantert or Tex Inpitmt, It 4.mo:um's, D.C.. 7 FOL. It C. Sue: I hare toted yotk Yills in my general cad hospital practice ever since yon male them, and cat:mot - hesitate to say they are the be.t cathattir Ivo employ. Their regu - lattheg in ,tetion on the firer is quick and 42 , :ci.led. consequent- ly y are an admirable r,:in , dy for densugements of that •rr.can. indeed. 1-have seldom fund a cane of btliorur dia aue tuo otAtitutir that it did taut readilv yleld to them. kraternally yours, ALONZO BALI., M. D, • Phyrician of the Marine limpital. Hysentery, Relax, and Worms. • Pon Omer.. ll..sr.Vse, Ltr. Co., Mot, Nor. 16,1955. DR. Area: Your Pills are the perfection of- medicine. They hare done my wife mots good than I can tell von. She lad been sick and pining away for months. iVent off to be doctored at great expense, but got no better. She then commenced taking ynnr rills, which soon cured her, by expelling large quantities 'of worms (dead) from hef .They afterwards cured her .and our two children of bloody dysentery. One of ournelghbors had it bad, and my wife cured hut, with two doses of your Pills, while others amend us paid from tire to twenty dollars doctors' bills, and lost. mach time. without being Cured entirely eten then. Such a medicine as yours, which is actually - good and Lonest,'will be prized here. 01.0. J. GRIFFIN, Theintirafer.- Indigestion and Impurity of the Blood .. Prow Rer. rtimtz, A - War of Aden: March. Boston. Dr.. Arra': T hare used your Pills with extraordinary success in my family and among th,we I rim mlied to visit in distress. To regulate the organs of digestion and purify the blood they are the very hiwt remedy have 'ever kniiwn. and I can confidently recommend them to thy Metals. . Yours, J. V. • i irARMAR, WY011:13'0 CO, N. Y.. Oct. 24. 184. DEAR lam using yonr Cathartic Pills in my prac tice. and And them an excellent purgatlve to cleanse the systim, and purify the fountains of the Mood. JOHN O. bIEACIIAIf, M.D. Erysipelas, Scrofula, Kinds Evil, Tetter, Tumors, and Salt Rheum. .. . Prowl a Ay-warding „Herrhand at St. LPllit, Ftb. 4,1858. . Da. ATER: Your Pills are the .punimmall that is great in medicine. They have cured my l' tle dunghtor if of ulrewuts Pores upon her hands and feet t at had proved inceiruhle for years.. Iler mother has been long grievous ly alllicred with bletchee and pimples on her akin and in her hair. After our child was cured. abe also tried your Pills. and they hare cured her. ASA MORGRIDOH. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and Gout. Pima Lis Rer. Dr. Ifaselu. of the Nithodist Epic Church; PULASKI COLTZ. Saran:wan e 0a...1an. 6, 1656. Ho:roars. Ste : I shonlf: be ungrateful for the relief your skill he. 'nought me if I did not report my case to you. A. cold sett.ed in my limbs and brought on excruciating neuralgic Nina, shit eialfil in chronic rheumatism. Note ithatanding 1 hod the heat of pbymicians, the disease grew eerie and wont.. until, by the advice of your excel lent agent in halt linore. Or. 31ackenaie, I tried your Pills. Their elfecta were glow. but o u r,., by persorring in the use of them lam now entirely well. . Stwan Cna.nnzt, Defog ItOCCE, LA, 5 tire, Ins. Du. ATER : I hare bemi entirely cured by your Pills of Rheumatic. Gent. —a pa4ufill dismse that had afllicteffmo for years. • VINCENT SLIDSLL. For Dropsy, Plethora, or kindred Com. plaints, requiring an active purge, they are an excel. tent remedy. • ' For CostMmess or Constipation, andal st Dinner P4ll, they ere agreeable and effectual: 'nu, Suppression, Paralysla, Inilamma. slim, and e%eu Deafness, and Partial Blind. Meal, have been cured by the alterative action of thee° Illia.. Meat Mr the pilla in millet mitaln Here-try; which, al though a valuable remedy in skilful hand% la dangerous in a public pill, from the dreadful consequences dud free fluently Solicrw its incautious use. These contain no titer. car, or mineral siabstance whatever. - • AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL .YOR . TIIZ HAPID MRS Olr CH k 1 Mc OR StoRNESS, 03E BiEffiEEli TEEM 11.01L,L0 • . 1 911/IE-Blood furnishes the. Material: of every '1 bone; muscle, gland and fibre in the hu. , man frame. When lure, it Semites health to ev ery organ; when corrupt, it ziecessarily produces . disease. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS opckate direct- ly upon the elements of the stream of life; neu tralizing the priticipla of disease, and thus radi cally curing the in - 41adyi whether located in the nerves, the stomach,. the. liver, the hoWelr, the , muscles, the skin, the brain, or any other part of the system. Used Throughout the World! HOLLOWAY'S PlLLlwre,equally efficacious in complaints common to the whole human race, and in disorders peculiar to certain •dliznatee and. localities. • Alarming Disorders.:. Dyspepsia and derangement of the liver. th e scarce of infirmity, and suffering; and the , cause er italleflerable deatha, yield to these. curatiaes; in all cases, however aggravated, acting as a mild' pur: gative, alterative ! and tonic; they relieve this bowels, purify the .fluids.,and invigorati the tem and thconstitution at the same time. General Weakness—Nervans When all stimulants fail, the renovating- and bracing propertiespf these Pills give firmness to the shaking nerves and enfeebled muscles of the victim Of general debility. • , is. Deli c ate Females. • • All - irregularities and aliments i cident to the delicate and sensitive organs Of theses DA re; moved or preented by a few doses of thesis mild, but infallible alteratives. Na - mother who re gards her own or her children's health should Ail to hare them within her reach. • Scientific Endorsements. The London Lancet," the London " Medical Review " and the most eminent, of the faculty in Great Britain, France . and Germany, have ettlo gised the Pills and their inventor. ~ Holloway's Pills are the best remedy known ifo the world for the .plowing diseases : Aitma peadaches Bowel Complaints Indigestion Coughs Inward, Wee iciest! Colds Inflammation Costiveness Influenza Chest Diseases Liver Complaints Debility- Lowness of Spiiits Dropsy ' • ;'flee Dyspepsia • Secondary Symptom, Diarrhoea Stoue and Gravel Fever and A zne Venereal Afiections • Female Complaints • Worms of all kinds Sold at the Manufactories of Professor frox.r.owsr, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and 244 Strand -London - 0)y all respectable Drug. „gists and Dealers in Medicine •thronghont the Quited States am!' the civilized world, in boxii at ':LS cents, 62 1-2 cents, and $1 each. 117" There iä a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N. B.—Directions for • the: guidance of pa.; tients in every disorder are affixed to each box, n4O-ly • HOUSE IAVILDER'S DEPOT FOR SiTS.. Q/ HANNA C 0 Trt AT NEW :MILFORD. T)!OK E (MAN & GARRETT 'are giving es- . pecial attention to the improvement con templated in this county the ensuing season, "and now :41'er a helping hand, by keepir AT . con stantl v for sale n large quantity of Window Sash and Glass. Blinds. Door, Nails, Paints and Oils. and a complete assortment of, Builder's Hurd Ware, &e. 'Those going to put up houSes in the spring will fihil it for their interest to give us a . call. We can furnish everything you want, and at the very lowest tnanutacturing prices. DICKERMAN & GARRETT. New 'Milford. Feb. Bth, 1856.. H. WARD • 3 fANUFACTURER AND DEALERS IN ` S TRA.W - GOOD . S, 'NOS. 77 &79 NORTH SECOND STREET, PHILADELPHIA. We are now receiving our SPRINkSTOCK, which will comprise a large and 'defiirable as sortment of all_ kind, of S TIM IV AND LA CE BONNET S; Our stock of FlotiVs will be un asually large this_ season, and we would invite yotkr F•pecial. attention to that.departraent.- Please cail and exittnine them before waking your purchases. IL WARD. N05..77 & 79 North' Second St: May 14, 1857. r 21m2 Attention Farmers!--Plow Points CAP almost every pattern and kind now in use; ki also No. ZR. Thatchley Plows and Corn Plows, may be had at any time of day and until 10 o'clock at night, in exchange for Cash, Old Iron, Graift, Eggs, or any kind of Ready Pay, of May Ist. 1851.] I. N. BULLARO. • Take Notice. Q UNDAY SCHOOLS furnished withLibarries kJ of different sizes at New York retail prices. Call at the Post Office. May 7th, 1856. A.BIGL TU Keeps all the Popular EtaltUaltk AND A FIRST RATE ASSORTMENT OF GENU INE DRUGS, : Montrose, Pa. . . cl t TVG'. YVAY'S Pills and Ointment. Ayer's 11 (Mery ectorinl end. Cathartic Pills. Th e Balm of -a - T usand Flowers. Mustane Lini ment. Dr. Halsey's Forest Wino and Pill,Myers' Extract of Rock Rose. And nearly nil of the medicines in market: For saleat the Drug, Fancy Goods, Jewelry and Variety. st4re - 41' • ABEL Variety. igtnuary, 1837 Ammunition, • - BD LASTING Powder, Safety - Fuse, Gun 13 Po wder. Shot, Lead, Gun Caps .andWont ens Powder Flask a, G uns, Revot verstiPlate Is, At the Store of ' ABEL - TURRELL. Montrose, Oct. Isth. 1856. - - Tftiothy- Seed: QTANLEY.TURFI,ELL'S TIMOTHY SEED warriantcclpurc' For sale by •• • • ABEL TURILELL. Montrokcionary 210th, 1857. ' 1= , . . EW Jesie lry, Perfumery, — Piney 96 : 4,, NGroceries, Paints, Oils, Drugs, Materiele for Lights, &c, just rece ived ELL. AgEL TDDR Oct. 81 . 6 . i: /85e. _ rpUItICS Wand 1301, by , tlifk _suck. bfirralor - 1 lb. by ' 1:,N.8UL,2 N0va2,—.114156, LAILD,‘_ GA ItDEN out s" - _-.TUAREWS. 14.1 SIN A 847 W AY!S .PILLI4 '.: t-1 Ji ontost J t4itfria - • PtlitallEDiViltli TEIVRBAA • - oultixo MCCOLLUM GUP2IIIBOII cash in al not paid within six mondia l and of the year. ' No popes dismal resrages ire paid, except at th Publishers. Mt communication the . .office, to ensure attention uP, to the Eorrons, Montrose. toe d' Rates of Advert °nem:pare (12.1ines ericas) 1 o Each-subsequent inseition,• One square three months, • . One square six mouths, Itusinesscaris, four lines or je• One-eighth column, one year, One-fourth - “ One-half One colorero, • - ' Yearly advertisers will be r: business in which they are en considered as to cant unless they shall give special discontinuance of the same.: I T e t • -- JOECNVOICIti --c h 'I) • pg itshers boring gd . Print 4 materials n large and s men . of-Job Type, are now_ picp JOB Vons in a manner - mesa, ~ ' 1 tie of country, and on reason:lW lank* Of every description ly on hand or printed - to order. Natelintss jrP • VAI4 - . & BRUND Physicians and' Sur Depot, Penn'o.; .B. C. Vary., - .A. i AIME M. W. RiflT p Cabinet and Chair; a ern, root of Main 'Street. Mootro ' ABEL TURRELL-mos Dealer in -,Drup i Medicine Dye Stuffy. Gina-w Are, Window Glass, Groeeries, Fuiteir elry, Perfumery, &u. --And Agra most porailur-Pnient Medieinds. JOHN- GIIOVE Fashionable Taifor—S Baptist Meeting House, ott, Tur.l Mohtrose, Pa.. . -JOHN , COL-STE ' Dealer in Stinrts, . T , in , COPPe Iron Ware, Lod'ereville, near the Depot. " = LATHROP Denier in Readyafade Capp - Booty and Shoes; DryGaddyairStore opposite Searte's'Elot C. D. LATHROP, AO; .1. 4 41 ' P. ‘ 17 . - RiLty, • DR. R. PHIL Physician and Surgeon Pa. (Alice in the Farmei's Sthre. - - PRAVICLIN FRASER t Attorney and Cr - milli Un t , Montrose, Pa., wi'' Ita ill busi. nee's entrusted to 1.7 of - Bumf& Conveyancing an, inds win .i x , done neatly, and el lie will Also attend to prosecui !diem, their widows - and heir: GoTern ment, for Bounty . .. May be found at occupied by l I . T. Court House.-18: Interested Importer an , Cutlery, Carrive ' • No. Where his Mereafi, Connties, are kindl !kited to call and J. whoiesate Cabinet Ware. Stands, Chairs, ke. No. 9: Washingtoi. Rl7 - Cirdlin Wa.re.nor)l Dr- .H. Onith, Q t'RGEON EtENTISTAms remelt. fie from Searle's to kris own, opP.lsito the Baptist Clureli,,(nortitsi, all Dental Oporations perform: usu.4l good manner. - • Siontrosellay lath, 1857, -- • 4. I. VAIL, Phyßiviau 'and Snrgeau, - h , nettf located himsOf •BracknOvill. County, Yrun'a,:and Will promptly atte eldts with which he may he favored. May, 18.5t.:.—'-at).2. • • A. PICKET, .• '- Justice of "the resiee,• Col DCbts„Executor of Deed*. WM:, Cosi Office, Lueeyville, Wyowink County, P • May 3. i 856, SAAIII , ,.IIIAND, ,eaysfm • .. , , . GLASS DRROT,ON CIIESTNU 3fondrosse, Penni • . BY b. BREWS Al! sizes and de4riptions, in any q mnflo to order, or-furnished lice. ' , ITROTHEAS t 11!erat 1111gaid, reuleaq' Wholksale defiler in Buttofis, Suspenders,- Throds,...! Fancy - Watehek, Jewelry, Silrerand Plated War Fishing Tackle, Cigars, Merchants and.. pedlars, supplied- on teruis. • - WSI, HAYDEN, a TRACY HA JOHN HAYDEN, = GEO.- - HAY $ - . , • • . DR. E. WILMOT,. clraduate of the- Allopsthk ,end pathic Celle** of Medicine, is -no manently located in 'Great Beta P. April Ist. 1856,• JOHN SATITTEL • Famlalounble; Tnllbr. Skop' firs tiortk of the Parner's Store. -E. CAULDWEiL , 4 SON . -Ur ERe OF ! AIM Alvan& tar CHINA, GLASS, et, A'ARTII4'.AW Loo , iirreet.4n.Aisik , . _ N o.'7lVW,a,rren-istroe in-e i 4roAuti.ifr.l4 - HENIty S. KNA T. cr. CA.U.I.I:4IPLLi 7 ,Wi- rt w. A. CAXTUMELL, o w ". : d.VI 4 ' f".!, THE subseriber having itastiiiated_himaelf ith the alma hone ' in the - Crockery 'trade in a I its; various Inmehes, would-simply say' to hi elf.: ante, Hotel and _Boarding house ,Keepe . in , 1 .iihniquehanna'and ndjoiping connties, ;that ', pin f a *oak- if one Of the largest' of the -Yorkt- Their awiortment Is - large , kind in ew Nod 'gait raft Thairgoods are of goodva litv and 'choice t , terns. : ,; Their pri c es asiittiv au Ow trade es 'of, ter- with- referenUe to- prsit.- and _that 'lin Is ate . gratifel,to ail villa , : intay, think. prcipitr,l* 1,111 brii%*oo l ..'.:- '1 q ,'- NEWRY S. KNAP ;. ', .1.--NO Y"ki 4'ltb !!s - 1 ,f 1 547.' . rFne=l !drab ff, 82,00 if 2 igra t tbe lieu until - II tti -° Ptit'll - of it conn ected pat . be direc t 4 a- cO; Pa; 3 weekl4l4 ' 10,t5 / 8 R 04 , 1 stricter; t o it t • gied ;,.a ßt i 4 lye sriv e . tt 'e rections 4l g 1 d to PF.R 1 0 . 4 oftlr t : red tli in this bttr.' ept emisunt. OR. , 11 09 Brno uttiet • or. Pa. • P • °OR, Pi. Varsishfs, Goods, )es. for all the p fleas Pike SUket. And Bfieet Great Bed ,?. pais lad Moitt,,ent, II ATM OP. taingtos e , eformerl& , rth of the r ware and tiA.% and oruzz SESTLY 'Ott .21 1 ;; Les, in up fitalo. I d his ot. dwelling e) where !d in his pelmt) t Susq't, d toigl tor of to, &{t: othh oods, , Cat-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers