lug+ Depot, .11 Benson, G. Curtis, NrVm. Skinner. Ditnock,. C,, Co.nkliti, L. H. Woodruff, C. J. Hollister. Rush, L. G. Dun more, R. Shoeunaker, Gibson,. C..P. Ed- Wards, W, P. thsniner.' Now :Milford, A: Hannah, D. Mathew. Jeserip, W. C. Hen drick. Brooklyn, E. Mack, Anson TitFan f l(,, C. Oakley. Montrose, Wrn. Post. Lenox, Wm. Payne, A. Titus. Forest Lake, S. Rise J, Stone, 2nd. Clifford, - W. Tinker: Lath rop, Win. 24. Tiffany; , Harmony S. A. Ly- - ons. - Second Week. Jackson, J. M. Bronson. New Milford, 11. Barnum. Clifford, , A. B. Baker; B. Daniels, C. W. Norton, George Graf am. Apolaene, D. Buffam. Oakland, B. ?Beebe, B. 'Bailey, 11. M. Godwin, F. A. Ward. Middletown, E. F. Crosier. Franklin,L. 8. - Cole: Dun - daff. J. M. Chittenden. latford, E. T.Follet, A. P. Stearnes, D. T.1129e. Ararat, H. Gum- . - say. Springville, M. 71. Hendrick. Mont -rose, A. P. Keeler, C. M. Gere, G. W. MOtt. Brooklyn, E. S. Kent. Gibson, John Lowe - - i - Dimock, I. Main. Gt: Bend, P. W. Messick, B. Trowbridge. Liberty, J. Monford.— 'Thomson, Wm. Salisbury. Choconut. J. Stanley. Auburn, T. J. Sherwood. Lenox, Alson Tiffany. Bridgewater, John Trnrnbull. , Forest Lake, L. M. Turrell. - 4The SehOol s Directors of Bridgewater Dis trict, will meet in Montrose on Saturday, April sth, at : 1 o'clock P. M. - Per order of the Board. C. J;CURTIS, Sec'v. hey. A. o.:Warrett B preach in the Uni= versnlist Church kontros . e next =Sunday, Su b -4.tii in tire afternoon, Life in tix - middle of the stream and riak . • dF .XlBO. . • . In Silrei L Ire, March Ist . : at:NEZZR GAIGE, = aged 74 years. • , • Register's Noti ce.. 1. VBLIC notice is hereby given to all persons _concealed .in the following Estates•to wit: Estate of Littcout MILL Into of New.. Milfor d IL L. Sutphin Eiteutor%• ; _ - - Estate of Tatiana' . Ti AID, htCor Auburn, de ceased, Andrew S. Low Administrator. • Estate of THECoN Brraculite of Dimook. de ceased; Charles- A very &A. A. Root - Addncrs. That the accountants have Settled their ac counts in the Register's oflf(ie in and for the county ,of Susquehanna; and that-the sumo wiil be presented to . the Judges of the Orphans' .Court of slid county, on. Monday the 1-tth . (by of April next, for confirmation - and allowance. - . J. W. - CHAPMAN ? Register. Register's Oflice, Montrose, t • aiarch 19,186. . NOTICE. D - ÜBLIC notice is hereby given that S. A. Woodruff is_receiving a new lot -olStoves and wares of all kinds usually-kept in the Stove 'found Tin line of business, among which may be 'found a better assortment of stoves, heavier, lar ger and more durable than - ever before,ollered in this county, all- the proof you need will be just to call and - examine for yourselves. -stoves Warranted in every respect. Kept (=stonily on hand, an extensive assort- Mont of Tin ware, made out, of the best materi als which is offered for sale as cheap as can be bought in any market, also ,on hand Lead Pipe; all - sizes, Chain and gearing fur Chain Pumps, Cistern Pumps, all sizes, Brass and Purcelairi, kettles all sizes, Jappaned ware, all kinds. Jobing done on andrt notice and in good or der. All Gob& in_ the line will be sold cheap fur cash or approved creilitL.„ S. A. WOODRUFF. ' .3lontrose, 3.lareh 40, 1856. Executor's Notice. XTOTICE is hereby: given to all petsons,hav -111 ing demands against the Estate of Pat. rickDonlin late",fAuburn,,dec'd, that the same must be presented to the undersig,ned for afran. gement, and all persons indebted to said estate ere, required to make immediate settlement. MARY DONLIN, JAMES DONLIN March 19, 185_9(—..6w* Ear's. • Notice: No- 2- TO our Customers'wo will again say, we are extremely anxious to settle and balance up our accounts, the more since wo began to foist up. So many littles amount to quite a saw; and. we are in need of it now. To - accomodate all I will be in Montrose every - Monday, for the next two weeks, Tuesdays at the store of Wm. H, Thayer, in Dimock, %Veduesdays Zia Miles Esq. c in Drooklyn,'. Thursday at Orlando. Will iams in Franklin. This . arrangarneut must ac commodate all ;still it it does 0 , 4, you 'cm find a list of Accounts at Esquire Avery's office in Montrosii, Esquire Miles, 'Brooklyn, Wm.. 1.1. Thayer, .rDitnock. Come, settle. tlontrose, March 13, 1131)6. Administrator's Notice. -. ‘ToncE is hereby given that letters of Ad ruistration upon the estate of Charles C. li.nsom, late of the Borough of Susqu'a Depot, deed, have been - granted tu, the undersigned, and 101 persons indebted to said estate will please %make immediate payments, and. - those haring . claims will present the same duly attested for settlement. E. N. SMITH, Adttir. Susg i a Depot, March 18, 1856. , Adatinistrator's Notice. A LL persons indebted to the Estate of Jas. 11, W., McElwee dec'd.,. late of New Milford Iwp4care hereby notified to .make immediate Payment ; and all persons baring claims' or de naafi against the said Estate- are requested to Present them duly . a atbenticated for settlement. •ELLIOT ALDRICH, Adm'r. March 19, 1850. Publid .Bale. THE subscriber will sell at Public Sale on Wo4neade_y, the socotul day of April next, onhis farm ha Liberty township, the following Property to wit: r• • <Joe yoke' f four year old matched 'oxen, one Cow and Calf, seven two year old Heifers, ,threo ”Yearlinai, 24 ISheep, 1-Hog, Plows ;_' Barr ow, non* Rpite, flay, Grain% Polatoes,Steve, House. hold furniture, and other things too numerous -ta mention. Ali sums under five -dollars cask 'down; over, six months credit with apprmed oecurity. lIIA COMSTCICK. Liberty, Alan+ 18, 1856.—w2- fteentor's Notice. . , Notice is her3by given to all perso n s having demands against the Estate of ferry Bail, lute et Forest. Lake, dee'cl, that the same roast be Presented to the undersigned for arrangement, and an personcindebted to said Estate, are re iced to make immediate aettlrment. GEO. W. BALL , E x . r• Pored Lake, Mareh.loll4lBs6, TE' HE 'notes and account*. of E. Tiffany ere in the bands of& O. Mike,Esq., for settle, 'need. All persona interested are requisted t 6 4,ttend to the same without delay. L. A. 13311TH, Committee Brookl C. .- OE4E. of Lunacy. yn, Diarch Pl 18, 1856. • - •toce•lfowsz To ItenT.—The Ode formerly mgajiied by E. Tiffany in Brooklyn. Eseinire 61 / the premises or of •L . A. 8111TH, C, cgaz. arch /856.5 w, O P th le by e utsGll4n Ke*Tr andTimothy-Seed for sti H.BURBITT; eu' Wilford, ltarekii, 1858. lo Webb, t)* ,ip nseeiffing bis newitlpsjit Govl3ittobr he Oren *Ohl usual low priet% • 3103troiri klaribl I; Ifift - • 4.." • Notice. R. THAYER. =EINEM . • ; IIIIELODE0i • IS, .4,1111) MUSIC.. The- Cash Systelin Aolopted i Friel!, ! tread llieduced-! I . l' • H 0 RAC cWATE .. fiS. I N0.333.8r -way. New F ork. i [; • AGENT FO U R TUE DENT BOSTON AND NNW TOA MST , NESTS. The largest assort nt of Pianos, MolodeonS, Musical Instruments.: lid Musical Blerchandise of all kinds in the U ti States. Pianos from UN different manta' tories, corapriaing - ihosa of every variety of stye, from the plain, neat and substantial 6 1-2 octa*es, in Walnut or Reset. Wood Cases, from $l5Ol, to $2OO, to tboso of Oh. most elegant finish up `4 One Thousand Dollark No'house in the Unto lean compete with thi: obey° in the outnber; v nety and celebrity"of ;ti i t instruments, nor in the! istremely imp p rices t which they are sold. ' I ' 1 flettaca WATERS' Me ERN TAIPROVEDiPIANOS, WHO or W ithout Ire frames, psiessing i their improvements -, o zover- strings td . a r e t t o io n ni alongth of s tale, po, frr, and com pass eqnal to the Grand . Piano, united with the bean; ty and durability otattneture of the spare Pi anol They aie justly prouonneed by. the Pres.j anclby the first.Mtisienlllasters -tot* ' equal t thOie of any - other mitinfacturer. ' They areV built of the best a nd Mk thoroughly sem onedl .material, and guaranteed tp stand the action old every Ornate. , I 1 Each . lustruntent gnaranted to give satisfac-, Con; or purchase-money 'cefunded, Second-hand] Pianos at great bargains, .constantly i 6 store,' pried from $3O to $l4O. : . -1: HORAcE IVATERe, Mii.onaexs, superior In-, • , struments intone, touch find durability of make. • (Tubed the equal tempnrarnent.) Rebid eons of all other styles and makes. , Prhe $45, $6O, $75; . 51.00, $125, $140; double Rceds,*lso ; double Reeds and two to,' ks of keys, tir2.oo. 4ese a liberal. diseount. ' lergym n en and! Chu c , awl. an extra discount. .- illartin'sGuitors,llronls !fortis, Fltiteii, Fiu tines, Aecordeons, Violin* and Musical !i.stru meats of all kinds, at lower prices than eVer be fere pliered to the public s . A large diticouilt, :to Teachers and Schools. I:The trade supplied 'on the most liberal terms. hi USIC:—One of the liti;iTest: and best ;ielect ie. ed catalogues of Music now published, compris. ing 'many of the choke an most popular airs of the day, and will be sold' one-third off from the re b ftular'prices. • • ' Music sent•b); ma irto o4arts of the country post paid. Particular anl personal attentio n paid th all orders receive }tt try M0i1... Satisfac tion,gnarantetel in .every i ~tance. Pianos and Melodeons for sztle on motitipy. payments Sc.e criti-In Pianos . token in . ,,e , c-chait•ze for new•— General and st leCt Catalou ' , it sad Schedule of prices.forwarded to all *rtt•Jof the country by mail: - . Qom. Great inducements offered to agents in all parts of the countrp, to stli the 1,1 0 ,n et) ,, W. ten' M Pianos, elodiens; and Catalogue .of Diu. sic. Treaiiirer's•,.ale, , 4 Of 11ns:rated lauds in Cur, ilthatina. C'dzinty. T - CfICE is hereby given that • agreeably to 111 • the nets of the general ssembty of the Comthebwealth of l'ennsylv.inia, directing the m'odel of selling unseated lands for Taxes; the I following, tracts and parts ofrecta, of unstated lands ; will - ht:t sold at public v Ohm on the sec ond Monday of June next at c Con!! 11ousc i in :Ventres s, fur arrcarages de, and the .costs necruedlon each tact, re . :•peet •;ely, unless the the same ;bpi paid ,befi* the ::day of sale—sale. to cenanacn °c ce at 10 lock in the forenoon. 1 - . Warrithtees owners or nernhe .4: Aires. T4xes. Airat. . Harrison 1 - LI l, .. ?01 elo.i! - s • 301 Tbotnat Eddy, Est: 146 John Rted, • .96 Duet. iWetit. - Martha iWilson, .41 . Mariallleridetli, • dlilTord. Jaenna ClifFord, Gicat Bend Wr0.•.1.! 'Farrell, • 50 Nadi:laid C. Ltwis s . 87 Solomon Taylor, —. 50 . R. 11.•Meliune, -.1.= 267 Truman Baldwin, 408' • . Harmony.. • .•' 1 Horace'. Griswold, 100 rF.& 0. Bart, . • 404 Biwa Copley, ! • B6 ' • Herrick-. It'll:liner Mutt, ' ' L. L Barrett, ,AmoS 11. Storm, James Hamilton, . . Jackson. • Sedate! Griswold. • Lathrop.. Kitchen Wilcox, Mon trosi & Cu.._ • Liberty: No. 69,54..85, S. A. Laws rit. No. .56,:59, 66,73. • .Popip!& *Strunk, 400 !* . o 67, 68, 75, '76. *in Eldridge,- 400 No.6Mita .Dubois, 100 i l / 4\ski .J. W Irt 1: • 93. . c De). d 9. • - .- 233 do.. • - ' .113 \ d4.' . • 109 Wm. - . 1. TurreP, 200 ' ! • Oakland.' Jacob R. smith, • Thomwo . \ . 8 4 H. Join 'F.' Dunmore, 118 Peter Dunn. 36 & O.' Burt, • • 100 •IL Crammend, 100 Jesse Carpenter, 150 Thos.; Cnrr, 41111 • Joshua Gidding*, 310 - Joel Latta) Est., 100 - S.-A. WOODR) Treasiirers Office, Mardi 11. 11 U Register's ititi 13U,BLIC notice is hereby giro , .1 concerned in the following &tate of DAvio NEWMAN, TOwnship, deceased; Henry. 11 tar. Estate` of JOHN SHERWOOD, •townehip,deeeesed ; Andrew S. tor. Estatevflicon Lyon', !ate' off derrick towri, scip, deeeased,-„George H. Ly ' Administra . tor. - Estate of JosErn T, Tbcautostiate of Itiont r rose, deceased, It a Frazier Adtkinistratoi. Also .the accokat of _John - - iW4lbster, Trustee under; the will of loserzt WEnst 4e, late of Frati• klin township, deceased. ; Thit the accountants barol settled their aci, counts in theErgister's office in in for the ioun ty of Susquehanna, and that eho,l,samo wilt --be presented to the Judges of the Orphans' Court', of said county, on Wednesday, the 9th day of April neat,; for.eonfirination and idiom/nee. ' - - 2. W. CIIAFSIAN,'r. Register's Office, Montroseq kfarr.h, 12; 1856. '5 ' • • AUCTION. t.' 4ti 'rift-1g MI bscriber will offer for' to at his store JL 'in Brooklyn, .on Wedne y the second day of _April next. his whole stock of Goods, to -the-highest and best bidder, Gae4T Isnucejtzttra.—lfy ;GOods mast be sold, henue the' public will have the best thanes ever had to buy - cheap! My, issottinent con sists of the nand variety of to tr ores.— '4y st ores.- Crocsery and Hardware, Dry :Goods, Groceries &e, &c."( - New' ht. your ehancS,Partners; to - , lay in a stock, i To the Ladles I *mild say t hatlott Win tad *heap .bargains in i; !: i - 14 Died, DRESS- la short, cogs© one, come aij salves , .., Tzeits; .2 11 -,suois of SSA dove;ovar..s - ,, six atontbs eriklit.; .. , ittUESI. "mown, Much . 14, 1856,+-2 er N; B. - MI wa,,onis dila 7 BookiiivimiA,4 l * r mad ki es! the 811 1 10 i' I ' - -) ' 'l' j' REIM SOMMeg $l2 31 1431 04 . 94 202 316 267 290 35 - 2$ 91 92 11 (87 • itiB ~~ ~ 50 64 103 60 2 4 I 4 60 57 40 23 20 4 20 3 89 9 4.5 4 70 467 I,‘ 1 6 90 'l'2B 8 48 1 . '92 7:4/ 7 0 0 2079 ,: 1 14 88 -:, 720 1.1 1 , Treas., 58 ! o al! persona Estates, to wit: kifCrteat Bond inuey eseen. , ate . of Aubur n w Administri . , r IY d NO' . your. .under: Cosh t! with good le' nois v Or ri,,and: Online I F: 8,, mem LOOK HERE! ABEL' TIT•RRELIL . As Just received from New.: York, a fail LA and desirable stock of ~. - • NEW GOODS , • Comprising a Arst rate assortment of, Drnks, Biedicines, Chemicals, Me.dipal Instrnments, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, China, Glass . * Ear then Ware, (a geed variety of Crorkery,) Brit, annia Ware, Japanned and Planished Tin Ware, Silver and all other kinds _of Spoons. ,1 S!lver Forks, Butter Knives, &c. All sorts of Lamps. A good variety Of Wood and Gilt Frame Mir rors. Walls and Window Paper. Stationery. Stone and Wooden .Ware. Brushes.- Brooms. Family Groceries. Limp Oils. Csmptiene.- -Burning Fluid. Tallow Stenrin and Spermaceti Candles ; Hide and other Whips.. Varnishes. .WindoW Glass, &c. A first rate variety °aim elry, and Fancy. Goods.-.• Gold" and Silver Spec ta..ies.. Gold-Pens. Violins, Flutes, Fifes, Ac- , cordeons,Violin.and Veolincelio Strin22 4 ,!&e.— The largest assortment of Pocket, Knives in SUM. Co„ and the best quality in Market; Shot Guns, Pistols, (single and Double Barrel,) Re iolvers,•&c. I • In short. the Physician, the Thvalid, the Howie- . keeper, the Farmer, the Mechanic, the Maniirac ' turer, the Professional Man, the Gentleman, the Lady, the Rich and the Poor, the Young and Old, the Beautiful' and ..the Ugly, the Gay abd the Fashionable, and all the rest of ; the people, will find soine.thing to. slipply their every dayktants at 'Futrell's. • - Storeiti the new , Brick Block—Prices low— Qualities good—Call And see.' . ABEL TURRELL Montrose, March 6, 1456: • • tV' They are all going to Terrell's...ol Sheriff's Sales. 13 .1 7 virtu e of a :wri of fi eri facias imutid out 'of the'Court of e lumen Pleas of theeotiri ty of Susq;lehanna, and to nie directed, I will: expose to sale by public vendee at, the oourt - House in Montrose, on Saturday the 22d day of March inst., at 11 o'clock A. M. • All that certain piece or parcel of land) ; situ ate in the township olGreat Ben.rand described as folloWs: . Be,gioning• at - a point in -the slonih weeerly line of the Great. Bent and Cockeeton Thrnpike road, the south easterly side of a ;large', Chestnut tree, at a rner of lands of the N. Y. & E, - R. R. Co.; thence. south fifty one degrees and thirty minutes West, aliing the line of saidß. R(Co'sland, about one hundred and ifour- . teen f(e ,, el. to a corner thereof;7l hence norwest. wa..dly along the lines of said Company 'land !taunt 182 feet to the.. North-westerly side',of [Locust tree with two trrks about seven feet Ifrom said line ; thence north fifty-one and tbiee itOurths degrees east:about two hundred. fi. r et to 'the line of -said Turnpike, the north-westerly side of s ,gate post; them.° 80it th t.entv-aeven idegrees east, along the line of said. TtirnPike, Ione) hundred and sevePpnine and' a half . feet to the place. of beginning, Containing nit tenths of an sere, inure or less! Now erected thereon a large three story Tavern -house, known as the . e. Bryant flouse' . witfi :t large barn, shed,, ice hion-e and out houses{ 4.& • 'Taken at the suit of; Chas. G. Hart to the -use Of Silas Billings vs. Addi Son• Bryant. 1 • F. P. 11OLLISTgR, March 5, 1858. Sherifrs Sale. . • 13 l' . virtue of a writ of Ler.F4r. issued out of the I Court of Common Pleas of ,Stoninch - anna omit v and, to me .direeled, I Will oxposo to sale iloy puhlie:t endue at the Court H ouse in Mont 4rose, I, n sntarday the 1 :12d day of March next, t. , „',..likiii- P. M.— . ' ALL th6t certain pieta Or pared ollatid situ • - ' Great Bend , ate in towirship; and in the County mi . Susainehanna, bounded and described :1.. ft 1 . lbws to wit: Beginning. ; at the south. West eOrn dr thereof,.at the line or Lowrie Green, and on tte north line of the Depot Grounds of the New ork and Erie Rail Roibi Co. Then by .said ftompaicy's Grounds, south . 51 degrees east, 60 tjet. thence by other lauds of Addison Bryant, ' nit irth $1 degrees east 2QB feet, to the .south side traveled path, of the old ininpike road, thence by road north 26 deg,rties west,' GO feet to .the .eitraer of said Green's -line, thence south 51 deg. 4... t. 232 feet to the b , :gianing,. Contaiidnir about 12960 square feet, and having . erected tliereon a large Rotel known as "The Bryant lionse," with . barn shedit and other out houses 1 a rt all. improved. . c , - Taken in execution a( the suit of Elmee W. • B i,ghttm vs. Addiion BrYnnt. F. P4 - 101.LISTER,'ShIr Sheriff's Ofßee, MontrOse, Feb. 18, 185 G. , 80 '2O 56 30 92 70 76 . ---- 1 Boot and S hoe Emporium 1 _ - - . Of • ' , t • •••Qi - r. 3 - 1 , -. - Ni...-Q , ..,1, tivir- 1 -.1- 11 -- f d AB . :11.111.11111)11:1J. , ::4 1 ... 1 1 ...r :, f 111 E anbwribers have removed their Boot and " Shoe store into the building reii,ntly oceu pie i by • Messrs Bentley and Read, Public Ave nuil. ', first above the Post l 01116 e... Where, not-' wilistanding . the . mixed ; state of politics, the str agoncv or the money=' Market, the " nough sad,thins"ft Al Road Monopolies, Jack-0.1..ant ( ernlind ticetnents, and the great dreughth, as One 'extteme follows another; in all haman probabili ty, We shall have a cold vrtnter. InVievir of this I statk of thin;fs the sabseibers beg leave to say. t that! they. are prepared' to Meet the wants of the' 1 Buo:t & •Saoe westing public, with good and sub: I stantial varieties of Bovril* , Shoes of Eastorn or Itme Manufoeture,'werranted equal (if tiet I heti r) than -imy offered iii this market. Their E toe etribrazies a general variety of Ladies and Gents wears' Consisting ih part of ietdies Stitt Lssiod, Pish.Tor Heel ()Niters, Silk Lasting Congress Gaiter: ! , French; Kid Congress Gait. ; ers, ifirroeo Garters L7di4 .11arthai/.. Ties, City Mad': Bronzed Buskins, .1 1 ;:inild Buskins,' Ko "Buskins, Pat. Leather Buskins, Morocco Lace Boot , Call Lace Boots Enam'd Boots; Fur Thu. 1 Bas.lins c:f•a:, Illisse t s Silk Lasting• Pal. for oiteri, Colorrd Gaileiis. Calf Lace 7 Boots, Kid Lace Boots, Jenny Linds Kip Shoes, Chil i dren Garters, Button Shoes, Ande Ties, l'at. Vans . French Buskins ,. (tall and Kip Shoes, MEs.' French Calf; Kip it4Stoga Boots, Calf 1 . Enm,d, Kip and Cowhide Brog,s. Bets Thiek and Kip Boots, Youth's Boots, Thick and hip, and .Pat. Leather shoes, (te.,l 4.e. - - - 1 j Rubbers. and Sandals a general assortment 1 Ftspitus, SP.trables, Thread ' Wait, Steel Nails' I Pega t inteke, Bristles , Heel ißall. Boot Webb' Haturhers, Pincers, Shoe Kn?yee,Edge.Blaekinte Goat find aIIOOD Binding, Water - Proof Black- , ing, "taste Blacking, Gum Arabac, Gum,Tragae anth, Edge Britches, awl liens, Pegging u and i fifo wih Awl Blades; 4c. i . -1I • • . . • 1 • 1 LEATHER. . - . All Inds by the side or Pound, to suit mat lomer. The public•dtre invited to call before . purchasing elsewhere'. Customers may rely uP.,. .on getting what they bargain tor, end - that is betterlthati they can do in t* some platig." I f they bitv•Eastern work, they Can be atteomodat4i with ait'good an article as • can be found In this market Ilthey prefer homei manufacture they san hae it: without being hutabuged. ALL kinds tn of wer ado - to order and warranted.. Repair: ing doge on short notice: i i Txarm. for past favor*, We hope by - strict attention to 4 business, to merit a confinnAnee of the es le. " ; 1 -i- - . t • i C. M. pIMMONS: •. • A. MERRIMAN. P. SI It Is new over a.year since the great Firif In Montrose, at which time the; subscriber having Ind . with a great. loss, in facithe- lost his awl,' he wo Id say to those indebted to him, either by Note 4r Rook eecount, that the sante moat he settledwithout further notice. I • , i • . Yduts. 4e... I ' .-C. Mb SIMMONS. • 1 Moniroae, lip: I, 1856: , i-- . Por. :Sale.i ALTO SE, Shop vnd Lot in the south part co } XL `New Uilfooi Tile" shop is nearly' new, MI by 30; and:two story:: high, oeenpiea I wagoli shop. The IM taataina 60 rade of good or I would sell the boniwatuf one fourth of ea ..aura of land aeparete. E The Lark.' :manna I Rail Road sant pa as Along in front _pc. the ?Oda* IgSt of a toile distaat. A good and eortcreeintiocation for a mechanic of eltnoSt soy! kind: lot priasimd parttenlarelerquire of HepJ ry ty l on on the premises. Nir,tlAte ectid.chev appliefl =EI , , . . Sheriitlidee. i - . BY virtue of sundry writs' issued 04 of Court of Common Pleas and to . 'di ted, I will expose to: Salo, at pUblin, tie due the Court House in Montrose, on Sato ap, day of April next; at 1 o'clock P . .. AL, the folh ingiteal estate to wit: ALL that certaitrpiece or parcel of kt dJsi ate-and being in•tho township 'of Apol on, the county of Susquehanna,' and tionndee as I lobs to wit: on the north- by lands of an .MeShertrer and John liardingjtjoia thepast 1 3 lands of Michael Itoettey, on atte r Sputh b .fr et al of Caleb Carmalt, and on the West by I.lnde Teranee- Fe/tan end Johnson Foster; eonmini awt 8u acreS' at land, more or less, wth aprtenances ono log hottse,.one leg barn, a about. 50 acres improved: 1 Taken in execution at the ,suit 'of. W i i•kle and Stone vs. Patrick Green. I - • ALSO, All that certain tract of hind ea led I ‘ Isaac. Cox tract," situated) on the north rail of the Wyalusing creek ; adjoining . land"" uret the name of Thomas Dunlap on the amid and the heirs of Henry Drinker on the eds . , Re i ert Carson on the north and on the West . • un known lands; containingthree kindred h ' thir ty acres and allowance °fair perjeent. forrade, exeepting oat of the sane onejliu4dre . items now in possession of Dan Pepper, lying n' the south side of the said litaitteC ex tract, agr eablt t o th e survey of the same , leavina awe h odr and thirty :Wei ; the premises hereby in erk to be onveyed, being the ferm 'on: whie I I" said Carter now lives, and which Orra SO ' a l wife; by indenture dated the 21st day o Jul p} ono thousand tight hUndted and thirty for, corded in Deed Book, No. 9, page 205, apt unto said Horace Carter in . fee, 'With t ea purtenanees, _ one framed dwelling hoe ,"o framed barn and.ehed, and o'rehard there n a sabot ninety acres improved. i • - Taken in execution nt the suit jef Cale el malt vs. Horace Coker. , , •A LSO—AII that certain tract Or pereeln lai, l sitnate in the township , of Great Bend, n the county of Susquehanna and .state of : Penn lea nia, and in that p.irt of aaid townAip cell 10- derevllle, lying in ; ranklin street , begidele i atO i stake about eighty teet from the Northwe. t cur ; ner of the land sold by Leory Green to 'miry McKinney; said corner being an Iron Pig cr.tiar; thence at right angles fromareid Franklin Itroet, one hundred - anildwenty feet to another street; lying paralel with 'said Franklin street; thence southerly along said parellel street, sieq , f Jet to a stake; the.nee Westerly at right angles to prank lin Street, about one hundred ands, twent feet and thence northerly, to the place 1,4 A begi and sixty feet, with the dwelling . house and ap art :lances. - ..' J 'Taken in execution at the suit bf JOhn '.l Kinney, assignee of Oliver Coekliii vs. Ci arli A. Parnarn. ALSO--;ALI, that certnia piece or . pat eel et' land situate in the townehiplof Libe tv,ii the county of Suequeltaune, and bonndeit a fol. lugs to wit , beginning at a stake and stones, the south west corner •hereof, tkenee.' south one. and a hair degrees vest, one. Hundred and Thirty perctee, to a stake and stones .e Thence south 87 degrees east, one hundred and thirty-five per eltes to a stake.and stones, thence north on 4 and a, half degrees eaet, one hundred and Utile:l per ches to a corner in Lizard Pond, thence north eighty-seven degrees west, one hundred andithir ty five perches to the place of begitining,•koUwn ai lot No. 33 of the Lawsville tract, centelnin,g about one hundred \acres more Or less,jWith one acreimprovtd. - - I . • J Taken in execution at the suit of lehinl.Day ton vs. David James and William James:. j • ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land situate and lying and : being • inj the : borough of Susquehanna Dep - oi in the Coun ty of Sustjueltanna, and bounded as follows, to wit: On thu North - by lands of John Rogers; on the east bytho public Highway, on the south by hinds ' , f .- Messrs. A. - &.S. H. Barnes, and on the west - by lands of James H. Smith, being . the . same Inds re( ently conveyed .by r ileed to N. - Talmage by A. C. Adams, containing about o n e :u:re of lune, more or less, and all improved. Taken in execation'at the snit of C. S: Ben net vs. Nathaniel Talmadge. i ALSO—AII that certeih • nice° . or . par. eel of land situate and being inahe township of Fr:a/kiln, in the county of Susquehanna, and bounded and described as follows to wit: On the north by inrut, contracted to John Iksßeehe, on the east by lands of N. P. Wheatuiniouth by the • public Highway bailing Up ISilverj creek, and west by lands of Griffin Stil well ,':; containing about 4 acres, more or less, , with the nppurto: 11:11WC14, one framed. Houle and one frauted.Barn. and 'about 2 1-2 acres improVrti. . --:- -- . Taken ln. execution at the Suit of Willlam.L: Post, and I. L. Post, as •I. L Post : ' dr. Co., vs. Wesley .- Beebe... e .. . . ALSO—AII that certain piece or "paled of land situate and beingJin the, township of, o‘kland,• in Susquehanna countY,'. bounded and , described as followm• to wit: .On 1 the north' :by lands belonging to I Ward - &:1 Williams, on the east by lands I belongine to David Bryant, (as believed) On thu south by lands of George Dyer. and on the west hi lands cone : dracted by said Ward :tad Williams 'to David Day,.the same being lot No. 42 as per map of re-survey of the Wharton lands, made in June and November; A. D. 1847, by John Boyle, !con demning One hundred and six acres and, thirty Bev en perches. The sumo being mostly improved Taken in . execution at the suit of F. -M. WI!. llama and F. A. Ward vs. Wm. Braithwait. • • • ALSO—AII that certain piece jorl , parcel 6f lend situate and being in the Township of Bridge water in the county of Susquehanna and tiund- . ed. as fellows, to wit : Oa the north by tho old Sliver Lake line; on the south by Wile formerly contracted to Stephen F. Stephens!' ; on thS' east by laricle in pass lion of Orrin Stevens; jr:, and on 'the West partly by said °Caleb 'farm:ties . . land; and Partly by the lot called the Fishback Lot, dont:lining - 112 wires, more or less, 'with the appurtenances, 1 :I,og -House, 1 Log stable j and about 35 acres improved. - Seized and taken in execution at . the snit of Caleb Certhalt, va. Samuel Strange. ALSO,AII that certain piece or pareel of land situate inDimock township, in tbe conity Of Stet qnehanna, and bounded as follows tn.wit: On the- torth by lads otJacob Walece, on the east s o by —Baxter, on the south by landfJainem Walate and Charles Tingley, and ou the west : by lands of CharlCs - Tingley, containing about x's6 acres more or less, and about 12 acres improved. Taken in execution at the suit of lea'ac Vanati.e ken, to the use of John • C. Phelps,' vs. Horace W. Ball. • ALSO—AII that certain piece or ;parcel of land lying and being, Situate in the- Township 'of Apo!aeon; in sad County, bounded and de. scribed as follows to wit • Beginning on the Milford and Owego - Turnpike road, at a cherry 'tree, a corner of a lot of land formerly survey. ed for Daniel Clements, thence south 37 deg. west, 100 perches to a corner,. thence south b 3 degrees, east 80 -perches to a beach corner, thence north 37 deg. east, 80 perches to a post, by the turnpike, thence along the same the fol lowing corners and 'distances ;to wit: .l north 60 'deg. west, i 5 perches, north at deg. west, 30 perches, north: 12 perches, and north 53degrees, west 4 perches, to the place of be con taining 40 acres . and'B3 perches, .be the' same, more or less, with the 'appurtenances, one Bap and 20 acres improved. ; Taken in Execution' at the suit of LloStanley es. Hiram Cook: • . Administrator's Sale-1 'c/TICE is hereby-given that by virtue of an .1.11 order of the Orpipuis Court of Sultquehan us County; the undersigned will expose to pub lic. sale by- vendee at the late residencel of Nei son Tiffany, deceased, in Brooklyn, on Saturday, the sth day of April next at one o'eloci, I'. M. thelollowing described pieces or pareelS of land situate in township of Harford ; the fist bounded on the North'by lands ofJoaeph More en the east by the lands of the Drinker estate, on the south lande of A. I - Tiffany. and on the west by lands of William Blpoinfi v ld and Goodrich, containing about . nine.ty.eix.sicros, which is unimproved .. The wenn& pteun ie bout!. ded oa the _north by ; the Stae Road,l marling from Liartin's Creek to filiford,ou the east and _south by landtuf .Daltoil Tiffany, and Sabra Jef fers, aud, On' the :west by other laudsof said . Sebra Jeffers, containing 36 acres, -all 'which is inapioved. • i. Terms of payment easy. and made keown day of see, r4I,II.ENTs. 4.Ii , TIFP4NY. 4rwr MEM ---------, —.............! The Commit siOners of Sargin county /save the ftded 'upon the toltpleiing dart, crud glades fi . 1 r ec . 1 r holding the Appeals from the Assess- I, at. wields of 1856, (*jai/: I sth , FOrest Lake and Silver Lake ) Tuatday Feb. ow' 19th' at the house of Mrti, Clark% in Forest Lake. . Chocohnt, Middletown and Apotacon Wednes du- -day Feb. 20th, at Mises Hotel In Friendsville. Jo I " Rash and Auburn, Thursdiy,-Feb. 21st,st the roi- lOuie of N. D. Snyd'er's In Rush. . cla b Y Slitingtille and Dint - cock, Friday 22d, at the Yhouse of Spencer Hideo*, in Springville. ads Brboltlyn and Lathiop, Monday Feb. 25th, nt ef he bons° of lamest). Bullard,ln Brooklyn. ing Iltirford and Lenox'. Tuesday Feb. 25th, at the he hOuse of John Cainerons, in Lenox. ' i Ind Clifford', : Herrick and. Dundaff, Wednesday eb. p7th, at the house fortnefly oceupled by em_., ' I Gibson, Jackson and Ararat, Thursday' Feb. the Bth. I t the house of Joel Steenbaeks in Gibson. left - Th rnsOn, Harmony, Oakland and SuN'a De DP of, ridgy Fob 29th, at the house of Thoums tb, (arrit in Suitq's Dotongh. • ' - , ' , b:, IN e - hlil ford and . Gnist Bend, Saturday March It- Ist, a the House of {Hiram Barnums, In New r- 11ilford. ! * . • J, . , , Illobtroie. Bridgewater and; Jtasup, Monday i Illatehr3d,' nt Commisitioners Office in Montrose. 1 ' Franklin and Liberty, Tuesday March 4th, at the house 'of Bela Jones, in • Liberty. I - ~ BY order of the. Ctimmisl inners. ted 11. I Writ.' A. CROSSMAN' Clerk. the I ' I Cotters Office Montiosii_ Jan. 22d, A. D. 1836. ind I .no, - • ,- HEAR, •01 GENTILES-! •.. ; in Montrose' and' Weshing tan!!. . NO SPEAKER . YET!!! ' IR great political 'Fusion at Washington. s yet is not sueceesful, but IGUTTENBERG, - ROSENBAUM', & CO. t d ~hs've fi sed all parties into one grand, victorious, and ev i-increasing party, nut for the shedding of bleed, r for the spoila — of office, but - for the per -chase- A f GOODS. at a lower figura than ever be fore hm' - e been sold - in 31ontrose. Our 31otto. ~ D owrie w ith Nionopol." - ' •- - . , Nye take' pleasure in arinouncing to the citi zens,of-SuSquyhanna County' that we have re moved to eur — iplondid' new store in the east end of the :! --, . BRICK. - BLOCK. • - - Where , we Shall - alwa . iS bepropared to wait up . - on[ourriends, and, where it will aflbrd us the tt, grtates pleasureto exhibit to our •eustomers, t ,ig, and others, the lai l gest.and t finest stock of Goods .0. ever op,bned in MontrOsei n -our line, consisting of iIInAIOY,4IADE. er.ointso, the largest and fin k- •est! assOrtment, latest' style:4, good cloth. and 'es made by experienced workmen. Our stock can not, bo Oqualled 'in quantity, quality or pried. ' I A:: ' ;Staple and fancy goods of all varieties. 1 - CotteniGoods, Laces,-. ' . . • • . . .'.l:silks, VelvetA Gloves, . - 1 ~ i Hosiery, lAdie's Dress. GOod-1, ' . ' - I • i ;1 Shawlk Hats, Cloaks, Furs, and tholmoSt complete] assortment of Sheetings, ' Shirtings, Tiekings, &C., - &e., all articles usually wanted in the richest or poorest families. - - li is not true thatour, Goods are.inferior in any resPect.l ' W i e will give to our customers the pre cise kind , of Goods in, quality that we - recom-. mend or they may return- them... In short we MY competition as to, quantity and quality.-- . Calritipon u$ and you Shall not go empty or di.s. sat iSflecil away.. I . .. - Meastires,takon for Ready Made clothing, pre - - vidCd we cannot suit customers in the stare, and just the . garinents wanted furnished on short no tice. . 1 - * Call 4, ia W a . . . • I First .aiid Last Call. .. A 1., i dehted tojt. Tnafer 4. co., Thayer 12. j & randall, or It. Thayer, individually will please take this kind admonition, and, we must have:th, 5:... - 'neeounts - settled 'up. .Now if you call ,' and settle with ns,l and . pay uS when you . esn,itie• ill' be satisfied. Otherwise we shall be, under the necessity of leaving• our books with a justic for settlement and collcetiqn. We will trice until the Ist of April next for you to call and .ee us. Many Of these debts are small and the oats would arnOunt to more than the I . debts. o friends call and not compel .us what is o much ageing( one' f'eeling's. , ' • Also, e would say to 'the public, that 'wish ing to se I out our entira stock Of Gooch', nith er than five them,. as We are going to build us a-new stcre•house the coming summer , . we WM, sell Sou nods-, at city cost for 'the , ' next - two months. Shingks and Most . 'kinds of luMbet taken in xchange for Good.; ' •-.: • •. • Call h tid. see us without delay . 11...TEJAVER & CO. Montrose, Peb. 25, 1856. • BAGS i BAGS -.AND , BAGGING.' El - I'D ' /AB . At Iffiil)lU:_?,_GlMAl2.4 I - No. SO wager Street, - / - • N .AR OLD SLIP, NEW YORK. . AST constantly , on hand and . manufacture Hl , • ;to rdet, - : 2 Bags and Sacks, Sowed and Seam ' , -lima, - --. , fur all .uses, and of every •desirablo style; and quality. , • They Tul especially calf attention to their uneilit 11h. 'facilities for . . BAlTilill 212 D al:071116 lunge or Sacks-for Fliinr• !Weal, lionalnr, LI ucli wheat, Mims, Sall, SPICCII• . 1 . : &C•4&C., • all of , t - hiel . they-furnish to order, in the most approved style of desig,n and printing, and with goickest de t spatch: , . ' - Also, fmporters and Dealers in ' 1 1 ' . . • . Gru2ny ,Bags and Bagging, • ' nod vinous kinds of TIIREAD. and TWINE, both Linenland!CoAoh, of which we are receiv , in g contian I sipplies. . March's, 18.5p.—m6. ' - , - / ,Anditors Notice. • r TIE,. un i dersigned, appointed 'to distribute Ithe proceeds of the Sheriff's sale of the real estate,ltif N.. Len,heim, will attend to the same at hisleffieejwilentrose, on Monday_ the 31st day of arc next, at'ebe o'clock •P. U., at which time all persons interested are required to present their claims or be debarred from coal. lug in upon Said fund. , ' WIL.J.Ti.TRRELL, Auditor. -Feb. 28, 856.—dw • I , WIL TAM TREMAIN & CO. I Tx ILL, 'eep elways 0f}..., band at their Store V V ' near the " Starrucca Viaduct," a large .and well se ected assortment of all artielea usu ally called tin. in Country - Stores; consisting of Dry Goods, Ready Made Clothing, Hats and Caps, 800 - and 'Shoes, Crockery, Glass :tad Queensv.'ar ,Clocks, Hardware,'Nails, and Cut lery, Croce les; Olin. Provisions, .Flour," Feed, Salt, &e., rugs and Dye Woods, "Wooden and Willow Mire, Brushes, Browns, Stoop. Ware. and ,a great variety bf other "traps," all of which they will• exchange for cash Or country produce, on,eS good ertni as any establishment in the cootie, and we guarantee our Goods to prove 'at all times as they are repreonted. W. T; & Co. I I hope by do e attention to business, and by fair dealing, to erit_u continuance of the patronage , which has eretoforo been liberally extended, The high st market rates will- at all time be paid in" Goo s, or Cush - if preferrid o for Hem lock Thirk a the Viaduct Tannery, Wlll. TIMISIAIN & CO. , _ i, Feb. , 27. f 856. '' - Lanesbn • 04hatt'8 Omni Sate. N purodadee of on order of the Orphan's e'oart; will be sold on tho preatbses, or Saltirdoy the'oth day lof April next. at 1' o'clailk p ; a lot of land, ',Rant° in, FrinkliaTotirolo:l4 in Marfa Co.,' con tubing ,kotillislu/d bounded on the Nerdtbr the Itepa'le gAtolp Franklin Centre; to- alt thi So ere - 04,0n the East by_ll,ldndslof ChattleO Gunn ; on the South, by another road leSding as'aboxo 0t40,4 oltd nn the west by lands of John ‘lreb . t iter. A framed hcinse ind4iirti, oti orchwid,,o4d abolit -40 naps cleared. Ldta '{ho estate of, Joseph Wehicer deemw. j . • ',[ JO 1;N WENT Z*. • 10w3: Troateo44. - nd save tn_nnei. , • M. PUTTENBERG, • - CILtS. WITTENBERG, L BOSENBAUM, . " • J. %VITTENBERG. 'se, .Tan: 30, 15.56. E==Z!= - I NAL Apra. ra \ AND: figlirinag 03431 arNalikMe VILETtIIMP Editioi, cloth; 345. pies,. 75 colored 'engraiinss, representing 'ail the diseases Olin gondol organ? of _the nudesna fetish,, with the hitesi discoveiles In roProdne tion. The Uillicted should tie* nikientedieit fore -learning from this valuable work 41* dupe. riority of the author** Paris add racuten that. meet of private diseases. Both marriedind site gle should consult it. Sold at No. 222 Viva way. and mailed free for $l, by the author, M. ,LARhIONT, Physician . and Surgeon,- No. 42 Reader Street, corner, , 290 Broadway, where he cures all them diseases. from 11 A. M. till 2 P. and 6 to 9 in the evening, Sundays except ed. Address ail letters, Box No. 844 New York-i POst office. We concur with the other papers in recommending Dr. LARMONT to the ethyl. cd-=Courrier des Etats Unis. •Staals Zeittycsc Demaawt, Day Book, Courier!' Ditpatck and I New Brunswick Times. _ Jan. 22, 11156.--4 y 1. Norcross' Rotary Mourn' Ma ' _ chine. . AATANTED--To sell the Rights . and Ma. T chines for Rotary Planing, Tonguing and Grooving Machine, for boards and plank,un der the Norcross Patent. Also; the attachment of the Monliling Machine, which will work a whole board into mould la at one operation.-v This patent has been triei.4 and decided in the Supreme Court in Workington. Ao be no in= fringemetiVbeing superior to Woodworth's Ma chine. Appl jtoL D. DAL E , , Willow Street. sboie Twelfth, Philsdelphin..Wheie Ow • Mnehlne.s- can be seen in.operation.. F. . W CARR, Agent. HAYDEN f. BROTHERS 21e* Milford, Pentea. • •. , Wrot l 2 B ll l :pe E nde n ri, e ' le Zlr e . Tds, B ; t a t n7; Goods, Wattilles *Jewelry, .Silver and- Plated Ware, Cutlery", PIMA' Tackle, Cigars,. itc.. lilerehluts.-and Peddlers supplied on liberal termg.' • WM. HAYIJEN, JOHN ,4 Dior Art Refuses to Court the ' Muses. __Jr) . 'tat more a bright new. year. ~, _ , . With its blessings and its cheer; .. We have' ladly welcomed here. •. 'Now, as yourl,plans you fix, And so earnestly feu mix . _t, . _ In the scenes ef 'fifty six'—: . . Please giVe yourselves the pleasure, • - At your earliest !init . ; of leisure, . - -- Of securing such a treasure . •. ' As Deans, the'` Ilan of Paces;' : With a atit pencil traces! , • And, to P strietnUr fancy, .places 1 in•Lis . ncatly finished cases. : -• • - Defer not:till to-morrow ' . . • ' Wait not for seam and furrow Whitt' come with age and sorrow. . • Rut L ep, let the Artist, tyke you - , , - • • " Ere youth's warm gI4W forsake yon,. .And a cepy:trtie he'll task; Ton. np The place where this can be . done to. perfection . (No doubt you have been there . before) Is sure von cannot .tnistake the direction) At Old FeliOw's Hall, second flour. • •AT RONE. AGAIN . Perzeverence has triumphd over every obstiv • ele ! - xyntivithstanding a 'destruetive fire, an exien ./.li sive loss, and n te-n nionth's sieknesss, ABEL TURRELL, • . lies e(imPloted his New Brick Store ; !Wilt up on die same grounti occupied- by his former Stork that was,ooromined by: fire, and -in the New Brick Block ;)-into which he has removed his stock of.goOds, where he will with pleasure wait upon patrons. An entirely neiv and,exten sive assortment of goods will soon be atl44, to the present stook. The patronage of the- pub- With.the assUrance test the inter est of purchasers As!' be - promoted. - Montrose; San: 24;11 4 1.56.• " - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. T1ORMIA?1, SMITH & CO. would re- I) inform the public .hat they have purchased the interest in the seddlo and Harness Business of A. & E. Baldwin. We hope by strict attention to business to receive our stint° of Public. patronage. Constantly on hand, Saddles, Bridles, Harness, Whips, Tranh , , Valises, &c. Carriage Tritning in all of its branches will 'be neatly done to order, on reasonable terms. Shop No. 2, seariog Basement. FORDHAM SMITH & CO. ' %Montrose, .Tan. 1,185 G. • . • For the Bonefit of Suffering Hu . ..inanity. A Retired gentleman having . cured himself of the Piles aceompanitd with . eruptions of the skin, eter.surering for upwards of 25„years • thinks it his duty to 'make the remedy known for the benefit of the afincted. tie will forward tho particulars for the cure of the . same on tho re ceipt nf a 3 cent pustage stamp. ' Addrek 6 1 REV. C. J. RECICLAW,. NO. 12 Ann St. N. Y. Feb. 12, 18.56.-Bwt . • AUCTION SALE. AVM!. be soht nt public Vendee, on t hc.prarti• Ir isri- of the Sebiciiber . on, l'ueliday the 19th thy of Feb. inlet,;' at - one. o'clock P. • 31: Pee Al are, one Coft, three Cows, and aisty-tlre'Sheep, -the Sheep will ';be ,soid in lots, or, altogether.Terms,, Term of sale,—aixty chiya Credit with apptov; eti:secutitk. '-' • E.. M. BLANDING.. ilarfurd Fob. 4, 1859.-6w2. • i Atiditoit's Notice. +plre nndeslgned having been appointed by the 1 Orphan's Court - of &gift...banns county, an Auditor to distribnte.the funds in the hands of the Administrator of theestate of Alexander Her. per deceased, •kttend to the duties of his said appeintraentjit Ike _oftice.of Bentley .dt Fitch in i‘lontrase, .onZ.*sday the 4th day of Um+ next, at 2 o'clock in - the afternoon, at which time and place sill pirsons interested will pre sent their claims; ) or be thereafter forger barred froth comng in upon said fund. A. BUSHNELL, Audrr.' Montrose, Feb. ;24, 1856.-6 Public Salo.. TIE Subscriber will sell at public sale on Saturday. the; Bth day of March next,_on his Farm in Brilgewafer township, the, follow ing propetty to *it: 9 COVls'of gooiouality, 35 good pheep, 2 five year old horses,. I six year old horse, and 6 two year olds of good size. The said property will be sold to, the highest bidder on six months time, with good seeurilv. PATRICK - CIWSSE Bridgewater, Feb: 25,__2w*• Goods it Cost. A Nlllower. The inbsCriberintOdOew „AL sing She mercantile husiness the -first- Of April noxt, and Is:desirous therefore. of Bellies off his present stock, of • - •_- • • •. 'GOODS. • For ,Cosh otrendy'finythe publiemoy bo ossitr,_ ed that they can- now purehano, of theiower Goode were ever before sold in Brooklyn. sleek eoneiots.of n. general irdriely:store., Giro me a call *rayon will tnokuresd, bar: - gains; - - J. . F. SMITH. Broolclyn, Feb. 2011558.--841 - A CIA,Ita WOULD take this method to express my graill tide moat' earnestly, to the merchants orStisqurhanak Cautitjta-#4 3 17, itno" whom kave showtt theaseivei -yteighbori' and friends; ems turviloeCintimitaa in the Hard: ware thd , Ctitteryo bpi**. IA New York, tad trust they will Sad %la Oak - tfrtup their aiiitA' think nho have. not, "found it qouvalliati eta t/take tha sacr ifi ceof mg to 21.5 Peael.sltreet , near naktenlane` ftiva : annatee friuuMpronnta Hotel) I trilliwy,thal shoUtdqou genii. shall -try 44d make riar We, tweat, min% and would: esteem It- a neighbor", 1 4:tilitill41$ rinaliiKtiataablein, Tpat s , ontrase, Ilk lit TRACY TIAYDEN, GEO.' HAYDEN. - • • 4wl7* GOLD CHAINS.—"—A late stoek i yarions pat- ternsi and all weights., • Plated Cake Baskets, Castors, Candlestiokn e - Forks. Spoons.. Tea Setts, ate. . Plated~ !RV.* and Desert Knives. Anptlter large !Wailing' to my' former stoek. " - .", GOLD SPECTACLES—A(I ages,Ccmcox find '- Coneave,Gold rvens, sloe :Ye Itnitons,itut,,Tiffitiar - bles,.CrosSes, Keys, Beafs,'Slides',&e. - . • yeti. Eno assortment of Gold end Silver Witch - ea, liunting and Plainarom CV, ,: • • New Gocids Chettplor (1 W.:MOTT hairist received ouotheilot of v • New Gimds, *inch as 'Ulna, Do thiges,Vringhams j dollafil,Zpibr o kl.4 7 Lawns, Eire., dte, ' , Filar fin InilititS AT'VERT LOW PRICT.3. S thitMER SHA WIA.a IMF iOt jtpa recoived--beantifal patterns at very lOw Also CRAPL alai. BLACK SHAWLS' ut logo as the lowest. • - • - • C. W: - G. W. SEYMOUR &Ca - A re just receiving thew Pall'and Winter StOellr • 11. of Goads., which they feel tenfklent. W are uttering for Salnat FULL £$ LI)11" TIOUITT3 any etktablisliment in this section'. Our .stock "I ns Complete :as is . generally round In conntiy Stores. ' - Itirford-tept .18645 _ .. . A- 2 - good , AssottmoFtt::, of Crockery: '41:141. Gi4. -.. . , i -ZlAVatei at -,-_,_ -,::. W. Wi.i.k 41cfcct: '-. El , ' ;:,-,', _ , _ _. . . . . . . . pOR:CELAJX, : and 9nipit.a • W & 13_ ItC)CHN stlitte Stlimirtaii.ia!l _Pries*: at G. W . 8; dr. Co. .• t • ~.~ „ II (ACK and firocadoPresp for &multi ShiltinFiir yard at....-Cr. W. S.& CO:: • M Pe 1,4 1!%e5s 9f the latest Style* - • ' ,G.W. a &CO.' s 4 , • • . ACI MOWS r - Dye. lisps tabis t ellidsik: JIB of thoosuul flowers, awl Ptirkesery st, ,-c , •, G. Ili% 13.4:04,'• . . yANACEE, Notionx o f." Gciiirt4Cip; 4.7' T H E UP BO / 01 7443,`XCA447: 41:_ I. au4" l 44F 4 jikaVkilictilikitiC Vonii4r, ieeta m i kwtikututAlf4 ll ltiancadtkOhiladdliig • CV co t risiiiiiardwallsgrO4 - .01741.411444 ;` Oats,- Boit*, skiteittkossra*4)-- Pah*, a 411410404 ). ttiotiookk s - , ~. adipost - ivm .. - -'oPaally calliWitle ,4 *.allat - - Or gtoliktillit% - nglioun801;0410404 : 0:: : /litob l ie i s Asidrtatiriitsellki*:oo#4o,lo#l, ; kind if t -Arsserix --'4410 . 17010 R 4 W 4 Pra..44Ciiir PoalliiPNY4-001 Vreditt'7oliN: oloWitipeatfully invited to gut him- aot t ikekt he.:-wilt-tiatiafir ,14144-11441.4,....,-.1:1111-4111- 7 ;plare tnr furnAK - -UP,trialk '''' - ' 3 ' , 1 1 /11** 1. t ?Ike ' , .►kifti-Drsuit i v'.*M47 l 4, it-T.4-N A 1"14 111"" - - 1 14:1101 - ti 4 .' x , ~ 4. NI", - .p.• • . UpAeraille, zny 15i18.1.5, • -4 , - _ .-- -_,,,_ • . _ NEI IN=IIIMMES _ , .... ' - TO I T tT unikti air i 6lirk railittOpziwhatinittakootiestore i. suid eiiiiiiii t ed use Stock, 0 - 000DS ot IC. t. AintAlrs'Aiet - poPgr€ 4 CO 1 0 1 SF litefink Ali Cif:4;i - '... - VERY FINE izeiortssmOr - 2 ' - ti \ RIES; . • • --. .- , - - W E PERFUME i. ', ' YANKEE NOTIONS.- . ' . - : = . IRONAND NAILS, . _.---.,- . . .. , • , ‘- BOOTSAND aftus.. ,- , s`: , FLOUR AND.SALT, -, .. 'SOLk...\ AND UPPER LEATHER,: - - -, .- , . .At sad; prwea a* ( h e thin!) enn°ll.t"Cor: entire satitfaetion to 41 wun may . - ~,fr t - with their patronage: \ All kinds of produec Sr- good!. - - i• A Bmuklyn, Nor 4 1 . ,5, 18! . . NEW - STOVES' . BURRVITT has now in store and is half"' H .ing a larve stock of New Stoves, includitt W the Stns of the est and National elevated or*Dir. Black Rorer, Wide World and Parigm Latgs Oren, to which he wonl invite particular attention ea the best Cooking Stoves in matket, with a perio r ass° rtm en t of Parlor,Office and Shyster** for Wood or Coal, aid° Stave Pipp, Inc,IMAM' Iron, Stoves Tubes, &e., • • This stock is selected.from t 0 bdat of Albany and Utica for cash with the beat gintnU• ty of Trimmings taade:to 'order for his east* trade, which will enable him in nil respect* to - dekr "cot petitionand will be seigrat, the moat redhead prices for cash orappriived credit, New liiiford Oct. - ' ' - NEW ESTAELISNIKEPIW EDW ARD PRIEI3T, (late_ Nelson*. Priest), having: purchased the interprt, `Of anY bite partner, (31. Nelson,)"and further ehabges in the business, I offer the entire sleek now in store at a • - - •• - GREAT REDUOTION From 10 td 20 per cent from pre:lona piiert..4 Purchariera will find at the corner Store, La Fall,e, 'eke Block " " ' Greal.lqdtgcemlcts ,- . • Shirtings and sheeting, yd, wide; - from t 0 .35.; Plints from 4 ets. to Bagliah Priam; yd. wide, Is.; De Laiaes from 1.0 eta.i.o, 654 - psens and Paremettas from; .la. to 634 - Lapitegi IFrench derives. from'T to 12K Woolea- Plaidtt: ' fro - ea 10 cis to la:;-Colored Plaid and 11 1 / 1 0; saki • from 4s. to $2 a yard. -- . I . Embroideries, .tctee , At very low prices; Collarsfrom - Ce ts: :i t o r $8; _ ; 1 1nder-Sleei . es, flandkereldefi'Ate. at all. prlces, fine French Sets,el'ioniton Collars sc. ,11. great_ variety of Lanes, from' the Cotton to • the real Val lenekno Thread nod Gimpure. Rich : Drees Trimmings • • , . Plaid, Broehe, Cashmere and. Stella SHAWLS; - Cashmere, GaTd Bordered and Riedel. Scarfs, Misses Long Shawls and Gentleman's Mae's, Cloths,'Cassimeres, satinetts, Tweeds,ite4m47 Jeans, Sheeps.Grey, Vestlngs, &c.-, at every ca. riety of prices. _ ar Call and see 'Ws extensive aisortinentof -Trunks, Carpot-Bags and' Valises, for m they a reeeirnd direct from the mr.uutaCturer, and - are • to be sold at the very lowest Prices! , - N. B.—Any _quantity of sock! , Woolen Yarn and Rag Carpets wanted. • • - EDWARD PREESt Corner Court 4 Water sip., opposite ' can lintel, : Binghannon,'N. Y., Nor. • Holiday Prosents. _ • TN1.4,510ND Finger Rings and enstpinsfttnk $ l 3 to $6O. • 'A. EXAN4 i . .No. Odd Folio* 11. Bingolintnton, Dec. 20, 1855. EARRINGS.—GoId Stone, Cameo, MossiA, Coral, Jet, and nll gold earrings,io variety of psi. tern and mice. SILVER WARE—comprising e.vety article in use. viz : Spoons, ForksiNapkin Ringi f Card Case, Pie, Cake, Fruit and Butter knives, Copt,' Soup Ladles, &c., &c., umnartted as goods Jnne.l3.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers