> f± is y ~ f: (. ?^ ,A,49l,4wmoipirre . . . 't Aittert itiA2Ccitiliiitieti;4iiitibittiiiiiiM; large fortune, 06' intekefiliiil three daugh., ; l er 4 :oa considerable stlin, intd *tarried theutilo three btothers, sons of n-worthy inert Oftisfrii burg. - , Me tesereed-Ito,hitti,eif a'llitga capital; and• his son in..'ilwitiploOti alit:heti' efnita . -to induce him to . giVe .it tot thetrii".Ailait; bv: tattier - and demonstration sOf affeetion they get,titetoil time's. MoneY. -..:11nt - ftoin ,thatjone tliey . begiii4O show indit'erenee for him, and at 414 tutliy. neglected hiniv_r.:4Ther staaVold.insit•wasir 4- w fetehed,:and c At bat ~4 . wailavorse, very laion .One'day litycotinget.i • flatighi* - 'went to , hi tn.' . •Iti the orriiri. Dous e Ofeetki i'lisiarit it In, Ai e anA:i..s . ;(eit to littri:l6#t . heint lit riibtain - the'gtiod IA ill Of, her and her.Siker.l, . busbandkand'obtain fropi them ",all,he need-. ed.; by pretending toe rich.. ..The old, many seeiug the idea was-a good- one,. resolecd- at ..onee-to act oh it.. : Ile went to a friend of hiN a hattker„..and obtained an advance of money, "add the - lean of t service of plate. , - -- ,Thelleat day be_invited his soni:in4rier to dinner. 'They wee astonished to find a set:. vice Of plate on.the table, anti still more so. .3siten:the servant brought the old man-a let ' ter,au'd he exelaiined, " What ::let an. old - friend he embarrassed' for ten thousand flo, . ans.!" and ho went and .got the lam frottihis isirong; box, myingi- - "ThereHtake it to your . . rnaSler l'! '" Yon-sec.". said lie, '` I am . altil , • rich r - The .soar-in laW were confounded, and each, with'great ea.rneatness,inunediate 7 I,y pressed the old man ,to go and - live with: hini;promising that ho should receive. -ever?' atieathin, and everything. he could possibly. wish f..ir. - But the old twin laid down .his eonditioni—tbat hit should have his own apartments r.nddomestieN n . ..arriake, and a certain . Hill) placed at his ditties-al: • To this, the sons-iti law eagerly consent - ed. For sottietidie the Gill man iived comforta lAe'enough, and witere+er he went he tOOk_ the precaution. to carry with him his stroller box, which witi very_heaty. A . little whit: . ago he felt il Iris stills in-law pressed him to make his Will, but he. said hit, intentien , wits to divide' thifectvents or his:ArOng box einaily toe:weew, them and a friend, and that they and his executor should haVe a ke'y:— About a fortnighu ago he died. By a wtitirg wh;ch he left behind taint. he directed that the box xhoull notlbe opened until 'five . days 'id ter his he should be 'trilled with the greatest potup. r .and that each poor man in tile town should a receive a new suit of Clothes and d florin. 'At last the day for opening the ytt-on z Lox arrived. The son. in-law to their bitter inortitiention. found, net as they exeicte..l, money or secutities to - a large amount, hat lead - and :gone,. An Irish gentleman, who travelled with Randolph in Europe, relates that one morn. ing, in London, as they were - talking. over their ad!ventures, the hero of Roanoke said to dial—••, Do you know that lam growing old, and linve not let become accustomed to it r' "How do yon happen to make the discov _ . rery just:n ow )" asked iend. During the American sttuggie for :a=le - l •• Why," replied be, h "las r t week I received pen - dence, Washington was -gleatly embar- ian invitation from our Minister, Mr. Rush, to raised by the arrival of foreign officers who ! meet-a parte - es.peeially chosen for me. I eipecteS nothing loss than One of his highest I ;Timed the mite in the presence of sOme gen posts in the - army, and frequently when ac. I tletnen,.but was too vain to use my. apects cepted, proved unwotty - of the' stations AS- • e l ,s.- I read ''Tlitiersday.' and threw the note signed to them. Expetience of the kind led away afterwards. On tl - tuisday, according Washinton to be exceediugle , autions in re- I Iv, f presented myself at Mr. hush's house at ceiving foreign ofir:ers in tlie•*ervice. At ; 7 o'clock, and was ushered into the drawing thie period Ko-eitisco presented hims:4f to 1 , teem: . , where to my no small surprise, I found Washington, fortifisid by. a letter from Frank 1 Its. Rush quietly giving the childreo their i lin. The firs: interview between the gallant i tea. Queer prep arat i ons f or - a dieeee ,party, i and generotts F.,,:., r.:::..1 the zmii:et g,enero""‘ I thinks Ito tnrseif, and sat down. After tfie Washington, is :leis' des - ri!w:l . in the third ! usual questions and answers, I ventured to Volume of Washin -.don Ness.- Irving . ' . wz.luig:oL, I ' t in wire, 'has not Mr. just issued from i hush tome home yet I' Ce, l i Oh, said she, 'be has gone to dine at Lord ''' I,'-at d'' Yea' s'!•''.: lwre..!" inTl,iro the l - - ---s! •' W m ee; y son 1;. madame: said' I, i cothrnander in-chief. - j ' how -can that be 'f Ilere - I am loy_his invita- 1 •: To -fight for Amerier:n Independence." ;ton to meets partY." My dear Ranclulph,l " What Can roudo 1' . .! ex claimed she, • what a mistake. Your din i . . t nor was on Tuesday last, and 'we waited for .. • Washington was pl,Ase.l witlt tne ciao yet i von until half past eight o'clock, when - we enn 3 Prehen`ive rel'iSt and "'it'll I;i:chit aiion'• ! gave you up as eithet sick o r out of tee n, but :sir ands tit. and at once received him into I •:nrely von received your note of invitation I' his fnmily, as an aid-de-ear:T.. Hisl'utle - • 1 'I did, madam,' replied I, 'and am ja•tl," eent noble and gallant ewer as an officer i t I" -mnished for my -vanity. I was ashamed to tha:American service is well known and has i „„. n ,,, spect „,i, e , b e f ore s t rangers, an d as I insepafable joieed his name With that noble i tl i n half blind my eyes read Thursday - , and I ''tritg•Zie to w lt'it''alre owe "'present exaled I rink as a nation. I never ieferred to my note again. So I have LI lost a 'clelightfu hl inner, but =amply repaid , era got a is the Courts nninber of year; a snit Ii been in 1 hi' finding you and your children alone, for gress orthe District of Co ; now 1 sl a iii; hare what, is so rare in London, lumbii prosecatod by Lis co ll atera l h e i rs, ro-I to strangers, a social evening. Tatke my . ruil recover. 111;2 nrlpetty !en. be him at hi., de• I vie e, sir; and never ender ter 'to cheat jolt! cease in the; country, whia now arneunt to i Tinae, or he will cheat you.' ... ' ' .• $50,00. We believe that a final decision)' . . . - has,bee.n realerel-estahlishine• the relation- ; Ship of the claimants aud the validity- of their ' i t• -- z , - At alate public meeting, the follow- ~ d , ,e I claiLu.—N... F. San. V - : ng .3. foal was given. . The author will get " buttered" when be reaches home: . : . es.' ax . r . The Prete, - Pulpit, and Petticoats.—The • lIIETIA.N NA TV R.E ON . A EMIDGX, I .• _ On TAKING TOLL. i three rulityr Powers of. the day : The "first D . 1 spreads knowledge, the second rootals, and It was a winter erening clear and c01d..1 the last spreads—considerable. and the. :snow iraA finelt packed, when -Dr.: --;.--....' ' m 5.....----- Meadows, was one of the sleighing party, whiph he desoilt34, so f. 11" At he and the. young Widots , Laml-dcia iveee coneenied, in the words foliowine : TEISDDIpIUS KQS.CIISCO. The tive!r %ViJow Lam7)km Ant in tlie P.jitno 616;4, tinier the rune batl3lo tame with mn. "Oh l 01l : - don't, drin't r' she exclalmeil, as We paiiie to the first toile, at the 53:11r ?hoe catcliing me by 111 Z :arm. ind turnina her !veiled fact ti3ward me', widie her . litile ' eyeitwinklel Ll:r,-,:5,.0 the malrs!ialit. “I),:a't that l" lapked . f - 7' I am not doing Any , lilting." - , • "WelL ire I thntinqit, Ton were gr,ini to :, - take. toil,' rei g ;ie. I Mr,. Lantl.o!t;n. ~ "Tfni," I rejline:l:" whit , that r -. . “Avei:, 7.,ie.:,13re:" er:.t the =Wilow. her I lear. laugh rizging Put aibare. the tno.ie - of 3) , 411,.. ; "y4u prd , .cti.i p. - 1,1 4/1 4 t know what toll is I" . 4 IrOde , :11.31:; 4 1,. then,", I said; lang,',iing ; "pray 'explain, if you plea-P.7 ";;Yea never heard; then," snit] the Widow, • moat Prin'oiciagly--" you never beard that when we are La a sleigh ride..the gentleman alwlys-4hat is, sometimes'- z -when they. cros, a ttrid, 1, claim a kl.-. aai call it toil. But I ti er pas it." - said that I had never beard ofit 1,2r,14.! e but when .we t i 'sris.'s to _tfie tint -- bridge 1 claimedlittratt.t "the Widow's strot,g;e3 . to both tliw.,still .orer her flue were- no: enough to seAr it. Atiala the veil*ns re• Moved,' her'rount ro'it face was turned di rectly toward Mine, an in the - clear - light of e frosty - moon the toll Was taken, for the first time'-in his life, by Dr Meadows. ' Soon sce came tCi.. a long !sridge,..-with...eiveralwrches, the Widow. said IL um' no retie to ivia a MAD wha.wiitilti - hate his - own -way, so she psi& theLfoii without; a - Murmur.' , .. "_ -. •. - " :1374:y0ur .-iron ' t take toll for every -trek willy o ll, Dactor r ti7e-viwow,said sersiehly, tteit 17:could wet-fail to extraet.all ivy d ,_ and ilia& was the begioing. ' i .. . _ tint .'"-neCer .- mind t he rest . The .. .tolciii' hadite. : 3l.*low s all'te herself in Ale Spring.: •- • •-• Oxr. 07 TUE Ylerl3lls:—;:Santitil matt, who *at' killed iv 'hi 'Great ,iltresteit Railroad aociienC'sise a earns r•of Bunting- Jonoottaty, ;Pa, hut farsoten - tinseiesided at Niagara-74114 4 owns the Clifton .lioose, sod at the limey( Ois death was eat hated .to be worth at - least, ft-tail/ion of dollara,, 4r-Zi-n3" merinan •leeilhan:ttieity yearit wprked at his tradee_Whieli .heliVe r vir4l44 1 1 tAaidiatifith, its the _ostattal pyt Orrthis.State.- hosiever. palled up atakessoaeStre =ern lug; turned• his Caen toward the Itettrit . i, aeo aud...hisitunily in Pettasylranla ltita en tinly. Jot- the. - -tliesntiato brY_lffr;k7 fragatrs- ►in.kinz care of his !Arn jars Wat%' "111)Vne be tweto Sp 411irior mg, con sisting o f . . and two !JAM* iithithaiterltesakhiadeiliests • t illiP -4 .:1001 1 0 1 41 1 . 4513 1 4 ..10 4 trice We* s ad debited loibi'dnnsiPtik-Arillutilw btttg ; bpi; tbore.boitrio4ithet 1,111 , 00191, the peotilitiorAgYethy-tifisa, lid*. trAlisViiir • jetted. 11e trvertlie)enc,onsented i nod *Le' tbeyltati e. got not, of the usent ,titre—Ahlee th4t: hnoCit 8 -i. ll '; 4 ,.eiei-4 41 .ke:AMET.Igeog. 4 hi* papoenger i aka de agoo.aiceemPed• that he Au' hit tlutn. bro:her Sam, so Aiiistilsed clutheithut n thirty mites rider totituOt irnae Subsequently the 'De* Reahhy tninker"boi]glst his poorer, prother'.-4 farm worth WS now resides. A Sarsmici yen-tsii e st yciung lady, remarkable for her maturity: and rroo — d sense, daughtei'of a distingtilified vet and .n. member of Congress from'Avrees ter county, was placed at . a • young .;. radie?, boaiding school. trear : BOsten. Der unaffec ted manner and sprightliness won tho'-affec tions of many of the young ladies, who' yeti: full - of their kind ufliees, until_one day, they inquired the occupation of her. father. : Out young friend - peiceingthe 'dialt Of _inqui ries, gave them to untbStatnnd 'o'4 her. fatter wasi a bhoernaker; xiterr .l turtr . y of Theca Were strata with horror at her vulgar origin, and a:change took place in their conduct toward ,her. 'She, however, though fully understand ing.them, remained quiet. After a while the father of the Toting lady visited the school. As he was a good looking I man; and as they . observed the,principal and . others tteating`hiM With - such deference and' respect, the scholars were led to inquire of their instructres.s.who be was and what was iis business; and on being told.that ho was the father of Miss U., and that he was a member of Congress, they made an attempt to renew their attentions as formerly;' but it I was too late. She looked upon their con duct with .itfh contempt that they were I obliged to keep . at a rapectaLle dletance, While those who treated her kindly„without regard to •her lather's suppose] occupation wets ever. after7anls her favotites.—Bostou Journal. SOW! B.INDOLPRS• 8 PECTA - . 'CLES. " nitber," said a little square-builturchin, about tire , yeark o:(1, " Why don't the teacher make me monitor F. omefi:liesi I can lick crew boy in My class but one r! Rhode's Fever and Ague Mae, /AR Antidote, to..Mala.rir.; tor prevention . V and euie of Feier and Ague. or CLill v e r ;-Damb Akne, avid otherlntermittent' and Remittent. Fevess: ylso of - Billions - Fevers, ac companied by Typhoid Fever, Yellow Fever, Ship and Jail Fever, General Debility, Night 1- Sweats, and all other forms of disease which have 'common origin in • MALARIA OR MIASMA. Equally certain as a preventive or cure. I For sale by the undenrigned,authorized agent I f4r the Proprietor, Jas. A. Rhodes, 'Providence, R. L I. N. BULLARD. Mentroole, May I, /1356 • iHARDWARE,.HOUR'FUR- NISHING AND FANCY GOODS. YEA ILUARIT2ETZ Of Susquehanna and Neighboring Counties. - WE would resp ectfully !elicit your atten- Lion to, our large stock of tho above mentioned bloods, now in store end in couroe of reception. For many years the trade of ono of the largest portions of the . Empire State has been retained - by a monopoly, which has at lait given away before the rub of enterprise. Possessing unequalled facilities- for baying, and haring direct cominuniention with the most extensive Mannk.ctories in_ the United Mateo, we say, without exaggeration,- tbatwe'crus mod - will sell, either 'Wholesale or retail, at prices lower than ever offered before west of N. Y. Citr. . While nothing omitted in the,Hard wake fini,iiehAte given fiartictilhrittinleti to` the House.F.orsishipe flitteh oVelir—bAte*egs, an d have isiiimid-rstutoele iieftltrthe in spection of ,House Keepers. Of Faney Oisiditire - have ttleolt large assort. vent i yhteloissins been !elected withApstiat reference-0) itSer Tante er esti etkottir.e think will please Ore ttt„trilefadielesit this are nertr,'•end-4441 first., 94:14,4, 014 ~tbowiej hope, by stiiiiitientittn_lalkstitisess,and aeon stant antielptOM.Vrthe...nriiiment iitiv*titconep to merit even -att ,iipitresslestf the, ennfidettes -ready reposed in cis, - EkowLiros J 40101JA.9_, #. 4 4 Of BiagratameTi:t" , -`• N.B. We Wiwi mtry tarp efie fitoritir4E3;a - 1 .4 1 0 041 ,te 4 1 0 1.,, ~ . 4 ipsaideqialtras Tan rw•it*'l6llT ;7161,01.*. Guts StAttrigi.ote,. • - idorrAYMloB - 10:11.1d A . !Alt '" a erg 3 a 1,3 - • 4..3 Nit Ma is as,Sxtelistiei . . . Aefers twirls ash SIN INVIIgnt lUD Ihllloll% FOR TOIJISIIaITB J VMS Ifitlitt4:Thit.efie.riekitnertra .psidiesee: . CialeettatilSeet;UdiallefitilitMarprnewee am Lund at almost every eak!, as .I.vwjamor Tole latt/g4llllirritela •gthrsl‘alar` ti/ge"faritAtlieditinkftif me, than any other 'dila enyirociwkdge. Many of in, Zaratri nlits pireal4 l" M t" 41try edit, Manes for driving out dbriteoseaad curing the rick. They Ste sot imfg.efecteal. Week aukpleamatai he.takeer ' tputlAW Which ' Mat mat& ,them eithred the .S*C; Arbittr 4711 '' . : - ' • ; • The velatehleaelearallarßF ' ARDLAWatkea taile thecae, ISM April, 1854 : • her 'taken your b treat Wreak. for the flatameem lanimerobwerri appetite, - and Rilbata IntaiFiche, whkh hap of ,Lve .yeara overtake, •me iethik spritim ''A few damsel your Pills cored me. I • have used your Cherry Matta many seen in toy fandly . fort eougla sod mdda with unfailing animert, Tan inks medicine* which airs • indr I feel it a pleasure. to connneod ' ' yea far ifs-gaol 3 , ta lime done and &redoing." -JOHN SRATTTaIari., flat. of the ram Railroad Co, . , " Pa. R. gres;,P.iialepliia Deo 13,1:141, • - f •talte *entre its adding my taelinroy to rte efficacy of your medians, having Arrived cm nintemit benefit from the not of both your Pectoral not Cathay!: I Pine.. 71. am &cream ithout Mg handl', ' , or titan 1. ever eteisearew martnewlll•prortire thete.'e- . The widely renon - tted_s,a STRIWaII, M. 1,., of Wcot. . Worth, N. IL, writes: flaring need lout Carousel-it- ?twin toy pranks, i ratify Emu: 'spent/ice that they Cr, au invaluable pore:- live. In cares of disordered functions of the liver.c.u.-ing • bandeau; indltrestioo; enetivancey and the - mvai oatitts of diem,* that follourobey are a surer remedy than any ether. In pll miss niters a purgative remedy a trquireal, f confidently recornmeed theme Pill* to the littblic,•"es eupedur In any other hare ever found. They are mot in their .operation, and perfectly safe —qualifies uhith make thew in invaluable article for pnbhe toe. 1 hate for aunty years known you Chin Preferef to the ~ .Cough _medicine In the world ; and these Pulls are in no • Wise Inferior to 'that - abed/able prepaatiiu fir the trait. Anent of riiraseem" - - • '' - • • .. 4.. ..fters:Jtrz; Nbe• " Tea Dear flirt. I hare been afflicted font lily birth with scrofula in its worst 6..nin, and note. afkr twenty yews' trial, and an untold of amount of suffering, hare tweireompetel cured in a few %tacks by your rails. With what fselid of rejuicina I write eau only be imagined when you Rea what I bee* uttered, and bow Wag. "Meter until non re I barn freeltutu this biatbtome &wave in acme slat . At times it attacked nirey - m, and made me alanocd bli rl, besides the unendurable pain ; at others it fettled in th eralp of my headoind sleetrored my. hairsalll ha leapt Dan, held it came out In nay far and kept it For months a raw scar. "About one weeks yen I eimimetacml taking your Ca. thartit Pill., and now am entirely free front the complaint. My crew are well, my skin is tau, and mt. hair bas ni itieseeti a healthy growth ; of whirls makimme feel. already anew person. • " Roping tab statement may be the means./ eor.rey iota iniermation that what! do good to others, lam, with every sesitintent of gratitude; Yours: Ike., MARIA RICKER." "I have known the above named Maria Ricker from her elaildboid, and Mir statement et strictly tine. ANDffEW .1. ME.SER VE, . Cavemen- of the PoirtsmOnth Manutactoring CAM. JOLT. PRATT, of the ship Marion, writes from Dosion„2oth April, g&,4: " Your Pillachamacetned She (men a batons murk w loch loose from derangement of-the Liver, u - kith had become rery serious. I had failed of any relief by toy rily_elcian, and faun every renwaly•l could try; sot a rew dives of your rills hare tiempletely - restored rue to health. I hat e Zs: them to my children for warms, n itli the butt They wen ram:aptly cutest:. i recrentneudesl ti.e m to friend for ocietiveneasoebiels had troubled hint Lar months; he told use in a kw day• they lad cured him. Yon make the beet medicine in the world ; - and I am free to say en." Read this from the dimingniebed Solicitor of the Suptenae Court, whose brilliant abilities hare, toads hint hell known, not Only in Clakebut the neighboring state, • "—ltene Orkeas, Stn 4p.il , IM.T. "sir: I lave mat satiefacti.:n in 2 .,,,,, anne • 3 -,s l that myself and family hare been very much It nefite.d by 3 Kir enedicinea. My wife was cured, two jean:snare. tot a so. rote and denten:us csitigli, by- s ask Cutter Pee - I.:e'er, and More thew Jim enjoyed perFert !testi h. Sly children hat r eeveral tiaieft been mated from attacks of the I n tu-• enza and Comp by it 1: is an- invaluable reroely f r tire. complaints. Your f'arieravac riaa, bare moicely cured Me (min a dyspepsia and ro.turrnei". whin, han grown upon me for eon., years.— indeed , thie cat. i% much more important' d front the tart that I had biled t. v.: relief (mm the law rhyArians n turn Kos sectsta te omit:try affords, and from 'nye( the nunienste wane dies I had taken. " You -fain its. Doctor, like a 'prt.vi.leAtial lalmsio; to our fauniy, and you May well .ooppore we at* not Otte mindful oi 'tours re,•perthilly, LEA VI iT Tri AXT CR." Se emir Chiral?, 04ii., 4pr7 541, -7- " Sit i hare in ..ie a th. NISI trial id tLe CarriAaric PILLS, left we 4r viair amt, and Sire been intend by :hem oldie dreadful gheurrate.a. under "%Lich ne n.nnd tae aulTericr. The rt.t nort.ii toe, and a rzilelpq.ent dine. hate erlirrly retuned the di,easia. I (eel in better Leal:li now an:: fit mane 'SAM lef.re,whirli I at:ril.rite entireli !Le etre,t, I'' sputa PILLS. y41:111r ;:eat LCCS US B. SIF:I'CA Tlie ?thrive are all fir , m rieninniii4 lin are ptbliely Anntrn here thry tr•ide, and w no would not nlakr the., krate trent" la' Itivuut a Itinrotigh ertmiction that V.ty were IrLa. Prepared by DR-7. C. AYER & CO., Practical awl Laalitical Chemists. Lowell. Maas ABEL TERRELL . ' - HOSTILITIVS CEASED, - Peace. Declared' Olk: such terms that setureathe right ofevery. nation to the navigotion of the Dannbe,and be it ,knewn to the people or Sasquhanna County, and the rest of the void, that they will find it.to their adrp.ntage to coma to the Temp erance Saloiia l and Grocery hr 51,:in St, Moat ! -rose, Pa., (the only Temperances:dorm in Mont rose) to get Pies, suet' as are pies, Cakes, ,Cheese, Crackers, Sardines; piekted Oysters, Clam*,"Cueumbers, leo Cream, Oranges, Pine 'Apples, Coady. and Segars, Ntits dee. Small Beer, Ice cool Lemonade, and Soda %Voter to eataud drink. At the same place is'a prod.:m -eat:l:lent of Groceries and Provisions, with new supplies every week from New York, such as Tea, choice kinds, from 2s. 9c., to 6s. per lb. Sugar now at 9 eta. Best. Cut Tito 11 1-2cts., crushed, Pulverized and. - Granulated at Is. per lb. Molasses 3s. 611. per Gallon: best Syrup at ss. 6d. per gal. ' ' Pori.;, Smoked Ilan, and Shout. der „ ) 0 dried, Beef Ham, Cod, Mackerel: White and tae Fish, Cheese, Crackers. Lard, Tallow, Stet e patent and Sperm Candles, a variety of Bar, aFet; Shariag do. best - in nte,Cofferiliiee, and ob:ieco, plug and fine 'cut, Cfiewlno and am trig,do - . in tin foil. Fire Crackers and Fire Wo Ft. Matches, all kinds. dried Peaches. Plums. Cherries, Figs, from Is. to Is. 6d. ti...r lb. Prer.es, Zantee Currents, Citron. Fig pate,.,S,',a go for puddings, Spices all kintis, do. _Ground Mustard, do. French Soap. Powder, flahh . itte S 4- - .mrstus, do. and - Washing Soda; Cieam Tarter. and Super Cale Soda Tartaric" Aril, :Licorice, do. root, Fancy; Cindy and Gan Drops, fresh: from N. Y., Cassia buds, Canary seed, Nutmeg., Cloves &e., COcoa,"Broma arid - thatitolate, C 4. Hartle, black and Scotch snuffi Rasins,-from is. to Is 6d. per lb, Satinet. seedits Basin*, starch (pearl', Corti starch. l'atent Nutmeg Graters,and Clothe's pin*, Sweet and Castor Oil in. bottles. -Raymond's Lees. and Wrights Pills,,Salts, Roll Brimstone, Sulphur, Gam Camphor," Vinegar Cboice lot of Catsup, Pickles, Peppe( Sauce, Raspbery Svrup , llavoringextracts„l-la'r Oils.to embelisii and prevent from falling offer turning. grey, Herring by the Box, White- Wash, Scrub and Shoe brushes, Store - and - boor Rh:eking.' Garden seeds., slate and lead pencilit, 4 Axe hand- les, Brooms, Too* • Ache Ointment, an almo4t sure elite for treirna,Spenins, Bruises, &c.-Rue. sian Linament,goOd for man or be t. horse Medicine, together *ith - a large assiatznent of , Children's Toys, selected. with- greitCoT3:f4: I both girls - and boys, among which - Aire small I pails and Baskets, Horses, - Dogs. and Cattle on wheels and iickers;small Tea Setts, Thimbles Cornetiair Rings, Tops. Clarionettea, Aces - mit . ) : on, Harmonica*, • Harp's, .:and . mane 'cririona things, Ladies Baskets and : &sring Birds, Sack Salt. for family. use. Corn Ides Lalso Plea', kept constantly:on Inuad, by the; pound, tack or bits relL .' . . Mama. Oranges and Lemons; mi t , Appl mp Some Egr,e, Butter, Pot:aims, BeSsis,dr.e., taken in exthange, 'The Obese Goodeore for nalefer . cash er ready pity. Thankful for put favors, t, hoPe by stilet sitenden to basineas2nd email profith to gain .a !Jure, abate of patrimage, and thereby all be mu t ua l, : IK!nefJfed, all orders with the ready will beitremPtly'attended to. - s. morr. Temperante,Seleoni . Gror f or an 4 Provision Store in Main et, leiiiitroive- Vat 20 1856. .TAMORINITERTABLISHMENt, 05 MIN 1tt....11222 DOOR '2'o TUE WARIIEROSTORIL PRE iiiifri i itned havivg removed hiaahoß .2„ from, Public , Avenue to Kars *iris,' is •siiimtreeifi4Mst:4llfiailitl'aitiortt*llir cmporiorim„cAettliip4s,,; ';'• l "47.4o!Pfosts., , it,c;:: Wart4Plll-PrelarOale-tot ostsisto der la slaiiithat *MS feii 10.010 , easy favor him with their,mmlaas..,Tb_eas y e w( lag their work aion 1i,_ 1 44 1 gam& Ot4 dim* toattot ism. will Aid $w Sitsirgisewss3hi MilittrOKAlts - 1454.-4tim - . UNAlaiValibalta, ' l l l llo4. l klaillf ANN.' . ; ; prniatitrobtv *bale ith vottip‘rsiii* - r, witetersA4cll6' Ninth attenti - Philtdelptilai-' set had the advent •Itanninstration as the fattening OW tificit tea; the lii'cluninnefactdri orliallinettileti4tifes 'bait if length fully warranted the ppreseptillontrwhiclr have' ibertittfaltd - t oPthiniors 'retideiingtan -doubted' socurity.agai nst Pan..tor,t.rinA, il,kp it 12,856. MESSRS. EVANS% ) . af fordo us theldithilit Catisfattieti la stsieliiHti % thacowing to thevery•prott.ctive qualities - of tvk of tht Bala ustuidCr - Safes which sire -pot rehass4 of . yeutitiMe fetir•nietitha'itenba...; wo hinted alsigh' port lob - f otirJeviciry, , Book l'apers;' , &ei;; , ez poeed• to the c.mitunitoas are in -Winstead 'Kaki; -un the morning of the 1 Rh inst. When' 4e:reflect - thin thvii Safes were Inca. ted in the fourth story of the building no ocen. pied, and that, they felt sulneggently into a heap.' of burning ruins, where On vast concentration of heat eattied the. brass plates to melt„ we es ov not but regard the preservation of,the. sale a bl e contents as most convincing proof of the great security afforded bi.your Safes:. We shall take inner' pleasure in -recommend ing them to men of business as a:suro relianCi against fire., _ • GEosoa W. Salons: Bao. PITILADELPIII4.,_ApriI 12, 18.56. MEiSrks, , Xy.trui. arsiv have, to offer you my testimony file great' s'oeurity, aff4riled to•tny entire stoek of Jewelry,' books; papers, Ste.,Thiripo the recent disastrous eonfia• gration in Ranstead - place; from the filet - that the same were contained in two of tpo . Salamander Safes 'm.innEtettired by you. ' klatirig fallenTiont the fifth stnry 'of the Arti san Building, where they were previously placed and CapoSed to a vast heat for a king time 'the preservation of the vainalde deposits seemed to every one who witnessed the opening and interi= or exaMination, ti matter r of profound astonish! To all %rho may require a perfect protection from the ravages of fire, I shnll not hesitate' to recommend the use of your B:ifen, an . 1 connider t h e y i i . t " )nole undergone thu most. trying.test. . . . _ =•-N. E. :310comi. F4lll. DF.I.PIII A, April 'l4, 1856. MEslas. gv.fots & WAT3o3—Gentlemen—No doubt you will by deeply.gratified to lentil 'the good condition in which I discovered my book. insurance, certificates of stock, and other valuable documents, when nn Friday last I opened the Safe made by your firm. • With my knowledge of its great exposure, hotlt.to the intensity of the -heat front so hit a fire es that which:destroyed the Artisan Build ing, as. also from the force . uf .the fall frost its former elevated position in the third story, I could entertain buitslender,hopes prior to Its in terior inspection; that the content* which I once 50 highly prlied would ever be. of any service to me, but as these fears :we rtow happily removed, _ J feel it . only due to say to von that I can hence." forth recommend the use of roar Safes .to all who'may wish to feel :r confidence in the per fect security which such means provides against so frightful an element. Enwain G.l.srit.t., Bookbinder. Constantly on hand, Patent Powfler and Thief Proof Locks, for Banks, StOres &c. April 1856.2-I . ty I. • .'?r , • po.ReELAIN and Grabite China at • G. W. & rO'S. • Take Notice. ' cIIfXDAY SCHOOLS furnished with Libra -10 ries of difTerept s'zcs at New York retail prices: Call at the Post OtTie. • Mav '7. 1836. Ashton Salt, r 1 OR Dairy and Taide oar, just received and . for sale by the back, Ba%bet or Pound. by 1. N.I.II.;LLAIID. Inne 9. 1354 Burning Fluid and Camphene :FßESH supply, just received, and for-isle cheap, nlsc k , candies, old enough, -.big en ..bugli and bard enough to stand al, , ne. in sum mer time, I. N. BULLAItD. June 9,1856. • • Bird Cages! Bird Cages!!! ijuitTE S, KNOWI:I'ON hayclust received I: a largo and wrii .c:ectt.d apise-tmerit of BIRDCAGES, combining many of the most cegant designs and beautiful finish : com Lining durability' with liglitnesg and airiness of style. From 5s 6d, to 7310, each, drinking and ,ieedcups included. ' YHYFI & KNOWLTON. 51. Cotirt st., ilinohawton. . FARMERS viTlLLfind a litrge Ittt . Hue., R.tAes, Sp:A(.4; Shovels, Graz.s.liooks, Sigler, Cradler, anti many tailor arOt-ler for tilling and beautify. ing the earth, at PHUT & KNOWLTON'S, Bint.tlia.ntun. N. hardware and Rouse - Furnishing Goods. • THIS is a progressive age. No one *doubts it: orif they did, a glance at the tnanitolj writes on witch the lightning whizzes with int portant news, would soon convince; a look, at the. rushing cars would add more emphasis to the last and a .. .is...conclusion. New proofs pre sent themselves each day; eat:ii day we are more anxious to " C..telt the living manners as:as they rise,7 turn them to. our own account, - and tali,. in as much e:iskas pos , .Tble. • Now a clap peop!e are averse to dealing, at c,14-1 takliioned Stores—those e.tablished from ten Lt. twenty years ago. Their proprietors having be come thorott!hly imbued with the high price principle, (or rather lack of principle.) -are un wilting to lower their , 'deco:lnds to a scale more in accordance with the time. 4 we live in. roolred to keep pace with the pmrressive Ipirit of the ate, we have opened our new and sputous Store, No. 51, Court St., with 'a very large.assortment, of Hardware, House Furnishing,, ant; Fancy Goads; which we off,r wholesale o r retail, at the lowest prices, for cash or approved credit. PIIYFE & KNOWLTON, - 51, Court tit:, Bi ghatnton, N. Y. plr• We advise coantrymerchtiati to visit as. The will fifidit advintageouA: LOOK HERE ! 4- ABEL TURR . ELL 4§:jamt , refired from .New YOrk *. 4.fult Li gut 4siWkle stor,k of • - - .=NEW_ GOODS Comprising a 'first rata 'assiirtintrit of Drugs, :Medicines, Chen:dials, - Instruments, Paints, Oils, Dye Stirtis,Cnina;Giass and Ear then. Ware, (a good Variety. of `Crockery,) Brit annia Ware, Japanned and Planished Tin Ware, Silver and all other kinds of spoon's. S7lver ,Forke, Batter Knives; itr. Alt 'sorts of Lamps.' A good variety . ( ! f Wood and Gilt Finn:in Mir rors. Wairciid Window Paper, Stationery. Stoniand Woollen Ware.. Brusbes: Brooms. Family GrOneries. Lamp Oils. Camphene.-,- Burning Fluid, Tallow Stearin and Spermaceti Candles. Gide and other Whips:.Varnishes. Window Gipps, A first rate yariety etry, and Fancy 'Goilid 'Gold - slid Silvei Spec. taeips. =Gold Pens. Violins, Flitea; - -rifesi:SeZt roofs:am. Violin and-Veolineello'Strinew4te.-L- Vna:hrgest':t *month ent 'of Poeket;KnWti sin Sum: itiid tine beat:gustily in Market; Shot Gate.- Pihtols, (siugle-ead Double Berrel,) Ra bretert. the Physiehut. the leraltd,the'ffetee: I - keeper. the Fame& theAfeehanie. the Mitiefet: laser, thePtefetehmal Stan; thelketietean; the Lady, the Rich mad the Poor, the YPltseirodOld; ,the Rewetifeltßui the Ugly; the - Gratited the Yeshionable, and ail the refit of -the 'week will _fistiVsfiiethist to lin pilythe ettrwraitA 4646 at Tiitra: , - Ottefriti tirclimr• Brick tiaelr= 4 Ptireiloii-i.: 6 - te r• ABgLTUBBIBLIi.. iis6. I Firrhe F 1 rr aliguilt: t T'artelreLjpi Broto..andlif9reliremroGo6l,:i. irjr .ifai sM-o r bait aide itedip AIIXNX-IstFALledo WINTER GOODS thatiAtblinittanterleaCatter. stailly • coniplete, atCrosketiousit add as'io* as ifitildireit,:whorirterCastr f ildrer splitottittredit: ts. l 'n Y• 7 5 , , Tzt s: Noir blatant. NoC1111:1856.,' • I • • ,itrtikb„ o :9, , Jr rfttiettorinei Otiltrol r a 13iiibi Robei new siLtic liAsCroieriea' glienp 40-g al!to Nuk , ; 211 tfa, Fr-r, 11 .94gilif;' OY;Ber 4 9 1,, f 1 P0 44414 ". 4 1 Penn'a. . IHE siirilitinr'etio: and wt 11 selected:monk of new-Gotide: COlll4l Air g or Dry Gotidig, - Gtot4tips:4lardariire, Iteady•lltad:. 'CI othing,q3oota itid•AittiON' of 1111 - sizea and at if twi,'Flott r,;Clirri Meal, flitit.Atis: ; 4e.c . , All of which 'they b:on be booghi visonAerolu t ttliCoaney; ;in exchange for' LorabO•r;' Pr~dnhe .of 'all. kii:l4: WOolen &Wks, to comb sapproved • t. '•-•• •i Turn shitlingalx.r pair paid fOr goollSoalte.' Sixteetretei. , pordon. far Egga., • • Twenty eta. per lb. for Batter. • • • ••"' BEM: TINGLEiY: - linpbottom. April 91. 1856. - • XTRA Flour fro t ru J. to. &di Uars per Ed: bbl., for sale nt I . AS:' MDTT:S.. . - • . . .. - 11 - 31i):F4 41t. KNOWiI:TUN are Agent* for a ..1„. pamtoer of' Manufacturers, and.aill Rapid)? I tio , Trade :an stay teratr,,audiat a . law -. prize al their Hardware..Haim° Furnishing and fancy Goad" ; Establiahattati ~. 1 ~... ...:_, ~ Ammunition. BLASTING POWDER: Safety- rase, Gun. Powder. Shot, Lend, Gun Caps;and Worni, erg, Powder Funks. Guns, Revolveri, . Pistoh &e., at:the Store of . sloiitrose. OA. 15. 1858 TO THE LADIiS. WE are determined to aait'tho;Lltal6i,'hai: 1,1 ing their Fomfurt eared qt the importer,:. a large assottthent 4.1 t, 'FANCY, GOODS. • • • which must certainly please eveirthe moat. fits, tidiou, taste. • . • . . We have a fine stork or flair, Nail and Tooth Brushes romprising many elegant styles.. , comb's we hava elcten'aive varietY.lnniu dine many of Intiia Robber, Iron and:llorn., - • - We have, beside, many other Fano , Articles, too numerous to mention. Call and examine our Fancy Goods. MITE & KNOWLTON, _ 51 Court Sv. Britannia Ware. A VERY large 1 1%r:1 , 1; E :4 4 K. BinfTlthmton. •-. PATENT' MEDICINES &C.- AFFLICTED READ Gr.STIMMEfra• Nis , mentts•--Negentble - -TillS Green -114‘u'iltilii •Gibtareitt, SarAtParila Compound, ChiliFensranareS, Eye Littiinn.Peii yer and Ague Remedy, lit•alth .Bitters i Dyi4en tery Syrup, Clinsuniptive's Baler, Marshall's Ctr. rine, Catholicon. Duct. Libby's Pile Ointment, and *Manual or Ileaiih. . Ayres Pills and . cherry Peetornl, Tanner's Germar:Ointrnst-nt. TraNks Magnetic Ointment, lionmettys Ointment and pill s. Darin p a i n Kuser, Doc!. fiketes Elcqn :Cturector... liennetea Root and Plant, b;ules sovereign 'Balm, „kind Wrights' Ind;an Vegetable _p ills,' • Rlatirs 'F' , . ver and Arne Cur". -.1/eraiiiie Garglinz Oil, Arnie.' Liniment. Camphor tor. Oil, Pareiror it ie. Aloes. l'it'ers. Myrrh, Lief, u ec,&e., &., itt... a near suppy just received, to e kept cungtaptly f on hand, o i r sale by ' 7 . 'Montrose, Oct,, 1 856-, I a 13 T_ T e r d t . : ; : n l 4 LOAk he l)e - s p, i,zi s tze i rnr wibtyot st U. iirtiet;ridt%t-- Now NI iltlod. 1836.—n46 I L T EW Jewelry, . Per.ume . ry, Fancy Gorsih; .1.1 Croce:no., Paints. Oils, Drugs, 3l3terials fur Lights, &e., Just received . by ABEL TUIt.REL, 31rintrAse. Oct. Bth , 1.856. TABLE: and Pocket Gitlery, a great variety, 1 at very low prievq. at PI 1 YFE & K NOWLTON'S PATENT MEDICINE AGENCY. ABEL TUR•RELL, Mrintrose, Pa., DRUGGIST, AND AGENT, - FOR ALL THE POPULAR - . R;172 - .NI EITD11•1211-s!J Or • TUE" D AY. Consignminis Constantly Received. New Goods-at Webb's- y UST opena by tnoDicciber a Pull assott (t/ • rnent of Spring and•Sanner Goods ; which will be sold cheap, Cheaper than ever. GiVe us a call. You nannot fail to bo suited or q.ialitr. quantity, and terms. Everything f;ually found in a variety store. - H. J. Webb, TS now receiving his new spring Goods,Whieh he cifTern at his usual lew priers. ` ..- 11 , ,ntroite.11.r4 11. 1858. . ' • Horace Builders - Depot fOr haunar.Cottetty, at New Milltotar. • • . EIICKERMAN . AS: GAItRETT are givknges... peelsl attent i on to the improyetnent eon-. tetnplated in this County .the cointing seasono and now °Ter .a.helpinz hand, by ketptug -con stantly for sate a large quantity ot.Window sash and glass," Blinds, Doors, Nails, Paints and Oils; and a complete, assortment of builders Ware, &e. Those going to put up 'Houses in, the Spring Will find it for their , interest to gi ve . 04 a call. We can furnish every, thing you: wantand at the very lowest manufseturiniz ees.. DP:KERMAN" & GARRATT. New Milford,:Feb.B. 1856. -- - The . Cheap Store, HD. 28 . 10 - DYI aTkltt 7P rftHE undersigned would respectfully inform *l_ • the inhabitants of Binghamton and eicinityi that he has reemitiy purehast;dof_rolward Priest his' I argerand well selected stoekof ; DRY GOODS , , . wh;ch he his removed from La Fayette Mock', to No. 28 Court Street, one door aboyi the American,Hotel. This entire stuck has been purchased 'e6nald', erably betow Sew York coat,,etiongti - '14;30 warrafttlibn , :a hit4ul'setli Goads cheaper tban : an be bought at any other *ore to town. . 'NEW SPRING ANtr . . Summer the above stock tuts just been' added's bite invoice. k;f - Speingf and Summer .Goods of the latest styhti, which -Will - bercloiMl out at great ,hargsina, „ The Stock toiiihtti isf tistrieof Goodeovii; Fine townie fast, 'colors; (multi 18e. pee yard; Cslietnistdiamesinin, and-%nitli teem 41e.-to 1-Ic.;. 'per yard;Weritiniek and _Co: "elveco - Prlnts. atll4.tilleartisatindllroai*Sheek.• tine* and Sltittite".frons '4e. 41)1^. WI: par yard; Ki n t rig kr Jeans, from lig..3aAci 2L ed.,perird; - Lair( Mau from 6 - I.4aiifills."6d.k -par pair; ainghtuisifrcan 1 0 e 4 a 2 1 1 e:peryardIertaiisea from 10c. to 3s. per vanip 4,Ai n e• Timosittstilte iitd Caunttrpiinq leurtahis acid V.lisparfoti fihateds.:o3loverv'TabfwEeeiatly Soot. Enthenlandasi 46.4.1m5.. Tratikf,lhdieerited;Bsprof all aims attd ; * es t.: • In, mittib;l,2llCouris . tieett. Ttiotiliesat otthe porehosinittorarbenr;-- •:10,113 : 41111111110111 W Rintliikeleiti:llollll4. t 856. , • t pis 51 C.;qriSireni. ABEL TURRELL. 1. N. BULLARD. A•' • - THE subscriber is, now receiving his second general purchase of GOODS this. Spring, which renders his assortment very s esirnble . .anti complete. :By strict. : attention ..to businesii and by fair dealins. he hopes tomerit n liberal share of : public pw:ronage. To those ,friendir who hat:a : yielded to him their preferepees,,and.lindly sustained him by their.patronage: with..thet. in tention of aiding,..Sini in regaininino in part: I the heavy loss recently sustained; by tenders his sincere /hanks; with assurarsce : that.their interests shall be az ceuall y.prantnied., Notice. pnaso_ ms desir.. 4 l ~f.- p nyipg de money t !on. of any aeseriptionpin do so 6v . leardg their patinent,with'll•ost, : CoOpe,r Ban kers; Sbiniroae, to my credit, wboee receipte ; will be allowedirom thifir iLate. tf C. L. WARD. April 18. • • New GOods Cheap for Cash.. - : -w, iltOtT has jusf:ieeeirad another Idt of %.1 • No* . GOods. suet;: as thallis. ° itatg,e'' Lains,De Bagts,Giinflttins, Coitarsx Ertfiroidery Lawns, &e., &e. WHICH HZ vent LOW •PRICES.:„SUNIMEff WLS. enevilq! just nieeired-‘—beantifn I patterns' at -ie+ low 'prices. titan' CR A PE and - BLACK SILK 'SHAWLS allow as the lowest. . ' ' • 2, TO, the. Citlieni i lino" gaAB Firri.No AND FIX ruTtm, , ,:fliy - fe kjl.-&knowltoir, are it t. -all time r s ready to;lit- - seri thy INK in-old, or new bouwwin.a man like manner, asd loworieea. -Tboy :bee a fine surairtinent-of Chandelietg nta,,Portrible. BracketsiGlass_Globes i :and- Fancy'Psper-Shades. - . Mr. Blscbtatie. , . who enperintendatipt,woik' has-hadifinrh experience Au tbierlitukha ltieiw York and, Brooklyn: - Orders solicited. .; - - P.IIYFE di KNOVVIttOL No rlPFlArfflong - ea Phyredt keep alatitee s dhlassorialiAt have, • cr:viVe 1.2.3 el Bow ,FlAret. 4 e, 1 Nu* ,"TA44./ 13 0 11 093-fif owl itgl* te bitsitr - - „-,1•1„, elerwerered.ta 'the isitizensTa l atoente,ifityaamigi haita,',or astylvtiter -Waxiirt baldish asevesd tautit , ier-teohr i * 11111,,Wead.orSeyhtaeriallieeklrieritwity, waitl shat la U 6 per weetAawieithatt elb ow ,iituilteAlaiettimrtri , ennewpolthr:l4loll4r Agifessetszermal . twttitifttardatalefr oaßtaiti athorowilftfibitnepq, , :i _eY , ifaurt 41 , 1.,1-1 13 .71 PaYitHitaiii[NOWVPlWi - Hardware, Haase Ferakhirgereed Pinevlatiodie le Hataldhshawskill4CatertAt.; Bhiglanieft .. WiatiljolahtlyAßask eVr'tt MOVIMUNO. g .;v . tai.l arizumphantri. W. l tiltYtd!itTit Ii&-‘ , 131.0arttirow ik) 1, 01.041"/ viteatiavivitli peat 4sits regarifle thetaideil andnisiwta ilendidifdes fei,l34 — Kotffititindehtiiii, GefierMearilpf,f3upie, add CrcieltoryVliaitheare . ind 40V 4 iithit, 11 . ,:itlir will' tilde for'pri)intit—lury; is rmt;iijiticcilt than' ntiy . otltet - iiittibiletiti4tif td this' , ;;;‘,. ;. we wooki444;lll2it they itarti nihtbieltfargbitei, it*ittakitillntrsi Goodriirotichs44 entledifor thelr-kitti; I tie - 4h4iers , t,-itenii tmottili initik et !'`Drnii Iti ihii ars& tate Olpttskrei.tit)ttinp , , yotrAlft 4 ilietti.tind-ebo4ett lit , nar if(l+Nitliyat#'vevet.aaW Ihi1 hi Harrord, Mav ,8, 1856. INTOPDEN, Wi ' V V •Itifighain.ton: '• r. • To. ~SPOrtsrnent „„ Fistihey Tackle. ! ." Uinta 4iNfleit Phila 144 111511 . 11tfE & Ng MON- tiix Band ~ a' splendid 'lbt of tog Jtoda, from. Is t 6 . 1810 each. - fro'nt 3ets:, Reels, front $1,50 to $6 itatiOrt went et artificial Dalt, never ka-fotle viinalital in this virin7tp : includhigrFrolierillice,G litaa. Leath er. !adia IT, hber, Per hit; Gilts* Hoppers, Shrimp, Spinning Boit', C.--Put ent tipoothitOtvord c.ateitint graos vihiltthaliing Patertt 'Spring ITOoke - fOr- 'Pickerel 'TIT 'Pike:— Mixt. - 410109,ern, Doctille4fooksi ineVir and irnproved mode of Cati-hittc , fritr. - W ore a t,intd Klock:of-oring, RideNitei. volein#, eingio'ond doable hatrel4 PistettePow. der, Shot. Water Proof sod othcresipii, hunting Hortui, Iltiikey ite • Powder: Pouches, Garue Botti,Tetisperanee Bottle g, 6r.e..44e. - • -; - .. . , in fuer we loweevery ertirte,of Sperling sp. parutps. Hooks, for. outtioa fishing bribe burr. drv4 thouesnd. PHf kE de. KNOW Le'l'ON.: • 51 Conn st, Binghamton. • NEW GOODS CHEAP • AT G. W. JtOTT'S.,--'. • • ilYSTrecelted 'a lot o'. Near Gonds;sintOn's De U De Beers, Peramettaii; . Perstat peens. - (iiithanar, Merinos. Prtnts....arid Shawls, in fact a gonerst assortment of try- Goods Which wilt be sold low • - : . ; •': 1 W ANTED—Socks/ Figgs, B oft er;l.4rd;Cheeili, Flannel. 455.. e., any gnantitt n •exchange. for:Goods at cash prices. , P. W: MOT?. • Montrose r Tept. 1555- • , . 110 4 L y L e 0;r 4 V.N e i r y, P . i p L ec i,B ol. .41. 4 sN i P li O n r a N . LAl th E r N t j e . Pills . . The Balm of a Thousand Flowers. tang Liniment. '.Dr. Ifalsey's Forrest Wine and ,3lyets, Extinct of Rack Rose.:And :near; Iv all of the .11edieines in' sUrli.ei 0815„a1 the •Dr3i, Fancy Good% Ji-wtliy: rind Stare of • : 'ABEL.TI.TRR.ELL.„ .3lontro - se, January, 107.. -; - • • „.. Attention Farinersl--1 1 1OiFrOintii °Fain:mat every pattern and kint&ntow,in moo; also, No. 2, R. -L. illatehley ,Plows. and Corn Plows, may be had at any time . of day, and until 10. &erne): at night, In exchange tor. Cask 4.1 d Iron, Grain, Eggs, or any kind of ready pay, of . 1. N. BULLARD., Montrose, May 1,1856. . . , (7) OLDand Spect:.cles. a new . 161 jut kjr receircii, comprising all ages; Anzurt Refricrerators• 0 ~ . . JUST remven :1 lartze lilt, at prices r a n g ing from $3,50 to 8 .. 2j)r). . PIIYFE. &KNOWLTON' Binaltamtnn N. Y. " DARASOI,Sand.Faus, ne ., .V styles nritl t;11;)ice I L varieties, at . G. W. RETICULES, for Ladies, a lar,goj'assc,lo- meat at • rrrYFE . & IKNOWLTONS. From the Binghamton o.!moerat,:AprillOth - . SPLENDIII 13.1PativtliENT.Vire - have - befort; noticed the new store erected by A; Esq., adj..ining the Bank of • Ilinghatntoo; to Lo , occupied as a Hardware Store hy . ...3leisri. : lhYte & Knowlton. As it approaches ciinipletiOn it deserses more and more the praises that :have been bestowed on . it. and is . nniienbtedlyin its, style. arc! ippointinetitiVhc 'model stefe'of the Southern Mr. now patting id their Stork. one larger ana iarirci coal phis than hai hereitorore beeri ke'pt iii this plaet:. : embracing all the ilepArtritintw'_ Of. Hafdivere.. Bnilders Finishing 3tateriSls:',Gafg ture 3,;&e, &c. Mr.`l3lnekstone; an eiPerienced end-ready workman.stiPerintends the .Groy FittirigHlepart:' Lookin•at'Phyte and Kn-nviatrinte.-. ABEL TUOILL. ilnntrcise, April. 24. 1856. Jnne 13. Binoliamtnn. 0 1 1 '. I l Atine Plinusuro sown:lrrttgßX9+r,llle)LAlSO_,.` ttettrllit UglarlSO 04 041 . TERM ft--ttAttevst! tn. nd w i ne, $2. 00 ‘f tn-WVOttid witioitltiVtiiMii,o4, ;nit 101145 eat 3of ifropoOtinted omit st. itifolikt4 itttkicri'ticopt-litlirtitoption of a s Petb?fsititil:l--Mi'ebtOtoudiesitiOlitteormeeteit with thd orl'io;-tol.tititifolittoothiti*ost, diowted -to tifititEin!riatti,P3l66l,fiiiiiilktcO.Pit. s of Adirifelistasi Poe, Mu xiii.(i4 nPl ' onie): l 94 ivoei l 44ol.oo ZP„ 40 11 4M 11 1, 1 4 00 4 q),.. : 1126 4, 4 ;t* 4 4419 eithretin 1 4 11 14 ah ' LOO 24r141PplCliZZIOPPPY:4'4::1 ' _ 4 40 1 49° 44 # 1441 .1 2 °1 111 4 113 ;°99' 3 . ° 4 :4? 640 3,t0 Onlgoorgr, z ,a -• ; -- a - t„ , r, .1• /0.60 - 37 t 00 30,00 yttibly ullivrAisf4 ' ‘,49 - 4eptrkttli ti. tt, GasinuFd 4!, 001 , 14 eripipd. ; atd are conaidered ns wihhing,io v 4,04400 .adstetiaiie unh.. w 4 PPY - thail giP ) , 4 #l.l4liptik fit . a 4 i 4444 "! 6 uanv't 't`fltbe fRPft-• , =• •-- 11121 M - " 1140 4 * 0 , 11 / I LT- ' - Er" The PublisherP.Tirig added, to their/di Printing Inateri k di a large - andtrpeifor Slibetie +tient 61 Yolk Type .; tere n du; prt red. rot. 14( Wnrielii a- r ninety:moil! .10' Oils sit. ttob - ()!COUntry, and on reirki ! ritkirli . tersits. ._4)r printed Pt_ ucsinss- pirttbri. VAIL-4C - 11111VIIIDA674' 1 5 1 ' 173I ' CIA - N1 AND pfli,o, Depot, VAIL" - „ Win. W. !I MT idk Co. Muniiiiiptdirs,foot Main Stiert, 'Alirtfiiffitie;l'a".• • ' • • ' imeAur; ,- ...turrtit, . heat Searle's tiptel,Mop - disi-s aud fi riesdayst Memel) 145y1 ABEL ; T Via RELL,3Iorrn thin PA, efit;i4ii is , e Stutrbi t Glase-iiemPaints, Varnishes; min 'dote Gro,eetiee; Fan4y Goods, Jewelry Perfumery; 4Ste. l ,-'—end - Agent forall of. As to es Peppier Patent bi.etficinee:: • • JOHN GIROVIE.S, . rash op under Searle s ac' Streit,Mottemie; Pi.. JOHN COISTEN, VE,Fr.r.rt rr Stoves,:rin,,Ccppeinkt . Sheet Iron vit to; deniGieat Bead Depot. -13 • A..Lathrop i bDEALER:fa r it',4ll , : lif,dii 2 Croth i in g , fiats' - and Capr.•Bu t - .7 - 141'Store opposite B!nrle's.tiviel. onlroxe CI D. Lilvoldr, and t: w i t • h - - .1.1).1V. ItmEit - • Dr. R. TBA.yEa. 11Y$1CIAN sind Burgeon ilantroie P Ojrzte in the Fticibrert Store.* ,• - . . . FRANKLINTRASER, ATTORNEY AND , UuONSECLON AT LAW,lllolslrolle attt:rill"lnithtulty .to ail business 0- '-tiuNted to. lam in the countyol ~negorsar a. Conveyancing notisstiiiintof aft binds %Hilts doho neatly; anti - nhtirge•tooderit c : Zle . st also attend to the prosecution otolairar of . sot. "titers, their witictsva and_it e irsogtainst Ito U.N. governmentjoi Bo OntY tntii-Penaions. & e. May be founiltit all hours zit thr °filet. former!) necupied . lty J . T. Ric-In:id, Ei4t-i north of the Couit-Houso.--18.53-13 • - _ X C. TYLER, • interested :with litunti 11.1.1'01:1E/t AND DEALER . 11 urdunfkat i d Cut I ery,' Cal:tinge Trittimings. . : ('tart: Street. . Wimp! his . Slk.rea n tile friends, in thit , and othir Con nt 1e5.4,3re kindly in sited:l,Bnd earnestit l ir Fd in cult J; H. Tiirson - ra • WriotilAir. Asp fltrAir. DE,tx:rit its Cabinet IVare;• - • soras; Acd.stcads, T4b103, Stazds •-•Chuirb, • 9 "ft o. ng on s , Y. Ware-itontn-up • • .• .7 •' .' D. VAIL - N. D DI-IYSICIAN 'arid Stirtivon. has • permanently lovated..imq!r, IlSruclintryt:ille,"..Surq!a tounty,'lleiin tincl attind to WI calla with wti - ieh.lle th ay be tartired: - • 31Oie, task.:--yi.)- , • - • --A. • Pickett, . , , , Jusnr.;, OF THE, COIIOCIOF .of Debts. / Eieen or Deed's, Cont.raft. &c. of tieo, Lunt-Hie, Wyominecutrity; Pa. • - NI at- 9,. _ • • .13L114D .DOOll AND . GLASS Dli!OT, Ph ell LF , TlitrT - - BY D. BR,EWSITSR. Ali siies deseripiloas,•tn- . tiny : ifitantity nnitie to order, orfuinis4ed on the'ilhartest se- HAYDEN- BROTHERS, •- - •• Neu- - • EA et 'Butt ons tt Watehei Jetrelnr, Silver Intl -Platted Ware, Cutlery, Filming Tail: le, Cigars:4 - c— ace Merchants anii - Pecicitefii Airipplied on libera JOHN LiAYDEN "-* EB = E.Thr. WXLitIOT s G RA DLIATE -, a,thi. - Aliop;thic and fib hie ',C6llrges of is no w plrinonen!ly locoi44.in'Pl*nißenit April Int. 1856. ,„, . .TORN. SAUtTEiti, ENASIITON,ABLE TAILOR._ ,Shop.lirat door fit ho:Fitemimfrtatgret •-- C. VV.'3IOPT. okr,riblsrat sosrs ii3irciitsrint .om' DeAtztes_ilt, •- :tine L ~ !Otttss east cart ..: t 't - ,, , ' ;.- %;',': '')'' I :::: Asp` :-!ii : . ?= l,i4-0 A'il i rl ti.ieviri A pivisiti . , „.,,,. , .• ~. '-'.7 .. ,' -, ',' "1, , -; '- '4". , f , :f.': . ficifk. ',IA i.:W4-. , t71 .7 0,11'.4tr...i. t• tii.gpoit.-thpiow g ilic: :11E$RY 1 1.701.311,", -t_ ti ii o rk• Ifiw' - 4 . , • The itibltc4l:l41 1 I:l4Ablive, hOleAti4lte.'er4Very - cilido - iit if its various tirßiktvi:t9fiid Fay '.lh itorebahts, wito,4lll3o.lotifg : 'tootle getv $4•0 06- 44.4ir t p.;a0,4iistittplinovointie's.ttelit iiii.irgeick 14 ,miet ortheilittid ki Rttn - lifewiri;rll; • 1 1. 1 *Arftakept -OA gultoi..:Thely gnat `itre' . or stad chinv : pitjerns. ThOrlprisoNyi hide Cop ,! , ffex.st iii, 'title re Pc,q 44, pr,op, 4.ii4.111.4 r)t. *Bilious thridt tirti? Aiwit IntOresi :tit-i 14 ,10"P" Sel; 4 IfftßY 40) k• 46Av nik lan. iiz €Y . CatilltrY 1 6 1 , 41 4 1 :1 101111 4! rarPliktrg T retel l ,04fit prilt:R„.;lC.A.9VVAtirifOrtik. r • ' I 421: a t Penna. AITL-Bnuirnacis. tit, LATH; IXACY g - 14AT-PL;N. . , • 4yl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers