- ---- ----------- ---- ---------- ---- 7 --- the provision" andgustrant les witted against Tile News. the eueronclukient of the government. As I _o es , Gorman,_ - u e mi eueso bs. - b ss i ssue d , we have already said, the right of property irt proclamation for, an extra sizati on of, the a slave is etr_esslv-conferred iktlio•Vonstit ~,t l 4 . - I_opoilifiii,yeritoty,rit thlilftik - ~ Ai Lion, and guarantied itreverretati. >This' in language too plain jo ; be.--Inisttidetitoed ; rfror te purOoett4lmacting the isoceßsary. la and nu words Can be &mid in \ -the coistitu- i to eltatile ihe'peoide.to frtrui a !Stein COO tine giving congresegteater fewer eyertslavettiluiiiie, ptufal*ter tk -'or•zroottu y ' than oitfr atffother iiiiscriptioa of prs'ive' sly. 1 - e,, 41. 4...... , - ~, ' -.-.. __,„-- e t t ri ee •-, v : k ) It is theteiVre the ep'asion *Of this court that ch ' """ 4 g'" °t ' at a las "eB4l, the wet or ~...09 2r e... which prohibits.. citizens I Congress, in aid of the railroa ds of fl*M . il l ordillg propesty otthis :Ammeter nittilil TeriitiO ii: "- '--- If a certain tine, is not warranted by the eon- i —lt is said that President Buchanan con stitAion and is therefore voids and neither 1 Dr - el SCotf nor any etie t-flis tail-14 iii e lleittratiet•Witsithiire rresdetioWon the tolled,' up* free. by their teAdeneeiuJilineis. Thu lof Georgetown, to avoid the sickness with Tilattalif ; ' ttlig ihn:fi citizen •'- of -11issouti,, but I, which former inmates of -the White House l easoktildA.sla:h.,.tel therefore had_ xto right / fi ß i e b eer "' iiii et - e 4 4 1, ming that season-of -the titiTo-Iti a court - of Oftlt - tnlied'Stsites. ' - 1 • '-' The - court ilaYin:: , dins . e:anlined the Case i I.'e ar • '• • • -: -. as "it itaidi 7 .under ti ie constitution, proceeded 1 '' . -Theßank f• -N' c` o _ ew• astle, the credit of to otterpoittm saying', Its Scutt was a slave • . '• • . which has fur some weeks been impaired, has - .AO:he was brougt 'back to Missouri from Illinois, he Wlts"under the law of the former i finally stopped paytnent. -The amount -of ititt t int oraid latter. It has been settled by i coin in the bank on the 2'Pth inst.-to redeem - ilk highest tribunals that ari individual deo; : notes amounting to overitt.oo,ooobeini. e just tot . eeituire his fre-etfom under such circus:a - - - t f our d o ll ar ,. 'lle ' Cashier, Mr. Waew nse ller, stances. :sit appear s to rite . co has, is not A : h .. ; , •'4 said ,, absconded. with fifty thousand citizen of 'Missouri, uor a citizen of The United ; dol i - -. , Mate", Who could sue in t he United States ; ars * . courts, this court can give 130 judgment, and ; —lion. dolin A. McClernand of Illinois hence thesuit :nest be dismissed, fur want of ' has been tecommended by prominent po' liti jurietlimion. - \ ' - i clans of that State for tbe.missiOn, to 'Russia. ... . . - - • 1 —The new Appoitionment Bill pending I. ) % 1. '. 9 outtost • giemocrai.s; before Ike Legislature proposes to make a tail . • - . % .Senatorial District of Susquebanna, Wyoming 1 and Wayne, and of Susquehanna.- and 'Wyo. 1 tnirig,'a Representative lliitriet.• yJ.B.NicQOLLI 7 3I. ' A.J..GERRITSON, .r,i.'"0 . 14. 'MOSE, PA.. Thar day, March 26th, 1857. Cyclopedia of Modern Travel; a' DE-12OCRATIC .§TATE TICKET. d. Record of Adventure, Ezplora tion and Discovery, for the past 50 year*. Prepared and arranged by Bayard Taylor. This is the title of a . magnificent octavo volume of 950 pages, ' neat) y bound in dark . FOR JUDGE OF ,Till: SUPREME COURT, ELLIS LEWIS, leatlier;ernbellisned with five fine portraits on• Of Philadelphia CU',, and illustrated by over forts wood en groVings and 'thirteen authentic maps. Mr.'Taylor is a good scholar, a fascinating waiter, an experienced traveller, and eminent ly fitted to realer a work of this character interesting and instructi v e. It is a book of Decision of the Supreme Court end the great merit, and we doubt not it will meet falsehoods of the Opposition. b From the Republican of week we elk, with ready sale. the following: Oliver Lathop of Springville is the only person authorized to solicit subscriptions fir to the of.itsag.c Tangy r; slaves may be boeght and so i l a, well,; the "C;frlnpedia': in this county. We agree id,renn.livanin iu Sollth Carolina, inns- with_ our neighbor of :he Republican, that .much as the C3n , : tittition is Hlperior to any Mr. Lathrop deserves the thanks of the com- FOR GOVERNOR, WILLIAM F. PACKER, Of L,ycoTiny Cozinty. FOR CANAL C031:;11SSIONER, NIMROD STRICKLAND, 0 j : C,7testcr Cottiiiy , Stato laws, mid the - Censlituti . ou guarantee; ' triunity' for introducing - two such valuable to citizens the protection of their ngets of ‘ books 43 the "American Statesman" and property. - " Cyclopedia of Tr ace?." ;We ptint toeley, cemmenciug Cl:'. fi rst prize, .1 - __^ ^_ •an abstract of the opinion of the Chief J us- 1. From the Washington Union. '- , tr tiei:, ' and hope our leaders wii,!, give it ae r.t- 1 History.of the Died Scott Case. tentive ferusel, eo that they will he' able to .It is due to. the public that we remove the fanatical Limr.iression sought to be Made by political eorreet the nateLrepresentations of the e- -1 . , agitator s that this ease was got up and !lush opposition re.i , pecting •t. '1 liet thelConstitu ? , y. 9 e -to a final conclusion in the Supreme (:3ourt, tion is "superior to State lans, - and' tliat it.;L .i y the fr i en d s of the present- administration, protects " citizens in their tights of prop as a psrty movement, or otherwise. On the we cannot doubt; it would he a worth-' contrary, it has been done solely by those lass instrunie.r.t, if it failed to t do this. t he i who row complain of the result. The suit lriltituted prosecuted by tbeme was 1.. and .. _ , but conclusions drawn by our ingenious neighbors 1 whether for political effect, or with the' hope from these eel:no:vied:gild. qualities ef - the i of sectiiine- a different:. concluSion, we shall _ Constitution are ,lecideilly 'refre.shing, but as' not attempt to determine. The true history be did not expect Intelligent people`‘to seal- of the matter is this : l ow. th em , w e p as , - ,-; th em . I,y w i t h out cum _ Scott instituted a suit in the Circuit Court of Missouri to obtain n discharge from servi ment. - .- tude for himself and family. On the trial it Again.: T:ie IL . , Mbli:•.z us aeserts " the telly was proved that be bad been a-slave in Mis . point nutheratively decided by the C'etirtwas souri; that Lis master first took him to the that Dred Scott was net a citizen of time U iii- j military pest nt Roe: island, in Illinois, and, auleeepently, to Fort Snelling, in Minnesota, led States, and that cum-cue:ails - the Court at a point north r.,f the Missouri Compromise had no jurisdiction of th e caus ' e ''' . Justice line, and that - he and his family subsequently McLean says " there ere see mill important returned withhim to Mi:souri. It was con lei riciples involved in this cese." among I tended in his behalf, that inasmuch as his rilifeh be enumerates ti:e following: Ti owner had voluntarily taken him to places power of CoN: ires. to establish TerritO riot' 'where slaverv . did not exist by law, both he and his family became free, and remained so _Governments; send to prohibit the introduction f after returning to a time holing State. The of Slavery tbtrein." Here the RrPaiicit): 1 Circuit Court decided in his favor. On ar• and ,lfelkan are fighting each other. With . 1 pealing to the Supreme `'Court of the State, all due respect for our neighbor, we intl4l in. • that tribunal held that ho and his family, en 1 returning to the State, continued Staves. lie clulge the belief that - Justice MeLean's - ,,opite 1 twcen the annunciation of the opinion of the ion is -worth more than the mud lem i ent,ofa par- r tthefiling - f i c i iir and o its mandate in the tiben editor. . - • - t Circuit: Court, Scott voluntarily' dismissed 1 his suit in the State-Court. thus evading the, .. .. , . Resignation of Gor. Geary. 1 dcci,iop -. g.ainst him•, and thereupon tr.sti in the Circuit Court of the 1-.' John W. Geary tear r. : e. , e n d the -o-r i .e i - taled another c'• • t United States. In this Court the question of • a Goverzior of Kansas Teriitoic, and issued i i . iehi-diction depended upon his being a citizen his farewell address to the people thereof, j_c;f - Missouri,- and the defendant a citizen of from which' e e take the fellowii,„e-•. • - 1 of anther 'State. If the court -should be of i t ne was a c itize, then he claimed On every hand I now perceive tinnti,t uk a- epitrion ilre.peri I v. The 1 that 1 e wris t free he , .cause his n owner bad taken tile :indica+ ism; of welfare and Illinois. and also to a part of the Louis-- honest settler . occupies his quiet duelling 11'4'4 to 1 hint!' terri•ory,' north of the Compromise fine. ;with his, wife and children elesteriug around ; The Catinit Court rendered final judgment himothroolefe.ed and fearless of danger.ln: frasiens of hostile ittenies have ceased, and in- I athi6aTass,iphrienrni; to ,3 and thereupon be appealed Court of the T:nited Stites, fiariated partisan; , living in oire midst, have where the same question was raised and twice emphatically turned their. - awe . rls into plow- • by his counsel, and also determined shares and their. spear into pruning - - Kooks. i ar g ued i against him. Tie - cause was last argued by Laborers are everywhere at .work-'--armsun 1 George T. Curtis, brother of Judge Curtis, and dergoing rapid improveuients—therchams me Montg e omery Blair, sou - of Francis P.lllair, • Striving a thrifty tralle—and ineehnuic.s pur -1 fur thplaintiff', Scott, and by Senator. Geyer s nial te tank h profi own andt their vati country ous -avhave- ocations. 1 1 and Reverdy Johnson for the 'defendant: s;ista - in t in- . Curtis, Geyer, and Johnson are Whims' . ereased'in value alruo:sti. tr.i thou precedent, I . Mess e. 9 p i i. 1 while - Mr. Blair's political sympathies ere un - ttoLii in some places. it, is commandinn• - Jerstood to he - witli ins father. On the first - sea that. never could have been anticipo w tecl. argument neither Mr:Curtis nor Mr. Johnson IV . s would like to Sp's,...ad the whole of this I Look part. The fact that. the Court ordered a sithidrable. address berme otir readers, but I re-argument is ample proof of the importanCe of the questions involved and the difficulLy of space will,not,perM it, . eio . v..G. does not.as-. I , solyin,g them. On the last argument, the'court. - sign any"-direct reason for Lis resignation, but. ; was filled with intellig ent and anxious listen ," • from expressions ilsed by him or Ids address, i ers. The Court took time to' deliberate and , - we conOlude that ill-beside . has indaced him 1 . prepare their opinions. Each Judge formed • tit 'seek - the - quiet of private life., Ire . sa y s ,• and expresied his own. ' The wilt reee:d by t read and reasons.re sustain- that: his "official atities demanded Unretnit-1 Ina his Conclusions are placed, - each, and ilia countrymen . Ling. attentive ; .and. that his "health has i et '• fleet, and test Ahem .tly the,fules of common tailed - under the .pressure." - IVS have not; sense and.very disc moon, o judicial in irh • : learned ols.to suceetid hini. ' 1 burial Cap . reasonably - object to criticisms ~ . — --.....m......,----- - -. -.- - - baeed upeti gnat:rumples; ;Trtith will never taiiia.l . ..9 ii - PE2FXSYLVNI.S.—It . - is a sin- gutrer - by being stibjecied IA :lie standird .of , ~.. Oar; filet thatnotOnly t ()Yeas nan right. he two United States I ?rota this statement:. i,,L7 Is trident that * Senators from Pennsylvania', ;.and -"the Mate h Scott's „name `has . beentried - hi...a else" of Supreme- Judge, - . but the- . - present -Speaker, l slavery li tiii : t - or ,‘ • rib ! I: ,, ; „li t i ca - 1 1. e ir , (i.. 1. ,: -: ; p a ii ng : Clerk and.Aitsistant Clerk;of•lharfoutie;-the ',been beaten' is MiSlouri, 'lin& ini ilmi_Viited cletk..of the' "Semite of iie-iiiiii,/•-:ii:trin, and t i,,l- Statei Circuit - and Sttitteme ~Colir• they now lientnetatte 1 exedidates for Governor . and ! attempt; for the, eagle - MI) *#, to app:ol from. , : .., ._. , . ~ - ... 6 - -•-, i tbedeCaliiin Of Ile'Jiiiliciaiito political club ,-- Canal C,un . tittissionor, .are I L ll ' - iiraolicaLlma" :- !4eo - *MS 'Wheta oilier COnsid . etationi di:n . 143111 '. i ton,-. ,- ~ .• . • - --, .- -- - - - ''., reason And sobe!. judktient - . fire expeOlad. kr. Ipmeitit. :Time Wril.4**b i etberllSl,Litiver - calculated ilia iesqli: wilt 'sec '" '' - ' ' . ~,,, ,IFP7', - Alkaus . as river Na v as e lower euuntry atmsin stvelf Ana proptirty: IQ the weant of 100,0foLk —ln the I'ennsi•lvinia State Senate, March . 23, Mr. Harris introduced a resolution-con damning in very emphatic terms the decision of the Supreme Court iu the bred Scott case. The, resolutions asserts that the decision is a EmoßB. l" flagiant outrage" and of "no binding an thority over a free people." —lt is said that Robert J. Walkei s has been tendered the appointment of Governor 1 of Kansas; but that ho has declined the post. al ---"• disfo ..-41101rei etterlAtt ii4nr4 Weal: k 41004 "AO 0 1 /101 resaistate, tan um!, itt4 nrairited '1444 I' ' bopes. - 4 . eitest the distinctive useiseele •of them organisation needy two-thirds Ai the American .er t o i* were found arrayed is the , c • • trial . ember,.Thesenwteatiee: • . Natiyea;lo - - - , the ,ouato-ttAbil.te , • •A' Me ee likrien by thensOndi who had not • • tad flit . isintliellenire 4 relief ev't:ny; li; evince) s lit: defeat-;the I. ha • y tranmiltity. anti reiii*tion \ of tionfl l ` deuce, the re-establishment of nationality of feeling, which_ has followed the decision of e the, American people; the re-cstisblishment Ofiiiiisee'reltinerti ; ' ibis adiiiiiniiiiii 4'4147 general welfare of..thestountry, all: combine. to crush out from Black Republicanism near- , tly- all eta vitality, aid tbri,gattlieig,espeinree; attiA-iariiiition 'Corritisliteec and' the trutu:l seratioa _oil& .Beceess e se destroyed what. I,laele was, l e ft,, and' nothing ,retrained of the . tottnykihnit killed, whlickbuct rigli orpee f ' that v i i t ni fiho th ut haye a funeral sermon preached, over ire re e t mains, and this hasesubetatitially. been done by the delivery of the late'decision of the i Supreme Cairn' of .the United States in the ' Demo Scott case. So far: as - the action' of I that , . ..„ , 1 esaiirt on the great question et erre times, the gonstittitienality of Ore Missouri Restric t thin, is concerned, it occurred it a peculiarly i opportune - nicrine.nt. The American people had ' given theirreverdict in :November and it 1 has now been ratified and confirmed by the thigliest legal tribunal in the country. • The , police; of Blear Republicanism is iutheriti tively pronounced unconstitutional." The judgmeut'of the Democratic party isidlliened. The fine spun theories of the opposition are annihilated and destroyed; Thes built their house upon the sand, and the rain came, and , 1 the wind blew, and it was washed away, While 1 the great Democratic party having founded etheir superstructure upon a rock of Constitu tionali truth, it has withstood all the tempestu -1 ous war that was waged against it, and now. shines forth more resplendent than ever, from l erhe very assaults to wh'cli it was sultjeetetl. i The theories or Black Republicaniem have 1 . been tried and weighed both in - the popular ! and judicial balances of the nation, and bar ling been found wanting, stand ohisdeinned. i Black Republican doctrines can no longer have any considerable influenee- 'upon the country. They are doomed—unconstitutional —and therefore ns totally impracticable as ; . the establishment of Monarchy, - or the cree -1 tion of titled orders, Dukes and I3aroures, 1 among us. Any future attempt to advocate them as practical measures will be but arrant Idetnagogueism, which : will excite the con= tempt of every sensible mac. The Constitu ' tion, as expounded by those whose decision is final and binding, brands Black Republi canism .as incompatible with its ; provisions. He Who ad vocates the latter does it in defience Of the former. The two cannel; survive together. One must perish. Ile who stausls.by the Con , stitution Opposes Black ItepubliCanisue. Ile 1 who adheres to Black Republicahism opposes ; i the Constitution. - What patriot, who loves From the Buffalo Courier of the leth.•d ' his country and her instituti o ns; and who - e Foul Murder.. i sires topreserve the band Odell has made us t. On Friday afternoon the citizens of Dist a g rea t . and powerful nation' will hesitate in - Hamburg!, were thrown. e ae t ee. greatest .selecting between the Charier of American liberty and greatneee, and the rotten platform consternation by the startling intellig e nce d that a wealthy and re-pected citizen had beer: lof a rotten and efer et party ? NOTHER k-rNAm ADVENTVIZE.—A few ---:- -- - eee s —, - - -- shot by a neighbor. The facts, as we learn 1 ----se es- - i " them, are as fellows : About two o'clock on : -' A Thomas Penns, of Chest Creek, Friday, Daniel Albert was driving along the 1 el we e e a k t s fl ' e a ld go' county, Pa., while on a hunting road past the hou-e of James Getty, wheelie I stile t eecursioeobserved a ledge of rocks, _which came out with a shot gen, appro • ached . ins expe rienced eye detected as being the ;leer to• Mr. Albert, awl, without speaking. l ' • haunt of a beer It Wile. late in dischatged one band of l ' is g un ' the char g e ; i he went- home, .teti returned" nex ti t 'e r e n v o e r n u . i n n g e , taking effe ct in the 'bruin. Not disabled, .• '• accompanied by his brother. They soon found and to prevent the firing of the other barrel, ; , a narrow passage between the rocks that led ; Albert -seeing upon Getty, and in the scuffle into a dark and dismal cave. On arriving at that enseed, the remaining charge nent off, iii ! the mouth of the cavern, Thomas after throw ; blowing off Albereathumb and lodeing " and divesting himself his thigh. The report of the shot %roil& o' ! 4.7 Li s dol bunting ,;I .accoutrement, crawled in !a'on of Mr. Getty's to th e scene. Ills father i -ng is g un ' , through the narrow entrance, and, after grop i told him that he had shot Albert, and desir tug about in the dark fur :tome time, laid the ' ellhim. to harness a sneers, carry Albert sine, I and go for a dector. too, of tie, city, ants immediate- i t _i pleasure of ieying his hand upon Bruin's back. I ' , Dr. Han Having ascertained the position of the Animal hereturned" to the _nuance of the cave, and lv sent for, but could do !marine to save the 1 his gun, and then went. back into the life of. the wounded man. Ire advised to I got ; cavern to visit his n ew acetiaintatice,e while take his deposition, and returned. Albert his brother remained ' outside to act as gentry, i lingered till • about leer o'clock Saturday • providing the animal attempted to - escape. morning, when he died. Having come up to the Bear again he placed 1 These men were both wealthy farmers , the muzzle of his gun against the animal rind_ a feud had existed between. them for. and fired A furious growl from the beast , years, growing out of a 'variety .of eircurn- . ' t eccompenied the report of the gun, and stances ninth itis not proper, pending a tri young Evans hurried out of the cave as soon I al, to relate. Getty is fifty-two veers of nee; es possible. ; He, however, put another load end is' the head of a large and highly respec'et tato his gun and scrambled brick ,into the 1 It - '' a. e tamey. Albert was a bachelor, about the same age, and was a good natured, jocose cave ngain. This time he succeeded in put . ting, a ball through the vital part of the ani ' man. Since the dif fi culty -between the par-, ' ties, be .held ' taken occasion to annul , Getty ie . rears hotly. It Wll3 d imaged out and weigh ed over three hundred pounds.. Young Tom, a variety of Ways, but, ns. - we mlerstand, in this engagement diiplayed almost as much with no malicious intent. It appears that courage as young Putnam did - in his adven tirere was no itnmediate' provocation en his tare with the wolf.. .. part for the murderous act which terminated his life. Patrick, kFit*A"Aktem..vit4,4eggeisirApiric Robbins, Jr., Dr. Edward Morwitz, Geo. Will iams-Aler- Brown. Oearge Mere. Morttgontary—Ed ward Sotterthwake, Jaeas, Chester and DelawareZ-iebeit Mom, entir;itkieptrititorita. C.ll. Hunter, & L.lmith.* '- Bucks—Robert Tykr, Stokes L. Raertr. -•• Lancaster anal- Lebanon---Getale -Sender- SOD, W 11. North. Northumberland and Dauphiw—W. 11. Sipes, Jas. M. Bay, Richard:llBl(lmm, Jesse C. Horton. -. • .Northampton and - Lehigh—Jim Dark, Jo°. Hannum. - Catlion, Mon roe;. Pike and Wavni—Sam nel Mae:ln t . & S.- llteher, O, 11. Mott, W. F.. Wood. t - Adams and Frauklin--Benry Riley, J. W. Yurk—W. Welbh," Jacob K . :Seidel. Cumbetlaild.and I'erry- , Tbemas M. Bid dle, C. J. T. Mclntyre. Cliatcm, Lremning and . Sullivan—ll. L iohn W. Maynard, ,lames De- Blair, Cambria , and Iluntingdon—R. Petriken, Gen. Adb . lphus Patterson. Columbia, Luzerne, ,kew—Asa Brundage. • Bntdierd,•Susquelianna, drc.—D. A. kehr ton, Gen. Julia Blandiug. Tioga, Potter, cke.—D. t. Sherwood, :Ed ain li. Eldred. Mercer, Vertango and Warzen--lion. M. C. Trout, L. T. Parmelee. 'Erie and Crawford—Mutiay Whallon, Jno. D r a via. 1, Beaver, Butler and Lawrence--Gen. Jona than Ayres, Gen. Oltarks Carter, John Ora ham. Allegbeny-;—IIon. P. C. Shannon, IL Bid die Roberts, Chas. Barnet, .Wm. Black; Bedford, Sornerset i . ik.e.—Jlon. W. T. Dougherty, W. J. tare. • ,• Armstrong. Indiana and ClariOn--J. Alex ander Fulton, V. W. Bart; Mifflin, Juniata-and Union—D. - M. Dull, Charles ,Merrill: . Fayette and WeAtraoreland--Hon. Jon. L Dawson, Col. A. E. Wilson. F. W. Iloghes, Benja min Cloist. PHILIP JOHNSTON, Preb't of the Convention: LiarriZurg, Matcii 16, 1857. Nfr. Getty was arrested by an officer at East Ilamburgit and lodged in jail at thi., city, where he is now lying. Be was much overcome by the news of Albert's death, and wept profusely. Ile has retained Albert Swain, E.q, as his counsel. his estimable family arc plunged in the deepest grief by . . this frightful deed. Altogether, this is one (.4 the most , cold blooded murders we have-erer known, illus. tratit4 the doctrine of total depravity, rather ttan mural : From the Pennsylvanian. Tice Funeral Sernisou'ol Black Be- One of the most dangerous and - alarming questions that ever agitated this country grew oat of the interference by Congress with the domestic institutions of the Territories, and the desperate attemps which have been made to force through, r t:ongress laws prohibiting slavery in them, instead of allowing the peo ple of the Territories to' settle this matter,. as they decide all others, for themselves. The question of Congressional intervention formed a leading issue-ha the late - Presidential cam paign. The Democracy of the country, by the passage of the Nebraska Bill, pginted themselves upon high . and lolfty Constitu tional ground. Believing the Missouri restric tion unconstitutionet . they repealed it. Be lieving the people of the Territories as capa ble of self-government as those of the States, it was resolved tbai They should enjoy tbat privilege.. 13y thus discharmi b ng a plain, Clear duty, and giving ., vitality toagrest principle, a - storm of fanat icalfeeling, never before sur passed in the history of the ceuntry, "was raised. A thee-thousand parson power was concentrated to crush us. Ministers of the Gospel who - understixxl the 'prophets much bettei. - thsin they (Id law, preached a new'. entaeigairat tfieCoiiiiitutic l ial Democracy" sod 'lighted-Leaded, raving orators=_sneered with withering contempt at the agent reason ing tiLicir h gaing the sancton of th•Dens oeratic.patty "'to' the Setra4a-Bansis Bill; and commended that Ales:are to its earnest - support: As usual, the noisy..elamor of 'the . opposition ibinwneci for awhile the iniee - of )ustice -. and - ..,truth, and many hen who read- and keel jUsi enough about the' matter to be very'stiongli cohrinced that the, wrong-aide 'Cif "the 'question was the true one, were tnnishalled iblto 067 . , Pienidential electiCe idiltnenai of Wu& and and iieirwlliati inspire& Its',der*wes . Vinded: tliein to tltd rs*,ithiA Air like Melo. - eleCtion Xi; 134; - CtiAvA* to the Pre4deizer was a Acatli-bloiv in their of the hot we appoint . to be the the ensuing CK ai.Ut W, Vauz, Ed- ibger, Gen. n C. Kirk publicanism. 31 at i y and Murder on Board the American Brig General Pierce. OTIOOKINO PARTICULARS OF TUE TRAGEDY. Four of the crew of the brig General Pierce named. John Ned, John Brown, John Smith, and John De Caste, were brought to Cris port from St. Thomas, on hoard the :lip Centuri or, cbarg d with t' a mu: ler of Capt. Law. a,n, of the_Gen—Pierce, at.d of Charles L G ro% es, cook of that vessel.' A letter was received by the United States District Attorney, froth Charles J. Helm, &- Ved at the. Commercial Agency of the United States at the Island of St. Thomas,'4th March 1857, in which he says ' I. havethe honor to inform con that the brig. General Pierce,' of Baltimore, which Mailed from New York on the 21 et of January last, bound for the coast of Africa, arrived at this port on the 27th - ult. The crew, or a part of the crew, Inutiaied, and murdered the captain and the cook, and brought the vessel to this port (S',Tlioura.s) Immdirely upon the arrival of the vessel, the first mate, C. 11. W, Petrus, came on shore and reported to me the facts, very nearly as-narrated . by him afterwards in his deposition. I then - applied to the authorities here, and obtained a suffi cient force, and had all the seamenorix in number, arrested and placed in . prison. On the following day I had them brought before me and - took the depositions of the two mates, the second,mate notbeing present whin the first mite gave his deposif.on, On the &f -lowing Monday I bad the boy Henry Kirby brought before rue ' arid hitt examination took place without any of the crew being' present. He is A very intelligent Iroy4ave a very clear and . ) . doubt not truthful statement of the facts as far as he knew or remembered them. I hare - sent by - the sbip Cecturion the entire crew to you at prisoners: The. depositions taken by me, extubit in my opinion. thert petratoo, by four of the crew, of, tlite most vold:blooned, awful and iitroolous m urders on record Tbe deposition of Christian 11. W.rc . stretka _bane by birtb, taken at the Cointnercial Agency, at St. Thorium, befaii C. J. Beim commercial-agent, exhibited' the following statement of Sets : On the` tenth of FebruitrY, while arm the WO sem, Jobri,Smith, by direction of the wu until° the wheei ;John Morris Was out to the foretop to set - up tomigigiig and I went withtitn ; when I came aft and ea* the, captain strike John Aiith - with Mr 1101 - 4.6oeialtiod,; T &moot - tell ' atitain :had obrnplained ofStnith i n:*4lo z steer= in.. et tw4te et:lock I ttild moti w Po . err, and I went into my state/ ... w ep my day ' s work"; about fifteen m • utas after I came ottt of my room on Isilt e 4 011mtittnipit sdkin oadtaisilirientietkrvise ti l e r ti tb go to tlin ;aide, bat "hen - 17 - TAirt , ,to the door saw Wolin Sthith r4tb i the acotk i•ctikries•lePrtivegi iti,thrOitleiernlikdifggerit. aid then I. corilitte.rtlo in CIWa..-ciit ,, ,riectinititi of my own life ; lie then came round a the captain; the captain had been struck already * althOugh I did-not see it: the captain asked miezwlitiliAbitiksienidibilte . g. slit; I told Lim he was standing behind hint;f then spoke to the crew, and asked then whet Was the mattev",-and Veitted them to trit`quiet ;by this time the captain, myself and' tite crew went a little ,way.afkl the obiect of t4a,, captain and myself was to get into the cabin, but the !doors were blockaded' by the crew .; - I' tried• to perley . with them . ; but John Deceits :held a lerge 'piece of. wood over my hese, and threatened to strike ' me, but did not ; the captain wait talking loud wirls'thent,sind told them they had taken the ship' from him— they might put her ashore on the "rocks, or do whatevir they liked with 'her;' ,the ere* said they , would do no such thing, but de manded that I should bring the ship to the neared port, the captain said " No," dolt neither ho,nor myself should have anything to do with , the ship; that if there was * nav igator amongst them he might take charge ; die captain bled very fest ; Fie said " Oh help me,".and turned pale in the face ; I ran up to "hint, and John Brown held 'a dagger to my breast and said, " I will kill yon," I was unarmed, and drew , a pace back, the captain was lying insensible on deck ;John . Brown then ran the dagger . in the captain's le ft side; the captain then lay two or three-minutes on deck ; they all 'ran* to hint and , said they would heave him into the water, 'when some one cried out, "All hands take hold," but none except Snalth. Brown, Decaste and Ned, took hold of him when he-Uas thrown over board, they said, " Now the cook," -and the same four men ran into the cabin and threw the cook overboard ; they then • said to me, you are captain, and you mnst navigate the , ship fir St. Thoiiiits i .. they then wit-hed the blood off the cabin flcior and 05 the deck. Tho deposition' of the second mare, Gee. Munday, taken also at the Commercial Agen cy, at St. Thomas, corrobberates the details of the first mate. The accused are Swedes or Portuguese, and aro held in custody. The mates are retained as oitamsses. Holloway's Ointment and Pills.—Eketra• ordinary Core of Erysipelat.—Nrs. Emma; NRowecruft, aged 42, of St.. Pools, Minnesota! Territory, suffered severely from periodical; 'attacks of ,erysipelas in the face, to which she • appeared to have a constitutional 'pre disposition. In July last she had a re turn of the complaint, with unusually violent and dangerous st mptoms, and ander the ad vice of a friend from New Yorli, obtained a lot of Holloway's . Ointment, and applied it. according to the directions. The Tentit amazed as well as delighted the unfortunate sufferer and her family.. The ingamatory symptons subsided; the redness faded in the course of a few days to a yellowish hue, and the cuticle, or scarf akin, on the parts affected, came off in the form of a whitish seef. A second box completed the cute, 1 leaving neither scarf nor blemish on the face. IThe Pills are as efficacious in subduing in ternal disease, tes the Ointment is in, removing all external disorders. Jury Li!it Fur the Term Commencing April Ph, 1637 GRAND JURORS. Auburn—John Lathrop. Ararat—E. D. Tyler, Gilbert Apolac.on;--Jonatlian• Barney. Tridgewater—Daniel Taylor. Franklin—Stillman Fuller, Tyrus Peek. Forest Lake—E. W. Taylor. Great liend—Daniel 13ahlwin. .1. D. Mc- Kinney, A. T. Trobridge, John Colstein Sea: Gibson—Richard Gelatt. 7 llerriek—M. G. Sweet. • Jackson--Ilorace French, Reuben Hill. Lenox—Rival Tow er. Lathrop—John Lenn. • l'ilontrcse-=Leonard Searle, A. O. Warren. Middletown—Pat tick Smith. Springville—:-Satrittel Quick. Silver Lake 7 --Frank Bliss, Jeremiah Johns ! n. TiAt ERSE Auburn—E. C. Cooley, S. B. Howard. Arrat—Edward Blozham, W. J. West. I3riclgowater—Arnbros Allen Win. Smith, Edwin Webb. Brooklyn--A. C. Quick, I. H. Stelling, B. W. Vanawkin. _ . Chown tit—Ch ristopber Byrnes, James For ban. Clifford—Edward llolford. DimockSamuer Sherer. • Duudatf--.Benjetnin Avres, K'm: Wilbur. Friendaville—D. D. Brown. . Gibson—George Legrer, A. 0. Sterna. Ilarmony-Gilbert 'Newell, George Pool. llarford—S. E. Carpenter. Jes.aup—W. A. Brown, John Hancock. Lenox—Samuel Benjamin, Charles Con rod, Simeon Fo,t, A. L. Jeffers - . Liberty—U. M. WeLater. Latiirop—W. L. Baker, E. S. Brown, Al bert Tittr. l+lontrose—G. L. Stone, Win. Smith. Middletown—D. IL lloyt. - New Milford—Wm. Bedell, A. .A. Perkins,'Daiid Summers. Springville—Wm. B. 'fiandrick, Jew Scott. • - SuAquebanna—Osear Burrell, Labo Bryant, Ephriant Cayr," George Kirk, 'Samuel- F. Smith, Jacob Stoddard, Jr. Silver Lake--Reuben 'Meeker., Thomson—Coruelius Wright. , " Auburn—Samuel Brundage, Wm. Cooky, 2ntl, Petit. Bay. - Bridgewater—Wm. Mellmi4h. Brooklyn—A. J. Tiffany, Firdinand Whip. ple. • • Choconut—Micbael Koine. : Dimock— John Young. Dundatt--George Rogers. Franklin—lnt Cole. Great Bend—WM. Goble, Richard Squires, Dquire M. Munson. • Gibson--Silas Chamberlin.' Ilarford—G.L. Babcock, Amara:Masa,. I.larmony—Richard A. Webb. . , lierrick—Chatles.ll. Harding. Jacksou—Emncis Jet:amp—Amos Farout,tron Grifibt. Lenox -- Daniel : B. Claw Joseplt SaMiers t Liberty—Winthrop A. 4.!eernau, P. B.. Martin., • : - Moptrose—W. R. Match: , : . • Neer Boikir i plohn,Mok act. - • "Ruib- r latvi Tap*, J'Ames LogaD, Silver Lako-:-H 0 R402 ,- , 1:44 1 4rs VionW It'odire!st 2 ,4 , - Thoir j rcni—Olai Bryapt, .ffectry ~JetakinA. , ', 1 :" - ':NoUitiali I- rA reiffillsed 1164041116:,-. , ;I • Mist My orfiletigitsita old tow* Rade alto!** oradicirOsible the twig of aThinsiuld r•wevsusii.itogittilloo vtvg ret qqt on!F under ;sweet INt leVe the 2ND WEER. --- ' 7 - - "---- - -- - '..;1"-- SI . te as alabisterl ' Many wedge do Set ' T5.,,--tr -`-13 •-, i owt . r . math is bed, , ,pnd the eutdeet Is as * 4 1 NAlagt sardey, '',;‘ 11 haat lefeeindi will never mention it. Peer. -if k 1 N . Et K ekn o y _ ;... , , 13 „ ~._, Magi ~of « Balm" on year Urethral o r ru e lid i ; --4 N,,frotuiir i - 14 4 a, .. h eth night and morning. ally- ) '- ; ulii:l-f -1, 1 ll a t ho will nets year. 4k ,-: 6-. ..; , ; . , ,s_ , r) on k , A*a feomplexion may easily be aelled.44! P, i , . I !.1- . l4flny {or; „1 .., .. 10 , oigg "Balm of a Thousand Flow l' err; I . t . , ".PisAll, l ,‘lt',.4s te. j _ll wit rik tn, ) __a, pimples and freckles of . t 1 . 1,, ~,qt.),..#: _ -. . 10* •14 rite 4. *isles* ng it er so ft and roseate Ime. . , of '-‘ ..., 1 i GA....211e5 . 1ti - , Co. 14 *towel, po on t *o or three drops, and ,sk, \., . 11. irt:irinney , - lO the face mkt and morning. :,--- 0. `"" -- -L. S: Lenbeirn, .lg _. 814 - AVING - MADB BAffrowNlret -yontrshm , "'ir . , - c rake t r g . Co. ~ .- ..- 74 in g brash Ic t :the r WATM oteoldsratet.pourotop, " • 4 . 1 ,,,,,____ , ~, .. . _ - two or three drops of "Balm of 'a Thousand . k -"."‘""' ' " Ultnl gt 14 Flowers," rub the bward well and it' ilimake- :.-- -..-.: • - -- ..._-.,- - ...- A ---. 1 - 4 " ° --- 11 , 1, 1* - -- bi * -Or . -- 14-- ---- - - - a beautiful soft lather, much facilitating the op. * .. -o ysTruolme,r± l „ 41; . position of *having. Price only filkyoesti,.lorvlttlfffilit . .l; •i - i . • ;Air, - /A Se,y Tapp! te,.gog sale by all druggists. Beware of eousitettelti. 4 ' &Fall Ver):,. ' -r4 None genuine unleassigned bv • - ~. ...,,..." ..,.,.. ..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,La_Q m it g ,,,...,....,,...4.,,, - - - --- : W - : - P: TETItIDGIVAIE - EINI. - ' - ' 7 -- is -- - 4 y h t -ft r ii-- .3.-- - -- o ns r, A L aNS f y, , , 40E06.] Franklin skinny. New Itilik. ; ; , - ..-' .' zi l i. '...-. .Cq.." r; ; 1 ',fr.--„ - , , kl.. 1 1 )-) : 1 N...a. o, , ,,iliti n ~.. " k ' EX ( n 4 II I • e' ofra 04 v) t ., ...,_,..._. Selk.'et• ii)Axli,cl,- `:Z 4 `\ ' ' Witi.lreltnilii.,& ge...4., ' - Brandt xt-1 . 5.L:1-llngn r, ' 3 ll I.- ':-. - F. D. Lyon*, f -,. ''...,, y4-i - /, Bell AtTingley, , 14 -A-_B..lrfetrill, • - 14 John -Miller, 14 •J. J . : Turnor, - ' ..- .i. i 14[1:71 . 'Timothy -Depth), -.14;,- I- A- NewiciP ~' •• : ". /:f:' Schultz. Eaton . el: Co. -E 3 - , '. . It. C row 414 8r0.,' 'l3 Roney Il.7etvou, .. 1 . 4 ..,, A.l. Beern•nn,,'' l_ .' , ~z. . .l3l,k k e r, tie !...... ~.,- -.-.14.4-.. VC. C; Wrigitt,; - .; '', ;lat. , ,u"1 Jom-plll. Rose, 14 ' 1);; i i ;Is tolennl n, .14. Poht Brot berA. - :, ;.:14, Cl 7 Abel Tarrell; f . ' l - •li3 tiriii,l4- itlleA,s ;-' fil L s ' 4 titittet,lAl7,, lia4en kttinktt C 0 . ., 1 1 , 1 N :: . Boll:ifd, ' 1 "-L 14 '` S. , S. Mott • --- ‘. 114 -. .., S., A. %ladin .. g; 14 ,J Keeler A:. Stoddard,. 14 igott. '4;" Tv kr, 13 S, 11. & 15. Sayre, .. 12 , ,r/ ' J. Etliritigo,. 14,. ~¢ Sin) mone 5...- I .t.lerif- - ''''• Irian, 11r. - ,1. I& S 11. Aful- Seed Wheat. subscriber offers for sale. the Italian Wheat, nue, of the most .tailable varieties ever introduced into Busies, C 0.,. Thorough experience his convinced me °C . :the .fact. ABEL: CASSEDY: ' Dimock, March gOth, 1887: 13%4. • Notim. • The Susql*Coduty Agricultural! Socieq 'still meet at the Court House on Tuesday evenitii of the first week of April Court, next. Abel Cassedy,- . Eaq., of • Dimoclr, - swill deliver tin - Adams:l.-. Other adtlreeitur marperlialiti be given if there he.iitrre.:. • --- • _ TURRELL, Rec. Sec. :March 2411r...1857. .• a. . , • At Ilartiohnpg, Mt., on - Snnday afternoon, the 224 hist,' Mr..Etats.Tarast, - of Brook. lyn,in the 45th year - othit age. ' NEN - u)vilansmam3. --- Public Sale. MO be sold at'Public Sale ori 31ondaY • the 110th, of,April 'next; at 10 o'Clock A. M. a farm el 'lOO acres sitlate in Liberty township Susquehanna County andßtste of Pennsylva nia, 20 acres of whirls is under ;good' iatproie ments,-well watered, with a good Log house, 11 new framq,barn, and .a . 1;r/tried embank • Said- Farm has a Pleasant ana desirable locatpts on the banks of Tiip Lake about midway between Montrose and Binghamton, Withintwo - inilea of It good Oast Mill, llichatiles Shope, Post Office' and Charthei cnnvenieitt, also a Catholic Church within-fear miles of the prem. ism Said; property iwsdruirably adapt' d to Cul ture or Dairy purposes and will' be- sold on reasonable terms 441 f thy purchase ,money in hand the other. !adrift annual instalmsuls actor ding to agreement. For further information - apply on the Premiii• es to the proprietor, . DANIEL DEGUN. 1 Liberty, Slareh 25th, 1857. 13u 3* See Here Young Man ! perceive that your teeth which were origi. . I nally very uniform and beautifnl,are brawn. ingbreken and discolored, and in a very short time, should you continue to neglect them, you will be despoiled - of one \of the chief ornaments. your noble and attractive face. I hope you will call on me wither'. delay at my 'office in the Brick Block over Wilson% store, where -it will giro me pleasure to preserve them for a very small consideration, just wilat your means. will allow and no more. MOST RESPECTFULLY YONG MISS ! You are proud of your beauty arid graces so is your Ufa, and so be Your smile is a sunbeam on the garden bow. er Your tear a raindrop on the Summer sholler, But`twont Le so long Ur one if you continue to stay away (roil) the Dentist for Even now it gives me pain to vicar Those crumbling :well es "veiled in ebon Then come along !without delay to• in office in the Brick Block over Wilson's store, and . if as poor :talon aie beautiful, no matter, Como along.cine along plead "not able" no :more For jcrst What you can pay your charms Fit restore.' C. D. VIRGIL. Resident Dentist. Montrose, Mardi. 119th 1856. JUSTICES' COMMISSIONS just i.revived at the .RECORDER'S on ICE. NEW GOODS. • HE sabacr;ber is now re. ceiving his Spflug stock lib of Goods to which he would 4 " invite , the. attendee of hist.l friends. Among his goods may be fonnd a very large as 0* sortment Of Gold and Silver Watehes of ever variety comprising 28 • differ ent styles of his own importation, and a large lot of Livers, Anchors ' andlepines of different makers, Gold Ch&ns, Seals Rey*, all the new patterns of Ear Rings, Breastpins, and - Finger 11: op, Bracelets, Lockets, Gold and Silver Thim. blear, and -Spectacles. A full stock of Silver Spoons, forks, Napkin Rings, Butter' and ,fruit knives. Vlated Table knives,„forks, Castors, Cake bavkets, 'GandNaticks, &c. Cutlery, nee.. dies, Shell combs, Gold pens and pencils, Base and Guitar-fittings. - Gold Sleeve 'buttons, and studs, sewing birds,dte, &e, all of which will be sold at the lowest cash prices, at •the old stand of _ . . • , ' No. 2 Odd - Fellow's Hall. Binghamton, March. 24th, 1856. 13 Notice. • ERSONS wishing theii Pianos or Melode. P ons tuned, can hare ittleoe by leavinv, a to- lice at the P. O. any, time until the first of May. Orders from.a distance attended • to. on short notice.- , , L. W. CAMP. Montroac,3firch 24th, 1857, • 13w3. _NOTICE To Dealers of Merehandexesoithia the County ,of Susquehanna. , .N par:maitre of the several tide of the Asseni. bly ,of this Commonwealth, to provide rev. enue tat meet-t he, Aemand. upon Aim - Treasury, and for other purposes; the undenititiod, .Ap. praiser of Mercantile Taxes_ of .Busquenanni Connty,'his prenizied a list UfaH)ferchanta tra ding within said' County; `and Tolaced'each of the said Merchants in that class which to himnectris dirk and Nit according th the provision! of said acts of Assembly as follows;.viz.: P.M. Residence. Proprietors. Clan. C. Aulmrn; - -John P. Lamber 4 14; Joseph 'McCain. - .14 • Grover, Philips At Co. 13 Wsltman &Swisher,l4. iiirataS. Lewis, 14 11. Barney, - ." = Wm. Buffum, 14 r, Brooklyn, 'F. 1 , Y,. Allen, ' 14 R. T. Ashley, , 13 " S. Rent,., la, " O. • G.ftempatea4,- 12 Montrose Vcpot,Post Brothers ) , . 14 .... . 4 : 'l4 B.ririgewater w G..N. Allen, " 14 Cliffprd, :: Joha Misted. " ~;11rundrige & Wilion; 14. S. B. %Voile, AQ C: C. Church, la r 0.0. Hotkit " l'hom4s .4_1100; - 14' , t •" ' : 14, ftlentls.!.sll4. remi4119,404, ForeatAah„- ; ; .14, Oihsen t S. S'lngells, liawley b a q ua, 13- MEE Apo:acon;; Duadafr, ALFRED J. EVANS, 11116i0AV.:7' Si • opbottpm Herrick, Jackoon,.. Jessup, Lathrop, Liberty, . Middletown; tiontrose; a... fora, 12 - Alfred J. Lyon , : 4 Scert,...._ • la. henry . A: Lithral, a: Co. 12 J. B. Singleton, (.?.3:11 Cifine, 14: M. S. Wil.Zon Co.- S_ittraltn . & Yontifr, 12 - 1132, , tien .13ro: her., 1,2' Now-Milan-4 I. MOSS . 4; I.lrothere,;:il;3-. E. A.:*& O. Pruitt, . 3 „ lenrv.lJu:riu, I 3 Lt- GOrinf;l?.. O.- IVairl, 12 Norman Gnawer, 14 • - S. - 11. George,. Stipier,o Thomas, - Suiliy:m;;. 14 J. W. ry'rsektiey‘, 3 Slot t Johnston, .12 . •E. S. P.ac, - 12. Sugyea Depot,_ Smith '6.;=Shiitt, ' . Wm. Slcriniptop-: 14 " • Miles Creegrirt,'; -44'; " . • Gat lord • 13 •14 'Whitney - A: flicanti• - 13 . H. :ix - Silver Lake. Sprin ffvtlie " • • V. C. & D. 'W. Nor. cm. 13 Tlintnns 11 Fri:Evian i>r Ikotla.r, 14 13 '" 14 . S. B. West, l4 3 G o hAn - tk By4fri.- A iV.l . lrOnscin, 13 Foot Jones, 1 . 2 .Cit r pen ter,l4 A. J. Seymour;,, ; ,'- 4, 14- 1. G. SI)) 14 Thomson, _ 1.). . 14.. : Beer lignite*, Eating litivitstsy 'lacerate- DunAntl Chnin4eß, 8 Frlendsrille George . A. StinOier, — Lodernille W:siter l'aintin,- • " Alnuson Ilublistrd 1. X. ..8:.:, :;; S. S. Mott, • _ ' FAlwin -114(. , t - m. • ':8 J. A. & O. Al: - "7; Nei* Milton:Btt)eitt, ,-. Sosq'a Depot Joseph - ' " John Tirney,, creegity, - 8 Wm. AVitrernoi t t 9 t , „ Montrose - Dll4loc r Clifford, . _ J 4.010. M4ilifi, - -- ; I) ‘t-lti H:i telquor.llealerii: - --,,:.:,: .1t .. , 3 1/..S..L6Tiliillril'; './...-..'''';.'71.54'.!)...', Lodeisvule; Suiqu'a Detof, &filth ••11,1 , , 'l4- Geo. EtrEflegten ke bi llin a two tables, license 840,00. • - And the Judges of the Court' nt,' Pleas orsaid'Citnty., - will JUN tr-C66;ti of Appeal At the Court lionse4in•Ntotitrose., iirktitt for naid.connty en Friiins'i the 4-st day! ot miyi ne;t,:at:cilae '•t't which Ont. And Plana any, of _the Merchants defined,, and' elialled ag rsteresiici;:orotheir sgent,,er ioniey may' appear...4nd ipluinf , frein said Usjies third if they • think in'oncr- lIENT,RI 4 3fori•anti , Appfaiirr.,P Mo ntrose,' Ms reltlet n; 51.' 3 #4, './kajnuu' WORgiks•-/Attiirs* of_., Administration , to , AttoXstatia of Hugh Maack. isto Iola; liownsh4i;. county of Snsonelmann,defteased, havelanen granted to the suhaeri § 4r_;,a,it:p,orogo, indebted 'to the said oMate iri!" make, igonedi4te: piytnent4 and-' , thost.:baling elaisnaligainsy the samei will '-gires!eutibent duly sathenticated ror eflt te:f, nUIIPHILEY I;enoi; a . M arch. Clover -$-Timothy= ileeC New Milford, Marcia 18. 1857. - - 2000-Rolla Wall • 11031PItIgN9 . variety nevt: . - patt NJ' tern/ ; Aso; nortrochig,' 'window -opev, ator.ijoittliisived, fakiii* oal. ity. by TURREI4;`; ?Jamb 18, :1831 Auditor's Notice. , widersilinedlwAritr bawl /40410iid' an 44(1* the-Orptitiq's Coati ,oteniffintii Couqty e &ho ,ru rt4tc- gla NeKnllo.-4°L'eAs4Wilt Attitß4 to' tlifi 41 . 04§11 or )0 4 , 1114,pppPintrnott gt,kl4 Pif! 4 0 e Siotittosei 04-,Tligis4gY; 11ii,iieconft day 'Atirl of i next; atocie c&lottiTh thapite r iidon,ai which Atigiiiiamt e6se Ii self willAtt#ffit If tbey thlnirlaisper, CHAIM itt:11;INO Aoqtrov t 3farch "A - 1861. a lOll
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers