ncaulity TEACHERsnlksiilat Alatt4Bithat"iertilit Plimn-eiiiiatinetwt land , situateand Ailing in the toatiethlP of •Etiesbuteltr oa both _Walt of the Milford & Owego 1 arspike road in the Co. otSualfrio and hounded aed do t scribed an follows, to wit:, beginning in the line of a lot *fiend ornreeyel for Jeremiah Thump. eon at durilistenes of one hundred perthep from the said toropike r thence running. along guild Thompeon'S line, and crossing , the said turnpike &by land of Caleb Carmalt South 36 degrees West 600 perches, thence still by Caleb Cattail's land North 55" degrees West 80 perches, Abet*. by the *Me North 35 degrees east 200 perthes, and thettesBoath_s4l irgiets Vsuarzio_ perches, to the place.of beginning, containing 100 acres, be the *am* tnotreer lose, with theeppartenances, 1 Tavern Howe s — One large framed barn. and one scull building erected for Blackamithing, one orchard, and-about 40 acres improved, the above to be sold subject to aground rental of $18,60 per year. Teken in , execution at the suit of L Stanley vs. Hiram Cook. Also.,4 o 4ll,thst - nertaita piece or parcel of land situate in the Village of Great Bend, in the Co. of Susg i a., bounded and described as followe, to wit: Northerly by Church Street, Westerly by lands of LekorhiGreeti, Southerly by lands of the N. V. dr. E Rail Road Co., and Westerly by lands late of Wm. Dayton, decd, being 40 feet wide in front and about 134 feet from front to rear, with the appurtenances. one frame dwelling House and shanty & all improved. Taken in execution at the suit of Lodusky 11. Jackson vs. George 3. Benjamin. Also—All that certain piece or parcel of land situate and being In the Townehip of Bridgewa ter, in - the Co.. of Steve's, and bounded and d e . scribed as follow!, to wit: on the North dr. East by lands of Latham Gardner, on the South by lands of John Wood & Joshua Curtis, and on the West by, lands of Joh Tram bull, containing one , hundred acres of hind with allowance of 6 per cent, be the same more or (ewe, with the amen. tens/tees one framed House, one filmed barn, 1 orchard, at a mostly improved. Tanen ha executiett et the suit of Alexander. W. Leisuring vs. Richard Blay. Also—Ml the right; le andinterest or More. 1 cis Loveless-in all that ceetain piece or pereel of land situate in the Township of Harmony, in the Co. of Simla.. bounded and described at follows, to wit: beginning at a point in the centre of 'the Oquabra & Belmont turnpike road in the line of John N. Skinner's land, thence. North .58 deg. East, five huhdred and sevenly.two perches stones, thence South 22 1.2 deg. West, 82 perch. es, thence South 62 1.2 deg- West, 480 perch. es 19 the centre of the above mentioned turnpike road adjoining lands belonging to the heirs of Joseph Austin deed., thence North. 32 1.2 deg. West, 17 perches, thence North 73 1.2 degrees .West, 20 porches, thence North '52 deg. West, 28 perches, thence North 40 deg. West,3o perch. es, thence North 31 deg. Wa:st. 9 perches to the place of beginning, conteining, 233 acres. more or less, with the appurtenances, one framed house, `one framed barn, and about 90 acre@ improved. Taken in execution at the suit of Walter 'A. Loveless vs. Norris Loveless. Also—All those certain pieces or parcels of land situate and being in the Townihip of Great Rend. Co. of Sustfa., and bounded and described j as follows, to t - it : 100 acres of land late the , es. tate of Jacob Skinner 2d and Elieha Squires, de. scribed in Sheriff Johneon's deed to Wm. Day.; ton, -dated April 13, 1844, and on which_ stands 2 framed dwelling houses, 1 framed bartf c l mos mill, and about 40 ncres improved.---Also,•one other tract of land. situate as aforesaid, late the t estate oflaeob Skinner 2d ar.d Elisha Borlires, described is said Sheriff's deed to Wm. Dayton, dated April 13, 1844, containing 400 I acres and 140 perches of land, with allowance of 6 per cent. Also, one other tract of land situate na aforesaid. containing 1400 acres. embracing-that which was late the estate of the said Jacob Skinner 2d as described in the said Sheriff's deed to Urbane Burrows, and from him to Wm. Day. 1 ton by deed bearing date May 23, 1844. being the same premises formerly purchased by Cr- I bane Burrows and Elisha Williarne,Of IVilliam ; Ward and Jesse Lane. and being the same lot of land conveyed by Edwin Eldridge & wife to Rensom-Smith by deed executed the 20th day of March 1850. Also, all that other tract or 'erect of land si nate as aforesaid, formerly oe alp) y Sal Smith as the .6 //acne farm." and the same , as conveyed by the said Edwin El. dridge and "Rife by deed executed the 18th day . of May 1849, and'ity Reference in which same several imeds, the description of said several lob: with.more fully and at large appear, said deeds ! being recorded in Seaga Co., Containing in all about'l96o acres of land with allowances of 6 per tent. On the Home farm ace two dwelling honsee, one framed barn, one lot" barn, one stable and about 40 acres improved:- Seized and taken in execution at the -suit of Ransom " Smith re. Iliram Curtis. - I Aleo—All that certala tract Of land called" the Isaac Cox tract,".situated on the North branch of the Wyalusing Creek, adjoining, land, surveyed in the name of Thomas Dunlap on the South. and the heirs of Henry Drinker, on the East, Rao cut Carson. on the North and oa the West by unknown lands, containing three hundred and , ; thirty acres and allowance of 6 percent for reads, excepting out of the tante one hundred acres now in possession " of Dan. Pepper, lying on the South side of the said Isaac Cox- tract, agreeably to the survey of thp same, leaving two hundred and I thirty acres ; the premises hereby intended to be conveyed being the farm on which the said Car ter tow live% and which Orra gaper -de wife, by indenture dated the 21st day of June 1434, re corded in Decd Book No. 9, page 205 granted 1 unto.scid Tio'rele Carter in fee,—wit the appur-1 tenanees, one framed dwelling house, one film- I ed barn and shed and orchard. thereon, and i ibmittrinety acres improved. Taken in execution at the suit of Caleb• Car malt vs. Horace Carter. 1 Also—Al l that certain piece or parcel of land i situate and being in the Township of Silver ! Lake, Co. of Sasq'a., and bounded and described , he follows, to wit: beginning at a Stake and stones by the side of the Chenango turnpike, road, being the North•Envt corner of Edward W. Rose share of the reserrstioe (so called) thence by said turnpike road. by its several courses as follows: N. 10 deg. W. 120 p. thence N. 30 deg. W.. 14 p. them') N. 45 deg. W. 20 p.. thence N. Sheriff's Sales. I 32 dm. W. I p., thence 2. deg. East 141 p., I3l' virtue of sundry,- writs issued from the thence N. f p., thence N. 39 deg. E. 38 court a Commorl i Pleas of Sustea County. l thence N:49 deg. E. 24 p. to the Bridge at mud :and to me directed, I v e;expoee to sale at the Lake, (se mined) thence by the said Lake as fol. , court Mmi ic in Ment ,on Saturday the 4th lows: N. 54 deg. W. 7p, three, N. 8.5 deg. W. Zee of April next at or o'clock P. 11.., the fol- tr 11 p., 15 deg. W. 14 p., thence N. 28 der;. W. lowing. Real Estate, to - wit: lB p.. thence W. 30 p., thence N, 38 deg. W. 40. All that certain piece or parcerof land situate p., thence N.lB deg. W, 456 p. to a Hemlock tree and being in the townshipef Bridgewater, in the ; at the edge of said lake, the N. E. cerner of County of Suse'a ' :Ind bounded as follows, to said Reservation. thence W.. along the N. line of wit : on the North by the public highway leading said Reservation 163 p. to a`tiLnke and stones from the' mill to Now Milford, on thp East by 1 corner, thence N. 7 p. & six.tenths of si perch to . Irr.3', of H. Griffin, on the South by landerof a stake and stones corner, thence W. 229 p. to Loud Griffin. and on the West by the pnblie high- a stake and stones, the N. E. corner of !freshet war. containing half an acre more or less, with meat of. Andrew H. Rose's share of said RAW tne - eppartenances, one framed house, one barn nation, thence 8. 88 p. to &stake and atones. the And wagoeshop;and all improved. - • -- SE. corner allot No. 15 of Andrew H. Rose's Taken in execution at the mite[ I. H. Sute share, thenee W. ft 4 P• Ilteell tree corner,; phin vs. liarvey SJosson. . thence 8. 88 ix to a stake and stones corner.' 4180..,The following deaeribed dwelling theme B. 26 deg. -E. 105 p. to the highway. House, and the eurtillage appurtenant, situate in thenee S. 38 deg. W. 1.6 p., thence S. 20 deg. Auburn township, and County of Sustfa, on the W. 13 p; to stake and stoma corner, thence 8. r.):.d leading from Montrese, insaid Co. to-Bkio- ogl e& Wif : nitp. go a eta. Be d s t on e s "ono nee, Eddy, in Wroming Co, lb. East , by the said highway, thence S. 2 deg, W. 31 p. side of sad road, on land bounded northerly by to s Maple tree, thence 18 deg. W. 41 p:to 'the land s . of John 4. Kirkbutf, Easterly by itwelib edge'of the water, at the shore of -Silver Lake,l4l7s ,eel, l)resterly by Joseph earlin:and49•olinlo thence by the same course 19 p.toa pointla said toi l, - lay Abratq hi. Stone,constriteted Sidi et Mee Luke: Aimee a - 30 leg: W. b 7 p, to a point in ry and a half upright part,sixteee, feet by twenty- said Lake, in the, N. W. line of Edward' W. two fret on the ground, portico, nue door & for Roses allntment of said Reservation, thence 8. windows:in the front. chimney in The attic for 52 deg E..44p. -to Blathers at laid Lake. store &cthe front being sided and the other thecae by santemourse 10.1 p. to *stake p tem aides boar 4 ded and oettened, end having tenter stones aoreer r the NeW- *Mier .or EderAnl IV attnehed on the westerly' aide thereof two feet ' EMMA ilifitillatlt r aelyte-N. 40 p. to stake and wide and extending along the whole length of stones, B. ran p. to stake end stones. thenee R. the said up r i g ht part, to shit. MICA etnitea. Semen 8,18 de.g.'E.' Taken in execution at tile Wit Verde Ls- 180 p -to the plaaeofhegintinf:,etmtelttlef, . 1290 • . bare,. Pavia C4rlln. - acres of land, be the same more or leen 'nevelt' Also-11.11 that eertale piece ,tar parcel aunts the anne Peen& of Una enneeend Robert situate smi being in the Township' of Oakland, Rase *Edward W. Base end +Weald-Andrew - in OW en. elf Susn'et., and banded att4 dencrib- H. Role and wife, be partition deed recorded is ed as fultairs;to wit : oo Book Kee 91. P. 99 the. Noith - by landePt Suarea.Ca. in Deal 1 1. en his em Hilbert'. on the East by : Lodi of A, P. share of said Re reunion, **firth. atipartemine Besse.", on the South by lands rnnaefir Den' et* :di dwelling House& assay intene, end shat. pied by Um B_oadolntr_on the . Weekil land MO aft" knProreacit bupeoeed to belong to John MoCsoety.-forml4 11.:112 mall of sal fteetwestianoba ehown - by iieretkiod ,Jeremiah Wilson, °Walvis% deed of partition between Edervd.W. Rte. and acres more ,or Jess, with the 'appartetuunnos.'on. wife. 114Loisi eriftriend Robert Rose, framed house, onelramed barn, out (kW N ol 'Ar i i lBsl ' • alyort 18 acres improved. ' Selomened tekettfa *Utilities et'_AMA of Taken le ,execuCion at the bendiertielt;of A.Lywint Jens., to die amwetiokill'Etagress vs. bendier I;.k gObert 11° 1 e " _ . Stoddard,A. Mt ° • :Ash Plt~Ctpls, AerelstVirt CO. SUP-, • VtgACIIFILT ,INSTITUTE, to c o mi ties a. / * dm we k s . *ill y open, on! thfitith da' ,of _ Apr il, i n the. boildingn,of the " thuvr.aerrir or NORTHERN PSNZiarlaJitHAP.ltt, Betbarty, Wayne • county, under•the, anfiervissim of the pro. twil•tor Prof. J. P.:-Stoddud i and the Superin tendent, S.Trrel- Reffular eliu — ri'es'ofteret,' 'will tie delitvred 'On • the Se iii7ce tbd"Art sCrenehittg, tind bb Moral Development, by - Pro( Ste. lard ; on Phyhienl Geography and Notelet Phylosophy, by S. A. Terre Co. Sept; and on Littman Corn. partitive. Phfotioliigly, by Dr. A. H. (Mamba*, of Wilmington, Del; 10eerreional lettere* will oleo be delivered durin4 the steasion, by Rev. O. Ward,. of Bethany, (who Will take charge of the , department of Ancient Languages; Rev. R. B. D'usee,:tirlionesdaie; and C. &Minor, llotteadhle ) and H. F. Tewkabnry, C. Sart , Str.._qttefeannt% county. Stedents *ho desire Artll have an opportntii. tc to prosecute the avndy of the Languages, An. v‘ent and Modern, Musk, Vocal and instrutneW ts.; led of Drawing and Oil Painting. txrrmscs. B o ard and Wnsiiing in the Limits:aim or is r u nin e s, pw week. Students wh.) • dtiire, can board thoinselrei. • - Tuition in the English Reparttnent, to Teach erA, from Wavtie Co. 45,00; others. 46,00. A moderate calm charge will be made for tui th.r, in 'Languages, Music, Drawing and Paint. it Tiiititin bale and a ,part i lof the bills for boardin!,* are to• be paid upon enteriog the In. sti;otion. those, desiring to attend the school, should ear ly appliestion to S. A. Terre!, Co. F o pt.„ lienesdaki, Wayne Co. Ala. rof. Stoddard will be present during the en. tire term, and will devote his whole time to teaching one !storing, and otherwise advancing the interests of the School. • P. G. GOODRICII,Seerr. 11.411 any, NI:a:11'11 th, 1857. Ig ig 3 Timothy. seed. TAN LUN TURRELL'S TIMOTHY SEED, •7,7) warranted pure. For: sale by ABEL TERRELL. Montrose, January 20th, 1857. _ froache,rs' Examinations- 11[71 7 , will -hold esnminations in the difrereat I V townships as follows: Frzmkiin,April 2J, South School House,lo, a. in. (;:e.,t Bend,- 3d, Village S. House, lO, a. tn. N. Miiiord,.. 4111, Wade S. flout^ 10. 'a. m.. j,,,, i p, " Gth, Cornell S. House, 10, a. in. 1 flesh, " 7th, Granger's S. H., 10, a. tn. I Asimrn, " Bth, Centre S. House. 10, n. m.l :• , :prim ille," 9th, " " 10, a. in. 1/i:rife:l:, " 10th, k - I , 10, 0,; n ci . Ai Brook iyn, ." 11th, 14 ' 10, A. M. 1.111;srop, " 1.3t1r, Thayer S. H., 10, a. in. 1, , •m,v, " 14th. Gl'enwond,,' 0, a. M. CEITord, '' 15th, Cornera, 10, a..m. Herrick, it 15th, Meth° i ,Ch ore , 10, a. in, 0 1 .w.n, i , 17th, T. lin .11. 10, a. ta. il . i l llarford, " 18th, Vitt:, S - ~ 10, a. la; Jarjo,cia, "'2oth, No. 2 , 10, a. in. Arn ra t, 4 " i'l st. Churc 8 1..1., n. in. Thomson, " 21st, Center S. 11., 2, p. in., linrmony, ) I Lik land :end Apr.22,l,Esst Hill 1ik11.,10, a.. in; In-41.pepot, 3 1 . „ frl 9.3 d, Bteinan'tt, 10, a. m. rHfre'tr , i% " 94th, Ninntrose, F. S. H., 10, A. m. erlAku; 25Sh, Ilratkey &11., p. rn. Cilne.onut. " 27t11,Claries S. IL: 10, 28111, Tower's 5.11., 10, a. m. 9,941); Buldw:n's S. IL, 10, s. m. .Apolo.ehian,".3oth, L M., S. 11.. /0, a. m. F. TEWKSBURY, Co. Supt. New )iilfoNl,./8411, 1857. • , 12w4. Auditor'sliotice. r rtiiE subscriber, appointed Auditor by the •.1 Orphart's Court to report a destribution - of t-., , fond the hands of John IVebst4;r, Trustee lia.ler the will of Jos: Webster, decd, will Mt. Ci,the duties of said a ppointen ent, on Fri , :•e% th , 3d day -of April next; at one o'clock P. M. g: office in• Montrose: of which all per yea; interested wilt take nutice, or be fotecer ilv,:irred from any claim upon said 'fund. Wit J. TGARELL, Auditor. Gth, 1101 • Administrates Notice, Ai 7 - ii Ell.E AS LMters ofAdmioistration to the 11- Estate of 'Michael Degnan late of Middle t“'vn, Sosqliettamnatounty, deceased. have be'en ;:rattted, to the subscriber; all persons indebted lllie said estate are requested to make imme ? .U:tie paym . A.; and those baying claims against Ow sawn wi present them duly authenticated Ith• sidtlein lit. I} ICI-IAEL KEOGH; Admistrator. )hro, March bib, 1857. •1 1 tr.t 3liniict t ver 'timothy Sied. _ rrilE•tindersighed linve 011 hand and for sale the bushel or . load, Clover Seed of the I.4*.ic, kind; also Timothy seed of a siperior. (inanity, which will be sold in quantities to suit this purchasers. They have slsO on hand a large 4,nantity, of excellent Seed Wheat, Wisconsin ;:rown, which they will sell by the bushel, •pr load,hquire of • CRANE & ROGERS. Opposite Searle's Hotel. B. 0. 11. CI :.rte keeps - constnntly on lined n large assortment of family Groceries, which ho nt the 'lowest prices. He has just returneil from New• York with a new and extensive supply ofgoodi•in his line of trade :44 , 1 respectfully solicits the patronage of his frlf.:id3 and the public. • Call A. his estab. 1 . :••11 neat. nivO,lte Se.arle's Hotel, and exam. inc ids superior vaock of groceries and consult v ,, ur uwti interests by trbding vi•ith him. Montros ! 3lll:Areb 11th, 1857. lltf TrENNEDY,S Medical Diacevery. tor , tale ABEL TURRELL. .. ......... I ... ...M. -A... .........-..... ag , ..... 1.......1 mai4Asiiktartiataatisle' oar pima 4614 1, t :-.llnionOtinal, ~- .----\ . .... .. . . ... *ems mid wit is thelownshiP aiming 16 l ifirVlS work basin hien eisisugedamaghout the CO.'6f &wombats*, end bounded as thihlti s I 1 ' to adosit the hugest suzed itet*linihia to wit c Beginning at a posit ;nibs toad loading Canal Soots; the water will be let to - from Mid , from Jolts. Poirot. to the. Wyalusing Creek' I &town to Reading, on dui first disY °MOIL road *ears .wishes cornet of Abel Chatfield', Toll Sheets sod information, roittpettot di.. lands, thence welt 66 perches too post, thence am; see b e O bt a i ne d et the ogee do* T Ai m,;.7 South. I 0 deg, west,72.porebes to a post - , thence pasty, No. 56 Walant Street, Philadelphia, co west-IS-perches to a post, theneeknorth 63 deg. application to , _. weet. 72 perches -yr a; post in a lino of Caleb _ it RUNDLE SMITH, President, 4.e. Carman's land, Siena :along the Sarno north-10 March loth, . oat . 11w3 deg. 'e"sot; 186 and - 2:10 percheirto a post, thencti • east 145 *cites ton post itr ibis' above men tionid road, thence along the same south 22 deg. west 38 perches, the nce south 35 deg:West I I perches, and thcncessouth BO perches to place of beginning, containing one hundred and fifty. three neves and ninety.two perches, with appnr tenances. .Taken In mention at the snit of Job Shop. herd vs. L. W.-Bircius-d. -, Also—All that certain piece or parcel of land situate and being in the Borough of s unque b an . na Depot, and bounded and described as follows, to mitt Northavesterly by the River road, lead ing from said . Borough to.Lanesborogh, on the Southeast by Church street. and on the South. west by lands of Daniel G. Smith, it being a triangular piece of land lying between the River road - and the Said Church strect,containing about one.elgth of an acre, be the same more or leas, with the appurtenances, one framed House, (un finished)and all improved: Taken in execution at tbo suit of Ebenezer CMS* vs. Orson Dwight. Also-.-All that ,:ertein p'eco of parcel of land situate and being in the . township of Middle- town in the Co. of Susqu'a , and bounded and de:. scribed esfollows„ to wit: ott the North by lands of Charles Henry, C. C. Wright and va. cant lands of the Rose Estate, on the East by lands of the said Charles Henry, on - the South by lands of James Cooney, and on the West by vacant lands of the Rose estate (so called) con taining 50 acres more or less, with the appur tenances, one log House, one log Barn, and about 40 acres improved. . .. Taken In execution at the suit of C. C. Wright vs. Menne] Keogh, Adru'r of Michael Deena - deed. . Aftw—•All that certain piece or parcel of land . Look and Bead situate and being in the town%hip of Bridgewa- SOMETHING NEW' ter. in the county of Susquehanna, end bounden and described as follows to wit: Oa the north T HE underskned• 3ferehant at Dimoek Few" . hs lands of Home Brewster. on the east by Corners, has lately discovered that for pay he can sell more Goods, and make more land owned by Allen and Hill, west by land of ready `money at one half the usual profits put neon Kirby . Bunnell and Truman Stone, and south by land owned by Hiil, contai.iing forty. Country Goocis: Consequently I can sell Goods from tiro' to ten per cent. lower than any tither seven acres more or less, witlythe appurtenances, I one small framed house, and about ten acres im• ' e s tablishment in this section. . But do not take proved. • J my word tor it.. Call and see fur yourselves. Bring a little Cash or ' some kind of Country, Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Appollos Stone vs,. Seymour Root. produce, and buy your Goods at a - .price unpar. ulleled in the history of blercantile trade. My Also—All that certain piece or parcel of land I situate and being in the township of Springville, stock is largo and well selected, and lam re. in the County of Susquehanna. bounded and de. Felting . _ scribed - as follows to wit: On the cast: by the I NEW ADDITIONS public highwar,, and on the north, west and 1 every week. My Terms of Salo are READY PAY. south by lands of Dwight Risley. t ontaingl It wilt certainly be for your interest to call and about one.half an acre of land. be the same more t see me before purchasing elsewhere. or less, with the appurtenances,- one framed I Flair and Salt kept constantly on hand. House. and barn, and all improved. IVII. H. THAYER. -Seized and taken in execution at the suit o(lDi mor k s u . 331 h, 1857. Azor Lathrop vs . Benjamin F. Risley. , ______ „N _____________________ . . F. P. HOLLISTER, Sheriff. Sheriff's Mee, ' Montrose. biirch 10, 1837., i TEE ORDER OF -THINGS • REVERSED. ALL• persons indebted to the tirm of R. Thayer & Co.. and R. Thayer, J r. are here. by notified that unless they call and settle im. modiately, or curls will be , mcde. R. THAYER & CO. Itinntrnse, 29th, 1857. Admistrator's . Notice. WHEREAS Letters of Administration to the Estate of 51orrit Turner, late of Len ox township Susq. county, deceased, have-been ,granted in the subscriber; all persons indebted to, the said estate are requested to make im mediate payment;.and those having claims atainst the same, will present, them duly ea thentirated. for settlement. to- ZINA HAILY Administrator. Lenox. Feb. 21, 1857. 9wa. Register's Notice. • NOTICE is hereby given to all persons con cerned in the following Estates, to wit: Estate of Henry Ellsworth; late of Harford Township dee'd, Charles Tingley, Ef;. Estate of Ebenezer Gage, late of Silver Like township deed, lames Gage & Anna Gage Efts. Estate of. Wm. Barton, late of Apolacon town. ship deed, Lewis Barton Ex'r. Estate of Silas F. McKune, lute of Harmony townahip, deed, Robert MelEune, Adm'r. Estate of Polly Washburn, tato of Jackson township dee'd, Joseph Washburn Adm'r. Estate of John Reese, ;ate of Clifford town ship, deceased, Asa Howard Adm'r That-the lecountants have settled their :ie.:- coilas in the Register's office in and for the Co.. of Su•qu'a, and that the same will be presented, to the Judges of the Orphan's Court of said Co..' on Wednesday the Bth day of April next, for confirmation and allowance. J. W. CHAPMAN, Register, Register's office, Morairnse, March 10, 18.57. . • • Petitions for Tavern License. ‘ToricE is hereby given, that in pursuance IA of the Act of Assembly, the following per sons have filed the* petitions with the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the County of Susquehanna, for License to keep TaVertis in skfd County, John Cameron, Lenox Jonas Rivenburgh, Clifford Alfrei*A lien, ' Greitt Bend Cyrus F. Jackson, -- Frier:dm-Me Elijah Barnum, New Milford Philander Phiany i I4erantemville beonardSearle. Montrose Wm. H. Sherwood, Rush . Elijah L. Adams, Auburn Silenrer Hickcor, Npringville Hiram Cook, Apotaeon John S. Torben, Montrose Iliram Barnum, Clifford George W. Lewis, Ditnoel Benjimin Ayres, Dundaff Robert Nichol, Snag's. Depot. Alfred Thompson, o Simpson"& Lord, o Loren Norton Jr., ' Harmony. Silas Winters, 64 A. A. Beeman, Liberty, George Snyder, - Rush. J. 0. Bullard, • Brooklyn. . H. Stanton, o David Witenarth, . Lathrop. Jacob KiroWe, Choconut. Daniel Hoff, Jessup. ~ Edwards & Billings, . Great Bend. David Hazleton, New Milford ; John D. Paddock, Great Bend. , Isaac Griggs, o N. W.-Waldron, _ Harford. Joel Steenback, Ai. Gibson. A. J. Chamberlin, o John Baker, ' Dim:wk. A. F. „Snorer, Leaok. , , Petition for Grocery License. O. M. Crime, Montrose I: N Bollard, If - . ' .. Wm, , Howarth, Sum a Depot. Jonawiluderw.oml, • -' 14 . . Wino PAD tkai ' . Great Bend. S. S. WELLS, Prothonotary. Montrose, March 10, 1867. • Salt! Saltal. Salt!!! NE subscriber begs leave to inform his friends and the psbiie that he has taken the Suite No. 301 Waritingiowaireet. (directly op. prate Washington Iliad.) WAY occultiga Votary Elliot. sod* now prepared to offer for sale mike most liberal terms rots CLEM, all kinds of Foreign Comm; and Fine Salt, from vessel, or *tote. either 'Ss sacks sr 'balk s or put up imolai/I bags to order. - 4)4raiera *III be forst/bed with their names prink* bye *nee ordering- is amassed or more. Persons fres a diereses etdertsg by Salt. Hart Arland - spcs,basiest their OAK" promptly filled at the Locresv NANZZY Pates*. - GEO. 1117.-VANN. 'Nervr.Forit4l6teh let. 1857. . • - - )441; . . Implatailat,-44rp GU( Pawl Mirrors, 4v4p see tty • ABglerwiftup Disfolution. rivE.fiern of Simmons &. Merriman is IL day dissolved by mutual eimsent.• TI4 Notes and accounts may be found in the bands of G. M. Simmons until the first of April next for settlontent: which time they will be loft in the hands of a proper officer tor collet lion. SIMMONS & lIERRIMAN, N. B. The business in all its Branches will be continued by A. hierriman, who, thankful for past favors would ask a continuance of the Pahlie patronage.. A. MERRIMAN. Montrose March 10th, 1857. -11 vq To Consumptives. THOSE of you who srein the first or middle stages of this almost ;Incurable disease are informed that there is a remedy which has pro. yen successful. This remedy I will send to any applicant upon the receipt of $5. Take Particular Notice That this remedy, tbnugh it will greatly alleviate the sufferings of thou in the last stages it will :tar cure them; but for those in the first and middle stages, we will warrant a cure; and any ono who is not satisfied can have their money refunded at once. We' do not wish to humbug any one ; and rep at that your money will be refunded upon application, ,fie r giving the r e m. Edy ajair trio/. Addross e giving tome of Post 01Beo and Couti ty, Dr. A. G. BRUNDAGE, Jun'r. Binghamton, Bruorao County, 40t3.1 N.Y. • • *miners ItecOnun' . INSURANCE. COMPANY, North Cor:of Second and, Phila. CPIT4I., Ono hfirion Two lIondrf:(1 and' bitty Thousand Dollarm. ASS&TTS, 85:!3,0,57 07, Invested in Bonds, 31ortages, and Good Securitioi. TIME FOLLOWING STATEMENT Exhibits the 16 1 . 1 11tisiness and Condition'of . the 0, - .ltopntiy,l6 Novemlfer Ist, 1836. -. Premium reeeireid nn Marine and Inland Rigkw,To Nov. Ipt. 1836; 531.1.684 60 Fire Premiums, 169,796 61 . Interest on tnatis7 8,704 47 Total Rem - . . $100,185 tPs P.lid Marine Losses, -- $61.427 04 Paid Fire do. . 39,737 89 Expenses. Salaries And Commigloorw, Reinsurance, Return Premiums S. Agen- cy Ciurgcs, - - 27,47.1 68 Balance reinaining•with C0.,5223,057 07. Till: AS 4 E7IS OF TUE COMPANY ARE AS FOLLOWS: Philadelphia City and County Bonds, . $141,848 181 Railroad . Bonds, .- • - 11,000 00 t First 3fortages, Real coat prices Estate —•- 144.500 00) Stoeks,eollaterals,an Cali, • ..... 33,400.00 Girard and Bank Stock, Depm•its with buena, Sherman & Co., New York, 30,000 00 Deferred Parments on Stock not' yet dne, 97,700 00 Notes for llarine Pre miums, - - 108,080 00 Due from Actents, se cured by Bonds. . 35,376 1$ Premiums on Policies recently issued, and debts - due the Co., 26,470 33 Balance. Bank, - 16,456 74 07 This Company Insnresßuildino,Merchandize. and Stock, from $ l OO to 85,0(w, at the Lowest Rntes consistent with Security, and upon the most Liberal Terms. and make Pnamrr lIENT upon the adjustment of Losses under Pu cies issued by them. The Board of Directors have this day declared a diyidend of 15 per eent„ payable on demand, upon the business of the Company, to the Ist instant. - THOMAS B. PLOREXCE, President. EDWARD R. ►IELMBOLD, Secretary. Philode!phis, November 17th 1856. TIIIOTHY BOYLE 5 yjpiihp J of New Milford, Pa„- Agent KENYON HAVING 'completed his conse of Mercantile Education, of eight years, with two of the most respectable dealers that the wsutitty affords, has loehteti himself at Lswsville Centre, where he will be pleased to 'see his friends from pli parts of the country, and would assure them that be will do them good, if they wiil only call and examine his stock of Goods, consisting in part of. Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Of tke Si.west iterns and Best Quality. Slats - and Ca s, Boots and Shoes, n s, Wall Pap ers and Borders, Übrel as,Carpet Bags, Drairt, and the Most Popular Patent • Medicines of the -day, Prom hi's long experience in selling pods for this section of country. he flatters himself that he sill be able to select goods that trill please all, and pledges himself to deal honorably with all mho give him their patronage. So/icitin,g. a large share of your patronage, I remain your servant, - - _ KENYON. iztvsrille Centre. Januarvist. 1857. Attentioti the Whole IMRE enbscra4r respectfully informs his friends, (comprising of course the whole community,) that:the. New Bark Store in Up. soosille. one door north of the old "Exchange," is Riled with a stock of Seasonable Goods,erm• sisting in psrt of Dry.Goods,Groceries,Cree.kery, Hardware, Boots and Shoes, Hats sod -caps; Ready.lisdo Clothing, Wall• Paper, Window. Shades, Fish. Nails, Yankee Notions, rte., and 050 ea, which he will sell' for Cash, Barter. or Short Approved Credit, as : low se tan be bought is Sursieehrtens County. WA-NTs* to eselaute, Rater, Grain, pork. :Poultry, Good Mixed Wool 'Soda, in feet usury . ^Merchantable article irhieh his patrons Issue ter Inn he will buy at fairpriem. ,Coaso cam**, all, sadaeo N sou don boy: MERRIMAN. I; Upottsjlle, Dee; sth, 1850 1 • 45,489 - 00 $177,128 61 5,225 00 'A NEDIOAXtritMITTION tura -w HOLIAWAYS' The Great.. Counter Irritant!! UE virtue or the:alb:ill& often - TAOS" lii C way to the internal organs through . tho pores of:the skin: This penetrating Ointment. melting under the hand as it rubbed in, is absorbed -through. the same channels, and, re:,ehing the seat - of inflammation, promptly and Invariably subdues it, whether, located •in the kidneys, the liver, the Imago, or . any other portant organ, It penetrates the surikce to the interior, through the countless tubes that eau. Inunicate with the skin as summer rain paiiies into the fevered erutholiffusiagits cool and re generating influence. Skin diseases and Glandular Swellings. • Ever; species of exterior irritation is quickly reduseci by the antiinflammatory action of this Ointment. Angry ERUPTIONS, such as SALT Rum, EL Irsintas, TETTER, allowonts, SCALD HEAD, NETTLE RAI , D, SCABIES, (or hen) &e.,dio nut, to return no more, under its application. Hospital experience in all parts of the world proves it* inrallibilltpin diseases of tha skin, the muscles, the joints and the glands. , Ulcers, Soros, and Tumors. The effect of this unrivalled etternal 'remedy 'upon Scrofula, and other virulent ulcers and sores, is almost miraculous. It first discharges the poison which produces suppuration and proud flesh, and thus the mires which its-healing properties afterward complete are safe,as well ,as permanent. . - Wounds, Bruises. Burns, and. Scalds. • In cases of the fracture Of the bones, injuries calmed by Ateam explosions. BartsEs, Bums, I ScAt.ns, STIFFICESS Of the Jonirs. and contraction of the sinews, it is employed I and waimly recommended by the faculty. - This nurvellou4 remedy ha been introduced by its ! inventor in person into all the biding Hospitals of Europe, and no private bonsehold should be without it, Undeniable Testimony. ‘: The Medical Stiff of the French :and English Arinias in the Crimea have officially signed their approval of Hellownys' Ointment, the most reliable dressing, for sabio . cuts, stnbq, and gun-shot wounds. It is else used by the sir goons of the Allied Nn.viea. -Both the Ointnicat Ind Pia/ shadd he used in the folloteine eases : - i Bunions, ' ' . sore Leis, 1 Burns, Sore Breasts, - 1 Chapped tlands, _ Sore Marls, Chilblains, - . Sore Throats, i'Fistula, ' • Sprains, .. •. Cant, ' • &lir Joints, Lumbago. • . Silt Rheum, Museum! Eruptions,- Scalds, ' Pil , -=, Skin Diseases; i • • Rheumatism, Tettor,- 1 Rinaworm. . Ulcers, .. i ". -- I Swelled Glands, • - Venereal Sores,. Sores of all kinds, Wounds of kinds. I C,,.• Sold at the Manufactories of rofessor, 80 Maiden Lane, ~ Ne rk. and i .2-14. Strand. London, by nll reSpecta. le Drng. 4 ~isoi and Dealers in Medicine throu'i2bout 'the. i - enitgi States and the civilized world, in pots,. at 25 cents,•62 1-2 cents. and Si. each. i t..V"" There is a considerable saving by tr.- ; kin , ' ilie larger sizes. • • N. B.—Directions for the guidanee of patients in every disorder are rased to each llci.v. 0ct2040 ' . GREAT EXCITEMENT AT Guttenburg,. Rosenbaum ik STORE, 'INHERE iS a gineral rash at their estalli4- I meet, and it is • reported thlt they hAve just received, and are daily realr_ing a fresh supply of New Goods. • The truth of this report ean be best known by calling at their store on Turnpike Street at the foot of Public Avenue. We have on hand a earefully•seleeted 'supply of READY MADE CLOTHIXO, for both Ladies and Gentlemen, everything. call ed for; from a pair of Hole to a HAT or BON NET. Those wishing to protect their health front th,s cold:atmosphere in this region, would du well to call on us. as we will supply their wants on lower terms than any other establish ment. To our friends, one and all, we would say. give us a call, and we promise, that you shall go away fnlly satibfied. GUTTENBERG ROSENBAL"3I,& Co.. '* Montrose. Nor. 117, 18.56.• FARMER S! $l5 will purchase utte of the best COIN SJIELLERS stud SEPARATORS ' Ere r vent e HE undersigned is now prepared to runtish • Tto FARMERS, %Hers and others the world renowned Excekior Corn Sheller—the wonder of the times--being the best, most durable, road easiest running Sheller now in use.- Warranted to shell more corn in a shorter space of time, than 'any other machine, entirely cleaning the ear, from end to - end, wabout - crushing either corn or cob. The Maehines are constructed with two cranks, and putty for a. belt. so_that two persons can turn them, .or attach a belt in motion by any power. The attention of persons owning mills, ix Solteited, as the Machines aro wonder.. fully adapted to any kind of power. They are very easily turned., and when - once in motion A 1 small boy can turn them; they are capable of shelreng one bushel per minute—every Farmer should have one—as, they save their cost, in les than one heasons. t They are en-'exhibition at Searle's Hotel, Savre's Foundry, Ely's Mill in Rroolayo, and . at Lathrop's Lake Mills, where they can be seen in operation at acy time. Ail orders addressed to the undersigned, will receive prompt alien. Lion. Machines shipped at s distance and-w ar . ranted to operate. D. D. SEARLE. At Sear/es - War/. Montrose, Pirembivr, Ilib; I 8.56. • CERTIFICATE. - . THIS is to certify, that f haee examined and used ono of ths.above Shelters, for sale by D. D. SEARLE, and unhesitatingly pronounce it, ono of the but, most dnrible and easiest running Sheller* ever Introduced . Into this Colinty. It will shell more tern in a shorter time than any other Mschlne, and is always ready for service. I most heartily 'and freely recommend them to the Farmers of Susq'a County, is the cheapest and best Shelfer, now, in use. I have one in operation in my mill In Dinsock, which, - needs only to be seen to recommend itself. Call and., see it. A.II4II.XL.Y. , Brooklyn, December I I th, 1856 sltr. G.P.' I'ORDHAX,"' - [Sum:al.:oa 'To A. &E. BALottrot.l MANUFACTURER oriIIiDDLES,HARNESEI • &Tatrilll:B.Al6elitittlitlE-TILOINVi',IsT 'WOULD invite all who are- iii want of any. v Articl e ever iteptata liarneseeltoP.togVel ffarneie made of the best :Chtk gql J t eta on short notice-, - - He-hat ton 'hind 'good. ,i4nooilit' a vol.. doge Trientninzii Whieh 'he "Offeni On the most reasonable tehits = tlerrfirt*'" - TilitOtnittkr dQdb with weitaresand dhipiteltlf ' '''" • Repairing done on short, notlie: ' Nlntl.9 & Besentent - Searlespiter."- Montreal*: No* . 118; 1866.-41:19 elt 0.„7 Jan. I bt, '3ll -' KEN I Ili VIEW tV 11 . iltinfM7,. ii'.d3 . ~.,r;te, ; _ SPelatikarii, kninusistas Ayr *RN*: . NOrana4Eodttlinpotimititgiisig ruin ireeld sbeiNortttiod:West;Uistictiat .Bend it'd Nemo.; tad; from the Latkatrairia.and W#ntniug vailie‘dirottly4ltroOgb to - New York ,snd.PSiti. ' • :1 - and alfer Bioridair;l* 19114 411:17,,,,ttaiaa vial can as follows: 'elniinnisti Ex presa'Tiain (4;st on N. Y, & R., aiii`rea 'at Gt. Sendit B.l[. 31.4 . front Owego - Blnghitentoo,dti:,-Sild connects*lth the EXPRESS' Train whieli teavett Vreit 'Bend 'for New - York and Phil's, tish S. gm Due at lifontroae,. , • 9.03, "• . Scranton, Stroudsburg - 1.27 p - . Dclaware, 16 minutes to dit.e,2.00, • " Bridgeville, Phil passAtlve 3.25, " Junction. ' • 3.35, New York. 7.15. " Passeugert from leave-Pier, No. 2. North river, at _ . m. FrOmPhiladelphiu leave Walnut at. , Wharf, at - Leave Junction, ._ • - 11.15, • " „ - • Due at Bridgeville, Phil. c onnection, 12.15. p. m. Dolawarle, 15 min. to dine, ;11A5. " .i . Stroud•tburg. .111, " Scranton, 3.50, " Montrose. • 15 . 23 . " , Crest Bend, , \ Connecting. at Great Bend with lid) Mail Train West at 6.10, p. tn.: Scranton Accommodation Train, loaves Scranton fur Great Bond at m. Arrive st. Great Rend, 2.:10, p. 1113. • Connecting, with Rochester Areommodation East. and. Day Express West; on N. Y. &E. . - R. R. Returning, Ways Great Bend at 3,20 Due at. Scranton, 7 • 10, " For the accommodation of way travel on the - Southern Division, a' Passenger Car will be at-, -tarred to the Express Fr F ight Trains, leaving Scranton at - . - • • 6.00 a. m. Due at Stroudsbnrg at 10.65 " " Jundion at - , :2.06 p.m. Returnins,T, will leave JUPetion at. • 4.00 m. Due at etrondsburg at G. 50 " " Scranton - at • 12.40 p.lll. Passougers, from New, York wilt orange cars at Clerktvilic. ' To and from Phanaciplain. vin B. D. IL IL, !ono or lake the cat's et grittgetine, Poi Pittston, Kingston, and Wilkesbarte, bike I. & B. IL R. calm at Scranton. Vor Jossnp, Archibald, and Carbondale t change ears at .G recnv i Tickets sold and Isaggago checked between all stations on tonne.cting roads. Passengers to and from- Wiikeshigre, Wvom. via Lleka..vanns - & r ßloomsburE raid, go through without afifdetentiou at Seran. ton, as tho trains on that - rand ram in ennnOetion with the Express trains on the, D. L. & V.. R.: 1i.,--hence passen,gors may leave Kingston at 9.30 a. m, and arrive in Philadelphia at 8 or N. York at 7.154. in. - Returning, leave Philadelphia at la. m., er New York at 7.33, and 'arrive in KinmNton 4 5 p. tri. , Fare from Kinnston; Wyominti, and Pittston to Philadelphia, $34.50, to New. York; 61.75. Tie)rets sold, and liazartze checked through. JOHN BRISLIIN, Saia. Wm. JI:MiS. Geni Tiut;et Agont. THE SOCIETY FOR THE MEW OF WEARING CLEANSIIIRTS AT • No. 106 Cit tthoin-+t., cot, of t NE W—YOlfK., • - Keep on hand extensive and complete assert inent of the letestimportations and best munuf.:v tares of F: L 1.; N' 9 FL'IZSLSRING Gool*, Equal in material, hake, texture, durability and style, to any stock ever offeredin this. Maim try—and at prices which cannot. rail to sill:close CASH buyerp. ,CoNsIsT iNt, snit:Ts-41'W% linen bosnms,eollars and wristbandr.l .of the best qualities, and new a'a3:7llo:ce stslc.s. CAL DO.—The l at:st and most attraetlie pat'lls UNDr.P.SIITRTS and nr..Awrmi—Of Vnol; 'Styria°. cashinere, silk and.cettin, of d6slralsieatid dura. We qualities—and the TErtor WOOL. under' zartn eats, se highly approved by Physicians. Also. the shaker shirts and Drawers. CR .-IVATS.--superior quality and beautiful styles, and a full assortment of stoekß, c•allar3, Nevi res, GloveF, scarf:4,llnd 31ufflers of tile rieh c4f kind 3. iSuspetiders—An almOst endless variety, in• eluding the finest and. most durabl e . Pocket-handkerchiefs—sllk and Cotton--plain and printed—an unrivalled assortment. Half Hose—Wool and cotton,.of t e best tex ture, selected ekpressi v for. retail trade. Morning Rubes, and Gowns—Elegant Pat terns, excellent material . , and of the' best make. This stork comprises all grades, from the lowest to the riebest.,that can be produced__ and haYing, even• facility for Importing and manufacturing, not exceeded by any other es tatilishinent in the. United states—im:,crs, there fore, wit consult their interest ,by esarrminhig the goods which are sold at. the LOWEST rossi eAszt r: : r.q ' Goods" •promptly ddirered alr the Rail Road DeOots,. steamboats, •A,c,. and in any pail of the citr, without chr.r . ge. 11 ,,,* Shirts made t 6 order by. experienced hands, in superior style, at abort-.notic , ?, war; ranted to fit. -- kAl — No machine work done in this establieioneet. . Sept. 11,.185/3.-- - -n3Bly- . NZVZ7 I 1114717421 Shawl, Cloak 4t Dross Goods-Em porium for 1 1 ,all 1856. II• EURRITT would call attention to his • new stock of Fall and' Whiter floods , including ti great variety of Bich Fall Prints in new Styles, Plain and Fancy Pelaines audpsb. tneres, - Plain and Fancy Mohair Cloths, Plain and Plaid Merinoes and Paramettam, Black Brocade; Plain and Fatter Silks; Wool -Bro. *cede, Cashmere and Silk Shawls; Gents Shawls, Rich Ribbons and Flowers, lttlies-Clotio, and Rich Velvets for Cloaks, Broadcloths, Cassi me is, 15... c., with a large a.ssortwent of other Sta. pie, and Fancy Cllodi ; tssmswal, including Hard ware, :Ciociery t - 'raj 4nd :Steel, Paints; OlLs, Boot* and Shoes, -Hats.- Caps, Cloaks,. Buffl,le Robes, Carpeting; &c:, with' a large and new 1 assormeot of Stoves of the- most approved styles and construction,All which will_be 'sold tot tneet .the yiews - of the closest - ,Lnyeps fur i CAI or approved Credit.. ' .. I Now Milford, Sept. 1,85,1. . . . IaiLASTING Powder, Hafeiy Vase, nod' Rine Powder for sale by I. N.-BULLARD. I,EA.UTtrUL. variety of Wall Paper at AA :Jan. Ist, '31.1 • . 'LIME assortment of Ladies Fine Shoes nt Ja a. tst, '57.) ' - XpNyltiovs. RANBERRIES and riew Raisong for sale C by 1. •Zl. BOLLARD.' • ABEL TURRELL PATENT. MEMOIRS, and a First Rata - ittoittrose,Yrit; ' 111011WIETINIVES.—A: larp_slisiiitttneut of I. the beet in atarket‘ at TURRVLIM. 4,tIJAAINERY,DRESSMARING is PA . Sty - 101trAPA..Stle STORE A—Pe.,BlAlO4-400. • J.. , 1111,TOCW,reepedlutlreottousee to the Isti TY 141,fee eCtiontOm nod - siolity, %hot they hive opened. a Falmy ; Arius .0044 Par. *siting Store, -on Melo Street,oter the th Powell Atecep:Mtertc, ~t hey, -be li ppy to rinse it*QP,fipiesasclind oleetielteit' the pasionep otitet!,ones.,_)it tie Citeettleitt, Stebilo to 114, . 31 1Milmt.slopitcleetiti , golutlimoutidot depactm, InOir-! 1 :10t!!" 41 *M* Ctkugt (It likoo,Wetter., 'Jektroee, 8E14,1 5,1846, "Ur-% MEIIIII 74_1!,C,P11F,Y!.!.. , ,q1)t ritlttac,itlitY . - • y x ND abirthitt itiatet dviiic'Ffiioirtsentit other*. ,ittheald ineliere t • +6,04 0741114144,eirlabora t. 11 , fle k lar i ug ,,o 4 - 4, lniolt hi r regniretne,nts ,tt? kopyitor two, of aonio,9f the duke jino,keinat rke, the 71f/intro:se 1Tooi; Ofee,:khit-h ran 4ns.l*lll,ter *64o'e - beep nit it ivy 'ether - Bo'Olt .-f intir 114 - tilde or xi ttt,'er EY& k",.EI Wet*: pirr rye tGift Book eiaileifferltyifiat ae s Att . so manygansosandt pattraf 1# r. rimNig the newileoke.arv, WeatettEcird, Life, Pout Gtar.tent Liro - ilftlen:3lorgen*Auceb., per . cent ellonth or-the ,Perile - if Thi..liipt of the torestere,-, 7 1 4rgatl Violet. & Ofiee Post ' :ItuttpAttit ti . ltook . thiat 'iforr POtine 4 . l Coo. l lli the Cotraty efrotrld. f . chattiest:rest Book , , ALSO ivnese iltork4ll . 44 4ieptti` , IBoisk*Aristelf will be sold `upon the prineTie - that the 4 iiietßa. sixpence is ;miter, ilion - tae. a Iwo - skidiag:P; "A new Physivra ...SWCfs thaw . bil),..AtAt f rarreq.thck nieeet Shying Berate:l'e likidon of the 'Slates &Wool Bocili Snit (lift. -I.:.l(:tnentary-Morell Le"- lone for Sirbedls 'rid Pa aifTksby M "j":67irViry a first rate thing, Grein's:Eremeitis Gratnmcr: Colborne oew Eerlicit of 21,:eitlinfititiei,- also-;-Greeoltof's .zew Arithmetic.' ;Vatislers.,Dieti , lerries —ail sizes esti , ;fte , ltt sold cheaper than thal, Penknif Bowe lit NA iNo Diaries. for 1867—A pod Assortment, nnitAl right ns to. prive, anti Almanacs for 1814, clspeT 7 A new lot of Wtitipgrooics, %yig2 or withont Copies, Int Black and' WO; Prlo!:.#4 Paper of di ff erent itud - noloie;• nt. - Knives,- Razors, Post... Monies,. 4ineiy.l.notpsi Portfolio's, County: Poehtl oklho different *tntes . • N..BULLARD. - Montrose, Dec. 2,1 8 t- It —CigistmesAm./ New, rears:still litv ittre in A fen- fists - .:a word to the. wise Ike.. ~i~r n.u a ;+i P. S.--Any Piperor r baxine . ,pui,tinhcd h the United States esn Le proenreil:4 the c. treat Clut price. 'Enquire nt 110 P. ' - . • Impoitant ' to - 1 Taniteffill 9 MACHINE FOW Eygity, Ficlimtkii::. MEXCHAWS ;Piti l At::lllot. Ott ''' '''''' - fly this method the *eight' , oftbe- opera - tottbt • made to pet forin the vtheletzlxrr of planii4g and no time'is lost ae one. tan .pltual-.08-tist , sts tra • Can walk. - •- ' -The machine is; atfached: to the reef bv,raeanti of a strap. or i a screw to the - j:toet. - erthe. og crater, and is so airantrettas to pla..ut;ut. tiny depth desired. - - •• The many advantagea , of - this Machine . all billem can readily be seen, itnti their strnidlo., ity and etneapness cannot fail of bringing, thew: : into general mac antong,rdt•fa.rtnere, and can be used - on ail this ser.tiun. - :-Picert3,so. For 'NfaehineS or cotiritY Stale Riifita, ply to fi. S..SEARLE, A fret tgcl ikt - rotte,' •-• N. 11.—These Machines aro W.atrante arPlunt. more Corn- in a day with' less lab•ir thar. A6Y hand_ plaater, and will platifitinfireiii.o redly tkn any machine ever invented, acid- ate less liable ti get oat 'cif repitir..A7-3 :•:-A 316ntrose, Feb. 13th 38574 . : • • • ••-.; • Farm Tiit subscriber, _off;;ra for Salfr.olfnizitll . -Fargi'; in Brunlilmt township Suzqu'n. sitn4;o4 nnk Hopiaouom creek . , tw.o . nom Bronklxv, Centre, and tfire mi!es 31ontro§o•Depot, on the L. ti W It. R. • Orr said farm are Iwo frnmil - 17oarres framed barn: nnti shop.nftrl Is well water#lL.''.; - . Terms nude known on nppliertion , tollre disrgtionea. • - - • • AI..VIN DAT: I3rooklyn, Feb. 25,18.57Ltf. foilistransly.le this celebrated motto ► One of many''-etbers sry Indatlittral meaning is, " tot the tail "4.) wiLii the'hide" =a-but the real meaning b " A tip too 'railer is a gait& institwtion.*: If yea &al O . IN, cats iehn Grove's shop, .a firsatzp - sfican Seaee:a tel, and ilzs wiil e(.lncinee.. yon . and b!.4.0w sou . , . The Pall Fashions, - - ; fcir anriA,s's. tqothing for ins 4. blander late a Jewsharp - establishment,' wfieie" you are likely to get tooled with 1-. ad. work. whop L''on Tprnpilie street: tnti, building 'train Searle's lintel. I will warrant my work - A - O'lAV' well and-wear NV ell, and my prices ,realunidArt f..r 4Lioun. • • ~ ,„'LI - r Cutting done as uku:ll., - - • , 101.1 N GROVZI, . . liontrriso Oct. I:4h ISZG, Stain:weft Rai/ Read I! 1, 4 :..;1 -VA - 7 / 4 .1 4 1,17 ILL! A ST h thon 1 rgest i> ei+t;aed,efienreststook of general -menbontlise in !Awn... 11 : 01 *Ibl:4 3 g, Axes. _Alpaeon,. 1114.1 Brooms; Boots nnd • B.ydst ends, Clocks, C'allcoes and Denitr,i,'Drrtir. , A;and Ddor lisi bier. Envkiopsi; Edging, Ord tpS:ora Salts. Flour, Plannde, and F . 11.1. Hocks. • Giays, Groceries; straillimblet4. . Ila r ts. !la tnta„ and " Ink, Indigo, ashi I mperisi Ilja,bios (dresses.). Jugs; :Jaconets, End 1t sparks.' Knives, Knobs, and Ken tntlcy I.oeks, Lamps and Lookkitg,llass, Ntittnegs ' Nankeen. and (tits, Oxbotv and Overalls, Perk, Pills and Powder... ••;_f 42,11( , n:4%c1:re, Quills. and Quart:eupi. Itabbers, Raisins nod_ Rattraps: Shoes, Shirts and Sogar, Tobacco, 7Pea and Traci Uliuins. lintbrellas,.VlndCrshlits 'and natll6,, Veils:Vinegar end Whips,.Wallets at.d Wash:bolSis: Xtra Superfine Flour, • York.Cottonades End Youth'S•fialA. • Z. And loony other _articles whiclf.tiley - lai't sellitig at it very suiall:advaneo on., cost prties,.." " &nail profits . ' awl fair deaiittg is Oe.lno_ltoifffr the Summer..of Giye - usfi and teat Akt i truth of our alasertlimi. • - Lan idiot°, May 1858. Ambrqtypps,, Atrephograils Dagnerreotypetke - P Straogo , things aro epri•ing— ever fl ming , Satuatlonm now and surprising -IEXt B. DEA'SS, tho 31 IntroseArtistcht T • piepareil te -tarnish, old styte'Otpi4nrea;,tiiii and the recently iriented - AtliejihOgrapip: . .„. . These Anthro ty Oen, or pietaies;'44k4it;;;:.... Wile, soft and brilliant in'thiir teilit'Odifitiisi4' and free from-that -dark leaden= hue Wltleh' - hites been the objeetipn to itietaresofthisdiiii4loll4-ii= Thu Atfophographis an utirei/ersett-i)kedeiiii4-- on paper , '.(fflqtifV l Y-ditrOes't' from - :thlk- Pike,tiwit - graphs,) very sasoeptiWe of' oolorir, i auct.,tivOyt t resertihtest: fcao ° pemnling on iv . 1:11%, ; Tite3-;14114 inst the twat Car inserti nii n lirkkliokAlXatlinff . records. dm:, ttr 'tiiiilngto'4l.44lzint.irce,V4ej; y`Parhat n' th o • 1k.14 & Read's. - notitrose.Dee. 170.1.05 d. . etude 6, r il , , -, ttr-if i ' • r zil44l—at , fait-'• AL Notlevatr_aserAptian a' 2 irk , ''" -. 4* glOtaa'S liat"ll4l7 4,IIO4I"O"AnettIOKA 'a:m*olos% addressft4 to Pe-1.4 .iatoryailiiibit . ...", 0 ; , W ,.. *swam, Vre4iirta l it t li 4o o l1 1 0‘ 1 4 4 0 - 7.: .. to 04,1elkovjliz 1 4iiintiottli:_PkPe054 Kt. ~ !suit vottae,.l,Vostiktutstr 'tl.6PiliNfi*‘‘,;'‘ matt' Iliiiiietttliftit-ilie.lfiistOl Infliviiirii),,,' I EutopaV arta , lato of 'Ai 'l4iffitiii Iliss kgilhit;.- irranfolato•-ettlifotinia;?`• -;'' *.,' :, ' s'''''' 'Fctb* SA lelii. , .51 i , r - , , - • ..' , 111 A• 1.--,z;iivi "tela4o thlt b •ky - . - • Pluribus -Urtra ! NVST. lilt MAIN Si r ed: f;'4 =I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers