ItolifAtritlig(4 en't- at _ -. ~.H411? D IVAB.e;STO ; BEI" • la, ..W.• tiREGORY & - 'JUDtiON SMITH 'B,.A 4 - having formed a co-partnership' tor'-.the purpose.of conducting the Hardware business in all its various -branches, would respectfully in. ferm_the ipeciple e;if Susquehanna - county - that. .thisystro-tiew opening at Gregory's Ohl - . - Stank opposite the Exchange Motel, 2 .doors frornAhe: • Canal, Binghamton,. N. Y., the largest, cheapest, and best - stock of' Hardware ever offered in Bing.' ham ton. - - ..- , • ,:, _ ~ . . • ~ _.. ~• -, Having made arr.mgements to iMport. their 'English C + o uds and purchase their American cli-r I Tea from manufacturers,they can .and will-sell : CHEAPER than any-.other •establishment in 'tow.a I Their Stock is now- very extensive, .and those wishing to, purchase - arc. Invited to Cl • The followin'sr'are a portion of their:leading' sr tieles,-viz.:-.,-Table knives -and. forks, Tea do., 1r arvers,-ferks and steels, pen and pecket• knives,. bread and butcher-do.. bay and straw do., selis ' sors, ,hears, and razors, tvitannia •teiapd . coffee . pots, silver and britannia.Aea and tz.ble Epoons, - • silver t o n t l y,), b r ass, and iron candlesticks, Anal. fersand trays, solar lamps, lent and suspended lamps, mantle-piece ornaments, brass and iron ~. , andirene,sit rivets and tong*, &c. - ~.......,,,,, - - i 1,.. . ' •-Looking,Glassea, •and looking glass Plates,l*- 111Watira. •.- : ' -1:'.: '• ' •rether with tt mencial assortment housekeep. is ITIHE subs criber . Wan l .l,..nniannen , to 'his" aim- i l i ng art i c les: -. .. . ...JL,tomers and the paid generally,•,lhatlhel , ~; • HOUSE TRIMMINGS, `- • continuos tosupply the yariousiMagattinea naMed 1 , consisting of locks, hitches, bUtts, screes, brad" -below, at this price annexed per annurn,*i - 0. - ' ), -nails, .b,llti, patent window springs, blind fasten: , -Harper, .$2,25 ;-- , Putnita, $l, - *25:, llonsehOld jinn shutter screws, and fastenings,.&e. . • . • Words, $3,00; Blazkwood,B2;2s; Godeyif2,2s .• . A general assortment of tools for Carpenters i . Horticulturist, colored plates, $3,50 Hor lent-. and Joiners. Cabinuffi llnd Wagon Makers,nsons lariat., plain edition 81,70, • .:Litter ts I.iviag. i ltee,.l and blacksmiths, et usistint; :of planesolaws; hare "3s,oo ; Frank Leslies' Gazette -of Fnsh ipns . r I me , hatehetS c axes, ndzE , s, chisels,angers, auger -82,24; B.illous Pictorial; 82,50';,,Laclies B.eposi- I:l,itt s ,and hidiow angers, anvils, Bellows, vices, tore, (Cincinnati,) 81-,63; :National, 811,63; Ar- patent - drill machines.• sledges, • stone hammers,' thur's - Home Magazine, 81.63. . 4 ~ i - . 'Vick and plastering trowels, cross-ant, Mill and' •He is prepared also to fill orders for Standa , rd ,•' circ.diar saws: . . . . .. and miscellanenus-books . and enirent literature I' . A.spleriid ussortmenl.of Saddle awl Harness' of the day, whether froM the , tradeor !Ot 'her l . makers' tools and tritundnas, ,•.- - • . _ walks of industry. Having had an paperience of t • 'FARMING TOOLS; • . , fifteen years in the Book anti:Periodical trat - le, he t eonsistinf; of shovils,r - pades. foylts,rates,seythcs, • believei ho'Can „give entire satisfaction too all par- I f grain fradtes, hoes, pick axes, iron bars, grind ties entrusting him ,with orders. - i 1 I -,• - 1,)r.e.-,I ,)r.e. - , &e: • , • Spechnen numbers-of the .MagaiineS sent on l .•- Ats 4, Al.ents for the -. sale of W hit temore, receipt ot 6.,Post OtTtee-Letter Stumps, for the Squires & Cos A Ixtieui: u ral tools, such as plows. li or to $$ MaPizilles, aodkrin 1 2 ill4 l Stamps, -b o ac and straw cutters, crn shellers,,&(% a ti'ample of the 85 .or 86 :verb 'avili be sent: Sole - an al - r ,li.athcr, .morocco anti shoe Lettere..of inquiry must contain a stamp for the i trimming - A, with a 7:eneral ascortment'of findings: return postage. Bonita sent (post: paid) loft,r, 2 •, o ,•i i . n war.', willow cradles, waoOns, chairs receipt of Publishei advertised price. -1 Address, e and'lnsliels of nll descriptions.. -- ‘ ' . . WILLIAM PArfON , , --I • Tlariron and steel, iron axles and steel springs _t 14:?Itseller t Ilobolren t N.J.. , malleable casting. coach lace and -trimmings of ;.. ''; 1 I :-I.ftli_ kinds, paints, oils, sash, glass, putty, &r., - all 1 . TIRE . CHANGED. •1 .1 of r: inch will e sold at the lowest rates; Please tall and examine the stock for yourselves. 05Para3NORNMEM: . . ' Ringhatntoa, :March. 1, 1835. - -.- •- . • . I • DeptMW*, Lack UST atilt Ini i & lit R ilit.. t . -,- * ~. . SPRINGRRA,:tSGrEIiENtI. 1 . A : l a, A IT 3 Ch.3.11C0 'to Buy' Ger s 0* ' and after , T hursday , Dee.[ 6. i 195Ctlit i'' - Cheap. Mail 'Passenger Train will lease Scranton' lel C. z•V•7I7,Z - lIIT being;desirons a clos 7 -at 11.00' A. M. . i j . , I -,,;; •i• i . . .1 el inZ IMS . I9eSq for Cle purpose of l eaving in Duo at Great Rend at 2.10, P.M.. 1 ,ili .I:the sprinz.tala!s this method .0t . i ttfor mi n g his Gonnecting,withthe.Dunkir,k-BxPres7,lt Train,len,,t(oners.Mt I , the plhlic, gerit•iv.dly. that hp will west, and - the Now York Express East; • On: the 1st -11 his entire' -loci of Gnus at cost, for cash N. Y. & B. 11... R. Passengers taking this train or reodv paN . No e .. redit will ho,,,givea after this - Will arrive in Dunkirk at 11.1 k pi m. and in NeW .dat e .. lie , srlid Sly to th a t -, c‘ indebted to him, York ai 11 - 15 p. Mi . • . -I. 1 • i . I either by note or hook - , reftl:i.nnt, that the same Retail, will 'care Great Bend at 2 P. m. due Lintist be settled , i , rrti ,, Tliat..witliont further at Scranton 5.501. m. ' : -• • t 1 i .1 notice. He also ti:Ters for sale his tanery. store. ' •„;1 • The Freight Accommodation Train:With pass. house, two .1:.211 in,: houses, and the appurtenan anger car attached, will depart teem ri'Seranton at ees thero..vith, loqether with 32 acres of ;land. 1.00,.x. m., connecting with the 31a,Train bound ; -All of whieh.will {re sold cliesp. , . • West, and the 'Night txproas Trans'i .both, :Ali Idletown, Ps., Jan. 10, 1-856.-- : -If. .. .Eastand West. - • . , ~: i 1 -,• --, * • - . _ ____________ - Passengers taking this: Train: anti, iltd ISTighvl Exqrpss Bast,Will arrive: rt New-Yetk at- .10 5, a. in. .By taking .the Night Fxpressi WeSt, Will- ' , arrive in Drmitirk at 13 M., - -or' bps taking th• Mail Train West, will _arrive iil"Dankirk a t 6.4 :, . p.m. • L. ' - Rettiruin:g, 41 ' depart from Great Bend at '7.00 A. tar. and arrive at Scranton, 11110..' A. sr. - - Stages will-be in waiting on the a -rival of Pas -tenger Trains at Scrantoti, to convey . . paasengprs• to. Carbondale, Pittiton, Wil kei-Barre;Philadel- . phia via .06 - Reading r... ip,..,, 17,ai, tot 4 and all other •intormod,l* plates. .. 1 .1 : • .. • '.. .. D. IL.DOTtERVA:t, Sup„. , Sup% Mice,' Scranton, . Dec,,6,4855. (35t fi - [ r 1. _ , A . _•,,.., ~..,...,..„ • ~,..„.• :_, iuttitti ' . t. , . ,„,_:,,,..., •:•,_.., ~• ...., Mew Milford Stove Enttoovum IN. BL %ST. ! " I STOVES now for sale . at' DiCkermanii & Garrett*. NVe are in receipt of ,lhe largest"'stock of stoves ever Wffered Northern Pa. consisting of Cooking, Parlor nude size plate both for Wood and Coal, also a tall'assortment if larger sizes for Churches and Stores.; - Would call particular attention to the leffer sonia Elevated oven the most,perfect lan& heav iest faeces in market. Apiong our variety of largo ovens would enentionthe Enipiie State i _prover as being heavy plated and a Oeifect finish.and , stiperriner. Fan/tars of Susquhann-, Co. youltaiti - been in the•babit 'of purchasinst light stoves andlight trimming andl pajing as much as yon 0144 . to for heavy plates awl heavy trimmings, 1 ' We manufacture our own furniture 1010811 them at, manufactured prices,let thOse Srho pay d - makers prOfit-cempeta with ns it: they , Jobbing done as usual on short notice. ,„ • DICKERSIAN & GARRATT. Oct, 4th, 1855, I Jan. 8.—W4.• ,-, For _ • the Holl ' S _ 1 mnt 13.5 , 1 . . . , . oro,ke rec. CG, 1353. - -LEG ANT pieces , for . rOmefithra i rices for ; , _ , • the Holidays. Parian SeatulitylTancy Pi - e- j - The Mt"' n ratan Fire Ins. CO. ; i NEW C411.,S CHEAP -rem and cases, Terra Cotta inia yafih‘ty. Of bean. 1 . ; tifal articles, Ilishbon Wares in-vaiinnii desin ! , I, , 0 ... ei CO J.Vo. o 8 Ha l l-Street. I - A TC.. I - . _if 0 T TS. i also elegant 'Dresden` and Frenc !Chinn I t7ow i i i TU5 , 7' received a lid of New, G.9ndli..urli as De, CAPITAL;,. -•- - - $250 000 I e_, Laiues. I . )e- Baer P. Paramef Jur, t'ersian. .41- • open for inspection at .• ...T.: H. E PEI3'S: . I Binghamton, Dec. 20, 185.. I • 1 insures buiblitigOlerchandisc,Furn'ture-,Ves. !paces, Gtagl/amr, Merinar. , Prints, and Stlasqs, II , • 4 , sf"ls in Port and their Cargoes, and - other Proper- I,iu No. a general; asParirm nt .01 Dry G6eds vrlucli . FANCY' BASKE.TS. 4 ' riV Againstl - I n• 1-.• iu' l ll b° 6 '''` i I " w . , ,, nss or f am,e by fire. , • , . , - i NTI:TY-Seeks, Exp.. Butter,l,ard,C,h‘cep. f A large Fariety also. Work stars With Bas '- Daacc - roF.s.-Nathaniel F. ichards, Samuel F. ' Flannel, &c.,aaY qui itit- in etchange for Cooti . liets, Reticules &c_ zt,low • . i -I Mott, Peter 11. Schenck, Wm. T. llott, 11 ?pets. : : -awl a ( at cash, firice,... ,l '' is,, • C.. NV....\IJT l D. "Slore•-in Wm VV . Fox* Sidney Mason Elishn I iii a •9= ' WO ItK ..4..VD :FANCY bbIES:- : 1 Rig t rg; k. 1.. Lor . d,T . hog. Barron:Russel l ' l. Nev . - ' "tr"e.-!r'• 17 ' 1". . . ~ Ladies Reticules, Port 'Mono:ties, elegant Par-I ins. Ang. H. Ward, Moses Taylor, John Stew- ; -stes, id new Styles of Satchels foirsale by ard, James Coll es, Thos. W. Pearsall, 'Richard ' • . : J. 1.1. DEPEIT. i Tikhe, Peter Cooper,"Henry Elscvorth, Lyinar. , •t Denison, 44,,1in Caswell. - . . - ' • TOYS"! TOYS ! ! Tf., TS !II ' ' NATIIANIEL RICHARDS, Pres.- . . • Crime one, come all and your Wants shall be Y r .„l" P t == r itmEn. See ) .- • - WT EDI.% ARD - PRIEST,,Agent, Bingham gratified from a penny to dollars itt -price from • oar large stock of Toys which are how offered at 1 t on; i 'l' •Y . . . . • i 1 , 11)E PEU'S. • i• . G ~.• t • • • '`• o Farmers and s: . rderters. , currATA AXD CRO C.h. EDF WARES. iy : ourt attention is called to the Manfires i , - , , , a mmufaetured by thO- Lodi 'Sfunn fact urin,g - Housekeepers treat yourselvesito a . NeW-rears 1 I, etf , _of Geld Co., front the Sinks and Privies of New York Prvsent with ono of the beaiitiful Band or Decorated China now On eildbition at 'cilY and free from offensive odor, called Do Pou's. A roally sub4aantial kilt oft to be re-1 POT7I3.7.IETTIE ;AND TAFEL'. membered in a social way,. Will you n o t :mil Poudretie _is Composed -of two-thirds 'night upon the suggertibn and.Scleet it UM CroCkery fruit and one third decoMposed vegetable fibre. and house TtirniAing stOie, by! I - "'i Teen is coraposed_of Ihree.bOurths night soil ,?'" J. 855; t;I;" IL pC"PEU. i and - nee-fourth No. 1 Peruvian Guano. Binghamton, pec.. - 20, 1 -, • 1 These manures are cheaper and better adap '' ' ' • • ' ted for rab,' Corn, Gorden Vegetables and Gra , ., then a nyother in market. Can be-put in contact with the seed ivitheut • injury . , farad ea'tises Corn and seeds to come Up' sooner, ripen tw 0 .. we. • ?lts earlier. and yield One - third more than Other manures:and is -a prereototirc of the Cu! ll'arin. . . .- TWo libls. Pons - If-Ate or 100 lbs. Tafeu, will manure an acre of Coin- in _the hill. Toren .1 3-4 rents per lb. Pandrette-,521.)0 - per i bid., or $1,50 fOr any quantity nverl bbls., deliryied on board-vessel - or . Railroad, tree 'from any charge for package or cartage. A painphiet - containing evert" information, 'sent pest paid, to any one sentfinz their eddress to ', , THE 1.01)I .4ANUTACTURING CO, - 60,C0t rtlandt st., New . York: -j-7m3 FIEE! FIRE il' RP, . -"The andersl,s,med has been apPointed sn agent 1 1 the- STAMM Mind Fl Rh) ' INSURANCE I •COAPANY, of li-trrisburg rai Said company has a capital of - ' $500,030, 1 ! - in. aasaA3. ana cheap a company as any in Atte -o State and - insures on Stack and. mutual *Am = . 'BILLINGS STROUD, Agent. : biontrese, Oct. 9, 185.-41 - if ,Wathelnatlesigned hereby 4t.nte that we hare 6!ionebusiness with the above company, and we • are' are satisfied that. jt, is both'safe and cheap.-- Ta oar experiemetwaltave neier known any as sessments on a premlutanotej F. M. Williams. WM. Jessup. - D. D. Wainer. U: Chandler. • _Orlando Eldridge. E. B. Chaiii. lIIEW 1600106. MILE subscriber is In constant receipt of New AL Goods, in his line of Ll:trine" nearly every week. The publie will find bit assortment No‘l, 412 d his articles new and of iood gnallty. The stock consists nefial of - • . - Dugs, lkiedieines, Paints, Oils. -Dye-StUffs, Groceries, • - - FancyZncrite, Jewelry • • Perfutnery &e. ABEL TURRELt. kairtioje, hp, 1856. TO THOSE wee WISH rises. T 3 have L e nds at a caeirp" price and On' • e i rj term, vitt attention is called to the ~ Ridgway Plana and coal Company. 7'w,enty-fire - =lre" or more, -In ilroportion;are given for 5209 payable iti instlAltnetits`or $ I Per -‘ 1144 °T - $ 4 per: month. It is located in Elk county, Pennsylvo. nia. and has one of the 'best markets for its prro. dace in , the State.- The (Mills* rilh ban, anal is not to siirpaSted for farming, as examina: tion It has „thir7.beat,illgoppls - of ProsPetityabeing Wells - 414 rWlaiOn. of C 044,140 will shortly ~e-intersected by, four mitt Thititiher it 0 die 'bittst." iiduable • kindi- l'itleunsieepttonablY good, and s ► str~it deeteire . 'tife 0, --Itr Oviedo a gooCztoil, sobstattiotolty CoMmenet--fir*ing, ree4oo'B,o4ldret,l-Or tfirtri%Veett". 131651. 41(OrtheriaTatetilll VIM . bad from the pitifildete iattiteb Atre,lentpaziriltreivrr. ansir Apply or relate** 11111W1.; ' 'Walnut Streit tiodtrode lietwoon rout* and rAth'iti.; Pbila, his: - 'gonadic lilt *ordidea , is: the titeoptdets. I 7 . 1 v 17m3.- Mil New ieWeiryo_- A ' 3011:114101 assOrteent,issCentrOlL st f IVILRELWE. til3tttrfiget 71 4 1. /0,21556. • And still EW week._ Old Santa Clans is • rlqr..l yet ant will be 'till after New Years. en pee prep ire for him by calling at the Post otrti.e. where.yoa,.nri 'get new, entertaining and usettir hooks, . •• -• The litmterd* Po•Nt. nr CanyerAatintil arnena . • the ramp Fite, Kate Wt-ton or to 'Will ar.d to Del, T. , rt' }'ear anytry.z the Mail Rags, Family I p as tlm e n or jir n o.. n-ta.)0 . 1 lappy.l.lro on the rand or DM al Pet;?r P.IrICVS' new I..,niver i mitt gift and I-11!e5 New 1 ok-4 etc., ana tinny ntlF. ere I cant mention it . ere. but can • ehnw. them to inn it ; 't tti i l cal?, r.nd sell theta 16W fur the Anditof's Noticb• TIE undersianed having been appointed by' the Orphan's. Court of SttßqueharinaConh ti2 an Auditor, on. 'exceptions filed, to the ad-- •rautistration nceonnt -of May Ryneayson and it ic laenyitearson, Adtninistratore. of Aaron Ry nears. , st, deceased, will attend to the d'uties of his said Npikointtpent. at hie office in 2 1 1.1onrose. int Mon-lay; the 31st day of March inst.. at ID o'clock-in the forenoen, at which titne:and plre• all persons interested will attendif they thins . ; Proper= F. A. CASE, Auditor. MontroF.o, March 3,1856.--w4. , • MORE ,NEW• GOODS • A T-BELL & TINGLEY'S. A tare-and elLwellAselectei lot of Crockery 'and Glad's were jost received. Also it new lot of Teas which we are Sellinp: che7p, - OATS viantei at 53 cents' l per tuil;el, each or rale by . BELL & TINGLEY - . ophottste- ree.l 4, 1855. 11.; bop . posed, to :be . cheap:ll,W wirt h, Ready . C 7 rnad . Nevi Itilfred,*ept. Q TEEL Scipares÷:4loge and en perot assort. Anent xt low prices,, Guss--Single and :111-10 . 1g I;arrfll, nil prieec AVI.UPS from 25 L 14 9 1 P- slw Sid, tope 414. ClugivkLi4 4 ; l ": 4l, C.cgrialielit NOlst all sizes, 03#40-1040 - Acrilc i B ol-:/r4YIP„. -4 1 56 9-rtMelit, sit -00)110a4GivttPY-e, ' - , Suigleton,' • 1 rtior ow tie round .11L'Itis new . stand onllte eafluwwf "rootlike And Vtalist* Ste.. few aoori 1. of -stare;- wheel) 'effectually refielwrweittil- iiretelley; ciyeke,tione, iywelty,Und avweideeeritith* et eschineyi. Wheel tutting, CPCIIO .foiteriala supplied to the time,- OP ERATE by their -po,wer u 1 influence on the 1 VI internal viscera to purify : e blolad and alma late :it into healthy action. 1 They remote the obstructlems Of the stomach, b Weis, liver ? andOthex 'organs of the body, and, by r taring their irregular action to health, correct, ;she ' ver they exist; such -derangements as . are , the fi 't cause.: of •disesce. , An extensive trial of their virtues, by Professors, 1 - Physicians, and Patients h 'shown cures of .drus-. gerous,,diseases almoit heyo belief, were they not substantiated by persons of itch 'coated position and character as to forbid th susOciun of untruth. . • Their certificates are _ pnbr ed in my American Almanac, which the Age n below named are, •pleased to Amish free to atriquiring. • -, Annexed we give Direclio is for their use in the , somplaints which they havebeen found to Cure. Fox Cosnvexisa.—Tak .one or two Pills, or smelt quantity as to gently Ti Te the bowelit. Coe therms is frequently the ggmrating . valise of,and the cure of ono' complaint is the cure of both. No person can 1 well while .under a costive habit of body. II , can be, p romptly , . . - • - Fox Drentests;whi ilsornetimes the cause of C4ireness, and alwaycomfortableytake mild doses -;•-• from one to four. :-: t Stimulate the etemach and_ liver into healthy actin ." They will do it, and • the heartburn, botlyburn,* :sou/brava of dyspepsia / 'will rapidly disappear. 1 ' en it has gong, don't for et what cured you. . _, Fora FottVeromActi, o Aterbia inaction o the -'Bowele, whith "produces' ge real depression of the „ spirits and bad health, tisk from four to. eight Pins at first, and smaller doses , until activity and strength is restored, to the system. Fox SERVO U 9,2 CAS . SIC 1 11 turacui,:i Nsussa. ' , Pain in th e ~e. o nuich,.Eigek' or Side, takelrora four to eight pills on going to .If they de not epee! 'ate sufficiently, take mare the next day ; until they do. ; These complaint's • ,be swept out from the sysem. Don't wear arts and 'their kindred dis orders ttepause your stqm bt is foul. Fon Smarms :Ern - at IRAs, and at! Diseases of the Skin take the.Pillsgreely and frequently, to keep the `kin, open.o eruptions will gener ally soon begin to diminisl and disappear. any have e Mpletely yielded to their c i t. dreadful ulcers and sere s hare been heeled up by, the purging and purifying effect of these Pills, and 'some disgusting diseases. bleb Seemed ICI saturate the whole system 'h influence, leaving the in erer in perfect health : Patients! your duty; to society forbids that .you i should paride vonrself round the world covered with pimples, blotches, ers, semi, anal; all, or any of the unclean di.seaites f the skin, because your system wants cleansing. , . !. .. To Pcitiry THE Sl.OO , they are the beat medi ' eine ever discovered.' i ey should betaken freely , and frequently, and ,the F impurities whiCh sow the seeds of incurable &Seas s will be swept' ont,of the system like chat!' before e wind. Ity . this property remark o as much good i : preventing sickness as by . thearable cures w ich they are milking every where. : s t a , Liven CostrAltir, venter, and ell Bilious Affections arise ' front me derangement— either 1, 4 torpidity,.congestion, o 43 tractions of the Liver. - Torpidity and congestio. N" . late the bile and render .it unfit for digestiOn. G" is is dims-J*lls to . the health, and the constitution is frequently under- Mined by no other coat.. •liitligition is die symp . : tom. Obstruction of. the 'duct which empties the bile into the stomach yeaosts the bile "to overflow ' into the bleed. This 'produces Jaundice, with s ' long and atingermis tradt of evils. CosOoiveness, or alternately ~cestivrness. and diarrhii, prevails. Feverish syniptem4., laikpsi. m mr,low spirits', weariness, restlessness, and inel4tholf, with sometimes in . ability to sleep, and r:,;mietimes great .drowsiness; • sometimes there is sev re pain in the sidp; the skin and the White of the era become a greenish yellow; the stomach acid; th bowels sere to ;the touch ; the whole system irritt • de, with It tendon , to fever, which may turn to bililus fever, bilious &Ilk, bilious diarriwes,"dvseutety, i'?..fe. A medium dose of three ,or four Pill; taken at ilfght, follcr.ved by two or three 4 . in th e morning, and re eated a few days, will remove the cause of all these oubl&.. It is wicked to su ff er such pains when yon an cure . them'for.2.i cents. R initnr ATI eO4, :GOAT, and all itVianipentoys Fe . vets are rapidly cured by the purifying effects of these Pills upon the blood and the stimulus which they afford to - the vits;l principle of Life.. For these and all kindred complaints they should he taken in mild doses. to mcive the bowels gently. trnt freely. ' As a Dorsrn I'll.ri, this is both agreeable and useful. No Pill Cat lip made more pleasprtO take, arid certainly none 110 . been made mero4ffectual to the purpose for nhie a diOner pill is , employed. PR ARM BY . , 1 CO ., •Drt. J. C.: AYER & • i • Practical and Aknalytical Chemists LOWF.LL, MASS., AM) SOLD EY . .• ' A. N. BULLARD. Wil ill Fish. Bite I . • MI will il vdii_ UAL! tilc fishing; appiratis, I._ sold by Phifel'4 . Knowlton, 3 doors - dist of Chenaugo Bridge. lot - just rt.ecied_by Express. Call suck: exstuitie .their latgt. snAort ment. • ilookn, Litl s, R. el'.. Poles. Soells, Arti ficialp Bait, - &e,- - • lINTE & KNOWLTON. • N. B. It in'',encr c ntly. reported th4t. Fish,- ill this section of, eon try, wiq not he •caught with other Tackle Illn n, hst sold at the ;hove este?- ' lishrneSt. • ; if - - . • - : : . . t Bingharntoi, , , Ar o n . 14, 1St:). • • - A CARD: D & KNOWL'I'eeN vrould most ro . spectite4 e:1) the .rot , petion ,purehasers to a larg,eqe.4r•rtmiint or , EA ilDWN111: just re ceived and heiry!dltily increa.-.4.d by arriVah: from different tnantiactures. • I litin‘..l pUrehased at ricesiow,,er th7.n those areieles of the same qualit3,have been offered durirw, the five ,past years, they are-ermiledln tunke''.quite a 're duction from their fonder very realionable de mands; to ofrer both, town mid .. cfmntry trade in , dueements S . upertor to those of N. I. agents. ' 13inzhamfon Ang..l-1. 1855. 't Fresh , :arrival 'of . New Goods a-. , - • ' ' ._DICKFRNI ANS & G ARRATT'S MBE subscribrs would ref.pectfully inform .2 1 the good - people of Su;squelJana Co. that they nie now opening their stuck of Fall and Winter Goods nihielt is unnsually large and . . at trncti%e all; of which will - he sold for cash' or 'approved credit ;cheaper than can be bought at any other estabirshment in the county Wa•mean .jest ihat We sa .. . Please give us ti, trial. •-,' •• • ;DI KERMAN & GATMATTS. I New Milford Sept: 18th, 1855. ic UT N•tils t, 'Matti and , . land Spikes.—Boonton,. Parker lld Coldny. at : . PIIITE &. Kiol4L?Olet. Nov, 18.55. ‘°‘ _ . rraihaEnton ,nd Viernter Goods; 'ber would say to the public that r t received a generil assortment rnter Goods whieh he offers to kr cash or produce: ' J. "ElosrlaßD. Nov. 1855-45w4 Fall fiIHE nabse tie tuts ju of Fall and sett rerylow Frieeidaci j —Litteei styli* at r • C. W. MOTT'S pAR.4!;,O inne Is. Q. INEA VtARE.; . —A lame lotef silver Forks, of all si 7. 8 ; Table, Deasert and- Tea Spoons. just finished-and 'warranted rar gond . as coin., by 4 ' Ai, J. EVANS. Aug. 29.1 a - EWING, MDS, senile 3er2r fine. for ludo 0' cheap% ' '!' ' E'EVANS. .. - NEW -GOODS . . i - sre •• , " fi9vlw-Jecel%ln%. a w imp. :lAA pli f GOODS, %OA& *III elm! cheap ror visit., r „ r`• „ , i • "Stratiosei Sept 18. 18.5 . ~. . . 4tustiteceitte, : orßoitt s 'mill tor,sitle r than eiir by •"" - • J. .A..18r.) , i R. ASITIMY. , Dee. 5. 18h5. ' A N" r El= SUPPLY, of Groceriex. DrUgp. 04; ,Glasi, TURTLE INIL .IriE ‘'' I.:"Viin ,1 . &e,. at 1 , Jaii 10 t . . n : I - Mang lKow.lirliyablf.? . 4 n Intl!' /nab/el:auk for -25,cents- " f farad . Ws/weld .., knoce..copy'". . , -i! . . . • ~ . t dO,oOO Curtis BOLD IN - ~,, \ t i: . , . .'..\‘. :101 , s s r.,.. - -LIISS T 11A Zi A; Y - 11,1 IL ; A. ,, flirt .„ 1 „,...1..., N1yn1 4 ,4,...:' edition . revised and; ca proved, 4 11 '. ' 4 r '.' irr t : -- just issued. i '. •-- • -4....! , - '- ' , ..s i - rsfr • . ... • Dr. linnter'sktedietil Manuel `....." 4 7' • . : and hand Book for theatilicted -41; -.._ z ....etcvtles .- .„. 7 .., Containing an outline of the mi. - •-•' ...... i 1.......... -• . ` ~,S. giti,progiets,treatmeni indcnre ..".,,,, , .it s.„\,' at every form of disease con. •Ifit!!l! , t‘‘ , :!l‘• -. tracte4 by promlecu.iussexual - I ntercourse ; by self ahnse o r by sex nal.: xcesr,with - advice for theirprevention ,writtenlit a famitini4ty.i, avoiding ell medical t ethnic:kitties . and everything that wadld (Mena the ear or decency ; with an outline of nomi.laintrinel•dent to Females, f rom the remit .f . s.imetwentY l ye , ten• isiseceas• . DA practice eatiwaively devoted to the come oftliseasefor a delicate er private rat ore.- ' -•'• To which In added receipt:for the rare of tli e ahoy e tie r eases., and a treatised:ria i he causes.syttiptams and cur e of I the Fever and Ague- , •Ii r , -' Tegirnonyortherrofeesorolabstelricsilr, ton Col/age, Philattelp!aa-"Int.IIUNTEit'S 31 CDIC AL. 31A:ill AL," -The author o this -work , unlik e the .majority of =hone who adverti FP to Cure the d i sett tee of whii•lid t. treats i N a 1 graduate of one oft ne best Colleges i trt he lTnitedsdates. It affords inn pleasure to reeommen ..I' him to the unforto. , nate. or to the victim of ntalprortics..a* itear4cet=fal and 'experienced whose honOr and utegrity 1 - they may place the greatest eonfulenee-. 1 1 • I 3 11 1 S. LONCI3IIOII.II,M Ii j Prom A Troo /mil ref ,M. D.;of Penn:lfitiferity,P.hilis- - 1 de/pho.-It given mo pleasure. to add my testimony t o the ' Professional ability or th• Author ol the)! 31a plc •t. MAK vAL," Numerour costs of Direaise oft he tiruitaltirgana, acme of them of long atauding, haye camel under my no which his skill hos been manifeit in 'restoring to perfec health, in some CAVef where the 'patient has been cone-Werra beyond medical aid. In the treatment olSent inal treakne•s, or disarrangement et tle. /unctions pro duced by sell abtrae or Ricers of venery, , I ,to not know hie superior. in the profekdon- I. have Pere; arleainled with the 'Author some thirty years. and .alceini t no more thanjuntler to him as well as kitrlnest. to .Itrunfortunitto victim of early indiseretion ..t o recommend him awl ono in whos• prole - v:4mM skill. and integrity 'they, rutty narely• - confide th.!ven. A LrltEll tVil opty.c,ttit ..3; .D. " This la. wt rho.' t ev cep tion . the most notonrahrn sir e and Intelligihte vverk pub.l.hed on .the Ilas a . 0 1 ' dip" abioli it treats. Avoiding Ki I r eChnira I Iterate •i t address ! esiteeif to the reason refits readers ft is. free free ea: objectionoble matt erdand iv. parent however .3Atiligllls, , ran objeet to oltetne. it in the hands or his lanne. The an t nor hordevereil mane years toll'. treatment ot the Yard -1 our complaints trrote 1 of. and, with t oi) little breath. to putt end too litre presumption t.• impose, hn't an offered to the world. al th , merely nomins' ptice,ol . 2:s emit.. the fruit of some twenty yeare'mont auceeerfu 1 pestles."- 1 ffrroht.' E : "No t.utelier or parent ahouldbe with Out the r nowledge. imparted It t'dsinvaluable work • It wouldlsave yearn or Peie.mnrtifiration andtorztlw In the y outh under their I , 1 c h.,.,, r ,. 0.....p,,,,,/,'...4,7r0n0re. , - 1 • ! • . • A Pr...!,lt. , rhin rrer/ymar: in Ohio. writing of "Chun. I ter main- qatinal" 4 iy? :,--- 'Thou ,:trola noon. thous ands ••f our yonth..hy evi i .•,tainple and t ufluenon ot the pansions, Lax .• been' r t into the habit If =elf pollit - lou, 1 nithont.realizhigthe .in and fearful emisn,ilitenecs npon thentnrives and their nonerity • Theoinistitationt oftlions I art•l vtlioare-ai•lng families have brei enfeebled, it not ibrot on 11.V.-11'.f!r.. 1 they do notknow the ean•.. or :bin core. 1 Anytbinc• that. rerv„he done 'no to enlic .ten' and I athletic..., NEW GOODS. . 1 the nubile tlllll4l " a ttleheck..%nd ultimotely to removethis . . i . : .wide.srreml sourer r.dhltman wretelirbne=s_ would rooter , .v. es .rwrine nr t tro tli.• r •1..... rt 0 .r. =Ch rist, C MILLAN'& PARKireturn their rateful : 0 , •rr . t ti'. ~ ..-0, c t it ill ut.kn0,,,,0,‘„,,ent,,,, to 4 ,0 p.,,,, fur past fa- i on the prevent and t i obi? loner:W.1)1 Trij-,ein perance ror . the tt=e ot.nroxicatior drink.) though it ii:aft slain thou-4- Corm, and invite attention to the very large stock ! „,„!‘ ,i, ••••••• •-,-,v ti o on.•-,1..i, net a zr e -ii•••rl.-onre.. L.. , the hu r of Spring and &timer (;boils tliCsy are:now re- I two , ram- Aecept•Mt than% son'i , f the nfilictrd. , a nd . h..lieve me .yon r co-worker in th el _mill w (rt. y ott are c viehlu . and offer sale :lel rery tor prices. In ~.... - ar.ortively enga r ged tn. U ... • addition to their. usual assOlftment of staple Dry I 0 ,,„"; ..„., ~.„,, ....,,,, „C- 1 , wif!) l ,. ro'4 7 .ar :led. ....itts . or. rorof Goode, Groceries. 1114 ware - Crorkerv, l'aints,,krenFt,vs•tn ma p - trt ofthe itnited Stairs for 2i and f - Els Le., they aro prepirctite exhibit - a largef '1,1i0r,1"1'.'11,7,r,,',r,r2'-i1,;,,,11;11.rc;`,,',..-ii'vt:/'-if,ill'a":' ) - ( ? --iDEN ` k (-: ') • = i ' • ' ass7ortment of t • e f -I - - nnek,-Iter,.o - tnva%Aers and DOI; Agent sr-typnile.l • • . - LADIES DR.1.1:;;,,,'9 r GOODS . - , .en thr'mnit liherAt terms. • j "1 24y1 .. - . of every description, I wiirt-d, Plaid s lid Plain,.l ~.,.. . iVow Lino of Mail sl Stlks„Bonnetrt.Shawls,Ribons,til,wo,,llocier ;. , - i Latlie.i and iNlist.tot shoes i f all hinds—also al • . In c:a. I I 1 1 •.i t , ,tot..k.- of -- . I . • i lare • RE:AI/N .' MADE CLOTHING, " . i• .-P4 't •-: ;se . 1.-- .....;---::-..._ 'l. , -.1_4.11'..,:• • -. el.ltivg. Cs-4 , itlier4.S . . Twealk. deans. - Sutnmer 1 : • .es--- , --- -- . L -- ;.,.-. ;:..,, -__;,_ - 1.. 1 .': Amt,..ti.:: 4- , -,•:- ....--- ...,: .--.•-..... r - r.F- Clott.A. Ve , tin -, , Hats told Caps,.B.lots and ! 0 , - ii-,,,,y...,,„......---.- ~ " ~.--4 - ....v. .- A 4- 14) , r- - t,..ct....' • _; • - nr -•-. ~y Shoe, &e.&;_•. .. .I • • -T1•10y respeetfallv soliett nn earls call from. i. , - ~, -10. . 71 .1? rr.- • TIRIC ‘ NUO 0-- 0 il l' ' ' •OSE tii„..,. ,0„) ~.ish to purenuse vow.) t.telt,iS AT! , . i.... - A V ...f :1 0 a. i • •% i Low Puter.s. -i ‘ izrA , ,,F.aill leave Kirkwood.ii art- 1 , • 1 - , in t. t t.r. 1... I ..!or- MeNli LLAN &„,,PAII.K. i it - ~ ,•ttsvitie,Ll!, r t v..ic..every.Mortintrar terthe arri- Sraingtilfe, Saar 2, ISSI. • - ! cal o.l:sur tlxiirroms of‘;ar..noth ilastlautt Xv,t,reoch - ' I • • ; ng 4 entiereat 1 P __ :31. • , ~ - _.. ....._ -______,_______ ____- •----=-----;------ . . Doct. R. f I haver ii ET U R r' l' , G. 1-I‘K - Es this metaled ,r,s„viu g to:. l 3is friends t Lea.... ?lontront dally.•Sutidayre , s. pted et '2 P 'ii and customers that . lie ha?, zmitin resotned reaching liirLn... in time to take the tlailTraine of the practice of Medicine al his old '.Land in Mon- ,' intrg.t..,,th rasa an d.Wes t . tieing:: he n rarest:lnd most feasiblv rout r toreaeli the New Yor... and Erie tadrond. trose. where lie may tre tobnii at all . titin , :s unless :. • ..., : , , - ..i.r....iel titer,-...‘t,-.0 rt-week•j tin:. ri.,uninv,-..4.1a-t -profes.;:ionrillv employed. - - 11otwoulwsav to those: vine. r %1t0:11an...e1,. Wyoming .uit T t; eab 3r r o wldelt owing him on old reeount% that ho will ded not 25 1-.v,.• , .1.0.trn5e at 7A ?i every _totpin; Weluera” ., nd , Fri lay , Also. rt• ins - o , '(.,-.0.1..-111..0.-elyrvill• c0.u. , 0 , i per vent. on all nt s countS,iid before the tin 4 a , v • • eklllt riti.i ,AITVIITI:tbIt..! trriace• are 1,, tOV 111 , 11 . sod rim. April next, (or if . atiy pot 4 like ins-, lf,'; I will '. e . rt.prleterr,vill:p ave. nopain• to treodomodet.r 1.. • g h,, - •forttil , ‘ : • . t •.I -lie. ' ,I •••=ep 12.155.1. . . W II A Ttli . Atoll Ti t N. &WEST . _ Montrose, Ft-b.:20, 185:5-0tf . .! _________—__________ .........ir__________ . „. .-. _. . • , ' , 14 . v:7.‘ f)l r it 1 !..'; ate7l: - .6val- 1 , 1 1 . . ' - p-r.r.T.EII ,•!. svrofitymo) w i-th.. Lt. .f . irt, C. D. vit,ll. D..rtt.m. 1.1.4 fi.,,,..,,...i to •:1 . • , • 1 ~, .- • ek. way be ;',.n...1 in 1 !1....r•dr.N; OF •.•4r..lni.F.'s over F. B. Chandler's storp, wlit:re. it will be his It . 'MEI,. N..t,•4l:thrli o ,74:ie oiiilri-v, , 1..nt,• , ! r-, . ,„,,,• 1.11,:x-,ttre to , i. , i„. biz” friend. ' as qtalei a. po-sible." , ' ~.,,iity . w i 1 i v „,.i.0...t, ~..1r ~t,,ett td Ni.,•01..... 5h,,,,.,c,-,.., .C. D. VI rz.Gg.„ p.,-,i,kni. i.h.r.0,74. - t ..".,: rt ~.v... on ,I, g , r0 ,,,01,,, o f i i i ,,, f ir 4.. „.,.. • Rill. .\ 1, Mlv 9.. 1 Sr'Lli, i . ~ ,! ,i _ • 1 i , ~e.• some rill lia n .13. n.l =q.t. , s 0.. n - p:t:io/1 •----•- i main. . KI.ItiLFIR :k. STODDARD:. ' Montro,:to.Novemiter, 13. I 53 ' ,1.. 1 .. . . SAL imaitizimi-sArEs. , - -- -- VVANSwk.. ANATSON,No.II6 ----", :,- 0 ,,,, ; • - ---, - -I-4, , 'lSouth -Fonith st., Philsd; t',-: . 1 I r f !.:+ .t.sREM. kißs.ctiEs:rm.rp 1 :, ,, . ! ,-- H --- . ' 4 - 1. )c f c - e i tu F be ffi r i 1 5 b f t 1 8 :,11 F 8 r 4 "1 4. 37 -E m v o tt r it n :r & 11, Watson's Salaniandel Safes' i tri- I atitpliant- ,is they always are when On (VW, toot , PItIbAUZLIMIA!, Dec•l6 - 08:54'. Messrs Evans & Watson, NoL:I6 South FoUrth St.,;Phila4ehuhia.• • . - i . . Gr.:MANE:4 11.....117e. take - muitit Ltleasure it ac ommending. your Salamander safes to Merchants ,and,others in want of a Secure ileaus of PreserYing ,their•books„paprzs , &c., from are, as the ouS we 'Purchased from you about seven months siticel, has preserred our hooks, and etiNli th as good a COurii lion as they were when, put into it, before , the gredt fire this morning, which efestroyed thoren tire.block of buildings corner of .311estunt and I!'ifth streets. The above Was in use iu our office, on the second floor of Out building; from thick plice it fell - into the cellar and remained there until the fire was out. The -Sato wariltheu removed and opened in the presence of at lima 0110 person's, 'wha.witnessed the good conditirm of the contents. AVill you please have the Safe and Locks repaired as we intend to pat it iu use ap,aiu. Iloilo; perfect aconlidence in its fire -proof qualities: Yours, Reimectfulhy, : ..... •. LACEY & PUILLIpS. Evans and Watson,take pleasure iu referrtug to the following, among the matik nundrede who have . - theireafes in uset—U. S. Mint; Philiuk.; Farmers and ,Mechanics' • Ranh, Philafla.;,Samliel Allen, Esq., High :Thera Phila.; John ' N. Henderson, City Controller; Caleb Cope •4- Co., N o. 163 Mar ket St; Richard -Norris and Son, Locomotive hail. den, Philatin ; Bancroftand,Sellers. Machiniste, earner 16th and Janus-Ste . ; Franklinjtre Insu rance C0.,.Pni11.; Peptise Railroad 'Co:, Philada.; . Lacey dr. Phillips, corner sth and Minor Streets; .Sharpless Urn-. N0.•32 south-2d St.; James, Kent and Santee, No. 14' North Third Street ; W. 11. Hortsntan and Sons, N 0.51 North 3d St.; Smith, -Williams & Co., No. 87 Markist St.; - .1.& D i .Orne, No.-1.95 Chestnut St. 4 A large assortment of the above Safes alwayeon hand (warranted to Stand 10 Viper cent. more fire thatinny Herring's Safe .now In use-) EV Al'eS & WATSON, also manufacture; and keep for sale, iron Shutters. Icon , Doors and irnu Sosh. for mak ing fire•proof Vaults ;or Ranks, Stores, public, and . pr.vate buildings. Seal and ! f etter Colvin Press es; Patent Slate Lined Refrigerators!, &c. , Please -give us a call, at N0.:16 South Fourth 'St., Phila. deh la-15y1 ... ! . ' ------ : - NEW. 5T01117,, Altb. 74.?-115? , 40 0' .it' .. , . .____ 4ttention at Hbme. AL.GENEII.II , ag.sod infr,t of Staple ~ n tl Fa44ev . , ! • . 1 :. • - DryG:44.4.i.,Gr•werie3.,Elarrlw li . t . , II 0 •., C'lll, 1 911174 I: t . li DIERSIGNEiI worrid. re•iiivt.. 1:64...s snd Shot•s,.Wall 1 3 44;Th•r, 11-irgs,. Dyt. St 11t1%. 1 11. 1 . 4i11y i!!r.‘rtit th.:s.eit;zc:ls '441 Dinc.-4,k; ala i 7i I , ..ints at,d Oil., &e., with will 1:44 sold Iv.; cheap ' zhe surronndia , ..7. country, that he Las .( 1 .44.nud :, as the cheapestioreash or approvi4 crAit by I, store at: Dltn , .el: Fop r cor;:c3-s 1 4 i lwre he intetol• • " ..- ' t. • 11. M. JONES. ke4•14111.2 enlist:lTM ) - 4.n hand. a! , 74,441d and.w. , i I •. - e. . !,.vt0471 ...t...444try.4 nt of Dry (1044 . 044!, Groverit-P, Hard _,____________.i Warr, Crovlr.:ry. and all i.indsi! t4t . Merchrintlise. ; 941 : i 11_ : ustt.iil7y - 1;4•174 in a eountry '4.14#. which he will BLA(-- (44)4de RhinetSillynfrxecilent tio!s at •• • , I 11. M. JONES'. , 1 sell as low. 1I riot lower, tl.rin tuirothor e•stahlish. 1 [ .:.• „ J une . 1 855, .. :1 . - 1 . .: 4 tnent in Nortlivrn • Per,asylvaroa. Aontros.v not • 1 __-----...-- 9 --- - Gentlemen 4,n41 I l :t ''.44iies - g i ve me a ~ 1 ciarfurl Junco.lB:ls ~1 ‘ . I) ROMA and CaKluncre Shatv,;lg..nt ail orice,A, i call. i:nd exaWinc' niy' I(i,f Goods, an:l my Jl-, ale° a few liantilla3 by 11,- M. JiJNES. ; prices-. 1 . 1 , 1%%i11 sale ::t least;, coins miles -tray. -• ; 1 r IVI anl pedlar: from ten to fifref n cent, on ev -5 June 1,1855. I pry 41,0;:ir von;pav out. A- !4(.d .w4sorttnent of 1 Ready Made elothing. kopt ( . .(cpstantlc fin ',arid. I All kiral-:: of County protiuccl taken in exchange i for God .at the Market prThe.. : • . t':3l!. IL TITAYER. I)EADY Made Clothing, at loci prievq, I . H. M. JONES June 1, 1 855. • , --- . I. t ff ADIES will find a p.c . -at:variety.. a Ronnets i ! ! fili and Ribboni at • I . IL M. JONES'. 1 June - 1,18,55. :. ! JA,Challis, Barge de. Lains . rind Ging. 4 ..i J WNS hams atII. A. JONES. June .1;1,855. A • ,1111311011)f:1:1ES and Win..ow I,r;:iwry at • - li. U. JONES'. - Jude. 1,1855. • 1 A good a%o;tanellt of Boots old SI:o(ts 3t II: M. JONES'. Jane 1, 1855. _ ITEEN Ibs, of Guoti 51a4ere1 for nne Lir in eaAli by I • 41. 31. JONES. June 1,1851 rriHE best gnalityluf Nulls hi 5 etis" per pound, for sale. by • JONES. .June 1;1855. ' • - eUSltreeeicin ft frost' supply of lino Ashton Sat nt i JONES'. Juno 1,1855. ' I LOOK ItERE. . Peer* KNIVES:—A ga'f'd mOiorttuent-of the best kind in Market. AlsO. Table Knives and -I A .. • - • ' Terrible Accident,. . - . 1 ' -.- . .1 i . . 1, • i LTAPPENED fo Mr.' Green the other day.— i Albrata" and - Brit:milt:ware . ; Spoons. Also all 11 He had bottght a suit or ieaily:tnadecloili eskinds of Butter Knives. I'l • , • ..-•• . I at the Store, andlthe fi rst daYi's wearing the ac I - v aniN tiTnincs, li.7.‘l's; rind all 111 •fixttires, cident Occtirred, Firs 4, off drapt his,coat-tail by j Violins. Accordeons,.l•.:ttis, 'rUnina 'Forks. &c:. the mere force of specific graYity, giving to lilt- i -• Ftx.iii Ls.;mrs,Fldid,C3l;llplienc,CandleA, lamp fortunate man the apperancoso' a badly trimmed on, Sr, 7 - , ~, .:: , , - I craft with the. Pyinm•jib in Ithe stern, and on 1 , ,s ' FA.MILVGnocERIES.—A ,iii 4 assortment, 'nevi stooping over to pick up the rernn:int, the dreadl- nn d L. ,,,,,i . . , 71 , ful_ catsualty tok.•place—thd•lountains of the . 1 'Mims ANb PATENT 11telructar.s.A'firat rat( great deep were - broken up-- . -Green's !Lints . were , assortment .ind !reimine: 1[ - i -.. sundered froth anklelo waist:and Green himself i • l'arais mai 01t.s.—A general assortment, ant: seemed to be. 1 The only way to preve.nt such „f .roo d gluilit auo r. ' I p deplorable aecidents %to patronize a skillful tai. 'it. , w Kutv..—A. splendid :Variety, of 'the neatest lor, who makes_hp his work with a ' determitia- patl'rits. • 1.1 • lion that It shill not only fit neatly; hut went FAWN' QOODS.—NeaO everything in. Will 'well.. Green buys at the clOthing store because j branch. !i •• ' -• • he thinks he enn get his gearing a little cheaper'. l'ertrummtv.—A ehoitiei variety. . ::: :, , In all brobability the pants that . screed him SO (N,.w supplies lc. r ec eiver in:Arty evet v, week.) . treacherouslythad passed threngh'a fever hrepi. - I n short, nearly every t him.; persons want,.and tal, been striped-from a cholera patient, carried cheap - , at the variety stor,e.of • - ''. home . eight nights . in the week on a shutter, and - . finally.bleached ,and '23rried by •an ingenious -- Frenchman for a market in the country Take warning by Oor Green's mishap, and go to a tailor shop Me that in the basment of Searle's Hefel if veil want . to be litiied..- • . . rgir Cuttingdone as Ushal, and all work war ratited. : ; • - : IJOHN GROVES. - .3llmtrotof Aug. 2.7,1 8. 4 5 .:. - - ... Tho ICnow Nothing Expogo.. 'l'4" Person ratronifting me. nt tfv; front 111..npperf room otthe Stroyeltitelv nteppied liv . M.C. Tyfet, - esti be'neriinntodated nrArditiz,to to the limiest Fasitiontran the beet And : inok np . primed inpnner: " ° 'Mv work is worsted to fit'if `properly' Cottivr.rnendina and in het ererc hrsneh of Taildirist donee on the shOrtest and that to the satisfaction of those concerned. ; '"J. Rstrrir.n. flOriP Brimathitit, - dame , fiir 9 mhillin us a Ulf - Owl at MILL & TINGLEY. MZZ=I V.mnelt. 15. 1 MORE N W Eli/nth:llS aoi Critning. • , 0.41 in. ( C:11 :it the gut Von. PI a new Rook - for holitlay pre ..flit. the l Old G--Orrey NtOltet-m or the Faith- Gitar,fian. Sceni-4 in th!l , l 4 :letire . a York t4iir..et4 , . lir! • Wid , w Rose Clark. Tantly,ft:erti's N.rtw (Aste,' Rental lialde A. , lverittlres of Ceivbritt-vd plo; , ons. 1.)l Bonn and the flonters of Ken lucky, also lots of Miniathee Gift Boolts for :I the little ones. I Come at Last,-:-ProftlSto . dard's - Seilefi of Aritioneties, the- last in 13.:v.hy the doe, or tin Slnders New spelling &e.•&,•.t. 'AL-i I..NIANAf.' , S and DIARIES fhF 1:456 . all stylesand' sizes. cten Poto.' Almanacs for he I.l.dies.- •! I LAW -BOOK:4.-A new pply..riott Pardons Digest econpletetrSss,-,-IwAide , t ; lots of other nie.ething-4 t'iTott:'4 to hiention, nd . all for sale at the,P,')stbfli.-4., •1 • BY IS. N. BULLARD. Il== , A. TeltltELt., llontromi Jim. 10, 18. , I !ph j:. r n T.T ~. , DISSO TIIE-Cop:irtnarOlp •Illeretori!ro, v,zisting t~Y~en tom. Patrick; j and G e this day ;.rnutnal. rom , .en.t. !OR. .i):404 s nr, lat in th n j ve .4)1 ; Dr.;Patriek,.ll,gui D. D. le.:trii , niyi softie t h o ~ec.bunts. . psTRirK. JR. DtmoqK. EVA DOORi SA,SIC • BL . GLMOIS 1/1131 1 01 r, 4 1. 1 “1111E4TPIVIr STe, •..; alellitir , I t Penn i n g ;1. lrinttons. in tin , tinnpti,l , l'iltfe(l, on ,tho atoi'r,lrlit'-'n9. Ail gizom nnfl drft to order, or fur tire. • SEYENTT•Fi . . Aastralia,'. California, . . or anyiqacFon,ihe Glob ,carnal present; realer I.i -- . _ol:lllceragum Man -. . ~ .• ' KEELER 4-. STODDARD'S .. .•. BOOT AND SHOE iiTOIZE. • .1 VTUlClllfs'now tilled with a new and exten-` i t 1r •,, i'tio tinter s triitint of; artleles*Au their line, embracing *general variety of new An d e l egant stylesof Ladies and Gentlemen's Wear, atnong which are Litdies French, Silk Lasting and Pre. nilleGaitersc Kid and El:minded Polkas, Kid Pat tut leather! and bronied„Jeuily, Linda, Doskins antiTieSt o:Women's „Frond:. and - Philadelphia oak-tanned ;cell skin and kip Boots. Congress and button Gaiqrs, Monterey and Washington Boots, tailei .lip.s, 'Nl:3race°, calf. and - Cowhide .Bro -1 ratirr.!.k:c.. Toys kip . , Calf ane cowhide' Ilaciti, and 1 Bregan s ; at :indoor and Children's wear. Also, a reneralaisortMent ofFindings, which eon. 1 eist in park of laqtS, pegs, sparales. Unngarian I nalls.tacksi_thread, wax, Bristles, shoe hindinr, I awls rasps, eandstonia. shoe knives; &C. Also. loak -mil 'lei-Week' tanned nail* upper And soleleath er,”Anrooeh skins 'and li:tine's. %V (irk miide to n rder land repairing' neatly . • 1 KEF:LER &sTODLiARD,, • 1 ilkatrose,Jons 1.1853. - - . , • .. - Si4iVCS : Stoves ! ! Stoves: ?. !. • • I bser . iber: r ljE saL wishes to ctql the attention , l This friiends'and th6-Publie• to his very large assortment of - . .• . - - • ..' • . ' .• • I. • •• STOVES, :.' •. • - at. his nei r . 'Store :know' in ' Lodersville,- next to -L. S. Lenheim's Stfire, and near the-Gren t• Bend Depot.' Ile 'has in addition to Ids former large variety oil Coolzinf , and Parlor Stoves, Patterns. isothe• ot which nre-:—• . : • - •• st Nil i f..',,, 4. Peach 13 Tal: ch , '‘. . Fire F ly, . • Moder z , Ifry, , Mal/rook, . ' Mcd.r://i422, - ![lard, llarr:.,:, Orlefit, Oak, - - E1.1: , • Stove, • ~ Niel' it'h ti6i.thcr with his former stock will be perhap , . tb,, toast estensiye and varied assortment of well 4lected Stoves in the Conr.ty. r : **** 121611 on Stoves well fttrnished at low prices. ir 49 . ;irtleles in•his line kept on hand and I made to. io li - -to. as nsnal, and orders received it his 1 old stand iit Gretit Bend - JOHN COLSTEN. Great Bend Nov., 1853.—tf. VALtNT NES _1 VALENTINES Qply mri i Vttlefitine:k to he had at the Post Of- I. Cali cod Sec. Aku more new Blinks; too ,nuni t t!r•ols t o meniimi, which will hi. chthpl4;r - the " A. N. BIif I LAR Fel). 6. 1856. "Z - II! .&.. D.' , ,,S.lN'ltit; having bon' nppoitited i1.7:14 ntiOtt.: for an txt , ,n-ire Sash, Blind ancl Dcy , i nanticaetery :tr‘ - prep:it-ea - t(t furnish any 1- artltles ilh this linornt. less•rattl Phan they mre . I uswillyibyen sold. . . . . - . I - , IY.e. ILI: . . 1 . 0 lIA Vi M.; CREAM—on. nitiele•vvitieh every !:.f..J;rn'!ii should try, fcr s;tlt- 1,1,- . • • . • ; -- I . -,- 8. 11. &P. SAYIIE. -. agel3 . • ißlady 7 lVlctile Clothing, - • A f k • tnt st !! ,-i.z.:“ very t(r.y prices t. .1 1). Molir,rnso, live. 14, 1 S,i4. • .1. - D)r,.tor Yourself : . - . THL* POMET .M.3(IIILAPIUS: (.)7... .P.:, , ery.d2i- lii; ()wiz . I),,ityir;ml. - - t ---,---- ' . f I. VI V i'L E Fa Edition. ./.. e , .;:t.,1111111": ne .intlred dr- . • ' .... p t --..., i i ,3.,, '5..„,.. 7,, g .rivin u ,s ~..,!,0, , win2 . 6;.?...p.5! s , 1 . ~......1 I,ll \ 3 tii! .11,ifornintic.n6 of flit. IIu.• .u .,a o l o i ooni., the - ra - ei . .T t : 4 . ,•.;;;A ‘ % 1 ~• 5..-eri\,, -..\ ,""" s Y s ' hi/ 'lli !Very ! ha ir i l'erfunwry. &e.,--a-nci-lig . ent for 1 1 4 /1:+1 1 1:L.1 1 ::: : ::LI.II t 3 : 1: d r i l e :: ' n e - 1i i .7 ..Y . . .? • X .. A i .. .i.tod form. 'FZO. i ' ,: ‘• • cl,s_d - it . Trea r t r i,: ' , l :i l . e i l l ' ie 's p a i t ::. : , • :.... .. - .4 ,- I' , . c., ,. eq•irtz of . F....:n•tle'st, being ..OEM GROVES, ,ii,--.,.. - ..... ' • 1,„,...t .... It ".'k"s : : !,;,,..„ 0 1 ,. hp .2 .1 1 ,•5t !mpf.rtonce to i ~...._.,.........,....)_ . ,) ~. P . ~1 • . E.a. Tie 'l^ai tor , --Sh op under Sisrl es. i' • .-..... .:-..... imar , edi. 1 ..” 1 .1,.: or tlinpe con- i ..1,:. 1 7 11 !" 1 --- . , ... . _ 1 ': ‘,...` .. ? '''"';e2::" tetillint : i 1 , , ~. II I:r ri.k . ;... 1 7 .. y 1 - 11()tel,:.\11on tstreot, M ontrose, .P. ' .....: - .1.-,- :•., 1 ' 1 . '. Joh - 17 COLSTLIT,' , . ~ ly,ili./zu. 1r0,r,.. ! ,,. if. a. : . . 1.,.;- 4) ,1 i:vil - 41 'i.. •ts ltain•-ti s to p c rept a copy or -. DEAttil IN StOr l.91 1 Tins C-Iper 0d Shoot iron the 'l l. ;!atapios to hii. child. It Olny Faye liiM i. SV.trf.t, Luclers‘ ille, near Greaf . Bend Depot.--15t f from an-..arty zrav P.. Let no young mull' Or WO. i. . . • . nian•;ifer Wu! hf• !":4•rt.t e.bll2;mtinos'of tuarricdlife i •.• •• A.' Lathrop, - : ~ witiknit r'emlilit'.'h "Por-k, t -‘ '''' 6 " lB Pin'. Lot no !' in., 'Ready:Mode Clothing, Hats anJ on FOY-En g from :: •haefloie,ti eon git .Poiti i n th'e C;;.ps . . bung. and Sc-,ho Dry Conds,. 4:.e. Sidi!. r , `..'t lees - nigh t s• •nervvtis feern . • . , ,-nillllo ' i :4l - i,tifttre. opposite Searle slloiol, Siontroio: %%13.04 I rill it of I . ); , 4rpt..ic ~n -ations.:ind f. , , - ;yen up • c . D. L A i llrzer,an d • . . by :hi ir- ioly,:ri,,ii.he a linl I;.•r nioulen!veititunteun- J. P . , . Wits - . wiiii Filitiu!a. tho•ir 1.3 1. Ar 11. ' :-; . 11.. t re thrummed, ,___;, ' or 11tdoe •it boot to be morrit•t: art:. iinpeditneutiTend ! .., . • fhl.L- 1 1 . ,,ery nSeftil book, as• it has been the to eon's of I anvit:r. I hoosott t' i• of oaTori u it a t t oreaturesfromthe-; • t. .11:.7 . A.t . ; !wrsou sentliwz l i- , 7: t y five repts e'n-' close:ft ittii - l.e:fer, •vill r•-e •ir e o n es nopy - f if , t hi s vrotk ' hr wl,il or five Colii•;s e.-iili,e send :or One '. t • , Dollar .I.otitret.s (post ~mi.:.;. .. DR. W . \l. FOP (", i • i t . - :0.'1..2 "•titrue-St. Plfilatleiphrp. ! Al t- Sth 1-51-,. I 4 - y li. . , — 4.---- --- . . —l-'----------- !HO - WAR]) ASS A210:1, : 1 .• - • EZZ7Ortant A:lllottlieeStleio. . . ~ TICY all per:rnosalietcd nth alfesAes, such as I,r - '•criliiial Xcatneis. 'I ria:ioten , m, Gonnorlpia, Meat. volvilie:!cc...t.e. The ilowar4 xaaorb:ition or l'hll..tdel• 0.03; li p vierr "(the awful . 1..4 risction. of huosSitt life and health. I:a11.1.,(1 by g• xual diseaaeg, and the deceptiOne , whirls iire practiced upon the unfortunate xixtiuir.of end] dixinira,hv Q,,titelo.,have ect their con •ultiirr surgeon sk.r. a ilbarit :stile Art worthy of their name, to ziv p •51. ( OW Adrirre tirrtiF. i o all persope time mallet. d , 01.nle .os Fe- "•' : --.—. milf).s - 0 , .. :" n.l in rare- pt 'extreme pircerty and rrifferinj , - ~ ''' - 7 ' DI. - C. T1L2,11.,. .-, to Furri. h llle , l.eineil Ireeof Gliarisa• . 1 ' Interested with L . L. Hunt, The If, s tr.l A.lCll.thitfosTl, :I a ! ,,, :40:.)1011t Enttitui ion „Ps- , tahl'lshed Irk special en , toiernenl . for the relief of t. 1 1 ,. dick , • (51p01/TEII. ' AM)DEALER in Hardware arid Cat . attillistrel•ed;adlieted uittrr Viruleatandi EVirleill!C NB- ' ' leiv C•trr tn iitgeTrituities. Sptit.r. a. de. 11nieP,... 'lna it F firn,lq Inn be ris., nit other purpose— , . 2 . It ifs% nliv a virplirt ..f m , anza. which rho 11:rector - sr !MVP I -. . • ' A - C . , . 215 Pefityl Strfo.. /V. T. ve.ti•d' to't ON Irrire the 811,,re notice. It ls'atre , ild ,, ii to. add -1. Whert. , his Merizitit lie fulytiiis, in Oil% And oth ft 'that the A •aociati,n rommaird- 4, be hi_rhest Mediaal.ekril I,- - • ' , . • a - • . ~ .1 er tbe Re: , • ni: tt , ~, It i firrsirsh the in.rar , ap,rnrei n t rol..•rn , -I.,,Ottlith . r. ll rt. klitldy /11rel . .a d."ttlit. seirnettilysoliiiii treitnitnr, %%linable ii , elee‘str,Li to siclf and ir•rar, 1 une fe- 1 , ;!('I (0 e;III and (areliv..:e . .. ~ • . ii6tf. ma ••5 -. r.: - ..11,1... , 1 mtt..ti ablorninal weaisneer, - Womb Corn- , Op r r, 17-4 , icAn e'er, Leucortho:a.,i'. . • ••,; , flre- , ' , ,i. - 'Si paid,) Dr Geo. It ; Calhoun.flOnsulting 1 Sertgoe , n. !award Association, No. 2-Soitth Niistbitellat:, l'hildrleltbia_ I' a. . . .13yorclermtheDireeter.,, . . . . F,111,: - D. • 11E..1.1t T WELL, Prealden t OK° FA.titriit.b:seeretary...- . . ... 22yl GOKS. 1- Platcid.Wac'S. • '.• •- t UST receiveil a large' lot 131.fett •j ,„„.,i, t iy,, tz of eak., baskets. Castors; Imperi allandChamber Candlesticks. Tea Setts, con, siSting of six piec.!s tr a .7 . ;eh ; Cups :Ind Gob= lets; also, Brit tania Ware,/ iz : Te.t - setts„,(ftear• fiN i `e and six pleces,) - Tea , Pots, Coffee Puts, Can: dlestieks, &c.' 'As the subkeriber - has made ran tentents.Avith 4114.1 manufacturers Utthe above goods. he is t„.nabled to furnisb the newest pat 7 tarns at the lowest prices.and ;lbw 10. sup'ply kin cOstoinerw.witiCtxtra or single pieces. of any are tiele'in the ahowe line. A , : .1. FIVANS, • i • ' la Binelintnten;.Aug. tnt, 1855. . , TION. Iff Coral' of-IMM *Mite , A. TURRELL Window Sash BALDWIN& PERKINS: '•• . Wholesale and Retail deatersirt Flotfr;lalt, Fork, Ntortl,Grain, - Feed,t; ond)es, and splor twit . for pack; int. Pork:. 'Cash paid for Oat?, Ilyenad./leat. - : On ChetiAt'Street,—East end Of Lyons S'i,C han alert, store Montior:e Pa. • . • .ALFRED 'BALDWIN • . • StIAS'PERKINS. Montrose Oct:. :10;18'55 X 44, - • • 1 CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. - . IT • 11.. DE PEU . would_ the. Attention. of f.1,,,..th0 publia,to li,iS hirge . i.itiiei . of Three Ply,• ingrain, 're! ret,' Taffri:sirii, And Brus.sras Carpet,. logs whieh he hssa Inst,pnrehaaeci :it AucTio, and offera. at .lower pricey, than ever offered ha. forel 0 the 'eoiintil - . find' a large yariety, tilling hj q s p Ae i ons carpetThioin oecopying tho seenncl 'Door. 'of . lii!4, Croeliery',and - Muse. Furnishing more. Come and ho eonvinaei;thatthere is no. . . !necessity. fur bare floors. _ . •. ' J. 11. DE, PEU., , -flinghaniOn . , !It!' . *OA. 1 RhA ,-. . • Q I %AVER W ARK—A large ininll4l% - er •Ipoont4, - Ladres, Natili id Rings, .&c., just fin , isheti god (or, sobs by . • A. J. EvANs. . Jnir 11.: - .; • - • •G,sld Chains of nit weights% • ' pattern!, 1110iitSe !Milli%ler* Depot, fur Sitsque. hzitarttiGottraty, at ..rrOvc ,llllllol rdk . VCKERMAN-ST. GARRWIT are giving in: LI r eins 4ttention,to improvement con templated in thi , iCountY the 'crawling nenn an„ offer 4 helping hand; hy - -lte'epitig'• con stantly for Bale a large quantity of Window sash' and glass, - Blinds, 'Doors, " Fails; .Paints MA 'Oils. I and It complete ilasortmatit Thoß6Agning to , put up netts Milo `the Spring will find it'fer - 'MIRO% rt AV-e tair • firrhte - h= evert.: 'thinty. yoo, wantu' id nt the very ilrrki44 ces. — • DICKERMAN & GARRATT., New Milford, Pelt. 8, 1856. THgaliiTEOSttEkoCa.T. * PUB : 6E4IE4i Ni.EICY;TRULADAY;iIIOItNINd BY eikeil4%,W44l_vii**. 1 - ,6o;eitsh in savant:442,oo,H i?•otpuidwitliin,inoul LIS ; indsl,so f itthe god of the yenr..No paper diseustinuenzutil ges are paid', .ekeept theloptiov 4,lke kuL. lisherp:A4l iviettuuniestiyiii r ,gounactsGit e office, t u insure atteut on tunstjie direetoi. (I cl 4 • paid) to E. B. CHASE, EDITOR, MUntrotie, Sus queitarica C unty, Pa. , . - • Mites of Advertniug.` Ong: square , (.1.2 lines:or les.s) ,;tatkojtio,FaAll,t(r r4neh sUbst.:,quentinsi:rtiOni. . •. . .". . Onesqu:tre threentontfia, - ;.. . . 2,6 V One square siOuonths, - . 4 ; ":'; . . Business Cards, four iines'or here;_.. 3,00 Yeariy. advertisements : not ovintsquares.,7 ot► One colunirrone year, . . •.- .. . . .;30,00" 'Yearly advertisers berestrieten tte business in whioh they are engaged ;,ar.o are sus; sidered as wishing teeitn c tintt aOfertitirg ut,lt ss they shall give iteeial4ireetions for a diastatia, uanee of.the intne t . , JOB , WORK. :47 -th.dptiblisheri! buying added totheir Job Printing matvrials'a large and 'ouprior itssort.'. 'ment ot "Job Type, are now prepared to rase ate Job. Work in . a Tanner Unsurpassed in this SM. n . tioofeountry,and on the roost reasonabir te t Blank i of every description kepteoristant 13 . on hand or printPd to or4er. " - L‘6ll . s:ilitE — fs:, p..i.‘,:t4ii,r... , BRYANTHOTLISE, Great Bend Depot, Pa. ADDISON - BR! as rroprietor. . BURRO . SPROUT & • Yinnufa,itt of SenoveiCONDINEDCAK• Sixocs, liughesrillc,Lyetimiog Springs may be had . of 11:SANTilson;Alontroie Win. W. SM TBY & Co: _ Cabinet and Chair-Manufacturers, foot Itais Street,,4l7.(introse, Pa. ..' ,Elr. U. SMITH; Suigeors. Dentist, - Montrose - . Pa. will beat Rearle l s hotel, Mondays and Tnes:days or la e L week.- : 15y1 !HL dc PAU 4, Deniers in Dry, Coods-Croceris,'llardw3ry CruAeri, Boots, and 5h00..., Pa. • • _ ~.-18y1 I.II7TLZ Law—ollice formerly ocru . pkti . ,by Little -&.Streeter,:goptrose,,Susque . hanna.cciunt3', - Prt: B ALP/I B. LITTLE.I A. 3 DAVIS, ATTOnyEr AND- COUNEktLOR AT LAW—S . uSqvg. li;in.napepo.t, Ofike over S. B. West'. Stun , : • . • 'l6yl tjEL AioNntpst.PA:.. Dealer in Drugs, Medieinf-s, •Che-nAcDls, Dye.. Oils, Varnislu;s, Win • (.;! Gr , -- Turley Gobi* ..11.-irelr Meiit K C: IiARITGGIST ::nd CHEMIST, 'mid Dealer i JEJ D:161'4, M edicines, Chemicals, Dye Stufs Paipts, O. s. Patty, Wintici.4` Glass, Camphis e It.46imery, YsakveT'Noions ;Sze., &c. I.llthsrt:zvi le: , FRANKLIN PRA I SER, • TT 01: N 1:1" Aro OlussilLt.ou 1 T Law. ifinntmee - Pa.ovill attend faithfully to. all busine§e'ev trut,ted tcrldtit in the county of all. Conveyancieg and writi4.7 Of all kinds wilt Ili done ucittiy,,nrol chr.rge moderate. Be will also nttend te the pros ration of claims of eel. diers, their WidolviS and heirs, against the U: • gm4‘rnment. for Bounty Laud. Pensions, MsY*l'e loupe. houvt .51 the office formerly. °cc - 1'11)1,qt be J. T: Richard," Led., north. of tbe . t3ourt-iionse.-1853n49 ' HENRY S• SNAP', 01 IIONTROsE - t FA. .: with Row - p,Woo - druff;& . carte'r,. AITIJOI , ESA GRoctns and ,COMMISfiIOIt 317:itcp....,T5,.N0-. 173 Washington Simla. t . fitttii-Vr Cori na and Dey streets, Nov York. Mrst.h . • .• A. & E . -Baldwin 1.11 AY be foutiO in I.4lFeint , nt of . earle's .te1,13 doors west fiom the:correr. Notei and:accounts that are duo \ us will Lavery as yptable if paid. siion. •• - -* - A. 4: E. BAPWIN: • Montrose, N0v.22 .., . . , . _ , • .T.'ll.:=Par gime, . Witot.Eo,l.E .AND. RETAIL DEALrE in csbiiot . ..Ware, Sortits,:, Bedsteads,: ';'sbjeji; :Stasis ...Itztit•s4s&,6. • ... . .- , . • • • . No. 9 - Washirgtun'stree. . .. . .... .. * : :.-..:" .... :Binglistuton,N. Y. W . '. Cotto.Wari-Roonf up staits.- r 52 -.. PATENT.II.IEIDICINE AGENCT. ABE T R • . ' M'ciirtrose, Pa., - RUGGIST, AND AGE , - FOR' ALL •Tue POPULAR iATX - 1-4 . ' , 'FA , D1r,!.'?;g 7 .1T. - ` , 3 , :cir TUE .DATi cfnz3igiuitt;tts .Coi;stantly :12ectiveti. . _ . :New a id Chei9 - 1 - IING FIT at - tow pt•esaure tatti will ies aold-aecordia'gly U . ' • . • U. BtlititOWS di Cs.. Gibson - , Oct. petsCiii . A GOOD, Airs rtm t loa d ,handsosa lotus 111., at very:low pricea. _ U;11:1ht C*. , . . DiSsOLUTION rrillE Firm o.f, 4V.:&&l3iildWin in tile Sad. din and ifarno - Thisin*, .this. day dir olyed by mutual fonserit:i.:Nofea and nreotraio that doe I,il Mm it be paid Ito be ionfinued by_Q. F. Fordhamandli• smit h.& Co., who ate folly - impel tenfid do ail kindfrof work entTatvd - to:.thqpi . In their tins of Business. - 'll - :rIIALDWiN - Unit . 18580-3m,- ,-'^^4Aratatteereleegeta 4itl/4- . 9 • New essertomato tt t 1,1 from r .4lstnd4 be Sold bele* thelHeW Yezintickies. 411 DI ontrose, Oct. - fEzit.t. B. C 11111!... [A. Liritor
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers